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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1903)
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, A PHIL 20, IfK3. o) JU nn Y LIWLl See and hear your president tomorrow and attend the All railroads make great cut rates Cheap railroad fares com ins & going MOST EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL SALE OF THE YEAR Ml CHEAP EXCURSIONS ON ALL TT invite you to male this establish VV merit your resting place, your office and you , lunch roimmake it your meeting place with your friends M'e will take care of your packages and check them free of charge special invitation to the ladies of your party to avail themselves of our reception and waiting rooms. RAILROADS 13 III ID iSfllffi J lb Lb U vHLluLJj uUUiru II H i i M n n THE MOST SENSATIONAL BARGAINS UP-TO-DATE BUSINESS METHODS. A SALE OF OVER A MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF NEW SPRING GOODS. ALL IN PLAIN SIGHT $1.50 Kid ... Gloves at 59c Thousands of pairs of ladles' extra line kid gloves In all tbe new spring shades, made of th best quality of real kid leather, In two and three clasp, all sites, worth np to f 1.50. at 59 c 7 CirYIUliiYI 25c Handker- lln chiefs, at...l2 Ladies' and men's fine im ported pure linen handker chiefs, including ladies, sheer linen and men's all widths of hemstitched all linen 'handkerchiefs, also many styles of lace and em broidery handkerchiefs on bargain spuare 12ic BB3 ' $2.00-13.00 LADIES' WAISTS 95c Thousands of the newest style waists at less than half price. The entire stock of our new spring waists, from one of New York's finest manufacturers. Many of these waists are samples. Tomor row all these $2, $2.60 and $3 waists go at 95c A $10,000 Dress Goods Purchase An Opportunity for Out-of-Town Buyers to Get New Dress Goods at Less Than Cost '. to Manufacture. $1.00 Spring Dress Goods at 49c 49c Cheviots, Venltiaas Coverts, Dlaronals, Tailor Snltlnrt, Cloth Mixtures. Etc On of tbe leading New York lobbera, retiring from business, sold us their ntlra stock of 64-lnch' goods never retailed under $1.00 black, mixtures aaa all colors of cheviots, Venetians, 'coverts, dongolas, tailor suitings,1 eloth mlitures, ate, on bargain square at S1.50 and $2.00 Dress Goods at 98c Preach Voile. Twine Eta mine, SHk Vslle. Sole Lalne Voile, Volte Elamlne Mtlinre Dress goods that are the height of fashion that are found In tha elegant, tores of eastern cities at $1.60 and $2.00 will sell on Monday at 98o. French Voile, Twins Etamlne, 811k Voile, Sols, Lain Voile, Voile Etanine Mala nge black and all colon. 98c 50c Summer Fabrics at 15c sensational event. New and much sought' after' summer fabricea. the 60o kind. P"? IMPORTED WASH GOODS-AVain Dept. tnsrcerisml canvas, silk walstlnxs. American poncee. all linen, araaa linen, silk anousaeline. etc. at. s yard EMBROIDERED SWISSES AT 23c WHITE SHRUNKEN WAIST UNEN, 36 IN., AT 49c fflilrt Waist Linens Oatmeal Cloth. . all colors iuW Oreme Sicilian, nr "48 Inches, at. , ..OOC lllk llctllan. black, and navr. $1.60 grade. ....... Now fancy Sicilians. Hacked, ate, $1.75 value. '?" M ' (Yachting), at .leUU T""?:!A':. 49c ...... ...... 1.00 : 1.39 13' Tempting Millinery Values U Trimmed Street Hat at $1 60 Thousands of street hats closed out from S big Chicago wholesale millinery bouse sr. offered for Monday at one-third their regular selling price. These hats are this season's beat selling ldeaa and are worth every cent of $1, Monday, at .... $1 $5 Ladies' Trimmed Hats at $2.50 Wl still have several hundred trimmed hats for ladlea, which before Easter were priced at $5.00, but owing to the severe handling they received In the great rush of trade some have become slightly soiled, however th. damage la not noticeable at s glance. It requiring the closest ' scrutiny to discover any dis crepancy. The atyle Is stll) ' there, which Is what you are. looking for mostly, Monday . Our $5 Trimmed Hats The best ideas In millinery are rarely aeen at the very beginning of a season; novelties sr. shown and developed until -charming results are achieved out of aomewhat crude begin nings. We ask your especial attention, for a showing of. handsome trimmed hata rep resenting the latest and happiest results In artistic millinery. A superb line of hats await your choosing on Monday, which should be priced at $10.00, for w v -ce stu u i s 2.50 me Begin- $5 S25.00 Paris Model Hats at $10.00 t - All of our fine Imported model hats, the genius of the world famed Parisian . milliners. Th. grandest hats you ever'aaw will b. offered en Monday at on.- ; half their eost to land In th. United States. They have aerved ua th. purpose of , reproducing their detail of atyle. now 'th.y will be youra for $10 1P1 Third Floor -Specials in Our New Carpet Dept. Brussels Carpet, best $1 quality, beautiful line of patterns at 69c yard 91.28 and $1.35 Velvet Carpet, extra heavy quality, bsautlful patterns, at 98c yard. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN INGRAIN CARPETS ..'.: - .t ; . Largest and Newest Line of Ingrain Carpets In Omaha. Extra heavy .Union Ingrain Carpets at 2Sc yd. All Wool Filled Inraln Carpets at Jc yd AIIVool Ing-rain Carpets-all new and beautiful patterns go at Qc Qtld 65c SPECIALS IN THE RUG DEPARTMENT : We shpw the lurgest line of room size Hugs la the west. ir&-.. 12.98 aJ!!il2.B0 AxmlnsterRu--sena!1 priced at laS-OO-Oxia etrUeavy-tbe handsomest Una tt ever kttowu lu Oiiutlia each 0,UU Ingrain Art Squares-A new and beautiful line of log-rain Art Squares, in g ran ite, cotton chain, all wool and pro-Brussels-never auch a large selection of i no patterns shown in Omaha at prloea from 9.98 to IsVo SPECIAL VALUES IN DRAPERY DEPT. 1,25 VV7n-'.1TiS,''".LS'N '" Curtain, nn j Nottlng-ham Lac. Curtain Kxtra large alio. ncavy oo-iui-ii aim ou-iru-n wide Itiat ? Bafal" r"r Tomorrow Only-rWlngham Lace Curtains v. - . . i ana i pairs of a kind formerly aold up to 3 a pair go as long as they last at each 3Qc Hpectal bargain- for tomorrow in Tuprstry Curtains formerly sold for S3.W up to 110 00 a pair rang, ng In, price from-a pair 5.98 3 98 2.98 1.98 Rope Portieres from the Chicago drapery purchase, many of them worth up to US1. 2.98-1.98 $5 Silk Waists for 1.50 1,100 ladies' plain and fancy all silk waists in taf fetas, pongees, peau de soies, faney Mexican stitch ed, shirred and open work hemstitched effects, black and all colors, worth up to $5.00, at 2.50 15c Lawns, dimities and dress ff Swisses . . One big counter of fine fancy dimities, fine printed lawns, and dotted dress Swisses. These are In long mill remnants, the full piece always sells at 15c, tomor row we sell a big table at, yard 62C 171? Ladies' Spring Suits Coats. The Swetlest new Spring tailor-made Suits, Coats and Skirts at marvelously low Prices for flonday. Spring Tailor - Made Suits at S4.50. Very Swell Spring Suits in homespuns, Coverts, Venetians, and broadcloths all the new Spring Shades a mr in pretty styles, worth as high as Slt.60 4 " at $17.50 and $20 Suits at $9.75. Stunning new Tailor-made Suits, the higest grade includ ing etamlnes, canvas cloths and all the other new fabrics for 1903. Every late novelty ''iJ 4 0 worth $17.50 and 20, at Walking Skirts at $2.98 Silk Skirts at $4.98 Very nobby Walking Skirts Silk net and all over tucked good materials - Q8 Skirts, very C A QQ and styles, Ami fashionable, worth$5....:..." at Ladies' Spring Jackets and Coats. Smart Spring Jackets New Spring- Coats, $4. 50 Pretty new jackets of latest Handsome new Coats for style, worth . 50 -. 75 ladies light and $ 5Q and $5 medium weight at t Silk Blouses and Monte Carlo Coats. Many worth $15.00, Tomorrow $7 50 New I '.BO walking sklrta at Special Basement Bargains. ! 89c j '.lS LSaWD.f.$1.25 Children's 12 Jackets at . 89c 1 Greatest Clothing Sale m America Choice of our Purchase of the Stock of the Finest and Swellest Clothiers of Broadway, New York. llaclcGft-Garhart & Gompany MEN'S SPRINd SUITS ON SALE nONDAY Regardless of Cost or Value The Hackett Carhart firm is known all over the West as the makers of the swell est ready-made clothing that is sold on Broadway everything new only damped by water. All the Suits from our purchase of $C Hackett-Carhart that sold at $10, go at All the Suits from our purchase of $.50 ' Hackett-Carhart that sold at $15, go at All thfl Suits from the purchase of $1 f Hackett-Carhart that sold at $20, go at Boys New Clothing Dept. Z GREAT SPECIAL BARQAINS IN PRETTY CLOTHINO for CHILDREN Souvenir to every lady who buys a Boy's Suit. Jfo) 4a -?r LO Great Bargains at the Linen Counter Fine Snow White Damask and extra heavy Scotch IQpi Cream Damask, 35c quality, for, yard 29c Table Damask 50c quality, 64-ia., absolutely all linen loom dice silver bleach table damask, yard Table Damask 75a quality, 64-inch all linen extra floe German silver bleached dauiask, with ueuiHtltrlied border we will sell this here- fi f after for 75c, but to Introduce It In Onmha we offer lt tomorrow OvIC for yard Table Damask -$1. 10 quality 70-in, fine heavy German all linen silver bleachea table aamusit tne Kind mat wears weu- at .22-incn Napkins to match at $1.75 a dozen. 75c A SPECIAL BARGAIN IN NAPKINS Napkins, larfe dinner a re, in Sootoh. Irish and German makes, bleached -4 ESQ and half bleaoned, some wcjria up to $3 a d"ien, all ro at . lJS 198 Towels 100 dozen of hemmed hem stitched aa4 knotted frlngs : BJJ towels, recular 26c and 35c 4ual- I i) lT Itles, fO tomorroi each.., Tablecloths Balance of the two dol lar hemstitched Tsbls- cloths 8x10 slie each...... d Tabla- S g ,e-,o.t- l.O 500 Table Sets, cloth. and 12 Nap kins to match, (rood values at 17, for this sale only, per set Linen Wlttln-Mon!ay offer a full and comulete lne or Linen Waist lngs at p-r yard 39c-50c-59c Linen Goods a sprclnl number of 2 yards wide, strictly all linen I . r.T walsnnaa for, per yard n- $1 and $2 Pocketbooks and Chate- XQn laine Bags Fashionable wrist bags, chatelaine bags, pocketbooks, gent's bill books, cigar caaea, cigarette cases, csrd cases, etc. These are DRUMMERS SAMPLES, and they come In all fash ionable leathers, fine carved Mexican, levant leather, real seal, walrus, alligator, etc. They are worth as high as $2.00 and U-50 each. - Monday only, at 39c JO LOU 5SS Corsets 29c One large bargain square with big lots of all kinds of corsets made of brst quality coutel and French batiste In straight , front or girdles in all lengths In white, blsck and drab, worth up to 75c, go at 29 c r II H ll i I ia Extraordinary Silk Sale Monday Our enormous silk busiuops has enabled us to buy many silks that the manufacturers are willing to close out for a great deal less than the regular price. We just received a consignment of high grade black taf fetas and peau de soie, a grand lot of sample pieces, consisting of all the different widths of black taffetas, raglan silks, peau de soie and Luxors. The prices we quote for Monday are the lowest ever made on these fine silks. 36-Inch black Peau de Sole, 4 AO worth $2.30 a yard, at 1UV 36-Inch black guaranteed Taffetas, -4 f CJ worth $1.75 a yard, at lalO 36-Inch black raglan Taffetas, 0 0 worth $2.50 a yard, at l.OV 36-Inch black Premier Gold fledal m Taffetas, worth $2 a yard, at .... 1 a 1 V 36-Inch black Luxors, worth $3.50 a yard, at 1.95 27-lnch Premier Oold riedal WQ Taffetas, worth $ 1.25 yd .... A ?C 93c 1.25 1.12 69c 27-Inch Premier Gold Medal Taffetas, worth $1.50 yd. 27-lnch Premier Oold fledal Taffetas, worth $2.00, at. 27-lnch Premier "Untearable" Taffetas, worth $1.75, at... 24-Inch Premier Rustling Taf fetas, worth $1 yd., at Sale of Swell Pongee Silks New boucle checks and 27-lnch hair line silks all the rage In New York for shirt uTto "l'STyf?d 98c-75c-69c-59c Raindrop Foulards at 69c Sixty-five pieces new foulards In all the popular dots and small (Inures mostly blue and white and black and white, ftOr a yard U7k Silks on Bargain Squares Fancy silks, dress silks, waletlng silk, lin ing silks, pretty foulards and a very tine lot of wash silks have been selling up to $1.61 FS".d39c-4 9c69c Special Basement Bargains 1 lot of mixed silks at, a yd 18c 1 lot of corded wash silks, a yd... 29c 1 lot of colored chiffons, 45 In., a yd.. ..25c 1 lot of fine foulards and novelty silks. 37ic mm mm Monday is Embroidery Day Embroideries from the neat and dainty patterns up to the wide and showy widths at just about one-half the regular price, worth up to 6oc, at SUISSE. NAINSOOK, CAMBRIC. HAMBURG. 25c, 15c, 10c, 3ic Big Special Sale of Laces Everything new in all the finest laoes, worth up to 50o, at Inserting Qaloons Bands Serpentine Effects 25c, 15c, 10c, 5c and 2c Great Bargains in Pearl Buttons 15c 10c 5c 2C i In atl sizes and styles, some with slight imperfec lions, worth regular up to 60o a dozen, go in lots at Ladies' Neckwear All the latest styles in plaia sad fancy wear, big lots on bargain tables, everything worth up to 75c, at fm -.vl 'Ss 39c, 10c Men's Shoes from 98c to $6, Ladies' Shoes from 59c t$ $8 We are sole agents for Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes C for men and women 40 diifjrent and ne w styles Men's Shoes Special Sale Tomorrow 1.98 Choice of the entire pur chaBe of men's fine ehoea, including box calf, vicl kid and pat- I Ay ent leathers, go at. . .. IV0 Another lot In Basement 98c Child's S Special Sale Tomorrow noes isoc;7i!c 89C, 98c Big bargain in girls', boys,' children's and infants' shoes on the second floor and in the basement, on sale I CfJ at, a pair, from 60o to Isu The Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shoe Departments are each distinct, separate and exclusive departments, each on: a special shoe store by itself. Ladies' Shoes Special Sale Tomorrow . 1.98 Two entire lines ladies' fine shoes advertised in the magazines to re tail at $3 and S3. 60 a f nn pair, go in this sale at lVO All Sizes Ladies' Oxfords n.asama-'sw ss Special Sale Tomorrow 1.59 M Forty different styles, all new, ladies' flexible sole donjrola oxford, all sizes and widths, regular value 42 and f Cf li&O, go on sale at...... 10 7 7"!