Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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tel. tU .
r -
Ws Clou Saturdays at I p. in.
Handkerchief Values
-Prices J 5c
Y. M C. A. Building, Corner
Opposing Lawyer Declares Temple Iron
Company Mere Trust TooL
Aathrarlte Roade BtlH Refnee to Pro.
io Papers Commerce Comfnla
eloa Demnnda Ma at
Answer ta Clrentt Coart.
, NEW YORK. April tt. The Interstate
Commerce commission today continued Its
Investigation into the complaint against
.the. antbraclto coal carrying railroads filed
by William R.-Hearst.
' When the bearing opened today counsel
for Mr. Hearst called for the contracts
between the Temple Iron company, the
Lehigh Valley, the Lackawanna and the
Reading railroads. The contracts had been
brought. Into the room by the secretary of
a trust company which held them,' but
counsel for' the railroads objected to their
introduction on the ground that the Tem
ple Iron company is not named in the com
plaint. . Counsel for complainant called first for
one dated April 10, 1899, between the Erie
railroad and the Temple Iron company by
.which, the railroad company guarantees
the stock and bonds of the Iron company.
,Judg CampbU of the Reading, objected
nd - at his suggestion Mr. Shearn called
Individually for all the papers he wanted,
.that the one objection might cover them all.
' ' Mr.' Shearn said the contracts .will show
a combination or pool of the freight agents
la vJolatloa of. the law. .. t. ,. ,
, Hny Off Independents.
'Mry Shenrn .'also .' declared that' when
Simpson and Watklns, who controlled eleven
.'collieries, mads a move to build an inde
pendent , railroad, the ' Baer systems, the
, Lehigh Valley, Delaware, Lackawanna ft
Western, New York ft Susquehanna and
Erie .combined and bought them off through
the Temple Iron company. The roads, he
declared, guaranteed the stock and bonds
of the Iron company to the extent of $5.
000,000. All the contracts were alike In
wording and executed on the same day.
"These contracts," Mr. Bhearn aald, "will
prove every material allegation In our pe
tition. The" railroads are banded together
. in a bard and fast agreement which stifles
alt competition In the coal carrying trade."
' Counsel for the railroads denied this.
Thoy declared that the. Temple Iron com
pany, was acquired by George F. Baer and
the interests friendly to him because it
owned a charter that the railroad and
mining officials needed. A representative
of the trust holding the contracts denied
the rljiht. pt the commission o Investigate
Its affalrai
-Replying to Commissioner Prouty, coun
sel for the railroads said the rates on an
thracite were not double those on bitumi
nous coal. -" '
. "I claim , that these contracts furnish
evidence of a pool In violation of the
statute," sald Mr. Shearn. "The Temple
Iron company la nothing but a sham."
- The commission Instructed the represen
tative of. the trust company to produce the
contracts.' but he refused to do so. .
According to custom, the commission will
certify .the refusal to the United 8tatea
circuit court,' which will determine whether
the contracts must be produced.
Finds Agralast
ID the Proctor and Gamble case the com
mission finds against the railroads as to
less than carloads, as follows:
The actlort of defendants in increasing the
clasMincatlon of soap In less than carloads
from fourth to third c'.uas was unreasonable
and unjust under the act to regulate' com
merce, and their subsequent .practice of
applying ft) per cent less than third class
rates on 'such traffic in also unlawful.
As to carloads of soap, the commission
feds the action of defendants In placing
scap with common grades of grocery mer
chandise In the fifth class, and refusing to
reduce soap In carloads to the sixth class,
v. as no unlawful, while other articles with
which carloads were properly compared
were retained In the fifth class.
"But," the decision adds, "this shall not
operate to preclude the commission from
holding In an appropriate proceeding that
fifth class rates In this territory are ex
cesslve." , .
.'The following railroad corporations were
represented at the hearing of this caaei
Goni3 to Hundreds of Omaha
There are) days of dlxilnese,
Spells. Of headache, sldeache, backache,
Bonietlmea rheumatic pains.
Often urinary disorders.
. All tell you plainly the kidneys are sick.
Dean's Kidneys Pills cure all kidney ilia.
' Mrs. O A. Earl of U0S South Eleventh
street says: -"Doaa's Kidney Pills cured
n-.e Of I rouble with any back which bothered
mo fyr two years. I tried different reins
r.le. but boos gave me relief until I pro
tured txtan's Kidney Pills at Kuhn ft Co.'s
drug store, corner Fifteenth and Douglas
streets. Before I took all of one box I
was relieved and la a 'short time cured
They are a grand remedy and you are at
liberty to se my name for publication.
For sale by all dealera. Price SO cents.
FostV;Mllbunt Co.. Buffalo. N. Y., sole
agvst for the U. S.
Kctnember the um, Ooaa's, and take lie
8m, April 23. IMS.
Two numbers in
women's all linen, un
laundered handkerchiefs
that are special good
valuesa little better than
is usually offered for the
price. . They are . pure
linen, hemstitched, with
rieat hand ..embroidered
initial in the corner. All
initials. "
and 25c each.
Sixteenth and Douglas Sts
Michigan Central Railroad company, Lake
Shore ft Michigan Southern Railway com
pany, Erie Railroad company, Baltimore A
Ohio Railroad company, Pennsylvania, Wa
bash, New York Central Railroad com
pany, Delaware, Lackawanna ft Western
Railroad company, Lehigh Valley Railroad
company. Southern Railway company, Nor
folk ft Western Railway company, Chess
peake ft Ohio Railway company, and Cleve
land, Cincinnati, Chicago ft St. Louis Rail
way company.
Twelfth Anmeal Meeting; of Immaaaal
DeaeoBeaa Association Bright
The twelfth annual meeting of the Im
manuel Deaconess association was held at
the Immanuel Deaconesa institution of
Omaha on Tuesday and Wednesday. A
large delegation was present from abroad,
comprising representatives of five out of
the eight conferences of the Augustana
synod, vis.: Rev. 8. P. A. Llndahl, D. D.,
of the Illinois conference. Rev. L. A.
Hocauzon of the Minnesota conference,
Rev. M. P. Oden, D. D., of the Kansas con
ference. Rev. J. E. Rydbeck, Rev. S. E.
Ternberg and Rev. A. Ounberg and Consul
O. N. Swan of the Iowa conference and
Rev. P. N. Bwanberg and Rev.' J. Torell
of the Nebraska conference.
A very encouraging report was read by,
the superintendent of the institution. Rev.
E. A. Fogelstrom, setting forth that the
deaconess' work is better known today
than ever before and that the synod has
taken preliminary steps toward receiving
the Institution as a branch of Its evangelis
ing work. ' The report of the treasurer
showed a total income of something over
$20,000 and mentioned the generous gift' of
an unnamed donator In Omaha, . of, $1,000
for an elevator In the hospital. The ele
vator Is how put in and proves to be a
source of great convenience to patients,
nurses and visitors.
These were re-elected memhers of the
board of directors for three years: Rev.
P. A. Llndahl. D. D., of Rock Island,
111. ; Rev. F. N. Bwanberg of Oakland, Neb.,
and Rev. P. M. Lindberg. Mr. 8. V. Quotat
son and Mra. J. F. Helln of Omaha.,.
Plans and specifications for a new boiler
house and additions to the hospital were
laid before the meeting and It was unani
mously decided that auch improvements
should be made this summer as are required
to maintain the high standard of Immanuel
hospital. To attend to this matter a com
mittee on Improvements was elected con
sisting of Rev. E. A. Fogelstrom, Rev. F.
N. Swsnberg, Mr. Alfred Bloom, Mr. P. E.
Flodman, Mr. T. O. Nortbwall, Rev. 4.
Torell and Mr. Charles Olson.
Rev. F. N. Bwanberg was elected solici
tor and commended to all friends of Im
manuel hospital.
The annual report of the house physlolan
was read by Dr. P. B. James, showing that
successful work bed been done.i
A resolution of thanka was adopted for
Dr. James, who Is about to leave the hos
pital, to be succeeded by Dr. Walker.
Misses Betty Hanson and Elisabeth An
derson were ordained deaconesses, with
Impressive ceremonies. In accordance with
the custom of the Evangelical Lutheran
church. The Institution now has nineteen
ordained deaconesses, the total number of
slaters being thirty. The direct manage
ment of the deaconess home is conducted
by the house mother,;, S(ster Superior
Martha 8oderbaum,"who 'four years" ago
was sent here by the Motherhouse of
Deaconesses at Stockholm, Sweden.'
KMS ' ' , 1
Opportunities Will Be Given to Eater
the CnatoanV Employ af
Carle Sam.J"
The United States Civil Service commis
sion has announced two important exam
inations to be held in Omaha, .one for
clerks and carriers for- the South Omaha
postofflce May IS, and .the . other first; sec
ond and third grade examinations, for the
filling of. various positions in the customs
service, May 23. . ".'.
The age limit tor the latter Is 20 years
or over. From the ellglbles'rssultlng from
the first grsde examination It Is -expected
that certification will be mads to the posi
tion of clerk, class I, fn the customs
service at Omaha, at a salary of $1.MQ per
annum, and to ether similar 'vacancies aa
they may occur at that place. ' Thla exam
ination is open to all cltlxens of the United
Statea who comply with the requirements.
Competitors will he Tated without regard
to any consideration other than the qualifi
cations shown in their examination papers,
and ellglbles will be certified strictly in
accordance with the civil service law and
Peraons who desire to compete should at
onoe apply to the secretary of the local
board of examiners at the poatofflce at
Omaha for application form 101 and form
117, "Instructions to Applicants for tbe
Customs Service." The application should
bs properly executed and filed with the
secretary at Omaha prior to the hour of
closing business on May 17. "'
What Folia twist
Pneumonia often, but never when Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption Is
used. It cures colds an grips. 40c. $1.
Foe aals by Kuhn ft Co.
Uaeata at tbe Theater.
Lent night memlx-r of Mount Calvary
commander)' No. 1. Knights Templar of Ne
braska, had aa their guests a. number of
knights from over the state, who are in
Omaha to attend tha meeting of th grand
comngandery, which meats here. A theater
party waa organised and jamt ninety of
the local knlghta and their gueete attended
the Boyd, where thay sew the erf trtnance
of "The Carpetbagger," by Mr. Tim Mur
f hy and his oomaay.
Fires Ons Shot in Frk, Almost Loiing Eye
- Through Defective Weapon
eee aad gtodles Birds aad Beasts,
Only Fladlns; One Species He
Did Rot Know Before Bar
r oaths Showed It. '
CINNABAR, Mont., April 23.--PresIdent
Roosevelt's vacation Is at an 'end. Hs
greeted the members of bis party and a
large number of people at the Mammoth
Springs hotel In Yellowstone park today
and tomorrow will resume his tour. '
The president, who arrived at;Tort Yel
lowstone yesterday. Is the picture of health.
His eye is bright and his face bronzed.
Word had gone forth, several .days ago
that he would meet tbe people In the park,
and when he arrived at the Mammoth Hot
Springs hotel, where the reception was
held, he found a couple of hundred men
and women there to greet htm. The pres
ident addressed them briefly, speaking of
tbe good time ha had had during the past
two weeka, and then shook hands with each
one. He spent tbe rest of the day In In
specting the post and riding horseback with
Major Pitcher.
Will Lay Stone Today.
Before starting tomorrow he will partici
pate In laying the cornerstone of the new
gate at the north entrance to the park.
The president spent most of hla time In
atudylng the habits of the different species
of game. He lay for hours near a herd of
elk or mountain goats and frequently walked
eight or ten miles to observe them. He
also studied bird life with Mr. Burroughs
and showed himself particularly well posted
on the subject. Mr. Burroughs was able to
show him but one bird with which he was
not acquainted, namely, the solitaire.
The president's camp equipment was
composed of two Sibley tents and another
tent, with board floors, and while every
thing was simple It was quite comfortable.
Tbe party accompanying him was a small
one, consisting of Major Pitcher, Mr. Bur
roughs, a couple of orderlies and two
cooks. There also was a small force of
men to man the packwagon.
An amusing Incident occurred during the
visit to Oeyserland. The president and
Mr. Burroughs were on skis racing down
hill. The snow was soft and Mr. Burroughs,
who had never used a ski, soon found him
self with his head in the snow and his feet
in the air. He had hardly struggled' to
his feet when the president repeated the
performance. Neither - one was hurt, but
Major Pitcher secured excellent photo
graphs of the catastrophe, which he has
promised to have developed.
The party was fortunate In running
across game. Thousands of elk and deer
and a number of mountain sheep and goats
were encountered, and Mr. Burrougha also
saw many strange birds, and the latter Is
quite enthusiastic over some of the feath
ered tribe that Inhabit the park.
Empty Shell Draws Blood.
While no accident occurred, the president
had a number of narrow escapes. - One day
he fired a new revolver at a tree. The
weapon was .defective and the empty shell
flew back and struck him on the cheek,
drawing blood. If It had struck a lit'
tie higher- it would have Injured if not
blinded one eye. 'This was -the only time
the- president used' a firearm 'during hit
tour of the park. s ... .
Tbe first three days In camp the weather
was extremely cold and the president was
compelled to break the ice in hla bucket
before washing.
Pitcher Keeps Diary.'
Major Pitcher kept a diary,, which gives
an Idea of how the president spent his days.
It follows:
April 8 Left the post at f a. m. and ar
rived at the camp on Yellowstone river
about 1:80 p. m. At night a large fire was
lighted near the president's tent and alter
dinner the party sat around It and told
hunting stories until bedtime. This was al
most a nightly performance.
April 10. Before starting out the presi
dent announced that he would under no
circumstances Are a shot In the park, even
If tempted to do so by a mountain lion up a
tree, lest he should vlve people ground for
criticism. Rode up the river aa far as Hell
Roaring. Saw a number of deer and elk
and also saw nn eagle attack a band of
elk. Had lunch on Hell Roaring creek,
consisting of hardtack and sardines.
April lL Rode about twemy-four miles
and got In among a band of nearly 2,000 elk.
One band followed the party for over a
mile. ,
April 12. As this was Sunday, the presi
dent decided that he would take a walk
alone. He tramped about twenty miles, and
spent the time among the elk.
April 13. Started for camp on Slew creek.
Roue slowly and watched the game. Much
snow was encountered and 81. creek was
entirely froxeu over, so could do no fishing.
April 14. Out looking for game. Found
large herd of elk and the president took
Mr. Buuroughs among them. Arrived at
Tower Creek Falls camp tt 1 p. in.
April IS. President look long walk alone
and saw some mountain sheep.
April 16. Broke camp St Tower Falls and
returned to Fort Yellowstone. Much game
was encountered.
April 17. Left Fort Yellowstone for Nor
rle basin. A Modern Gate the horses were
abandoned for sleighs and though the snow
was four or five feet deep. th trip was
made without trouble. Stopped for' the
night at Norrls hotel.
April 18. Breakfast at t and a start made
for Fountain, twenty miles distant. , Ar
rived there at 1 p. m. Snow deep, but hard
enough to bear the party. President spent
afternoon among the geysers.
April 19. Sunday Visl:ed upper geyser
basin and saw Old Faithful play.
April 20. Rode to Norrls.
April 21. Started for Canyon at 7 a.- m.
Snow deep and soft In places, but got
through with little difficulty. Visited Can
yon on skis. President showed skill on
snowshoea and Mr. Burroughs proved him
self an apt scholar. . .
April 22. Breakfast la. m ; left at I a.
m. for poet, which was reached at 1 p. m.
Renests War Department to Probe
Allegation that He Maltreated
. ' . Filipinos, .
WASHINGTON, April 23. Brigadier Gen
eral Frederick Funston has asked for a
court of inquiry Into the allegations that
he was guilty of cruelty toward the Fili
pinos while In command ' of a brigade in
the Philippines.
It Is probable his request will be refused
by Secretary Root, who has had the charges
Investigated and thinks they do not war
rant a court of inquiry.
Secretary Root has received a reply from
General Baldwin In response to the War
department's Inquiry regarding tbe recent
published interview with that officer, In
which he Is alleged to have cast reflections
upon colored and Filipino soldiers. Tha
reply will not be made publio until Colonel
Mills, who was sent to Denver to Investi
gate, makes bis report.
Hardware Merehaat Tells at Coaversa.
tloa la Wltneas t hair (a tha
Howard Trial.
FRANKFORT. Ky., April 23. Ia .. the
Howard trial today John Mastln, a local
hardware merchant, told of Youtsey and
Dr. Johnson coming to his store ten days
before tbe shooting and trying to buy a
Mauser rifle. Mastln said he declined to
sell, as he had heard much talk of killing
aad suspected that It might be need for
that purpose. j "
Youtsey offered to return the gun and sell
It back to the wltaees at hut own )rloe la
a few days, but witness still refused and
Youtsey told him not to mention their con
versation to anyone.
F. M. Moore of Madison county swors he
wae In the Board of Trade hotel talking to
James Howard and Robinson when It was
announced Goebnl had beed shot. Witness
hsd Just met Howard.
Iadlana Woman Aaka Coart for Cash
Stopped by ' 'Abase of
LAFAYETTE. Ind., April 23. Mrs. Helen
O. M. Cougar has tiled August H. Weir,
chslrman of tha people's Independent party
of Nebraska, and his- committee, for $450,
which she' claims Tor making six campaign
apeeches and for preparing pamphlet on
"The People and Trusts." '
Tbe suit has been pending for home time
In tbe Lincoln courts'. Mrs. Oougar made
speeches during the' McKlnley-Bryan cam
paign and the defense, according to local
attorneys for the committee. Is that she
has been-eufflclently paid, inasmuch as by
her alleged violent abuse of McKlnley she
hurt the cause of the party she espoused.
New York Eradicate' Slake a Proposl.
ties ta tha City of
PITTSBURG. Pa.. April 23. W. A. Shoe
maker, representing a Mew York syndicate.
Is in Pittsburg with a. proposition to lease
the water works of this city for a term of
fifty years. Mr. Shoemaker says $2,000,
000 Is back of the enterprise.
It Is proposed to provide Pittsburg with
Altered water, install ' meters and to pay
the city at least $600,00 a year for operat
ing the water system. : '
The city will be given an option to take
back the plant at the ' end of ten years
If the service Is not satisfactory to the
John Loiar, a Clnelnnnatt Million
aire, Meets with a Vlo
- lent Death.
CINCINNATI. April 23. J. H. Lohmer,
aged 86, a prominent capitalist, was found
dead on the ground in tbe rear of his home,
332 Broadway, this morning, where he had
evidently fallen from the second story
Mr. Lohmer's estate la estimated at
$5,000,000. He had been, for some years
unable to attend to business. .'
Croeans Dae ta Leave for England
' oa Steamer Cedrlo
NEW YORK,; April 23. It Is understood
that J. P. Morgan haa engaged passage on
Cedrlc, which leaves far Europe tomorrow.
John W. Gates will sail for Europe on
May a. i it - .
Small Flrej at Osmond, .
OSMOND,' Neh.T April 23. Speclal Tele
gram.) Fire this' afternoon did $500 worth
of damage to- the' residence? of B. B. Reoord.
Prompt, work by-' th .'firemen saved It from
entire destruction J...-' '"'
r ". i
Bolla, Sores; avnd. Felons . .
Find prompt, sure cure in Bucklen's
Arnica Salve, . also ecsema, salt rheum,
burns, bruises and piles, or no pay. 25c
For sale by Kuhn ft Co.
' Dlaelpllalna; Colnmbos.
CHICAGO, April ?3.-Columbus Is still a
member of the American association, but
Shortstop Cllngman. the cause of the pres
ent controversy in the league, will be com
pelled to take a vacation. This action was
taken at a special meeting here ton.ght of
the members of the league. Another meet
ing will be held in Indianapolis Friday, in
which J. H. Brlce of Columbus haa been or
dered to meet the representatives of the
association and present his case. Br ce has
been warned to keep Cllngman out of the
game until the case has been settled. Cllng
man Is claimed by both Milwaukee nnd
Columbus. ' President Hlckey ordfrel h m
to Milwaukee, but Cllngman reported ta
Columbus. On the opening day he played
in tha game with Toledo, Brlce having se
cured an injunction to prevent the league
from Interfering with Cllngman. On mo
tion of Judge Hume of Toledo, a resolution
was passed that President Hlckey Instruct
J. T. Brlce of Columbus that further re
sistance to all proper orders of the associ
ation and failure to comply with the con
stitution and bylaws nf the American as
sociation will cause the forfeiture of the
Columbus franchise. .
Divorced Conple Remarried.
KANSAS CITY. April 23 John Schlegel,
a grocer, who on July 8, JN97, shot and
killed Dr. Laberger, ,hls family physician
and one of the most prominent men In the
city, because he believed that Laberger
had Insulted Mrs. Schlegel, has been re
married to the latter here. Schlegel was
tried and acquitted, the case proving one
of the most sensational ever tried here, but
later Mrs. Schlegel secured a divorce from
her husband. It was learned today that
the couple were remarried last night by a
police Justice.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. This
Democrat!' Graad Ball.
The Douglas County "Democracy has com
pleted all arrangements for a grand ball to
be given Saturday evening at Kaglea' ball.
It is expected that a large gathering Will
be present. All the candidates of the dem
ocratic . ticket will be present and K. E.
Howell, the democratic nominee for mayor,
will lead the grand march. President J.
H. Jones of the Douglas County Democ
racy will act as master of ceremonies. Mu
sic for the occasion will be furnished oy
Herman Kohr a orchestra.
Has Toe Many Watehea.
Frank Cpmmlngs looked so little good last
night to Chief Donahue that be cauaed
the man's arrest as a suspicious character.
Two watches were found on his person,
and In a valise at the l'odge hotel, where
he roomed, -were six gold watehea and two
sliver ones, with several chains, all hid in
a pair of mittens. Also there were six
raxors. The prlaoner said that aome time
ago he bought sixty watches of a stranger
In a saloon for 3U).
Mora Orators Arrested.
B. McCaffrey of 1122 North Twentieth
street was arrested last night for attempt
ing to apeak on Douglas street, near Fif
teenth, and Patrick J. Hyland of 1316 Capi
tol avenue and Oeorge Markstall of South
Omaha were alao Jailed for talking on Da
venport street, the three being socialist
orators, who refused to move to Jefferson
square. They were liberated on ball.
The Pop
mose who
WHOW lncv Aae anismme) a ihcsj uai
THB4C WHO vaunt iMPOMTtP enAHraowg.
tT.iavit, v.e.a.
m ' hi . " " "J
National k'nnicipal League Eoldi Beocnd
Session at Detroit
Dr. rani S. Relaach of the Valverelty
at Michigan Calls Atteatloa to
Former aad Present Sys
tem In Manila.
DETROIT, April 23. The first business
taken up today at the second session of
the annual meeting of the National Mu
nicipal league was the election of officers.
The report of the nominations committee
wss adopted without debate, as follows:
Honorary president, James C. Carter,
New York; president, Charles Bonaparte,
Baltimore; first vice president, Charles
Richardson, Philadelphia; second vice presl
dent, Samuel B. Capen, Boston; third vice
president, Thomas N. Strong, Portland,
Ore.; fourth vice president, H. Dickson
Bruns, New Orleans; fifth vice president,
Edmund J. James, Chlcsgo; secretary, Clin
ton Rogers Woodruff, Philadelphia; treas
urer. George Burnhalt. Jr.. Philadelphia.
Among the members of ths executive com
mittee are H. B. Demlng, New York, chair
man, and James L. Blair, St. Louts.
After the election a paper on "Tbe Mu
nicipal Situation in the Philippines" was
read by Dr. Pau' S. Reinsch of ths Uni
versity of Michigan. This paper was based
on an article prepared by Csptsln Edwsrds,
chief of the insular bureau of tbe War de
partment. Municipal Government la Fhlllpplnea.
Dr. Reinsch said In part:
The condltlona in the Philippine islands
are such that the establishment of munici
pal Institutions closely modeled upon those
of the United 8tata would be very Inad
visable. Nevertheless, It ia In the munici
palities that the natives will have to re
ceive their first training in self-government.
Under the Bpsnlsh regime the fiscal au
tonomy of the rural and urban municipali
ties was exceedingly limited; a concentrated
control prevented all spontaneous activity.
Consequently, although by reforms Intro
duced during the rwet decade the Spanish
government established a form of represen
tation resting on a high suffrage Qualifica
tion, the real power remained centralised,
and the local authorities were looked upon
as useful chiefly In the colleeMon of taxes.
The military rule of our army In the
Philippines was remarkable for the manner
in which the military organisation was
sdapted to civil government, as well as for
the fact that the system of local govern
ment provided everywhere for popular
representation and election, with a moderate
property or educational qualltlcatlon.
Basis of Present Form.
The simple Institutions established by the
military, together with the better parts of
the Spanish system, have been made the
, basis of the present organization of local
government, aa it was provided for In the
Municipal Code." act No. 82, of the Philip
pine commission.
The most remarkable feature of this code
Is that It does not distinguish between
urban and rural municipalities. It com
prises all under one sys'em of local gov
ernment, which comes nearest to our county
system, but rests upon the Spanish division
of the country Into pueblos or towns.
The city of Manila occupies an excep
tional position, being governed under a apo
dal charter. The government of Manila Is
modeled on that of Washington, D. C; for
the officers are appointive, not elective, and
the Insular government pays one-third of
all the expenses of the city. This arrange
ment Is due to the fact that Manila, as a
great commercial center and the seat of
government, exbtbUa rather anomalous
characteristics, and could not well be
classed with the ordinary urban or rural
municipality of the Islands.
The government Is In the hands of a
municipal t board of three members, ap
pointed by the governor general. A popu
larly elected council, which, however, has
purely advisory functions, haa also been
The altuatton Is a hopeful one, and the
natives In many parts of the Islands show
enterprise and Intelligence In managing
their own affairs.
Dr. John F. Falrlle of the University of
Michigan delivered an address on "Instruc
tion In Municipal Government."
System of Maahoed.
Mr. Falrlle sstd In part:
Our municipal governments are based on
system of manhood suffrage, and good
munlc.pal government depends primarily
on an intelligent exercise of that suffrage.
The necessity for teaching future voters
the fundamental principles of American
government la very generally acknowl
edged even where the measures taken to
do this work are most deficient. It needs,
however, to be more clearly recognised
than la now the case in many quarters,
that the training of the future voters In
our cities Is by no means complete with
a study of the federal constitution, or even
Of the national and state governments, but
must alao Include a knowledge of that gov
ernment wh en ' neareit at nand and most
largely affecta the dally Uvea of the cltl
sens the government of the oity.
Two fundamental rule may be laid down
for this elementary instruction in municipal
government both in schools and In colleges.
First. If the main object of reaching the
main body of future voters Is to be at
tained, municipal government should not be
given the place of a special courae or a
special subject in the curriculum, but must
be Included as a part of a general course
In government or politics, which every stu
dent should be at least expected to take,
onniv tki mnhanl In thla aeneral 1 n-
! atructlon muat be laid, not so much on the
form of government as on tne luncuons
of ths officials and on the rights, respon
sibilities and duties of the cltlxens.
Systematic Instractlon.
In the high schools and academies It is
clearly both possible and advisable to give
systematic instruction in civil government,
including definite work in municipal gov
ernment: There la an obvious need for
impressing on the school authorities in
many cities the Importance of this subject
as part of the training of the coming voters
as to their duties and responsibilities. In
our colleges and universities, too, there
should be Instruction in municipal govern
ment, given as part of a general intro
ductory course in government, Intended not
for the specialised work of the advanced
atudenta, but for the main body of under
graduates. ...
I have attempted to suggest a correlated
scheme of Instruction in municipal govern
ment which may be roughly summarised
as follows: , .... . .
1. Simple lessons In the duties of public
agents in the elementary schools.
3. The systematlo study of one city In
high schools snd academies.
I. A comparative study of American
municipal government as part of a general
course In government In all our colleges
and universities.
4. A comprehensive study of municipal
government for advanced students In uni
versities; leading to
6. The technical courses In ths various
professional departments of the universi
ties. Secretary Stevens of the Municipal asso
ciation of Cleveland read a paper prepared
by Wilson L. GUI. who wss supervisor of
morals In Cuba during the American occu
pation, on "The School City."
ehoole Are a Remedy.
Mr. GUIs ssld In part:
If our nation la to be one of cltlsens and
not of subjects It must train Ita children as
cltlsens and stop training them as subjects.
So far as the individual who is governed
la concerned, all governments belong to
one or other of two kinds democratic, In
which he helps to determine Its policy and
laws and tc carry them Into execution,
and monarchical, of which be is a subject
without such participation.
A great maea of educated men neglect
primarlea and municipal electtona, thua ab
dicating the powers of sovereign American
citizenship. The field so free, the neck of
monarchy haa grown so large and strong
that the away of Ita bead Is aa absolute
as that of any tyrant of the old world. Wa
call blra "boss" or "leader," but be, good
or bad, Is no less our kind of csr. Wa
have the form of a democratic republic but
from some cities and statee the spirit of
democracy haa fled. Shall we let It go for
ever? Or shall wa do tha several things
which are absolutely necesaary for its
That competent men stick too cloae to
their private bualnean and party politics
enter Into purely business offices and trans
actions are only symptoms. All government
in contact with which educated people
coma while their character and -habits are
being formed, la monarchy. That la a chief
root of the dlaeaae. If It aucceeda in pro
curing unquestioning obedience to school
authority It destroys the spirit ff thinking,
co-operating cltlaensblp. "
If It uneonecloualy produces sn undercur
rent of disregard sua contempt ef perevoej
responsibility for government and of estab
lished authority, it develops the spirit of
anarchy and establishes the habit of
neglecting one's political rights snd duties.
If this disease of the municipalities, and
states Is to be cured It must be by teaching
citizenship aa practically aa reaillng. writ
ing and arithmetic; by having all children,
from the youngest to the oldest, made Into
citizens Instead of subjects, and guided by
teai-hers In the defense of their rights and
performance of the duties of faithful Ideal
citizenship. The school city Is a thoroughly
successful method of accomplishing this ob
ject A school fa given a charter and organised
aa a city, each room has a ward. 'All the
children elect a city oouncll, mayor and
other officers. A police department, and
others when wanted, are established. The
children make and execute their laws and
have their own Judiciary. Improvements In
government such aa the Initiative and ref
erendum are taught practically.
The moral results are fine and clvlo
knowledge Is Imparted rapidly. Children's
respect for teachers and for authority In
general Is Increased as ars the comforts
and pleasures of school life. The teacher'a
labors and expenditure of nervous force are
decreased. The general Introduction of the
school city, under competent supervision,
will restore to our cities and states the
spirit and the fact of a democratic republic.
At tbe close of discussion on municipal
instruction a resolution was adopted In
structing the Committee having that line
of work in charge to extend Its efforts so
ss to include prlmsry and high schools in
an addition to colleges.
The last paper of the session was re
view of the St. Louts bribery and perjury
disclosures, which was read by James L.
Blair, gensral counsel for the Louisiana
Purchase exposition.
Friends of Wyoming Governor Are
Hot Alarmed at His
CHEYENNE, Wyo., April 23. Governor
DeForest Richards, who has been seriously
111, is reported to be Improving rapidly.
His condition Is not such as to causs any
Sara Aid to Lsag Lite.
Electrlo Blttsrs give an active liver, per
fect digestion, healthy kidneys, regular
bowels, fine appetites, or no pay. SOc. For
sale by Kuhn & Co.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thurs
day. April 23:
Warranty Deeds.
Ester Madden and husband to D. V.
Wholes company, lot 24, block 13,
Omaha View $ 801
Anthony Martin and wife to Anna
Gallagher, lots 4 and 6, block 1,
Plalnvlew -d 1,0
B. B. Baldwin nnd wife to Hans
Bock, nH nw14 19-15-11 4.S0J
J. D. McHugh and wife to Joseph nr 1
Agnes Hlbbeler, w 30ft lots 16 and
16. block 119. South Omaha $25
P. K. Shields and husband to Sophia
M. Back, lot 41 and nVa lot 44, A.
Kountse's ad 2,000
Delia D. Hughes to Clara J. Kennedy,
e 44ft lot ti, block 2. Paddock Place. 2,200
Clare J. Kennedy and husband to
Margaret C. Hodge, same 2,200
F. C. Waslelewskl to Mary C. Bayar,
lots 18 and 19, block 47, Sullivan's ad 1,500
w. w. cotton et ai to H. P. vanoer
creek. lot 19. block 2. Yates A H.'s
ad , 27
Jennie E. Hlckllng et al., executrix,
to E. K. Kennard. lot 11. block 12.
Clifton Hill 1.S00
Omaha Realty company to Anna C.
Peterson, lots 8 and . block 19. Han
senm Place 1,150
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance
romoanv to Bruno Txechuck. lot 18.
Griffin & I.'s ad 4,500
is. ri. A noon to Benjamin Jrtcmner
ney. s 48ft of 107ft of lot 4. block 10.
West Omaha 3,300
iaa i caoy ana nu-inana to Emma il.
Bedwell, lots 28 and 24, block 1, HIU-
' aide Reserve No. 1. 11,500
Harold Clifford and wife to A P. Ak-
erlund. ett 4-l-l 20,480
Maria E. Hubbard et al. to T. J.
Foley et al.. lot 2, block 4, Bowery
Hill v., i
ineresa v. tvimDRii to Minnie C
Montgomery, lot 6. block 120. Dun-
dee Place 400
alt Claim Deeds.
Rachael E. Adams to W. H. Arthur
et al.. 18.8 acres In sU nwU. and swU
ne 17-18-18 330
Sheriff to Bankers Building and Loan '
association, undivided one-sixth of
lot 2, Griffin & S.'s ad 3,500
Same to as me. lot 8 and wVs lot 7.
block 4, Corrlgan Place
Same to same, lot 6, block 3, Jetter's
Same to same, lot 9, block 8, Logan
Same to same, lot 18, block 1, Ma
honey St M.'s ad
Special master to German bank of
M Hard, lota 11 and 12. block 23, and
other property In Millard
Total amount of transfers' $13,470
Promoted by Shampoos
of Cuticura Soap ,
And Dressings of Ctrticara tha
Great Skin Cure
Piritt, Snettit, Mat EffectlTt Rtst.!es
for Skis, Sea! is. Hair.
This treatment si one stop falling
, hair, removes crusts, scales aa4 dan
druff; destroys hair parasites, soothes
Irritated, Itching surfaces, sUmalatea
the batr follicles, loosens ths scalp skis,
supplies ths roots with energy snd
Bourishment, snd makes ths hair grow
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when all slss falls.
Millions of women now rely on Cuti
cura Soap assisted by Catlcnrs Oint
ment, the great skis cure, for preserving,
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cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales snd
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hair, for softening, whitening snd
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septls purposes which readily suggest
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poses of the toilet snd nursery.
Catlcnrs remedies srs ths standard
skin cares snd humour remedies of ths
world. Bathe the affected parts with hot
' water snd Cuticura 8oap, to cleanse tbs
. snrfaos of trusts snd scales snd soften
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ment freely, to allay Itching, Irritation
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snd, lastly, In tbs severer forms, taks
Cuticura Resolvent, to cool and cleans
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cient to cars, ths roost torturing, dis
figuring skis, scalp snd blood humours,
from pimples to scrofula, from Infancy
to age, when alt else falls.
SaM wiil th wvrM. CuIMM fcmsi lal. MM oa
In f OaaKH CUa4 rlb.SK. rM UJ .
Mai. , . I. Iweetti LwaSaa. . Uulatna
1 rrll. J Kn . I . IX OaiaavSas Ak
ttH Iltuf a .hrm. Car. . SUM frmfm-
Mr i a -W w Van Inrf atiniar.
The worst starvation is
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It is a disease when your
blood is deficient in red cor
puscles. It ends in consumption and
Its signs are weakness, loss
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The only cure is
It is a medicinal emulsiou
of cod liver oil, containing
principles which vitalize nnd
oxygenate the blood and there
by gives fresh life and energy
to the tissues.
Ozomulsion is the good food,
the easy food, the universal
food, for all who are sick or in
need of strength. To be had at
all druggists. Try if.
In order that you may test the merit,
ef Osomulslon, send your nsms and full
address to
M Pine Street, New York.
mentioning this paper and a large ssmplw
FRKKBOTTLfi will atncate" aent you
by mall prepaid.
Osomulslon IS sold by Kuhn Co.. and
the Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., where
sample bottle may be procured.
WHITS DOVK CUS!teTTflllotror crav
ins for strong drlnX, II) e appetite for which cannot
eilnt after mlng this runway. Olvea la any llquli
with or without knuwieaga of patlaatt tasteieaai (1
Sherman at McConnell Drug Co., Omaha,
Reserved Seat rickets
for the
May Musical Festival
May 7, 8, 9 and 15.
Six Performances $3.50
Uav 7, 8, 9-Two Matinees
Chicago Symphony Orchestra nnd
Chicago's Leading Quartette.
May Festival Choir Chorus of 130
voices. T. 1. Kelly, Director.
May 15 -One Performance
Fulf N. V. Metropolitan' Orchestra.''
T. S. Puss, Director.
Lillian Nordlca oud Edouard DeResgke,
H. J. Penfold Co.,
1403 Far nam.
UUIU O II Regular Season
Mary Mantiering
In her new comedy success,
Prices: Mat and Nlght-J6c. 80c 76c. I
$1.00, !.. .1
Fres list entirely suspended. J
Sonday Mat. and Klsat and Maaday.
Fred Raymond s Comedy,
"Tho Missouri Girl."
Prices: Mat Kc, toe. Night 26o, 60c, 75c.
Prices-60c, Tic, C00, tl.W, J.00, $2.60.
Free list entirely suspended.
lelenhano 1031.
High Class Vaudeville.
SUNDAY. 1:16.
Foy and Clark, Howard and Bland,
Freydo Bros., Whitney Bros.,- Bernard
Dyllyn, Unthan, and tha Klnodrome.
Prices lOo, ZSc. iOc.
"Wizard of the Violin."
AT ' '
Washington Hall.
Tickets for sale at 8CHMOTXER at
There In no worn out
linen or antique time
blackened silver. The
table service is new and
attractive at the
tit B. 17th St., Bee Bldg.
Prompt and courteous
service in au ideal place
for a cozy lunch.
Planked White Fish for two... .11
ItaMan Spaghetti, Parmesan
Cheese e)
Fur dinner mils A I
1411 Douglas St '