i TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, API. II., 24, 11)03. 8 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Foreign Bull. Aid Wheat at Ontaet, Thongh Babeequent L qaidatioi Catiiee Drop. CORN AND OATS BOTH RISE FRACTION Board of Trads 1 Fairly Active, Pro Tlaloaa Closing; lcki to gevea and a Halt tenia Higher. CHICAGO, April 23.-P.ullish foreign ad elcea caused a strong tone In wheat today, but llqjldatlon toward the enu ol the aea alon resulted In a alight drop. -uiy torn closed c higher, oata V.'V.c nlgher. Pro visions were unchanged to iVic higher. Trading lu wheat was of good volume and largely In the July option, with the market unsettled at times. Opening prices were higher on cables; July opened Wo at 'tiio. bhorts were active buyeis the early part of the session and umr thla Influence the market betame still stronger. Mth the announcement of the abolition of the English war duty on wheat equal to J'e a buahel. May auvanced to T8V whlie July sold up to iJ-Sc fc-xporters had been waiting nmt time lor the doing away with the grain auty, and as a result a large mount of wheat waa taken for export. Laier In the day there waa considerable liquidation and prlcea eased off. May closing a ahade higher at Toc, while July wag up He at 73c. Clearances ol wheat and Hour were equal to 6U.0U0 bu. Primary receipts were bu., against 2!rS,Huti bu. a year go. Minneapolis and Duluth reported re ceipts of 1-j cars, which, with local re ceipts of 1 cars none or contract grade made total receipts tur the three points of 141 cars, against 136 cars lust weca and ISM a year ago. Corn displayed a little more activity, with the undertone weak. Hmall receipts, stronger cables and reports of a better cash demand, together with the action of wheat, Induced many ahorta to cover. Tne southwest and proteKslonals wim proilts led In the selling. Closing prices were hrm, July being VafcaC higher at 45V-'. alter sell, lng between 4vgu and 45'ic. Local receipts were 46 cuni, none of contract gra..e. Oats were active and the market wns firm, the better weather being offset by the liberal country baying. On the advance prom-taklng by recent buyers caused a re action. Trading was mainly In July and that month closed higher at SlSfco, fter selling between ai'jfcc and 2c. Local receipts were 101 cars. Increased receipts of hogs and lower trices at the yards caused an easier tonfe l provisions at the start, but local pack ers u.ippurted the market at tiie decline rid a recovery followed. There was a fair demand for lard and ribs, but the volume of business waa light. July pork closed at $12,474, lard waa i'c lower at and ribs off 6c at 7.2&. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 40 cars; corn, 75 cars; oats, Ho cars; hogs, 18,01)0 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. t Close.l Yesy. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July slept. Oats May July Bept. Pork May July Bept. Lard May July Sept. Ribs May July Bept. I I 72lfl13 78HI 78 7Sti78Hfft4 73H72VOSI "3 1 72' W.I tSSMai 663'i0 J I ) 44 44Hf 44',4uS.nl4. 44V..44M 44'i 44 54 44 Mi 3i 44 WB ! VC' 44W4;44-V&T I I 36 M 34, 31Va.V-' 31 81V31VtJ?.i 2) I 28 , -74 19 TO 17 44 17 10 I Ts' 70 70 18 16 18 00 18 074 18 00 17 42V4 17 42i 17 17 071 17 0; 11 U 17 47 17 1-Vsl n 70 72i 8 65 72Vl B 66 85 S 80 9 70 9 65 9 b5 9 80 9 724 9 72 9 87V4 9 75 9 65 9 82V 20 1 62U 9 7Zi 9 n;i 9 70 9 62H 86 I V S'J No. 2. ' Cash quotations were as follows: FLOU ft Firmer, steady; winter patents, $3.4(M23.6o; straights, l3.Hxg3.80; spring pat ents, 13. 3083. 7; spring straights, 3.0uiM; bakers, U.OXailO. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 79tf81c; No. 8, 74c; No. t red, 77&r81,tc. CORN-No, 2, 44c; No. 1 yellow, 44Hc. OAT8-N0. 3 white, 36c RYE-No. 2, 50c. BARLKY-Oood feeding, 8739c; fair to choice malting, 48vlc- SEED No. 1 flax, $108; No. 1 northwest ern, 1.11. Timothy, prime, 13.60. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $17.50 17.S2V4. Lard, par 100 lbs., 19 67H9.72. Hhort ribs sides (loose), 9. 7or(t9.8o. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), f8 8iV44i-50; short clear sides (boxed), 81J.12H10.2.. Following are the receipts and shipments of flour and grain yesterday: Receipts. Sh'pments. Flour, bbls ,. 16.400 . J8.S00 Wheat, bu 28.OU0 320,810 Corn, bu. 63.3H0 139.90 Oats, bu 168.000 127,20) Rye, bu 38o Barley, bu 34.1MJ0 14,700 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steadier; creameries, 189 3Vrc; dairies, 15iH22c. Eggs. firm, loss off, cases returned, 16c Cheese, 13i813c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. (otatloaa of the Day Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK. April 23.-FLOUR-Recelpts. 16.750 bbls.; exports, 12,053 bbls.; moderately active and firmer; winter patents, $3.70 CJ4.U0; winter straights, $3.bt'03.6o; Mln liesota patents, $4.uuu4.S0; winter extras, $-'.8i.(U3.1u; Minnesota bakers, $3.2003.40; win ter low grade. $2.6iKS:2.0. Rye Hour, steady ; fair to good, U.ixa,a.M; choice to lancy, H.26&3.45. - CORNMEAL Steady; yellow westsrn. 11.06; city, l.t4; brandywlne, $3.4iKg3.6o. " R If E Dull; No. i weatern, 59c, f. o b float; state, 661c, c. 1. f.. New Vork. HA RLE V Steady; feeding. 47c. c. I. t. Bulflo; malting, 62H4j69c, c. I. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 110.750 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red.' 83c, elevator and 84o, f. o. b., float; No. 1 northern. Duluth, Hoc, f. o. b., float; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, Mtac f. o. b., afloat. The development of a strong set of Paris cables, together with another big export demand, sent wheat prices much higher today and held the market strong all day, with shorts the best buyers. En glish cables were also Arm and reported that the grain duty had been abolished. The close was steady and Miita net higher. May, 81jt0Sc, closed at tuvgc; July, iliit 77c, clostd at 77V4; September 74rS47ic, cloaed at 74c. CORN Receipts, 101,860 bu. ; exports, 129, 919 bu. Spot, tirm; No. 2. 65c, elevator, and 24c f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 63c; No. 2 white, 54c. The option market was quiet all day. but nevertheless tirm and higher on cold weather west, strong cables and the wheat advance. Closed Wutc net higher. May. 63VHMe, cloaed at 53Sc; September closed at 604c. OATS Receipts S3,0uO bu.: exports, 30,469 bu. Spot, No. 2, 38c; standard white, 4Hc; No. I, 37c; No. 2 white, 404c; No. 3 white, 1V; track mixed weatern, nominal; track white, 8MU4&C. Options were stronger, with inner markets on covering. May cloaed at Wc. It AY Quiet; shipping, 70375c; good to cnnice. si. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, ISO.', lltfflc; 19"1, 17til9c; olda. 6ffllc. Pacific ost. 1'2. 19o2:(c: 11. lisSrlac; olds, 6&llc 1. EAT HER Steady : acid. 24'a2bc. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 2u to 25 lbs.. isc, aiiiumia, ii 10 u ids., lc; lexas dry, M to i) Ins.. 14c RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra 44 fc; Japan, nominal. PROV'ISIONS-lieef, dull; family, $12.50 p'ljw; mesa, !.w)r(i 111 uo: Deer hams, $20.KiJ 11. tMtci, ,iuAoi.iii exira inula merw, U2.KO, 12.611. Cut meats, oulet: nlckle.1 ReMles. $ 504(10.75; pickled hams. $U.U9 u ib. lam, eaajr; weaiern steamed, I Hi. 2" refined, easy; continent, $10.30; South Amtrlca. $11; compound, $7.6uj.00. Pork teadv: family, $19.u5. ' TALLOW Quiet; city ($2 per pkg.), tc; lountrv (pkgs. free). 6'Qo7c. BUTTER Receipts. 4,744 pkgs.; steady; Itute dairy, 17iu24c; creamery, extra. 2c; ireamery. common to choice. lS&2)i,c. CHEESE Recelpta, 2,1M pkga. ; steady; .itiicy iiiibi, tuii cinni, tan maos. eolored aStiltVci fancy, large white. 14.uUU,v lancy, email colored, 15c; fancy email shite. 14c. EUGS Receipts, 26,159 rkgs.; strong; Kate and Pennsylvania, ltVyloW western Irais, 14-. POULTRY Alive, steady; fowU, 11 urge, uim)i, limiw; areasea, nrmer; !owls. )3Hc; turkeys, 16p. METALS Tin wan blhe In T nnHn ipot advancins; 1 6a and futures i: ha hs former closing at 137 15s and the latter it 136 15s. The New York market waa iIpo firmer and cloaed with spot quoted at 29. 76ft 29.90. Copper was 2s M lower In ond.111, both spot and futures there closing it s,u os. Locally copper la iilet. with ke ana electroltle quoted at $M.75(il6.(i0 uid casting at $14 604i 14.76. Lead waa 6s ewer In Iondon at 12 a, while here 11 was luchanged at $4 67V Spelter declined lus n London to ta lus and waa unchanged n the New York market at $5.70. Iron dosed at 63s 4d In Glasgow and at 48j d B Ulddlesborough. locally Iron was quiet md unelianged. with No. 1 northern us dry uuLd at &0& 23.76, No. t aerth- ern foundry at WVTSIJII 3 and No. 1 south ern and No. 1 southern soft foundry at 8Jl.5itiia.0O. Warrants remain nominal. OMAHA WIIOI.ESAI.K MARKET, Condltloa of Trade and Quotatloas en staple and Finer Prod nee. KfJOS-Fresh stock. lCw,15c. LIVE Pi iVl.TRV Hens. WHUlle; roost ers, according to age, Mi9e; turkeys, 16c; duks, Hiioc; geese. 9'aloc. bl"'l TKK I'a.-klng stock, weak at 13Hc; rholce dairy, Ui tubs, 15&17C; separator, 23 ti24c. OVSTKHB Standards, per can. 28c; extr selects, per rjin. a'c; New York counts, per tan, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per ' L76; bulk slandarilff, irr gal., $1.35. FROZEN FRESH FISH-Trout, l"S10c; herring, fcc; rlckerel, 64c; plka, 9v.; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 8c; blueflsh, 11c; v. Iilteflsh, c; salmon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; redsnapper, li)c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters', green, per lb., 25c j bullheads, li)c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 17c; halibut, 11c; shad roe, 75c each, IRAN- Per ton, 816.00. HA V Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 ujnd, 18.; No. 2, $7.50; medium, $7.00; coarse, .5u. Rye straw, $t.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. CORN 4ic. OATS 34c. RYE No. 2. 4oc. VKQETABLEB. FOTATOES Per bu., 2530c. SEED POTATOES Northern grown, pcf bu., tf4f70c. NEW CARROTS Per doien bunches, 40c. LETTUCE Per doxen bunches, 45c. P.EET8 New southern, per doxen bunch es, 45c; old, per bu., 40c. PAR8N1PS Per bu., 30c. CUCl'MBERS Hothouse, per dox., $1.50. CAR H0T8 Per bu., 40c. ' GREEN ON iONS Southern, per doxen bunches, 45c; home grown, 124 16c. RADISHES Southern, per doxen bunches, 75c; home grown, 363400. TURNIPS Per bu., 40c; Canada rutb gba, per lb., lc; new southern, per doxen bunches, 60c. ONIONS Ked Wisconsin, per lb., lc; white, per lb., lc. SPINACH Southern, per 4-bu. box. $1.00. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.50. BEANS Wax per bu. box, $3.50(34.00; atrlng, per bu. box, $3,0053.50. CABBAGE Holland seed per lb., 2V463C TOMATOES New Florida, per 6-basket crste. 4.(. RHUBARn-Per lb., 14c. A SPA RAO L'S Per dox. bunches, $1.00 1.25. FRUITS. APPLES New York stock, $3.00-53.50; Cali fornia I'ermuin, $1.50; Colorado Ben Davis, $1.2. STRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-qt. case, $3.00(13.25. TROPICAL FRUIT8. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 90c; Turkish, per 35-lb. box, 14Q1RC. ORANGES California navels, fancy, $3.50; cholcp. J2.75; Mediterranean Sweets, $2.60 2.75; Sweet Java, $2.75. LEMONS California fanoy, $3.25. DATES Persian, in 7o-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c: per case of 3-Mb. pkgs., $2.25. PINEAPPLES Cuban. $3.26. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo, per lb., 10c. HONEY Utah, per 21-frame case, $3.25; Colorado, $3.50. POPCORN Per lb.. 2c; shelled, 4e. HIDES No. 1 green. 6c: No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 willed, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs , 8c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6Hc; dry hides, mile; eheep pelts, 26a75c; horse hides. Jl.J0(f2.50. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 18c; hard shell, per lb.. He; No. 2 soft shell, per lb.. 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; Brazils, per lb., 12c; Alberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb.. 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts. per dox., 61c; chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb., BVic; roasted peanuts, per lb 7c; black walnuts, per bu., $1.00; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50; cocoanuts. per 100, $5. OLD METALS. ETC A. B. Alplrn quotes the following prices: Iron, cojntry mixed, per ton. $11.00; iron, stove plate, per ton. $8.00; copper, per lb., 84c; brass, heavv. per lb., Ric; brass, light, per lb., 64c; lead, per lb., 3c; sine, per lb.. 2V4& WEARE GRAIN COMPANY, Omaha Dranch llO-lll Board of Trad Building;. CHICAGO. Anrll 23. WHEAT Tho mar. ket has kept Arm, although the best prices nave not oeen maintained. The best help has been the export business accompllshel In various markets. Cash sales from her are put at 3O0,0uo bu., Including 200,0u0 bu. jno. 1 nortnern. The sales by the way of the Gulf were reported at 40 loads, and the seubord reports from 60 to 175 loads taken for export. The factor In the newt wr.i the removal of the English war tariff of SHc, 10 ias.e erreci juiy a. r.ngiiin cables werj from Vald higher; Paris was up i?4 Clearances.- 614. mO bu. Prlmarv recefn.a. 288,000 bu., against 260,000 last year. Primary shipments, 548,000 bu., against 406,0)0. North west receipts, lZo cars, against 169. Local receipts, 16 cars, with none oontract. Esti mated for tomorrow, 40 cars. Minneapolis reported two-thirds of its mills running. CORN The market has been Arm, with largj commission house trade. There ha been a good deal of changing, with the Ma ai c aiscount. lasn market was nc higher, and it Is said the eastern hM. n He higher than yesterday. Cables were up a fraction. Cles ranees wera 242,000 bu. New iorK reports loads taken for export. Local cash sales, 50,000 bu. Local receipts, 46 cars, with none contract. Estimates for tomorrow, 75 cars. Pr.mary receipts, 206 -Oik) bu., against 261,000 last year. Primary shipments, 427,000 bu., against 117,000. Prlie Current said there waa the Inclination to put in a large corn area. OATS There has been a firm oat mrk,i with prices at one time t-i4kO blither. Good cash oats were Arm, but the poorer grades were slow. Local receipts, 101 cars, with 4 cars contract. Estimated for tomor row, no cars. Clearances, 4S.0O) bu. New York reports 75,000 bu. taken for export. Local cash sales. 100,000, bu. PROVISIONS Market ooened Swift and Company credited with buying lard. Market rather steady in sympathy with grain. Commission houses fair buy ers of July and September pork. . There were 27,000 hogs; market fairly active. Prices generally 6c lower at opening; clos ing ahade higher than early. Estimates for tomorrow. 18,000 head. Hogs In the west today 60,200, against 61.60J last week and 43,600 last year. WEARE GRAIN CO. ' St. l,o n I a Grata and Provisions. ST. IXDUIS. April 23. WHEAT Higher; No. J red. cash, elevator, 727,c; track. 73 73c; May, 72gc; July, 67Ho; No. 2 bard, 70H'74c. CORN Ixjwer: No. 2 eaah mLf tracV 40i&41c; May, 39c; July 40Hc uAia-iirra; jno. il flan, Sic; track, I3V4c: May, 33c; July, 30c; No. 2 white, 37V40. RYE Firm at 49c. FLOUR Steady : red winter natenta run 4)3.56; extra fancy and straight. $3.1001.46: clear, $3.003.25. - seed Timothy, steady, $2.00iS.4; prims worth more. CORNMEAL Steady at $2.30. BRAN Stronger: sacked, east track. M 65c. - HAY Timothy, stronger, $7.0016.00; prairie, $6 00&11.00. IKON COTTON TIES $1.06. BAGGlNO-64a6He. ' HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork: higher; jobbing, standard meas. $18.17H. IArd, lower at $9.40. Dry salt meats, steady: boxed extra ahnrta $S.87H: clear ribs. $10.124; short clears, $)0 25. itacon. steady; boxed extra short. 10.87W; clear ribs. $1L124; short clears, $11.25. METALS jfA. steady at $4.50. Spelter, steady and stronger at $5.46. POULTRY-Steady; chickens. 11c; springs, $2.6f4.tiO per doxen; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 11c; geese. 4fr5c.. BUTTER Steady; creamery. 204(26c; dalrv l7(40r. EGGS Higher at 14c for fresh. t Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7.01)0 . n.ono Wheat, bu ,.. 87.000 I06.110O Corn, bu 6 i.0o0 69 OoO Oats, bu 49,000 42,000 Kansas City Grain and Provlsloas. KANSAS CITY, April 2J. WHEAT May 67c; July. 2'c; cash. No. 2 hard, OWiijufic; No. 3, 66V4fr6tsc; No. i 62itii6Hc; rejected. 6Uiti3c; No. 1. 69&SVic; o. 3. 66140. CORN April. 3Kc; May. 3rt''i3Hc; July, 3iki3iii4C: cash, No. 2 mixed, :i,gu37c; No. 2 white, 37j37,e; No. S, KZr.. OATS No. 3 whit. 4c; No. I mixed, RYE-No. 2, 4546c. HAY Timothy. $12.50; prairie, $9.009 60. Bl'TTER Creamery, 20(823c; dairy. 1 8c. EGGS-Freeh, 13c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat 1,000 112.000 Corn 52.000 69.000 Oata 15,000 15,000 Liverpool Grata and Provlsloas. LIVERPOOL, April 23-WHEAT-Snot. firm: No. 2 red weatern, winter, 6s 2V4d; No. 1 northern, spring, no stock; No. 1 Csll fiTiila, 6 9d. Futures, Arm; May, ts$d; J .ly, a2i,d. CORN Spot. American mixed, new, steady at 4a 6d: old, quiet at 6s 3d. Futures Arm; Mav. 4a 4d : June. 4s$d: July, 4s 8d. PROVISIONS-Beef. easy; extra India mesa, 8a $0. Pork, Arm; prime mesa weat ern, 87s Sd. Hams, steady; short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., 64a d. Bacon, stead v; Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., lis; short ribs, 1 to 24 lbs., 66: Ions- clear middles, light. 28 to 34 lbs . steady. 62s; long elear middles, heavy. It to 40 lb steady. Us; short clear backs, 1 to 20 lbs., Ms: clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., firm. Ma. Shoulders, rquare, 11 to 13 lbs., steady. 43. I-ard. prime western. In tierces, steady, ! M; American refined. In palls, firm, 60s 3d. HITTER Finest United States, nom inal; goo 1 Untied State, steady, 7m. CHEESE American flneat white and colored, Si's. TALLOW Australian, tn London, easy, 32s. Tnledo Oraln and Seed. TOLEDO, April 23 WHEAT-Dull and firm; cash, 7KHc; May, 76c; Julv, 2Sc CORN-Falrly active and firm; April, 44c; May, 44'c; July, 45c. OATS Dull and unchanged; April and May, 24c; July, 32c. SEED Clover, dull and unchanged: cash, $660- April. 13.30, Timothy, prime, $1.6j. RYE-No. 2, 63c. Mllnaakte Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, April 23 WHEAT Dull ; No. 1 northern. SlfiMHc; No. 2 northern. 77 3V: May. 784c, nominal. RYE 8teady ; No. 2, Uc. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 60c; aample, 4 & vTVjRN May, 44H444c, asked. Dalath Grata Market. DULlTTH. April 23. WH EAT To arrive, No. 1 hard. 75c; No. 1 northern. 77c; No. J northern, 76Tfcc; May, No. 1 hard, 79V,c; July. 76Sc. OATS May, 334c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. April 21-CORN-Flrm ; No. t, OATS Firm ; No. white, 33V. WHI8KY-$1.0. REW YORK STOCKS ASD BOXDS. Saperstltloas Bllshtlr Relieved by Early Galas la New Balldlnc NEW YORK. April 23.-Members of the New York Stock exchange were anxious to Inaugurate the trading In their new building with an upward movement of prices, for the same reason that an ex perienced nurse wishes to carry a new born baby upstairs before it shall take a downward trip. Professional traders In storks are proverbially rich in this kind of wisdom and they began preparations for this morning's demonstration during to day's session In the temporary quarters. It was even surpected that some of yes terday's operations on the Consolidated ex change during the festivities Incident to the dedication of the new Stock exchange building was for account of members of the "big" exchange, so-called, with the purpose to further the proper start in the new quarters this morning. Apparently a very brief upward movement was sufficient to satisfy the solicitous feeling that the "hoodoo" which has popularly been sup posed to hang over the market since the exchange has been In its temporary quar ters has been shaken off. At all events, the rise In prices proved too tempting for those long of stock to resist and they began to relieve themselves of their hold ings and to realize profits. The most not able effect of this turn of affairs was the profound dullness which it produced In the mnrket, but a settling tendency of prices also resulted, which gradually wiped out the considerable gains established dur ing the flrst hour and forced prices to ti level generally below Tuesday's closing. The Immediate cause of this decline was not clearly perceptible, but it seemed due In large part to a distrust of the lonr ?r future of the money market and the back ground offered by the possibility of further extensive anti-trust campaigns. Immediate influences were favorable to an advance. The money market gains in ease each day and six months' loans are negotiated below 6 per cent without diffi culty. New York banks are In the market for commercial paper for the flrst time In several months and they are making the minimum rate of 6 per cent. Some large loans sre reported for a nine months' period at 6 per cent, while up to the present time lenders have avoided extending their ac commodations Into the autumn period of Increased demand for money. It cannot be said however, that confidence Is universal tn the quiet passing of the autumn period. The April returns of national banks to the comptroller, so far as reported, chow a lower percentage of reserves to deposits than for either February 6, the data of the preceding call, or for April 30, which Is the nearest corresponding date last year to the present call. This showing Increases the disposition to be cautious In money matters until the autumn situation clears up. Of today's special movements, that In Reading was based on the ending of the lockout. Rock Island showed evidence of absorption attributed to Insiders. A sharp Increase In Northern Securities on the curb resulted from yesterday's declaration of a dividend. Consolidated Gas jumped on the defeat of the municipal lighting measure In the state ' assembly. The sympathetic effect of these advances was lost when the stocks began to react. The market closed dull and heavy. There was quite a demand for the newer Issues of bonds, especially the 4 per cents, selling; In the 80s and 90s. Some of the higher grade bonds were slightly lower. Total sales, par value, $2,675,000. United States 2a and old 4s de clined 4 per cent and the 3s i per cent. The new 4s advanced hi, per cent on the last call. The following are the quotations on the New York StooK exenanee: Atrhlann 63 So. Railway pfd 2'4 do pfa Baltlmor A Ohio... WA do ptd Canadian Paclno 13! Canada Southern .... 10 Texaa A Pacific. 644 T.. 8t. L. A W.. do pfd Union Pacific .... do pfd .. .. 41 .. 1T4 .. t .. 2 .. 4 .. S3 .. 324 .. 24', .. 48 ..124 ..2u0 . ..123 ..200 .. 6 .. 40V4 .. 1W .. 16' .. HI) .. 60Si .. M ..107 .. ssa .. ' ..iu - .114V .11)2 .. ia t'hia. Onto Chicago A Alton.. Wabaah "it 70 ts i3 17 do pfd W. A L. E do td pfd Wla. Central .... do pfd Adama Expraaa .. do pta C I. A U pfd.... Chicago ou w. do lat pfd do Id pfd Chicago & N. W.. Chicago T. St T... do Dfd 7Vi .181VAuier. Eipreaa .. . 17 It). B. Expreaa.... . 80 Wella-Kargo El.. . 11 !Ainal. Copper .. . 2414 Amer. C. A F.... . I do pfd . n4'Amr. Lis. Oil.. .1611 do pfd ,U3 Amer. 8. A R... C. C. O. A at. L. . Colo. Southern ... do 1st pfd do Id pld nla. A Huriaon... Dala.. L. A W LKovar A R. Q.... do pfd J7 do pfd M' Ana. Mln. Co.... J4VBrk. Map. Tr.... 64;l'olo. K. A I.... to- Con. Oaa , 186 Con. Tob. pfd.... General Electric Erie do lat pfd do 2d pfd. Ot. Nor. pfd.. Hock, valley .... do pfd Illlnoia Cantral . Iowa Cantral .... do pfd I E. A W do pfd Lou 1 1. A . Naah. . Manhattan L. .... Met. St. Rr Max. Cantral .... Mei. National ... Minn. A St. L... Mlaaourl Paclno . M . K. A T do pfd N. J. Central.... N. T. Central.... Nor. A Waat do pfd Onarlo A W PenneylTanla .... Reading do lat pfd do 2d pfd St. U A s r.... do 2at pfd do td pfd.... St. L. S. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd Bo. Paclno Bo. Railway ... Ex-dlvldend S3 Hocking coal ....1ST4 .... 6Vi! .... CO .... 41 ....105 ....11744 Int'n'l Paer do pfd 70 Int'n'l Power 40 1 44 lAdede Oaa National Blacult .. National Lead No. American . 24 .100 . to ....14U 132!Pclnc Coaat ZTS racinc Hall .. . 344 ... io reopie'a Uaa io:ii Presaed steel Car.... l'4 o pfd Pullman Pal. Car.... 213 ... S3 ... 404 ... ... f ...l ...1:V ... 71 ... ... 29 ...13 ... t44 ... ... to ... 7114 ... IS ... H ... 24 ... M ...13 ...113 KeouDllc Steol .. do pfd Sugar Temi. C. A I.... V. B. A P. Co... do pfd II. 8. Leather.... do Dfd . . i'4 .. 7B4 ..12 .. 444 :: .. 13T .. 4 .. IS .. b014 .. 16 .. 17 .. 5' .. 27',, .. W, .. H 'a .. e.1',, .. 45 .. 77 T'. 8. Rubber.... do pfd V. 8. Bteol do pfd Weatern Union .. Am. Locomotive do prd K. C. Southern.. do pfd ... M'4 Kocx Island . 114 do sfd New Ysrlt Mosey Market. NEW YORK. April 23. MONEY Prime mercantile paper, 5104 per cent 8TERL.ING EXCHANGE Strong, with act lal business in Darners mi is at n.b,;tV7' 4.8735 for demand and at $4.8416 for sixty davs; posted rates, 4MVi.s5 and $4.88; commercial bllla. $4.83'44(4.o44. SILVER Bar, MVie; Mexican dollars, 4014c. BONDS Government, irregular; railroad. irregular. The closing quotations on bonds sre as follows: V. 8. raf. ta, reg....lnt I'L. A N. unl. 4a.. .101 do coupon U Mex. Central 4a II do ia, reg do eoupoa do new 4a, rag do coupon do old 4a, rag. do coupon ..... do Se, reg do eoupoa ..... Atch. gen. 4a... do adj. 4a Bat. A Ohio 4a. do ma do conv. 4a... Canada Bo. Sa... C. ot a. la do lit lnc C. A O. 4ta... C. A A. 34;..... C B. A Q. a. ' ...10744 do lat lnc tt"( ...lot Minn A 8t. L. 4a... at., jv. at 1. ta ws ...i6ii ao u au- ...llirti'N. T. C. g. 14a ins ...11' N 1. C. gen. aa.....1: ...ln-ji., No. Facinc 4a 1"!', ...!. V do ta 714 ...loot j. A w. e. 4a , ... anVKeadlug go". 4a wig ...iuu u a 1. x. c. aa..iiz ... M St. L. A 8 r. 4a.... M4 ...itz di. i a. w. ia t ..itni ao u ...Ion S. A. A A. P. 4a M3 ... 7' ...104 ... 7St4 80. Pacific 4a sou. k. nauwav aa Taaa A P. la T.. 8t. L. A W, Union Paclno 4a do eonv. 4a... Wabaah la do ta do deb. B . . , . W tat Shore 4a. . 11a 114 a.. 74 C. M. A S P. g. 4a..lx P. A N. W. 0. 7a....l!lll4 10! 102 4 U7 C.. R. I. A P. 4a.. 1044 ore. A 8t U g. 4a.. 100 . . .10a 14 1 Chicago Tar. 4a Colorado 80. 4a D. A R. 0. 4a Erie prlar Ilea 4a.... do sea. 4a F. W. A l. C. Ia. Hocking Val. 4a... Bid. ',w. A L. E. 4a. V Wla. Cenlial 4a 6i.('oo. Tob. 4a... k24 ii 10 Colo, fuel ke.... .io4) Bask t'learlaajs. PHILADELPHIA. April H.-Clearlngs, $21,614.t70; balances, $2,425,716; money, Huli per cent. CHICAGO, April O -Clearings. $28 l0i.$22: balances, $1.6ui,763; New York exchange, te praoiium; foreign exchange, unchanged; sterling posted at $i ft for sixty days and t U. for demand. NKW TOItK, April ?3. Clearings, $137, 764. V.'t; balances. $111 "ft.i.819. BOSTON April 23. Clearings, $.M.J07,(vW; balances, $1.71"'..itl. BALTIMoKK April 23. Clearings. $.1.1!5, 801; balanffs, 3t6,7fi4 ; monev, 6 per cent. CINCINNATI, April 2:1. Clearings. $:i.324, lor; money, 6c per cent; New Vork ex change, 10c premium. ST. IX"I IS, April 23. -Clearlnirs. $7.9S2,1S3; balances, $l,li.u72; money, steady, 6i per cent; New York exchange, 2."c premium. Boston Mock ttaotatlons. BOSTON, April 23.-Uall loans. tHf1 l' cent; time loans, 6iU per cent. Official closing prices on stocks and bonds: Atchlnon 4e tsiAmalnamated 44 '4 Met. Central 4a 1VHingham Atchlaon J' Cal. A Hecla MO do pfd PT Centennial Postnn A Albany. ...2n jfopner Rang .. haatnn A Me 174 Dominion Coal .. Dnstoit Flevated Ha fKranklln .... 5!4 ....no'4 .... lo'a .... 12 .... 62 .... 1 74 .... as .... 2 ..'..lie .... t ....1 .... 2't N. Y., N. H. A H.. 2041,1. Hoyala Fltthburg pfd. ..141 Mrnawa .. l44'n.d iv.nlnlon ... . . J7i4iOac ola ..125! Parrot ..120 Wulncr ..ll ;Santa ra Copper .. 294 Tamarack ..12 (Trlmountaln ..... . . .IHi Trinity t'nlon Pacific .... Mex. Central Amer. Sugar do pM Amer. T. A T Iwm. I. A S...... Denrral Electric . Mara. KIc.tHo ... tinned Fruit U. 8. Steel do pfd . Weatlng. common. Arirentura Allouea 4 ..1115 Vnlted State 34'4 .. 3fl ll'tan fa .. M Victoria 4 ..log Winona II .. 4:Wolverlne 71 .. Daly Weat 41'4 I .aim d oil ftnr'i Market. IjONDON. April 23. Closing quotations: Conaola for moaejr. tl -U!N York Central. ..1J6'4 do account 1V Norfolk A Weatern... 14 Anaconda 1 S'-i4 do pfd 3 Atchlaon H tmtario ec weatern... Penraylvanla lo1 Rand Mlnaa !!-, Reading 2S do ;rt pfd 41'j do pfd ion' Baltimore A Ohio... M Canadian Pacific 13a (heaapeake A Ohio... 41 Chicago. O. W 1'4 J C, M. A St. P....'...1S 1 DeUeers .. 22 Denver A R. 0 13 do pfd k Erie 35 do lat pfd i do 2d pfd U Illlnoia Central 14HJ Louisville A Naah...l22'4 do 3d pfd 34 Southern Railway Ji4 ao 111a Southern Pacific. 40, Lnlon PaciSc : do pfd Jia Vnlted States Steel... 37 do pfd kV, Wabaah 294 do pfd (1 Mlasourl, K. A T 24 BAH SILVER Steady at 23WI per ounce. MOrsfcii Vig3i per cent, rne rate 01 discount In the open market for short bills Is Wi 7-MS per cent and for three-months' bllla is 3 7-16&34 per cent. New York Mining, (gnbtatlons. NEW YORK, April 23 The following are the quotations on the New York Stock exchange: Altei U 1 Little Chief 20 Ontario .... 4 Ophlr .. t ..hlh ..146 .. ia .. 72 .. SO ..290 Breece Brunawlck Con . Comutock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn Sliver Iron Silver Leadvllla Con.... Hi Ravage ..130 ..110 ..150 .. 1 Sierra Nevada Small Hopea .. Staodard Foreign Financial. LONDON, April 23. Money was In good demand today for repayment to the Bnnk of Englandf which shorted the supply. Dis counts were somewhat unsettled. Business on the Stock exchanga opened fairly cheer ful but inactive. The fact that lher was no change in the Bank of England s rate of discount had little influence on the all- round dullness. Later, partly due to the news from Somallland, consols, which opened firm, reacted, but recovered. Thev opened at 91 6-16, but sold at 92 on the budget statement. Americans sold buoy ant, but business was restricted. Atchii-o.i, Topeka & Santa Fe, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific were the features. Prices closed easier. The continued strength of Argentines was the feature of the lifting up of foreigners generally. The advance of 6-16 today In bar silver was due to the shortness of supplies and the firmness of the Bombay tnasket. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of Kngland on balance tod-vy was 67,000. The sum of 32.000 was withdrawn for shipment to South America. Gold premium at Madrid. 26.50. The weekly statement of the Bnnlr of England shows the following changes: Total reserve, Inoreased 1.653,000; circula tion, decreased 442,000; bullion. Increased 1.211.000: other securities, decreased 1.. 663,000; other deposits, decreased 678,00 1; public deposits, increased 669,000; notes re serve, increased 1,bo,ooo; government se curities, unchanged. The proportion of tne Bank of England a reserve to llabtlity-.thls week la 61.86 per cent, as compared with 48.10 per cent last week. The rate of discount of the Bank of ungiana was unchanged .today at 4 per cent. '" - PARIS. April 33 Prices on the Bout's today opened firm, bu developed downward tendencies. Rentes werH off freSm 98.56 to Si.22. International improved slightly. In dustrials were unsteady, Thomson-Houston declining to 611. . Rio tlntos .lost 2f. South Africans were well sustained. Stocks were generally Inactive. The private rate of dis- vuniiv nam w-iu, Three per cent rentes, 98f 35o for the ac count. Exchange op London, 26 f 17o for checks. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes in circulation, decreaaed 64,925.0u; treasury accounts current. Increased 4,760,000f; gold In hand. Increased S.OOXOOOf; bills dis counted, Increased 32,879,000f ; silver In hand. increasen a.ouu.uwr. BERLIN, April 3. Iron shares were strong on the Bourse today owing to re ports from the United States of a heavy demand for Iron. Railroad shares were Ir regular. Canadian, - Pacific rose fraction ally. The private rate ot diacount was 274 per cent. Money on call was quoted at 2 per cent. Diacount rates: Short bills, 2 per cents three months' bills, 2 per cent. Oil and Rosin. OH, CITT. Pa., April 23. OIL Credit balances, $1.53; certificates, no bid. Ship ments, Pennsylvania, 64.819 bbls.; average, u.516 bbls.; runs, 112,210 bbls.; average, 77, 101 bbls. Shipments. Lima, 64.6S7 bbls.; average, 62.865 bbls.; runs, 60,029 bbls.; av erage. 60.338 bbls. SAVANNAH. Qa April 23. OIL Tur pentine, firm, 47c. Rosin, nothing doing. A. B, C, D. E, $1.9o; F, $2.00; O, J2.05; H. $225; I, $2.85; K. $3.00; M, $3.10; N. $3.15; WO. $3.25; WW, $3.40. NEW YORK, Aprtt 23.-OIL Cottonseed, easy; prime yellow, 4:tlj344c. Petroleum, steady. Rosin, steady; strained, common to good, $2.20. Turpentine, nominal, 49 4!c. . TOLEDO, O., April 23.-OIL No change. IX5NDON. April 23.-OIU Calcutta lin seed, nominal. Turpentine,. 44s 7Hd. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, April 23. WOOL Quiet; me dium grades and combing,- 15-ffl8c; light fine, 14&H7c; heavy, 10tffl3c; tub washed, lSfiVtc. ' NEW YORK. Anril 23. -WOOL Oulet. IXNDON, April 23 WOOL A sale of sneeprKins was held in Mincing lane to- nay. rne orrertnga amounted to 1,670 bales. Attendance waa large, demand good and prices advanced 6 per cent. Following are the sales and m-ices obtained for cloth. lng and combing: New South Wales, 98 nates, at Ktwita; fjueensiand, 68 bales, at 7ii'7d; Victoria, 1.149 bales, at tVilfeVkd; South Australia 924 bales, at S",'H74d; West Australia, 753 bales, at 3 10.1; Tas mania, 151 bales, at 4"tt4rd; New Zealand, 174 bales, at 3iifi8d; Punta Arenas, 318 bales, at Si-i'd; Falkland Island, 97 Daies, at Jiy ,a. , Coffee Market. NEW YORK. April 23. COFFEE Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7. Invoice. 6 316c; mild, steady; Cordova. 7(fil2c. Futures opened steady at a partial docl ne of 5 points, aid ruled active under heavy liquidation of the nearby options. The decline was favored by lower European markets, though these were largely offset by smaller prlmarv re ceipts, which checked the selling move ment around midday. Just before the i-live, however, the selling showed Increased vol ume under wheat market, turned easier again and was finally barely steady, net 6 (7 to polnta lower. Local sales reached 91, 0u hags, including May. 3.7iKfJ3.i5c; July, S.9nfa4c: September. 4 1F64 2iic; October. 4 -Hoc; November, 4.301. 35c; December, 4 0) t4 ti",c; January, 4.65&4.70c; March, 4 4.60c. , ' ' Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralts. NEW YOFK. April 23 EVAPORATED APPLES Show little change from the con ditions recently Venorted. demand bring still moderate, while attractive fruit Is steadily held. Common are quoted at 3'Vl 4V4c. prime at 6c, choice at 5t4jo and fancy at 6V.i7Wc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Bpot prunes are In light jobbing demand and prices are fairly steady, though low grades are more or less nominal. Quotitions range from 3fjtW,c. for all grades. Apri cots continue fairly active and firm at 7 fi8"4C, for choice, and 9V1'14 for fancy. Peaches are quiet and rather easy on all except best grades;' choice are quoted at 7H&5C, and fancy at 8&9c. Dry Goods Market. NKW YORK. April 23.-DRY CO'iD3 I.ittle movement la noted In any section of the dry goods market, al' hough jobbers are uncertain and in noma instances there I an ImproveJ demand from nearby trade. Prices are unchanged and as long ai the present high prices of cotton ara in evi dence there la little likelihood of a change. MlnaeaMlla Wheat. Flour and Ursa. MINNEAPOLIS. April 23 -FLOi R-F!rsr ratents, t3.7S&-3 j; second patents, 13 i 76; first clears, $2 pug 3. 10; second clears, 11 .fS 2.10. bKAN-Ia bulk, H.Q16 00. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Desirable Oradsi of Cattle Sold Freely at B'.eadj to Strong; Pr.cei. HOGS FULLY FlVo CENTS LOWER Receipts of Sheep and I.ambs Very. I.laht and Quality Common. So Market Waa Dull, villa Tend ency of 1'rtcea Donswsrd. SOUTH OMAHA. ArrtI 13. Receipts were: Cattle. Ili'fra. S'.irrp. .. 4.,l 4.K46 9.71 Official Monday ... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednrsday (.uncial Thursday... .. 4.! '.,ul4 .. 3,-'M 11.611 .. 3.477 Sl.lui Four days this weck.,.15.1'90 Same days last week Same week before 16,Jvo Same three wt-eks at?o...l.3:s Same four weeks aao....li.77l Same days last year 11,727 34,758 l,iid7 2C.'6 ls. 7 X 7.iZ7 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at south limiiha lor the year to date and comparisons with last year: 1du3. lta. 1110. Dec. tattle 3"3,:j5 161.3. H bl.U-7 JtoKS 6!i,4.'4 oli.tlj? 118.443 Sheep 442.61 Sol, 147 141,117 Average price paid for hogs at South Omaha lor the last several days with com parisons: Date. I 1903. l02.19Ol.liJ0.il899.lSS.1897. April 1.. Apiii a.. April .... April 4... Ayr'l 6... April .. April 7... April 8.. April .., April 10. April' 11.. April 12.. April 13. April 14.. ..pril ID. . April 16.. April 17., '.pril 18. April 19., April 20. April 21., April 22. April 23. I29SI 7 2bVi , I 7 H4W. J 24 f, 7 2 I 7 26 I 7 26 7 2lte, 7 19 1 7 JUKI 7 ItHs, 7 07.. 7 13 I 7 14 a 7 10 7 loi 7 Ofiii 7 01V4I 6 bo 11 U 6 6 I tt6 6 63! 6 6h 6 63: 6 4S 6 79 1 6 90 6 66 6 951 6 91 6 C 9V, 6 96 I 6 89, 6 Wl 6 86 5 97 s n 6 9o 6 99 6 9 ." 6 Oil 5 92 6 87; 6 91 6 9! 6 04 i 6 Oil 6 93 5 H2 a 85, 6 89 6 Kill 6 Si' 6 80 3 64 3 H I 66: 1 H 601 6 62 3 4 3 661 I 3 6Si 3 67 3 Ui 3 1 t 67! 3 721 3 65 3 92 tkil 3 i Mill 1 73 6 la, 6 2aj a Ji 6 ! 6 Ii7 I 6 33 6 31 6 36 a i3, o 4J a 4S 1 7 S N 3 7V 86 3 IA I 83 3 80 S 86 1 90 3 71 1 7bl 1 71 3 71 3 97 3 67 t 91 3 70 sj 1 3 61 3 81 6 4; 3 61 S 87 3 91 e 0 ooj B 49 6 461 6 46 6 42 3 72 1 3 68 1 3 71 3 75 3 77 1 3 721 3 60 3 61 3 91 3 t3, 3 84 3 731 3 63 3 Mi 3 84 3 74 3 82 6 36; I Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H rs. (. M. St. P 31 Wabash 2 Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific system 23 C. A N. W 8 W . V. A, M V 4K 2 16 1 1 6 19 6 .. 18 .. .. 26 4 .1 6 .. . .. '8 I t 1 2 133 12 . 4 t., St. P., M. & O.... 29 u. at ai C, B. & Q K. C. & St. J C, R. 1. & P., east... C. R. I. & P.. west... Illinois Central Total rcrlnta 167 The disposition of the day's receipts was as toiiows, eacn ouyer purcnauins mo . ber of head Indicated: , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co Swift, from country Armour, from Sioux City Carey & Benton Lobman & Co W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntzlnger Huston & Co Livingstone & Shaller... Hamilton 1 F. Husi 396 1.275 6'J 1,666 1.401 HN4 2.3i6 7 805 1.662 . 235 61 143 143 1 68 25 14 22 31 93 .... 7 60 16 14 11 ( .... .... 163 .... 89 Wolf & Murnan B. F. Hobbick Dennis & Co ' Rothschild Werthelmer Other buyers Totals .33 1.637 n . n.m. . - mi.- . fAiriv llheral run of cattle here today, but none too many to supply, ineitK .w," seemed to nave imeiw w.u.-, demand for feeders was also In 1 good shape the maraei on an urwiauig -- - was active and steady to strong. There were a good many beef steers in the yards this morning, but the marxet opened quite brisk, with prices, steady to strong as compared with yesterday. The handy weights of good quality continued favorites and cattle answering to that de scription In a good many Instances sold a little nigner. w - i. pacKers were anmu " -- -"5 all the early arrivals were soon disposed Ol. I IlO leBB ut'mi auio . va I'MTi!: ,.lf-r. was In good shape, the same as it has been for some time past, anu in ' .' ",, quoted active and steady to srong all M , . - v.- n,,dlltv the aslrr arouna. im uenci v.. ..111 .11 the cattle were to dispose of, but a till all kinds sold wimoui muti u.i..-.. - aa good prices aa were in force yesterday. T " ' . ..nuilva amnnlv of COWS I Hero waw ' ' - , . in sight, so an early clearance was made. Bulls, Vai caivea aim uta " - demand at "teady prices. BtocKera aim n . gain commanded fancy prices, and If any thing the mnraei waa un "'., vesterday. There seems to be a lively de mand from the country for good stuff, as is shown by the prices being paid, as good feeders are selling In about the same notches as good fat cattle. The commoner grades ars also selling higher than they have been, but the demand for that class Is not as large. Representative sales: IS noi aa BEEF STEERS. Na Av. Vr. No. At. Pr. 670 1 60 17 It7 4 75 i ' 61 0 JJ 104J 4 75 i .... gao 4 00 11 im 4 15 1 ' MO 4 00 1145 4 75 .J "; loaf 4 10 1161 4 T5 i (14 4 10 4 , 1087 4 76 a " 1011 4 i H64 4 75 7 110 4 J6 1 106 4 15 I'"'.! 1060 4 15 H 142 4 76 J' 70 4 80 1 M0 4 15 II 1087 4 16 1 1131 4 16 I ...1026 4 40 1 H30 4 76 i H3 4 40 47 1121 4 76 I . .....1104 4 45 it 1071 4 75 ... tn 4 46 11 ma 4 m 1"". 1030 4 60 1 i:o 4 o 1 1100 4 60 l... .1100 40 a" 100 4 60 1 H!5 4 60 1" t60 4 60 it 1J"0 4 60 , i"' KrtO 4 60 II 1134 4 SO a' .... !2 4 60 t 1146 4 10 1".V. lif.1 4 65 H 1246 4 M 1 1018 4 6 10 1100 4 60 I ' ' 1090 4 40 14; lldl 4 m 10'. 1000 4 40 1 1J3S 4 5 4 76 4 40 20 1104 4 5 i" ' 1041 4 0 10 110 4 SS 11 117 4 40 II 13?t 4 6 0 l 4 40 4 1SS0 4 M 40 120 4 40 II 110 4 S6 1 71 4 40 11 1101 4 15 n looi 4 45 s:s 4 as M list 4 6 17 17 4 0 1G :i4 4 41 - ItM 4 0 II ni 4 06 u itJ 4 tm 41 11(14 4 45 16 1264 4 0 0 117. 4 45 SI 14 4 Kl la 11 4 10 II 115 4 0 JO 1121 4 10 K! 1IM 4 XI 2l' KO0 4 10 17 1241 4 0 14 i;i5 4 70 4 U.:l 4 0 !' 1232 4 10 15 HOI 4 6 8 1061 4 10 St 11m 4 96 1034 4 10 SO 134 4 15 10 1171 4 10 S 1240 4 5 17 1120 4 10. 61 1SH6 4 5 a liss 4 10 14 14 4 5 ( 1091 4 10 II 131 i 00 ja 104 4 10 SJ 120 6 00 17' lias. 4 10 I J 1J4I 4 00 l' 1CWS 4 76 1164 I 00 ' lim 4 16 1 1420 I 00 a 10IO 4 75 t 1IT4 I 10 4 1030 4 76 11 1330 6 15 20 '. 104 If 1 160 6 26 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ,7 7F.4 4 60 S6 '.-7 4 70 i .... 71 4 66 16 in 4 14 ,T 1136 4 0 4 ... 1300 4 60 il ""' lf? 4 ao V " STEERS AND COWB. M 1H21 4 66 10 1077 4 TO 5 s 4 so STEERS TEXAS. M 7 4-4J COWS I ....1000 1 60 1 12S0 I 0 ... 710 l 16 I lust 1 ao , .... 690 1 00 1 1130 1 ao , 70 2 110 4 1066 I 16 .. 70 I M 15 1121 I V5 i .... 760 t 26 1 1144 4 00 .... ..0 I 16 4 1H70 4 00 .1 8.10 I 26 1072 4 (0 J 772 I 60 1 4 fl ii!"! io!!" 1 160 I 60 11 Iwl ion j " 121 t 60 1 1175 4 00 1 " .... 0 I 60 1 121 4 00 110 t 60 180 I 60 160 I 76 610 I 7S 1( W I 76 1030 I 16 1WI 1 76 830 1 15 110 I 0 Inao 100 mi 4 no 13 4 00 ami 4 ol 1077 4 oo 1066 4 00 11. i 4 00 1144 4 05 IUM i 10 1143 4 10 11S0 4 14 4 10 a6o 4 10 a3 4 10 ( 4 10 k0 4 10 n -i 4 10 Ji 4 15 1. 110 I 00 a tio I 00 I 74 I 00 I Kl I 00 1 luoO I 16 1 110 3 26 1 M I 25 ll I 26 1220 I 26 t M ID 12 lvao I 16 4 444 1 14 u ii ..u: 4 15 ..1271 4 15 .. Ill 4 16 ..101. 4 li .-M! 4 1 4 144 I 15 t ion) I S 1 Mo I 40 tr ltf 4 16 I a.w I 40 1 1?"0 4 16 1 1110 1 Ki t 171 4 16 1 aw I 50 t 1140 4 M 4 inao I 60 I H'M 4 SO 1 0 1 60 Han 4 IV I leo t Ml limo 4 y 1 W0 I 6" 7 110 4 2(1 I ii"i i ao i ima 4 w 1 1750 I an- i po 4 :n I HBO 1 SO 17 1I1NCI 4 l 1 70 S 70 1 1220 4 11 t 414 I 70 lii5 4 25 1 -...1(16,1 I 75 SO inesi 4 2:. 4 i.n i 76 i i(v,6 4 l nfo i n i iir.0 4 a:, m:.s i 75 i 7o 4 :r, 4 l"-0 75 t 120 4 25 I KM 75 II SI7 4 15 4 l.l:ut I Id 1 1340 4 26 1 110 I H5 6 V 4 .(6 2 If,;. I II t 1320 4 16 4 tl IK f 1.1M 4 4( 6 1164 3 16 I Ml 4 60 COWS AND HEIFERS. K56 J HEIFERS. 1 420 1 7r. 1 770 111 1 640 I , 1 1!60 I ail 1 "10 S 1.1 4 10.5 4 (HI 1 f.n 3 25 1 1620 4 "0 I tio 1 :i i 611 4 M 1 710 10 171 4 16 1 20 1 25 fc, 770 4 20 1 120 1 ill j 870 4 16 "1 6;,o i ar, 4.'. 72 4 : i'.S I 75 6 1021 4 30 1 81 I an BULLS. 1 i:;.v s in i ls?o l 45 l ic i 3 16 l ) : 1 11(0 I 16 1 1560 I 46 1 ...17IW 3 25 1 160 1 45 1 1340 1 25 1 1320 i "6 1 3.1(1 30 1 4(0 I 76 1 1130 3 30 1 1420 I 76 1 1060 1 ;!0 t 162.1 I 75 1 IC.,0 3 .15 1 1140 I Ki 1 1470 I 15 1 1460 I 16 1 1140 .35 J 1820 1 Id 1 60 I 40 1 1760 3 M 1 120 1 40 1 1340 1 80 1 1440 I 40 1 18M 4 00 1 1630 I 60 1 120 4 00 1 1110 3 ...0 1 1480 4 06 1 860 I 10 1 HO 4U 1 1640 u 1 610 4 60 CALVES. 180 1 60 1 160 4 00 110 4 00 1 100 4 00 263 4 00 ' 1 110 4 16 1 120 i 00 1 141 I 60 1 80 6 00 1 180 4 60 115 6 76 1 110 I 60 1 100 I 00 1 100 I 40 1 40 4 00 1 160 I 60 8TAQS. 1 40 4 00 1 1470 4 40 1440 4 36 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 74.r, 2 76 12 63 II SO STOCKER3 AND FEEDERS. . 410 i 60 1 0S 4 10 i ISO 4 00 1 613 4 60 ..183 4 00 18 470 4 60 .. 360 4 00 14 til 4 60 . 360 4 00 4 196 4 60 . 186 4 10 10 Ml 4 40 ,. 640 4 10 Ill 4 60 .490 4 16 1 WO 4 40 . WW 4 25 1 170 4 45 . 130 4 25 441 4 46 . 480 4 26 , ' 11 171 4 45 . 446 4 16 1 110 4 70 .1160 4 2S 1 170 4 70 . 107 4 30 t 144 4 70 . 120 4 10 I l 4 70 . 760 4 60 11 .... 684 4 70 .Hi 4 60 4 1100 4 76 . 710 4 60 ' II Nl IM . 617 4 60 11 414 4 40 . 760 4 44 HOGS There was not a very heavy run of hogs on sal this morning, as quits a string was consigned direct to local pack ers. Chicago was quoted 6'10c lower, and ss a result the market here opened a big nickel lower. Later In the day buyers took hold more freely and the market strengthened a little for a time, but toward the close the market was In about the same position as at the opening. The situation could best be described by calling the mar ket generally a nickel lower. The bulk of the medium weight hogs sold right round 17.00, with the lighter weights going from that figure down. The good weight hogs sold mostly from 17.0L to 97-05 with a few prime loaos aoovs that ngure. J racing was not very active at any time, but still the bulk was disposed of In good season. Rep resentative sales No. Av. Sh, Pr. 74... 60... 21... 6if... 6 95 6 90 6 90 6 90 96 95 96 95 96 6 95 95 7H 6 97V4 97Vi 6 9714 6 97ft 6 97H 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 ' 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 60 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 74)0 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 0 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 02ft 7 02H ... ..198 ... ..201 ... ..207 71. .211 40 '46 120 120 77 218 73 23 63. 227 ..216 ..218 ..211 ..216 ..208 ..246 ..216 ..200 ..218 ..225 ..243 ..MS ..243 ..239 ..223 ..XII ..239 ..234 ..241 ..222 ..223 ..241 ..228 ..238 ..226 ..243 ..237 ..226 ..236 ..224 ..221 ..228 ..214 ..238 I 60..., 27... 48... 68..., 66..., 77..., 79..., 78..., 60.... 73..., 24..., 80.... 14..., 69..., 63... 77... 64... 69..., 23..., 74... 66..., 49... 66... 64..., 69... 68..., 64..., 81..., 64., 60..., 73..., 7 02ft 7 02ft 7 02ft 7 02ft 7 02ft 7 02ft 7 02ft 7 02ft 7 06 7 06 7 05 7 06 7 06 7 06 705 705 706 7 06 706 7 06 7 05 7 05 706 7 06 7 06 160 40 120 'io 40 28. .....239 66....;.271 74 253 67 2S3 72 267 68 236 65 2o2 61 236 68 23 68 254 11 827 21 243 34 2i2 II. .....263 66 267 61 : 40 160 80 80 80 160 160 80 120 40 120 iib 240 7 07ft 80. 160 80 7 VI 74 220 7 228 65 2T7 7 07 7 07' 7 07: ..244 ..223 ..225 ..223 ..211 ..199 ..221 ..219 ..243 66. 48. 60. 68. 290 273 2S8 263 7 07 7 7 66 66 60..... 64 60...., 60 .279 .268 .303 .2x5 .824 .296 40 7 071 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 160 lf 80 80 226 44 223" SHEEP There was a lirht run of ihun and lambs here this morning, and the qual ity was very much on tha common order. Packers were again very Indifferent buy ers of tha part fat kinds, such as were offered, and as a reault tha mark waa extremely slow, with tha tendency of prices downward. Buyers, though, still claim that they are willing to pay steady prices for tv4.ll einlati,4 .li.cn a .1 V.., .v. . jt not care for the common stuff. There Is nothing new in the feeder situa tion, as the demand Is very limited. muotations lor cupped stock; Choice western lsmbs. 14.004S6.dO; fair to good lambs, I6.6XK&6.O0; choice western wooled lambs, W.754r7.00; fair to good wooled lambs, $6.60t!6.76; choice lightweight year lings, 15.26Qu.60: fair to aood vearflna-a 16 no 66.25; choice wethers, !6.0S6.26; fair to good wecners, .io(go.w; cnoice ewes, S4.ao4.6; fair to rood ewes. 14.2fka4.So: rrariftr lam ha $4.00(85.25; feeder yearlings, 84.00tjr4.76; feeder wetners, w.itB4.2a; leeaer owes, 4Z.2tM8.JH. xwprrseniauve sales: 1 cull swes 10 cull ewes 15 cull ewes 1 buck 1 native ewe 110 . 86 66 I0 120 87 98 100 84 76 46 85 62 I 64 i 60 t 00 8 60 4 00 4 00 4 00 6 00 5 00 I 06 8 00 8 60 4 00 601 weatern wooled swes 19 western wooled owes 4 native lambs 40 western wooled yearlings. 193 cull ewes 114 clipped lambs 264 clipped ewes 497 clipped lsmbs CH1CAGU LIVE STOCK MARKET. i Cattle Steady to Higher, Hoes Close' Firmer, While Sheep Drop. CHICAGO. April 23. CATTLE Receipts, 6.000 head; market steady to 10c higher; good to choice, 15 2w.iS.til; stockers and feeders, $3.UXa4.90; cows, $1.6CajJ4.&5: heifers. $2&uj6.ti0; canners, $1.6n4r2.76: bulls, $2.60t 4 30; calves, $2.50u6.40: Texas fed steers, $1. KKij5.H0. 1IIU14 T9eAlt,te 9 nfln h.iit- Mllmil.il tomorrow, lS.OnO; left over, 3,(lo6; opened 6'j 10c lower and closed nrmer; mixed and butchers. $6.9n4j7.1IO; good to choice heavy, $7.3i'(i'7.42ft; rough heavy, $7.0n(-a7.25; light. 16.7!yii7fl6: bulk of sales. I7.06G7.2S. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8 000 head; market 10c lower; good to choice wethers. $4.5n(fi6.fi0; fair to choice mixed, $:i.7&(u4.25; western sheep, $4.5ni5.00; native lambs, $4 60iij.&0; western lambs, $l.&oti 7.00. wooled. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattls 21.49 6.793 Ilugi 29.S73 l,9n4 Sheep 13,811 604 at. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. April 23. CATTLE Receipts, l.snO head. Including SOU Texans; market strong, steady te firm; native shipping and .du.n atec-ra 14 6(&6 40: dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.wij5.25; steers under l.OuO Ilia., K.SWZ.!): cows and neuers, i-s.iJ'aa.u"; mniim l2.25cfi 3.011: bulls. 12.5Wl4.0O; calves. $3 5"t47.iO; Texas and Indian steers, $3.6o$ 4. 70: cows and heifers. $2.6H4j3.50. HfHiH Keceipts, 3,501 had: market ateady to Hrm; pigs and lights, $6.9i&7.10; packers. JW 5ii7.15; butc(rs and best heavy, $7.10 7.3". SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. J.OOu head; market slow, steady to lower; native muttons, $4.titi0: lambs, $4.60(87 50; culls and bucks, $3.iia.w; stocxers, 4-' owo.wi; Texans, UToHib-W. Ken York Live Stork Market. NEW TORK. April 28. CATTLE Beeves, rocolnta. ITU head, mainly conalgned direct; dreared beef steady; city dread natlvs sides, extreme rang 78fto par lb.; cablas No. Ay. Sh. Tr, 61 267 80 7 02V4 64 276 80 7 02 61 260 40 7 02ft 66 260 120 7 02 ft 61 266 160 7 02ft 64 261 80 7 02ft 78 246 80 7 02ft 68 248 40 7 02ft 262 ... 7 02ft 268 tOO 7 02ft 66 261 ... 7 02ft 62 238 40 7 02 ft 63 256 ... 7 02ft 64 263 80 7 02ft 66 260 ... 7 02ft 67 260 ... 66 229 ... 43 237 ... 63 253 .... 68 249 40 68 277 80 82 250 40 74 234 ... 78 250 80 75 246 ... 79 261 ... 61 2H1 40 quoted American steers at 12it12ftc dress 1 weight; refrigerator beef at !V'i9fto; e port steady, 5 cattle and ( sheep. S CALVES Receipt. 67 head; very iln'IJ and lower: one bunch of vrala sold lit per li lbs ; city dressed vcl. c n r salts, 7ftyiic. Ht OS Receipts, J li heal, I .etc rl,. consigned direct; market almost mini. but quoted firm SMEEP AN D LAMBS-Rccelpts. ,'t head; cheep very slow anil lower; loin sales rates We lower than yesterday; Inmli steady; prime grades some Inquiry im . others slow, t'nshorn nheep sold at I3.V4' 5O0 per l'O lbs.; clipped, $1.6 'itifi 16; in shorn lambs, $h .fttfi 7.7.; a few culls at or. miiiL, fl , v.w.-.t, ',.v.' , fl tr Mlirfllir llimlta at t'( tt A-i-.h- ,1 m....l nt,(.,rt iftitfloc per pound; dressed lambs, ji:ic. . Kansas ity l ies stork Market. KANSAS CITY. April 23. -CATTLE-Receipts, 3,iij natives, 400 Texans and lo na tive calves; beeves active and Sftloo higher; quarantine stuff steady; cows steady K. strong; stockera and feeders quiet; choice export and dressed beef stesrs, $4 4Kp;S.aii : fair to good. $4.2Mi4.6t; Blockers and feed ers, 13 Mi4 96; western fed steers, $3 Oii i-05 ; Texas nnd Indian steers, H.Tfui 4.70; Texas cows, $2.7.Vfr4.(: native cows, tl.6o.p4.4rt; na tive heifers. $3.00Hi5.0rt; canners, $1. 50472. tl; bulls. $2.9(ij4.5ii; calves. $2.uiX(f7.0i). HOG.-4Kecelpts, 7.fX head; opened weak to 6c lower snd closed strong at openlnx prices; top, $7.15; bulk of sales, $7.0(Vn7 15; heavy, $,.064j'7.15; mixed packers. $.9.Vn 7.07ft; light. $6.7og1.00; yorkers, $6.9fxb7.(k); pigs, $6(m6.76. SHEEP AND 1.AMBS Receipts. R.M" head; market steady; native lambs, $4 &W 7.60; western lambs, $4.0O'(i7.5n: fed eves. $4.00rf.40; native wethers, $4.Siff6.40; Texas clipped sheep, $4.10t&tj.l6; Blockers and feed ers. $3."Mi4.25. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, April 23. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,746 head: market steady to VV lower; natives. $4.25(S5.4t: cows and heifers. $2.35ra5.10; stockers and feeders, $3.fifWp6.1il. HtRlS Receipts. 6,652 head; market 2', 6c lower; light and light mixed. $t.80iY7.10; medium and heavy. $7..ho'7.16; bulk of sa'.ci. $7.00C(i7.ia. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.3fli head; good sheep firm, others slow and weak; top fair to good western lambs, $6.5n. Slonx City Live Stook Market. SIOUX CITT, April 23. (Special TcK gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head: steady; beeves, $4.2vff&.0p; cows, hulls and mixed, $2.00(34.26; stockers and feeders, $:i."i Gj4.0; calves and yearlings, $3.00(84.50. HOGS Receipts, 2,800 head: 5c lower, sell ing at $6.80Sf7.10; bulk, $6.907.00. Stock la Blatht. Following were the receipts of llvs stock t tha six principal western cities yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha 3.477 Chicago 6,000 Kansas City 3.100 St. Louis l.SOO St. Joseph 1,744 Sioux City 6U0 9.157 26.000 7.500 8.5W) - 6.S52 2.S00 Totals.. ..16.728 04,809 1S.929 attar and Molasses. NEW ORLEANS, April 23. SUGAR Dull; open kettle. 2(S3sc: open kettle centrifugal. BftflflSc: centrifugal whites. 4ftc; yellows, 3S&41-16c; seconds, ift 8 6-16C. MOLAS8E8 Open kettle, nominal. l.Vff 26c; centrifugal, 618c. Syrup, nominal, 19 tf24e. NEW TORK, April $3. SUGAR Raw, firm; refined, firm. MOLASSES Firm. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA.' April 83. BUTTER o.ah.f f.l. -4mA.Jf w.l.,n . ATAameev 25fto; nearby prints, 270. EGOa Firm; good demand; fresh nearby, ISftc at the, mark; western, U416c; south western, lbftc; soutnern, uc. CHEESE Firm: fair demand: New Tork full cream, prime, small, 14ft144c; fair trt good, small, 13V314ftc; prime, largo. 14ft I4ftc; fair to good, large, 13fto. riro aa Board Ship). MVERPOOIi Anrll 23. CaDtaJn Acfeld of ths Red Star liner Frlesland, which ar rived hers yesterday from Philadelphia, re ports that firs broke out In hold No. 3 when tha steamer was three days out. Ths hold contained cotton, tallow, paraffins wax and resin. After an hour's work the craw subdued ths outbreak. There was no panlo on board. m ml a s rt ran tTTlANCTIHCO. Anrll 28. Tha steamer China has brought to this port one of ths largest shipments of opium that has ever corns from ths Orient. It consisted of 831 cases, or 83,100 pounds, on which ths duty ....... . a adlA JQA Tha Mmm,r.,l vallla of ths opium la about $534,340. To Reeoast tta Votos. PinCiOO. Aoril 23. Ths recount of ths Lorlmer-Durborrow contest, begun under police protection seyaral weeks ago, was resumed by tho election commissioners today. IF YOU TRADE place your orders with CEO. A. ADAMS CRAIN CO., UamhaM W-lfinf l-lAl rt.YC It A 1 truaam GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS Writs (or our dally letter. 824 Board Trade Building, Omaha. Phonos 1006 and 1017. PRIVATE WIRE3. WEARE GRAIN COMPANY. V llsmbara Prlnoipal Exchanges. Private Wires. BRANCH OFFICE OMAHA. NEB. 110-111 Board ot Trad. UP n WARD. Mar. TaleDhons 1S1A CONSIGNMENTS ONLY Consign your grain to tba LOGAN GRAINGO. KANSAS CITY, 110., And you will cat boat weights, boat price ana quick returns. WIRCLEI NBWS. Talis all about Wireless Telegraphy. Three months subscription FREE. Write ..ii.. 1 M. " S.U A7 1 1 at NAV V .-1, VY 11.1 .H ww www... v.., ' .win City, N. T. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Department of the Interior, Office of In dian Affairs, Washington, D. C, March 4, Healed propo.ais, indorsed ' t'ro pcjsals for blankets, woolen and ro:tnn goods, clothing, etc., aa the case mav le. and directed to tne uommitanoiier of inna'i Affairs, Nos. l'.K-lil Woiwter etrert, -w York City, will be receiVed until o'clock fi. tn., of Tuesday, May 19, 1903. for furnich ng for i he Indian eervlo-, blankets, woolen snd. cotton gnoda, clothing, notions, hats snd caps, bids must be made out i n gov ernment blur k 4. Bchcdules giving all nuea- aary Information for tiiuduia will le fur nished on application to the Ind.an Oftic , W.shlnglon, D. C. ; tha V. 8. Indian wats houaes, 11a-121 Wooster atieet. New York City; K65-i:67 South Canal atieet, Chlcugo. 111.; 816 Howard street, Omaha, Neb.; yi: fcouth Seventh street, St. Ixiuis, Mo.; tne Commissaries of (Subsistence, II. 8. A., at f.hevenne. Wyo.. and 8t. Paul. Minn.: the quartermaster, U. 8. A., Seattle, Wash.; the f lust mailers at oiuux -iiy, i uc.-o.i. j-ui i and, Hpokane and Taiim.i, and toj Manu facturers' and Producers' association of California. Han Francisco, Cal. lilda will be opened et the hour and days above stated, and bidders are Invited to be pres ent at tha oienlng. The Department re serves the right to determli.s ih point of delivery and to reject any and all bids, o. any part of any bid. W. A. JONES, com. nilssioner. A:i U19t U Z 5. fxH 6, :.)o CHIEF QUARTERM A8TKR 8 OFFICE Omaha, Neb., March , lwi3. Healed pro posals, In triplicate, will be receive;! here and by quarterinaalera at the pi. Ma name 1 herein, until 10 a. m.. central time. Apt II t-i, 1H".1. for furnishing wood, coal and char coal during fiscal year end ng June 30, ivol. at Omaha CI M. Depot, Forts Crook. H.ili Inaon and Niobrara, Nebraska, Jefferao'i Barracks, Missouri, Forts Leavenworll, and Hlley, Kansas, Logan H. Roots, Ar kansas, Ken and Hill. Oklahoma. Pio. posals for delivery at other points mill he entertained. 11. 8. rererves right to rejec; or accept any or all proposals, or any par. thereof. Information furnished on applica tion hers, or to quurtermaxter at nation named. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposala f.r Fuel." and addressed to Major THUMAH CKUHE. C. CJ. U. -MJ(AlttiAi4-i-4