Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1903, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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Men's G4 and S5 Pants GI.90
Your choice of all the Ilackett. Carhart & Co. Men's rant,
in worsteds. Flannels, Crashes and fancy cheviots
Men's 03 Fancy Vests 75c
Your choice of all llackctt, Carhart & Co's. plain white
pique and fancy Vests made in the newest Spring style
single and double-breasted made to retail
correctly cut and splendidly made eizcs 32 CJ ffi
in icw iuik iur uj iu f,i.vif nguuj
soiled at . .)
to trz, waist measure regular 5.m; ana 11
. fo.00 values take your choice for
I Pi)
3 nn n rf
J iriJUk
Th new Spring and Summer Suits and Top Coata are now in. The beat
merchant tailor cannot produce better looking 17 Cfl tn fit DD
or better fitting garment. Price $lf0U IU 0JiUU
Jf. , Jlranbrf pent
UnUni Join in Poatal Ohargei, Making
Manj Allegations of Unfairness.
Trae Bllla Rfloried Acalnat Naral
nd Armr Mem aad Two Civilian
for Alleged Bmaajgllag
WASHINGTON. April 17. The Indication
re that organized labor will become n
party to the Investigation at the Postofllee
department. A ipeclal committee of thn
Central Labor union of thia city, which
baa -been secretly considering the matter,
has formulated charges of favoritism
against certain officials of the mall equip
ment division. The charge, which proba
bly will be Sled tomorrow with the post
master general, allege that mallbags not
In conformity wltfe the specification have
been accepted by the chief of the division.
Other charges allege that a worthy and
needy white woman la discriminated agalnat
In favor of a negro woman employe; that
the forewoman of the aewlng room uses
offensive language toward ber subordinates;
that when the machine operatora were re
duced from $2 to $1.75 per diem the sala
ries of the-superlntendent and aome of thn
other officers were raised from (ISO to $200
per annum; that the suspension of one
clerk was Illegal and another unjust; that
engineers are worked overtime without
compensation; that tht, foreman of the
lockshop is not a lockmaker, and that rec
ommendations for promotion are not based
on merit.
Report that a "promotion ring" existed
to control promotions In the Brooklyn
Lev. Cajtup a4 Kurltit.
la plain lsn(uag-e,tbls
wonderful book lci: II
taoee thing you waut
to know nd should
know of nmrrted Ufa,
love, eouruhtp, mr
rtane, childbirth, hippy
and unbuppy welled
life. wblrb
forbid marriage; Hula
ouseurly foluend aius
lol suunliood, pieuj
ture decay, poor laein
ori, norvuUMies. blood
poiaon. rupture. If run
are married you should
know the ae'rrt told la
thlo book. If not mar
ried you ought to know
lltin Iura4 before marriage. Vuu
Btol thia book. Learn
the aeeret truth of marriage. IXm t band weuk
.teMdown to your children. Get thi book wUil
'.1 1 free and read It. Know yourwelf Ignorance
tret ml-Mai-y, knowledt' bring health and hai
pinwu. K gea. 41 lllusirailona. library sue.
WUtteo bv tba world fauioua Matrr Sivclannu
"1 he Boost wonderful and greatest acieutitte
SMttlral book of the age." Otkioth Tim:
aHiStmlitlfaw,awMali. Irlts r U l.
WIMeSII.1 Mfcltll'AL lASTlTl'TK.
tOll Alaaaabra Blds alllnawkee, M la
all that is
this spring
postofflca similar to that which la now
being investigated In New Tork City were
brought to the attention of the department.
It was stated, however, that as yet no evi
dence of such a ring has been discovered.
Mr. Payns was asked regarding the al
leged advance Information furnished to In
terested parties with reference to the ap
pointment of rural free delivery carriers.
"I suppose you mean by that." responded
the postmaster general, "the possibility of
collusion between the department end busi
ness concerns Interested. I do not see how
such tips could come from the department,
because the Civil Service commission has to
pass on the selection of carriers."
The postmaster general said he thought
It was the duty of newspapers that acquire
evidence of Improper actions of persons In
the service to furnish it to the department
and aid In the investigation now in prog
ress. Porto nleaa Officer Indicted.
The Department of Justice today received
the following cable from the United States
attorney at San Juan, P. R., respecting the
pending smuggling cases:
True bills returned today against Mer
rltt, navy; Lowrdea. marine; Crabba, army;
Olles and Butler, civilians.
United States Attorney.
Canal Ckuoti Incertatn.
Dr. Barrack, tba Colombian charge d'af
faires hers, said today, with reference to
the prospects for th ratification of the
canal treaty by the Colombian Congress:
The advices I recdve fiom Iogota
through private sources are uulte contra
dictory. They chow the oppo-ltlon to th
treaty to be quite strong, but do not a'.ata
who I leading the opposition. I have re
ceived no ottlclal Information to Indicate
what are the prospect (or the success or,
failure of the treaty and at thi distance 1
am unable to form an opinion aa to (he
re ative strength of the f, U-rd and op
ponenta of the treaty. I am alill without
information a to the exact date when con
gress will be convened, except that con
tained tn earlier advlcea that It would be
assembled about May 1.
Government Hashed with Flak Orstrs.
In conaequence of the unusual demand for
fish to stock rivers and email streams, the
United States Fish commission Is preparing
to make a greater distribution this year
than ever before. Two cars now lying In
th commission yarda are being stocked
with millions of fry and flngerllnga of shad,
perch, Atlantic salmon, land-locked aalmon.
trout and black baas. The distribution will
be mad at various points. The different
hatcheries In Maine, New Hampshire. Ver
mont, Colorado, Virginia, Tennessee, Texaa,
Iowa. South Dakota and Missouri, also are
now actively engaged In the spring distri
bution. Particular attention will be paid
thia year to the stocking of Virginia
streams with black baaa, for which there
have been many hundred requests.
Hod Carrier Perfect Orajanlaatloa.
Th International Hod Carrier' and
Building Trade Labor Union of America
perfected Ita organization by the election
of officer. Herman Llllen, Chicago, was
elected president, and H. A. Stanberg,
Waverly, N. Y.. secretary-treasurer. The
tbirty-nlne drlegatea in attendance claim
to represent about 28.000 members. Is,
consequence of the formation of thi new
organisation 100 local unions attached la
ara .
nil Vaott Vnnlr 4 t -.i !- 4.' i 1
J-,t" J-Vilk lu"c 10 n ivtan
best and most fashionable for men
and summer's selling, everything is in the newest and most fashionable style, shape and color.
Your choico from this purchase of
Hackett, Carhart's
Men's all wool ten
dollar Suits
i our cnoice
the American Federation of Labor will be
turned over to It and their affiliation with
the latter will be through th International
Will Spilt l'p General Staff.
When the general staff corps Is organized
ten or twelve officers of the stall will be on
duty In Washington, while others will be
disposed about the country as conditions
may require. One officer from the staff
corps will be detailed to the headquarters
of each of the military department to
serve as chief of staff to the department
commander. Thoae officers who have been
detailed from staff departments will, on the
expiration of their terms of office, return
to their former duty. The places of officers
detailed for duty with the staff will be filled
by detail as soon as practicable. The as
signments to the staff corps, therefore, will
necessitate an extensive shifting of officers.
One Man Is Shot Darin the Holdup,
bat Hi) Recovery I
WASHINGTON, Pa., April 17. Two negro
desperadoes, Wilbur Sharp and Cornellua
Wllkins, held up a ferryboat In the middle
of the Monongahela river opposite Court
ney, this county, and with drawn revol
vers robbed the psssengers of their valu
ables. Isaac Ames, an old man, who resisted,
was shot through the left breast and dan-
gerously wounded. The passengers were
held at bay by Sharp while Wllkins did
the robbing.
When the boat reached shore tho negroes
backed off, flourishing their-revolvers. and
disappeared in the darkness. Officers have
atarted In pursuit, but they bsve not yet
been raptured. Ames will recover.
Apostle of Silver Break Bread with
Dlstlnaaished Gold
CINCINNATI. April 17. Considerable stir
was caused In politics! circles today by
Colonel W. J. Bryan being the guest at the
Queen City club of Melville E. Ingalla.
president of the Big Four railway.
President Ingalla was one of the moat
prominent of the so-called "gold demo
crats" tn both of the Bryan presidential
campaigns, and many of the Bryan demo
crats are reported as not supporting In
galla for mayor here last week.
.While Colonel Bryan la ber to fill a lec
ture engagement, hla luncheon with Preal
drnt Ingalla and hi meeting other so
called "gold democrats" v. a the feature
of th day.
tore and Warehouse Damaged. .
CINCINNATI. April 17. The atore and
warehouse of Overman 4- Srhrader was dam
aged to the extent of $60,000 by fire today.
Herman Schroeder of the Salvage eorpa was
seriously Injured snd the salvage wagon
wrecked by colliding with a teltgrapb pol.
m l m t n n p fm u w
frdLiiLb to)nl l"J fl) U)nS fi
.l.iLI-L A il A .
iiuiuiijg Hiore mai carries tne prestige or weignt tnat nackett,
to wear. Clothiug conii'ne from Hackett. Carhart & Co. must
Your choico from this purchaso of
Hackett, Carhart's
Men's fine all wool
fifteen dollar Suits
or tne nnest suits in this nurcnase id
Argument Between Landlords and Tenant)
- Makes Sill's Passage Certain.
To Set Doubt at Kent Nationalist
Convention While Dlacnaslnar Pur
chase Meaaure Stands Strouttly
for Self-Governnient.
DUBLIN, April 17. The Irish national
convention, concluded this evening. In two
days It got through a large amount of con
troversial work and emerged, to quote T. P.
O'Connor, "icathlees and honored from a
test the whole world was watching. It was
not only shaping the destinies of Ireland,
but it held in its hand the fate of the Brit
ish ministry." t i
John Redmond, replying to an enthuslas-
tic vote of thanks for his chairmanship, de
clared that the convention was a credit In
every particular to Ireland and afterward I
announced that the amendments adopted by
the convention would be accepted at the
joint conference at which Lord Dunraven,
Lord Mayo, Captain Sbawe-Taylor, John
Redmond.' William O'Brien and T. W. Rus
sell will meet. This practically Insures the
passage of the Irish land bill.
Tho delegates returned to their homes to
night lu a happy frame of mind, echoing
John Redmond's parting words: "May tho
God of our fathers once again visit this
land with the peace and pleuty that are its
Affirms Home Bole Demand.
When the convention reaasembled in the
morning, with a smaller attendance, John
Redmond, in view of a misunderstanding
In the case of certain English papers, in
troduced a strong home rule resolution, de
claring that the Irish nation would never
be satisfied until It obtained a full measure
of self-government. "No substitute." said
Mr. Redmond, "can or will b accepted."
Michael Davltt briefly seconded the resa
luVon, saying Irishman would be neglect
ing their sacred dutiea to the cause it they
did not aend such a message to their raca
throughout the world.
Mr. Redmond's recommendation was car
ried by acclamation.
William O'Brien then proceeded to ex
plain the various suggested amendments to
the land bill.
An amendment of Mr. O'Brien provided
for extending financial assistance to evicted
tenants was welcomed by many of the dele
gates, who wished It to go further.
Patrick Flynn of the Cork branch of the
I league, a man of great girth, with a sbille-
lah in one hand and a broad-brimmed hat
In the other, then mounted the platform.
His appearance created laughter. "I did
not," he aald, "travel 150 mile to be
laughed at."
In a few seconds Mr. Flynn held th con
vention spellbound by the extraordinary
eloquence with which he Insisted that th
prsnt occupier of holdings which form
;ni8qaole retail clothiers
day. qhj york.
. . -
erly belonged to evicted peasant should
themselves be evicted. .
This peasant orator worked up a storm
against "grabbers," but Mr. O'Brlon's mora
moderate counsels prevailed.
Throughout the morning peasant speak
ers discussed the details of the bill with
Intelligent rhetoric.
Mr. OBrlen's suggestions as a rule were
passed without division.
Michael Davltt fought Mr. O'Brien's
peasant proprietorship proposals. He main
tained that the nationalization of the land
was the only method by which Ireland
could be made prosperous,, but when a divi
sion was threatened Mr. Redmond effected
a compromise, with the result that the con
vention emphatically endorsed Mr.. Davit f
well known theories, but retained Mr.
O'P.rlen's suggestion.
The convention concluded without auy
special incident. A resolution was passed
demanding the immediate release of
Colonel Lynch and Mr. Kilbride,, a former
member of Parliament. . Major Jameson and
Jasper Tully, members of Parliament, were
read out of the party for "dereliction of
duly and lack of loyalty to the United Irisi
A motion was passed urging Thomas Sex
ton to return to Parliament.
John Redmond and Lord Dunraven had
an informal meeting this morning and de
cided to postpone the sittings of the land
lord and tenants' conference, which will
probably be held in London next week.
All Clashes and Creed Unite.
At tho conclusion John Redmond Issued
the following signed statement:
The convention m the most important
nationalist assembly In Ireland duilns tht
I awa uwiiiiuii 4111 ,! V""1"!. i... , n , i 1 J -' 1 ' 1 '"" '' J
Sore Mxiscles. Sore Joints and Neviralgia
are instantly relieved by the use of the Soothing, Penetrating and Healing Remedy
The only external remedy which stimulates the pores, removes the congestion and
draws out the inflammation by inducing copious sweating.
An all the year around remedy; one which Mother, Father, and the Children can
use every day, A trial bottle will con vine you of its merits.
tao.. too. aao at.oo aoTTiaa. at all ornvrnttr:
t vH aAXIC IU hvLU
. - . .
carnart Co. do. Tney are known and understood to stand rori
be rirrht. All the elotiiinr offered in this sale heim? made fori
o . O
Only a very small portion became
Your choice from this purchase of
Hackett, Carhart's
Men's swell $20
imported cloth
"m a
last 100 years. If Its recommendations be
substantially . carried out by ihj kovein
ment the land question, will Le ettleil and
thn whole future of Ireland will be full of
The convention's recommendations will bi
supported by members of trie land cm er
ence and they will be presented to the gov
ernment a the demands ot ihe liu.d . r Is
and tenants. I have the strongest pog.-lble
hope that the government will hive the
wihdom to accept them If a I goes v.eil
the result will be th absolute end of the
it.nd war In Ireland, the unl m ' f all cla sei
I and creed In thi country, the I evlt
i able result of the concession, almost Im
mediately, certainly wnniii tne lifetime ot
th. prevent generation, of a system of na
tional nelf-povt rriment.
I conKratu ate tha whole Irish rice at
home i ml abroad on thiK ramt magnificent
result of the labors, sacrifices and auffer
iiiko oi th men who have conducted the
li'.fh national movement in thi last ttw
year and who. 1 hope, will live to ee the
trli.tniili of their pr nclp'es. This ble se 1
s tuatlon Is largely due to the magnillri iit
Bupport we have received from the IrUh In
Arnerldu and American public opinion gen
O'Connor's Isnimlsg I p.
T. P. O'Connor, summing up today's pro
ceedings, ssld:
Tl wis h da" fir agr e'ng on the
amendments to the land bill which are ton-Huer.-v.
e 3riott ot lhee wera p.'o
pcee.i by William O'Brien. They covered
several Important questions, Including de
mands for more liberal treatment of the
congested districts and of the laborers. The
proceedings were extremely harmonious.
I There was an animated but good humored
I dtBcusslon on the retention or an eighth at
a rent charge proposed by Mr. Davltt an, tne rormer representing v.ewa ti
fm or of the nnl na tzatlon of the ian.l,
while I put forward thoae of peaaant pro
pr.etary. I'u t ma elv in- revolution was
adopted condtmmng th elh h, but retain
ing a technical rent tharae.
One of the m ist i'n;oriant amendment
w;ti that proposed by Michnel Davltt. that
the principle of the American homea'.ea t
- .......
r x
slightly damaged by water.
law be added to the land bill to safeauard
the peasants from the results of Improvi
dent hi r rowing and the operation ot the
land grabbers and land jobbers.
High Water Near Clinton, Indiana, la
Responsible for Death at
Four Children.
CLINTON, Ind., April 17. Ora Edding-
ton, nis wire ana inree small cniiaren,
with two neighbor boys, atarted to crou
the Wabash river bottoms in th face of
a warning of danger. Tho three Eddlng
ton children and one of the boys, William
Dudley, were drowned. The party got off
the road and was soon beyond their depth.
Hundreds of people witnessed tha disas
ter, but a relief boat was late In reaching
the struggling people. Eddlngton escaped
on a horse and his wife was rescued by a
12-year-old boy. Three of the bodies were
recovered. The high water waa tha result
of recent heavy rains.
Twenty-Fir Thousand Enter orth
west Over Harrlmaa Una La
Two Months.
PORTLAND, Or., April 17. fllno th
settlers' rates went Into effect on tho west
ern railroad, on February 15, It Is esti
mated that 25,000 people have coma to thj
northwest over the Oregon Rlvr Navi
gation line.
ri'tUbKia, UMiUi