Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1903, PART I, Page 3, Image 3

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'.jtrspolitan Luxuries Net Bcliihed by
Capital City EeaidenU.
Iamf aster Coaaty Delegation Comes
la for CrUlelam for raising a
Law to Increase Local
(From Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, April 17. (Special.) Tba
Lancaster delegation ia being censured to
a considerable extent by many cltitens of
Lincoln because It secured the passage of
a bill through the late legislature empower
ing the mayor to appoint a plumbing in
pectlon board, the members of which are
to be paid by the taxpayers of the city.
Those who are objecting to the board say
that Lincoln Is not yet ready to aupport
such a body and that the town does not
Justify lta appointment. It was talked on
the streets yesterday that Mayor Adams
would refuse to appoint the board. The
mayor may refuse and he may not refuse.
Teaterday he said that ha had given the
matter no thought and In fact he had not
Ten read the bill through.
A member of the Lancaster county dele
gation, who doea not live In Lincoln, waa
taken to taak this morning by a cltlien for
allowing the bill to become a law. He ex
plained that the Lincoln member of the
delegation said the town wanted It and
therefore, as no one had objected, he had
supported the bill. If the mayor doea ap
point the board the council can prevent It
working by refusing to appropriate the
Salaries of the members, and aome of the
eltlaens at least will use their Influence
with the council to get It to refuse the
The bill waa Introduced In the legisla
ture at the request of members of the
plumbers' union. It Is said to be the same
law that applies to the city of Omaha. It
provides for the appointment of ths health
officer, the plumbing Inspector, a Journey
man plumber and a master plumber as the
Inspection board. The board 4s required to
examine plumbers and grant them licenses
nd Inspect plumbing. The beard la au
fchorlied to appoint aa many asalstants as
. Cay be required to Inspect the plumbing
of the city. The salary of the health officer
Is increased under the bill from $840 to
L,600; the inspector receives $1,600, -each
assistant appointed $1,200 and each mem
ber of the board receives $5 per day for
each day the board ia in session, not to ex
ceed $200..
. Offers Place to Matt Miller.
Governor Mickey this morning tendered
.to Matthias Miller of David City the va
icint place: on the Louisiana Purchase Ex
fposltlon commission. Mr. Miller Is a promi
nent attorney of David City and is a hard
working democrat. - Governor Mickey tele
phoned to Mr. Miller this morning and the
latter has the matter under consideration.
Mr. Miller will be in Lincoln either tomor
row.. or Monday and glva the governor his
answer. ';,'
' goats. Omaha Police Board.. . .
The governor left thla afternoon for
Hebron, where he speaks on "Character
Building" at the Methodist church tonight.
Before leaving Governor Mickey stated
that ' probably he would appoint a South
Omaha police commission some time the
first of the month. Thomas Darnell of Lin
coln, who headed the South Omaha dele
gation: Into the governor's office yesterday,
la emphatlo In his denial that the delega
UonTeoommended a prohibition board. "The
aeiegauon recommended a decent hoard, "
he said, "but the men named by the com
mittee' are by no meana prohibitionists or
anti-saloon men." -
Irrigation Via urea.
Secretary Dobson' of the Board of Irrl
ration is In receipt of a letter from Frank
Adams Of the bureau of Irrigation at Wash'
Ington. announcing that he will be In Ne
braska probably next week. Mr. Adams
comes to find out what recorda can be
kept that will ahow the amount of water
taken out of the North and South Platte
by the ditches. He desires the records to
be used in the study of Interatate Irrigation.
Call State Warrants.
Since Treasurer Mortensen Issued his
call for warranta April 11 the general fund
VUJ iw wai
ha been ln
'1.3.88. The
Amounts to
txJbuted ami
has been Increased from $36,730.32 to $63.-
temporary school fund now
$310,484.35. This Is to be dls-
among the school ' districts about
June L The amount Is about $100,000 leas
than was this fund last year, but the .treas
urer expects before the first of June that It
Will be as large as It waa last year.
normal School Location.
Many of the towna and cities of the west
era part of the state are getting In line to
entertain a proposition for that new normal
fchool. Those that are In thorough train -
f$f and that are also in the running are:
'Aurora, Long Pine, Central City, Broken
Bow, Hastings, Kearney, Lexington, Hoi-
drege and Minden. It waa the general im
presslon when the bill became a law that
the city getting the acbool would have to
pay a bonus of $10,000. This Impression Is
wrong. The amendment providing for the
$10,000 bonus waa knocked off at the last
minute by aa amendment offered by Warner
la not a popular occupation. Most
women shrink from the sight of a snake
and would faint at the touch of one.
But these same women run greater riaka
than the snake charmer. How many
women allow dis
ease to fasten on
them and slowly
to crush out their
1 Womanly dia
' case should never
be allowed to un
dermine the
health. Female
weakness, bearing
down pains, in
flammation, ulcer
ation, backache,
headache, nerv
ousness, and other
womanly ail
ments, curable by
medicine, are
promptly and per
manently cured
by the use of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
' Prescription. It
utkci weak
women strong and
tick women welL.
I dceta it v dut to exoms my deep, beaiV
Ml gratitude to yo fat having brea the means
mndcr providence of restonug me to health."
WTUes kira. Oscar Brows, of Oxford, Oraovtllc
N. C "fur two years I suflerej with (cmal
Wsakacas. headache, neuralgia ia various parts
f the srstetn, aut after uiung four bottles of
f)r. Fierce a rnvonte frsacriptiou, three of his
lldes 11icb.1 Dm-overv.' nc vial ol 4 Mess-
Out relicts,' slso ' Lotion Tablets.' and on box
of 'antiseptic sad licaling bupposilories,'
(ass cure.1
' If you are led to the purchase of
r" Favorite Prescription" because of its
f remarkable cure of other women, do not
accrpi a suimiuiic.
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, a book containing 1008 pages, is
given away. Bend 31 one-cent atampa
t te expense ol mailing cmly, for the book.
I la paper covers, or 31 stamp for the
(-volume bound in cloth. Aadrcaa lie
JSV, rxcxva, BarbdoH.Y.
Gives His Own Experience as aa Em
ploye la the Railroad Shops
Coalda't Afford to be sick.
Mr. A. C. Holmes, of Oneonta, N. T.,
an employe of the railroad ahops at that
place. Is well known In labor circles and
his own experience, recently related, de
serves the attention of every working
man who has lost time and money on ac
count of sickness. Mr. Holmes said:
"Two years ago I had a aevere attack of
grip which left me in a bad condition. I
was ao weak that I frequently had to lay
ff for two or three days at a time during
a period of four or five montha. I could
not very well afford to do thla but there
waa no help for It I simply was not able
to work. I lost flesh, got nervous, had
wful headaches and felt worn out all the
1 had read of aome remarkable cures
made by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People in cases like mine and ao decided
to try them. A few boxes helped me and
I think I took ten altogether. They drove
11 traces of the disease out of my sys
tem and made me feel like a different man.
have told many of my acquaintance
about Dr. William' Pink Pills and what
they did for me."
After an attack of the grip there la al
ways left behind some troublesome effects.
Often these are worse than the disease
itself and seem to baffle all efforts of phy
sicians. Health la shattered the blood be
comes poor, the flesh falls away, the suf
ferer grow nervous and irritable, and even
light exertion causes shortness of breath.
These are dangeroua symptoms and Indi
cate that the system is in a state that In
vitee pneumonia, bronchitis or even con
sumption. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tor
Pale People, however, will not only quick
ly restore the health after an attack of
the grip, and expel the lingering germs
but, working upon the blood, will render
the system proof against the disease. In
hundreds of cases Just as remarkable as
that of Mr. Holmes, It haa been shown that
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have aurely ac
complished this result.
At all drug stores or sent postpaid, on
receipt of price, 60 cents a box; six boxes
for $2.60, by the Dr. Williams Medicine
Company, Schenectady, N. T.
of Lancaster. The only condition Imposed
upon the fortunate town is that It give for
a site upon which the school Is to be
erected twenty acre of land valued at $75
an acre.
Ex-Representative Wbltmore of Aurora
was In Lincoln today and la very anxious
that tho normal school board grant hia cl'tr
the new achool. He waa gratified to learn
that the $10,000 provision had been atrlcken
from the bill. This will be the mean of
putting many of the smaller towns in the
race for the achool. In the meantime It
will be July 9 before the law becomea
effective and then the fact that the achool
la to be erected will be advertised for
twenty day before the lite 1 chosen.
Probably It will be the latter part of July
or the flrat of August before the school 1
In the meantime State Superintendent
Fowler 1 receiving appltcationa for those
who desire to teach In that achool yet to
be built. Though no appropriation ha been
made for the maintenance of the achool
and It la the belief of Deputy Superin
tendent McBrlen that the achool will not be
In running order for a year from Septem
ber, there are many who are willing to take
chances and work on credit. No one haa
yet applied for the position of principal.
Relief Maaey for Swedes,
Chancey Warner, a member of the late
legislature from Lancaster county, was at
the capital today from the rural regions
aroqnd Waverly to look after that $2,000
appropriation made for the starving people
of Sweden, Norway and Finland. Warner
introduced the bill. He waa met here by
Hon. B. M. Stenberg of Omaha, tha vice
conaul for Norway and Sweden, and to
gether they called upon Governor Mickey
to aee If the warrant could not be aent off
at once. : Probably the . warrant will be
drawn tomorrow and the money aent aa
aoon aa possible. It will be divided in
three parte. One thousand dollars will go
to Sweden, aent through the Swedish con
aul in Washington; $500 to Norway, aent
through the Norwegian consul at Wash
ington; $500 will be sent to the Russian
minister, to be forwarded to Finland.
Fire) Eieapei la Fall City.
Chief Clerk Dtspain of the office of the
labor commissioner is in Falls City today
to make those parties who have buildings
without fire escapes hustle up an comply
with the law. Many of the partiea, who
have been served with notice to con
struct Are escapee, have complied with the
notlcea. There are others, however. In
various towna of the atate who have done
nothing. A vigorous effort will be made
and continued to be made to bring these
men to time until every building that la
In need of a fire escspe ha one.
Coavlct Labor Debate.
The question of convict labor waa too
much for the Board of Public Lands and
Buildings todsy, and after hearing more
arguments on both sides, and after consid
ering the evidence t3 aome extent, the
board adjourned, to meet again tomorrow
afternoon to make a final settlement
From the action of the board today it
begins to look aa though Warden Davis
will lose out on his contract and the Lee
Broom and Duster company will get all the
convlcta it can use for the broom snd
duster business, though tomorrow a differ
ent front may be taken by some members
of the board. Member Mortensen moved
that Warden Beemer be instructed to al
low Mr. Davia a sufficient number of con
vlcts to conduct his button business. But
there waa no second to the motion. Mr.
Mortensen explained that Mr. Davis would
only require about ten or twelve men, but
the board preferred to wait until tomorrow
and then make a final report of the matter.
Mortensen feels sure that Mr. Davis will
be granted at least a few of the convicts.
He Is opposed to granting a monopoly of
the convict labor to any one firm or com
pany and he believes that ths board will
think the same way by tomorrow.
Straw Board MM1 Closes.
The Lincoln Straw Board and Paper Mill
company baa closed down operations at its
mill for an Indefinite period, and the men
who have been employed there have been
dismissed without definite Instructions aa
to the possible resumption of operation
The company has been doing a business of
considerable volume In the manufacture of
atraw board and building paper.
A gentleman who la prominent in the
affaire of the company aald thla morning
that it was not a permanent shutdown,
although h could not aay how long epera
tiona were likely to be suspended. He said
that the cesaatloa et work waa Intended
to last until the company can secure the
services of some expert in the manufacture
of paper, and that the officers of the com
pany have such a person In view who may
not only be secured to take charge of the
manufacture, but will also Interest himself
In tba enterprise. Although the affaire of
the company have been operated by Mr.
Houts. who baa had no practical expert
ence In the work, the promoter of thla
antarprlsa hava naliaed. tti at tha mitt can
be made a successful and profitable con
cern If the operatlona are conducted by one
who la thoroughly versed in msnagement
la at lta bead. The company haa some
$50,000 Invested, and It la asserted that it
haa no thought of permanently abandoning
the venture. In fact. It la aald that the
very reverse I the case.
No definite Information is available at
this tlm aa to the probable time that It
will require to secure the manager desired,
and therefor it waa that when operation
ceased early thla week the employe were
not given to understand when their serv
ice might again be needed. The owners
will take advantage of the period of idle
ness to make come minor Improvement In
the mill and It equipment.
National Gaard Roster.
Adjutant General Culver today lasued
these orders:
The followlns- ehansM In tha mmmls-
sloned personnel of the Nebraska National
uunrn tor tne period beginning December
10, 1902, date of publication of last roster,
to March 31, 19U8, are announced for general
Caotaln llarrv I- Hull. I'nmnanv A. r.
elected, to rank from January 25, 1900.
captain iviiiiam u. irowunn, company tr,
to rank from February . 1H03. vice Fred
Gegner, discharged, expiration of term.
Captain George Lyon. Jr.. Company H.
re-elected, to rank from March 21, 19W.
nrst lieutenant Albert L. Rollln, Com
pany K. re-elected, to rank from February
13, 1900.
Second Lieutenant Otto K. Hagel, Com
pany K. to rank from February It 1908.
vice George F. Brodfuehrer, resigned."
eeconci lieutenant Hardy B. mump, com-
MtlV A.f r. ..nlf fvAn, fiu. mhM OiS 1 OfiO
vice C. W. Layton, resigned.
Colonel John W. McDonnell, to rank from
January 34, U03, vice William Hayward,
resigned. I '
lieutenant colonel Frederick J. Boishaw,
to rank from January 14. 1303. vice J. W.
McDonnell to colonel.
Major John C. Hartlgan, to rank from
February 13, 1903, vice Frederick J. Boishaw
to lieutenant colonel.
Major Oliver G. Osborne, to rank from
March 12, 1903, vice Ell Houglna resigned.
tant with rank of first lieutenant, from
January 28, 1903, vice Allan B. Wilson dis
charged at expiration of term.
Clifford W. Walden, to be aurgeon With
rank of captain, from January 28, 1903. vice
Arthur P. Qlan discharged at expiration of
with rank of captain, from January 28, 1903,
Justin M. Sarbach, to be regimental
quartermaster with rank of first lieutenant,
from February 2, 1903, vice T. F. McCarthy
discharged at expiration of term.
Second lieutenant f.oy a. Kiiey, com
pany V, to rank from February U, 1903,
vice J. M. Sarbach to quartermaster.
Second Lieutenant Albert H. Barker,
Company E, to rank from January 14, 1903,
vice A. H. Wilson resigned.
Cantata Frederick W. LudwtST. Company
F, to rank from February 2, 1903, vice Frank
1. l-tlnger resigned.
First Lieutenant William T. Llnder, Com
pany F, to rank from February 2, 1903, vice
F. W. Ludwlg to captain.
Second Lieutenant Charles H. Dean, Com
pany F, to rank from February 2. 1903, vice
W. T. Llnder to first lieutenant.
Captain James Allen, Company G, to rank
from March 12, 1903. vice O. G. Oaborne to
First Lieutenant William Dleslng, Com
pany G, to rank from March 16, 1903, vice
James Allen to captain.
Second IJeutenant John B. Llndsey, Com
pany G, to rank from March 16, 1903, vice
William uirnillK lu luot iitiuic.
r.ntnin oils M. Newman. Company H. to
rank from February 4. 1903. vice C. A.
Phillips resigned. . .
First Lieutenant Carl M. Shankland, Com
pany H, to rank from February 4, 1903, vice
O. M. Newman to captain.
Second Lieutenant Anton Henrlksen.
".tnnnnv H tn rank from February 4, 1908,
vice Carl M. Shankland to first lieutenant.
First Lieutenant uee u. wum. v -pany
K, to rank from March S, 190$, vice
Gerald Bednar resigned.
Captain Chester A. Fuller, Company L,
to rank from March 18, 1903. vice Erneat H.
Tracey resigned.
Cantaln Fred J. Mack. Company M, to
rank from March 6, 1900.
First lieutenant wuour o. f
any M, to rank from March 6, 1900. '
Captain George W. Suea. Millard Rifle.
to rank from February s, mus, vice .
Baughman, dlacharged. ..m a
Flret Lieutenant Roy H. Walker Millard
Rifles, to rank from February . 190s, vice
H. C. Stafford, dlacharged.
Second IJeutenant Edward V. Cooper,
Millard Rifles, to rank from February ,
1903. vice R. H. Walker discharged.
First Lieutenant J. M. Blrkner, assistant
surgeon hospital corps, transferred from
First regiment. . A. ,
Second Lieutenant E. Arthur Carr. hoa
pital corps, transferred from Company F,
Second regiment, to rank from February
18 1903.
The resignation ef 8eeond Lieutenant
John F Chamber, Company K, Second
Infantry regiment neorM
guard. Is hereby accepted, and Lieutenant
Chambers Is honorably discharged from
the military service of the atate, to take
effect April 16, 1903.
Pursuant to the military code of Ne
braska, an election Is hereby ordered In
Company K, Second Nebraska regiment,
to nil the vacancy In the office of second
lieutenant of aald company caused by the
resignation of Lieutenant Chambers.
Jndce Decide that Soa of the Has t
Not Restrained frosa leala.
DAKOTA CITT. Neb., April IT. (Spe
cial.) County Judge Enness' court waa oo
cupled yesterday In hearing evidence In a
writ of habeas corpus, wherein a lather
aought to recover possession of hia on, but
waa denied the right.
About two years ago James Endsrsby
obtained a divorce from hia wife tn the
Woodbury county. Iowa, courts, and the
possession of their only son, Oacar, now a
lad about 14 years old, waa given Mr.
Clarlnda Warner, mother of Mrs. Endersby,
who resides tn Blyburg, about sixteen miles
southeast of thla place.
Under the order Mr. Endersby and hi son
were to have the privilege of seeing each
other at any time. Endersby In his habeas
corpus petition clstmed that Mrs. Warner
denied him the privilege of going to see
hi son, snd also forbid the son seeing his
father, and asked the court for custody of
his child.
After hearing the evidence presented by
the petitioner to sustain the writ. Judge
Enness held that no restraint had been
exercised by Mrs. Warner over tha lad and
retuaed to allow the writ.
Paplllloa Has Weaaa Harness Maker.
PAPILUON. Neb., April 17. (Special.)
An Omaha paper a few daya ago printed a
dispatch from Hartlngton, Neb., stating
that Mra. Mary Lydlck, the only woman
harness maker tn the world, had completed
a bridle which she will give to President
Roosevelt during his trip through the west.
Papilllon can boast of a woman harness
maker. Mra. J. C. Graham, who can make
anything and everything connected with tho
work of an up-to-date harness shop. Mrs.
Graham haa been making harneas, aaddlea,
etc., here for nine years, and her work
cannot be beaten. She recently completed
a act of harness for a well known Omaha
business man who preferred her work to
any other. During the time ahe haa been
In business here she ha been so successful
that she will retire In a few dsys, when
shs and her husband will go to California
to apend the rest of their day In ease.
Mr. and Mra. Graham are highly respectable
people, known to every man, woman and
child in Papilllon and the aurroundlng
country, and all are sorry to sea them
oath Dakota Appolataaeara,
PIERRE. S. D, April 17. Spectal Tele
gram.) Governor Henied today appointed
George L. Morriman ef Bowdl as state
surveyor and 8. S. Ruble of Pierre a a
member ef the State Board of Embalinsr.
Mrs. O. F. Sammla, one of the pioneer
resident of this city, died today from
heart trouble. The remain will oa taken
to Polo. I1L, tor Interment,
Daaoetto la JalU
FREMONT. Neb., April 17. (Special.)
Sheriff Bauman arrived In Fremoet this
morning vita William Duquette,, who. was
VI A UiiV-'H' I
1 (i
Men's Trousers
Men's Swell
Fine Silk Neckwear The latest creations ysr CAr
of tha weaver's art no last year's styles.... vwL 0UC
Underwear Balbriggan in ribbed, plain, fancy EC Or
stripes and plain colors, at OWL
Socks a full line of the new ones 25c, 50c, 75c
Fancy Vests SSi all colors and patterns $1.25 to $4.50
arrested In Missoula, Mont., last week on
a complaint charting htm with committing
perjury In some depositions which were
taken here last October In a libel suit
brought by Martha Daniels against Ross
and Frank Hammond. Duquette at first
denied bis Identity and Is not Inclined to
be very communicative. He has employed
two attorneys to defend him and will make
a strong fight tor his liberty. Sheriff Bau
man this morning received word from Lin
coin that he la wanted there for bigamy
and to hold him should he be released on
his preliminary hearing here.
York's Hew Offleera.
YORK, Neb., April 17. (Special.) The
new offlcers-elect, Hon. 0. W. Post, mayor;
George Newman, clerk; George B. Cook,
city treasurer, and councilman First ward,
F. P. Vanwlckle; Second ward, William
Colton; Third ward, M. P. Lundeen,
Fourth ward, R. R. Copsey, were sworn In.
The outgoing city officers presented
Mayor McCloud a beautiful gold-headed
cane. The presentation of the cane was a
surprise to Mr. McCloud and for a few
minutes he was unable to respond to the
presentation speech. Four years ago,
when Mayor McCloud was elected.- the city
bsd no sewerage system and streets and
sidewalks were in poor condition. At that
time there was little money In the treas
ury. A One large sewerage system has
been put In and paid for and many other
Improvements made. There Is now In the
treasury 14 for each one dollar four years
ago. For the last four years Tork has bad
one of the best business administrations
in the history of the city.
Crela-htom Maaoaa EatertaJn.
CREIGHTON, Neb., April 17. (Special.)
Crelghton lodge No. 100, Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons, held a very enjoyable and
Instructive meeting here. The third de
gree wss conferred upon William J. Hopen
of Center, Neb., snd W. U Kirk of
Crelghton. About forty Invited guests from
Bloomfleld, Niobrara, Verdigris Center and
Plain view were present. At 12:30, tbe work
being finished, tbe members adjourned to
the Park hotel of M. C. Von Rabden, where
plates bad been laid for seventy-live. The
tables were beautifully decorated with
ferns and carnations. A very elaborate
menu of nine courses was served.
Wymore City Offleera.
WTMORE, Neb., April 17. (Special.)
At a meeting of the council last evening
tbe following officers were appointed by
tbe mayor: City marshal, street and water
commissioner, F. W. Acton; night watch,
Dennis Hatch; city attorney, A. D. Mc
Candless; city engineer, L. W. Anderson;
sexton, J. H. Rice. Saloon licenses were
granted Bruhn Bros., D. H. Noll and M. 8.
McGoogan. The other two applications,
made by J. M. Noyes and Charles Churda,
will be considered at the next meeting of
the council.
Coadltlaas at Fremont.
FREMONT. Neb.. April 17-(8peclal.)
There are no developments In the strike
of the linemen at this point. The men are
still out and ths work Is at a standstill.
The Nebraska company's linemen here are
affiliated with the Omaha union. The Fre
mont company's tne, tire receiving nnlon
wages, and though not all of them are nnlon
men, they will not go out. Tbe Nebraska
company has about twenty men who maks
their headquarters here and they have con
slderable extension work partially com
BriasTS BrM Uout.
HCMBOLDT, Neb.. April 17. (Special)
Calvin Thompson arrived yesterday on a
visit to his parents, Mr. and Mra. J. J.
Thompson, bringing with him a bride in
the person of Miss Myrtle Dsy, formerly of
Clyde, Kan. His marriage waa a surprise
to his schoolmate and relatives. The
newly wedded pair will make their home at
Junction City, Kan.
Balooa Reaalatloa at rresisat,
FRKMONT, Neb., April 17. (Special.)
Mayor Wols has notified the saloon keepers
that tbalr pjaoaa oi business must ba
The Latest Correct Styles
in Spring Suits forMe" a"dY"i-
New Spring Suits
made of the finest wor
steds, serges, tweeds and
cassimeres, with the self
retaining front and con
cave shoulder, in the new
steel grays, browns reg
ular 115.00 values
STRICT ATTENTION to detail in the making:, fitting and finishing; g;rves Berg-Swanson
CWr. smart dothes that much desired air of individuality demanded bv men nf fashinn and
usually attributed to custom tailoring only
mentioned in this ad.
Coat Clearing Sale
$2'- S3" I Hen' Trousers HSif $8
Spring Furnish'gs
Full dress, fl. 50, 2
and up. White and
black Fall Dresa
Men'i colored
Spring Shirts all
the new patterns-
plain and f a n
fronts, all eiies
closed on Sundays and the doors, the
screens and curtains kept open on that day
so that the entire Interior can be seen, and
that no liquor shall ba sold to minors. No
reference Is made to screens on other days
or to tables and chairs. The antl saloon
element Is much disappointed at ths mayor's
Interpretation of the platform and tha pro
visions of tha law in regard to screens.
Davnqaet Given fcy Hlsfh School Class
t looa Proves to Ba Most
FARNAM, Neb., April 17. (Special.)
The class of 1903, Farnam High school,
gave a banquet on the evening of April
IS to the friends and patrons of the school.
About 160 plates were laid In tbe largest
hall In the town, and there were but few
absentees. State Superintendent Fowler
and County Superintendents Smith of Daw
son, Dobson of Frontier and Nell of Lin
coln were Invited guests.
A program was arranged consisting of
toasts and music The latter was rendered
by local talent and would not have been
unacceptable to the dainty, listening ears
of a city audience. The toasts were: "The
Publlo Schools of Farnam," which was
ably responded to by J. B. Kitchen, presi
dent of the school board, who, after warmly
weloomlng the guests of the evening, gave
a brief history of the school from its in
ception In 1886 and showing Its progress
up to date; "Dawson County In 1903" was
responded to by Superintendent Claude
Smith, who gave the details and dimen
sions of the first school district In 1873
and the unique manner in which the first
teacher was secured, up to the present
time, with Its ninety districts, 138 teachers,
at an annual expenditure of $58,000.
"Where Does Nebraska Stand?" was Su
perintendent Fowler's toast, and he re
sponded by saying, with some pride, that It
stands at the top, with 99 3-8 per cent of
literate children between the ages of 10
and 14. He continued his address for an
hour on tbe subject of education, abound
ing In statistical facts, profound advice
sometimes humorous, always Instructive
and deeply entertaining, closing with well
timed advice tor the consolidation of the
smaller adjacent districts In order to se
cure the greatest profit tor the least ex
Owing to the absence of County Super
intendents Dobson and Nell the fourth and
fifth toasts were omitted, and the sixth
and last, "The Parent and the School,"
was eloquently responded to by Dr. Reeves,
a resident physician. Then followed the
banquet, as dainty and choice as the woman
patronesses of the school who prepared 1L
Falrbary Commercial Claa.
FAIRBURT, Neb.. April 17. (Special.)
The Falrbury Commercial club ftt Its an
nual election selected ths following officers
for the ensuing year: 8. M. Bailey, presi
dent; J. P. Turner, secretary; W. W. Wat
son, corresponding secretary; D. Kava
naugh, treasurer; executive committee,
George E. Jenkins. A, P. Llndsll and Jo
seph Barsach. Ths standing committees
will be announced at the next meeting af
the club.
Eastera Stan Eloot OtBeera.
BEATRICE. Nsb.. April 17. (Special.)
Vesper chapter, Order of ths Eastern Star,
met last night and elected officers for tha
coming year as follows: Mrs. Louise Spell-
man. W. M.; W. W. Wright, W. P.; Mrs.
A. M. Palmer. A. M.; Miss Minnie Davis
conductress; Miss Ruth Reynolds, assist
ant conductress; Mrs. O. P. Listen, treas
nrer; Miss Myrtls Hare, secretary. Fol
lowing the election of officers a banquet
was held.
To Vote A 14 to Hatlroaas.
BEATRICE. Neb., April 17. (Special Tel
egram.) The County Board of Supervisors
met here today and called special elections
to be held In Fllley and Logan townships
on Tuesday, May ft, to vote bonds la tbs
sum oi $5,000 each to aid In tha construe-Uoa-
of tb Kaasa. City, Boairto aV Wast-
Men's Extra Fine Spring Suits
None finer made, quality
of goods the best, the
make is considered the
acme of perfection in tail
oring, and we guarantee
a fit regular 20 and
4J22.50 values
These characteristics are
We are Sole Agents for tbe
College Brand
Young Men's Clothes.
This make is the acme
of style, fit and finish and
come in Tweeds and Wor
steds, nothing more stylish
$5 to $20
Boys' Knee Pants Cftc
"Odd" 75c and $1 values. ..U U
o y
era railroad, which is to be built between
Vlrslnla and Beatrice within tha next few
Hew Depot (or Tork. "
TORK. Neb., April 17. (Special.) The
Burlington Railroad company has . Inti
mated that It Is about time Tork should
have a new modern depot that will be a
credit to the city. The Commercial club
la agitating a new depot and urging the
company to build. No Investment the
company could make would assist the
company mora than to build a depot here,
which Is very much needed.
Injnred Boy Doing; Well.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., April 17. (Spe
cial.) Frank Kennedy, the 14-year-old
boy who accidentally ahot himself last
Saturday, Is reported to be getting along
nicely and his chances for recovery are
now brighter than at any time since the
accident occurred. In. Just what portion
of the abdomen tha bullet lodged has not
been determined.
Fremont's New Depot.
FREMONT. Neb., April 17. (Special.)
The new depot has been staked out, th4
contract for the plumbing has been let to
J. W. Andrews of this city and It Is ex
pected that work will commence at once.
Considerable difficulty has been experienced
In getting materials to use on the work.
Celebrated Stallion Sold.
LOUISVILLE. Kv.. Aorll 17. Hiram
Scoggin has purchased from Fred Foster
tne celebrated stallion ur. Klce. Dr. Rice
won the Brooklvn liandirAn several veura
sro and several other notable events. The
price paid is not known.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday,
April ic
Warranty Deeds.
Julia P. Cluck to T. P. Hersklnds,
lot s, block 71, Florence I ZOO
J. E. George to Mary Pomedllus, lot
73, Sullivan's add 130
Olive H. Partridge and husband to T.
O. Andrrson, eVi lot 6, block 1. Ex
change Place tSO
Emma 11. McCreary and husband to
Elnora Palmateer, lot 13, block 8,
Maryvllle add M0
G. M. Cowlea and wife to S. C.
Cowles. es'4 sw 30-lS-lO 1,400
W. H. Hsrt to F. A. Hart, lot 7, block
4, Hoppe's Bonanza subdiv 1
Same to William Wallace, lot 19,
block 4, same 1
Charles Goldsmith to Mary A. Patrick,
lot 8, I.fayett? Place 700
David Smith and wife tn Frits Claus-
sen, 3 acres In nwS4 nw4 12-15-10 150
G. L. Btratton to F. W. Carmlnhael,
lots 6 to 20 block 104, Dundee Place... 1
W. M. biles' and wife to W. 8. Curtis,
lot 22, block 102, Dundee Place 1
Frank Thompson, executor, et al to
N. A. Burrtll. lot 8, block 14, Omaha
View 90
Total amount of transfers 34 334
In comparing Grafn-O and coffeo
remember that whilo tho taste i
the same Grain-O gives health and
strength while coffee shatters the
nervous system and breeds disease
of the digestive organs. Thinking
people prefer Grain-O and its ben
efit. TRY IT TO-DAY.
Atgrocan ersrywhtre; 13c. sod tSc. per pscktga
Is (Hay, StrsakM) er Mleaohsd, 'I caa be
rsstausa k suj bssutuul cslur by
The Imperial Hair Regenerator
tits srknowlsAgse STANDARD HAIB
UH1HH luiOnroi HlesohsS Hair.
Colors are itnrablsi .sally applied. Its use
sooolbsiiil. ttMoploi'thMroulsA'sS
tr. PeiTsstiistdsana wmnrtsallal.
Imperial Chemical Ui.. I3i W. ZLd St., N. J.
14 by Bheimaa M oConotdl Drug Co
tun a ha. Maa.
to be found in the clothes
College '
Berg - Swanson Special
Boston Derby, Bos- ftfc
tn Tourist & Boston
Special. IJ.50 Hats...
and Hair Tonic
Hakes the Hair Grow,
Keeps the Scalp Healthy.
Sold Everywhere In
$1.00 and 50 Cent Bottles.
A. ft. Bremer Co., Chicago.
Is coming: back again. It is time for
you to fall In line.
You Need the Exercise
Flescher sells all tbe best makes of
Bicycles for cash or payments.
Bicycles from $5 up. Fresh
Tire $1.50 to $4.50.
Hartford Tires $5.50
1622 Capitol Avenue
U a V U sen M W.M O sT. tg.M B 1 1
It- Wfctt m4 fc.M kem. Mrl4
tU b.srtfeb. Isk.MMa. Httum
11UMU ftatUltia M4 lailT
. ai jbut siri.i. 1 t4 t. IB
tnrw Mali. 1 0.tfoe TMttn..wt.. said
1 '" IklikMUtlLulMKA.
rm- Mad toss Saws. fMii-A. fM
J. P.
These sufffrin from weak
nesHes which sap tbe pleasures
of life should take a dollar txit-
" UeofJuvea Pills. One bottle
will tell a story of manreloua results ana
ereate profound wonder. This medicine bu
mors rejuvenating. TltalU'.nc force than bits
ever bean oflsred. Kent by snail in slain
a'ltae only on receipt of tills adv. and II. '
This it 15 worth of medleiae for one dollar.
Hade by its originators C. L Hood Co.. pr
tsieUixa Hood's ttacsapatUla, Lowell, liaaa.