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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1903)
22 FOR HEITT-HOriEH. WB MOVE planne, Msggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. 1496. Office, Ml Webster St D M4U FATNE-BOBTWICK A (XI. Choice bouse. , 601-608 Nsw York Life Bldg. Phone K1S. SIX-ROOM noose, city water. (Ill Burt St 1 Mote J50H N. 80TH ST., room. Win. K. Potter, t Brown Blk. 0MX7 FOR RENT, two modern tn-room houses, near High school. Inquire at No. 413 North L!d street. D MA44 M FOR RENT, (-room house, 1 M Farnam St.: modern except furnace; newly repaired complete. Inquire at 607 N. Y. Life bldg. D MODERN brick hoiiaa, near High school, eaat front, gas bath laundry, furnace, rent 830. Dr. Swarulanuer, 2W1 Capitol Ave. D-624 36 FOR RENT IT N. 18th. St, 10-room modern house.. ..846 824. N. 19 h Bt., 8-room modern house 23 k.t 8. 84th Bt., g-room modern houaa it 2246 8. 30th Bt., t-ronm modern house 20 THOMAS BRENNAN. B. 13th Bt. D 63S 27 1316 BURT ST., hot water heating Meal range, $27: flrat class tenant may apply April 17. Inquire on premises. D M&H 28 FOR RENT, May 1, 7-room modern cottage, 1726 Georgia avenue. F, D. Brown. D 711 26 FOR RENT 10-room modern realdence, east front and large lot, 1044 Georgia ave., 165. Strictly modern ateam heated flat In Davidge bid., opposite elty hall, 136. -room cottage, If Isard at., 317. JOHN W. ROBBIN8, 190J FARNAM ST. J D M 714 M4 ' 8IX-ROOM house, 130 South fsth 8 reet 1 M8V4M- FOR RENT, near High school. 2648 Cap. ave.. 10-room modern. $40. 2621 Capitol ave.. -roora. modern. $26. Tel. 673. B. H. Roblson. ti.48 Cap. are. D 4)10 8019 ST. MARY'S AVE., 18 rooms, modern. $V; 8128 Cass St., 10 rooms, modern and barn, $46; 240 Capitol Ave., I rooms, mod ern. $30; 8024 Chicago 8t., 10 rooms, mod ern and barn, $30; long N. 20th St., 4 rooms, $9; others. Klngwalt Bros., Barker Blk. D-629 24 MODERN 6-room dwelling, on 86th street, two block from Farnam Bt. Furnace and all conveniences, 330 per month ana water rent. WYMAN, SHRIVEN CO., New York Life Bidg. D 866-2) FOR RENT New 7-room modem cottage. hardwood finish, polished floors, gas and electric lights, furnace, etc 8413 Dewey Ave. Address, C 45, Bee. D 843 A ROOMS upstairs. N. 30th. $7. S rooms, 27th and Patrick are., $6. 10-room house, north. $26. EBNEST SWEET. 611 N. Y. L Tel. 1472. D 4)08 J6 FOR RENT, to couple, beautifully fur nished modern 7-room house In good loca tion. June, July and August. Address C 40, Bee. D 814 26 MANAGE ESTATES, COLLECT RENTS. 'Will give your business careful attention. 10 rooms, modern, choice location, near Hanscom park, vacant May 6 $50.00 2B10 Ponpleton, 8-r. mod., furnished.... 36.00 nm a. fad. 10-r. mod 25 00 JW8 Corby, 4-r city water 18.00 611 N. 16th, 6-r. flat, newly papered 12.00 1MJ Mason. 6-r., city water 11.00 2P13 Plnkney, 6 rooms 6.00 S807 Dupont, 2-r., city water 8.60 GARVIN BROS., Com' I Nat Bank Bldg., 1604 Farnam Bt. 13889 26 -ROOM cottage, well and cistern. 117 Chicago at. D 922 2t J HAVE one cottage for t a month, two at $12.50 per month, one at (27.60 per month. See M. G. Montgomery . 6J0-1 New York Life Building. ' D-647 2$ I ROOMS, modern;' furnace and water; five minutes' 'walk from postofllce. App.y 2223 Burt. ...D J40 i6 FOR RENT To small family, 7-room cot tage, with water and gas, at 27ih and California. Apply 607 N. 18tb. D MSos 36 .NICE 7-room cottage with large fine lot, fruit, etc.. not modern. 2913 N. 80th 8t., $15. Douglas County Realty Co., 1st floor - N. York Life Bldg. D M930 28 10, MODERN, 663 S. 28th St., $32. M. P 634 26 I-ROOM cottage. 711 S. 19th st. I D-M9S3 tf 8474 HARNEY t-room modern house; walk ing distance; newly papered and painted. i. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. Tel. 888. D 918 26 I-ROOM house near Hanscom park, only 17. 3-room house near Webster and 36th St., only $8. CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St. D-616 M PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO.. . . ,,.HOU8Kli TO RENT. 1088 8. 18th. 8-r., city, nicely papered, good cellar, brick; only 88. S3(i6 California, 8-r good shape;' 85. 118 Pierce. 8-r., close In; IS. 718 8. 34th.. 1-r., new, city water; 88. 615 N. 25th Ave., 4-r., city water; good shape; $7. 808 S. 13d. 6-r., city water; 87. J23 N. 25th. 4-r., good well and cistern; 88. 8022 8. 19th, 6-room cottage. In good shape 'lh city water, cloae to 8. O. car;$10.60." ? S'ant. 6-r.. city water, good barni $16. 6012 Nicholas, 7-r., nicely papered, all mod ern except furnace: $22.60. 1522 8. 26th, 7-r., modern, paved street; re duced to 830. , '.i71"'. bl- PoWaln bath, gas, etc; splendid neighborhood; 825. 4204 Grant. 8-r.. all modern, $17.60; a snap. 8116 California. 8-r., porcelain bath gaa, etc.; In Al shape close In; only 827.60. Elegant 12-r.. atrlcflv rn.ll mnHorn kn.iu in West Farnam district, for 160. Bee us lur . nuaiitcr. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., Leading Rental Agents, 01-2-8 New York Lite bldg. 'Phone 1011 r 911 24 MONEY TO LOAN tUBAL KSTATB. 6 TO 6 P. C. money. Be mis, Paxton Block. W 441 4V4 PER CENT on business property. I per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MKIKLE. 601 SVttTH ST. W 443 FIVE PER CENT loans. Oar via Bros.. 1604 r ii a in. W 446 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds ana warrants, k. c, Peters Co.. i:oj r i lis in di., iee rtiag. W 446 IWANTED, city loans and warrants. W Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam street. W 441 FARM and city loans, low ratea. W. H Thomas. First Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. . W 447 rRIVATi money. Sherwood, 137 N. Y. Life. W 441 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1634 Douglas. W 448 PRIVATE MONEY to loan on land In 8 E Nebraska, annual Interest ootlnnaJ n.. menta. Henry C, Smith. Falls Cliv. fceo. W BST7 II MOSEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. DO YOU NEED MONEY T MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE! AND 8ALARIES. 836 to $3u0 loaned on FURNITUKE. PT. ANOB. Ktc. and to SALARIED PEOPLE at very low rates and for any length of time, wunouc poiiuiiy or removing tne property. Paymenta can be made to suit your convenience. Call and get our terms (Miore going ewewnere. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Room tua. Paxton Block. Room 806. X-M&4 MONEY IX) A NED ON FUltNlTUKE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK SALARIES. Etc. Low ratea and easy terms. Business oonndnntlal. Try us If you want to save money. PHEOMX CREDIT CO., d Paxtoa Block. Uih and Farnam Bts. I X-S44 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, (oercbaata. team sters, boarding houses, etc, without se curity ; easiest teraua, 40 o dices la prin cipal cities. Tolman. 644) Board of Trade iUg. MONEY TO LOAN CH ATTIC LA. you will Atwaya receive courteoua treatment In our office, whether you borrow of ua or not, and all we aak of you la that YOU CALL and get our ratea before borrowing else where. We loan from $10 up on furniture, pianos, live atock, etc. The property al wnye remaining In your possession. We also loan to SALARIED PEOPLE upon their own agreement to repay. Ton may return the money In one month or take six montha or more In which to re turn It and the Interest stops the day the principal la paid. No charges for papere and nothing deducted from the amount borrowed. We always try to please. CDaha AItob. Loan da, 111 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2195. (Established 1692.) ut a. 16th Bt X-M661 600 PAXTON BLOCK NEW 8ALARY KATES. LOAN CO. LOWEST X M676 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE, ANY AMOUNT; LOW RATES, EASY PAY MENTS; CONFIDENTIAL. THE STAR LOAN CO., ROOM 644 PAXTON BLOCK. x as MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried Kople; buslneKS confidential, lowest rm i paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley xxan io., auo to MJt until, n. o. i X 456 SALARY LOANS UPON PLAIN NOTES. American Loan Co., Paxton block, s i noor. X M657 THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Room 644 Paxton Block. Telephone F-229S. If you have a permanent salaried position you can Dorrow rrom us on your piain note, without mortgage, security or In dorsee Scml- Weekly.Monthly.Monthly. 815.00 Repay us $1.00 or $2.00 or $4.00 $31.00 Repay ua 1.35 or 2.65 or 6.35 ia.w Kepay us i.oo or .m or o.oi 130.00 Repay us 2.00 or 4.00 or 8.00 $50.00 Repay us 3.36 or 6.65 or 13 33 Our business is strictly connaennai. rso disagreeable questions asKed oi your em ployers. When you need a little money call and see us. X Room 600 Give your note at 600 Paxton Blk. Get 110 or $100 at 600 Paxton Blk. Get it today at 600 Paxton Blk. Nothing deducted 600 Paxton Blk. In advance - 600 Paxton Blk. The New York Loan Co., 600 Paxton Blk. BUSINESS CHANCES. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO., 'Phone A-3337. 312-314 Brown Block. OMAHA, MU. WEEKLY BULLETIN OF BUSINE38 CHANCES AND INVESTMENTS. 83,000.00 buys Interest In manufacturing concern established nlna years. Fine opening lor right party, who mut be business man and capable of taking man agement. If you have about $6,000.00 to Invest, 1st us snow you a grocers' specialty manufac turing ana joooing is m uuuuau lng condition and very desirable. Best cigar store. In city of 10,0X1, at Invoice about X7OU.00. low rem ana nui bum ness. Furniture and undertaking business In city . I n nlnA oluilll k Itflft (hi OlllV lllia other similar stdre 4n city. Spiendia loca tion ana nne Business. $750.00 buys a meat market clearing over $300.00 per month. All cash no goods de livered. $1,250 buys furniture In 44-room hotel in ritv of 11.000. Practically no competl.lon. The best $2.00 per day hotel proposition for sale in the state. General indue, store In western Nebraska county seat at Invoice aoout 84,600.00. Cash sales 850.00 per day. 33 1-1 per cent profit. Party wishing good location can not Deal mis. W. have 8 tin-ton groceries In Omaha $560, 1600 and 81.000 respectively. One can be bought for leas than In voles. All de sirable. fSSO.OO buys cigar, confeotlonery and notion store in Omaha. Large sales and large profits. Low rant and living. rooms in rear. 8400.00 buys furniture In one of the bevt . located rooming and boarding housed in . the city We have other good flats. See . us before buying. 81.100.00 buys furniture In 28-reom hotel In good Nebraska town. Newly furnished ana doing tne commercial Business. Mill, 60- bbls. capacity per day. Northern Kansas, X2.ouu.uo. Drug store, eastern Nebraska town. In voice $1,800.00 price $1,100.00. Good loca tion for registered pharmacist. Steam laundry clearing $36.00 weekly. Price $l.auo.oo l-x casn, naiance easy payment. One of the best 6-chalr downtown barber shops. Receipts from $140.00 to 150.0o per week, price 4jo.uo. a snap tor an la vestor. If you wish to purchase ANT kind of busi ness, let us know. Our Hat is large and Includes nearly every line all prices. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO 8LL, NO MATTER WHAT IT IS, WHERE LOCATED OR WHAT IT IS WORTH, LIB 1 Willi UB (UK WUll-H- BAltS. THE ABBOTT-COWAN CO. Y 915 26 with soda fountain, for sale In live sold mining town of S.uoO population: clears $3i0 per montn; wui sen at invoice, about $2,900; must have all cash. C. W. Barker, Lead, 8. D. Y M4U 26 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. H. jonnson, bta in. x. lue. y aui WANTED, In Coin. la., a first-class gen eral store; good brick room can be had at once, 15xlu0 feet; beet location In city. Inquire' of J. A. Delk. Coin. Ia. Y 617 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 4U, McCague building. V 467 A GOOD HUSTLER, one with $1,000, who can do office and road work, can have half Interest in the best paying proposition ver offered. Address E, Bee office, Coun cil Blurts. Y M6S4 26 TO LEASE OR FOR BALE Good business lot, 113xlv5, on 11th south of cement works. Box C 16, Bee. Y M718 M2j AN EXCEPTIONAL opening Is offered to a desirable party who can invest $2,00 ca h In a down town bona tide business wi.lch Includes a permanent position. 8a ary, $160 per month. Fmcl'!il-s are uch ti assure $5,Oio to $6.00 annually acids lro i salary. This business has a ooflt, e au.u.w. iii.r.uiiriii ampiy wiur u; io risk: and Invites a thorough Inves'lgst o i to principals only. Kipirlerc- unneies aary. Address, C 42, Pee. V 7.6 WOULD you Invest $30 to make $5007 . Would you Invest $100 to make $2,000 in few weeks? Full particulars of lust this kind of an Investment on application. Adams Lang. 114 East 83d St.. New York City. Y 900 6 CORPORATIONS ORGANIZED Under United States laws for District of Columbia. Cheaper, safer, broader pow ers. No annual taxes. Address JT H. Kugler, 41 Wall street. New York. Y FOR SALE, lease end furniture; the only hotel In town; will sell cheap If sold by . stay a. mu vox sou, uemona. men Y-MJ -nan THE OMAHA DAILT BEE: SUNDAY. mtrsiNBSs CHANCKS. 800 PER CENT profit can be made by July 1 on sums of $10 sod upward. Wide awake Investors will tnvenigate this offer. No speculation or wildcat scheme. A strslght legitimate business proposi tion. Write for free booklet. C. H. Brown. T01 Fisher Bldg.. Chicago. Y 761 26 FEED MILL for sale: has good dilry trade. Address. West I-awn Mill. Station B, Route L Omaha, Neb. Y-MS86-M-1 PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURN ED. Send model or sketch for FREE opinion as to natentablllty. Send for Il lustrated GUIDE BOOK and list of In ventions wanted, finest publications tmiied for free distribution. Contain valuable Information regarding patents, trs de mirks and copyrights; how to obtain and sell them; 100 mechanical movementa, etc. Patents secured by us advertised free In the PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COPIES FREE. Address. EVANS. WILKEN8 CO., Registered Attorneys, 6ol F St., Washing ton, D. C. Y WRITE for literature and our popular In stallment plan of selling big cash dividend pitying mining oil stocks. Dividend Se curities Co., 61 Broadway, New York. . Y- FBEE 100 lots to advertise Wlldwood Lake, N. Y. suburb. Send stamp for deett 25 feet agreeing to distribute five coupons. Seaside Co., 187 A B'way, N. Y. CASH for your farm, business, home or property of any kind, no matter where lo cated. For a quick sale send us descrip tion and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 112. Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.. Y ONE DOLLAR may secure a $3,000 stock ceroncaie inn win pay an iucuuib mi Ufa Inv..(l.ata Vi I ramarbahla nnivir. tunlty. Bankers' Guaranty Co., Detroit, mini. t- WHOLESALE and retail liquor store, es tablished In 1877, In central Nebraska, will Invoice stock," doing a good buslnesa Owner wishes to retire. A splendid op portunity. Wm. Madgett. Real Estate, Hastings, Nsb. Y- DOUBLE YOUR MONEY P -v U. 8. Steel common stock. $20 will msrgin ten shares, $40 on twenty. Every 2-polnt advance will double your Investment. This stock pays a 4 per cent dividend and 10 per cent on present value, regardless of mar ket fluctuations. It will sell st 60 before July 1. Best and sr.fest Investment we know of. Write for our advice on grain, provisions and cottrn. Bonk free. Reed Brokerage Co., 6c Louis, Mo. Y THIS BEATS NEW JERSEY" Charters procured under South Dakota laws for a few dollars. Write for corporation laws, blanks, bylaws and forms to Philip Law rence, late assistant secretary of state, Huron, Beadle county. South Dakota. Y 776 36 SMITH ft CO.. Call building. San Fran cisco, offer to the readers safe and sure returns in a legitimate Investment. Par ticulars mailed free. Y 747 26 MANAGER One of the largest Flake Food manufacturers In the United Btates, lo cated at Battle' Creek, Michigan, A-l credit and hlorhest bank references, finds It necesHory, owing to the Increasing de mand lor its products, to open a branch office In Omaha and we want a capable man who can come well recommended to fill the position of local manager; salary $1,500 per year and percentage of gross sales. Our manager should make at least $3,500 per year In this territory; must in vest $1,600 In accordance with our co operative plan of doing business. Address Pure Food, Illinois Bank Bldg. Chicago, 111. I B21 Ztt WiVTFn A omnrf Mllal.1. k,,Hl and keep In operation a cola storage plant In Dnl, XT I. . .ii vt vev uuii, new, r int? uppurkuiiiiy fni that 4B-t. naptv Va ntha. nM age plant within fifty miles. For further iiiiuriimuuu BuurvBs, i? roa ronnrnsccin, West Point, Neb. . Y M863 26 $20.00 EARNS $1,000.00 IN SO DAYS. PROSPECT8 BRIGHTER FOR ENSUING MONTH. WRITE FOR INFORMATION. NATIONAL . BANK REFERENCES. STAR & CRESCENT CO., INCORPO RATED. CAPITAL, $100,000.00 DEPT. X, 226-228 LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO. Y 877 26 WANTED Any man, party or corporation wno is looking tor a tirst-ciass location, for business or manufacturing purpo.e. will do well by Investigating the ad vantages that- are offered to tliem by tha best town In Nebraska. For full navicu lars address, Fred Sonnenschetn, West Point, neb. X 64 2o BIG MOVEMENT. In certain stocks. Make your fortune with a small Investment. Our frea DAiLf MARKET FORECAST tells what bnd when to buy and sell. Bend lor our SPECIAL LETTER on the New Yoik Tractions. Don't delay. Stocks bo nub.,, and sold, or carried on margins ot lro.n 13 to $5 per share. E. B. Jenkins & Co., inc. capital iw,mu. Hankers and bro kers, 814 4lh ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Y-623 26 THE. C. B. RAND COMPANY, co-oper- atlve owners of race horses and seneral turf enterprises, have fulfilled all their contracts for the past thirty years and stand ready to do so for thirty years more. We have never paid less than 3 Eer cent per week, to all subscribers. Hvldends are remitted on Wedneaday of each week; all inveatments subject to wunarawai wun interest io date upon demand: write for particulars. THE C. E. RAND COMPANY, 169-171 Broadway, vew xuis. . X -3V.4 20 PATENTS INVENTOR'S GUIDE BOOK MAILED tHKK. This book contains 66 pages of valuable In formation tor Inventors, Patentees and Mechanics. Telia how to obtain a latent. The cost of a patent. What to Invent for firont ana now to sen a patent, illus rates 100 mechanical movementa anl con tains a history of the most famous in. ventions with portraits of the inventors, BOOK MAILED FRER. O'MEARA sc BROCK, PATENT AT TORNEYS, 696 Uth St. N. W., Washington. D. C. Y-tH6-2' INVESTMENTS. Made by ua for our clients during the past four years have proven by their success the merits of the proposition which we are submitting to the investing public, and which is fully explained In our free DooKiei. WILLIAM T. HUGHES CO., Room 2, 234 Broadway, New York. Y sua 26 80 SLEEPING rooms, well furnished, doing nne Diisiness; rt-D. town ot r.uuu; rent, I7a; furniture for sale; reasonable; cash and time. You'll buy If you see It. J. H. JOHNSON, New York Life. if -9. 6 J. II. JOHNSON REAL ESTATE and BUS1NKRS CHANCES has lor HA1.K or EXCHANGE GENERAL MERCHANDISE. GROCERIES, HARDWARE. DRUGS, -STEAM LAUNDRIES, SHOES. JEWELRY, FURNITURE. CIGARS. WALL PAPER, BAKKRY AND CONFECTIONERIES. NEWSPAPER PLANTS. RESTAURANTS, HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES, LIVERY STABLES, IMPLEMENT STOCKS, AND varloua other legitimate lines of hn.l ness, of which you can lesm about at my office. I have some meritorious prop ositions which will profit you to en vest! - skis m once. Phone L-2Z70. 841 N. Y. Ufa Y 936 26 FOR EXCHANGE. WOULD exchange clean stock general pner. cnanaise, invoicing aoout 2.su0, for part clear land; excellent business ounortjnitv all ataple country-selling merchandise; i bvii ur I'uiiuiiuvu ur siuc. removed. J. A. maiey, oavsnnan, mo. 775 zg MANirACTl'RINQ. P. MELCH01R. Uth Howard, machinist. 476 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wka. make a ana. daily of Are escapes, shutters, doors and Mica. u. jLBurseiia arrop., im sv xuth Bu -436 MINES AND MINING. I WILL BUY Star Pet-oleum. Fthel Corner. Copper Glance, Majestlo Copper, Model Oold. Notswsr Gold. Columbus Cons., Deed wood Standard, ragana. Cascade, s and over fifty other stocks. If you have any stocks for sale, btlng them to me. 1 CAN OFFER Olsrtlstor. 15o; Blue Ribbon, 40c; Hidden Treasure. 6.: Notawav Gold. 12cl Horseshoe, Bargain; Verde Copper, 20c, vtoirram, 4nc; Llmnnlte. wc. Battle iJike, 3.1c; Gold Cord. 6c; and over 100 other active stocks at low prices. TRADE. I will trade lsnd for .Star Petroleum, Verde copper, uercules and Gold Cord. No charge ior reports on any mining or inausinai company whose stock is on tne market. WILLIS TODD, 62S New York Life Building, Omaha. 81726 FOR quick returns offer a block of Horse shoe Mining stock at bargain. Address C 44, Bee. 31 26 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. MINING MAN from Pacific coast has property adjoining the famous Helena mine of unusual merit; would like to meet someone who would finance It. This Is gilt edge. Address Miner, rare Bee office. 807 26 T RANCH MKDICM. SEND 25c snd stamp, with date of birth. ana get trance reading of your past, pres ent and future. I tell full names, dates, full name of future husband or wife, with re Slid date of marrlsse: give advice on love, business, marriage, speculation, di vorce, changes, etc., and tell whether the one you love Is true or false; guarantee satisfaction. Address Mme. De Vere, Lock Box 915, Kansas City, Mo. 75T J6 LADIES' TAILORING COLLEGE. KEISTER LADIES' TAILORING COLLEGE closed for summer. Watch this space for opening In fall. 819 26 GUNSMITH. I H. PETERSEN, the expert gun and locksmith; artificial limbs. 166 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. DRUGGIST SUPPLIES. CLOSE drug buyers call or write Ross Flowers ft Co.. 1517 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. MW2 M25 PAST CRAG B. WILL take twenty head of stock. J. J. Corson. Florence. Neb. M899 28 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. MOSHER S.H.. Touch T.W., Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat. free. Om. Com. Col., 17 & Doug. 68s A. C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 6b NEB. Business fc Shorthand College, Boyd's Theate.-. -osi MISICAL. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. LETOVSKY'B ORCHESTRA. Tel. L2684. Terms reasonable. M366 M16 $25.00 profit on Weber pianos. Pcrfleld Piano Co. Tel 701. Bse buUdlng. 4A3 FOR RENT, piano players, or piano and player together. Piano Player Co., Tul 145ii . R-M8W MEDICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases aad Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced, reliable, 1513 Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha, Neb. Tel. 3iii 471 LADIES, our harmless remedy relieves without fall delayed or suppressed men struation. For free trial address Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis. LADIES' Chichester English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for particulars. "Relief, for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Piles Cured Without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, kidney and bladder diseases cured; a guarautee given In every case treated by W. C. Maxwell, M. D., 624 Bee Bldg. Omaha Neb., graduate of Beilevue Hospital Medical College, New York City DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children: 80 years' practice. Office, 2205 Cuming. Realdence telephone, F-2790; office. B-lb36. DR. PRIES, German graduate, renowned for his skill and experience In confine ments: cures sterility, long stsndlng dis eases ct uterus and ovaries, cures painful, profuse, retarded or suppressed menstru ation, from any cause, recent or of long standing. Ladles who hava suffered for years, hopeless and dejected, can be cured without operation or the hospital. If a personal Interview Is Impossible stats your case fully. Inclose stamp and answer and advice will promptly be given. Addreas R. F. Pries, M. D., li13 Dodgs St.. Omaha, Neb. SISTERS in despair, If In need write me for remedy which relieved nie of obstinate suppression In live hours. Mrs. A. Green, 130 Dearborn St., Chicago. 746 26 OSTEOPATHY. G1D. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 61 New York Life bldg. Tel. 1664. 4BO The Hunt Infirmary, McCague bldg. Tel 23SJ -Ml. 6 ATZEN & FARWELL Infirmary, Paxton block, 601-7. Tel. 1366. M89J STOVE REPAIRS. STOVES stored snd gasoline stoves cleaned. Omaha Stove Repair Works. Tel. 960. M 493 DENTISTS. F. C. CLARK. Dentist, formerly of Council Bluffs, now located at 2706 Cuming st. M-23 M24 DR. C. H PAUL, dentist, removed to resi dence, 2023 Burt 677 M 1 UPHOLSTERING. PETERSON dc Lundberg. 115 8o. 17th. Tel. L-23M. 470 CARLSON & CO. .2121 Leayen worth. Tel. 28 L8 to LOST. LOST Near 19th and Davenport or 20th and Dodge, chinchilla fur collar. Reward if returned to Mrs. C. J. Greene. Har ney st. Lost M22 26 LOST Bull terrier, male, ye low with whits neck; no coiur. ttelurn to 2S1 H;encei ana get reward. Lost 94 .6 SEEDS AND I'OIXTBY Sl'PPLY. ULLERY CO.. 1611 Howard St. Tel. 1327. -4oi BICYCLES. REPAIR lawn mowers, bicycles; lock smiibtr.g; win work. C. J.rl. 712 8. 16th. ii3ii Mis BICtCLES and repairs. Fresh tires, $1.60 to $4.5; Hartford tires, $5.5o per pair. All ths popular brands for cash or credit. Louis Fletcher, 1UJ Capitol Ave. Tel. 614. E Miil NOW Is ths time to have your bicycle re paired; work guaranteed: prices are right; tires. $1.21 and up. J. Larson, ftth and Charles. Mat9 M6 BRASS FOUNDRY. BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co, 41 X. Mala SU. Council alufla - t A Tim, 20. 1003. FftOrERTIRS MANAGED. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties Act as RECEIVER, EXECUTOR, GUARDIAN AND TRUSTEE for CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, INDIVIDUALS, and fiscal agents of CORPORATIONS. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064, FLORISTS. HE8S & BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. MS93 L. HENDERSON, florist, 1519 Farnam st., Omaha; send for price list. S6 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of csrpenter work snd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and lake 8ts. 370 BRICK WORK. J. P. HEALY. 1823 Clark Bt. 'Phone A-2S7L -601 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. lfith. Tel. 1779. -478 PIANO POLISH. THE Pullman Piano and Furniture Polish, by A. G. Vroman, 142 8. 16th Bt. -371 M16 ICE. CRYSTAL ICE CO. 'Phone 2028. M364 Mil TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, lso6 Farnam. 'Phone 784. 477 a Tt STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 1B11V4 Farn. Tels.l59-K62 4S5 EXPRESSMAN'S Del. Co. Tels. 1196-1145. 46 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgs Bldg. 60J CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. J. PIERSON, 20th and Burt. Tel. L-2836. 1W PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. HAY, GRAIN AND COAL. M. LONDON, 2303 Cuming St, Tel. A-2536. M877 MS TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT. 325. Monroe & Co., 811 N. 16th. 606 AUTOMOBILES. ELE,C. automobiles. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. HAT CLEANING. LADIES' and gents', 60c. Schwartz's, 114 8. 13th. 3a LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel bjpply. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. A-1783. 4& GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. 4iM DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'S Ladies' Tailoring College, Suite 03-4-6-6, Douglas block, loth anu Don go. TUCNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. "Phone 1717. 606 S. 26th. 483 THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. 464 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN & PRICE, 21 U. S. N l B k. bid. 473 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 473 MACFARLAND & MAY. New York Life Bldg. Room 304. 'Phone 1552. 474 CORNICE WORK. GALV. Iron cornice, metal ceilings, sky lights. Epeneter's Cornice Wka., 614 S. lota. MoOo CARPET CLEANING. BEND your carpets and rugs to Christen son's Carpet Cleaning Works, 2221 N. Ml Bt. Tel.. 1669. M376 TEL 656 Carpst cleaning, rug weaving. 61157 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. O. R. Rathburn, Room 16. Com'l Nat, bank. PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful. 318 So. 15th St,, Omaha. Tel. 1798. 506 PATENTS. Sues & Co., Omaha, Neb., Il lustrated patent book free. Tel. 1623. M5u3July2 HORSES CLIPPED. HORSES clipped and trimmed. Betts' barn. 1415 Capitol Ave. Tel. 1810. ravls. Mi 18 30 ROOFING. WORK In any part of the country. Jonei Roofing Co.. lali Burt St. Tel. 18fi-tM BARRICK Roofing Co., 1616 Cuming 8L Tel. 951. M ACCORDION PLEATING. MRS. GOLDMAN. 200 Douglas block. M9DJ FURNITURE POLISH. THE Pullman piano and furniture polish. Call or address A. G. Vroman, 1422 8. l tn. -MM M16 BAKERY. TRY our three-layer white cakes, 25c. Gro ceries and meals at lowest prices. John son ft Good.stt Co. Tel. 1575. 2uu2 Lake St. M9U May 6 TAXIDERMIST. J E. WALLACE. 606 8. 13th St. 504 DETECTIVES. CAPT. CORMACK. 617 Karbach. Tel. A2831. SECRET SERVICE, expert operators. Ad disss C a. Bee. -X HU CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. ELECTION PROCLAMATION BY MAYOR. Proclamation sna notice to the electors and legsl voters of the city of Omaha of a general city election of the city of Omaha to be held Tuesday, May 6, 1, for the purpose of electing a mayor, city clerk, treasurer, comptroller, tax com missioner, city attorney, building In spector nnd nine council and submitting propositions to vots bonds. To the Electors and Legal Voters of the City of Omaha: I, Frank E. Moores, mayor of the city of Omaha, do issue thla, my proclamation, and by the authority vested in me as such mayor do hereby give public notice to the electors and legal voters of the city of Omaha that a general election will be held In said city on Tuesday, May 6, 1903. for the purpose ot electing a mayor, city clerk, treasurur, comptroller, tax commissioner, city attorney, building Inspector and nine councilmen. In accordance with an act ot the legislature of the state of Nebraska In corporating metropolitan cities, etc., ap proved March 15, 1S97, and amendments thereto. 1 do further give public notice end pro claim that at said election the following question and proposition regarding the issue of bonds of the city of Omaha will be submitted to said electors and legal voters, to-wit: Question and proposition of Issuing pav ing bonds. Shall bonds of the city of Omsha In the sum of seventy-five thousand (76,000) dol lars be Issued, as may be required, during the years 1903, 1904 and 1906, for the pur pose of paying the cost of paving, repaying or macadamising the Intersections of streets and spaces opposite alleys in the city of Omaha and In front of real estate not subject to assessment of speclsl taxes for paving purposes, said bonds to run for twenty (20) years from the date thereof snd to bear Interest payable semi-annually at a rate of Interest not to exceed four (4) per cent per annum, with interest coupons attached, aald bonds to be called "Paving Bonds," and the said bonds not to be sold for leas than par 7 I do further give publio notice and pro claim that at said election the following question and proposition regarding the issue of bonds of the city of Omaha will be aubmltted to said electors and legal voters, to-wit: Question and proposition of Issuing sewer bonds. Shall bonds of the city of'Omaha In the sum of seventy-five thousand (76,OiiOl dollars be Issued as mny be required, during the years 1903, 1904 and 1906, for the purpose of paying the cost of the construction and maintenance of main sewers In the city of Omaha, said bonds to run twenty (20) years from the date thereof and bear Interest payable semi-annually at a rate of Interest not exceeding four (4) per cent per annum, with Interest coupons attached, to be called "Sewer Bonds," the aald sewer bonds not to be sold for less than par? I do further give public notice and pro claim that at said election the following question and proposition regarding the Issue of bonds of the city of Omaha will be submitted to said electors and legal voters to-wit: Question and proposition of Issuing bonds for the construction of fire engine houses Shall bonds of the city of Omaha In ths Sum of forty-five thousand (45,000) dollars bo Issued as required during the years 1903 and 1904 for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing tire engine houses for the use of the Are department of the city of Omaha, such fire engine houses to be In the locality and at the estimated and approxi mate cost as follows, to-wit: Northwest corner Jackson and Eleventh streets, esti mated cost of $30,000; east side Twenty-seventh street, between St. Mary's avenue and Ieavenworth . street, estimated cost of The said questions and propositions be submitted to said electors entire In the S roper form provided by law for official allots, with the words, "Yes," "No." primea inereon. aii oi saia Daiiots navlnr an "X" mark following the word "Yes ' shall be counted In favor of Issuing said bonds, and all of said ballots having an "X" murk following the word "No" shall be counted and considered as against the issuing of said bonds. The polls shall be open on the day of said election at 8 o'clock In ths morning snd shall continue open until 6 o'clock In the evening of the same day, at the re sjectlve voting places, following, to-wit: THE CITY OF OMAHA. . FIRST WARD. First District 1018 South 10th street. Beuond District 1704 South 10th street Third District 2609 South 13th street. Fourth District 708 Leavenworth street. Fifth District 1703 South 10th street (rear) Sixth District 921 Bancroft street. Seventh District 1121 South 6tn street. Eighth District 1813 South 6th street. SECOND WARD, First District 1102 South 13th street. Second District 1923 Leavenworth street Third District 1222 South 20th street. Fourth District 1259 South 16th street Fifth District 1730 South 13th street. Sixth District 1424 Gouth 16th' street. Seventh District 1906 South 13th street Eighth District 2328 South 30th street Ninth District 1524 Canton street Tenth District 1710 Vinton street. Eleventh District 1301 South 24th street THIRD WARD. First District 1421 Jackson street. Second District 1505 Harney street. Third District 1405 Capitol avenue. Fourth District 302 North 15th street Fifth District 707 North 16th street. Sixth District 617 South 13th street. Seventh District 1120 Douglas street Eighth District 1024 Dodge street. Ninth District 1203 Chicago street. . Tenth District 823 Farnam street FOURTH WARD. First District 1610 Capitol avenue. Second District 2012 Farnam street Third District 2416 Davenport street. Fourth District Tent, northeast corner 26th avenue and Farnam street Fifth District 123 South 17th street. Sixth District 422 South 18th street Seventh District 718 South 16th street Eighth District 314 South 20th street. Ninth District 6o4 South lfith avenue (Tear). FIFTH WARD. First District 3906 Sherman avenue. Second District 2826 Sherman avenue. Third District 2614 Sherman avenue. Fourth District 1844 Sherman avenue. Fifth District 2223 North 20th street. Sixth District 1441 North 19th street. Seventh District 1156 Sherman avenue. SIXTH WARD. First District 3014 Ames avenue. Second District 4719 North 40th street Third District 2213 Mllltsry avenue. Fourth District 3704 North 80th street Fifth District 2909 North 24th street. Flxth Dlstrlct-2901 North loth street. Seventh District 3402 Parker street. Eighth District. 1915 North 27th street Ninth District 171't North ?4th street. Tenth District 2307 North 24th street Eleventh District 1701 North 24th street. SEVENTH WARD. First District 2719 Leavenworth street SecoTid District 1334 South 29th avenue. Third District 2106 South 33d street (rear). Fourth District 2321 South 29th street Fifth District 1526 South 29th street. Sixth District Tent, northeast corner 29th street and Poppleton avenue. EIGHTH WARD. N First Dlstrtet-1322 North 24th street. Second District 2904 Hamilton street Third District 2611 Case street. Fourth District 2556 Cuming street. Fifth District 2011 Cuming street. Sixth District 2024 Chicago street (rear). Seventh District 1719 Cuming street Eighth District 1604 Cass street NINTH WARD. First District 3013 Cuming street. Second District 3S78 Hamilton street Third District 392D Farnam street. Fourth District 3304 Davenport street Fifth District 2X16 Farnam street. Sixth District 3014 Leavenworth street. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand as mayor of said city of Omaha this Uth day ot April. 19U. FRANK E. MOORES. Attest: Mayor. W. II. ELBOT7RN. (Seal.) City Clerk. AI5 d20t DR. McCREW SPECIALIST Treats all forms of DISEASES AND DIS0R0EIS or MEN ONLY 27 Years Bxpertenoe. 17 Years In Omaha. Hta Mma.lro'iU . , . '""- ceas naa never been equaled snd svery day brings many flatter- cess has never been - . o,o, a , Hot Springs Treatment for And all Blood Poisons. NO "BREAKING . - L . , " sag sai external signs of the disease disappear at onoe. BLCQD OlSEASj t'fcg?r: VARICOCELE &. sjffitms. OVER 30.001) tTJr,. 'foT H voICK CURES-LOW CHAROS0. Treatment by malL P. O. Box 74. Office over 806 S. 14th street, between Fauousi xad Ixmgias streets. OMAHA, ftiL 2l CONDITION 070MAI1A'STRADE Volume of Buiinstt Very Satisfactory to Both Jobbers aid Eetailtra. SUGAR ADVANCED TEN CENTS A HUNDRED Prices on All Classes of Goods Very Firm aaid Oe serai Teadeacy of Valees Decidedly io Favor of Higher Prices. Trade with Omaha Jobbers and manufac turers was of very satisfactory proportions last week. There were fully as many coun try buyers on the market as could be ex pected and mall orders, both direct and through traveling salesmen, were up to ex pectations. Trade In the country so fnr has been good, though warmer weather would undoubtedly Increase the demand for spring and summer lines very materially. Retailers are doing no complaining, how ever, as they say prospects for the future are very favorable and they have no fear but what their spring business wUI come up to their earlier estimates. Farmers are making rapid progress with their spring work, so they re In good rplrlts. Jobbers at present are devoting a good deal of attention to future business and so far their salesmen have taken more orders for future delivery than ever before this early In the season. There Is no mistaking the fact that retailers are generally anxious to buy early, as they have had some ex perience In the past with what It means to be caught on an advancing market, espe cially when desirable gocds were most Im possible to obtain. The general impression seems to be that fall goods this season will be harder than ever to obtain and as a result merchants are all buying eaily and placing liberal orders. Owing to existing conditions merchandise at present prices looks like good property to them. There have been a few market changes during the week, but comparatively few of much Importance. There Is, however, a very marked tendency toward higher prices and In fact practically all classes of goods sre quoted very firm, with prospects favor able for higher prices In the future. Collections are reported as being In very satisfactory condition and In this respect there Is a big improvement over the situa tion a few weeks ago. Jobbers report very few bad accounts and do not anticipate any trnnhl aa hualnesa conditions out throuetl 1 the country are very satisfactory. Another Advance la Sugar. The sugar market la reported as being In A very strong position and raws are snld to be scarce snd higher In New York. Re fined grades have advanced 10 cents per 100 pounds during the week under review, and as the demand Is increasing rapidly, prospects are considered favorable for ' continued strong market. The cheese market Is also In a very strong position snd fancy stock Is In exception ally light supply. New grass cheese is ex pected to arrive on the market In about two weeks and some of the Wisconsin factories offered stock on the Wisconsin boards last week. The prices realised were equal to those for October made goods, so that pres ent conditions would Indicate that the prices now In force will be maintained for three or four weeks at least. The market on beans eased off a little last week, but the reduced quotations apply more particularly to the Inferior and dis colored grades. Fancy, hand-picked goods ore very scarce snd command a premium. The rice market has also been advancing since last report, owing to the fact that the reported scarcity has become very evident during the last ten days, which has caused heavy buying, resulting In an advance of hiGi cents per pound on all grades from choice to fancy. Those who are best posted say that there Is not enough rice In the country to supply ths demand until ths new crop arrives. There Is no change In the canned goods market to report so far as prices are con rned. The demand though, has been picking up considerably and goods are now moving out In good shape. There is also little change In the dried fruit market. Apricots are a little more firmly held, and particularly Is that true of bright stock. The demand Is better for almost every lino of dried fruit than was the case a short time ago and In fact Jobbers say trade la showing something of Its old-time vigor. Owing to a scarcity of milling grades of oats the market on oatmeal has advanced quite sharply. Barrels have been marked up 36 cents and five-pound packages about U30 cents. Smaller packages have ad vanced proportionately. The general opin ion Is that lower prices will not prevail for ' some time to come. The market on wooden ware Is still very firm and the tendency of prices undoubtedly upward. In fact. Jobbers say that It Is dif ficult to secure goods at any price. This Is the time of year when butter dishes are In the biggest demand and It Is reported that manufacturers are over sold three to four months. Prices on fish are about the same as they were a wek ago. Trade has been very large In view of the fact that the Lenten sea son is post. The supply of mackerel Is be coming more scorce every day ana the new catch Is not expected to arrive until June. Spring family whlteflsh will soon be on the market. No Change In Dry Goods. Trade with dry goods Jobbers last week was about as good as could be expected at this time of the year. There have been a few buyers In the city snd, while It Is a little early for much reorder business, mer chants say that as soon as warmer weather arrives there will bo a big Improvement In the country demand. Traveling salesmen are devoting most of their time to advance business and so far have met with phe nomenal success. Merchants seem to be more anxious than ever before to place orders early and besides that they are buy Inw unusually heavy. They sold out their last winter's stocks In good shape, so that little waa carried over. The market for cotton continues very strong and, while there have been no changes In cotton goods during the week under review, prices nre very stiff and ad vancea on leaning staples would cause no surprise to anyone In the trade. The high price of cotton, the active consuming de mand and the strikes In the mills all tend to advance the price of the manufactured goods snd to make manufacturers very In dependent. Active Demand for Hardware. The demand for seasonable lines of hard ware was very active last week anil In fact Jobbers had hard work to keep up with their orders. There was no special feature to the trade, aa the demand was for all lines that could be called season able. The shortage of staple lines, which has been previously reported, la still cajs lng a great deal of trouble and the situa tion seems to grow worse every day. There has been no change In ruling quo tations, but prices sre very firm and every one looks for a continued strong market for some time to some. Leather Goods RatTier (nlet. Trade with luather goods Jobbers Is a little quiet at present so far as Immediate business Is concerned. There has scarcely been enough warm weather as yet to maks the demand very brisk, so that retailers are not tlxing up to any great extent. No one, though. Is complaining, aa this Is the usual situation at this season of the year. As soon as warm weather sets In no one fears but what trade will be up to ex pectations. Traveling salesmen for local houses are sfter fall orders and, as the trade generally Is looking for higher prices, merchants are placing their orders very freely and sales men hope to break all previous records. Immediate business with rjhber goods Jobbers is ao quiet, as would nsturally be expected, but advance orders are com ing In very freely. Mot Jobbers report that they nave sold fully aa many full goo. Is as usual up to this time, so they are doing no complaining. There was a very brisk demand for fruits last week and especially afor strawberries, which arrived freely from Texas. They are now quoted at t3.2.Vo3.60, which enables ! Omaha grocers to retail them at 15c a box. Thla is unusuany cneap ior Tnis early In the season, but unless something happens to the crop there will be a large supply of berries throughout the season. Arkansas berries sre expected on the market this week and It is reported that they are ex ceptionally fine. There was also quite a de mand for oranges and lemons last week. Apples are selling to some extent, but stocks are getting pretty well cleaned up. Green vegetables were In better supply last week tnan they have been at any time so far and as a result prices eased off a little. The egg market eld Arm all the week, aa the demand was fully equal to the sup ply. Butter has also held tip In good shape, although the time Is close at hand when the supply will materially increase, poul try was In active demand and prices are about the same as they were a week ago The quotations will be found tn another column. STEAMSHIPS. KOLLAKD-AUERICA LINE TwtB-acrW BUaawe af II. US Team. W YOkK KUTTaJllJa. OOULJOJ(a taUifcg Wmliiartis U It Avwu""' yaaam April PoUdsoi Ma at Neordaa Mar 4 lalaaaaaj ....'"Z7. ii Itouaraaa alar l Sra4aj ...jiti 1 UOLLARD-AMKRICAg LIRBE, 4W Dearborn Sc. Chicago, HL 1 Harry atearaa. MSI rsnaa aL, & BaUMrtar. Ua tummrn sb. A a, fcaMtle. Ilea raralaTsb