Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20

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g --
Adrtlsrmeats tor these flnmi
will be liwra aatll II n. for tk
events edltloa ana III sVro p. m.
far morales; and Sunday edition.
Rates, 1 l-e a word Brat laaertla.
I a word thereafter. Nomina- takes
for leae thaa 8.1c for the Brit laecr.
Ilea. these iifrllitili aaaal
raa consecutively.
AdTtrllirrt, br resjoestlusT a auss
brrrd check, raar bar answers ad
Arrears' a mlrf4 letter la eare)
at l b He. Auewers addreeaed will
be delivered reeeatattoa af tka
atck aly.
WANTED, by a competent man and wife,
a. place to manage or work on arm. Ad
dress Hanstrup, Norfolk, Neb.
WANTED Foltlon as ' bookkeeper rind
stenographer May 1. Experienced. Refer
ences. Audre-a, C 47, Use. A 885 M-
WANTED A situation, by a hotel cook;
best of references. Address George OmiJ,
Columbus, Nab. General Dehveiy.
A- 14 26
W A 1 li l M ALE HELP.
A high gruuu k liool of bjsiness. shorthand,
toucn t ' v ritniK ami Knsmn prancue.
Call, write or 'pnone for prospectus.
11. H. uiiVb.ti. presiuent,
N. If. Lite Bldg., oroaha. Neb.
B MI440
MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad
fare upon our laliure to convince you of
thi being the HKdT anil oniy reliable,
moat practical burner college in the
United States. Write tor catalogue today.
Western barbers' institute, or.mhu, Nto.
B 398
AMERICAN Barber college, comer 12th
arid Douglas Hts. Our Illustrated catulogue
largest published. Free. Write. U 4iai
WANTED, traveling snlesmen to carry as
sideline Sweat Collar Pads, Patent Rid
ing Saddle pads. Horse Collars and Sad
dlery Specialties. Sell everywhere; lib
eral commissions. References required.
Write for full particulars. State terri
tory traveling. Tom Padgltt Badd.'ery
Co., Waco, Tex. B-MJ&i :
VOUNO MEN to prepare for government
positions; good salaries. Box 670, Cedar
Kaplds, la. B MlW Mil
WANTED, small Job of eoddlng soon. In
quire at 001 N. T. Lit Bids. B M233
DIME Pantallorium Pressing Co. Panta
firessed, luc; suits, 3oc. We call and de
Iver 114 . lbih, upaialrs. Tel 22M.
B-Mzl.1 Ml
C1GAHMAKER3 wanted In union shop: 15
Jobs open to competent clgarmakers; seed
mold perfecto shaped work; 1U per 1.000
J 'refer clgarmakera who have had fruiti
ng In large eastern factories; come at
once. Julius pepperbcrg, manufacturer,
Plattsmouth, Neb. B M4k4 26
BOX nailer and nailing machine hands;
also 2 good boys, 4 per week to start;
splendid chance for advancement. Omaha
Box Co., East Otnaha. B 62U 26
WANTED, a few good hustlers to repre
sent ua In every town; 300 per cent profit.
Address Hustler, Seneca, Mo. B 671 26
WANTED, an all round- blacksmith at
once. Inquire of Niels lljelm, Bancroft,
Mb. , B-670 2S'
WANTED, Person to call on retail trade
and agents for manufacturing house; local
territory salary 70, paid weekly, and
expense money advanced; previous ex-
i. close self-addressed envelope. Standard
House, Chicago. B M673 Kr
WANTED, a first-class harness maker.
Lincoln Leather Co. B M703 26
WANTED, men everywhere, good pay, to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack
signs, etc.: no canvassing. Nailona Adv.
Bureau, Chicago. B M4 SO
DENTIST wanted, must be a graduate;
good place for right party. Adjie-.i Dr.
' J. If. Malony, Red Oak, la. B M69J 26 ,
WANTED, good eoatmaker; also good
pttn.smaker; steaay job; coat atari at W.
Address w. rt. ford, creaion, la.
B M091 26
WANTED, an experienced camet cutter.
Apply carpet department, J. il Brandela
t eons. uatt i
WANTED At Grand Island, good plaster
ers, carpenters ana oncKiayerg, at new
couri nouse oiag. is M7iU W
WANTED Klrst-class, sober barber; wagea
JU and half over $2u. J. F. Foster. Lock
pox M, Aoeroeen, a. u. B M717 26
$0 PER 1,000 for distributing samnles
sieaay employment; particu ars mailed on
receipt of stamp. Great Eai
lug Co. (O. 13.). Phlladelphli
astern Import
B-799 26
WE AV I LI, pay any man $S5.00 per i
and all traveling expenses, such aa
hire. R. H. fare hotel bills, etc.. to take
orders for the greatest portrait house In
the wor.d. Your salary will be guaran
teed and paid to you weekly If preferred;
Address R. D. Curry, Dept, 756, Chicago,
WANTED-A boy 14 to 17 years old wl h a
nets tor drawing to i.arn ues.giiing and
illustrating for advertising purposes
wnoiion, jiii tsee liing. tsa)iH
DETECTIVES, every locality; rood salary
experience unnecessary. International
.Detective Agency. Milwaukee. Wis.
B 766 26
WRITERS, amateur desrrlutive sod short
a;ory writers. The Authors' Bureau. Mil
wuukoe, Wla. B 765 26
10 WEEKLY easily earned (position per
. man'nt), distributing circulars, samples
tacking Mgns; sond 4c for particulars
Commercial Advertising Association
Philadelphia, Pa. B 760 26
GOVEKNMEMT positions. Write for our
civil service catalogue arid learn how over
14,000 pei nous annually secure good pay
ing positions. Columbian Correspondence
college, vasnington, u. l. a
WANTED atenoRrapher and typwrl e:
only 6trictiy rrs'.-i'lasa man need app y
Address In own handwriting, No. i M,
Bee. B-9 J0 21'
WANTED Good all round blackimlth;
none other apply. W. H. Woo ter Flr
bury. Neb. B 924 26
WANTED Al blacksmith; must be good
horseshoe r snd plow workman; good
wages to good man. William Schueler,
Western, Nib. B 969
COMPETENT man to travel fcr largi
wholesale hnu'e. Pofltlon permanent; $7i
per month und expenses. Iief-r nies re
iulred. Ht i'o a? i and experience. Ad
dress. Miii uger. j.)ept. 1 3, Box S21 PhUa
delphla. Pa. H-tel J,
YOUNG MEN copy letters at hom: il
weKkly; permanent. Apply, em- osl v
stamp, Western Trading Co., Cine nn tl,
Ohio. B-862 26
$5,000 PER YEAR-Wanted, men of good
reputation. Urge acquaintance, to act as
permanent representatives for the ssle of
dlvldend-pyl!ia stocks: not cheap men.
but those capable of earning $3.li0 to V,Ci0
per year. To such we will give steady
employment at good saliry. Address R.
D. Robinson Co. tine), 355 Brosdwav, I.os
Augelea. Cal. B 744 26
WANTED, printer: state age. experience
and wages required. News, Mlnden Neb.
B-815 26
WANTED, man of ability us general agent
to write lnvtstment contracts, with guar
antee bonds attar lied; JluO month and
iftlce expenses. Hustlers inly. Address
international Credit company, Los An-
gtles, Cul. B
WANTKD Neat, active young man for
i.da fountain. llahu's I'liarmc.'-v. IdLh
and Farnaiu. B tstr tl
AN Income of !8 week can bo earned by
any person able to mrlte and willing to
work; grand, opportunity. Dig muuey
honest employ 1 : nartloulsrs fire, ad
dressed envelope. Empire, 1&J Montague
Bt.4 urookiyn. r. i. ;v
ACTIVE man to dallver und collect for
manufacturer; J It. paid for 13 da)s trlitl
IrrninneM. If cUUctory. Henry Eng
wall, lakeside B.dg. Chkasu.
B 787 W
LIFE Insurance solicitor), rat road men an1
other, as local nKenK. Lucrative wo k
for catiuble men with reference. Al ei'i
Chanelle Co.. Ltd., Trust HM . Los
Angeles, Cat B-8, -!.
MEN' or women: steady work: a rood in
come at h"me In the mall order bjsiness;
straight; legitimate; no experience neres
ssrv; no capital required: write for par-tl-ulars.
Mutual Mall Order Co., Albany
Hid., Boston, Mm. B
LEARN proofreading: situations secured,
$15 to jj weekly, Home Correspondence
School. Philadelphia. B
MANAGER Wealthy and established com
pany owning one of the largest plants
manufacturing food specialties In the
United States flealrea the services of a
good man to take chare; of a hranrh of
fice; aalary 8160 monthly and expenses and
mmmlsslons which Insure an Income of
$:".0U0 yearly. Company operates on co
operative plan and requires the manager
to Invest from $1.5"0 to 2.5" In etock.
State previous experience, qualifications
and references. Add. Manager's Dept.,
Box 24S'. Battle Crcok. Mich. B 774 26
WANTKD, everywhere, hustlers to tnck
signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.:
no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis
ing Bureau, Chicago. B 770 26
COMPETENT traveling salesman to sell
our excellent Church Statuary, finest col
lection In America. Send for our i-page
Illustrated catalogue and for terms. A.
Da Prato A Co., Boston. B 768 26
WANTED, A wideawake, energetic man to
solicit business; sslary or commission;
state agency to right man; no member
ship fees. The International I w & Col
lection Co., Dayton, O. B 786 26
WANTED, boy to atrip tobacco and learn
cigar moklng; one that can play In brass
band preferred. Ed O'Connell, Lake City,
la. B-781 26'
MEN WANTED Our achetne brings In to
to I0 per day every time we operate It.
You can do aa well In your town. Strictly
legitimate. No capital or Investment re
quired. Send stamp for full Information.
llutton as Co., Dept. s. rntiaaeipnia, fa.
B 763 26
WANTED young dry good salesman, with
11.600 to ..ouo, to lake stock in tlrm, with
position. Address P. O. Box 1192, Helena,
Montana, 13 820 26
WANTED, at once experienced mattress
makers. Address western Mattress Co.,
Lincoln. Neb. B 823 26
$20 PER THOUSAND paid for copying
snort letters; several lines or work to give
out; 15 to $) weekly working evenings;
Inclose stamp for copy of letter, Instruc
tions, etc. Address Eagle Wholesale Co.,
Chicago, III. B 881 26
MEN You needn.t come around unl" you
are rona or mixing in a bevy or i eajtirjt
ladles, for that Is what you will find at
the Elevator Boys' May Dance, Washing
ton Hall, May 1, 1903. Kauff man s or
chestra. Ellington, M. of C; C. P. Ratektn. Flor
Manager. a to J)
day evening at Washington Hall.
B-IS 26
MEN Our Illustrated catalogue exp alns
now we leacn rjaroer traae In Phort time;
mailed free. Moler Barber Co 1 ge 1)J
Douglas St. B M8J9 M-2
WANTED Young doctor, registered In Ne
Drasaa, to assist optician In coun'ry
luwns. Aauress, i; u, ttee. 15 ts.a VS
MANAGER WANTED In every large
county; "Game o' Skill" nickel slot ma
chine for drinks, cigars or money; takes
place of forbidden slot machines; strictly
lawful everywhere; rented or sold on
easy payments; sixty thousand now In
use. lunningnam Furniture Co., depart
ment t5, Chicago. B 805 26
WANTED Two salesmen salary or em
mission, v.. x. Aaami to., isis Howard bt.
The Hawks Nursery Co.,
Wauwatosa, Wis.
M365 2
$4.00 to S10.00 Per Dav
Made selling the self-llgtlng gas mantle
See ebrasaa-iowa Auto Lighter Co., 105
8. Uth St., omana. M874
WANTED, an enterprising young man of
good appearance, common school educa
tion, ioi traveling position, can on Mr.
enn, raxton noiei. ii3u
SALESMEN WANTKD To carry our sus
penders ana oeus in iseoraska and Iowa:
preference given those handling kindred
lines and having acquaintance with the
trade; liberal and prompt commissions;
give territory covereu ana an particular.
American mispenaer co., Aurora, III.
M 719 Ml
SALESMEN wanted for Gummed Labels
and Advertising Stickers. A good alda
line. Liberal commission. . Send refer
ences. H. H. Willson & Co.. S27-329
Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. 764 26
WANTED, salesmen to sell goods by sam
ple; wholesale and retail trade; we are
tne only manufacturers In our line; lib
eral aalary or commission. Can-Dex
Mfg. Co.. St, Louis, Mo. 761 26
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska; no
te: h"lcal know ("(., bjt active all round
hustler: established, hlah-rated house. F.
R. Jennings, Sales Mgr., 21 W. Atwater
Bt.. ieiroit Alien. 733 ZS
SALESMEN, by highly ratod concern,
manufacturing stapie (new brand), han
died by several lines every town; sold on
90 days; full commission, check everv
Saturday; permanent profits on personal
trude; pqeket samples; an easy side line,
1. osier, sec y, Koc lildg., Bt. Lo-ils.
790 26
SALESMEN Biggest salesman's commls
sion. biggest deulers' profit, biggest con
Burners' value; In all respects the biggest
paint proposition ever offered; fine side
line;, experience unnecessary. Klnloch
l'aint CO., St. Louis. 739 26
WE MUST have more traveling salesmen.
Apply at once, ueorge a. iMker & Co
South Bend, lnd.
SALESMEN, traveling or local, side line
2j per cent commission: goods new sell
to every business everywhere; sample case
tree. Aooress u. in. 1,0., 112 t. ljtn St.
New xork.
WANTED, salesman: $00 monthly and ex
penses; permanent. First National Nur
series, itocnesier, . 1.
SALESMEN WANTED, wages weekly, ex
neiience unnecessary: permanent. Man
ager Western Nursery Co., Lawrence,
OUR line of games and toys as a stdo line
for salesmen is a money maker. For par
titulars udoreas iurc oc Co., cmcago.
788 26
SALESMAN WANTED By responsible
munuracturer, traveling specialty sales
man of experience and ability for Ne
braska territory; position permanent: ma
worth good salary write with references.
Address c w, liee. 763 -b'
SALESMAN, resident In Omaha, wanted b
manufacturer or tine snirts. to visit local
und neHrby trace; can be carried as a sld
line: liberal commission. Address, wit
purtlciilara, Climon II. Smith, 3"J5 Broad
way. New York. 749 26
WANTED, salesmen for wholesale grocers to
sell Mall Pouch Rousted Coffee In pack
ages (ll-ted with all associations) under 1
line proposition. We sell through whole'
sale grocers only. Write for particulars,
rianiev at Kinseua coaee ana bplce co.
Dl. Lxiuts. mo. ( a
SALESMEN John Sexton & Co., Importers
of teas and coneea and wholesale grocer
16 to 22 State Si.. Chicago, wunt exoerl
diced, honest, energetic high-grade men
to sen iirmere ana omw large ouyers.
We are the largest grocery house In
America engaged in this business and the
originator of honest and modern methods
of conducting It. We handle the finest
goo 1a and guarantee quality and, quantity
of every article; no capital required; ex.
elusive territory given In which an estab
lished trude Insures fine Income. W are
Farmers' Headquarters In Chicago.
-S74 2
GOLD WATCH FREE For selling Jewelry.
Send for 18 pieces lo dispose of at luc
ach. We give yoa guaranteed watch.
Waiklns Supply Co., Plttstun, Pa.
879 26
WANTED At one; experlenc?d travel
taieiman lor Nebraska. We want a aiei
nmn; no haa-bcns need apply. Add.e s.
Drawer tf, Chicago. 8"iS 2
WANTED Salesmen calllnj on black
smiths, carriage and Implement CeMrj.
for patented axle nut. side line. Pontile
Hardware Specialty Co., Box 93, pontine,
Mich. 51 m
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple Hue; high romtiilwluni
wlih advance of $100 monthly; perma
nent piiaitlou lo light mOk Jeia H.
Smith Co., Detroit. Mien. 00 26
WANTEl A good girl for genetsi house
work, inquire l-4 roppieloti avenue.
WANTED, a gvid girl. $15 per month with
board and wastung. at tne creche.
C M702 26
100 airla Call Canadian office, loth 6 Dodge.
C 4otf
WANTED, middle-aged lady for light
housekeeping; uimii wage no washing,
four In famliy. Addreaa C 26, Ben.
C-641 27
IRT. wanted for general housework, with
references. 3612 Farnam. C 646 1
WANTED, girl for general housework. 2S29
California street. iau atter t p. m.
C 669
WANTED A competent girl for general
houwework; reterences requirea. Mrs. Ed
ward Roscwater, lili jJougias. c 689
WANTED, girl for general housework. 1"50
Georgia Ave. c 705
WANTED Oirl for general housework. In
quire at office or A. A. Clark, 4Z1 Proad-
way, upstairs, council iuns. u M,w Z7
WANTED A girl for general housework;
three In tne family; no nouse cleaning;
good wagea. 21s South S8lh Ave.
C 727-n
LADIES, $10 weekly making small signs at
home: no experience needed: material
furnished: steady emnlovment. Inclose
stamped addressed envelope. Ticket Co.,
131 West 23d 8t.. New York. C 766 26
LADIES do plain sewing at home; t8 to $15
paid weekly; materials rent ree every
where; send stamped envelope for particu
lars. Weber Mfg. Co., is west wtn St.,
New York.
C 797 26
LADY to call on retail trade and agents
for manufacturing bouse; local territory;
salary $i.70 paid weekly; expense money
advanced; previous experience unneces
sary; buslne-is successful, inclose self-
addressed envelope. Standard House, 330
Caxton Bldg., Chicago. c
LEARN proofreading; situations secured.
lis to IZ5 weekly, noma orresponaence
School. Philadelphia. C
A GOOD position awaits every woman who
will sell our heauiiiiu petticoats ana sona
comfort walking skirts: exclusive terri
tory; big profits: no experience necessary;
send for catalogues and particulars. Tarts
Skirt Co.. Cleveland, O. C
COPYING lettera at home; $25 per 1.000 paid
weekly; nothing to buy or sell; no can
vassing; steady employment. Handy Co.,
142 Nassau St., New York. C 767 26
WANTED, lady to travel and collect In
Nebraska; salary, tin per week ana ex
peases; references. Only willing worker
reed apply. Send aelf-addressed envelope.
Advertising Bureau, 62 uearoorn i., t ni-
C 784 26
$20.00 A HUNDRED writing letters at home;
steady work; address envelop ror par
ticulars. Modern Chemical Co., Dept. 10,
b3 River Bt. Chicago. C 783 26
WANTED, young girl about 16 to assist in
care or baby. 3567 Howara. c 04 zt
LADIES to do piecework at their homes;
we rurnlsn an materials ana pay irom
to $12 weekly. Send etamped envelope to
Royal Co.. 34 Monroe St., Chicago.
C-87S 26
$30 PER THOUSAND paid for copying
snort letters; several lines or worn to give
out; $5 to $6 weekly working evenings; In
close stamp for copy of letter. Instruc
tions, etc. Address Eagle Wholesale Co.,
Chicago, 111. C-880 26
$5.00 PER HUNDRED for addressing en.
veiopes. isena uime ana stamp tor run
Instructions. Steady work. C. E Miller
& Co., Ely B.dg., Chicago. C-869-2J'
WANTED Girl for general hou ework.
8008 Marcy St. C 8i 36
LADIES You ought to see the nice look
ing ' bucks that bouglit tickets for the
Elevator Boys' May Dance, Washing 0.1
Hall, Friday, May 1. C 44-Le
LADIES Our Illustrated catalogue ex
plains now we teach hair ares ing, mani
curing and mas-age. Short time. Mailed
free. Moler College, 1303 Douglas St.
C M8K M-2
LADIES or gents, copy letters at home; no
names to supply or addressing envelopes
nothing to buy; $20 a nald weekly
Send addreeaed envelopes for copy and
application Diangs. practical Mfg. Co,
128 Market St., Newark, N. J. C 745 26
PLAIN writers; home employment; filling
small blanka; rate $25 per l,0u0; addressed,
stamped envelope. in ion Commercial
Bureau, Mgr., 164 La Salic St., Chicago.
C 818 26
GIRT, for general housework; good wa?es.
Apply jo Mason st. C M638 it
GIRL wanted for housework; gool wages;
email family., zus Franklin ave.. Council
Bluffs. C ;0 2tj
stantly, cure permanently; positively
guaranteed; 10 plasters, 10 cents (stamps
or silver). Delos Mfg. Co., 49 E 4th St.,
St. Paul, Minn. C 808 26
DEPUTIF.S. men or women: splendid con
tract. The uaraenera, w isee puiiaing.
TWO solicitors, male or female, for city or
outside territory, a noe at uaiai v guar
anteed. Addrees, C 48, Bea. 41 26
DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam.
AETNA HOUSE. European, 13th 4 Dodge.
ROYAL HOTEL. European. 16th & Chicago.
L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780.
. 11V
$ ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 . 11th.
FRONT 1st fl., modern. 2024 St. Mary's Ave.
E 349
$1 00 TO $7 00 per week. 422 B. ISth St., one
block south of court hojse. E 368
220 N. 17TH, neat rooms, new fiat.
DOUBLE parlor; south front; references.
'Phone F-25t'2. . E-831
111 S. 20TH. nicely furnished room for two
gentlemen. E M931
TWO nicely furnished rooms. 552 S. 26th
Ave. E 173 MaylO
CENTRAL, modern, two or three furnished
rooms. 220 N. 2SJ. E-M293 Mil
NICELY furnished modern roomo. 1617
Cass Btreet. E-M287 M14'
DE3IRABLK rooms, first-class location,
walking distance. 2224 Farnam.
E M2.8 27
PARLOR on first floor. $5 per week: nice
room on third floor, 82.50 per week. 'Phone
A-2167- 120 N. Wtn Bl. r, o.y
TWO south front rooms, with alcove. 2580
IN Davl.lge building, corner 11th and Far
nam one u''e little room, new'v fum
"shTd. Call Flat 8. E-M397 $$
NEATLY furnished rooms by the day or
week: tirlces reasonable. 2572 Leaven
worth st.
ELEGANT front room, gentlemen only.
19J Leavenworth. 3d flcor. E-M700 36
ROOMS, bath, private home, pleasant loca
tion. 1604 N. 22d. EtYi 30
ROOMS. 1S14 Webster.
K-M708 26
MODERN itnd central room for one or two
nersons. 11.00 iier wwn. o'i n,,
' K-MW7
wvt.IFl'RNISHED room in private fam
11 v. for single gentleman. 114 t'outh ltnh
st. km-912
ENTIRE psrlor floor. 3 large roima. ele
gantly furniahed. suitable for housekeep
ing; all modern convrnlenees. Including
telephone, loquure 116 I. Utb st
THE FARNAM. 19th and Farnam. E-941
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping room". 2iU
Howara. iw jh ij
ELEGANTLY modern furnished and un
furnished rooms In nice, new brick b'llM
Ing; close to business center. 1618 Web
ster st. L 954 36
2 ROOMS In new building: new flat, newly
furnished: porcelain bath. llt IVr'ge,
Flat D, 3rd floor. E t i
218 N
desirable furnlshd
E 9.1 Urt
NICE rooms, steam best, with or without
board; low rates. Midland Hotel, 16th and
Chicago F 4
1816 DODGE Front parlor and other rooms.
Telephone A2407
SINGLE room and board. 415 N. 25th St
LARGE front room In private family,
su, table for two, with flrst-clas board;
modern; southeast exposure; convenient
to car line; good location. Apply toll
Davenport Bt. F M611 li
ROOM and good board. 626 So. 19th.
F-6a M19
1618 Farnam, one large front parlor, suit
able tor man ana wire or two gentlemen;
excellent board; location best In Omaha.
Phone A-2762.
F 688
1917 CASS Rooms, with or without board,
in modern detached house.
F-831 16
NICE rooms, good board. 415 N. 251 h st.
F 8-6
DOUBLE" and single rooms with board for
gentlemen; nice rooms, central location.
113 So. 20th St. F M948 26
TWO or three fine unfurnished rooms. 220
N. 23d Sireet. G 529
$5.00 per month, 2 unfurnished rooms. 1520
Marcy, one uiock irom car line.
G-M6C4 2S
FOUR modern rooms for light housekeep
ing; nair diock rrom Farnam car. Z10
80. 30th St. G 827 26
FOUR unfurnished rooms for housekeeping;
modern, oio so. zttn st. U A1SJ4
4 ROOMS; take washing for rent. "11 8.
wtn st. u M9j1 tf
FOR RENT, the building formerly occu
pied by The Bee at 816 Farnam St. It has
four stories and a basement which was
formerly used as The Bee press room
This will be rented very reasonably, if
Interested apply at office of C. C. Rose
water, secretary, room 100, Bee building
FOR RENT, building suitable for whole
sale purposes at 916 Farnam. 22x90, four
atortes and first-class cemented basement
elevator, fire and burglar proof vault'
office counter and flxtuiea. For price and
particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec
retary the Bee Building Co., room 100. Bee
building. I M567
We will build a thiee or fqur-story build
ing on Harney street, suitable for wholesale
purposes. Lot 44 foot front. Alley in rear.
Ground Floor Bee Bldg.
OFFICES In The Bee building, $10.00 per
month up; rental pr ce Includes heat,
light and Janitor service. R. C. Peiers dc
Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266
FOR RENT Second floor of 1212 Farnam
street, with private entrance.
' I-731-M-1
WANTED, canvassing agents In every
county to solicit subscriptions to THE
Steady employment with assured good in
come. Agento In the country with horse
and buggy especially desired. Canvassers
make tttbily $tio to $100 per month. Ad
dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau,
w uuiiuing, iinane. J i4
SALESMEN, three salesmen for Rand. Mc
Nally & Co.'s new edition Reversible Map
of the United States and World; size 66x
46 leches; the largest man oublished on
a single sheet in this country; two maps
in one; gives county map of the United
States and Canada on lis face and large
scale up-to-date map of the world on the
reverse: Inset maps of Hawaii. Porto
P.lco. Cuba. Philippine Islands and Alas
ka, corrected to date; representatives
already at work are sending in heavy re
ports; one secured 100 orders In 10 days;
new plan of work which does away with
the old system of canvassing; a splendid
opportunity for energetic, men who desire
to engage In a work that will pay them
liberally and furnish permanent employ
ment. Address Rand, McNally & Co.. 168
Adaroa St., Chicago, 111. J 763 26
WANTED, manager In every city, county
to handle best-paying business known;
legitimate, new: exclusive control. Phoe
nix Co.. 15 W. 28th St., N. Y. J 765 26
WE START you selling diamonds; don't
accept employment until getting our lib
eral offer; $5 daily sure. Carbon Diamond
Co., Syracuse, N. Y. J 798 26
AGENTS wanted; hitch horses solid In
stantly; pHtented; weighs but few ounces:
fits pocket; sight seller. Address Pocket
Hltchlngpoat Co., Richmond. lnd.
J-791 26
WANTED, local agents everywhere for our
New Music Issue;" 500 per cent profit: no
Competition: sneelnl larrltnpv Th. nrnAn.
Music Pub. Co., 424-428 Race St., Cincin
nati O. j
ENERGETIC women can make $30.00 a
month upward, selling Gray's Specialties
and Monthly Friend Supporters; are
washable; 50c for agents outfit. Charles
S. Ruckstuhl, 617 Elm, Bt. Louis. J
AGENTS to develop most fascinating and
peculiar high-class book business ever
offered. Thousands of distinguished con
tributors and patrons including kings,
queens, princes and eminent scholars from
all parts of the world. A unique money
making opportunity for alert and ener
getic solicitors. Send for circular. Yew
dale Co., Monon Bldg., Chicago. J
AGENTS and canvassers, men and women,
make money selling our photo Jewelry,
buttons and medallions. The finest work
cf this character produced In the coun
try. Made from any picture. Great sell
ers, liberal terms, free catalogue. Write
today. Reed 4k Co., 113 Adams St., Chi
cago, 111. J
AGENTS for photo buttons, brooches,
locket-:, medallions; big Inducements.
Photo Jewelry Co., 19: State St., Chicago.
LAMP that makes Its own gus; no oil,
wicks or chimneys: sells for one dollar;
lamp free to those wishing to work for us.
Eastern Gas Co.. 130 Fulton St., New
York. J-
WANTED Lady agent wanted for the old
established ' Hveela Corsets and Skirts.
the agent'a best friend and muney maker,
For particulars apply to Western Corbet
Co., St. Louis, Mo.
6LRANCE CO., Elkhart. Ind.. lruiures
persons from to to 54. Seventeen yeura In
buslneas Liberal contracts to agents.
BIG WAGES to agents everywhere to show
Rector Cream Separators to farmers.
HarrU-Gour Mfg. Co., Iept. V, Kansas
City. Mo. J
SPLhrs'DID opportunity, fjll Instructions
for starting; experience or caoital un
necesssiy; standard Hue; no fake: sam
ple Iree: rare clmnc. for iHnte profits;
established house. Porter-Mot ter t'hl
Csgo J-777 26
AGENTS. $3" to $50 weekly easily mate.
We prove thia. Luminous nametlute;
numbers. sIrhs readable darkest nlichta:
samples free. Right Supply Co . Ecsle
wood. 111. J 786 28
GOOD MONET regularly made by hun
dreds of women representing Hoyce s
High Orsde Flavoring Extracts snd Toilet
Requisites. Regular trade easily estal
llshed because goods please. Write to
diy. The Abner Royee Co., Sta. 11. Box
88. Cleveland, O. J 773 26
WE WANT women to Bell made to measure
storm garments, mackintoshes, stormy
weather skirts, etc.; guaranteed goods;
Dakota woman made $;, four days; write
for proof; quick sales; splendid profits;
repeat orders assured' write today.
Ladles' Supply Co., 3118 Forest Ave., Chi
cago. J 772 26
AGENTS wanted everywhere; make 85 to
$10 per day. Others are doing It, why not
you T Quick sales. Kusy work. Most lib
eral proposition ever offered. Write today.
National Association, 520 Rialto Bldg.,
Chicago. J 771 2'
INTELLIGENT women wanted to sell Min
uet Skirt and Waist Holder; every woman
buys ai.d Invarl.iblv reorders; unusually
large commissions, write today. Wheeler
tc Baldwin, 16H6 Michigan Ave., Chicago.
J 769 26
AGENTS wanted to Bell stock at a low
price In the best oil company In Califor
nia; big commission. App.y quick for ter
ritory and particulars. Mt. Hamilton
Land & Oil Co., San Jose, Cal.
J 7S2 2iJ
$50.00 WEEKLY and expenses; sample free;
greatest money-making Invention of the
ago; Automatic Washer does a washing
In 80 minutes without labor or attention;
cheaper than any other, Indestructible.
Everybody buys; agents coining money.
Thousands of testimonials. Automatic
Washer Co., Station U, Chicago.
J-7S0 26
OWN YOUR own home, anywhere In the
United States; we furnish money, no in
terest; small monthly payments; good
agents wanted. Fraternal Home Purchas
ing association, Monou Bldg., Chicago.
J 779 26
$30 A WEEK and expenses to men wl h Iga
to Introduce our poultry remedies, orwon
Rem. Co., Dept. 00, Parsons, Kan.
AGENTS make $6 a day; sell photot from
Paris life: list and samples to start 12
stamps. Laurln, 21 R. Vandamme, Paris,
France. j .
BEGIN business for yourself; stop working
ror otners; we start you in prontanie mail
order business at your home; pleasant
work; Immense profits; unlimited possi
bilities. Full Information for stamp.
Franklin-Howard Co., Denver, Colo.
AGENTS, salesmen, big selling household
article, city or country; state asency
open: one agent Is selling 10 gross weekly:
two-thirds profit: don't delay. Davis, 4ti9
Belmont Ave., Newark, N. J. J 812 28
AGENTS are coining mney selling otr
kitchen board, a household ertlc e ap
proved by all women; sales eiM.y and
rapidly made; 100 per cent prollt. Write
for terms. WeBtern Business Agency,
Chester, III. J 806 2.
ONE agent sold 337 In one day at Dallas.
Tex. You can sell hundreds nt large
gatherings or even In your neighborhood;
16c gets a sample, circulars, Instructions,
pointers, or Bend $3 for 100 and start
out; millions In It. Summit Co. Supply
House, box E. Akron, O. J 810 2ti
WANTED, to rent, strictly modem fiat or
small house; price no object; young
couple. Address c 17, pee. K Moos
LADY Room, partly furnish!; private
zamny; privilege iigni Housekeeping.
C 37, Bee. K Mi2r 3i
WANTED to rent, an 8 or S-room house
latter preferred; modern conveniences; In
west or southwest locality. Address Y
67. Bee. K-596
THREE ROOMS, singly or ensulte, walk
ing dlbtance. permanent. Address u a
Bee. K-M6S1 25
I NEED cottages and small houses to sup.
ply demand. List them with me. G. E.
Turning ton. tx isee. ;- jv
WANTED, to rent, a well furnished modern
house, centrally located, by family of 3
aauits. Address c 39, Bee. iv vus w
WANTED to rent, six rooms, nicely fur.
nlshed. for housekeeping. 1414 N. 23d,
South Omaha. K 828 36'
I HAVE tenants who want houses. If yoj
want your houses well rented Bee
820-1 New York Life Bulldn?.
K 4J 2.1
WANTED A" room in private family, by
two young men. Reterences exenang. a.
Address C 52, Bee. K !M1 26
WANTED, to-buy out a stock of mil
Unery in a good business town from aOO
to i.wm inhabitants. Adaress Milliner, A
67. care Omaha Bee. N M5S7 M.l
WANTED, military land warrants: $5 paid
person telling me who has one, wnetner
1 buy or not. it. iv. neuey, Kansas city,
MO. MtVQ itt'
RANCH Party wants ranch of 6,00) to 8,0
acres lor casn in N. w. Kansas, 6. H,
isehraska or eastern Colorado. Wr.te
details. Henry C. Smith, alls Cit
Nebraska. N .
WANTED To buy secondhand lawn foun
tain. Give full decision nnu l.wci,
cash price. Address, C 41, Bee.
N 810 2ii
WANTED To buy newspaper or other
business. Address C 38, Bee. N ell 26
WANTED TO BUY Saddle pony for glil
14 years old; must ba well i rke and a
good loaper; show pony teunday
between 8 and 10 o clock. 3513 S. z, tn st
N-2 26
CHICAGO Furniture Cov 1410 Dodge. Tel.
uiw. ftew ana second hand uougut, sold,
fcXi-hangud. o izz
HORSE AUCTION at Union Stock Yards
horse market every Weduebday af.arnoou.
75 DELIVERY wagons, buggiek, carriages.
any size or any pr co to suit. it. Frost,
14U1 and Leavenworth. P izi
AUCTION sale of horses every Tuesday,
xnuisuay, at jonn n. coopers, union
block Xard. South Omaha, Neb.
P-2.5 Mayl2
CARRIAGE painting, repairing, Cass St.
Cul r la go. Works, Wood A Anderson, 1VJ1
CakS bt. Tel. U.i. P M649 Ma
I HAVE several No. 1 buggies and car
riages I will sell at less thun thev can be
bought for at factory. Wis. Pfelffer, 2610
Leavenworth. p mm
FAMILY horse for sale. 1705 So. 28th St.
P 825 26
COl'PIC Rockaway ; also two oi en car
riages, fur salt at sacrifice. Addre
C so. Bee. PM-Ji M3
FOR 8AI-E Family driving mare, weight
about ), 8 years old, good driver and
gentle, also buggy and carriage, cheap for
cash. Apply 22U Howard. P vl9 20
FOR SALE Cheap, rubber-tired phaeton,
good condition. W. II. Head, with Llnin
ger a Metcaif Co., Sixth and Pacific.
P-3J1 26
New and 2dhand typewriters. 1119 Farnam.
INDIAN cooda and relics, lilt Farnam.
WIRE fence for hoga. poultry, lawn and
faima. Wire Works, 611 So. lbth. Tel. laK).
(J-M3J3 Jyu
TEl.KPHf'NE poles. Iing Fir timbers.
Chicken fence, oak piling, ton Dotiaias.
FOR SALE. Crane hydraulic elevator. i
be used either pastenger or rrelgfil, com
plete. Iron guldu posts, cage and wiie
voc'.'jsuns. J. L. uraiioeis at Buns
FOR PALE First mortgage note hearing
per cent interest, psyanie every six
months; lias about years to run; good
security and endorsed by responlde
party; amount, $1,800 Inquire C. M.
Bachman. Room 421, Paxton lilot k.
CATA1.0GUK cut drug prices free. Sher
man 4k Mcionneii urug Co., Omaha.
FOR SALE Phonographs superior to any
other musical instruments, a,i up. The
Columbian Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam.
2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam.
T. DURKIN, electric light wiring. Tel. 2448.
SECONDHAND man's wheal. In good con
dition; wl'l sen cneap. iau at x cass
t. Q-M9U
FANCY and common pigeons, blue Anfle-
luslan hens; prices very reasonable. 8.MS
So 20th St. Q M178
HIGH-GRADE buggy, harness anf car.
rlage, goon as new; a big bargain, jonn
son & Roberts, Deere building, loth and
Leavenworth. Q MS47 M.14 .
FOR SALE Secondhand Locomobile, In
llrrt-cliiss snape. at one-bait price, can
or address. 1621 Farnam Si. J M545
IU8INES8 coll"ge scholarship for sale at
a bargain in one oi uuni s leaaing com
mercial coil-ires; life scholarship. Address
8 47. Bte office. M716
FOR SALE, empty Ink barrels. 25 cents
each, large, well :r,ade tiarre.s, make nrst
class garbage receptacles. Fred Youngs,
foreman Bee Press room, rear entrance
Bee Bldg. Q-M321
FOR PAI.F., a second-hard high grade
typewriter, cneap tor casn. b.. k. mx
Ciellan, room luo Bca building.
Q-M662 25
FOLDING camp coU. H. R. Wykert. 701 8. It
FOR SAT.K. Remington typewriter No. 8.
new. 860; first oner accepted. -Aonres v;
34, Bee. Q-M693 3)
STEREOPTICON, with moving picture at
tachment and tas maKirg cuuit. uui
Lindberg, 205 Lime St., Atlantie
PRINTING PRESS. 25 cases of type and
paper cutter very cneap. i . r. i'nu
Office. 80S N. lth st. Q-M.01 26
NO. 5 REMINGTON cheap.
F. D. W ad,
1524 Douglas St.
FOR SALE Blacksmith tools. 1721 South
13th. Route 1M. vi iw .
FOR SALE Majestic steel range; goM a
new. Call Monuay or inesaay. on ojumi
19th St. Q-S4U-26
We are cleaning up otic warerooms or an
used or shop-worn ana new sampie
All In absolutely first-class condition.
FULLY WARRANTED. Cash or time.
Knnhp niano. like new
Ivers A Pond, fancy mahogany
Ivers & Pond, walnut
Ivers & Pond, walnut
$6W Needham mahogany, new
$r50 Decker Bros., fancy walnut 2
$;or German, walnut
$500 Steger, colonial , 315
ttVifl Needham, walnut ZJ
$450 Emerson, flemish oak S10
fArM) Gramer, wainui
Sampie piano, beautiful mahogany lo
Chlckertng, parlor else ;
Wlllard, mahogany finish 1"
Pease, walnut case j
Second-hand pianos at 163, $92, $115 to.... 128
Elegant Stelnway upright Bargain
50 square pianos. $5" each B0c per week.
Hallet & Davis. Fischer, Camp & Co.,
Estcy, Ladd Co., vose Ac sons, r-mcr-son,
50 organs, $12, $18, $22, $23 and up. All
makes t-stey, ncnjiti, ivimuau, vuicj,
Farrand, Crown, Newman Bros., Sterling.
Burdette, Beatty, etc. Easiest kind of
terms. '
These prices are withdrawn as fast as sold.
We sell new high-grade pianos on $5 pay
ments. Call and Investigate, or write for
complete descriptions.
Warerooms and Office, 1313 Farnam St.,
Factory. 1316 Farnam St.
Iowa Branch, 5o2 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
ORIENTAIj Rug man, repairing and clean
ing by the only oriental, with oriental
methods. No steam, no machine, no acids
to inluro your rugs. Tainlnoelan 2609 St.
Mary's ave. 'Phone B-23QH. R-M3j8 MIT
'iK8. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cas atraet.
8 431
MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315.15.
MADAME LUCRETIA. medium, 1719 Call-
luriiia, oi. -
QUEEN of clairvoyants. Mrs. Smith, tov-
m . . I. A f 1 1 , ii u tA m.
ereign luiriruri ui o v
vealer of the past. For love affal.e or
busintss matters or domestic trouble, or
If you would speculate and know joir
lurk before Investing, cill at 807 North
18th. Everything told. Satisfaction or
no pay- e 9 it.
IADY OI ciHirvoyin. r,oj-
thing told; past, present and future. Sit
lsf action or no pay. 87 N. lSlh. f MDj
Omaha's Favorite Palmist.
. ,i ....... ...1 v... (,.
lines In the palm, which Is a true Index
to the life. If you desire to be success
ful you should know your future. Mme.
. , . . . I . . nn .11 nttaiw nt 1 1 ft
oyimer gives imwte on m, w.
Don't fall to see the gifted woman-six
.. . i.. omul Par nri :115 H. 15th St..
In Granite blk., 2d floor. -B
MMI1 SMITH, baths. 118 N. lR'Ttf aJSrAf.-
MISS HARIOW, elesant massage baths;
assistant, aii'i in, nai -
M5i0 W
GRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky. 720 S. 13th
MASSAGE snd flushing treatment. Chronic
cases solicited. W. J. Nuce 3218 Cuming
MISS HOWARD B.. elegant massage baths.
-M i'y S IFitll. tint K. I .VI 1 1" ill
PRIVATE sanitarium foj ladles before and
during cotirtaeinent. Dr. and Mrs. Gerlsch,
2ti2i California St. Terms easonable.
U 440
PRIVATE home for woman during con
finement. Gcod Samaritan Sanitarium,
728 lat Ave.. Cui'.i.cll Bluffs. la. U MG99
DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns and superflu
ous hair removed ty electricity. R. 2 and
8. 1505 Farnam St. U 436
ELITE PARLORS. CIS S. ltth St., d floor.
U-M392 M17
VIAVI. a wholesome nerve and tissue food
and home treatment for disorders of
women. Wiite for free booklet. Vlavl
Co., 348 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. U 437
At drugfrlsts, $1.
U 435
PRIVATE hospital before and during con
finement: babies boarded and udopted.
Mrs. Gardels. 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-184.
L 439
KUPTL'RE CURED ulthotit pain. Empire
Rupture Co., N. Y. Life Bldg.. roJij4
WE RENT machines. 7c rer weel:, $2 per
mouth. We repair and sell parts for any
machine manufactured. Good second
hand machines for $5 to $P. Ntbranka
Cycle Co., 15th and Harney Sts.
l.f M2& M13
RUPTURE CURED without pain. Empire
F.uptura Co., N. Y. Life Big , Omnha.
U 4o1
TELEPHONE 70 for L. M. E. messengers.
QUIET home for ladles In trouble before
and during confinement; good care and
prompt attention assured. Write or call.
Mrs. L. Carter. 2317 Charles. Omaha. Neb.
Mju MayS
C. EDERER, Bristol St. florist. Tel. 1795.
HOME during confinement; first-class. Dr.
L. L. Miller, 26o4 Blondo. Phone F-Hf.
HEADQUARTERS for Edison phone
graphs and Victor talking machines; Aj.OoO
records to sekn-t from Nebraska Cycle
Co., corner 15th and Harney Its.
U-M290 M13
BAM I, BURNS, special prices for April.
U 329 M14
THE V1EREOO Fire Escape save llves
Thst's all. Room 8. Barker block. Tel.
A-3395. U-M354 Mlt
MRS. JACOBBON. 2206 N. 20th St.
U-M368 Mlt
I SEEK husband tor lady. $2. worth tlO.noo,
and beautiful farm: lady. 24. $20,000;
wltlow, 36. $30,000 and stock farm; lady.
26. $40,000. Address Mrs. Leland. 19
South Broadway, Bt. Louis, Mo.
L 762 26
PERSONAL, any man writing me fully
about his casn will receive copy of my
book. "Special Diseases." and profes
sional opinion free. Del mar Richardson.
M. D.. 125 Michigan ave.. Chicgo.
U 778 26
SENSATION Sapho not In It; latest book
out, 20 tales by 20 women; everybody
wants It. Prepaid for $1.00 by express.
Novelty Pub. Co., Chicago, 111.
U 794 26
LOVE secret, how to make anyone love
you above all rivals, by the quick, sure
method of the tropics; how to succeed
In business, to Influence others, person
ally or by letter; sent free. Address O.
B., Mexico Co.. Box 195, Loa Angeles, Cal.
DO YOU wdsh to correspond or marry?
If so. address confidentially. National
Alliance, Grand Rapids, Mich. Describe
yourself. LT
WANTED, persons to learn drawing and
painting by our copyrighted method. We
are the onlv Institution In the country
making a speciality of this system. Both
colieglate and correspondence courses.
Samples of our work sent prensifl to all
applicants. Address, THE ELKHURST
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles
permanently rtmoved by electricity; con
sultation free nnd confidential; all work
guaranteed. Mla Allonder, 1613 Douglas.
INVALID lady, moderato means, deslr?s
care by refined family or widow owning
own home but needing an Income. Excel
lent references given and expected. Ad
dress C 27, Bee. U-750 26
Your Fortune
Told Free
Every Life
From Cradle tc Grave
Is Influenced by the planets under which
you weie born, Just as sure us the mow
affecti the tides or the sun the carta. I
have arranged to give a
to every reader ot th a paper to the
tnun oi my u.alins. 1 uo not want u ieiu
for li.lJ tervice tne offer Is ub OiU el
free to he.p ail who r.eau help. 1 wil. .ell
you how i j avolu tne danger po.tuj I t
your .Ife; how to retain or itcove. i ea .u;
now to succeed in business aim how una
whe.i to make sutcsaiul investments a.m
dliect your new buslnesj ven.ures, pnc
out you.- lucky dciy and oae.; .no
whom ou thouid avoid mid who.n to iove
and inuiry; when to travel and ns,ny
other important detail mat en
tribute io ouc nuppii.e.ifi and pro.pei.ty.
For a Free Horoscope write idiy
tomorrw may be too laie. Int the wj.ld a
grci.e.t t-sirolLge. ixvrn. oui- il.e nut thi
tiara ;liow it. Lend virth at- am itanip.
niUK t. B. AnliliiE-,
eiox 15wi, i
U 75S 2-
EVERY sufferer uses Gallaher's Rheu
muilc Ri meuy. Relief In tojr days. An
moiuio cure. Sample by mull. 1. Jolm
Gaiiaher, Wuouiawn Road, u.oti.. .r,
York. U 7u4 2ti
YOUR fortune told from cradle tj. grave;
wnat 1 tell you comes true; aei.d dime t.ii i
birth date. Prof. J. Myers, 64, Drawer
Chicago. U 8;b io
FOR MEN Rare list book, p:iotos, luajer
goouu, eic. h,nc.ose btaaip ,iuu ailurtss.
D. Stunton Co., canoudulf, la.
If you contemplate to a plcn c dur n;
the summer, you wai.t to Hj wnere yi
are welcome, where irure is a lln. pur.
and shady trees and surrounded li the
K.khorn river, a line dancing plutfor..,,
hne llatilng and boating, and all oi tnu
jutt tor Ihj Arrangements to
chtap ral.road ru.e can u.w.iys be made
ror further Inio.mation undress, I'.el
Sonnenached), V est Point, .Neb.
' C 860 26
LADIES and gents. Join th Icwa Corre
spond ng club oi cedjr Kp ds, Iowa, .or
aiiiusement and general lenul s. S ump
tor particulars. U 8506
MARRY, largest exclusive matrimonial pa
per pubnsiieu, etu seaieu, ..; many
worth lou to 100,tM). R. L. Love, Denver,
Colo. U 9,)! 26
CANCER and tumors cured without cut
ting or burning pluaters. A written agree
ment to cure or no pay. Write for testi
monials. Dr. J. Clement, 406 Husted -Bldg.,
Kansas City. Kan. U 813 26
10 Inches at home, with Dr. Conway's
Bust Tabloids, at trifling coat; lor
a case we cannot: those ueveloped lit
16 years prove tin permanent. Healed
facts, 4c stumps. CONWAY SPECIFIC
CO., 15 Temple Place, Boston, Mass.
U Mil ;
AGENES V. 8WETLAND. M. D.. removed
from 17th and Dodge to 18th and Douglus;
specialist In women's diseases.
U-953 26
NICE respectable, attractive young lady
would like to correspond with Indus
trious, respectable gentleman not over
6o years old or under 3u years of te
ll race Duncan, 627 N. fth St.. East Hi.
Louis. U o J6
and ERASTL'S A. BENSON are candi
dates for mayor of Omaha. We would
not dare say which one will be elected,
for the OTHER TWO araoke Stoecker
cigars. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., 1404
Douglas. U 957 M2
ALL VARIETIES and of best quality
grown 8 miles from Omaha; all kinds,
sixes and prices of flowering shrubs, roses,
vines, parking, ornamental, fruit and
shade trees. We grow the largest assort
ment of sny nursery In Iowa or Ne
braska. Sules ground, same old stand,
21st and Farnam. Crescent Nurseries,
O. IL Keyes, Omaha Mgr. 928 M8
24th. Trees, shrubs and roses. M551 30
FRUIT, shade and ornamental trees,
shrubs and roses. F. II. Martin, 18th and
Douglas. -J76 M12
OMAHA Rug Factory. 1521 leaven. Tel. 8.
- - - .-a
OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 1fih.