Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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    TII1S OMAHA DAILY HEE: THTJlreDAT, Ar'Ml, 23, 1003.
Tenderness, With Shapeless
Nails, Quickly Cured
by Cuticura
8ek the feet on mirlnf la a strong,
bet, creamy lather of Cntlcura. Soap.
Dry, and anoint reel
with CuUcara Olat
meat, the great skia
car and purest of
emollients. Bandage
lightly la old, soft
oouoa or tinea, for
Itching, burning aad
sealing eescms,
rashes, Inflammation
aad chafing of the
feet, for redness,
roughness, cracks
aad Isenres, with
brittle, atianarfaaa
aiOa, tale trwaaoa la simply wewder
fal, frequently caaclag la oaa application.
Soak tba hands oa retiring ta a
strong, hot, creamy lather of CimornA
Boat. Dry, aad anoint
freely with Cuttccka
OnrrMairr, the great akla
care aad pares of emol-
Uents. Wear daring the
Bight, old looee glovee,or
light bandages of soft old
Uaeaor eottaa. For red,
rough, chapped and sore,
baadt, dry, Assured, .ten
ia sr. feverish calms, with
shapeless nails and palafal linger ends,
thie treatiaeat la practically Infallible,
often earlag the most dietreaelng eases
la oaa night whea all other netbode
aad remedies rail.
Cvatswra ft Mm r mU aVMrWot Ok st
fr sU fta form f QHwiMiCmM Filta,
Ms: Lbis,tT 0aiitimtes,, farls, e Res
jmu AMU lt, uwar.BM nse
, world. PKTOKt ! OaHeora, 80s.
sBWvtlef eChsssMst, We., Boas,, . D.
far Manwara ef 11m Ilw4, gala sad ataxia, u4
SBessfI Sprla Meetlaej tlo at
- Mesapkia aad ' Sieve
"'.'-.' Other Center,
. - '
MEMPHIS, April 12.-After the tnott euo
eessiul meeting In the history of the Mem
phis Jockey club the spring racing season
was closed today, Thare waa aa axodus
of horaes tonight, many prominent .tables
going to Naahvllle and other to St. Lout,
and Chicago. Result.:
First raca, Ave and a half furlongs, purse:
Bister Kate II won. Delia Oat rand second,
Bermuda third. Time: 1:10.
Second race, one mile, celling: Sarah
Maxim won. Farmer Jim aecond, Otaspray
third. Time: 1:44,
Third race, four and a half furlongs:
Centaur won, Esperaon aecond, Shadee of
JJIght third. Time: 0:67.
Fourth race, one mile and an eighth.
Pea body hotel handicap $1,000 added: Major
Tenny won, Huxaah aecond, Harry New
third. Time; 1:664.
Fifth race, five furlongs, special match,
purse 1500: Mollnoa won, Ed Tierney seo
ond. Time: 1M.
Sixth race, one mile and a sixteenth,
purse: Rolling Hoer won, C, B. Campbell
aecond. Judge Hlmee third. Time: l;4!iy,.
Seventh race, six furlongs, selling: Bean
won. Henry of Franatamar aecond, Lysbeth
third. Tlmei 1:17.
NEW YORK, April 33.-Re.ults:
First race, six furlongs handicap: Grand
Opera, won. Yellow Tall aecond, New York
third. Time: 1:13 3-8.
Second race, seven furlongs, aelllng: Kin
Sralna won, Lord Advocate aecond. North
rook third. Time: 1:20.
Third race Ave and a half furlongs: Rose
Tint won,- Sweet Alloe aecond, Futurlta
third. Time: l:07 4-4.
Fourth race, the Osone slakes, four and a
half furlongs, aelllng: Agnes Hrennan won,
Nlnepln second, Orlsa third. Time: 0:68 3-1.
Nlnepln and Orisa were coupled.
Fifth race, aeven furlongs aelllng: lxrd
Turco won, Poiite aecond, Albany Olrl third.
Time: 1:2(3-6,
Sixth race, four and a half furlongs i
Julia M. won, Seymour aecond. Spring
CHICAGO, April 22: Results:
First race, four and a half furlongs:
Maggie' Leeher won Lauly Freekntght aec
ond, l-ady Fin so third. Timet Q.hl.
Second race, six and a half furlongs:
Angt-lo won, Prodigal Son aecond, Reeves
third. Time: 1:24.
Third race, one mile and seventy yards:
lleydon won, Alee aecond, Frank M. third.
Time: 1:47 1-.
Fourth race, seven furlongs: Omdurman
won, L4ngo aecond. Chop Suey third. Time:
1:29 2-5.
Fifth race, tour furlongs: ' Shaltan won,
Lawndala second, Vnlque third. Time: :51,
Sixth race, one mil and a quarter: Dutch
Orltr won. Dodia S. second.. Malay third.
Time: t:ll.
. ST. WU18. April 22. Results:
' First race, six furlongs, purse: On the
Outet W"n. Stgmund second. Prise Eugene
third. Time: 1:16.
Vecnnfl race,, four and a half furtonga,
titirse: " Ralnland won, Prick Fowler aecond
Or MrKenney third. Time: 0:MV4.
Third race, six anil a half furlongs, sell
ing: Bomirtlee won. Reducer aecond, Mlsa
itibrey third. Time: 1:23.
(Fourth race,,sone mile, purse: Emshee
KulTVr aecond. Olenwater third. Time:
Fifth race,- Ave and a half furlongs:
F'j'lastlc vonf Fnther Wntkr aecond. Sir
fhrlntopher third. Time: 1:03.
Sixth race, on mite and a sixteenth, sell.
Ing: Bank Street won. False aecond, Irving
Mayor third. Time: 1:50.
SAN FRANCISCO. April tt Reaulta:
First race, five and a half furlongs, sell
ing: Vigoroso won, Roltalre aecond, Billy
Moore third. Time: 1:10.
.. Second race, six furlongs: Puss In Boots
won, Sugden. aecond, Ed Lllburn third.
jTlme: 1:15.
I Third race, five and a half furlonga, eelt-filf-
Motitesiitna won, Pat Oran aecond,
'Null third. Time: 1:10,
- Fourth race, one mile and seventy yards:
Warte Nlcht won, Autollght second, Moco
rto third. Time: 1:46.
Fifth race, one mile and a qunrter, sell
ing: Blessed Damoeel won. Rim Rock aec
ond. Frank Woods third. Time: l:i.
Sixth race, one mile, aelllng: Oral! won.
Oranla second, Kitty 1 Kelly ' third.. , , Tim :
. . . i Ofli
lewa-Dakota tstaaae ' ITorsaed.
8IOUX C1TT, la., April B.-fSpeclal Tel
egram.) A successor to the Inwa-South Da
kota league waa organised here thin even
ing. A meeting was held at the Elks' club
at which C. L. Loftier of Sioux Fstls, J. 17
Sammls and R. B. Black of LeMtri. C. E
Hughson and F. E. Lohr of Sioux City and
Buok Keith of Council Bluffs were present.
It was decided to oraanlse with Sioux Falls
Council Bluffs, LeMsrs and Sioux City In
the league, with applications under consid
eration. J. U. Sammls was sleeted presi
dent and W. L. Baker of Sioux Falls, sec
retary. C. H.- Crala Will hold the Blou:
Falls franchise, "Buck" Keith for Council
Bluffs and F. E. Lohr for Sioux City. The
next meeting of the lesgue will be held at
council mi una, Apm zv.
owlara Aapalat Orsjaalsers
CHICAOO. Aarll tt-The execnUve com
mlttee of the American Bowling
today decided to hold the next national
tournament from February 8 to 13, on the
Euclid Avenue alleys In Cleveland. Plans
for the organization of city associations In
all parts of the country were formulate!
and officials to organize the aseoc'at ons
were appointed, including tne following:
Iowa and Nebraska, C. Schrelner; Nonh
ana south Dakota, H. N. Fowler; Kentucky
ana Tennessee, J. n. Hager; Indiana, W
' Territory for which officials have not been
appointed will be covered by the president.
vy man ana uy personal visits.
Golf Dates auad Rales Adapted.
m icau'j. ADrll rz. There will be no
qualifying round In the Western Amateur
uoii cnamplonshlp this year. Following
the decision of the executive committee of
the United States Golf aHsoclatlon, the di
rectors of the Western Golf association to
day derided to give the British ystm a
trial. The Western Women'a Champion-
snip, use me national, win still be played
with a Qualifying round at medal nlav.
Dates for the championships were made as
roiiows: Amateur, Kuciid club, Cleveland.
O.. In week beginning August 3; open. M I-
wauaee touau-y oiup, .JUijLJB aaajj,
en a, Exmor Country club. Highland Park,
am., in wwn ueginning August bm. t , ,i
Caaslderahla Iaeraasa Ibtwi Over
Preeedlaa- Week lax Mar.
;" . ' , ketlag; ( Hos. .
nvriN'NATT n. abihi en.M.i ivi
egraru.) The Price Curreat says: The hog
aupply la enlarged. Total western packing
was 370,000, compared with 300,00 the pre
ceding week and -350,000 last year.. Since
March 1 the total Is 3,430,000. against 3.720
000 a year ago. Prominent placee eompare
as follows: ',
Chicago 740,000
Kansas City
St. Louis
St Joseph
Cincinnati ,
Cedar Rapids ....
Sioux City
St. Paul
27B.0D0 .
197.0 e
M.0 '
1 5,000
44. OK)
Philadelphia Btmjrjlea Hard, Only flao-
onmbing ii Twelfth Innug.
Ceeley Oyeaa Last laalaaT etltk Triple
Over Tksra'i Head, rasalaaj Haas
wltk Wlaalag; Raa
Caraey'a Loag Ply.
BOSTON, April 33. It took Boatoa twelve
Inning to beat Philadelphia today. Ia the
last Inning Cooler opened with a triple
ever Thomas' head and tame home with
the winning run oa Caraey'a long flr to cen
ter. Tenney waa put out of the game In
the tenth Inning for disputing a decision
by Umpire O'Dar. Attendance 1.083. Score:
B08T0M. I
B.H 0 A a
Stanley, of .. 1 t
T.nn.r, lb.. I 111 t t
Anhrajr. It... t
Abhsttia. St I I I
Cooloy, 1Mb lite
Csmoy, rt..,l I I I I
Bonr. lb... 1
Oram'ssr, lb 1 4 I t
Kortn. t 1 I t C
Mslarksy, p. I 4
Thsnas, ef.. 1
woiT'rt s, lb I
Bsrry. It..... I 1
Ksitter. rl . . I 4
Douglass, lb 1 II
Hsllman, lb. I I I I j
Huliwltt. ss. I I I I I
Both. I 1 I t I
Dssileby, s. 1 I
. Totals ... 1 rH U 1
Tetais ... I li st 14
On out when winning ran waa made.
Bnton eeoeoieeeeei-t
Philadelphia. 10000000 1
Earned runa: Boston. 1 Two-baAe hit:
Carney. Three-bsse hit: Cooler. Stolen
bases: Thomas Carney, Keister, Stanley.
Double play: Bonner to Tenney. First
base on balls: Off Malarkey, t; off Dug
gleby, 3. Hit by pitched ball: Tenney,
Stanley. Struck out: By Malarkey, 3; by
Duggleby, 1 Passed ball: Morsn. Time:
1:64. Umpire: O Day.
Brookly Aala Maeta Defeat,
BROOKLYN, April 33. New Tork de
feated Brooklyn again today In the last
game of the series at Washington Park.
New Tork hit the ball opportunely In tha
first, sixth and seventh. Bresnanan and
Warner each making a hit for three bases.
Attendance, i.iuu, scorei
Broims, r..l t I M
vanH'a, cf..
Mcosnn, lb.. 1 1
Braan'k's, K t I
Babb. as...., 1 I
Laii4ar, lb... I I
Ullhert, lb... 1 I
WllUf, s... 1 1
McUlnsny, all
r H.o.A.a.
Straus. b... I 1 1 1 I
McCnwdla, rf 1 I
Hnarsara, ir. i
H'koldsr. sf. I I
Mori, ib.... I III I l
Dahlra, ss.. Sill
Flond. lb.... Illil
.itoMasua, 431
:vana, 1 t
Dienmnin, narntr, xanien. r irm
on errors: Brooklyn, 1. Stolen bases:
i tin, Bresnanan, Gilbert, McGinnity,
en. First babe on balls: Oft Evans, 3.
Touts ... t 11 17 T . I Totals V It 14
New York 1 0 0.9 038007
Brooklyn 0 U0O0v0O3-3
Earned runs: New York, 4; Brooklyn, 8.
Left on bases: New York, 8: Brooklyn, a
Sacrifice hits: McGann. Ollbert. Three-be
nits: Bresnahan, Warner, Dahlen. First
pass on errors: urooKi
lilt by pitched ball: By Evans, 1; by Mc
Ginnity. L- Struck out: By Evans, 3; by
Motilniilty, I. Time: 1:30, Umpire! Moran.
Chicago rails to Hit Harper.
CHICAGO, April 83. The home team waa
defeated In the opening game of the reason
here .today because of Inability to Mt
Harper. The locals played a pretty field
ing game, but almost Invariably batted
straight at aome opposing Adder. Attend
ance, 8,20u. Score:
H.H.O.A.B.t R.H.O.A.K.
K.ll.r. .... 1 11 oljonas, rf.,.; II
Barnour, ct. t I lilasla. It.... 1111
Doolln, H... Ill 0 Kilns, ...... t 4 I
Becklar, lb.. 1 1 14 1 0'Dobbs, ct.... 4
afomaaay, Ib 1 I 4 Tlnksc, as.., 1 1 I
Corcoran, as. 1 1 4 I'l'anr, lb.... till
BUIntaldt, Ml' I 3 llLow.. lb.... 1 8 1
Plats. 1 I 1 lianloa, lb.. 1 11 0
Harpar, ... I I ;Tariur, ..,. 8
t tin 1
ToUla .:. 8 8 IT 14 1
'Batted for Taylor In ninth.
Cincinnati .....1 3 0 .0 0 0 38
Chicago 0 000011 1-8
Left on bases: Chicago, 10; Cincinnati, (.
Two-base hUs: Chance, Kelly, Conoran.
Bacrlliue hit: Hanlon. Stolen bases: Kiing,
Pelts. Struck out: By Yaylor, 4; by Har
per, 1. Passed ball: Pelts, 1. Base on balls:
Off Taylor, 1; olf Harper, 4. Uimei 1:66.
Umpires Jlmslie and Hollliluj k
....... Postpoaa Gamca.
; PITTSBURG, . April - SZ-Plttsburg-St.
Louis game poatponed; cold weather.
taadlav of ta leaaia.
Played. Won. Lost P. C.
Pittsburg 6
New York 4
St. Louis 6
A'hlcago f
Philadelphia C
Brooklyn , 4
Cincinnati t
and Indlgeatloa.
Through dyspepsia
Take Electric Bitters. They cure etomsch
troublea or no par. Only tOc For aale by
Kuhn V Co.
Ramer Breaks Stack. '
CHICAOO, April 33. Rumors ef the ap
pointment of a receiver from the Union
Traction company cauaed a severe bresk In
that stock on tha local exchange late today,
the preferred stock selling from 3 down to
37. At the same time the West Chicago
City Railway brok to , these prices being
iiew low records for both stocks.
r VsUiii
la mora convincing than, that a thousand mllee away. Hundreds of
1 Omaha people are uslnjr Paracamph dally with marreloua reaulta Read
"what yeur neighbors and friends say.
Mr. T. J. Beard, tha well kaewa
wall paper man, 1410 Douglaa street,
says: "I aecured a bottle of Para
camph from Kuhn A Co., druggists,
16th aad Douglaa. and used It la my
home for eartoaa Burns aad Brulaeo
with the most satisfactory result.
The chlldrea doa't ery for It. because
tt stop tbslr crying, aad I consider It
a aaost vaJaabU remedy,"'
Mr. O. H. Thorson, 1908 Pleroe
street, Omaha, says: "We aecured
a bottle of Paracamph from Kuba A
Co., druggists, and And It a most
valuable remedy for Sore Chest,
Headaches and all Pslns In any part
of the body. We would not be with
out It la eur borne for say consldera-tloa."
5ore Muadea, Eruptions f tba Skin, Neuralgia, Eroatbltea, Chapped
Hands and Faca, Swaltlnga aa4 all lailannsatlooa are instantly reliered
'-and Quickly cured by the use of raraeanapo. Tba only external remedy
- which will penetrate to tha eource of the ailment and draw out the fever
. and inflammation by Inducing eoplooa aweatlna;.
to gtr part act eatlefactloa or money refunded, ao why take any cnancea
with wortbJeaa preparatlona. Oo to your druggist now aad get a bottle
.'of Paracamph.
. Sold only la 25c 50c aad SI W bottle.
TaJka no nasrUtuta, for there la nothing Juat aa good.
Games today: Boston at New York, Phil
adelphla at Brooklyn, Cincinnati at Chi
ihi nu uiun at rutsuurg. v
Ckteaa-o Hlte Desaks Freely, Beat
8b at. Ials Faarteea
t Foar.
ST. LOUIS, April 32.-The St. Louie Amer
icana got off to a bad break In the opening
local game of the aeaaon today with Chi
cago, the latter winning by 14 to 4. Dona
hue, who pitched for St. Louis, was hit
for sixteen safa drives and waa poorly sup
ported In the Held besides. Flaherty pitched
same ana was wen supported. The
!r;ithSrvW" "finely chilly. Attendance,
3.BU0, The acorat
a.M.o.a.a. R.M.O.A B
Delaa, lb.... 111, If... i s as
! ! i ! I'"1.'! i a
Jooas, Ct..
OrMa, rf.... I 3 I OiHcmphlll, rf . t 1 i T a
Hallntsa, II. li i l!Andrsoa, lb 1 3 It 1
lsb.IL lb.... 1 3 3 1 Wallace ss.. I
8 1 4 Mo'or-k. lUiill
lanncnni as I s s s siPmil a ... - -
McParland, ll I I I OK. boa, a J J
riatwrtr. ... 1 looabus, ) j i I
TeUls ...14 1 IT l Totals ..."J M IT 11 4
uu ,. nvvsveee 4
Two-base hltai Wallace (2), Isbell (f).
Three-baa hlta: Anderson, Dolan. Home
run: turnett. sacrince hits: Green. Hall.
imui, i.ui-11 rirst dss on Dane: Off Dona
hue, 4. Struck out: By Donahue, 3; by
Chicago, 10, Time: 1:4S.. tmplrei Sheridan!
Phillies Wl Aaatker.
PHILADKIJHIA, April Si. - Mayor
Weaver officiated at the American league
upemrig nere toaay Dy marching across the
"fid with the players, unfurling the cham-
(muii.iiiu ienimiii na inrowing out the first
ball. Prtialdent Johnson witnessed the
game. The champions won from Boston by
timely batting. In the eighth innljig Dlnen
wranrucu .tier ouBion xihq tied Ine score
and the locals hit him alx times tor five
runs. Attendance, 8.6UU. The score:
HartsaL If.. 1 f'Dwiih.rtr.. If 1 7a a
DaTla. lb ... 1 I I 0 TulllBa 3b... 1 1 1 a
L rroas, Ib. 1111 1, cf 1 I ! 7
8rbold, rl.. I I Krwaua. rf. I .
Murvbr. lb.. 1 til Parent, as.... aula
PtckarlHc. of. 1 I 1 1 lChaaca. lb t 1
M. Cruaa, at 1 U 1 Parrla. lb..,, 1 s s a
8!ir.-k, ... J jo t 1 Parrell, c,, 1 ' 1 las
Wadll, p.. t 1 Dioeoa, p.. 1
Total. ... 11 17 10 "l' Totals '. .."I 4 24
rnuaaeipnu 00000016 s
Boston 0 0 0 0 t 0 101
r-arnea runs: r-niiaaeiphla, .. Two-ba
hits: M. Cross, Davia. Home run: Sey
bold. Sucrirlce hit: M. Cross. Stolen base'
Sohretkongoat. Left on bases: Boston 6:
Philadelphia, 1 First base on balls: Off
Waddell, 1. Struck out: By Dlneen 3- bv
Waddell. 10. Time: 1:33. i'mplres:. fcal
u SB aval va 4 a, as set a.
Oochnsnee. BacHttfe Mtst Yaagtar, Brad
ley, Hickman. Mc'rthy. Stolen ":
Bradley, IJols. First bas 0n balls: Off
Joes, 1 Hit by pltchr: By Joes, 1. First
bas oa errors: Ierolt, I; Cleveland, I.
Left on bases:, tj Cleveland, t.
Struck oot: By Mullln ; by Joss. . Time:
13. Umpire: O Laughua.
eve Yerk Laa First Cass.
, WASHINGTON, April tt-Thc American
lesgue season opened her tod.iy with a
game between Washington and New York
and resulted In a defeat for the new mem
ber of the league. Nearly l3.0o people wit
nessed the gam, necessitating a ground
rul. Th visitor cored their only run In
the epening Inning. Keller getting to first
en balls, to third on a sinal and scoring en
game on three successive hlta and an error
by Long In th fifth Inning. Attendance,
11,960. The score:
RoMases, Bl I I I I'DstIs. K I t
B-lhark, If . I I t tKlr, rl... It
rxlak'ty, If. 1 1 t'rnlts, cf.... i t
Bras, f 0 8 WiilianM, lb. I 1
Cany, lk.... 1 IT Oaal.i, lb... 1 14 t
r.ushlla, lb. 1 I I Omroy, lb... 1 4 I
Dmoat, lb.. 0 14 1 eLmi. ss 114 1
Clark. .... t t 3 3 ', O'Connor, . 1 I I
One, I 8 1 Cbaabre, .... 1 t 1
Crtsar ...
Total. ...3 8 IT 18 11
- I Total. ... 1 H 11 I
Batted for Chesbro In ninth Inning.
Washington ...,0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 03
New York ..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Earned runa: Washington, 3. Two-base
hits: Demont, Coughtln, Fuls. Stolen base:
Delehanty. Sacrifice hits: Ryan. Demont.
Double play: Chesbro, O'Connor and Gan
sel. First bas on balls: Off Orth, 3, off
C'hasbre, 4. Struck out: By Orth, 8- by
Cbesbro, 1 Left on basts: Washington.
8; New Tork. 8. Wild pitches: Orth. I;
Chesbro, 1 Time: 1;44. Umpire: Connelly.
toadies; at the Teaaae.
Played. Won. Lost. PC
Washington 1
... 1
htm Crow a sees Detroit Wla'.
DETROIT, April 22 -Detroit won the
opening American league game from the
Cleveland team before the largest crowd
that ever saw a game here In spite of the
Intense coid. The held was surrounded so
that a two-base hit rule was enforced Two
hits and a'aacrillc gave Cleveland the first
run and two errors the other. With a man
on second. Bay dropped a fly from Barrett
In the tth and -a hit followed Detroit
tlelng the score. In the eighth a base on
balls to Crawford, followed by Elberfeld'a
single, a pour throw and Uessler's hit Into
th crowd gav the locals th game. At
tendance, 18,2. The score:
R. H.O.A.B.' B H.O.A.B
Barntt, cf.. 1 1 Bar i 111
smith. !.... 11 eBr.itl.r. lb.. 1 1
Irawtord. II. I t I i LaJol.. Ik... Ill
(am. lb .... 1 Hlrkmaa, lb. I 11 I I
Eioart.ld. Hi I I 1 I k-lick. rf 1 j
Ual.r. n..fl 4 ktrfarthr. If. I 1 1
Ya.r. Is... 0-ka r. ss 1 I i
M. Alliat.r. 1 1 t I Baoils. ..... Ml!!
Mullln. .... I 3 Uoaa. a......, B a
' Tka.y .... 2
Total. ... 4 1 17 I I J J
1 Total. ... I f M 14 I
Batted for Jose in the ninth.
Irolt e a 3 I 4
Cleveland 1 H M M t-l
Earned runa: Detroit. 1; Cleveland 3.
Twe-base ail; Smith, McAUUlsr, aiessW,
Detroit 1
Phlladelnhia 3
Boston 8 i
New York 1 0
6L Louis 1 0
Cleveland 1 0
Games todav! Oilcaan . a, T...i.
Cleveland at Detroit, New York at Wash
ington, Boston at Philadelphia.
Celaaahas May Cllagasaa wltk the
Aid Of Tale Law
TOLEDO, April 3i.-The Columbus club
played CUngman today by means of an
Injunction Issued by th common plena
court at Columbus enjoining President
Strobel and Umpire Haskell from Interfer
ing with the Columbus tesm. The game
was played under proteat. Columbus made
Its run In the fourth on an error and hy
bunching hlte In the fifth. Attendance, 1,300.
The acore:
a.H.o.A.E.1 a.H o a a
Hart, ef 1 1 ( 1 Rtldlsf. ef.. I
CllftRmaa. l i I I I Blank , ss 4
Bannoa, If.., II riosrnr. If. 1 1
R.rmw, lb.. 1 I 1 ( Can., ib. 1 A ( 1
stellar. Ib.... 3 1 AltlMr, lb... till
Turner, lb... 1 1 rtanacaa, ft.
Connors, lb.. I II I
f0i 1 1 4 4 Butcl.r, ..... t 1
Mcbtssln, Mill irarrkk! ...
T.t.1. ...Hr7ii-;o",,rt" 11112
, Totals ... I'M 10 4
Coggawell batted for Blankenahlp In the
McMakln out on bunt strike.
Columbue 0001100001
Toledo 000000000-0
Earned runa: Columbus, 1. Left on bases:
Toledo, 2; Columbus, 7. Two-base hits:
Connor, Bannon, Fox. Stolen bases: Flour
V?rA "n.on- Double plays: McMskln to
Meller, Clingman to Meller. Struck out:
ByCarrlck I; by McMakln, 8. Psssed ball:
Butler First base on balls: Off McMakln,
h wl14 pUch: Carrlck. Hit with pitched
ball: Flournoy. Time: 1:28. Umpire: Has.
Baacklagr Hits Wlas far Kaaaaa City.
KANSAS CITY. April 2J.-Th season of
the American association opened today
under the most favorable condltlona. Kan
sas City defeated Minneapolis by bunching
hits In the second Inning assisted by the
costly errors of Third Baseman Bollin. At
tendance, 4,800. Score , .
uaniey, ... 1 t I ot?viri IB..... 11
M.loa.r, o... I I I I I mrOntj. Ik 1
Nano., lb.... 1 It 1 WUeiot. If... alt
Grady, ik.... ill iTniw, .... Ill
Rothfuss. rl. 3 I e Mi-intyrs, tb. a 1
Bailth. If.... I II OLallr. rf 1 1 I
Lm, ..., 18 14 0 Llppart, cf... 1
McAn'a Ib. 1 I 1 4 1 Bollin, lb.... Ill
Oibsos, 03 Si., . 3 1 t
Tatals ... Ill if 14.' 1 T4sls .""".
Kansas nty OtSOOtle 8
Minneapolis . 8 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 4
Karnea runai Kansas City, . Two-base
nuuiiu.. uewee, uraay, rsance,
Lally. Sacrince hlU: Gibson, McAndrews.
Mcintyre, wumot, Oyier. Double play;
Ganley to Rothfuss. First baae on balls:
Off Gibson, t: off St. Vraln. 3. Struck out:
By Gibson, 7j by St Vraln, 5. Left on
oases; ivansaa city, ; Minneapolis, t
lime 1 i:uv. kimpirei atuiiane.
Hsler Bat Oat Vletary.
LOUISVILLE, April 33. Despite raw and
threatening weather, 8,000 spectators wit
nessed en exciting contest which opened
the American association chimninmhin
aeaaon her today. In a pitchers' battle
Indianapolis had apparently defeated Louis-
vine wnen in in latter naif or the ninth
inning, with the seer. 3 to 0 against Louis
ville, Odwall drove the ball Into the extreme
rignt ueia, letting in vvaiacr ana himself.
tlelng the eeore. In th tenth Hogrlever's
nit ana errors dv euiuvan ana Child al
lowed Indianapolis to acore two runa, wln
alng the game. The acore: .
a.H.o.A.E. ' n u n a 9
Hrlrrr, rill liKenrla. rf... t I
Fox, lb. ill 0, ef... 1 1 .
Jones, If 114 llsalllras, Ib. t 1 I
Klbai. Ik.... til 1 schrtnw, ... I I I
Coulter, at., t T tiWklte. lb.... II 1
Thursday bargain sales by day
and hour that mean much to frugal
housekeepers and everybody.
. 1 1, INNBAPOLIg.
L r.h.o.a. a.
Dress Goods Dept.
Big sacrifice sale of Silk Mulls in plain and dot. Mercerized
Testings and Egyptian Tissues a large assortment of
these fine fabrics, including all shades, and colors; the
ends of different lengths of goods in length from 3 to 15
yards, worth up to 65c yd., on sale Thursday 100
while they last at, yard AZsK
White VestiiiRS
A awell line of beautiful new white mercerised vesting, awell pat- fyEl
ternsr worth to 40a yard, oa sale at, yard "WC
French Lawn
83-lncb wide fine and eheer white French lawn; a beautiful fabric for grad
uating and evening dresses, worth 36a yard; special sale at, per 'JCf
Oxford Walstitigs
tO-lnch wide fine oxford walatlnge In figures and stripes, war- An
ranted fast colore, oa sale at, yard. lrlw
At the Dress Goods Counter
Black Dress Goods yard 50c
50 pieces fine quality black dress goods in the very newest
.makes of goods shown this season. All wool English
cheviots, English dust proof brilliantines, pebble mohairs,
henriettas, twine etamines and Sicilians, goods 40 to 54-in.
wide, values 65c to 85c yard. AH in one lot CAp
for Thursday at, yard..... kJJ
At 75c per yard, 60 pieces silky Sicilian French cheviots, mistrals, etamines
and voiles; fancy brilliantines twines and canvas cloths, 48 to 64-Inch wide,
valuea 90c to IL16 per yard all la lot go at, per r7f
yard IOC
Hour salea for women and glrla Thursday at 10 a. m. We will put on aale
600 fancy needle cases, worth from 60o to 13.00 each; all will be OSf-,
aold at. each afeOU
At 11 a. m. we will aell a complete sample line of women's neck wear (every
piece this season's style) at 60c on the dollar; the prlcea will
run from 96c to 1 V w
Women'a rain coats, new styles, new cut, new materials, new shades; Just
from the rubber and cravenette factory. Prices:
$16.90, $14.75, $12.50, $10.50, $9.75, $6.95,
$6.50, $3.75, $3.25 and 2.25.
From 10 to 11 a. m. to
morrow in the
we will sell Pears' Unscented
Transparent Soap, the gen
uine A. & F. Tears of Lon
don, the Queen of Toilet
Soaps, the acknowledged
ideal of perfection the world
over, fold in London at 25c,
KOW FROM 10 TO 11 vou
can buy it for
pure cocniN coco
OIL SOAP a 4J ounce
cake sold FROM 10 TO 11 at
per cake
These are soap snaps nev
er before attempted in the
history of soap selling.
Thursday afternoon we offer the best and biggest money-saving millinery snap of the sea
son. Hats that are natty and chic hats that are made in the latest styles and of pretty
wearable materials guaranteed to be an extraordinary bargain.
Street and tailor-made hats that cost from fl.00 to 3.00 will be sold
Thursday afternoon for one price, choice. ... a
See Our Window. See Our, Window. See Our Window.
Have you ever, tried the Bennett Cafe; It's the best in town
O-BrtM. ss.. 1 1
TomsMt, Ib. 1 8 3 I
H.jdoa. ... 4 t
Kall.m, 1
Totals . 4 "l 1 "l
Cirmsr, It... 1
Martin, ss... Kill
i nnoa, Ik... 1
raaan. 1 1 1 1
Bokaanea, a. 1 0
Walkar .... 1
TeUls ...3 lloll
Batted for Fagan in the ninth.
Indians polia 0 000010184
0 0 0 3
0 0 0 0 0
Earned run: Louisville, 1. Two-base hlti
O'Brien. Three-base hit: Klhm. Home run:
Odwell. First base on balls: Off Fagan, 4;
off Kellum, 1. Struck out: By Fagan, 1;
by Bohannon. l! by Kellum, 3. Doubt play:
isuinvan to cniios to wnite. sacrifice hits:
Tomsett, Klhm 12). Wild pitch: Bohannon.
passed ball: Heydon. - Left on bases:
Louisville, 8: Indianapolis, 1. Time: 1:55.
Umplrs; Foreman.
Mllwaakee'a Slogging- Wla.
MILWAUKEE, April 32.-Th base ball
season In thl city waa Inaugurated today
by St, Paul and Milwaukee, the home team
administering a defeat to the visitors in a
slugging match In which Wood and Phyte
of the locals were the stars. Owing to the
cold weather the attendance waa small,
but enthusiastic Attendance l.Ouu. Score:
Ptiyls. as.... I I 1 I I Shannon, of. 3 I 1
Poaahua, lk. I 14 1 1 Jaikaon, rf.. 1 1 (
Iunlar, If. 1 1 0 0 Oelr. 11 1 ll
bun tun. rf.. I 1 Srhaefor. as. 1 1 I I I
seoursr. If.. 4141
t'oalaul), Ik. I 1 I I 1
Wood, e 4 4 110
Paw, cf 4 114 0
M.radlth. B.. 1 1 1
ElllolU .... 14 0
WOMi.r, lk. 1 I I I 1
Huttlna, lk. 1 1 I 1
K.ll.r. lk... 1 l
Sullitan, ...Sill
( hack. 1 i
Plcrus t
T 11 14 1 I
Tot. I. ...1 II IT II 7
Batted for Chech In tha ninth.
Milwaukee 14 10 3 110 10
St. Paul 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 37
Earned runs: Milwaukee, T; St. Paul, 8.
Two-bas-, hltsi l'hyle ii). Wood C). Sulll.
van (J). Lunleavy, Jackson. Three-has
1,'lts: Phyle. t'naiau. Schaefer. Horn.
ttun; Wood. Bloteu bases: Dunleavy,
8 hsefer. Shannon. Bases on bulls: Off
Flilolt, 3; off Chech, .1 Wild pitch i Elliott.
Struck out: Bv Meredith. 3: by Elllult. 3:
by t'herh. 3. Double play: Dungnn to Un-
Llaub. Sacrifice hits: Schaeter, Kelley.
rttt on base: Milwaukee. 7; St. Paul, a.
Umpire: Cunningham and Moran. Time:
StasidlasT of the Teasaa..
Flawed. Won. Jxjet P C
1,01 10
Columbue 1 1
Kansas City 1 1
Indianapolis 1 1
Milwaukee 11
Toledo 1 0
Minneapolis 1 0
Ixulsvlll 1 0
St. Paul 1 0
Oames today: St. Paul at Milwaukee,
Minneapolis at Kansas City. Indianapolis
at Lculavllie; Columbue at Toledo.
VareMr Boy Get ,Drblar.
IOWA CITT, la., April 22.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Miles .the Iowa pitcher, was hit
heavily by Hock Island In the first two In
nings of the game on Iowa Meld today.
Cretsmeyer and Voa did better twirling,
but th infield made many errors. Van.
desteeg at second base waa especially wild.
Rock Island...'. 8 0 8 0 0 0 5 3-25 28 1
Iowa 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 8 10 3
Batteries: Iowa, Miles, Cretsmeyer, Voe
and Adams; Rock Island, Ted Green and
Yakt Tnrns Tahles.
YANKTON, S. D.. April 33. (Special Tel
egram.) The Yankton college ball team
beat the State university of Vermilion
this afternoon here by a acore of 3 to 7.
It waa a splendid game throughout, almoat
errorless except In the eighth, when a
couple of errors cost tha university five
scores. This waa tha second gam of th
year between tha teams, ths other result
ing 4 to 8 in favor of tha university.
Collesie Base Ball.
At Annapolis Harvard. IB: Naval Acad-1
emv. 3.
At Chicago Northwestern University, 6)
university or Wisconsin, X.
Chicago Mas Keep Oppoacat mm the
Mat Listen! to Moset.
bobs Caat.
DETROIT. April 32 Jack Root of Chi
cago waa given the decision over Kid Me
Coy at the end of the tenth round tonight.
Tne bout was a one-man affair from be
ginning to end. McCoy never having a
chance. Root landed at will with left and
riant to face and body, and generally with
out return. The men we'ghed In at 3, both
tipping the scales close to 175 pounds. Bat
Masterson was referee.
Root closed the second and opened ths
third by pending McCoy to the mat. The
first time the gong saved him, and tha next
tie took tha count. Root then landed left
and right to the body, McCoy again going
down and taking the count.
From this time on Root landed ns he
leased. McCoy a blows larked ateam and
e appeared to be content with staying itw
limit. He Improved somewhat In the Mxtti.
but was never dangerous. - McCoy took tha
count in the seventh, eighth and ninth
rounds and by holding managed to stay to
the end.
0' HMO"
Th Chief l Healers.
Old sore, ulcere, piles. Sstula and like
stubborn maladlee soon yield to Bucklen's
Arnica Salve or no pay. 25c. For aal by
Kuhn 4 Co.
Established 1023.
That's All!
By using Tourist Sleeping Cars one can mater
ially reduce the cost qf a trip to the Pacific
r,cf TO;tr.rmt aacrificinff the sliijhtest degree o.
comfort. The cars are neatly furnished, com
fortable, clean and attractive, and are attached
to all the fast through trains. They are built
, expressly to accommodate the tourists to ana
from California and Oregon.
Mrt.lfA.MilUrwrHMr . .. ' . , ...
Yrar Ttmritt Cart wtrt a rrotlmtlfm. r fun
Zm! attntiim at I did fin tatt tn a "J
wanPaUctCar, Tht cart art modtU af tamfwi.
The Union Pacific runs through Daily Tonri.t Cars between
Missouri River points and the Paciflo Coaat. These earg
laave Omaha 4 eoP. M. for San Franciaco aad Loa Angeiee,
and 11:30 P. M. fot Portland. .
Double berth rate to California or Oregon 1 I3.00 from
, Missouri River point
1324 rsrsssi St. Tfcne 1.
fJ4 jgaiffljyMstsw - mftU Hg,,i-W.'awJ
la llf Is more often doe to exhausted
serve force than to lack of otmul.
strong nerves sre the capital that
helps men conquer comiitioas.
When people lose their capital they
jet to work to regain it. .
Whea we loe our nerve fore w
ought to seek s mrsns of getting it
ba. k. There is a wsy, certain and
feed th nerves, making them steady
and strong ss steel
We do not belle. they ran fall to
cure Nervous Debility and physical ex
haustion; that's why w agree to refund
your mosey if sis boxes do not cur
100 per boa; boxes M OO, maflad
i'ifa? upo receipt ef price.
Fee aale by status Co., Omaa.
JjiiIoo rugj fetor, noiitn Omana.
XakVae ttrug Ces, -fiinnil ssluXlaTlaW
W lleVYe BfturtXXMf) OOsi
Turn your eld
book Into money.
Telephone B 3387
aad our represen
tative will call.
HVnnM ItnAlra 3tsnn
a w v.u a-ewsaw uuvui
Write fee Bsap: Copy.
A44rss Osaakss .
Fepalsur ul Ttsaely Art Isles.
Treat all form of
37 Tears Experssnce.
" Yrs in Omaha.
Mia remarkaMa suc-
OuaM and .very day brings many flatt'r-
Hot Spring. 'Treitasnt for sipDillt
iiT&J11 B1 Poisons. NO "BRHAKINO
. " "" aiuvssv at anu.
DikH HU.niin ..'ed of n,rv-
r - w w'bsbbbb mj vim Oawrai urea i-
. a - ---a jt , auasasl
OxZFkJSZ1 WKftefW. . txtcturV
grooela. ' ' "w aae. y.
Traatmsnt by malL P. O Hot 7A nm
v. 318 S. I4tlf.tre.-t, &maaVi
,Deola txe. OMAHA. NjiB. n1
'S5v Evcnr
I ( VhM'I MAKVTL Whlrli.g ppr.
r" fVW B). B. W. T. M I '
II u nannui aupiif th VxiJwKr
HtSI SL, aar.plaa Tlv Y 'tLi.
stur, lit Mnd siafi.y far It. . W. sTya?
Iu.ii.uta .l-mU U alTas Tt. I '
lux! art.ut.(.aji4 itir-Tu ni hV M
Valuta,. u iiim. ' 4r
For Hale ky
Cerase isik a4 Cauwage tola, tviaatuw