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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1903)
I TITR OMATTA DAILY IXT.Ta SUNDAY, AfllTTj Crt, 100H. gr. LOUS AID RKTIHW. Vis MLnesrt rac-ISe Railroad. $13 50 for round trip, from April 26 to Mar 1 inclusive. For Information oil at cltr flee. outbeat corner FourteenUi ana Douglas streets. UALr RATE VI Wkktik R, R. Pt. Louis and return $13.60. Bold April t-27-2S-29-IO aad Mar 1- New Orleans and return, $29 M. gold April 11-12-1S. Mar 1-2-3-4. Information, Cltr Ofnoe, 1601 Fir tam St., or address Harry K. Moores, a A. P. V.. Omaha. Neb. A Destlat'a Cm. Tbe affidavits ar numerous showing that the work dona at the Union Dental College la high elass dentistry and prices charged for work la halt, or less that what other dentist wanted to charge. Alio affidavit showing that eompetltlon tried to hire a dentist to hold people who were looking for the Union Dental College, but who got la the wrong place. Jew Orleaaa, La. From Mar 1 to 4 Inclusive tbe Missouri Pacific will aell round trip tlcketa for 129.50, account meeting National Medical association. For Information call at or address cltr office, 8. E. corner 14th and Douglas Bta., Omaha. Nob. T. F. Godfrey, Paes. and Ticket Agt. St. Paul mm m-tra. On April 21 aad 28 the nitnote Central R. R. will loll tlcketa to St. Paul and Minne apolis and return at rate of $12.33, good for return 21 dare treat date of aale. Tickets at No. 1402 Farnam St. W. H. BRILL. D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Kew Cowatterfelt Bank Mot. Captain Webb of the United States secret aervloe haa been notified of a new counter, felt $5 bill, which la circulating In the coun try. The bill te a poor photographic repro duction of a 16 national bank note on the Marion National bank of Lebanon, Ky., check letter D. aerlea of 188!. has the treas ury number (941) and the bank number 057)0. The bill Is printed on two . heavy plecra of paper and the color la) pat on poorly with a pen and brush, the photo graphic lines showing through. Special Trala. To Calhoun, Blair, Tekamah, Oakland and Bancroft, stopping at all intermediate points. Leave Webster street depot at 10:30 p. m. Monday, April 27, after' President Roosevelt's reception. One more day Owing to the success of our Saturday sale and to tbe appreciation of tbe Omaha people of this rare bargain we will stain place on sale - Mon day all California wines at 21 cents per bottle. 3 for $1.00 These wines sell regularly at 75o per quart. We carry the largest line of wines and liquors In the west, and cater to the finest family trade. ZlSZr "Hiller's Old Private Stock" f 1.00 for a full quart "It It comes from Hiller's It must be good." I1ILLER LIQUOR COMPANY 1309 Farnam 5t 522 North 16th. Family Purveyors and Importers of fine Liquors. I 1 "Stronaeet In the world,' the Equitable Life Assurance society. It policies are rlsrht drafts at maturity. See H. D. Neely, manager, Merchants National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. , . Genuine Imported beer on draught. Ed Maurer's, 130 Farnam street. ' Douglas Printing Co., 1508 Howard. Tel. 44. Frrderlck, hatter, new location. If64 Far nam There's only one Sionecvpher. He print s. Have Hoot print It. President Roosevelt in Omaha The Strenuous President of This Qreat Republic Is a Quest of the Commonwealth. Only l iiree D ays More AND OUR tot 0 0 Sol Monday ay rano COXES TO AN EHD Tuesday! Wednesday HE SPEAKS AT THE COLISEUM And Will Be Greeted by One of the Great Audiences for Which the Ak-Sar-Bea Dea Is " Famous. When President Roosevelt was forced last year to abandon bis visit to Omaha by rea son of a trolley accident -in New England, he promised at as early a day as practic able to see and speak to the people. He comes now with the city in spring dress. The glory of tbe Ak-Bar-Ben Festival will pot greet him as he drives through our wide streets, but the WKl.COJIH IS KQCAIXT CORDIAL and the hospitality we shall extend quite as generous. Coming from the wilds of the west and recuperated by his mountain outing, the president will enjoy the recep-I tlon he Is promised. As he la escorted through the city and views tbe substantial growth of Omaha, his attention may he directed to our factorlea, our packing houses, our Jobbing establishments, our. railroad sbopr and the general air of pros perity, lie cannot be permitted to 'over look . -THK BANKERS RESERVE tlFD, which he will find aaugly housed In It home office In tbe McCague building. Some public spirited Omahan cannot fall to re mind the distinguished visitor that this ag gressive young Ufa Insurance company Is forging forward at a pace which surprise Its alien competitors as much as It pleases those loyal people who believe In bunding GREAT FIDVClAJtT INSTITVTIOX here in tbe central west which shall take rank with the monster companies com bined now into the Life Insuranoe Trust. Although ao young, the Bankers Reserve Life association, against the most male volent, persistent and united antagonism of the trust has placed upon lta books more than $8,000,000 of the best risks ever written by a life company, B. It. ROHISOKf, 'PRESIDENT of this company promises that this Ne braska organization shall have $10,000,000 at risk before the year closes and he be lieves before Theodore Roosevelt's second term Is concluded the 125,000,000 mark will have been reached and this will be one of tbe greatest as It Is now one of the safest life corporations In America. You may never again have such an op portunity to buy High Grade Pianos at such low prices. If you are thinking of buying, better come in and talk with us before Wednesday night. Last Monday we only put 50 pianos on in this sale and there are still some good bargains left. If we've got what you want, we'll make the price and terms right. You can take your pick from any of- our guar anteed makes and remember, all our pia nos are high grade, first quality goods. 3X3 lALDUID J. J. HUSTON, Mgr. 1408 Doughs. mags Clothiers. Furnishers and Hatters. Moot "Tho President" in a new suit On Monday we continue our Grand Special Suit Salo at 00 7,50 Q.OO we can give you a tweed, worsted or serge suit, well lined and made, and worth 8.50 and $10.00. Pnr RR an a wo worsted fancy tweeds irUl O a iuU and cassiraere?; lined with perge, silk u sewed, and haircloth front These goods are actually worth $12.50 and $15.00. For Sg.00 For S Of! yur choice of the fine suits sold UU by us at $18.00 and $20.00. Hand padded shoulders, self-retaining fronts in home spuns, tweede and worsteds. Fit and finish guaranteed. We are Sole Agents for Alfred Benjamin's Fine Clothing. Nothing finer made by custom tailors. Prices from $12.50 to $22.50. These goods are abso lutely the finest . product of the tailors' art, and are worthy the inspection of the good dressers of Omaha and vicinity. JUST ARRIVED FOR YOUNG MEN. The newest, nobbiest and most stylish line of young men's clothing ' "fn" Orapt). All sizes In fancy worsteds and home spuns. Every new style and coloring, hand-padded con cave shoulders; silk ' sewed and a fit absolutely guaranteed. From $5.00 to $12.50. Plfwiiiim i.jwjitwwi inn j hi ii II i II, i imiii 1,1 11 nil JOHN HUSSIE HARDWARE CO. r There Is No Use In Trying: to go through life without making the acqua'ntance of a dentist. That aoqu litance may bi p.eui-ani or otherwise. The neglec of your teeth will make the visit anyth ng but pleucant. ' rii ml eat PAXTOM.BX'K 3EssK3B'SBfliS53SB551 SW$ Vo'ro at No Exponso ta selling our men's specials at 13.50. They are only one line of a hundred we carry. We would have to keep all the help we now have, pay Just as much rent, do a much advertising, use as much light If we didn't hare a "$3.50 special" la the house. That's the reason we're able to put fc so much real value In every pair we don't depend on them for profit on the contrary we give what would be our profit to you. That's cer tainly worth considering. DilEXEL SHOE GO. Oaiki. Vp-L-Date Shoe H.ase M FARNAM SHEET THE 99 CENT mm STORE" 1513 DODGE STREET Decorate for ttiB President -tifrtyfr tr xe., . tA a.- tc- JL- Hoso Tou should buy some of our war ranted Rubber Hoe, If for ro oth r reason than to plea.-o your wlre. We have It in many grade" somj as low as 5c per foot. Nine cents up for fully guaranteed kind. Lawn Mowers Lawn mowing with one of our ball hearing Lawn Mowers Is not ha d work. Bimply exercise. We have gooj mowers (good ones, remember) at from $3.00 up. ;-;.-:-fjrv Acorn Steel Ranges If you're moving, you will want a new range in the new houre. Ve honetly te Ueve that we have the best line of Steel Ranges tver trough; together In one home. We have a corking good one at I..0 anl larger and still better ones at a few dillars more. You know the leputatlon of Actn Ranges for eoo1 cooking. The new rat terns are more than sustaining that repu tation, let us show them to you. JOHN HUSSIE HARDWARE CO. gSfcT FLAGS KINDS.1" BUNTINQ AND MTSlIn FLAGS AT BPB C1AL PRICES. Small. 8x3. oer dos.. 3o Flags lHx4. per doi 6o Flags 4x6, per dos 10o Flags llxl , per do Ko Large, 27x43, each 12o Klaaa S6x!6. eaoh V)o Flags 40x66, each 25o Flags, 40x73, each 3So Wool and cotton bunting flags. 9o to $4.91 each. No beverage gives such satisfaction aa Omaha's Favorite Beer It haa no equal for table or family use. Let Is Send You a Case. METZBR S. BREWING CO, Telephone 111 Omaha. Or Jacob Nvumayer, agent c-r Neumayar Hotel, Council bluffs, Iowa. PURE BLOOD la what makes people well. One pt. Byrup Red Clover Compound, best tonic known for blood. tl.OU. 11.00 t'eruna 6-C tl.00 Wine Cardul o $1.00 Palne's Celery Compound 7&o M.oo Lydla Plnkham'a Compound Tbo tl 0 8 8. 8 76c $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root 7.Sfl H: Kilmer's Swamp Root 4o bo Pvrup of Klgs c lo Phrailer's 'l Powder 2-o. t5c Carter's Utile Uver Pills 16c S6c BchlHi Malt Extract, I for 2io LATHROPS S?r 4tm mm Haaalltea. 'fsnst A 12. Deputy ajtato Teterraaarsaav Food Iaapectar. H. L. RIUiCCIOTTl, D. V. S j CITT STBRIMAJtLAN. Otnc mm laamary. MtaaA ICaaea Btsv, Omaha, Nek. Telephone tit. QjTL 205 South Fifteenth Street. omnoD IS A TRADE-MARK guaranteeing quality atyle nnlsh fit wholeaale price to wearers of A M AIl'S SHOE BETTER STILL It Insures cool com fortable natural feet Relief cure prevention of callous corns and bunion. ON A MAN A PERFECT Goodyear welt ah None are better. $250 and $350 'If You, of Hussie, It's Right."' It's the Way They're Made -That Is why our ttunks prove neater satisractory to be more durable M n r1 are mnr, .fnniim la I Th. material used Is the beat the workmnnshlp superior. The designs the latest. They cost you but little more than a cheap one. REPAIRING DONE. TEL. lOSS. MAIIATRnMEACTOKY'' rJ, "MacCarthy fit." One of our $35 slngle breasted sack suits. Tbe set of the shoulders the sug gestion of shape In the hick the hang of the coat across hips the trousers' true fit In every detail, with an aristocratic hang due to the 1903 slight fullness, make It a style of styles. Built as we build things, cut as our New York cutter cuta things from exquisite Serge, handsome Homespun or tough Worsted, It makes a suit to suit even the stickler." Yes, other suits built tor YOU from $26 to $50. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, m-ll Farum SL PbeatltOS Bee oailJiaj Court House Is opposite. Do You Spend Honey for clothes? If so come and look over fresh and up tr date ALL WOOL pat terns. Our price Is always the same Tronera 93.BO bo caore7 ae lees. Salts $12.BO so more bo less. Ik eft- ea!4 MMinPUI I i 1 1 M 1 1 &J 1 Vi OMAN A. "If you want to be noticed you must ret In front of folks and worrr 'em some" JoBh BUllnas. We want you to notice that we are rlaht is front ot you all the time with ' Goodrich Hoso the very best Hose made. Another feature about Goodrich Hose Is the brand la ALWAYS tbe SAME QUAL ITY. TRITOJf, TORRENT. CASCADE, WHIRLPOOL, OBLIGE, ARTESIAN TIDAL. All seamless tube and warranted. Jas. I & Son Co. 1611 Dodge St. Exclusive Aaeot Goodrich Hose. THE RfcLIABLB STORE. Clothing Sale Ever Held In Omaha As advertised, the entire surplus stock of spring snd summer clothing ot Crouse Brandegee, Vtlca, N. Y., will be on sale at 50c on the dollar. This famous concern has never had an Omaha representative before. They gave Hayden Bros, exclusive sale, and to enable us to make a big Introductory splurge, closed out their surplus stock as above. The Crouse & Brandegee clothes repre sent the best made, best fitting, moat sty lish garments msde in America. Tbe great sale begins Monday and the prices will be $7.50, $10. $12.50 end $15 Lot 1 Thl. lot embraces One fancy checks and stripes, worsteds, tweeds, casslmercs, cheviots, fsncy cassimeres and fancy worsteds In both single and do'ible breaated, worth $12.50; aale "1 Prt prlc f.wU Lot 3 This lot Includes all the Utejt and most up-to-date band-tailored clothing made In handsome stripes, checks, fancy mixtures and also In plain colon tit worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres bnd fancy worsteds made wlih hand-padded .bould ers, hand-made button holes and hand felled collars; well tailored through out; none of these suits worth less than $18.00; our price in this sale Lot S An excellent line of fine fhvlots, cassimeres, worsteds, serges, Scotch cheviots snd unfinished worsteds in blues, browns, blacks, Oxford rrrya, fancy mixtures and plain colors in round and. square cut; single and dou'ule breasted; two-button sacks, made !th . hand-paddad shoulders, hair cloth fronts, hand-felled collars and all guaranteed to hold tbelr shape; none worth less than $20.00; our saje price Remember these are the finest silts HI The Greatest WUHU $10 J ' 'it' I 12.50 Lot 4 I. eludes O. B's. finest tiaad tailored sNilts. In this lot we can show you the very finest- clothing ever maru factured. Nearly all of these ulls re made In Imported fabrics. In worsteds, tweeds. Vicunas and bomcrpuns. All the season's teat I ov. liles in swrll spring rua . terials. These suits all well made, hand padded' shoulders, permanent shape, re tain lag fronts, bsnd-felled collars rnd hand-tailored throughout; fit and trim mings compare favorably with $35.00 to $40.00 made-to-order gar- I C Y ments; sale price only Vlw Its made. Read great sales on page It. Mil mm SALE Refrigerators SALE J Rogers SALE i. ; AND 9DNS CO.: 14th and Farnam Streets. 4 SALE 2L In the Candy . Dept POUND BOX MARSHM ALLOWS, 35c i Monday 20 sticks candy for Salted Peanuts, lb . Crystal Mixed, lb . Cream Imperials, lb Champion Mixed, lb; .....'....'. Nebraska Mixed, lb. ...... Jelly Beans, lb .......i Pure Lemon Drops, lb Old Fashioned Mint Kisses, lb ...... Eutow Drops, lb Chocolate Creams, lb Burnt Peanuta, lb w . r - - n .. j ,w nuuia nwia r uu, iu Ice Cream Soda .. 5c . . Sc ..10e .Ve ..10c ..10c .''.;oc ..15c ..16o ..15o ..J0o ..20o ..20c ..20o So i. Druf Specials 8; S. S., large $1.15 Cascarets, large v39o Bromo Snltser, small ' .9c Cascarets, small BifV Good Bulb Syringe 19c I Williams' Shaving Soap 5c f flnkham's Compound 59v' Colgate's Shaving Soap 5c Pierce's Medical Discovery .....6'o Good Medical Atomizer 25c New. Coffee and Tea Dept TEA SPECIALS The following blond are the finest for the money In the cltv. 1 B. P.,' Japan, English Breakfast, Oolong, S. D. Japan and Y, Hyson, worth 10c, at i ZBo. ) COFFEE SPECIALS Rio blend, .worth '16c, at .. ......lOo Leader Blend, worth 20c, at 15c Cucuta Blend, worth 28c, at 25c Java and Mocha, none better, S5o a pound. "teounds for $1.00. "Te advertise Cucuta Blend, we will serve i-to-"every visitor In this department to morrow, a oup of this dellolous coffee. I'eTI measure your horse Bending practical men ta fir th harne . ..., J 1 saddlery to him. We niflke no chsrje for this serrlce la Omaha and vicinity. If your local ity Is distant from Omaha, we shall have to charge yon fare and tl rue. In every case we guarantee absolute satisfaction. Runabout Harness la the Thing No collar, no breeching. Light and easy on the horse. A beautiful harness In many desigaa. Let us show you some of them and quote yeu prices. . We can do you good and save you money. Suit Case. Traveling: Baa; and Valise ULMitryihtaf I lor a Horse n r tl w ei." V I Alfred Co rnish 1210 Fa ran m-st YES, IT WILL kill every bua; that ever happened that's Schaefer's Sure Death If you don't believe it. try It and If It fail, come get your money. It coims In four sites, pints for 15c, quarts for 2&c, half gallons 6oc and gal lons KOc. A pint oil can with a long apuut free with 60c or "c size, or 6c extra with lfc or 2&c sise. THE ENEMY OF ALL BL'ODOM-don't forget the name Schaef er's, where they aell good drugs cheap! II 00 Peruna all you want Co $1.00 Pierce's Remedies 4o tl.OU Miles' Nervine 10 $100 Palne's Celery Compound T4a Allcock's Plasters each Ho 6c Pink of Perfection $1.00 Crystal Tonic 76o $1.00 Her s Malt Whiskey 40 $1.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey 76o 8bc genuine Caatorla Ho 26c Schllts Malt Extract two for 25a 2Sc 6-heustr's Mult Extract tto 2ic Pabst's Best Tonic 1M t-i im i l.fxicr f Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 11.00 Chlrhester'a Pennyroyal pills 76e $1.00 Bexine Pills 76o SCHAEFER'S DRUa STARS Tws Psostt-T4T mm TT, g. W. teraer tstb mm Vm lease ate. FOR EASE AND COMFORT WEAR A Black Silk Suspensory. 76c. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER M rite for assele Cepy. w are selling Black Silk Soepensory. with leg straps and waist bands and rubber draw atrlnge. for 76e. Another one, aame Blvle, Is made of white silk bolting cloth, with leg strap very cool big values at 6oo. Then we have nlee Bilk Buspensorle with just one band around the waist at Xc and ouc, anu very nana Duspeivsortee at Zoo. both styles mentioned above at 26o. nnesr bus suspensory Dy mall. 11.00. Ou Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co. Car. lets mm Dodge. OMjUaa. Y rrrmirrwii