Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 19, Image 19

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i I
How Plain William, tha Barkwp, Becatna
Cuba Lbr Leader.
la Dvdla f Eateravrlse that
ft'M Good lor Maay Balls aid
Mark Spar la Giuttri
Yellow Jonraale.
Ha It a waiter by profusion. He Is too
youna; to have fouRht In the cItII war. He
aa la Omaha during the 8paDlsh-Amerlcao
war. He never errved on a governor's
ataff. Bo far aa known ha never Ivlonnfd
to a Salvation Army corpa. Then how did
William Bhowera acquire the title of
The queetlon has been asked ao often
and the eolonoi baa turned It aside ao per
etstentlr that It really becomea a publlo
duty to expose the aecret and ahow the
eolonel la hla true light. With Graver
Cleveland no longer president and the
Cubana benevolently asalmllatexl, the ax
posure oaa be made without the dlaaetroua
renulta that would have attended U a few
years ago.
The colonel has aot alwaya been thua.
There waa a time whan "threa scrambled
and a stack wheats" waa not bis morn
ing oarel and "coffee. atrT" not tba opening
wedae for cress-counter conversation. Ha
baa aald these things so often to ao many
different people In Omaha that tha latter
have come to believe ha haa been doing ao
alwaya. But they ara wrong. There was
time when Bhowera perturbed the
alumbera of-, even the president of the
United States and had the weatera mili
tary oa the qui vlve. How he did It will
furnish a chapter of unwritten but Inter
esting history.
la Hla Kami C3tty Days.
It will be recalled that during Orover
Cleveland's aeoond term aa president all
eyea focused on "bleeding Cuba" and the
American people grew ao sympathetic that
there waa almply no keeping count of the
number of burning resolutions they adopts!
About that time William Showers became
proprietor of the "Four Comers." a Kan
saa City joy works where . thirsty men
came to alt for hours looking for a friend,
a job or any other old excuse for staying.
Showers la a princely jollier now and he
was a princely jollier then. Tba quality
of buncomb be pasaed out to the Renbs from
Kansas waa considerably better than the
quality of nectar he pasaed them, and the
way he rallied the local aparta under hla
banner waa worth riding a long distance
.on the Iowa Central to see. Finally hla
place became headquarters far about twe
thlrde of the alfalfa jugglera ef two etatee
and for a aet of local hot-air weavers that
were had to beat. The hot-air weavera
furnished conversation In exchange for the
nectar tha alfalfa jugglera bought.
In the local contingent waa Perry Kills, a
newspaper correspondeat, who, when he
wasn't busy with hla thirst, waa alwaya
busy with hla Imagination. Eastern yellow
journals wanted thlnga to print and Perry
waa supplying the want. Kansas City being
a drouthy place Itself in war times, he had
to enlarge tha acope of Its Influence. It
waa when be undertook this that he alerted
Crop the Correspondent Sewed.
He began aendlng out reports that Cuban
filibustering expeditions were being
equipped In or near Kansas City. He In
' tlmated that the leadera of the junta ren
dezvoused at the "Four Corners." From
the yellow journala tbla report waa cribbed
Into the patent insldea of the country
weeklies and from them Into the unpatented
Insides of the Sunflower farm hands. .They i
beaded for Kansas City and for the Four
Cornera. Their exterior finish would Indi
cate that they were aa peaceable as re
formed ptratea, but under their coata beat
courageous hearts and they burned to
undertake the perilous work of the filibuster
. in a good cause. They were willing to die
for Cuba Libre, 81c Semper Tyrannta, E
Pluribua Unum or anything elae that had
blood In it and a chance to figure la future
Fourth of July oratlona.
At first. Showers didn't know what to do
about it. It aeemed to him the gamo waa
being played a little strong. But the, news
paper men pointed out the flood of ducats
that waa going over the counter and aald
any barkeep who would kick on money
coming that easy would be all kinds of a
foolish person. So Showers got In line
and worked the high algna with the rest.
That Kaw Tewa bunch got their yokel
recruits to believing that tha Four Cornera
was the center of tba greatest secret move
ment for liberty since "Bozzarle ranged
bis Sullote band" In the forest and pre
pared to do thlnga to the dreaming Turk.
Collapse ( tae Colonel.
But finally the rocrulta grew reetlve and
aome ahow of organisation had to be made.
And that la when William Bhowera be
came "colonel." That la alao the
time ' when William Bhowera spoiled
a good thing and brought on a aevere at
tack of atage fright. The. newspaper man
bad printed ao much and faked ao dexter
euely that even the prealdent of the United
St a tea took notice and lasued tha memorable
antl-Bllbusterlng manifesto. Hla action
started trouble right on down the Has sod
hen It reached the United Statea marahal
for that district the United Statea marshal
got busy. His son happened to be some
thing of a rounder and In on the dealings
at the Four Cornera. That Is all that
asved Colonel Bhowera and hla filibuster,
for ths son heard the father planning a
round-up of the Sbowcra patriots and gave
tha tip.
It was at night, and tha word reached
the saloon just twenty minutes ahead of the
marshal and bis deputies. In those twenty
minutes there was an exodus thst best
anything since the incident of the Red Bea
And Colonel Showers wss "at the head of
hla men." They couldn't have passed him
In an automobile. Down a dark alley
they treked, run along a side street anl
finally clear out Into the farm country. A
kind providence and an unsuspecting
farmer had placed a large cornfield at tho
side of the route of retreat and Colonel
Showera went over Us surrounding barbed
wire fence without touching. His filibusters
followed as well aa they" could and the
whole force finally rounded up In the center
of the field.
What the Reeralts Did.
What happened after that Isn't pleasant
to relate. The ground was wet and cold.
The air waa wet and cold. The colonel
waa wet and cold before long, and the
filibusters would have been wet and cold
If they hadn't been ao hot at the colonel.
They began to think thlnga and to talk
plainly and unkindly about tba courage
of their proposed lesder. They told bim
he waa a poor provider and a durned ras
cal. As each one caught cold and began
to sneeze he Invited the colonel to atand
up and be knocked down. But none bad
tha courage to go back to town, and all that
night, the next day and a part of the
next night they shivered and shook and
awore and reproached there In the soggy
furrows. A atraggler came during the day
and told them that the marshal, after
aearchlng moat of the night, bad given up
the hunt. The newspaper man bad given
the filibusters and the marshal both the
alip and waa at a hotel writing things
to make the former famous. But the
former had ceaeed to crave fame. They
wanted "chuck," and they made up tbelr
minds to go back to Kansas, where they
could get It In aafety and without any
cornfield rbeumatlam.
80 Showers' filibusters deserted him and
the eolonel himself had to sneak. When
he found a railroad track leading to Kansas
City he started toward Its other end and
eventually landed In Omaha. He closed
out his business by mall, he wrote the
newspaper man a letter seventeen pagea
long telling htm what he thought of him,
and he resigned his commission In the
filibusters' brigade. He even added that
Cuba Libre could go to the demnltlon bow
wowa, and be doggoned for all he cared.
And that thereafter he wished to be known
just aa plain William Showera. without any
titles that would give the United Statea
marshals a handhold on hia liberty. He
kept hla word, but somehow the title baa
atuck to him just the same, and to thia
day several hundred restaurant patrona In
Omaha who have come te kaow him, al
waya aalute him aa "Colonel." Some of
them don't even know he haa any ether
name, and none of them haa known until
now how he got this one.
A strong man
can be
i an
tmns who la auBerlnar irom indigestion
pr some other disease oi toe stomach and
Its associated organa of digestion and
nutrition, tot
when Um stomach
ia diseased there is
losa of the nutri
itJon contained in
(food, which la
the source of all
physical strength.
AVben a man
'doesat feel jnat
'right, when ho
Coean't nieep wen,
baa aa uncomfort
able feelinr in the
S stomach after eat
ing, ia languid,
nervous and Irrita
ble, he ia losing the
nutrition needed
to make strength.
Such a man need
to use Dr Pierce's
Golden Medical
' Discovery. It cure
diaeaaea of the
' atouiacn ana ouier
organa of digestion
' Tl ttiitntiiin It
h hlood. stimulates the liver,
nouruhea the nerves, and ao gives health
and etretiirth to the whole Dooy
Mr. Ttaomaa A. Swarts, of 810 Btatioa C
Columbus. Ohio, Boa loj, wntea: ! waa lasea
ry -tck with eev. ihefdach. thia c"P?
UsaCsa. fcuej wcaa.
he more I duo
year puasvea. ft
has the aYld Of
em one jaj
aud take
Medic. Viacomy a
mik dcw mmm out of you1' rh f
. Ilea ia aboul sis w ke I waa weighed and foaod
1 hai gained tweoty-aevea rn Iuf.d- J
am aa stout and healthy to4ay. 1 1
cry wwn t ; ,
the atoaach and my food would aot di
ktJney and liver trouble and say back
au I could scarcely get around. The m
nii th surae 1 sut until sis years )
I only wal to ine noni
. aid I had rn 0 Ths
leiahbora aald, 'Take my advice i
could only
Biv neiirhbora
lr. nerce'e ioien
V Dr. Pierce's Plcaaaut PcUcU cure cv
Cereal. . Cream.
Shnd Roe. Sauce Tartars. .
Crisped Bacon. Creamed Potatoes.
Toast. Coffee.
Clam Bouillon.
Crown of Spring Lamb. Mint Sauce.
Green Peas. New Potatoes.
Asparagua Salad.
Strawberry Charlotte. Coffee.
Tongue and Cucumber Salnd.
Cottage Cheese. Raisin Bread.
Cocoa. .
Boni of tba latalope Btats Whe Berva
Uncle Bam in tba Sav.
Boater af Men Who Have Won Ils
tlactloa and Promotion far Thena
aolvea la War sad Peace
a tklpboara.
Aa a companion article to that giving
a list of Nebraska sons In the army or. tne
United States, herewith Is presented similar
Information concerning thoaa of Its aona
who are wearing the "navy blue" of our
nation's defenders on the sea. Less, per
haps, than the army Is the navy of any
country honored and respected, yet they
are entitled to aa much, if not more, con
sideration and commendation than those
who aerve their nation on the land. Ex
posed to storms and mora dangers by far,
arising from natural causes, they must be
said to be In a degree of danger all of tha
time, whereas the boys in blue In the army
may be aald to be comparatively unexposed
save when actual war la on.
While avery state cannot furnish a Dewey,
yet It la aa much to the credit of Nebraska
that It haa sent Into the navy Ita full quota.
The list Is aa follows:
Rear Admiral Bartlett Jefferson Crom
well, who waa appointed In the navy from
Nebraska on September 21, IM. Ha has
bad over forty years of sctlve service, of
which more than seventeen years was at
sea, Hla term ixtenus over boib the civil
war end tha Spanish-American war. HU
commission as "real admiral" dates March
I, laM. On February t, after reaching
the age of &!, with a record or which any
was retire!
ia borne In
ofllrer might well be proud, he
honorably. He now makes
W asbinglon, I), is.
Matt Howland Slgnor entered the navy
as an appointment from Nebraska May
1886: He has had nearly -six tfn years
active service, of which nearly ten
years has been at aea. Hla term covers the
Bliaaimi-Anierican war. He attained mo
present rank just after that period, Marco
i, I'M. June 21, 11U-', he was asslxned to
duty on Mohican and Is still so assigned.
Before entering uuon his Dreaent sea serv-
ce he had been on land duty for neari;
ten months. Mohican Is a training amp
for landsmen.
Arthur Ulynn Cavanaugh entered the
navy aa an appointment from Nebraska
May 20. ito: He haa had more man
twelve years of service In that time, of
which more than seven years ws at 0i.
March 26, ltOi, he waa aaiuned to Oregon
and has been there ever slnoe. Hla term of
aervlce included the Spanish-American war
and at Its close, December 27, llwl, he was
promoted to his present rank, Oregon ia
in the Asiatic fleet.
Andrew Charles McMechan was appointed
from Nebraska February 24. 1&63, jimt after
the opening ot the civil war: in the time
he haa been In the navy be has had more
than eighteen years of active aarvioe, of
which more than ten years has been at
aea. In 1874 he received his present r:ink.
October 29, 1K03, after contracting disabili
ties In the line of his duties, he waa re
tired fram active duty. He Is now In the
branch hydrographic office at Norfolk, Va,
Strawberry Cocktail. Take the largeat.
rip eat berries you can get and slice them
Ith a silver knife. To a dosen berries
add a half pint of brandy, a tableapoonful
of maraschino and a teaspoonful of orange
blttera. Roll large-stemmed berries in
powdered sugar and drop one In each glass
to be served; crush the sliced berries to a
pulp against the side ot the bowl and then
pour the mixture Into the glasses and
serve. Keep all materials very cold.
Strawberry Cup. Mix a half cup of rich.
thick atrawberry syrup with a pint of good
sauterne; freese until quite stiff and
smooth; half fill deep, stemmed glasses
with chilled ripe berries and apread tha
frozen mixture on top and aerve.
Strawberry Bavarola. Take a quart at
fine ripe berries fresh from the vine aa
possible. Sprinkle four tablespoonfula of
powdered augar over them and rub through
aleve. Set this puree away In a china
bowl to keep cool until wanted. Put three-
fourths of a box ot gelatine to soak In a
cup of water for half an hour; add a cup
ot augar and when dissolved add the
strained juice of an orange and half a
teaspoonful of lemon Juice. Stand over
hot water and stir until dissolved, then
atraln In a basin. As the mixture begins
to cool stir constantly, adding the straw
berry puree by degrees. Stand oa Ice and
when It begins to set fold la a scant cup
of whipped cream. Turn Into a round
pyramld-ahaped mold, oover closely and
pack In coarse lea and salt. Have a thin
round layer of aponge cake or angel food;
place tbla on a chilled dish and cover with
vanilla fondant or boiled Icing (tha cake
should be about an Inch larger than the
base of the mold). Turn the bavarola out
on this", when ready to aerve, and ornament
the base with large strawberries and leaves.
Leaves cuj from angelica may be used If
yon cannot get the berry leavea.
Strawberry Sponge. 8oak half a box of
gelatine la one cup of water for half an
hour. Sprinkle one cup of augar over a
quart of berries and crush tha beniea with
wooden apoon. Boil half a cup of augar
and a cup of water gently for twenty min
utes. Rub the berries through a china
strainer, add the gelatine to the boiling
syrup, remove from the fire and add the
berry mixture with the Juice of one lemon.
Flare in a pan of cracked lee and beat
until It begins to thicken a little, and la
perfectly cold; then add tha beaten whltee
of four egga and continue to beat until
thick enough to pour Into molds. Set on
Ice to harden.
Strawberry Salad Separate the pulp of
grape fruit from the bitter akin which
separates the sections, using a silver knife.
Sprinkle a little sherry over the pulp and
chill. Hull aome fine ripe strawberries
and aqueese a very little lemoa Juice over
them. Have ready aome ayrup made of
honey and white wine; toss the berries and
grape fruit pulp together and place In a
glass sslad dish, pour the ayrup over them.
Ice cold; garnish with crisp lettuce hearts
and English walnuta and aerve.
Lleateaaata (Joalor Grade.)
Amon Branson, Jr.. entered the service
by appointment from Nebraska, September
SO, 1U2. He has had more than ten yeara
active duty, of which more than one-half
haa been at sea. May 20, 1901, he received
his present commioslon, his service cover
ing the late war. October 1 1901, he was
assigned to -Constellation, and haa been so
employed since. His ship Is on duty at
the training station at Newport. R. 1.
Alfred Warren Pressey entered the navy
aa an appointment from the state of Ne
braska, May 19, li-w. in tnat time ne nas
had more than nine years active service.
of which more than five years has been at
sea, August 24, 1899, he was assigned lor
duty at the naval station at Guam island,
in the Pacific ocean, and ia still there. Ho
received hla present commission July 1,
190. . ' .t
Luther Martin overstreet entered tne
navy by appointment from iseDrasaa Sep
tember 6, 1S98. In that time he has per
formed over nine years of active duty, of
which nearly six has been at sea. August
10, 1899, during the Spanish-American war,
he was assigned to Oregon for duty, and
Is still on board of that mighty craft. He
was made lieutenant July 1, 19o2.
Richard .Heddieson Towniey waa ap-
polnted in the navy from Nebraska Bep-
, . i . - . , . i i . i . . m . n
temDer . 1M. no nau eiamj uiicth
years of active service, of which nearly
six years were at sea. Received his present
rank Marcn a, ivm. Alter coniracims usa
bilities in tne line or nis ouiy ne wnu, mi
June 29, 18S7, honorably retired, ills pres
ent home la in New York City.
LieHiia Hnane entered the navy by appoint
ment from Nebraska September , J894. Of
his more than eight years of service more
than five has been at sea. April 6, 1X98, he
was saslgned to Massachusetts, and haa
beer, on that vessel ever since. His pres
ent commission dates April 4, 1900. Massa
chusetts Is in the North Atlantic fleet.
Zeno Everett Brlggs entered the service
September 22. 1894. He is a native of Ne
braska and was appointed from his native
state. Has had more than eight years
active aervlce. of which more than five has
been at aea. April 4, 18. he was assigned
for duty on Essex, and la still there. His
resent rank dates from April 4. 1900. Essex
i on training service.
Paul Baxter Dungan entered the navy by
appointment from the atate of his birth.
Nrhraaka Beotember 6. 1895. He has had
more than seven years of active serv
ice, of which more than four has been
. . .lanuirv 31 1899. he was as
signed for duty on Alabama, and still walks
Its decks. He was made an ennlarn January
W. 1901. Alabama la of the North Atlantic
Ralph Elton Pope was appointed in the
navy from Nebraska May 20, 1S95. Haa
.a nn than seven vears of active serv-
ia ,f which more than four years has
, a rin tha Si ith of January. 1899.
antererf ' dutv on Marblehead, and la -. itm tiat nf officers. His commission
riatea from January 28. 190L Marblehead
is of the Pacific squadron.
at Idablpmea.
Owen Horace Oskley wss appointed a
cadet from his native state, Nebraska. May
20 1897. June ei. n " ""B"r"
to Indiana to perform his two vears tea
duty which will e complete in June next.
. '. ' ,. .a l VT n V. ItlontU flan t
0...r. '
Ihe AcmejOeali sm J
mm) (
Greatest Opportunity Ever Offered
for you to purchase
Victor Talking Machines
10 per cent down and balance
by the week or month
Why not buy where you can
have the largest selection?
iic Sewing
The only tewing machine that does not fall lu any point Every factory In Omaha Is now using them
We sell more sewing machines than all other Omaha dealers combine. Because we will sell them to
yon for $5.00 cash and 75c per week. Because we keep a competent instructor who will call at your house
and teach you how to use all the attachments, and no expense to you.
Because we have a FREE SEWING SCHOOL' every Thursday, where we will teach you how to do
Battenberg and embroidery on your own machine.
The greatest opportunity ever offered to get modern drop bead machines of any of the good makes for
LEBS THAN HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. These machines have been thoroughly overhauled, and aro
guaranteed to be in perfect condition. The usual agent would sell them for new.
For So. 00 we will sell you a box top second-hand sewing machine, of any make, complete with attach
ments, and in perfect condition.
Free Sewing; School every Thursday. We Rent machines of any
make for 75c per week, or $2. 00 per month.
We Sell Columbia, Rambler, Reliance, rhSeueo?p $20.00
Second-hand Wheels from $5. 00 to $10.00
TYPEWRITERS 100 Second-hand typewriters on hand. All makes. Low prices.
Nebraska Cycle Go.
'Phone 1663.
GEO. E. MICKEL, Manager. Cor. 15th and Harney Sts,
334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 512 North 24th St.. South Omaha.
'Phone B-618.
'Phone 4365.
Oakt ta Have Tk.sikt mt This.
"Katherlna." aald her distracted father,
"when you play tha piano so bard thst a
vaaa falls from tha top ef it aad raised a
lump on your head I think it'a Urns for
you ta atop."
"Didn't President Roosevelt say." replied
Katherlne, "that If you set hurt while
yon ara playing you ahould keep right oa
playing r
And aha kept right e a. Chicago Trlbuat,
Herbert Asa Nevlna, a nattva Nebraska
boy, was an enlisted man on tne roll or ine
navy before ne received nis apionnunrni o
aunner on may id, um. bih ouho . i,
he has been on Panther, which Is now In
the Caribbean squadron.
Warrant Machinist.
Lemnel Theophllus Cooper received hla
ppolntment soon after he entered the
navy, his aate or, entry win auiu'i .
1K99, and his time as sailor being but little
over one year. He is on Olacler In the
Aslatlo fleet ana nas peen since August
Cadets from Nebraska
First riaas Raluh A. Koch, who entered
Annauolta academy September 12 18!).
Second I lass raui rrncnara Biaraourn,
who entered the academy July t, 19i0. Lu- 1
man Edgar Morton, who entereil Septem
ber 22. 11. Nathan woodwara fost. wno I
entered September 7, lfi0. I
Third nass need Marnuett r aweu. wno
entered the academy September 1. 1901.
Fourth Llaas Mllo f redencl.- uraemei,
who entered the academy September 3, 1&2.
, Marine Corps First Lieutenant James W.
Bros ton was appointed from Nebraska July
1, lift!, receiving, his commission on that
day. Of his three years In the service two
and one-half years has been at sea. He la
now on recruiting service at Chicago.
Newest, L&Uit and
but. it patterns to etoaj
from, ranging from
$2.25 to $42.00
Folding Carta, iS.BO,
14. 35 and up.
. . . AND . . .
Metal Beds . .
See our nev lineth
IIERIUCKthe coun
try' t be ft refrigerator-
guaranteed entirely eat.
$14 and tip.
Never before hava wa showa such a magnificent assortment of Iron Beds. These
beds ara different from furniture stores' ordinary kind different 1 ndeslgn, construc
tion and finish. Hera you will find In thia new lot all tha lateat and best patterns
the newest in finish but tha prlcea ara what will please you moat. Monday will
truly be a aalea day on Iron Beds for example, bed lika cut haa braaa top rails,
knobs and spindles comes tn white or blue enamel or dull black
finish while they last Monday only choice ot finish and slie
thia ia our regular $6 bed for Monday only each
Iron Bed, black or white enamel, full alia $2.60
Iron Bed, with full continuous post, heavy dealgn,
black finish $3.50
Full height, continuous poet black Bed $4.75
$11.00 Iron Beds, the new patterns, Pompelian finish,
special $8.00
$14.00 Iron Beda, In tha new finishes, new designs,
special $10.00
$17.00 Iron Bads, new patterns In the new finishes.. $12.00
$18.60 Iron Beds, In the new patterns, new finishes,
special $1150
17 patter na of Metal Beda to make your selection.
Full slse, heavy post, Brsaa Bed, awell foot, richly
mounted with ornaments, regular $30.0 bed special
oh 23.75
Bald-Headed Meat Oat Together.
Cleveland ta to have a bald-headed club.
All men who have a hairless cranium will
be eligible. So far as known it la the only
one of ita kind In the country. Frank
Draw, manager of the Star theater, who
happena to be a bald-headed man, sug
gested to a number of bald-headed friends
that they ahould organise to be strictly
up to date. The matter waa taken at first
to be more a est than a serious proposal.
However, later developments indicate that
the club will be organised at an early' dat,
and In it will be many of Cleveland's moat
prominent clttiens. There ara several
novel clubs In Cleveland, but tha promoters
of the bald-headed rlub Intend to make this
more novel than any other. No member
will be permitted to wear a wig at any of
tha elub eventa. Chicago Record-Herald.
Wa pride ourselves on our superior Una at Bedding, showing tha moat exclusive
Una of high grade, dependable Bedding aver brought to tha city of Omaha. One
third your life la spent in bed. Why not enjoy, ths comfort of a good Spring and
Mattress T At least let ua show them to you. We are agenta for the genuine Oater-
moor Patent Elastic Felt Mattress with Oatermoor trade
mark on every Mattress and sold at Oatermoor prices-
full also each ,
Cotton Top Mattress each 42- 50
Cotton on both aides each ....$3.50
Combination Half Cotton Mattresa $4.80
Hair Mattresses
Box Spring Mattress.
I'opyrifhttd by Ostermoorn CkM.f( .
African Palm Fiber Mattresa $3.50
All White Cotton Special Orada Mattresa $7.50
Superior quality of Saowfiaka Cotton Mattresa $10.00
$12.50, $15, $18. $24 up ta $35
$12.50, $15, $18 and $20
'shredded V
WKouyMourlsttes.wnoie Bodyl
Special Matting
15c Matting for 7c
25c Matting for 15c
35c Matting for. . .25c
Special Sale Ingrain Carpet for Monday Only
35c s.S, w?l 30c
Thousands of patterns to select from in all
sizes, from the cheapest domestic Rug to tha
fine silk Oriental Rug, at all price;, from f 1.00
to ?500.00.
75r beat extra auper all wool Kif 0c best cotton chair wool
Carpet for JVV filled
Drapery Department
For Monday only wa will sell all our. $8.75, $10.00 and $11.50
Curtalna, including Arabian, French and Domestic, Irish
Point, Cluuy, Brussels and Duchess Cur
tains, tor per pair
It will be worth your time ta look them over.
Window Shade Special
April 27, 28, 29 and 80 wa will make to order and hang la any
private residence In Omaha, Council Bluffs or South Omaha,
from our best band-made oil opaque, with Hartshorn rollers, la
lots not less than lu shades, any alze, for 6fc each. Hera ta an
opportunity to buy your shades for less tbsn hslf price. Posl
Urely no orders taken for this price after April 30tn.
The Only Double
Track Railway
between the
Missouri River
and Chicago.
MasalfloantKlid dally trmla ta Chteaco. Oonptrf
aunt and (Ir.wio. toom .Imids an library. buD.t,
brtoc, batli. wl.ubon.. 4uin oar. and euMrraMua
an ElMtrl. llahwd throaanout.
Pull Ma tUwin-rooan to. 4 tovrta aUMplaf Otvntsd
dlaiaa Mrs, mmd trmm raclluinc chair oavi.
Pullman drwluannn fen to. Mat umdIbi ear.
fra.noilaius.aair Mn, bus" UWtn ana .uiokias
eats. lrtBlns an.
3fl III Irawt"Sw.m alptns aar., baflat amok
(111 AM 1S .ad library ear. anl lia naUuins
' - aunir nan to uLiunsa. iHnlns oara.
If! C C It! Throush twrviM Omaha to Chtaaso.
lU.So all Konk VVnuri standard dvawltM
I Vi WW uilbwiiUlrMn. Mains .ara.
I A K 1 U ObOTrrattaa safe ears, parlor sara sod
7CC BU FnllBus .UMptaa sen, baffa library
il)J I M em tut (nt raauaias .aaif care.
31111 BU To Fnumt,Bribur.Oa.Ul.. Norfolk.
,UU Ixaj Wu, Ciwr. Hot Hpnu, lif-l-wood
.na ImmA. Through ncllntss ohnir car.
Saan liius car aorvioa.
T QD 1U T. Kramoat. Boribnar. Norfolk, V.rdl.
JiUU Km ara. BommmI and tua &oa.bud ludum
fiaanif atioa ecuatry.
1401 and 1403 Farnam Street