10 TITE OMAITA DAILT BEE: FIUDAY, AFItIT 24, 190.-.. LABOR RECRUITING STATION Thousands of Hen for Bailraad Work to Bo Eent Out of Omaha. MANY WILL COME FROM NORTH AND EAST rii ma for Basleet Coaetraetloa and Repair fleaoea la Maay Years y aa Omaha la to Be C an tral Labor Market. Omaha la to become the recruiting station thla summer of vast armies of laborer for western railroad work. If preaent plana are carried out. Coincident with the tremend ous amount of railroad conatructlon now In progress and pending la a movement to mo bollie men from the eaat and north in Omaha and ahlp them to various weatern polnta. Rallroada are taking an active hand In thla acheme which In all probability will amount to a big thing, the biggest of Ita kind, the promoters say, ever known In the history of the great growing weat. No es timate u made of the orobable number of men that will be recruited, but It la stated that there is no danger at all hut that everyone brought In will be given ready employment, for "laborera are few" In com parlson to the Immenae volume of work that is on band. At present great numbers of men are employed throughout the aouthweat and weat where the new Kansas City, Mexico at Orient, and the Southern Pacific are do ing a great deal of building, the former new and the latter repair and extension work. Already these companies are said to have encountered serious difficulty In getting enough men to keep their work going. Then there la the construction of the new Clark lines from Salt Lake to Los Angeles, soon to begin, as soon in fact aa contracts can be let and equipment for construction - placed upon the ground. Senator Clark, like General Manager Dick inson and other, officials of the Orient road, la determined and has so expressed him self, to proceed with all possible facility to the work of building a railroad. It la necessary, therefore, to get in the labor market In due time in order to get the workmen. Both the Orient and the Clark line will supply long jobs, so that there will be that advantage In employing men. General Manager Dlckaon atated once that two years at least would be required to complete the Orient road. Repair and Improvement Work. However, thla Is not the only work de manding thla class of laborers in the weat. Considerable la being done or mapped out in the northwest and even nearer the mid dle weat la there need for a considerable Dumber of men for repair and Improvement work. It is said. Indeed, that the volume of railroad construction in the west haa not been greater for many years. Naturally thla outlook la not discouraging to the man who haa to work. With the In creased demand la anticipated and doubt less will come a corresponding increase in wagea, which have been on a gradual rise for several years. The effect of this movement doubtless will be materially felt in Omaha, not only be cause this city has been decided on aa the recruiting station, but because just at prea ent there is a spell of idleness due to va rious strikes. This meana that a vaet num ber of men are not at . work. While the majority of theae may be skilled workmen, yet no inconsiderable proportion are un akllled laborers, and among them doubtless are many who will follow the vast caravan that la to move westward from "the Gate City this summer. If this Is done It may have a very material effect upon the prea ent labor disturbances in Omaha. . ,' Back of this movement is said to be eon alderable local Influence. A number of Omaha mm of means are understood to have Invested in the stock of the Orient road to such an extent, some of them, as to become very much interested In seeing the construction work rapidly advanced. These factors are said to be wielding a potent In fluence in thla mobilisation scheme. The Clark people have made available for their road building $25,000,000 In cash and are planning to issue $50,000,000 in gold bonds, the balance not taken by projectors to be placed upon the market. So that they are as anxious to promote their work as the other people. THE BEXUBTT COMPART. rl4ar Grocery Specials. Several thouaand packages vegetable and flower seeds, to eloae out 1 cent package 1 cent package 1 cent package. Bread large loaf 3c. Rice good pound 6o. Prunes California pound 5c. Pickles assorted bottle 9c. Olives bottle 9c. Baked Beans caa 4c. Clam Chowder can lOo. Chocolatina can 10c. Macaroni 1-pound package lOo, Gelatine package 10c. BUTTER SPECIAL. Another big, generoua offer Bennett'a Capitol Creamery butter 1-pound brick 22c. Remember this price is for Friday only. COFFEE 8PEC1AL. Fresh Roasted Coffee pound 10c. Tea Sittings pound 15c. Picture free to every customer at our Tea. and Coffee Department. CANDY SPECIAL. All day Friday we offer a special bar gain In Chocolate Creams freh made flavored with vanilla pound 10c. Gum Dropa pound 8c. Mixed Candy pound 9c. Toaated Marshmallowa package So. CIGARS. Special 20e Tobacco Pounch 15c Cob PI pea worth 2c go at lc. ' La Belle Creole 10c cigar three tor 25c. Porto Rico Cigar 25 for 60e. THE BE.1KBTT COM PANT. lfl,teO Lemons ,10,960 Large juicy fruit on aale Friday at, each, 1 cent 1 cent 1 cent 1 cent. Lemonade Is the proper drink this hot weather.' To clean up our large stocks of ONION SETS 2hb cents per quart tVi cents two quarts for 6 cents and four quarts for 10 centa. Juat think of thla price. Comment unnecessary. HAYDEVS CLOTHING BALE. i ' Immenae Parenaae of Croats A Braa degree Wholesale Snrplaa Stock of . Sprlnar aad gammer Clothlas;. Thla famoua eaatern concern Is anxloua to push its clothing In the west. Harden Broa. have secured exclusive sale. To en able us to make a big Introductory aplurge at low prlcea the firm cloaed out to ua their entire spring and summer suits at about (Oo on the dollar. This immense purchsse of finest clothing will go on sale Saturday. Full partlculare in Friday night papers. HAYDEN BROS. BALM FOR AN ACHING HEART Fifty Thoatsam Dollars Amoaat Aaked For la Breach of Promise Bait. Miriam Genevieve Babcock, aged 28 and resident in Scott, N. Y., haa filed in dis trict court here the petition la a $50,000 breach of promise suit against Dr. Jesse R. Burdlck, a physician officlng In the Bee building. , The plaintiff avera that she and the defendant have been friends since child hood, that at Scott on September 15, 1900, at his request she agreed to marry htm; that her parents gave him $110 to help get established in Omaha; that he wrote her at various times he Intended to marry her in the summer of 1902; that on September 30, 1902, he wrote to break off the engagement, and on October 15 married Mlas Myrtle Cole of Omaha. BeraT-Swansoa Co. GIGANTIC PCRCHASE TOP COATS AND RAIN-PROOF COATS. An exceptionally late purohase, of a well known manufacturer'a overatock, at con siderably lower figures than usual. Rain coats and top coats, which earlier In the season would have sold for $7.50 and $8.50 coats during thla sale $5.00. $10.00 and $11.00 ooata during this aale $7.50. $15.00 and $18.00 coats during this sale $10.00. $20.00, $22.50 and $26.00 coats during thla aale $15.00. Top coats, 12 to H Inches long shower proof coats, 48 to 52 inches long ths latest fashionable lengths. Good dressers will readily recognise the high quality of these well known bakes of overcoata' whan they see them. An actual saving, of nearly one-half of early season prices on - sale Friday and Saturday. BERG-SW ANSON CO., Correct Dress for Men and Boys. Afent for orert, Peel 4 Co. Fine Clothin' Jfol 1 L 1 I i 1 f 111 l 1 " asters. Oil iflii, .i- a sUbaW at a TODAY REMNANT DAY Great Wash Goods Purchase From an Eastern Waist and Skirt Manufacturer Wt bought the entire stock of a manufacturer of the highest tint Waists and Suits and secured a magnificent line of summer dress good there art silk linens, grass linen, American pongee, mercerized suiting, silk mousscline tomorrow they alt go on jront bargain counter well worth 50c a yard at Imported Dress Goods at 174c and 35c Another shipment of those famous remnants from the IT. S. custom house each bundle contatna many pieces alike enough for waist or skirt. These high grade dress goods are worth actu ally aa high as $3.60 a yard go tomorrow at each Dress Goods Remnants at 25c and 50c We have thoroughly gone over our regular stock of Dress Goods and offer some remarkable bargains. 35c 17Jc All the remnants of Drees Goods we nave been renins; up to 86c a yard black and colon in t to 7 yard pieces at 25c All the mnst expensive are valued up to $2 a yard black and colors 3 to 6-yard pieces go at Rood 3 that 50c $3.00 Cloths for 75c 75c Here are Clothe that have sold regularly at $3.00 a yard they are Tweeds, Cheviots, Panamas, Canvas, etc. all colors and black ekirt lengths and several plecea alike, making enough for entire suits at Embroideries Kemnants and sample atripa in short lengths of all kinds of Embroideries and Insertings nice, fine qualities, all widths 4 j. go at yard 15C"72CeJ2C Laces Remnants and odd pieces of Laces, over 100 styles on bargain counters, worth 4 0 -, up to 25c yard go at yard.... 10C-5C"eJC"l2C Special Bargains in the Basement White Plquea One big lot of One white fitques, the regular ffc Lawns One big table o! fine lawns the regular 7V4c kind, Olp for, yard Zephyr Ginghams One big table of fine zephyr gingham, the Qln regular 16c kind, for, yard I Lace Lawns One big counter of fine mercerized black lace r lawns, regular 25c kind, yard.. Denims- -One big counter of plain and fancy figured den'ms, the Cn regular 26c kind, for, yard Dimities One big, table of fine dimities and fine lawns, In neat, fancy figures, the regular Sp 15c kind, for, yard White Lawns One big table of fine plain white lawns, corded dim ities and shirt waist madras, worth up to 25c a yard, go In long fft tnlll remnants, at, yard . 25c kind, for, yard Silk Finish Calicoes One big coun ter of fine silk finish calicoes, O I p worth 7Hc, for, yard ua Bleached Muslins One big table of fine bleached muslins, such as Lons dale, Fruit of the Loom, all of them branded, worth 86c, flr go at, a yard UJW riercerlzed Walstlngs One big lot of remnants of fine mercerized basket weave watstlngs, in short remnants, up to a yard long, Cp go at, each Mercerized Sateens One big coun ter of mercerised sateen, Bp worth lac, goes at, yard t'w Henrietta Sateens One big coun ter of double-fold fine henrietta sat eens, mercerised rateens and Firm er satin, worth up to 45c a 7 o f yard, In black and all colors... I' J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Boston Store Via Wabash R. R. St. Louis and return $13.50. Sold April K-2T-28-29-30 and May 1. New Orleans and return, . $29.60. Sold April 11-11-13. May 1-2-1-4. Information, City Office. 1601 Far nam 8t., or address Harry E. Moores, o. A. P. D., Omaha, Nsb- St. Paul and Kntnrat. On April 21 and 28 the Illtnota Central R. R. will sell tickets to St. Paul and Minne apolis and return at rate of J1I.S5. good tor return 21 days from date of sale. Tickets at No. 1402 Farnam St. W. H. BRILL, D. P. A.. Omaha. Neb. T. LOl'IS ASD HETIH1. i , , . Yla Mlasoarl Pacific Railroad. $12.(0 for round trip, from April 2( to May J Inclusive. For Information call at city fflce, southeast corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets. AamowBeciaeate of the Theaters. The engagement of Mary Mannerlng In Clyde Fitch's new comedy, "The Stubborn ness of Geraldlne," will begin at the Boyd tonight. The play, which waa written espe cially for Mlsa Mannerlng, la one of ths pronounced successes of the present sea son. It comes to thla city direct from the eaatern cities, with the prestige of com plete approval for atar, play, players and production. It Is described as a pleasant blend of merriment and sentiment. It Is the simple story of the romance of a high spirited typical American girl and a Hun garian nobleman who U poor but no fortune hunter. Manager McKee has spared no ef fort thla season to surround Miss Manner lng with a company of unusual strength and to provide a production notable for beauty in every detail. The company la headed by Arthur Byron and lnclades among other well known playera Amy Rlcard, Anita Rothe, Rosa Cooke, Mrs. Whlffen, John O. Baville and H. Haasard-Short. Lovers of music' should hear Theobaldl, "Wizard of the Violin," at Waahlngton hall tonight. Theobaldl la of the Ole Bull type and well merlta the encomluma that have been heaped upon him. WeddlasT Arrsi(mti Changed. Owing to severe Illness at the home ot Mr. T. W. Taliaferro, the wedding of Miss Josephine Carey Stanton and Mr. T. F. Kennedy will take place at- the Paxton hotel on April 25 at 8:30 p. m. iimimin ji i ...mini, in in .mi min,n.iimii.i..nilw.,il-iurJimpCTi 75c Ladies' and Misses' Hats 10c. IN BASEMENT. HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF UNTRIMMED HATS For ladies and misses, also some 8AMPU SAILOR HATS and other Hats nor one worth less than , 75c Friday Now Picture Department-Third Floor. ANNA HELD FENCING GIRLS IN PHOTO COLORS With medallion f fk effect, very popular; also other pretty subjects, f worth 60c, at "iWU ONE THOUSAND ROUND PICTURES With ornamental molding, J f ' many attractive subjects, sell elsewhere for 25c, I II 0 tomorrow at J ....."" Remnant Sale Shoes IN BASEMbNl. SfmC All the Shoes and Slippers from the "Ml VI Blair stock will be closed out regard- nj 3 less or gusi ur vaiuc, cat . v r pt - ii eaw swa i.u-mju At. ui.ni.il' 'iJsii'Mwupjsit tsysi 7 )si.sj; ;fff f 113.50 Douglas Printing Co., 1508 Howard. Tel. 44. Past Chaarellora' Association. A state meeting of Knights of Pythias at Lincoln Wednesday organised a pant chancellors' association and adopted a con stitution providing for quarterly meetings hereafter. R. J. 8a Ion of Geneva lodge No. 13 was elected president; W. A. Howard of Uncoln lodge No. 1, secretary, and Will C. Matthews of Nebraska lodge No. 1, Omaha, chairman of the board of directors. The next meeting will be held In Lincoln about July 1. Friday special In drapery department. For one day only we will sell all our 5c, 75c and 85c sash net whits and colored 27 and 36 Inch width, per yard, 46c. ORCHARD WILHELM. MRS. J. BENSON. Latest and Best Corsets Ths corset to MAKE the hip and the corset to SHAPE the hip. In all the new leading models, with or without boss sap porters. Ths La Grecque belt, long hip model, gives long, unbroken curves, shews no ridges through unllned gowns, ele gantly satin covered, elastics attached price $7.60. Lighter weight qualities, $1.50 and $3.00. The La Ritta. aa elegant $-gored corset, of finest French cantllle, very long skirt, pure whalebone filling, with triple front steel, haa no equal for durability for stout ladiea frlce $7.50. - - Models for slighter figures, $3.50 and $5.00. The Nemo Curved Mould in the figure building system for slight ladles, and the self-reducing models price $2.00 to $5.00. Other equally elegant ahapes In P. D.. Kabo, P. N-, W. B., R- A G., Bon Ton Thompson. Warner's and othera prlcea 60c and p. Eahlln forma, $1.00 and $150. SEE OUR NEW BaVSTLES, TO WEAR OVER OR UNDER THE CORSET. TO St. Louis AND RETURN J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam St., Omaha. Under Wie swn red robc We are ahowtng an especially fine as sortment of carriage robe, Including green cloth and line pluah, and In order to advertise ourselves a bit. we are aell Ing them at from W. 50 to J0 each. You are liable to think their value worth double. All leather suit cases. Jia riokt ihtno in evervlklHe riursE m MS $4.50 to tM covers our Una of cow hide ,w t h .ho.ll .Itln If 1 II rl thHl Villi buy at bargain prices, but the genuine article the kind that lasts a Ufa tims. You never have to buy but one, unltaa you need two. Suit tests, traveling bag and valises. I Alfred Cornish 1210 Farnamvsi. uM,BBassgaasMaSMaaMusiaMaMMMBaisMHUM ULi!ii,.i.....i.iiu.uii.w.isji i II IlllaWlu April 25th to Ellay fist I the Burlington sells round trip tickets to St. Louis for $13.50. return limit May 4th. Account Dedication Ceremo nies of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and International Good Roads Convention. The Burlington Is ths smooth road to St. Louis. Four trains every dsy, but the best ons leaves at :10 P. M., arrives at St Louis 7:1 next morning. SCDLLER MUELLER 1313 FARNAM YOUR PIANO GONE? YOUR CHANCE the chance of your life will have slipped away with the close of this GREAT SPE CIAL PURCHASE PIANO SALE! In a few days the entire $W,000 worth of standard 1903 pianos purchased from three overstocked, famous' makers now selling at a positive discount of SO per cent off eastern prices will have disappeared. Tou will have lost the opportunity to get a fully guar anteed, beautifully built, ' superbly toned Instrument at a price actually below wholesale. The piano you IN TENDED to buy will belong to an otherTerms very eaay Write, If you can't call. SPECIAL PRICE REGULAR PRICE. 375.00 $262.50 High Grade Parlor Upright. 400.00 I280.OO Puritan Model Used by Artists. 1425.00 $297 50 Stylish Cabinet Upright. 450.00 $315. OO Handsome Modified Colonial. 1475.00 S332.CO Celebrated Florentine Model. 300.00 $350.00 Renaissance Cabinet Grand. Ps.roi,y.u'?d. $20to$H5 We do fine piano repairing In our own factory. Pianos perfectly tuned at small cost. telephones: Omaha, 1623. Co. Bluffe, 368. IOWA BRANCH: 502 Broadway, Oounoll Bluffe. The MacCartby 1903 Two Button Peak Lapel Sack. - No atyle quite ao . stylish for youngish or slim men aa this. Made with long peak lapel, designed to show a trifle of the vest shaped shoulders fitting comfort ably snug around the hips Just slightly shaped back. Trouaers with a auggea tlon ot peg top with our own shaped trouaer bottoms. Worn with a fancy vest, It Is the acme of summer s'yle. $25 to $45 Is the price raDge you pick your fabrlo and you pay your price. . MacCarthy Tailoring Company 1710-12 Farnam St.. Phone I80S. Bee Buildlaf . Well! Is This Schaafers? Many of our patrons don't recognize' our new more and ak the above question in variably. Our reply is the same to all. New fixtures and modern, up-to-date store, but the aame system of buying and selling drug needs at a reasonable price above cost. We are better able now thai ever to care for tn wants of all patrons and are pleased to have you Inspect the most mod ern drug atore in Omaha and save money on your drug bills by patronizing the only antl-comblne drug house In thla city. $1.00 Elker-Hoft Consumption Cure (?).. 7So si. oo iservita 7c too Nrrvlta 40c 5ic Bar lien a $1.09 I'eruna genuine no limit... tlo II 00 Chichester's Pennyroyal Pills 7ic I2.C4) Chester's Genuine Pennyroyal Pills $100 $1.(10 Hers Malt Vlilnkey Wart It?.... Mo 1 lie) Pure Canadian Malt Whi'key 75c $100 Plerce a Remedies 4o 101 Miles Nervine 74c l.uo Cramer's Kidney Cure guaranteed Tic &c Genuine Castorla 24c CUT PR1CB DRUO STORB Two Phoaes 747 mud 707. S. W. Corner lth aad Chicago Sts. SCIIAEFER'S In Making A Suit . . . WE OFFER ADVICE WHEN IT IS WANTED AND WE ACCEPT ADVICE WHEN THE CUSTO MER DESIRES TO GIVE IT. i llelgren&Gradmann Tailors. 309 S. 16th 5treet. None but skilled union labor employed nr till V B f- 1 e ra A n .... r rriaav is iieinnani uv fullyS ln "l0 Great Domos"fc 17 nntn TUB ItEI.I Atll.K STORE. ISWWIIH ONE DAT ONLY WOOL DRESS GOODS R EMNANTS All wool 40-Inch to 60-Inch wide, every virletr of weave and color, worth $1.60, $2.00 and $2.60 per yard all will go at the one price of .' Remnants of printed madras. French plaids, srphyr ginghams, printed batistes. ed and laco atrlped Swisses, printed dimities, black corded batistes, spun glass linings, assorted colors, worth up to 20c, for Remnants of printed batistes, printed dimities, black sateens and plain colored cham- bray ginghams, worth up to 12Hc 1 1 I 2 ISc. $1.00, 49c nrint mercrirl for Remnants of double fold, extra heavy dark blue percale, yard wide, light colored per cales, printed dimities and black sateen lf worth 10c and 12V4c for Remnants of dress ginghams, In stripes and checks, extra heavy quality worth 10c for Remnants of apron check ginghams worth 10c for A full line of new spring styles and colorings, strictly fast colors Scotch lawns, worth 10c tor FURNISHING GOODS A complete line of gent's balbrlggan undershirts and drawers. In the natural colors of the cotton snd fancy colors, worth 60c for A large line of gent's medium weight, plnln snd ribbed undershirts worth 35c for A complete assortment of sizes ot ladles' white Jersey ribbed. Seamless vests worth 25c for 5c 4;c 3c 25c 15c 10c Great Grocery Sale Kiln dried Commeal .... Oat- meal 1 sack graham flour ' 1 sack rye flour 1 sack rye graham - ..lie 24c 35c 35c 35c CANNED, MEAT BALE 1 pound can cornbecf Tf,, hash 1 U pound can potted 191 r turkey 14,3 U. pound can potted "T, turkey I H pound can ham loaf 1 pound can ham loaf pound can potted chicken . pound can . potted chicken , 7c 15c 15c 7c CANDY SPECIALS-; Freeh salted peanuts Chocolate nut fudge, pound 8c 9c Pure lemon drops, pound CRACKER SALE Soda crackers ... Milk crackers ... Vesta soda crackers .., Pearl oyster crackers .. Farm crackers .. Batter crackers . . Ginger snaps 10 ..4c ..4c ..4c ..4c ..4c ..4c ..4c CANNED MEAT SALE H lb. can Vienna "1 sausage I u 1 lb can Vienna sausage H lb. can beef loaf 1 lb can beef loaf 1 lb. can roast beef H lb can cornbecf hash I2ic 7 c 15c I2ic 7c CANNED MEAT SALE These canned meats are frexh and have been Juat canned. They never were sold so cr-eap and will be on sale only a very short time. ' V6 lb can . cornbeef I cornbeef .., I2ic i lb. can 7r veal loaf I 1 lb. can ICr. veal loaf ..: ID M lb. qan potted O,, ham M H lb. can potted "1n ham 1 !4 lb. can deviled ham Vi lb. can deviled ham ........ U. th. ran potted tongue Vi io. can grp deviled tongue H lb. can 7., deviled tongue u !4 lb. can Cf potted beef 9" Vi lb. can On potted beef ....... e e sr HAYDEW BROS, Your Spring or Summer Suit if made by us will be far the handsomest suit you have ever worn. Our exclusive patterns are the . finest and nobbiest ever shown. Let us show them to you. We havu the finest line of Imported woolens ln the city. Suits from $35.00 to $40.00. j. A. Kervan Tailoring Company 1316 Farnam Street SEWING MACHINES AND SUPPLIES We handle the best make of sewing jnachlne attachments and material of all kinds. Machines sold on small monthly payments or for cash at liberal discount. At' present we have a large number ot old machines In good order from $1.00 and up. . P. E. FLODMAN & CO. TELEPHONE 1574. 1514 CAPITOL AVENUE. It's the Way They're Made " That Is why our trunks prove to be more durable neater satisfactory and are more - economical. The material used is the best the workmanship superior. The designs the latest. They cost you but little more than a cheaf one. RtSPAIRIHQ D02IH. TEL. 10M. to no 'TARHAMSi lAHATRuWEEACTOHY- THE MORE LIMITED YOUR INCOME the more' imperative is your duty to save. Saving is a hattit easily acquired. Why not open a savings account with the 1 CITY SAVINGS BANK Zg?JS2" Full Set of Teeth, $3 n h.i. Amtlili admitted to sup course for $100.00. We maks money bv teaching our course and don't need to charge suott sign pnw nrr AH Work PREE w -' Charges for all Material. Thla Offer Good Until April 15. $5.00 Gold Crowns. $3.00 IN ORDER TO INCREASE OUR CTJNKJ we want every man, woman and child t have their mountha examined by the pro fessors of this college. Small charges for material. We do aa we Advertise. Bet ot Teeth WOO, uplOold FlIllnsa.Tto. up teeth extracted freo. Fillings from..26o. uo J2k Gold Crowns. .KJBrldge Work.U.16. up UNION DENTAL COLLEGE OF PAINLESS PTCNTISTRT. s-,tnT AO PTD1TTT iCCM .1 AttZZ MJJ KJ VJ u t?shsMf . Open Daily: Nlghta till s. Sundays, I Is i California and Back Only $30 round trip Chicago to Los Angeles and 'Frisco. Equally low rates from East generally. On sale May I and May 11 to IS. Special tiala service for Presbyteries General Aasembly, via Grand Canyon of Arlsona. Open to everybody. Only line to California with Harvey meal service best ln the world "Bsnta re all the way." Folders about It for ths asking. E. I Palmer, P. A., 409 Equitable Bldg.. Des Motnea, fa. Satitn Fe Th Only Doubl Track Railway between the Missouri River and Chloago. . K DAILY TRAINS -A OMAHA TO CHICAGO 8.10 PM THE OVERLAND LIMITED MxmiOrantaolld dallr train t CMewo. Oomtrt ftivnt and 4rwln-rooia Iftftfrfnc library, buffet, barbar. both, talepbon. dmlnf em an4 KwrtnlM oar. Elwtrls luhlJ throughout. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS PuUtnan drawing-room tad toarUl tlMplaf oro and dlnin otn, and ti r lining oh air oaro. 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS Pullman drawing-room and tourtat aioapiui enra, fra racltnlnc ohair oars, buBal llbrarj u4 aiaoklu enra. lHnms oars. 2 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 3H Itf Drawina-roota alooplnsoora. bnffotanink' All AM tog nndltbrorr oora nod fros raolliuas ,,M chair oara u Chloago. iMalngsan. 10.55 AMfJ. 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. PAUL:MINNEAPOLIS 7 35 AM 0farym Mf eon, Parlo! sets Sa4 7CC PU Pullman slooniny oars, Wffaa library ,W J II oors sua fro rooljniAS onotf oara. BLACK HILLS Q nfl DU ToFramont.ftoribBer. U.UU Lone Vina, Capr, B wod and laad. ThivusjU roiintn man laapina' ov Mi-vica. Ill To Framont, Sorlbnar. Norfolk, VHU arvloo Omaha to Chtraco, tmrn tanslnrtl dar muM and tr otsair onra. VlaiaB oaxa. Oakdala. Korfblk. a, karinmm. Iiead. ln ahiur ja ir'-ili- 1 on l.ull AM gro. buuaatoal and loo Booobud Induta IMoorf olloa ocunlrjr. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street Pf A Cbnur It, J ...a a. " I . Ut -Mr-M ratd mp aaawiaJ asa aoii 4n tmd liwai) VNITOD STATBH OBiHHiTOI4Y. fraaa Matv-, pt-iliiat. W.at-. -Ua pv.U-M lihsw lormae . K T Ma nilei aesst laaiaeap ihlrti pat 75c Shiris for 20c This week's special consists of Shirt J worth 75c. Nice, stylish, up-to-date terns, laundered neck bands, one pair sepa rate laundered culls, two separate laun dered collars. 6hirts ran alao bs worn with white collari. Sale price, 29c; cot more than two shirts to any ons customer. On sale Friday and Saturday. Our men's suit sale Is proving a great success. No such suit value haa ever been given in Oirwna; 15. CO Is the price for all wt 1 cheviot suits; some stores ln this liWJ will abk you aa high at $12.00 for a eu ' sbout Ilk the one we sell for $5.00. F'rr 7.C0 and $10.00 we now off-r suits that will rest about double anywhere else. THE Ol ARANTEB CIX)THINa CO. 1619-121 Douglae Rtreeh Watch tur show wlndoa