Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1903, Image 1

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    Daily Bee.
Great Hibernian Contention Endorse! Got
rnment'i Land Purchase Measure. '
Parliament ii to Be Asked to Extend
Financial Scope in Oomnittee.
Delegate! Overwhelming! Vote Down Prt-
poial Made bj Patrick White,
Radanond and Other leader Declare
Hope Daw as Bright for Krla,
WkNi Troablea Appear
to Near Bad.
DUBLIN. April 18. The biggest Irish
convention ever assembled, today endoraed
the government's land bill, subject to cer-
uia aiueuuarouia. auw iwiim . -
will be discussed tomorrow and referred to
the nationalist members In Parliament to
deal with In committee.
When the convention was called to order
In the hlatorle round room of the Mansion
house about 2,000 delegates were present.
On tbe platforms were almost every na
tionalist members of Parliament, with a
scattering of prelates. In the body of the
rotunda was a gathering seldom equaled In
representative capacity. Farmers from
Clare, In top boots; laborers from Dublin
county; landlords from Cor' and priests
from all parts, the latter' sombre clothing
and tall hats contrasting pleasantly with
tm hrtvht tinmaamin annarnl of tha major
ity. It wa esaentially a convention of tne
soil, though a lighter touch was given, by
the presence of the well dressed women
who flll.rt tha eallerlea. I
John Redmond waa escorted to tne enair I
and ODened the Droceedlnce with a impres- I
ive speech.
"This convention," he declared, "la the I
most solemn, the most momentous event I
In the history of living Irishmen with the
exception of the Introduction of the home
rule bill. There are In the Uvea of na
tions, as there are In the lives of individuals,
opportunities which once lost can never be
regained. Such an occasion I believe the
preaent to be."
Mr. Redmond begged hi hearer to re
member their tremendous responsibility. If
they rejected the bill It was dead forever,
and the greatest proapsct of freedom since
tka "Infammia at et iintfin .waa Tm a a sail I
.. . ' I
WOUia aiaappear. 1
Contlnnlng. he said: "Whatever defect ,ary campalsn at Berttzovttcb. and haa or
Mr. Wyndham' bill ha, and I am Inclined Cere)1 nlneteen battalion to concentrate
to minimis them. Ha object 1 the com- theM ,n ylew of po,,,, operation, against
pieie aaa iinai sooiiuon ok jaaaivruiBm in i
au m essential, i nope no man win an-
Yocat ranawlng the land war without
"wra w"1 " l"
define delay of Industrial and economic
weuaro ana even or pouucai xreeaom.
juariy id in morning uoru uuuraven, i
foo tn I'JiUJ V uruui j j jjraBiuiug u a V1 1
Tata meeting of the landlords' committe.
aent word to Jeaa Redmoen, tho Irish
loader, euggeatlng that the land confer
ence neonven on Saturday In order that
landlord and tenant may than discuss
their itutuel bJectlona.
O'Brien Comarratalates Britain.
Mr. O'Brien, while concratulatlnr Ireland
on the tact that the British ministry had
Introduced a bill acoeptlng the principle. I
that the land ehould be restored to the peo-
pie, urged the delegate to press amend- the king made a speech in which he re
ments enlarging the financial scope of the ferred to the grave situation In the east,
bill. Mr. O'Brien, however, asked the con-i aaying fateful time were approaching for
ventlon to entrust the Parliamentary party I
the power and responsibility of eventually
dealing In committee stage with the amend- I
menta. I
While begging the delegate to let their I
Par liamentary representatives settle the
matter, Mr. O'Brien attacked the landlords,
Irish Judges and British' rule, with the
same virulence aa haa alway marked hi
apeecnes, to in intense aetignt or tne audi-
ence, wnicn swayea oy ms eloquence, biased
ana cneerea alternately.
He concluded with aaying that It properly
amended Mr. Wyndham' bill would ' "make I
the peasant as safe a th king on his
thron. in the possession of their land."
iu7 vuuiv sever again nav 10 stana I
trembllna In thai rant nfllraa.
Mr. O'Brien added; "It we go on It Is
not too much to Say that In the next gen-
eration, it will be a hard to find a man
wno aaa wuneeeea an eviction a it 1 now
to find a man who ha not."
Pleading for a friendly spirit In tha dis-
eusslon. Mr. O Brlen remarked:
If all goes well It Will be the a-reatest
resurrection of hope, Joy and happiness that
haa ever viaited this country in a thousand
years. is tne Dl(K-t ining rJimllHh
siaieamanshlp has evt-r done toward re
storing tne sou of Ireland to Irishmen
Mr. O'Brien concluded with saying that
while Mr. Redmond himself did not want to
entangle the land question with home rule,
they might as well "try to turn honest
Irish Wood into r1 Ink m to allay hla
wu muKi imauu. acmm tor CTeniUU HOm
On of th results might perhaps event
ually be to kill the English opposition to a
Parliament on College Qreen, where all
Irishmen without distinction of creed and
politics might meet and legislate for Ire
land's good.
White Moves Rejection.
Patrick White. M- P.. moved the rejec
tion of tbe land bill as not meriting the
suport of the Irish party, amid hisses and
angry cries of "withdraw."
Another speaker declared the bill would
be a "millstone ot debt" around the ten
ants' necks, but this brought forth howls
of derision from the delegates, whom Mr.
Redmond could scarcely 'keep In order.
The good temper of the 'assemblage was
restored by a landlord. Pierce O'Mataoney,
who vigorously supported the bill, while
- a speech In Gaelic from Canuon McFaddca
added further to the good humor.
The announcement that the vote on Mr.
White's motion had been rejected by an
overwhelming majority created tremendous
Michael IHvitt then received a great ova
tion. He demanded the release ot Colonel
Arthur Lynch and one other Irish agitator
who Is still In Jail aud whose continued
imprisonment, said Mr. Davitt, was un
bttcorolug to the spirit ot peace between
Ireland end England.
Mr. Uuvltt expressed many differences of
opinion with Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Redmond
and the majority of the delegates, but he
promised to ahldt by the decision ot the
convention, voiced bis undying hatred ot
lrlnh landlords', and said be doubted if Mr.
O Brtea was right In believing that they
would settle down aod help In the develop
ment of the country after the passage of
the bill. "
M. J. Redding of Baltimore, vice preal-
(Continued on second Page.)
Tea Thoaaond TrooM Tak Fart la
th HiiMTff la Hntik
A I?,' ",, nrl!
16. President Loubet
today,, ''I if grand military ma-
. in ft 'roops took part, in
Mustapba field.-., afl been drawn
from all carta of ti, ' 4 wit rein-
forced by aaiiora and m.. i the vie-
Itlnr fleet and by native orri. .Ion a. Tbe
I ATverlan hirniinntr and tha CAiiavaa
made an Imposing display and the whole
"'"il.heO la brilliant spectacle.
a auiuwr 01 nsuvo cnieis ana a iroopoi
Bpahls escorted the president's carriage.
M. Lioubet's arrival on the parade ground
was the signal for a great demonstration
from the military and the thousands of
civilian spectators
During the evolutions of the troops the
president occupied a suparbly decorated re
viewing aland and was surrounded by the
members of the special missions, tbe en
voys, the foreign naval commanders and
native chiefs.
The president devoted the rest of the day
to visits and banquets and to witnessing
various other features of the elaborate
festivities. He will leave Algiers tonight
for Oran.
lolk of Ship Deserted Kin Hoaths
Aero la Stilt Afloat and
HONOLULU. .April 18. (By Paclfie
Cable.) Advises from Japan reselved here
on the Paclflo mail steamer China stats
that the derelict British ship Fannie Kerr
was sighted on March 22 by the British ship
Heathdene. When sighted the derelict waa
in latitude 24.23 north, longitude 123.24
west. 8moke was Issuing from the hull of
the vessel and all Its mast were gone.
Fannie Kerr, bound from Newcastle,
on8d oB Honolulu nine month ago and
tb, " first time that the vesael has
,u""' ",ut"
Imv - t. , , .. .
iuo imp tvm on nro wnen it waa a Dan a
oned and that It Is still afloat la probably
due to the fact that It haa a steel hull.
to Bo Allowed to Choose Their
Owa Governors and Civil
CONSTANTINOPLE, April 18. It Is now
understood that the commission aent by the
sultan to appease the Albanians failed to
secure their adhesion to the reform scheme
of the powers except on the condition that
the Albanians be allowed to choose their
own goyernor an(1 clTll omcali and tnat
other minor concessions be granted, them.
Th- ---.a k.. dacldad to eatahllah a mill
0r, unlnau haa been am.... In
government circle by the reports
that the Bulgarians In Macedonia are pre
parni for a Tlaiag Apr J0 th.
Becond d,y of tn, Kaater ftlvlt,e, ot tne
ortnodox church.
Klaai oi Sev-rla Telle Why Ho Restored
CoastHatloa to Ortslaal
BEIjORADE, Servla, April 16. At a ban
Quet given at the palace yesterday evening
in celebration of tbe tenth anniversary of
King Alexander's accession to the throne
all the peoplea of the Balkan peninsula
and Servla must be ready to strike at the
proper moment
He also congratulated himself on the
fact that hla marriage to Queen Dra a had
met with the approval of the people,
Referring to his recent proclamations
the king said Servla had no time for ex-
perimentlng and he had, therefore, been
compelled to restore the constitution to
m original condition.
immeasa Crowda Asaoaablo oa Boa
Fro.t to Welcome tho
I vln
VALETTA. Island of Malta. April It
The royal yacht Victoria and Albert, with
King Edward on board, arrived today
I from Ollbraltar and was saluted bv tha
I warshtos and ahore batteries.
immense crowda of people assembled on
I . front to witneaa the klna'a arrival
Tv .. av with flars The kin
Tn c. "ay wlln nas" ,ne "lng
I lanueu i uwu.
Grand Dak Alexia 111.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 16. The grand
duke Alexis, head of the Russian navy, la
suffering from nephritis and has been
ahIam ahrnail It la vnartpd thAt hla
a..MVm ka th rn rfnV. k.nA
u,htjAVuv hiiRhand of (h wrmnA
1 in,aviv..v-, " "
ess Xenta.
Damage la Easily llcpalred.
LIVERPOOL. April 16. The White Star
liner Celtic, which collided In the Mersey
yesterday with the British steamer Heath
moor and had a email hole atove In Its port
side, amidships, repaired the damage and
today proceeded to New York.
Mob Stones a Ma-larate.
TARASCON, France, April 16. A mag
istrate who went to Frlgolot Abbey yes
terday to place atels on the doors, was met
by a hostile crowd, which gathered from
the neighboring 'villages and waa stoned
by the mob snd driven away.
(overnor Ueaeral to Resign.
8T. PETER8BCRQ. April 16. It I an
nounced that General Bsbrljsff will shortly
resign the governor generalship ot Fin
land. It la probable that his successor
will ber Prince Oblensky, a governor of
rolltleal Malcontent arrested.
8T. PETERSBURG, April 16. A political
malcontent named Stiido Pevelsev has been
arrested st Moscow, where the czar Is
stsylng. The prisoner waa known to have
a revolver on hla person.
Ktva Are la Iroaa.
GRIMSBY, England, April 11 The Brit
ish steamer Indue, from Pensacola and
Norfolk, arrived here today with Bv of
the crew In Irons. They were charged with
filvea Ip tor l.oat.
LONDON, April 16. The Grimsby
trawler, Natalia, with a crew of twelve,
which waa due to arrive April 6 from th
fishing banks off Iceland, has been given
up for lost.
Commissioner Jooei Will Be Present in
Uhicage at Their Opening.
Treasury Agent Detailed to Examine
Bite for Federal Balldlaaja
la Iowa and Nebraska
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, April 18. (Bpeclal Tele
gram.) W. A. Jonea, commissioner of In
dian affairs, returned to Washington today
from a fortnight's official visit to Indian
agencies In New Mexico and Arlsona. Mon
day Mr. Jones will leave for Chicago to be
present at the annual opening of bids for
general supplies for the Indian service dur
ing the coming fiscal year. Upon tbe com
pletion of hie work at Chicago, Commls-
loner Jones goes to New York to superin
tend the opening of bids for Indian supplies
In that city.
W. A. Richards, commissioner of the gen
eral land office, who haa been resting from
an attack of the grip at Virginia Beach,
Va., will return to Washington Sunday and
resume his duties at the (wnd office next
Monday morning.
View Building- Sites.
Assistant Secretary Taylor today desig
nated Special Agent Reed, now at La
Crosse, Wis., to proceed to Webster City
and Mason City, la., to look over the prop
erty offered yesterday' to th government
for altes upon which to erect new public
buildings at those two cities. Special Agent
Reed la also Instructed to visit Grand Island
and York, Neb., to examine properties that
may be offered there for public buildings.
Roottne of Departments.
A civil service examination la to be held
April 29 at Council Bluffs and May 1 at
Waterloo, la., for positions ot clerk and let
ter carrier In tbe postofflces at those places.
These rural letter carriers wre appointed
today: Nebraska Fairmont, regular, Wil
liam McNamara; substitute, James Keegan.
Iowa Donnellaon, regular, George H.
Baust, Peter Felkert, Philip Frank; sub
stitute, Henry Baust. Elkader, regulars,
Irving O. Cook, Albert S. Scovel, Frank
H. ' Balyess; substitutes, Marvin Cook,
Charles Scovel. F. N. Bayless.
Th corporate existence of the First Na
tional bank of Corning. Ia., haa been ex
tended until the close of business April 16,
J. E. Whelan of Des Moines has been ap
pointed an Immigrant Inspector.
The application of John E. McGuire, F.
M. Leet, A. B. Benson, Asmus Boysen and
O. P. Coon to organize the First National.
bank ot Extra, la., with 125,000 capital,
haa been approved by the comptroller of
the currency; also the application of E. J.
Cunningham, E. P. Falmer, Patrick Sulli
van, B. B. Brooks and P. C. Nicolaysen to
organise the American National bank ot
Casper, Wyo., with $50,000 capital, waa ap
proved today.
These Nebraska rural tree delivery routes
will be established July 1: Crete, Saline
county, two additional routea; are covered,
fifty aquaxe miles; -popuUUon served, 100.
Lawrence, -NuukoiJa .county,'. two . routes;
area, fifty-five square miles; -population,
800. Ulysses, Butler county, two routes;
area, fifty square miles; population, 1.060.
Western, Saline county, three routes; area,
ninety-one square miles; population, 1,230.
Wllber, Saline county, two additional
routes; area, fifty-five square miles; popu
lation, 825. Wlsner, Cuming county, four
routes; area, 109 square miles; population,
Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Rob
ert M. Delay, Dixon, Dixon county, vice
George Siert, resigned. Iowa Joseph
Schneider, Rochester, Cedar county.
White Decline - to. Sero.
Andrew White, former ambassador to
Germany, has declined to serve ss one of
the United Statea commissioners at tha
forthcoming monetary conference, thu con
fining tho delegation to the three persona
already named, Messrs. Conant, Jenkins and
Hanna. Mr. White's declination Is baaed
on tho unsatisfactory condition of his
health as well as pressure .of private busi
To Be Tried la Mexico.'
In Issuing a warrant for the surrender to
the Mexican government of Dr. Charles S.
Harle, now held under arrest at El Paso,
Tex., on a charge of being an accessory to
a murder committed in,. Chuhuabua. the
State department today ook steps to secure
tbe punishment of a peculiarly atrocious
crime which haa engaged the attention of
the two governments and of the big New
York Life Insurance companies tor many
The papers filed at the State department
allege that the Mexican agent of the com
pany, T. C. Richardson, a man named Mere
dith and Dr. Harle conspired to murder a
man tn order to collect the insurance on his
life, the policy for which had been Issuod
by Richardson. The policy waa made out
payable to Meredith. The victim was slowly
poisoned to death and the doctor who at- j
tended him certified that he died from
natural causes. The doctor's defense Is
that he did not himself minister tbe drug.
Rlibardaoa aod Meredith, also arrested
In Texss, were discharged by the court on
tbe ground of insutrklent eridence, but the
Mexican government haa sworn out new
chsrges and tbe two men will be rearrested
and held for extradition.
Briton Stadlea American Cavalry.
Major General Baden-Powell, the "Hero
of Mafeklng," recently appointed chief of
cavalry of the English army, la on a visit
to the United 8tatea to study American
cavalry tactlca and methods. He arrived
her last night unannounced and registered
at the Arlington hotel under an assume
name. He visited the War department to
day and paid his respects to Secretary
Root, Lieutenant General Miles and Adju
tant General Corbln. -
Soldiers Die of Cholera.
General Davis reported today seven
deatba from cholera In the Philippines:
Frank M. Senulres, Rlcbard A. Morris, Wil
liam M. McGregor, Daniel O. Cotter, Tenth
Infantry; Kinney Miller, Company M,
Twenty-seventh Infantry; H. O. Hlatt, Com
pany H. Twenty-ninth Infantry, and llenry
M. Liedel, Company K, Tenth Infantry.
Tbe commands to which these men
belonged, with one possible exception, are
stationed In Mindanao.
Will Dlaeaa Indians la Dakota.
Tbe Indian bureau has decided to hold
Indian achool service Institutes, to be de
voted mainly to practical work and dis
cussions, at Pine Ridge, 8. D., June 23 to
26. and at Newport, Ore., from August IT
to 22.
The secretary of the Interior haa granted
authority for the commissioner of Indian
aftalre to detail auch employes of tbe In
dian service as can be spared from their
anrk aod daalra to attend.
President to Take Tart la Core
aaony rat Tellow
CINNABAR. MAt..' April 1. Secretary
Loeb has not yet Received word of Presi
dent Roosevelt's arrival at Fort Yellow,
atone. He expects, however, to hear from
him during the day.
The president hat accepted an Invitation
to lay tbe corner s(nn ot the new gate at
the northern ooulary of Yellowatone
The ceremony will occur during tbe aft
ernoon of April 24, the laat day of the
president's stay here, and will be coo
ducted by the grand lodge of Masona of
Montana. L
President Roosevelt eame Into Fort Yel
lowatone today looking tn splendid condi
tion snd enthusiastic over the good time
he haa had. Secretary Loeb met him at
Major Pitcher's headquarters and the two
transacted some routine business, the first
the president has done with his secretary
aince he went Into tbe park. After hla re
turn Secretary Loeo iaaued the following
statement: .
Major Pitchef reports that 'the president
and his party huve Just returned from
their eight days horseback trip In the
north ot the park and along the Yellow
stone. The party consisted of the presi
dent, Major Pitcher and John Burroughs,
together with an orderly tha scouts and
the packers with the mule train. All the
party are in excellent health and not an
accident of any kind occurred. On enter
ing the park the president Informed Major
Pitcher that he would not, under any cir
cumstances, fire a shot at anything; while
in the park, and he took neither ride nor
(hotgun with htm. The party had some
good fishing and th president and Mr.
Burroughs spent a large part of their time
In following and watching at clou quar
ters the great herds of game. , chiefly elk,
but also mountain sheep, ueer and anlelop.
The party starta tomorrow for the interior j
or tne pars to vwu ne geysera ana per
hapa the Fails of the Yellowstone. They
will go In sleighs, on horseback or on
sMIs, according to the condition of the
Low Lake FrelsTht on Wheat Stop
Minneapolis Btonea from
MINNEAPOLIS. April !. The North
western Miller says: Tonight every flour-
mill In Minneapolis end practically all of
tho merchant spring wheat mills In Minne
sota and the northwest shut down entirely
and will cease turning out flour for an In
definite period. This act .ha been forced
upon the millers by the Intolerable condi
tions surrounding the manufacture and sale
of flour for some time, owing to the price
of cash wheat, tha high rate of freight and
the depressed state of th flour market.
Mills have been operating at a loss for
weeks, but the- crowning .disadvantage
which baa paralysed the milling Industry
was th act of the line boat operating be
tween Duluth and Buffalo tn today movfng
wheat on the basis of I cent per bushel',
while the present proportionate rate oa
flour from Duluth to Buffalo la maintained
at 9 cent per 100 pounds, equivalent to 6.4
cent a bushel.
The transportation lines", have told the
millers that under the operation of the-Elk-
kins bill they need not anticipate any- dis
crimination In rate against flour, but tha
action of tbe Tine Voats-.i making this I-
oent rate on wheat shews that such an as
surance ' was meaningless. Until freight
rates on the manufactured eroduct are
placed on a parity with those given the
raw material or the 1-cent rate given wheat
Is advanced, the millers Will find It lmpoi
sible to grind.
Bays Operatloa I'poa Little Arrooar
Girl -Look Like a '
CHICAGO, April 16. Dri Adolph Lorens,
tbe Austrian specialist, arrived in Chicago
today for the purpose of removing the cast
oljn A; upon
an operation for congenital dislocation ot
the hip was performed last October.
Upon' removing the cast the limb was
found to be In . perfect 'condition and tbe
patient was able to walk around the bouse
without any difficulty. '
"The operation was a complete success."
said Dr. Lorens, "but I shall have to be
In constant attendance for three or four
weeks before I can be certain of a positive
Holds Paator Who Joins Other
Rnnnln Private Bar Merit
Disapproval.. -.
CLINTON, Mo April 16. The Kanaas
City Presbyteryi composed of ministers and
laymen -from Jefferson City to Kansas City.
In session ot Osceola today, unanimously
adopted an overture to the General Assem
bly of the church Insisting on Its disap
proval ot ministers occupying all equivocal
position on tempersnce.
It came out during the debate that the
resolution wss aimed at Rev. William
Henry Roberta of Philadelphia, clerk of the
General Assembly, and who Is a member
of the Union League club of Philadelphia,
which has a restaurant with a bar attached.
Ball player Taraed Morderer aad
Rlderly Assaaaln Both ray
Peaalty Today.
KANSAS- CITT. April It. John (Bud)
Taylor, the base ball player who murdered
Ruth Nollard, a girl who had rejected blm.
will be hanged in the county Jail at 8
tomorrow morning. He was baptized Into
the Catholic church late thl6 afternoon.
Five hundred persons will witness the ex
ecution. BUTLER. Mo., April 1!. Dr. James L.
Gartrell, aged 68, will be banged tomorrow
morning for the murder ot D. B. Donegon,
a Colorado miner, with whom Gartrell and
his son started from Kanaas City In a
Denver Paper Leajally Coateat Gov.
prlatloa Meaaare.
DENVER. Col.. April 16. Ths Rocky
Mountain Newa and tha Denver Time to
day served formal notice on 8tat Auditor
Holraberg and Stat Treaaurer Newton to
refuse to draw any warrant or honor any
auch drawn under the appropriation bill
aigned by Governor Peabody yesterday.
The state officers were Informed that the
bill signed by the governor was not tbs ope
signed by tbe presiding officers ot tbe house
and senate and that suit would bs brought
to contest Its validity la th court.
Yonrif McKinleyites Fiid Political Isn't
Inch Easy Flay.
ltot Overly Eager to Eacoanter the
- Dlaanproval ot Km ploy ere or
Patron by TaklnaT a fltaad
ia Caaaala-n.
The campaign eommlttee ot the McKln
ley club hat decided to back water. Cer
tain of Ha members are not as anxious now
to "do things for the party" aa they were
before conditions ook such shape as to In
volve their - personal environment and ac
cordingly, over the protest of. the club's
president and of other members ot tbe com
mittee, they have decided to take care of
themselves first and let the organisation
look out for Itself at the eleventh hour as
beat It can. ,
At the meeting five weeks ago E. 8. Park
Introduced a resolution calling upon the
president to appoint a campaign committee
of club members, one from each ward, which
committee was to work In conjunction with
the city committee and perform a largo
number of dnTlcult but beneOclent feats,
such aa only young men are willing to un
dertake. The resolution passed and Park
was rewarded with the chairmanship of the
At the ctub'e meeting ten days ago be
submitted for the committee a report lu
which it was Implied that the committee
men hsd their sleeves , rolled up and were
Just Itching to begin, and would wait only
until th party had attended o tbe little
matter of holding a oonventlon and nomin
ating candidates. In the report the chair
man Incorporated this clause: "Wo sug
gest that the club hold a large public meet
ing during the week following the conven
tion for' the purpose of endorsing the
ticket," and that subsequent meetings be
held in various ward under the auspice
of the club.
Development in the Plan.
The committee wss again given the eup
port ot the club, Dan J. Riley moving and
the club voting that such a meeting be
held for auch a purpose and that "all ar
rangements be In the hands of the cam
paign committee:"
After the convention the members of the
clubs waited a reasonable time tor the call
for the meeting and, nrne being given, de
manded the reason. Dr. H. A. Foster,
president of the club. Wanted to know, too,
and he called the committee together
Wedneaday to ask questions. Then things
began to come out. E. 8. Park Is training
under Senator R. B. Howell and Is In How-
ell'e office. The senator waa on the defeated
anti-Moores delegation from the . Fourth
ward at the primaries and It had occurred
to Mr. Park that he wasn't In. a position to
do for the ticket what he bad suggested be
done. . Tbe flame of party ambition had died
down In other breaste and action vas de
ferred for a day.
Yesterday, Secretary S. W. Smith, a
member of the committee, called on A. H.
Burnett of the Benson taction, and when
he came out he bad seen a great light. C.
O. 'McDonald, another member office with
r. -A. BroBcn la olosa nroxlmltv to B. O.
Burbank snd by night he too had a little
clearer notion; of things.- When the com
mlttee met Park, who previously bad talked
of retiring. Implied that he was willing to
stay on tbe committee, but suggested the
matter' be referred back to tbe club and
a hurry-up call sent out for a meeting ot
the organization! S. W. Smith Immediately
recognised this as a very good plan. C. Q
McDonald also thought it advisable.
Proposition Meets Opposition.
' Dan J. Riley offices with a disinterested
democrat and couldn't see why such action
should be taken wben the club bad already
voted explicit Instructions to the commit
tee. Charles E. Fostor of the Second ward
a fighting regular, couldn't understand
either. President H. A. Foater also gsve It
up. Both the advocates of the referendum
. P-
Chairman Park himself hsd proposed for
this week la not to materialize and the club
members are to be asked to assemble again
to say lr they really meant what they said.
When told the commtttee'a action last
night one of the older membere of
the club aald: "Well, thafe one
meeting I won't waste any time on.
I voted once on tbe proposition
and If ,the committee hasn't the cour
age to go ahead with the execution of It
own suggestion and the club' instructions
there Is no use bothering about it again at
this late date. I would suggest that the '
committee assemble In Senator Howell's
office or Mr. Burnett's office and let them
determine what to do without troubling the
club about It any further."
New York Senator Refuse to Confirm
Baker as Railroad Com.
ALBANY, N. V., April 16. Not since the
mcrrcrable days of the Conkling-Pratt em
brogllo has the state senate been th scene
tit m iP. ftltt. n.Mnn.llllA. r r r t m m n n 1
sensstlonal political battle than this morn-
lng and afternoon, when Governor O Dell's
nomination of Frank Baker for railroad
commissioner was rejected by a coalition of
Senators Bracket,, E. R. Brown and Els
berg, the three so-called Insurgent repub
llcans, combined with the democrats, and
an Intensely personal conflict was precipi
tated between Senator Bracket t and Sena
tor Raines, the republican president pro
It is not unlikely that tbe battle will be
renewed tomorrow, when It la expected the
Judiciary committee will report the nomi
nation ot George Wilson Morgan to take
the place of John McCullagh as superin
tendent ot elections, sent In by Governor
Odell today.
oaao Btartllnsr Discoveries Are Mad
by Warrea T. Clark of Call
forala lalverslty.
BERKELEY. Cel.. April 18. Warren T.
Clark of th University of California, Is
pursuing In th cas of Insects whose
habitat la on land certain lines of research
which may be regarded aa parallel to ths
other experiments with marine forms of
life In which Dr. Jacques Loeb has been
so successful.
Mr. Clark bas demonatrated that the
wings 0 the rosespbys can b developed
or modified by chemical excitation and (hit
their growth I not due to causes hhherta
As a result of his experiments Mr. Clark
haa shown that by changing the food he
can alter and control tha growth and de
velopment of th Insect.
Forecast for Nebraska Fair FrMayj
Warmer In Southwest Portion. Saturday,
Showers In West; Fair In East Portion.
Temperature tit
llnnr. Des.
B a. na 4.1
a. m ,44
T a. in . , . , . 4:1
H a. m ..... . 4
a. in 4N
lO a. ru , Kt
It a. ail Rt
ia BH
Omaha Yeaterdayi
Hoar. Dear.
1 p. in r
H . m mi
a p. in ..... .
4 p. m
p. m ..... .
.. T p. m ..... .
H p. m
O p. m. .... .
Jlehraaka Telephone. Western Vnlos
and Postal Telearaph Men
Qalt Work.
Linemen and Inspectors tor the Nebraska
Telephone. Western Union and Postal Tele
graph companies in this stato struck yester
day on - demand for a full recognition
of their union, pursuant to tha action of
the assoeistlon, as published In The Bee
yesterday. Tbe exsct number ot men
out cannot be accurately determined until
complete returns are bad from all the towns
over the stste. In the entire state the tele
phone company alone employs about 150
men, but some of these are still st work.
In Omsha alone the telephone company
has seventy-five linemen end Inspectors.
According to E. J. Stark, business agent for
the men, all these have struck. E. M.
Morsman, secretary snd treasurer ot the
Nebraska Telephone company, aald, how
ever, that many were still at work up to
noon, though he did not know how coon
they would quit. The Lincoln inlon has
acted tn full harmony, every mas going out.
Stark saya the order has been promptly
complied with In alt parte of the state that
have thus far been heard from, and be an
ticipates that It will be thoroughly observed.
The Western I nlon has about twenty men
that would be affected by this strike order.
Eleven of them and Postal men quit over
at Council Bluffs. Stark says the Western
Union men were sent to work yesterday
beyond the Nebraska association's Jurisdic
tion, but that they all would be communi
cated with and doubtless would Join In the
strike.; The Postal has six men In Omaha
and one In Lincoln, all of whom are said to
have laid down their trappings. A number
of the strikers congregated at Labor Temple
yesterday to discuss their affairs and
keep In touch by wire with their men out
In tbe state.
LINCOLN, April 18. (Special.) The line
men and Inspectors of tbe Nebraska Tele
phone company . employed In thla city,
and one lineman of the Postal Tele
graph company struck this morn'ng. Tbe
order to quit work came from Omnha, and
E. J. Stark, former president of the Lincoln
Central Labor union. It Is understood, came
down from Omaha tome time ago and lined
tbe men up with the Omaha workmen. Yes
terday the men who ere now out nt a
notice to Manager Thompson assuring him
of their kindliest feeling and good will. ,
The principal complaint of . the Lincoln
linemen ia that they want the aame pay
for construction work 'outside ot the city
on tbe toll Uses that Is paid In the city,
which la $2.75 a day. They alao want the
union recognized. The Postal Telegraph
man wanted an eight-hour day and tbe rec
ognltlon of the union. The latter fact is
one. of tnt1. thfDt-. iof which tbe union men
will also fight in tbe matter.- They think will be very difficult for the com
panlea affected to get men to do necessary
work of Inspection and construction aud
repair. There are none employed that do
not belong to the union In this vicinity, snd
aa the union la strong in the other cities of
the west, tbe men think that they will be
able to win out without much delay or
trouble as tbe evenues of supply will not
be open to the employing companies.
FREMONT, Neb., April 16. (Special Tel
egram.) The linemen of the Nebraska Tel
ephone company working here struck today.
Those In the employ of the Fremont com
pany are still working and say that they
have received no ordera to Ml Ike.
BEATRICE, Neb.. April 16. (Special Tel
egram.) The linemen employed by the Ne- i
braska Telephone company here quit work
today because ot the strike prevailing in
tbe state by all linemen for an Increase In
wages. Construction work will be discon
tinued until tha trouble Is adjusted.
They Are to Flararo la an Eater
tain me at to Be Given
April 22.
Wednesdsy, April 22, the Creighton Ora
torical association will give a literary and
oratorical evening at the Creighton uni
versity ball. The three champion orators
who have won the Nebraska collegiate ora
torical contest will have prominent parts
In the program, and the friends ot the col
lege are expecting a treat.
Other numbers on the program will be
scenes from Shakespeare by William Scholl
and Francis Jenal, and echoes from tha
days of chivalry in which will appear Ed.
Creighton. Matthiaa Weishar, Francis Col
ter, William Callahan, Arthur Coad and
Francis Ballman.
Thirty or more ladlea have been chosen
by the young orators to give social prestige
as well as special financial patronage. A
handsome program Is being printed on
which will appear the names of patronesses
! na the ,lBl '"elude many of the moat
the most
The best
1 prominent matrons or umana.
I vabl ocal and Instrumental talent will
i scue ,n music ana me oratore pledge
themselves to present a program worthy of
the reputation they have won. Tickets will
be sold from Saturday morning until the
day of the entertainment", at 8herman ft
MeConnell'e drug store, corner of Six
teenth and Dodge. They may be procured
also at the parlora of Creighton university
or from the students at their homes.
Philadelphia Mint Coin Two Million
Five Hundred Thonaand
PHILADELPHIA. April 16. Two million
five hundred thousaud pssos, coined at the
Philadelphia mint, are now ready tor ship-
ment to the Philippines.
1,1 1
Movements of Orean Vessels April HI.
New York Arrived PalatlH, fr tn
Ornna; Germmilc, from Liverpool; Patrirla.
from liamliurg, etc. bhiii-u uuurpuiun.
for Oliisgow; Moltke, for Hamburg; lu
Lorraine, for Havre I
At Bremn Arrived Kaiser U I helm der
Cross.-, from New York, via Plymouth
and I 'herbntirg.
At Liverpool Arrived Caledonian, from
BoKton. for Manchester Sailed Haverf'ird,
for Philadelphia, via gueenslown; Celtic,
for New York.
At Ch rbourg Arrive! Deuti rh'.and,
from New York.
At Naples-Arrived-Trave, from New
At Q'leenstown Sailed Celtic, from
Liverpool, for New York.
At Antweri Arrived -Pennl ind, from
At Hamburg SHlli'd-Blucher. for New
York, vli Southampton and Cherbourg.
At Ponta KerrarU Paed Weimar,
from 0-n a, Naples snd til ralmr, (or
New York.
Cole County Grant Jar; Rttnrni Fomr True
Bills Charging Bribery.
Attorney O'aimi to Potse-i Proofs of
Perjury and Corruption.
Examinet Bank Booki in Effort t Trace
Cain Used.
Flees to Kanaas, hat Is Caught on
Train and Served, Whereupon He
Vlllltea Attorney Whose
Trlrk He Dislikes.
JEFFERSON CITT, Mo., April 18. The
Cole county grand Jury wan occupied today
with the examination of Representative
O'Fallen, Former Senator James Orchard
and Jesse John, a St. Louis county poli
tician. O'Fallon was the leader of the re
publican minority In the house and It Is re
ported that he told th grand Jury of an
attempt to bribe htm in connection with
the slot machine bill. It Is believed that
Orchard was questioned with reference to
the alum bill.
Senator Frank Farrla was railed for, but
be did not appear, although ho Is In the
city. The report was current tonight, al
though not verified, that he would refuse
to testify. In which case attachment pro
ceedings would be Instituted.
Indictments are reported to have been
voted against four members of Ihe Mis
souri senate, three from the country and
one from St. Louis. , It Is further stated on
good authority that two more Indictments
may be voted before Saturday, when a par
tial report probably will be made.
Most of the evidence on which these In
dictments' have been found was unearthed
by the St. Louis grand Jury. The Indict
ments charge bribery.
Inairrt In; the Bank nook.
ST. LOUIS, April 16. A cnn.mlttee ot the
St. Louts boodle grand Jury visited the
Lafayette bank this afternoon to Inspect
the' books relative to $7,000 said to have
been dcpcsltcd there by Stat Senator John
P, Collins of St. Louis soon after the last
legislature adjourned.
' Circuit Attorney Folk says he has enough
evidence to Indict several persons for brib
ing or perjury, or botb, If the offenses had
been committed wtthlu the Jurisdiction ot .
the St. Louis grand Jury, and will band It
over to the Coin county grand Jury.
A subpoena was also Issued cn the cashier
of the Steelville, Mo., bank, requiring him
to bring books and checks before tha Jury.
It wss In this bank that funds supplied
by the baking powder trust are said to
have been kept for disbursement. In this
connection Circuit Attorney Folk baa wired
Attorney General Crow to subpoena 8tate
Senator F H. Karris, who Is supposed to
know much the fund.
.Among 'the erltnefese! examine today
was Speaker Jteies P. Wh!tecott6n pre- '
siding officer of the last bouse, who first
made the charge of boodling. Hie testi
mony was chiefly in connection with tho
alleged use of money In tbe passsge of tbe
school book bill.
. Lee Tries to Balk Folk.
KANSAS CITT, April 18. Lteutensnt
Governor John A. Lee, -who started the
present legislative boodling Investigation by
stating he had received a 1,000 check to
effect his vote, arrived in the city early
today from Jefferson City, where be tes
tified yesterday before th grand Jury.
To a reporter Mr. Lee said be Intended
to take a rest and that be would leave
i the city during the day. He declined to
say where he would go. "I have told all
I know," said he. "I am free now and they
cannot want me any further."
Pressed for a statement. Mr. Lee finally
said: "I am being bounded by polltioal
enemies. Why should I make a statement
and furnish them with more ammunition?
This thing will work out all right. The
truth will become known and 1 do not fear
the result. I am content to abide by the
derision of the people. But the facta will
not be made known by me. Others will do
that at the proper time."
Late at night be was served with a sub
poena by a Jackson county deputy marshal
Just aa he was leaving on a Chicago 4
i Alton train.
Tbe deputy marshal having learned that
Mr. Lee was on the Chicago train sad:
"Of course, Mr. Lee, you understand If you
disobey this subpoena, you will b regarded
as a fugitive from Justice."
Lee answered angrily: "I understand this
move. It Is one of that fellow. Folk's. He
Is always making an ass of himself. I wish
you would apologize to Mr. Hughe, your
prosecuting attorney, for the trouble I have
caused him and explain to him that If be
wants me to testify In any case I will be
i Prmpt to obey his summons."
j 71,8 ubP"ena served upon Mr. Lee wa In
i a local esse. It was UBed to prevent his
'. getting bevona tne junsaicuon oi ins mis-
' eourl courts before
sourl courts before a Bi. L.ouis summons
i could be served upon hlra. It wa done
; upon the request of Circuit Attorney Folk
or t. x.ouia. wnen .ear...,
a deputy was looking for him with a aub-
poena, he went across the line to Kansas
City, Kan., where he remained until be
came to the Union depot to catch tbe Chi
cago train.
Governor's Daughter Accompanies
Father to Aid Crolaer'e
DENVER. April 16. Governor Pes-
body and family left today for Philadelphia,
where bis eldest daughter will, on April 25,
I chrlstep the new armored cruiser Colorado.
The party will return to St. Louis In time
.for the dedication of the exposition build-
Governor Peabody will be met there by
j Adjutant General Sherman Bell and the
members of tne governors starr ana tee
whole party will return to Denver a guests
ot President Roosevelt on a speclsl car at
tached to the presidential train.
Wabaau Forres Ultras to Flea from
Town, Half ot Which I
TERRE HAUTE, Ind.. April 18. The
Wabash reached t'ae twenty-foot mark
today and half the town of Central Terrs
Haute is under wster.
Most of the people have moved out and
others are carrying their household goods
upstairs, preparatory to leaving.