Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1903, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Bee.
B ttrlj Arraign Cleveland "W hil FUad'ng
for Dsmocrtf' Unity.
Party Bad Declared Wids Esaurb. (or All
Except Object of Wrath,
Harmon Unit Ot Completed W itDOat
Becenoilinjr. Faction.
Reference to Pence Tbreua-h War oa
Nebraskaa Asplraat' Opponent
Evoke Intense Enthualeam
t Kaaaas City
KANSAS CITY, April 21. William J.
Bryan, speaking this morning to the toast.
'Democracy." at the banquet given by the
Democratic County club and the newspaper
men of Missouri complimentary to William
J. Stone, at which the addresses did not be-
, ntll lon after midnight, bitterly ar-
raigned Orover Cleveland aud his supporters
who are making f. -)lee for harmony
.- .-,,,.
among democrats,
... .,v,i. . la'uo of repreaen-
...... u .m.t nd the remarke
of Mr. Bryan met with enthusiastio favor
I.K hi. t... II. ..Id r DXrL:
. , . .1.1- ',, I. moral
couraxe among men. W Med moral cour-
age more than ability and we wain m
kind of moral courage tnat will wni iu.
V.0.1??:" af'n 5,.-.n- 'i .W Tiii Missouri a
limn who possesses .. :.X moral courage enu
1 1 1 1 I II I , - - - , I
ability. , ... i
s,Um frilevVtheV.mrar. o'f Missouri
-...- .v.- k.. , ii.. nf hnw to secure nar-1
is wide enough for all who want to ome In.
but we do not want to have to alt up . n Ktita
to aeep certain .
cur pockets.
Invite) All to Return.
v- invit. all hn have straved from the
(- fold
1 wan
I hav
fold to come back If they so desire, but we
tr, atav in arrer inev conw. "
ve had
... I. -..A Kl. rlmlntfltrfi.tlon VQI
nver n found ourselves weaker than we
bad ever been before, because we had been
V''1"? -IPW. ui'JLVL r.h.S
marness to republicanism by deserting us
In our hour of greatest need and support-1
l,J?wtn; rpub . " piil . .r..f vlrtorv
In 1XB2, which aave our party a great oppor-
tunity, but Orover Cleveland betrayed the
democretto Pty and 1 : carried '
ot his administration through two national
Simrin nd there was not a plank in
either platform tnai waa sucn m uoirm". i
to m in tuose compaigna an w-v u.u..
Cleveland had the beat opportunity to re-
deem the democratic party ox any pun
sine the time ot Anares ' "lA"l
graced himself. As a party we must ntand
true to democratlo prliclptes, and If we do
1 believe that demooratlo victory will soma
hVn it ooi.-:r. ..
" . . ...
Sa V. for Ttlnnm f .
Never wwerve In Vour lfalty to emo.
5.moriCUwrreally" in' dem:
cratio principle, for a whole barnyard full
of trimmers ana oorapromwera wuo prciauu
etterTreaTet from Richard Olney,
Itenator wroiau, roumi ...
Hearst. Tom 1 Johnson, Edward M. 6hep-
nard. D. B. Hill, Senator Daniel, Clark oil
Arkansas and BaMley were read. The let
ter of Johnson and Hearst raised a tumult
at annlause.
Senator William J. Btone. wno oia noi
rise to weak until 8:80. aald In the course
. t. . -T... -
of hi remark.
.... .. ... r tnrather. TM
olatform Is the creed of l. ) party and the
man who dona not subscribe to It does not
:elieve in tne nemocrawo iii. I
Speaking of next year convention
Id: I
Th.- .111 K ni abandonment or reorganl- I
satlon and no ma unworthy
the old Jefferson flag wll "f."?1"'
nitu . t . " .
. , i . l- linn niiv uk lur wn uw- i
Former Speaker Declare Nation Will
.Send President Baolc with
Record Majority
LOS ANQELES, Cel., April 11. In an
Interview today David B. Henderson, for-
i.ri sneaker of the house ot represents-
Il,u aald
President Roosevelt wfll be nominated, In
my opinion oy in urn I V u V ; "
tlonal convention and elected by the Amer
ica people In the same spirit of enthus asm
displayed when he made his famous charge
up Ban Juan hill. That he will be re
nominated goes without saying, and he w 11
have no opposition. No other name wl I
o before tne convention, nm eiwrumi wm,
h-iieva follow bv the largest majority
ever given to any canaiaate.
Mr. Henderson is visiting a son wno re-
aide at Long Beaoh and will probably re-
Mr. Henderson Is visiting a son who re
main In eoutberB California until Jun 20,
when he will leave for New York.
ladlanlaa Arrested Charged with
FlrlBB Boat, Thai Slay
la; Two.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April tl. Harry
Wheeler, wanted at Aurora. Ind., for mur
dar. was arrested today.
Tha alleged crime wss rommitted on a
shanty Doat on tne unio river April . uur- i
in- a riminkan earnuaal an oil can waa
knocked over and lis contents spilled over
the floor. It Is alleged that Wheeler took
matches out Of hU pocket and, lighting
them, threw them at the oil-soaked spot.
The boat took fire and burned. A man
named Johnson of Oweniboro, Ky., was
burned to death and several other persons
seriously Injured. One of these, Mary
Martin, ha since died at Aurora.
Paya Creditor of Peoria Road,
Who Thereopoa Drop
tl'HiMuricuu, in., April zi. Marcus
Maytr'a application to the circuit court to
have the sale ot the Peoria, Decatur and
Eastern railroad to the Illinois Central set
aside, was dismissed today. Mayer claimed
the sale was made with Intent to defraud
the creditor ot the Peoria, Decatur and
He held a claim of $30,000 against the
road and claimed that this was a prior
clnlm to that ot the bondholder. The case
was settled by the Illinois Central paying
Mayer a certain eum, the amount ot which
U hot knowaV
1 enough of Clevelandlsra In the I Youtsey was today recalled for
. PS"?;--?.l,jrarVa.Uro..-ex.mlnation In the trial of
Ctmplalal ot Hearst Analaat Coal
Carrylnsr Roiii la to Hf
eelve Att4?atlea.
NEW TORK. April XI. The Interstate
Commerce commlMion sat In this citjr today
to conaider the rompr 'it of William K.
! Hearst that certain cr ' -vtng road are
I violating the interstav
t law.
V Rradlna, the Lehigh Vail",. 'r
of New Jersey, the New York, fiti-
Is- Western, the Erie, the Ontario fc. .
ern. the Delaware & Hudson, the Fennel
vanla and the Baltimore Ohio.
Th npilfln romnlilnti of Mr. Hearst are
that the roads charge unreasonable rates;
that they discriminate In favor of the bi
tuminous against the anthracite coal com
panies, and that they hare contrived In vio
lation of the anti-pooling section of the
Interstate commerce law to discriminate
against the Independent coal mining com
panies In favor of the companies controlled
by the railroads.
The commission Is also to consider while
here the old case of the complaint of the
Texas Cattle Raisers' association and the
Chicago L've Stock association against the
Chicago local transfer tax, which calls for
the payment of $2 per car for cattle trans
ferred from the termini of the western rail-
roads In Chicago to the Union stock yards
At the first bearing cn that subject the
commissioners ordered a reduction of the
tax from 12 to tl per car. That ruling was
submitted to the United Btatee supreme
court, which eent the whole case back to
the Interstate Commerce commission for
more evidence.
... . ,
The Delaware aV Hudson, Erie, Delaware,
Lackawanna Western, Lehigh Valley,
Philadelphia ft Reading. Jersey Central and
vui.. " Tc, U .r, .c. -uvc-
No answer were received when the com
mission asked who represented the Penn-
tylvania and Baltimore ft Ohio.
Tj,e Besslon was occupied by summary
of the complaint by counsel for the com
piainani ana me presentation or an ex
, . . ... .
nioii snowing tne tann on nituminoua am
anthracite coal and pig Iron
. ,
To-1B,y Declare . Senator Held
(loebePa Death. TJanecessary to
Taylor's Election.
21. Henry
Responding to questions as to negotla
"on. with Dr. Johnson to kill Ooebel
Youtsey said he went to see Senator Deboe
ana told him Johnson and other were
"1"111 to d Senator Deboe, accord
Ing to witness, replied that enough demo-
crats were going to vote with Taylor to
retain him in office and It would not be
. ,,, ,
necessary to kill Ooebel. Deboe said It
must noi De aone.
wltnmtg went back and told JohaeoD
what Deboe said.', Johnson told him not to
pay any attention to DeDoe, out to go ana
see what Oovernor Taylor said about It.
He went to see Taylor and told him what
Johnson said and Taylor ralsed ao objection
t tb& p!(in of nootln from (he cre-
fary r rute'a offlce.
; H. T. Jamea of Butler county said he
w tb man vho eam, out ot tne ,uu
houBe Bnortly t(ter tm shooting and whom
Dally and other, auppcaed to have been
Principal Ones to
Be Completed Darin tne
SAN FRANCISCO. April 21. James Allen
has returned from the north, where he went
h attend to matter connected with the
i.i. f i..w. ki- - ..t
" - " "
toaay mat tne nrst nair or tne came, wnicn
is being made in New York, will arrive at
Seattle August 1. The second half will
reach It destination about October 1.
The cable ship Burnslde. which la now
lindnrminB ranalea at Wnn w Wnn a Tnav tint
get here until early In July. It will go to
fi,,v. m.kln. .nnnm.. .k f,
CT n "
. ... . .
auu men win ioj mo urn pari oi tee caDie
fron Juneau to Sitka.
There Is already a line from Ekagway to
Juneau, which will he cut In and connected
with the new military post at Haines Land
lng, so that the new cable connecting Skag-
way and Sitka will also bring Sitka and
Haines Landing Into communication.
Colonel Allen say that the principal
cause of delay Is the nonarrlval of the cable.
but the work will be completed late In the
Adjutant General to Have Charge of
Military Parade at lit
Lent Pair.
ST. LOUIS. April zl. Major General
Henry C. Corbin. adjuatant general U. 8. A.,
wno w, pDi ,argb, 0f tbs military
n.r,rt, rtHn tha wnrid'a ii.rfiti
,xerclsM t0(laT ntered upon the work of
preparing for that part ot the ceremonies.
He held a conference with President
Thomas H. Carter ot the world' fair com
mission; Colonel E. A. Godwin, commander
of ths Jefferson Guard, and other in
General Bates will be In command ot the
regulars," sold General Corbin, "with
General Grant In command of the First
brigade and General Kobbe of the Second.
I have not yet been Informed officially of
the exact number of troops that will be j
here, but I presume they will number in
I Deprived of Drnar Prisoner I.oaea
Reaaoa While Awaltlan Trial
for Harder.
BAKERSFIELD, Cel.. April 2L Al Hulse,
the ex-convict accused of the murder ot
Deputy Sheriff Tlbbet and .City Marshal
Packard, has become a raving maniac In
the county Jail.
Last night he began shrieking for help.
declaring he- waa entirely innocent. Hulae
is a confirmed dope fiend and It Is thought
deprivation of the drug caused the attack.
I Brokers Leave Prodnee Men aad Dedl.
eate Xew Bnlldlas wltk
Holiday Today.
NEW YORK, April II. This wss ths last
day on which the Stock exchange trans-
I acted business on the Produce exchange,
I where it has had quarter during the cou-
structlon of the new building,
Tomorrow it will move into the building,
but no business will be trsnsacted. the dsy
being given over to dedication ceremonies.
Loyal Natives Amige Earbarie Pageant in
Freiidtnt's Honor.
Mlmle Battles, Gallant Charare, Bean
teons Katlve Danelnaj Girls and
Desert Banqnet Play Part la
' t'alqae Ceremony,
ml. KREIDER, Algeria. April 21. Pres
ident Loubet presided today at a veritable
durbar of the nomadic tribesmen. The I
tribesmen gathered in thousands from all
parts of southern Algeria for a ceremony
of oriental splendor.
Up to the present time M. Loubet has
visited only those sections ot Algeria
which show the advance of French colo
nization. Today, however, he entered the
desert country, with Its sparse and burned
Over 8,000 tribesmen assembled, some ot
them having journeyed 800 or 400 mile
across the desert, assembling on a vast
plateau, where their tenta were arranged
In circles after the Arab custom, each tribe
occupying a large circle in the center af
which were droves of richly . harnessed
A superb tent of camel -hair fabrics and
Arab tapeetrlee had been erected for the
president, before which each tribe passed
In review, lte chief dismounting and pay
ing homage a he passed M. Loubet, who
distributed decorations to the principal
Bern Mock Powder.
After the review came a native fantasia.
or exhibition of sports. There were foats
of horsemanship and much burning of gun
powder, the exhibition closing by a charge
of all the native cavalry, which wheeled
across the plain and charged toward the
station occupied by the president, pulling
up their horses within 300 yards ot his po
sition. A mimic combat followed, repre
senting the capture of a caravan by a des
ert tribe.
The ceremonies were brought to a conclu
sion by a grand "dlffa," or Arab banquet,
given by the chiefs In honor of M. Loubet.
The menu, which was printed In Arabic and
French, Included such desert delicacies as
rost gazelle "eonscous" and camel's milk.
Dances executed by celebrated native beau
ties followed the banquet end after an ex
hibition of native methods of hunting,
which Included a bare chase by trained fal
cons, the day's entertainment ended. The
prealdent then started on his return Journey
to Salda.
The tribesmen, mounting their horses,
rode at full gallop alongside the train as
long as they could keep up the pace, their
many-colored bernous fluttering In the
wind, making a brilliant picture.
American General Is Most Cordially
Received by Vletor Em.
. auaaael of Italy. "
ROME. April fl. Brigadier General Lao.
ard Wood waa received In andience today
by King Victor Emmanuel.
The general had a most gracious and cor
dial conversation with the king, who took
great Interest in the Philippine islands.
General Wood explained that he waa going
to the Philippines on strictly military du
ties and aald he had the greatest admira
tion for Governor Taft. He telt that the
results which the governor had accom
plished there were excellent.
The king said that should General Wood
go to Eritrea, the Italian African colony on1
the Red sea, he had given Instruction to
the authorities there to put themselves en
tirely at his disposal. General Wood
thanked the king warmly and said he was
gratified when, through the Italian ambas
sador at Washington, the foreign office here
Invited him to visit Eritrea.
Major. Scott and Lieutenant McCoy, who
accompanied General Wood, also were re
ceived by the king.
Forela-a Resident of Tetnaa Are
Hath Worried by Attltade
of laanraeat.
MADRID, Apirl 21. A dispatch from
Cent. Morocco, reports the port of Tetuin,
Morocco, aa .being In a very critical posi
tion. The pretender la being urged to at
tack Tetuan. the capture of which la con
sidered easy.
The English and Jewish residents of the
place are unable to leave except by sea
and have requested that a steamer be sent
to fetch them, aa In consequence of the
Insufficient garrison the town will soon be
In the hands of the Insurgents. The Span
lards have demanded the protection of the
Spanish government. .
A eteamer from New York ha arrived at
Meltlla with 500 rases ot ammunition and
a number of rifles for the sultan ot
Mae of the Former aad Thirty
. the Latter Killed la
SALONICA. European Turkey, April 11.
A band of about 600 insurgents, partly in
Bulgarian uniforms, waa defeated by I
Turkish force near Radovltz April 19
Thirty insurgents and nlno Turks were
The Konlep, Asia Minor, division of
Reditu, numbering sixteen bsttallons, has
been called out for active service in Mace
donia and Albania.
The new Judges appointed under the re
form scheme of the powere are being ter
rorized by the Albanians. Two of the
Judge were shot with revolvers In' the
streets of Scutari, Asia Minor. One of
them waa killed.
Kot Eaona-h la Honolnln for
lae of British War
HONOLULU, April 21. (By Pacific
Cable.) The coal strike in British Colum
bia is responsible for the non-arrival of a
shipment of 1,600 tons of coal tor the use
of British warships stationed here.
H. M. S. Amphitrtte came to the local
naval station to secure 5,000 ton to enable
It to make it trip to Hong Kong, towing
the torpedo destroyers due there from
Esquimau. The naval station wired to
the Navy department at Washington for
permission to grant the request.
Bllasard la Russia.
ST PETERSBURG. April II. A blizzard
has swept over the entire province of Petrl
kovva. Trains ar snowed up and great
damage baa bees don.
Defective Ball feeatla Passeaa-er Train
Plylnaj to Destrne.
KANSAS CITY. April 21. Passenger
train No. 103 on the 'Frisco system, which
left Kansas City at 11:30 laat night for
Memphis and Birmingham, was partially
wrecked near Everton, Mo., north of
Springfield by a defective rail at 7 o'clock
this morning.
The engine, baggage, express and mail
cars went Into the ditch and were badly
damaged. Four person were killed, one
passenger seriously hurt, and perhaps a
dozen slightly Injured.
E. R. MEAD, engineer, Fort Scott. Kan.
BERT COFFMAN, fireman, Fort Scott.
C. B. CAMPBELL, postal clerk, Kansas
CLYDE WILKIN8. postal clerk. Fort
Seriously Injured:
Louie Columbia, Kansas City, passenger.
The engineer and fireman were burled
under the engine. i Firemen Coffman and
Postal Clerk Campbell were dead when
taken out. Engineer Mead was In a dying
condition and succumbed soon after being
removed from the wreck.
The passenger coaches remained upright,
and the passengers, except Columbia, es
caped with a sever shock and alight
bruises. The passengers went quickly to
the aid of the Injured men and rendered
much assfstance In extricating the un
fortunates from the wreckage. -
Physicians were sent te the scene from
Springfield and Fort Scott and the Injured
were conveyed to Springfield.
The accident Is believed to be the work
of train wreckers. Several attempts have
been made within the past four months to
wreck 'Frisco trains in this vicinity and
today's wreck is the second successful
Three months ago the same train, north
bound, wa wrecked near .Greenfield, a few
miles from Everton, when,-the engineer was
killed and the fireman Injured. The rail
way company has made every effort to
apprehend the wreckers, but apparently
without success.
Corrected Retsrsi Bbow that
B4ven Person Died la
' Wreck. " 1 ' '
SALAMANCA, N. Y.. April 81. It
known with practical certainly that seven
persons perished In the wreck oil the Erie
railroad at Redhouse yesterday, -
The railroad official have compiled a list
of the names of the paieenger who escaped
and by comparing this with the record of
the conductor aa to ,the total number of
passengers on board the train they find that
seven are missing or unaccounted for.
Tbey believe the bodies of all thoee killed
have been found and that the list ef fatali
ties will not exceed seven. 'The tlx un
identified cod'e are ao badly charred that
recognition Is Impossible and they bore
nothing which, would gjve anl clue to their
lndentlty , - - .
Agent Hicks, of the Eire railroad at this
place has received many telegram con
taining' inquiries aa' to passengera on the
train, but thus far all the names mentioned
have been In either the list of the killed
or Injured.
Relatives of R. L. McCready of Maadville,
the missing mall weigher, have claimed
one ot the bodies at the morgue here be
lieving It to be his.
Marderer of Mr. and Mrs. Chnreh Cries
Continually and Begs for
NEWCASTLE, Wyo., April 21. (Special
Telegram.) The posse returned to New
castle today with the bodies of Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Church, formerly ot Omaha
and Council Bluffs, who were murdered on
March 15 last by "Slim" Clifton.
It was expected Clifton would be taken
from the county Jail and lynched when the
bodtee were brought In, but cool head
were In the majority and the would-be
lyncher were satisfied with the promise
that the law would act quickly in the mat
ter. . '
Clifton Is . an object ot pity in the Jail.
He will neither eat nor sleep and cries
continuously and Implores the Jailers to
protect htm from the wrath of the people.
It Is safe to say, however, that the law
will be permitted to take Its course. Al
ready steps are being taken to prepare tor
the trial. In addition to Clifton's con
fession, the authorities have absolute proof
that he committed the crime. The trial
will be a short one and Clifton undoubtedly
will be convicted and sentenced to be
hanged, end will only be allowed the sixty
day prescribed by law In which to pre
pare for the end.
The parents of Mr. and Mrs. Church are
here and are completely prostrated with
Island War Declared Over Till Eman
cipation I Attempted by
MANILA. April tl. Major General Davis
has returned from the Jolo archipelago. He
did not see the sultsn as he went to Singa
pore three days before the general arrived.
The sultan's absence compels a temporary
abandonment of the negotiations for the
abrogation ot the Bates treaty.
General Davis reports that nine-tenths of
the Lanao, Mindanao, Moros have accepted
American sovereignty and pledged peaca
and friendship. Representatives of forty
towns north of the lake professed alle
giance to the United States before Major
Pollard yesterday.
i Peace Is assured until an attempt Is made
to abolish slavery. It Is believed that would
unite the Moros In opposition to the Ameri
rllns Somewhat Abated
Prospect Kow of
aad Ko
RAWLINS, Wyo., April tl. (Special Tel
egram.) Frank Keefe, who shot and killed
Tom King and John Baxter here last night,
was captured at 4 o'clock this afternoon
at the home of Pat Thoney, his brother-in-law,'
and is now safe In the penitentiary.
Excitement has died down and there Is
little danger of Keefe belong lynched, but
the officers thought they would be on the
safe side and placed the murderer In the
penitentiary, where it will 1 Impossible to
reach him.
John Baxter was a .brother of Superin
tendent R. W. Baxter of the Nebraska
division of the Union Paclfta,
Will Join President in Trip Through Secre
tary's But.
Official Reports Show that Farmers
Delay Seeding; Throna-hoot Malso
Belt OwIbst to Inimical
Weather Conditions.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. April 21. (Special Tele
gram.) Secretary Shaw left tonight tor
New York where he will spend a day or
two on department affairs and then goes to
Chicago, also upon business connected with
the Treasury department. . From Chicago
he goes to Shenandoah, la., there to meet
President Roosevelt and accompany the
presidential party during Its trip through
During Secretary Shaw' absence it le ex
pected he will take up the question ot a
successor to M. E. Alles, who retired as
assistant secretary of the treasury on the
15th Instant. Opinion continues to prevail
that Wallace Hills, present chief clerk of
the Treasury department, will be selected
as Mr. Alles' successor, department officials
having strongly urged his selection.
Assistant Secretary Armstrong Is not am
bitious to have charge of the personnel ot
the department which usually falls to the
first assistant secretary. Should he be
transferred to the first assistant's desk,
as now seems likely, he will ask that the
question of appointments be assigned to
some one of the other assistants and it
may be possible that, ehould Mr. Hills be
appointed, he will be In charge. of that
branch ot the work for which he Is thor
oughly qualified by reason of long service
In the Treasury department.
State Senator T. D. Healy and wife of
Fort Dodge, la., arrived In Washington to
day and will be the guests of Judge O'Con
nell and wife for some days. Mr. and Mrs.
Healy come to Washington to attend the
wedding of Miss Fancbon O'Connell to
Lieutenant Conden, which takes place on
April 29.
Cold Delay Corn Planting;.
The weather bureau's crop bulletin says:
In the states ct the upper Missouri val
ley the week ending April 20 was milder
than usual and generally favorable for
farming operations, but elsewhere
east of the Rockies the tern
perature was much below the average and
excessive rains retarded farm -vork gen
erally throughout the Atlantic coast dls
trtcts, Ohio valley and the southern por
tion of the lake region. The central and
west gulf states and portions of the south
east Rocky mountain dope are much in
need of rain, no appreciable amount having
fallen over a large part ot these district
for more than two weeks.
' On the Pacific coast cool weather has re-
larded growth and frosts have caused con
siderable Injury In Oregon.
, Southern California coast district hav
received heavy rain, insuring abundance
ot Irrigation water.
Very slow progrea haa-beefi Made with
corn pfanttng ''throughout the crn belt
and the middle and .southern Atlantlo
states, owing to cold, wet weather,' While
dry weather has impaired stands In the
central and west gulf states.
The previously reported excellent' condi
tion of winter wheat In the principal win
ter wheat states continues unimpaired, ex
cepting to a slight extent in portions of
the upper Ohio valley, where, In some lo
calities. It Is turning yellow. Less fav
orable reports are also received from the
middle and south Atlantic states and por
tions of Texas.
Seeding of spring wheat 1 general In all
part of the spring wheat region, but prog
ress ha not been rapid in south-eastern
Minnesota, owing to wet soil. The early
sown in Iowa and South Dakota is germ
inating slowly, though even stands are
indicated. On the north Pacific coast
spring wheat seeding is much delayed.
Oat seeding baa been suspended over a
large part of the central valleys and the
acreage in some sections is likely to be
reduced In consequence. In the statea ot
the lower Mississippi valley and in Texas
the outlook for this crop Is promising.
Kalns In portions of the eastern districts
and dry weather in the central and western
portions of the cotton belt have, to some
extent, Interfered with cotton planting;
this work has, however, been vigorously
pushed and has made fair progress.
Although frosts of the 18th caused further
injury to fruit in the upper Ohio val
ley, the reports generally explain that the
peach crop la more encouraging than those
of tho previous week. Apples appear to
have escaped injury In New England and
the middle Atlantlo atates. In California
fruit is mostly in good condition, having
sustained less injury by frost than, was
estimated. Considerable early fruit has
been Injured by frequent frosts in Oregon
but in Washington the cool weather has
kept bud In check and little or no injury
has resulted In that state.
Internal Revenue Fall Off.
The monthly statement of the collection
of Internal revenue shows that for March,
1903, the total collections were $18,624,90?
a decrease as compared with March, 1902,
of 12,602,626.
The receipt from the several source of
revenue are given as follows:
Spirits, $10,610,624; Increase, $1,106,703,
Tobacco, $3,641,693; decrease, $664,549.
Fermented liquors, $3,553,836; decrease.
Oleomargarine, $57,908; decrease, $172,184
Adulterated butter and process, or reno
vated butter, $19,237. (Law not In force last
For the nine months of the present fiscal
year the total collections were $173,325,913,
a decrease ot $30,945,366 as compared with
the corresponding period last year.
Hears Xothln from Baldwin,
Secretary Root has heard nothing from
General Baldwin regarding the alleged In
terview concerning colored troops. Colonel
Mills, Inspector general, was sent to Denver
to make a complete Investigation. It Is
not expected that Colonel Mills will report
until his return to Washington.
May Amend Red Croa Charter,
It seems .quite likely that the trouble
among the members of the Red Cross so
ciety will be brought to the attention ot
congress soon after It convenes next fall.
when an effort will probably be made to
obtain such an amendment to the charter
as will be satisfactory to thoso suspended
by the executive committee.
Drill Gcaeral Staff.
It Is the Intention of Secretary Root to
have the general staff ready for business
when the law goes Into effect In August,
It Is Intended that all officers detailed who
can be spared from their Immediate duties
will be relieved and go to work at once.
It is the Intention of Secretary Root to
hav different officers likely to be assigned
(Continued on Second Page.)
Foref-aot for Nehrka Fair Wednesday,
Warmer In Northwest 1'ortion; inuraaay
Temperatnre at Omaha Testerdayi
Hoar. Dear. Hear. Deer.
B a. m ..... . 4(1 1 . m BT
8 a, 44 S p. m BM
T a. m...... 44 S p. m Btt
a . m...... 4(1 4 p. m
a. m 47 B p. m 0
lO a. m BO dp. m...... Btt
It a. as B3 T p. B8
Mn tlH a p. m B1
p. B B4
Board of Governor of Ak-Sav-Bea
Hava Aboat Decided aa All
tha Detail.
At the meeting ot the board of governor
of the Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben laat night
the final plane for the reception of the
president and hia entertainment were con
sidered. A special meeting will be held
later In the week to approve them.
It wa decided to reserve section A and
the boxes at the den tor the use of the
knights of Ak-Sar-Ben of last year. These
members will receive from the secretary
a ticket admitting them to the reserved
seats, and no one will be admitted to sec
tion A or the boxes without such ticket.
The remainder of the den will be open to
the public. '
Member of the board desire to have the
publlo understand that the criticism of
fered by "A Former Teacher" are unjust
to the board In that the plan to have the
school children addressed by the president
originated with the board and were only
dropped upon the request of the president.
. The arrangement ot the members of tho
party In the carriages at the depot was de
cided upon, but will not be announced until
todsy after the secretary has had an op
portunity to arrange the statement accord
ing to the plans adopted. There will be
little ohange from the order published yes
terday except that Mayor Moore will ride
In the second carriage with the president
of the board of governors, T. A. Fry and
two members of the president' party.
laformal Session to Talk Over the
Personality of the Pros
pective Appraiser.
Chairman Boyd and Membera Congdon
and Barlow of the water board met in in
formal session yesterday afternoon to dis
cus the personality of an appraiser in tho
procedure of taking over the waterworks.
Secretary-Commissioner Koenlg waa pres
ent. No formal meeting was held and no
action taken, it being decided to wait until
the next regular meeting before taking
action. The name of the engineer whom
Chairman Boyd ha picked aa a likely ap
praiser was not made public and will not
be until he I appointed.
.man Decorate Street Ready for
. ' V41. Innr Suflaa da hi '
' 5 "Kins.
ROME. April 21. Nothing I known r.t
the British embassy or In official circles
concerning the report that the health of
King Edward is unsatisfactory.
HI majesty Is expected to arrive In
Nanlea tomorrow.
The archbishep of Malta ha Informed the
Vatican that he did his best to persuade the
king to call on the pope, adding that he re
ceived no assurances that this meeting
would or would not occur.
In the meantime preparations to receive
King Edward are progressing In various
directions. The street h's majesty Is
expected to traverse nre being richly dec
orated with red Venetian; garlands of
laurel and myrtle and large vase contain
ing fruit and flower tree thirty feet high.
Only Difference Between Men and
Company I Reeoajaltloa
f Union.
SHERIDAN, Wyo.. April 21. (Special
Telegram.) The Dieti coal mine near here
re closed down as the result of a strike
of the miner. Nearly 200 Inside men are
out, and 100 outside men will soon be with
out employment. There Is no grievance
other than the demand that the miners'
union be recognised. The strike will be
disastrous for the Burlington railroad for
all of Ha engines In Wyoming are fitted to
burn Sheridan coal. Both side are de
termined and there appears to be no pros
pects ot Immediate settlement. 1
Stock Grower' Assoelatloa Hold
Eighteenth Annual Gatheriaa;
at Mile City.
MILES CITY, Mont.. April 21. The
(OjVUeenth annual meeting of the Montana
Stock Growers' association began today.
The report of Secretary Prultt show a
balance ot $17,000 In the stray fund and
$7,000 In the general dues fund. The total
beef output for 1902 was 23,000 head; 14,000
strays were recovered by inspectors; 136,000
cattle were shipped into Montsna during
the year and 65,000 horses shipped out.
Make No Answer to Order Enjolnlna-
Beef Trust Isaaed by Judare
CHICAGO, April 21. No answer had been
filed by the packers at a late hour today In
the beef trust case. This is th last day
within which an anawer to Judge Grosscup's
ruling can be entered.
It is not believed the packer will apply
for a further extension of time to answer,
but If they decide to appesl from the order
overruling their demurrer tbey will have
sixty days in which to do ao.
Movement of Oceaa Vessel April SI
At N. Virlr ArHveil flrnaa-e Viirfntat
from Bremen; imbrla. from Genoa and"
Naples; Ingram, from Rotterdam. Balled
Canadian, for Liverpool.
At Auckland Arrived: Previously. Ven
turlu, from San i'ranclaco, via Honolulu,
xt Sues Arrived: Mohune. from Tacoma,
via Hong Kong, etc.. for Manila.
At yueenstown Arrived: Frlesland, from
Philadelphia for IJverpnol. and proceeded.
At CSlangow Arrived: Carthagenian, from
At Brow Head Passed: Frlesland, from
Philadelphia for IJverpool.
At Ut-noa Arrived: Sicilian Prince, from
New lorn, via jNapies.
At IJverpool Sailed: Baxon, for New
At Yokohama Arrived: Pleiades, from
T and faVattle for Port Arthur
Sailed; OlyinpU, for Tacoma.
Bow Inollo to Ui lelley u Leading
Witness of ths Proiecution.
Lawyer. Believe Hunted Van Would Wi'l
, inrlj Surrender and Tell AIL
EitoutiTi WlrM Circuit Attorney as to
Subordinate'. Whereabouts.
Brother Declare Lleateaant Ooveraer
I Oaly Aaxloas to Shield Seme
t'afortaaate Mixed If la
Mlsaoart oadltaa;.
8T. LOUIS. April Jl. Disgusted at tnt
failure of Lieu ten tan t-Governor Lee to
return to St. Louis. Circuit Attorney Folk
will probably go to New York to negotiate
for Kelley'a surrender.
Mr. Folk ha had the move under contem
plation for aome time, aa both he and At
torney General Crow believe Kelley, will
turn etate'a evidence If given the opportu
nity. Oovernor Dockery wired Mr. Folk today
that he had received word that Lieutenant
Oovernor Lee was In Staunton. W. Va.
The absent lleutentant governor Is said to
be willing to return to St. Louis it he would
be allowed to tell only a part of what he
knows about the transactions said to have
taken place here and at Jefferson City.
Mr. Folk will not listen to any such prop
osition. He Insists that Lieutenant Gov
ernor Lee return and reveal everything
In connection with the matter tinder in-'
vestlgatlon. The lieutenant governor'
reluctance to tell all Is due, his brother,
Robert E. Lee says, to his wish to shield
ome ot the unfortunates.
When the grand Jury reconvened this aft
ernoon inquiry was begun Into the method
used to favor certain race track Interest'
during the closing days of the Forty-flrt
general assembly.
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., April 21. Sen
ator Frank Farrls, who arrived her from
hi home at midnight last night, today
gave $3,000 bond for hie appearance In the
circuit court here on July 27 next for trial
on the charge of bribery in connection
with the alum bill in 1901.
Indicted for Smutta-Hasr. Staya
Porto Rleo Naval sta
tion. .
BAN JUAN, P. R., April 21. Th pollc
hav not been able to arrest Captala An
drew Dunlap, commandant 'of th naval ata
tion, agalnat whom a warrant, has bees is
sued tor bringing m Itnuora -Hhout yng
duty, because the ali station le gov
ernment reserve and Captain Dunlap . re
main on It. '
The police have been standing at the gat
sine yesterday afternoon 1aptatn Dunlap
refuses to come out or to permit th police
to enter. The first time the naval officer
leavea the station he will be arrested. It
wa thought this morning that Captain
1 "'"P w"'a ve tne station voluntarily.
but it is now probable that he will not do
so as long as tha police remain outside.
Commander G. W. Mentz, U. S. N., and
Robert Giles, against whom warrants were
Issued on the same charge, have been ar
raigned and pleaded not guilty. A prelim
inary hearing will be held before Justice
Baxan, a native, but because of the In
ability to apprehend Captain Dunlap the
date tor the hearing ha not been act.
P. V. Monun, paymaster, U. 8. N.. who
was' also Indicted. Is In the United State
and will be summoned later.
Three Illinois Central Employe Are
Arrested for Defrauding;
CHICAGO. April tl. Charged with stuff
ing the company's payrolls by meana of
bogus pay checks, three men holding re
sponsible position with the Illinois Central
have been arrested and were this afternoon
held to the grand Jury, Tha total pecula
tion from the corporation. It I thought,
will amount to many thousands of dollsrs.
Had not an Italian, who tendered a check
to Treasurer Tltua of the company, become
frightened and ran out of the office, th
process, it is said, might have gone un
discovered. The employes under arrest ar D. I.
O'Hern. Charles O'Hern and Mark Walsh.
The first two named are road superin
tendents and the third a section foreman.
All were In charge of a large number of
Florida Legislature Send Seaator
Back by Praetleally t'naa-
Imoa Tote.
TALLAHASSEE. Fla., April 21. Stephen
H. Mallory was elected tor another term In
the United States senate today by th two
houses ot the legislature In seperate ses
He received all the vote In th 'senate
and 64 In the bouse, to 1 caat for J. M.
Judges Decide Caatected Election
Case la Cook County,
SPRINGFIELD. 111., April 21. The su
preme court todsy settled the Lorlmer
Durborrow election contest by holding tbs
circuit court of Cook county without Juris
diction in the case, thus giving the election
commissioners absolute power.
The result will be that the ballots will
be counted.
No Overtures Mad by Either Side
SHENANDOAH, Pa. April 21. All th
Philadelphia Resdlng collieries aad ths
Cambridge end Furnace, Individual oper
attons, ars idle again today.
As far as can be learned no overtures
have been mad by either side toward
terminating th lockout.