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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, APRIL 20. 1003. r- L r COMMERCIAL' AND FINANCIAL All Products Are Cull and List'en on Board of Trad PRICES RISE ANu Mil IRREGULARLY Wheat aad Oat Drop, Cora Uoe Ip, Walla I'ravUtoa Are Mainly la caaaged, After Coaslaerable telllac y Loi. CHICAGO. April ie. Trsdlns: In the grain auu proviaiou pu waa uuli touay nd n eaaier lone prevailed id wheat. Mar tioiu ic ioer and juiy o lutr: iy coid waa ohc Dinner. ud Juiy uu chaugea. anu Mar Osia closed a stiaue lower, wun Juiy aou c. i'roviaiuu ateau), io Jul pr-euucis being uncuanxea to 3vc loaer. There km little of conspicuous In the trailing la wheal and the mar urn ou tne whole was uuil. Opening prices were easier, due to tbe lower cables and May was unchanged to c lower at 7i7?c, but July was a shade to o higher at JJitf 7 J 'mo to '2c. me sirenaib in cora had a somewhat bullish etiect early and unuer this Influence May soid up to 71 'Ac and July to 73-o. but the Improved teelmg was omy momentary, lor with felling by pit traders and brokers tbe market gradually declined, bat In the day quite a severe breaa occurred on scattered liquidation In the nearby months and May slumped to 76c. while July aold oft to 72m.72Ac. Active support waa lacking and weakness continued till the close, which showed a loss on May of Ho at 77c. Juiy closed Ui&o lower at 73(n72.c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 39b, 600 bushel. Primary receipts were 346,0(10 bushels against 215.000 busheti a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 174 cars, which with local receipts of 20 cars, none of contract grade, made .total receipt for tbe three points of 194 car against 11)0 car last week and 188 - -year ago. A good commission house demand for both May and July corn was responsible for tha stretch which was manifested In the pit and with little on the market at any time tbe firmness was well maintained. Higher coble had a strengthening Influence at the opening and with a good cash de mand with small receipts, local short were considerably alarmed at the prospects and covered freely. The weaknees In wheat bad little effect on corn values and closing price were firm. May being HMo higher at 46 o and July unchanged at 45Vio. Local receipt were 49 cars none of con tract grade. Oata started strong, helped by the bullish tendency In corn and on small receipts, but at the higher figures Influential sell ing by commission houses caused a reac tion and the market kroke quite badly, July declining He. Prices were steady, the latter part of the session and July closed He lower at 9e. with May a shade lower at HSic. Local receipts were 106 cars. There was considerable realizing in pro visions by local long, but offerings were well taken by broker and prices held ateady. July pork closed unchanged at I17.47V4: July lard waa 24c lower at f9.62-4 9 85 and rib wer off a shade at $9. 65 .67V. Estimated receipt for Monday: Wheat, 40 car; corn, 85 car; oats, 155 car; hogs, 18,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follow: Article. Open. High. Low. I Close. Yes y. Wheat I May 77Hf?i . 77 "K Wt July 72V'-Ni 72S 72'', 724iV, Bept. 69H 70 69V, - 69- Corn April 454 May 44HW15 4rt . 44 45 U July (a 46 454 454 Bept 44pi5 46 44 44(&46 Oat April 4 May MH 3m 4 84 July 32 32 .31 31 Sept. 2829 29 28 28 Fork May IS 20 18 22 18 17 18 22 July 17 B0 17 BO 17 46 1 7 4 7 Bept. 17 15 17 15 17 10 17 10 Lard May 66 9 (7 t 65 67 July 67 9 67 9 62 9 R5 Bept. 67 67 9 62 , 9 65 Rlna May 80 9 80 9 76 9 76 July 9 67 . 9 87 9 C5 9 67 Bept. 9 60 9 60 9 57 9 60 72 69 44f 444f ,84!? 81 28 18 15 17 47 17 12 9 70 9 67 9 65 . 9 80 9 67 9 60 No. . Cash quotation were aa follow: FLOUR Firm: winter patent, 33.5O3.0; straights. 13.20$ 1 40; spring patents, 33.35(3 8.90; straights. 3.1083.40; bakers. t2.3frffl2.8S. WHEAT No. t spring, 78c; No. 3, 76c: No. t red, 7677o. CORN-No. 3, 45c: No. 1 yellow. 45c. OATS No. 3, 84c; No. I whit. 836 36c. RYB-No. X 60c. BARLEY liood feeding, 8843c; fair to cnoic mailing, awc. 8EKD8 No. 1 flax. 31.08; No. 1 northwest em, 81.10. Prime timothy, 83.653.60. Clover, contract rrarie. Sll.5tkHl2.0u. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 117.62 idi.m uiru, per iw ioa., bnort rtt sine llnosel. 3S.m4i9.T6. Prv salted ahoulders (boxed), H.37ft8.0; short clear aiae (ooxeaj, siu.uiaiu.zo. Following are the receipts and ahlDmenta vi uuur aim gratu yeaieruay; Receipt. Sb'pmenta. Flour, bbla.... ll.eoo l,4oo wheat, bu 34.6i 164.100 t orn, DU . T8.&00 S2.5O0 Oata, bu 191, 7uo 273, Iho Rye, bu ,. 78.1H0 1,700 Barley, bu 23,000 4,7m) on the produce exchange today the but ter maraei was easier; creameries, lhycawc aatriea, iafj-ioo. fegga, easier; at mark, case Included, 14a. Cheese, slow and 111UI, UMfW7C. WEARS GRAIX COMPANY. Ontaha Braach 110-111 Board of Trad Building;. CHICAGO, April ' 24. Wheat From , apeculatlr point of view the situation In wneai is aooui wnat it was a wk At that time the principal bull holder was the center of Inlareat and the trade was disregarding facta mid figures and devoting itself to guessing what turn this cotToero would make next. The week' fluctuations have been violent and at time bevond any control, but the final BAurea are not materially different from last Saturday's, showing the waiting disposition on the part of those In control and la tbe meantime the effect of the lactic 1 being felt. Other market are mora In avmnathv it. our than for some time past and there Is very evidence now of a carefully planned campaign. W hear dally report of larga tale abroad, which gain emphasis with each recitation and this In the face of unusually Ilxht receipt. 1 converting a considerable outside trade to the bullish possibilities. The opinion held by some that the re port Of Cash SAlA maw Avon Ka -..II founded and vet emanate largely from the Valentin contingent. In view of the fact that every bushel of wheat moved out of her add value to their May line. Thl is a new departure on their cart. Inasmuch as r"' ueou io ourv tbe corpse after the close of the 'deal." The amount of wheat that can be de lirerru uu way coniracia is not bard to uuminiu iuii wun mis in mind to' aether with the knowledge, generally ac- -repteq. as to the site of the Miv holdlnics there la little reason to Question tha an,-. cesaful outcome of these operations so far as they concern Mav contracts. Tbe weather continue perfect. There Is a remarkable unanimity In the reports that reach us In regard to the outlook for our new crop. W expect to aea cheaper wheat for Beb tember and do not hesitate to advise sell Ina It on any sham bulee. Don't expec too much of It. however, 'or the present. COKN Toward to clos of the week reports have been current of a large "for gotten" interest In corn. We have called attention to thH from time to time and nave not aissuieea our rriendltne.s toward corn In general and July cora In partlcu far. . Repor' reach u lo tbe effect that plant In operation are a bo tit two weeks in ad Vance of last year's. It Is some time, how ever, before such report will have much eixect and rrr the present we ar content to repeat our previous advice. There Is absolutely no pressure en corn from any Quarter and so little of the con tract trade on -band ao small chance of manuractunnr mucb more, thst it contalu Inviting noSHtbllMles. It la worth It presen price and with any heln will do hetter. OATS Oats have been av one's market ror n past week. Share advance and de. Clio suit as severe have been registered An apparent attempt lo shake out the noioers ler May delivery has been unsuc cessful and we know of Uuoa In this no tlon held by parties who are not unfml)a with the eapett of a del very notice thai w understand ar not to be llauldated at all loe futures ar all comparatively cbea and the etanrtard article la scare. PROVISIONS Hor moved falrlv liberal the past week, and the result was a decline In provisions. This we forecasted In our last letter. ... Kurope seems weak on the situation and Cable order, to sell the deterred lulurt have been reoelved dalle: but selling short Is (laoerrous. The aatne people were "nlpptd ' lent fear and If they hold onto the short sjrte. a repetition will be the re sult. 1 ha fnpl.i rokl.a ihniii amall decline from Ion nrlces. I The cah demand la nicking o with the far western packer and thl Is generally a forerunner lor better cash demsnd here. I racking for the meek 37u.bo0 aralnst 850 -000 same week last year. Estimate of stocks In stor as compared with week previous: Pork. 20.760 barrel, showing a decrease of 1.250 barrels; lard. 12.000 tcs. showing an Increase of 2.750 tcs: ribs. 9. (tou.t.oo pound, showing an Increase of 600. Ouo pounds. WE ARK GRAIN COMPANY. OMAHA WHOLESALE: MARKET. Condltloa of Trade and Uaotatlons aa Btapta sad Faaey Frsisee, EOOS Fresh stock, 13c. LIVK KlLLTRK-Hens, lie; roosters, ac cording to age, o4jVc; turkeys, linlftc; ducks, lOftllc; geese, iloo. HL'iTEK Packing stock. 13c; choice dairy, In tubs, lviic; separator, 2-'tT23c. OYtiTKKS Htandarde, per can, 2o; extra selects, per can, 36c; New York counts, per can, tic; bulk, extra selects, per gal., (1.75; bulk, ttanaams, per gal., 1 35. FUESH USH 'lrout 9rylttc; herring. 8c; pickerel, 6c; pike, c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 1c, suntlah 3c; biuelieh, 11c; white fish, tfc; saimon, 16c i hHddock, 11c; cootliih, Uc- redsnupptr, loc; lobstere, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green per lb., 2oc; bull heeds, 10c; cattleb, 14c; black baes, 1; hail but, lie; shad roe, 5c each; roe shad, 7ac each. RKAN-Per ton, 815 00. HAY Price quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: t:nolce No. 1 upiand. Isuo: No. 2 medium. 17.00: course, 36.60. Rye straw, 3B.00. These price are lor hey of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts lights. CORN 4tic. OATo-34c. RYE No. 2, 45c. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Ptr bu., 2830c. BKKu POTATOES Northern grown, per bu., botQ'iVc. NEW CARROTS Per doien bunches, 40c. Lfc.'1'TV C fc-Per dosen bunches, 45c. BKETtJ New southern, per doxen bunches, 45c; oid, per bu., 40c. PAh&Nli-S Per bu., 30c. JL CL MtUiRa Hothouse, per dot., 31. 50. GRtCKN ONIONS aouthern. per duaen bunches, 45c; home grown, I'ltlt i5c. RADISHES Southern, per doien bunches, 75c; notne grown, 3ut4oc. TL'KMPs-Canada rutai.agas, per lb.. IVic; new southern, per doien bunches, &uc. ONIONS Red' Wisconsin, per lb., lc; Bt l ALll oouiiiern, per ts-uu. ,..v. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.50. r, BEANS Wax. per bu. oox, 33.5OJj4.00; string, per bu. box, $3.0.4j3.50. CAB BAtiE Holland euu, per io., fftu. new Ca.lioriila, per lb., 40. TOMATOES New Florida, per -Dasei crate, 4.0i. HhUbAK H Per ID., lc. A8PAKAUUS Per do, bunches, 3c. FHUI'18. Ai'PLES New Yora stock, 33.00. STRAWBERRIES Texa, per 24-qt. case. S3.VOb3.26. TnurlcAu llttuo. FIQS California, per 10-lb cartons, 90c; Turkish, per 3o-lb. box, 144tlXc. UKANUt.H uaiiiornia naveie, lancy, iur 76 and amailer sizes, H.50ti).76; for loO and larger eUes, U-'it; cnolce, a3.cOii3.a0; Medi terranean sweets, $i.i&(3.0j; tweet jaav 2.?bj3.vO. xbMOiNb California tancy, a.a. L'ATES Persian. In 7olo. boxea, per lb., 6c; per case ot 30-lb. pkgs., 2.. P1NKAPPLES Cuban. .Z6. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SLGAR-Ohlo, per lb., 10c. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; bhehed, 4c. HlDr.B No. 1 gieen, c: Nj, 2 green, 6c; No. 1 saltea, c; No. 2 eal.ed, uc; No. 1 veal call, 8 to 12 lbs, 8c, No. 2 Vea, calf, 12 to 15 lbs., bc; dry aaued hides, Hji 12c; sheep, peits, 26ia75c; horehtde8, i.50(f NUTS Walnut. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 2 soft thj.l, uni iu.) uv, nu, iiaiu diivi,, jici , ) 1 1 . 11. Tin, HIV...I, IK 't ' C1MI10, IW., " , I almonds, solft she.I, per lb., 16c; hard shell. per ID., toe: pecans, targe, per id., nr,c; small, per lb., lid: cocoauuts. per dux, tile: cbtatnutd, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per id., io; piacK wainuu, per bu.. 81. to; mckory nuts, per pu.,; cocoanuta, per 10), Ij.09. . OLp METALS, etc. a. B. Aipirn quotas He tololwlng prices: Iron, country nr. ed, per ton, lil.OOO; Iron, ctove place, per ton, 38.00. copper, per lb.. 8c: brasj. heavy, per lb., 8c; prasa, light, per lb., 6c; lead, par id., 3c; ainc, per to., g'sc. . . KEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. auotatloa of tha Dsr Varloaa Coroanodltlea. NEW YORK. April 25. FLOUR Re. celpts, 13.640 bbl.;- exports, 13,115 bbls.; ales, 6,200 bbl.: quiet but firmly held; winter patent. 83.70iU4.oo: winter etraight 3.6((.3.6o; Minnesota patent, I4.00.4.30; Minnesota bakers, 33.203.40; winter extras, ll.&wi.W. winter low grade. $2.6u'u2.90. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, f2.kvtft3.20; cnolce to fancy, u.zbua.tb. CORNMEAL Steady: yellow western, li.ux; city, i.ot; uranoywine, w.wya.tB. Hi e (Juiet; mo. a western, eoftc, I. o. p. afloat; state, WyiDc, c. 1. f. New York. BARLEY Dull: feeding. 61c, c. I. f. Buf falo: malting. 62i68o. c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT-Receipts, 146.250 bu.; export. 76.6S4 bu. Boot, steady; No. 8 red. 82c ele- vator; No. 2 red, tHc, f. o. northern, Duluth, 86c, f. o. hard. Manitoba, 87c, f. o. b. x red. (H'ic. I. o. d. anoai: xso. i b. afloat; No. 1 afloat. Option opened irregular, with foreign selling of September and were nrmer later on actlv lty among local shorts, prospect of lower temperature west, fear of political trouble in the tar eaat, and tne atrengtn in corn. The late market was a shade easier through realizing and closed unchanged; May, 81 iJslWe: closed at 81c: July. 76 15-ltktv77Vc : closed at 77c; September, 74Q76c; closed at 7c. corn Receipt. Z3.7OT bu. : exports. 3. finnl ll.m K." n tf firt al.u,ln, n roi. v.w., ....... .-.w. I w, J. I mA IW?U f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellow, 53c; No. 2 wnite, mc. option market was strong and iairiy active on rain in . tne onto vauey states and general room covering. The close wa Arm at ific net advance later on May; May. M4(utoMic; closed at oottc July. 61&62c; clotted at &2c; September. 61taulu,c: closed at 61c. OATS 'Receipt, ll.uuo bu.: exports. 10.630 ou. spot, oun; no. z, isc; (tanuard white, 40c; No. 3. 37c: No. 2 white. 48c: No. 1 white, 38c; track, mixed western, nominal; traca, wnite, uption quiet put firmer with corn. May closed at 40e. HAY Steady; shipping. 7o4i75c: aooiJ to Cllieet l.uiri'i.,. HOi-S Quiet. Btate, common to cho'ce, W2. 19(&2c; 1901, l.'tfi 19c ; old. 6llc; Pa iflo coast; lje, liKQ'ite; 1901, 16tj)l8c; old, 64lc. tiiPLB-oteauy. uaiveston, m to Aj lbs., IBe; California, 21 to 2s pounds, 19:; Texas dry, 24 to ao IDS., 14C. LEATHER Steady. Acid, 2426e. RICE Firm. Domestic, fair to extra. 4Vct7o; Japan, nominal. provisions Beer, quiet. Family, nisi C 13.00: mess. 9 UOfrlO OO: beef hams. 120.0o,i 21 50; packet. 10.11.60; city, extra ndU, 19.0i210O. Cut meat, quiet; piokled bel lles. ilc; plckied shoulders, 9c; p.ckled hams, ilViiU'iNC lard, easy; wenten steamed. 310.10; refined, eteady; continent. flO.Sti; South American, lli.oo; compound, 7ti8c. Pork, quiet; family, lt).9.i; thort clear. tl8 75U20 26; ami, i8.:E'U18.75. BUTTER r Irm. Extra creamery. 28c: extra factory, l.yiSc; creamery, common to choice, lhU-4l-4c; imitation creamery, luir 20c; state dairy, lift Ac; renovated, 12(glc. CHKEShi steady. state run cr am, fancy small colored, fall made, 15c; i.nall white, ran made, ltc; large co.ored, fall made. 14i144kc: large whit, fall maue. 14UU14C. L1 An O ar.n Ol ... A T ...1 I. ItiVjc; southern, 15Vlic; Kentucky, 16c; western storage packed, 16c; we ern firsts, 16e. TALLi W Quiet. City, 6c aktd: coun try, 54itic. METALs Business was quiet In the eat ing metal today, with omvtal quota I - unchanged. Tin reported Arm at I 9 6 So.Oo for spot. Copper, nominal: lake a m electrolytic, 314. 75ft 15.00; casting. 114. r Jj 14.75. Lead In rruderat demand and steady; o; quoted at 3tT- Spelter, quiet and firm; spot quoted at IV 75 Iron, dull and eay: prlcea nominally unchanged. i t. Lonle Grala and Provlsloa. ST. LOUIS, ApHI 28. WHEAT Lower: No. t red. cash, elevator, 72c; track, 72Vo ij-.c; axay. line; juiy, ic; ro. 3 hard, 71 'ti 74c. CORN Firm; No. I cash 40c, nominal; track, 41ti42Vu; May, 4C4i4c; July. 4-.c. OATS Dull ; No. I cash, SSo, nominal; track, 84c; May. 33c; July, 30e, nominal; r'- x itiine, i y .ic. RYE Firm at 49c. FLoUR Vitilet and ateady; red winter Patents 33.4titti3.65; extra fancy and atralght. XvJ. lii'O A0. SKED Timothy, nominal. 0u2.40. ( HHNMKAL ftead) at 32 30. It RAN Stronger; aackad, eaat track. kr 11 AY Firm; lUiolhy, 37.0tit'loO; prairie. f3 '"-f 1 I.W. IKON COTTON TIES 8106. BAOOixa5vgc tl Kt TWVE V ' PROVI4ION8 - Pork, higher;- lobbing atand4rd mesa, 81t.'s- I mi a. lower nt 9i,''-. Dry (.All nit-j i a, ateady: boxed extra short, 3'J7; clear liba. tlo.L'; short clears, fio '5. Eui yo. t udy; boxed extra thortu, it.i 87; clear ribs, $11.12; short clear 311.25. -MKTAIJi-toaver at 14.27. Spelter, higher at v. PuCLTRY-eteady; chickens, 10fjllc) springs. 12.504. ( r dozen; turkeys, 12c; dllrke, llr; geese, tilFc. HI TTER 8low; creamery, 2yu26o; dairy. 17ii3. EGOS Firm, 14c. Receipt. Shipment. 6,t fi.i'iO 47.m) S37.ti) 7.) 49.t bO.OuO B2.0UO Flour, bbla. Wheat. bJ. torn, bu.. Oats, bu.. Liverpool Grata sad Prarlslaa. LIVERPOOL. April ' 23.-WHEAT-Bpot: Firm; No. I red western. 6s 2d; No. 1 northern, spring, no; No. 1 Cali fornia, 6 9d Futures: Dull; May, Is 2d; July. 6 241. CORN-tpot: American mixed, firm; new, 4i 6d; old. quiet, b 3d. Futures: Du.l; May, 4s od; June. 4s 3d; July. t 3 d FLOUR St. Louis, fancy, winter, quiet, 8a 3d HOPS At London: Pacific roast, Arm, 8 KM to 7. PEAS-Qulef. 6a 5d. PROVISIONS Beef, easy: extra India mess. 8s ad. Pork, Arm; prime mess, west ern. -87s 6d; hams, short cut, It to 16 ln , steady, 64s. Bacon, steady; t'um'e.i land cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 61a; short rl 18 .o 24 lbs., 64s 6d; long lear middles. llcht. M to 34 lbs., 62a 6d; long clear middl heavy, 3S to 40 lbs., B4.i; short clear baik, IS to 2 lb'.. 53s 6d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., G4. Shoul ders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., steHdy, 43s. La d. steady; prime mess, western, In tierces, Cn M; American refined. In pails, 60n. BUTTER Good United Btalcs, steady, 75e. CHEESE Steady; American finest white and colored, tN. TALLOW Prima city, ateady, 27. Kaasaa City Grala aad ProrUloa. KANSAS CITY, April 25. WHEAT May, 7c; July, 62c; cash, No. 2 hard, 6ti!)c: No. 8, 6t(67c; No. 4, 62'S0Dc; rejected, 61ftK!c; No. 2 red, 69ti70c; No. 3, fefclo. CORN May, 37c; July. 37c; caah. No. 2 mixed. 87S37c; No. 2 white, 3?S37c; No. 8. 363tic. OATS No. 2 white, 33fj34c; No. 2 mixed, I2i'a;wc. RYE No. 2, 45c. HAY-r-Tlmothy, $12.50(812.75; prairie, 39.003 1.60. BUTTER creamery, Z'foaic; dairy, ixr. ECUtS Steady: fresh Missouri and Kan sas iftoek, lic, cases returned; new No. 2, whltewood case Included, 13c. Receipts: Wheat, en.eoo bu.; corn, 3,30); oat, li.OtH). Shipments: Wheat, 84,000 bu. ; corn, 46,400; oats, lS.OXM). Dalatta Grala Market. DULUTH. April 25.-WHEAT-TO arrive. No. 1 hard, 78c; No. 1 northern, 7c; No. 2 northern, 7514c; No. 1 hard. May, 78c; July. 76c. OATS May, 33C. Peoria Market. PEORIA. April .-CORN-Flrm; No. 41 c. ' oats Firm ; No. 3 white, ss'.ic WH1SKY-31 30. NEW YORK STOCKS AXD BOXDS. Market 1 Left to the Professionals, Who Are Inclined to I'nload. NEW YORK. April 25. Today' atock market gave abundant evidence that the professional traders had It entirely to themselves. The outside publlo wa not In the market. The disposition of trader waa plainly to get out of their holdings of long stock. Bom atress was laid in the "0881 o of the street upon a fear that tbe situation created by Russia' new demands In Manchuria might develoD a crisis. But the government securities of the nations most Interested gave no Intimation that such a crisis might become acute over Sunday. Of more immediate effect wa the renewed weakness caused In Metropolitan Street Railway bv the Intimation of mat ter for Investigations by the district at torney's office In tbe affairs of the corpora tion. Metropolitan Street Railway itself dropped 3 points: Metropolitan securities and the other local tractions a point or more In sympathy. Tbe market was mostly a waiting one uo'll the appearance of the bank statement, which was regarded aa favorable, although the cash Increase did not equal the maximum estimate of yes terday. The loan decrease of 34,582,200 contributed to raise the percentage ot re serves to deposits, the surplus rising 34. 977.825 to 310.986.474. Bond have tared rather better than stocks thl week in solte of a dull market. Some buying of new bond Issues and of 4 per cent railroad bonds selling below par has been noticed. United Statea 2's and old 4'a coupon declined per cent, the S'a- registered and old 4'a registered one half ot 1 per cent, and the 3' coupon K per cent. The new 4' advanced half aa compared wHh the closing call of last week fc. The following are the quotations on. the jsew-xora diuj rLiu Atchlaon ..... do pfd Bal. i Ohio A a4 . - 12 So. Railway pfd..... . It . 8'4 . 24Vi . i . . . 37V4 . 4 V, . 22 . 12 . . 47 .326 .sue . I7H Taxaa A Pacific .... 12 4 Toieoo, et. l as w. n I ao pra , Canadian Paciftp 181 Canada 8o Chaa. 3c Ohio 44 Chicago ft Alton II do ptd Chicago O. W.... 2J do 1st P'd do 3d pld 3JVi Chicago A N. W 180 Chicago Ter. A Tr.. lia do pfd C. C. C. 8t. L.... M Colorado o i4' rin lit ctd U union Faclno do pfd wabaah do prd Whaallng A L. .. do Id nfd Wis. Central .. do Dfd Adaina Ex Aniarican Ex... t'nltad 8Utn Ex.. ..13 Walla-Fargo Ex luo Amal. Coppar Amr. Car A 8 4u- do pfd siw do M ptd...... 31 Del. A Huditoa W4 Amer. I. Id. oil 16 Dal. U W ... Dmvar A R. O.. do pfd Erie do lat ptd do 3d ptd Oraat Nor. pfd... Hacking Valley.. do ptd Illinois Central , Iowa Central .... do pfd Lake Erie A W.. do ptd L A N Manhattan L Mat. SI. Ry Mex. Cantral ... Mex. National ... Minn. A St. L... Mo. Pacinc ...... M.. K. T do pf4 N. J. Central ... N. T. Central ... Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pannaylvanla .... Reading do lit pfd do Id ptd St. L. A a. F ... do 1st pfd do Id pfd Bt. L. S. W do pfd St Paul .v I w piu to 16Si Amer. 8- R 8 M4 ao pin.. no 13 Anae. Mining Co. ...103 i Urooklrn R. T w tl i oio. run iron... 5' .1K6 I Com. Oaa S6 It-ODC Tobacco nfd lut 3U Un. Elactrlo 18: u 13 idw. rapar its. H P'f 70i 1 inwr. ruwBT ........ 4ij 40 Lacleda Qaa 87 ...106 National Biscuit .... 44 ...lit National Laa H 14i amarlcan U 12 racing loan , at) 7Vi racinc uall JJV 21 Pwople's Oaa iw t -rrwaao a. cr ai .10) I pia H . S Pullman P. Car ila . UtA Kepubllo Steal lu. .1 L d 'd 7'4 .131V4 S-igar a.l4 . K Tenn. Coal A Iron... 4 vhiob tag ac r it do pfd 12 . 3t ,11 . 44 . 82 . M . 71 . 3 . . 14 . i .l(i .1113 V. A Leather Il do pfd U V. S. Rubbar do pfd 4SV4 D. S. Steal 1H, ao pia 144 Waatarn Union o4g Anirr. LAKOinotiTa... X7 do pfd 3l iv. v. Bouinarn at do pfd M do Dfd So. Pacific So. Railway .... Rock Ulaad 44H do pfd 71 Offered The closing quotations on bonds ar a i oi lows; U. S. raf. ta, rag. ...IO iL. A N. unl. 4a 101 do coupon loi Mex. Cautral 4a 7H do la, rag 107 de la Ino 2', do coupon 107 Mlnn. A St. L. 4a.. do naw 4s, rag llo M., K. A T. 4a do coupon .1K o aa 1 do old 4a. rag.... do coupon do aa, reg do coupon ,110-1-N. X. u. g. ivyi 101 .110 V N. J. C. g. ta lit ,1U2 No. Faolno ta Iu2 .l!M do 71 Atcbiaun gan. 4a... do, adj. 4a Bal. A Ohio 4a .100 N. A W. ooo. 4a.... . o Reading gan. 4a 1 .Itu at. 1 l. M. c. aa.112 do 3a do coov. 4a ri-i li U 4 I. r. ., M ..101 St. L. S. W. la ..106 do la ..loi S. A. A A P. 4a .. 71 So. Pacinc 4a ..104 Bo Hallway aa .. Ks, Taxaa A P. la Caaada So. 4a C. a! a. la 2 do la Inc Chaa. A O. 4a... Chicago A A. e. lli .114 C. B a q. n. 4a tM T , St. L. A W. 4a. . ia C. M A St P g. 4a.. .now Union Pacific ta. . .101 .102 .Ili C. A N. W. c. 7a.. .132 ao coiiv, ta Wabaah ta do ti do dab. 8 W aat Sbera 4a W. ALE. ta.... Wla. (antral ta... t'on. Tobacco 4a.. Colo. Fuel ta C. R. 1. A P. a..lw C C C A Bt L g. 4a..ll ,10 inwaaa Tar. aa u . 74 , lt a , M Colo. A 80. 4a ( Ixav.r A R. O. 4a.. , trla prior llan ta... 7 . : do ganaral 4a aa P. W. A D. C. U..10 Horaiag Val. 4a....m Bid. Ottered. 82 . a. Boatas Stock Qaotatloa. BOSTON. April 25-Call loan. S04 per cent; time loan, 44j:5 par cent. ofBcial closing price on stock and bonds: Atchlaon 4a Mex Central ta ... Aicklaoa , do pfd Boaton A Albany. Boatua A Ma Boatou Elavaled .. N. V.. N. H A 1 rttchburg pfd I nlon Pacific Max. Camral Amarlcan Sugar .. da pfd Amarlcan T. A T. dominion I. A 8. (laa. Elrctrta Maaa. Electric ... do pfd United fruit V. A Rleal .. M Allouex .- 14 Aaialiamatad .. 12 Bingham .. Cal. A Hacla.... ..tat iteuteanla! . .176 Copiiar Range ... !Dumlnloa Coal ,. . 204 rrauklln . lata Borate .. o Mohawk -. !7 Oid Dominion ... ..12o:. Oaccola Pairs . .lij Oalncy . . 11 Santa Pa Copper. ..lll Tamaraill .. 22 1 rlmounlaln .... .. anj 1 rlnuy ..114 I'nlied Stalaa .... .. 1 11k .... ' .... i-1 .... 11 t:i .... 1, .... ....107 .... It 11 .... tl .... 17 at .... u ....lit .... 2 ....l4 .... at .... 14 .... 2 do pld. victoria , , Wt-ktinsh. Common.. Wiuooa .... .... 10 Advaatura 8 Vtolvenna .... i feloox City Llv Sloek Market. BIOl'X CITY. April 2S.-8teclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 2tO: gtorcere unchanged and killer weak: beeves 33 25 tt 5.10; eoH. bulla and mixed. 3J -S-ifti 4 25 Blocker and feeders. 33.2V04.6o; calves and vearnngs. 33 0t-i4 St).. HOOS Receipts. 3 2o0: about steady, sell ing at stinu, puia, o ( t. OMAHA L1YE STOCK MIRIET The Adranca of Earl; Part of Week on Bteert and Cowg Has Been Loit. HOGS A LITTLE L0VlK THAN A WEEK AGO letter tirade af rat Sheep aad Lambs Have Held Steady All thai Week bat tae Tart Fat Kiada Ar m Little Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. April S3. Receipts were: Culile. Hogs. Sheep. ... 4.!Jl 4.n 8.71j ... ii.iti ll.n.l d,i ... 2,t6 8,366 1,736 ... fc.VII .... ... loi l.lMl IkH) Urticiai Mond.iy ... Oincia, i ut coay ... utflcial Wruiiraday Oniclal Thursday .. t'lucidi r i tun j Otuclui Saturuay ... Total this week 17,i63 Weex ending April 18 'a.aa Wee enuing April 11 io,i4 V enuing April 4 lw Week enuing Murcn s...l,iol Same wtta iat yeur....-.l,to AVeraae price paid tor hog Omaha tur lb last several oa with com parisons: Date. 1003. iiH,2.,liWl.llaoo.,18ja.!lsw.,l!7. April l... 7 2i 66 V7 I 64 3 60 3 92 Apnl z...i i ., si I a i Wi 3 J April 3... j 1 k wi t 15, , 8 81 April 4... 7 An; ta fe to to 3 M t 73 Af'H k... Wi j, aoi W 3 ii 3 90 April 8...I 7 44i I a i a Uui o W 3 i9 3 so April J.. V 6 681 6 2it 3 M 3 13 3 83 -pi u 8... i 7 81 I a Mi (01; 3 koi 3 il 3 M April ... 7 3- k wi 6 9Ji 6 33i 3 '! April 10.. 1 W a 6 hi; 6 a 3 63 3 l Aprii 11.. I 1 211 W 1 6 Sti 3 i 3 71, April 12.. I I w 84 6 8 6 M, 8 i 3 71 I 97 April 18.. 7 19 I V4 a 4M 3 i 8 i, 8 81 Ap.ll 11.. 7 a tt 8t 6 43 3 8i 3 7 8 8j ..Ml lb.. 7 lo-, Oil ,8 4 3 i, 8 si Apili 16.. 7 0i 6 1 6 93 5 45 I 61 I l aiii IIJ ti o ! o t 8 2 I 8 91 April 18.. I 7 14 6 bit. 5 8, a 49 3 68 1 3 60 April 19.. I I 961 6 a 6 41 3 71 8 61 3 91 April Ml.. 7 10 5 hJi it 4o 3 7ti 8 w, 8 4 April i.. i io?t k! - a u ii t hi AMi a.. April 23.. 7 otsi tt s B 81 1 I 3 72 3 at, 8 M 7 Oltol 8 5 80 5 3G I 8 4 3 82 7 on i 0 Hi 1 o itv 0 J; 3 67 1 3 od 7 04 va 7 04 6 77 5 ab, 3 M 3 711 April 26.. Indicate Sunday. RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO .DATE. ine lonowinn tauie shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at buuth Omaha tor the vea i- to date aud cumuarlsoo with last year: 1903. inc. Dec Cattle 306.108 256, -SO 48,858 hogs iH.i.d tj,l.T0 118,2i4 briecp 4-U.M9 3j4.m4 13!,215 - ihe ottlclal number oi care ot muck brought In yeetetouy by each road was: Cattle, Hugs, ene p. u 60,210 24.411 3.k6 29.4p i,nik ." 4o,io ' ai.utJ 41.106 - lo.liia at Bnutli C, M. & St. P 1 28 Wabash i Mo. pac. Ry L nlon Pacinc ., 14 C. c N. VV 6 F., E. A M. V 27 C, St. P., M. & 0 5 B. ot M. Ry 13 C, 14. At W 3 K. C. at be. J 3 C, R. 1. & P.,' east.. 1 4 C, R. 1. it P., west.. 1 Illinois Centrul 3 Total receipts ... 6 ll5 The disposition of the day's receipt wa as follows, euch buyer purchasing tne number ot head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle, Hogs. OKI 1.181 i.iol Lisa Oniuna Packing Co Swirt and Company 9 Armour at Co Cuoahy Pacalng Co luuuny pacKing Co., K. C Armour ot Co., Sioux City Lobman ec Co... otner buyers 74 13 8 Total 109 7,248 CATTLE There were only a few odd bunches ot cattie In the yards thl morning. o that a tair test ot tne maraet wa not made For the week receipt show a de crease of nearly 6,000 heau aa compared with the big run of last week, but there Is an Increase over the corresponding weea 08 lat year amounting to about 8,uu0 head. The tenaency of prices trie first halt of the-week was decidedly upward and trade wa very active. This was especially true ot the desirable grades of btei steers, and each day a ottering changed hands at an early hour. beginning with Thursday, though, packer uegan to pound tne mur ket, and on that aay and rrluay they took oft Just about what they put on the nrst three day, leaving tne market In about the same position it waa at tne close ot last week, btrlctiy choice beef steer sold mostly trom fo.oo to o.25, good to choice from 34.60 to 36-00, talr to good trom 34.40 to 1 14.60 and the common kinds from 14.40 down. The cow market touowea very mucn tne same course aa the trade on steers. The tlrat half ot the ween prlcea moved up ward, but on Thursday and Friday the jaln was Just about all lost. Good handy weight cows and heifers sold to the bvst advantage all the week. The best grades sold largely from 34. uo to ft. bo. lair to good from 3360 to 84.00 and the common to tuir grade from 32.00 to 34.40. There was an active demand for bulls all the week, and If anything prices are a little higher than they were at the close ot lust week. 1 Good fat bulls are selling largely from 83.7d to 84.2S, witn tne com moner kind going from 33.50 down. Veal calve and stags communard about steady prices all the week. Good to choice fctocker and feedera have been ready sellers all the week, and the tendency ot prices nas oeen undoubtedly upward. The best grade have been sell ing from 34.60 to f5.00, or. In other words, good feeders have been se.llng almost a high aa good fat cattle. Fair to good feed er have sold from 34 00 to 34 5o, and the common klnda from fl.oo down. Representa tive sales; BEEF STEERS. Av. rr. No. At. Tt. , 138 I 64 COWS. 1040 8 10 BULLS. lion as 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS No. 2... 1.. tu 1 2 1 iw 4 80 I 120 4 at) 8 i0 4 0 mifiH There wa a moderate run of hogs here thl morning and the market opened fairly active and a little atrunger. The bulk of the offerings was disposed of In good season, but toward the close packers seemed to have their more urgent orders tilled and a a result the close was a littlo slow and weak. The bulk of the sales went from 37.05 to 37.10 and as high as 37.15 was paid for prime heavie. The Tight stuff sold from 17.024 down. For the week receipt show an Increase over last week amounting to about 7.000 head and aa compared wun tne aatne week of lust year there is an Increase amount ing to about 9,0u0 head. For the year to date, however, there la a decrease of about 118,oo0 head. Price have fluctuated back and forth to quite an extent this week, but closing prlcea are about 6'a74ic lower than last weeK Closing prices. Kepresentailv sale No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. 4.... 11.... 14.... .... 74.,.. A v. ..134 ..261 ...243 Sh. Pr. 80 T 160 t 05 10 T 06 ,...121 ... I 13 ,..,204 4 I M ' ,...17 49 I 10 ....204 ... I II ....200 N 4 16 ,...1T 120 S too I M .263 10 T OS ..241 UO T 04 . 207 10 T 05 an 241 120 1 06 Tl 141 ... T 06 71 2.13 ... t 07V4j l 2M 40 T OTi) 71 270 40 t (IVZ IK 2 ISO 07 61 160 160 1 07U 47 244 ... 1 071 TC ,..231 80 T 074 II 262 160 1 07' ft 247 40 T 074 II 163 ... T 074 M 160 140 1 074 71 237 ... 1 074 IS 234 ... 1 074 141 120 t 074 41 2SJ .40 T 10 70 264 10 T 10 II Ill 80 T 10 U 260 160 1 10 M4) 40 T II 44 121 ... f 10 71 267 DO T 1 17 261 120 1 10 M. ITS ... t 10 271 ... 1 10 : so t io 12 241 ... 1 10 46 2M 80 t 10 7 266 44 I 10 St 2 240 t 10 41 244 ... f 10 to lit M T 124 M. 276 to 1 124 14 1H ... t 11 ..MS 7 00 ...111 ...210 ...111 ...2:3 ...231 ...!3I ...M4 ...140 . . .2X0 ...227 ...224 ...SI ...130 ...245 ... t 0 m t a 40 1 00 M T 00 120 1 00 ... T 00 140 1 UO 40 1 00 SO 1 00 110 7 024 ... 1 024 200 t 024 ... 1024 SO T 024 80 1 024 ... 1024 ..." 7 0!4 tO t 024 160 t 14 II. 41. 7. II it 7 , ?2 II , 44 70 M 14 1 It ao II li M... T4 27..... It tl 77.,... 70 44 II IV.... W 0 1 tl I .26 .221 Ml .210 221 . 240 120 J oa .220 10 1 04 - ..241 40 T 04 .137 14 I 04 ..2.4 ... 7 06 ..125 160 1 04 ..261 120 1 M, ..fl 160 1 45 ..!4l ... T OS ..231 ... 1 OS ..111 80 T 0 ..211 ... T 04 ..J.I ... T C .121 ... It SHEEP Thera were no freah reciMpt ot fat sheep and lamb here thl morning, so that a test or tne maraet nas, not been made since Thursday, for the week re ceiota are about 4.0") short of the supply of last week, but there Is an Increase over the corresixinding week of lat year amounting to about Jl.ouu head. The most. nnllceaoie lea l J re oi tne traae nas oeen the scarcity of good stuff. In fact with the exception of a very few loud everything has been on the part-fat order. Packers do not aeem (o want that class of stun and as a reault trading has been extremely slow, with the tendency of prices down ward. Well fattened stuff. It la thought: would sell readily at just about last week nricea Th feeder market ria also been rather quiet, as there 1 very little, demand fur feeder at this time of yeui. The tendency of prices has undoubtedly been downward, the snme na on fat stuff. Quotations for clipped stock: Choice western Inmbn. K tmli.50; fair' to good lanil, t' ,vti( tO; choice western wooled lambe, 6.;,i 75; fair to goad wooled lambs, $h"in!5ti; choice lightweight year lings, 35 ;.Vfi6.&"; fair to good yearlings, 34.50 1.n; choice wether. 5.oiij'5.2i; fair to good wethers, 34.2Mi4.65; choice ewes, 84 5"5i4 5; fslr to good ewes, 34txu4&0! feeder Limbs M.5 fi4 M; feeder yearllnga, 33 otHi4.(; feeder wethers. 3:i51i4 0o; feeder ewee, 32.25jj3.50. Reireeentatlve sales: CHICAUO LIVK STOCK MARKET. Host Are SJeady to a Nickel Lawer tattle and beet Komlnal. CHICAGO, April 25. CATTLE Receipts. 100; good to prime natives. tS.liHfo.70; poor to medium. 4.2a5.1o; siockers and feed-e.-a. 33 4oi4!ti: tos. 3!6iv,i4.J5: heifers, f2.St5.oo; oanners. II fW-i Jb; bulls. 32-BO ti4.5o; calves, 3i.75fi.4o; Tcxas-ftd steers, l4.t".t5W. HotlS Receipt, today, lO.flori; estimated Monday. 3n ); left over. 8.000; eteady to 5c lower. Mixed and butchers W8'il7.2fc; good to choice, heavy,- $73"7.IO; rough, heavy, S7.iMi7.15; light, $6.8o7.15; bulk of sales, 7.jt' 7.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.000; shefp and lambs, nominal; good to choice wethers, fl.5txlia.00; fulr to choice mixed. f3.7544.25; western sheep, f 1.5o"(i i Do; native lambs, f4 5tt.o; western lambs, 86.Vif 75. Official yesterday: Cattle Hogs Sheep Recelpts.Shlpments. HM 2.391 18.2M 1.54 1,832 630 Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. April 25 CATTLE Re ceipts, 4o0; market unchanged. Choice ex port and dressed beef steers, 34.7035.25; fair to good. f3.8o4.70; Blockers and feed ers, UStKiio.OO; western-fed steers, tilfffji 5.00; Texas and Indian steer, 3300414.75; Texas cows, ta.OOiftt.OO; native cow. fl.0l?i 4.40; native heifers. 32.854. 60: canners.; bulls, f2.80rd4.60; calves, 32.0CKU 7.00. Receipt for week, 27,725. HOOS Receipts, 2.200; market weak. Top, 37.16; bulk of sales, t7.057.15; mixed packers, 37.0(7.12; light, t6.75&7.05; Yorkers, ft.95'7.06; pigs, 36.506.85. Re ceipts for week, 37,975. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none; market, unchanged. Native lambs 34.50 7.50; western lambs, 34.OWSi7.40; Jed ewes. t4.0Og5.40: native wethers, t4.20fi6.20; Texas clipped sheep, f4.15(ijd.l6; stocker and feed ers, 33.80ij4.20. Receipt (or week, 30,700. St. Ionia Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. April 25.-CATTLK Re ceipts, 1,000, Including; 500 Texans; market steady. Native shipping and export steers. 14. 4c a 5 30, with strictly fancy quoted up to 36.75; dressed beef and butchers steers, t4.0otii5.25; steer under 1.000 lbs., t3.50tfj6.00; Blockers and feeders, 33. 35 'y 4 76; cow and heifers. f2.25.fl5.O0, the top for fancy, corn fed heifers; canners, t2.25fr;!.Oi); bulls, f2 50 64.25; beeves, $3.Wfi7.00; Texas and In dian steers, f3.20(i)4.ii6; cowa and heifers, 12.403.50. HOGS Receipts, 1,000; market slow, steady; pig and lights, J6.85fi7.tJ0; butchers, t7.1 11 7.28. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,000; market slow; native mutton, 34.00tfj6.O0; lambs. 35.0tXit7.00; culls and bucks. 32.00ft 4.50; Blockers, f2.00ti3.O0; Texan. 33.7546.00. ITevr York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK, April 25 CATTLE--Re-celpts, 17 head, all consigned direct. No ales reported. Dressed beef steady; city dressed native sides, extreme range, 769 :c per lb. Reported for export today, C80 beeves, 1,936 quarter of beef. CALVES-iReceipts. 195 head. Rated .al most steady. City dressed veals, 7'p-lOVtC HOGS Receipt, partly estimated, 1972 head, all conHlgned direct. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 923 head. Sheep slow, . about steady; iambs qui, t, steady. About m cars of stock unsold. I'nshorn sheep sold at 35.75 per U lbs.; clipped. 14.6 &D.12V4; unshorn lamb9, f7 40; clipped lambs, t4.6o((i7.121; dressed mutton, 74Hic per lb.; dressed lambs, 9&13c. 81. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 25. CATTLE Re ceipts, 28; steady. HOGS Receipts. 2,754: steady; pigs, steady; light and light mixed, 37.02H(&7.10; medium and neavy, f i.iw&l.w; bulk, 37.07V4 fa I. in; pigs, SHEEP ateady. AND LAMBS Receipts, 100; Stork In Sight. Following were the recelpta of llv atock at the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha 152 7.166 350 Chicago 100 10.000 1,000 Kansas city 400 St. Ixuiis 1,000 St. Joseph 38 Sioux City 200 2,200 1,000 5,000 2.754 3.200 100 Total .1,800 2C320 6,450 IV. Farnam Smith & Go. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE. We buy and sell Union Stock Yards Stock, Suth Omaha. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1054 BURNSHASKELL CO, Bonds and Commercial Paper 3 20 IS. Y. Life Bids'. Tel 895. . OMAHA. References: First National Bank, Omaha National Bank. MONTHS rPfrp Mil Vp-to-dat mining paper (fully J? Illustrated containing all the lat- est new from famous gold camps. MI 1 Including thu.dh immi N I', s. Mining. Journal, l&tt Xittas St., New York. IF YOU TRADE place your ordera with CEO. A. ADA.eli GRAIN CO., Memoers rnncipai r.xcnangea. GRAIN, Pr.OVlSluNS AND S fOCKS Writ tor our daily letter. 4 Board Trad Bjlldlng, Omiha! Phones IO08 and 1017. PRI V ATE WIRE! VEARE GRAIN COMPAHY. Member Principal Exchanges. Private Wire. BRANCH OFK1CE OMAHA. NEB. llo-lll Board ot Trad. W. E. WAKD. Mgr. Telephone 1511 CONSIGNMENTS 01SLY Consign your grain to the LOGAN GRAIN CO. KANSAS CITY, flO And you will get beat weight., heat price, and qulcx return. THE PRESIDENT will be here Vlonday BOYD & MERRILL, are here all the time. If you speculate give your order to 11. Quick service on Stocks and Grain. Hoom 4. New York Life Building. OMAHA. WIHKLKS NCWt. Tell all about Wireless Telegraphy. Three months subscription FRLK. Writ "Wireless News," 8 Wall St., New York City, N. X. Greenhorn Mountain Gold Minnie Company 1 Owing and operating tha Greenkorn dletrlct of the world famous. Sumpter Gold The Grrcahorn has ihlppel tha richest ore opened In tbla district aad with development will prove a ateely producer In a very abort time. Let Us Tell You how two properties near. tha Greenhorn enhanced In value. On a fl.SOO prospect. In less than a year, became estimated aa a million dollar mine; the other purchased for $65,000, In not quits eight months, has over a million dollar'a wortb of ore In sight. . Let Us Show You ga the relative location of tha Greenhorn I propertlea ot tha Greenhorn diatrlct. 1 Let Us Prove To Tbat tha Greenhorn Is an Inveatment that will pay handsome divi dends. This and much other valuable Information can be learned from our prospectus. LET US SEND YOU a Copy For further information, addrcsa 1,700 Feet Development Work Done, W. P. KILLEN, W GREENHORN 10 cts. SAF E AlVDStRE 321 & 322 Omaha National Bank Building, OMAHA NEBRASKA. 'Phone 1666 saai GET RICH QUICK CONCERNS RUN TO Legitimate Turf Investments Can Conducted Profitably as Well as Honorably. Blnce the recent defalcation of unscrupulous alleged Investment companies It haa been up to the 8ir & Crescent Co. to reclaim the good .rmme of the turf and prove to the world that at least one company exists that will act honestly and deal fairly with all of It subscribers. Our con lnuous rnb criber have earned average weekly profit through their Investment with us which have surprised them beyond measure. During the months of winter racing we earned as b'gb aa $1,500.00 ONE MONTH for our subscribers, and thla through the simple commission of f20.00 on each ' ow'haV'the'regular racing aeiBon in the west has commenced we have concentrated our effort at iho , MEMPHIS MEETING That we will continue to earn profit as great, or even greater. Tor our clientele In evidenced by our fire' week s operation at Memphis, we having had seven winning specials, earning a net profit ot - -. 280 PER CENT THE FIRST WEEK on the original amount Invested for our subscribers. -We expect to 61 even better than thla the coming fortnight. , . , ., t O' R METHOD af.r "g'M tnede,te,hrbrgn'nort,nee7e.dn MET cFttt'ES f K "me "of the h?rsea their comml 1j5 are placed on. Dally report are for wJ?ded i allowing the profit, earned tbe previous day. On Monday of each week we rVnder "n itemised statement for the previous week at the ram t .me en rloaln a check for whatever profit may have accrued, less 6 rer cent, wh ch Is our c?mmllon for exeeuiln? order. Accounts can be withdrawn in part o? in fun at any time We have ne apec al dally, aometlmea two, no more. For full particulars WRITE FOR OUR BOOKLET. H1T10H1L BAHX REFERENCES. Star Crescent (Incorporated.) Suite 1000 226-228 La Sails St., Chicago, 111 Krsr A CHANGE FOR A FORTUNE. July Cora will ak r - wtthl. thm r. "WV To wot sak tbla wredie.lo- ' W. bave wnaoestlon- ! lformtlo, bed o actual fctf which led to make this statement. Acting; or siAvlc e eliiali, k.vt, Is the at, realises! thow saaAs (rem laTtsaeats of haa Slreds. Oar ad vie today te - BUY JULY Because of a most unusual combination of circumstance tha Corn market nt the present time offers the greatest opportunity ever known lr the making of a fortune, within a very hori period, on a comparatively small lnvetment- SLJVD FOR Ol'R CIRCtLAR and you will learn facte that will prove astonltthlng to you. A Study of tha statistic relatve to the presen warld' stock of Corn and the prevailing mar ket conditions, and a compart on w th the actual known demand for l'Ai3, will prove staggering to th majority of people and will awaken them to a realiza tion of an opportunity for making a fortune which ha never been depul ca ed. Ol'R FACILITIES ARB YOIR9. We are corn ereclsllita and derote our entire time and attention to that commodity exclusively. We win give you the service of our complete organi sation and help y3u to profit by the present situation. A small Investment may make you Independent. ' . LAROB CAPITAL NOT NECESSARY. Our plan glvea amall Investments the protection of large added capital and we keep our client .urnt he! with d tailed statement .of all transact ona, so that they know Just where the. aiuiid In the market at all time. When deal ing on 8-cent margin, the cu tomar. one, 82 buy 1.36U bushels; 85) buy 2,60) bufhels; 31 do buy t.tiOO oust, els; ,0i buy 2i,(M bushel. , livery advance ot 1 cent doubles your money. HIGHEST BANKING AND COMMERCIAL REFERENCES. MERCHANTS BROKERAGE ANO COMMISSION CO. SlITE OS, GAY BIILDIG. ST. LOI IS, MO. .ah Sullivan's Famous (led Letter The coming Week will contain somjvery important points rejardinf the bi; corner In May wheat, the prospective high price on July, the present value of corn, why oats should be bought for investment, and the bull ptsition that July pork commands. Sullivan is in possession of information regarding a sensa tional advance in a low priced railway stock. Everybody should be in possession of this Information immediately, as well as the coupe of the security market for the next ninety days to come. Send for the RED LETTER. ' Tho George T. Sullivan Company, 239-20 1 LaS tile Street, Chicago, III. Omaha office. Room A, N. -w BUY GREENHORN 10 cts. It's a Good One" Mi ne In the . rich Greenhorn Fields 1 H li v I v. to these and other great 1 You Stocks Sold A on Installment i i T T I - FISCAL AGENT. COVER Be Go . - u Y. Life Bldg. JUUAN OL8EEN. Manager. Thoe 1372.' J ' ' ' : M