Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1903, PART I, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY REE: SUNDAY, AriTIIj 2ft. 1003. HAY OPPOSES RUSSIAN MOVE Take: Sicnt 8 ep to Frettnt Ctim Qraat i' g : arcburiai Demaal. UNITED STATES TAKES ACTION ALONE Great Britain anil Japan K peeled to Work Aln Unit Line, bat Washington Officials Steer Clear of Alllanrea. WASHINGTON. April 2:.. The Japanr-ss mlDlmr, Mr. Takahira. and Baron Von Eternburg railed on Becrrlary Hijr today nd It la believed that he Manrhurtan que tion wn dlscusped. Secretary Hay haa no alvrea from Rt. Petersburg or London, but It la bdlevl he ill shortly bear from the Russian capital. These conferences and exchange are all preliminary to .the preparation of a pro teat which li to be made against the Rua aian demands, but It la not yet clear what form tbla will take. The protest, however, trust be directed. Dot to Russia, but to China, which will be warned that any action that will alienate Chlneae territory or con fer special advantage on on nation will be deemed unfriendly. State Department Dlsroaraged. Official here who hare labored so long to preierve the Integrity of China begin to bold Manchuria aa bopeleaaly lout to China and to believe the beat that can be done now I to aave aa much aa possible from the wreck. It therefor appears likely that an effort will be made to procure from Rus sia a binding promise that the powers will not be entirely deprived of the right to exploit Manchuria commercially. It may now be possible to secure the opening of one or two ports as propoaed in the pending treaty between China and the In I ted States, which will probably bar to be amended, In view of these last develop ments. The fear Is expressed that the Rus sian move will be copied by other nations and that Qermany will proceed to extend Its sphere of Influence In the Shan Tung peninsula, while France will overlap the border of Tonquln. Having heard from the president. Secre tary Hay 1 now In a position to act re specting the Manchurian matter. Indeed be baa already taken the first step, al though for obvious reason it Is not deemed well to indicate It nature. It Is mad quite plain, however, that the foiled States will join no general protest gainst Russian action. The State depart ment' policy la so clearly defined In such matter that the official assume It I un derstood that whatever action the United State takes will be individual. It Is true that It may run parallel to the action of other powers, aimllarly Interested, but there will be no entangling alliance. Diplomat Await Development. In dlplomatio circles development re garding the Chinese situation are anxiously awaited. It I expected by the representa tives of the power that Great Britain and Japan will act In harmony with the United States In the demand upon China not to yield to the Russian demand. It was pointed out In on quarter that It would make but little difference whether China accepted or rejected the Russian terms for th evacuation of Manchuria, sine If China refused to agree Russia could continue the occupation of Manchuria. In another diplomatic quarter th opinion wn expressed that Russia Is asking mora than It really hopes to obtain. The Russian government. It I said in dlplomatio circles. Justifies it course on the ground that Manchuria 1 mbracd within its sphere of Influence In China and con tend that It 1 wholly within It right to Impose 'certain condition before withdraw ing in order to aafeguard. it interest. Ther la no apprabemlon among tb rep resentatives of the power that Manchurian affair will lead to anything beyond diplo matic exchange. At the embassies of the British, German, Russian and French government it la said that no official advice concerning Man churia have been received from the for eign office of their respective govern ments. In th absence of anything official from his government th Russian ambaaaador la a note to Secretary Hay announced that nothing inimical to the United Statea wa projected by Russia. LONDON, April 25. Vlacount Haylshi, th Japanese minister here, received today a cable from the government at Toklo fully confirming the report of the Russian demand regarding Manchuria. Tb minister expreased the opinion that they were entirely opposed to th policy of the open door, but, he added, that he waa not yet in a position to say what action would be taken by ths Interested power. Germany I Forewarned. BERLIN. April 25. Russia' latest de mand a on China are no surprise to the German government. Some Indications even exist that the foreign office her wa privy to Russia's purposes In advance and expressed indifference to them. This I In exact accord with tb policy to resist Rua la In nothing Id which it is In earnest. Thi constant expression in government quarter concerning Manchuria ever sine IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT SMARTLY WEAR THIS SEASON, ASK TO SEE &TI3IN-BLOCII SMART CLOTHES w fe --mm. mm Chancellor Buelow'a declarations In the Reichstag two years ago has been that Getmany has no interests there, and hence thst Oermtny Is simply In a position of colm observsnce. Count von Buelow might find It consistent with this attitude to Join with other powers In expressing the hope that trade will have freedom In Manchurl. Riirsla would not object to Germany's participation In auch repreaentatlon. What Germany will not do Is to Join In any en ergetic pressure at Teking to prevent China from yielding on every point. The expectation her Is that all klnda of written protest, from Grest Britain and the United States, will b lodged at the Russian foreign office and that these will be replied to with ample courtesy and reasonableneaa. but that the correspond ence will be the only satisfaction the United States and Great Britain will get for their open door demands. Germany Is reconciled to Russian mastery In Man churia. 8T. PETERSBURG, April 25. The official of the Foreign office expreased lo the Asso ciated Press today Intense surprise over the report that American public opinion was disturbed by the new regarding Manchuria. Tbey declared the people of the United States were being misled by Japan and said the improvement which were In progress In Manchuria certainly would benefit inter national commerce. The Foreign office official added that no new fundamental condition were being Im posed, declaring that what are In progress are pourparler concerning the act of evac uation Itself and the organisation of the Chinese administration to assure order. The Chinese administration, however, I not ready. Russia desire assurance that China will maintain a sufficient police force to repress local disorders, which are continuous throughout Manchuria, especially In the mountain. The detachment of European troop remaining In the country have no object but the maintenance of order locally until China ia able to guarantee that order will be maintained. The Foreign office add that the number of railroad guards ultimately will not ex ceed 20,000 unless under exceptional circum stances. GERMAN CRITICS OF OUR NAVY Convince Themselves It la Little fee Compared with Their Own. (Copyright, 190J. by Pres Publishing Co.) BERLIN, April 25. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Since the Dewey interview and especially since the United State government decided to send a practice squadron to Kiel during regatta week, th American navy ha excited a great deal of notice throughout Germany. Several naval writer have been striving to ahow that although tb American navy haa grown rapidly In the last few years, It is not to be compared for an Instant with Germany's; that It discipline Is at the lowest ebb of any navy In existence. and that the difficulty of manning ships is felt more than even In England. All Germany baa now satisfied Itself that the German navy I a long way ahead of the American navy, and that in ten year, when th present naval program 1 com pleted, the disparity In favor of Germany will be far mor marked than It ! now. PRINCE OF WALES NOT COMING Private Secretary Set at Rest Bnraor Which Haa Been Cnr. rent. (Copyright, 1903, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, April -. 16. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The World correspondent received today th following reply to hi Inquiry a to whether or not the prince of Wales Intended to visit th St. Louis exposition:, . . "In reply to your letter of the 22d Inst., which I only received thi morning, I beg to say that a far as I know the prince of Wale doe not intend to visit the United Statea next year. Tour faithfully, ' "ARTHUR BIGGE." Sir Arthur Bigge i the private secretary of the prince of Wales. It 1 expected that Parliament will ap propriate for the British government ex hiblt at the fair at leaat $500,000. JEWS ARE CRUELLY TREATED Score Are Shot and Beaten to Death and Handred Are Wonnded. 6T. PETERSBURG, April 36. The No- voati today, without giving the exact fig ures. Indicates that the Jews at Klshlneff, capital Af Bessarabia, during the entl semlt riot there April 20, Buffered even more severely than admitted officially. The paper say scores of Jew were shot or beaten to death and several hundred were wounded. Tbelr houses were wrecked and tbelr abops were sacked. Thousand of Jew In tb district are homeless and des titute. . Foreign Resident Warned. madkid, April 25. Advice from Morocco say the consul at Tetuan and Ceuta have informed the foreign residents to be ready to leave at a moment' notice. it is Minoulodpd By most people who know anything about clothea-maklng that for superb tailoring, exclusive fabrica, correct styl and perfect fit, STEHJ-BLOGII SMART CLOTHES Are superior to all other ready-to-wear clothes the men who wear them aay they are aa good In every essential feature as the highest priced custom-made apparel. When you put on a Steln-Bloch Suit or Overcoat you are Immediately conscious ot au Indefinable something about It that diatl nguiehes it from the general run of ready to w-ar clothing, , The men who have their clothes made to order are thoae that we particularly dealre to reach because we know that we can please them no matter how individual they may be, and we'll aave them money, too. ixtra Special too Steln-Bloch Smart Sulfa that usually aell at $20.00 tomorrow Steln-Bloch Smart Spring Overcoats, tomorrow, $15.00 and Men' Finest Trousers, made of costliest Imported and domestic worsteds and tweeds, peg top and conservative stylet Correct Dress for VANDERB1LT WEDS SIMPLY TaVea Mrs. Rutherfurd to Wife in Quiet London Church. INVITED GUESTS NUMBER ONLY FOUR Dnke s Durhea of Marlborough, Wlnftelrl Hoyt and Henry White Wltneaa Ceremony, Latter (tlvlnc tlrlde Away. LONDON, April 25. William K. Vander bill and Mrs. Anna Rutherfurd wtre mar rled today at St. Mark' church, North Audley street. The officiating clergyman was Rev. W. II. Hadden. The wedding took place Just before Dion Winfleld Hoyt of New York wa tss best man and Henry White gave away the bride. The ' only other persons In the church were the duke nnd duchess of Marl borough. Mrs. Rutherfurd wore a '.mple, gray travellag drees and no Jewels of any kind. Mr. Vanderbllt, Mr. White and the duke of Marlborough wore the usual frock coa There waa no wedding breakfast or re ception. Immediately after the ceremony the couple started for the country. Their destination was not revealed, but It I known that they will remain in the coun try for some weak before going to ar.y city. Groom Seenrea License. It seems that Mr. Vanderbllt personally secured the license and managed the whola affair himself. Three weeka ato he es tablished a residence in London and lat Wednesday he personally applied for and secured a license from the bishop of Lon don while the reporters were all watching the archbishop of Canterbury's office. The bishop of London's Jurisdiction ap plies to the diocese of London, only, while that of the archbishop of Cauterbury ap plies to the whole of England. Mrs. and Mis White ire still staying at Mrs. Rutherfurd's flat in Par:. Mrs. White would have accompanied Mrs. Rutherfurd to London and have been present at the wedding, but Mrs. Rutherfurd BBkeJ her to stay with her children. The license set forth all the details of the Vanderbllt divorce and the previous marriages of both parties. It is understood that the couple are not going to America for some time. A telegram from Dover says Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbllt crossed the channel this morning on a boat bound for CtlalB. Clergyman Boric Own Child. There was a pathetic incident In connec tion with the wedding. Almost Imme diately after the ceremony the officiating clergyman conducted the funeral of one of his own young children. The Wide was the reclpent at many hand om preaents from Mr. Vanderbllt and others. It appears that Chancellor Tristram ot the bishop ot London's consistory court, held a special court on Wednesday and took the personal testimony of Mr. Vanderbllt, whose counsel also submitted documentary proof of the divorce proceeding at New York, and of the fact that the prohibition against hi remarrying had been removed by the supreme court ot New York. The license waa subsequently granted. Mr. Vanderbllt wa enabled to preserve secrecy regarding the license in conse quence of an order Issued by Dr. Tristram after the scandal arising from the trouble railed In various churches by Father Black during th campalga against th re marriage of divorced person. An order, then went out that, license nf divorced person should not be entered on the public register until after the marriage 10 it to avoid. 4 acandal. Mr. Vander bllt' license, therefore, ha not yet bo lstered until the bishop of London' reg come public property and will not be reg istrar i formally notified that the wedding has taken place. WILL BE DEPRIVED OF CHILD Infant, of Former Crown Prince Lonlse to Be Taken Away from Her. BERLIN, April 25. A Munich dispatch says the accouchement of the former Crown Princess Louise of Baxony ia expected within a fortnight, and that a court official, with a physician and nurses, haa already arrived at Lindau, Lake Constance, from Dresden, having royal order to bring the child to Dresden three weeks after It birth. It I authoritatively stated that the grand duke ot Tuscany, father of Princes Louise, recently became reconciled to ber, but de cided it wa belt that ahe should not live at Saliburg out ot consideration for her younger sisters. MULLAH LOSES MA-NY MEN Loss of British la Battle le Not Yet Known (or Cer talnty. ADEN. Arabia, April 24. Brigadier Gen eral Manning, after an engagement with the Mad Mullah' force, ha relieved Colonel Cobbe, near Gumburru, Somaliland, 3KB DRESSED MEN WILL for onday $15.00 $10.00 $2.50 to $8 lieu and Boys. forty-five miles westward of Oslad1. About 2 000 of the Mullah's men were killed. The British lops Is not known. Th few detills obtainable of tht d ss sr to Colonel Plunkett'a detachment April 1. show the Mullah s force consisted ot 2.000 horsemen and 10,000 spearmen. They a ir rounded Colonel Plunkett'a force In the open and the Somalia, after a heavy rifle fire, charging repeatedly with their horse men and spearmen on all sides. The British detachment held out until Its ammunition was exhausted and then charged with bayonet, but It waa ultimately overwhelmed by weight of numbera. The British fore fought until all of Its officers and 170 met. were killed. Most of the hmclful ot men who reached the csrap were wounded. The Somalia' losses are reported to hive b?en enor. mom. The Mullah' force are reported to ag gregate from 3.000 to 4,0)0 mounted ma and about 80,000 spearmen. OMAHA SUBURBS. Florence. Mrs. J. T. Swanson and daughter Htlma were visitors in Omaha Thursday. M. R. Kindred visited his son near Ty son. Neb., a couole of dava thi week. Mrs. Morris Kindred of Herman. Neb., visited relstlves here Saturdav and Sunday. Luke SlmDson. l'vln near Loveland. Ia., visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Mies Edna Price left Saturdav for a visit with relatives at Lincoln and Denton. Neb. Mrs. Harriet Bouldln returned bom Monday from trio at her ranch near Bridgeport. Neb. - Bert Andrew Is building an addition two stories hlah to his bouse on Fourth and Washington atreeta. Mrs. Wulf and son of Blair. Neb.. vlBlted her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Banka, a couple of dajra thia week. Mrs. M. taualln. who has ben spending several month at SU Louis, visiting a daughter, returned home recently. Mrs. Rsbert rierhe and son. Robert. visited friends here Thursday evening, re turning to their home at Omaha on tb night train. F. B. Nichola has let the contract to George Estill for the building of his resi dence In Florence, on the five aore tract he recently purchased at the Intersection of Prospect and Jefferson streets. l non the Invitation of Rev. PhllllD S. Smith of St. Mark's church. Florence Camo No. 4105. Modern Woodmen of America, will attend the evening service at the church Sunday evening. May S. at 7:45 p. m.. members to attend In a body. Jonathan Inrlaa No. 225. Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, will visit Benson lodge Sunday and take part In the anniversary exercises. The street car company will run a car to Florence, and ttiev will rn via Omaha to Benson, re turning the same way. leaving Florence 6:39 p. m. 6unday. Benson. Mrs. Gift and infant daughter left for Valley. Neb., the early part of last week to visit relatives. Charles Anderson, who lives on West Military avenue, and his 2-vear-old daugh ter ara hnth aarlnualv 111 with nneumonia. Mr. Anderson Is convalescing, but the child Is not yet beyond the danger point. James Walsh nf this nlace was one Of the delegates appointed bv Mayor Moores last week to attend the good roaas convention, m he held durlni next week at St. Louis. Mr. WalHh will leave lor 01. Liouia next Monday morning. The monthlv 10-cent lunch riven by the LAdies' Aid society will be helu at Mrs. E. E. rloffmsn' home on Military avenue on Wednendav. ADril 29. The society I planning a banquet and initiation party to be tendered me Honorary memoer on May 2. i Arbor dav was observed In the Benson public school lu an appropriate manner. One of the teacher took her scholars out fnr natural atliliv and a wild flower hunt. after school session. Flags were raised and trees planted through various parts ot tne villaee. R. R Emerson la havlna a new residence built on Military avenue, near McCague street, where he and his family will make their nome. Mr. itmerson lormeriv iivu on McCaa-ue street, but Is now residing in Halcyon Height until hi new residence Is comDleted. Service will be held at the Methodist Enlscopsl church at 11 a. m. ana n. m.; Sunday school at noon: Junior league at I. mnA s-r.wr.nh teaaiia at T. A aoeclal even ing service will be held In honor ot the Independent Order of Odd Fellows' lodx of Benson, who will attend in a ooar m cele bration of their anniversary. The cabinet meeting of the Eoworth league waa not held for various reaaona and wiit r, rr.hor.iv hniii a short session Im mediately preceding the monthly business meeting which will be held next Monday evening at the home of Mra. J. E. Johnson. The delegates to the annual leaaue conven tion to be held et Gretna In May will be; elected at this meeting. West Ambler. Mr. Bert Ganti has purchased a horn In Eaat Ambler. Mtss Elsie Blake waa entertained by Mrs. T. Smith on Thursday. Mrs. J. Cunningham has been under Dr. Christie's care this week. The steep grade at Forty-sixth and Lin coln avenue ha been filled. Mr. Lehmer and family left last week for Kantas. where be has purcnasea a larm. Mr. Cook has disposed of hi vast flock of sheen, and has added more cattle to nia stock farm. One of Mr. S. T. Campbell's Shetland ponies has been very sick the past week with lung fever. A. W. Spoerri haa recently purchased a fourth lot adloinlng bis nne nome on Forty-sixth street. Miss Anna Gants and ber niece. Bertha Hensman. were vuests at Rev. R. M. Hen derson's on Wednesday. Mra. J. E. Augbe made a buatneas trio to Council Bluffs on Saturday and was the guest ot her old friend. Mrs. A. C. Hard ing. Mr. and Mra. Georca Evas and daughter. Mrs. Guv Matsen and husband, ot North Omaha were guests at dinner with I. Syas the first of the week. Mrs. Hensman. mother of J. and F. Hens- man. haa Durchased the Doraev property near Forty-Eichlb and Leavenworth streets and will make that her home after this fall. Mrs. Charles Svas entertained th Ladles' aid on Thursday. A large amount of sew In waa done for Mrs. I. Simpson and family, who will soon take their departure for California to loin Mr. Bimpson a par ent there. i Dandee. Mrs. Aiken, who has been Quite 111. 1 able to be out acaln. Mr. and Mra. A. M. Smith returned home from California on Saturdav. Mr. Hcnrr Maxwell of Omaha and his sister. Miss Anne Maxwell, who Is attend ing the state university at Lincoln, dined on Saturday with Mr. ana Mra. James w. Hamilton. The laaf recular meeting for the vear of the Dundee Woman's club will te held on Wednvedav at the home ot Mra. 1. sj. Leavltt. when there will be a general re view of the work of the year. Mr. Pentland ohvslral director of th Young Men s Christian aeaoclatlon. haa moved with hia family Into the houae oc- cupled last summer bv Mr. William R. Ua-hlon. on Webster atreet. near Fiftieth. Srlatto Rhenmafiam Tared. "I hare been aubject to sciatic rheuina- tiara for years," aays E. J. Waldron of Wilton Junction, Iowa. "My Joints were tiff and gave me much pain and discom fort. My Joint would crack when I traichtened up. I used Cbamberlaln'a Palo Balm and have been thoroughly cured. Have not bad a pain or ache from the old troible for many months." Th quick r liei from pain which this liniment affords is alone worth many times It cost. Wnt Omaha Improver. The West Omaha Improvement club held a meethiK last Thursday night at tne An trim Congregational church, Forty-first and Dorlae streete. Standing room waa at a uremluin. th Dmiiam conelbtlna of an iuliire on "Beautifying and Improving the Home," by JurlKe Blubaugh; also an ad- ri'ess by JJ'lue Kutell on improvement riuha ana Thrlr Influence tn the Com munity.'' Music: Zither nolo by Miss Meyer, violin kolo by Mr. Lindsey. The club Is ulannlna for extensive Improvement In the wcttrrn part f the city. The next regular meeting win do neia on v i ai s o ciock. Hot Spring, B. D. Evan hotel opens for the season May 2. Low ratea this' summer. Tb North western Line, 1401-1403 FaxDam street. sec SCE'3R10LLER Z, MUELLER 1313 FARNAM STREET,, OMAHA, NEB. LAST WEEK OF A GREAT PIANO SALE. Still a Chance ''TO SKCrilK At no per rent off rnstorn prl.fs less than wholrsale any xtamlanl HK3 piano from the tTiualndor of the ftio.ikio tttock bought at a rare bargnln from three overstocked fniuotia makers. The line Is still complete but the heavy tali's we are making will ch-nn it out this week. Less $373 PIANO ONLY S2C250 Parlor quality Instrument for moderate sized rooms one of the most popular A variety of good styles and pianos of the day. cases. Cabinet Upright-stylish $425 PIANO ONLY beautiful possessing (4(1150 an entrancing tone. Se- WfcU I lected golden or Flemish oak fancy Circassian English burl blister nnd mottled walnuts and three shades of mahogany. $475 PIANO ONLY $33250 brated for volume and purity of outline. THESE PIANOS REGULARLY SELL ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF $10.00 AND UP DURING THIS WEEK TERMS ARE 5.00 TER MONTH RESPONSIBLE PERSONS NEED MAKE NO DEPOSIT. SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS SECOND HAND SQUARE PIANOS AND MANY SLIOHTLY USED UPRIGHTS ALL THOROUGHLY RE PAIRED IN OUR OWN FACTORY at $20.00 to $145.00. IOWA BRANCH 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs. n """"'"""'-" "'"" ' - I Do Not Treat All Diseases but Gore All I Treat. Thar I seldom a day that I am not consulted by an unfortunate sufferer who, it h had consulted ma In retard to hi condition in it early stages, I would have cured him and saved him much suffering, annoyance and ex pense. Thi I consider due to lack of knowledge on the part of the one who haa previously treated th case: there for, I aay to you. If you are suffering from any disease or condition peculiar to men, or If you have been a victim and have been disappointed In not get ting a permanent cure elae where I would aak you to come to our office . and I will explain to you OUR SYS TEM Or TREATMENT. Which I originated aftev my whole life' ex perience. I will giv you a thorough VARICOCELE ' Is th enlargement of the vein of the srotum and a condition that mankind auffer from mora than all other con dition combined, and is the direct cause of nervous prostration and the early loa of mental, phyalcal and vital powers, which In turn cause business failure and unhapplnes. My treatment for thi condition I perfectly palnleas. I accomplish a per manent cure without cutting or tying operation or any detention from busi ness. Th oest reference I can give aa to my ability In curing thi condi tion I the names ot thousand who have given m the permission ot using their namea after permanently curing them when others had failed. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON I the most loathsome of venereal disease, and It I one that may be hereditary or acquired. The first symptom an ulcer, then pain In the bones and joints, ulceration of the mouth, tnroat and tongue, falling out of the hair and eyebrows and a copper-colored rash coming out over the entire body. I care not who haa treated you and failed, I will cure yoj Just as sure a you will oome to me for treatment. I use no mercury or Iodide, thireby asurlng you when cured that your bones and tissues are not destroyed. STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1308 FARNAM STREET, BETWEEN I31!i and 14th STREETS, OMAHA, NEB. ' References best banka and leading bualnesa men of the city. MB8 VERY LOW RATES St. Louis Mo. April :6tb to Msy 1st. Also June !tn and 17th. New Orleans, La. May lit to 4th, Inclusive. San Francisco and Los Angeles, May Sd, May 12th to lSlh. inclusive. Also August 5lh to 14lh, Inclusive. Bellefontaine, Ohio, May !8th to June 1st. Indianapolis, Ind., June 7th to 9th. Inclusive. Boston Mass. Jun SOth to July 4th, Inclusive. Baltimore, Md., July 17tb to 19th, iucluslve. TICKETOFFIGE: S. E. Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Sts. T. F. GOFREY, Faaeuger and Ticket Agent. Than Wholesale Think of Upright a ilgh $450 PIANO $315 tlnctly new woods. Renaissance Cnb't Grand model beautiful hand carving heavy paneled, cased ends, magnificent, massive effeta choicest woods. Severely classical Flor entine style modeled after the Italian. An Instrument widely cele tone nnd beauty of CREDIT IF DESIRED RHEUMATISM In all It forma BY MY SYSTEM OF TREATMENT 1 permanently cured. Irrespective of how many treatments you have tried and failed. NOCTURNAL LOSSES that sap the very life from you and later lead to complete loa of all pow ers, stopped forever in from t to 10 day. DISCHARGES of an unnatural order stopped forever In I to t days. BLADDER and kidney trouble, the symptoms of vhlch are pain In the back and loins, frequent and scalding urination and thousands of other symptoms that you can appreciate better than I can de acrlbe. BY MY SYSTEM OF TREAT MENT you are permanently cured. RUPTURE of men. I care not how long standing, cured In 10 to 30 day without any cut ting operation or pain or loaa ot time. STRICTURE la the partial or complete closure ot the canal, and BY MY SYSTEM OF TREATMENT ail obstructions are permanently removed without cutting or dilating. I CURE MEN CONSULTATION FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL. Demand for Investments is growing with the prosperity of the country and a man of character and ability can secure ample rewards if he has the ability to market such securities. I want a few of the best men obtainable for this work. In writing give age, occupation and bank references. All letters treated ss strictly confidential. GEORGE T. DEXTER. uperiateadsat ef Demettls Ageaeies, The Mataal Life laureate Cempaay f NswYerfc, 12 Nutau Street, N.w Yera, N. Y. FI.EMISQ BROS., Managers, Omaha. Ntkr. Da Moines. Iowa. of FAMOli PERSONS AUTOGRAPH LETTERS Bnngbt nnd Sold. WALTER B. HKNJAMIN 1125 ftroadwty. New York. bend fur t'rlce Lists. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Makes Moat laefnl Present. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Only Ono Hollar a Year. Take Your Pick TIIKSK standard makes unexcelled In tyl Iteauty and sweetness of toue recommended by ar tists used by teachers and students absolutely guaranteed by us. Never Ivefore have music lovers of the west had iuch nu opportunity ! Never before have the efforts of a westeru plauo house met such universal approval! It I Clean-cut Turltan model $400 PIANO ONLY chaste effects beautl- Gnnt ful veneers a Justly eel- SZQO cbrated make in use by many great artists. With or without candelabra ornamentation. ONLY Modified Colonial-an artistic creation combin ing the colonial and modern styles. Dls- deslgns In a wide variety of beautiful $500 PIANO ONLY $360 mahogany and walnut TUNING AND REPAIRING MOVINO TIME IS THE TIME FOR TUNINO AND RE PAIRING. OUR RATES ARB THE LOWEST. OUR WAOON8 CALL FOR AND DELIVER YOUR INSTRU MENT. TELEPHONES Omaha 1625. Co. Bluffs 368 UIUJLJILUIM W F BED I Treat Men Only and Cure Them to Stay Cured examination, together with an honeet and scientific opinion of your case. If I find you era Incurable, I will hon estly tall you so. If I nnd your case curable, we will give you a legal guar antee to cure you. We snake bo nataleadlng state meat or abtaeaallke prepo sition to the afflicted In order to ear tkelr patronage. Tk many year of onr aneefnl practice prove, tknt onr special treatment la aofo and certain. We will make you no false proihlae a to curing your eaae In a short time, knowing it will take longer, aa we promise nothing but what we can do, and always do a w promise. ULCERS I ear not how long standing or of what nature, a MY SYSTEM OF TREATMENT cures them at one. HYDROCELE cr aay (welling, tenderness or Impedi ment reduced to their normal also without th aid of a knife. ECZEMA pimples, erysipelas or any eruptive dis ease of the akin BY MY SYSTEM OF TREATMENT are permanently re. moved, never to return. IMPOTENCY I a condition caused by exoeasea of early or late life. I care not how long you have been so, or how old you are, a MY SYSTEM OF TREATMENT 1 especially adapted for the permanent cure of all auch case aa yours. Thou sanda have been cured of till condi tion, and a cur awaits you. Suffer no longer. ORGANS that have ahrunken or are undeveloped or that have wasted through disease, BY MY 8Y8TEM OF TREATMENT) are permanently restored to tbelr nor mal slse. WRITE If you cannot call. AU correepondonoo st riot y confidential and all replies aent In plain envelope. nclo ia stamp to tnsur reply. Office Hours t a. m t I f. m. Sunday: 10 a. ra. to p. ra. California Cheap Trips Th Santa P will sell round trip ticket to California at about balMarw. flay & and Hay 12 to 18. Also one-way colonist tickets, dally until June 15. at very low ratea. It will pay you to lnTestl-j-ate these groat opportunities. "Santa, F all the way," Chicago and Kanana City to Lo Angeles, Ban Dtego and Ban . Franctaoo. Interesting pamphlet fro. S. L. Palmer, P. A., tot Equitable Btdg., Dei Moines, Ia. Santa Fe ,C0LLAR