Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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m s i sn g- . KMum b nra m j m . m m m m mm m,. st.m mm mmx m a mom mm mm bu mmm. m i w. a saaamA i . -
irc, Wk Uil 1 V J IBM WW a- mm Vk, m m miw str Hun
i rloned out by the fire insurance adjusters after the great ew York fire afford.? the most sensational values ever put on sale,
ttlcd the damage in cash. HAYDKN BHOS' HEADY CASH TOOK IT OFF TUEIlt HANDS. !
Owing to a dispute as to the value of the goods, the insurance companies
This immense stock
tnnW thf atnrk nnil Krttlfd
The goods are here now and on sale. The dry goods are perfect in every way new clean, fresh, stylish, up-to date 1903 merchandise, and on sale at AKfcOLUTELY LOW PlilCES. This immense stock closed out nt about
45 cents on the dollar will be Bold without reserve. Immense varieties and quantities to select from. Plenty of extra salespeople to wait on you. Come early. THURSDAY'S SPECIAL RAROA1N SALES THE (1KEATEST
m w rm r
Grand Hew York
Fire Sale Prices
Ladies' and Children's
Children's white aprons. In all sixes.
orth Soc to 75c, we are closing out at 15C.
Ladles' fancy aprons and bib aprons,
hemstitched and trimmed, worth 60c, at 2Rc
We have a ladle' five-piece bridal ault,
consisting of gown, chemise, corset covers,
drawers and skirt, handsomely trimmed,
worth $12. at $7.98.
Kabo corsets. In all the1 latest styles, at
$1.00 and up.
Dr. Warner's straight front eorseta, with
princes1 btp, frfr stout figures, slsea from
20 to 36, at $1-00.
Children's fine cambric drawers. In all
lies, well made and three rows of tucks,
at 124c.
Ladles' plain fine cambrlo eoraet covers,
tight fitting, In all slies, worth 19c, at 10c.
Ladles' fine cambric umbrella drawers,
corset covers and ahort skirts, hemstitched
and lace trimmed, worth 60c, at 25c
Ladles' night gowns, short and long
klrts and corset covers and chemise, all
, trimmed with One laces and embroider
trimmed, worth $1.00, at 60c.
Ladles' night gowns, chemise and skirts,
made of fine cambrlca and nainsook and
trimmed with fine lawn ruffles of laca and
embroidery, worth $1-60, at 98c
Shirt Yaist Suitings
Tim new light weight snow flake nov
elty, absolutely fast color, 7 hades,
28-lnrh goods, yard 2So
AH linen Etamine In the leading shades,
blue, linen green, etc., a regular 60c
fabric, yard 9o
New Rep, Poplins, Bengallne ribs and
fancy mixtures, the earn as sold
everywhere at 25c, yard 16o
Extra quality Mercerized Linen Etamine,
SI Inches wide, worth 76c in other
stores, -all the new colors, yard ....60a
Fancy German linen mixtures, 75 styles,
yard 59o
Novelty check vestlngs, 64 styles, all the
latest combinations, yard 39o
Two toned London cord Etamine, finest
goods made, 25 styles (all exclusive)
yard 98c
Knob Knickerbocker and Boucle suit
ings, great variety of styles and col
ors 35c
Silk finished black and white checks.
SI Inches wide, yard . . 16c
Elegant line of white and cream tint
Oxford suitings, 26c, 85o up to, yard.. 75c
$1.00 grade Bilk and linen pongee, full
yard wide, per yard 50c
High Grade Dress Goods Sale
46-ln. colored mlatrels, fl quality. In this
sale only 60c.
62-Inch backet cloth In brown mixed,
blue mixed and grays, worth $1.26, for 75c.
48-Inch Lupine - London cord In brown,
blue, biscuit, greens and grays; the cor
rect things for street or. evening wear;
worth $198, on sale at 11.25.
45-lnchf. silk wash, crepe eollenne, swell
fabric for evening wear, worth $1.91 and
$1.75, on sale at $1.26.
45-Inch voiles la all colors, the finest
French goods, made by Lupin, worth $1.75
and $1.98, on sale at 1.25.
60-lnch all wool Mack cheviot, extra
weight, per yard, 25c.
44-Inch black voile on sale at $1.00.
Prlestleya 45-Inch silk, top carlta, one
of the latest fabrics for this season, reg
ular prices, $3.98 and $4.98, on sale at $1.9$
and $2.88.
Great Hat Sale
cn wiamu . nan'a hata. from the great
New York fire sale, Juat arrived. Better
bats and better atylea. A sale surpassing
any and all efforts ever made by us or any
one elae.
The season's newest creations, all the
popular shapes usually sold at ' $2.60 on
sal at luo ana f"i ' '
Hardware, Stoves and
Special Mid-Week Bargains.
Boys Clothing
O. K. washing machines, $3.89.
Solid steel graaa hook 16c.
Solid ateel frame wringers 98c.
20c Globe washboard lie.
8-drawer spice cabinet 49c.
25o parlor broom 15c.
Garden hose, warranted. 7o.
The beat poultry netting made, per
square foot, Ho.
Screen wire, per square foot, IVic.
8, 10 and 20 D sails, pound, Iftc.
5- plece garden set, 9c.
I-burner gasoline stove, $2.49.
6- foot step ladders, I7c.
Garden rakea, 15c.
Heavy strapped spading fork, 63c.
Great Gap Sale
Children's sailor caps and hata, from the
New York fire Bale, worth 85c, on sale at
10c ,
Men's and boys' caps, worth 60c, on sale
at 150.
Men's and boys' golf, yacht, golf and
automobile caps, worth $1.00, on sal at duo
REGULAR $4.00 VALUES AT $2.50.
The strongest boys' suit proposition of
the season.
We placo on sale a regular $4.00 value
for $2.60. Theae suits are made up In eight
different styles such as Vestee, Sailor
Blouse, Russian Blouse, Norfolk, Manly
Sailor Norfolk, two and three piece suits.
They come In all' the new fabrics and In
the latest colorings and weaves, making
them popular amons Darents and boys who
appreciate what smart, snappy suits should
be. This Is a great money saving oppor
tunityregular $4.00 boys' suits at $2.50.
For the little fellows, from 2 to 10
years, we show the very choicest and
daintiest creations from our tremendous
spring purchase In Imported and domestic
fabrics; reds, blues, browns, fancy chev
iots, tweeds and homespuns. The new
popular styles in Sailor Blouses and Sailor
Norfolk, pleated front and back, and belt
to match. We guarantee a perfect fit.
Sale price from $5.75 to $1.95.
An Immense assortment In blacks and
blues, In fancy cheviots, light, medium and
dark colors, newest up-to-date styles, in
single and double varsity; any regular cut;
special offerings, on sale at $3.00; $3.75,
$4.50, $6.60, $7.50 and up.
Boys' odd knee pants, sties 3 to 16 years,
choice' of 76o to $1.00 values, on Bale at
36c and 60c.
Salo of Fine Silks
From tha Oreat New York Stock
Sale of One silk from the New York
stork proves a revelation to the women of
Omaha, for never did they thtnk that such
line silks could be bought at such low cost.
Most interesting bargains for you Thurs
day. Fine Taffeta, 19 Inchea wide, all colors,
on sale at 35c.
. Fine Taffeta, 27 Inchea wide, good lining
silks, at 69c.
8well fancy Silk, In all over 100 pieces,
at 25c
New fancy Waist Silk, resembles a tucked
silk, all shades, worth $1.00, an sale at 49c.
The great success attained by our sale of
Black Taffetas from manufacturers stock
Is not to be wondered at. The tact that
we are today offering the best Black Taf
feta values in America Is of vital Impor
tance to every lady In Omaha, and behooves
you to see our offerings before you purchase
Black Taffetas.
Black Taffeta. 20 Inches wide, all silk,
worth 76c, on sale at 45c.
Black Taffeta, 27 Inches wide, all Bilk,
worth $1.00, on sale at 59c.
Black Taffeta, 36 Inches wide, all silk,
worth $1.60, on sale at 88c.
Black Taffeta, 44 Inches wide, all silk,
worth $2.00, on sale at $1.89.
Black Taffeta, 64 Inches wide, all Bilk,
worth $2.25, on sale at $1.50.
Black Taffeta, 64 inches wide, all silk,
worth $2.60, on sale at $1.69.
Black Puna Donna Peau de Sole, 36 In
wide, worth $3.00, for $1.75.
The celebrated Pride of the Loom Taffeta,
the finest 27-lncb Black Taffeta ever offered
to the buying public at any such price as
we offer you this' silk. As heavy as any
$2.00 silk, and actually retails for $1.50, on
salo at 95c.
Fire Sale Prices Wednesday
n the Domestic Room
Wash Goods
39c Foreign printed, cords, for 19o.
39c woven walstlngs for 19c.
60c silk embroidered linen walstlngs for
29c woven walstlngs for 15c.
25c yard wide madras walstlngs for 15c.
19c madras walstlngs for 10c.
25c black sateens for 15c.
25c French plaids for 12V4c.
25c mercerized linings for 10c.
19c French plaids for 10c.
12MiC dress glnghama for Tttc.
10c dress gingham for e.
10c apron check ginghams for bc.
10c black sateens for 5c.
10c domestlo and printed lawns for So.
Skirting prlnte for 4c.
Fire Sale Prices in the
Big Domestic Room
One big table mercerised stripe walstlng.
piques, dtmltlea end lace stripe novelties,
worth 85c yard, fire sal price 16c yard.
One big table India llnons and novelties.
stripes, worth 150 yard, lira sale prices
7Ho yard.
One big table check snd etrlpe nainsooks
and leno stripes, worth lOo yard, at 4Ho
At the white goods counter 32-lnch check
and stripe oxford cheviots and Madras
walstlngs, worth 25c yard, fire sale price
at 15o yard.
75e bleached Irish table linen, Ct Inches
wide, fire sale price 49c yard.
$1.00 TABLE LINEN 69C.
$1.00 bleached Irish table linen, 72 Inches
wide fire sale price 69o yard.
65c bleached Irish table linen, 62 Inches
wide fire sale price 39c yard.
$2.00 NAPKINS $1.49.
$2.00 fine bleached damask napkins fire
sale price at dozen $1.49.
$1.50 NAPKINS 98C.
$1.50 full bleached damask napkins at
dozen 98c'
lOo fine soft finish yard wide cambric-
fire sale price 6c yard.
22V4c bleached sheeting, 81 inches wide
fire sale price 17V4c yard.
10c pillow cases, size 42x36 fire sale price
62Hc ready to use bleached sheets, size
81x90 fire sale price 39c
15c English long cloth, 36 Inches wide
fire sale price 10c yard.
Hayden's Great Reduction Sale Groceries
Pearl Tlnmlny 4U l-lb. can very fine Cm!l Cl
rearl Hominy
per pound O
German 8ago
per pound.
Fancy Hearl M
per pound t
Faney Ppllt Lentils C
per pound O
Good Japar Rice
per pound
Neutr.ta, new treak- I
fast fond, ptr pkg
Malta Certs. 1
Pr pkg ..
Mayflwwer Oats, . I
6-lb. pkg I
Orsnola. i
l-.b. pkg I
10 lbs. t'ure lluck- Q
wheat, for V
Large nacks Pure
Uranulated Cornmeal I
10-1 b. sack Graham 4
Flour for s
2-lb. pkg. Pancake
Flour for
Breakfast Cocoa
per can
1-ib. pkg. Condensed
Mincemeat lor
Mb. Jar Whole Fiult
Jam for Itv
-lb, can, or one
gallon. Apples for...
S-lb. can very fine
Pumpkins lor
-lb. can very fine
Baked Beans for...
l-lb. can very fine
California Peaches
S-lb. -n very fine
California Plums...
S-lb. can very line iOin
California Aprlrotn a.
Z-lb. can very nne
String Bean (or....
2-lb. can very fine
Lima Brans for
2-lb. can very tine
White Wax Krans..
S-'.b. can very fine Cn
Apple Butter for U
Great Sale on Coffaas
Liberlan Coffee II 1C
per pound II 4
Santoa Coffee n i
per pound C lu
San Salvador Coffee lain
per pound Iw1"
Golden Klo Coffee C1,.
per pound U
Martinique Coffee ilr
per pound IO"1-
Interlor Java Coffee 4A ,
per pound aU'
Private Growth I'll,,
Java Coffee, lb.... L C H
Mandellng Java OKi.
Coffee, per lb B.yu
O. O. Java Vflr
per pound CO"
Maracalbo Coffee Ofl,.
per pound WU1"
Arabian Mocha OQr
per pound vw
Java and Mocha QKf
per pound Mv
Milled Maracalbo IKc
Coffe. per lb wS1
Dried Fruit Sals
Fancy reaches
pr pound
Fancy Tenches,
No. 2. per lb
Fancy Pears
per pound
Fancy Prar,
No. 2, i lb
Fancy Aprlrola
per pound
Fancy Apricots,
No. 2, er lb ,
Scedlra 8iltna
Halnlns, per lb....
Fancy Loom
Muecatells, par lb
Ralnlns. 4 ct.,
per pound
Raisins. S cr.,
per pound
rtalelnn. 1 or.,
per pound
Bluer Prunea
per pound
Fancy ITunea
per pnuua..
Ruby Prunes
per pounn
Special Prunes
per pound
Prunes No. 2
per pound.
Prunes No. S
per pound
Fancy Evaporated
Apples, per lb
Cleaned Currants
per pound
I2ic -lie
Great Sale on Canned treats
This 1 the biggest sale of Canned Meats ever offered to the people of Omaha.
"p TV
K-pound tins ..
Fotte.l Ham
Vi-pound tlrtw
Potted Hum-
14-pound tins
Devilled Ham
Vi-pound tins
Devilled Ham
lou mi tins
Potted Ox Tongue.
H-pound tins
Pottei Ox Tongue...
"4-pound tins
Potted Chicken
H-pnund tns
Potted Ch cken
-p.mnd tins
Potted Turkey
V4-lound tine
Pot.eJ Turkey
H-pound tlr.s
Veal I. oaf
H-lu,mri Unit
Ham Loaf;
Vi-IMMin.l 1 Ids
l!i of Loaf
H-pound tiim
Vienna Siumge..
lA-pound tine
Corn Beef H.ieh.
Fire Prices Upon the
In the Domestic Room
Extra heavy outing flannel, light and
dark colors, regular lOo quality for 6 Vie.
Our extra heavy domestic and outing
flannel skirting patterns flounced and
embroidered, regular 50c quality for 25c
Yard wide brocaded curtain swiss and
sllkollne, worth 12Vic and 15c for 6 Vic.
Fuul size Marseilles patterns, bed spread,
cut corners, worth $1.60 at 98c.
Full alze Marseilles patterns, bed spreads,
something extra fine, worth $1.00 at 59c.
$3.00 genuine Marseilles bed spreads,
extra fine quality for $1.89.
Full size Marseilles patterns, extra heavy,
worth $2.00 for $1.25.
Ladles' Jersey ribbed vests, worth 25c,
for lOo.
Men's summer undershirts, worth 35c for
Men's balbrlggan undershirts and drawers.
I worth 50o for 26c.
Heat Prices
No. 1 Hams 12Vic
No. 1 Bacon 12Vic
Lard 94C
Roast Beef, 10c and.... 6c
Boiling Beet 3c
China Department
Extra Specials
$1.60 per set, French China cups and
saucers fOa
Water Tumblers 2c
Fire-proof baking dlghes 7c
Cups and saucers, ncml-granite, each.. 2c
Decorated English dinner ware, cups.
saucers, plates, dishes, etc., each... 10c
Fine assortment of tlectrlo rold finish
glassware 10c
Metal screw-top tumbler, fpr. lunch-
toxes , . 60
Cabinet Investigates Charges and Decides
Criminal Prooe;dings Uineoesstry.
Porto Rlcstat Offlcera Escape In Ac
cordance with. General Rnl br
Which Importers (or Vaa
Mr Pr rim:
WASHINGTON. April 15. The attention
of tha Department of Juatlce waa called
today to the refueal of the United Statea
attorney at San Juan to prosecute num
ber of army and navy offloerB for alleged
smuggling, on . the ground that ha was
acting under instructions from Waahlng
ton. During the day the official In ques
tion also brought the matter up la a letter
aaktng for further Instructions, to which
tha department sent the following reply:
United Statea Attorney, San Juan. Porto
Rloo: Your duty Is to obey my inatnic
tlons to dlamtes the pending smuggling
cases and present no new cases until other
wise directed. Considerations of moment,
not conftned to Porto Rico or the In
dividuals Involved, have moved the admin
istration, after a full Investigation, to take
this course, which will be adhered to. Bet
If the Judae calls upon you or the court re
Queata, you will perform your usual func
tions before the grand jury. Tha fact that
the government may not or will not prose
cute If Indictments are found does not pre--vent
consideration by the grand Jury.
Cash.. Flat la Paid.
' - ' ' .v ... . . .
4ist waa Issued from tha Department of
ugtlee; . . . -.i : r . . -
I- The facta ara- that the Treaaury depart-
u ...........4 m .... 1 n, a ,1 , In fin tt tha
Si in i l piitcu m " 1 111 ... - - - -
rase, on the baats of relief from criminal
liability upon payment of a fine equal to
double the amount of dutlas. Instructions
to this effect were given to the United
Plates attorney ai nan juiq vy wic um-t-tor
of the treasury. He asked for con
firmation of this Instruction and the matter
ra brought before the cabinet, when the
prasldent dlreited Secretary Moody and
Postmaster Ovneral fayne to Inventtgat
tha anllra subject on their arrival at l"orti
Klco, and that tha castw should be dealt
with In accordance with their recommenda
tion, -Thle ravonuhendation waa that all
criminal proceedings should be dismissed
and discontinued upon the payment of the
civil obligation, as above Indicated. In ac
cordance with this recommendation the at
torney general directed the United Statea
attorney for Porto Rico to dtsmlsa pending
casea and to present no more cases to the
grand Jury until he waa otherwise ln
atruoted. The cases Involve certain offi
cers bf the army and navy and certain
civilian employee of the government of
Porto Rico
Postmaster General Payne, when hie at.
tentlon waa called to the matter, dictated
the following statement:
These caaea were called to the attention
of the cabinet because they Involved offl-
oers of the army and navy, ana at me re
quest of the attorney general the secre
tary of the navy and the postmaster gen
eral, who were about to visit Porto Rico,
were asked to make a personal investiga
tion into the facts of the eae.
It aeema that certain officers had brought
to San Juan artlclea for personal use which
were subject to customs duties, especially
cigars and some liquors, ana 11 was aiu
that a present of some of the cigars waa
made to a local club In San Juan. There
was no charae of importing anything upon
which it waa proposed to make money or to
sell for pront, eimpiy personal enecia ior
personal use, some of which, U seems, were
given away.
We were advised by the secretary of the
A-eaaury, such cases coming under hie
jurisdiction, that In casea of this character,
where there was no Intention to Import for
profit, meaning by that where foods were
not brought In for aale. It Is customary not
to prosecute criminally, but to aettle such
cases by the payment of the penalty. This
waa done in this caae and the officer or
officers in question have paid the penalty
Imposed by the Treasury department.
A settlement on thle basis having been
approved by the secretary of the treasury
It aeemed to the secretary of the navy and
to the postmaster general that criminal
rTosecutlon would be persecution, and we
elt entirely justified In recommending that
no further action be taken.
Graaa Jory Proceeds with Caaea.
SAN JUAN, P. R-. April 15. Tha grand
Jury today called many witnesses In the
smuggling caaea and aecured from the court
commissioner, who presided at the former
hearlnga, a copy of the testimony taken.
The priaonera who are sonfled In the
penitentiary for smuggling have preaented
a petition requesting that they be pardoned
and releaaed unleas others guilty of the
same offenses are punished.
Street Railway Manaa-er Denies Re
ported Purchase of Additional
Equipment. ..
A presB dispatch from New York states
that the Omaha Street Railway company
haa juat let contracts for a lot of new
equipment. General Manager Smith says
"We have not let any contracta for new
equipment within the last three months,"
said Mr. Smith, "except for ten new cars.
and they were bought from St. Louis and
not New York buildera. The local papers
have contained notices of all the contracts
we have let for our new power bouse and
cara, so there is nothing in this report
from New York."
Minister's Bon Sentenced.
MINNEAPOLIS. Kan., April 15-Ervln
Kerr, aon of a Methodist minister, who waa
yesterday round guilty or manslaughter for
having killed A. B. Poppham, waa today
Mnlenced to two years In the penitentiary.
, Laundry Lesson Number Four.
Explains its uses more and more
0 PA t
in Yirr s
that will
any fabric.
it saves and
softens the
and cleans
them, too.
.Swift & Company
Kum City Own
Si Loats Sl Paul
feJaWrS II. Worth
Mlaslna: Matt HUIer.
Matt Miller of 1937 South Twelfth street
disappeared about two week ago with a
stranger and has not been seen since. This
tact was last night reported to the police
by his stepdaughter, Myrtle Schrader. She
says that Miller had on his working
clothes and was apparently going to his
work on the electric light conduits, but hs
did not return. He was with a man whom
she did not know and had, she thinks, 7Q
with him. Thla money he realised from tin
sale of a wagon a day or two before, which
wagon he had only owned a few weeks and
aold at a sacrifice. Miller was S3 years old.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wednes
day, April 15:
Warranty Deed a.
Hannah Jacobson and husband to J. J.
Mohatt, lot 2, block 24, Waterloo .... 35
Mary E. P. Bailey to David Sharp,
lots I, 9 and 10 and s feet lot 1,
block 1, Bailey St O.'s subdiv Z.SO)
Ella K. Downs and husband to Elisa
beth M. Hhahan, aumol 1 01 lot s,
aublot of lot 9. Caultal add 13.00)
Elisabeth M. Bbahan to E. t Riley.
same 15. W
Annie Dwyer to Catherine B. Nash, a
1& feet or w reel lot DlocK 3,
Park Place 6)
O. S. Collier and wife to G. A. Mor
ton, lot 8 and hi lot v, block 1, Pat
rlck'a add 1.831
Charles Kelner and wife to Mets
Bros. Brewing company, lot s and
wi) lot 7 and s 40 feet lot 10, block
l triUhnrn ( mi
J. fc. Wright and wife to 3 A. Parks,
lot lu, niocK 40, Bourn umana im
Omaha Realty company to Mary B. idron. n bo reel lot 1. uiock 7.
"Bowery Hill 1.36)
John I-ong and wife to C. 8 Shepard,
a M f-et lot 4. block 44, Omaha 2,90)
Anton Larson and wife to John Rund-
back, lota . it), 11 ana 12. block U,
G. H. Boggs add 50)
Frantiska Vixa to Fannie Kami. eH
of w 60 feet lot t, block 11, Kountse
Hd add 1.00)
A. P. Tukey and wife to Tukey tnd
company, w lot 2, block . Reed a
1st add; lots 6, 17 and 18, block 2.
Brmls park 1
Portsmouth Fire Insurance company
to C. G. Scott, lota 7 and 8, block 116,
Dundee Place 2,760
Mary F. Bourke to Elisabeth Fol-y,
a 51 feet lot I. Armstrongs subdiv
and a atrip adjoining 2,0
Ellen Powers to F. A. Renter, s 40
le?t lot 4, Redlck s 2d add 1,60)
John Hart and wife to Mary Spear
man, w of awVt swfc -16-U
8. W. Whltlo.k and wife to J. A.
Bailey. s4 nwi, aek, se SO-15-13 6J5
J. V H. Whltlock to same, nV nwi
seVi sei 80-li-ia $J5
E. vv. Freeman and husband to Mary
Ml ler, eW lot 18, block 4, McOavock
at O K.'s add j 50)
R. E. Bteln to McCoy ft Olmatead,
lota 1, 4. t and 8. block HO. F.orenre 1
parkway Real Estate company to K.
A. WliUama, lot K and . blmk 14.
Iwlht A L.'a add; lots 4. 10 and
11. block 2S. Wilcox's 2d add so)
J A. Keynolds and wife to same, lot
12. block II. Orchard Hill 40)
tlalt Malm Deeds.
Laura A. Granvt'le and husband to
Tukey Land company, lot 23, block
. Clifton Hill 1
W. O. iiartholomew to Thomas
Creigh, undivVk lot 7. block CO, Bouih
Omaha 14
Dover Five Cents Savings bank o J.
A. Reynolds, lul 12, block 11, Orchard
Hill 1
Total amount of transfers fbl.tol
Is the Only Possible Way of Having
Permanent Cart.
If you ree a woman or a man with
luxuriant, glossy hair, 'you may be sure
neither has dandruff1 to amount to any
thing. In nearly 'every case where
women and men have thin, brittle hair,
they owe it to dandruff. There are hun
dreds of preparatlona that "claim" to cure
dandruff, but not one but Newbro'fl Herpl
clde tells you that dandruff is the result of
a germ burrowing into the scalp, and that
permanent cure of dandruff and Its conse
quent fallllng and baldness, can only be
had by killing the germ, and there la no
other preparation that will destroy that
germ but Newbro's Herplclde. "Destroy
the cause, you remove the effect." 8old by
all druggists. Send 10 cents In stampa for
sample to the Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich.
Meeting; of Campaign Committee.
The campaign committee of the McKln-
ley Kepuoucan club neid a meeting yester
day evening at the ofnee of President Foa.
ter of the club in the Continental block, but
did not observe the ratification of the nomi
nations of the regular republican city
ticket, deterring thai- ior a later meeting.
The committee rieets attain this afternoon
at 4:30 at the aame place.
Very Low Itatea
To points in Montana, Idaho, Washington,
Oregon, British Columbia, Utah and Cole,
rado. In effect dally from February IS to
April 30, via Chicago, Oreat Western rail
way. Wrlta to J. P. Elmer, O. P. A.. Chi
cago, for full particulars.
They Befieot tha Gentnl Condition
Bniineii in ths Weit.
Volume of Business Not So Largo aa
at This Time Last Year, bat
the Rata of Interest
Is Higher.
Wanted In 8 loo a Falls.
Maud Gilchrist of Sioux City and Fay
Maynor of 13 South Ninth street were ar
rested yesterday on a charge of being fugi
tives from justice, which was telephoned
from the Mondamln hotel In Sioux City by
J. B. Bmlth of Bloux Falls. The pair are
raid to have been In Sioux Falls, fl. 11 . and
to have taken (75 from the complainant.
To be seventy years
young is sometimes
far more cheerful and
hopeful than to be forty
years old "
Oliver Wendell Holtnea
A youth of more than seventy
yeari has been attained by the
which is more hopeful
and cheerful to-day
than when it was forty
years old. ' For three
generations Gorham
Silverware has been a
welcome guest in Am
erican homes, though
never before marked
by greater refinement
of design or more dex
terous adaptability to
its purpose. And never
has its price been more
1 moderate.
The statements of tha national banks of
Omaha published under the last call of the
comptroller of the currency, showing con
ditions at the close of buslneas April 9, re
flect the general conditions of the west In
an almost perfect manner. The volume o!
business is not bo large as It was a year
ago, and the cash on hand as compared with
deposit 1b somewhat larger, although all
active accounts show a decrease.
Compared with the atatement of a year
ago the loans and discounts have decreased
more than $200,000, the deposits nearly
$1,000,000, the cash and cash itsms on hand
over 1500,000, while the total resources of
the enmbiued bsnks have decreased about
According to the statements of bankers
the condition Is very satisfactory from the
standpoint of the banker, for while the vol
ume of business has decreased compared
with' last year the rate of Interest Is higher.
ao the return for the amount Invested Is
much better and there la plenty of money
to supply all legitimate demands.
Compared with the last atatement Issued
at the close of business February t, all ac
counts show a healthy Increase. The loans
and discounts have Increased over $2,000,000,
the deposits about $1,500,000, the cash on
hand has decreased a little more than $500,
000. while the total resources of the banks
show a gain of about $1,500,000.
Following la statement of the principal
Loans and Dlseannts.
April 9, April SO, Feb. ,
1901. 1j02 ian.1
First Nat $ 4.MM74 $ 4.7W.OM $ $.8s,2no
Omaha Nat.... 46.790 4.ltt3.S4 4.141.040
Mercbanta Nat 1.219.671 1.272. 80 2 oS 562
l'. 8. Nat 2.WH.X87 2.7H4.12S 2.4K).14&
Nebraska Nat. 62 674 781. KM Mtil
Com. National. 1.118.441 1, 161,31 84.864
Union Mat 751.425 638.622 m.404
I "Macbeth' at the Boyd.
Charles D. Herman and the Warde com
pany In 8hakeipeare a "MacDein, a
Irarpv In flva artH Thfl rut:
Duncan, king of Scotland.... .Mr. Church'll
Malcolm, his eon Harry Barton
Macbeth Charles 1). Merman
Banquo P. Pllklngton
Macduff FrancU MctJinn
Lennox Mr. Craus
Bot.Be Mr. Tyrrell
beyton Mr. Fox
A doctor John E. Hyne
Wounded sergeant John K. Hynes
First Wltcn T1S 11 ouunun.
flennnri witch Ming Atleen Bertelle
Third witch Miss Mary Holmei
Soldier rTanif ivinaer
First and second murderera
MnsHra. HarrlnKton and Churchill
Officers Messrs. Crause and Hurd
"lady Macbeth Miee Anna Koberts
Gentlewoman Mine Aiieen oerieu
With the presentation of Shakespeare's
'Macbeth" the Herman-Warde company
closed Its short Omaha engagement last
night. Mr. Herman assumed the title role
and acquitted himself well, giving a schol
arly and In many ways a satisfactory in
terpretation of the difficult part. The chief
Interest In the performance, though, rested
on tb work of Miss Roberta In the role
of Lady Macbeth, a part that has at times
enlisted 'he best efforts of the greatest
actresses the English stage haa known. It
waa hardly to be expected that one so
young and of such necessarily limited stage
experience should resllze all the' possibil
ities ef the character of Bhakespeare's
strongest. In a dramatic sense, feminine
creation, yet falrnesa compels the state
ment that. Mlaa Roberts deserves much
praise for an excellent presentation of the
part. 8be departs almost entirely from the
traditional woman of unfettered ambitions,
who would "wade through slaughter to a
throne," and makes of Lady Macbeth a
wife who sought only to aid her husband
to attain a place she thought should be
his. In urging the murder of Duncan she
seemed to be thinking less of her own
position and more of Macbcth's advance
ment; always It waa to aid and support
him she strove. She did not upbraid him
afterwards with his cowardice, but aban
doned the lrontcal for the soothing, and In
stead of undertaking to etlng his courage
Into life, Bought to coax bia overwrought
nerves to quiet and to comfort him while
hiding her own affliction. She made clear
the remorse she felt, but also made It
clear that in hiding It from Macbeth( she
sought to aid him to go bravely on along
the path they had chosen. This view of
the character of Lady Macbeth, novel In
many ways, but not unreasonable, does not
permit the rising to the sublime heights
of tragic utterance, nd enables the young
actress to much more capably enact the
role and present a Lady Macbeth equally
artistic in conception and far more sat
isfactory In contemplation than ihe one
we are moat familiar with, a woman who
urged bar husband on from murder to mur
der to gratify and then perpetuate the
gratification of her thirst for power and
place, and whose only regret was, as ex
pressed In the sleep-walking scene, not
that she had aided in a foul crime, but that
she could not rid herself of Its memqry.
In general the cast was fairly up to the
demands upon it, and the performance on
the whole waa good.
At the matinee yesterday afternoon
"Romeo and Juliet" was given, and the
few people who were present were treated
to a rareful presentation of the play. It
Is much to be regretted that so meritorious
a company should receive such scanty en
couragement from the public. Four excel
lent performance of aa many classic plays
have been given at the Boyd and the total
attendance at the four would not equal in
numbers those who were present at a
single performance of a cheap melodrama
on a Sunday night.
.$lf,80.tSI $10,897.27 $14,711,454
April SO, Feb. t,
lWH. 1903.
$ 7.6X8.509 $ (.849,931
7.526.434 .768.io4
3. "7.7 1,06.820 I
1.411. 3 1.5H2.711
1.420.8M9 1,45,!M
1,7(4.1123 1,421.(44
&M.6D1 910,618
Totala $25,450,991 $2.17,6a $21,974,548
First Nst..
Omaha Nat
Merchants Nat
V. 8. Nat
Nebraska Nat.
Com. National.
Union Nat
April 9,
.$ 7.5o8.ffl
. (8.6.l!5
1.234. 7K3
1. 455.961
WO, ill
First Nat..
Omaha Nat
Merchants Nat
I'. 8. Nat
Nebraska Nat.
Com. National.
Union Nat
April 9,
.$ 2.(M.751
2,&i Z.
(i 707
April 10,
$ 1.74,844
1.964. UI2
Feb. (,
I 1.8H1.249
1.U2 455
m J 1m il
U " v M 1 1 1 ..11
W Sara-parMa." ' fnt
jl (U and the doctors say It, too. Ask your own )jl jl
doctor about k. He probably has the vj
Totals $ 9.UO.Ot7 $ 9.(49,521 $ 9,652,575
Total Hesonreea.
First Nst.
Omaha Nat.
Merchanta Nat
l B. Nat
Nebraska Nat.
Com. National.
Union Nat
April 9.
...$ 9.412 915
1277 ,9;
April 10,
$ 9.577.A42
4 173,08
4.166 351
Feb. ,
$ 7.738.211
2 osi.6!
Totala .130.7V1.728 $11,617,084 $39. 286,514
F earth glide an Vnlen Paelae.
OODSN. Utah April It. The fourth land
slide on the Union Pacific at Aspea tunnel
occurred at 9 o'clock this morning. It la
now estimated that seven daya wlu ha re
quired to clear tb track at tbal potou
T.t A ,r'a Ceeefal!f a ' Ya
IUE njvi 9 wai sayii tt y oaj llj
and the doctors say It, too. Ask your own
doctor about H. He probably has the
formula. He can tell you Just how
it lifts up the depressed, gives cour
age to the despondent, brings rest to
the overworked.
If your liver is sluggish, bowels
constipated, tongue coated,' better
take one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime.
These pills greatly aid the Sarsapa
rilla, and cure all liver troubles. Two
aBea en 4 f (. I fl IT fn1liflBtC
0. 1TIB OO..
Unroll. Mam.