Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 18, Image 18
THE OMAHA DAILY HEE; SUNDAY, APRIL 2fi. 1903. IS Tiie Omaiia Sunday Bee E, ROdKWATEn, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT WORM NO. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. . . . I . . . i 7HI rBKSlVEST If af.BRASHa. I pose Iibs thus fr bveu chet-ked by fir- m.vw tht entire building operations or 1'n-nldtnt Hoowvelt la the gin st of Ne- cum stances, will be regarded as a Omaha for an Indefinite period, brnaka and be will find nowbrre else a proper objtkt for attack. rThe aim "f Men engaged In the movement against int'lile who have a greater respect for the administration Is to forestall such a organized UJor seem to be oMIvlous of bliu personally or a profound. rever- condition of things as It foresees now the fact that not lees than oue-UiIrd of .... . i . i . i lit . . r., I n n . ull nil flin vaiMwAlfaM In Hmsha aro tin tnre for tiie great uuice ne uoius nun i w iiubbhuu, ui-u. ivi un.ou.c, ......... .. , ,u . tney are Omaha they will Nebraska cs of nierxhandise must go to ouo man for hare no trouble In finding work In other i wrniirth ct-nturv KMrmr"6ne' Year., liw 1 i i ,i,,,ir. ho i-har. I their tranxnartatlnn. every tourist going citlea east or west where labor Is In - . . gitrntij auu niim u ij im Ui n . . . -. - - r.iiy hJSViKD8".yV acter nud qualities which distinguish abroad must apply to one man for his active demand. The forcible ejection of Daily Hta (without Hund), prr week.. .12c Th(0(0.e Hoopevelt and have won for steamer berth, and the like." In short 5,000 worklngtnen and worklugwomen mma?rBVrCp"r him worldwide attention and v refpect the purpose of the administration la to from Omaha means general business tr:?.',''' Uw01"lH.?r.iSoW Iu common with the i"N.i.le of the en- enforce the law against those comblna- prostration, with hundreds of vacant HW CUUUirji AeUlUBMlIlB mo wuia,w 1 " ri w a--- 1 - .Daily Bee (without Sunday). On Tear..M.oj fJie cjtiZt.ns 0f tUl couuuuuwoaltb. Ue ennHiimers of anthracite coal must go to married and foot-looae. If ftuft- will receive b-re a luimt cordial and one man for tht-lr supplies, all shivers locked out of work In On.ah Sunday lif e. un; Year 1 . - .. . . , 1 ,. t.. ,,, timn fnr have nn tmtihl In flnrilnir wi Sunday U e. Unv Year. t-aturday Hee, one Year Im heartfelt welcome, for week ahouTOa!idi.aX straightforwardness, his high Ideals distinctly tend toward monopoly. partmeni. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. Bouth Omaha-City tiail Building. Twen-ty-tlfth and M Htreet. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 164' Unlly Building. Now f ork 2&s Park Row Lluliding. Washington uOl Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to new and edl tonal matter should be addressed: Omaiia Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by drart, expreaaor P081"!' every duty Imposed by the constitution Duration which la conducting Its busi ly "sen" Jtampa'acc-pedSayTeni of and the lawi will be fearlessly and ness on fair principles Is In any danger f?l4Accu!. falthfullv Derformed. ot Mo attacked by the national ad- THE BEE publishing COMPAQ a. xhe president la undoubtedly familiar ministration, which la not lesa anxloua ' : with the resourcea and the develoument than any other body f cltlzena to con- ... "".f:r.. y. a..: of Nebraska. Ue very likely knowa In erve those legitimate condltiona which "ably subject the bread winners to prl- oeorge b. 'iaachuck, secretary ?t '1 ha Be pllrni w,v how lareelr this state re essential to national progress and vatlon and suffering and expose the city Publlatilng Company, being auijr worn, - " - - . n.,,... aaya that the actual number ot full and contributes to the national wealth and prosperity. completo coulea of The Dally. Mprrung. . . Evening and Sunday Bee printed during ue una vvif umi uraiu ui tuo uuu a set back to Omnlia that will retard of duty, his fidelity to the Interests of 1 In attacking such combinations there ua growtn ana prosierity ror years to the ieople and that streuuosity which Is every reason to expect that the art- come. 1 nese tilings must, De parent to la ao exnresslve of the American spirit, ministration will be as aggressive and all men conversant with the situation Our people have Implicit confidence In vigorous as the circumstances and the and should awaken the business men of the sincerity and the Integrity of pur- authority conferred upon It will permit Omaha In and out of the new orgnnlza- tose of President Hoosevelt. They be- out tnere la no ground for apprehend- uon xq me uanger tnai conrronis us an lleve that every uromise he has made or Ing a policy that might prove destmct-1 The only safe course for employers of may make will be fulfilled If It be wlthlu le to the business Interests of the coun- labor In Omaha to pursue Is to grapple his power to do ao and they know that try and it la safe to say that no cor- wuu me iaoor protjiein on rauouai lines. recognizing lanor organizations as nxea facta and pursuing a policy of mutual concession and conciliation rather than a policy that would force organized labor to fight for Its life, would lnev- wlthln that time from- twenty persons to 3,112. Hie success of the postal sav ings bank In Great Britain only outlines the field which la Waiting for the estab lishment of postal savings banks In this country, where the people are equally thrifty and bare more earnings to aave. As a result of the buslneKS administra tion of our schools by business men of the Benson stripe the taxpayers of the school district of Omaha have a judg ment of over 10,0)0 to pay, with noth ing whatever to show for the money ex cept plans for a High school building that were never used. The school board that engineered this beautiful architect turnl Job Is, by the way, the same board that tried to besmirch Mayor Moores with Its "ugly rumors" resolutions. In the meantime the property owners will be called on to foot the bill. month or Marcli, 1, waa aa I0"'"; it occupies among the states In respect PRKCIPITATIXQ A LABOHCOBTLICT. mw lu i Fi-vy.o. u oo it ig an open secret that the bankers. been anjong U8 bcfore "nd knowB that manufacturers sad merchant of.Omaha in loyalty to the government and ven 1 81,010 1 31.7UO ai,io ai,tito S 81.WOO 7 Bt,60 1 2U.1TV ai.ttoo 14 l,IO U 8X.T0O 11 .....81.T20 13 ai.TBO 14 81.TOO Jo S,5HO 15 tfi,544 is. 11. (0 31, tWO m Rl.rrfUll Mi.. ......... ' . - . 1 a ii... .1.1... m x- 22 t TtUyAiv I eraiiou tor tiie uug iue uiu.L-na 01 ne- U "t"" braska are not excelled. Here the teach ing ef patriotism and love for our free Institutions Is an element in our edu cational system that la carefully ' fos tered. Nowhere la there a heartier or M 81,044 la U1.S10 24, U1.74U 87 81,770 gg 31,070 m to all the horrors Incident to a labor war. In the language of the New York Times "There Is room for employers' as sociations and they are capable of great usefulness if wisely planned and con servatlvely managed. Diplomacy will serve the purpose of employers much better than fighting; to do what la right and just and generous Is a much more who are apprehensive of labor trouble during the coming month, have formed an offensive and defensive alliance with the managers of the public utility cor- UBcful reputatlon thaa that to acqulre lw,auu"" lul uiu k peace by flghUng. for IV have ns much right to combine for the 1 . t .. 1 .1. 1 . . 1. 1 i 0 ai,ii nixie Bunxie uuiiamj liiuu laibib iicio 1 promotion of mutual Interests and for 1 31.70O and It Is to be regretted that President mutual dofonse ns hare th meohnnlea 1 - ' --- Roosevelt Is not able at this time to TSSTIMUKY J S IS T&ST1M0SY. And now the champions of Ed Howell have called upon Edgar Howard for a testimonial to square that corporation .V;i" ' 7o.uua en us uui uie at iuib uuie 10 employed In the building trades, the Lew unaoia and returned copies... xo.-" give our people a larger opportunity lor tollers In mill and factory and wage- candidate with the anti-monopoly elo Net total salea , MM" "i"1- uul meiwum " workers of any grade or occupation. Net averag am'wa. . II ..... . ...... . . . .WI& I will receive will assure him of the There Is grave apprehension, however. Bubacribed in my preaenca and sworn to strong hold he has upon the esteem and among conservative people familiar with etora ma UUa Hat day ot March, A. P.. admiration of 'Nebraskana. MiRtinir Indnstrtnl nnn.ntinna ht tho betora IM. ideal.) B. H UNGATE, Notary Puuiio. ment of the democratic party. Under this pressure Edgar Howard has been induced to Bay in bis paper, the Columbus Telegram, that "Howell la superior in every sense to the nominees , All ready for Roosevelt The battle cry of the Benson boomers "Remember the Maynel" existing Industrial conditions, that the The office of president of the United program laid out for the business men's States Is the greatest on earth. It is association Is liable to precipitate a clash of th .mu, ' ti occupied by a citizen whose career lllus- with the workers Identified and affiliated and has always been "loyal to demo trotes to an exceptional degree the pos- wltb the various labor unions. Such a cratlc Interests." While this Is not very Simmies or American citizensnip. m conflict would prove costly and damag- 8trong, It Is still paraded by the Howell properly honoring the man as weU as ing to the business interests of Omaha organ as an appeal to democrats to t.x.-o.ucui. r.c duuw a nSui aypt rum- ag Well 88 tO tnousantls 0t bread Win-lstunrt rntrothar . . I 4 ( r. 9 nt.A..n,..n nA n 1 1 . ! ll.t. I . - I The president will find that Nebraska "l oUU 4"" u'iu ners w no consutute tne bone ana sluew what Edgar Howard really thinks of la In the heart or the continent ana tmu " luc 01 umana s nome traae. Ed Howell can, however, best be gath . ... .... I rolatlnna of Amur on l!fo I a i. . . ...... I B ehraeiift g ueart la ui .tne ngm piace. 1 wuiu vi cuuviuu to tme emoattiea 1 erei from wna he has written and employers, who are chafing under the printed about him on previous occasions. Launching new battleships and cruis- "uniu a uniaifsr lbaju: restraint or union rules ana regulations, when no party whip was being cracked era out of American shipyards is getting A few days ago the New York Stock and the menace of a labor uprising may I over his head. Howard was in rloA to be ao common aa to threaten to abol-1 Exchange took possession of its magniQ- not be out of place at this time. First attendance upon the legislature In which Ish the novelty of it. cent new building, the finest structure and foremost they should bear in mind nowell served and observed the work nt for its purpose in the world. The presi- that it would be futile and fool-hardy the corporation lohbv In and ontoido ,r If the boomers want to make Ben- dent of the exchange, m ms aauress on tor me owners or mins ana lactones, the senate chanibef. In the Fapllllon son's election sure let them send a spe- the occasion, said that tne magnmcence ouuuiug contractors ana large mercan- Times of March 12, 1897, Edgar Howard rial train to Jonlin for that boomer of or its new nome was oniy in Keeping e "um io jirenmue conditions ror 8ald boomers, Clifton E. Mayne. l,IC uoa, r. . " " Every achool boy In Nebraska knows that d,n: "A8 ,n th,8 80 a,so ,n tbe metU- t0 Ch00Se betwtn th0 disbanding of every fuslonlst now occupying ,,,th . ,jnI that the lm- ods by which we adjust and settle our their trades unions and vacating their the Nebraska legislature was chosen with i. wuintiv morals uncovered dally transactions, and in the extraordl- places. . the implied and expressed understanding purity of eglslatlve morals nncorena outgrowth of the that.. he uld favor law. to regulate the in Missouri IS supposed to nave giuu ,...,., - pumic corporations In the state. A great out of measures to InBure pure food. The corporations want the council, but they alao want the mayor. A mayor can make it necessary to bave six coun cilmen to put corporation Jobs through over his reto. exchange clearing house, we may well modern Industrial evolution and they majority of the fusion senator. "h.vA, claim first place among the exchanges hne come to stay-in Omaha, as. they faithful to . the pledges made, by and for of the world." '" ' " ' have' 'ft every other commercial center. tnem ,n tne campaign. Eight of them. Undoubtedly this Is the world's great- TI time has long gone by when em- SX..'S est exchange, exerting an Influence upon plovers of labor can with impunity hire not know that they were bought. We do the values of stocks In all markets that whom they please, discharge whom know that they have ruthlessly betrayed the Is not equalled by any other exchange, they please and when they please, or PP,e who elected them. The eight traitors Harper's Weekly thinks It sees Indica tions of a close political Alliance be tween Mayor Harrison of Chicago and W. R. Hearst of New York for the pro motion of their mutual interests. Mayor Harrison waa once In the newspaper business himself, so such an alliance would keep the whole combination within the newspaper fold. Conalier the HIta. St Louie Globe-Democrat. It la alleged that the ciroult court com mitted thirty-four etrors la the anti-merger case. The crowd never cares much for the errors provided the hits are on the right aide. Official 11 pa on Beauty. Washington Star. The beautiful complexions produced by the food experiments may compel the De partment of Agriculture to add to Its al ready numerous responsibilities by open ing a correspondence department for beauty aide talks. Ineaparlenee Talka Too Mach. Chicago Record-Herald. Those old maids who assembled In New York the other day sneered at President Rooaevelt'a remarks concerning large fam ilies and said that he had no business to talk about the loveliness of bavlng children. because he was not a mother and there for lacked the experience necessary to dis cuss the subject intelligently. Still, It would seem that the old maids have little to brag of concerning this kind of experience. .i ie.... m treat their workmen aa moro WM leu ln8 IeM ' Paxton and AUU LUiO JV IT Vl BUU ILIL1 UVUV.U TV 111 VI I w UtUVUlurja I f QUgJj (1)8 .v- - o - ftr.rnor- country. It Is very generally regarded uo" 8 a ue may require, civu war g. T' "JL. as a purely gambling Institution, but Of the Bpanian-Aawrjcau vl. 4, , , ,. nlanfa If.lf -I-.- . . jl-i- i wuiie uiera in auuie reuvu lur xiriaar I .vwv... riaii,Di m ion i qn,. .ABS,A . . . , t. . Kill ilS .ocrlll is I a -. 1 with th nasslnc of the last of the course row wltn the progrew of the to run at the will of the owner aa many octopus are: VUT.U Xna pBBBlUB l n,intr If la nopr nnrdlr ,Ho.1 UOtll'S 88 he mflV reOlllre. I BNSn f nn.t.lo. When the new business men's assocla-1 HOWEIi, of Douglas, nn nlanfa ifaol nm,. And Five Other Names. may gel a cnuuJo u ' It thU charaeter. It. doea not aronratolv It proposes to employ Union or nonunion I v. ,.m .. ... . . . , . " the front Seats. AaaT-m a-wntwnirm m nn Aai I labor Without dlserimlnfltlon It nrnmiil. I UI to dnnnnnrn men nf mi, nwn nniiti..! W-W..W v.1.u.ufjt. . . V V. V. M . - " V.. - vnH (rva.MWM. rst tv,a t-anaantA I cutes a declaration of wrf BiTalnat la Kn, I faith, but duty demands It. . . . .iimmor 1 i.o uudiui s.f .inuD.vigu V . i V t J kr. 1.1 fL I ... one awauow aoea not. iu of eBtJrely legitimate character. nnfon which will Inevitably be fol- After the session waa over and after and two or three Jawsiniths with tne institution Is a necessity towed b Keneral atrike, or rather a Howell had been defeated for mayor by anion label do not represent organized awneral loekont rn r pvnir in tnrii nt . . I UUUOl TAiOiaUJ WUUIUUUB BTCU1B UBlUCS- I " v. vmc iniumni I - , -'1 ' - v .mc miuc labor by a long ways, workingiuen or t,onaWe but ,t ,B QQt to principles of the trades union is that year, commenting upon the result Edgar umana neuiriunr iuo tloned that there are evlla connected lts members shall not work side by side Howard among other things declared: with It, in more or less unscrupulous wllB nonunion men ana when any em-1 We know that the defeated democratlo ecbemings and manipulations, which Pl0'er serves notice upon members of namlaeo for mayor was not a fair repre- i,.,ii h nmiiri if ir k nrtQKi, the trades unions that ther anna ithoe aeatatlve of the silver forces. Had . . ...... . . ,. hi. .,-. "a free stiver forces nominated a clean to ao so. rew xorg is aavancing la- v meir oDiiga- ... m,, Drmv nrii.. . v. ward the position of the world'a financial i,on to tnelp union, they have no other have wen out with two thousand majority metropolis and the stock exchange is alternative than to walk out or disbantl to his credit and would have Inspired the bl doubtlees contributing to the attainment tt un,on- L' iV.Tlt .11 cf Men,?e of this. Principle laid down by the bus!- cie. with .1. . nm'h ness men a association that "ita mem- state bad a right to expect better things rCRPOMM Of TUB ADMINISTRATION. bera propose to enforce their tights to Iroln thelr brethren la the metropolis. Let Thn who are annrehenslve that It la handle their respective business In ..rh th6 re8U,t tea,a Omaha blmetallleU once ,0i., im thla enrlv aa taraets for the . .w- lnw fni nnn Ior " fnt masses do not trust r line lulcutiou ui iub umuuNai auiuiiuo- i - 1 uiaj ucvm proper It is sUted that 8ir Thomas Llpton haa taken out $100,000 ot insurance on Bbamrock IU. If he could take out a policy that would inaure him tiie cup he would feel much more-comfortable. The New York paper that insists the democracy has lots of statesmen able to lead a presidential ticket to victory wisely refralna from putting any of Ioaplratloa of Medical Genius. Chicago Chronicle. For once we may be sure that gentlemen of the medical profession will cordially and unreservedly indorse the suggestion of a learned brother the learned brother being a Kansas City physician who suggest that the vermiform appendix shall be removed from every Infant a tew days after birth, thus, rendering appendicitis Impossible. As medical gentlemen charge from $150 upward for removing an appendix, the Kansas City proposition undoubtedly will be hailed as an Inspiration of medical genius. Loyalty , to Mother Tongrue. Portland Oregonlan. Tbe determination of the Hawaiian legis lature to conduct its proceedings hereafter in the native language Is both sentimentally and practically a step backward, but It pro ceeds from motives which seem Instinctive In all races. When every other motive of tace feeling has been lost, there remains unfailingly a sentiment ot love and loyalty to the mother tongue. It has been marked In tbe rudest tribes of savages, and the higher the development of the. people the stronger bold It has over them. PERSONAL ASD OTHERWISE!. .... . . . i . . . i. A ....a i i . ... i uiiiui.uvi iwvi, mv uiKiber auw ioubt ana political iharpshootera within the party trftUon to invoue the anti trust law and expedient and employ euch help aa earnestly he preaches free sliver. ranks. . I 9arainst e-verv form of corporation, re-1 aeems best adapted to their numoaea If the decent democrats of Omaha in krnrdioaa of conditions and the possible I under Buon contract as is mutnallv an f. I to heed the advice of Kdirar Howard Andrew Carnegie's gltt of $ti00,000 to! ffect upon buelneeg of the country, Isfactory to the parties concerned," would they will prefer to heed that given by a negro institution aoee noi neeui to m can flnd no tor such fear In any- have met with no objection fifty years him at a time free from the heat of a reaented in the south. To spend north- ... th t ,d by president & but la the twentieth centnrv It Dolitleal camnalan rather than that ox. era money on the negro in the south hi Rooeeveit or by Attorney General comes into collision with the irresistible torted from him nnder specious argn- 11 right, but to give any amu ot ret-on- Km)X uuder executiVe direction. There forces of Industrial organization. The mente of party expediency, nltlon to the southern negro in we noita bgs keeQ notbiae; m word or in action motto of the tradea onion la an Injury la a belnona on ease. . i Dart of the president or the at- to one la the coacern of all and anv at. The Judgment against tbe school dla- torney general to warrant the belief tempt to substitute nonunion workmen trlct of Omaha for S 10,000 besides inter- In compiling their Information for that they Intend any action which for nnloa workmen la naturally regarded est and costs in favor of the architect votera the Municipal league inqulsltora might alarm and unsettle the business as an assault on all tradea unions and originally engaged to design the new should not fall to give Councilman Lo- interests of the country aad give a will be resisted by all ao long as they High school building and later arbi- beck's answer to the question why he chock to prosperity. In his annual mea- possess any vitality. trarlly supplanted by another architect roted to extend the street lighting con- sages to congress and in his public Th edict of the new business men's throws a beautiful sidelight on alleged tract for the gas company stealthily speeches Mr. Roosevelt haa spoken with association that it will not tolerate. sym- business methods that have prevailed elrht inoutha before lta expiration. conservatism in regard to the course aatneric strikes or the limitation or re- in the management or school affairs. It i . ...-i ..i . . . ... . i . . ... . ... ... . that should be pursued In dealing with nwuun oi tne output or mills and rac- renecta Btiu greater aiscreaii on uie ar- Acoordlna- to Lewia Nixon, the Amert-1 the combinations. He haa strongly dep- tories cannot be enforced unless the torney for the school board tinder whose can ship building Industry haa now been I recated extreme and revolutionary prop-1 complete overthrow of the unions is con- legal advice the board acted and whose developed to so high a degree that we ositlous, pointing out the disastrous con- tempiatea. aerense to the suit seems to nave given can build at a lower cost than any other sequencea that would reeult from their I If W be true, aa has been currently r bis case away. A few more recklessly nation In the world and better boata at application. In his first message he I ported, that the members of the busl- broken contract and corresponding that If that la the case the American said that "the mechanism of modern ness men's association have entered into Judgnienta would empty the school treas merchant marine ought to revive- speed- business Is so delicate that extreme care compact to deprive every union wage- ury and close up the achools. The costly Uy with or without the ship aubaldy. must be taken not to Interfere with It worker, who goes on a strike or walks lesson simply reinforces what The Bee In a spirit of raHhuess or lguorunce." I oui or a snop or store peeause be can- nas repeateuiy urgea, mat mere is no Chairman Belden of the Beusouite This Idea he has since then repeatedly not comply with Its cast iron rules, from excuse for the school board maintaining campaign committee wauta a mayor I expressed and there is no reason toloia'niug creau ior rooa. ciotning or aaianeu attorney wueu n cau treeiy who can bo pointed out to his bov aa an doubt that he still adheres to it I even medicine, and that they propoae to have competent and able services from example If Chairman Belden la In I The Washington correspondent of the enforce this drastic boycott upon retail the city attorney and bis assistants of I . . . 1. . a ... i . m m . I ik t 1 . j a ... 1.1 a i dead earnest he will have to drop the I New York Evening rost, wno pernaps I niercuaum, uutcuera, uuaera una aeaiers i me inj iuw uepunuieui. ror me uuara boomer candidate and look for a man speaka upon the authority of the De- in necespartea of life by blacklisting to pay $500 a year to a cheap grade partment of Justice, saya that no com-1 those who dare to Bell on credit to men I lawyer to get it into legal difficulties biuatiou will be attacked simply be-1 engaged In a atrike, and preventing them I and lofe lawsuits for It Is worse than cause it la a combination, or because a I from obtaining merchandise from the I throwing the money away group of gamblera in the exchanges has I Jobbers or loans from the bankers, we The scheme for a nationally endowed been caught by a rise or fall of prices. I may look for a most deplorable state of theater Is being again projected In New I He states that any combination which I affaira la Omaha In the very near York City with a view to the elevation I actually does operate m restraint oriiuiure who ha uot made a failure of nearly every buslneaa enterprise be haa been engaged In. Recent statistics of the postal savings banks at Great Britain show that there are now 9.000,000 depositors who have of dramatic art Tbe result of theat-1 trade, even If not formed with that Ue-1 Aireaay tne metuoas pursuea py tne i maae wnnin tne year w,w,uuu u-pua rlcal enterprise in thla country, how-1 liberate Intent, and which must lnev-1 dealers In building materials, who have Its and tt.000.000 wlthdrawala through ever, go to show that the only endow-1 Itably ao operat. even If It haa not yet I bound themselvea not to sell to anybody I the H.OuO postofflces iu which savings ment worth having tol the actor and produced such results, and any formed I but contractors, haa done an Infinite departments are maintained. The lustl- playwrlght la that which cornea through for the purpose of restraining trade, I amount of damage to the community tutiou Is now but forty years old, while i..L a. ..t 1m,t' ,.m... . I fii-pn ir tha eouHiiiumaUun of that tur-1 and If persisted In w ill eventually par-1 Its administrative staff has increased Two Letters They tell of the thrift, business acumen and are a part ot the r.-o-ord of a noble and useful business life. The lata Hon. J. M. rattcrson of riattsmouth, one of the pioneers ot Nebraska and one of the best dtlirns who ever dwelt within lis domain, tells of the value of a policy In "The Strong eat la the World" while living; his sons tell ot the value to bis estate. C. H. Parmele, Prest. J. M. Patterson Cashier. T. V. Patterson, Aast. Cash. THE HANK OF CASS COUNTY. PLATTSMOUTII. NEB. - January 3, Mr. II. D. Neclej, Manager, Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Sir: Your draft from Equitable Life of New York for $4,536.45 receivedThis is the cash value of ray rolity of $3,000. Fifteen-payment plan. This settlement is admirable and I have taken policies with you for $10,000, or double the amount of one surren dered. Present my compliments to' your officers, and you may refer to me as one of the many friends of the Equitable. . Yours'truly. J. M. PATTERSON. April 16, 1903. THE BANK OF CASS COUNTY. PLATTBMOUTH. NEB. n. D. Neely, Manager. Omaha, Nebraska. Dear sir: By your hand today we received a draft on the Equitable Life Assurance Society for $14,355.00 in pay ment of polit ies held by our father, the late J. M. Patterson, on which proofs of death were handed you five days ago. A few years Ago our father drew from your Bociety the full cash value of a $5,000 contract, so that his life exempli fied the full benefits of life insurance, both while living and in death. Our father was always a staunch friend of the Equi table Life Assurance Society. On behalf of ourselves and the other heirs, we thank you and your society for the promptness in adjusting our claim. Very truly THOMAS M. PATTERSON. SAMUEL PATTERSON. Special administrators of the estate of James M. Tatter- son, deceased. For policies that art tight drflt at maturity u H. . Neely, Mgr. Equitable Life Assurance Society Merchants National jr Bank Building Omaha, Neb. i Although Judge Lynch has not appeared In that region the hemp Industry Is re ported booming around Manila. Mr. Yerkes dropped Chicago Traction after filling the tanks. Mr. Yerkea Is as smooth a promoter aa ever hit the pike. The spectacle of Mark Alonje Hanna Parry-lng blows directed at organized labor Is well calculated to drive Cartoonist Dav enport to strong drink. Parisians are opening the hot air valves for another siege of dry fuss. The spec tacle is as picturesque as an alleged re publican doing a feeble atunt oa a populist platform. A New York court holds that a saloon sandwich does not constitute a meal. The learned Jurist draws a fine distinction be tween sandwiches, bavlng gone against the railroad variety early In life. The Central Trust company of New York a money maker from wayback. It has ! paid 60 per cent per annum since January, ! 1900. Stockholders of tha. company are cor respondingly contented aad trustful. The postmaster of an Ohio town con victed of embezzlement, wept copiously when sentence was passed upon him. Un fortunately for him hia wellspring did not bubble while he was burning government money. The government has purchased several hundred tons of frankfurters and sauer kraut for the edification of the army and tbe navy. A marked Improvement in our relations with Germany to confidently predicted. An Indiana teacher was fired and fined for whtpptng a bad boy three times in fifteen minutes. HaH the Job been done properly at the first session little trouble would follow. Repetition makes such scenes painfully monotonous. Four French aeronauts fell 10.000 feet la balloon, which rebounded 300 feet and anally caught on some wires. In about ten days tbe Omaha boomers will be la bfcpe to compare their sensations with those ot the Frenchmen. Prompt response Is made to tbe appeal of the Federation of Old Maids for details of matrimonial strife. A weary and heavy- laden husband la Hoboken seeks divorce on the ground that bis wife was In the aablt ot beating him before and after meals. "Atlas Upholding the World," is a pic ture calculated to excite the wonder of the young, but when a modern tun a makes away with Atlas and hi world weighing 2,000 pounds the glanta of other days bave reason to shake their eeremenU In mute amazement. The Incident happened In Chi cago. The thief left the bu.lding for an other call. ' Louis Thompson Hunt of Brooklyn U obliged, under the conditions of hit fath er's will, to marry before be is 25 years of age or forfeit an annual Income of 2,r.00. What strange whims fathers perps trate In their wills. It la difficult to con celve of a harsher fate than that cf re quiring a maa of 25, through whose veins courae red sporting blood, to divide his meager stipend with ano'her. There Is now under way a number of nveatigatlons Into crooked deals In publlo life which lend considerable zest to public affairs In many localities Smuggling In Porto Rico, courts-martial la Alaska, frauds In tbe Postofnce department, bood ling In Mlasourl, shady state loans In Indiana and municipal disinfecting In St. Louis, Minneapolis, Seattle and New York, furnUh proof of public watchfulness la public affairs. Political grafting Is becom ing an unprofitable as well as a dangerous proteaaleu. 8F.( H.Alt SHOTS AT THE PCLPIT. Buffalo Express: A former base ball player has been ordained as an evangelist in Chicago. If anyone can bat religion Into Chicagoans, he should be able to. Philadelphia North American: Several students at a theological school In Chicago have Issued a long statement setting forth what parts of the Biblo tbey do not believe. At the present rate It Is only a ' question of time when the preacher who believes In the scriptures will be considered a heretic Baltimore American: William A. Sun day, the former base ball player, who has asked for evangelist orders In the Presby terian ohurch. had been doing field work for some time. He has a eatchy way of talking that gets people worked up to a wonderful pitch, and Inclines them Jo make a short stop In their sinful career. They Immediately quit batting round, repent their first baseness and attempt to steal home. Philadelphia Press: Rev. Dr. Banks, pastor of Orace Methodist Episcopal church In New York, says that Intemperance la Increasing among respectable women In that city. "Members of the churches drink whisky cocktails In publlo on Sunday." That Is plain talk which tha clergyman says he can prove In court. He finds that the trouble arises In part "because the pulpit has ceased to preach the gospel that drunkard will never enter the kingdom of heaven." The blame seems to be pretty general. Indianapolis Journal: Members of the committee appointed by the Presbyterian General assembly to revise tbe creed ot that church are now engaged In defending themselves against the charge made by some critical brethren that certain pas sages of the newly-formulated creed won't parse." Dr. Van Dyke, who Is on tha re vision committee, does not assert that the grammatical construction of the work Is free from fault, but asserts that the sacred confession of faith Is not flawless, and points out certain errors of grammar aad syntax In that document. He draws atten tion to these not by way of criticism, but to show that no human work is entirely free from defects. Dr. Van Dyke would probably not make such an admission If be were acting as Instructor of a class of young students of the English tongue, and It Is hardly Ingenious in him to do so In this case. However, tbe grammar is less Important than revision In the matter un der consideration. To revise, and revise thoroughly, Is the thing. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. "Isn't It funny?" "What?" "She's the head of a matrimonial agency. but an old rmalJ." Detroit Free Preis. Gladys S Beatrice Is finally married?, How did ehe came to make the plunge? Ethel She dlan't. She was shoved off by six younger sisters. Puck. Mrs. Youngwlfe I . want to get some salad. ' Dealer-Yes, ma'am. How many heads? Mrs. Youngwlfe Oh, goodnees! I tlfougnt you took the heads offT I luat want plain chicken salad. Cincinnati Tribune. Churchman That was an eloquent fst mon you preached to us last Hunday on "The Poor We Have Always with Us." The Pastor Yea, I was inspired. I had observed how small the collection was the', day. Philadelphia Press. "Dear," said the pnyslclan's wife, "wtt i can vou let me have 110?" "Well," replied the medical man, "I hop to cash a draft shortly, and then" "Cash a draft? What draft?" "The one 1 saw Mrs. Jenkins sitting In this morning." Phlladelpnla .Ledger. "He married her because she was such a brilliant conversationalist." "Yea; I know; but" "Oh. he got a divorce from her for' trie same reason, omart not. 1 Jonathan I say, Britisher, can you ml horse? I Englishman 'Orse? Why. centalnlr. It honly takes a haltch and a ho and a linr and a heas and a he to apell 'orBe. Kunsua City. Journal. "It's a mistake to say the course of tru love never did run emooth," reflected Mr. Meekun. "In thoi'rands of caes It does run smooth until It reaches the ocan of matrimony, which, I'll admit. U rometlmes rough enough." Chicago Tribune. THE YESTERDAYS OP RATIOS. IT Rank Heresy. Pbllade phla North American. The "trustees of Providence" In the coal trust are shocked at the temerity of the Interstate Commerce commission In con ducting an Investigation. They consider It an objectionable form ot Higher Criticism. W. D. Nasblt In Chicago Tribune. "The burden of Damascus. Heboid, l)ama eus Is taken away from being a city, and It shall be a ruinous heap." laalah xvli, 1. Broken pillar and crumbling stone Tell of ner yesterdays, ' Tell of the time when she stood alont Mighty In all her ways. Trackleaa atretchea of heaping rand, Red In tha watting heat, Breathe of alnuoua saraband . Tripped by the Joyous teet. Fallen temple and shattered tomb, Tumbled and gaping wall. Tell of clambering vine and bloom Beauty that covered all. Silent, solemn, and echolesa, Under the brooding ky Where tbe profit to them that guess Asking us when and why? Once the trumpet In brazen glee Sang at tbe palace galea; Once the masters of mlnatrelxy Babbled of loves and hatea; Once the tword In the Jeweled sheath Clamored along the way Dead today, with the crumbling wreath Worn In that yesterday. Si tbe glamour and ao the pride Marble and braaa and t-ol ' Duhi of agea to come wilt hide Tombs of the years will held. V e. unknown and ovsrvaln. Strong in our weep and away, 11 uk the baubles that mark our reign Living our yesterday. EYE TROUBLES ARE HEREDITARY They are handed down from parent to child, and if there is a defect in a parent's eyes, it is more tlian likely to be found in the eyes of the child also. lied lids, styes, or itching, burning pains, are INDICATIONS of muscular troubles that can be overcome by using proper glasses. J. C. HUTESON & CO., OPTICIANS, 213 South 10th Htreet, Omaha. id