Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1903, PART I, Image 1
The Omaha 'Daily Bee. PAGES I TO 8. ESTAIILISIIUD JUKE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOHNING, APIUL 25, 1903-SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPT THUEE CENTS. i SOLOXS SUSPEND WAR Contending Faction in Illinois Legislature. Agree to Temporary Trace. MEMBERS OVERRIDE SPEAKER'S DECISION Deem Eribery Committee One-Sided and So Increase It Site. PUT MAJORITY OF ANTIS ON PROBE BODY Clarence Darrev Moves Resolution Which Carrie; Easily. CHICAGO EDITOR SUMMONED TO BAR later Ocean' Chief Makea Charge Horn. Would Wlah Investigated Before Traction Bills Are Finally Disposed Of. SPRINGFIELD, 111., April 24. Until the oommittee appointed by bpoaker Miller to Investigate the charge ot bribery has re ported and George W. Hlnman ot Chicago baa been summoned before the bar of the bouse, te prove similar charges, published In the Inter Ocean, no action will be taken on any of the traction bills. This was de termined upon by the anti-Miller forces to dsy, and they carried It through by the passage of the Hlnman resolution. The opponents of the Miller faction firmly believe no proof of bribery will be forth coming. Calm Succeed Storm. The session opened this morning amid a calm after the storm of ' yes terday, although there wae a decided under current of feeling against 8peaker Miller which threatened to break out again If any thing similar to the tactics, of yesterday was attempted. The chief Interest In the traction question centered around the appointment ot the committee to Investigate the bribery charges. The speaker would not announce the members ot the committee this morning and none ot his followers would give out the names if they knew them. The .members opposed to Miller flatly de clared that they did not believe there was anything In the charge and announced their Intention ot pushing home the matter In such a way that he would be compelled to Iirove his assertion or admit that he could not make It good. In accordance with an agreement reached this morning between the two factions, no effort was made to approve the Journal of yesterday and the proceedings ot yesterday were left open. At 10:20 Mr. Llndlejr asked the unanimous consent of the house for the consideration of the Llndloy bill and requested further that the consent should cover all the amendments. The consent was obtained and Mr. Ltndley entered upon an exhaustive discussion ot traction legislation past and present. Speaker's Kamiaee Unpopular. While he was speaking. Representative Schlagenhauf attempted to force the brib ery question before the bouse by calling a point ot oraer un ma lengiu ui mr. juiuu ley's spcecb. Bchlagoahauf, however, was Induced by bis friends to withdraw bis ob jection and Mr. Llndley continued. Later Mr. Schlagenhauf again rose, say ing charges had been made that bribery bad been used to advance the Interests ot the Mueller bill and he thought the honor of the house required that such charges be Investigated before any action was taken or investigated before any action was taken on the bill. He then submitted a resolu tion calling for the Investigation of charges made by Oeorge W. Hlnman of Chicago, publisher of the Inter Ocean. The resolution, which calls for Mr. Hln- Tuesday, was adopted unanimously, eight members being absent and not voting. I Representative Morris introduced a I resolution ordering an appointment of a committee ot five to investigate the charges of attempted bribery which were made yes terday by Speaker Miller. It was adopted and tho speaker named Represen'atlves V.'beelor, Kopf, Morris, Johnson and Farley to constitute the committee. All are per aonal friends and adherents of the speaker. The omission of Mr. Rlnaker's name, kho. on Thursday moved the appointment fot tbo committee, stirred the antl-MUler Vfople to wrath, and Clarence S. Djrrow of Cook county, moved that the committee be increased to eleven and that Representa tives Rlnaker, McKinley, Trautmann, Bundy, Shurt,leff and McManahan be made ( dditlonal members. The motion was car ried by 72 to 0. Upon motion of Representative Rlnaker all action on the traction bills was put over until Tuesday, when Mr. Hlnman Is sum moned to appear, and when tho committee appointed this morning will report. Beaker Falls to Name Briber. The committee appointed to Investigate the bribery charges met at 9, and was still sitting at midnight with no prospect ot a peedy recess. Speaker Miller went before the committee at 10:40 and at 12:30 was still on the stand. It la aald that be did not give the names of any persons who had approached him with offers of money, but said he did not know the Identity of the persons who had told btm money could be made by urging the passage of the Mueller bill. A mem ber announced during the sitting that un lesa stronger evidence was produced the committee would be compelled to report that the chargea did not warrant further Investigation. FLAMES ALARM THOUSANDS katers Trample Kach Other When Peoria Rink Catches Alight. PEORIA, 111., April 24. An Incipient blaze in the Tabernacle, a large frame building at Main and Globe streets, tonight threw (,000 people Into a panic. The build ing is used as a roller skating rink and waa crowded when the blaze waa discov ered. In an instant there waa a mad rush for the exits and many of the skaters were knocked down and trampled on. Twenty persons were painfully Injured. Tha Ore su extinguished with little financial loss. STOPS ARKANSAS HUNTING signs Bill Prohlbltlaaj Son.' cltisens from Pursuing Game or Flh. 4 LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. April 24. Governor Davie today signed a bill making It un lawful for nonresidents of tbe state to bunt or fish at any season ot the year In Arkansas. Tha act goes into affect at one. RESTRICTIONS ARE REMOVED "pedal Permits Are Not New Neces. ary la Order to Travel la Central Asia. ST. PETERSDURO, April 24. Special permits are not now required for travel in central Asia, excepting certain portions of the military defense. Travelers may pro reed direct from any part of Russia with out giving notice of any kind. The pass port regulations being just the same for central Asia as from the rest ot the em pire. The railroad commission of the finance ministry has selected a southerly route for the connection between the Siberian rail road and the St. Petersburg-Vlatka line. It will start at Kurgan, east of Chelyblsk, end pans Shadrlnsk, Yekaterlnboorg and Krasno-Ouflnsk. One main consideration was that the brldae over the Kama river may be as fsr south as compatible with the shortness ot the line. A special commission of tho finance ministry has Just completed ex amination ot the new German tariff law from the view point of Russian export In terests. It gave special attention to the Oerman veterinary requirements, and it Is believed arrangements will be made to comply strictly with them on this side ot the frontier. KING WILL VISIT THE POPE Edward Is to Start from British Enibay When Going to Vatican. ROME, April 24. Great satisfaction Is felt at the Vatican at the official announce ment that King Edward will visit the pope, although some arrangement by which the British sovereign would not have to start from the ernbassy for the Vatican would have been preferred. The concession that his majesty start from the embassy met with strong opposi tion from some of the Vatican advisers and was only overcome through the personal Intervention of the pope, who said he would not allow details to Interfere with a meet ing which he most desired, as he wished to maintain with King Edward the same good relations and friendly intercourse be bad had with his mother. At tho Quirlnal, where the point is al ways made not to Interfere with the rela tions guests desire to maintain with the pope, It is remarked that the Vatican, in allowing King Edward to start from an embassy accredited to the king of Italy, a concession hitherto constantly refused, has created a precedent that may In the future prove embarrassing to the holy see. HUNT TELLS MAYOR TO RESIGN Porto Blcan Governor, Finding Evi dence of Frand, Deposes Mays goes' Executive. SAN JUAN, P. R., April 24. Governor Hunt today wired Senor Fajardo asking tor bis Immediate resignation. Fajardo is mayor of Mayagues and haa been charged with, munlcinnl frsadsw-. .---. The governor acted on a report from Treasurer Wllloughby, who made a per sonal investigation of the affairs in Maya gues and found conditions of gross frauds on the part ot the employes and officials, A further . reason was that Fajardo has been charged by several municipal employ es with carrying the names of nonexlstlng men on the police force as well as with other frauds against the revenue ot the city. The republican press still supports Fa jardo, alleging the government investiga tors resorted to duress and even to torture to elicit damaging testimony against him. FOUR KILLED IN EXPLOSION Fire Damp In Coal Mine in Brunswick Is Cans of Accident. Hew HALIFAX. N. 8.. April 24. A dispatch from Sidney, N. B., says an explosion has occurrred in the Dominion coal reserve mines and that four men are missing and are supposed to be dead. Further information received here Is that the exploaion occurred early today in a slope about two miles from the pit ot the reserve mine. One man eacaped, but waa badly burned. It is not yet known how serious the explosion was. It Is attributed to Are damp resulting from the flames in pit No. 1, which have been burning for more than a month. CALLS ROOSEVELT RESTLESS French Artist Describes Experiences While Palatine; Strennoas President. PARIS, April 25. The Figaro this morn ing publishes an interview with Theobald Chartran, who painted the portrait of Pres ident Roosevelt. M. Chartran says: It waa difficult to get the president to sit still. I never had a more restless or more charming sitter. He speaks French like a boulevardier, and wittily. M. Chartran did not try to depict tbe official Roosevelt, but rather the private ' man. Tbe portrait will be exhibited at tbe coming salon. SMUGGLING CASES DISMISSED! Porto Rica a Officer Go Free, bat Prosecntor I.oees III ' Post. SAN JUAN, P. R., April 24. On the sug gestion of Tressurer Wllloughby, the smug gling cases have been dismissed on pay ment of fines, the amount ot which Is not known. I John S. Hord, chief ot the Bureau of In- ! ternal Revenue, was asked to resign be cause be instituted the prosecutions with out authority. Slaughtered by Macedonians. VIENNA. April 24. Dispatches from Sofia announce that a band ot Macedonians re cently surrounded and slaughtered forty Bathl Baxouka and fifteen gendarme near Petrlch, Macedonia, out of revenge tor the murder of their leader. Captain Saeft, who was recently killed In an engagement in tho district of Melnlk. Tbe band subse quently captured the district chief of Petrlch and twenty-five soldiers whom they stripped and released. Jlias y Michael Is Improving. BERLIN. April 24. The physicians In at tendance on Jimmy Michael, ho sustained a severe fall while training yesterday, said today that be as progressing favorably toward recovery. Michael was thrown thirty feet and when picked up he wss senseles and blcod waa flowing from bis eara. Tbe acch.vnt was caused by tbe bursUag tf a Ura. FAIR TO OUTDO ROYALTY Three Days.' Gorgeous Pagrant Will Mark Exposition Dedication M0NARCH3 WILL BOW TO DEMOCRACY Diplomats, Soldiers, Sailors and Poll, tlclana Are to Aid President Be celre Grounds and Consecrate Them on Behalf of Nation. 6T. LOUIS, April 24. A salute ot 100 guns will announce to the world at noon, on April 30, the close of . tho first century ot an Inland empire that Napoleon sold for a song. One of the most impressive military spectacles of peaceful times will sweep through the metropolis of the Louisiana domain, a glittering display of American arms and the man. Kings, emperors and potentates have sent their ambassadors to swell the homage of this people to the genius that, by bloodless conquest, gave to the country a territory one-third the size of all Europe. For the first time in the history of the government the entire diplomatic corps will leave the capital on a special train to travel into the heart of the country. The presence of the president of the United States, his cabinet, congress and the supremo court, at the head of the armed column, is Intended to symbolize a govern ment by the people and Its achievements. Four Thousand Soldiers Present. Orders have been Issued by tbe War de partment to mobilize In the buildings of the exposition 4.000 battle-scarred regulars. The powerful monitor Arkansas Is ascend ing the historic river, once claimed by De Soto in the name of his Spanish sov ereign. Governors of states are picking their crack militia regiments for a brat show. Ten thousand stalwart types of tho volunteer of the future are burnishing their weapons for this day of dignitaries. Through all these preparations runs the quickened spirit of newer "argosies of com merce," the dawn of yet undreamed won ders of science and coming triumphs of civilization. The universal exposition Is the mouthpiece of this vague unrest; Its christening, with glory of military panoply, stately ceremony and reign of fire by night, is the opening page of the fairy book. Estimates by the passenger departments of twenty-nine railways converging at St. Loula Indicate that from 250,000 to 300,000 visitor, mainly from Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Arkansas and Oklahoma, will attend the dedication. Arrangements for transporting 600,000 persons present a schedule of fifteen sec onds between the delivery of visitors at tbe exposition gates. This work has been undertaken by the street railway systems. Loops constructed especially have been laid at the entrances, of which there are eight, disposed at various points on every side ot the World's fair site, In order to avoid congestion. - Three days will be crowded wttb incident. National day falls on April 30, when the president dedicates the World's fair. In ternational day follow on May 1,' when addresses by tbe French and Spanish am bassadors and a reception to the diplomatic corps' will be the featurea. State day, era May 2, will conclude the celebration, when Governor Odell of New York and Governor Dockery of Missouri will deliver addresses; a great civic procession , will march over the route of the military parade and the cornerstones of atate buildings will be laid. Fireworks to Light Up Heavens. On dedication night and on' the evening of May 1, the Pains will monopolize the heavens. Their display of pyrotechnics, under their contract with the exposition, calls for the expenditure ot $55,000. Leo Stevens, the Stanleys ot London and the Baldwin brothers will manipulate seven mammoth gas balloons at a great altitude, where the most startling fireworks exhibi tion is to be given. The monitor Arkansas, herald of the coming dedication, will anchor on the river front of St. Louis on Sunday, lying there until after tbe last day of the dedication. It is the largest war vessel that has ever ascended to the World's fair city and will doubtless be visited by thousands who bave never seen one ot tbe fighting navy. The bluejackets and marines aboard will take part in the military pageant. United States troops and state militia have already begun to arrive from various posts and cities to take up their quarters in the exposition buildings. Provision tor housing 20,000 hss been made. President Roosevelt will arrive the night preceding the dedication and haa promised to speak at the choral entertainment for raising funda to build a monument to Gen eral Franx Seigel. Tbe president will be entertained while In the city by Mr. Francis. At 10 on the morning of dedication day the freedom of the city will be presented to tbe president by Mayor Holla Wells. The military parade w 11 be assemb'el under the Direction ot Grand Marshal Cor bln at the junction ot Grand and Llndell boulevards and begin to march at 10:30, preceded by the president and tbe dis tinguished guests In carriages. The route Is two miles through the finest residence sections and Forest park to the Triumphal Causeway, leading from the en trance of the exposition grounds to the Liberal Arts building. A broad asphalt way will carry tbe column, between the finished fronts of five exposition buildings, decorated with tbe flags of all nations. The president will review the parade from the grandstand in the Court of Monuments, the principal vista of the fair. Luncheon will be served by the exposi tion directorate at the Administration building and at 1:30 a band concert by thirty massed bands will announce the pre lude to the dedicatory ceremonies. The dxri ct the Liberal Aris funding w II admit 35,000 persons, to be seated under the direc tion ot guards and ushers. A grandstand at the north side will seat 6,000 guests. Accommodations for 400 newspaper corre spondents are provided Immediately be neath and tn front of the president's ros trum. On the west ride, 350 feet from the president, a chorus of 3,000 voices, selected from the leading choral societies of St. Louts and an augmented band ot 200 plecea will enliven the proceedings with music. Promptly at S o'clock the assembly will be called to order by David R. Francla, president of the exposition, and Cardinal Gibbons, In the scarlet vestments of a prince ot the Roman church, will deliver the Invocation. Will Prese'nt Buildings to Nation. Thomas H. Carter, president of th World's fair national commlstlrn. will be announced aa president of the day, and after the chorua has sung "The Heavens Proclaiming." Mr. Francis will present ths buildings to the president. Mr. Roosevelt will then deliver the dedication address. Immediately afterward tbe chorus will Continued on Seventh Page.) LEE IS BEFORE GRAND JURY Lieutenant Governor Tells What He Knows About the linking; Powder Scandal. ST. LOUIS, April 24. Lieutenant Gov ernor John A. Lee, who returned from Chicago last night, appeared before thi grand Jury today when that body resumed the Investigation of charges of Doodling in tbe general assembly in connection with baking powder loglslstlon. Attorney General Crow, who is conduct ing the Jefferson City end of the Inquiry, wss present and assisted Circuit Attorney Folk In questioning the witness. Several Indictments were returned by the Cole county grand Jury as the result of Mr. Lee's testimony at Jefferson City, and It Is predicted thst a number will be banded down here. ' Lieutenant Governor John A. Lee says the question of his resignation Is In the hands of Attorney General Crow and that he will probably do aa that official recom mends. Lee says, however, that be baa reasons for wishing to retain his office. One of theee, he says. Is that he Is a poor man and ncedr '.salary attached to the office. ' f Lleutenan' P .'rnor 'John A. Lee waa before the .oula grand Jury one hour and flftee' .utes. Ho , was expected to testify e ' - ily to the $1,000 given him as bribe r -. hr B. J- Kelly, the legislative agent,' a baking powder trust. CI"' ittorney Pork and Attorney Gen era t .v in very favorably Impressed w'i U progress being made In the boodle T'lij two grand Juries, that of Jefferson City and the local body, will convene In St. Louis on Monday and take up the boodle Investigation simultaneously. It Is aald that both sessions will be of the greatest Importance and Informations or bench war rants may follow. The evidence given by Lieutenant Gov ernor Lee today, It is said, did not bring to light all he Is supposed -to know. It la presumed he will be subjected to a rigid examination on Monday. D. J. Kelley of New York may yet bo given a chance to turn state's evidence If i he so desires. If all the evidence submit ted by Mr. Lee does not meet with satis faction, Mr. Kelley will be afforded the opportunity to appear and tell what he knows to save himself from prosecution. Detective Tracy of St. Louis Is still in New York endeavoring to trace Kelley. SIX ROADS ARE ENJOINED Judge Groiicnp of Chicago Benders Decision Under the New Elkins Aet. CHICAGO, April 24. Judge Grosscup to day entered an order in the United States circuit court of appeals enjoining six rail road companies from discrimination against small shippers in the western territory. The decision Is especially important as be ing the first under the new Elkins law. Tho government, according to the deci sion, Is entitled to tbe Injunction -against the offending railroads under the Interstate commerce act, as welt as the Ell.l,is law. The ruling' appllea'to 'fourteen" railroads which wore covered by proceedings Insti tuted In the federal court. Six of these companies wore defendants In the local court, the others are under the Jurisdiction of tbe Kansas City federal court. Judge Grosscup announced that he and Judge Phillips were of one . mind relative to all the points involved and the latter would render a like decision today. The decision, which was given orally, holds that the government haa the right to bring an action In equity - to restrain railroad companies from discrimination either by. furnishing lower rates or giving rebates to favored shippers. It further declares that while etch in jured citizen has a right to such relist In his own behalf, tn cases like those under consideration, the injured persons are so numerous and the injury to each is bo In finitesimal that. It Is the duty of the gov ernment to act for them under the power specifically conferred by the statutes. The Elkins law is held to be simply de claratory of the substantive righta which existed before and an Injunction would lie under the Interstate commerce act. - The railroad companies in the local court affected by the order are: Michigan Cen tral, Pittsburg. Fort Wayne & Chicago, Pittsburg, Chicago & St. Louis, Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Illinois Central and Chicago ft Northwestern. Those ' In the Jurisdiction of the Kansaa City court are: Chicago ft Alton, Chicago, Milwaukee ft j ot. raui, Atcnison, ropeaa ft Santa Fe, Chicago, Burlington ft Qulncy, Mlssiurl Pacific, Chicago, Rock Island ft Pacific, Wabash and Chicago Great Western. CATTLE DIE0F STARVATION Kansas Veterinarian Diagnosis Trouble in tho Range Section. TOPEKA, Kan.. April 24. (Special Tele gram.) Within the last two months the Kansas Live Stock Sanitary commission here has received many complaints from cattlemen in' tbe northern and western part ot the state to the effect that their cattle are dying ot a mysterious disease. Many of the writers declare that the dis ease Is mange and that It has come into the state from Colorado, and others bave other names for the trouble. Dr. N. S. Mayo, state veterinarian, haa made Invest igations of aeveral caaea and In bis report to Governor Bailey be aays: "I find that the greatest trouble with the cattle dying on the weatern Kansas ranges Is starvation. Thers are no com plications in the trouble; it ts just a lack ot food. The winter in that section ot tho state has been severe and the cattle have been poorly fed and sheltered. Tbe spring has been backward and they are now un able to regain their strength on the ranges. Very few well fed cattle are dying." Movement of Oeeaa Veel April 24. At New York Arrived: Celtic, from Liverpool; Weymar, from Genoa; Batavla, from Hamburg; Campania, from Liverpool; Pomeranian, from Glasgow, via Halifax. Sailed: Cedrlc, for Liverpool. At Plymouth Arrived: Kron Prina Wll helm, from New York. At Moville Slld: Ethiopia (from Glas gow! for New York; Bavarian (from Liver pool) for Montreal. At Pomta Arnel Passed: Phonecla, frosi Genoa and Naples for New York. At Naples Arrived: Calabria, from New York, via Marseilles snd Leghorn. At London nulled: Lancastrian, for Bos ton. At Genoa Arrived: Princess Irene, from New York, via Naples. At Liverpool Arrived: Venonla, from Boston. Balled: Cymrix. for New York. At The I Jiard Passed: Moltke, from New York for Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg: Potsdam, from New York for Itotlerdam. At Qucenetown Arrived: Bylvanln, from Boston for Liverpool (and proceeded). At Southampton Bailed: Deutsehland (from Hamburg) for New York, via Cher bourg. At Cherbourg Arrived: Kron Prins Wll helui. from New York, via Plymouth, for Firemen (and proceeded). Bailed: Uuetach land (from Hamburg and Southampton) for Ntw York. PRESIDENT LAYS STONE Commemorates Park Tiiit Before Continu ing Trip Through Western States. wd mmaui EUROPEANS ARE MOST APPRECIATIVE Old World Cltisens Flock to American Beauty Spot Which Easteraera Seem to Ignore Ton Much at Present. GARDINER, Mont., April 24. President Roosevelt this afternoon resumed his tour of the west, after laying the cornerstope of the new gate at tho northern entrance to Yellowstone park. The ceremony was performed according to the Masonic ritual and was In charge of the gland officers ot the state of Mon tana. Special trains brought hundreds of people, including a large body of Masons. Tbe president rode down from the post, ac companied by Major Pitcher, and was es corted to the gaily-decorated stand, where he delivered an address. Troops B and C of the Third cavalry, from Fort Yellow stone, were drawn up as a guard of honor. Frank E. Smith, grand master, conducted tbe services, assisted by Deputy Grand Mas ter Sol Hepner and Grand Senior Warden Lew Calloway. The president, on behalf of the Masons of the state, was presented with a Masonic rbarm mounted on a nugget of Montana gold. Call Park Vnlque. The president began bis address by thank ing the people and the soldiers tor his enjoyable two weeks' holiday, and then spoke of the natural wonders of the park. Ho said: "The Yellowstone Park Is something ab solutely unique In this world as tar as I know. Nowhere else In any civilized coun try Is there to be found such a tract of veritable wonderland, made accessible to all visitors, where at the ssme time not only the scenery of the wilderness, but the wild creatures of the park are scrupulously pre served as they were, the only change being that the same wild creatures have been -o cnrefully protected as to show literally as tounding taraeness. "The creation of such a natural play ground in the midst of our people Is a credit to the nation, but above all to Mon tana, Wyoming and Idaho. It bas been preserved with wise foresight. The scheme of its preservation la noteworthv in its es sentlal democracy. This park was created and now Is administered for the benefit and enjoyment of the people. The government must continue to approptlate for it es pecially In the direction of completing and perfecting an excellent system of driveways. The only way that the people as a whole can secure to themselves and their children the enjoyment In 'perpetuity of what the Yellowstone Park has to giv is by as suming the ownership In the naruj of the nation and by Jealously safeguarding and preserving the scenery, .the foresta and the creatures. ICuroyeans Appreciate Beauties. At present It Is rather singular that a irreater aamber of people vbioo- from Em- rope to see It than from our own eastern states. These people seem awake to Its beauties and I' hope that ' more and more of our people will come to appreciate Its really marvelous character. Incidentally I should like to point out that some time people will awake to the fact that the park has special beauties to be seen In winte and any person who can go through 1t in that season on skis will enjoy himself as he scarcely could elsewhere. 'I wish to congratulate the people of Montana, Wyoming and Idaho and especially you of Gardiner and Cinnabar and the Im mediate outskirts of the park, for the way In which you heartily co-operate with the superintendent to prevent acts of vandalism and destructlon. The preservation of the ts Is of course the matter of prime forests importance in every public reserve of this character. In this region of the Rocky Mountains and the great plains tbe prob lem of the water supply is the most Impor tant of the homemaker's office. "Congress has not of recent years done anything more Important than passing the irrigation bill and nothing more essential to the preservation of the water supply than the preservation of the forests. Mon tana has in its water power a source ot development which has hardly been touched. This water power will be seriously im- paired It ample protection Is not given the forests. Therefore, this park, tike the for est reserves generally. Is of the utmost advantage to the country around from the merely utilitarian side. But of course this park also, because of Its peculiar features. Is to be reserved as a beautiful playground. Here all the wild creatures of the old daya are being preserved, and their overflow Into the surrounding country means that the people ot lhe surrounding country, so long as they see that the laws are ob served by all, will be able to Insure to themselves and to their children, and to their children's children, much of ( the old time pleasure of the hardy life of the wil derness, and ot the hunter in the wilderness. Game Herds Astounding. "I have been literally astounded at the enormous quantities of elk, deer, antelope and mountain sheep which I have aeen on their wintering ground, and the deer and sheep in particular are quite aa tame aa rango atock. "A few buffaloee are being preserved. I wlah that the government could provide for ; an experimental breeding sta lcn of cross breeds between the buffalo and the common cattle. If these cross-breeds could b? suc cessfully perpetuated we could have ani mals which would produce a robe quite aa good as the old buffalo robe, with which twenty years ago everyone was familiar, and animals, moreover, which would be so hardy that I think they would, for Instance, be admirably suited for the Alaskan terri tory, which I look to aee develop aatound Ingly within the next decade or two, not only because of its furs and fisheries, but because of its agricultural and pastoral possibilities." At the conclusion ot tbe ceremonies the president's train pulled out for Livingston, where Mr. Burroughs will leave the party and will spend a short time at Spokane, Wash., and on a ranch in Montana, after which he will return to bis home at Peeks kill. N. Y. haw aad Hitchcock Join President. CHICAGO, April 24. Socretsry Shaw ar rived in Chicago today on his way west to meet Prealdent Roosevelt and accompany blm through Iowa. Mr. Shaw will remain in Chicago until Monday, whea be will go to Clarinda. Ia., where he will meet the president on Tues day. WASHINGTON. April 24 Secretary Hitchcock will start west tomorrow to meet the president and go with him to St. Louis. Klog Decorate a Captala. COPENHAGEN, April 24 -King Christian bas decorated Captalu Sverdrup with tbe gold medal of merit. THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska Fair Saturday and Warmer in West 'l'ortlon; Sunday Fair and Warmer. Pare. 1 Illinois Legislator Settles Dowa. Fair Dedication to Be Gorgeous. Booaevelt Lays a Cornerstone. President Baer on the Staad. a Tyner Safe from Prosecution. Laad Open Only to Homesteader. Mora Sultan la Ko More. 3 Xewa from State Capital. Bank Vault at Falrhury Is Good. Prussia to Expel the Mormons. 4 Gossip of the City Campaign. Great Northern Men May Strike. 5 Fifth Warders Out for the Ticket. Traveling Men Hold Convention. tt Conncll Bluff and Iowa Xews. T Ratals Acts in Bnd Faith. Reichstag Discusses Harder. M West Gem of Nation's Crowa. t Benson a a Business Man. Union PnclBo Gets Navy Travel. 10 Inluue Hashery on Wheels. 11 Sporting Events of the Day. Dun's Hevlew of Trade. Yacht Is Lust In River. 13 Editorial. 13 Lavish Telephone Service. Cures Wrought hy Flowers. 14 Couunervlal and Financial. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday I Hour. Deg. Hour. Deg. o n. m 41 a. m 7 a. in , I a. lu t a. in 1U a. m 11 a. hi 12 in n.l r,a n.t no & 6T nu tw 1 P. a i. a v. 4 . p. it p. T p. 8 p. p. n , , m ui m , , , . . . U1 ..... . in ..... . ii ..... , ui ..... , 61 4U 4 4J 47 48 4 47 44 THEIR CLUB ISJEN YEARS OLD Omaha Women Have a Merry Time la Honor of the Anni versary. Ten years ago about 200 women met at Llninger'a gallery and .organized tbe Omaha Woman's club and yesterday after uoon about 600 women gathered to cele brate the tenth anniversary of that occa sion. Never have the club rooms In the First Congregational church been so effec tively trimmed and never In the ten years of Its existence bas the club given a brighter or more enjoyable affair. The gathering was composed of members only, the charter members belna: dlstln- ! BulBned by white stars upon which '"93" goia. The program which pre ceded the social hour, open at 2 o'clock with an organ recital by Mrs. Anna C. Davis and was followed by a representation of each department, each being allowed two minutes. The Bible study department came first, the club repeating the Twenty-third Psalm in unison. Mrs. C. 8. Loblngley represented the political and social science department by reciting "Abou Ben Ah dem;" Mrs. A. K. Oault, as Hypatia, rep resented the department of ethics, and philosophy; tbe English literature depart ment was represented by members in cos tume Impersonating different works; four knights and ladles of the round table rep- resented "the tetlgHxh hlawry-departaient1 three members, costumed to represent three famous paintings, represented the art aopartment; tbe banners of the nations represented the current topics department and then tbe 'club history was read by Mrs. S. R. Towne. Letters of congratulation from former members were read by Mrs. Sumner, an1 Ihen the department repre sentation was continued. Mrs. W. P. Har ford spoke to;' the department of parlia mentary practice and presented Mrs. Cole, the club president, a candy gavel; a solo by Mrs. A. C. Sheets represented the muslo department; Mrs. Bryan, on behalf of the oratory department gave an eastern temple drill; Mrs. Arthur Brandeis gave a French recitation for the French denart- ment and Miss Elizabeth McCartney, In cap and gown, spoke for the law class. The club prophecy by Mrs. Harriet Heller was one of the brightest parts of the program and pictured the return of one of the present day members, ten years later, to the rooms of the Woman's club and her impressions of the snatches of conversation and the things she hears and sees. , The department of household economics came last, represented by four members, each dressed to represent one of the four magazines devoted to this interest. The social hour followed, the women ad- j journing to the parlors where a large round iSDie trimmed with yellow daffodils and numerous candles in brass holders contri buted that element so essential to a really sociable time. Mrs. John R. Webster and Mrs. E. A. Benson presided and light re freshments were served. There was no re ception, for as one woman so well ex pressed It, each woman was a hostess and were no guests to receive. LACKS NOTHING BUT FACTS Typlcnl Canard of Penny Sheet Shown Up by Pnrtles Indirectly Involved, E. S. Krenz. president, and T. H. Wil liamson, secretary of local No. 13, National Brotherhood and Leather Workers on Horse Goods, have taken occasion to repudiate a story which appeared yesterday in a local evening penny paper, to the effect that Frank W. Segar, aald by that paper to be a Liember of that craft and other union men who are members of tbe Millard Rifles, had been commanded by their unions to resign from the militia or their unions, as the constitutions of the latter forbid their being members of the state . guard. Both these gentlemen said regarding this mat ter: "It Is a fake ao far as our union is con cerned. In tbe first place there la nothing in our conatitutlon or bylaws preventing any member from Joining the guarda; In the aecond place thla Frank W. Segar la not and never waa a member of our union and In the third place we bave Issued no ordera to any member of tho atate militia to either leave that organisation or any union he may belong to." MORGAN SAILS FOR EUROPE Carnegie and Bla Trust Fellow Passengers Cedrlc. Magnates NEW YORK, April 24.-J. P. Morgan and Miss Morgan, Andrew Carnegie and Mrs. and Miss Carnegie were passengers for Europe on the Whle Btar liner Cedrlc, which sailed today. RICHARDS GROWS NO BETTER Doctors Call la specialist to Ad vise aa Goveraor's Crtse. CHEYENNE. Wyo., April 24. Governor De Forest Richards Is little Improved to night and a specialist baa been called into consultation by tbe attending physicians. BAER TAKES STAND Eaji Feading Company Controls More Than Half Anthraoite Properties. DEFENDS CONSOLIDATIONS MADE IN PAST Lawyer Challeage. to Show Any Illegal lots Committed by Operators. BUSINESS MEN'S CRITICS ARE SCORED Coal Baron Tired of Men Who Think All Beak to Evade Law. FORGETS DETAILS OF CONTRACTS MADE Refuses Produce Documents, Aa aertlag Nothing Improper Is Con talned la Agreements Asked for hy Commission. wsTX ,R,K' .Apr" -rge P. Baer was the chief witness before the Interstate commerce commission today. He said, about 63 per cent ot tbe mining propertle. in the anthracite region was Md p. 7, CODtolIe, Philadelphia and Reading company and about 21 per cent of the coal produced waa produced by it. stain.. T .T"ki frm ,he P-nnsylvanla tatute, BhowIng tut comi)nel tncoi. porated as carriers were deferred from mining or manufacturing and asked If the operation of tbe Reading Coal & Iron com- Pa'h!'Mnt,ln, IT18"011 0f th,t Pulsion. The Philadelphia Coal A Iron company exists under the statutes of the state ,f Pennsylvania." replied Mr. Baor. "it docs fT0'..6 ,ny ,,WB of the f t the United States I shall be clad to have the question tested in any form you may se- Mr. Baer added that aome of his contracts with the coal operatora were for purchases and some for transportation. The coal was purchased by a railroad company, which had authority in its charter to deal in coal. Seeks to Protect Public. He never believed there waa any Inten tion to build the railroad projected by Simpson and Watklna. It first occurred to him to buy up the stock of the Temple company's charter to buy the Simpson and Watklna collenea. Mr. Watklns, he oald had a scheme to establish a great freight company in New York to buy and sell coal and consolidate the different sales agents with one company. He wanted to head oft this company as It would have hurt his companies and the public, because the cost of carrying coal would have been high. It like conditions arose again ho would advise his stockholders lo do again aa they bad donei . ."Even If It be In violation of ths law?" asked Mr, Shearn. . , "I welcome you to proceed in any court of the Unltod States," said Mr. Baer, rising and facing Jho lawyejvVand if you en a thaw we bave violated any law we will undo It. It we are guilty, go to the proper forum -and prove if I'm tired of you poople who dream you represent the people, trying to ' make out that all business men are trying' to evade tho law." "Does your statement Include the presi dent of tho United States 1" Interrupted Mr. Shearn. "I have no criticism to make of the pres ident of the United States," eald Mr. Baer. Continuing, witness could not recall de tails of bis contracts with tbe coal com panies and said If his counsel declined to produce the contracts be would abide by bis decision. I Fred F. Chambers, secretary, and Or lando Post, auditor, of tho Delaware, Lack awanna & Western, were called, but on advice of counsel refused to produce or discuss any contracts entered into by their company and the coal mining companies. f. Large Companies Magnanimous. E. B. Sturgls,' a coal operator of Scran ton, refused to produce similar contracts. Mr. Sturgls was oue of the promoters of the proposed Independent railroad to tide, water. He said the scheme was dropped whetj the railroad offered the operatora better terma. He also denied that the coal operatora profited by the big prices paid for coal during the strike. For one month, he said, he got $8 a ton. but the large prices were made by the retail dealers. "The conduct of tbe large companies," be said, "Surlng the past year was magnan imous. It hurt us, but benefited the public. The companies could have made millions of dollars, but they kept the selling price down to $5 at tidewater and when we, tha coal miners, thought we ought to get higher prices because of the scarcity and the de mand, the companies notified us that for . three months we were released from our contracts and might sell our own coal at t ur own prices " Dr. Herbert M. Howe of Philadelphia said ' he was one of the committee which waited on the railroad presidents and appealed for tetter terma than 60 and 40 per cent tor the coal operators. It wss Immediately a(ter the 10 per cent advance to the miners in 1901. The agreement raised the per centage from 60 to 65 per cent for tbe op erators, who tn their turn were to turn over the whole output of their mines to tbe companies. STRIKE CLAUSE KILLS BILL Illinois Act Prohibiting Agents from Furnishing Men to Warring Kai. ' ployers Declared Invalid. SPRINGFIELD, 111., April 24.-The su preme court today held that the Free Em ployment Agency act paased by the legis lature In 189 la unconstitutional. A auit waa appealed from the criminal court of Cook county by Murray Matthewa, who waa convicted ot violating the act by falling to file with the secretary of state a bond of $1,000 to conduct an employment agency. The constitutionality of tbe act was at tacked on section 8. which provides that agents shall not furnish employes In cases of strikes or lockouts. The court holds that this section is without rational baals In law. Attorney General Hamlin said this aecllon could be struck out, but the court holds otherwise, and sayt that the whole act must fall. DEATH ENDS. DITCH DISPUTE California Man Shoots Father and Son as Hesalt of Irrigation Qunrrrl. NEVADA CITY, Cel.. April !4.-Jerry Goodwill today shot Thomas and William Blue at You But. killing ths father and fatally wounding tbe sen. Ths shooting was tbe result ot an attack on Goodwill by Blue and is said to hars been caused by ill feeling over g ditch right.