TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, APIIIL 20, I03. It i f i i t J ! 4 w i u i SPECIAL I10TICES fc:. A". f-rttsaa Mil ke take ta til la aa. far tae venlaat edition anttl H.SO p. an. for noraln Ina4tr 4HIa. Rates, 1 1-So ward ral liitrdaa, war thereafter. Nothing; take far less tfcaa 8lo for tka flrat laser, tlaa. These a vertlseaaeata saas fee eeaseeatlvely. "red eneek, aaa kit iitm a resaed ta a ktrtt letter ta ear ' Bee. Answers aa addressed will he i clivers nreseatatlea af tka ak aalr. WAKTEB-MALE HELP. BOYLES COLLEGE. A high grade arhool of business, shorthand, touch typewriting and English branches. DAT AND EVENING. Call, write or 'phone for prospectus. 11. B. BOYLES, president. N. Y. 1.1 la Bids., Omaha, Nab. Bum MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our lallure to convince-you of thla being the BEST and only reliable, most practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. AMERICAN Barber college, corner 12th and louglaa Sts. Our Illustrated catalogue largeat published. Free. Write. B 400 WANTED, traveling salesmen to carry as sideline Sweat Collar Fads,- Patent Rid ing Saddle PadH, Horse Collars and Hnd dlcry Specialties. Bell everywhere; lib eral commissions. References required. Writ for full particulars. State terri tory traveling. Tom Fadgitt Saddlery Co., Waco, Tex. B M365 24 BOYLES COLLEGE, a high-grade school of Business, Shorthand, Typewriting snd English branches. DAY AND EVENING. Call, write or 'phone for catalogue. II. U. Boyles, President. B Ms99 YOUNO MEN to prepare for government positions; good salaries. Box 670, Cedar Rapids, la.- B Ml-18 Mil' WANTED, small Job of sodding soon. In quire at 607 N. Y. Life Bldg. B M238 WANTED, for V. B. army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 85; citizens Of united States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Infor mation apply to Recruiting Officer, lfith and Dodge Sts., Omaha, and Montgomery . ouuamg, uncoin, Kelt. 14 DIMIR PantRllorlum Pressing Co. PanU "c; suits, .sue. we call and ue- 115 B. 16th. uoatalrs. Tel 2m - B MiJl MIS TRUSTWORTHY person In each county to manage business of old established houBe of solid financial standing; straight botia flde wefkly salary of 18 paid by check each Wednesday, with all expense direct from headquarters; money advanced for xpenses. Manager, 32 Caxton bldg., -iucago. M3J 21' JCa fkrienced insurance solicitor on salary and commission; permanently; Wtrt know Omaha. Answer In hand- minting, stating fully age and experience. Al Idrees B 6S, Bee. B M345 23 ORIENTAL Rug man, repairing and clean ing by the only oriental, with oriental methods. No steam, no machine no acids to Injure your rugs. Tsmlnoslan 2609 8t. Mary s ave. 'Phone li-XUM. R M358 Ml 7 YOUNO man cnpable of managing small mnnufaoturlng business, who will Invest inA A .1 .4 ... Ti I T 1 '1 " r ru STENOGRAPHER WANTED An ' experi enced man for work In a large retail store; must be a qulok and accurate stenographer and typewriter; steady post tlon for the right man; state salary ex pected and references. Address B K, Bee, B M351 a wanted, a flrst-ciass barber; will pay till, guaranteed. W. A, McCaslIn, FhIt- buryNo. B M3SJ ) BUTCHER wanted, mont, Neb. , . P. R. Vasholi. Fre. ... U M3S3 20 CIOARMAKERS wanted In union shop; 15 jobs open to competent elgarniakera; aeed mold perfecto shaped work; 110 per 1,000 J. refer clgartnakers who have had train ng In large eastern factories; come at once. Julius Pepperberg, manufacturer, WANTED Men to learn barber trade. New method; practice furnished by free work; Instructions by experts; lectures on hair and skin by doctors. Years of apprenticeship saved. Complete outfit of tools valued at given each graduate. jjipiomas gramea. wages ana snap ex petience from start. Positions secured 112.00 ' weekly when competent. Board provided if desired. 'Little expense. This Is the busy season. Catalogue mailed free. Moier Barber College, l5u3 Douglas Direei. tl jaooo WANTED, by man cf steady habits, place as nigm waicnmaa; nrst-ciass rererencea, Aaa res s c ju, iiee. BMUi 26 THREE)- first-class salesmen for city and oeytrasaa. li. t enn, Jfaxtort Hotel. etfraska. C Ated, a br li Mol Z3 WASTED, a bright boy, about 16 years of age, wno lives wiin parents; reference re quired. Aaaress c A), Bee. , B MUM 2o WANTED; a coachman; reference required. ju n. iaiee, -fxeorasna isauonai Dank. B 616 25 ULBIMEI WANTED, WANTED Two salesmen salary or earn. mission. ' C. F. Adams Co., li Howard 8c -403 . , Salesmen The Hawks Nursery Co., Wauwatoea, Wis. M566 It $4.00 to $10.00 Per Day Made selling the self-ligtlng gaa mantle Bee Nebraska-Iowa Auto Lighter Co., 106 b. ltn bt umaua. MS74 WANTED, an enterprising young man of cood. appearance, common school educ tlon, tor traveling position. Call on Mr, Venn. Paxton hotel. M369 A, SALESMEN to sell goods by sample to wholesale and retail trade; we are the largest manufacturers In our 11ns; liberal salary or commission. Can-Dex MfV. Co., 8t Louis, Mo. Mt7 21 , WANTED FEMALE) HELP. WANTED A good girl for general house work.. Inquire 3134 Poppleton avenue. C-M363 ' WANTED An experienced typewriter and stenographer who Is quick and accurate n take povltlon In a la rue retail store; state salary expected and references. Ad dreaa U U. Bee. . . . C M362 21 100 Girls Call Canadian offlce.'lSth A Dodge. . . C 4u3 M1DDLE-AOKD educated buslneas woman to manage an oilU-e; reference. Addresa B 64, Bee. U M37t 20 WANTED Girl for general housework; two In family; good wages; references re. quired; call mornings.. 813 N. 2tnh street C MI60 WANTED, experienced girl or woman rook, $J0 per month; alio alnlng room girl, $3 per week: board, .room and wanlilug for both. Bon Ton Bakery and Kt-s-taurant. Red Cloud, Neb. C M3E7 2u WANTED, competent girl for general housework; good wages. . . Mrs. R. B, ausch, 3010 Bluney Bt, C 31 20 WANTED, lady rilling to furnish a 10 or 12-room houBe, near town. In dealrable residence location, and board a reliable and dealrable class of business ool AJdress at once. C 1. Bee. C 394 3u INTED, unemployed lady stenographer mer so; exceurniaDi iiy ana appearance ) city address. Address J zu, Iee. v. mow 3tr- HELP WANTED. PEPUTIF.S. men or women; splendid con tract. J. liw jruener, v mv uuiiuiiik. . Mb6i WANTED Men snd women; permanent jiOUSKa-e upward. nsi loynieni; txcvuuonai uppriuiii-.v a'T r.J li advanven et; raUry, ipr month, C'l at 1619 L'odge street, second floor, f -303 May 13 FOR HENT UOISES. a , Bsmla, Paxton Blk. U tut FOR RENT HtX 8ES. lint ICCC In all pert of city. The O. 0., Bee B'dg. D j VANS and baggage wagons. Tels. 1195-1145. U "8 2704 FARNAM ST. 10-room mortem brick dwelling . VV. I. Rogers, 270a Farnam Bt TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office lollVi Farnam, or Tela. irf-My. u tos inilCCC In all parts of the city. R. 1UUSCD c. Petera A Co.. Bee Bldg. JJ407 IIOUSES-O. O. Wallace, Brown block. D 410 WE MOVE pianos. Msggafd Van stor age Co. Tal. WM. Office, 171 Webeter Bt D-M4U FOR P.ENT s-room house, all modern, ex cept furnace. 70 M. itn tst., iju.uu. c at. Bachmann, 436-37 Paxton Blk. D 848 PATNE-BOSTW1CK CO. Cholca houses. 601-603 New York Ufa Bldg. 'Phone I'll 8. I6 HOUSES, Inaurance. Illngwalt, Barker Blk. BIX-ROOM houae, city water. IU5 Burt Bt O M645 TWO 9-room flats, all modern ; walking distance, Ztae-aj capitoi Ave.; -i ana js per month. Inquire R. C. Peters as Co., ground floor, Bee Blag, vwt NEW 6-room cottage, exerythlng modern and up to date. 2M7 Bristol street. ui. Ju. Huntley, 616 Bee Bldg. 'Phone B246L D M198 -ROOM house. Apply 646 B. 18th St Ltiaja 1608 N. 20TH BT I rooms. - Wro, K. Potter, 203 Brown BJk. u w FOR RENT, 7-roora house, modern except furnace, ism xsorin 2(tn, near farxer. D-ao620 10-R. MODERN, 665 B. Mth St, 233.60. i ZD near High school, inquire at no. u North 23d street. . D M544 26 I 1 X , v-iwill liuuw, mm . rt 1.1.11. w 1.. . modern except furnace; newly repsirea complete. Inquire at 607 N. Y. Life bldg. u ow TEN rooms. 2,4.1 CaDltol vs.. 140.00. 9 rooms, 2621 Capitol ave., modern, tSd.60. Inquire 2548 Capitol ave. Phone Juis. J. kuuihuin. JJ BIO FOR RENT FT'RNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. AETNA HOUSE. European, 13th Dodge. a ii4 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th St Chicago. ti lit) L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 7B0. ....... .... -U0 ELEGANT steam heated rooms. 1909 Cap itol Ave. ju ioi NICELT furnished front room, suitable for two. 1714 caiiiornia tit M41S t ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. . . - .- iS MS FRONT 1st fl, modern. 2024 Bt Jtfary'g Ave. E 343 TO 12.00 per week. 422 8. 18th St., one block soutn oi court nouse. ja ees 220 N. 17TH, neat rooms, new flat. - 1U M3S5 28 DOUBLE parlor; south front; references. i-none r -zun. is 831 Ul R. 20TH,. cicely furnished room for two gentlemen. .. -M931 A LARGE south front room with alcove: private laraiiyt siwun nouse. 2dm nar- ney. f 1C 174 TWO nicely furnished rooms. K2 Sj 28th -Ave. - v -- E US Mayio BICYCLES and repairs. Fresh tires, $1.60 io st.ou, na-niuru iires, per pair. All -the popular brands for cash or credit. Louis Flesoher, 1332 Capitol Are. Tel. 814. ... CBNTRAIj. modern, two or three furnished rooms in. zisa. b M293 M13 PESIRABLH rooms, flrst-class location. waiaing uiBiance. r amam. , . . . E M278 20 TWO south front rooms, with alcove. 2580 Harney. B M296 20 NICELY furnished modern roomei. 1617 case street. IS M297 M14 1617 CASS ST. Central and modern. E 327 M14 VERT pleasant, large front room for gen tlemen, bit bo. ann-Bt . , jg B3o 23 TWO rooms, bath, private home, pleasant location. 1SU4 N. zzd. 870 23 VERY nice, large, modern, furnished room; close In. Address P. 6. Box 707, ny. ji m4M a FURNISHED ROOMS AHD BOARD. NICE rooms, steam heat, with or without board; low rates. Midland Hotel, 16th and Chicago. F 430 NICE' rooms, good board. Harney. The Rose, 2020 F-M737 21 1816 DODGE Front parlor and other rooms. xeiepnone ajuii, f M933 SINGLE room and board. 416 N. 25th St F 90S LARGE front room In private family, suitable for two, with first-class board: modern; southeast exposure; convenient . to car line: good location. Apply 2616 uavenpori m. r M611 Z7 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO or three fine unfurnished rooms. 230 N. I3d street . . O 52S jUITE of rooms; modern; housekeeping. 016 ueorgia avenue. , u Ma FOR RENT, unfurnished rooms in Wlth- neu uiag., mm ana xiiu-iiey. ui-suv is FOUR modern rooms for light housekeep ing, near arnam car. iiu a. mna at. . . G-616 21 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. We will build a three or four-story build Ing on Harney street, suitable for wholesale purposes. Lot 44 foot front. Alley In rear. inquire R. C PETERS & CO., Ground Floor Bee Bldz. I-M993 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by 1 tie nee at vitt rarmm Bt. it naa four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C. C. Rose- water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1361 FOR RENT, building suitable for whole sale purposes at i arnam. Z2x90, four bturlea and nrst-ciass cemented basement. .Lvutnr S.ra anil hnrvlar nnuif oltloe counter and flxturea For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 10O. Bee building. . 1 M567 KOR RENT A store In Woodbine. Iowa: salesroom, 4tix60; wareroom, 26x4i; cellar, 2&xtl); brick building, modern Improve ments, shoe ladder, glass hat case, deep shelves, city water and gas; the best lo cation In town and a "snap" for an up- to-date man ror a permanent location; , rent, a year. Appiy at once to it t. DoaiwicK, nuouuuio, luwt. 1 mjos 14 OFFICES In The Bee building. 316.00 per month up: rental i r es IncU.drs -hnt light and Janitor service. R, C. Pe:ers A Co.. ground noor, Bee Bldg. - 1 in AGENTS WANTED. WANTED.' canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscription to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FA Rift R. 8tady employment with assured good in come. Agcnta ta thn country with horse and buggy esoetlauy desired. Canvai make eaaily leu to lluti per mouth. Ad- dreis. Century Farmer Solicitors Burenu, Bee buuaiug, vtoana. J a YOU CAN TALK TO OVER 30,000 READERS WITH A LITTLE WANT-AD. WAITED TO RENT. WANTED to rent, an I or -room house. latter preferred; modern conveniences; In west or southwest locality. Address Y 7, Bee. K 696 WANTED to rent, ten-mom house In West I Farnam district Address C S, Bee. ' K M5J6 30 WANTED, to buy a small stock of general . mercnanaine located in good Nebraska town. Address A. L. Herring, Ansley. Neb. rK-r7 20 WANTED, to rent, strictly modern flat or small nouse; pries no object; young couple. Address C 17, Bee. K M902 WASTED TO BUY DON'T give your house furnishings away. Call on J. Levins or Tel. 771 and he'll pay you a big price. N M999 24 WANTED, to buy out a stock of mil linery in a good busmen town from 600 to I.0OQ Inhabitants. Address Milliner. A 67. care Omaha Bee. N MRS7 M 9 FOR SALE Fl'RJtlTl'RE. CHICAOO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. ziu). iMew ana second band bought, sold. exchanged. O 423 FOR SALE, three-piece antique bedroom aei, springs ana mattress, tor sale cheap. Address Bee office. South Omaha. O WS Zl" FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. HORSE AUCTION at Union Stock Yards corse market every Wednesday afternoon. P 433 75 DELIVERY wagons, buggies, carriages, any sue or any price to suit H. tYost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 434 CARRIAGES painted, repaired or rubber tirea put on. William PfelfTer. Z620 to 2G24 Leavenworth . TeL 1639. P M635 AUCTION sale of horses every Tuesday, xnursoay, at jonn a. coopers, union Btook Yards, South Omaha, Neb. p Z7t Mayiz FOR BALE MISCELLANEOUS. New and Sdhand typewriters. m Farnam. J 434 INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam. Q-434 WIRE fence for hogs, poultry, lawn and farms, wire works, 6U Bo. 16th. Tel. 16S0. V M.338 Jyl3 TELEPHONE poles. . Long Fir timber. Chicken lence. uaa: piling, wui uougias. 4437 FOR SALE First mortgage note bearing 6 per cent interest, payaDie every six months; has about 2H years to run; good security and endorsed by responsible party; amount, ii.suu. inquire c M Bachman. Room 421, Paxtoa Block. 4 656 CATALOGUE cut drug prices free. Sher man & McDonnell Drug Co., Omaha. 4428 EGGS for hatching 8. C. brown leghorn, lirignt, waiaron strain, jars. ueo. vv, Hartman, 4424 N. 27th St Q M990 4 FOR SALE Phonographs auperlor to any other musical Instruments, 26 up. The Columbian rnonogrspn co., i&i farnam. 4 439 2D HAND safe cheap. Oerlght, 1119 Farnam. 4 430 T. DURKIN. electrlo light wiring. Tel. 2448. FOR SALE. Crane hydraullo elevator, can be used eitner passenger or ireignt. corn- plete. Iron mat posts, cage enclosures, U. Brandela & Sons. 1 Q-98 TTNTI . VTT-. I. V...I A dltion, win sen cneap. an at w cass at Q M912 FANCY and common pigeons, blue Ande- luslan hens; prices very reasonaoie. sau bo Mia at.- j nun SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK ON HWCONDHAND TYPEWRITERS. We have some 200 miscellaneous new and secondhand macninee tnat must do dis posed of quick. Note some of the bar- crnlna- Densmora typewriter, only $12.60 Yost typewriter 10,00 Remington No, 3 typewriter 20.00 Smith Premier No. 1 20.00 6 Bllcksenderfer, at, each.. 16.00 No, 3 Smith Premier 40 00 No. Remington 46.00 No. 3 Oliver In especially good condi tion, at 60.00 We also have on hand the following vari ous makes, not mentioned above: Bholes, Jewett. Munson. Conover. CalloraDh. Chlcagos, Hart fords. Keystone, or, in fact. anyuung one mignt desire. JiE;iKAK.A CXCLiiy tu., Corner 16th and Harney. Q-321S1 HIGH-GRADE buggy, harness and car riage, good aa new; a Dig Bargain. John son A Roberts. Deere bulldlna-. 10th and Leavenworth. Q M347 M.14 FOR SALE Secondhand Locomobile-, In nrst-ciaas snaps, at one-nan price, call or address, 1631 Farnam St. Q M61S ON BTORAGH. 1408 Douglas, good square Decker piano. A bargain. - 4 M563 21 FOR BALE, empty Ink barrels, 26 cents each, large, wen made Darreis, make tlrst class garbage receptacles. Fred Youngs, foreman Bee Press room, rear entrance Bee Bldg. Q M621 FOR BALE Large new gasoline stove, 8- burner, oven ana e-gaiion can. am N. 2Sth St. Q 664 MISCELLANEOUS. A BUYER for a 9-room modern dwelling, one block norm or Hanscom park. Ad dress P 68, Omaha Bee. R 624 16 'FOR RENT, piano players, or piano, ai id filayer togetner. 1'iano flayer co., -nil. 450 . - R-M8W BOOTBLACK Good stand. National bank building, for rent cheap; lota 01 patrons in outming. Address C. 19, Pee. MR 66 20. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass street B Ul MRS. CARRIE SMITH, sovereign clair voyant; everyming 10m, paai, present ana future; satisfaction or no pay. 8"7 N. 18th. B MatfMayll MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 816 8. 15. MADAMS LUCRETIA, medium. 1609 Chi- CBgO Kt. W MWH M f ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MM 13. BMITH. baths, US N. 15, Jd floor, r. t l-S M7 MRS. DAVIS. 1631 Howard street, baths; urst-class assistant. t mss Mays MISS HOWARD, elegant massage baths; asslsunt. 31. v in. lbtn, nat E. M670 30 GRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky. 720 8. 13th T MhH PERSONAL. PRIVATE sanitarium f 0 ladles kefcr tpd aunng connneie 36J6 California S during confinement. r. and Mrs Goj-tseh, bt; Terms reasonatHe. ELITE PARLORS, 61 8. 16th Bt. 2d flooaT ritlVATE home for women during eon- Snement. uood hamsritan Sanitarium, 7Z 1st Ave., council duns. ia. u Mu MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. U 436 At druggists, fl. DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 2 and I, iaak r arnam at . u u PRIVATE hospital before and during eon nnement; bablea boarded and adopted. Mrs. uaraeia, ZS4 Lake, Tat Red-iSM. - U-42 PERSONAL. RUPTURE CURED without pain. Empire Rupture Co., N. Y. Lire Bldg., Omaha. U 134 WE RENT machines, 75c per week, U per month. We repair and sell parte for sny machine manufactured. Good second band machines for tS to IK). Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Harney Sts. : U-M289 MIS RUPTURE CURED without pain. Empire Rupture Co., N. x. Lire Big., umana. U-434 VIA VI, a wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment ior aisoraers 01 women. Write for free booklet Vlavl Co., 348 Bee Bldg., Omaha. U 437 TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. U 433 QUIET home for ladles In trouble before and during confinement : goon care and prompt attention asuured. Write or call. Mrs. L. Carter, 2317 Charles, Omaha, Neb. M909 May8 EDERER, Bristol St florist Tel. 1795. U-M117 HOME during confinement; first-class. Dr. U. 1 Miller, Z&04 Blonao. t'none F-ni. U-M794 FOR fine toilet and soft skin use Frltch's famous vegetable soap; mane from soap bark; hss 110 grease or lye. Blls Kleser, 120 S. 16th. U-M116 25 HEADQUARTERS for Edison phono graphs and Victor taiKing mac-nines; iai.wu records to select from. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner 16th and Harney Sts. U-M290 M13 SAM'L BURNS, special prices for April. u Jta M14 THE VIEREOO Fire Escape save lives That's all. Room i. uarKer diock. 'lei. A-3396. U-M354 M16 MRS. JACOBSON, 2206 N. 20th St. U-MWI MIS WANTED, cultured widow under 35, ao- customed to social prestige, 10 superin tend servants and home for gentleman and daughter; city address desired. Ad dress B T 18, Bee. U-M618 20 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Block. W Ml 4A PER CENT on business properly. 6 per cent on residence property. Options to pay wnoie or pan sny time. W. B. MEIKLE. 401 8. l&TU ST. W 443 FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W-446 WANTED, city and farm loana; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 446 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street. W 449 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W 447 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. Life. W-442 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W 448 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Money. We loan from $10.00 up on furniture, live stock, pianos, eta SALARY LONA3 with out mortgage to persons whd hold salaried positions. An Interview will convince you that the conditions of our contracts are the most liberal obtainable in the city. We make po deductions from the amount bor rowed,: as some do, thereby compelling you to pay for money you do not' get. Our of five Is .very easily found, and having re cently had it again remodeled . It is more private than ever. We always, try to please. (3 MAHA TQK- i yOAN CO. Ill Board of Trade Bldg. TeL 2296. (Established 1892.)- 80S & 16th Bt X 450 MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, SALARIES, Etc. Low rates and easy terms. Business confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHEONIX CREDIT CO.. 63$ Paxton Block. 16th and Farnam Sts. A. 944 "SALARY LOANS." orVE-'-your note. "GET"$10 or $100. . "GET IT TODAY." If you call early "NOTHING DEDUCTED IN ADVANCE." "NO CHARGE FOR DRAWING PAPERS. " . The New York Loan Co., Room 6u0,. Paxton Block. X-144 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO BALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms, 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board cf Trade Bldg. X 453 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTE, ANY AMOUNT; LOW RATES, EASY PAY MENTS: CONFIDENTIAL. THE STAR LOAN CO., ROOM 644 PAXTON BLOCK. . X-369 SALARY LOANS privately made on notes. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Paxton Block, Corner 16th and Farnam 6ts., Third Floor. X 154 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential, lowest rates. 614 Paxton Mlock. The J. A. Hutton Co., X 163 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 319 8. IX X-466 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., sue to D. Green. R. 8, Barker bk X 456 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE, furniture and goodwill cf 100- room hotel and rooming house. T. M. CUne. 1338 O st, Lincoln, Neb. Y-M380 20 NEWSPAPER for aale, beat country news paper property in eastern rteDrasxa; nas all county printing, big lob patronage, well equipped plant, gaa power; good rea sons for selling; must sell at once. Ad dress B 67, Bee. Y M493 2u FRUIT, confectionery and stationery store. wiin soda fountain, lor sale in live gold mining town of 8,000 population: clears :j0 Eer month; will sell at Invoice, about 1,900; must have all cash. C. W. Barker, Lead, 8. D. Y M443 26 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. H Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y 3i2 WANTED, In Coin, la., a flrat-clasa gen eral store; good brick room ran be had at once, 26x100 feet; beat location In city. Inquire of J. A. Delk. Coin, la. Y-617 TO GET In or out of business csll on Wil liams. Room 411, McCague building. Y 467 12,000 CASH secures a half-interest and permanent position In an exceptional bonande good business; sslary $150 per month; to a desirable party experience not necessary. Address C 31, Bee. Y 696 30 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE, farms for good mer chandise stocks; list your, stocks with me; I wtTl get you a deal T. M Cllne, 1338 O st XJnooln. Neb. Z M379 30 FOR BAT.TB JCJ5AL ESTATE. FARM. MINERAL AND TIMBER LAND. You can double your money by investing it through ue In Missouri. We have a money-making proposition. Cash or pay ments. Come now f you want to gel In on the ground floor. Cooley lav. A R. E. Co., 833 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M514 FOR SALE or trade, 60 cbolee, rich, pro ductive farms, both large and small; also ten good cheap stock ranches in northeast Nebraska, some of whloh can be traded for general muse., hardware. Implement, cattle, sheep or uoraoa. Geo. W. Huttou, Orchard. .Nee, RJ6-Mss4 U FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you wsnt to sell a farm or ranch, tell the fermers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Thla agricultural weekly goes to 40,000 homes of farmers snd stock raisers, bo If you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you ought to find a buyer among them. The cost of sn advertise ment Is small 2 cents per word. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. RE 804 MODEL HOME. Five acres level land, young orchard In bearing, 10-room pressed brick dwelling, barn, carrlace houae and other outbuild ings, chicken yard snd garden, near street csrs and 'jountry viuo. a snap at o.ow; less than half what improvements cost W. N. NASON, 446 BEE BLDO. RE 459 A NEW HOUSE Bul'd one We will build it for you on the installment plan. Homeseekers' Assn., 1 1st floor N. x. Life biug. Bt; Aii40 Ull I lAMCnlM CHARLES E.. 1203 VV ILUinnuun Farnam treet. RE 460 LOVELY HOME FOR BALE. 7-room all modern house, fronting south on Hanscom park; hardwood finish. Including floors downstairs; asphalt paved street House could hardly be better located or more desirable In Itself. Price $3,600. Possession May 1. HARRISON & MORTON. 912-13 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. RE M367 MODERN 8-room house; also 6-room; good locations; low prices, inquire 1111 Vinton. HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property ana iarm lanns. ine o. jr. Davis Co., Room 608 Bee Bldg. RE 461 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from postofnee, for sate cneap. ius N. 18th. Bens w a t Co. RE 843 ""DESIRABLE COTTAGE FOR SALE. $1,6001008 N. 24th St., near Indiana Ave., 6 rooms, city water and sewer. Rents, 115.00 per montn. GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam St RE 328 22 FOR BALE, Beautiful home, 10 rooms, mod ern, iz.ow. itia eo. win Di juerrow, 99 N. Y. Life. RE 372 28 MISSOURI. VERNON COUNTY, FARMS for snle. Write W. F. Lemmon, Nevada, Mo., for county map and full particulars. 1UU ttl &U w RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner, Union Pa- clno Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 453 CHOICE trackage, paved. 16th. Monroe, 811 N. RE 462 Tukey & Son. Homes. R E. Cor. 27th and Maple, 7 rooms, modern IT J. I r ,i L luin.b.. ,i,gwi I 1608 Kyner Ave., 6 rooms, city water, sewer. electric ugnis ana gas, ai.sto. 4ZU corny, rooms, xuu lot with some xrult, 8760.. Also An 8-room, thoroughly modern house In Clifton HU1, fine 60x120 foot lot, al) In the best 01 snape ior sj.duu. And a 10-room modern house at the 8. W. Cor. 81st and Poppleton, fine corner lot; stable and all complete; price, 86,000. We also have a large list of vacant lots for building purposes and about 60 acres of garden land in different parts of the city, an ior sate on very easy terms. A. P. TUKEY AND SON, 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. RE 322 13 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN A PRICE. 23 U. 8. N'l B k. bid. cTC AO profit on Weber pianos. Perfleld -472 $Z.UIJ piano Co. Tel. 701, Bee building. .443 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. T. 1 ' ' . Life Bldg., attorneys and collectors every where. 473 1 STORAGE. MACFARLAND A MAY, New York Life OM. Van Btor. Co., loll Farn. Tela.l69-n63 Bldg. Room 304. 'Phone 1G62. 474 486 EXPRESSMAN'S PeL Co. Tela, 1195-1146. atusio. ti6 THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. ' -369 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. LETOVSKY'S ORCHESTRA. Tel. LK84. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramga Bldg. Terms reasonable. M368 M16 ' ' fios STOVE REPAIRS. ' CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. STOVES stored and gasoline stoves cleaned. Omaha btove nepair works, lei. wu. M 491 PRINTING, BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Printing Co. tlon. Tel. 2190. Linotype eomposl- BRICK WORK. J. P. HEALY. 1822 Clark Bt 'Phone A-ftm. out DENTIST. DR. C. H. PAUL, dentist, removed to resl- aence, zza urt. 77 M 8 SCHOLARSHIP. BUSINESS college scholarship for sale at a Dargain in one ot umana a leading com mercial colleges; life scholarship. Address b i, ute omce. M719 MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHOIR. 13th A Howard, machinist 476 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. maks a spe cially oi nre escapes snutiers, doors and sales, u. Anareen, prop., 103 a. loth Bt. 476 DETECTIVES. SECRET SERVICE, expert operatora. Ad. areas v. 1, Dee. jm Mil' CORNICE WORK. GALV. iron cornice, metal ceilings, sky- ugnis. cpeneivr e cornice was., sit u. i'na. MSOO TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 606 8. 16th 463 THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E.. Tel. 780. PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 479 FURNITURE POLISU. THE Pullman piano and furniture polish. can or aaureas a. u. v roman, ua b. ittn. M333 116 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases ana ixregulanilBS of women, from any cause: experienced, reliable, 1611 Dodff", Aruugtoa bioca, Omaaa, 3sb. Tel. 1 RIO JHAHTFACTntlXO. OMAHA Rug Factory. 1531 Leevn. Tel. M. MW IIORIR CLIPPING. HOUBK"- clipped and HmmM. fletts' barn, 1415 Capitol Ave. Tel. 110. Davis. M948 80 BALB TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., HI North lfith. 41 SHORTHAND AVD TYPEWRITING. MOSHER S.H.. Touch T.W., Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat. free. Om. Com. Col., 17 A Doug. t A. C. VAN 8ANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 6 NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Bovd's 1 neaiec. sj PIANO POLISH. THE Paillman Piano nnd Furniture polish. Dy a. u. v roman, ii a. ism Bt. 371 M16 ICE. CRYSTAL ICE CO. 'Phone 2028. WSM MIS DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. CORMACK. 117 Karbach. Tel. A2K32. HORSES CLIPPED. Horses Clipped. Electric clippers. 417 So. 14th. Telephone 66. 079 21 BICYCLE! REPAIRING. NOW 1s the time to have your bicycle re- paired; work guaranteed: prices are right; tires, $1.26 and up. J. Larson, 24th and Charles. M8C9 M6 , GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., cleans ci 'spools and vaults, removes garbage n.,4 (lead animals at reduced prices. u N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 478 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL Ne fee unless successful. 318 So. 16th St, Omaha. Tel. 1798. 60S PATENTS. Sues A Co., Omaha, Neb., Il lustrated patent book free. Tel. 1C1 113 uiya CARPKNTBRS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, loth and Lake Sts. S70 VPHOLSTERINO. PETERSON A Lundberg, 115 So. 17th. Tel. l-iuos. tut) CARLSON A: CO. .2121 Leavenworth. Tel. S818 469 TREES AND SHRUBS. ALL VARIETIES and of best quality grown 8 miles from Omaha; all kinds. sizes and prices of flowering shrubs, roses. vines, parxing. ornamental, iruit ana shade trees. We grow the largest assort ment of any nursery la Iowa or Ne braska. Sales ground, same old stand, 21st and Farnam. Crescent Nurseries, G. H- Keyes, Omaha Mgr. -82 M8 HAZELDELL NURSERY. Office 3I08 N. 24th. - Trees, shrubs and resee. M60I 88 FRUIT, shads and ornamental trees. shrubs and rosea, r. n. Martin, ixtn ana Douglas. 276 MU SEEDS AND POULTRY SUPPLY. ) ULLERY tc CO MU Howard St. Tel. 3327. BICYCLES. REPAIR lawn mowers, bicycles; lock- smithing; wire work. C. J art, tii . ittn. M363 MIS EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. G. R. Rathburn, Room 16, Cotn'l Nat bank. -Via TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. p. 11. fniiDin, moo (iriim. rnone in. 477 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. A. J. PIERSON, 20th and Burt. Tel. L-2SS6. ID4 BAKERY. TRY our three-layer white cakes, 25o. Gro ceries and meats at lowest prices. John son A Uoodlett Co. Tel. 1575. 2u02 Lake Bt. M9U May 8 GBAVEL ROOFING. BARRTCK Roofing Co., lfilt Cuming Bt 'lot. Wt HI HAY, GRAIN AND COAL. M. LONDON, 2303 Cuming Bt Tel. A-2536. MB7 MS TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT, $25. Monroe A Co., 811 N. 16th. ' - : 60S GENERAL ROOFING. WORK In any. part of the country. Jones Boonng co., Ku Buri est iei. iwb, 487 AUTOMOBILES. ELEC. automobiles. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. HAT CLEANING. LADIES' and gents', 50c Bcb warts' s, 114 B. 131&. OO 'LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towsl bjppiy. Lou l.eavenwonn. iei. a-im. 498 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. TeL 2536. 40V OSTEOPATHY. OID. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths Suite 51. New xork Die Plug. iei. lit. 480 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague'pldg. Tel 2353 ii. ATZEN A FARWELL Infirmary, Paxton buck, iei. uoo. - CARPET CLEANING. BEND your carpets and rugs to Christen- son s uaruet cleaning woraa, sai n. tn Bt TeL let. TEL SJe Carpet cleaning. ' weaving. FINANCIAL. ! WILL SELL Psra Rubber Plantation Co. (John Cudahy, President), pays 12 per cent. American Kxploltstlon Co. lex-Gov. Ormsn of Colorado, President). Dabney oil Co. (pays 16 per rent In monthly Installments). American Copper Co., Pouth Wyoming (owners famous Albany Copper group now under development. Lemon Uold Mining Co. of B. C. (under development). Exclusive fiscal agent Slxrrs properties In Omaha. Buy and sell good stocks. Whst liav youT M. J. GREKVT. 414 Bee Bldg., Omaha. 'Phono L-2330. , --IC6 1$ FLORISTS. HESS SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam. MS9J ACCORDION PLEATING. MRS. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglas block. MOM DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'8 Ladles' Tailoring College, Sultj. 3-4-6-6. Douglas block, .ltith ana Dodge. HOME dressmaking made easy by the use ef patterns cut by the celebrated McDowell "System, which received highest award at Chicago, Paris, Hamburg and Buffalo. Oldest and best established school In ' Nebraska. Our skirt drafting Is a won derful revelation to all Interested In per fect hanging sklna. Latest designs and imported crinoline models always on hand. Call and sea work done by teachers and pupils. Mcdowell dressmaking school. Mrs. M K. Morrison, Manager. 204 South Twentieth. Telephone- L-280t. TAXIDERMIST. I J. E. WALLACE. 606 S. 13th Bt 504 ' ' AILWAY TIME CARD. WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH WEBSTER. Chlesis A Northwestera Nebraska and Wyoailaa; Division. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. Lead. Hot Springs a SrOO pm a 5)00 pm Wyoming, Caaper and Douglas a 8:00 pm e ;u in Hastings, York, David City, Sjperlor, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 8.-00 pm b 6;fl0 pm Bonesteel, Lincoln, Nio brara and Fremont. ...o 7:3" am blO:2S am Fremont Local o 7:30 am Mtasoarl PacltSe. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:2S am Chleasta, Bt. rani, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin dty Passenger.... a 6:30 am a 9:10 pm Bloux City Passenger.. .a 2:00 pm all:20 am Oakland Local b 6:46 pm b 8:45 am Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except (Saturday, e Dally except Monday. UNION STATION IOTH AND MARLY. Ualaa Paclfle. . ttave. ..a 9:40 am Arrive. a 7:60 pm a 3:25 pm Overland Limited The Fast Man California Express a 4:20 pm Pacltlc Express all:o pm Eastern Express a 5:30 pm The Atlantic Express... a 7:30 rm The Colorado Special... a 7:10 am a 8:40 am Chicago Special a 3:40 am Juincoin, .Beatrice ana Btromsburg Express. .b 4:00 pm bl2:60 pm North Platte lxM-al a 8:00 am a 6:15 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:35 pm Wabash. Bt Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:55 pm a 6:20 am fit Louis Local, Coun cil BlutTS 1 a :ia am aiv:su pm Chicago, Rock Island A Paclfle. - .- fist: ' '- Chlcaso Davllrht L't d.a 6:60 am a :45 am ... 1 1 T . ..II V. . f nnul . 1 iM am m bK nw vnicago rixprea ii.&uu.n Kin -.w pm Des Mollies Express..', .a 4:30 pra bll-V) urn Chicago Fast: Kxpret. a 6:36 pra a 1:35 pm Rocky Mountain L't d.a 4.50 pm a 4:66 km Lincoln, Colo. Springs. ; ' Unnvor. tucDio ana Colo.. Texas, CaL and Oklahoma Flyer a o:u pm au:u pm Chicago, Mllwaakee A St. Pant Chicago Daylight a 7:45 am all:16 pm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:60 am Dea Moines Express.... a 7:45 am a 8:40 p 1 pm Chicago Local 10:40 am Chicago A Northwestern. "Tfle Northwestern Line." Fsst Chicago a 3:40 am a 7:00 am Mall a 8;00 pm a 8:30 am Local Sioux City a 6-10 am a 8:30 pm Daylight St. Baui.. a 7:30 am aiu:a pm Daylight Chicago.... a a:w mm all:10 pm a 5:10 pin a 9:60 am a 8:45 pm a 8-16 am a 9:16 am a 2:10 pm b 9:50 am Local Chicago Local Carroll al0:55 am ...a 4:00 pm ...a 6:60 pm ...a 7:56 pra ...a 3:10 pm ...b 4:00 pm Fast Chicago Fast Bt. Paul Limited Chicago Fast Mail Lockl Sioux City Illinois Central. Chicago Ft press a 7:36 am a 5:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A St. Paul Limited a i:au pm a s:i am Minneapolis A Bt. Paul Express b 7:35 am bl0:36 pm Chicago Local 1 10:36 am Chicago jsxpress awe am Mlssoart Paclfle. Bt Louis Express. ...i...al0:00 am a 8:36 pm K. C. and Bt. l. EX....aio:au pm a :i am BURLINGTON STATION-IOTH A MASON Darlington A MUsonrl River. Leave. Arrive. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln .....a 8:H) am bl3:06 pm Nebraska Express a 8:60 am a 7:4a pm henver Limited a 4:10 pm a 6:46 am Black Hills and puget Hound ExDress all:10 pm a 3:10 pm Colorado Vestlbuled . flyer .v v" Lincoln Fast Mail b 3:62 pm a 9:08 am Fort Crook and piatts- mouth 0 :20 pra bl0:33 am Bellevue A Paclflo Jet.. a 7.50 pm a 8:37 am Bellevue st pacinc jci..a s:ou am Chicago. Burlington A (talaey. Chicago Special.... a 7:00 am a 3:55 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pro a 7:46 am Chicago Local a 9:18 am ftll;00 pm Chicago Limited a 3:06 pra a 7-45 am Fast Mall a :w pm Kaasae City, St. Josepli A Coaaell Bluffs. Kansaa City Day Ex. ftr IiAiila Klver a 9:15 am a 6:05 pm a 610 pra all 06 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:16 am STEAMS IMPS. HQLLAND-AHERICA LI?i 1ln-Scrw swuuta u.t0 Tsu. NSW Toaa KOTTKKtiaa. is uoutouN ann I a. m. Utendam hrndaa .. Neordtm April a XMlinUs ..April M Pguiis . ...Mai ttluiMSaot . a- HOLLAND-AMERICAN LINE, : 68 Dearbora Stw ChJeaga, I1L n.rrr Maons, 1401 rrn si., C SuUMrfwe, m rlmws St. 1. B. llNHla Uo rro.i . COMPAGNie 5ti5rnu)aH 1 tKLHCn TW1H &CKLW PJLSSIHC113 C'il4iltA-' 9 v- ' strict man-of-war discipline. Every 2uth century device for comfort, speed and safety. Cslebrated cuisine. Company's Hpeclal Four-Hour Par lor and Dining Car Train awaits Passengers at dock in Havre ior Paris the beautiful .where conven ient connections are made for all continental points. For illustrated booklet and special information ap ply to Harry E. Moores, 11 Far nam St.; J. B. Reynolda. I60I Far nam Btj Flrat National Bank; George E. Abbott, 1334 Farnam Bt SAILINGS tViRV THUX&DAY to ma vottg T I