TOE OMAITA DAILY HEEi MONDAY, AriUL 20, 1903. CURRENT COUNCIL RETURNS TO OLD QUARTERS Andrew Thompson it Again Counting Bui in the Local Jail. STATES HE IS PLEASED TO GET BACK DM Not Get Enough to Eat la the dilcaa-o Prison and Loses Twtalf Poindi While There. Andrew Thompson, one of the seven pris oners who escaped from the county Jail June S of last year, was brought back from Chicago yesterday by Jailer Martin. He make the fourth of the seven men who scaped to be recaptured. Thompson la Bow occupying a coll on the second floor of the Jail Instead of in the main corridor. from which be succeeded In escaping al most a year ago. Thompson was arrested In Chicago on January 2 as a suspicious character and sentenced to a One of f 100, which, as he had not the money, meant six months in the Bridewell. In Chicago he gave the name of Daniel Anderson and his picture was published In several of the police papers, with the result that a few days ago the Council Bluffs authorities recognized the picture as that of Thompson who broke 311 here. Requisition papers were ob tained and Jailer Martin left for Chicago Friday night to see If the man there was the Thompson whom he suspected of being the leador of the gang who escaped. Thompson was at once Identified by Mar tin, and In fact Thompson appeared exceed ingly pleased to see Martin and learn that be was to be taken back to Council Bluffs. He told Martin that more than once he had here and notifying him of his whereabouts In Chicago, as he was tired of being In the Bridewell, where, he said, he did not get sufficient to eat. Thompson has lost flesh since leaving Council Bluffs and claimed that owing to slim fare In the Chicago Bridewell his weight had dropped twenty pounds. Thompson not only lost weight while in the Chicago prison, but also two fingers of his right hand aa the result of getting them caught In a trimming machine. A third finger was badly lacerated and Is not yet healed. Three Still Oat. The six prisoners who escaped with Thompson on the evening of June 5 last, just after they had been served their sup per, were: William Mason. H. S. Flshburn, Mike Fahcy, Mike Bhcehan, B. O. Jones and John Obrecht. Flshburn was recap tured the next day In a freight car at the Transfer depot and Fahey was arrested shortly after In Chicago and brought back. Mason was recaptured In small town in tha state. Jones, Bheehan and Obreoht have so far succeeded In avoiding recapture. Thompson was suspected of being the leader of the gang and the man responsible for the manufacture of the key from a pewter spoon with which the Inner door of the main corridor on the ground floor of the -county Jail was opened. HW tow Aanlea this and told Jailer Martin yesterday that all ,of them had a hand In tim m.kin.- of the kev and that they had planned the escape for several days before j ' It was carried out. On the evening of the soaps the prisoners had unlocked the In ner door and when Jailer Martin opened the outer door to receive the dishes after the men had eaten their supper, Thompson, followed by the others, set upon him and forced him Into the corridor. Mrs. Martin cam to her husband's rescue, but was knocked down by the prisoners In their rush to escape. Mason, who was recap tured, was sentenoed to five years In the penitentiary for a burglary committed ut Malooey'a cigar factory. His partner, Jones, is still st liberty. Flshburn, who was charged with the theft of a number . of bicycles, was sentenced to twenty-two f months la the penitentiary, and Fahey. who held up a man In the raUroad yard k, and robbed him. received four years In tbs penitentiary. Thompson was awaiting trial on the charge of breaking into and robbing the Curry hardware store In Underwood. . Glad . to Get Back. Thompson Is said to be the son of a col lege professor and when Indicted told the court that while ' Thompson was not his right name he did not wish to disclose ma n l Identity, as to do so wouia onni u..i. un his parents. His relatives are aald to live in Quinlan. Tex. He appeared to be .i. nia.u at tains? brought back to Council Bluffs and It is understood that he wUl plead guilty to ths - charge for which be was Indicted. Mrs. John Thordsen, charged with being Implicated with her husband In a number of chicken thefts, was brought back last sight from Charter Oak, la., where she was arrested Saturday. She was indloted Jointly with her husband at tna presem term of court. Mrs. Thordsen, It was al leged, donned man's apparvl and thus dis guised sccompanled her huband In hi raids on the fcon roosts. Affr ths arren; of her husband aha suddenly left town and no trace of her was secured unttl Satur day, when she was placed under arrest at Charter Oak. Pictures of Mrs. Thordsen had been sent broadcast over the state and to surrounding towns by the authorities and this led to her arrest. N. T. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 250. Night, F667. - Verdict (or Motor Compevnx. The district court lury In the perronal Injury damage suit of A. U IT. moss against the motor company, which went -out Saturday morning at 10 o'clock brought In a verdict for the defendant cimpany yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Thomas sued for tl,99. claiming he had been In jured by the crew of a car on the Oanl.1 and Council Bluffa line, who had forced him Into a rear- seat when he was sick. Ths defense claimed that Thomas was under the Influence of liquor and that to protect the other passengers they were bilged to place Thomas In a rear seat. National Roofing Co.. lit Main Street. , Kesatne Pavlast Work. Contractor Wlckhara expects to resume work on hla paving contracts today. He will place a force of men at work today preparing Fierce etreet from First to Bluff street for the laying of brick. This street Is to be paved with Caleaburg block on home made brick base. When this portion of the street is completed Pierce street Iaxative JJromo Quinine Cura Cold in On Day, Cripta 2 Dy on every Tervrt box. 33c LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN, H Psart couucll Bluffs. 'Phone K. NEWS OF IOWA. BLUFFS. from North to Ninth avenue will be pared for a distance of on and a half mtlea. Work od Harrison street, Contractor Wick ham stated yeaterdajr, would be begun about the first of next month. Actors Arc Hot Arretted. Contrary to expectations, J. C. Lewis and his company, which presented "SI Flunkard" at the New theater last night, were not arrested on complaint of the Woman's Christian Temperanoo union. The management of the theater anticipated trouble and had matters so arranged to at once furnish ball for the members of the company. Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Son. Detective Callasjhaa Realms. Detective Tom Caflaghan handed In hla resignation to Mayor Morgan yesterday and the same was duly accepted. It Is Under stood that Callaghan has secured other em ployment which will pay him better than a place on the police force. ' Callaghan served under Mayor Jennings sod was re appointed by Mayor Morgan. ' .MIXOR MENTION. Davis sells drugs. " Blocker t sells carpets. Expert watch repairing. I-ffert, B'y. Celebrated Mats beer on tap. Neumayer. For rent, modern house, 719 Sixth avenue. Cabinet photos, 25c per dosen. 308 B'way. Picture framing. C. E. Alexander at Co., S3 Broadway. Tel. 106. Good copper bottom wash boiler, 89c, at A. B. Howe's, 310 Broadway. The Board of Education will hold Ita reg ular monthly meeting Tueeday evening. Real estate In all parts of, the city for sale. Thomas E. Casady, 236 Pearl street. Before papering your rooms we want to show you our elegant 1908 designs. C. B. Paint, Oil and Glaas company. Henry Toiler, 616 Bluff street, was quaran tined yesterday at hla home, suffering from smallpox. . Mrs. Anna Moran was taken to Mount Pleasant yesterday by Sheriff Coualns and Mrs. Uoodenough. Baby carriage and go-carts in the finest lines ever seen In the city at D. W. Kel ler's, 417 Broadway. Attend the social ball given by Degree of Honor lodge. Ancient urcer oi united Workmen. Thursday. Aoril 23. at Royal Arcanum hall. Tickets, si; extra ladlea, cents. Mm. A. C. Davis, who was taken to the Uerman hospital In Kansas City to undergo an operation, la reported to be improving and expects to be able to return home In a lew weeks. Chairman Goodwin of the democratic county central committee has announced that ha will probably call the democratic county convention for June 16, aa the state convention of the party will be held in Des juoines in June L Members of the Omaha and South Omaha councils will be the guests of Fidelity coun cil. Royal Arcanum, this evening at a smoker in the lodge rooms. In the Bhugart block. The entertainment committee has arranged an interesting program tor the occasion. Judge Scott will convene the April term oi tne superior court today in tne city oouncll chamber. The first case to be taken up will be the contempt proceedings brought against jur. ana Mrs. a. j. jjinnop Dy iten Jamln Tinnell In conneotlon with the cus tody of Tlnnell's little daughter. Otto Roderick was arrested last nlaht. charged with creating a disturbance In the Parsons' restaurant on South M&ln street. He smashed a showcase and was starting a f eneral rough house when the polloe. Interf ered. Roderick Is the man who was charged with killing Clark Moyer, the rail way mail cierk, out tne jury only round him guilty of plain assault and he escaped with a thirty daya' sentence in tha countv JaJL Mrs. Mary B. Fennel, wife of A. a Fen nel, died at a late hour Saturday night at her home. 1627 Avenue B, aged 62 yeara Be sides her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Ida Blrchfleld of Albion, Neb., and four sons, Marshall and James of Pender, Neb., Marion of Detroit, Mich., and Frank, a resident of California, survive her. The funeral will be held Tuesday aftemon at 2 o'clock from the family residence and burial will be in Walnut Hill cemetery. Rev. A. Overton will conduct the services. PYTHIANS C0ME TO BLUFFS Committee Aeeepte offer to . Enter taia ths llext Grand Loose. mmm (From a Staff Correspondent DES MOINES, April 19. (Special Tele gram.) Council Bluffs gets the next grand lodge. Knights of Pythias, for lows. The last grand lodge had fixed the location at Creston, but that city asked tOjbe relieved from the expense of .the entertainment.' To day the grand officers and committee loeated It In Council Bluffs. 'The date is In August. Des Moines, Spirit Lake, Uoux City and Davenport each wanted the meeting and were represented here., Council Bluffs was represented by Chief of POllcs C. S. Tib bits and - Attorney C. F. Kimball, who wers authorised by ths Commercial club of Council Bluffs to extend the Invitation on behalf of the city, aa well as on behalf of ths local Pythian lodges. , , The meeting of the Pythian grand lodge will be August 10 to 16, and the annual encampment of ths Uniform rank will be held at the aame time. The meeting, It Is expected, will bring between 2,000 and 8,000 visitors to the city. Council Bluffs entertained the Pythian grand lodge In 1892. TEAR UP STREET CAR TRACKS l 9 Sloaa City Company Avoids lajano ' Line. SIOUX CITY. la., April If. (Speclar Tel egram.) In order to avoid a threatened Injunction the Sioux City Traction com pany, owned by Armour .A Oo. and Swift and Company, last night tore up" their tracks on Jackson street from Fifth to Twenty-ninth street. The work was begun st midnight' snd was completed by daylight. The Traction com pany had wished to abandon its line and railroaded a resolution through the council permitting It to do so. The property owners protested snd through Henderson at Frl bourg served notice of sn injunction. The action of last night was to forestall this Injunction. Thers wss no Interference from the police. The residents are redhot and will now endeavor to bring about a for feiture of the company's franchise. The case promises to Involve legal points that have never been passed upon In Iowa. Extend Veterinary Conrae. AMES. Ia., April 19. (Special.) Tbs re cent sctlon of the bosrd of trustees of '.he Iowa State college In extending the course of the- department of veterinary science, making It a four-year course of nine months each. It la claimed makes It the most com prehensive course offered by an veterinary college In the United States. The course offered by the Iowa State college before the extension was equal In the time and amount of work covered to any other school In the United Btetea, being three years of nine months each. Less than ten years ago the best courses In the United States or Canada were but two years of six months duration. The progresa in the work haa therefore been aomethlng almost phenome nal, and the demand for wen trained In such work Is such that its futurs Is assured. MRS. HOSSACK IS TO GO FREE Opinion it Would Be Uielen to Trj Her Again on Murder Charge. COST OF PROSECUTION HAS BEEN HEAVY Pella People In Earnest About Bnlld- laa- a Short Railroad to Con nect with Other Lines. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, April lO.WSpeclal.) At the term of district court in barren county soon to be called It is expected that ths case of the State against Mrs. Margaret Hossack will be dismissed and stricken from the docket. She was at one time III the penitentiary serving a life sentence for the alleged murder of her husband, John Hossack, but the supreme court granted her a new trial. The first trial was In the rjunty where the man waa found dead. The second was in Msdlson county and the cost of the trial In an adjoining county was enormous. Ths Jury disagreed. Mrs. Hossack is out on bail and living with relatives. But the Board of Super visors of Warren county, after paying bills on sccount of the second trial in Madison county amounting to $6,000, passed a reso lution directing that no further assistance be employed to prosecute the case and expressing the wish that the county at torney of Madison county dismiss the case without further cost to the county. Inas much as Mr. Cooper the county attorney of Madison county, has charge of the case only Incidentally, and It would be futile for him to attempt to secure a verdict alone and unaided, the case will be dismissed. The total cost of the case to Warren county has been over $10,000. Mrs. Hos sack has also expended a large sum In defense of herself. The case will there fore be stricken from the docket solely to prevent further expense to the county. Mrs. Hossack Is now old and probably would not live long In the penitentiary and the belief Is general thst a third trial would result much like the second. Pella After a Railroad. A committee of business men of Pella Is to start out this week to make a thorough canvass of ths city and the farm ers of that part of Marlon county In the Interest of the proposed new railroad from Pella to Howell or Harvey to make con nection with the Wabash and Burlington lines. The Pella people feel sure that the short line will now be built. The company organized to build the road Is amply able to finance It and get It started. An agree ment has been reached aa to th,e sale of the bonds snd other details have been ar ranged. The experience of the people of Manchester in building a similar line Is referred to by the Pella people. The short line from Manchester to Oneida, which Is owned by Manchester people Is a success snd a profitable enterprise. MUltarr Staff to Bo la Des Moines, Sixteen members of ths military staff of Governor Cummins will be in Des Moines and attend the ceremonies In con section with the visit of President Roose velt. Only one of the staff officials has asked to be excused and he out of the state at the time. There are three companies of the National guard here and they will be called Into requisition on thai occasion. The signal ' service company Is almost as well prepared to make a show as the two infantry companies. It Is ex pected that a large number of the promt nent men of the stats outside of Des Moines snd Immediate vicinity will be here. It Is announced that Senator Allison will be present and It Is regarded as probable that Senator Dolllver will also be here. . It is expected that Congressman Hepburn will come with the presidential party from Clarinda and Major Lacey may come from Oskaloosa and met him hers. Cianlai jto Speak for Roads. Governor, Cummins has accepted an In rltatlon to address the National Good Roads conference In St. Louis on the afternoon of April 29. He has arranged to go from Keokuk, where he will be In the morning of that date because of the visit of the president there, and will reach St. Louis In time to speak by 8 o'clock on the after noon of the 29th. President Roosevelt Is on the program for speech to the Good Roads convention In the afternoon, but It will ba Impossible for him to reach the hall until late. Governor Cummins will therefore address a crowd engaged In watt ing for the president. Perry Compaay Disbanded. For many years the city of Perry has maintained one of the best of the guard companies In the Iowa National guard, but yesterday Adjutant General Byers directed that It should be disbanded. The company at last Inspection, date was not up to tbs standard and It was found Impossible to arrange for a satisfactory armory. There are a number of towns ready to put in companies and build armories. Conference of Charities. The following have been named by Gov ernor Cummins as delegates from Iowa to the National Conference of Charities and Corrections at Atlanta, May 6 next. The list will be enlarged as soon ss Informa tion has been received as to acceptances: Ex-Governor and Mrs. William Larrabee, Fayette county; Judge O. B. Robinson, Polk county; Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Brown, Wood bury county; Elmer A. Park, Lee county; Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Miles Fayette countyt Rev. Mary A. Safford, Polk county; Mra. C. A. Boehmler, Blackhawk county; Dr. Agnes Elchelberger, Woodbury county; Mrs. Carrie Nairn, Des Moines county; F. K. Ward, Linn county; Rev. George W, Walx, Linn county; Mrs. E. O. Rhodes, Henry county; Rev. C. P. Martin, Linn county. Dedicate New Bridge. HOT SPRINGS, S. D.. April 19. (Sps- cisl.) Ths new Iron bridge across the Chey enne river at the mouth of Fall river was completed today and was opened for public travel. Ever since the settlement of this county the fording of the Cheyenne river has at aoms seasons of ths year been a serious problem. Like the Missouri, nobody could tell when the Cheyenne might be out of Its banks snd its chsnnels changing, so that it was often a dangeroua proposi tion to attempt to cross. Ranchers from the other side of the river were frequently left stranded on the wrong side of the stream and had to wait tor the flood to subside before they could return to their homes. The completion of the new bridge Is therefore an event of more than ordinary importance to the people of Fall River county and they consequently gathered there today In numbers to dedlcats ths bridge to the publlQ. Coart Term Breaks Reeord. HURON. 8. D.. April 19. (Special.) Tha March term ot circuit court closed here Friday evening. It commenced on March 24 and continued till last evening, making It the longest term for a number of years. Just before adjournment Judge Whiting modified the seatencs Imposed upon Riley Hariwlck. KuUtr of adultery, from a fins of $200 to a fins of $100 snd two months' Imprisonment in the penitentiary at Sioux Falls. A new trial was granted In the rase or P. H. Dunning, found guilty of selling liquor contrary to law. Imme diately following the close of court busi ness, a meeting of the Huron bar was held In memory of the late Ed H. Aplln. Reso. lutlons suitable to the occasion were passed and a number of brief addresses made. MANY DITCHES ARE UNDER WAY prlns; Season Brlaara t'aneaal At. tlvlty In Irrigation Matters. BASIN CITT. Wyo., April 19. (Special.) A party of Omaha men left here a few days sgo to mske surveys for a big canal which will be taken from the Big Horn river In the vicinity of "The Willows," fifty miles south of here. It Is proposed to cover all of the land known as the Goose berry flat, comprising many thousand acres of fertile soil. The canal will supply water for hundreds of farms. THERMOPOLIS. Wyo., April 19. (Spe cial.) The Big Horn Canal company, or ganised about a year ago, has built its main csnsl from the Big Horn river to Fif teen Mile creek, a distance of fifteen miles. Hers a tunnel through a low mountain must be constructed before further prog ress can be made. All of the land under the ditch has been filed upon and sixteen Indiana farmers are already on the ground, having established a colony between the Big Horn river and No. Wood creek. When the Big Horn Canal company completes Its canal It will be one of the largest In the stste. BURLINGTON, Wyo.. April 19. (Special.) The farmers on the Grey Bull river have tor several years experienced a shortage of water. Last year there was not only a shortage, but a lawsuit, which was decided in favor of the Wiley Ditch company and which Is still In the courts, tied up the limited supply and the farmera and small users were unable to get sufficient water to mature their crops. This year there promises to be an abundance of water for all users for all purposes, for the snowfall In the mountains on the headwaters of the Orey Bull the last winter wss the heaviest in the recollection of the oldest residents. SARATOGA, Wyo., April 19. (Special.) The promoters of the Boulder Creek canal In Fremont county, all being Saratoga men, are getting ready for, construction work. Tbey have purchased a number of horses, wagons, ditch grader and other machinery and will start for the north in a few days. The canal will be taken from Boulder creek twenty miles north of New Fork, snd will reclaim 7,000 acres of fine agricultural land. The ditch will be twelve miles long, sixteen feet wide on the bottom snd from three to four feet deep. Its construction will require' the removal of 110,000 cubic yards of earth. The land will be colonized by Wyoming people SARATOGA, Wyo., April 19. (Specla.1.) The Encampraent-PlaMe Valley Ditch com pany was organized here this week. The company will construct a canal from the Encampment river a quarter of a mile from where that stream empties Into the Platte. It will be nine miles In length, twelve, feet In width and from two to three feet In depth. The canal will cover 1,100 acres of good land on the west side of the Platte river. Odd Fellows to Celebrate. HOT SPRINGS. S. D., April 19. (Spe cial.) On April 27 the Independent Order of Odd Fellows will celebrate the eighty fourth anniversary of the order. The anni versary ' proper falls" on the 24th, but as that Is Sunday the program will be carried out on the Monday following. They will meet at the Odd Fellows' hall Monday at 1:30 p. m., when they will prepare for a street parade, under the direction of Past Grand Master Piper, as master of cere monies. After the parade the Odd Fellows will reassemble at the hall, where there will be special music and. addresses by Past Grand Masters J. R. Sharp of Rapid City and W. E. Benedict of Custer. FORECAST 0FJTHE WEATHER Fair Monday and Clondy nnd Warmer Taeeday Is Prospect for Nebraska. WASHINGTON. April 19. Forecast: For Nebraska and Kansas Fair Monday; Tuesday partly cloudy snd warmer. . For Iowa and Missouri Fair Monday; Tuesday fair and warmer. For Illinois Partly cloudy Monday; brisk to high north winds on the lake; Tuesday fair. For South Dakota Generally fair Mon day and Tuesday. For Colorado Fair Monday; warmer In east portion; Tuesday cloudy, probably ah o wers. For Wyoming Fair Monday; Tuesday cloudy, probably showers. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, April 19. Official record of tem perature and precipitation comparea wun the corresponding day ot ine last three years: 1902, 1902. 1901. 1900. Maximum temperature ..60 8 55 i2 Minimum temperature ... t 40 Sj Jo Mean temperature 54 64 45 M precipitation .w .ua .w Record of temoerature ana precipuanon at Omaha for this day and since Mareh 1. Normal temperature 62 F.xcess for the day 2 Tn.i .inrA March 1. vn Normal precipitation 11 inch Uenclency ror me aay ! L Precipitation since March 1 .98lnch Deficiency since March 1.... 2.34 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, 112....2.17 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1901 36 inch Reports from Stations nt 7 P. M. :?!? : 3 .2. : 3 is 35 : c i 2 CONDITION OF TUB WEATHER i 1 Omaha, cloudy 661 601 .02 H .16 52' .01 6l .0i) 6'.! .00 Valentine, partly cloudy .... North Platte, cloudy Cheyenne, clear Salt Lake City, clear 4K 4 5' 52 54 64 Ran d City, clear 56 Huron, cloudy WUllston, partly cloudy .... Chicago, partly cloudy St. I.ouia, cloudy St. Paul, raining 661 66 iS 70 -: ' 581 52j 64. "8 46 5 Davenport, cloudy Kanaas City, partly cloudy. Havre, clear Helena, partly cloudy Ml 6, Ml 52 62 Bismarck, clear Galveston, clear T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecast Official. DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs ' Money to loss on Real Estate; lowest rates; funds ot hand. Mortgage Investments for sale. Call on or writs uc If you have money to Invest, either In mortgages, bonds or real estate. Real property cared for. 6 mall farm near city at a bargain. DAY & HESS, Council Bluffs House and lot la Council BluS s cheap. H CST H7&$&?&'r then need be no sore suffering frost 11 V r j H "!L(2SX '"'i' IwlsMBg.dlilortliig.enslavlngRhessistle, VsnssxCj'Ix' 1 U mm00' Nesralgle aa Pleuretlc achet aa palnil A, thse sot stmgth to lose (tiros ti the scute, Srvltallilng mlns and aches cauud by atlawnts nt (tit Kidneys, Bladder, Liver, Langs and f sine- Such peoela art profoundly grateful for the sure, magically-quick and agreeable naw CURB for these detaining and detracting nil, that comes te Wien sow freak, para, and full ot power frost natvre'a own great laboratory MEDICAL LAKE PLASTERS Is their aams. Thsy are the pure coat pound ef agreeable, sonalttve, hirnooloualy-actlv natural guoii, and ths evaporated salts of Medical Lake, Washington, that nnrtvaM concentration of health power, whkh Is the animated them of to-day's health authorities. Throat and Cheat DMfrcaltlm. Coaghs, Cramps, La Orlppe almost Instantly yield lo the permeating, toothing, Itl-eradlcartnf power of MEDICAL LAKE PLASTERS. They act with mftc quickness la cases of Sprain or 3trslos, Weakness or Lameness and Inflammation eltbs Joints or nosdes. There Is nottilDg Ilk them for pulling together and keeping Is aha pa ths pala-weakensd system of ths desiring--be vlgoroas mas ar woman, . t MGMCAL LA KB PLASTER0 are sold by druggists. Not a Patent Medklne. ; . i Buy thorn He. each, snd keep well. MEDICAL LAKB SALT5 flFO. CO., Sola fUrs., Nw York and Spokane," Wash. For Sals bj SHERIUH & ARMERS PURSUE ROBBERS One of tbs ThieTai it Shot and Fatally Wounded and ths Other Escape smmnmnnnmm BRING RURAL TELEPHONES INTO PLAY Man Who Is Robbed Calls Vp Officers In . Town nnd All Ills Neigh bors by Means of tha flerviee. . ST. LOUIS, April 19. By means of the rural telephone service In the city of Ed wardsvllle, 111., eighteen miles east ot here, a posse of farmers wss quickly summoned today to capture two supposed robbers, snd In the fight that followed Frank Charles of Mobile, Ala., one of the two men, was prob ably fatally shot and bis companion escaped after a three-mile chase. Early today two farmhouses were entered by robbers and provisions were taken from one place and a tent from the second. The farmers. Charles Glass and Henry Hend ricks, notified Constable L. J. Lawrence by telephone and then summoned neighboring farmers by the same means. Immediately heavily armed farmers answered the call. The robbers had taken flight in a buggy and when the posss came upon a buggy containing two men and to which a tent was strspped on the outside, the occupants were ordered to surrender. The men laughed, but did not offer violence. Farmer Glass took a shotgun from the buggy and with an oath one of the supposed robbers drew a revolver and fired at Con stable Lawrence, missing him. The con stable returned the Ore with a revolver to no effect. Just as the supposed robber aimed again Farmer Glass shot him through the jaw with the shotgun. The other man fled and after going three miles the posse lost trscs of him. The Injured man was given medical attention, and not being able to talk wrote his nams as Frank Charles, Mobile, Ala. His entire lower Jaw was shot away and a portion of his throst, and he may die. ELEVATORS AND TRADERS WAR Oae Goes Into Grain -Bnalness and the Other Into Merchant distant. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., April 19. (Special.) Residents of Hartford who are in 8toux Falls on business bring information of a bitter trade war which is being waged In that town between the Peavey Elevator company on the one aide and the merchants of the town on the other. It appears that some ot the farmers in Hartford's terri tory hsvs been hauling grain to Dell Rap Ids, where. It Is alleged, they received better prices than were offered 'at Hart ford. The business men of Hartford seem to blame the Teavey Elevator company for this condition ot affairs because It did not pay high enough prices to hold the trade for Hartford. 8ome of the merchants subscribed for stock in an Independent elevator. This angered the Peavey people and In retaliation they have announced their Intention to add a line of general merchandise snd enter Into competition with the merchants of the town. As a starter a carload of sugar wss recently purchased by the elevator company snd disposed of at prices which were below cost. At present the elevator company It transacting a mercantile bualness In Its warehouse, but It is understood a building will be erected, when a full line of gen eral merchandise will be put In and sold at the lowest possible prices. After Tax Shirkers. ETURQIS. S. D., April 19. (Special.) The commissioners of Meade county passed a resolution concerning personal tax mat ters, that Is radical enough to suit any body. In order to afford each taxpayer an opportunity to make complaint against any other taxpayer for failure to list per sonal property for taxation, or for listing the same at less than actual value, the board has ordered the publication In July next of the 1903 assessment of personal property, such ss live stock, goods snd i merchandise, moneys and credits, as listed j by each taxpayer In Meade county for said 1 year. The board also will raise all assess ments which are known or deemed to be unjust to the county, and gives notice that all attempts on the part of taxpayers ti ! a v. ri. t H n k Inn riAmta . Ifatlnw f I property will be prosecuted for perjury to the fullest extent of the law. Works Wonders (or Women. Electrle Bitters Invigorate ths femalo system snd cures 'nervousness, headache, backachs and constipation, or no pay. 50c. For sala by Kubn A Co. Farm of 22S acres, I miles 8. E. of city at great bargain for 10 days. Ths Ora Clark farm. Fins house, all bot tomland, not subject to overflow, near station, school, stc. Thers Is 1 10 per sere profit In this. Tbs finest farm In ths country at 155 per acre. there need be no sore suffering fraai twirling, dlrtortlng.ensUvIng Rheumatic, Nearalf te sm Pleuretlc sches in palntl The actlra man and baiy woman have no HcCONHELL DRUG CO., Cor. 16th NATURE BEST GUIDE TO DEVELOPMENT OF SYSTEM LECTURE BY (from tht Philadelphia Ever since I Introduced my system I have been overwhelmed with corre spondence, a great part of which is devoted to the question of diet. To my mind, one of the most objection able people on the face of the earth Is the faddist, and I am certainly no faddist. I believe that Nature is the best gu'de as to what we should eat and drink; and provided that we do not eat or drink too much, I think one cannot go far vrong- in taking those things which a healthy appetite and a natural Inclination suggest. Tha danger lies not ro much In the quality as in the quantity of the food and the manner of taking-. I would rather cat six times a day a little at a time than live on two heavy meals. The general opinion of the medical profession lit that there Is too much ;.teat eaten In England, and I am informed that a similar state of af fairs exists In Australia. My own m irL fz ttn, s-seflf. 0? .. ;K ,' " - " VA . ' -ail ' .-(if' , 'i ! v v.; I: ' - ' ; t i '. ."''" f i 'i ' - ' I r ' ' ", ' t .. V '-; The Best Office Building Moving is not pleasant to think about except when the prospect of a handsome office is in prospect. You have to get up a certain amount of steam to move, even when you are driven to desperation by Spring Time elevator service and offices Vk t that have been long in need ' teS IS of paint as well as soap and of paint MovingTime always, looks fresh and attractive be cause it is never allowed to get out of re pair. This together with efficient janitor service make it a pleasant place to do business. Besides this the rents are no higher than in other buildings. R. C. Peters & Co., RENTAL AGENTS, n -.. A eiiaa-. nA iti y vi I uhiiu a i agS3S8StaVJnB BUSINESS eVaTAat-f trrnn mitmixnn and Dodge SI:., Omaha, Neb, EUGEN SANDOW. Evening Telegraph.) opinion is that the amount of food consumed by the average person is considerably in excess of the amount required. If the quantity of food ' taken were smaller, the substance lighter, and the mastication more thorough, the labor of the excretory organs would be less, and the general health much better. The question of alcohol la one which seems to trouble a great many of my correspondents, and is the subject of many anxious inquiries. Now, I my self am not a' total abstainer. In moderation I believe alcohol Is a valuable food; but, of course, one cannot but shrink from the enormous drink traffic of civilization. Let me say, then, that alcohol la not neces sary to the upbuilding' of the mus cular system, but if taken In strict moderation can do little or no harm. In the same way, tobacco In excess Is bad. Hut a man who Is a follower of physical culture need not fear an occasional pipe or cigar. Coming more particularly to the strengthen ing quality of foods, those articles which contain the most albumen are, of course, the most nourishing. Milk, cheese, and eggs contain large per centages of albumen; but the atom ach cannot deal with more than a limited quantity of these foodj 'with out being upset. Of recent years, however, a method of extracting; al bumen from milk or rather from buttermilk has "been discovered.- and ' the extract haa been put on the mar ket- under the nams of "Plasmon.". This plasmon was discovered by an enterprising1 German chemist, snd Its use Is spreading all over England and the Continent; In fact, all over the world, for I have Been It on sale In' America and Australia. It Is used medicinally as an article of diet. Doctors who are about to perform operations give their patients plas rr.on Instead of drugs before the operations, as the bulk Is very small and the waste practically nil. As to its sustaining qualities I can bear personal testimony. I lived en tirely on It for seven weeks, taking about eight teaspoonfuls a day, dis solved In water, this being my only food during that period, and I was performing twice a day. It Is pre pared In various ways, being free from flavor and smell, and perfectly Boluble. It can be dissolved In water and made Into soup, or added to other soups or gravies, or may be kept on the table and added dry. It can be dissolved In milk, and then added to tea or coffee, and is now, I believe, made up In chocolate bars, beef ex tract, biscuits, and bread. Whenever I travel I carry some with me. poor janitor work, wretched as well as soap and water. THE BEE BUILDING k f ac?0 uiu, STIMULATORS a & aV mMm a m vxr B'Triinr:i.y