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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1903)
April 20, 1903. THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. 13 .rv - A V EDWARD E. HOWELL DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR Four" A Railroad - OF THE PEOPLE Operated FOR THE PEOPLE And Recognized '' BY THE PEOPLE as the standard passenger lino the Central Mates, mues of railway la Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky & Michigan Write for folders. Warren J. Lynch, W. P. Deppe, Uenl. rati. A Jku vaeiii. Ticket AiL T. A. CINCINNATI. OHIO. . U. Bock Beer The best product of the brewer'i rt A eplendld tonic for spring. Especially adapted for family use. Tut up In cases of two dozen bot tles. Storz Brewing Co., Phone 1200. Oiuaha, Xeb, Council Bluffs office, 932 W. Broadway Vf. A. Wells, Agent. . ,j For 70 Years Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Snuff has kept on Curing Catarrh Tha Oldmt Remedy, bu national repntatlon and hu never been eqnal led for th tnntant rel let and permanent euro of Oatarrh, Oold In tb hee4 and the attendant Headache and Deafneee. R. Mom Ic.t Bene of ttmull, Immediate relt.f gdarentiied. Goaranteed perfectly harmless. Aakt Sour dealer for It. Mefnesall .u bet I tula. Prlea S cents. All drnga-Ut. a bj mall postpaid. Circular free. P. C. KEITH, (Mfr.), Clerslaad, Ohio SALESMEN A avd Aorns ANTED. Mr. Howell stands squarely upon the Demo- cratic City Platform, which declares That the' affairs of the city must be administered in an honest, eco. nomical and businesslike manner 4 That the city must own its waterworks plant. That the street railway company must provide sufficient cars to properly accommodate its patrons or accept three-cent fares from those compelled to stand, That no public official shall accept free transportation, free water, free gas, free electric light or free telephone service at the hands of any corporation. - (Advertisement) IQ YAGES rSE- lae f lame, Wiekleaa, I ul Oil t)toe for eook. I I aad heating. Mew, I readerfai le.eaUoa. I I a M erjbod, bare. Hla Seller. a n n, Oenereta it ewe fuel (a from keroaaa oil. A epuee. fnl oil make hoeaheed fuel sea. Oheaiieat, eafeet f aeL Nn dirt, aahea or bl eoal bill. All ilzee. Prioeaftaa, vi rite rer aaaeial eseis aew alaa. Uatalea-ae Free. WORLO MFC. CO, 6236 Warts Bldg., CINCINNATI. 0. Hello.! AXAoot. 4t1iJieinj HiwCe S onpiiiiiE-opiun and I.At'DAM'M HABITS eared r a fiwme sow munui, enuoraad ana mil uj iMimK n jiir n nr. Hm treatment aumcteat to ootIucs ,oo, sent free ua book or IwilmoniaJa aaalid. Ourreepoaasooa OoondaatiaU fAtftUUtt CU., Peat, f. Sea Aeueta- T.. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Address Omaha, Neb. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Popular aad Timely Article.