Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1903, Image 1

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    The . Omaha Daily Bee.
Sew York. Etoc Exchange Moves Into
Handsome New Quarter.
Frajer Pieced First Formal Entry of
EulY and Bear Brigade.
Fa ace Fitted with fcpecial Apparatai to
Neutralise Olimatio Change.
President Declares Members Mast
Staad for J mat aad Kqoltable Prla-
Aecordlnsj to Conatltatloa.
NEW YORK, April 22. Tbe member of
the New York too It exchange abandoned today to devote themselves to tbe
ceremonies incident to tbe dedication of
tbrlr handtomo new building.
It ia Just two yeara alnce the work of
tearing down tbe old building to make
room for the new was commenced and dur
ing that time tbe members have been ac
commodated at tbe produce exchange. It
was expected that tbe work could be com
pleted within a rear, but the difficulties
were greater tban the architects and con
tractor bad counted on.
The building, which looks small beside
the skyscrapers by which it Is surrounded,
presents a striking appearance, with It
maMlr and beautifully carved atone pillara
and decoration. The interior baa been ar
ranged looking to the comfort of the mem
ber. An Impregnable vault ha been built
for th afety of aecurltiea.
The building, which fronta on Broad street,
extend through to New street, with an
opening on Wall street, a in the old build
ing. In the construction It was found
necessary to go forty-two feet below tbe
level of Broad street. In the cellar are
tbe vault of sate depoalt companies and
the plant for cooling and heating the build
ing. Will B Coot la miner.
Tbe member will be warmed In the win
ter by a constant flow of warm air. In the
aummer the cooleat spot In the city out
si do of a cold storage warehouse will be the
exchange, wbioh will be kept at a low tem
perature. The main board room. In which the trad
ing Is don, la 144x109 feet and la 74H feet
deep to the celling. Into thla will go fresh
air at the rate of 12,000,000 cubic feet a
minute, while exhaust pipe will draw off
the foul air.
The luncheon club, secretaries' offices and
other office connected with the exchange
re on the Boor above. - Tbe member saw
the for the Brt time today as the build
ing committee aw to t that no Inspection
of the building waa made by, member be
fore rytlilng was' reedy. -2 ". ' , .
The steel safe depoalt vault In tbe base
ment 1 lit feet T Inches long, tl feet wide
and 8 foet 10tf Incbe high, the walla being
10 Inches thick and fhe total weight. In
cluding the 110-ton veatlbulea, 776 tone. It
1 carried on tel beams and column at
a height of 33 feet 4 Inches above tbe cellar
floor. It 1 enclosed by a cold rolled steel
bar partition weighing 40 tone, the bar be
ing placed four inch apart and being 1
inches in diameter.
. Ceremonies Are Brief.
The ceremonies were brief and impres
sive. After prayer by Rev. Morgan Dlx of
Trinity church; Ransom H. Thomas, chair
man of the building committee, formally
banded the new building over to Donald
McKay, president of tbe new Btock Ex
change Building association, who In turn
formally preaented It to Rudolph Keppler,
president of the exchange, for the use of
the member.
In acoeptlng th building Mr. Keppler
' aald;
The great market of the world are so
closely lnler-related that, aided by the per
fect means of communication which are
now available, a panic In one hemisphere
ran be, ha been and will be alleviated by
the prompt and skillful use of the machin
ery afforded by the exchangee In the other,
we should also remember that the ex
; changes are very Important and very suc
, reasful sources of diffusion of capital Into
the (treat channels of trade and Industry.
It follows, therefore, that great stock ex
changes have become an essential necessity
or adjunct to our banks and other moneyed
Institutions: their Interests are, In a aen
mutual and their faollltles are practically
Indispensable, each to the other. Certain it
Is that the business transacted on an Im
portant exchange could not be conducted
runout the aid of the banks and
am encouraged to say encouraged
by the welcome presence with us
today of many of the honored heads of the
ir.oet Important banks and kindred Institu
tions that these very needs arising from
business exchange, constitute one of the
must Important opportunities for profit to
the banking interests In the varloua money
centers of the world.
Spirit of Patriotism.
Nor need I hesitate to allude to the spirit
of patriotism which has always animated
. the financial community, of which our as
sociation form an important part, and of
the ever readiness to contribute to th re
lief of suffering humanity.
While it is true that In the practical pur
suit of our business sentiment Is necessarily
thrust sslcle. it is eujallv trua thi
sympathy is nowhere more spontaneous nor
mum icnrnjumgr ana mure practically
tl. inOiibiintrd than in this "heart of Wall
The magnificence of our new home Is only
In keeping with the magnitude of our busi
ness. As In this, so also in the methods by
which we adjust and settle our dally trans,
actions and In the extraordinary facilities
afforded by our t wn stuck exchange clear
ing house we may well claim first place
.,,..M, ,. . .,, .mc worm. Having
reached It, let us maintain It. us aiwavs remember the objects of
vur viKmiiHuiMi lata nown in tn very
first article of our constitution nni
"to maintain hlh standards of commercial
honor among our members and in nrnn,..,.
and Inculcate Just and equitable prlnclplea
of trade and bjsineas."
Living and acting by this standard, we
.." h-. iwu uur uury io ourselves
im iu iij. iuunc, wnose respect and conn
dence we cherish and enjoy. Honor and in
-". me w.iin unn iiiscrioei on our
escutcheon which has passed down from
generation to generation and which shall
- - uiivmiiivu so ion as m
oudly lay claim to the name and title of
iiv v w v. oivis, eaiuange.
An aaareia ny Mayor Low oa behalf of
the citizen and Invited cueats follow.
and then th members and their guests!
including many men prominent In financial
and business circles, were, shown through
the building.
Among the invited guests were the presi
dent and secretary of tbe Consolidated ex
change, th New York exchange thus for
the first time recognising thst Institution.
Th member of th Consolidated exchange
sent their well wishes with a large floral
piece eobtatnlng 601 Amerlcsn Beauty gaes.
Th board room, where th dedicatory
ceremonies were held, waa crowded long
before tbe hour fur tbe opening and th
guest were entertalaed with music. The
brokerage offices la the district were closed
and flag flaw from flagstaff la honor of
the. eveiiU -w.
Matey Mohammed la Derlared Em
peror of Morocco
at res.
MELILLA, Moroccf "prll 22. Muley Mo
bammed, the suit '--ithpr, ha been
proclaimed emperoi. '',, -co at Keg.
TANGIER. Morocco, -. Tribesmen
have attacked and pti.. yy 'ititnze.
Thirty-seven inhsbltants of . nd
thirteen tribesmen were killed !u "
KANSAS CITY, April 22. The only An.
lean society having missionaries In Morocco
Is the Gospel Missionary union, which has
Its genrral headquarter in Kansas City.
There are eight American missionaries in
Morocco, namely:
George C. Reed of Weeping Water, Neb.
O. C. Enyert of Olathe, Kan.
Miss Nellie Olson of Alabama.
Mis Irene Ward of Avoca, la.
Mis Maud Carey of Emporia, Kan.
J. P. ,WellIver and wife of Sioux City. Ia.
Victor Swanson of Nebraska.
I n less they moved recently none of these
missionaries were In Mequlne at tbe time
of the attack upon tbat town. At tbe last
report received by President Fisher, Reed
nd Enyert were at Fez; Mis Olson, Mis
Ward and Miss Csrey at El Kscar, and Mr.
and Mr. Welltver and Mis Swanson at
With Mr. and Mrs. Wclllver are their
three children.
Mr. Fisher received a postal card Tues
day from Mr. Reed telling of the arrival of
himself and Mr. Enyert at Fez March SO.
They left El Kecar March 28. - Several
week ago, when foreigner In Fei seemed
in danger, they went from there to El
Kscar. Mr. Reed I secretary of the mis
sion at Fez. Hi postal contained the In
formation that at that date, March 80, con
dltlona at Fes were quiet.
Brltala Cannot Take laloa Jack
Away latll Hay's Line le
LONDON, April 22. Premier Balfour, In
the House of Commons tonight, said th
law officer of the crown had been consulted
with reference to tbe right of tbe vessels
cqulred by the shipping trut to fly the
British flag and bad expressed the opinion
that they had the right until the agree
ment whereby the admiralty oould com
mander then In time of war was completed.
In the course of an attack on Mr. Bal
four on account of the Morgan agreement,
Gibson Bowles elicited roar of laughter
with the following sally: "You can train
a poodle to walk on It hind legs and beg
for lump of sugar, but you cannot teach
him to draw a badger; It 1 not for m to
suggest who played th pap! of tbe badger
and who th part of th poodle In the ne
gotiations." Later Premier Balfour announced that
tbe Irish land bill would be taken up May
4 or 6. ,
lateraatloaal Unloa Weald Ally Itself
;- ;.w" . AnBrIce jr.adasv, ..
' " oratloa of Labor.
"':'. '.
TORONTO. Out, April 22. a' request ha
been received by tbe executive committee
of the American Federation of Labor from
the Stone Masons' International union for
a cnarter. it was held under rtvi..m.n
Delegates from the United Brotherhood
of Carpenter and Jointer and from th
Amalgamated Society of Carpenter ap
peared relative to the amammatlnn nf
both organisation, a directed bv tha k
Orleans convention. This wa also taken
under advisement.
A delegate from tbe Denver Lahnr ant
Trade assembly protested agalmt the
policy of some of the newspaper publishers
In discriminating against union made paper.
Tbe executive committee, by wire, strongly
ur "era to return the use of union
labeled paper.
simian Socialist Seorea
Evolutions la Catted States
Before Parliament.
LONDON, April 22. In tha eoura. .
discussion on railroad ratea In th House of
Common thla evening John Burn, so
cialist, complained that the Board of Tr.,i
nas not given proper attention to railroad
He admitted that there had been some
Improvement, but aald ther waa no reason
wuy me ooara anouid stand tlll. To ay
Great Britain wa away ahead of the Unit.
oiates wa no argument, and, In hi opinion
nuicnt., luuusiriaiiy, wa -hell with the
no on. tte trusted England never would
toiiow tne example of the United 8tatea.
Boaaaroa fader Admiral
Prlaco Henry Is to Make
the Test.
bkkli.n. April 22. Admiral Prince
Henry of Prussia is to take the battleship
squadron to Spanish water May 3, with
barely sufficient cosl to reach a prear
ranged latitude and longitude.
The warships will fin their hunker from
colliers. This I Intended to be a test of
nign sea coaling in the most complete form
possible, and will occur even If rough
weather prevails.
On his return Prince Henry will give up
ea duty, except that he will be fleet com
mander durlpg the maneuvers of August
sua oepiemcer next.
To Bo President of tbe Royal Com.
'mlaaloa at St. Loala
LONDON. April 22. The appointment of
the prince of Wales as president of the
royal commission which Is to represent
Crest Britain at tbe St. Louis exposition
will be made at the special request of King
Edward, who thought he could thus best
demonstrate hi personal tntereat In th
exhibition and hi cordiality toward
America generally.
John Redmond, th Irish leader, wa In
vited to be on of the Irish member of th
commission, but hi many engagement
necessitated a declination.
Do rarest Richards Lies Critically
111 at Hie Cbeyeaao
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. April 22. Governor
De Forest Richard 1 sick with so Internal
complaint. Hla condition la regarded a
Writ Minister of War Asking that Case
Be Reopened.
Threagkost It Is Coached la Hlahly
Dramatic Style aad le Likely to
Be Oae of notable Papers
. la the Case.
PARIS, April 22. Alfred Dreyfus ha ub
mltted to Minister of War Andre a lengthy
letter, In which he ask for a reopening of
hi case, by mean of an Investigation by
the minister, as the auprem head of mili
tary justice.
The letter, which Is dated Pari, April 21,
confirm tbe report that Dreyfu ha been
living quietly her for some time. It
promises to cause a tremendous agitation
among th various elements of the political
group for and against Dreyfus.
The first part of the letter I an earnest
plea that the court which condemned him
In Rennes was Improperly Influenced, first,
by the annotated document ascribed to
Emperor William, and, second, by the false
testimony of on of th witnesses,
After srgulng on the extent to which
these contributed to hi condemnation,
Dreyfu recall In graphic term tbe long
eerie of horror to which be had been
The letter throughout 1 couched In a
highly dramatic style, which is likely to
make it one of the notable papers of the
Eaterhasy the Cwlprlt.
It refer to Esterhazy a "one who stand
before the entire world a the culprit."
One of the leading passage, showing th
rhetorical style, 1 follow:
I will not recall. Mr. Minister, what I
have endured since 1894. Picture to yourself
the horrors of a soldier whose wnoie me
was devoted to duty, to work, to loyalty
and to profound devotion to his country,
and who In an Instant is stripped of his
good name and despoiled of the honor of
himself and his children. For five year
thla soldier le subjected to horrible suffer
ings. They seek to crush him physically, to
annihilate him morally.
He Is absolutely innocent or an crime
and struggles In vain to penetrate the
mysterv, proclaiming his Innocence and
struggling with all the forces of his mind
and bodv for that supreme pleasure of
vindicating his good name and character.
Days, months, years pass thus In. most
cruel agony, amid the torturea of a mur
derous climate.
At last he la brought back to France, the
sulltv one Is discovered and the soldier
hears himself proclaimed Innocent by those
who before reviled htm as a traitor. It was
thus, Mr. Minister, that I hoped to aee my
martyrdom ended.
But. alas. I have returned to find the de
votion of friends who had battled for truth.
It was to find also that deadly hatred had
been unloosed.
In the processes of ISM I was stabbed In
the back. I cannot imagine how such con
ditions can prevail through falsehood and
deception. -But so It waa, and my second
condemnation was but an aggravated reaf
firmation of wnat occurred in ltsu. wnen
the guilty one was known and unmasked
and Esterh&sy was recognized as the
author of the treason, the same man who
had cheated justice In 1894. again sought In
1899 to cheat Justice for the second time by
the same criminal maneuver. Conscious
of these methods, the eovernment o'th
trmblle"'will not permit itself to geep in
pr.son one wnoje known to Deiinnocent.
in constant, tnougm or revision, i nave
reasoned little by little all the divisions of
testimony leading to my conviction, 1 have
scorned calumnies and falsehoods. I have
remained silent with the Arm conviction
that Justice would surely have its day of
The victim of criminal tactics and vio
lation of the law twice committed agalnat
me. 1 now address myself to the supreme
chief of military Justice, and, supporting
myself by new facts which have been
elicited, snd by the existence of the pre
tended bordereau annotated by Emperor
William, i Deg to aK tnat you institute an
Inquiry, first, upon the use made of this
false document at Kennes and tne conse
quences it Imposed on those rendering
judgment; second, upon the falra and
fraudulent testimony of Czernuskl at
After a deferential salutation the letter
I signed Alfred Dreyfu.
Parry Calls Haaaa Industrial Enemy
In His Defease of Trades
INDIANAPOLIS, April 22. David . M.
Parry- took occasion tonight to reply to
Senator Hanna's criticism of hi New Or
leans speech. He said:
The only reaaon why. tha anthracite
miners received a wage confessedly out of
proportion to wnat similar labor gets else
where Is because they were able to compel
Its granting by force. They proved their
power by going on strike and preventing
other men from taking their places, despite
the presence of the entire National guard
of Pennsylvania. The country was at their
mercy and finally, as a measure of expe
diency, it became necessary for the gov
ernment to negotiate with them that peace
might be restored. Is this the kind of
business thst Mr. Hanna now encourages?
Mr. Manna praises the joint agreements
between the bituminous miners and oper
ators, lie says peace nas Deen mantalnetl
by virtue of these agreements. We had an
Instance of what the coat of this peace Is
by tne agreement maoe mis spring at In
dlanapolla. Lnuer the threat of a strike
the operators yielded to a demand for an
Increased scale. .
Since 1898 the wages of these miner
nave Deen increased or tne Joint agree
ment metnoa u per cent tor mine run
coal. Tne miner saya to tne op raior
"Charere the extra wage ud to tne con.
iimer, and the operator does so rather
tnan nave nia mine snui aown. Does Mr.
Hanna mean to approve of a method of
adjusting wage which so totally disre
gards the Interests of the consumer?
Walt until the wage workers of the coun
try get on to this little game, and what a
beautuui solution oi an our troubles will
be reached.
I oppose any system that seeks to pry
up wages by atrlkes, boycotts, joint agree
ments or coercions. I declare that I be ar
bitrary adjustment of wages 1b radically
wrong. uccmrv mi. it uiw sec or work
men Is granted such an adjustment, re
aulres that all shall be treated alike
If Mr. Hanna la not encouraging ' chaos
in wage reiauuna. n.i i ne doing?
Mr. Hanna corralled the manufacturers
In the first McKlnley campaign because of
fear of Bryanlsm. He led them Into the
McKlnley camp because of this fear h,,.
If he thinks he can ring-nose them on the
labor Issue and lead them Into the camp of
Uompera and his aggregation, 1 think he
overextlmates his strength. ,
Meddling politicians have almost de
stroyed England, Industrially, tying the
country up in all sorts of social si legisla
tion at the behests of the labor leaders
There Is still time to head off this pro
cram In the United States.' The Nat'onal
Association of Manufacturers has taken a
determined position that the factories of
this country are to be operated w.thout
the dictation of the labor organlsitlons
and I believe they will maintain that to
the last
Men Swallow Drlak Given Them by
Compaaloae la 'Arkansas
CAMDEN, Ark.. April 22. J. W. Puryear,
a printer from Shreveport, and a stationary
engineer named Smith from Fordyre, Ark.,
are dead, presumably from the effect of
whisky, which I up(Osed to hv been
Joe Cameron of Pittsburg, Pa., and J. D.
Treniont of Jackson, Miss., are la Jail under
suspicion of. having given tU polsonsd
lie Only Stays Short Time, However,
aad Thes) Goes to Cla
ss a nail.
8TAUNTON, .V.'.: April 22. The report
form St. Louis that Lieutenant Governor
Lee of Missouri, whose presence I desired
by the grand Jury 'Investigation of the
legislative bribery rlargea, was In thl city
reached here today. I An examination of the
register of the leading hotel show tbat
John F. Lee and twrt, ladle' were there last
Saturday and remained until Monday after
noon, when they went lo Clifton Forge,
and there took Jh Sweet bound train for
Cincinnati. While here Mr. Lee and hie
companions spent ihelr tlm In alght
eelng. 1
Mr. Lee 1 described as a fine looking man
about 55 year old. tie had a aandy mous
tache and pleasant manner and (aid ha wa
a 8t. Louis lawyer, y
ST. LOUIS, April 52. The Investigation
by the grand Jury of legislative boodle
scandals has beea adjourned tor a time to
enable Circuit Attorney Polk to tak up
the trial of alleged local boodlers.
In the criminal division of tbe circuit
court before Judge Ryan tbe case of Louis
Decker, former member of th house of
delegate, under lndk-tment charging per
jury In connection iith the evidence he
gave before tbe grald Jury In regard to
money used to pase the suburban street
railroad frsnchlse bill, csme to trial today.
ST. LOUIS. April 22. After a long con
ference with Circuit) Attorney Folk Mrs.
Lee ha gone to Chicago, supposedly with
the intention of persuading her husband to
return and testify before the grsnd Jury.
It Is thought probable that Mr. Lee will
bring her husband back on Friday.
It I said friends pointed out to her that
either the lieutenant governor or D. J.
Kclley would be required a witnesses and
tbat the advantage wfculd he with the one
who first appeared.
Presldeat Hayes Secretary of War
Passes Away at Ripe
Old A sc.
ST. PAUL, Minn., April 12. Alexander
Ramsay, ex-governor of Minnesota, secre
tary of war under President Hayes, for two
terms United States senator from Minne
sota and for whom the county In which St.
Paul Is located Is named, died at hi home
In this city today, aged 88.
Mr. Ramsey had auffered since the mid
dle of May from an attack of the gout, but
hla death came quite unexpectedly.
He was born In Pennsylvania in 1815, and
was elected governor of Minnesota In 1860.
He took a prominent part tn -organising th
military force during the civil strife, and
in 1863 wa elected United State senator,
being re-elected in 186-. He supported all
the war measure of President Lincoln'
administration and took a prominent part
In th discussion of the momentous ques
tion of tbe reconstruction period. He waa
chosen by Prealdent Hayes secretary of
war In 1879, and served until the advent
of th Oarfleld administration..
British tadlaa School Fall
Christian Mlsaloaary
to Aid
' CHICAGO. April 22. Failure ot the Brit
ish educational system In India to make
the natives Christians wa emphaaized to
night -at the thirty-third annual business
meeting of the Woman's Missions of tbe
West. Miss Margaret Davis, who has la
bored among the Hindu, aald:
Enrland his provided an excellent edu
cational system In India, but I find the
young men who graduate from the unlver
sltlea are left without any religious belief
whatever, and tnis class usually nsrd
to convert. Their education destroys faith
In the religions of their own country, but
doea not make them Christians.
A more encouraging report was received
from the Chines field. Miss Emma Silver,
who has recently returned from the Orient,
declared Christianity is advancing In China
nd In glowing term (poke of th future
possibilities of missionary work In the
Celestial empire.
Exploree Park oa Skis aad Sledgree,
Thereby Establlshlaar
CINNABAR. Mont., April 22. President
Roosevelt ha completed hla tour of the
Yellowstone park and arrived at Fort Yel
lowstone about noon today from Norrls.
Secretary Loeb met blm this afternoon and
tonight Issued the following statement:
Major Pitcher says the president and he
have Just returned from their six-day trip
in the interior of the park. The party
went on sledges, but used horses between
the upper and lower geyser basins and
skis around the canyon, where It was
Impossible to go anywnere without them.
The snow was from two to five feet deep
on the level throughout. It was getting
Into bad shape. This Is the first time the
Interior of the park has ever been visited
before the snow went off by anyone ex
cept the scouts or soldiers on duty at tbe
various stations. iajku,
Secretary to the President
Left oa Hill 'While Engine Breasts
Incline, Start Down Again,
KlUlngr One.
SPRING VALLEY. 111.. April 22 One
man was killed and thre injured In a
wreck on th Spring Vslley division of the
Omaha road thl afternoon.
A mixed freight and passenger train be
came (tailed on a hill two miles west of
here and two cars were left standing while
the balance ot tbe train went over the
ridge. A defective brake allowed the car
to get away, which, tartlng down hill,
soon attained a terrlfflo speed and collided
with another train coming up th Incline
The end coach was completely telescoped.
When the ear started to run away most
of the passengers Jumped ad escaped
without Injury.
Takes Sl.OOO Award for Best Theale
of V'adlvlded Re.
NORTHAMPTON. Maae.. April 22. Ml
Florence R. Babln of Denver, Colo., claaa of
1903, now of John Hopkins university and
a graduate ot Smith college, ha beea
awarded the $1,000 priie offered by the
Naplea table for the beat tbeil of Indl
vldual research In biology, physic, soology
and chemistry.
The Naples table 1 composed of alumnae
of many college of thl country who have
endowed tbe laboratory at Naples for sp
clal research. Ther were many contest
ant for tbe prlie. Ml Sabla haa beeu
oflrd a ?oltioa In a London hospital.
Coal Companies Ordered to Prodnoe Oon
traota Deny Commission' i Jurisdiction.
Hew Tork le Declared to Get Fael
Cheaper Than Philadelphia aad
I Scored for Opposing Pro
doners' Prl
NEW YORK, April 22. When th Inter
nal Commerce commission resumed It
Inquiry Into th alleged Anthracite Coal
trust and It dealing today th defendant
railroads were called upon to produce
their private contract. They refuted and
tha question ot Jurisdiction wa ent to
tbe circuit court.
Mr. Shearn, counsel for the complainant,
called for all - contracts between th
Lehigh .Valley road and the Lehigh
Valley Coal company, explaining that
he expects to prov by them tbe dif
ference between the actual price ot car
riage charges to that company and th
published schedule price charged to the In
dependent companies. He aald the con
tract will show that the Lehigh Valley
Coal company ia to receive for all Ha coal
65 per rent of the prlc realized by the coal
at tidewater.
Judge Campbell ot the Reading and Mr.
Kerr of the Ontario St Western protested
that no such conditions obtained on their
Say Contracts Show Monopoly.
Mr. Shearn said the contract would show
th creation of a monopoly that the coal
companies have no power over the output
ot their mine because they can only get
rid of the quantity the railroad are willing
to take .from them and the railroads will not
handle the coal In sufficient quantities to
reduce the price to consumer.
"Tbe companies," he said, "brought the
coal to this tidewater tor 85 per cent ot the
price of $5 per ton and then turned It
back again to the coal companlea to he
old for 31 to 15 a ton."
"Where do tbe complaints com from!"
Interrupted Judge Campbell, "From the
Independent companlea? No. From
th owner ot palaces about Central
park, the crowded tenement and the busi
ness buildings In the lower part ot the
city. Yes. If the price of coal 1 reduced
will your rent be reduced? Not a bit of It.
Cheaper coal 1 the hysterical demand of
your newspsper, not of tha thinking publio.
"We will (how the people ot New York
the fact. . We will show thl commission
tbat tor more than a quarter of a century
the people of New York have wrung the
bowel of the coal region . ot Pennsyl
vania, practically getting their coal for
nothing, and whine like a pack of whipped
dogs, when a decent remunerative price. 1
asked by th producer. Here I where
the aurplu comes, and her the coal ia
cheaper than anywhere else. You pay lee
than I pay in Philadelphia. - You do not
pay enough and I am hoping to appeal to
the. commission to order the rate on coal
to tidewater advanced." i -:
People AW1U B Oratofal. ,
"the courteous word of the rep
resentative of the divinely ordained. agent
ot God In the coal region Th people ot
New York, of Buffalo, of Philadelphia and
of Boston will be grateful of the compari
son of the whipped doge, because they ob
jected to being robbed."
"I think the hearing Is going beyond even
the wide limit we purpose to allow," put
In Chairman Knapp of the commission.
The commission decided that tbe Lehigh
Valley railroad should produce the con
tracts demanded.- Counsel refused, denying
at the same time tbat Mr. Shearn had cor
rectly outlined their provision.
W. W. Ros, representing the Delaware,
Lackawanna & Western, also refused a sim
ilar demand. He . declared the coal
wa bought at the mine and that conse
quently the question of transportation' does
not. enter Into the contract and the com
mission had no. jurisdiction. . .
Counsel for the other railroads refused
to prcduce their contracts.
Tbe commission certified the point raised
to the United States circuit court, where a
decision will be rendered. '
George O. Waterman, secretary of the
Central railroad of New Jersey and the
Lehigh and Wllkesbarre Coal company,
said there are no contract between the
companlea for the transportation of coal,
or for tbe purchase and al of coal.
inree witnesses, nowever, said it wa
cheaper to handle bltumtnou than anthra
cite coal at . th point ot trans-shipment
at tidewater.
MINNEAPOLIS. April 22. Th Interstate
Commerce commission will Investigate the
alleged discrimination against flour tn favor
ot wheat In freight tariffs, which resulted
In the recent shut down of flour mills.
Trala Crew Stope Jast In Time
Save Helpless Victim's
CUMBERLAND, Md.. April 22. Four
highwayman were chased four miles along
th Baltimore Ohio railroad last night by
an engine craw, while their victim at In
th cab and guided th way.
. Mr. McDonald cam to Connellavllle In
earch of work. While on bit way to tb
(bop h wa attacked by four negroe who
knocked him ' senseless snd after robblna
him threw bis body across the track. Au
engtna (topped Just before It reached tbe
One mil east of Dawaon the tour negroe t
were arretted.
Confesses to Kllllnsr aad Gives Is
realted Lava aa tho
NEWCASTLE, Wyo.. April 22. The cor
oner' Jury today returned a verdict tht
Mr. and Mr. John W. Church were killed
by W. C. Clifton. . Clifton confessed to tb
killing and gav aa a reason that be was
madly In love with Mrs. Church and h
spumed him.
Valverelty at Wisconsin Elect Dr.
Fenaemaa a Fall Pro
fessor. MADISON, Wis., April 22. The board ef
regent of th Unlvaralty of Wisconsin to
day promoted Dr. C. K. Leith, at present
assistant professor of geology, and elec el
Dr. N. M. Fennemsn of ths Stste Uni
versity of Colorado to full professorship.
Cabaa Theatere Hesame Beslaess.
HAVANA, April 22. The theater, which
closed yesterday a a protest agclnst the
collection of a stsmp tax, reopened to
night, tbe matter having been arranged
by th reduction ot th tax t 1 per cenu
Forecast for Nebraska Partly Cloudy
Thursday, Probably fihower at Nlaht In
North Portion; Friday Fair and Cooler.
Temporatare at Omaha yesterday!
Hoar. Dear.
a. m..... 4a
a. m...... ea
T a. m 41
8 a. m. , . , 44
a. a 4ft
10 a. m...... rta
11 a. m BT
IS at ........ 59
i ..... .
I ..... .
I ..... .
I. .... .
Closlac Day at Seaeloa Fall af Busi
ness of Importance to
tha Chareh.
The Omaha presbytery began It aecston
yesterday morning by devotional xerclae
led by Rev. Mr. Arnold of Schuyler. Ar
rangement were mad for the ordination
and Installation of Rev. Frederick A. Gate
to Bellevu church May 11 In th pretence
of the presbytery.' To committees. Rev.
Henry Stewart wa appointed to the for
eign mission. Rv.' Walter H. Reynold to
that on education, and Rev. A. 8. C. Clark
to ministerial relief. Rev. Nelson Mile
and Frederick A. Gates were examined
uccessfully for ordination to th min
istry. The session of the churches at Monroe
and Oconee were given power to fill their
own pulpit vacancies until next atated
The committee on revision ot confession
ot faith reported on the declaratory state
ment of the general assembly, together
with ten overture from that body, and
these were adopted. The proposition to
add chapter S4 and 85 to th confession ot
faith waa rejected.
Rev. Knox Boude and Daniel Gretder a
principal, and Rev. E. B. Moor and C. W.
Miller a alternate were elected a min
isterial delegatea to the general assembly
at Lo Angeles and from th elder Robert
Boyd and Howard Kennedy, Jr., a princi
pal, and J. F. Ketiler and S. 8. Sldner a
Rev. Nelson Mile wa ordained a an
evangelist and Rev. Walter N. Halsley will
be ordained to tha church In Columbu
May I. Tha Bethlehem church waa dis
banded after consideration of It condition.
a was alto the church at Weston.
Reports on various subject were heard
from Rev. J. J. Lampe, E. H. Menks, J. N.
Morgan ot Lyons, R. M. Dillon, Ware, J. D.
Kerr, K. Bond and J. B. Ourrens, y nodical
Sabbath school missionary. Mr. McDtll,
secretary of the International Young Men's
Christian association work among railway
men, made an Interesting talk on his work.
The presbytery adjourned to meet at
Bellevue May 11, at 7;30 o'clock, after which
It adjourn until next tall when the meet
ing; 1 to be In Columbu.
Conference Will Bo Held This Aftor-
., noon to Adjast Differ-
r-Coltnatefa' who - hav recently pre.
anted : as, ultimatum to their employere
regarding wage and other condition of
employment will meet thl afternoon to
decide upon some mere specific and final
proposition to submit. A committee ha
been appointed from their number to take
up matter with the coal dealer and some
ort of an outcome 1 anticipated from thl
The coal dealer are Inclined to the view
that the tcamatera will modify their de
mand, which tb dealers consider arbi
trary. One ot the dealera last sight said:
"The men,. while still at work, are dl
attsfled, but they have made demands of
us that cannot be granted. They want In
crease In their wage ranging from 20
to 94 per cent, which include a 5 per cent
commission on 'C. O. D.' dollverle. Then
they want thorter limit. A their union
already ha been formally recognized, they
make no demand along that line.
"It atmply 1 out of tbe question for tbe
men to k the Increases In their waget
that they do. They now get from $3.75 to
$5 a day; which la good pay. We are not
laying whether no Increase at all will be
entertained, but we do say these they de
mand cannot be granted. We expect soma
modification of the ultimatum and an
amicable settlement ot all differences."
Receipt of New Cap Ornaments
Make the Boye Feel
Real Good.
Tbe Millard Rifles celebrated their as
signment to the Second regiment Monday
evening on the occasion of the distribution
of the new cap ornament, disclosing that
they ar now member of Company I. Ad
jutant General Culver complimented the
officer on the fine allowing made, especially
In view of tbe fact thst when the company
fell In, but one man wa absent. The Mil
lard Rifle will make their first publio ap
pearance ttnee reorganization on the oc
casion of President Roosevelt' visit to
Omaha next Monday afternoon. The local
National Guard eompaales will be com
manded by Major Oliver Osborne ot the
Second regiment. .
Mel Uhl, representing the Knight of
Ak-Sar-Ben; Chief of Police Donahue, Cap
tain Sue ot tb Millard Rifle. Captain
I Richard of th Thurston Rifles and Lieu-
tenant Lindsay ot the Omaha Guarda via
ited th depot yesterday afternoon and per
fected th plan for tb president' recep
tion and all arrangement have been made
to properly handle the crowd and Insure
th safety of th president. The Millard
Rifles have arranged to meet at their
armory Monday afternoon at 4 p. m. nnd
from there will march to the rendezvous
designated by Major Osborne, so that the
three local miltlla companlea will march
to the station together.
Weddlua; Arrangements t'hnna;ed.
Owing to aevere Illness at the home nf
Mr. T. W. Taliaferro, the wedding of Miss
Josephine Carey Stanton and Mr. T. F.
Kennedy will take place at the Paxton
hotel on April 2$ at l:3o p. m.
Movements of Ocean Vessels April 23.
At New York Arrived: Oeorgic, from
ldverpooi. eauen: jrnuaneipnia, lor nnuin
ampton: Germanic, for Liverpool: Palatla.
for Napks snd Genoa.
At IJverpool Arrived: Friedland. from
Philadelphia. Hulled: Canada, for Halifax
and boston via Queenatown; Noordland, for
Philadelphia via uueenstown; Oceanic, for
New York via Queenstown.
At Queenstown Balled: Teutonic, from
New York, for IJverpool; Daxonia, from
Liverpool, for Boston.
At Southampton Sailed: Menomlnle, from
London, for New York.
At Oenoa Arrived: Hesperla, from Phil
adelphia. At Hrnwhead Paased: Teutonic, from
New York, for Liverpool.
At Gibraltar- Pasaed: Archimere. from
New York, for Naples and Genoa; Victoria,
from lathorn, foi New York.
At The Lisard Passed: New York, from
New York, for Southampton.
Al Manchester Walled: Caledonia, for
New York.
Chicago Oompaiiu Plaoed in Receiver1!
Hand bj Uaited States Judge.
Failure Means Absolute Euin to Thousand
of Company Shareholder!
North snd Weit Chicago Street Railway!
sre Also in Smash,
Croeeae Bay Heavily Shortly Before
tho Craah aad I Said to Be
1 Oae at the Heaviest
Losers. '
CHICAGO, April 23. (Special Telegram.)
Judge Grosscup In th United Statea cir
cuit court thl afternoon appointed receiv
er for three of Chicago' largest traction
companies. Th petition was preaented on
behalf of the Guaranty Trust company of
New York, representing creditor holding
five note representing 1, 154, 183 ot uneatla
fled Judgment.
Tbe three companl affected, with their
indebtedness, are: ,
(1) The North Chicago Street Railway
company, $565,052.
(2) The Union Traction company, $318,690.
(3) The West Chicago Street Railway
company, $270,440.'
Th first ot these three control about
two-thirds ot the entire surface Hues of tho
city and ha been supposed, until recently,
to be among th strongest organizations In
the country. All three are member ot what
I known a th Yerke group, although th
veteran promoter la understood to hav
evered all financial Interest In them at the
tlm he engineered the flotation of the
overhead road, hla last big deal In Chicago
But although Mr. Yerke will lose Hula
or nothing by the crash, J. Plerpont Morgan
and thousands of less wealthy and le well
known shareholder ar hit hard and wtlP '
lose heavily. Mr. Morgan, it 1 understood,
lacked his usual perspicuity la financial
matter in this connection, having pur
chased hi very large holding all or prac
tically all within the past few month.
Tbe receivers named by tbe court are:
R. R. Oovln of New York, for the trut
eompany; Jamej H. Eckel ot Chicago, for
tbe traction companies; Marshall E. Samp-
en, cierk of tne court, apeclal advlaer.
The application for the receivership eame
up In connection with ult to recover In
terest due on the notes, when, the com
panies admitting the default. Judge Gross
cup at once entered Judgment.
The plaintiff claimed, and the claim was
admitted by W. W. Gurley on behalf ot the
companies, that ; all . wer insolvent, that
their rolling stock was heavily n-ortgtgsd
and that their ttock nnd i-ther asset could v
apt be touched .by Judgment creditor. ; I
Each receiver wa placed under 8 bond 7
of $75,000. r ';..',, .
Knntev Break Stock ' Prteea, .
Rumor of the appointment ot a receiver
from the Union Traction company caused a
ever break In that stock on th local
exchange late today, the preferred tock
telling from S down to H. At th am
time the West Chicago City Railway brok
to 69, these prices being new low records
for both stock. . '
Foar Denominations Consider' Sohemo
for Combining- nival,
Beets. - .
PITTSBURG,. April 22. Forty-five dele
gate representing the Congregational,
Methodist Protestant, United Brethren and
Christian Union churches, held a meeting
here today to discus tbe union of the
denomination. The denomination hav a
combined memberehlp of over 1.000,000.
If a plan of union I decided on It will
remain tor the varloua denomination In
volved to ratify th action of tb conven
tion . ,
After a long session behind closed door
a committee of three from each denomina
tion wa appointed to report tomorrow oa
tbe paper submitted by each church, la
which were stated . the doctrine each de
ilred to retain In a united church.
The commute Include:
Congregational Dr. Washington Gladden,
Columbu, O.; Dr. William Hay Ward,
editor of the Independent. New York.
Methodist Protestant Dr. H. T. Lewis,
president of Adrian college, Michigan; Dr.
D. S. Btephent, chancellor of tbe Kama
City university.'
United Brethren Bishop 3. 8. Mill. Dan
ville, Pa.; Dr. L. 8. Cornel', Denver. Colo.
Christian Union Rev. , Drs. Summerblll,
Power and Burhelt. -
Dr. Oladden presided over th Joint con
ference. Tbe rock on which the minister
spilt waa that of church government.
Th policy of th United church, th
centralization of authority and th au
tonomy ot the local churches formed th
text of deep discussion. There wer those
who contended for the Coogregstlonal doc
trine, under which each church Is self
governing. Other stood for tb Methodist
Protestant Itinerancy and conferences with
authority over churches In tbe appointment
ot minister!. Other spoke for the addi
tional functions In church government a
represented In th Brethren denomination.
Tb upshot was a decision tbat a commute
take the papers under consideration and re
port In the morning whether a union of
the four churches la practical oa th bast
Missouri Vend End la Doable
Tragedr at Poplar
POPLAR BLUFF, Mo., April 22. A th
culmination of a feud. Rub Hayes today
thot John Jonea aud probably fatally
wounded Frank Jordan near Fink.
Haye Immediately aurrendered and haa
been brought to Poplar Bluff. He la a oa
of Judge John A. Haye of tb county
Taken I'aeonselooa From Oregjoa
Trala aad Passes Away la
Pendleton HospltaL
PENDLETON, Or., April 2! O. P. Al
vord of Grant, Neb., wa taken in aa un
conscious condition from a westbound pas
senger train Saturday- evening and died la
a hospital hers today. The coroner give
the caut of death as folsou.
drink t the dead