Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1903, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 13
PAGES 13 TO 24. ESTAIJL1HIIEI) JUHE 10, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 2G, 1903. SINGLE (OPY FIVE CENTS. l"he "silk on which the special paper was printed for the JJ i ; 1HE UMAHA 5UNDAY ME. EMS 'HIE RISLIAHLHS RTOHfi. I WINSLOW TAFFETA is a could vote their choice of taffeta manufacturing. Winslow Taffeta is sold by Uayden Bros, in city of Omaha,. ' N OUtt ANNUAL MAY SILK SALE COMMENCES MONDAY A little early, but all the better for you in this May Silk Sale, the finest spring silks are sold at, greatly reduced prices, this fact, is known to thousands and these sales are alwnvs taken advantage of by our many mtrons. WE. ALSO PLACE ON SALE MONDAY 5G3 waist, skirt and dress patterns, no two alike. These silk patterns were bought from a large eastern house at our own price, which was so low that EXCLUSIVE 8ILK DRESS PATTERNS, each each containing IS yds of line ellk. In thla eprlnit'a latest tyl. These pattern re In ShlrtwaUt. Suiting In Stripes, checks and dots, In Foulards, principally in dots and small designs. In crepe de chine, In cream, black and evening shades, worth per pattern $18, $10.75 on sale ANNUAL. MAT SALE, best grade corded wah silk. Me ICrN quality aCOw Women's Suits, Shirts, Goats, Waists ONCB AGAIN OUR CLOAK BUYER HAS RETURNED FROM NEW YORK WITH COME OF THE GREATEST BARGAINS HE EVER PURCHASED IN WOMEN'S SUITS, WOMEN'S SKIRTS, WOMEN'S SILK COATS AND WOMEN'S WAISTS. For the next thirty days women's ready' to' wear garments will be sold cheaper than ever beforw. Watch closely; read our ads, and make note of tho bargains and we will save you money. A PARTIAL LIST OF THE HOUSES WHOSE SURPLUS STOCK WE BOUGHT SUITS: From Turkel A Felstlner, from Shaff ft Sllberman, from Joseph Schwarts, from Oris wold-Browning Co., from Cohen A Henlngsen. SKIRTS: From Max Solomon, Irwm Brown Hyman, from Sofranskl Bros., from D. Appletoa A Co. SILK COAT8: From Mannhelmer ft Kaaeee, from Blumenthal ft Co., from Isaacs ft Levy. WAISTS: Prom Mas Roth, from the National Waist Co. and from Brown ft Thomas. The above and several others are the concern we bought these goods from at (x fraction of their value. The aeason was late;, soma manufacturers hard-pressed for money and now W HAVE THE GOODS HERE AT YOUR VERY DOORS. THE STOCKS WILL BE ON SALE Monday and for the nest thirty day at prices that will shake competition to the very foundations.! We respectfully invite every woman la Omaha to come m soon aa possible and see these splendid bargain. 1 We have forty sample suits from the well known houses of B. J. Mann ft Co., Turkel ft Felstlner. Joseph Schwats, Fifth venue, N. Y.J suit that were made to (oil for $150.00, $186.00, $100.00 and $86.00; your choice of these, the very finest of the fine, on sals at $45.00.. . . 100 beantlful, high class tailor made suit from Turkel ft Felstlner,- Shaff ft Sllber ttann; these come in etamlnes, cheviot and broadcloths; with, silk drops made of wery best quality Glvernaud' taffetas, mad to sell for $36.00, $45.00 and -up to $60.00; n unknown offer your choice $20.00. - , 217 suits made by Joseph Schwarts, Grla-Wold-Browning Co.; beautiful creations wart to sell for $27 60; sal price, your Choice, $13.00. 17$ suits In mixed lot: well made, clean and ttylleh; usually sold for $16.00; sale jprlce $6.90. WOMEN'S SKIRTS: - Wish we could con . vy to you in some manner some idea of '. the enormous stock of goods that we put on sale and the low price that will be a them Monday. ' -159 air-wool skirt in medium gray, lined throughout, worth $4.00; sal price $1.19. Ah Extraordinary Thousands of pairs of Shoes from Brockton and Campello, bought Worth ?3.00; 3.50 and $4.00 made for the 'very swellest trade in Boston; New York and Chicago. Made up in all leathers, patent colt, patent kid, box calf and vici, all on sale at Ono lincty-Six and Two Forty-Five. Boys' and Youths' Satin Calf Lace, . Qflf wottli $12)0 i $'. i J 'omen' Dongola Lace, worth 1.50 ...... Ittle Gent's Satin Lace, worth fl.OO Women's Vici Kid Turned, worth 3.00 Men's Grain Top Sole Work Shoe, j worth fl.75. . ; . ....... .... UnseB' Dongola Lace Shoe, worth ?1.40 if prices on "high furniture ever offered. If not ready to have the goods delivered now make your selection in this sale and the goods will be delivered whenever wanted. A splendid array of bargain for brwd, conomtcal buyers. Go-eart and baby car riages in the most complete variety ever hown In Omaha. Highest grad at lowest prices, up from $6.00. Iron beds, 350 style to choose from; up from $1.75. . Couche. 60 tyle. at, and p from $176. Combination bookcases, at. and u $.. Chamber suit, bed, dresser and eommod. up from $11.50. Chiffonier, 45 stylea, up from $3.95. Cupboards. 25 styles, up from $3.85. Preiser. 75 style t aelect from. Extension tables, up from $3 60. r " Tarjor table, up breakfast tables. from $to. at. and np frets $2 95. Kitchen tables, at. and up from $160. Flannels JfJ-lurh wide fancy strip and check Hootch fl.nnel, worth 40c per yard.... 26 t white wool flannel, regular 40c, per yard toe 40-lnch wide extra heavy Shaker flannel, regular 16c, per yard 10a 1 silk for the American people, manufactured on American looms operated by skilled American wearers, and is known from coast to silks the Winslow Taffeta would overwhelmingly prove the winners. The Winslow Taffeta mills are a typical illustration of the we are enabled to offer them to EXCLUSIVE WAIST FATTERNS. contain ing from I to i yards of line silk, all colors and designs, patterns worth up to $5.00, on sale for :.. $1.90 EXCLUSIVE WAIST PATTERNS, contain ing S to SH yards high grade silk, both plain and fancy, all colors, patterns worth up to $7.50, on QQ 200 skirts mad In all color and all ma terials and ar worth $6.00; on sal for $1.90. S00 skirts, every color and every style; these are skirts that ar worth up to, $7.00; your choice for $3.90. 100 women' pedeatrUnn and dress skirts; choice garments from Sofranskl Bros.; worth $15.00, your choice for $8.60. 40 samples of voile and etamlne from Max Solomon, the King of Sklrtmakers,, worth $12.00 to $20.00; on sal for $10.00. SILK COATS The most elaborate line ever brought to Omaha; about 700 of them all told. Bought by us' at about 60o on the $1.00.' Sold to you at away less than the manufacturers' cost. 200 women's beautiful silk Coat mad up especially for awell dressers, worth $7.60; on sale for only $5.00. i S00 women' peau de sol and Glvernaud taffeta silk coats, trimmed with lac in Monte Carlo, blouses and ' ping pongs; regularly sold for $12.50 to $15.00, on salt at $7.80. J 00 beautiful sample eoats Jn, peau de able, taffetas and silks' f'on' sal 'at $12.00, $14.00 and $20.00. Shoo Opportunity the three big floor stocks from at about 50c on the dollar. . Of) A .... . . VUli CO ....... UUU O Aft w...... ...... bin!!) 1 35 98c Groat Hay Furniture Salo The biggest sale ever held in Omaha. In ad vance of all others. The most temptingly low class,' best finished, newest design. Kitchen Cabinet, at, and up from $2.60. Chair,, at, and up from 89o. Rockera, at, and np from lio. Sideboards, at, and up from $ 50. Buffets, at, and np fr.m $1LM. Ladies', desks, np from $4.(5. Defective Vision Can be perfectly corrected by ualag th proper glasses. - WE FIT THEM. Don't pay th usual xhorbltant prices. Call on us first. n1. Si. ' U 1 UIUWI I m. WC& III! I llfcJllVVl you Monday at he following sensational prices.' Mail orders promptly filled on any of the follow BLACK SKIRT PATTERNS of line Taffetas, t yard pattern, t yard wide, CJ5 OO worth $i:.00, for Qwiill 10 yard patterns, 27 Inches wide, extra One and heavy rustling, quality fully worth $17.60, per pattern on sale ..for $0.90 BLACK RUSTLING TAFFETA, 54 In. wide, S4 In. wide, $1,59 worth $3.00, en sale tor 1111 1 ' llayden's Forced Sale of Fine Wash Fabrics The great demand for the fabric mad from bright, mercerized yarns, and our enormous stock of thee. popular fabrics which w ar enable to display properly for lack of apace, ha led us to OFFER AT THE GREATEST REDUCTION OUR ENTIRE LINE OF FINE OINGHAMS, MADRAS CLOTHS, FINE PRINTED GOODS AND SILK WARP FABRICS. W positively make this BIO REDUC TION SALE NOW that we may have more pace for other lines which ar yet In our WAREHOUSE and cannot be displayed until THIS BIG REDUCTION- SALE ha cleared out sufficient spac on our counter and floor. THERE WILL BE BARGAINS In absolutely new and dealrabl merchan dise during this sal which EVERYBODY CAN APPRECIATE. All our Fole Du Nord, A. F. O. and Lan caster Seersucker gingham, the kind sold everywhere at 12ia, fl ' a at CI2C All the pineapple Swiss (th new 25c fabrics) at per yard........ All the ellk warp ginghams (th new 60o fabrlca) at per yard..., 15c 25c All the Imported Oros Roman drees Swiss 65c goods, at per 20 C All th imported black and eolored gren adines (all new), th $60 and Eft l 75o grades; choice per yard UUV All linen 60-lnth etamlne, the 35c', .qo .v www All our nneat imported bcoicn maaras in th very latest shirting and walsttng tyles, at per yard, 26c, 25c and I5c W cannot. tend samples but will 01) any open order during' this sale.,' . . Isydcn'illig&CriilJb Dress Gocdw Dept. 45-lnch colored Mistrals, good that ar old in every tore in the city at 75o to $1; for thla aale, 69c. We put on sal 23 pieces of colored voiles, goods thaf were bought the first of the season but were delayed in shipping, that war Intended to sell tor $2; choice fin, good and the very best of ooloring for this sal only $1.26. j. Mohairs, SlcUUans and Brilliantlne we ar showing, all colors, 69c to $1.9$. 44-Inch brilliantlne. all colors, worth 75o for 69a. 44- lnch brllllantlnes, all colors, worth $1 for 9o. . - 45- lnch brilliantlne, all colors, worth $1.60 ton 9Sc. 64-lnch Brilliantlne, blues only worts, $-L6 per $1.00. v 61-lach Sicilian, blues, black and gray eravenetted, worth $2.9$ for $t($. Plain and figured silk striped challla, the real French goads, imported to V at $1; as long a they last for 46o per yard. 42-lnch mixed Zlbellne. brown, blue. green, gray, th all wool quality, mad to ell for 75c; tor today 8o. Our black goods requlr no Introduction to th ladle of Omaha; where you find Priestly, Pupires, Conntauld Co., J. H. Kslkand and all of the most reliable tnanufaoturetv of Europe and America. 45- lnch Lupin black voile, mohair mixed, reduced from $1.26 to 76e. Do not fall to see this bargain. 46- inch Lupins black voile, reduced from IL60 per yard to $L 48-lnch Lupin black voll, reduced from $2 to $1.50. 48-Inch Priestley black London cord, reduced from $1.75 to $125. : Carpel and Rug Sale Best grad velvet carpet, all th newest designs and color; with or without border; reduced from $1.26 to 96o. Smith' Axmlnster carpats; about fifty abort rolls; large enough for on room or a rug; worth $1.35, at per yard $L05. too tapestry brussels with or without borders, all colors, at per yard 69c. Good grade of linoleum, feet wide, worth 76o, on aale at per square yard 49c. All-wool IngTalns, worth 76c, on sal at 49c. Best quality all-wool art square sit xS. at $4.75; else 9x9 on sal, at $(.76; also x 12 on aale at $1.76. 9x12 Royal Wilton Rugs, sold everywhere at $36.00 al price $31.60. Vdll Paper and Paints Th greatest cut ever made on wall paper for thla coming week. Th best grade of whit, blank at to per roll up. Fine gilt paper at 6c per roll up and all other grades la proportion. The best ready mixed paint on the market n al at per gallon 98c. Thla paint ia equal to any oa th market. AUo varnishes, stains, enamels, brushes, room moulding and wall paper cleaner. Deeply out prloe. - ir EXCLUSrVE' BLACK SILK WAIST PAT- TERNS, containing from 8 to 14 yards of finest' quality black taflt. peau de ' cygne, peau de sole, each pat-) flfl tern worth up to $5.00, for..$sJU EXCLUSIVE BLACK SILK DRESS PAT ' TERNS, each containing T yards, double width re visible black peau de sole, fully guaranteed to wear, and In full 38 In. wide patterns, Is worth f Tl $21.00, on sale VllJU Lotting Down tho Pricos in tho Big Domostic Room White Goods Counter 75e mercerized walstlngs. In all the new 1903 weaves, at per yard 25c S5o walstlngs In oxford cheviot and madras weaves, 32 Inches wide, at I f" yard .IDC 25c India linon,. yard wide, at, per yard..' toe warpwelt piques, at . per yard 15c 15c 26c I2ic 19c 6O0 Persian lawns, at per yard too yard wide, plain nainsook, at per yard too sheer lawn, 40 inches wide, at per yard lie curtain awls in dot and fancy weaves, $6 inches wide, at 10 'a per yard IsCiti $1.50 all linen bleached napkins, faat edge, dtr:.r: ;...00c $2.00 all linen bleached damask napkins, dVen6:'! 1.49 $3.60 full bleached satin damask napkins, . f 70 dozen 1 1 I aj $3.00 double satin damask napkins, sis 24x24, at dozen 2.25 3 hemstitched table cloths, 2 yards wide. ds I. 1 2U yards long at.. 1 $1.50 hemstitched lunch cloth, ilz 86x36, at $1.00 hemstitched - dresser scarf, ' Inches wide, 72 lnche long. 75c site 11 Kfi at.. .. . . ... . (yj,,,,,,,,,,., www hav tl5o5b!ycoui'p1tt Itn of plain hlrt waist linen in th city at 43c, 65c, 69o and 75c per yard. Dress Goods On our center counter in great domestic room we have a large assortment of odd patterns of wool dress, consisting of all wool challl and silk and wool challls, all wol etamlnea and voile, all wool slba- llnes, all wool cheviots, plain and brocaded black dress goods. In length from three to six yards, which ar worth up to $2.00 per yard, and will be sold from 49c up per yard. Hardware, Stoves and House Furnishings . SPECIAL MONDAY SALE 4 CAR LOTS. CAR OF NATIONAL GASOLINE STOVES, 4 burner; th beat mad.. $3.69 I burner high stove $5.95 4 burner with stop Insurance, the beat and afeat gasolln stov made, with oven .'.J14.49 A CAR ICE KING REFRIGERATORS. The best refrigerators on th market. In plain tlno, galvanized iron or whit name! linings; w can sell you a good size frlgerator, 3i17i40, for $7.95 Ioe chests, up from $5.50 A CAR OF SCREEN DOORS W can aell you acreen doors up from 69o A CAR OF STEEL STOVES Another car of those Standard Steel Rangea, the beat made, a regular $35.00 steel range we can aell fully warranted, ' very handsome, asbestos lined throughout, for $28.50 SEASONABLE GOODS; UNEED THEM. Garden Hos 60 Bteel Pram Wringer...... 98o Grass Catcher 49 10-qrt. Iron Dish Pan 290 Adjustable Screen, hard wood 25e Kitchen Meat Safe 25o Potta, Iron, per set t3o Extra heavy Poultry Netting, 1 feet wide, per yard 3o t feet wide, per yard 4e 4 feet wide, per yard ...60 6 feet wide, per yard 7tte feet wide, per yard 9a Steel Hose Reela $1-69 Gem Lawn Mower $2.61 foot Step Ladders 394 10 quart granite Water Pall S9c Claw Hammers 9c t set Garden Tools to 8 Drawer Spice Cabinet t$c The Best Screen Cloth 24-lnches wide, per running yard 9o 26 In. wide, per running yard 18 In. wide, per running yard..' 10He 10 la. wide, per running yard llc 86 in. wide, per running yard 13 "c Great Hat Sale Monday All th lateat block In th most pop ular colors. Good stiff Fedora, Colonel and Golf Hats, silk band and binding; reg ular $1.60 quality; sale price $1.00. Golf, Panama, Victor and stiff hate; new nobby shapes and colors the ex clusive hatter. $2.00 grad on sal at only $L50. (?rn 13 Uu IIUVUVII IWIUIIIVIU EXCLUSIVE DRESS PATTERNS of swell Satin Foulard, contains 12 yards bent grade foulard and pattern Is C Ofl worth $12.00. on sale Qviajil ANNUAL MAY SALE OF FINE BLACK TAFFETA SILKS. BLACK RUSTLING TAFFETA, 20 in. wide, worth 75c, on sale A Cm for ANNUAL MAY SALE Fine 32 In. drapery silks, new floral designs, worth $1.00, on sale f JC Honday in the Great Domestic Room On account of the lateness of the season we will be obliged to cut our wash goods and white goods stock almost In two, and to add to thla we have received 45 cases of mill ends from the leading manufacturers J of the world. These goods are from the high grad good made for thla aeason and are cold at less than one-third th price of th regular goods. Sometimes from two to four pieces to match. READ EVERT ITEM OK THIS AD. Imported Madras cloth, light-colored ' grays, dark figures, fronted and corded, all th newest designs, suitable for ladies' shirt waist and children' dresses, worth 60c, tor.... 25c Mercerized silk novelties, plain, dark col ors, in stripe and figure, equal to the 11k foulard in appearance and weave, very dealrabl for ladles' spring dresses, worth 60. f)CA tor ZOC linen batiste, with embroidered stripe, mercerized chambrays and gingham, th newest material tor ladles' atreet wear, worth 40o, in m. for t lUC Printed mercerized ducks, light grounds, with small dark figure and stripes, the most desirable fabric for ladle and for children' spring; wear, IE worth 35c, for.. luS Imported gingham and Madras, light grounds, with dark figures and stripes, very stylish for ladlea. shirt IE ' walats, worth 20c, for luC Dotted and embroidered Swisses, printed batiste and Madras cloths, assorted col or on light grounds, . worth 25c,, for... I&G Printed batiste, , dimities -and-plain black ateen, wprth JBc, . v..v yf.j ..Tic 100 pieces Scotch lawns, assorted styles and colors, strictly fast colors, 4f worth 10c, for. j.Uv Seersucker atrlped ginghams, black sateens, printed dimities and percale worth up to 12Hc C for PC Furnishing goods, genu' medium weight Jersey ribbed undershirts, worth 30c, for Gents' seamless half hose, worth Uttc. for..... 15c 5c vesta. Ladle' sleeveless , Jersey ribbed vesta, worth 25o, v for Ladles' fast black hose. 10c 10c worth 200, for Lotting Down tho Prices in the Big Linen Dept. $1.25 bleached satin damask table linen. 72 inches wide, at TSIsa yard I WW $1.50 extra fine double damask table linen, 72 inches wide, at ftO yard UUC $1.00 extra heavy all linen bleached table linen,, 72 Inches wide, at yard 50c in dam- 75o all linen silver bleached German dam ask, 64 Inches wide, at yard... 49c 50c extra heavy cream Scotch table linen, 58 lnche wide, at AC. yard ...OC Furnishing Goods Genu' Balbrlggan Undershirts and Drawers, In th natural color and fancy AC colors, worth 60c, our price 4UU Medium-weight Gents' Jersey Ribbed Un dershirts, assorted size, worth Ik 88c, our price , IUW Ladle' Whit Jersey Ribbed Sleeveless Vests, assorted sizes, worth 25o, IH. our price IUW Ladle' Faat Black Hoe, worth 10c 2,0c, our price Gents' Seamless Half Hose. 5c worth 120, our price... China Department The little wonder Incandescent gaa bur ner, fancy globe, mantle and burner, worth $1.26 46 SOUVENIR PLATES THE MARTHA WASHINGTON PLATES Reproduced from th original. In Bow blue and gold, with orlgnal state monogram and motto, only a very few of them at, each 79o Splendid open assortment of fancy pieces beautiful and useful lOo Plain whit French china cup and sau cers, per set (9c Tumbler , Jo English porcelain decorated dinner war, very One, new shape, sold by th piece at, each 10c . (Cups and saucers count as one piece.) Just received a new line of Beleck china for decorating all new shape. Fin polished sugar and creams, per set 20c Art pottery cuspidor 15o coast as the leading American progress and supremacy of the ing silks. BLACK RUSTLING TAFFETA, 20 In. wide, worth $1.00, on sale GOC BLACK RUSTUNO TAFFETA', 20 in. wide, .worth $1.60, on sale QGC BLACK RUSTLING TAFFETA, 44 In. wide, worth $2.00011 sale for $1.25 Grand Twlillinery Sale BIG 'SAMPLE LIKE OF EXQUISITE NEW MILLINERY SECURED AT ABOUT IIALF PRICE, ON .SALE MONDAY; resenting as it does every new idea, every shape and style and trimmed design from the world's great fashion makers, it given you an unequalled variety to choose from. You know also hatj you are getting absolutely the most fashionable millinery made for the spring and summer of 1903. , This fortunate purchase enable us to offer yon on Monday your choice of this entire sample line of millinery at about one-half regular price. Thla most astonishing milliner's sale will be held on the main floor. Arrangements will be mad t make selections easy. Plenty of salespeople to wait on all promptly. Great Salo on Ladies' Furnishings Ladles' fin cambric corset cover, trim med with lace and embroidery, worth 60c, at 25c. Ladles' tlno cambric night gowns, skirts, chemise, corset cover and drawers, trim med with fine lace and. embroidery and clusters of tuck and hemstitching, worth $1, .for. 60c. . ....'. ; Ladles' One Cambric Ions' cloth and nain sook night gown. low neck, short sleeves and high neck and long sleeves, trimmed with fine laces, insertions and embroidery, worth $1.60 and $2, at 98c. Children' plain muslin drawers, ' in all sizes.' with clusters of tucks, worth 19c, at 12Hc. Ladles' fine white aprons, fancy trimmed, with or without bibs, worth 60c, at 25c. Children's small fancy parasols at 10c. Children's fancy' parasols, in all colors and aizes, at 25c Ladlea' fancy silk parasol, In black and white and colore, all the newest designs. Ladles' silk' and lisle Kayser gloves, in all color and sizes, at 60c. Ladles' and misses' lisle glove at 25c. Ladles' $1.50 kid gloves, special, $1. A lot of kid gloves, small sizes, worth $1, for 25c' . Ladles' 60o An lisle thread stockings, in black and fancy colors, at 26c Ladles' and children's 25c stocking, in all sizes, at 110. Children' 19o stockings. In all colors, at 10c Groat Grocery Sale W will sell Monday all brand any kind of can aoup put up by Armour Packing Company, Cudahy Packing Co., Swift Packing Co." Yon cannot doubt th quality. Chicken Soup, rrt- for ! .QC Mock Turtl r Uoup QO Tomato Soup, C for ........0 Ox Tail Soup,, Ct for .......9" All -concentrated ' aoup, the tnoxt dellolous ' you ever, tasted. , 22 lba. beet cane . I granulated sugar p H-lb. can Deviled Turkey Ou tt-lb.- can Potted C. -Turkey Q tt-lb. cau Potted Ham Cq and Chicken y M-lb. can Potted Qn Ham tt-lb. can Deviled Ox Tongue tt-lb. can Potted Chicken H-lb. can Deviled Chicken Fruit Puddin Jellycon tr ior ac Spanish C Pepper Sauco .... Qv Dunkley Celery Salt.'. 8l Rolled Mackerel. Wall Paper Cleaner. Sago for K-lb. caa Deviled riara......'-. Vlb. can Potted. Ox Tongue Tapioca for Fresh Soda Crackers Fresh Milk Cracker tt-lb. can Potted tutm ana Tongue... CANDY Salted Peanuts, 5c Lrdlnei. 5C Chocolate Creams, ;ound Chooolate Cara mels, pound .... Champion Mix, eaoh , Mixed Candy, pound A Urge quantity for this sale. Peanut Bar, I2lc pound pound Cream Mixed Candy A pound Pure Sugar Candy, per Special Teas XJberlan Coffee, .rlanCoffa. (He ZZ'izic Interior Java on Coffee Mandolins Good Coffee and Mocha.. Golden Rio ..I5ic New Crop Code. Furnishings Men' $1 shirts at 15c. Men' and boy' whit laundered shlrU, in all size from It to, It, worth $1. on sal at $5o or three for $1. Men' 16 collars, four ply, all lines. In all styles and sizes, worth 16c, at 6c. Mei's 19c sock la black, tan and fancy colore, at 10c. Men' 60c flu Hale thread cocks. In plain and fancy colors, at t5c All th new styles, in men' spring shirt, regular price $1.60, on sale, at $L Men's 60c auapender, all a! ad, leather and silk ends, at iic. Men's 75c working shirts, In dark and medium color, at 45c. IHG MKlI11I.K S'lUHU. silk. . If the American women American people in the field of HIGH CLASS BLACK GRENADINES PAT TERNS, all double width. Black Grena dines and each pattern containing from f to yards, tho swellest and newenf designs, patterns worth up CR Oft to $15.00, on sale VWlvU ANNUAL MAY SALE, black Crepe de chena, worth $1.00, flfli on s.le' Ul V ANNUAL' MAY SALE 88 in. Una white, wash silk, worth $1.00, fiO on sat One of the largest and most fortunate purchases of high class millinery ever made by a western house. This sample line in cludes all the very newest, swellect, ruost elegant and up-towiate fashions in trimmed and untrimmed dress hats and street hats, and also a splendid profusion of all tlie stylish trimmings, ornaments, flowers, etc. There is a bewitching charm and elegance about this new sample line of millinery will appeal to every woman of taste. Rep Ladles' fast blsck stockings, full seam less, at 10c. Ladles' gauze vests, regular 15c quality, at 10c Ladlea' fancy gauze vests, lace stripes and yokes, regular 25o quality, at 15c. . Fancy lace atrlped vests, all colors, at 25c bach. 1 . Ladlea' gauze drawers, lace trimmed, at 25o and 50c. ' Extra largo size drawers, lac trimmed, at 35c. Ladles' lac trimmed ' union suits, all sizes, at 25c. Ladles' fancy lisle thread summer union suits, lace trimmed, at 50c, 75o and $1. Ladles' long sleeve, ankel length union suits In pur white, all sizes, at 39c, 60o and $1. Ladles'; long sleeve corset covers at 25c. Ladlea' and misses' batiste gr.rdles. In' white only, sizes 18 to 24, 60c quality, at 25c. ' '( A largo assortment of ladlea' straight front corsets. In batiste and coutllc, all sizes, in drab, white, finlt ni blue, with and without hose supporters attached, at 49c. The American Beauty tape girdle, in all colors, $1 quality, at 49c ,' A full line of Kabo, Thompson's Glove Fitting, G. D. Justrlte and Dr. Warner's corsets, In all the latest styles, with Princess htp and bos supporters attached, at $1 and up. 3c ...5c vesta Soda Mn Crackers AO Butter .40 Ulnger Snaps ElKht bars of all .4. -5c kind Laundry flP. Soap COC Breakfast Ifl Cocoa: IU We have juat bought several thousand cases of California can fruit which we will sell for half value, l-lb. can Cal. n 1 Egg Plums (J4C t-lb. can Cal. n 1 Damaon Plums QQU l-lb. can CaL n i Green Giige Plums... IJ 3 Mr vfv- ' kr ' l-lb. can Cal. Silver Plums. l-lb. can Cai. teaches ...81 ...124c - CANDY 10c Chocolate Creams, per i-kg Toasted Marshmul- 5c 5c 10c ....Bo ....5c Iowa. DkK Plaln aiumnmallowu, fr- DfT DkK Velvet Taffy, per pkg Sweet Chocolate, per cake 5c 8c Stick pkg w and Coffees 20 Basket Fired 9C Japan Teas 03u Ceylon KnKUrb lirealt fHt and Gun- QOr powder Teas w U Java 25c Japan 33 Tea eiftingu, worth 25c, ouly 8c Dcd Spreads If you need a spread of' auy color or de sign, Marseilles, crochet, honeycomb, . with or without fringe, remember we can' save you money on spreads. Over 3,900 to select from. - Full size, 75x92. extra high grade, fine Marseilles pattern, regular price $1.50, each .' 89s Full size. 77x85, extra heavy Marseilles pattern, handsome and splendid value, regular price $1.00, each 5fto Extra large else, 90x100, while fringed, handsom Marseille pattern, but cor ner and suitable for iron beds, reg ular price $1.75, each $1.23 Genuine Marseilles bed spreads, with heavy and rich border, in beautiful , raised floral pattern; this Is one of the Bnett qualities, regular $3.00, ath..$LM Go a - Uo m '. "."3c 3ic