Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1903, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA PAIIT BEE: FKIPAY, AFHTTj 24, 1003. Tins Omaiia Daily Bee E ROdEWATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. TERMS . OK SUBSCRIPTION. Dally bee (without Sunday ), One Year..$4.0) ljHliy hee anil Sunday, one Year J.iueiratei Bre. One Year J Bundy Bp, One Year J w bilurday He, Ont Year J-J" Twentieth Century Karmer, On Year.. 1.0) DELIVEKED BY CARRIKX Dally Bee (without Sunday), per copy.... K iJally Be (without Sunday), per week. ..lie Jjaily Boa (Including Sunday), per week..lio ttunuay Bee, per -opy Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week So Evening Be (Including ' Sunday), par " week Complaint of Irregularltlea In delivery hould be addreaaed to Cli Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Uulldlng. Twen-.ty-nfth and M hUreeta. Council Bluffs in Pearl Street. Chicago 1M Unity Building. , New York S02H Park Row Uulldlng. Washington 601 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to news and edi torial matter ahonld lie addreaaed: Omaha iiee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or poatal order, payable to The Bee Pubi'-hlng Company, only 2-rent atampa accepted In payment or mall accounta. Peraunaf check, except on Umaha or eaatern exchanger, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. tate of Nebraska. Douglaa County, ss.: George B. Tzschuck, secretary of ine Bee Pulillahlng Company, being uuly w0'nr eaya that the actual number ol full ana complete cople of The Dally. Morning, tvcnlng and Sunday Bee printed during the month of March. lSOS. waa aa ioow 1 211,815 i 81,010 I ..31,730 31.4MO 1 31,020 ai.OIMI , I 31, (MW 1 2O.170 ' :1,IOO 14 Sl,UOO ii ai.Too li 31,70 1 81.7&0 14 81.7K li XU.ffUO U 3J.S4U X7 31,T04 IS 81.TBO j9 31, UNO 20. i! 31,4tf4 11 31.BOO jl SIU.U1U 2i 8-480 n 81.H40 to.. 81,Rlt 2 31,740 27 81.770 2 81,4470 23 KU.OOO JO 31.4MO U l,TOV Total .BTO.OV3 Lean unaold and returned copies... 1Q.4 Net total sales tM.14 Net Average kale 30,Wo QEORGE B. TZSCHUCK. Subscrlbed In my presence and tiworn to before me this Slat day of March. A. D., Uui. " M. B. H UNGATE, ; (Seal.) Notary public. The gruvest strike of the season U the strike of the grave diggers at Montreal. When a republican masquerades as .1 populist to decoy populists you may put hliu down as an Impostor. Erastus Boomer Beuson should change his name to Joseph' while he Is sporting that political coat of many colors. The late J. Sterling Morton must now have a monument to. his memory grow ing in every school yard in Nebraska. Keep your eye on . the-city council. The corporations would like to have the next council filled, with as pliant; tools as the present council. ,; Howell's part' In 'the passage of" the vestibule bill was the old, old story voting for It la the senate aUil .then working to kill It In the h6use.; ...-- If the members of tho Illinois-legisla ture do not behave themselves better on the floor, they are' likely to get In as great disrepute as some members of the United States senate. Boomer Benson has still to point to the business he has successfully carried through that would entitle him to claim support as the only successful business man running for mayor. After all his free advertising Lleuten ant Governor Lee of Missouri will have to give up some sensational testimony when he appears before the grand jury or be put down in the disappointment column. Mayor Moores never hes.tated to veto any ordinance or resolution that Invaded the rights of the common people for the benefit of the corporations. -That's an other' reason why the corporations are all against him. . , The refusal of the anthracite . coal combine to recognize the Jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce commission in its investigation of complaints under the anti-trust' law Indicates that the coal barons are aching for another knock down. The United States minister Is cred ited by the president of Gtiutemala with having prevented u war between that country and Salvador. Whether the Intervention was really of benefit to the two countries thus deprived of the bel ligerent diversions to which they are accustomed may be oien to question. President Parry of the National Man ufacturers' assoclutlou seems to be ap prehensive that inedtlliug jKjli tli'lana may destroy America's industrial supremacy by giving too much encouragement to wage workers and labor organizations. Mr. Tarry need have no fear. The su premacy of American -iudustry rests on the superiority of American labor. In his secretary's report to the Na tional. Muulciiuil league on the year's progress, Ciiutou ltogers Woodruff calls special attention to the remarkable prog ,vss made by the movement for luuuici atfil swaershlp of public service utilities. Signs of awakeulug public sentiment are visible In cities lu all parts of the coun try and every up-to-date municipality Is keeping abreust' with the popular de mand. "'.'."'"' If Judge Ioane Is quoted rightly by the democratic organ : he has suddenly become a rantaukerous itaitisan, but if Judge, Ikane Is not suffering from' a laps of memory he will p'robably ret-all the. fact that he has never held an ottU-e to which he was not elected by repub licans. He was elected by republican a member of the state senate and he was elected by republican a Judge of the district court. . . prumutixo awD n ill. The present (.Senium minister to the I'ultcd Htatos could perform no better aervlce for his couutry than In promot ing good will tK'tween the two nations and this lie is exerting himself to do In a wsy that ought to be effective. 'In his public utteiantvs since be came here Ha roil Sternburg has shown a most In telligent appreciation of the relations ix-tween Oermauy and the United States and of the place of each In the great work of civilization. He recognizes the fact that they are and must continue to be commercial rivals, but he sees no reason why this should Interfere with their friendship. . In his latest utterance the German minister, sold that the two nations, In worVIng out their great problems, should use all their 'power to foster a clearer understanding between their people. "This is the surest safeguard against future friction. You already understand 15,000,000 of us as well as you under stand- yourselves: they have become your kin. I hope the day will come when you will understand all of us just as well." There is no doubt that the very large majority of Americans will regard this In the spirit In whlch It was said, for unquestionably only a very small proportion of our people have any real unfriendliness toward Ger many. It Is true there have been some horsh things said of us by German liewspnpers and a few public men, and we have reason to complain of German policy regarding us commercially, yet there Is abundant reason to believe that as a nation Germany most earnestly de sires the friendship of this country. Baron Sternburg Is to be heartily com mended for his efforts .to promote good will between the countries and they should have the desired effect. A MVMVIPAL BMOVATlQir. A new administration 'was recently inaugurated in Philadelphia and already It has entered upon a work of municipal renovation and reform with a vigor that is carrying dismay-te. evil, doers and promises in a brief time to make that one of the most moral communities in the laud. Mayor Weaver was elected on a platform pledging reform ond he seems to have the courage to carry out the pledge. The director of public safety announces that In, future the police of the city will conduct a vig orous warfare against gambling and speak-easles. It being the intention of th? administration to tvipe out every gambling place and all unlawful drink ing resorts. The crusade has been started and the director declares that it will be maintained throughout the four years of the administration. ' There is In this a very strong reflec tion upon the course and policy of the preceding administration, but it Is a fact that conditions had reached a very bad stage In the City of Brotherly Love, making a most. urgent demand for1 a radical change. For the past year or two some of the newspapers of that city have been denouncing in unmeasured terms the laxity of the municipal ad ministration In enforcing the laws against criminal practices, which stead ily grew ln volume" and boldness. Their efforts - to have conditions Improve!, however, were without effect upon the men In', control of affairs. Now there Is good' assurance that -the moral char ncter of Philadelphia will be Improved. The new administration renllzes that the task Is. not a simple nor easy, one and that the work cannot be accom plished in a day, but it has entered upon it with, an cggresslveness and evident determination that cannot fail to have good results. Good citizens everywhere will wish it the fullest suc cess. . ' THR COAL TRVSJ 1XQC1BT.' The inquiry that has beea instituted by the Interstate Commerce-commission into the alleged' anthracite coal trust should be pushed to 'the farthest limit of. the commission' authority... This Is a matter In which the people of the greater part of the country are con cerned and there Is a. general desire that it shall be thoroughly Investigated. There is a common belief, founded upon what seems to be very strong evidence, that there Is a combination between the anthracite coal-carrying roads which violates both the anti-trust law and the Interstate commerce act. There seems to be not a reasonable doubt that these roads have at least an understanding or agreement, on the community of Inter est plan, which makes them amenable to the anti-trust law. There are nine roads Involved. Among the allegations It Is stated that the Reading company holds control of the Philadelphia &. Reading railway and of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, and It is contended that these are paral lel and competing lines. It Is also de clared that the coal-carrying roads hnve combination that Is, worked through the Temple Coal and Iron company, which fixes' the price of anthracite .at tidewater and effects a division of the traffic between the different lines to the suppression of all competition. The spe cific complaints before the commission. to which It may confine its inquiry, are that the roads charge unreasonable rates, that they discriminate In favor of the bituminous against the anthracite coal companies and that they have con trived In violation of the anti-pooling section of the Interstate commerce act to discriminate against the Independent coal mining companies in favor of the companies controlled by. the railroads. It is furthermore charged that the con tracts between the railroads show the creation of a monopoly, since they prac tically control the output as well as the transportation of coal. The scope of the commission's investi gation has not been defined,, but proba bly It will not go beyond the allegations of a violation of the Interstate com merce law.- There may be develop ments, however, which will warrant the federal authorities in instituting pro ceedings under the anti trust law. If It shot i Id be shown, for Instance, that the Heading company holds control of com peting lines there would be presented a case for the application of the Sherman act of 1S!K). It was of course expected t bat the railroads would put every possible ob stacle In the way of the Investigation, their first move In this direction being the refusal to produce their private con tracts, thereby requiring the submission of the question of Jurisdiction to the United States circuit court This means delay, it being manifestly of prime Im portance to the Investigation that the commission shall have the contracts. If there are any written ogreements. A course of obstruction on the part of the railroads will only serve to strengthen the common conviction that they are combined and constitute a practical monopoly and that they are violating both Hie anti-trust law and the Inter state commerce act. Such a course can delay but It cannot defeat the ultimate subjection of these corporations to the laws they are charged with contravening. LEST WK FOHOMT. As a councilman and as a member of the legislature, "Howell was anything but a corporation man," says Judge Doane In the face of the admission of Howell that he Inserted the exemption clause In the charter by which the rail roads are taxed only about 1 per cent on the' actual value of their terminals In Omaha, arid in the face of his notori ous subserviency to the franchised cor porations both' In the legislature and council. In order to refresh the mem ory of Judge I)oane and other admirers of Edward E. Howell it may not be out of place, for us to reproduce the follow ing editorial comment on the per formances of Howell In the state senate, that appeared in The Bee. April 0, 1897, under the caption of "A Political Trick Horse, as follows: Senator Howell's . performance on the bill to enlarge the powers of the State Board of Transportation are in accord with his record In the Omaha council and in the legislature. He has proved himself not merely an adroit political trimmer, but also a consummate trlckater. ' When the bill in question was before the senate on its final passage a call of the house was ordered and the doors were closed. Howell, who plays double on nearly every Important question, made a roaring protest against the manner in which the bill was being forced through. He had east his vote for the bill, evidently presum ing that it would fall to get the necessary majority,- but threatened to change his vote from "yes" to "no" when the call disclosed the possibility of Its passage. When the roll call showed that the bill would, not pass he still had himself recorded in Its favor. Later, when the vote by which the bill was defeated was reconsidered, Howell dodged the vote, which waa the same as tf he had cast his vote against the bill. Man ifestly Howell bad made a bargain with the railroad lobby to beat th-5 bill, but wanted to play his popullBt- associates and constituents for suckers. ' That is a fair measure of the man who is all thlngj to all men', fcut can never be depended on to go the straight road If ho can cover 'his tracks by traveling over a crooked road. - As to Howell's performances In the council we need only refer to the only religiously truthful paper in Omaha, the World-Herald, which In Its issue of April 20, i894. Indulges in this comment on the distribution of places on the com mittees when Howell was president of the city council: A dozen republicans could not have done better In- providing for republicans than Mr. Howell did on the committees. Out of fifty-three place on the committees How ell gave- twenty-five to the democrats, in cluding Hascall, and to the republicans twenty-eight. Could a republican have done better? . Out of seventeen committees (he demo crats were given control of seven, while the republicans - control ten. There are three committees on which no one but re publicans were appointed. Could repub licans beat that? He .gave the democrats control of the judiciary, finance, police, sidewalks ' and bridges, printing, paving, curbing, guttering, viaducts and railways. It Is' not material that he was 'compelled to do this much for the democrats. He did It. Even a republican could not have Improved on that. The important committee of claims be made 'up by the appointment of Saunders (Blllee), Wheeler and Bechel. Could a re publican hae put in more republicans on that committee when there were only three positions' to fill. He made Chris Specht chairman of public property and bridges, appointed Bruner (Charles), another re publican, to assist Specht, and gave one lone democrat, Burkley, a place beside this distinguished number of statesmen. That's pretty near ss good as a republican could have done. Grades and grading was made of three republicans and two demo crats. Streets, alleys and boulevards com prises two republican and one democrat. Fire and water has three repub'icans. Gas and electric light has two republicans and one democrat. Sewerage has two repub licans and one democrat. Telegraph and telephone poles has 'two republicans and one democrat. These are merely samples to convince everyone that there was no necessity for republican aasistance In making up that Hat of council committees. A republican could not have done better than Mr. How ell did In giving three such eminent states men as Back, Edwards and Specht control of the Important committee on grades and grading. A republican could not have done any better than Mr. Howell did In giving such eminent and spotless statesmen as Specht and Bruner control of both publla properties and buildings and fire and water. The World-nerald concludes: We concede that la one respect a repub lican might have done better than Mr. Howell. He might have turned down every one of the democrats who made How ell's election possible. But here the World-Herald has an excuse. Mr. Howell Is ambitious.. He has a political future as broad and extensive In his own mind as it is narrow and contracted In the political Index of the present. It would have been folly for him to have done more for the G. O. P. and its leaders than he has al ready done or tried to do, and having done the beat his circumstances would allow, Mr. Howell should be excused. He has done well, acted nobly a republican could do no more. It Is needless to say that with Howell as president of the council the appoint ment of the committees was not a ques tion of republicanism or democracy, but simply of satisfying the privileged cor porations who made up his list for him. When Howell was In the state senate bis principal aim and object was to leg islate himself Into th mayor's office. To this eud he created the Herdinsu police coiunilsKlon, he changed the date of the municipal election, he served the coriwratlons falthfidly and mnde sev erHl gallery plays to catch the labor vote. The worklngmen saw through his little game at the time and turned him down with a thud st the election by casting their ballots for Frank E. Moores. And the worklngmen have never had cause to regret having pre ferred Moores over Howell. According to the World-Herald, Carl C. Wright Is an able lawyer so able that the lilp corporations have once or twice of late found It to their interests to retain him. Our democratic contem porary omits to mention that those cor porations, notably the Thomson-Houston electric lighting monopoly, has re tained Mr. Wright not so much for his wonderful capacity as a lawyer, but rather because In his capacity as a po lice commissioner he is In position to render valuable assistance with the po lice club. In the republican city primaries the Issue was squsrely drawn between Mayor Moores and a field of candidates backed by the allied corporations. Mayor Moores won against exceptional odds, carrying five ont of the eight con tested wards and 73 out of 143 delegates in the convention. In a government by majorities a majority even of one should hold as good as a majority of one thou sand. The discovery by the navy of a few Islands In the southern part of the Phil ippine group which are not on the charts must be taken to mean that we got more from Spain for our money than we thought we were getting. There Is no Immediate danger, however, of Spain trying to open up the old account be cause of this little discrepancy In the Inventory. If the business men and corporations who are putting up the money to pay the expenses of booming Benson would turn the money Jnto the auditorium fund, the auditorium might be speedily completed. But . when the auditorium solicitors come around they will plead that all their spare money went Into the political pot. The Common Falling;. Philadelphia Record. It is astonishing to unprejudiced observ ers how the advocates of "the brotherhood of man" do belabor the brethren who hap pen to disagree with them. Brilliant "Loarle." Philadelphia North American. ' The British worklngmen who came here to Investigate American industrial suprem acy report that If ''England used modern methods she would 'hold her own." With similar logic, a man 'once said he could write as well as Shakespeare "if he had a mind to." A- r " Give ttaeO.114 Man n Rest. Chicago Chron'cle. ' Having formally" excommunicated Mr. Cleveland from th party' for the fiftieth time or so, let us hope that Colonel Bryan will now let .the Princeton statesman alone for a few days. The fish are beginning to bite at Buzzard's ' Bay and the proscribed one should be allowed what solace he can find In piscatorial pursuits. A Pertinent Question. Chicago Chronicle. Found guilty of violating the law, but granted the privilege of violating It. for year longer. Is the effect of Judge San born's decision at St. Paul In the merger case. Will anyone' credit the' possibility that the decision would have been the same if the interested parties had been railroad employes Instead of railroad owners? Coal Trust Booked for Trouble. Springfield Republican. If the Northern Securities decision holds good in the United States supreme court, the administration Is credited with the purpose of next prosecuting the anthracite coal combination. This Is a far more ag gravated caae of reatraln of trade than the Northern railroad combination could possibly make itself, and; proceedings against it would prove far more popular. " Xot a Working; Principle. Springfield Republican. One by one the communistic societies es tablished In the United States In the early years of the last century are dying out the latest to disappear being the Harmony society of celibates at Economy, Pa., wbon land have Just been sold to a Pittsburg syndicate for about $2,600,000, to be dis tributed among half a dozen surviving member and the heirs of dead members, If there are any. and '.here certainly can not be many In direct descent. Commu nism evidently Is not a working principle, at least when applied in spots surrounded by a world devoted to the rule of private property, and when celibacy Is added, ulti mate destrnctlon Is made certain, whether communism Is practicable or not. Snaaeatlona Worth Snlnry. New Tork Press. There Is a man of 32 in a Broadway store who receive a salary of $9,000 a year for suggesting things. His calling is not ex actly new, but it has been specialized. Twenty years ago he, was an ordinary sales man In the house furnishing department, earning $8 a week. Hi cleverness In ad vising young married couples what to buy when they set up housekeeping attracted the notice of hi employer and he was rapidly advanced. Finally a department vu made for him, and now all that be does 1 to suggest the kind of carpets, rugs, shades, curtains, portieres, sofas, chairs pictures, bric-a-brac, etc., that ought to go with the Queen Anne or Elizabeth cottage or the Harlem flat or the Riverside drive palace. Antl-Trnst Law Will Stlek. Indianapolis New. According to the very able attorney for the merger crowd, the court made thirty- four error in It recent decision against their client. We doubt whether even the Louisville ball club could do worse than that. But fortunately the question is for the supreme court to decide, and it may at least bold that some of the errors In no way affect the general result In the meantime the New York 8un 1 Inconsolable. Long after Wall street has settled down to the conclusion that the decision is a pretty good thing after all. and after even the Times seem to have lost some of It bitterness the Sun wall through almost four columns of the deadly effect which the decision Is certain to have, and actually urges the repeal of the anti-trust law. Repeal the law. just after we have found out that it means something? Well, we guess not, The public man who would venture even to suggest tke repeal of that law would find himself la serious trouble. ITS Or WASHIKTOI LIFE. Miner Scenes and Incidents Sketched - on tke Spet. About the first of the year the Internal Revenue bureau sprung a large official wink on proprietors of soda water foun tains, gently suggesting the propriety of swearing oft and slicking to it. Not the regulation New Year resolution, but one that would hold water untainted by the Juice of the grape or the bit of alcohol. Compounders cf the wonderful creations known as summer drinks put the wink on file and didn't say a word. A second and more emphatic wink Is going out to the dispensaries reminding the owners that the aale of Intoxicant even of the mildest kind over the soda water counter requires the customary license. Failure to cough up or qsit Involves a penalty which the bureau Is determined to enforce. A Wash ington Dispatch says an order has been prepared for distribution among the col lectors of Internal revenue, warning them that drug stores, candy stores and other establishments that self soda water and other beverages In which alcoholic liquids have been Introduced, must pay the reg ular government retail liquor dealer's license. Several years ago the department made a ruling that "where an alcoholic flavoring syrup is uied for sprinkling into a glass of soda water a quantity so small as to merely give a flavor to the water, the special tax of a liquor dealer Is not re quired to be paid for tbs sale of such beverages." So great has been the trade eatabllshed under this exemption, however, that it la now found neceaiary to revoke thl ruling. The Treasury department, under strict order from Secretary Shaw, who Is some thing of a teetotaler. Is determined to break up the business of druggists who sell soda water drinks mixed with whisky, wines and other spirits. The tax is $25 a year, and if this Is collected by the government It is likely that the local authorities will also require a regular liquor selling license to be taken out. Cer tain syrups require a small percentage of alcohol in them to prevent fermentation. The tax Is not Intended to apply to cases of this sort, but only where the alcoholic mixture Is added after the beverage or syrup has been received from the manu facturer of the same. As a result of the Investigations in the Postofnce department by Assistant Postmas ter General Brlatow an order has been Is sued by the postmaster general that five men now carried on the rolls as "book keepers," but really employed to repair cancellation machines, report for duty st the postofflces to which they are assigned. The government rents cancellation ma chines from the maker, paying a rental of $250 to $400 a year. Instead of having the manufacturers keep the machines In order, the Postofflce department has been paying these five men, who are rumored to be em ployes of the manufacturers. There Is no appropriation for machinists, and the men appear on the rolls as "bookkeepers." Un der Mr. Payne's order they will have to go to work, at bookkeeping or resign. The men are George E. Barnard, nomi nally attached to the Boston postofflce; R, H. Brunlng, to the office at Cleveland, O.; J. H. Elliott, Syracuse, N. T.j William E. Estes, San Francisco, and E. H. Merritt, Grand Rapids, Mich. They have been trav eling ever the country at government ex pense. Inspecting machines at a cost of thousands of dollars yearly. Mr. Payne said that hereafter each postofflce would keep it own machine In order. Plan have bees, completed for the new $3,600,000 structure that is to be erected for the National museum in Washington, and bid for It construction will soon be called for. The regents of the Smithsonian in stitution are superintending this work, and it I their idea when the new building is completed to have a complete rearrange ment of the exhibit now in the National Muieum and the Smithsonian institution buildings. The new structure is to be devoted to the scientific collections of the government, the present National museum building to the Industrial arts and the old Smithsonian building to the Smithsonian and National muaeum library and art collections. The regent propose that the scientific collec tion in the new building shall be the finest in the world, and an officer of the Institu tion makes the statement that already many of the branches to be covered have reached a perfection that is not equaled In any other museum In the world, even the great British museum. The chief subjects to be covered are biology, anthropology, geology, zoology, botany and American his tory. The present National museum build ing will be given up to a great exposition of Industrial art, including the already Im mense and unique collection of the museum and many additions that the regents are planning to secure as rapidly as possible. The museum will be modeled in It scope and general plan after the Victoria and Albert museum of Great Britain. Among the chief departments will be those of land transportation, boat models, implement of war and electrical apparatus, of which the museum already has rich collections. The plans for the Smithsonian building contemplate the creation In time of a mag nificent library and art gallery. The scien tific library of the institution I already one of the finest In the world. It scope will be broadened and it will become a much more Important unit In the general scheme of the institution. The plans for the art gallery are ss yet tentative. The new structure will be 488 feet long and 245 feet broad, with a height of four stories. Negotiations are practically concluded between France and the United State for the establishment of a parcels post agree ment. Secretary Hay is conducting the correspondence and all that remains to be done 1 to put the agree ments Into formal shape. Parcels to be carried by post between the two countries will be limited to four pounds six ounces. Instead of eleven pounds, as Is the maxi mum weight for packages carried by post between various foreign countries. While this arrangement is common between Eu ropean countries. Germany is the only country on the other aide of the Atlantic with which the United States has a parcels post treaty. Similar arrangements exist between the United States and Mexico Venezuela. Chill and the British colonies In the West Indies. The various express compsnles have been strongly opposing the negotiations with France, for they will lose a good deal of business when the two gov ernments agree to carry Urge packages by mall. The reduction In the weight of par cels to be thus transported was made a a concession to I he express companies. The next international postal congress will be held next year In Rome. The United State will be represented by one voting delegate,' but will doubtless send several representatives. At that congress the ques tlon of reducing the postage charge on for sign letters will come up. . Taa lor the Bailors. , New Tork Tribune. The United States government made contract a few days sgo tor 250,000 pound of tobacco to be Issued to the enlisted men of the navy and the marine corps. To the casual observer thl would seem to be a large order, but the quantity would not be adequate to supply the demands of the men tor a year if many of them did not prefer the regular trade article at a higher price to the government's tobacco at 31 cents a pound. Waltham Watches Mechanical skill and knowledge have made them the best in the world. "The Terfeded American Witch an (Rostrated book of interesting information tboat XMtches, mriU be sent free upon request AmericM WaSfum Watch Company Waltham. Mass, SPKAKJG AROl'T PLUTOCRACY, Some of the So-( ailed "Plain People" Who Are Well Heeled. . Brooklyn Eagle (tnd. dem.). The discordant note In all the Jefferson celebrations of which notice t taken In another articleappear to have been those sounded In the words of Mr. Hill at Al bany, and In the telegram of Mr. Bryan to the dinner In Manhattan. Each of them talked about "plutocracy" In a way to suggest that the possession or the desire of property I antl -democratic, and that he who desire It or possesses It is not only "no democrat," but should be regarded by that party as an enemy. Mr. Hill 1 In affluent circumstances, and the financial condition of Mr. Bryan Is one of comfort. As a lawyer, Mr. Hill last week argued the protest of corporations against a tax law, before the court of ap peals, and his retainer Is said to have been over . $10,000. Mr. Bryan makes a good living out of a poor newspaper, and can command $500 a night by his "lectures." We state these personal facts to show that neither man is hostile to "prosperity," when it eome hi way, and to suggest the inconsistency of their diatribes against "plutocracy," as they would have it un derstood or as it will be understood by those whom they would "stir" up by their words. The democratic party will cease to be formidable, tf Its membership should be reduced to tramps, beggar, paupers and highwaymen. A severe construction of the words of Bryan and of Hill would char acterize all outside of those classes aa "plutocrats." That Is not the way to get back Into the democracy those democrats who have gone toward republicanism on account of populists, cranks and would-be repudiators. A more effective way would be for Bryan and Hill to cut loose from those allies, who cannot go into republicanism anyway, and to give to real democrat a real ehaacs to return to a real democracy. "Plutocrat, aa an epithet against a man who ha mads or saved anything and who would like to keep it and increase it, is as absurd and as unjust as the word "scab," employed to define the hero who would contract for his own labor and skill, on his own terms, without the, dictation of others. The ex pression Is not only absurd and unjust,' but it is also angering, dividing and Im morally Incendiary in its tendency. We re gret to ssy that a form of so-called Jour nalism - is responsible for its Introduction Into the terras of politics. But if the pol itics which bandies It and which invests In It should fall to as low sn estate as the Journalism which Invented and fomented it has done, neither warning nor retribu tion, could further go. , r . t ' '. . ; . PERSONAL NOTES. . A circus clown in New York has Just inherited $150,000. He can now work for fun if he feels so inclined. Mrs. Carrie Nation has established a homo for drunkard' wive, and opened It with prayer. That's hotter than opening wine with a hatchet. Mr. Cleveland refuses to make an itiner ary for hla St. Louis trip. The Idea of a public man traveling about the country without an Itinerary! The recent difficulties In the Red Cross society have brought out the fact that Miss Clara Barton, Its founder and, up to a recent date. Its president, Is $2 year old. Lieutenant Colonel Temple West of the English Grenadier r'lards, who recently died In Nice, left more than $1,000,000 for public purposes, largely for the purchase of works of art to be placed in the national gallery. Among the various means of dispensing justice none possess greater respect for evidence or higher regard for its respon sibility than the average coroner's Jury. One of the class In Chicago pronounced ac cidental the death of a man who blew out the gas and left a note ststlng that he was about to get off the earth. At a recent nonpartisan dinner of pol iticians in New York City Mayor Low was seated between Charles F. Murphy, the Tammany leader, and Senator Thomas C. Piatt, so long republican bo of the stats. In the course of his after-dinner speech the mayor remarked that he found himself between the devil snd the deep T. C." Secretary Shaw, Speaker Cannon and some others were discussing weighty mat ters In the Treasury department when a senator came in and shifted the conver sation to poker. Mr. Shaw was reminded of a poker story and in telling it spoke of bluffs, sntes, draws snd raises. "That's good story, Shaw," said Mr. Cannon, but se?ms to me it ain't quite the thing for a steady-going church deacon to know quite so much about the technical terms of such a sinful game as draw poker." We are very proud of the fact that doc tors so gener ally indorse Ayer'a Cher ry Pectoral. There are two reasons for this: First, we send the formula to n r ftiirelltit- upon request; ana, secona, the physician " 3 Ant's mil sees for himself that the medicine is all we claim for It. We make no extravagant claims. We raise no false hopes. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Sixty years of experience make us believe that this is the best medicine In the world for colds, coughs, croup, bron chitis, and all other throat and lung troubles. And the doctors agree with us. Tsriii uc, mc, na j. c ayei co, ua, hm. a THE UPWARD TESDESCY. "tablet Evidence- of Prosperity In Railroad Earnlnaa, Cleveland leader. Railroad earnings throughout the country are running far enough over the business of the corresponding part of last year to make the rats of gain about four times a much as the rate of Increase In the population of the United State. That fact goes far toward demonstrating a much more effective use of the productive power of the American people and a fuller employ ment of the resources of their country. The only exception which could be made to this conclusion would be based on the Increase In rate which ha affected some phases Of railroad business. But no such Influence has had anything to do with the extraordinary growth of the postal reve nues of the country, and in the big cities there has been nothing such as the estab lishment of the rural free delivery system to stimulate the use of the malls. The fact that the rate per cent of iucrease in the income of the postofflces in the most important centers of population, trade and industry ha been about three times as great as the rate of gain In the number of . people in the country, and has hern double the rate of growth in the big cities. con be accounted for in no other way than as evidence of very unusual business activity and extraordinary prosperity As to that broad condition, the evident). is overwhelming. The times are about the best ever known in America, and no pessl mist can make a stand against the mass of proof which con be brought forward to support this assertion. LAUGHING GAS. "Will power is a great thlnr especially the power of a will that leaves you 1300,(00. Bomerville Journal. They' don't put muzzle on the dogs In Pennsylvania, do they, George?" "No, dear. They, put them on the edi tors." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Maud Wasn't It vulgar for the Swingle tons to print that long list of wedding pres ent when their daughter wn married? Irene Horribly. There wasn't a thing In the list that cost over $10. Chicago Tribune. Beatrice So Ethel haa refused to elope with Clarenoe? What Is the trouble? Agues Oh, I really don't know. 8he la mad with her father about something. , I suppose. Puck. Do Broune Is Flta-Green good natured? Van Schmidt Good natured? Good na tured? Well. I should say sol Why, he laughs at his own Jokes. New Orleans Times. . . , . - "I see the scientist are looking for the germ that causes the love of money." "Oear dear, what would become of the magnates If they should find the germ de stroyer?" ClevelandPUlnPealer.., ,- lJ "Why, all my money's gone!" " "Yes, I took it. dear." "What under iieavens did you do that for?" "Why, I knsw you wouldn't let me have it if I asked you. Brooklyn life, "It is a great mistake, Mabel, to trifle with the affections of a man who loves you by encouraging someone else." "Well, he's a little slow, auntie. I think he needs a pacemaker." Puck. "The Idea of calling him a "real estate conveyancer." " "What's the matter with that?" "Why. the man Is merely the driver of a dump cart." "Well, a dump cart la a conveyance for transporting real estate, isn't It?" Phila delphia, f res. THE PLOWMIX. 8. B. Klser In the Record-He raid. With sturdy hands the plowman holds The handles of his plow; HI trousers hang In baggy folds. And furrow roars: ma orow; But with the hope that tolling brings He labors on, out there, Where nature's putting on tfcei things mat neipa iv uw uw mm The plowman's shoulders droop, his eyes Have no exultant Bra, Perhaps for something higher. He scrapes the damp earth from his boots, AnA than inM tilnAtllnaT All And now and then bumps into roots That Jar him pro and con. - The plowman does not (rot beeause Some stock has had a slump, But, gripping- hard, be sets his Jaw And runs against a stump, Or worries till the rein is tree From 'neath the rray mare's) tall. -Or turns a little while to ao The chipmunk on the rail. The smell of burning wood floats by Upon the tranquil air; The crow sits with a watchful eye,, O'erlooklng thing out there. The plowman scent the aweet, fresh earOr He murmur, "Gee. there. Fan!" And tolls away for all he's worth To feed his fellow-man. There, with the hope that tolling brings. The plowman works away. And, may be, dreams of splendid things That he shall have some day; But sweetest of the Joys he knows Is that which comes to sit Within his breast when sunset shows Him that It's time to quit. rloM. Ktmp pivia? 44 4a. ' AA4m (inr." 1