THE OMATTA DAILT BEE: FHIDAY, AmiL 17, 1903. 10 Picture Itept. Third Floor. SM P5BKI JO ilQlli ON SALE TODAY THE Greatest Dress Goods Purcliaso WE EVER MADE- From the United States Custom House Wo bought from the U. S. custom house over 40,000 yard lengths of the highest grade and latest style Black and Colored Dress Oooda for spring and snmmrr. There are five, alz and aeven or a kind to match enough for entire ladlea' suit or cos tume. This la an opportunity to secure $2.60 Dresa (Joods for 85c. Do not fall to come tomorrow. Tell your friends about this sale; they will thank you for It. Today at At 39c 25c i- 39c At 25c Skirt and dress lengths of all our Dress Ooods. In black and all colors sold aa high as 85c a yard at S.OOOYards of Cloth. Tweeds, Cheviots and Serges Still greater bargalna than last week. These goods bought from a prominent woolen mill they are In black and all colors and come In from 3 to 7 yd. lengths valued aa high aa $3 yd., at. saHSSMaasMasssaasassaBM Stacka of Dress Goods, In every weave and color three to seven-yard lengths that sold as high as $1.50 a yard- at Wash Goods at 10c Moussellne Batiste, Madras, pieces 10c Silk three to eeven-yard ninny of them alike go at a yard Wash Ooods at 25c. Dress lengths of Grenadines, Bwlsses, madras, Moussellne de Bole, etc., regular 75c ICT Wash Oooda, at per T yard assis-re Black Silk Remnants at 69c ManufactJrrr's entire line of Black Silk. Samples, In yard and a quarter lengths There are Black Silks of all descriptions-' If rnn.i i Sole Tnffiitas. Satin, etc. many matching Hip tT-l!MA for skirts and waists will be sold tomorrow lu one lot U 1 Jfj j 1 m0 W on big bargain square at a yard. I Milk ait le Yard Satin Foulartls. Twilled Foulards, Corded and 4 -rv Wash Silks, worth up to $1 a yard, many of them to match up-on 1 C D&rg-iin a(junrH . Laces Traces, Inaertlngs and Oaloona, In strips and remnants of the finest ma terials, worth up to 25c, go at 10c, 5c, 31c, 24c Embroideries Baimple strips -of the finest Embroid eries and Insertlngs, every desirable width, worth as high as 50c, at 25c-15c-10c-7ic-5c 31c Sam I Strl s of almost every style of lace your choice of thousands Jg of strips ut - 8,000 yards of rem ants sf Valenciennes and torchon laces and Insertlngs 1 1"2C worm up 10 00 a yard, go at GRAND REMNANT SALE IN THE BASEMENT Fine Dress Swisses, actually worth up to 85c a yard, 1n long fir remnants, go at yard siw Dimities, Lawns, Batistes, etc. bargain square worm up to cc ,...r- Fine Mercerised Walstlngs In plain white, black and white damask patterns, basket weaves, etc., O Sir worth up to $1, at a yard aWcJfc. Fine Corded Glnathama big bar gain square plain weaves Qlr would be cheap at 16c, at yd... "J Fine Mercerised Foulards In long remnants, worth 1-V4c, go ' tSlr at a yard Fine Yard WlileSllkollne none bet ter at any price worth 10c, ft If go at a yard UiS Art TIcklUKS, Art Denims and Cre tonnes, worth up to 40c, go Ific at-a yard IVk Mercerised Sateens, In plain black and colors, worth up to 40c, IDr fo aa long as they last at, yd. ne All I.lnen dtlnahama and Mer cerised Ginghams, worth up ta 50o a yard, go at a lvlr yard w Watch Our Windows 26c, go at a yard. Mercerised WaUtlnars, basket weaves, damask patterna, etc.. In short remnants, worth up to 60c, go aa long aa they last at lOc a yard ,uv Beat Grade Prints one big bargain square In black and white, blue and white, grays and fancies none bet ter at any price go at . lip a yard t3W Tomorrow we place on sale all our accumulated remnants of fine Table Damask, running In lengths from 1H to SH yards, at about one-half their real worth. Watch Our Windows TO TEST NEW REVENUE LAW Western Union Telegraph Company Opposes the Gross Earnings Flan. SUPERINTENDENT H0RT0N TELLS WHY lays It ia Not Fair to Impose game Method of Taxation on Telearraph . Property aa ia Applied to Express Companies. The new revenue law enacted by the late legislature la about to run up against Its first snag. The Western Union Telegraph company threatens to make a legal test of the section which regulatea Its taxation. It may do this by proceeding directly with a court case or It may take the defensive by refusing to comply with the law In making returns of Its taxable property. The precise grounds have not been definitely determined on. The revenue law provides that telegraph, telephone and express companies shall be assessed upon their tangible property and In addition thereto upon their gross earn ings for one year as their franchise values. It la this feature which Is objectionable to the Western Union, says Superintendent fiorton of Omaha. ' "I am not prepared to say what our people Intend doing," said Mr. Horton, "but they are not satisfied with the new law., It Is not fair tb Impose upon us the same method of taxation aa la proposed to regulate express companies, for the good and sufficient reason that express com panies have scarcely any property taxable as compared with what we have. . "We have valuable planta and systems ver the state our own property while press companies rent most all the val uable property they use. They have noth ing to pay taxes on except their wagons, horses and office fixtures snd such things as that. Then again, this law la wrong, because It Is based on a false and erroneous theory of taxation. This franchise value Is all wrong. There Is nothing equitable 4tr sane In that. The combination fixed up la that section looks very auch llku double taxation. "We did not go down to the legislature and, try to prevent the passage of this or any other law; we took no hand In the leg islature. That is not our way of doing business. We believe In letting the legis lature attend to its own affairs and then If we have any grlevancea look to the courta lor redrese." It will be recalled by those who followed the proceedings of this legislature closely that the very provision of the new revenue law to which the Western Union objects looked good to the Omaha Street Railway company; so good. In fact, that that cor poration simply exhausted Its resources In endeavoring to get under that sec tlon, The fact of the matter is that through the skillful maneuvering of Its lobbyists It did sltp In twice, but twice was exposed and pried out, the bill finally going through with street railways taxed on a different basis. In many cases of asthma Plso's Cur for Consumption gives relief that la almost equal to a cure. . ...... Our ad on Page 7 la full of tnterest ter read It. Hayden Bros. bet THE Bt&NNKTT COMPANY. A Great Table Special for Friday. BUTTER! BUTTER!! BUTTER!!! BENNETT'S CAPITOL CREAMERY the richest, sweetest, freshest, nicest table but ter that ever left a perfectly modelled dairy. TOMORROW, FRIDAY, I-LB. BRICK8, 25C. The equal in quality of Bennett's Capitol Creamery Is hard to get, and you are paying SOc and 32c a pound tor butter not so good. Here la an actual saving of from 6c to 7c a pound and getting quality and satisfaction at the same time. Per pound, 25c. A COFFEE SPECIAL Fine, mild, rich Santoa, fresh roasted, tomorrow, per lb., lOo. A SOUP SPECIAL Fine quality soups, assorted kinds. In 1-lb. cans, only, per can, Be ; GROCERY DEPARTMENT BASEMENT. Attend Ceclllan Club drawing and recital at Piano Player Co. Parlors, Saturday even ing, ApiHl 18th. Seats free. Piano Players and Pianos tor rent. Tel. 1450. If you want to be entertained read, our ad on Page 7. Hayden Bros. Don't miss reading our ad on Page 7. Hayden Bros. Douglas Printing Co., 1508 Howard. Tel. (44. GREAT CLOTHING SALE IATLRDAY. J. 1j. Brandela A Sons Place on Sale Saturday One of the Finest Retail Stocks of BroadWay, N. Y. CHOICE OF HACKETT CARHART'S EN ENTIRE STOCK. See tomorrow's papers for full particu lars of the greatest clothing sale that has even been held In Omaha. J. L. BRANDEIS ft SONS. . , , Prope., Boston Store. We're going to have sales read about them on Page T. Hayden Bros. MRS. J. BENSON Knit Underwear for spring and summer we can give you most" any thing you can wish for in light weight knit under wear long sleeves, short sleeves, -or no sleeves Xti ankle or knee length weight from finest gauze to ill J H medium heavy. Vvv'h yi'M- Union Suits and vest pants with the tew eques trienne band and Trench belt-with" jersey or um brella kuee prices from the lowest to the highest. .WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF OUT SIZES. MP f I i; 1 V A NA SH SCUnOLLER MUELLER 1313 FA RN AM GREATEST SALE OF GREAT PIANOS 'THIS SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE it the GREATEST SALE of GREAT PIANOS ever held west of Chicago 160,000 worth of elegant 1903 Pianos are telling and telling fatt at 30 per cent off eastern pricetat less than wholesale!. They won't last long! Va Parlor Do- Now $375 rlfht high $262.50 quality very popular variety of styles. Wa Puritan model Now $400 celebrated make $280 betutiful ve neersUsed by many artists. Was Cabinet Up- Now $425 right styl- $297.50 ish beautiful , entrancing; in tone many designs Was Modified Colonial Now $450 distinctly new $315 designs great va riety of handsome woods. Was Florentine . Now $475 model widely $332-50 celebrated for volume and purity of tone. Was Rennissanoe Cab- Now $500 inet Grand hand $350 carved elegant woods unsurpassed In tono. Sightly used CiAtoCfie pianos 5i4J We do fine repairing In our own factory. I Pianos perfectly tuned at small cost. TELEPHONES: Omaha, 1625. Co. Bluffs. 368. IOWA BRANCH: 602 Broadway, Counoll Bluffs. Quantity vs. quality. Remember the dog fan-, cler who said, "$50 for such, a little dogl Why. It does n't weigh over four pounds." "I know, mister," said the dealer, "but I'm not offer ing It to you as sausage." Yes, you can get tbree ready-made suits some places for the same money you'll pay for a "Mac Carthy made" suit. You'll be DRESSED In our' one suit it will hang on to Us grace of fit, Us style. Its artlstocratlo look until the last thread Is gone. You'll never be dressed In the other three they'll cover your nakedness, and that's all their "shape" will take wings the first day the "At" will nit with a week's wear, for It's all PRESSED (not tailored) Into the suit. Put that In your pipe and smoke It! $25 to $45 for Topcoats and Suits. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 1710-12 Farnara St.. Phone ISOS. BceBslldlpr. Yep! The Court House ts still opposite. DOT IMP TUB RELIABLES STOKE An Extraordinary Sail In U C iK Boys' and Children's UL3UUU nin.:- Friday and 8A f UHOAY, Tha blaaest elothlaar valaea ever offered. The ekoteest variety la prlnar elothlnsr. Kvery gjaraseat eat aa tailored fcy sklllfal workaaca la tka latest faakloaa. Boys' Suits- In very desirable patterns. In gray and brown mixtures. In light medium and dark colore, made In vestee, Norfolk and double-breasted styles special sale prices Boys' Suits In a great variety of very desirable pat terns. In light, medium and dark, colors; made In vestee, ' Norfolk and double breasted styles special sale prices Boys'Suits- In very handsome patterns. In all shades, light and dark colors; pants made with extension waist band, double seat and knees, reinforced tape seams, many of the pants lined throughout; made In vestee, Norfolk, double-breasted and three-piece styles; suits worth up to $4 sale price only 1.50 1.50 2.50 ForS3.96- We have the greatest assortment of boys' suits ever shown In the city. These suits come In all the lateBt shades and fabrics, . black or blue, cheviots, tjasslmeres, silk mixed worsteds, Thlbets and unfinished worsteds; padded shoulders, buttonholes hand made; any style desired; any size you want, from t to It years special sale price only 3.95 Children's Extremely Nobby Styles In reds, blues. 1.95 IN JUVENILE SUITS. The nobbiest and swelleat things In imported and domestic fabrics. browns, fancy cheviots, tweeds and homespuns, in the new popular styles, sailor blouse and sailor Norfolk, agea 2ft to 10 years BALE PRICES $5.75 down to ' YOUTHS SUITS Sizes 12 to 20 years an Immense assortment, In blacks and Wiiea, In fancy cheviots, cassimeres, Thlbets and unfinished worsteds, in Ugiu, mea.'im and dark colors; In single and double-breasted styles made up In O flsfS regular and varsity cuts, a young man's swell suit, worth $5 to $15 J -1 1 1 1 SPECIAL SALE AT $10, $7.60, $6, $5 and Boys' Odd Long Pants- Ages 12 to 19, regular $1.50 to f I" I to $3.00 values, on sale at jl I Full Set of Teeth, $3 Graduate dentiats admitted to our course for SiOO.OO. We make money by teaching our course and don t need to charge suctt high price All Work I This Offer DTmaFir- Ooodrntll .?"MraT;r.f.0i! I April 15. $5.00 Gold Crowns. $3 00 IN ORDER TO INCREASE OUR CLINICJ w want every man, woman and child ta have their mounths examined by the pro fessors of thU college. Small charges tor material. We do as we Advertise. IT rm Bet of Treih.W A uOo'1 FTllr.a.7&f . up Teeth extracted free. Fillings frora..z6c, up !Zk Gold Crowns... J Bridge Work. 12.86. up UNION DENTAL COLLEGE OF PA1NT.EPS DENTISTRY. 1&2I DOUGLAS STREET. ROOM 4 Open Dally; Nighis till s. Sundays, I to 4 MERCHANTS HXTIOHAL DANK. OF OMAHA.- fiTED STATES fmmk Hvp, ifini Stl tmtt fl,t S UBS(TOHV. fCCRUHKARDS $1.95, $1.50, $1.23 and. Boys' Odd Knee Pants- Ages 3 to 16 years, choice of 75o to $1.00 values, on sale at 60o and, 35c READ GREAT SALES ON SEVENTH PAGE Ml Selling the Most Clothing id Omaha.' Your Spring or Summer Suit if made by us will be far the " handsomest suit you have ever worn-. Our exclusive patterns are the finest and nobbiest ever shown. Let us show them to you. We hav,. the finest line of Imported woolens In the city. Suits from $35.00 to $40.00. . . J. A. Kervan Tailoring Company 1316 Farnam Street Men's Swell Spring Attire No matter how low a price you pay here for a suit, you can rest as sured that the garment is not only stylish, but full of good wear. A nx -wvH '' ' N ''it iJ Our $7.50 and $10.00 Suits possess all the best polnta of the goods shown elsewhere for one third more money, that being, the extent to which our superior pur chasing power enables us to un dersell other local clothing stores. While our finer and fluest Suits at $f3.5Q, $16.50 . and $20 cannot be improved upon by mer chant tailors who charge twice these prices. The most radical tastes, as well as the most con servative, can here be suited to a "T." Just state your wants or pref erence and we'll lay before you gar ments that will come. up to your highest expectations. V . . . JEWELERS AMD WATCH MAKERS The latest in watches and Jewelry of all descriptions. A fine assortment of mantle clocks just received. Our prices very low. Watch and. Jewelry repairing done In first-class order and satisfaction guaranteed. - P. EetFLODMAN & CO.. JEWELERS TELEFHCNE 1574. v 1514 CAPITOL AVENUE. - e - Pennsylvania Ball Bearing Greater American Our bright new stock of improved lawn mowers Is the largest our prices the lowest. E40SE ... Gardea Hois at. aw special prices sjaar- I C iit anteert brands. 1 W L J- Lawn Rakes Screea Wire Pooltrr Krlllnf- MILTON ROGERS & SONS CO., REFRIGERATORS, FILTERS. 14th and Farnam Sts. Sherman at hlcConnell Drug Co.. Oaoaha. Fins Show Cass for Sala With five decks, making SO feet of show case room; made of oak, with plate glaae top. sliding glass doors and marble base. Also a 10 syrup drawer can Tuft soda foun tain In good condition, with fine counter and work board. Write or call for par ticulars. We are still leading the bunch in price cutting and submit new lists dally, showing the difference between our prices and those or all wouiu-ue cuiuikuwi.. 6c Cutlcura Salve 5c Doan s Kidney Pills $1.00 Warner's Bate Cure.... 25c Hurkhart's Vegetable Compound.. 36c Fterce'a Pills ioe Moler'a Cod Liver Oil tl 00 Ir. Pierce's Remedies ooc Wizard Oil $1.00 Hers Malt Whiskey $1.00 Pure Canadian Malt Whiskey.... $1(0 Puffva Malt Whiskey $100 Nervlta .' ado Nervlta $1.00 Temptation Tonic $2(X Chester's Pennyroyal Pllla ., 1.00 reruna all you wani CUT PRICB DRUQ STORB I've ! T4T T7. . W. Car. lsltk 39c 74c , 19c , 64c , 6to . 19c , tlc . 76c . 76c . 7c . 4c . 25c .11.00 . 61c SCIIflEFER'S The Man who never buys anything until he can buy the best is geoally a prosperous man. That kind of a rule Is almost sure to bring prosperity every time. Helgren&Gradmann Tailor. 309 S. 16th Street. None but skilled union labor employed 1 If a Buggy drive gives you pleas ure, you'll find that the pleasure is doubled by riding in a vehicle that is new, light running and of beautiful finish, correct design. That is the kind we carry the finest In Omaha. , If you are' in the market for a smart Surrey or Runabout II for the beoulevard, you'll find it at Carriages and horse furnishings. Andersen Millard Co. 1516-18 Capitol Are. 60c Underwear 15c Mens' Fancy Underwear, the regulation $1.00 a suit article, on sale, starting this morning for 15c a . garment, or SOo a suit, not more than two aults to any one customer. No such underwear bargain has ever been given in this town. Are you going to buy a new hat? You want one that looks as good as a $5.00 ona and only costs $3.00. Then let us shew you the Young Hat. There are none better. Are you going to buy a new Spring Suit? If so let us show you some' of the Alfred Benjamin make, for which we are the ex clusive agents In Omaha. We sell you a Benjamin suit sa low as $12.60. Afler we have our expert tailor Bt this suit to your body do one will ever take It for a ready made suit. It you are a -good union man and want the union label on your clothes we can show you suits at $7.60 and $10.00 that you yourself will have to acknowl edge to be worth more money. THE GUARANTEE CLOTHINO CO.. 1519-1621 Douglas St. ...IGNITO... CUT THIS AD out and take It to the Nebraska-Iowa Auto Lighter Co., 105 8o. 15th St., and get one of their SELF-LIGHTING OAS mantels, at same price you pay tor an ordinary mantel. Otter good for 10 days only. Tel. 1617. ; Home Seekers' Rales lillnpil lito i I have not space to show you all the low rates that we are offering to the west, northwest and southwest, but if you will write me where you want to go I will tell you the best and cheapest way to make your trip. I can probably give you some pointers that will save you time and money. - ) One far plus two dollars on the first and third Tuesdays of each month to a great many western, northwestern and south western points. Write me for detalla. J. D, REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent. 1502 F.ritam St., Omaha. H ,1 If horses could talli P3sSEfl!r'T sta at - s-s r they'd tell you there's as much to the fit of a harness for a horse - ao mcic IB vj mc ui, v.i a, ouu mi 4 nt rtm f Ming Ifl tvi M mng a man. Besides that, the horse is (IL as prqud of the superior style, . . workmanship and finish of his harness as a boy witli a new top. We use the best oak tanned leather; mountings guaranteed ; prices cut to the closest margin. Special Orders Our Feature We can show more fine coach and runabout harness than any establishment in the west. - , Spoke Brushes Brooms Mane Combs Tall Ties. SIf reifto rn is h 1 210 Farri om-st OMAHA GRIPS Are a nice thing to have If you have a ' nice one. We sell Leather Grips, full leather lined, also canvas lined. We have the kind that are neat and nobby and don't wear out. We make them and can give you any style or slse. Our prices will ault you, too. REPAIRING PONE. TELEPHONE! 1058. iaos TARXAHST. -TOONK-FAdOHY- EVERY NICKEL YOU SPEND THOUGHTLESSLY ia gono forever Every nickel you save is a step toward independence. l -'r We Pay 4 Per Cent on All Deposits. City Savings Batik, S. E. Cor. 16th & Douglas Sts. How 'Are Your Floors Excursions Southwest If your floors don't Just suit you, "TELL I S YOUR TROl'BLKS." We will tell you What to do. If there are CRACKS, we have a PASTE CRACK FILLER- lr box made on purpose for this. It won't SHRINK after filling as it would If you use putty) If the floor la rough and fopen-graJned." we have Unuld Killer, which makec It smooth and ready to tHke the finlfhlng coata of paint or stain. We, of coursu, Tiave the Kl-OOH l'AINT for every-day floor painting. This comes In eluht xhadts and DRIES hard in ONE NIGHT. And then the FLOOR-LAC (this is varnish stain for floors) which comes in oak, mahogany, walnut, cherry, nwewood and ebony. Kloor-Iao stains and var nishes at one operation. If your Moors are ALL RIGHT NOW in sur.'iice and color but need renewing a bit- r some of our in RABLE FIXlOR VARNISH (made for floor and nothing else, mlr.d you- nil ap ply one coat. Or If you hav a HAHI -WOfl floor and wnrt It WAXED, we aell the WAX-all ready to apply. CALL FOR COIXJR CARD. Sherman & McConnell Drui Co Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Coraer kiatreatb mmd DoJae gtreets. OMAHA, EB. Firt and third Tuesday each month over the Santa Fe. One fare, plus 2, round trip, lirnt class, Chicago and Kuiinus City to Kansas, Col orado, New Mexico, Arizo na, Oklahoma and Texas, y Greatly reduced rates one way, see ond class, until June 15. Interesting pamphkta free, telling about cheap Unda. "Santa Fe all the way." E U Palmer, P. A.. . 409 Equitable Bldg.. I Tmim Unln., I V Santa Fe rs. im, w. . Oi it I- . i M HI i