Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 15, Image 15
TITE OMATTA DAILY ffisTfc" flTTITTClT, ArftTT, 2rt, 1003. 15 THE 8BEAT ; ,-4 i nn Lru Wig fo)Afo) (PA AM cAH R Young Men's Suits 15 to 20 years choice of Suits that sold up 7,50 to $15 Monday only at o A Young Men's Suits that sold up to S10 Monday only H IS. 00 at Men's Suits that sold up to $15 at $7 .50 AJT the late styles and makes. Special in Shirts , Th9y Last. SI values, Whites and fancys, CS f the best makes in the U, S., at All our 50c and 75c Men's half fy ilVV T AVAAWM J f m 9 rO i Cravenette Rain y a 20f Coats worth S15 at .50 ' Cravenette rain C -j ) g Q iajuio w jx ui ii ii $22,50, at ' JLL' Dunlap and Knox Blocks, $5 Hat G3 values, at . .....-. .' . . . Stiff and Soft Hats- PlfltlOS Over 30 Brands More than 100 nuperb instruments every one with a "soul" and all on the Easy Payment Plan. Second floor. SNAPS IN WALL PAPER THIRD FLOOR Monday and Tuesday we will give our customers an other chance to take advantage of the greatest wall paper sale of the season. Monday From lO to 11 a. m. .White Blanks, up from.... Heavy Gold Embossed Paper, up from 3c ,:iOc Tuesday From lO to 11 a. m. neavy Gilts, up from. . . American Tapestry, up from . .- ..6c 10c PERFUMERY Colgate's Perfumes Italian Violet per ounce La France Rose . , per ounce 'Sweet Pink jkt ounce Lily of the Valley per ounce , Pansy Blossom per ounce , Eastman's Blue Itose per ounce , Eastman's Crushed Buses per ounce. . . . Eastman's Chic per ounce Eastman's Nile Car nation pr ounce IMckscckcr's Golf Queenper ounce, liieksecker's Ping Attn Pong per ounce. . . . "Ob ' All the new French Perfumes Piuaud's, Fiver's, Violets, etc. 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 48c 48c 48c 48c 48c CANDY Monday Special, Jelly O a Beans, per lb ... . CI w 38c Best Cream Cara mels, per lb. . . Maple Cream BatesC per lb bull Best Gum Drops, per lb Iced Goodies, per lb Fruit Cake, per lb Cocoanut Bar, per lb Chocolate Creams, per lb Stick Candy, as sorted, per lb.. . Gum Drops, per lb Salted Peanuts, per lb. .' Choc. Dip Almonds,- per package Chocolate Creams, per package 20a 25c 25c 18c 15c I2jc 8c 15c 15c 18c ME WELCOME THE PRESIDENT, MONDAY Iii i I Bi mi I THE VISIT OE PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT Puts Omaha keenly on its merits. When the head of this nation sees the Bennett Building on Monday, he will see the best deco orated building in the whole west. Much more, however, will commend the Bennett store to both president and people. The boundless "lay out' of bargains specially prepared for this oc casion. Make them yours. ATTEND THE BENNETT SALES, MONDAY, UQU LO YO IN A BECOMING MANNER, LADIES? IF YOU WOULD, YOU MUST TOG OUT TN SEW ATTIBE. THERE IS NOT SUFFI CIENT TIME TO HAVE ANYTHING MADE TO ORDER. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ANY GARMENT YOU. REQUIRE, READY TO PUT ON, and the prices are very little more than the cost of making. WASH WAISTS The sale of summer waists worth from 11.00 to $2.25, will continue Monday until all are sold the closing price is 89c WOMEN'S WRAPPERS FROM 9 TO 10 MONDAY In the CLOAK DEPT., we will sell 60 doi. wrappers, really AQn worth $1 each, only 1 to a customer, at Hwlf TAFFETA SILK SUITS Fine hair line stripes In shades of blue and red, shirt waist effect. If) Rft very nobby lUsJU TAFFETA SILK SUITS In plain shades of changeable blue and solid black poplin blouse, Cf elegant s3U BICILLIAN SUITS Extremely good, colora black OO Rf and navy, poplin blouse, price $27.50 and fahlOU All those $22.50, $20.00, $17.50, $15.00 and $11M suits that we advertised last Sunday (ask your dressmaker her price (or making a tailor-made suit Isn't It $20?) will be closed out 8.90 BOYS' BLOUSE SHIRT WAISTS heavy percale and twilled cloth all colors former price 85c to 60o each now. .25c HANDKERCHIEFS We show an Immense stock at all prices and In all kinds. Monday at 10 o'clock we will have an hour sale offering 100 dozen at.... Penny E3Ctl WOMAN'S LISLE VESTS Fancy ribbed, low neck, no sleeve, 25o value, Monday sale 10c WOMAN'S STOCKINGS Plain, full fashioned fast black lisle and cotton, fancy cotton, neat or elaborate deigns, open lace work, all strictly first class, at KID GLOVES all colors. Imported French Kid Gloves, the dollar quality, Monday at 25c 55c CORSETS To attract attention to our new Corset department on the second floor, we will make a 48c sale Monday of new models Including short and long styles and Cleopatra Girdles also some of the beat models of the W. C. C. Corsets, the values are 60c, 69c, 75c and 95c, all A Q t 4oC RIBBON'S Finest wash tafeta In widths 2 to 6 i Inches all colors at I1C, I4C NEW DROP TRIMMINGS In black and all colors, the very lat estat our trimming counter, qualities worth 17c, 19c, 20c and 25c, Monday all at 15c Sailing Cords SOMETHING NICE TO HAVE ALWAYS HANDY EASY TO GET, TOO. 0 for flic WITH PRETTY ALUMINUM CASE. Something Special For no n day. A large box of Axle q Grease, sold or ' dinarily at 10c J Buy your harness and horse supplies as you do your groceries and meats the right goods where they sell . them the lowest. If you do, it will be at Bennett's. Bennett's Big Grocery OUR GROCERY IS REALLY TUB LEADER IX WESTERN GROCERY DEPARTMENTS OR STORES THE FRESHNESS THE PURITY THE VARIETIES AND THE WAY-DOWN TRICES ARE PROVING MORE THAN COMPETITION CAN MEET AND NEARLY EVERYBODY TRADES AT BENNETT'S. GET INI A Salmon Special On Monday we place on sale au Immense quantity of canned Salmon, regular IfY-i 15c value, l ib. can IwC Table Syrup, can Gelatine, package Matched, C dozen boxes JC Jelly, assorted, glass Worcester Sauce, bottle Chill Sauce, bottle Mustard, Jar Baking Fowder, tt-lb. can ...isJC Baking Chocolate, half-pound cake Rice, rr per lb vj - Prunes, California, per lb 10c .10c ..5c 10c .10c ...5c 15c ,5c TEAS AND COFFEES B. F. Japan, Oolong, Gunpowder, O Q English Breakfast, per lb OOC Tea Slftlngg, per lb Coffees, fresh roasted, per lb Bennett's Capitol, Mb. pkg ..15c ..12c 28c CHEESE, BUTTER, ETC. TniS BRANCH OF OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS WELL MANAGED Cream Cheese, per lb , Swiss Cheese, per lb , Hand 'Cheese, each Royal Cheese, Jar Cottage Cheese, pall Country Butter, per lb Bennett's Capitol Creamery, per lb Fresh Country Eggs, per dot. Bulk Olives. I pint Plcalllll, pint Assorted Preserves, per lb Jelly. glass 12k ,..18c ...2Jc ...10c ... 9c . .16(5 ,28c ...15c 13ic ...71c ..8ic ....5c BIG Crockery Bargains FOR MONDAY. We offer some very at tractive pieces of choice English dinner ware These are from the , wo rid-famed house of Wood & Sons, Pot ters, to her majesty, the Queen. English emi - Porcelain body, delicate border deco ration either in blue or pink, embossed they are termed Royal Blue .Derby and Royal Pink Derby an exceptionally fine dinner Bet of 100 pieces. Our price Monday $11.50 White embossed wash Bowls and pitchers for 75c White granite cups and sau cers, set of six for 35c 50e decorated China cus padores for 30c Marduare Snaps Everybody will find a bargain at first glance in this big department Here are a few lead ers: Two-Burner Gasoline stoves to close out' $2.98 Cigar Dept Single Burner Lamp stoves to close out 48C Large Rice Root Scrub Ttrnsli J Sink Brush Carpet Beater Carpet Tacks, per Pkg Complete line of rubber hose sprinkler and muzzier. 3c 18c lc wood enuaro GPf. Curtain Stretcher Bread , Board Eight Arm Towel Rack Wrood Comb Case Feather Dusters Our Glacier Mineral Wool 98c 24c 15c .8c ..9c Special inducements for ye old smokers, Lillian Russell cigars, A each 2ll Lillian Russell cigars, CA 2 for DC Lillian Russell OK ft cigars, 10 for.... Qb All day Monday A Big Line of Pipes 20c, 15c, 10c, 5c each insulated Kefrigerator com bines all the best points and makes Mith other advantages, producing an attractive, dur able, clean and economical re frigerator, warranted not to sweat. Genuine porcelain or zinc lining, with or without water cooler, any style and size. Low prices. Come and get circulars. ReceptionMillinery Our exclusiveness in Millinery Patterns is creating quite a slir among lovers of fine Millinery our styles excel in beauty and quality and our prices are much lower than any place else in town. We have some extra good values for Monday imported French pattern hats $33, $IA $25, 20, 5fl5 and IvJ, A trimmed hat which sold for $3.00 Monday Q gc The White and Burnt Hats Now Taking the Lead. We will Show an Entirely New Assortment on Monday. White chips which are the Intest, trimmed in silks of rain bow shades, with flowers to correspond the prettiest effects ever invented for millinery trimming. $ EX The hats worth $8.00 for Burnt Straws, trimmed in flowers, foliages and velvet rib bon, the greatest bargains in flue milliner, $ for THIRD FLOOR This is a very pretty and attractive department aside from the charm of scene, there's the resistless charm of great bargains. Big CaIa Umm DJ Our Special for jaic nun uuua r "Holiday Only Iron Beds Head 53 ins. high, foot 43 ins. high, heavy construc tion, fine finish, choice of colore sells regularly at $4.48 special Monday only, HiO 70 kJ M. Jm4 each. Woven wlr springs.... MattreoflM oft top... Folding Bed Kitchen Cabinets.., Large Arm Rocker.... .1.18 2.10 5.98 .4.15 .2.48 Couches at SI eel Couchei.. TlBle Racks.... Kitchen Safes.... Coatumers at 5.65 5.98 ...55c 3.98 ...78c Drapery Department tima Sllkollne, all colors, worth 12V40 and 16c, special for Monday only, yard 7jc Curtain Bcrim and Swiss, worth up to 16c yard, special for 7'c Monday only, yard 2 'Window shades, all colors, some worth up to 50o each, special tr Uv Monday only, each ,....iuw Curtains Odd in Their Lots- Lot 1, each . 25c Lot 2, each. 50c Lot 3, each . 89c PLAYER See and hear the Chasu & Baker Piano Player, the most wonderful Piano Player in the whole world. Second floor. x Jl iL lL la j J a 3 to 4 p m Ladies' beautiful Julia Marlowe oxfords, worth $2, for 4 to 5 p m Men's English welt velour and box calf lace shoes, worth $3.50, for 9 to 10 a m Infant's soft sole shoes, worth 35c 10 am to 12 First-class box calf and pat. leather paste worth 6c 1 5c A Groat Boole Sale! Stationery Department Monday Afternoon 2 to 4 o'clock About One Thousand Book -POETRY, FICTION, DOflESTIC SCIENCE, TRAVEL, HISTORICAL ROHANCE and RELI OIOU5 TEACHINO-Such Authors as Emcraon Buchanan Jerome Prummond Lowell Oliver Optlo Harland Kebl Longfellow Bteveaaun Uunyan Etc. eta. 12-mo cloth bound, printed in clean type on good paper we make rea bargains of vhem at 36c, will be told Monday from 2 to " 4 o'clock at lv C Every Customer Will Got a Protty Bulton of President Roosevelt Monday Gomo Early Supply is Limited.