Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1903, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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15) fo) n pr
j uO Uuv
Over a Thousand Pair
Women's Shoes and Slippers
from McBrlJe'a Blair Shoe Stock on sale on bar
gain square, In basement at
In Shoo Dept On Second Floor. QQ
hundred of Ladles' New, Up-to-Data ij) I 7 O
Shoes and Oxford Ties A
Regular value up to $3 on Sale at
3 IJrlVs nC
Swell Spring Suits, Skirts
Magnetic Values In Ultra Fashionable Apparel for Women
Manufacturer's sample liue of suits consisting of about 70 fine high grade
tailored suits in voiles, etamines, canvas cloths, novelty suitings, etc., made
with heavy silk drop linings in all the very latest richest up-to-date ideas of
this season's styles, many actually worto $50 sold to us at A gj f
50o on the dollar your choice at "T J
All Silk Lined Suits at $14.85.
New collarless blouse styles, with and without postillions, some with
double and triple capes, new stoll fronts, with silk A QC
drops, choice of It suits, at 14iOO
$15.00 Tailored Suits at $7.50.
Fin tailored suits, latest style jackets, extra food quality materials,
worth tlS CO and $15. mostly odd lots and odd sizes, if we GLf
hare your slie la this lot the biggest bargain of the season J. eO J
New Shirt Waist Suits at $6.98.
Fanoy figured and polka dot foulards and checked taffeta shirt waist suits
In blue and white, black aad white, fancy stock
collars at M and........
Ilk M
Sample Underwear Sale
OARflENTS from factories of A. W. PORTER & CO.. 45 White 5t, N. Y.
We have Just completed a tremendous purchase which brings to
Omaha one of the greatest stocks ever sold at a special sale.
Nearly a whole carload of Ladles', fUsses and Children's Underwear
bought at 50 per cent of their real value placed on sale tomorrow at
record-breaking bargains. This Immense stock Includes entire sample
line and all the odd lots of A. W. Porter, 45 White St., N. Y., one of
the biggest manufacturers of high grade underwear In the w orld.
riany garments still have drummer's sample tickets on them. This
underwear Is of the finest spring and summer grade. It comes In lisle
thread, silk mercerized
and fancy cotton, plain
ribbed andx all over lace
effects worth up to 50c
a garment, at
liU ! wa. e v. mm wyvuBw au avaw
Manufacturer's Sale of Skirts at $2.98
Highest grade dress' and walking skirts, house skirts, rainy
dsy skirts, summer skirts, eta, in all the latest faioet fashionable
fabrios and colors, positively worth up to 18.00
tomorrow at
Great Kid Glove Offer
Tomorrow will be a great kid glove bargain day. Two immense
new shipments Jrom the Ernst have brought in fresh, new gloves
of the latest spring shades. Many are real kid leather. In two
and three clasp effects. A few are mended gloves, but the repair
is so skillful as to escape detection. Actually worth
up to $1.50 a pair tomorrow at W
Voile and Etamlne Skirts
Fast black and fancy colors, all full seamless, some Y
with double heel and sole, worth as high as 35o a J Qj and J
pair two large bargain squares, at
In the new blues and blacks, with the new silk and satla
fold trimmings, with and without drop Un-
lngs, worth up to 10.00 choUe at
$10.00 Spring Jacket at $5.00.
200 new stylish and Jaunty little Jackets
In silks, peau de soles, cheviot and broad
cloths, blacks, blues and tans, beautiful sew
blouse effects and the new loose Monte
Carlos, worth 19.00 and 110.00 each,
your choice
Special High Grade Dress Goods
In voiles and etamines, with and without silk drops In the
aew white, creams, grays, blues and ohanv- -f p
page shades, at T.BO, $9.01 and liuU
and prettiest things, many hundred styles, ta. mm . J LJ I II LJ
ana prettiest tDings, many nu
worth up to 75o and $1.00, at.
Short and Long Coats
la the taffetas, peau de soles, shantungs, voiles, etc, made
In the new ereama, light tans and blacks, (tl .4 Cm
at $9.98, S1S.S0 and up to kj)4t "
CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SUITS little two-pleoe Jacket and skirt garments, made In the nobby little
blouse and Norfolk styles, with Jaunty little flare skirts for the little ri flfi dtC
tots from to 13. at - iPvJiVO'iJjO
CHILDREN'S SILK SPRINQ COATS Loose flowing taffetas, with the large laoe tfv pm pj
trimmed oollars, turn back cut's and pretty linings, at iJJeJe A. J
BASEME1NT-W Corf Skirts st ,8c. BASEMENT--Ladle$'s Silk Capes at $'.50.
BASEMENT-S4 Golf and Dress Skirts at $1.98. BASEMENT Ladles' Spring Jackets at $1.98.
Life Size Crayon Portrait Free
To each customer purchasing goods to the amount of $1 or more, we
will give a superb life size crayon portrait. The only condition is that
you bring our artist a good bust photograph. Call at our picture dopart
. mont, 3rd floor, tomorrow to examine the work. Briujj your photograph
with you.
Indian heads mounted on red mats, Passepartout style, with easel Q
back, size 8x10, at, each "w
Photograph frames, made of i Inch moulding, in different finishes, with assorted
color mats, regular cabinet photograph size, with glass -f C?f ,
and easel back, at 1 OL
Photo colors, life subjeots, framed in gilt with neat fancy corners,
excellent assortment to select from, at
Bought from the receivers of the well known importing firm of -Seimer &
Feldstein, 620 and 622 Broadway, Nw York, at less than 25c on the dollar.
They all go on eale Saturday at prices which should prove to be the roost
successful flower sale held this season in all America.
$1, 50c and 25c Bunches of Flowers at 25c, 10c and 5c
In the Buemant.
In this tremendous gathering you will find flow
ers of almost every known species which are applied
to the millinery art. There are Roses, Dahlias, Red
. Poppies, Forget-Me-Nots, Chyrsanthemums, Black
Roses, Black Violets, Daisy Wreaths, etc. Flowers
are the acknowledged stylish garniture for the sea
son, and to the home milliner who desires to trim
her own hats here is the greatest flower buying op
portunity ever presented in this country -f 1.00, 60c
and 25c values Saturday
25c 10c 5c
S1.50 Flower Values at 49c
On Main Floor
Ilere is the cream of this monster purchase, which
startled the millinery trade throughout the Union.
Our ever alert buying force anticipated the tre
mendous prevailing demand for flowers, and with
our immense outlet in view we go to work to un
load what mav be termed the best values that
were ever bought since artificial flowers were, adopted for A aC
hat adornment. Duplicates of these flowers are actually be- fl-ry C
ingsold in other stores at 3 times our figure, Saturday lSSJi
a yv . m A o .
l.uoo to select iroin. uur uuymg power is so great tnat we
produce so much style and so much quality for which other
stores must ask $10.00 for. We sell the beat f 5.00 Trim
med Hats in the land.
Tomorrow we will sell 4 Sterling King collar buttons for 6c. All J-
styles for men's shirts and ladies' shirt waists. These buttons sold Lj CJ
the world oyer at 60 a piece Saturday's speoial, 4 for
Trimmed Hats at $1.98 & $1.49
In Basement.
Baturday should prove to be a record- f q
rxeaker In the Millinery Bargain Bae- le
menu Just think of It. Just a Httle after .
Easter and we offer you actual 13.00 and 1 4 M
14.00 Trimmed Hats at
1.25 Children's Trimmed Lef turns at 59c
li Basement
TOO prettily trimmed fancy Tuscan edrd Leghorn
Hats for ehlldren. These Hats are trimmed with
Ilk mull rosettes and field flower f f"V
wreaths and cannot be duplicated un- 11 f1
. der tl.25-6aturday
Specials in Candy Dept.
20 Sticks for.-. ....ntmini -' . ...5c
Marshmallows, box. ... .... . . . . -5c
Baited Peanuts, lb....,..... 10c
Pure Lemon Drops, lb. ....... ... . . 10c
Snow Drops, lb '............ 10c
Gocoanut Cushions, lb 10c
Gum Drops, lb . . . . fOc
Mixed Candy, lb......-.... ...... I0c
Chocolate Creams, lb. ..... .... ....... 15c
Jelly Beans, fruit flavor, lb.. 15c
Peanut Taffy, lb.. 15c
nome-Made Fudge, lb..... 20c
Cream Caramels, lb... 30c
Assorted Chocolates, lb.... 30c
Chocolate Dipped Caramels .- 30c
Men's Swell Spring Shirts
Bir Sale of $1.50 Shirts at 39c
tOO doses men's and boys high grad negligee spring
shirts, neat figures and striped effects, fancy Madras
and percales, with attached and also two
detached collars, plain and pleated '
bosoms and stylish up-to-date ehlrt,
worth $1.60, at
Highest Grade Shirts
Very ' finest grades of men's spring shirts, made In all
the awellest patterns and fabrics for 1903. Best rallies
to be found anywhere 50"98C
AT 69C The popular new silk underwear for
spring, combination of silk and balbrlggan, worth 11.25, at
Hiari QRADE SPRINd UNDERWEAR Fine silk, lisle thread and 7 C
French balbrlggan 12.60 DOWN TO A Uw
The Correct Spring Hats
, The "Brandeis' Special" Hat has w.n pop
ularity among; the best dressers in Omaha.
It comes In the very newest shapes that are
now the rae in the east: The "Brandcis'
Special" has a swell appearance not &
excelled by any $5 hat in Omaha
stiff and soft shapes, at
Other Swell Sty lc at SI.5Q and S2.5Q.
Men's and Bys' Sample Caps at lc and 15c
Automobiles, yachts, golfs, etons and
wide brimmed sailors for children. This
lnt inpliiflp the entire samnle line of an eastern manufacturer.
Not one worth less than 50c and many r
of them fl.00, all go at J
sjsjMfsjafsfT MSJ0,
New Coffee and Tea Department
Finer Coffees and Teas for less money than any store
In Omaha. Best for family use. Any grade.
Special ltio per pound 12 ic
Cutuca Blend per pound 25c
Boston Java per pound 30c
Rio Blend per pound 10c
Young Hyson Tea worth 40c 25c
Saturday Drug Dept. Specials
8. S. 8. large 1.15
Cascarets large 3Qc
Cascarets small 9c
Bromo Seltzer small 9c
Good Bulb Syringe k 19ck
Williams' Shaving Soap 5,
Pinkham's Compound 69c
Hsnning s Opponent in Laat Campaign Will
YoU for Him This Tims.
Kraeat Merteata Declares tkat GoeS
Cltlseaahlv Sho14 Be tk Gmld. ,
lac Spirit lat the Pa-CaanvaJsraw
"I am tor Frank K. Moores for mayor and
for A. H. Hennlngs for treasurer," remarked
Brneet Uertens in a crowd of democrats
Thursday night, "and I defy any man to
.uestlon my democracy."
Mr. Mertens' stand In this campaign Is
of special Interest because three years ago
he was on the democratio ticket as the
candidate for city treasurer against Mr.
"I am tor Hennings," continued Mr. Mer
tens, "because I know that he has made a
first clasa city official nd every cltlieni
who wants good government should sup
port him for a second term, regardless of
party ties. If I had been elected three
years ago and had made u good a record
as Mr. Hennlags has made I would now be
expecting, from the cltiiens of Omaha an
endorsement of my work.
"As for Frank Moores, I will say that
he has made a good mayor a better mayor
than Ed Howell would make. I was op
posed to Howell for the nomination for
the reason that I did not consider him a
go'.d man for the office, and he Is no bet
ter now than he was before the democratic
convention. Ia a city election X am not
going to vote tor any man simply became
he la a democrat, but I am going to make
my selections on the broad ground of good
cltlsenshlp. I don't think any democrat
who is familiar with affairs tnalds the party
and who really knows what Ed Howell
stands for can argue that It would be for
the best Interests of Omaha to have a
change In the mayor's office at this time."
W. J. Perry, president of the Perry Live
Stock Commission company of South Omaha
and a resident of the Fourth ward, met a
little party of republican and democratin
politicians on Sixteenth street Thursday
afternoon and the dlscuaaion naturally
drifted to the city campaign. Mr. Perry
was known to have taken an active part
la the opposition to Mayor Moores before
the primaries and some one In the party
suggested that he waa now among the
"Not on your life," exclaimed Mr. Perry,
as he reached into his vest pocket and
pulled out a roll of bills. "Here's 1250 to
back my opinion that Frank E. Moores
will he elected on the 6th of May. I was
against him at the primaries, but after
he won out fairly against the odds that
were stacked up against him and after the
corrupt practices of his opponents in buy
ing that Eighth ward delegate I say that
every repi-olloen who loves fair play ought
to vote .or him. I am not a supporter of
bribery at any stage of any game."
Mr. Perry found no taker for his $250
or any part of It. despite the fact that be
gradually reduced the amount to $1 to
accommodate any enthusiastic Howell man
in the party.
Late Thursday afternoon, when Ed
Howell learned that the Douglas County
Democracy waa almost at white heat be
cause he had neglected to give It any rep
resentation on the democratio executive
committee, there waa quick action. The
organization was to hold its regular weekly
meeting In the evening and thero was no
time to loae. Therefore measengers were
dispatched to inform Lyale I. Abbott. Louis
J. Plattl and Joeeph P. Butler that they
were members of the executive committee.
These men then supposed that they were to
repreaent their respective wards in place
Established 1023.
That's Ml!
i HI an re, ate.
of the Jacksonlans who had previously been
put on the committee, but when the com
mittee met in the evening they found that
the Jacksonlan members were all to remain
and ths three Douglas Countyltes were
merely added to the committee, giving the
Third, Fourth and Fifth wards two rep
resentatives each, while each of the other
wards had but one. The adding of an extra
man in each of three wards was a good
deal like the placing of a fifth wheel on a
wagon, and ao the Douglas Countyltes
asked to have one of their men put on In
each of the remaining six wards. This
plan, however, was frowned upon by Willie
Herdman, who, by.the way, has been made
chairman of the committee by his brother
The city committee of the people's inde
pendent party meets in room S05 New
York Life building, Saturday evening at 8
The word has gone out that Lee Spratlen
ia to be the political representative of the
Board of Fire and Police Commissioners
in the present city campaign in its deal
ings wltb those persons who are not next
to the throne, but who are supposed to
be in a position where police espionage
and arbitrary action may affect them in
their attitude toward candidates. The
word which comes to the public Is that as
soon as Lee Spratlen returns to the city
he is to "see" the local brewers and the
agents of the out-of-town breweries. In
forming them that the board will have no
objections to any work which they may
do for E. E. Howell and will not visit upon
them the fruits of their displeasure if they
work for Mr. Benson, but that no favors
can be expected If they do anything which
might help the election of Mayor Moores.
For the ttme being W. J. Broatch Is to
place the whip of the police board into the
hands of the democratio member of the
board, while Broatch la to retire Into the
background and from that vantage ground
pull the strings which will make the board
City Clerk El bourn Is making arrange
ments for the election, and yesterday was
visiting the different parts of the city to se
cure rooms in which polling places may be
established. He is having the usual trouble
finding acant bulldinga conveniently act
uated and In some prec.ncts tents will have
to be used as uaual. Becauae of the scar
city of bulldiugs the work of preparing
for the election will occupy the time of
the clerk almost to the exclusion of any
other business for the next ten days.
charge and will be at the building the
greater part of the time. Chairs will be
provided fot )0 people and it is the in
tention of th committee to bold meetings
there every evening, which will be ad
dressed by candidates and others Interested
in the success of the republican party. The
rooms are easily accessible and will be
made the center of republican activity for
the next two weeks.
The real estate men have appointed the
following committee to participate in the
Benson campaign: F. D. Wead, George O.
Wallace, A. L. Keed. O. S. Benewa, C. C.
George. George H. Payne, W. T. Graham,
D. V. Sholes, John W. Robblns and C. F.
Republican headquarters have been opened
at 140T Harney street, the first door
west of Meyer A Raapke's wholesale gro
ery house. Robert Cowell, chairmaa of
Lae sllr aonunltlea, will be la personal
R. W. Richardson Telle of Prosren
of the Work ! Various
R. W. Richardson, secretary of the Na
tional Good Roads association, is at home
for a few days, and will leave early next
week, returning In time to cast a vote at
the city election. Since leaving Omaha Mr.
Richardson has attended meetings in a num
ber of states in the interests of good roads.
At Little Rock he organlied the Arkansas
Good Roads association with several hun
dred delegates. At the present aeseton of
the legislature an attempt will be made to
pass a bill based on the Massachuaetts Idea
of state assistance to local communities In
the construction of highways. At the meet,
ing of the Missouri association at Spring
field delegates were elected to the national
convention to be held at St. Louis next year.
Mr. Richardson attended the Iowa conven
tion, which was held this week at Des
Moines upon ths call of Governor Cumlmns,
at which a state association was formed
which has a membership of ISO to 400.
All Com from DaadralT, 'Which Is
Oaascd by a Germ.
StHt hair, harsh hair. Waterless hair,
brittle hair, tailing hair, all owe their
origin to dandruff, which la cauaed by a
measly little microbe that burrows Into the
scalp, throwing up the cuticle into dandruff
scales and sapping the vitality of the hair
at the root, cauaing the several diseased
conditions of the hair till it finally falls
out. Modern science has discovered a
remedy to destroy the dandruff microbe,
which Is combined In Newbro's Herplclde
and may be had of any druggist. Allays
itching Instantly and makes hair soft as
silk. Take no substitute; nothing "lust as
good." Sold by all druggists. Send 10
cents la stamps for sample to The Hsrpl
slds C Detroit. Miea.
MoAtoj PrsaenU His Twanty-Ninth Edi
tion of the City Dirootory.
Literary Stylo Hot Particularly At
tractive, bat Sabfoct Blatter of
Mocb latcreat to Present aad
Fatare Generations.
The literary editor of The Bee begs to.
acknowledge receipt of the twenty-ntntn
volume of William O. McAvoy's interesting
work on "Persons We Have Met. Never
Met, and Never Care to Meet," otherwise
termed the Omaha city directory.
For students of Mr. McAvoy's previous
works it will be sufficient to state that this
one has bearing upon the same era and
deals with characters he baa already made
familiar. But, to be frank, the author's
style is becoming tedious. There Is an
everlasting sameness about what he writes
and one searches in vain for some pungent
paragraph that can be quoted before the
Philosophical society or played as original
at a swell dinner. He grinds out pags after
page In plain matter-of-fact, work-day,
battleax style and then attempts an awk
ward concession to the tendency of modern
journalism by sticking In a yellow ribbon
as a place keeper.
Ho la Pandering; to Prosterlty.
There will come a time when Mr. Mc
Avoy's works will be searched for dili
gently and studied profoundly, perhaps;
but the search and the study will be
prompted by that same desire to monkey
with the facts and names of the long-dead
past that now animates certain distin
guished gentlemen who are scratching the
pyramids of Egypt in the hope of digging
up more scandals about Mr. Ptolemy, a
deceased contractor, and his family. Mr.
Ptolemy is generally conceded to have been
unfair to union labor, but Eastern Institu
tions of learning are not content to let the
matter rest with the corpse, and one can
not refrain from soma times suspecting that
Mr. McAvoy, noting the expensive expedi
tions they have sent out, has been fired by
an unholy ambition to write more tor re
search, present and future, than for simple
entertainment, and to provide clues for tbs
historians of 2903.
To make a bad matter worse, the author
has been guilty of rank partiality. In tbla
laat volume he makes honorable mention
of exactly 1,065 persona and firms whose
names begin with Mc. The Browa family
la mentioned III times, the Smith family
110. ths Jones family lit. the White family
9T, the Miller family 101. the Rogers family
49, the Black family 28 and the Blue family
S times. In contrast, he mentions others
on an average of only a dozen to two doien
times, unless they pay for It.
Caters to tbo Classes.
Moreover, he seems to be catering to cer
tain classes of business and professions. He
mentions 163 physicians and forty-nine den
tists, but only a handful of undertakers;
20S saloons, but only 116 clergymen; fifty
two loan and bonding companies, but only
ten collection agencies and six constables;
20 lawyers, but only one court where a
man can go into bankruptcy voluntarily;
130 music teachers, but just a 'tew dealers
in ear muffs; fifty-five tailors, forty-one
laundries and twelve Chinamen, but not one
woman who will sew on buttons for ovo;
sixty-five newspspers and publications, but
only one home for aged Indigent; -etebfv-elgbt
boarding houses and forty-eight res
taurants, but hardly a dozen convenient
Digressing Into politics, he undertake
to boom municipal ownership of the water
works by listing forty-eight dairies within
piping distance of the plant To Incon
venience the courts and make necessary a
new form of complaint, he locates a real
"John Doe" at 912 South Thirteenth street.
Pandering to local pride, he mentions ISt
firms using the word "Omaha" In thel.
names and forty-six using the word "Ne
braska." He mentions 119 persons who be
gin their names with Z, but gives X the
double-cross Pretending for the volume
that it is "a book for the family," he gives
prominence to the Vesbnowskla, the Telle
ruphuses, the Btumpfmalera, the 8c h neck -enbergers,
the Staazaks, the Waslelewskls,
the Koenlgsbruegges, the Psltnaaanaa and
others whose names no child can tackle
without subjecting Its tonsils to tbs dan
gers of long exposure and whose names no
adult can tackle and remain sober snd
N. B. Copies of the work will be found
at any drug store in Imedlate juxtapoaitlon
with the soda fountain and 'he telephone.
court April 25. It appears from the petition
that Shank leased tt: pmporty from the
Trust company and t!iaf. na -.he leaae ex
piree soon, he Is plu'inlng to leave the
place or rather to leave part of it and
take the rest with him.
Uarle Reuben's (.vrnron. y
"They may say what they please, buT
listen hear me; I've taken ell kinds of
laxatives, purgatives -nd cathartlos, but
when it tomes to one that is easy aad
pleasant to take, mild and gentle la Its
action, and that makes one want an extra
slice of bacon for breakfast. Just give me
Chamberlain's Stomach and ;.lver Tablets
and you may have all the laxative syrups,
dyspepsia medicines and pills, little or big,
there are In this couutry. Them Tablets
surely do make one feel Joyful."
Haas Jara-eas, Charsjed wltb Arson,
Says Accuser's Daoarhter Waa
to Bo Ills Wife.
To Reatrala Feat la Slreaath.
The Milton Trust company haa informed
the district court that It fears Abraham
Bhank la going to walk off with the aide
walks, sheds and outbuildings on and about
Its premises at 601 South Twenty-fifth ave
nue and has secured from Jjdge Keed an
order fnrbUldlng Bhank to do anything of
the kind until there can be a hearing in
Hans Jurgens confessed to a Jury
Judge Estelle's eourt yesterday that
had counted on Mrs. Elizabeth Rain's
daughter for bis wife and that when hs
discovered she was married to Charles Day
he grew pretty mad about It and declined
i to piay in Mrs. Rain's haydeld any longer.
jurgens is oeing tried on a charge of
arson snd the complaining witness Is Mrs.
Rains, whose barn near Briggs Station waa
burned In September, shortly after Jurgens '
declared himself and left tbs premises.
The evidence has been that Jurgena grew
very angry over his defeat In love and that
he left Jhe barn on the Rains place a very
ahort time before flames were discovered.
The smoke was first seen Issuing from the
northesst quarter of the barn aad Jurgens,
when placed on the stand, testified that he
had not been near that part of the bulldrag,
had carried no matchea that day and ac
quired none after he got there. His only
material admission was that when he saw
Day, an operator at Brlggs. driving off
the Rains farm and was told by Mrs. Rains
that they had been married nearly a year,
be told her the girl had been promised hlia
and that Day bad better keep out of his sec.
lion of the universe or he would "do things
to him." Also, that he would put up n
more hay for Mrs. Rains on shares, bug
take his reaper and go borne.
Figprune Cereal
A grain and fruit Coffee nourishing and invigorating.