Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1903, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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I wait every sick aeraoa ta mrmi mm
their line and aoYreaa aaS fall particulars
f Ibclr eersplalrt. If yaa bsvs Rbraaaa.
tins, rfaa't fail la send far a free Tlal af air
Rarsmaf Isaa Care 1 1 baaw It will rare yaa.
If yaa saSer wlib Indlceetlan ar aay stosa-
atb trouble, be aara aad ael a free Tlal af
Bar Drasrpsla Cure ll will enable yaa ta
at wbat yea like aad all yaa like.
If yaa bare a ceaah eead far aay Caab
Care. If year bldaeye are eat af arder,
natter bew eerleao, aiy Kldaey Care will
revs a bleeelaa. 91 y Headache Care ataaa
aay headache la T la 10 mlaatea. Mr
Diarrhea Care cerreeta all bewel rsnv
alalata la a few boara. Re matter what
year dlaeaae la, write aad tell me all abeat
year remalalnt, aad I will aead yea my
remedlee free aryea eaa bay them la aay
drag aiere.
ML'irrOI. Phlla.-
The furniture and Curtain
Event of the Season
' i
We will place on sale Monday for one
day only, your choice of 100 upholstered
Rockers for 50c on the dollar
Your choice of any Rocker in our east
window, worth $10 to $12, rr QT
Monday, one to a customer J)J J-J
Hand Made Lace Curtains Monday
Your choice of 17 patterns of Real, Batten
berg and Brussels lace curtains, worth
$12 to $15 a pair, on sale )T
Monday, 2 pairs limit, only J
We will sell Monday 50 pairs of Tapestry -
Portieres, worth $8 to $10, VfC lift
for, , per, pair,. . .........
: Room Size Rugs
9x12 Japanese rugs IC-00
worth $25, for..., Id.
9il2 Brighton Axminster
rugs, worth 0 Cn
35, for. . t-U-JU
9x12 Royal Wilton rage,
worth SJ40, OO CH
Small Rugs
80x60 inch all wool Smyrna
rugs, worth I CQ
$2.50, for liUIf
30x 60 inch Axminster
rugs, worth S3, gg
36x72 inch Brighton Ax
minster r.ugs, J Af
worth $5, for J.T" J
1315-17-19 FARNAM STREET.
Low Rates
Union Pacific
Hissouri River Terminals
July I to IOf Inclusive.
to Denver, Colorado Springs
and Pueblo.
June IS to 8opU.nber 30, Ino.
to Denver, Colorado Spring and
Glenwood Springs bZU.ou
Ogden and Salt Lake City.
May 5, 19, June 2, 16.
Oji'.ea and Salt Lake City.
Butte 03d Helena.
Portland, Tacoma and Seattle.
May 3 and 12 to 18, Inclusive;
August I to 14, Inoluslve.
San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Every Day until June 13th.
to Butte, Anaconda, Helena, Ogdea
and Salt Lake City.
g Q to Spokane and Wenatchee, Wash
4C ftfl to Portland and many other Oregon
VaiUiUU and Washington points.
Ant" rr to San Francisco, Los Angeles and
' OfcOiUU many other California points.
City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St.
'Phone 316.
' Union Station, lOtb and fUrcy. 'Phone 629.
Western Union Will Givs Boys ETsrvthing
Aited Exopt Union Btoognition.
Worklagmea Labor liOitrr Than
Etr Before aa a Salardar aa
Firat Day After I-ock-oat
BUTTE. Mont., April 25. Indications to
day point to a flnlah fight between the
Western Union and the striking messen
ger, backed by the unions of the city.
The striking messengers have In a meas
ure dropped from view snd the struggle
now Is over the question of recognition of
the union.
The telegraph compsny ta willing, it Is
said, to make concessions regarding wages
snd hours, but under no circumstances will
It recognize or treat with the union.
The Trades and Labor assembly having
the strike In charge will meet tomorrow
snd. It Is stated, will stsnd firmly for the
recognition of the messenger boys' union
by the telegrsph compsny.
The Western Union offices remained
tightly closed today, and not an Instru
ment will be touched until the strike Is
Reading Me Work laif.
POTTSVILLE, Pa., April 26. Thirty-five
of the Reading company's forty-three col
lieries were In operation nine hours today.
This Is the first time In the history of the
anthracite mining Industry that the miners
have worked nine hours on a Saturday.
At Shenandoah, owing to a misunder
standing, the men did not report for work.
Meetings were held, however, and the mine
workers decided to return to the collieries
on Monday. When they resume their places
the entire 30,000 employes who were locked
out will have been reinstated.
Philadelphia Faces Bnildiaa; War.
PHILADELPHIA, April 26. Local unions
affiliated with the Brotherhood of Carpen
ters and Joiners of America have rejected
the compromise offered by the msster car
penters relative to the new wage scale to
go Into effect on May 1. It now seems
probable thst unless the latter sgree to the
demsnds of the brotherhood before next
Friday a general atrlke will be ordered.
If a strike shall be ordered nearly 16,000
men will stop work.
The sctlon of the brotherhood has been
supported by the Amalgamated Association
of Carpenters, which is affiliated with the
Council of Allied Building Trades, and the
support of the latter is sssured.
The brotherhood's demand is for EO cents
an hour after May 1. The master carpen
ters offered a compromise at 45 cents an
hour after July 1. This has been rejected.
Efforts will be made by the district coun
cil of the Brotherhood of Carpenters to
bring about an amicable settlement of the
differences. A special meeting of the con
ference committee will be called next week.
Union Label Contract Good.
HELENA. Mont.. April 25. The supreme
court today decided it bad no Jurisdiction
to restrsln the school textbook commis
sioners entering Into a contract requiring
that only textbooks bearing the anion label
be purchased.
Ralae for Unskilled Men.
BRIDGETON, N. J., April 25. The Cum
berland Olass Manufacturing company today
announoed that beginning next Monday the
wages of all unskilled Isbor will be In
creased from 10 to 15 per cent. Officials
say unskilled workmen have not been paid
proportionately with skilled workers.
They Sell All Kinds o Hair Prepara
tions, and Fear to Discriminate.
Druggists sell all kinds of hair prep
arations snd aa a rule they are wisely
chary of giving preference to any par
ticular one, but many of them have come
out plainly for Newbro's Herpiclda, the
new treatment that absolutely kills the
dandruff germ. H. Swinnell & Son, Cham
paign, 111., aay: "One customer of ours
did not have a hair on top of bis head when
be began to use Herplclde, now has a fair
start toward a good bead of hair. We be
lieve Herplclde to be by far the best prep
aration of its kind on the market." Hun
dreds of similar testimonials from every
where. Bold by all druggists. Bend 10
cents to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich.
Mlnnehahas' Ball.
Harvard Professor I'neartba Barillas
Which Prodacea Dread
BOSTON', April 25. The Globe will an
nounce tomorrow that Dr. William Thomas
Councilman, the Shstturk professor of
pstbologlcsl snstomy in the Harvard Med
ical school, has discovered the germ that
causes smallpox.
The discovery Is pronounced by physi
cians who have been made swsre of It ss
one of the really great finds In medical
history, and the most Important made in
Boston, rivaling the discovery of ether as
so anaesthetic.
The details of the investigation will be
furnUhed to medical men by the discoverer
on Tuesdsy evening. .
Tuesday's meeting of physicians will be
held st the Hsrvard Medical school under
the siiRplces of the Boston Society of Med
ical Science and the notices merely state
that Dr. Councilman will have an announce
ment to make upon "The Etiology of Smallpox."
The manv counter attractions last night
somewhat decreased the attendance at the
regular monthly dance of Minnehaha coun
cil No. 2. Degree of Pocahontas, Improved
Order of Re d Men, but still enough dancers
were present to make a pleasant party.
The program Included seventeen numbers,
with dancea to suit all tastes, and the
music did not ceaee until after midnight.
These pleasant evenings are of monthly
occurence in the lodge and are under the
direction of the standing social commit
tee, consisting of Meedames Oannon, Kir
kendall and Marsh. The next party will
Include cards.
Miss Bernlce Carson entertained Com
pany E very delightfully at her home Fri
day evening.
The High school sub. basket ball team
played against the Deaf and Dumb Insti
tute last Wednesday. The game resulted
In a acore of 6 to 2 In favor of the Deaf
and Dumb Institute.
A great deal of dissatisfaction was
caused among the "students several weeks
ago, when it was learned that the
monthly examination would be averaged
aa one-half the monthly mark. A large
number of students objected to this ant
preferred the system that has been ued
heretofore that Is, counting the monthly
test as one-third the monthly average.
Last month several of tne teachers
marked according: to this new system in
some cases making the student's average
less than it would have been otherwise.
8o to make things right again the old sys
tem of marking has been reissued.
The German play given (Saturday ty tne
Browning society was all and more than
was anticipated by (hone who were fortu
nate enough to see It. German was spoken
thriiuahout the performance quite as flu
ently as if it were English. No tickets
were sold, but were given to ail students
taking German and friends of the Brown
ing society, who filled the large study
nail . beyond seating capacity. t'receaing
the play Ming Towne gave a piano solo
and All ms Teetzal rendered a vocal solo,
"Versalien. the name or the play, was a
comical one, showing the. experiences of a
young bride. Miss Bourke. who took, the
oart of livrthu. the sensitive bride, was
Indeed, a credit to the society by her clever
acting! Mr. gutphen, who acted like an
experienced actor, took the part of Ar
nold, her husband. Miss Groote Imper
sonated Ulrlck. Bertha'a aunt, to perfec
tion. Mr. Miner, her husband made a
model Judge. Mr. Baselln as llerr Ceel
berg. an unfortunate friend, who gets the
benefit of Versalsen (loo much aall, and
Miss Ball, a timid maid, were also prom
lnent members of the cast.
City Engineer Rosewater has completely
recovered from his recent Illness and left
yesterday on a short business trip to Kan
sas city.
Judge Louts Berks will address the Fhll
osophiral society at the Paxton hotel at
2:30 this afternoon. His subject will be
Charles Leppert, a small boy from Kan
sas City, was arrested last night as a run
away and win be held until bis parents
direct what snail Dt done in the matter.
Merrvin Stoner of 1207 North Twenty-
aeventn street, was yemoraay afternoon
arrested by bergeant nelan on a war
rant sworn to by 8. T. Peterson, charging
mm sun assault ana Dmitry.
James O'Neal has been elected as del
egate to the national convention of the
Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers' lnt-r
national association, to be bald In Mil
waukee Monuay, Ajyru il.
Missouri's Lieutenant Governor E -pected
to Give t'p Office I mine,
ST. "LOUIS, Mo., April 23. An sppsrently
well founded rumor Is current that Lieu
tenant Governor Lee will probably reslgu
on Monday.
It Is understood that this decision was
resched todsy at a conference between Mr.
Lee snd his advisers. When seen at Ms
residence tonight, however, he refused to
discuss the matter. He would not deny
that be contemplated resigning, but re
garded the date as his private affairs. In
the event of Mr. Lee's resignation, Thomas
Ruby of Macon, president pro tern of the
senste, would becoms acting lieutenant
John Evans, for Many Years City
Clerk, Sustains Serious
NEW YORK, April 25. John T. Evans,
for many years a resident of Omaha, served
as city clerk and lately treasurer of the
Luna Park Amusement company at Coney
Island, is said to be dying at his home as
a result of accidental burns. '
Montana Jury Foreman Drops Dead
In Court After Announcing;
Colleagues' Finding's.
HAMILTON. Mont.. April 25. After re
turning a verdict in a damage suit, J. Mc
Olnley, foreman of the Jury, dropped dead
in court of heart disease.
Doctors Report Further Improvement
In Wyomtsg Governor's
CHttYENNH. Anrll 25. The condition of
Governor Richards was much. Improved at
midnight, and hopes are expressed for bis
Elevator Conductors' Ball.
Tfca Omaha RlAvatnr Conductors' asso
ciation Is busily working out the plans for
its May day dance, which It has planned
to give on May 1 at Washington halt. C. F
Ratekln has been made floor manager and
committees have been appjtnted that prom
ise to make the dance an mat migni do
desired. On Saturday, May 2. the associa
tion will meet to consider the matter of
reorganisation. Labor leaders are desirous
that the elevator boys should form a union,
hut thev are not esneciallv anxious to do
so, as they feel well satisfied with the
present situation. At the present time the
elevator conductors are receiving better
wages in Omaha than they are in towns
such aa Chicago, where the union organ
izations of their craft exist.
German Methodists' Conference.
Th North Nebraska conference and Ep-
worth league convention of the German
Methodist episcopal cnurcn win oe neiu mi
tha narnin Methodist church, corner of
Eleventh and Center streets, from April
29 to May . A reception will be given Fr -day
evening next in honor of the visitors.
The meetings will be each morning and
after noon, under the direction of the pre
siding Elder, Rev. Edward Sullenbach, and
ttev. jonn ivaenier.
Polo Vault Record Smashed.
DE8 MOINES, April 2. H. Thurman
Chapman of Drake university. In Des
Moines, broke the world's pole vauU rec
ord at the home Held meet today, making
a vault of 12 feet. The world's record was
11 feet WVi Inches, held by Clapp of Kale,
who has been physical Instructor at tne
KeoKuK da.) loung mens unristian asso
ciation for two years.
Socialists' Maaa Meeting;.
The socialists announce a mass meeting
to be held at Washington hall. Sunday
night, April 26, to protest against the arrea'
of their speakers, who have been accuted
of obstructing the streets.
Marriage Licenses. t
Name and Residence. Age.
William S. Wehbeg, Omaha .27
Minnie A. Gebour, Omaha Zi
James M. McLeod, South Omaha JM
Marguerite F. Macintosh, New York 33
Earl R. Stanard, Glenwood, la &1
Ida M. Kveiand, uunwoou, la zti
Axel V. Nelson, Omaha 27
Mary A. Wlllets, Omaha ID
Test for Yourself the Wonderful
Curative Properties of Swamp-Root
To Prove What Swnmp-Root, the World-Famous Kidney, Liver and Bladder
Remedy, Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of The Bee, May Have
a Sample Bottle FREE.
V-Q ' M " ' 4
Gentlemen: Some two years ago I was so run down that I lacked strength, had no appetite
and could not sleep nights. Sometimes it seemed as though my back would break in two after
stooping. I had to get up many times during the night to urinate and go often through the
day. After having the best physicians prescribe for me without relief, I decided from my
symptoms that the medicine I needed was Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney, liver and
bladder remedy. After trying a sample bottle with good results, I purchased six bottles of the
regular size and after taking them was entirely eured. Swamp-Root is a wonderful remedy
when a man is not feeling well, after exposure or loss of sleep and irregular meals. It is also a
great medicine to tone up a man's system. Other members of the police force are using and rec
ommending Swamp-Root. They, like myself, cannot say too much in praise of this great' remedy.
The officers (whose signatures accompany this letter), as well as myself, thank yni for the
good you have accomplished in the compounding of Swamp-Root.
We remain yours very truly,
To Dr. Kilmer A Co.,
Blnghamton, N. T.
Chief of Police.
Officers of the Blnghamton, N. T., Police Department.
If you are sick or "feel badly,"' begin taking the famous
new discovery. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as
your kidneys sre well they will help all the other organs to
health. A trial will convince anyone.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more
sickness snd suffering than any other disease, therefore when
through neglect or other causes, kidney trouble Is permitted
te continue fatal results are sure to follow. Kidney trouble
Irritates ths nerves, makes you dlszy, restless, sleepless and Ir
ritable. Makes you pass water often through the day and
bilges you to get up many times during the night. Unhealthy
kidneys cause rheumatism, grave, catarrh of the bladder, pain
or dull ache In the back. Joints and muscles; makes your head
ache and back ache, causes Indigestion, stomach and liver trou
ble; you get a sallow, yellow complexion, makes you feel as
though you had heart trouble; you may have plenty of ambition,
but no strength; get wesk and waste away.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is used In the leading
hospitals, recommended by physicians In their private practice,
and Is taken by doctors themselves, because they recognize in
It the greatest and most successful remedy that science has
ever been able to compound.
EDITORIAL NOT1CF Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, Is so remsrksbly successful that special
arrangement has been made by which all of our readers who have not already tried It may have a sample bottle sent absolutely ,
free by mall. Also a book tell all about kidney and bladder troubles snd containing many of the thousands upon thousands of
testimonial letters received from men and women cured by Swamp-Root In writing be sure and mention that you read this
generous offer in The Omaha Sunday Bee when sending your address to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blnghamton, N. T.
If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root Is what you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar slzs
bottles at the drug stores everywhere. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, and the address, Blnghamton, N. Y., on every bottle.
Dewey &
Stone Furniture
1115-1117 Farnam St.
Leaders of High Grade Furniture at Low Grade Prices
Parlor Furniture and Couches
Davenport, oak frame, very heavy. Couch, oak frame, lnde tructabla
vSVod'"0"4 (OC "Pr"T' uholgre1d ve'o-r
tapestrv-any color Sod tapestry or wool plueh plain M
Divan, birch frame, flnlsh-d maho- or tufted-30 Inches wide, at
sany circular back, French Morris chair, oak or mahogany fin-
If8' yPhol!tere(1 In silk IP Bh heavy trnme, M fs
brocated at $19 reversible cushions at $ . 10
Divan, mahogany frame, davenport
shape, wide- ban'ster back, Parlor suit, three pieces, real ma ho
rn edium slse, choice ot (Of) gany frames upholstered In tfOO
upholstering at $U cilk tapestry at vdd
Many others equally good cn which we are sure to save you money.
Positively no misrepresentation.
Dewey & Stone Furniture Co.
I115-HI7 Farnam St.
How to Cure
Tat ir.MriTffM -3 kfHaLlNI.
vC.-n. fHUl mm Vmiy ammmtmm.
HAPE. A.-.'.rli.! Lsdla, ut Dnicfl
tef IHltbtSim'S f..M.I.lHH
la KKIt nl tiolrt ' ih Mal4
lib blurthboB. Tak ou Kofuir
Dasra SstItuUBt mm4 lalta
liok. SJ f Jar Orotgitl. r Mai 4c. is
um tor PartUalan, TsslaaJala
4 JUllaf for l.i 1m," Uiur, hj r.
ara Stall. K.ll b
all urauliti. lekatr CaaaleaJ
nt Mi fnr nnn&tnrat
d (.charges, lDflmmationa,
Irritations or ulcerations
jf muflon niambranas.
1theEvsHSCHLMICiC0. gnt or pol.onous.
I Said toy Drstgaisis,
or aent in plain wraspar,
tr axpra... prepaid, fol
SI 00. or t hottlf. SJ.Ti.
Circular saat nasast.
oiKoiNim.i FTJ
Diood Poison.
By s secret new way Trial treatment and
essay fre to all Mend for It this very day.
If there be any man or woman who has blood
poison, whether transmitted by parents or ao
quired by contact, they should write Prof. Fowler
of New London, Conn., for a free trial treatment
of his very remarkable new discovery that has
caught like wildfire even going so far as to restora
the bones of the nose and ears when tbey had
iviwm away Dy me lerrioie poison, ii is no mer
cury, or iodide of potash, nothing to rub on and no
simple liquid, tablet or pill but an herbaline com-
found entirely different from anything heretofore
nown. In magic-like fashion it cures blood
poison In the primary, secondary or tertian stage,
copper colored spots, swelling of the glands, sorei
on the parts, pimples, sore throat, swollen groins,
aches, old sores, ulcers, mucous patches in the
mouth, loosening of the teeth, hair or eyebrows
falling out aud all the other signsof blood poison.
It removes every blemish in a Tew davs and cures
permanently In a few weeks not only the blood
poison itself but restores the stomach, liver, kid.
neys and heart to their normal condition thus
again opening to you the gates of society, mar. .
riuge and parenthood.
Do not nut it off ; do not experiment. Rattsfj
yourself that what the professsor savs is true bj
sending name and address today to Prof. F. Q
Fowler, Boa 091, New London, Conn., and h '
will send you at once (sealed and free from
all marks) a full trial treatment of his discov
ery alwolutely free, together with a valuable
treatise "All About Blood Poison and its Cure."
Us asks for no money, simply the privilege of
convincing yon that what he bas discovered
will cure you, so lose no time In sending your
address. Do so today and yon will root- be cured.
Turn your old
books Into mnnif.
Telephone B 2357
and our represen
tative will call.
"Ye Old liooke Shop,
Motherhood Is the reward uature bestows upon healthy womanhood. Women whose vitality baa been sapped
by disease cannot safely give birth to children. In pregnancy and In childbirth weakness of the mother Is re
vealed In the pain and agony she suffers. Consciousness of possible suffering makes any woman shrink from
motherhood as a dangerous ordeal.
Wine of Cardul elves women the perfect health that makes motherhood a' Joyful privilege. This great
medicine drives out every vestige of Inflammation nnd weakness, and gives tone and strength to the delicate
organs which mature the child. The pains of prefrnancy are banished by Wine of Cardul, and mlscarrlagi, which
blast so many fond mothers' hopes, are prevented. Flooding, which so often occurs after childbirth, la corrected
when Wine of Cardul Is used during pregnancy. Wine of Cardul babies are always
Healthy Babies,
because, during the-months of pregnancy, the mother Is able to give them necessary vitality and strength.
With these facts presented to American women no expectant mother should be satisfied without , the re
inforcement that Wine of Cardul will give her. Every mother should be able to treat herself In her bom with
this valuable medicine.
Wine of Cardul can be secured from any druggist at $1.00 a bottle. Why don't you secure a bottle of tbla
medlciue to-day?
Polycarp, N. C. Jan. 11. 1902.
I am the mother of seven children and while in pregnancy with the first six suffered untold misery until
tbey were born. Oue month before the seventh was born I tx'gnn to take a bottle of Wine of Cardul. which gave
me relief after taking three doses. I used the remainder of the bottle until the birth of the child, and was stouter
In three days after the birth than I was in a month after the birth of either of the first six. I am years old.' .
If you think you need
The Chattsnooga Medi
cine Co., Chattanooga,
advice, address, giving symptoms, "The Ladles' Advisory Department,