Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Whut Pit ii Actif a Remit of Heavy
Buying bj Long.
PreTlslo Arm Kasy aad Weak, Clo
iagr tros Two and Oae-Half to
gvea aa4 a. Halt teat
CHICAGO, April 16. Trading in wh
wig active today and there wa a renewal
of buying by tne leading long, which re
sulted In a strong clone. May being Vo
higher and July up o; May corn closed
fcc lower, with oata on 4irkC- Provisions
were eay, the May product cloning irom
24c to 4c lower.
A severe break occurred In wheat at tb
opening due to Improved weather condi
tion and to the liidirr.rence wlih which
yesterday' advance here w-aa received
abroad. Initial sales on May Showed a de
cline of He to 14c at 76c to 7c, and July
was off 4Jo to '.yc at TlVttdViC There
was quite general selling for a time and the
market was decidedly weak, but later local
traders turned buyers and a better tone de
veloped, Influenced to a large extent by
small receipts and continued reports of
damage to the European crop. Toward
noon the market became quiet and prices
eased off, May declining to 76re and July
to 704c A sharp advance occurred during
the lat hour on heavy buying by the Ar
mours, who are said to have added nearly
8.0oo,UiO bushels to their line, the most of
today's purchases consisting of the July
delivery. A good export demand was also
an Influential factor late In the day. After
selling up to 774c, May closed 4c higher at
774c; July touched il7,c and closed ..'
higher at ?milfcc. Clearances pf wheat
and flour were equal to 66,4tiO bushels. Pri
mary receipts were 236,200 bushels, against
2Wl,9tiO bushels a year ago. Minneapolis and
Duluth reported recelpte of 111 cars, which
with local receipts of 14 cars none
Of contract grade made total receipts for
the three points of 126 cars, against 224 cars
last week and 207 cars a year ago.
Weakness In wheat and unresponsive ca
bles, together with more favorable weather,
caused weakness In corn at the opening,
and although the strength In wheat later
In the day was reflected In the coarser
grain. May delivery was little uffected and
ruled weak the greater part of the session;
July was In better demand and was rela
tively firmer than the nearby month. A
prominent provision Interest was an active
buyer of July early; May closed with a ipsa
of Ho at 434C ft" ellina between 4oV(t
444c; July closed He lower at 444c. Local
receipts were 62 cars, none of contract
'"be" Improved weather and the weakness
In corn and wheat brought out liberal sell
Ing ordere In oats at the opening and the
market ruled weak. A better cash demand
and small receipts had a bullish tendencv
on prices, however, and prevented any aerl
oua declines; May closed VsfHo lower at
334c after selling between 3340 and 33c.
Local receipts were 88 cars.
Provisions were quiet and the market
ouleter: with considerable selling for for
eign account. A decline of from 8c to 10c
In the price of hogs was an early depress
ing feature. Stock yards people did most
of the buying with covering by shorts May
. pork closed at $17.96. May lard was off 74c
at 39.824 and ribs were down 6c at 19.82.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
SO cars; corn, 70 cars; oats, 80 cara; hogs,
17,000 head.
The leading f uturea ranged as follows:
Artlclea.l Open. High. Low, Close.Te'y.
April May
. May
May July
rrk 76 rr.
714 -TOT 7140
68 684 6bfc
' 43'4' 1 43 43
44 43 43
44 43 44
43 43 43
(3 83 83
80 29 80
274 27 27
17 95 17 90 17 96
17 87 17 30 17 82
17 06 16 95 I 17 02
9 88 9 80 82
9 77 9 72 9 72
J9 77 9 70 9 72
9 82 9 82 9 82
9 TO 9 66 9 85
9 62 9 60 9 ft)
I . .....I
43 Vl
17 93
17 86
17 00
17 97
17 87
17 06
9 90
. 9 77
9 87
9 72
9 65
a 75
9 6i
No. I.
Cash quotations were aa follows:
FLOUR Steady: winter patents, $84019
1.60; winter straights, $3.103.80; spring
patents, $3.30g3.70: spring straights, $3.00a
8 20; bakera, $2.202.70.
WHEAT No. 8 spring, 78S0c; No. 8, 70
78c; No. 8 red, 7&tt77c.
CORN No. 8, 43c; No. I yellow, 43c.
OATS No. 2, 33c; No. 9 white, 3247
RTB No. 2, 49iff60c.
BARLEY Good feeding, 87939c; fair to
Choice malting 4Wg64c.
SEED No. 1 flax. $1.09; No. 1 northwest
ern, $1.11: prime timothy, $3.60; clover, con
tract grade, $12.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.95
018 0). Lard, per 100 lbs., $9 .80 .82. Short
rlba sides (loose), $9.76(39.85. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed), $8.50(5 8-62V4- Short clear
aides (boxed). $10.1210.2f.
Following are the receipts and shipments
f flour and pain yesterday:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbla 22.000 29.30)
Wheat, bu 16 00 49.50)
Corn, bu 80,800 86MK)
Oata, bu 133,400 170,70)
Rye. bu 22400
Barley, bu 20.0UO 9.900
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa eaaler: creamer j. 189
toc; dairies. 14324c. Eggs, steady, at
nark, cases Included, I3e. Cheese, steady,
1240 to 1&13C.
Qaotatloaa. of (he Day oa Varloaa
ceipts, 13.843 bbls.; exports, 22.441 bbls.; firm,
but rather lesa active; bakers. 13.2iku3.4u;
Minnesota patents, $3.904.20; winter extras.
$2.aug.3.10; Minnesota bakers, $3,2043.40; Mln
nosota patents, 83.9u9U6.2S; winter low
grades, $2.tiin2.90. Ry flour, steady; fair to
good, $2.80(3.20; choice to fancy, 33.2603.45.
COHNMKAL Steady; yellow western,
$1.08: city, $1.06; brandywlne, 83.40(63.66.
RYE Firm; No. 2 western. 60c, f. o. b.,
float; state, 674jtnc, c. I. f.. New York..
BARLEY Quiet ; feeding, 47c, c L f.,
WHEAT Receipts, 66.550 bu. Spot,
steady; No. 1 northern Duluth, 8yo, f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 87c, f. o. b..
afloat. Options had a weak opening be
cause of poor cables and liquidation, but
fully recovered In the afternoon. This up
turn was based on unexpectedly large ex
port business In the northwest and general
covering, but near the close prices dropped
slightly and left off &'c net lower. May,
79 13-16880Hc, closed at 80 7-16c; July, 76
16 ll-16c. closed at 7Fc; September, 73$
T4c. cloaed at 73 16-16c.
CORN Receipts. 60,440 bu.; exporta. 2.172
bu. Spot, firm; No. 2, nominal, elevator,
and 61c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 8 yellow, 53c;
No. $ white, 64c. Options opened easy with
wheat, .but became very strong on a
queese of May shorts, due to light con
tract supplies here. The close was unset
tled at 3c net advance. April closed at
(Jc; May, 6lfi53c, closed at 52c; July,
60(!aOc, closed at 60c; September closed
at 49A,c.
OATS Receipts. 91.600 bu.: exports. 1,170
tu. spot, quiet: no. I, 3Bc; atandxrl, 4x-; No, 8, 87c; No. 8 white. 40c; No
8 white. 38c: track mixed western, nom
inal; track white, 37 n lie Option, after
an easier opening, rallied ana became firm
with other markets. May closed at 39c.
HAY Firm; shipping, 6uU75c; good to
HOPS Firm; state, common to choice,
lfctt. Mific: im. 17ul9c: olds, iullc p..
clflc coast. 19u2, 204c; 1901. I&ai7c; olds.
HIDES Steady; Galveston, 30 to 25 lbs.
l$c; California. 21 to 85 lbs., 19c; Texas dry,
SI 10 mr a.i.
LEATH ER Steady J acid. 242(c.
RICK Firm; Japan, nominal.
PROVISIONS Beef, weak; family. 812 50tf
13.0U; raess. $ Oi to Ki.OO; beef hams. $2 ..o
621.(0; packet, $l0 5ojl2 00; city, extra IndU
mesa, lis uixuzi i. 1 nt meats, ateady
pickled belliea, $s.76311 25; pickled shoulders!
00o 2i; pickled hams, til il; w. ljird
steady; western steamed. $10.25; refined,
dull; continent, $10.46; South America, 411;
compound. $7 5ufc8.00. Pork steady; family
$) 60; short clear, $18.i6i'J0.2a; mesa, $18 26.
TAI.1XW Easy: tlty 2 per pkg ). 6c;
country- (pags. irvep, igs-i;.
BUTTER Receipts, 7.320 pkg.: steady
atate dairy, iMj'.ntc; creamery, extra, tic;
creamery, common 10 cnoice, 2 an j-c.
CHEE8r-Recelpts. l.YJH pkgs ; Arm;
fancy large, state full cream, fall made.
colored, 14-trl4c; white, 14lc; fancy
man. coioreo. im, wnue, i.c.
EOOS Receipts. 27.1b4 l.ks : steady:
vtate and Pennn) ivanla, 15lac; western
nrsts. i44c.
POCLTRT-Allve. weaker: chickens. He
.uraeya, lAtflic; few la, Uo. Lveaaed,
steady; chickens. 14317c; western fowls,
.1 ; turkeys. 16c.
M ETA I B Tin advanced 17s 6l In Indon
tooey. closing with spot at 13.7u snd
future at 4,lMlii. The New York market,
responding to the foreign gain, ruled
firmer, c lowing at t.i ). Topper de
clined 17s tkl on spot and las on future In
the London market, snot there closing at
Ah2 6d and futures st 2 S. locally
prices, however, were unchanged and cosj
tiniie Standard Is not quot-.l.
l.ske snd electrolytic sre quoted at 316"V(
I0.2O and canting at $14 5"tJi4.7V Iead was
'lower Ii London, closing ai aCl2 12s 1. while
locally It I. malned quiet and unchanged at
$) Fpelter closed 2s 6d lower at 4.22 12.4
M In London; was quiet and unchanged In
isew York at $5.70. Iron closed at Ms In
Glasgow and at 49 9d In Mlddlesborough.
The local Iron market remains quiet anU
more or less nominal; No. 1 foundry north
ern Is quoted at 422 2.vtr 22.75, No. 2 foundry
northern at $20.7.Sg21 2S. No. 1 foundry
out hem sn.j No. 1 foundry southern aoft
at $21.bCti22.i.
Condition of Trade and Qnotatloa
staple and Fancy Prde,
EOU8 Fres.i stock, lie
LIVE POULTRY Hens, 10-ffllc; roost
era, according to age brn; turkeys, 139
lo-j; ducks, KiiflOc; geese, HHlOc.
BETTER Packing stock, 18c: choice
dairy, In tubs, 15a lie; separator 2728c.
OYSTERS Standards, per can. 2c; extra
selects, per can, 35c, New York counts per
can, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.75;
bulk statidurds, per gal., $1.36.
herring, 6c; pickerel, 6c: pike, 9c; perch, 6c;
buffalo, dressed, 7c; suuflnh. 8c; blueflsh, 11c;
Whitehall, 9c; salmon, liic; haddock. 11c:
codfish. 12c; redsnucper. 'Oc-; lobsters,
boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green, per lb.,
25c; bullheads. 10c: catfish. 14c; black bass,
17c; halibut, lie; shad roe, 75c eacb
BRAN Pr ton, $15.00.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland,
ts; No. 2, $7.5u; medium, $7; coarse. $6.50.
Rye straw, $6. These prlc are for hay of
good coioi and quality, i'emand lair and
receipts light.
RYE No. t. 4Se.
CELERY Calif urnla, per dog., 60ci8$l.
POTATOES-Per bu.. 254i30c: Colorado.
per bu., We.
siiiKU potatoes Northern grown, per
bu.. fcir7oc.
NEW CARROTS Per dosek nuncnea, to.
LETTUCE Per dozen bunches. 45c
BEETS New southern, per dosen bunch
es, 45c; old, per bu., 40c.
PARSN1P8-Per bu., 80c.
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doa., 81.7k
CARROTS Per bu., 40c.
OREEN ONIONS Southern. Pr dosen
bunches 45c
RADISHES Southern, ner doien buncoes.
75c; home grown, 364$ 4cc.
. uknip per du., 40c; uanaaa rutius
gas, per lb., ic new southern, per dosen
bunches, 60
ONIONS Ra Wisconsin, ner lb.. ls
White, per lb., ic; Hpanlnn. per crate, 0.76.
SPINA'. H southern, per -ou. dox, il.
NAVY BEANS Per bu., $8.60.
WAX BEANS Per bu. box. $4: string
beans, per bu. box. $3.0063.60.
CAHBAUt-Hoiianu aeeu. per 10., 10.
TOMATOES New Florida, par -bakt
erat, 14.
California Permatn, $1.50; Colorado Ben
Davis, $1.25.
STRAWBERRIES Louisiana, per 84-pt.
CH.10, fi.MCgj2.ib; Texaa, per 24-qt, case, $4 00
FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartona. 90c;
Turkish, per 35-lb. box, 14218o.
ORANUES California navels, lancy, s.v
d T. . ) U(ll.mnHn Uvaat
$.'.25;'Sweet Jaffa, $2.50.
LEMONS California fancy,; encic,
DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxes. pr lb..
Oc; per cas of 30-lb. pkgs., $2.25.
PINEAPPLES-Cuban, $4.00425.
MAPLE SUQAR-Ohlo, per lb.. lOo.
HONEY Utah, per 24-Iram cas. UU;
Colorado, $3.60.
popcorn per lb., xc; snua. e.
HIDES No 1 creen. 6c: No. 8 areen. tot
No. 1 salted. 7c: No. 9 salted. 60: No. 1 veavi
calf, 8 to 12 Iba.. 8c; No. 1 yeal calf, 12 to
15 lbs., 6c; dry hide. fc&lZv; sneep pelts, 26
fa 75c; horso hides, $1.50432.50.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 aoft shell, per lb.,
15o; hard shell, pr lb., 14c: No. i soft ahell.
per id., uc; no. i nara sneii. per lo
Braxlls. ner lb.. 12c: filberts, per lb.. 12c:
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell,
per lb., 16c; pecans, large, per lb., I2c;
small, nor lb.. 11c: cocoanuta. ner doa.. 61o:
chestnuts, per lb., loo; peanuts, per lb.. 6o;
roasted peanuts, per ID., 70; piacg wainuis.
per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60;
cocoanuta. oer 100. $. '
OLD METALS. ETC. A. B. Aipim ouoiea
the following prices: Iron, country mixed.
per ton, $11; Iron, stove piat, per ton, $6;
copper, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb.,
$c; brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead per lb.,
8c; sine, per lb., 2c
Omaha. Branch IIO-IU Board of Trade
CHICAGO. Anril 18. WHEAT Th mar-
ket started weak on lower cables. Improved
weather In France and fine weather on this
side. May sold off lc and July off lc. On
the break there waa enough Armour buying
to turn the market from a bear to a bull
one, especially aa far aa the May waa con
cerned, and the new crop future alao r-
talned most of their loss. Th outside mar
eta all dragged. There waa a fair export
business on the break; Duluth aold zw.uuo
bu., most of It for export; St. Loula aold
100,000 bu.. and Chicago 40,000 bu. No. 2
hard; New York reports 61 load taken for
export; clearance, 682,000 bu ; primary re-
i .. . - "IdlWI K. ...uln.l 407 (WW, itrim.n
shipments, 520,000 bu., against .403.000; north
west receipts, 111 car, against iu last year;
local receipts, 14 cara, with none contract;
estimates for tomorrow, 20. cars; Minneapo
lis reported a decreaae of 900,000 bu. In five
daya; Duluth a decrease of 1.000,000 bu.
Price Current waa bearish. - Th estimate
on Argentine shipments waa 1.666,009 bu.,
against 962.0UO last year and over 8.000,009
In 1900.
CORN Market has been firm for th July
and September, but the May has been lower
on liquidation by longa -Mid at one time It
was Uo under the July. The feature haa
been buying of July by Armour. Local re
ceipts were only 68 cars, with none contract;
estimate ror tomorrow, vu car; primary
receipts, 178.U00 du against ua.uw; primary
shipments, 167,000 bu., against 216,000 last
year; clearances. (62,000 bu.: New York re
ported 16 loads taken for export. Cash mar
ket waa steady for good grades sod aome
higher for the low gradea. weather much
Improved. Price Current said much com
would be late planted.
oats There waa a sharp break in the
oat market early on th fine weather, but
on the decline of ftc there was a demand
which recovered most oi tne early decline.
The cash market wss steady; some shipper
reported a Detter snipping demand from tne
south and east; local recelpta, 88 cars, with
contract; estimate for tomorrow, SO cara;
o'earances, 10.UUO bu. Price Current said
oats seeding haa been further delayed by
PKOVisiONB Market opened easy and
local crowd Inclined to sell. Armour brok
ers bought July ribs. The - decrease In
stocks strengthened the market aome. The.
trade In general waa scattered and mostly
local. There were 22,000 hogs; market
opened rainy active ana mjiou lower, clos
Inx: strong and 5c higher than onenlna-
estimates for tomorrow, 17,000; hogs In the
west today, 61,9uO, against 60,900 last week
and 64,oo0 last year. Private estimates of
stocks in store: pork, zz.ouo bbls.; lard
2M tierces: ribs. 8.700.0H0 lbs., aaalnat
March 31, pork. 24.492 bbl.; lard, 9.808
tierces; riDS. .i-".('i8 ins.
8t. Loal Grain nod Provision.
ST. LOUIS. April 16. WHEAT Higher;
7o(S70c; July', 66ijjrc; no. 2 hard. 71
1 4c.
CORN Ixiwer; No. 2 cah, 40c. nominal;
track, 4o,ti41c; May, 40c; July, 40c.
OATS Weak; No. 1 cash. 83c; track, 83c;
May, 84c; July, 2c, nominal; No. 8 white.
RYE Firmer at 48c.
FLOUR Quiet; red winter patent. $3303
o.u; rxirn lancy and atraignt, 3.00bi3."5
clear, $2.7Ml2.80. .
SEED-Tlmothy, steady, tJO02.75; prime
CORN MEAL Steady at $2 30.
BRAN Dull: sacked, east track K6itfr.
HAY-Steady to strong; timothy, $7.00
19. ov, iririe. .wii.iiii.
B A i O I N O 6 Ctf 6c.
PROVISIONS Pork, higher; jobbing
standard mess. $18.06. Lard, lower at tt.52,
Dry salt meats (boxed), dull: nr ihnri.
9 8.; clear ribs, $10 12: short clears. $10 26
Bacon (boxed), dull; extra shorta. $10.7;
clear rtba. $11.12; short clesr. Ill 25 Lead, lower at $9.50. Spelter,
POULTRY Firm: chickens inu.iio
springs. $2.5ft4540 per dosen; turkeys. 13c;
BUTTER - Steady;' creamery. 2HJ28C;
dH'ry. UHi'.'le.
EUGS-Steady at I2c for fresh.
... Receipts. Shipment
riour, rnia tony
Wheat bu 87.001) 1?1 00)
Corn, bu $.0M 64 00)
Oat, bu 61,000 iSidOO
MUwaake Oroln Market.
ket steady: No. 1 northern, T9fiWtc; No. 2
northern, 7Te"c; May, 77j'i'7c aVed.
RYE Firm ; No. 1. 62c.
BARLEY Steady; No. 2, 0c; sample. 40
CORN May. 46c.
Liverpool Grain nnd rrovlslon.
steady; No. $ red western, 6s ld: No. 1
northern, spring, 6 7d; No. 1 California,
6 7d. Future quiet; May, 6a 2dt July,
6s 2 d.
CORN Spot, American mixed. new,
steady at 4a d; American mixed, old, quiet
at h 3d. Future quiet; May, 4 3d;
June, 4 2d; July, 4s 2d.
I'EAS Quirt, 53d.
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, quiet,
8 f d
HOPS At London, Pacific coast, steady,
PROVISIONS Beef, easy; extra India
mees, 8,s 6d. Pork. Arm; prime weMerti
mess. 18s. Hams, rhort cut, 14 to 16 lbs.,
steady, 64s. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 ti
l IK- Arm HI CA -....- v I V.- I C t n 'J A 1K
64s 6d;' long' clear 'middles, light. 2H to .U
lbs., steady. 62s 2d: short clear backs, IK to
20 lbs., ateadv. 53f: clear bellies. 14 to IS lbs..
strady, 5.1s. Shoulders, square. 10 to 18 lbs.,
steady, 4 M, lard. quiet; p lme western,
In tierces, steady, 51s; 'American rettned,
in pslls. firm, 61s 6d.
BUTTER Good United States, steady.
CHEESE Firm: American finest white
and colored, .
TALLOW Prime city, steady, 27 3d.
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
65c; July, 622c. Cash: No. 2 hard,
6i'm8c; No. 3. 64&6c; No. 4. 6064c; re
jected, bMBwe; , no. i red, esmtssc; no. s,
CORN April. 86c; May. 36(&36c: July.
86fti36c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 36fe37c; No.
2 white, 87c; No. 8, 3Vfiflc.
oats No. 2 white. 34a3oc: No. 2 mixed.
lh 1 K NO. 3, 46C
HAY Timothy, $12.50; prairie, $9.75(ffl0.00.
BUTTER Creamery, 21t25c; dairy, 19c.
EGGS Fresh, 12c.
Recelpta. Shipments.
Wheat, bu. 65.600 113.6J
Corn, bu 41.6K) 63.6K)
Oats, bu 9,000 6.0J0
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLEDO. April 18-WKEAT-Falrlv ao-
tlve, lower; cash, 76c; May, 78c; Juiy,
CORN Active, lower: ADril and May.
43c; July. 44c.
oats Dull, steady: April and May. S4o:
July. 3uc.
K X K NO. Z. 53C.
SEED Clover, dull, firm: cash. 87.15: Oc
tober. 85.37: prime timothy. 81.50: orlme
alslke, $6.oO.
Dalath Brain Market.
DULUTH. April !. WHEAT-To arrive.
No. 1 hard. T8c: No. 1 northern. 76Hc: No.
2 northern, 77c; May, No. 1 hard. 78c;
July, 7c.
oatb May, 83e.
Peoria Markot.
PEORIA. I1L. April 16.-CORN Firm:
No. 8, 89c
oatb r irm ; no. i white, Bo.
WHISKY 11.80.
Saeealatlve Activity Resamed When
Manhattan Find Rapport.
NEW YORK. April 16. The speculative
activity which developed yesterday and
was Interrupted by the announcement oi
the refusal of the demands made by the
Manhattan FJevated Rirllroad employes
wss renewed today, when support was
forthcoming for Manhattan. It waa hoped
that the labor difficulty on the elevated
system would be adjusted without resort
to a strike, and this induced some snort
covering In the stock. When it waa per
ceived that the market was to be exempt
for the present from the dlsturbanoe of a
droD In this stock ODDortunltv waa taken
to start an upward movement on the part of
a speculative party which is Dcuevea to
have covered Ita short contracts on the
recent slumn and to have rone long of the
market. Their operations were consplcuou
In Baltimore & Ohio on the ground or tna
large Increase In net earnings disclosed by
the March settlement. Pennsylvania and
Norfolk & Western were Included In the
operation under this leadership. Other
eastern trunk lines and coalers allowed
some avmnathv. but the buying In these
and elsewhere In the market could not be
traced to the same aources a the move
ment In the Pennsylvania group. Early In
the day, with the exception of the good
absorption of Missouri Pacific, based on
Its large February earnings, the .western
and Pacific stock were Inclined to bang
back. Some suspicion was felt aa to the
character of the selling In Union Pacifio
and St. Paul. The testimony regarding the
finance of the Metropolitan Street Rail w a"
In the hearing of a suit against the presi
dent foK libel, resulted also In some Belling
of the stock In the early dealings and a
slightly sympathetic depression. Late In
the day St. Paul came into run sympatny
with th strength of the market and other
western and aouthweatern stocks partly
so, with the exception of Southern Pacific,
which was persistently heavy and made a
gain of only In the day. Amalgamated
Copper waa lifted sharply on a professed
expectation that the quarterly dividend
would be increased today. The stock re
acted about a point on the maintenance of
the prevailing dividend rate, but saved a
fractional net gain In spite of the weak
ness of raw copper and copper stocks In
foreign markets. Sugar's continued rise
waa due to favorable trade conditions. The
advance In Leather waa nominally due to a
revival of old rumors of an adjustment
of the dividends of the preferred. The
weekly review of the Iron trade helped
the Iron and steel stocks, the consump
tion In all line being reported well sus
tained at the high level, and th slight
weakness manifest In various gradea being
due to Increased production, with compen
sation by the cutting off of Imports. The
upturn was based generally on the assump
tion that th violent decline of Monday,
culminating as It did a prolonged downward
course of prices, should nave sumcea to
discount sufficiently the unfavorable fac
tors In the sltuat.-n aa well as to furnish
relief to the mone- situation by the ex
tensive llouldatlon Involved. The money
situation Is conspicuously easier and show
largely lncreaaed supplies orrertng In the
market. Th declining Influence of the
Northern Securities case was Indicated by
the way In which an early fall In that
stock on the curb was practically Ignored.
The market closed active and strong and
near the top level. A drop of 10 In Amer
ican Telephone and of 7 In St. Louis St
San Francisco first preferred was accounted
for by the fact that previous sales dated
back to before the recent violent decline
In th market.
Th bond market wa rather dull but
firm. Total sales, par value, $2,476,OuO.
United State bonds all unchanged on th
lust call.
Th following are th quotations on th
New York Stock exchange: ,
So Sid
Bal. i Ohio
Ao sfd
(1 Texas Facile
. 7
. 0
. t2
Toledo, Bt. U A W. J4
do pfd
.. 41
.. MS
.. M
.. 24
.. 46
.. II
.. II
.. 14
.. 47
. .ISA
. .2i
. .KWI
.. 43
.. 38
.. W
.. 16V,
.. 31
.. 41
.. M
Union PaclSs
do ptd
do pfd
Wheeling ALL
do Id pfd
Wis. Central
do pld
Adama Ex
Amarlcan Ei
United State Ex.
Wells-Fargo Ei...
Amal. Cupper ....
A mar. Car AT...
do ptd
A mar. Lin. Oil....
do pfd
American g, gt R.
do pfd
Anac. Mining Co..
Brooklyn R. T....
Canadian PmclSo...,
Canada So
Chas. A Ohio
Chicago A Altos...
do pfd
Chicago A 0. W.,
do 1st aid
do Id ptd
Chicago A N. W...
Chicago Tar. A Tr.
do ptd ,
C. C. C. A St. L..
Colorado Bo
do 1st ptd
da td pfd
Dal. A Hudaoa....
Dal. L A W
Denrer R. O ...
do pfd A
do lat pfd
do Id pfd
Oraat Nor. pfd
. t
. 43
. t
. M
. 11
. T7
. 7
. 1
. la
.... 21
.... 44
.... M
.... 4V
i... U
.... 13
.... (6V,
.... 41
.... 7
.... M
.... u
.... u
....lVTi .
Colo. Fuel A Iron... (7Vi
cona. Oaa totvt
Cont. Tobacco pfd-..102Vfc
Oen. Electric 1st
Hot-king vauay..
do ptd
Illinois Central .
Iowa ("antral ...
do pfd
Lake Krle A W.
do pfd
L. A N
Manhattan L
Mat. Bt. Ry
Mai. (antral ...
Mai. National ..
Minn. A 81. L..
Mo. Pacific
M . K. A T
do pfd
N t. ("antral....
N. V. Central ..
Norfolk A W....
do pfd
Ontario A W...
PaaoaylTanla ...
do lat pfd
do Id ptd
at. u a a r...
do lat pfd
do Id pld
gt L. S. W
do pfd
at. Paul
da pfd
So. Parltc
Bo. Railway
do pld
nocking coal ..
Intar. Paper ....
do ptit
Intea. Power ...
Laclede Oaa ....
National tllefult
National Lead ..
No. American . .
Pacific Coaat ...
Pail flo Mall
. US
. 70',
. W'i
. '
. 43
. 7V,
. 40
. U
. !'
. 77,
.... 1
.... M
.... 84
.... M'i
People's Uaa ...
Preaaed B. Car..
do pfd
Pullman P. Car.
Republic Steel .
do pld
.... TO
. ...iai
.... MS
.... M
.... 41
Coal A I.
Colon Rag A p.
ao pro
U. B. Leather ....
do pfd
I'. g. Rubber
do pfd
V. S. Steal
do pfd
Weatara I'nloa ....
A mar. Locomotive.
do pfd
K. C. Southern....
do ptd
Rock lalaad
do pfd
. 74
. 14"
. aa
.. U-m
.. M
.. M
.. IS
.. 1
. IS
. IS
. 4S
Bank tlearlnaja.
NEW YORK. April 1 Clearings, iJS0l
853.166: balances. 113.134. 472.
BOSTON. April 16 Clearings, $27,627,810;
Da lancet..
PHILADELPHIA, April 16. -Clearings.
$?l.lb6.4H; balances, $?.4ou.47; money, BftuVs
per cent-
CH1CAOO. April 16 -Clearing. $Jf.I34.291:
balanc, $1, 404.467; New lurk achang.
lc premium: foreign exchsnge. unchanged:
sterling Ktd st tt.MV, for sixty day and
$4 R. V for demand.
BALTIMORE, April 1A Clearings. $4,061,-i-l:
balance', tiioS.l1; money, 6 per cent.
ST. I)l is, April 18 Clearings, $9.K1S.
316; balances, $4S,047; money, steady, MS
per cen.
CINCINNATI. April 16. Clearings. $4,194,
000: money, f-a per cent; New York ex
change, c premium.
w Yark Noser Market.
NEW YORK. April 16. MONEY On call,
steady at 3j4V per cent; closing offered
at 4 per cent. Time, steady; all periods. 6jt
6S, per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 6io
Per cent.
for demand and at 84.8.T70 for slxtv days;
posted rates, $4.84H4j4.87H; commercial
bill". $4 fcii 4.83V
SUA ER Bar, 4Hc; Mexican dollars. 8.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
The closlne? mintatlnns nn hnnrloi are aa
V. B. ref. ts. rea....lfX
L a N. nl. 4a.
do coupon ..lots
do 3a, rcg 107S
do coupon ms
do new 4a. rcg 134,
do coupon l.i.'iS
do old 4a, reg 111S
do coupon ;..111'
do ta, reg jojs
do coupon inj-i.
Mei. Central 4a
do la tne
Minn. A St. L. 4s.
M., K. A T. 4a
do ta ,
N. T. C. g Sa....
V. J. C. gen. (a...
No. Pacific 4a
do U
. 77S
. I4S
. H
. i0
. tl
Atcblarm gan. 4a 100S
do adl. 4a to
Bal. VOhlo 4a lew
N. W. cm. 4a....
Reading gan. 4a
"O Sa M
do conr. 4a in
St. L A I. M. o.
at. L. A 8. F. 4a.,.. MS
Bt. L 8. W. Is MS
do Si '
8. A. A A. P. 4a...f. M
80. Pacific 4a........ M
So.. Railway ( 115S
Teiaa A Pacific li...u
Canada Bo. 2a 106S
Central of Oa. 6a 107S
do la Inc T4
Chea. & Ohio 4Sa...l04S
Chicago A A. IS... t6S
C.. B. A Q. a. 4,... tlS
"C, M A Bt P , 4s.H0
C., R. I. A P. 4a 106
C C C A Bt L g. 4a.. W
Chicago Ter. 4a I2S
('olorado So. 4a aau
T., St. L. A W. 4a.. 74
Union Pacifio 4a.
do conr. 4a....
Waheih U
do 2a
do deb. B
Weat Shora 4a.
Wheel. L. E.
Wis. Central 4a..
Cos. Tobacce ...
Colo. Fuel
Rock Island ....
.j 104
.. 1
.. 1
.. 1
.. M
.. 14
inrcr a g. o. 4, . Wu
Erla prior lien 4s.... S
do seneral 4a . ..3.
F. W. & D. C. la" 107 S
''""'" ai. 4S....10S
Pennsylvania 171
uid. orfered.
Boston Stock natailn.
" T XT . a. 40 . 11 1 . 1 . a. .
, April io. vail loans, iyoe per
cent; time loann, 6(& per cent. Official
clnMlne nHiu. , 1 J i .
Atchison 4s MS
.. MS
.. Its
. .M2
.. 24
,. 42H
.. 10S
,. 12
.. MS
.. II
.. 17
.. 27S
. I
.. it
.. s
. s
,. IBS
,. I
. 10s
. TlS
,. 41
Mei. Central 4a 75
Alchlsen 11
do pfd 7
RiMtnn A. llh. ca
Calumet A Hecla.
Copper Range ....
Dominion Coal ...
lain Royal
Old Dominion ....
Boston A Ma ,.'.'!l80
Host on Elevated ....l(.i
N. Y., N. H. H...S01
Fltrhhiir nM
I'nlon Paciao
Mea. Central lbs
American Bugar ...12S
do Bfd lie
American T. A T.!!.157
Bant Fa Copper...
Dominion I A. a
General Electric 1.
?7H Tamarack
.ls4 Trlmoustala ,
. 0' Trinity
. 17 S United ttatea
.lot UUh
. lft Victoria
. MS Wlnons
. a- iWolTerln ...
. II Daly West....
. 4S1
laaa. Electrio ...
do pfd
'. 8. Bteel
So nM
Weatlngh. Common.
London 8foec Market.
LONDON, April 16 Closing quotation:
Consols for money. .M 114
new Torh Central 1J1
do account MS
Anaconda aS
Atchison Its
do pfd M
Baltimore A Ohio. ...tlS
Norfolk A Weat era.. 10
oo pin snit
Ontario A Weatara... 2S
Rand Mines
do lat pfd
do 24 pfd
Southern Railway.
do pfd
Boutbem Pacl6o .
Union Paelflo
do pfd
United States Bteel
do pfd
do pfd ,
Canadian PaclOc 111
Chaaspeake A Ohio.. 44
Chicago O. W 21
C. M. A St. P. ...144
DeBeer US
Denver A R. O US
oo pta as
Erla , 14
do lat pfd 44
do td pfd (2
Illinois Central 117
Louisville A Nash. ...Ill
Missouri. K. a T ... MU
BAR SILVER-Qulet; 23 16-16d par ounce.
MONEY SK per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 84&3 8-16 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for three months bills Is SH3 per cent.
New York Mining- Qnotatlons.
NEW YORK. April U-Th following
are the quotations on the New York Stock
exchange; -
Breeoa 20 1
Brunswick Con 4
Ontario J... M0
ophlr 140
Comatock Tunnel TS
Con. Cal. A Va....l0
Potoat U
Savage 10
Hora Silver 126
Iron Silver .,.f...o..U0
Laadvllla Con.1....... a
Little Chlei I' !
Sierra Nevada W
Small Hopes 40
btanddrd 20
Foreign Financial.
LONDOff, April 16. Th upply of money
waa amall In th market today and bor
rowers were dependent on the Bank of
England. Discounts were firm and trans
actions were limited owing to fears of fur
ther withdrawals of gold for South Amer
ica. Trading on the Stock exchange opened
generally quiet and cheerful, but later a
flatness developed ss the outcome of Paris
selling, which was attributed to the reports
of trouble In Servla and the non-reduction
of the English bank rate. Consols weak
ened In view of the general uneasiness re-
gardlg the Macedonia question. Home rails
were in some demand on satisfactory traf
fic returns. Americans opened with an un
certain tone and mostly lower. They were
Inactive, Improved fractionally and closed
rirm. The amount of bullion taken Into the
Bank of England on balance today waa
248.000. The weekly statement of the
Bank of England shows the following
changes: Total reserve, decreased 1,000;
circulation, decreased 624,000: bullion, de
creased 626,618; other aecurltle. Increased
6,000; other deposits, decreased 76,000;
public deposits, increased 166,000; notes
reserva, increased 148.000; government se
curities, Increased 14,000. The proportion
of th Bank of England's reserve to lia
bility this week la 48.10 per cent, aa com
pared with 48.18 per cent laat week. The
rate of discount Is unchanged at 4 per cent.
BOMBAY, April 16. The rat of discount
of the Bank of Bombay was reduced today
from 7 to per cent.
PARIS, April 16. Business opened unde
cided on the bourse today ana soon thr
waa a pronounced reaction due to report
concerning the alleged difficulties of an
operator having heavy committments of
Spanish 4s. Subsequently general llfelees
ness and heaviness prevailed. Turks re
covered slightly. Industrials wer Irreg
ular. Rio tlntoa . reacted and Bpanlah 4
had an unsatisfactory tone, due to the cop
per statistic. Ktfflr closed heavy. The
private rate of discount was $ 16-16 per cent
Three per cet rentes, flbf 40c for the ac
count. Exchange on London, Z6f 17c for
checks. The weekly statement of the
Bank of Franc rbows tne following
changes: Notes In circulation, Increased
H,026,0u0f ; treasury accounts current. In
creased l.eT76,0UOf; gold In hand, decreased
2&0,000f: bill discounted. Increased 41,176,
001 'f; silver In hand, decreaaed, 860,000f.
BERLIN, April 16. Prices on the bourse
today reacted on the tone of the New
York market and the unsatisfactory re
ports from the Iron market. Home funds
and Internationals were rather firm. Dis
counts: Short bills, 8 per cent; thre
months, 24 per cent.
Oil sad Reala,
OIL CITY, Pa.. April 16. OIL Credit
balances. $1.60; certificates, no bids; ship
ments, Pennsylvania, 66,624 bbla. ; average,
73.342 bbls.; runs, 63,770 bbls.; avt.age, 76,176
bbls.; shipments, Uma, 62,128 bbls.; average,
61.830 bbls.; runs, 62,tl bbls.; average, 48,62
SAVANNAH, April 16. -OIL Turpentine,
nominal, 4!ic. Rosin, quiet; A, B. C, D,
E, $1.96; F, $2; O. $205; H. $2.40; l, 2.86;
K, $3; M, $3.16; N, $3 26; WO, $3.36; WW,
NEW YORK. April 16 OIL Cottonseed,
firmer; prime yellow, 44ifj4&Hc. Petroleum,
steady. Turpentine, quiet. Rosin, steady,
TOLEDO. April 16. OIL No change.
LONDON, April 16. OIL Calcutta lin
seed, spot, 42s &j.
LIVERPOOL, April 16,-OlL Turpentine
spirits, steady, 43s 6d. Cottonseed, Hull re
fined, spot, strong, 21s HHid.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralt.
APPLES Continue quiet and rather easy
except on the moat attractive fruit, which
la steadily held. Common are quoted at
S'yinc; prime, 6c; choice, 6S⁣ fancy,
prunea are irregular and values In the ab
sence of demand are more or less nominal.
Quotation, however, still range from lc t
7c for all grades. Apricot are firmly held
owing to the continued adverse crop ac
counts from the coast and holders show
little desire to move stocks. Choice are
quote! at 7V1c; fancy, t4&10c. Pe ch?t
are quiet and about steady, 7S&8- lor
choice and 6S4lc for fancy.
CoaTeo Market.
NEW YORK. April 16. COFFEE Spot
Rio, quiet; mild, strady. Futures opened
steady at a partial decline of 6 polnta, with
May selling at 83 80, and thus establishing
a new low record. Speculation was no
more than moderately active, however, and
while the lower European markets affected
the Initial loss the unchanged primary
markets and moderate receipts In connec
tion with profit-taking by shorts sustained
valjes and brought about a closing reaction
so that the market was finally steady net
6 points lower to i points higher. Sales
wer W.60U bags. Including May at I wiry
Shoe: July, 4.06c; September. 4.ai4.2&c; Oc.
tolier. 4 v; November, 4 4Uci Pwtmbtr,
4,i0ci March, 4,aVt4.ue.
B Receipts of Oattl Otnssd Another
Break in frici
Moderate Receipt of sheep and Lamb
ad Price oa th Better Grade
' Held Jast Aboat Steady, bat
t'asanaaa KJads Weak.
Recelnta were, u . at.-.-.
- 1 . ir. iii'sa. oucr,
Official Monday s,4 a.M7
umclal Tuesday 4.K13 7 76 8.178
tlfflclftl Vilnwlav K r n. j ,,
Official Thursday 6.4K1 2,347
Four days this week. ..19.416 30.959 23.6.W
Same days last week. ...17,25 2i,u Zo.S
" " ueiure m,i ai. (W SS.Vtl
Same three weeks ago. 37.67 29.RH6
N M mm Inn. ....... L. , .. ..... ... ..... .... n. .
X ' " " " , - asU..-.10,0-TO t.Oi O.tK'U
Same days last year 12,32s 27,699 24,266
ihe following table show the receipt of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date and comparisons with
last year: 1903. 1902. jnc peo
im 24,240 239.814 44.426 ,
jrlOstfJI . . CI a?k -7- v-u .u. riA.1
bnP 413.649 264.442 129.'7
Average price piu fur lioga at South
Omaha for the last several days with com
parisons: P I 1803. 1902.1901. 1900.18!I9.1898.1897.
4 S.
3 Oi
3 70
3 81
i 91
$ 84
4 06
7 lf 161
7 0W 21)
7 lliwi a vji
4 84
$ 66
2 71
8 66
8 72,
0 61
6 711
4 89,
4 061
2 id
7 33 1
7 84 (
3 6S
3 661
i U
6 601
8 all
i 86
h 90
4 alf
4 M
4 9v,
4 S9
4 97
6 U6
6 14
6 42
6 10
4 7 til I II
7 46
7 86
8 64!
3 l
8 61
$ eo
3 60
8 U
3 63
6 39
3 641
3 te!
3 6
6 66,
3 70, 3 91
3 71
3 94
3 91
3 64
7 a-iV.
3 6
7 217.
8 00
7 2Hl t 4o
7 3t 6 69
7 22
7 27 6 56
7 MH, A
7 2ysi 661
7 '43 6 6hi
7 2tVil 66
$ 67
a so
6 s$
8 60
3 62
3 17
6 9
3 63 3 91
April J..
3 66 3 93
3 fel 3 92
I 3 91
8 73
3 79 3 90
April $...
April 8...
April 4...
April 6...
April ...
April 7...
April 8...
April ...
April 10..
Apri; 11..
April 12..
April 13..
April 14..
prll 15..
April 16.. I
6 97
t 9
6 99
6 96
i 87
$ 151
6 26
' 0 63
7 24s
'1 24 SI $ 68,
6 62
8 64
2 66
3 79
8 Hfi
6 27
3 721
8 63
8 M
3 66
$ 90
7 Z7
7 2i
6 63,
6 01
3 71
3 75
6 ti
6 921 6 831
7 26T4i
6 79
6 90
$ 87 6 38 13 68
6 911 & Ml X K7i 1 11
6 9 6 33 3 63 3 71 3 97
I 04 1 6 401 2 611 8 67 I 91
7 19
7 IfM-i
6 86
I 6 48 3 7 3 70 $ $
6 9o
on 18 72 I 61 I hi
1 0741 6 91
6 93 6 46 I $ 61 1 3 8
Indicate Sunday.
CATTLE There was another rery heavjc
run of cattle here this morning and a a
result packer started out from the begin
ning to pound the market, and as there
were o many cattle In sight aeller could
not well nrcvinl v. t.
... uicuw. inuini wa
fiS 7k.? It1 'i,w" 1,t .ln th" day before
The beef steer market could be quoted
generally a dime lower. Prices, though
have been moving up and down so rapidly
this week that there is considerable uneven
ness. Light and handy weight cattle that
were of good quality sold to the best advan
tage and In some cases sold at prices that
did not look as much as 10c lower than yes-
taat-lsaV Dn ka -v U. 1- A a . '
cattle, $3spclaly if they were a little coarse
MH lilt., a I 1 , 1
" V miiiio niwcr ana in some cases
sales were made that looked even worse
than that. Common cattle of all weights
were slow sale and fully 10c lower. The big
end of the offerings consisted of steers ana
as trading was slow It waa very lata before
a clearance was made.
The cow market waa also rather slow and
- - - , - ,.. a " , uuviiwoni. 1 ne
good handy weight cows and heifers were
i..., "v. w luvw, uui ins neavy cat
tle, and also the common kinds, were safely
a rllm. lrtwce than u..t.....'.
, r ...... jrciciuij b average
market. The supply of cow stuff was not
' -V ' awu clearance
waa made.
Bulla a Ian hm A tci 11 little 1 A . n - ,
avnci, uwnig
to the break on cows and steers, but veal
vuivvm uciu suuut sicaur,
HIkcIiam in1 Is.H... l , .
1 1 1 t m Kaii t ,IhHv t r.H ir n n
seemed to be of good proportions. Receipts
vtvia uui vcij icavj', bu mai everytning
urmrauie auiu eariy. ine common kinds,
though, were more or lea neglected and
could not be quoted any more than steady.
Representative sales:
No. A. Pr. Nn. 4. .
1 1114 4 00 11 1124 4 so
I Ill 4 15 tO 1100 4 10
3 IM 4 It
lln 4 so
It 474 4 10
110 4 It
14 474 4 40
1 447 4 40
4 1011 4 40
I 444 4 50
14 1040 4 14
tfl 4 46
tl 10(1 4 tt
II 1071 4 40
II 1134 4 40
tl 1041 4 40
14 1107 4 40
It 1161 4 40
17 10l 4 40
1 1144 4 41
1 1104 4 41
It 11.14 4 41
II 1044 4 44
14 UN 4 70
ft 1144 4 TO
II 1151 4 76
44 1044 4 TO
M 1111 4 70
44 1145 4 74
1 1044 4 74
tt 1154 4 TO
t 1146 4 74
90 I . .1147 4 TO
TT ..1047 4 71
41 11M 4 Tl
4 1U1 4 Tt
14 1101 4 Tl
II 11M 4 Tl
14 1144 4 71
40 1141 4 Tl
M 1451 4 T4
IT 117 4 71
4 444 4 Tt
II 1141 4 40
11 1154 4 14
41 1044 4 40
10 list 4 40
4 1171 4 10
81 1041 4 44
IT 1151 4 40
IT 1154 4 40
1 1114 4 40
17 1144 4 40
0 1111 4 40
HIT 4 14
31 1141 4 40
44 1141 4 45
,. "5 4 44
I lll 4 44
" 1141 4 44
114 4 II
II 1064 4 55
U 1355 4 41
10 1170 4 44
1104 4 45
1101 4 40
1 1344 4 44
4 1174 4 40
1! 1404 4 40
IT 1171 I 40
'J 134 I 00
i ....1141 4 44
5 1171 4 40
1171 4 40
1154 4 44
1 1171 4 40
1074 4 40
41 1121 4 40
' " 4 46
17 14T I 40
I H I 00
1044 i 04
1124 I 04
1 1140 I 40
1 16S0 I 40
80 1640' I 04
44 Ilf.4 4 W
14 414 4 It 14 1074 4 T4
14 444 4 4 0 1104 4 70
1T.W 1434 4 44 44 1111 4 70
I." 444 4 40 9... 1464 4 T4
II 4l 4 41 4 1111 4 TO
11 40T 4 40 14 1141 t 40
95 114 4 44 11 1104 4 04
744 4 44
1 844 I 14 T 1011 a 64
1 1444 8 tl 1 1114 a 40
8 744 I 14 4 1041 a 40
1 844 I 10 7 11M a 44
1 f 44 8 54 I HI 4 00
1 1040 8 10 t 100S 4 04
8 401 I 40 4 1141 4 04
4 444 I 74 4 1101 4 04
1 434 I 00 4 1104 4 04 .
1 430 4 04 7 l0 4 00
1 444 8 M 1 1144 4 44
11 47 8 H 14 HI H
a 474 a Ta a...., 1044 4 44
1 474 t 74 1 454 4 44
a 434 a 74 1 4i4 4 oo
1 434 I It 14 1147 4 05
1 430 I 00 1 1170 4 1
8 4M I 00 8 1154 4 10
1 450 4 00 8 1150 4 14
s 460 a 10 a itio 4 10
1 114 a II II 11 hi 4 14
4 IM a 10 41 10?l 4 10
14 ....10:4 a 14 1 135 4 14
a 1064 a tt a not 4 15
1 1110 I K 1 1060 4 15
T 1101 I 10, 1 1054 4 IS
1 1120 a at 8 1015 4 T5
a 1155 a 40 1 1170 4 II
I 4a a 40 7 111a 4 it
I..., 1111 a 50 14 met 4 II
a 1030 a 50 4 ion 4 II
1 44 4 44 t 1100 4 14
1 1030 a 50 14 441 4 20
1 1144 I 40 4 1071 4 10
a 441 a 50 14 461 4 10
a 1040 a 44 10 1624 4 20
T 1014 a 14 1 1140 4 15
a 1100 8 75 II 1204 4 46
14 1044 a 74 1 120 4 10
1 104 4 74 1 U-54 4 It
II 416 I T6 1 1044 4 16
I Ill I N 1 1220 4 K
1 1UM 8 40 a 1216 4 15
11 HOI 8 45 1 1)40 4 15
1 1"0 4 46 1..... 1400 4 40
i iv74 a at a iou 4 44
1 1006 I T5 1 1754 a 44
1 1414 8 46 ' 1 1640 I 10
1 434 a 00 1 ... 1420 8 16
I lft 3 00 1 1760 I 75
1 1144 I 14 1 1174 4 T5
1 404 4 14 a Tt
1 1114 4 15 1 12M I 75
8 1174 8 44 1 1644 I 10
1 144 I 40 1 1700 I 44
1 134 I 40 1 1(20 a 45
1 474 4 46 1 1730 t W
1 Ill 8 40 1 a. ..1400 4 40
1 1740 a 10 I i 1270 4 10
I 20 a 54 1 ; 404 4 ta
1 1104 a 44
1 110 I 50 I M 49
1 13 4 44 1 100 4 25
4 11 t 40 1 140 4 50
1 IM 4 IOC 4 50
1 IM 4 04 1 140 I 7t
1 120 4 00
I 1 540 1 46 1 ;tu 4 44
Tl 434 1 M 1 1.10 4 00
4 10 I 50 1 564 4 00
4 116 4 44 I , 464 4 44
14 411 4 It 4 1150 4 46
4 44 4 14 a 130 4 14
1 1000 4 14 a 164 4 26
1 l'l 4 II 1 464 4 14
V 461 4 40 44 ltuO 4 41
II 174 4 44 1 740 4 44
14 44 4 5 II 464 4 44
It loao 4 aa I Tut 4 40
14 S4T 4 50 II 44 IH
IC 54 4 54 1 lOel 4 It)
441 4
a.11 M
. 4 Ml
70 4 10
SWI 4 40
Ill 4 40
I0 4 oo
Mi 4 '
4 tf,
7' 4 (tt
HI 4 44
740 4
. 64 4 74
1 lo t in innj 4 10
1 41S I n nn 4
4 417 I 40 I 110 4 10
14 441 t It I IX 4 10
44 I 14 t 4C2 4
7i I IS 1 114 4
I to 1 44 4 l
7 4U I 40 1 711 4 .11
t 475 4 00 4 4 W
710 4 40 1 ll.-O 4 44
1 1140 J fin 1 4T4 t 49
1 ft' I .'ft I til 4 54
1 460 2 75
HOOS Receipts were quite liberal this
morning and, as other msrkets were quoted
a good ueal lower .the market here alao
took a drop. At the start packers
bidding fully a dime lower and the first
sale were made on that basis. Trading
was rather siow at the start, though, as
salesmen wanted more money. Later ln the
day packers took hold with more life, as
they found there were no more hogs than
they wanted and also because more favor
able reports were received from Chicago.
The later sale were 2e better than the
early ones and In some cases as much as a
nickel of the loss was regained. The close
ol the market was very active, so thut an
early clearance was made In spite of the
slow opening. The bulk of the medium
weight hogs sold from 87.06 to 87.10, prime
heavies largely from 8".1i to 37.1." and as
high as 87.20 was paid. The light stuff sold
from 27.06 down. Representative sales:
No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. A v. Sh. Pr.
6 191 ... 6 90 69 m ... 7 07
67 177 ,.. 6 90 61 260 60 7 07W
83. 211 80 6 95 63 !57 80 7 07
72. .....215 W 6 96 67 255. 40 7 07',
67...T..228 90 6 97V4 71 278 120 7 07't,
6S 235 80 7 00 63 271 90 7 07
61 226 ... 7 OO 16 220 ... 7 07',
82 209 ... 7 00 7$ 1142 ... 7 07
61 208 80 7 00 63 271 ... 7 07
20 176 ... 7 00 38 249 ... 7 07
67 21 ... 7 00 70 247 120 7 07
68 228 160 7 00 63 269 ... 7 07
9 223 ... 7 06 74 238 SO 7 07
82 220 80 7 06 69 245 40 7 10
78 22S ... 7 06 ' 41..... .208 ... 7 15
63 220 80 7 05 61. 278 120 7 10
72 210 80 7 02. 71 247 M 7 10
60 249 ... 7 024 64 260 160 7 10
77 222 160 7 024 77 263 40 7 10
70 211 ... 7 05 M 2S 130 7 10
44 260 160 7 06 70 252 ... 7 10
47 240 ... 7 08 64. .....247 ... 7 10
84 229 ... 7 05 68 268 160 7 10
67 242 ... 7 06 tW 257 ... 7 10
60 218 80 7 06 78 239 40 7 10
69 232 ... 7 05 Tl 254 80 7 10
63 245 ... 7 05 60 247 ... 7 10
64 2.16 80 7 06 65 264 ... 7 10
28 270 40 7 05 30 2S6 ... 7 10
43.'.. ...238 40 7 05 66 244 ... 7 10
66 235 ... 7 05 69 262 ... 7 10
75 236 40 7 06 70 234 40 7 10
18.. .....265 ... 7 06 72 229 120 7 10
6......242 120 7 06 23 270 ... 7 10
63 230 80 7 06 56 263 40 7 10
67 247 120 7 06 76 269 ... 7 10
74.... . 244 40 7 05 63 24 80 7 W
77 238 200 7 06 20 2 ... 7 10
" 243 ... 7 05 68 248 80 7 10
62 233 80 7 05 70 234 ... 7 10
68 221 120 7 06 62 2ti8 40 7 10
78. .....210 ... 7 05 60 274 ... 7 12
76 .231 80 7 05 61 268 ... 7 12
73 227 120 7 08 66 2X8 ... 7 17
67 246 ... 7 05 71 290 ... 7 12
62 260 80 7 05 66 264 40 7 12
72 245 120 7 05 74 261 160 7 12
64 2K4 ... 7 06 48 299 80 7 12
66 270 ... 7 06 78 2S4 40 7 15
65 238 ... 7 06 21 302 ... 7 16
73 216 SO 7 06 60 279 ... 7 15
78 226 SO 7 06 64 802 ... 7 16
73 234 120 7 05 48 81S 80 7 15
46 249 ... 7 07 68 278 ... 7 16
72 259 ... 7 074 20 276 ... 7 16
61 256 80 7 07 (6 801 ... 7 15
HI 250 160 7 07 66 322 80 7 16
74 2S0 ... 7 074 40 874 ... 7 20
99 275 40 7 074 49 292 ... 7 20
63......2o2 40 7 07 4 60 268 ... 7 20
8HEEP There was a moderats run of
sheen and lambs here this morning and the
market did not show much change from
yesterday. Buying, though. Was not very
brisk and it waa evident that there was a
weak undertone to the market. A shipment
of Arisona sheep arrived, but they were
consigned direct to a local packer and not
offered on the market. Some clipped year
lings of fairly good quality brojght 36.35
nnd clipped lambs sold at $5.90. Some spring
lambs weighing 40 pounds went at 37.00T
The quality of the offerings was nothing
extra and, while the more desirable grades
sold about steady, the common stuff waa
undoubtedly a little lower.
There was no Dartlcular rhanaro In th
feeder situation. Supplies were light and
so was the demand.
Quotations for wooled stock: Choice
western lamps. a7.UKa7.40; fair to good
lambs. $6.506.90; choice Colorado Iambs,
$7.007.40; choloe light weight yearlings.
$6,404)6.60; fair to good yearlings, $5.2566.66;
choice wethers, $6.00(04.20; fair to good
wether, $6.75fa6.00; choice ewes, $5.26i.60;
fair to Jtood ewes, $4.506.26; feeder lambs,
$4.00(36.25; feeder yearlings, $4.00(34.75: feeder
wethers, $3.7504.25; feeder ewe, 82.254)3 50;
clipped stock sell about 6075c lower than
Wooled stock. Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr.
1 buck 190 4 00
8 ewes 76 6 00
1 ewe 100 6 00
$ ewe 86 6 00
260 western ewe 86 6 20
67 western wether 98 6 36
1 western ewe 110 6 50
297 western lambs., 74 6 90
333 western lamb 70 5 90
619 clipped ewes 100 4 60
4ft reeaei tamp so 5 uo
263 clipped wether 82 6 00
315 clipped Iamb 60 i 60
n native ewes ana lamb 118 6 00
28 spring lambs 40 7 00
Cattl I.wr, Hags Close Stroagr, bat
Sheep Ar Slaw aad Weak.
CHICAGO. April 16. CATTLE Receipts.
11.000 head; steady to 10c lower; good to
prime steers. 85.ioea.76: poor to medium.
4.26(2i6.0O: stockers and feeders. $3 00416.00;
cows. $1.60tff4.75; heifers, $2.60a'5.00; cannera,
$1.6092.75; bulla, $2.60ft4.60; calves, $3.JG.00;
Texas fed steers, $4.0.'di5.10.
HOOS Receipts, 19,000 head; estimated to
morrow, 16,000 head; left over, 2,600 head;
opened dull, 510c lower; closed stronger;
mixed and butchers. $7.0007.25: good to
choice heavy, 7.:k7.45; rough heavy, $7.00 if
7.30; light, $6,754(17.10; bulk of sales, $7.06
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9.000
head: slow, weak: lamba. choice, strong:
others weak: good to choice wethers. 84 76i
7.66; fair to choice mixed, 84.COiS4.75; western
sheep, 4.7&rqa.i6; native lambs, 44.ckW7.uO;
western lambs, $4.604I7.00.
Official yesterday;
Receipts. Shipments.
Cattl 24.244 6,761
Hogs 23.899 1,39
bneep 10.168 257
Kaaaas City Llv Stack Market.
ceipts, 6,500 head natives, 1,000 head Tex
ans and 200 head calves, mostly natives;
beef steers, UKrjloc lower; quarantine,
steady to lower; cows, 10&25C lower; stock-
vib BBifU icvuciio, renin . uuiiw, Birau; ,
choice export and dressed beef steers. $4.76ft
4.20: rair to gooa, j.(xkh. d; Blocker ana
feeders, X3.ZotH.o; western red steer. 38 fiOfi
6.00; Texas and Indian steer, $3.00Ca4.76;
Texas cows. $2.6O4.0O: native cows. tMB'cf
4.60; native heifers. $3.90fi4.;5; canners, $1.6)
00; bulls. 82 6tr3.70; calves, $J.OOrf7.6o.
HOOS Receipt , 11.000 head; market 7H?J
10c lower: top. $7.30; bulk of sales. $7.(.d
7.20; heavy, $7.HVir7.30- mixed packers. $6 974
Il i a': ngni, o sx'wi.iu; yoraere, 4i.or'(ii.iu.
HHKKl' AMIJ I.AMIIS- rlecelpt. 7.500
. A . marlu, I..WU-' .. u M.i- J Uiu.
H. n 1 ...... not ....... , ' 1 ' ...,., v ' "L.
8.(4); western lambs, I4 2")7 90; fed rtii,
4 ifcS.6o; native wethers, $4.6ogf6.60; Texas
clipped sheep, $3.2oi4.60.
. 1
ew York Live Stock Market.
NEW YORK, April 16. CATTLE No re
celpts; dressed beef steady; city dressed
liatlve sides, extreme weight, 7;i94c; cables
quoted American steers, 11442124c, dressed
weight: exports today, 396 beeves, 140 sheep.
CALVES Receipts. 36 head; no trading
of much account; a few common veals sold
at $4.0oeio.(i0; city dressed veals, extreme
range, 6'n'124c.
HOOS Receipts, 1.670 head; rated weak;
reported sale, $7.60 per rwt, for state hogs.
SHEEP AND LA-MBS Receipts, 4,142
head; very slow, considerably lower; prim
lambs steady, others uncommonly dull, al
most nominal; unshorn sheep sold at $5 per
cwt; clipped at $4.6iKn6.36; unshorn lamba at
$7.0o7.9o; clipped, $7.26; culls. $4.60; a few
Mate spring lamos, $3.60(34.00 each; dressed
mutton, general sales, tVp'104c per lb.;
dressed lambs, extrem range, 841340.
St. Joaepk Llv Stack Market.
ceipts, 2,10) head; steady to 10c lower; na
tives. U i'4if); cows and heifers, $2,264)
$.00; stockers and feeders, $3 6'j250o.
HOOS Receipts. 6.627 head; b410c lower:
pigs In demand; light and light mixed. $6 8)
4l7 174; medium and heavy, $7.oJ4j7.0;
bulk. $7.124.7 25. ,
head; fed sheep, steady j graase.- and
lambs, 104116c lower.
St. l.aala live Stack Market.
ST. IM'IS. April 16. CATTLE Receipt.
2.OU0 head, including 11) head Texana:
market barely steady; native shipping and
export steers, $4 6tf6 36; dressed beef snd
butcher steer. $4.iu 26; slarr under l.iaiO
lbs., $3.faa.u0l uckr ana f4j-. $3.d
, IM 4 44
. 4 Ml
111 4 10
44 4 t
III 4 4"
70 4 41
40 1 Ao
7 I 14
42 I SA
4 SO; cows nd heifer, $;.2T.4JJ no; canner.
4 Ll On; bulls, 8J.oo4j4.oO. calves, 13 Vu.
1.26. Texas and Ind an stti. 3 4 vo.''.
cows and heifer, (b.2v8.7a. .
IUKJS Receipts. 4.i"0 head; market IT w,
b4iIov lower; rig d lights, tH-'-lff . .
packers. 3i.2v4;' 8o; butcher. $7 SHi7 io.
811k:EP AND LA M HS Receipts, 1.
head: market quiet; native miittona. $4(iO(i
; lambs. ItiociisO"': culls and buck. $2 j
u'tn.oO; stockers," $2.0org3.i6; Texans, $l.-.(;
Klaax City Live Stork Market.
SIOUX CITY, la., AprinA tSpeclal Tel
egram. 1 CATTLE, 4. head; stockcr
steady; kllkrs lic lower; beeves. 4.('it
6.O0; cow bulls and mixed, $2.5i6i4.2d: stock
era and feeders, $3.0og4.4o; calves and year
ling. t:t.0"i 4.5H A
HOOS Receipts. 2,2"1 head. MarketToi
10c lower; bulk, $7.01141 7.10. I
Stork In lgrht.
Following were the receipts of live stock
at the six principal western cltle yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha 6,4!1 9.181
Chicago ll.iioo 19.000
Kansas City 6..V1O 11,0m)
St. l.Olll.a 3,(KI 4.000
St. Joseph , 2.106 6.6.7
Sioux City 400 2,200
....IS. 497 61.008 23,85
. Cotton Market.
sales 100 bales; ordinary, 8 6-luc; good
ordinary, 8 13-16c; low middling, 9i-l6c;
middling. loc; good middling, I0 91c; mid
dling fair, li4c; receipts, 3,)iu bales; stock,
146,6s bales. Futures eteadv; April, n.loc;
May, lo.llrno.l2c; July, 10.14(tjl0.1bc; August,
9.WKfj9.61c; September, 8.794i.!Oc; October,
n.3sfti6.39c; November, 8.248.26cj December,
NrV YORK. April 16. COTTON Opened
steady at unchanged prices to a decline of
3 points and ruled generally higher during
the entire seMSlon; soon after the call July
advanced 24(3 points and after midday short
covering brought about a slight advance;
the market closed barely steady at within
1 point of the lowest and at a decline of
Vgl points. Speculation was quiet during
most of tne day and seemed to consist al
most entirely of professional operations,
partaking ot an evenlng-up character; the
declining tendency waa largely due to ru
mors concerning shipments of cotton to this
point for delivery on May Hnd July con
tracts, should such lie required; nothing
very oefinlte developed along this line, but
It was stated that some 2.0i) bales had al
ready been shipped here from Liverpool,
with more to follow, both from there and
from Bremen, in case ot another advance.
These reports were met with Incredulity
ln some quarters, but the bull clique seemed
perfectly willing to allow prices to slide
back possibly to discourage shipments In
this direction and their actions encouraged
Ihe room to go short. Other news was not
particularly Important, but had a bearish
average. Port receipts were 9,006 bales,
against 8,863 last year. Weather conditions
remain favorable. The IJverpool markK
acted about as expected end wss generally
without Influence. The southern spot rh'nT
kets are firmly held, but there Is little busi
ness reported. Sale of futures estimated
at 100,000 bales.
ST. LOl'IS. April 16 COTTON-8teady ;
middling, 10 1-16c; receipts. 1,367 bales; ship
ments, 1.42S bales; stock, 17.646 bales; suies,
In fair demand; prices unchanged to 2
points higher; American middling, fair,
6.94d; good middling, 6.64d; middling, 6 4V1;
low middling, 6.34rl; good ordinary, 6.16d;
ordinary, 5.04d. The sales of the day were
10.000 bales, of which 2,000 were for specu
lation and export and Included 8.700 Ameri
Ican; receipts, 6,000 bales, including 6, full
American. Futures opened steady and)
closed quiet; American middling, g. o. c,
April, 5.24r6.25d; April and May, B.24f33.25d;
May and June, 6.254t6.26d; June and July.
6.26d; July and August, 6.2&4r6.2Rd; August
and September 6.15'ii5.16d ; September and
October, 4.60d; October and November, 4.60d;
November and December, 4.64d,
Philadelphia Frodnce Market.
Quiet; prints lc lower: extra western
creamery. 28c; extra nearby prints. 29c.
EOG8 Steady. fair demand; Tesh
nearby, 144c, at the mark; weatern, Ibc;
southwestern. 15c; southern, 14c.
CHEESE Firmer; New York full creams,
prime small, 144c; fair to good small, 14'Vrf
144c; prime large, 14144c; fair to good
large, 134j(!'133c,
Dry Goods Market.
slightly Improved tone Is evident In the
general market, but buyers are still con
servative in their Ideas regarding the fu
ture. Instructions have been received by
department heads . In Jobbing houses
throughout the country to reduce stock as
far aa possible before adding to supplies On
Minneapolis Wheat, Flonr and Bran.
764j77c; May, 744c; July, 74H,47744c;
on track. No. 1 hard, llc. No. 1 northern,
76T4;c: No. 2 northern, 784c; No. $ northern,
FLOUR First patents. $3.964pt.05; second
patents, $3.854)3.95; first clears, $2. 8542. 95;
second clears, $2.364j'2.45.
BRAN In bulk, $10.00010.60.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS, April 16. WOOL Dull and
Inactive; medium grades and combing. V.i'it
18c; light fine. 14(fl7c; heavy fine, log 13c;
tub-washed, 1847284c.
NEW YORK, April 16. WOOL Firm.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thurs
day, April 16:
Warranty Deeds.
Mary Rowden and husband to E. J.
Dee, a tract In se4 se4 and part
tax lot 20, In 10, and government lpt
8. In 11-14-13 $ Z.oO)
Johan I-obbs and wife to Henry Jepp,
w4 10-16-11 1
3. F. O. Rundback and wife to Hanna
L. Anderson, n4 lot 4, block 70,
South Omaha 1,000
Omaha tteaity company to Tukey
Land company, Leasentlne's Sara
toga add
Mary Miller to J. H. Beardsley, 32
feet lot 18. block 4. JdcUavock
O'K.'a add 1,000
Same to Lydia Beardsley, w 324 ft
of e 95 feet lot 18, block 4, same 1,001
Frank Schulti and wife 10 A. J.
Rosum, lot 2, block 8. 8. E Rogers'
add '. 2,50)
F. H. Hawkins and wife to S. A.
Yeager, w4 of e4 lot 8, Hawe's sdd I.600
Nicholas Holmes and wife to Mrs.
Frank Belne, n 60 feet of s 160 feet
lot 8. Barker's allotment
C. H. Brlggs and wife to Axul Hult,
part lot 32. ln 22-15-13
Citizens Bank of Omaha to Frank
Peleusky and wife, lot 16, block 18,
2d add to Bedford Place 15)
Axul Hult and wife to C. H. lirlgga.
part lot 82, ln 22-15-13 1
Douenia ruweu 10 r.ieanor K. Brace,
lot 10. block 3. Hoffman terrace so.
Charles Claussen and wife to J. F
Murphy, lot 6, block 4. Belvedere add 1
J. F. Murphy to Carrie Claussen,
same 1
Unit Claim Deeds.
Theodore C. and C J. Moe to Llzxl
C. Oraham, lot 19, block 2. Moe's
subdlv -
Total amount of transfers
Teats for Us of IsasalaTraats.
WINNIPEG, Man., April 16-Two cor
losds of military tents, promised by the
military department for the use of Imrnl-
R rants, have been received here. Fourteen
undred more tents are expectd today
place your orders with
Members Principal Exchanges '
wnt for our dally letter.
i34 Board Trad Building, Omaha.
'Plion 10U8 and 1017. PRIVATE WIRES.
Mambsrs Principal Exchange
Prlvat Wires.
110-111 Board of Trad.
W. g. WARD. Mgr. Tataphon UU
Consign your (rail) to th
Aad you will gat best weight, bast price
4uid quick returns.