2 THE OMAHA DAILY HEK: 31 OK DAY, APRIL ' 20, 1903. man. It Is suppose that McKlnney, who at that, point went br the name of T. 0. Mclntyre. mistook the two for offloers tn pursuit of him. Blakey was shot tn the breast and Winchester in the back with buckshot. After the killing McKlnney went to li neighboring ranrh and compelled the ranchman to ahoe two horses for him, after' warning tha ranchman If he valued his life to not betray him, the murderer mounted hl hone and rede away. r"or three days after the terrified rancher failed to notify anyone of the crime, giving the murderer every opportunity to escape. Sheriff Levin at once took up the pursuit and after several daya were:-lost located his trail, 'leading to California.- McKlnney reached the Colo rado river and swam across, fearing to wait for the ferry.' Once on the California Side, the fugitive bent' his course meat across the desert toward Kandsburg, where his two brothers, Ed and Jnke,. are en gaged In mining. At Manville, a small station north of the Needles, he wae aeen and recognised by several acquaintances. Sheriff Ralph of Ban Bernardino county Immediately started a posse in pursuit, but the fugitive evaded the officers and suc ceeded In -reaching the Radamacher min ing camp," twelve miles from Randsburg, where his brothers are, located. Sheriff C. C. Collins of Inyo county, lying Just north of Ban Bernardino, placed a posse tn the field to head him off should he turn in that direction. Sheriff W. W. Collins of Tulare, a brother of the Inyo sheriff, who pursued McKlnney to Mexico, Immediately took the frld with a poss" of deputies from Tulare and Kern county and went to Rands burg to hunt for the fugitive. Fhonti nt Officers. But the latter evaded the officers, se cured provisions near Bandsburg and made his way northwest across the desert to tha mountain region around Kernvllle. Here, on Runduy, the 12tl., he met Deputy Sheriffs McCrackcn and Rankin on the south fork of the Kern river and exchanged shots with them, escaping unhurt into the timber, and headed for the Oreenhorn mountains, across which lay the road to his old haunts around Qlenvllle and Linn's Valley. The Dext morning he again met the officers near Kcyesvllle, where he again exchanged shots. The outlaw, fleeing up the rough moun. tain side, the officers firing at him at long range . and following aa rapidly as the rough country would allow. The murderer returned several ahots without effect when ever the efiportunlty offered. When the mountain became too rough and steep for his horaea the fugitive abandoned them and made his escape on foot, the animals falling Into the hands of the officers. That waa the last seen of him until the officers located him here today. His coming to this place, v. here he Is so well known, la characteristic of his nerve and daring. GIVES CREDIT TO THE JEWS Preserve the Home Traditions Better Than Do the Chris tians. WASHINGTON, April 1. "The Jews are preserving the home and family better than ws Christians are doing. I do not know how to account for this, but I do know it to be a fact." 'Bishop Batteries of the Episcopal church made this declaration In a aermon here tonight in which the main subject of his discourse waa divorce. Men, said the bishop, are losing respect for the home and caring less for the family, the unit of our civilisation. "On the shoulders of the hus .bands and fathers of the land," he con tinued, ""rests the responsibility for the ldw state to which the family has fallen In this country. This fostered and encouraged the greateat curse of the age divorce and '.he loose manner In which the sacred mar' rlage vows were being kept. . ; "The great evil the 'most 'frightful dan ger of, our ago Is divorce and the breaking down of . the family Institution." said the bishop".-"If lt Is not stopped the women of this -country and our race will be de graded within fifty years." No Time to Fool Away. Coughs, colds and lung troubles demand prompt treatment with Dr. King's New Dis covery. No cure, no pay. 60c, II. For sale by Kuhn t Co. . Ditch Litigation On. FREMONT, Neb,, April 19. (Special.) Judge Hollenbeck called the docket of the district court yesterday for the purpose of setting cases for trial at the April term, which convenes April 27. Three criminal caaes and seven civil cases were set for trial by .Jury. One of the civil cases is Alex, Thorn againat Dodge county for dam ages on account of the construction of the cut-off ditch. The case comes from the supreme court, which reversed a decision for the county and sent the caae back for a new trial. The main caae. In which the right of the county board to order the ditch dug is Involved, Is hung up in the , supreme eourt bn a rehearing. Should the supreme court overrule Its former decision, which was In favor of the county, and affirm the ease it will In all probability open up the way, for some more ditch litigation. Getting; Heady for t'haatauqna. TECUMSEH. Neb., April 19. (Special) Manager J. H. Dundas of the Tecumseh Chautauqua, announces that he has already contracted tor sproe good talent for the assembly and that contracts for more will soon be cloeed. Among the people already secured are: Prof. Hoss of Wichita, Kan., Rev. Eugene May of Washington, D. C, Prof. Frank R. Roberson of Walden, N. Y., Prof. J. E. Morgan of . Omaha. John So bleski of California and Miss Estella Ore ham of Peru. The people of the community aeem Interested In the coming assembly and are disposed to offer the needed fluan ctal encouragement. The datea are July 25 to August 2, luCitiiiTS. Arraigned oa Hobhery rkarge, PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. April 19. (Spe cial.) Harvey Lovelady and John Greeson were arraigned In Juattce Krceler'e court Saturday on the charge of robbery. Each pleaded not guilty. They were taken back to Jail to await their trial thla weak, Oreeaon Is charged with having robbel bis mother-in-law, Mrs. Sam Chambers, of $75. After securing the money be deserted his wife and their daughter one week old and went to Fremont, where he waa living with Mrs. Lovelady when arreated, The latter ia the mother of Harvey Lovelady. ale ef Bhorthora Cattle. TECUMSEH. Neb.. April 1. (Special.) Ernst Brothers' sale of registered Short horn cattle waa held In this city Friday. Fifty head were sold, Including ths Crutck ahank bull. Baron Surmise. Ths average per head waa $100. The old bull brought 525. The aale waa well attended and the bidding was quite spirited. Once used always used iGORHAM' Silver Polish An entirely novel preparation Cleans at well at polishes . , AO repoiiibU aata'a oackace CLAKK BUYS OF SIIORT LINE Ownership of Portion South of Salt Lake is Absolut and Not a Lease. OLD ROAD IS TO BE RECONSTRUCTED Entire Line from Osrdn to Los Angeles to Be Complete and la Operation With In Two Yei-rs. NEW YORK. April Senator W. A. Clark of Montana aald tonight that he de sired to correct certain material errors which had crept Into his Interview ef yes terday relative to the newly organized San Pedro, Los Angeles ft Salt LeXe Railway company. "The transaction," said Senator Clark, "has been described as a leaae. On the contrary I and my associates have pur chased all of the lines of the Oregon Short Line company south of 8alt Lake City and will construct about 400 miles of road from Caltentea. Utah, southwesterly through Ca Jon pasa to Riverside, from which point the road will soon be completed to Los An geles. This purchase embraces 840 miles of road, and In addition to the main' line has taken over several shorter lines. Most Important It the Leamington cut-off, ex tending from Salt Lake City to Leatnlrgton, Utah. This cut-off was recently constructed and la only 117 miles Vong, besides having the advantage of lower grades. "West from Calientes I have already had forty miles of grading completed. The road will go through the Mountain Valley wash, tbs dry channel of an old watercourse, which constitutes tha only available route. At Cajon we meet a grade of 106, but aside from this the maximum grade Is but seventy-nine feet. The cost will average 30, 000 a mile. Lay Blew Rails. "The portion of the Oregon Short line system which we have purchased will be relald with seventy-five-pound rails and the equipment will be the very best. From San Pedro to Los Angeles and Riverside the road Bow baa the best Pullman passenger equipment, which will be extended to the entire system. In Southern California, trib utary to this line, 26,000 carloads of fruit were raised last year and there are exist ing orchards which In less thsn five years will have an annual output of 60,000 cars. The road will swiftly move perishable goods Into a higher altitude, an Important de sideratum In handling such shipments. , ' "From Salt Lake City to Lea Angeles b this new routs Is 800 miles, which we Intend to cover with limited trains In twenty-four hours. "At present traffic from Salt Lake City can only reach Los Angeles via Sacramento, a distance of about 1.3O0 miles. At San Pedro the United States government is building a breakwater to cost 13,000,000 and Wilmington bay la being deepened by dredg ing, so that It will .form a fine harbor. Near Riverside we are constructing across the Santa Anna river a great concrete bridge, with eight spans of 100 feet each, and an extreme height of seventy feet. We have made arrangements with the Oregon Short Line company for a joint use of its terminals for a period of ninety nine years. Tributary to (he new road are vast deposits of iron and 'other minerals hat only await development: No bonds have been Issued on the Los Angeles road so far completed and $15,000,000 of the $50, 000,000 bonded debt will be held in reserve In the company's treasury td be applied to the construction of branch lines.' We ex. pect to have the twrsugh. line fully' com pleted within two yerrs.'' - - . . BISHOP A TUTOR IN COOKING Offers to Teach British Women How to Make Good "Flop jacks." (Copyright, 1909, by Press Publishing- Co.) LONDON, April 19 (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Right Rev. John Sheepshanks, bishop of Norwich, startled a women's meeting this week by announcing: "It any ladles here want les sons In simple cooking how to ' make flapjacks or cook bacon let them come to me and I will teach them. "It has been said of a certain king that he waa fit to be a king; because he had blacked hie own boots. Taking that rea soning I am more fit to be a bishop than anyone here because I have cobbled my own boots and mended my own breaches." These remarks were made in the course of an address, the theme of which waa the maintaining of happiness depended upon the inward feeling. Bishop Sheepshanks' experiences referred to were gained while he was chaplain to the bishop ot Columbia from 1859 to 1867. His training as a cook he may have ac quired In the bringing up of his large fam ily of ten sons and seven daughters, twelve of whom eix boye end ae many girls are still living, the eldest a son, being 82 years of age, and the youngest, also a son, being T years old. The bishop Is 6 years old. PREDICTS YEAR OF DISASTERS Noted French Beeresa Takes Gloomy Tlew of the Forth coin. Ingf Season.. f (Copyright, 190S, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. April 19. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Mme. de Thebes, a noted seeress, has Juat published her predictions for the year, which begins for her with the first day of spring and closes with the laat day of winter. She givee warning of numerous political and financial dlsssters, says the year will be unlucky for the arts, but a particularly favorable one for science. 6he prophecies that before June 22 a wonderful sclentlno discovery will be made, which w 11 mate rially affect the conditlone of human ex istence. Dramatlo deaths are predicted In diplomatic circles and much friction in the parliamentary world. Mme. de Thebea foretold the burning of a French provincial theater a prediction which apparently haa been verified by the destruction of the Grand theater of Lille. This,-however. Is apparently not the only theater fire which is to mark the year 1903, for a Parisian play house is announced aa doomed also. GERMAN DRAMA AT THE FAIR Aathors and Managers Join Hands la Farthering; the Scheme. (Copyright, 1908, by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN, April 19. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The man agers of the leading theaters in Germany are arranging to produce at ths 8t. Louis fair aome of the finest works ot the Ger man dramatlata with the best living actors and actresses. Both the modern and the classical drama will be repreaented. Four leading dramatlstsSudexmaan. -' Haupt mann, raul Heyse and Ludwlg Fulda are also Interested in ths scheme. Probably ths first two will write plecee to be played In St. Louis for ths first time. x Severe Cold la Geraaaay. BERLIN. April It. The wintry weather In Germany contlnuea. Reports from south em Germany speak ef a teavy snowfall la various sections. Fruit trees that already had blossomed have been ruined. A hurricane-like snowstorm swept over eastern Frussla yesterday. Today a terrific gale Is blowing over Berlin and there have been driving flurries of snow. The temperature hers la 12 degrees Fahrenheit. SETBACK FOR .FRENCH MASHER American Girl Turns Clever Trick on Man Who Annoys Her. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, April 19. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) An American girl gave a French "masher" a lesson the other day and the French press is amused over it. The girl was walking with a girl friend and noticed that she was being followed persistently by a dapper French man. He" approached closer on observing her draw a dress sample from her puree to show her compsnlon and, thinking it a note of encouragement, he held out his hand. The girl quickly dropped t sous into It. "There, my poor man," at the same time turning to a policeman who chanced to bo at hand, asking: "Has that beggar a license?" Tbs "masher" fled. SELL MAPLESON'S EFFECTS Household Goods of Operatic Manaarer to Be Pnt l' at Auction. (Copyright, 19(8, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, April 19. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Colonel Henry Mapleson's household effects and bric-a-brac -are to be sold at the Hotel Drought next week. Orders I.asaretto Burned. MAZATLAN, April 19. The Board of Health In the City of Mexico sent a tele graph order today to burn the lazaretto. It is probable a new and permanent laza retto will be built. It will be a hospital with every modem Improvement. Oovernor Canedo, after a long and heroic service here during the height of the plague, has returned to Culiacan. BOUND TO KNOW AN INDIAN Ignorance of Race Does Not Protect Man Who Sells Them I.lqnor. SIOUX FALLS, S. D., April 19. (Special.) Owing to the non-arrival of necessary witnesses, the United States court, now In session in this city, took a recess from Saturday until tomorrow forenoon at 10 o'clock, when the petit jury will again be on hand to dispose of sicn caaes as are ready for trial. Bernard McGlnty ot Geddes, who Is under Indictment for selling liquor to Indians, appeared before Judge Carland and changed his plea ot not guilty to guilty. Hs will be centenced later. On motion of Assistant United States At torney Porter, Judge Carland ordered that the cases against Tom Bank and Paul Mag pie, Indians who have been In the Dead wood jail for some time for a violation of the federal statutes, be dismissed and the defendants were released from cus tody. A Jury returned a verdict of guilty In the case of Charles Lewis of Sioux Falls, who was Indicted for selling liquor to In dians who are attending the present, term of United States court. The trial of the case resulted In an Interesting decision being rendered by Judge Carland. One con tention made by the defense was that the defendant did not know that the person to whom he sold llqiior was an Indian. Judge Carland held, for the first time In this Jurisdiction, that anyone selling liquor to Indiana did so at their peril; that It made no difference whether they knew the per son to whom liquor was sold waa an Indian or not. He further pointed out that the Statutes absolutely prohibited the sale of liquor to Indians, and that It was no de fense whatever for parties accused of so selling liquor to contend that they did not know that the person to whom they sold liquor was an Indian. - Work Instead of nations. PIERRE, S. D., April 19. (Special.) The authorities at the different Indian agencies in the western part of the state are getting thinga in shape for their sum mer operations of road making and dam building on the reservations under their control. This work will all be done by Indiana, and they will be paid 11.26 per day for their work, which will be In lieu of government rations, the payments to them being in cash, and with this money they will purchase their own supplies. This work proved more successful than was expected last year, the Indians taking kindly to it, many of them voluntarily giv ing up their ration tlcketa and taking work Instead. Hundreds ot miles of roada will be built, and the dams will hold water at many places over the reservations. Y. W. C. A. FINISHES LABORS Biennial Convention at Wllkesbarre Proves to Be a Sncceasfnl One. WILKESBARRE, Pa,, April 19. Ths biennial convention of the American com mittee, federated with the World's Young Woman's Christian association, came to an end tonight with an Inspiring address by Robert E. Spear of New York. The ses sions today were principally of a devo tional order. A short morning session wss held in the First Methodist Episcopal church, at which Miss Harriet Taylor of Chicago presided. The delegates told what the convention meant to them, what was accomplished and how all could profit by the lessons of the gathering here. Later in the day the delegates scattered to the various churches and many of them gave an outline of the work they were engaged In and asked the support of all Christian people. In the afternoon there was a gospel meeting and the exercises were Impressive. Miss Barnes, president, and Mlsa Ruth Paxson, secretary of ths stu dent department, conducted the devotional service. In the evening Mrs. Brown presided and Rev. Dr. Blcktcrd cf this city conducted the opening devotional service. Mrs. Brown thanked the people of Wilkesbarre for their courtesy and liospltallty. Rev. Dr. Spear spoks on the mission ot Christian workers and the truths ot the Christian religion, Resolutions were passed uniting In paying a loving tribute to the memory of the fel low workers, Mrs. C. J. Adams and the American committee aa well as others for the value of their services to the associa tion. TO CIRE A COLD I SI 0E DAY, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. This signature Jtml . on every box. 260. W MjC4Tir River stars Danaer Line, F.VAN8VILLE. Ind.. April 19. After re- irmintn stationary here for several days the Ohio river started to rise sgaln today and tonight stands at miny-iour ieei, ons foot under the danger line, me sme streams of the river continue id rise siowiy. )Cled by Jealoas Lover WEIX"H. W. Vs., April IS George Use more waa today shot and killed by William Griffiths. Ths former was in company with the In tier's sweetheart al khe Uiun. Grif fith esctopad, C PAPER MAKERS MAY STRIKE reoide to Betura to Work Pending Settle ment of Difference ARBITRATION BOARD BRINGS IT ABOUT Painters at Plttsbarn-, Who Have Deea oa Strike for Twe Months, Compromlne Their Dif ferences. APPLETON, Wis,, April 19. As the re suit of an unexpected development at the meeting of the Neenah and Appleton Broth erhoods of Paper Makers held this after noon, the taper mill strike is called off. A truce has been declared for one wek and the men will return to work In the eight Klmberly Clark company mills Monday morning. A Joint committee from the Ap pleton and Neenah Brotherhoods of Paper Makers will meet the Klmberly & Clark company at Neenah Monday afternoon. The State Board of Arbitration also will be a party to the negotiations and there seems a strong prospect that an understanding can be reached whereby the strike will be declared permanently off. Tho Klmberly & Clark company hae agreed to pay tho employes full time for last week. The temporary settlement of the strike was effected through the efforts of R. H. Edwards of Oshkosh, a member of the State Board of Arbitration. - ralaters' Strike Ends. PITT8HURO, Pa., April 19. The atrike of the painters and decorators, which has been on In the Pittsburg district for nearly two months, was practically settled today at a mass meeting of the brotherhood. The men agreed to accept 23.40 for a day's work of eight hours and pay their own car fare to and from work. Last year they received 23.20 and had their car fare paid. This year they demanded $3.60 and car fare. , Telephone Strike Over. BUTTE, Mont., April 19. The strike of the local employes ot the Rocky Mountain Telephone company was settled today and telephone communication waa resumed after two days' Interruption. All the girls will be taken back. The operators concede the right of tho company to place the present chief operator In a subordinate position. It was over this question that the girls struck, the linemen going out in sympathy, v Mill Workers Still Firm. LOWELL. Mass., April 19. The fourth week of the strike of textile operatives will begin tomorrow with peace apparently as far off as ever. No attempt will be made to reopen the mills during theVweek, but It Is possible that next week the agents will make a test ot the strength ot the organized crafts by an announcement that their gates will be open to all who care to enter. There has been a feeling that ths factories would remain closed until the arbitration beard has made its report and a statement of one of the mill agenta to night confirms that ides. Several of the stronger fraternal organizations have voted to take care of their, members during the strike. About 21,600 has been received at strike headquartcra from various unions that have been appealed to tor assistance. Going; After Parry. CHICAGO, April IB. The Chicago Fed eration of Labor at tj a meeting tonight adopted a resolution, ,. recommending that the American Federation ot Labor invade the state of Indiana, , with 100 organizers and with 2100,000 to "build a bulwark of rebuke around . D, Parry, president of the National Manufacturers' association." The recent address of Mr. Parry before the National Manufacturers' association In New Orleans Inspired the resolution. Settling- Mine DIsTerences. WILKESBARRE, Pa.. April 19. President Mitchell of the United Mine Workers, who was expected to arrive here this evening, will not arrive until noon tomorrow. On his arrival he will meet the executive boards of tha three anthracite districts and assist In settling the disputed points regarding the award of the strike commis sion. The miners end local coal companies In terpret the award in several Instances from different points of view and a conciliation board will be appointed by both sides to reach a definite understanding. Mr. Mitchell will assist the local mine workers' officials In selecting the members ot this board. Unions Honor Iron Workers. COLUMBUS, O., April 19. There was a parade ot labor organizations and a mass meeting at the Board of Trade auditorium this afternoon In honor of the delegates to the convention of Amalgamated Iron, Steel and Tin Workers association. The principal speakers at the auditorium were President Shafpr of the Amalgamated as sociation, Dr. Washington Gledden and Rev. Father Mulhane of Mount Vernon. Presi dent Shafer paid a tri,buts to Senator Hanna and his attitude toward organized labor which elicited vigorous applause. ALL ARE OUT EXCEPT DOUGLAS Does Not Propose to Step Aside and Make It tnenimons for Herrick. CINCINNATI. April 19. Correspondents ot the Commercial Tribune today Inter viewed, at their homes in different parts ot the etata, candidates for the coming republican gubernatorial nomination re garding the statement given out last night by George B. Cohn of thla city, that the delegates from Cincinnati would co-operate with the delegates from Cleveland and vlher local cities in supporting Myrou T. Herrick ot Cleveland. All conceded the nomination of Herrick, under existing con ditions, and practically withdrew, except Albert Douglas ot Chillicothe, who said: "While I am of course disappointed somewhat, t am not surprised that Senator Hanna will support Herrick. I have aaid from the beginning, and have not doubted at any time, that Senator Hanna had it In his power to nominate anyone this year for governor. If he aaw fit to exert It. 1 had hoped, and had reason to believe, that he would not use his great and deserved Influence among Ohio republicans to control the nomination, and I cannot help feeling sure yet that it will be wise to leave the convention free to make the nomination from among the men aspiring to It, espe cially since all are the friends of Senator Hanna and devoted to his re-election to the senate. "Perhaps Mr. Herrick might secure the nomination without Senator Hanna a lnflu r 47 OHEIHAN rsc ALL BOTTLED ftrdor frT H. nmr oiMr I I .reTneirnliigtarinaaTI ence exerted In his favor. Terhaps he Hia7 not secure It. even should Senator Hanna actively support him. That chance, at any rate, I shall take. My own candidacy la In nowise affected by the announcement of Mr. Cox. I was last summer unani mously and cordially endorsed by tho re publicans of the Eleventh congressional district. My friends and many local leaders throughout southern Ohio and elscwhore in the state have supported me with very gratifying heartiness. I have no disposi tion to 'kick natlnat tho pricks.' nor to embarrass my friends and supporters, but I shall be a candidate for the nomination until the convention Is ever, and shall then be ready, whether nominated or not, to take the stump for the nominees." POLICEMAN HASLIVELY TIME Shoots Two Greeks Who Were Mem bers of Mob Which Assailed Hint. i CHICAGO. April 19. Because one of their number had been arrested for creating a disturbance, a crowd nf Greeks, who were celebrstlng their Easter Sunday here today, created a riot and before the mob could be dispersed three of them had been shot by Policeman Cohen end Henry Oppenhelmer, a bystander, who came to the assistance of Cohen. The three wounded men, who are said to have been the leaders of the at tack on the officer, were arrested. None nf them wss seriously Injured. The disturbance occurred near the Greek Catholic church In Johnson street. During the Easter celebration someone threw a lighted firecracker among the pedestrians In the strset and Policeman Cohen Immedi ately arrested the offender. The crowd at tacked the officer, knocking him down with a brick. Cohen sprsng to bis feet and fired a shot Into the crowd, hitting Nick Rlzzltto In the left shoulder. This act infuriated the mob, which again rushed at the officer and probably would have killed him had not Oppenhelmer sprung to his assistance. He held the crowd at bay for a moment until Cohen could recover from the) attack. Sur rounded by the maddened crowd they fired several shots, wounding two of the disturb ers, James Chlpanvlts and John Lolets by name. Cohen and his companion, after be ing severely bruised and having their cloth ing almost torn from their bodies, managed to escape to a saloon, where they held the crowd back until the arrival of police aid, which dispersed the mob. DEATH RECORD. Timothy S. Follam. TECUMSEH. Neb.. April 19. (Special.) Timothy 8. Fullam died at the home of his son, W. W. Fullam, In this city Wed nesday and tho funeral was held Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock from (he house. The aermon was by Rev. E. I. Davles of the Presbyterian church and the Interment was In the Tecumseh cemetery. Mr. Fullam was a very old man and had been suffering from the results of a fall received last August. He was a native of Massachusetts, was born In 1823, and had lived In Massa chusetts, Ohio, Illinois. Iowa and Nebraska. He was married In 1S45 to Miss Samantht Walker and three children were birn to them, two of whom are living. C. T. Ful lam of Chicago and W. W. Fullam of this City. Mr. Fullam came to this city some three years ago from Blue Springs as the senior member of the lumber firm of Ful lam Son. He bad been In the lumber business for sixty-two years, being In tha sash and door business tn Chicago dur ing the great Are. However, his plant was not lost. i , Isaae I.. Cox. TECUMSEH, Neb.. April 19 (Special.) News reaches this eity of the death of Isaac L. Cox, for many years a resident ot this city. He died very suddenly at the home of a son at Amerlcus, Kan. Mr. Cox wss over 80 years of age. He was a na tive of Canada and bad lived In several parts of the United States. He had been married twice and both wives snd ten of his fourteen children preceded him to the grave. The four living children are: Albert and Riley Cox of Amerlcus, Mrs. J. R. Lin 111 of St. Joseph, Mo., and David W. Cox of Tecumseh. The deceased was an rid soldier, having served his country through out the civil war with Company O. Eighty third Illinois volunteers. He wss buried at Amerlcus. Sir Oliver Mowat. OTTAWA, April 19. Sir Oliver Mowat. lieutenant governor ef Ontario, died today at Government bouse. He wss 83 years old. Sir Oliver had been in feeble health for some time, but the incident in which he broke his leg last Sunday night hastened the end. Sir Oliver waa premier of On tario from 1872 to 1896, twenty-four years, thus earning the distinction of having had the longest continuous term ot office as premier ever accorded to any man by the people ot any province or colony In the British empire. In 1898 he resigned to become minister of Justice tn the Dominion cabinet. In 1897 he waa appointed lieu tenant governor of Ontario. He was one of the fathers of tbs confederation. funeral of Rabbi Gotthelll. NEW YORK, April 18. The funeral ser vices of Rev. Father Gustav Gotthelll, rabbi emeritus of the Temple Emanuel, were held today In the temple. The services were of the simplest character. Including addresses by Dr. Silverman, rabbi of tbs temple, and Rev. Dr. Robert Collyer of the Unitarian Church of tho Messiah. Dr. Collyer paid an eloquent tribute to the dead rabbi, with whom he had been on terms of warm friend ship for nearly twenty-five yeare. The in terment waa In the Salem Fields cemetery, where the final eulogy was pronounced by Rabbi Leon Harrison of the Temple Israel, EL Louis, a pupil and a lite-long friend ot Rabbi Gotthelll. Dr. David McDIlL XENIA. 0.. April 18. Dr. David MeDtll, widely known aa an author ot theological worka, died here today from heart trouble. He was formerly professor of philosophy at Monmouth college and retired last year from a professorship la the Xenla Theo logical seminary, where he taught since 1885. He was trustee of Mlsml university, hsvlng been appointed by Governor Me Klnley. ' Rev. J. Edward Drlakhoase. BALTIMORE, April 19. Rev. J. Edward Drlnkbouee, 73 years old, for eighteen years editor ot the Methodist Protestant, Is dead at his home In this city. Mr. Drlnkhouse, among other writings, published a history of the Methodist Protestant church which Is regarded aa an authority on the denomi nation. HYMENEAL Dalley-Erwln. TECUMSEH, Neb., April 19. (Special.) Randolph Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Bailey, and Mias Harriet E. Brwln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Brwln, all prominent farmers of this community, were married last Wedaesaar evsning. Vnearth Counterfeiting; Plant. ALEXANDRIA. Ind.. April 19. Itiaac i ui tier, , ii , j . , v . u . . v , . i a. , , were arrested on a charge of having passed counterfeit money aud the du of the al leged counterfeit?! h waa located near Frankton today. Fifty counterfeit silver dollars were taken by the officers. Pennsylvania Train Wrecked. MAKBFIEUD. O., April 1. An eaatbound Tennsylvanla passenger train was wrecked st LrfHidonvllle early today by a broken rail. Ths engine and the baggage car went over on their slcWs and three Pullmans were derailed. No passengers are repvrteu seriously burU . . V . UPTON KEEPS CP COURAGE Doei Dot Think Any Postponement of Cup Eacei Will Be Hecesiary. WRECKED RIGGING ENTIRELY USELESS Denleraer Promises to Repair the Dam. a are la . Three Weeks Hope to Have Some More Trial Races. WEYMOUTH, England. April 19.-Jhe two Shamrocks left here today at noon for Southampton. The challenger was towed by Erin. Sir Thomas Llpton wae Interviewed thle morning before the departure of the yacbta. Describing the accident ot last week, he eaid: "When the challenger loat Ite masts there wss certainly six feet of water over its lee deck. My first Impression when tht mast went wss that the boat was aink ing. Later, when I was able to scramble upon deck, I found everything gone and the boats out doing rescue work. I never saw the seaman Collier in the water." Sir Thomas was bewildered at tbs sud denness of the accident and said that what Immediately followed seemed to him like confused remembrance of a dream. Questioned ss to his future course, he said he meant to work day and night to get the yacht refitted In time for further trials before sailing, for New York. Hie desire was to avoid a postponement of ths races. Mr. Ward, Designer Fife snd Cap tain Wrlnge have had . a conference and have promised to put the challenger In racing trim again In three weeks. It will be a big Job. Designer Fife has condemned the boom, gaff, mast and topsail spars of the yacht and they will all be removed. The decision against a postponement of the races was reached last night after a long consultation, and this morning Sir Thomas sent the following cablegram to G. A. Cor mack, secretary ot the New York Yacht club: I am pleased In Inform you that the dam age to Shamrock ' III will be righted in three or four weeks. There will be no ne cerslty of considering the question of a postponement. Please communicate this to your committee and also convey my warm est thnnke for their expressions of sym pathy. Sir Thomas eaid he saw nothing In the recent itceident to lessen the great confi dence he felt In Shamrock III. If racing yacht sre to be built, he aaid, thcro must be some risk. If we built a vessel as Bsfe as a liner we might aa well keep It at home for any chance It would have of winning the cup. Designer Fife took the same view. He has never appeared so confident as he is now. Mr. Ward raid he was -surprised and dis appointed at the accident. The screws were the same as those used In Shamrock II. He explained that every precaution had been taken, over 200 tests had been made ot the fittings and he had the utmcst confidence In every detail of this part of the equip ment. The body of Collier has uot been recov ered. Sir Thomas Llpton has offered a re ward for Its recovery and has made provla- lon for Collier's widow and child. The wrecked apar of the challenger waa lifted to the quay today. Many s'ghtseers were present to view tho wreckage. The shell of the mast Is of extraordinary thin ness, being or three-eixtecnth-inch nickel steel Tho length of the maat was 155 feet and Its greatest diameter twenty-seven Inches. That the metal was very tough was evidenced by the fact ths t It Iiad bent and rebent In various places without break ing. ' ', '"' ' . , It is believed that the next trial races will take place on the Clyde tn a month's time. SOUTHAMPTON, April 19. Shamrock III has arrived her. Exhibits Betarned Free. ST. I-Ot'IS. Anril 19.-0. W. Cato. chair man of tho southwestern tariff committee. hns rrenared a set of rules governing tne shipment of exhibits to the exposition and return to their owners. It Is provided that all exhibits shall be carried to the expoxi tton at full tariff rates, but on proof that the exhibits (excepting live stock have not changed hands they will be returned free over the same road by which they were sent to the fair. What Shall We Have for Dessert? This question arises ia the family very day. Let us answer it to-day. Try a delicious and healthful dessert. Free pared in tvo tnintttcs. No boiling! .no baking I add boiling water and set to eooL Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Rasp berry and Strawberry. Get a package at your grocers to-day. xc eta. X3he Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago ' HALF FARE Plus $2.00 TO St. Paul and return April 2 land 28 C!tr Off!cas 14011403 FAR NAM 8T. OMAHA TCU 624-681 V I pjtatlve promo Quinine Cure Cold In On Day, CrVta 3 Dy MM Your Mother can be provided with an annua! income lor life in event of your death, at less cost than you run make the same provision tor your wife or your children. , This contract can be obtained at a low cost. In writing for terms state the mount of cash yon would likff to draw out at end of limited payment period, your age, your mother's ac and the amount of annual income for lifeou would like to provide for her in case of your death. This form of contract was deviser! and introduced by The Company which ranks fir il la Age. First In Assets. first In Amount Pid Vo'.i-y-lioldrTS The Mutual Lif. Insurance Company of Nfw York, lUcaaan A McCobdv, President. FI.FMISG linos.. Mnnnurr. Omaha, Rear. Des Molnrn. Iowa, I am organizing sev?r;il prrnon ally-conducted eXClTsionS tc California, f, r April iind Mny. Hay I send you ful! part icu lava of special advantages offered? Some of the excursions are one way only, in tourist sleepers, for homeseekers. Others are round-trip, in first class Pullmans, for general sightseers; good, if desired, on limited trains. ' The rates are very low. Accommodations are excellent. I have selected the best Cali fornia line the Santa Fe and confidently guarantee a delightful outing. Why not go this spring and see California at it3 prettiest? Such an opportunity seldom comes. Don't miss it. Write to E. U PALMER. 40 Equitable fildg., Des Moines, tnd receive In reply full particulars, with copy ot beautiful book about California OR. SFARLES So well snd favor ably known as the ' leading, most reliable and successful iBPEClALI3T In all DISEASES OF MKN, ' They have been many years In cstab llHhlng their reputa tion IN OMAHA for DEALINGS, and daily receive ; many let ters thanking them for the CURfc.8 Jer .T. ormmt aood thev are doing I for men. Tnelr Ufa work has been de. voted, as HpeclaJlsts, in ireauns " - eases of mes. . v. BE CKKTAIN OF A CURE by CON SULTING the BEST FIRST. DR. BEARL.ES graduated at two e. f the best tnediesl college nndJs rnow ledged the best EXPERlENOfcO and SKILLED BPEr-t MSI it. s..". diseases he treats. LH. "SEAPLiiS' Consultation snd Advice are FREE. In person or by letter, and a.rredly confidential In all d.seases. Wf-ltten Contracts clven In !! curable 4lxeana of men or refund money paid. Many canes treated 5.00 per month. I O.N SI I. T ATI PnUK. TREArMEKT BY MAIL. Tall or address. Cer. 4th A Donalas. DR. SEARLES & SEARLES OMAHA, KEB. DR. McCREW SPECIALIST Treats all form of . DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY 17 Tears Experience. 17 Years In Omaha. Ills remarkable suc- equaled and every day brings many flatr.T- relief he has given. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And nit ninnri Tntni Mrt "ppir A trifjrl OUT" on the skin or face and all external signs of the dlseaae disappear at ones. BLOOD DISEASE Er.n" .i VARICOCELE ZW lW&i-Si OVER 30.Q0rJ SurdecbX,0U'f vitality, unnatural discharges. Stricture, Glaet Kulllav a.nt A1B4,1 I .1 -. - ... ' . , u a. hy drocele. mi (CK CURES-LOW CHAROE8. ' Treatment bv mail v rh nn. to smm ever 116 8. Hth street, between Farnam and Louglas streets. OMAHA. NEB. AMl'SEMKSTS. nnvn'Q n last 2 weeks BUI U O U Regular Season TONIC HT AND TOMORROW NIOHT THE THRILLIKU Ht.lAJ-UK.AtlA.. A MONTANA OUTLAW Prices, 25-50-75c. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY TIM MURPHY THE CARPETBAGGER Prices. 25-6O-75C-W.0O-1.W. Friday and Bat. Mat. and Night MARY MANNERING is TUC THRRnHNFxx flF GFRAI n NF Seats on Sals tomorrow. Cll C opens Thursday for two tfbAI 9ALC performances, Tuesday & Wednesday, April 21 and ia Me'SSao MANSFIELD " JULIUS CAESAR Mall orders accompanied by remittances received. Prices, 60-7ic-tl.00-1.60-1.00-1. 60. 'lelepuene 1331. MATINEES THURSDAY, 8ATURDAY. SUNDAY. 2:15. EVERY NIGHT. 6:16. High Class Vaudeville. Foy and Clark, Howard and Ulan!, Freydo Bros.. Whitney Uros.. Brnaru Dyllyn, I'nthan. and ths Klnodroms, JTlces 10c, 2bo, tug. 1