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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY JlllEx SIT Ji DAY, ArRIT, 20, 100,1. 21 ( FOR RALR-ntCAL RITATB. Cheap Homes Get Into The Band Wagon. Twenty-Six Houses Sold To Home Owners In Past Three Weeks. Have But a Few Left. Don't Delay. Titles Perfect-Warranty Deeds and Abstracts. No Back Taxes. IMPROVED I 260 30th. north of Grand avenue. lit 48x 117 feet, eaat front, street .,aved, permanent walk, i-roora ..juse. BNAP. I 46070x122 feet. east front n Sth. be tween Bovd and 8 or ague sts.. 4 rooms. SNAP. I (753X27 lilondo. 60x130 feet, lie fins. 6-room house, clstcra. fruit trees. I 600 3W2 Parker St., currier 60x130 feet, neat 4 -room house. $1.150 66x124 feet. N. E. corner 14th and Castrllar ata., 4-room house, with 124 feet stone paving, all paid. BARGAIN. t 975 291S Caatellar it.. (10x127 rest. -room bouse, excellent reDSlr Inside, ratalpa trees; one block Geo. ave. car. 11.0001715 N. 25th st.. near Franklin achool, 5 rooms, excellent repair. BARGAIN. 11.250 N. W. corner 25th and Taylor. 45x125 fet, lares 2-stonr 8-room house. 11.350 2MS Reese. 85-foot lot to alley. 1 story 7-room rouse, well laid out: rood condition Inside. A BARGAIN. $2,0003705 N. 18th St.. 42x140 feet, fine 2 ttory 6-rooni house, sewer, water, electric lights, bath, excellent re pair, beautiful location. One of the best bargains offered. VAC $ E0 Lot 22, block 6, Mayne's add., 60x US feet. I 150 SEx-9 feet, on 16th at., one block south of Vinton. tl.000- choice lots, each 60x127 feet. In Dunont Place, within one and two blocks of end of Geo. ave. cur line. A SNAP. These lots will Bell read ily for $250 each on time. A chance to double your money. t $50132x135 feet, on Wirt t.. M, block S3, of 30th St. motor: lies perfectly smooth, on ersde. B'O SNAP. Or will sell 4"xl32 feet for $250: $50 cash, balance time to suit. I 450 50x140 feet, west front on Boule vard, north of Manderson: double . frontage on 19th st. 00 lots, each 51x117 feet. Ivtng high, on 45th and Harney. SNAP. D. V. SHOLES 720 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. BARGAIN Good 7-room house, lot 50x120 feet, well cistern, some small fruit, will make a beau tiful home one block from street car, $800.00. 7-room, modern except furnace, lot (0x116, barn, 26th and Capitol Ave., $2,750. 6-room house, 26th and Dovenport, 11,801. Full corner lot, 30th and Douge, suiiab'e for a row of houses, 1.2M. Two lots, 80x115 feet, 29th and Farnam. Make me an offer. J. W. HILL JR. 616 First National Bank. KE-fflO 24 MONET to loan on residence property. W. H. Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldg. RE itf 26 4-rnom house. In splendid condition, full lot, near $0th and Lake Bt. $7u0. Will loan on thla. Bemla, Pax ton blk. RK-42S 26 YOU CAN'T BUILD this season, and If you could It would cost vou $X5uO to build our house at 2623 Charles street, and the lot would coat '.l.wW more. Nine-room modern house, except furnace, south front. Lot 00x127. As we need the money we will sell the whole place for $2,60l. The Omaha Realty Company, 1614 Farnam Street BE MS8J t FOR SALE, cattle ranch, highly Improved and under ditch. 9u0 acres, Southern Colo rado, all good land, title perfect, no in cumbrance. T. L. BeardBley. care Lin. dell Hotel, Lincoln. RE 816 26 MONET to loan on city property In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. W. H. Thomas, First Mat. Bank Bldg. KE-835 26 AN ABSOLUTELY ALL MODERN KOUNTZE PLACE HOME .$3750. 8 elegant rooms finished in oak down stairs and hard pine up stairs Paved Street and Permanant Walks ON A BEAUTIFUL CORNER Facing South This Is the best bargain we have forget to call us up the first thing want If you wish a fine home. R. C. Peters & Co., Bee ELEGANT COTTAGE Six rooma. hot water halting plant, thor. cughiy modern and up-to-date, with cor ner lot, lawn, shftrfe. on paved etreet, near West Farnum. Owner leaving city. Prloe reduced to $3,400. Can't be duplicated for t:ic money. Investigate this Monday If you want a bargain. GARVIN BROS. Coro'l Nat. Bank Bldg.. liH Farnam Bt. RE-fcSO it T-roora house In Al shape, large grounda, near Kountse addlilrn; price, $4,Wu, on easy terms, twin In, paxton blk. RE-MS 24 New Cottages Several nw modern cottages, now build ing, ready to occupy in a few days; finely lew ted and very low price. To the riht parties Un time will be given. In acre property, with or without houses. I eff t several bargains on Florence car line. Rix-room houae, full acre ll.VO Fix room, halt acre l.lrl Half acre, vacant 4 Two-rcom house barn, well, sere l.wo Map of this property at my office. c. 8. si!:PAKb. u: N. y. life. ki-sat J Neat cottage near $41 h and Fort 8ts. on block from car; full lot on g rade $uo ; make uOer. Bemls, Paxtou blk. ILE-53 2$ rnn sale real estate. $2,300- $529 Seward St., 60x127 feet, 7 rooms, rod repair, sewer, water and gaa, oath ready lor fixtures. Vvant to close out quick. $2,3001614 Corby at., $-room. alats roof, (as, bath, sower, water, brick barn, ti-feudal,.. 1 1.6002507 8. 2d. 64x12$ feet, 8 rooms, (urnace heat, water and trees. BARGAIN. $3,25070 8. Slat at.. E. front. 34x139 feet, $ rooms, all modern except furnace. $3.500 Jul! Emmett at.. I rooms, modern, furnace heat, excellent repair In side: owner wants to leave city: reasonable proposition considered quick. $3,500 3413 Dewey ave., v?w 7-roora house, modern, oak flni. n, mantel In re ception hall, fine location. Ready to move In. $6,00080x100 feet, E. front, corner, 654 S. 35th ave.. 9 rooms, oak finish. strictly modern. Owner going to leave otty; wants to sen quick. $9.000 In West Omaha district, large 9- room hous. E. front, corner. 3 lota 124x12ft feet, house In exrellent re pair, large rooms, strictly modern, aood barn, tine lawn, trees, sbruo bery, etc. Owner wants to sell , qlurk. Reasonable propositions en tertained ANT $ 17675x120 feet, near Ksvan and Arthur sts.. lies fine. 150 feet over the city limit line: no cltv taxes and about 4 blocks from end of 13th st. car line. DIG SNAP. $ 80075x132 feet. 24th st.. S. of SDrasrue: nerll all Maid. SNAP. $1,27696x124 feet. 24th. lust north of Man derson at., specials all paid. SNAP. $ 27B 60x128 feet. N. front on Larlmore St.. A block E. of 24th st. $4,40067x165 feet, corner. E. front on 38th v ave. and Harnev st. CHUirrc. $3.300 60x165 feet, loins above. Best bar .aim In West Omaha. $8.000 Corner ?5th and Farnam sts.. finest tcrner in West Farnam district: absolutely choice: both atreets raved and paid for. $6,60080x132 feet, with tsrre 2-story house, corner 21st and Dnvennort sts. $7 600 66x132 feet. E. front on 16th St.. 66 feet. 8. or Cumin. ssAf, COMPANY, TELEPHONE 49. RE 859 26 N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam Street BROKERS In Real Estate and Local Securities and Surety Bonds CARE OF REAL ESTA TE A SPECIALTY If you have estate for sale TEL. 829. any stocks or rea' LOTS! LOTS! LOTS I Near S4th and Parker Sts., vacant lots at only $160; only $6 down and only $3 per month. Only nine rr.ore to be aold In thla way. Come In early It you want to ret In on tha around floor. Semis, Pax- ton blk. RE 928 26 Excursion to Missouri. Our next excursion for Missouri leaves' May i. Call early and make arrangements to go and see the land of the big red applea. Cheap homes for all. COOLEY INV. & R. E. CO.. 823 and 924 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M89 M3 STRIKES have stopped building this year. Here Is a house ready to move into. No. 2726 Burt street. Lot. Mjl50, fronting south on Boulevard. Price. $1,500. The Omaha Realty Company, 1614 Farnam Street, RE-M860 28 had in a long time. Dont Monday. It is what you Building, Telephone 898. RE-913 2 EXCURSIONS . TO CANADA Join us on one of our next excursions to Canada, leaving On aha Mnv $ and May for the round trip. You can't af ford to mid gclng. We have over ejtv.w acres of best selected larm lands In Manitoba, Arslnlbola. Al berta and Saskatchewan, ihm we can sell from $i to ll'J an acre en easy terms. Write l lor further particulars and our book, free, telling all aleut Canada. HASTINGS & HEYDEN Western Immigration Agents, 610 N. y. Life Uidg. t-maha. Neb. RD-Kfi 2 Comer lot, onr 4-recm and one -room houae, on 8. 11th t near Center. Thla U a genuine barguln J,300; only $J needed. Bemie, fa ion bt. KE S2f M 2408 EMMETT ST.. modern "-room house, flne repair, clow to car. lot tftkllS. U. Xit Emmett St., I roorcs, city water In side. Hi ISM Sherman Ave. rooms, bath, closet, gus. close to car, only tla. Hi N. 224 St., 4 rooma. city water Inside, 12?; walking distance. 211 B 2Mb Ave., 6 rooms, city water, sewer, gas, etc.. easy walklnv dl;aiu-e. til PAY NIC INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main riour N. V. Ufa Bldg. -481 N BEAUTIFUL HOMES IN OMAHA Some Facts About From the first Inception of the city of Omaha the people of the place were es sentially horn builders. It was but a short time after the first log cabin was roughly constructed of native timber be fore saw mills were In motion and the frame bouse took the place of the ruder habitation, and the carpenter's hammer was but silenced upon the first of the frame dwellings before the brick mason, closely followed by the stone cutter, made bis appearance. From that time Omaha could boast of many residences which were In advance of tho condition of the coun try aurrounding the city. Many of these early homes still remain, but have been deserted by the families which first occu pied them, aa the business district en croached upon that which had been consid ered as residence property, leaving tha former homes to become the habitations of temporary residents of the city or fall be fore the Iconoclastic hand of progress. At the present time Omaha has a large number of residences which would do credit to any city In the country, and It Is said by architects and contractors that the boms owners of Omaha have, as rule, in vested more money in their houses than the same clasa of persons In the average city. While divergence In style and cost between the average home and tho more expensive Is con sequently not so wide as It ta in some places of older growth, there are a num ber of houses entitled to especial mention becauBO of their style and cost. It Is generally conceded that the most expensive residence in Omaha is tho home of George A. Joslyn, which stands upon two blocks of ground at Thirty-ninth and Davenport streets. The houFe. with its appurtenances complete, will cost approxi mately $110,000. The location Is sightly, overlooking the city, and tho space around the bouse fully seta off the stvle of the building. Its design belongs to none of the distinctive classical schools, but the Oothlo and Nrrman predominate in the arches and turrets. The building is of stone. Of the residences now occupied the home of E. A. Cudahy is probably the most ex pensive. It Is of stone and pressed brick. It stands In nmple grounds at Thirty seventh street and Dewey avenue and is one of the few houses in tho residence part of the city which can be easily classified from FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. A cozy home, or a good investment Will sell my Home in Kountze Place CORNER 18TH AND EMMETT STREETS; LOT 42x120 FT., EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE Price $4000 Easy Terms to Sjlt the Purchaser. AS A Newly decorated, conveniently arranged, modern throughout, beautiful lawn, shrubbery and vines, on highest ground and on as pretty a street as any In Kountze Place, paved street, stone sidewalk, one block from car line, built for a home, no rented house on tha street. AS AN INVESTMENT Will rent any day for $35.00 per month, gross on the Investment. Deducting the cost net tha owner clear 8 per cent. It goes to the first comer If you wait, you'll lose it Telephone Red 2341, or Call on SPECIAL, OFFERS. Cal., Placer co., fine fruit ranch, 80 a. and Impts.; 60 a. bearing; 20 a. young orchard; beautiful home; necessary outbuildings. Cal., Maywood Colony, 10 a. orchard. Cal., San Diego co., two tracts, S and 6 a. respectively; adapted to fruit and grain. Can., Man., 240 a. and Impts.. near Tyndall. Denver, fi bldg. lots, Kettles 2d add. Del., Newcastle co., 182 a. lmpd.; 12 r. house; 40 a. cultivated; near R. K. Del.. Rehoboth, 11 r. furnished res. and lot. Idaho. Kootenai co.. 160 a. and impts. 111., Madison, 4 well located lots. HI., Clsena Park, store bldg. and lot. Chicago, 3 lots, cor. Monroe and W. 60th st. Kan., Seneca. 9 r. houae and 4 lota, shade and fruit; In nrst-clnss condition. Kan., N. Lawrence, 6 r. res. and 2 a. La., Robellne. res., i stores and lot. Me., Bearsport, beautifully located res. and lot Mass.. Arlington, 1$ r. modern res. and lot, Washington at., 1 ml. from Boston. Mara., Berkshire CO., 200 a.; good bldgs.; "5 a. cultivated; remainder pasture. Mich.. Huron co., 12$ a. and Impts.; 90 a. cul tivated; 8 a. in fruit; near R. R. Minn, Swift co., fine farm, 200 a. and Impts.; highly cultivated; Ideal location for gen tlaman'a country home or for hunting. Miss., Monroe co., 126 a. and Impts. N. H., Carroll co., 126 a. and impts. N. J . Saddle River, 18 r. res. and i a. N. Y., Chautauqua Co., a. and Impts. N. Y., Johnatown, 2 good lots, Bayard st. N. D., Bottineau co., 4S0 a. and Lnpta. ; 200 a. cultivated; 2 ml. from 8cotla. O., Butler co.. 119 a., adapted to grain and grass; 9 r. house, barn and outbldga. Ore.. Klamath co , 8) a. and impts. Tenn.. Obion co., stock and grain farm, 640 a. and Impts.; 460 a. cultivated; 180 a. tim ber. Tex., Brownwood, 7 r. rea. and grounds. Salt Lake City, 4 lote. Harlem add. Va,, Caroline co., plantation ana gentle man's country res., 2, MO a . sto k and machinery; nil necessary bldgs. In good condition; 12 ml. river front; 2 ml. to R. R. Va., Henrico co., I.'jO a. and Impts., tools and machinery; Utt a. tillable; near Rich mond. Va.. Augusta co., 3& a. and Impts. Wyo., Laramie co., iu a. and impta. ; good bldgs.; abundant water; near It. R. sta. Patent automatic gate, rlxhts to any Impts. on same, and bjs. SIO.O.). W. M. OSTRANDER, North American Building, Philadelphia. RE-751 26 MONET to loan on city property, with privilege or making partial payments on any Interest date. w. It. xnomas nrst Nat. Bank l:ldg. RE 33 26 THREE BEAUTIFUL HOMES In fine residence districts for sale, fro-n 4 OOo to Sti.ioO; alto three homes at lrom 81.000 to 811.CJ0. See M. G. Montgomery KJ0-1 New York I.lfe B il'd'ng. Kfc MJ-28 WE APE STILL SELLING ACRES AT 110 DOWN AND 5 PER MONTH. BUY SOME OF THEM FOR YOUR FUTURE HOME A. P. TUKfcY & SON, 444-445 BOARD OF TRADE. P-S-812 24 the Handsoms Residences of an architectural stnndpolnt. its style beln; the modern Gothic. Its coet Is estimated at $70,000. The new residence of Mrs. Benjamin Gal lagher, now under construction on West Howard street, will be, so far as coat is concerned, the third of the Omaha houses. It Is to cost complete about $;0,0U. It Is Romanesque in style, modified to suit mod ern conditions. The F. P. Klrkendall home is another of the houses which bear a distinctive style. It presenting the Italian Renaissance. It is located In ample grounds at Thirty eighth and Jones streets nnd was con structed at an estimated cost of $40,000. A house which Is gem rally considered to be one of the best specimens of the Gothic In Omaha architecture Is that occupied by Casper E. Yoat, president of the telephone company, at Thirty-ninth and Davenport streets. For some time after Its construc tion It was pointed out as perhaps the only pure type of that school in the city and Mill attracts artistic attention. It cost shout. $!i6.000 and la constructed of brick and etcze. Another bouse possessing distinctive style is the homo of Henry W. Yates, on Chi cago street. It Is one of the older bouses In the west end, and Is fittingly surrounded by what many consider the most artistic ally arranged grounds In the city, for their extent, which Is nbout a block and one-half immediately attached to the house. The house is of stone, of the style known as "Eastlake," made famous on two conti nents by an English architect of that name. Its cost was probably $00,000, but it cannot be hoped to duplicate the same style and size in these days for a like amount, as both material and labor have advanced much In price. One Omaha contractor recalls working upon this houRe as a journeyman carpenter for 20 cents an hour, while a number were employed at 17H cents. Another house of distinctive design Is the home of J. E. Bauin, known as the "Johnson house," a pure example, and the only one in Omaha, of the house of the Ellzabethlan era. It was built of brick and stone at a ccst of about $50,000. It stands upon amplo ground on West Far nam street. The home of G. W. Wattles is an example of the Flemish Gothic. It was built at an estimated cost of $30,000, and stands upon two town lots on Thirty-seventh street. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOME or $420.00 per year; that is 10 per cent of Insurance, repairs and taxes It will Owner at 1628 Emmett Street RE 90S 26 VV, H- GATES, 617 N. Y. LIFE. PHONE 1294. 7-room modern house, 4 years old, nice cellar, ground 50x150, 4147 Izard street. $1875J 8 rooma, modern, well arranged, aouth front, good cellar, paved street; Emmet street near Boulevard $3,600. T rooms, good barn; ground 90x100; one block from UUth and Blnney 81.7UO. 60x190, vacant., on 14th St. north of Leav enworth; want an offer. 7 rooma oil S. 10th St.; nice lot, eaat front, good location 1,000. RE 014 2 -room house, city water, eewer. near 2Mh and Dodge; price Il,6o0; will trade 00 equity ou smaller house. Bemls, Pax ton blk. RIi-928 26 LOOK AT1608 KYNER AVE., AND AT THE S, E. CORNER OF 27TH AND MAPLE AND MAKE US AN OFFER ON EITHER OF THESE HOUSES. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444-445 BROAD OF TRADE. RE-012 26 BUME BARGAINS. GOOD 6-room hou3e one b o k Itom 24th St. cai", tl nw; eaay term. Five vacant lots In a body; north iron, o.i Kmnkl.n at corner ol i.h St., two ilocki from car and a nice location for two nloj nomiH; make offer. Vacant lot, couth front on Luke, 30) 1 el taut ot vJrd St., .oj. Vtcant lot at northe-ist corner of 3mh an I liuidttt ata., at yau.' ow.i p:l e; own r tae et mi- an oner. J. B. P-pcr, itamgd blk., Umiha., Nib. K el-Si i .6 New Cottage of t rooma, besides hall, cloutd, gantry, etc., ponelain bath, closet, mamle lava tory, hot and tula water, gas, full alae cemented cellar, lot 4.xiaj, v.t.l located In nortti part, near school and car. We are offeieu -'J per mo. rent lor tli:. PHICE ONLY tl.Tow. YOU MUST SEE THIS TO At h KLclATE IT. EKNEdl' SWEET, 613 N. Y. I, TEL. 1472. RE-SW7 2ti New 4-room cottage, well; full lot; prop erty fenced: W biock to new car line on N. itith; price $tica. Bemis, Paxton blk. HOUSES FOR SALE $7,900.0 8-room l.o. ) un juih Ave., near 1-acirlu .St., muiiein and giod coi.dl.ion, oak nniuh first ti'.or; rents to.iu per month. $3.5"Mi 00 Large lot wllh live houses, In de s rau.e location, rent for ;4&.uu per month $3,6iA.ut Fjr lot with two liuusen, In g ,uU location south part city; rent $jo.0o per month. $2,6i.uO New five-room cottaxe, on Uplift ing St.. near iU'a St.. tit y wat-r, aih, closst. gas. etc., full. lot. rne yard. $ house. 'U Elm tt., full lo GtOhlJE ik. L'UMfANV, Jti'l Farnam St. RE-091 GARDEN LAND FOR SAL1:. $:50) for 1:x160 leet at -9 h am Haml o Sta. Rich oottotn growul; nolce orattu i to build. Six l.lorkt. ut i r.ti car 1 ne No city taxts to pay. GEORGE & COMPANY. KOI Far.-am St. KE V2 Fine 1-acre lot, In Patterson Park addi tion, to trade for small residence prop erty. Bemia, Paxton blk. U Gate City People. The larger number of the liner residences of Omaha are built upon designs which cannot be classified among the classical, but constitute a class of their own, which Is known as the modern American residence style. This style, which in time may be come as distinctive as any of the classical, looks first to the convenience of the occupants and the latest laws of sanita tion and health. The architect Is per. mined to Introduce any form of ornamen tation which suits his fancy, and the com pleted building presents a pleasing appear ance, although often bewildering the sight seer who attempts to classify Its style. It Is a good style, or combination of atyles. approved by service and Its popularity demonstrated by repetition. Among these houses the home of Ouy C. Barton la prob ably the moat expensive, costing as It now stands about $r.i,000. It Is on Farnam street, with one-quarter of a block of ground attached. ' Another of these homes, but of earlier design. Is that cf C. H. Turner, which stands near the park which the owner has given to the city. It cost about $45,000. In this class also is the home of J. B. Kitchen, on Thirty-second street, costing about $15,000; the heme of General Cowln on Thlrty-aeventh street, the home of 8. D. Mercer, on Walnut Hill, and the homes of Herman Cohu and the late J. L. Bran dels. The home of Frank Murphy, on St. Mary's avenue. Is one of the best samples of this style, erected several years ago, at a cost of probably $.".0,000. Standing alone among Omaha residences, as a class, Is the home of Herman Kountse. This house standa in the largest private grounds in the city. It Is a sample of the utilitarian combined with the artistic In a way to excito admiration. Ita coat as at present Is estimated at $60,000. With these houses, the most expensive and distinctive in the city, there is a much larger number of line residences, not so expensive, but which add much to the architectural beauty of the city. High In this class Is the home of C. N. Diet, and the home of Judge Vlnsonhnlerj the home of Frank Colpetzer and the home of the late Milton Rogers; tho residence of Judge Woolworth is another in thla class, as is the new residence of C. H. Pickens. But It Is Impossible to enumerate these houses, which could be named by hundreds, each following In general character and design those mentioned. FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. Look at These Bargains In Real Estate. You Ought To Be Able To Find Something To Suit You In This List. REAL BARGAINS IN HOMES. No. 2711210 Shirley St., nice six-room house In good repair, full lot, only fl,OU0. Terms to suit yourself. , No. 6424 2it8 Burt St., good 7-room house. with barn, full lot, for only $1,260 cash. This Is a genuine snap. No. 63071716 N. 28th St., an elegant little home for $l,60o. Investigate thla carefully. No. 6438 4204 Miami St. an elegant little one and one-naif story house, with barn, two full lota, with bear ing fruit trees, an Ideal home at only $1,500. You make the terms. No. 6443 846 S. 21st St., a good 7-room all modern house, full lot, permanent walks In yard, plenty of shade, barn, etc, walking distance, only $2,150. No. 6426 Fine homa In Bemls park, 3218 Cuming St.. well built, substantial 8-room house, $2,800. This la a gen uine bargain. No. 6439 No. 3403 Lafayette Ave., also In Bemls park, an elegant home, brand new, 6 rooms and bath and reception hall, all modern, perma nent walks, etc., $3,000. VACANT LOTS No. 5433 We have 2 lots out on the Boule vard, Just south of Sprague St., lay as level ae a floor, elegant building site, $1,060. No. 196 An eastern client will be here next week and says the 2 lots owned by him on 28th, between Shirley and Dorcas , must be sold when he ar rives at some price. Let us show them to you. We have other vacant lota In all portions of the city, ranging In price from $60 to $10,000. Call on us for location and prloea. FARMS 330 acres In Merrick county, one of the fin est farms In the state. Send for full par ticulars. 144 acres, 6 miles southeaat of Ashland; good house, barn, granary, hog-tight pas ture fences; l.ilOO bushels of apples sold from orchard In 1902. Write us for full particulars. Here Is something for cattlemen 1.440 acres choice ranch and grating land, near North x-iaue, imcd. uwner wanted is per acre, but will take $3.50 to make quick sale. This Is only a sample of the hundreds of nargains in nouses, lots, farms and ranches which we have on our list. Write or call and see us. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, The Alfalfn Land Men, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. KE 8S7 26 AN ACRE of ground and a good five-room cottage, with large cattle sheds, good shade trees No. 975 South 61st street. Price, $1,260. The Omaha Realty Company, 1614 Farnam Street. RE-M8C1 28 9-room house, modern except furnace on Walnut Htll car line: will sell to good, reliable party for $1,800; $150 down, bal ance $-'6 per month. Here la your chance to apply your rent to advantage. Come In early It yuu want this. Bemls, Pax ton blk. RE 92k 28 FARMS. 1G0 acres, fair Improvements, good smooth land, ono mile north of Denton, Lancaster I courry; a r plenum puy at ttb per acre. J 80 acres creek bottom, 4 mllea sou h of Iilalr, 6i acre cultivated, la'ame line ; hard wood timber, wit., very beat blue gram pasture, no underbrush; running . water, giod improvements. Thla is a rich farm ami will make a good home. Cheap at $'! per acre. 100 acres. w II improved, very best bottom land. 40 acrei cultivated. 40 aire hav meuc'ow, l' acres blue gras paetu e, goo! imurov mm lis. line orchard, half ml e to srli.jul, inree miles from town, rural de livery and leliphoi e ler-ioe at tha dojr 'J per acre, a BAKCAIN. ' V. V. SHOLES COMPANY. 720 NEW YORK LIFE BLDQ. TEL. 49. IlE-863 28 MONEY to loan on city property. W. H Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bide. RE 838 26 P.EAUTIFUL LOTS ON 25TH AND GRAND AVE.. ON MONTHLY PAY MENTS. SEVERAL HOUSES WILL BE BUILT HERE THIS SPRING. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444-445 BOARD OF TRADE. RE 913 26 Modern. 6-room cottage, on Burdette near 24th; cemented cellar, summer kitchen, nna stable and carriage room, nice lawn; full lot. 6uxl2o. all fenced; a beautiful I little home; price $2.&oo; tasy terms. j Bemls, Paxton blk. R E 92$ 2D ! FOR SALE Five modern houses, gonrl n j new, cloae to car and school, tint location. I east front, wept part of city, ren.a lor , H.'8 per year, taxes low; a barguln al I S9.0U). 'Nine-room house, city water, gaa, lot 66x12', ' east fuint, ahade trees, houae 1" lirsi- claas oidir, on south tui St., J.5oO. Nino-room bonne, city water, sewer, south front, on 1.4th and Cspltol Ave.. $J 50i. , Lot a"xl4. 9 riura houhe, good tarn, ; outh front, un Slat and Miton. $2 2 '. 44x11.', aouth front, w Ih two l-n ora h 'i ses and good baru, few blocks touth of Un on smtlun. $ J. A. LOVOHEN & CO., 4i6 7 Paxton Block bid ,f FOR SALE IIKAL ESTATE. FOR THE HOME HUNTER $7.000 PfMrsble modern house, two lots, barn, pavea street. 131$ South 2yth avenue. $6.000 Nine rooms, modern house. 75 feet east troDlace. caved street. 610 Pi.ulh 29 avenue. $5.000 Modern, nine-room house, barn. paved street, permanent sidewalks; I'.miS South 83d street. $4.200 Kiaht-room modern house, south front. 60-foot lot. lame barn; 240 Harnev street. $4.200 Nine-room modern house, corner lot. paved street: liOl South 2'Mh st. $4.500 Modern rleht-room house, south front, paved street; 8012 t'hlcaso t. $3.500 Modern -room house, east front. electric llaht. baru. etc.; li.26 North 17th atreet. $3,500 Good 8-room house, nartlv modern. east front: 970 North 25th avenue. or will exebanae for rood trackaae property. , , $2,500 Hue 8-room dwelling, porcelain bath tub. etc.. Dundee Place. $2.500 Seven-room house, rood loiatu-. corner lot. t-ouihwest corner 3itu and Marcv atreets. ..... $2.000 Seven -room ntcrv and half house. barn. well, cistern, etc.; 4001 North 2Cth avenue. $1.600 , nod cm (aire, two lots. barn. chicken house, etc.; 1723 Van Camo FOR THE INVESTOR $12,000148 feel frontage on Leavenworth street. S.-E. corner of 20lh street, contains three-storv brick bulldlne; 1921-23 Leavenworth street, the frame cottaae ls15 Leavenworth airect. and vacant araund between. $20,000132 feet east frontane on 10th street, by 132 north frontage on Pacific St.. containing row of six from dwellings and detached frame cottage, annual rental. 2.0t0- $10.000 Double brick dwelling. 1810-1$ Chi cago street, each portion contains 12 rooms, all modern. 9,000 Double frame house. 222o-27 Dodge street, corner lot. paved atreets. permanent wslks. $12.000 Double brick dwelllnes. 2024-26 and detached frame dwelling 2022 Cal ifornia street. 86 feet south front aae. corner lot. all modern. $1S.500 Row of three brick, all modern, dwellings. 25th street, near rar- $25 000 Three and five-story brick ware house, with railroad track in rear. 1529-X1-33 North 16th street. $20 00066 feet frentage on Fsrnam street, between 18th and 19th streets. I K 00022 feet frontaee on Douelaa atreet. between 11th and 12th streets. $ 5 000 66 feet fronts on Mason street, bewteen 10th and 11th streetB. t 6.000 66 feet frontasre on 9th reet. be tween Farnam and Douelns streets. t 2.000 6 feet vacant trackage Property on Nicholas street, between 22d and 23d atreets. .... t 1 500336 feet trackage property at lotn and Clark streets. $ 1.500 Lot 3.1x132. with large barn. 1713 $ 1.600 Loltb6teEl!r.abet'h Tlace. 19th street. near Spruce. $ 1 500 Modern aeven-room house, Lake street. HOWARD KENNEDY & SON, 200 First National Bank Building. RE 824 2t DON'T BUILD for Investment when we have three nouses. Nos. 18SM0 42 North 2.M street ?hat We will sell for Jess than you cn build them for and throw In the lot bjl 140 Rerts, $J4. Houses newly repalied and painted. Trice, $3.2oO. The Omaha Realty Company, 1614 Farnam Street. RE MS'j7 28 7-room house. In south part of city, con venient to both Omaha and South Omaha; city water, cistern vvlth pump, cellar, coal shed and chicken house: full lot; one block from car; price $1 7oo. Bemla, Paxton blk. RL-928 26 MONEY to loan for building purposea. W. H. Thomaa, First Nat. Bank "dg SPECIAL OFFERS. Cal., Monterey co.. 320 a. and Impts. Cuba, near La Gloria, 10 a. oranges and cocoanuts. , . ,,, . . Idaho, Custer CO., fine ranch of 1,281 a. ana lmpae.; 1.250 a. tillable; line stream. Chicago, bldg. plot. Stone Whitney a sub- div. Indianapolis, 7-r. res., W. llth st. Ky., Pendleton co., 203 a. and impts.; fine sheep ranch; 176 a. tillable. Mass., Crampscott, modern 10-r. res. and I uAr.Vi uvu trnaA atable. Mich., Homer, 30 a. land adapted to fruit or truck; also nne mig. sue. Mo., Jasper CO., 160 a. and impts.; 7a a. tim ber; 76 a. cultivated; fine mineral pros pects. Mont., Gallatin co., 346 a. and tmpta.; 151 a. tillable; 8o a. timber; near R. R. Nebr , Banner co., 3i.O a.; 60 plowed. Nebr!, Box Butte co., 16J a. land. N. H., Boseawen. 24-r. res. and 1 a. N. H., Grafton co., oo a. and Impts. xi l nnr S Dennis. 25 a. and lmDte IX. Y., W. Turin, 11-r. res. and 6 a. land; bath ana lurnace; una locauun lur can llarlum. , N. Y., Franklin CO., 650 a. timber and lake flne location for cam I) or club resort. ft. Y., Sullivan co., 11 a. and impts.; 100 a. tillable; 6 a. orchard; near R. H sta. N. D., Pembina co.. 480 a. and Impts.; all tillable; 30J a. cultivated. Ohio, Wood co., 4D a. and Impts. Ohio, Lilly Chapel, r. res. and H a. Pa., Foreat co., 89 a. and impts. Porto Rico, Mayagues Province, 161 a. fine sugar cane, pineapple or grazing land. Tenn., Harr:man, brick store ana dwel. W. M. OSTRANDER, North American Building, Philadelphia. RE Di6 26 Acre and 12-rocm house. In poor repair, In West Farnam district; a anap for $3,5oo. Bemla, Paxton blk. RE-923 26 2 LOTS ON 26TH AND TAYLOR YOU MAY HAVE YOUR CHOICE FOR $100 CASH. IF YOU CAN GET ANY THING CHEAPER, DONT BUY THESE. A. P. TULEY & SON, 444-445 BOARD OF TRADE. RE 912 26 INVESTMENTS. X houses, rental tjuo yearly. $4,000. 3 frame houses, rental fc yearly, $5,000. 2 brick houses, rental sots yearly, ,tHW. Eleven 4-room brick houses, ground lOOx 144 feet, rental $1,820 per year, $ll,ouO. 3-story brick building near P. O., $18,500. Dougias, near 14tli St., (-story brick, $18,000. Farnam, near 14th St.. 3-atory brick, $2,0uo. stores and 12 flats, rental about $4,lo0 yearly; mortgage :.oou; equity ot $14,U4) to exchange for clear, good land or Im proved city property. SUNDRIES. Acreage close In, $luo and upward. 6 acres on North 24th St., 3 blocks from new car line, $2,(Xio. Unimproved lots, $60 and upward. Trackage lots, $3oo and upwards. Residences $750 and upward. 13) acres 12 miles west, $75 acre. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. RE 833 26 NICE 8-room house and lot, $2,800. 2S14 Marcy St. By owners; call on premlsee. RE 932 26 FOR BALE Six-room house, (502 8. loth; bearing fruit trees; city water, gaa. U. W. Carr. 33u6 Corby St. RE 968 26 7-room house, modern except furnace, stable, brick walk; full lot. near 24th and Lake $1,950. Bemis, Paxton blk. RE 928 26 FARM AND RANCH ' LANDS Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming. 50c to $2 per acre for ranches. $i to 12 for good farm lands. One-tenth cash. Write for particulars to B. A. McALLASTER LAND CO., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. RE Beautiful 6-room cottage. In West Farnam district, thoroughly modern; corner lot; owner leaving city May 15, therefore must sell; price $3,ou. Bemls, Paxton blk. itJS 2 ABSTRACTS of title to lands in Washing ton county, Nebraska, carefully and promptly complied from the county rec ords; ten years' experience. Hiker A Chambers, Abstracters, Blair, Neb. RE $3 DOWN and $2 a month for moot ha buys t suburban Chicago lot. No differ ence where you live, an investment In this lot will make you money. Send for mv circulars and leara why. Addresa W. Bay tar, caruaxe. mo. KaV H90S (7 FOll AI.K KRAI, FIST ATK. TO All people wanting to buy real estate EVERYBODY s You want to buy the ndlolnlng lot a nl have a nice big lawn. The owner Is a nonresident. LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING The writer has the nd.1resea ro r.'O'H to rtnte) nf over l.iW (neirlv everv ton resident owrer). To get this' fa' to it me lots of expense of money and lime 1.6 years) but IT IS FREE TO YOU I'll get the lowest price poss.blc BUY IT NOW Chas. E. Williamson. S. J. COO AN, Salesman, Farnam. HE-SI 7 26 7-room. modern house, ne:ir Manderson and 25th St., splen.lui neighborhood; only la.wW. Hernia, Paxton blk. RlC-ii.'S 2i JI.3S0.00 Four-room cottace, newly repnlred nnl painted, new brli-k foundation, citv wate . lot di'xlol; 2X1 South llih St. The Omaha Realty Company, 1614 Farnam Street. KE M 18-21 CANADA LANDS. I own and am offering for sale 126.000 acrea of sclocted small grain lands In Asslnl bola and Saskatchewan. ltirKe or small tracts. Prices right. Installment pay ments with options. No bettr soil or opportunities lor money makinK In Amer ica today. Reduced railroad fares. Per sonally conducted excursions. Write for maps, government reports", and "Facts from Farmers." to Iowa ottlce of HOWARD EVERETT, Canadian Land and 1-nmlgratlop. Agent, Terril, Iowa. RE-C12 M20 BEAUTIFUL acre with fruit nnd good -room house, between Omahn and South Omaha, at 42d and C streets. Certain to advance In value aa the cities grow to gether. A bargain for some one, $1,000. HARRISON & MORTON, 912-13 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE-641 WANTED Real estate. List your real estate with us We have n'i for Im proved and vacint property. N. P. l)od e Co., 1614 Farnam St. UE 7J9 21 A GOOD east front building lot on Sid St., near Nicholas, Beml Park, for $100. E.y terms. Hastings i Heyden, ln New York Life. RE -894 2t TRACKAGE INVESTMENT. Corner, 6fixlS2. near Hth and Unas Sts., with 2-atury, brick store building 2)1x40 on corner part; store below and 5 rooms upstairs; only $0,ouo for all. less of cost of the Improvements. Bemls. Paxton blk. RE 928 26 6 LOTS IN BEMIS PARK AT A KNOCK DOWN PRICE. MAKE US A CASH OFFER. A. P. TUKEY & SON, 444 445 BOARD OF TRADE. HE 912 26 FOR SALE, half acre cor. 60th and Q ats.; 160 acres Cedar county, near Harrlugtnn, $5,600; 22 lota 42d and Q sts. P. C. Cald- well. RE 909 26 7-ROOM modern house with barn, full lot near 24th and Lake, cheap, on payments; want piano or vacant lot as llrnt pay- ment. Addresa C 48. Bee. RE 906 26 4 acrea In northweat part of city to ex change for house and lot. Bemls, Pax ton blk. RE 928 20 ATTRACTIVE HOME Nine-room house, modern except furnace, with barn. Sightly location, west fro t, overlooking valley. No. S19 North 43u St Full lot. Price, $2,500. The Omaha Realty Company, 1614 Farnam Street. RE M8"j6 28 HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE. LARGE LOTS fronting o:t and overlook ing Miller park, on new Florence motor line; only $90 to $200 each, end only down and only $5 per month; come in and get plat and particulars. Bemls, Paxton blk. RE Via 24 A NEW HOUSE Build one We will bul.d It for you on the installment plan. rlomcseekers Ailn., lat Hour N. Y. Life bldg. RE Ull I CHARLES K.. 1203 Farnam street. it E 460 LOVELY HOME FOR SALE. 7-room all modern house, fronting south on Hanscom park; hardwood finish. Including floors downstairs; asphalt paved street. House could hardly be better located or mure dealrable In llself. Price $3,&ou. Pobieaaiuu May L HARRISON ti MORTON, 9ii-li N. Y. Lite. Tel. 314. HOUSES and lots in al parts of city; b,um acre ruiviy aiiu larui .alius. iu j. p. Isavia Uu., ftooiu boa oca oiug. iwH. U1 lu-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks no.u poalollice, lur sale cuea. i io.u. eneva - li.ii, RANCH and -farm landa for sale by the Union Pacific na'.lroau company. ii. a. McAiiealer, la no, cuuiunaisiuiiei', uiuoa Pa cuiu iteauuuartera, umanu, ftnii. , ItE w CHOICE trackage, paved. Monroe, till N. Win. KE-ttU, (6,50010 -room houae, 6 acre fruit, near Benson car nne. $9W 6-room collage, 27 1 h Ave. and Orant, mommy pa uicui.. W. N. NAbUN, 446 Bee Building. Peairable 8-room houae, near 4uth and Lodge. oak tiulah downstairs, large re ception hail, furnace, etc.; oniy 2.tiou. Bauiis, Paxton blk. RE tin M FOR SALE, 7-room house, city water, gue and cistern; line lot, with xhniie; 1,"0. MU Jackaon St. ME-tttt 2i CANADIAN LANDS FOR BALE Fln ' farina and best land In the Canadian nortnweal for aale. Write to Thomas tfc Kennedy, Wolbeley, N. VV. T. RE 2 26 g-room houae, In north part of city, I lots: $1,(hai; must sell. Bemls, Paxton blk. RE-9s M rHI.VTI.NO, URIEFB, etc. WATERS Printing Co. Linotype conr-V-tlon. Tel. 211. u- TWO 8-room flats, all modern; walking distance, 2tf.6-2s Capliol Ave.; f-12 ana tw per month. Inquire R. C, Peters &. Co., grounu floor, Bee Blug. D 66U VANS and baggage wagons. Tela. 1195-1 143. D-4u HfllKF in all parts of city. Tn O. HUUJtJ v. iavia Co., 6u Bee B dg. D-tOj HOL'aE8-!5 upward. Bemla, Paxton Blk. D 4'M FOR RENT i-room house, all modern, ex cept turnate. 70 1 N. .ih Bt., ej.ou. C. hi Bachmaiiu, 43u-jJ Paxtou Bile D 31s I7P4 FARNAM 8T.-10-room m idem brick VV. M. Rogeia, 27i Farnam fit. D Mlfcl TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; othee L-lift Farnam, or Tc la. lii-tai. D Hni IPQ In all parts of the city. it. 1 1VJU JLJ y Peters 4k Co., Bee B dg. D 4u 1 llOCHES-O. Q. Wallace, Brown block, D Uu HOUSES, Insurance. King-wait. Barker Blk. D M--U