Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: Till DAY, APKIL 24. 1003.
FortTjing Hii 0 i'.m Ha Wai5o' ia Bluffi
Eight of tki Tonej Murder.
Cmlr C.nor of NortavVeatera
Ideatliea Trala Check rl'oi
Person af Roger Wki
W. C. Roger, who wn arretted on aui-
plclon of being Implicated la tha murder
of Saloonkeeper Forney, la obtaining evi
dence to prove an alibi In tbe event of bla
being charged with the crime. In securing
this evidence be was assisted by County
Jailer Martin when tbe ls,tter went to Chi
cago after Andrew Thompson last week.
Rogera Insisted that on the night of tha
murder of Forney he was not in Council
Bluffs, but on a Northwestern train be
tween Chicago . and' this city.. At tba
LaOranda hotel on Wells street, Chicago,
Jailer Martin learned that a man giving
the name ot William C. Rogers. registered
there on April t and tha proprietor of tha
place atated be was positive that tba man
Rogers remained there until tbe afternoon
of the following day. when ha left, saying
he was going west on the Northwestern
train leaving Chicago at C:80 p. m., and
wjjlak arrive in Council Bluffs at 6:45
a. to'.
When Rogers waa placed under arrest the
day following the murder ot Forney there
waa found on him a conductor's check. It
baa since been learned from Conductor
Conner -of Northwestern passenger train
No. 11 that be Issued it April I to a pas
senger who bad paid en fare from Clinton
to Boone. Roger registered at the Kiel
hotel in this city early on the morning of
April 4, shortly after the arrival of the
train on which he claims to have- been a
passenger. Ha registered under the name
of Frank Parsons, Burlington, Ia.
Jailer Martin mad the investigation, in
Chicago at the request ot Rogera and he
found everything as Rogers atated to him
Asserts Weatcra " Ordinance to Be
Daalleat af Oao Sabwiltted
by Hlsa.
The decision of tha committee of the
whole of the city council to have the ordi
nance for an Independent telephone system
drawn up In the nam of the Western Iowa
Independent Telephone,' Telegraph and
Terminal company ha brought forth a re
monstrance from the Pottawattamie Mutual
Telephone company. Fred R. Davis of the
Pottawattamie Mutual company and a mem
ber ot tbe executive committee of the Com
mercial club, has publicly announced that
hla company will take the matter Into
court before It will permit the city council
to give the franchise to the company or
ganised by T. D. Metcalf and Dr. Macrae, Jr.
Mr. Davis Insist that the. ordinance de
cided upon by. tba committee' of tbe whole
I to all Intent and purpose an exact
copy ot the ordinance which the Pottawat
tamie Mutual company submitted to tbt
council and asked for Ita passage. To now
turn round and approve such an ordinance
In favor of the Weatern Iowa company and
against tbe Pottawattamie Mutual coml
pany, Mr. Davl claim, I not fair play.
Mr. Davl and other Interested In the
Pottawattamie Mutual company, which ha
not yet been incorporated, allege that the
Western Iowa and the Council Bluffs Inde
pendent companies bave formed combina
tion 'In order to secure the franchise n1
freeie out the Pottawattamie Mutual. The
Council Bluff Independent company ta the
one organised by H. H. Van Brunt, Attor
ney Emmet Tlnley and others.
Dr. Macrae and Mr. Metcalf denied yes
terday that their company had formed any
combination with 'tba Van Brunt company.
They "aid they were making their own
campaign ana had no Intention of forming
any combination..
Mr. Metcalf and Dr. Macrae said tbey had
no fear ot the Pottawattamie Mutual com
pany appealing to 'the- courts. The city
council, they said, bad given them tbe ordi
nance and they believed it would be ap
proved by the citltaa at special election.
Member of the Council Bluff Independ
ent company also denied that any combina
tion bad been effected or even talked of
between It and tbe Macrae-Metcalf com
pany. . .
N. Y. Plumbing Co., Tel. 8S0. Night. F667.
Matters la District Coart.
Everett A. Fry filed In the district court
yesterday a motion for a change of place
of trial ot the suit for' dlrorc brought
agalnat him by ala wife, Rebecca Fry. In
support of the motion Fry allege that be
cause Judge Wheeler of the district court
mmm ml Am tlm. attnrn.v for a farmer wife
of hi. In an actio, for divorce from h.m. he
wuuiu (frrjuuivcij maiui uiiu inn u.
would be unable to obtain a fair trial. The
ess had been set tor trial at this term ot
Tbe will of Mra. A. E. Wblttakar. who
died a few day age at her horn on Wash
ington avenue, has been filed for probate.
Her estate, which la said to be large, s
left to her daughter, Mra, Julia Martha
Ban ford, and th two children of her son.
W. Wblttakar. Th daughter, Mr. San
ford, ha not been heard from by her rel
atives here (or fifteen yeara. and a search
for her la now being eonductsd by Mrs.
Rlshton and Miss Naomi Dewey, sisters ot
Mr. Wblttaksr. Wbea laat heard from
Mrs. Sanford and busbsnd. Joseph Sanford,
were living la El Paao, Tex. , Tbat was
fifteen yeara ago, and the laat word from
Mrs. Sanford wa that ahe and her hue
bead were preparing to move to South
America, Eh promised to writ and tell
her mother wbea they reached their new
home, but th letter never cam. On her
deathbed Mr. Whlttaker exacted a prom
ise from her sisters. Mrs. Rlshton and Miss
Dewey, that they would do everything In
their power to find Mrs. Sanford.
rwrnfrng and heating. - Blxby Son,
Marriage Lteeasea.
License to wed were Issued yesterday
to tbe following:
Nam and Residence. Ace.
Earl R. Hlawson, Lincoln, Kb 31
Edith E. Whllock. Lincoln. Neb .- 22
Oeorge Perdue. Malvern, la , r
Alice Parr, Omaha 23
H. P. Nelsen. Craig. Neb tt
Severlne Petersen, Fort Calhoun, Neb.... 19
' Retail Merebaato OraraaJae.
The I stall merchants ot Council Bluff
kv takea th preliminary etep toward
organising a Merchant' Frotectlv". associa
tion. Thsy eipect to perfect the organ
isation wlthla a few day and It ts believed
. CeuacU bluffs.
88 Peart 9.
'Phoa I
by the organiser that nearly all of tbe
retail merchant of the city will become
members. Tbe purpose of the organisation
Is to resist demands ot their employe when
considered unreasonable. One of the mer
chants, who has taken a prominent part In
effecting tba organisation, stated that the
formation of labor unions among the em
ployes of the retail business bouses mad
such an organisation ot tha employers al
most Imperative.
Rensalas of Caarrhes Arrive.
The bodies of. Mr. and Mr. John Church
arrived in Council Bluffs yesterday after
noon and were taken direct from tbe depot
to the residence of Mr.' and Mrs. Matthew
Foster, parent of Mr. Church, at 1300
Fifth avenue. The bodiea were accompanied
by Mra. Norman Church, mother of John
The funeral will be held tbla afternoon
at 1 o'clock from the Fifth Avenu Meth
odist church. The services will be con
ducted by Rev. J. W. Abel, the pastor, as
sisted by Rev. W. A. Cable of Malvern, la.,
It former pastor of the Fifth Avenue church.
Interment will be in tbe Foster family lot
In Prospect Hill cemetery, Omaha.
Game Works Only Once.
A man giving tbe name of James Monroe
nd who was recognised as the thief who
entered the residence of C. R. Cornellu at
602 South Seventh on the evening of April
H and atole two ling, on with a diamond
letting, waa arrested yesterday afternoon
by former Deputy Sheriff Canning. Monroe
tried to get Into the residence of R. Mullls. '
claiming he wa in search ot food. Neigh
bors who saw the man recognised him aa
the fellow who entered the Cornelius borne
and gave the alarm. Mr. Canning hap
pened to be in the neighborhood and the
man wa pointed out to blm.
Real Estate Traasfers.
Theae transfers were filed yesterday in
the abstract, title and loan office of J
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Verllnda A. Bull to William II. Brown,
lot . block 3, and lot , block 18.
Everett' add, a w d ....I
Frank Peterson and wife to Joseph
F. Boggs, lot 1 block 32, Howard a
add, w d
Henry H. OberholUer and wife to
Joseph F. Boggs. lots 1 and 2. block
32, Howard's add, q c d
Charles J. Pierce and wife to Emsna
V. Pierce, lots 17 and 18, block 43.
Ferry add, w d
Oeorge F. McMacken and wife to
Francle Dunn, undfe nlOO feet wJ6
feet lot i, block 7, Baylies' 1st
add., d
Francis Dunn and wlfs to Thomas E.
Curran, same, d
County treasurer to John Farrell, lot
14, block 14. 'Mullln's sub. t d
County treasurer to John Farrell, lot
4, block 21, Bryant Clark's sub, t d
A. C. Petersen and wife to Warren
Lewis, lot 11. block 11, Crawford's
add, w d
John Fraoer, sr., to Clara A. Fraser,
ntt lot 16 and aV lot 1, block I, Wal
nut, w d
Carl F. Tledt and wife to Katharine
Wolf, lots 7 and I, block 1, Mar
quardt's sub, Avoca, w d
Carl F. Tledt and wife to Johannes -Paaach.
lots and 10, block 1. Mar
quardt'a sub, Avoca, w d ,.'
Charles H. Uffelman and wife to Wll-
. llam H. Schllllna. n lot 9. block s.
Avoca. and iota A and V in iw ne"4
14-77-w, w d i.......
O. W. Stab! and wife to M. J.Xald-
Weil. Int 17. Mt.hl'. mAA
William C. Clifton to Frank E. Clif
. ton. lot . block 6, Burke add. w. d.
Laura Fllcklnger to F. J. Day, lot 1,
block 19 Bryant Clark' sub, w d
Laura Fllcklnger to F. J. Day, lot .
block 19. Bryan t A dark'. . A
Agree Folsom to Hock ford township.
v. ii acre in sw
Horace E. Qoul
e. 71 acre In swu seu 23-77-44, s w d.
d to Mar.lYet I.. Vfn.
Gee. wu wV eV, ne" swU 14-76-14.
exceDt .168 feet. w A.
. 60
O. P. Hanaen to Horace E. Oouldi
lot S, block 8, Howard a add, q c d..
Frank W. Hall and wlfs to T. H. and
Annie Evans, part out lot 2, Myn
eter's add, and part lot , Auditor'
sjb of lota 4 and 6, block 2, Williams
sub, w d ,
F. C. Lougee and wife to William It!
Scheef, lot , block 35,. Beers' aub
w d
South Branch Elevator company" of
Avoca to 8. 8. Rust, lots 2 to 7,
block 18, and lots 10 to 13, block 7.
Oakland, w d
Twenty-three transfers, total.
National Roofing Co., 1M Main Street.
Dvls sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets, ;- -
Eapert watch repairing. Leftert. 4C B'y.
Calibrated Mts beer on tap. Neumsyer.
Cabinet photo. X'jC per dosen. 308 B way.
Ftture. frnU C. E. Alexander & Co..
33 broad a v. Tel. . . ; ln " P"rt of the city for
sal. Tboma E. Caaady, 236 Pearl street.
G0,0 ,Pper bottom wash boiler, 83c. at
A. B. Howe's, Jltf Broadway.
Wanted, man with team to do Job of sod
ding. Inquire at Bee office. Council Bluffs.
Unity hebekah lodge will hold a "Milk
maids Convention' (Saturday evening at
Odd Fellows' Temple.
Before papering your room we want to
show you cur elegant 19U8 designs. C. II.
Paint, Oil and Glass company.
C. O. Ouren took out a permit yeaterday
for thi erection ot a two-.tory rame dwell
ing on O.en avenue, to con J (km.
Mra. Flora B. Marks will entertain the
Slt'rS: taU
H. P. Nelsen of Crate. Neb., and nvrin.
Petersen orr'crt Caihoun. Nb., were mar
ried In this cuy yesterday aiternoon Dy
Justice Ouren.
Three cases of measles were reported Al
teram y: Leo Unger. i23 Bouth fcevcntj
street; Groat TO East Perce street;
Mrs. Mary Johnson, living at 1061
vahlng ton avenue, was reported to th. to do a "mercantile" business at Cleve
?rolM capital. ,10,000; by F. P. vlZ.
..f1!."'' R Herman arrived from Detroit,
Mich., yesterday for a few days" visit with
his family. Mr. Hannan suite. h is still
planning on organising another bank in
Council Bluffs.
The remans of Andrew Strain, who del
at Mercy hospital from injuries received
by being struck toy a paseenger train near
Klverton, were shipped yeaterday to River
Bious, at ths request ot re stives.
The funeral of Louis Wehrhan will be
heid this morning at 10 o'clock from the
residence of his daughter. Mrs. A. V Den
nis, l&it blxth avenue, Instead of In tne
afternoon, as previously announced In
terment will be in Walnut cemetery.
All mrmbera of Bluffs company, Uniform
Rank. Kn.ghts of Pythias, ar. requested to
be present at the meeting tonight in
Hughes hall, a the matter of entertain-
ing tne unitora nana at the time of tne
encampment m tni. city next August will
com. u.j for discussion and action
The funeral of Mra. Anna Brandt, w'le
of Jurg.n Brandt, was held yesterday aft
ernoon In the Plumer aettWment. wh re
deceased had resided for over lorty year.
Services were held ln the German Ljtr.eraii
i hurt h, conducted by Kev. C. lloff. 'Burial
waa In the settlement cemetery and the
funeral cortege was the largeat seen in
that part of the country for many yejr.
Webster City Girl Elan with a
altar la Wheat They
WRBSTBR CITY. la.. April 23. (Special
Telegram. ) Florence Perry, aged 17 years,
aad Isaac Gate, a farm band, eloped last
nignt irom the girls bom east of
city. There I no clue.
Tbe Terrys. who ar prominent people,
had forbiddc Oata t call at thatr home.
He worked upon aa adjoining farm.
T a teei A (free on Thcmpioa of OLio, bit
Doubt Whetter Ho W.ll Accept
Dru Moines Presbytery Resolves fcy
Practically laanlwiooe Vote la
Favor of Revision of
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE3 MOINES. Ia., April 2i. (Special.)
Menjbere of the board of trustees of the
Iowa 8tate college held an Informal meet
ing hera and steps were taken to find out
whether or not It would be possible to In
duce President Thompson ot the Ohio State
college at Columbus to accept the presi
dency of the Iowa State college at Ames.
The committee on presidency of the board
of trustees has been making an Investiga
tion of President Thompson and member
have reached tha conclusion that he Is the
right man for the head of the Iowa college
and the only question is whether or not he
could be Induced to come to Iowa. He has
been at the head of the co'lege at Columbus
only a few yeara, succeeding Dr. Canfleld,
but has made a great reputation aa an ed
ucator. Tbe committee has not been able
to agree on anyone as yet and at present
the nejotiations are confined to President
Thompson. Some of the trustees are In
favor ot the selection ot Dr. A. B. Storms
ot this city as president at Ames. He Is
a finely educated man, a great speaker
nd familiar with university work, but he
haa not yet given consent to the use of his
name. The effort to secure tbe election of
Prof. Curtlss have not been relaxed, and
his friends believe he will yet be the presi
dent of tbe college.
To Receive the President.
Arrangements have all been completed for
the reception to the president at Des Moines
next Tuesday. He will bave a drive ot six
miles through the city and wilt then speak
from a stand erected west of the state
capttol, where many thousands can see him.
A large number of carriages bsve been
secured for those who would ride with the
president on the journey about the city,
! and eltv nfnrtat. mnA rn.tnh.ri rtf th. mm -
mlttee on arrangements will occupy the
carriages with the presidential party. Gov
ernor Cummin and Mayor Brenton will
ride In - the carriage with the president.
Governor Cummins will go to Shenandoah
on a special train to meet the presidential
party In his official capacity and welcome
him to the atate. He will accompany the
party all through the state, hi special
train traveling just ahead of the president's
Mine Warkere Move OfHces.
The headquarter of the United Mine
Worker for Iowa and Missouri have been
moved from Albla to Oskaloosa, where a
suite of office ha been secured. The
president and secretary of the district ar
located there and bave moved their fam
ine from Albla. This I In accordance
with the orders adopted at the last meet
ing of the district convention. t
Presbytery ta (or Revision.-
Th De Molne presbytery. In session
here, tods voted In favor of revision 'of
the creed of the church and approved all
of the overture from th general assem
bly submitted at this time. Tbe matter
provoked only a small amount of discus
si on and the vote wa overwhelming for
change In the creed. Rev. W. H. Ilsley
of Leon was moderator.
Deasjhter af Rerolatloa.
The annual meeting of tbe state organiza
tion of tbe Daughter of th Revolution
Just closed In Mount Pleasant with th
election of the following officers: Regent,
Miss Penn, Mount Pleasant; vice regent
Miss Anna Bowman, Waverly; recording
secretary, Mia Mary Hawkina, Mount
Pleasant; registrar, Mrs. John Knotts, Jr..
Waverly; treasurer, Mr. J. T. Coolldge,
Waterloo; historian, Mrs. John Breadr, Du
buque; librarian, Mrs. Bates, Waterloo;
law council, elected for two yeara. Mr.
Claig, Allison; Mrs. O. D. Gibson, Waverly;
Miss Allc Comsteck, Mount Pleasant.
Pharmacy Commission Reoraraalse.
The State Pharmacy commission reorgan
ised today for the next year. The old board
held session and prepared a report and
took account of materials on hand, after
which W. L. Leland of Hawarden, the re
tiring member, stspped out and Fred B.
Russell of Rockwell City was sworn In as
the new member. On reorganisation N. T.
Hendrlx of Columbus Junction waa elected
president to succeed Leland and Fletcher
Howard of Des Moines waa elected vice
president. Charlea W. Phillips of Jackson
county will be re-elected secretary next
month. W. J. Gruener of Des Moines is a
candidate for the position of secretary, but
it la understood that the board ia favorable
to the re-election of PhliJIps. who has at
tended to th work faithfully for aeveral
New Corporations.
The articles of Incorporation of the
Welch-Cook company of Cedir Papids, a
manufacturing company, were filed with the
secretary of state today. The capital stock
Is 1200,000, and the incorporators are W. G.
Dowe. A. M. Welch. N. M. Hubbard. Jr.,
and others.
The Young Men' Mercantile and Pro.
: association of Iowa haa Incorporated
L. Brown and other.
The Red Oak Base Ball club ha incor
porated with $3,000 capital.
W. Buchols ft Son of Green incorporated
with $40,000 capital.
Illinois Central Reports.
Th annual report of the Dubuque A
Sioux City railroad (Illinois Central) wa
filed with th secretary of th stats ex
ecutive council yeeterday. The report
shows that the entire system, which Is en
tirely In Iowa, except a half dozen miles in
South Dakota, earned last year a total ot
J,(l.Si.l. tbat the operating expenses
were $3,843,089.27, the net earnings $374,.
739.(7, or n net earning of $312.82. The
main line from Duhunue tn mn... n- .
, ,.,,. ,k. ,... n-.n. r.. .... . '
wiuiu, i. me oni
portion of th system which showed nroflta
uunug me year.
Floor Mill at Tharman Bara.
THVKMAN. Ia.. April 23. (Special.) Th
flouring mill her were completely de
troyaa by lira yesterday afternoon. Leas
JO,oov. Insurance $6,000.
Mrs. Catherine
Mrs. Catherine Robertson Kuhn died yes
terday noon at Tarklo. Mo. Mra. Kuha wa
an eld realdent of Omaha and waa one of
th charter member of the First Presby
terian church of this city. She is ths
mother ef N. A. Kuhn. druggist, and of
Mrs. C. K Woodworth. both of tbl city.
and wldoa- of th tat Dr. J. N. Kuha. Th
body will be brought to tbl city for Inter
ment, arriving her som time Sunday.
Definite arrangements tflve not yet be
made for the funeral, but due notir will
be given later. ;'
Mra. P. R. Alderman.
WEST POINT. Neb., April 21 (Special.)
Newa waa received In tbla city toJay of
the death of Mrs. F. B. Alderman at Boul
der. Colo. The deceased was the wife of
Hon. F. B. Aldermen, ex-representative
from Cuming sod Thurston counties antf
late deputy oil inspector under Governor
Dietrich. Deceased wa it year of age
and widely known for her charitable char
acter, being a woman full of good work.
She leaves a husband and grown on. The
cause of death wa consumption.
Coloae! Joseph Kyle Rickey.
NEW YORK. April II Colonel Joseph
Kyle Rickey, ssld to b tbe originator ot
tbe famous drink known a "01 n Rickey,"
died suddenly today- 'He wa formerly
resident ot 8t. Louis. A coroner who w
called in mad a statement that the cause
of death was heart disease.
(Contlneed from First Page.)
immediately grahbed him an pushed hi in
out ot the hill before he had n chance to
end the message to the . speakers desk.
On motion ot Mr. Trautman, Representa
tive Knolle was made' clerk pro tern.
Speaker Allen then ordered a roll call to
see whether a quorum wa present, and
Mr. Gallagher refused to answer.
"This house is not. in regular session,"
yelled Mr. Gallagher above th tumult, "and
I do not want to be recorded na being
The house responded with a yell, raising
so much uproar that It waa Impossible to
hear the clerk. The spesker accordingly
sppolnted Messrs. Cummlnt;s and Deady
as sergeants-at-arms .to clear tbe aisles
and preserve order.'
Finally the roll cal( was completed and
showed ninety-seven members present.
Mr. Sherman declared that ninety-seven
members constituted a constitutional ma
jority and that tha rule of the house or
ganization were in force. He held that
the house waa not destroyed by the abdica
tion or withdrawal of lta regular presiding
officer. "He might die," said Mr. Sher
man, "and for parliamentary purpose la
this house he 1 dead."
Lladley BUI la Recalled.
After aome further parliamentary ques
tions had been disposed Of, the Llndley
Municipal Ownership bill was recalled from
third reading, to which It had been sent by
tbe regular organisation ot th bouss A
short time before. '
Mr. Tlce then offered section by section
the Mueller bill a a substitute for the
Llndley bill. Section 1 was adopted, yea
89, nay 2, aad section 2 by 86 to 1
Tbe succeeding sections -were adopted
without division.
On thi disposal of the question arose as
to what the house should do next, Mr
Sherman precipitating the discussion.
"The presiding ' officer at the present
time," said he, "I temporary and occupies
th chair only during th abaence of tbe
speaker, who has been elected In th teg
ular manner. ' When the gentlemen come
In to have the permanent organisation, let
them do whatever they think I proper."
Mr. Rinaker then offered a resolution:
That until the house records shall show
a reconsideration . of h action of tbl
house on the Llndley bill, and shall show
the adoption of this resolution, and thi
house Shall be aseored of the continuous
observance durlnanthe remalnderr.of this
session of tbe constitutional, right to a roll
call on questions and the dae consideration
of the business of--this house, that no fur
ther vote be caat-tbn any bill without a
permanent reoranatlon. of tla house.
Tbe resolution was'adopted. ,.
Speaker .Tf,ea jtke Chair.
At 1:36 Speaaerl'Mlller) with th mem
ber of th republican fefeering commit
tee, emerged from- the speaker' room ln
tbe rear of the' house. He Smilingly as
cended the rostum and as he did 'so Mr.
Allen, who was stfll occupying the chair,
extended bis band tn a friendly way.- Tbe
house applauded.' There was laughter a
the spesker brought down bis gavel -and
satd: "Tbe house will be In order."
Mr. Allen, still " Handing beside tbe
speaker, said: '-'
Mr. Speaker. I ant directed by thi bouss
to Inform you that during your abaenca
I waa elected temporary aoeaker of this
house, and that house bill 864 was recalled
from third to second reading and amended
and is now under consideration, and that
the following resolution was unanimously
adopted by ninety-seven members of this
Mr. Allen then read the Rinaker resolu
tion, and Immediately after a recess wa
ordered till 6.
During the recess it wa agreed that the
action of the bouse on th Llndley bill
should be reconsidered and that tomorrow
there should be a roll call on amendment
adopted thi morning under th gavel.
Speaker Cries Bribery.
Tonight when the house reconvened
motion to reconsider wa entered and then
postponed Until tomorrow.
Before adjournment Speaker Miller aald:
In justification of my conduct todav ln
retualna- a roll lall. which mtcht have
aeemed high-handed, but which. 1 am told,
incite a statement, one I think whlcb no
one win ODject to. '
I have been aDoroacheil at different time.
by parties who Intimated to me that I could
maae money by allowing a roil call on
what Is known a the Mueller traction bill,
or uermlttlnc its uassaae. 1 do not know
whether the parties making the statementa
were authorised to make them or not. but
the statements having been made to me and
some ot them recently tuny convinced me
that there waa something wrong with this
effort on the part of outside parties to push
tnis bin. tor this reason t denied tn roll
call and have stood llrm on this DroDosltlon
to tne limit. A majority or in nouse nav
Ing signified their desire to have a roll call
on the proposition, 1 wash my bands of the
entire matter and will permit a roll call to
be had.
Amid wild confusion, Representativs
Rinaker declared the, bouse wa entitled
to know tbe names of .the persons who had
approached the speaker. He moved the
appointment of a committee ef five to la-
vestlgats tbs matter. -tie .commute to be
appointed by Speaker Miller..
Tbe spesker promptly put tha motion
declared It carried, and th house adjourned
until tomorrow.
la Class All Aloae.
No other pills ; on ( earth veaa equal Dr,
King' New Ufa Pill for stomach, llv.r
and kidneys. No cur, no pay. 2ec. Per
sal by Kuhn A Co.
Bricklayer Retara ta Work.
INDIANAPOLIS. April 23. Th brick
lay?s on tbe new federal building returned
to work today and by tomorrow all of th
bricklayer who bar been on strike sine
April 1 will bav returned to their job,
a a result ot the signing of tbe scale
whlcb provide for SO cents an hour and
66 cent for foramen.
Pure, Pal uA Sevcrittn;. Bottle
Only at the Brewery n St. Louie.
H. May A teasaaay
Take Things
As They (gme
When you buy soda biscuit in a paper bag, take them as they
come; stale soggy spoiled.
Don't blame the baker.
Don't blame the grocer.
Don't blame anyone but yourself.
When you buy UneedO Dlscult look for the In-er-seal the
famous red and white trade-mark design that identifies the package
which keeps them fresh clean good.
Credit the baker for baking them.
Credit the grocer for keeping them.
Credit yourself for buying them.
a-g. a- m m - m n m m gaai'au iwnissii m B mr- Jfcav m
W8&' Stews
The Only Range with Hinged Top
The handy way to brofl, toaat or fix the fire.
MOORE'S STEEL RANGE has OTen Thermometer,
Automatic Controlling Damper, and every facility for
cooking with ease and certainty.' Ask to see it.
City TreMUMr Howe Qeti Busy oa tte
Delinquent Tax Lilt
Work la Being; Done la Accordance
wltb Xevr "ScsTesfer" Lw
Enacted br tbe Last
rn Tnuaurer Howe employed an extra
- iirVi vAsterdav for tbe purpose
of making up the delinquent tax list. Three
clerk ar now wonting nigais vo
fn. k. rmint treasurer by Msy 1.
The Ilt ot delinquent will lnclud the
name of thoee who owe cut ana special
t .... a. ih. treasurer's books from th
time th city commenced business will have
to be gone over. It will take tna rorce oi
extra heln nil the time allowed to com
plete the task.
This work 1 Being none in aouuru..
i.i. h. Ttrnvl.lon. nf house roll No. S52,
nassed by th last legislature. The bill I
r . . Will II 1
commonly called tne -scavenger niu. "
.nrPi th. collection of delinquent taxes
id the city treasurer her must roak a
complete report ot all aennquenciea as ou
a possible.
Estimates on tne amount oi
llnquent ln Bouth Omaha have been made
from time to time, but no treasurer ever
went to work te get figures showing the
total amount. Now that the law requires
this, the Information will aoon te rortn-
coming. The amount delinquent has Deen
estimated all th way rrora u.uw to nu.
wui T....n Hn.a aald last nlsht that
th extra force of three clerk will b 4ept
busy every dsy snd nlgnt xor a wee id
order to get at the exact figures.
When the result of this lsbor Is made
known an extraordlnara effort will be made
to collect theae delinquent taxes.
Still Mo Appointment.
hn mrm candidates for position oa
k . ,,no..A fir. and nolle board were
considerably dlssppolnted yesterday when
tbe evening papers did noi contain
names of the members of the board. The
Bee correspondent telephoned Lincoln after
the evening papers had gone to press an
In reply to aa inquiry was Informed -that
no appointments bad been made. It waa
further stated that It might be several
days before the governor would give out
the names of the five men who are to be
paid $100 a year each to act on this board.
Captain MeCallocb Issnee Ordera.
Orders were Issued today by Captain Mc
Culloch of th South Omaha cavalry troop
for two platoon to report at the troop
armory at 3:30 o'clock on Monday after
noon to proceed to Omaba and act a an
escort for President Roosevelt and party.
In anticipation of th invitation extended
to the troop tbe picked men bave gone
ovsr their equipment and bavs been drilling
nightly for the last week. Captain McCul
inti and Ma lieutenants exoect to makfc a
fin (bowing for th small number of men
permitted to participate ln tbe parade.
Klghtr-Fearth Aaalveraary.
Th eighty-fourth anniversary of the
feandlng of tbe Independent Order ot Odd
Fellows will be celebrated tonight at Odd
fellowa' rail. Rev. Dr. Robert L. Wheeler
will offer an Invocation aad act a matter
of ceremonies. A. C. Pancoaat, lira. C. L.
Talbot and E. T. Karos worth ar down on
th program tor abort addressee. Miss
Hilda Condroa and Master John 8eykora
will deliver recitations. Music and rs
fresbments will be had aad asocial meet
lag after th program 1 commuted. U. U
DAY 6t HESS, Council Bluffs
Money to loan on Real Estste;
lowest rate; funds on band.
Mortgage Investments for sale.
Call on or write tic If you bav
money to Invest, either ln mortgage,
bonds or real estate. Real property
cared for.
Email farm near city at a bargain.
DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs
lious and lot ln Council Bluff cheap.
McCoy and Adel Davl will assist In the
musical portion ot the program.
New Ma. leal Organisation.
South Omaha haa a musical organisation
which ha been little talked about, a It
ha never appeared ln public, but which ha
don aome good work. Th Amphton club
wa organised laat year by twenty ot tbe
beit vocal musician to study music under
tbe leadership of Ed P. Baker. Th plan
ha not been to give publto entertainment,
but at th earnest solicitation of th Young
Men' Cbristion association th club ha
consented to render a portion ot tha pro
gram at th May musical next week.
High School Declamatory Contest.
Th Nebraska High School Declamatory
association will hold Its annual contest at
the First Msthodlst Episcopal church,
Twenty-third and N streets, on Friday ev
ening. May 1. Prof. McLean, superintend
ent ot schools her, aubrntt the following
Piano Solo Cadenza (C. Moll).... Beethoven
Mlsa Mae Lovely.
Kev. George Van Winkle.
Ladles' Quartet Selected
Misses Myrtle and Susie Keefer, Mes
damea Hanking and Rosell.
"Th Prisoner's Plea"
Herbert Cleveland, Lexington
"Imagination agalnat Inspiration'....
Mabel Coleman, Fullerton
Violin Solo "Barber de Seville".... Roaalnl
Mr. riaipn uressey.
"The Chariot Kace"
Alice Batty, Hastings
Selection from "It I Were King"
liildra Condron. South Omaha
Vocal Solo Selected
Miss n-aun iennis.
Humorous v -
Gran pap s Hoy"
Harley Bellamy. Cambridge
Naughty Zell" May Frank, York
Her Cuban Tea"
Nellie Handley. Norfolk
Vocal Solo "The Lost Chord"
Mr. K. L. Davis.
Presentation ot medals.
Magle City Gossip.
A. E. Miller Is building a 11.000 res'dence
at Twelfth and I streets.
Edward Starr. Twenty-first and 8 atreets.
reports the birth of a son.
A daughter ha been born to Mr. and
Mra. Y. B. Hood, fc K street.
Waller Callahan of Dunlsn. Ia.. la in th.
City, the guest of Anthony King.
J. W. Christie hts gone to Dexter. Ia.. to
spend a week or two with friends.
George Brewer 1 rebulletna; the front of
th city morgue on Twenty-fifth street.
The paved street ln ths business uort'on
of the city are In bad shape ana need
A Derma nant aldewalk I. belnv laid In
front of the Lewis property at Twenty
fourth and L streets.
Adah chapter. Order of the Eastern Star.
will give the memorial work on Saturday
evening at Masonic nan.
A reception will be tendered tonight to
Colonel John 1.. Martin by members nf
Knoxall and Caai councils of the Royal
Mra. Rebecca Calhoun died yesterday at
her home. Twenty-fifth snd O streets, at
the age of M yeara. Funeral service, will
oe held on baturday.
Frank P. Andrews snd Miss Lena R
f'x krell were married by Rev. R I.
Wh.eter Thuredsy. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews
left Bwuta Omaha fur Central City, Neb
f n
Farm of S23 acre. 'I mile 8. E. ot
city at great bargain for 10 day. Tbe
Ora Clark farm. Fine house, all bot
tomland, not subject to overflow, near
station, school, etc. There 1 $10 per
acre profit ln this. Th finest farm In
the country at $65 per acre.
well and favor
ably known as ths
leading, moat reliable
and successful
They have been
many yeara In estab
Ushing their repute- .
tlon IN OMAHA for J
DEALINGS, and dally receive many let
Urs thanking them tor Cu"Jd. Pr
f acted and the great good they doing
for men. Their life work ha been de
voted, aa Specialist. In treating all dls-
DR. 6EARLES graduated at Jwo ft the
beet medical college and Is knowledge,
the best EXPERIgNftS and SKILLED
SPECIALIST )t. ti. disease he tjeata.
DR. BEARL&S' Consultation and Advlc.
are FREE, in person or by latter, and
sacredly confidential In all diseases.
Written Contracta glvsn In sll cursb's
disease of men or refund money pld
Many cases treated IS. 00 per month.
Call sr address. Cor. 14th Donates.
Treat all forms of
ft Yesrs ExperUn .
I 17 Years In Oraah
J His remarkc lu i i
.ikn cess ha. ne.r )
equaled and every day brings many flutr."
In reports of the good be 1 doing or th
relief be haa given. ' -
Hot Spring: Treatment 1or' Syphil.
And all Blood Poisons. NO "BREAKIN
OUT" on the skin or face and all extern
signs of th disease disappear at ones.
OVER 30,000 sr-deWy. U"r,
)?.,1.Uyi,.i",ntur.1 olscharg.e. Strlclur.
Oleet Kidnsy and Bladder Diseases. II
Treatment by mall. P. O. Box 7i4 OnV
ever ttt B. 14th street, between laraam ar
(Douglas streets. OMAHA. NEB.
where Mr Andrews In employed by the
Cudahy Packing company.
On Sunday next Jna Mallander will ope i
his Sarpy Mills park to the public. 1 1 e
park haa tieen nxed up In fine sha. fir.
fine ha.i fir'
t. k
out his dn7
N streets l
picnics ana eutot-aoor sp irts.
Howard Meyers has sold
tor at Twenty-stx'h and
I.eo J. Hert. Mr. Meyer, haa bee.i Iti 'h
drug Dusinasa here fur slxtean j s
Mrs. Susan Myers, aire of Isaac Mer.t
; bouth Twenty-fourth street. I ce ii
The funersi will be held at tha famMy res
idence en Saturday at 1 a. m. KA Le
euder Lan v. '.II officiate.