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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1903)
Linen Dresses That Can Brave the Washtub I . rlITH the ,de ' encouraging the I W wearing of linen a linen dress I ' K.ll h.M In n-lfaat Ii-lanil late last month. No such Incen tire It needed In this country. Linen's capabilities for elegance as well as durability were recognised several seasons ago and this summer frocks for every oc casion are fashioned in linen or mercerised fabrics. Although many of them are too elabor ate to be entrusted to any one but a French cleaner, the simpler varieties nay be sent to the washtub. Nor will their Ironing be a difficult task. Since the heaviness of the fabric pre cludes runlet or ruchlngs, the general ef fects are tight-fitting in the extreme. The woman with a good figure is in her element. Never has she appeared more tweet and charming. But ber less fortunate sister need not despair. By a skilful manipula tion of the yoke effects and flaring flounces now In vogue, she may conceal some of her deficiencies. The waists of these linen suits have con siderable variety, though the general lines are similar. The yoke may bo long or short, round, pointed of blzarro In shape, but (t Is almost uniformly finished with a piping of a contrasting color. A white Is piped with black, or vice versa. A pale blue or green has a piping of whito and black stripes. Plaid pipings are extremely fashionable. A heavy white linen is piped in a plaid or commingled scarlet, blue and vivid green. Red pipings and cordings will be much worn, to match the red hats and Bachelor Girl's Reflections Yiuu can i oiame a woman ior aoing I anything for clothes when they jeau so onen 10 me Buuscquuni privilege of doing nothing for the rest of nor life. Many a man has proposed merely to a new dress. The three fates from which no man es capes are his mother's hand, his wife's thumb and his daughter's little finger. Men would be believed more by women If women believed less In other women. Man never loves but one while he's tell ing you about it. Women who spend all their time humor ing a man seldom appreciate their own Jokes. When a man can't explain a thing he says: "You wouldn't understand if I told you." Lots of editors who write little' para graphs about birds on women's hats give columns of space to war news and prize fights. Many a man who Is fond of women laughs at women who are fond of cats. If men didn't call themselves superior, nobody would. Many a man who has sowed only wild Bachelor Club Hl"H young woman irienas oi mem I I beis of tho Bachelor club of Jer- SV I l . I V . - sey iny, w muu receuuy iulou iw Impose a penalty of $100 on any member found guilty of the ot- fenso of matrimony within a year, were excited when the news was broken to them by the newspapers. "And to think that they'd do such a thing after that beautiful letter from Presi dent Roosevelt," was one girl's comment. "Their acticn was un-American and un patriotic," declared another. "I think tome one ought, to have 'em lnjuncted." Other girls of the same way of think ing said they would form a Th-cd"re Rcoae velt Anti-Race Suicide Campaign March fog club to emphasise their protest. The campaign club will attend the Bachelor club's annual ball and the club's yearly trolley ride to Fort Lee, and they assert that before fall either a number of fines Frills of Fashion Flowers are now made of feathers. The high Dlrectolre belt conirnues to be ft favorite. The newest ribbons are sprinkled with embroidered flowers. Cordings and gauglngs have replaced tuckinga at the top of skirts. An exceedingly picturesque hat Is formed f the twigs of the blossoming palm. Tassels are a great feature on gowns this season and silk fringes are much worn. A squirrel holding In Ita mouth an npple of coral Is the latest in umbrella bandies. One of the prettiest t pes of capa coat has the box pleats terminating in handkerchief points. Coffee jackets are . becoming more and more ornamental and are covered with lace and embroidery. Among tho new designs In Jewelry are the neck chnlns, with baroque pearls and oddly fashioned pendants. A pretty frock was of china silk, the skirt flounced, the bodice draped Dlrectolre fashion and trimmed with silk lace. A fetching hat is of white straw, trimmed with tulle, the touch of color being given by a spray of magenta bankaia roses. An all-white chiffon hat has around the fluffy edge big black cherries almost hidden In the white, and in the back big clusters of them hang down over the hair. A large light green hat of coarse straw !b covered with a network of maiden hair fern and on either side on top Is a knot of white dallies and red cherries. A valuable adjunct to the finish of a dress is the rash. Where long ends are not used the back of a belt is Untuned with a but- parasols. Slot seams are also Inlaid with color or with plaids. Blouse waists, whether with a yoke or without, are diversified by pleated or box pleated fronts, slot seams or stitched pleats. Small buttons are almost Invaria bly used In connection with the slot seams. Stitched straps and bands are also used in tailor-made effects. The bands or tabs are garnished by groups of small button. Inserted vests do not promise to ba widely popular, and, therefore, will bo used by those who wish to escape the common place. They may be white or of a contrast ing color to match the pipings. The over lapping blouse looks well with the simpler cording for an edge, though heavy lace and insertions will be used for this purpose In the more elaborate gowns. It aeeine strange, but embroideries of nainsook or lawn are seMom scon In con nection with the season's linen drcetes. The lace and Insertion used Is of the heaviest. This Is necessary. If the material is to bo cut away beneath them. A filmy lace would appear ridiculous. Imitation torchon or Irish laces are practicable In these cheaper gowns. Though the majority of the sleeves are tucked In clusters, they may follow the gen eral scheme of the blouse, being pleated or box pleated with slot seams or cordings. They aro invariably tight fitting a point be low the elbow, and thence they widen grad ually to a small puff at the band. Nothing extreme is permitted In these linens, so that the huge pouches at the hand are en tirely wanting. The cuffs are simple, from two to four Inches in length, and trimmed oats goes to a nice woman and pretends that the crop will be all right. Some . men cultivate their mustaches much more than their characters. The men who like solid qualities In a woman don't go out of their way to carry a fat old mother-in-law upstairs. All the world, except one girl sometimes, loves a lover. Romance Is very pretty until it's worn out. Some husbands are enough to make any one eorry for their wives. ' Straw hats show which way the wind blows. It a woman would learn ths real nature of a man she must put htm through the three tests of eating, laughing and kissing. To make his power over woman abso lute the devil created New York shops. Women know more about men than other men do. Men stand by men in such a way that women are often forced to go back on other women. Halt the men make love to a girl for the sake of talking about it to some other man. Laughed At will have to be paid or that the new rule will be a dead letter. Members of the Bachelcr club, which meets over a saloon in the "Horseshoe" section of Jersey City, said that the club had been In existence ten years, with no marriages to date. Recently come members had shown alarming symptoms of the mat rimonial malady, and Friday's drastic ac tion was the result. "Wa believe in treating ths ladles right," said a bachelor, "bat, according to our constitution and by-laws, no member la al lowed to become a glal's 'steady.' " All ths money collected from fines will be blown in by the surviving bachelors on outings in summer and balls and other functions In winter. As twelve young men vigorously opposed ft anti-marriage reso lutions, some of ths members are looking forward to $1,200 worth of social gayety during the coming twelve months. terfly bow, crochet cords or a cluster of silk bobbles. A beautiful lamp shade Is of glass of a rale greei tone, almost covered with bands or ornamental work In silvtr, these set lengthwise, growing narrower from the edge to the top. Around the lower edge Is a flexible fringe with small silver balls pendant. The upper part of pretty fancy silk waists . In pale pinks and blues are lnm-t with rings of inch-wide In re, each of these rings having a little puffed, flower-like center of the silk. Between the rings and a little below, encircling the bodice, are big French knots In white. The prettlert as well as one of the most pliable corsets Is that made of moire rib bons, the bones encased In silk running lengthwise, and the corset between formed of the ribbons, cross bands about an Inch wide. These corsets have something the appearance of the ribbon girdles. Pale green and white rugs are pretty for summer homes. They coma in different patterns and In different sizes, from the small mat to the large rug which will cover a whole room. There are mattings-In which there Is a email pale pattern In pale green, which are rom-ftimes used with these rugs. and are pretty in any way. For and About Women Miss Love Seymour, a girl of Rochester, N. Y., will erect a soldiers' monument la Marlon, N. Y., to her grandfather's memory. Mine. Ksterlna Tsilka, the native mis sionary of Albania, who was captured by brigands in company with Mlsu Ellen M. Stone, will shortly come to this country on a lecturing tour. , Mrs. Lionel Ross Anthony, a graceful to match the rest of the waist. A few are Irregular In shape, running up on the out side to the depth of six Inches and In the Inside to only three. - In these rases the puff Is entirely lacking and the effect ex tremely tight-fitting. The salient feature In most of the linen skirts Is the yoke effect. In msny rases It Is produced by the application of stitched bands or folds, either running borlionlally or tapering to a slight point In the front. More often the yoke Is an actuality and Is continued down the front. In a narrow panel. This combines the appearance of well rounded hips with sleoderness. The yoke and panel are edged with cording In a con tracting shade. The panel effect may be repeated at Intervals entirely around the skirt, but It must bo skilfully fashioned or the result after washing Is deplorable. Be low the plain yoke the skirt generally falls away In clusters of tucks. These are con tinued to within six Inches of the hem, whence the goods, released, flaws in a natural flounce. A costume In white butcher's linen has the blouse tucked down for three Inches from the shoulder seams, giving a yoke effect. The tucks are In clusters, each group finished off by a stitched strap placed horizontally. There Is a box seam down the front, ornamented with small black buttons in groups of throes. The same trimming Is used on the yoke straps and cuffs. The skirt has the yoke and panel effect down the front. The edges of the panel are ornamented with groups of ths buttons. Another white linen frock has a yoke Why Girls Do Not Marry w villi uu i iiui inarrj; , asiu uio yy I bachelor girl, quoted by the Chl- YTV -1 - X 1 M . 1. luso wurtnicm. uecium un, because I haven't been asked," was the unexpee'ed roply, and all the fine thecrles of deliberate cruelty to ths future lace were dashed to the g oiind. "It's a mistake," she went on, "to suppose that wa unmarried women alt down and calmly consider the pros and cons of matrimonial relations; that we. deliberately discuss and decide what attitude we will take In regard to the appalling problem rf the future of the human race. It sounds wise and all that to hear that we bachelor girls have solved the perplexing problem of the age, but we can't even take credit to ourselves for that. Force of circumstances Is re sponsible for the number of our kind In existence. "It's my opinion that no girl Is too busy to think of men. The society girl who is bent on having a good time wants to pro long her period of enjoyment Just as long as she can before she deliberately curtails her freedom by marrying, but she looks forward to matrimony some day, and the writer on economic subjects for the Denver Post, has been appointed a world's fair commissioner for Colorado by Governor Peabody. Sister Dona tile, superior of the hospital of Nancy Krancc, has been decorated with the Legion of Honor for her constant serv ice of thirty-two years In caring for the sick. Only five out of twenty-one Jails in New Jersey have a matron or other woman offi cial, and in three out of the five so many other duties are imposed upon the matron she has not time to attend to the . women prisoners1. Dr. Rachel J. Davidson has been ap pointed by Governor Bills of Michigan to be delegate-at-large to the national and in ternational good roads convention held In St. Louis April 27-29. Dr. Davidson has made a special study of rural road making. Mrs. Lydla Dyer Briggs, who is the sev enth lineal descendant of Mary Dyer, the Quaker, who was hanged on Boston Com mons in lti(U for returning after she had been banished from the colony, has Just celebrated her ninety-seventh birthday in Rutland, Vt. Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, widow of the late president, proposes to sell to Mr. Ineer soll, the millionaire bachelor, her beautiful home In the Adirondack Berkeley lodne. The place has tender associations for Mrs. Harrison, as she and the late general planned it together soon after their mar riage and spent every summer there, but she has, It is said, received a tempting offer and la considering It. Mrs. J. Pierpont Morgan was "the cyno sure of all eyes" al the recent election of the Colonial Dames at New York. Con trary to the expectations of those who did not know her It was found that she dressed simply and her cloth gown looked rusty. Her black hat was small and shapeless snd a thick veil covered her face. The decision of the women who saw her was embraced In the word "frumpy." Mrs. Morgan's dis position is exceedingly retiring and when ever she appears in public she seems ill at ease. Mrs. Lorlltard Ronalds, who has been en tertaining the king and queen of England at her London residence. Is a leading mem ber of the American colony there and a patron of every struggling, deserving musi cian who is brought to her attention. Oreat artists from the Royal opera house who charge other folk large sums to appear at private entertainment sing for friendship lit Mrs. Ron .lids'. Therefore, struggling geniuses who need only a social lift to make a name for themselves feel that they have as good a arrived when they can get Mrs. Ronalds to let them sing fur her guests. "ff Ears" at Rox fficc "We hsvs all sorts of difficulties with men and women who are deaf In cither the right or the left car," ssld a man who has been for years in the box office of a popular theater. "Persons who are totally deaf do .not bother us at all. They are satisfied to get where they can see well. But men and women deaf only In the right ear, or vice which gives an Irregular tab or panel effect. Three of these rounded tabs are on ths front of the waist, and one extends down over each sleeve. All are edged by a black and white cording. In the skirt the panel effect is secured by extending the yoke la panels so narrow ea to have the appearance of tabs. Those cover the seams to within six Inches of ths 'lum, where they end In a point. The skirt beneath Is box-pleated under each tab, thua giving a flare at the bottom. A third costume In blue linen bas a triple row of blue and white striped cording for trimming. The narrow cape collar extend ing from the shoulder seam la continued down the front In a broad box pleat, and Is edged wlih the triple cording. The eklrt yoke Is continued In a front panel, edged by the triple cording. The skirt has triple flouncing, with so little flare as almost to give the effect of folds. These simpler gowns are none of them collarless, as the high severe collar com ports better with their general simplicity. A lighter touch is given by the fsncy turn overs, corded or garnished with buttons, with which they are Invariably supplied. Those with a single tsb extending several Inches below the collar find favor. Ths more elaborate, lace-trlmmsd frocks have wide lace Insertion, outlining the front panel and giving the shirt yoke ef fect. Yak lace Is suitable for such use. When banded on the sleeves, with ths goods cut away beneath, the effect Is sur prisingly pretty. HARRIETT HAWLEY. girl who works say, a girl of the upper classes, who finds she must earn her own living; if she makes a success of it, finds . that she has opened up for herself a de lightful life of independence and happi ness, but it Isn't this tact that lies at ths bottom of her bachelorhood. "Her wprk as a general thing brings her la contact with men of business, usually married men, and from them she gets an insight Into matrimony which makes her skeptical aa to ita general desirability. Little remarks let fall now and then re. veal the truth that all Is not a path of roses. The result is that ths bachelor maid finds discouragement on every side, and, all things considered, the scales cer tainly turn in the favcr of the unmurricd slate, or st least of procrastination. "She decides to look well iiforo she leaps, and the process of investigation be, gfns to thin the ranks of the eligible!, while day by day ahe grows mors difficult to please. As a consequence she Is so taken up with this Inquisition that the final plunge la long deferred. Sometimes It s indefinitely postponed." versa, want to get their good ear toward the person who comes to the theater with them. Very often a man who is d af in his left ear comes with a woman who can not hear a thing in her right car. Then we are 'hp against It,' so to apeak. But when we can we take great pain to seat persons with off cars to that they can talk without disturbing everybody arotmd them. There Is no greater nuisance la the p'ay house than to have a partially deaf man saying to his wits, 'What's thatT m'rsad that,' and to hear he repeat the lines to blm In a loud voice. Outside of the med ieal profession, I doubt If anybody knows as well aa the man In the box office how many persons with 'off ears' there are In New York."--New York; Times. A din of bemtfy is a Joy forever. DE.T. FELIX GOURAUD'S OMENTAL CREAM, OX MAGICAL BEAUTlflEl iaa. Math Palchaa. Bh sad Skin Dia aaaa. sm evarv, Bteaalaa M h.aul,1 ' and detas daceaUun. Jl IMS atoo Ua iMt Oily-Ova yaar.i and la to hsnnlMii wa taata M ta ba sura It ia prsparly naaa. Accept ba couoiartaK ot alml- UMk Dr. L. IA. Sayra aaU ta a lady ad tba haul-. 'Im (a Btlaa)i "Aa you ladlas will uaa tkraa. I raeoamaa4 "OtMJ MAUD'S CREAM'1 aa tha Waal harmful of all tha akin praparailona." Ker aala by all dntsitata and finer (ooa daalar ta the la!Ud Slatas and Bursa, VKRD. T. nO?KIS, Pras'r. 17 Oraai Jonas M.. H. T. rfr!r Insures Pore, Soft, w bits SUa j, caras Uttmt aaa Taiur. mo ' aolately and rarmaaantly s-i. raanow Blaclheada, "rao a k, rimpVa, laatlntaa. Bun ; apta snd Tan. liaad with '. lLtmk.llnTili Ami a, far fact ahia ia Inanrad. WWW Viwyjimmw sai ba order sUracL ' -Royal, (1 pr press pstdU BeroaavBri Moatp, MS cents, by avail, lftstti la m paefcire, ai.M, nrt caaJala l forirmtt mnd ZtaVnaiaaaafc unt n rtqtuM. ' One Dottle FREE to Agents. r, . 'v. J v (MB MfHB S-BOT-aXja COl.