THE OMAHA PATT.Y l.EE: TIIUKSDAY, APIUTj 10, x1!o:i. t ( 3 UP, II i U7 J lulU COMPANY Soma-Uoru .-Sod'cial Thursday Bargain IT ST was. ' di:y goodh department. SILK l'ETTKX) ATS black nnd colored taffe ta 8ilk,'uToidcon pleats or double ruffle, tho Bilk is worth the price Attractive wash waiatH, bargain table Rale?, 08c, 80c, (We, 48c and ...... 19c HO YH' WASH WAISTS Three hundred dozen Mother's Friend, ntyle heavy percale, light nnd fancy shades of navy, red and black, worth 40c, at, each 25c WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SUITS A clean up bale, 8iiil well made, the latest styles, wen) sold at $12.50, $13.50, f 15, flG.50, $17.50, $18.75, J?20 and $22, all to be sold at .... . 8.95 lleaiitiful new patterns and colors, iu fancy cretonnes, just the . thing for draperies, couch and box covers, regular 10c value, at, yd. . . 7c FANCY SWISS the season for light, fancy s bed room Bets is here we are showing a beau tiful line of fancy lace effects, swias for bed spreads, cpmmode and dresser covers, 36-in. wide, worth to 35c, sale at, per yard I4c TABLE SPREADS we are showing a new line of swell table covers, all sizes, for stAnds, dining room and library tables, in chenille and tapestry, with fancy knotted fringeon sale In domestic department at from C9c to $4 each. GLASS TOWELING Union made, checked, red and blue, glass toweling, special, yd..3c MADRAS SHIRTINGS 36 inches wide, fine quality and all neat patterns, colors warran ted to wash, regular 25c grade, at, yard. . 12ic LAWNS AND DIMITIES 500 ipeces of fine lawns and dimities, all shades and colors, and pretty patterns, all warranted to wash, worth up to 15c, on special sale, at, yard ......... 5c GLOVES FOR WOMEN; New Lisie Gloves, 75c, 48c, 23c and 15c. New-Silk Gloves, 9Sc, 69c, 75c and 48c. New Lace Gloves, $1, 75c, 48c, 35c and 23c "; ' New Kid Gloves, $1.00, $1.50, and $2.00. r EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED Tq WEAR. CUSHION tEOrS 200 cushion fops, sold from 35c to $1.50, special, Thursday at 15c each. DOROTHY DODD The Faultless Fitting Shoe for Women. First Among 5tyllsta Shoes It makes the foot look ft full size smaller and makes, the walk a good five years younrer. It impels a feeling of 1 perpetual youth. Our prices. .. .Q J JEWELRY CLEARANCE THIS WEEK Practically all Jewelry and Silverware, . ABOUT HALF PRICE Cigars All ye smokers listen. Lillian Russell, 9 OCr for ...........ZDC Norma Mantlnez, clear Cp Havana 10c cigar, for. . 3" E. J. Most 5c cigar, OCn 8 for ZO Bull Horn cigar clippings, I - 5c package for....... . if 25c Jtfrencn briar pipe for ............... Match safes, up from.......-..;;, 15c 5e In tho Big Grocery Tomorrow we offer soma very special grocery bargain, none of them can ba du plicated In the city In quality or price, and their absolute freshness Is guaranteed. GROCERY SPECIAL SALE. Ginger Snaps per pound.. f Rice per pound .1 . So Prunes, California per pound ....' 8c Bread large loaf 3c Plum Pudding can ..... ....10c Peaches for cream can 10c Chocolatlna can 10a Mince Meat package 7c Flower, Seed package .' 2c Vegetable Seeds package 2c Big' offer In California canned assorted Fruits 18c values for can ........... .1240 TEAS AND COFFEES. Best value ever offered In Teas your choice per pound , SSo Coffee fresh roasted dally splendid value 12c Bennett Capitol Coffee the best pro ducedper package 28o Strictly Pure Spices. CHEESE. , Full line of all the best goods. Cream Cheese per pound .......12c Neufchatel Cheese each 4c Hand Cheese each 2Vo 1 Royal Luncheon a jar 10c UTTER. Only the beat products sold here received direct from the producer. Country Butter a pound 16c SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL WINDOWS-THEY LEAD. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH 0MAH1 Bomb it Thrown in Camp of Brewers on ; .Liquor, LicaoM Proposition i ' PLAN TO RESTRICT THE ISSUANCES Object la Said to Bi to Fix Respoa-alblllty-'Miir Hotices at Licenses i Will Have to Be Re- Advertised. An adjourned meeting ot the city council was held last night. An 'ordinance was in troduced regulating the sale ot liquor. This oidlnnnce provides among other things, that a license shall be granted to only ' one person and that breweries may not '. take out licenses as they have la the past i, The idea Is to Bx responsibility. In case i there is a fight In a saloon or a disturbance of any kind the city officials want to be able to know who to look to for damages ;in case the affair warrants it. A tip was 'given out three weeks ago that the coun ' cil would Introduce this ordinance, but the ; brewers would not believe It and conse iquently went ahead and advertised licenses ijas formerly. Now, if the ordinance "sticks" J and goes through, nearly all of the licenses advertised will have, to be re-advertlsed. 1 Another ordinance went to the Judiciary . committee without any objection. It was f an ordlaance levying an occupation tax ot $290 en each saloon In the city In addition to the 11,000 license. Some days ago The Bee made mention of the fact Aat there was. a movement on toot to Impose an oc cupation tax In order that the overlap Inlght be decreased. There Is something behind both ot these ordinances which has not been made public. - Members ot the council assert that the brewers went to Lincoln and worked for the appointment ot a fire and police board and the bill passed and has been signed by the governor. ' Now the brewers who worked for the bill will be called upon to toe the mark as ths council has the power to grant or refuse licenses this spring. , After the liquor license business was disposed ot a petition to grado Nineteenth street from O to P street was read. It was placed on tile. . The appraisers appointed to report on the grading of C street from Twenty-sixth to Twenty-seventh street reported no damages and ths report was accepted. J." 3. Fitigerald, city tax commissioner. Sent to the council' his list ot deputies. The list was approved and the names are: William Hawley, A.v C. Pancoast, D. D. Sullivan, Jacob tavts, J. M. Fitzgerald, F. Y. Povondra, P. McGoldrlck, E. Elster and P. 8tar.- j , A f. 1.-: , . . lean - Hsanon was awarded the contract for the grading of Twenty-first street from 9 te W street, 8 street from Twenty-third to Twenty-fourth street and the alley be tween Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets from K to L street. Dan Cash was awarded the contract for grading Q street from Twenty-third to Twenty-fourth street. Welsh brought up the matter of repair ing Twenty-fourth street, f On bis motion the finance committee was authorised to. borrow 12,000 for the purpose of making Immediate repairs. It Is understood that bids for the work will be advertised for at once In order , that the .pavement may be nxea as soon as possible. The next meet ing of the council will be held on April 20. Elefelder Dreams Again. ' Detective Hank Elsfelder, the well known police officer, had a dream about the bury ing of the body of Mrs. Knight.- Ths de tective told his troubles to Chief Brlggs Just before noon Wednesday and the result was that Brlggs, Morton and Elsfelder took the city rig and drove to Thirty-ninth and K streets, where they commenced dig ging for the body. An hour's wo.-k did not produce any results snd so the ofticers laid off for dinner. In the afternoon the work was taken up again but up to dark last night no signs of ths body were found. Captain John Troutan and Officer Kruger are sure that they saw the Dusenberry wagon on the night ot the disappearance of Mrs. Knight. These officers both say that when first seen ths wagon was going west on L street Kroger says that two men were la the wagon, while Troutan says that he saw only one man.- It Is hardly probable . that the search will be continued today as the authorities are con vinced that "Hank" was -la-a trance when he Insisted, that a search be made tor the body on the ground near the grading camp Charcft Needs. Help. TWO PROBLEMS FOR POLICE One li to Locate Knight and the Other to Tind Wife's Body. 1 . DETECTIVES CLOSELY FOLLOW ALL CLUES Partlealar Search Beta Made for Corpse la Vlelalty of Coart laad Beach Daseaberry's Horse aad Waa-oa. The Knight mystery has resolved ltselt Into two searches one for the man and the other for the body of the woman. The en deaver to collect further evidence to show that Knight killed his wife practically has ceased. There Is not the slightest doubt In ths minds of ths police thst murder was committed, and from Chief Donahue down the work In hand Is regarded as the pro duction of the principals, living and dead. By bungling what might have been an easy Job the police of Cheyenne have let Knight slip through their hands and he is now swallowed up In the great west with Its Interminable distances and mountain retreats. Chief Donahue's department has not relaxed Its efforts to apprehend the man, however, and yesterday scores of cir culars and photographs were sent to officers West of Omaha. ' Testerdsy the polfc'e were strongly In clined to believe Mrs. 'Knight was burled after ' being hauled from her home In the Dusenberry wagon on the night of' April 4 or morning of April' (. Acting on this theory the entire force Of detectives, assisted by a number of curious men and boys, are going carefully over, a big stretch of ground along the river to the north and east of Courtland beach. After a careful consider ation of the many elues and theories at hand toe chief has concluded that most probably the body Is buried In this tract. Near Courtland Beach. Tuesday Detective Drummy and Mitchell uncovered what looks to be the best Indi oatlon as to the route taken by the wagon containing Its ghastly burden. They found a bunch ot three houses east of Courtland beach and near to the river' and the people living in this sequestered place had not even beard of- the Knight mystery. The officers - questioned them closely and learned that the locality is unfrequented, and that late one night a week or more ago, according to the best memory of the people, they had been awakened by a wagon being driven. through their yard. It is necessary to go through the premises to reach the river bank. The presence of the wagon was unusual and was commented on at the time, but no investigation made. Guided by the dwellers, the officers were taken along what might serve as the out lines 'of a road to a place .where a wire had been stretched across to turn back trespassers. This wire had been broken and was down, much to the surprise of the natives. In the sandy waste beyond, the trail of a light wagon, drawn by a single horse, was discovered. Snd following it. the detectives were brought to a clump of wil lows on the bank wherq a horse had barked the trees recently. There were numerous foot prints and the. wagon had been turned Sharply so as to scrape, the sand. There la plenty, of room to make a large turn and the short turn makes It look as though the wagon was there at night. . . ' Incident ot the Spade. The theory that " tie "body was burled 1 rests largely on the incident ot the spade. Just before the disappearance Knight told young Dusenberry that tt bad purchased a brand new spade, which Dusenberry might have when Knlght lef1 Dusenberry never There la still a vacancy on the police force, which the mayor will doubtless fill today. Tickets Selling; Rapidly. . Tickets for the secpnd annual ball of ths South Omaha cavalry 4roop,.b fceld 'at J .,elva. the-wada, ...1 Us .aeeseitt-wher the Exchange building on Friday1 evening of this week, are selling rapidly: -The troop expects to have a big crowd out. Good musio has been engaged for the oocasloa and the ball will certainly be a success, as officers and men are working hard to make the entertainment one of th most enjoy able of the season. -' ' Governor Comes ' Today.' It was reported on the streets last nlsht that Governor Mickey would visit South Omaha today to confer with party leaders In relation to the appointment of a Are and police board. There are plenty of candi dates, but as only three republicans can be c'josen some will surely be disappointed. Two democrats will have positions on the board. Bp worth Learne Elects Officers. The Epworth league of the First Method ist Episcopal church has elected these offi cers for the usual term: Fred Lush, pres ident; T. O. Hunnlcult, first vice pres ident; Mrs. James Lush, second vloe pres ident; Mrs. H. B. Fleharty, third vice pres ident; Miss Maude Smith, fourth vice pres ident; Charles Beavers, secretary; Charles Haffkey, treasurer. . Maarlc.Clty Gossip, Charles ' Allen, Twenty-third and H streets, is quite nick. A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Ward Crawford, 8804 T street. The Catholic Order or Foresters will dance at Odd Fellows' hall tonight. A meetlngof the Modern Brotherhood of America win oe nem on Friday night. . Mrs. S. C. Shrlgler and son Chester re turned yesterday from a visit with friends at Pierce, Neb. Rev. M. A. Head conducted revival serv ices at the First Methodist Episcopal cuurun last nigni. C. H. Hunt and H. C. Hunt of Cambridge. abouts are unknown. Knteht seen by the. neighbors Using It In his' garden, and It Is therefore considered .Certain, that . be had ljt.".j The police for a flnjjL yesterday thought they had this spsde located. 'only to find that the Individual who' was supposed to have It had an article ' that he had stolen. There -was nothing to, connect his spads with the Knight spade. , : What, lends further strength to the Idea that '-Knight,- and probably young Dusen berry, drove the body to the point on the river, bank northeast of Courtland beach Is the fact that the willows where the wagon stopped are very close to the place where Dusenberry wss arrested by Detectives Drummy and Mitchell Several years ago. He - was fishing and was wanted on the charge of stealing bullion from the smelt ing works, but escaped conviction after being bound over to the district court. Haaehback Is Saapected. . Although the hunchback nrmiy maintains that he did not go with Knight when the latter took his wagon close to midnight, April-4, the' police are as fully convinced that he did. They argue that Knight was not especially familiar with North Omaha, while Dusenberry. wno had driven a Junk wagon for thirteen years, knew -tt thor oughly. Therefore, sctlng as pilot to the murderer, he conveyed him to the solltsry snd desolate location where the deformed man was csught flnhlng when he was wanted by the police before. After arriving at the willows the police think the two men burled the corpse and that they could not now find the grave, so utterly broken and waste-like Is the nearby territory. Mel Dasenberry'a Rla. Mel Dusenberry, the owner f ths horse and wagon which Is supposed to have hauled the trunk containing the body of the murdered woman away, was photo graphed yesterdsy at the police station. The wagon and horse, which are now In the hands of the police, may also be photo graphed. The horse is a big bay, shod all round, and his tsll has been docked. The animal la a bony looking specimen and seems not at all averse to his new board ing quarters. The wagon Is a rickety af fair with the right shaft broken and patched. Three of the wheels were originally painted white, and are In a dilapidated condition. The left hind wheel Is ot the Sarven patent and was painted yellow and Is In a fair condition. The wagon bed has been patched and Is In a generally broken condition. On tho wagon bed at the rear part are two or three clots of dried mud ot A clay texture and the wheels are more er less marked with mud of the same character. Near the mud clots In the wagon bed are marks Indicating that a heavy box or trunk has been hauled In the wagon, the Indenta tions apparently, showing that the box or trunk had Iron rollers on Its bottom,' 'or that tt bad been bound with iron. A num ber ot feathers still adhere to the sides and bed of the wagon, as though it had been used for hauling poultry. Five Dollars for Vehicle, It has developed that Dusenberry re ceived $5 for the use of the wagon from midnight until 7 o'clock punday morning, a sum larger than the outfit ever earned In a similar length of time. Daily sweat ing Is gradually shaking the hunchback's story of Ignorance ot the crime or the dis posal of the body, but he still refuses to yield on the more vital points. Chief Donahue Is by no means convinced that Mrs. Knight -was either poisoned or drugged. It has not yet been discovered that Knight purchased any poison either in Omaha or South Omaha, and It Is con sidered possible that the woman was strangled or suffocated. County Attorney James P. English made a second call at the chambers of the county commissioners yesterday and was able to corrall Connolly and O'Keeffe for an ex pression as to what the board probably will do about offering the requested $100 reward for the finding of the body of Mrs. Knight. After the conferen?e Commissioner Con nolly said: "I think It perfectly safe to say that the board will offer the reward as advised to do by Mr. English." Tracing; the' Body. Chief of Detectives Dunn and Detective Drummy spent: a portion of yesterday af ternoon In following out the wagon trail to the river from east of Cut-off lake, which clue was discovered Tuesday and Is considered the most probable route taken by the wagon. At a point about one mile this side of the East Omaha bridge they discovered the track of a wagon leading down and returning back from the exten sive bar there, which is now under water. At the time of the supposed crime' this bank was uncovered, but the water has risen since then. It Us thought by the police that It is possible the body was burled out on this bar and since covered by the water. If this is the case It will be difficult to recover It. The water has fallen somewhat, but it It doea not shortly un cover the sand the spring high water will come on for good and last probably until the latter part of' June,1 rendering any work Impossible and perhaps changing the channel and washing away or adding to the bank at this point. The wheel ruts, however, cannot be taken as being certain evidence of the visit of Knight,, as this district Is sometimes vis ited, by persons dumping refuse in the river- and by willow workers. These latter would have no cause to enter tbe stream, and the dumping is usually done at other points. - The detectives had the shoes taken from the feet of the Dusenberry horse and fitted them to the tracks in the sand. These may or may not have been made by the horse in question, as while the shoes appeared to fit the prints, these have been obliterated sufficiently by tbe rain and wind to make a certainty impossible. The detectives cov ered the river bank and considerable terri tory back from the stream, working from near the East Omaha bridge to much nearer the city, but found no other clue. HOT RECOMMENDED FOR EVflTIIC " DR. KILMER'S SWAMP-ROOT KWnn.Lbrerfc Bladder CURE. MAT tabs m, er m 1r4W WswmMi fcffnw t ftiW ineaJa mm4 ( Wtfllnsa. C-IMpm InhmtiIm to ftf MaJT MWMffM VitB mall 4mm tad t mentm to full 4re or wirt, m Its mm nU But if You Have Kidney. Liver or Bladder Trouble, You Will Find the Great Remedy Swamp Rtot, Just Whnt You Need. It used to be considered thst only urinary and bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves thst nearly all disesses hsve their beginning ln the disorder ot these most Important organs. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, yon ran understand how quickly your entire body Is affected, and how every organ seems to fall to do Its duty. If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking the famous new dlacovery. Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, becauae as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convinoe anyone. Doctor Proscribe Swamp-Root OwitUmen; "1 hfcv prMrrlb4 tht wmSorfut rm4r for kldnr and bladder complaint. Dr. Kil mer' Swamp-Root, with moat beneficial effect and know of many cure br It una. Thee pattant bad kidney trouble, a dlasnoeed by other phyalrlana, and treated without benefit. Dr. Kilmer' a Swamp Hoot efferteS a cure, t am a liberal man and c reft a aow-tflo w he rarer I Snd It, la accepted fhool or out of It. For deaperate oaee of kidney r bladder complaint ander treatment wtth un aatlaractory rerulta I turn to Ir. Kilmer' Swano. Root with moat flattering recttlt. I ahall continue to preerrlS It and from pcrnonal obaerratlnn tt that Swamp-Root baa treat euratlv properties." : . - 17 tt M., Borough et Brooklyn, N. T. Week- and unhealthy kidneys are respon sible for more sickness and suffering than any other disease, snd If permitted to continue much suffering with fatal results are sure to. follow. - Kidney trouble Irri tates tbe .nerves, makes you dlny, restless,' sleepless and Irritable; makes you pass water often during' the day and obliges you to get up many times during the night. Unhealthy kidneys cause. rheumatism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache. In the baek. Joints, snd muscles; makes your head .ache and back ache. causes . Indigestion, stomach and liver trouble,, you get a sallow, yellow complexion, makes you feel as though you had heart trouble; yon may have plenty ot ambition, but no strength; get weak and waste away. The cure for these troubles Is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the world-famous kidney remedy. In taking Swamp-Root you afford natural held to Nature, for Bwamp-Root Is the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that IS known to medical science. If there Is any doubt In your mind as to your condition, take from your orine on rising about four ounces, place It In a glass or bottle and let It stand twenty-tour hours. If on examination It Is milky or cloudy, if there Is a brick-dust settling, or If small psrtlcles foat about In ltfcyour kidneys are In need of Immediate attention. No matter how many doctors you may have tried no matter how much money you may have spent on other medicines, you really owe It to yourself to at least givs Swamp-Root a trial. Its stanchest friends today ars thoso who had almost given up hope of ever becoming well again. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root Is what you need, you csn pur chase ths regular fifty-cent and one dollar also bottles at the drug stores everywhere. Don't make any mistake, but remember the 'name, Swamp-Root Dr. Kilmer's Ewamp-Root, and the address, Blnghtmton, n. Y., on every bottle. Sample Bottle of Swamp -Root Sent Free by Mall. EDITORIAL NOTE If you have the slightest symptoms of kidney or bladder troubles, or If there Is a trace ot It In your family history, send at once to Dr. Kil mer A Co., Blnghsmton, N. T., who will gladly send you by mall, immediately, with out ctst to you, a sample bottle of Swamp-Root, and a book containing many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured. In writing, be sure to say that you read this generous offer In The Omaha Dally Bee. ' Ttk irea I Mmt.II-, Meeewanl I'tle Arte, teevblej ere etacw,, itee la wk tMearai peck at catarrk ef tea tUrfd. , grmr, rheunetlm, lufebeeo a,a DHf bl's IXeecM. wkkk H te went form mi k kwy dawaee Ilia pleeeeatteuea, paer.em eery wf SR. EOME k CO.. BINUIIAI1TON, If,- V, Sold by oil Druggiat. M;' lV,V',M' . 1 :'.,.' (Swamp-Root II pleaeant ta take). Will Make Yon Peel Yonaar. Electric Bitters are a marvelous tonic, and work wonders for a weak, run-dowa svstero. Try them. Only 6O0. ' For sale by Kuhn & Co. Rev. W. T. Blggars, pastor ot the African Methodist Episcopal church, at Twenty fifth and R streets, stated to a Bee re porter last night that help . was needed. The preacher said that the Interior ot tbe church needed papering and painting, while j 111-, were In the city yeaterday the gutta the chimney needed fixing and some repairs to tbe roof were necessary. The total cost will hardly exceed $50. There la some talk of giving an entertainment of some sort In order to raise this money. rreparlna;'fnr laspecjloa. Captain, Bruce . McCulloch, commanding the South Omaha . cavalry troop, has re ceived a notice from Adjutant General Culver to be prepared for a general In spection on or about May . With this In view Captain MdCulloch is getting his men and equipment In shape. On account ot the difficulty In securing horses the troop will be Inspected at the armory lnstssd ot on the troop parade ground, , Departsneat Ckat, Louis A. Sand wick, a -member t the fire company at No, 3 hull, was -dismissed from the. service- yesterday toy Mayor' Koutsky and John'Kubat was appointed to fill the vacancy. Kubat was taken from the police force and put on the fire department. 1 ( No woman's fiappi. ness can be complete without children ; it is her nature to love ftaj beautiful and pure.' The crif'cal ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, however, to fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger, that the verr thought of it filla her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother' Friend so prepares the system for the cominj event that it is safely passed without any danger. This great ana wonaenui remedy is always 1 j .. 11.. 1 has carried thousands Li Li of women through the trying crisis without suffering. 6na for tree book eoBtatnlsg lnfursaeuus ot prlcclra value to all sajmtaal ouiUtaia. Tkt Bradfleld Reg.latsr Co., Atlsita. Ca. JUJJLLUU n ot PoBtmaater Etter. Ferdinand Krebs has been choaen a dele gate by the local poatal clerks' union to represent Bciutn umana at trie national con vention to be held at Nashville, Tenir. MAJOR HALFORD ON A VISIT Paymaster ef Army ana Former Sec retary to Presldeat Harrlaoa la Omaha. Major Elijah W. Halford, paymaster ot the United States army, who has recently returned from the Philippines,, where he spent two years in service, was at Fort Crook yesterday and is in Omaha today on a visit. Major Halford once was ststloned at the army ' headquarters here. Before entering the army he was tor many years a' newspaper min -and later became private secretary to Prestderit Har rison. At Port Crook, Major Halford met his brother, James Halford, one ot the Washington correspondents for the Ne York Times, who, with his wife. Is visiting their son, a lieutenant In the Twenty-sec ond Infantry at the fort. Matriaae Meeaaea. The following marriage licenses were is sued to: Name and Residence. Ace Robert C. PrucBdow. Omaha 33 Nellie M. Jenkins, Omaha 2a 'Robert 11. Keller, Omaha j Ellrabeth Donaghue, Omaha 24 Herbert Marshall. Omaha a Lulu Wren, Lincoln, Neb "William J. Creedon. Omaha 15 'Myrtle E. Wearne, Omaha U Frank O. Fahs, Omaha .., U 'Mabel J. Carey, Omaha H Charles A. Woodland, Omaha 24 Cella H. Keaaler, Omaha 13 Albert E. Kckdahl, Cray. Neb 28 Anna M. Oberialx, Stephens Point, Wis.. .2 John H. MandrracheM. Bloux City 26 Jennie Miller. Sioux City .U Harry F. Vnfli. Omaha 11 Louise Uugler, Omaha ..21 v . DIKD. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. FAMILY'S FAVORITE EOIOINC CAN DY- CATHARTI C .w -j-iF tmmfmV.--i-a-" All Orsgcistg BEST FOR THE BOWELS iff ni$s i " rj- - m. : I Wmr iritarrasn miaTftfi'.n'sa-Jif 1 nria- i-trr-m 1 - r- i-t"r---,---t .'ir'VI ' t WWM'tf WradfJ I! and to Portland, $22.50 to Spokane. $20.00 to Salt Lake City, Ogden, Butte and Helena. Theae are a few of the extremely low rates on sale from Omaha and other Missouri River points dally until June IS, Inclusive, which afford a most Inexpensive oppor tunity to visit the Pacific Coast. The most enjoyable way to go to see the most and learn the most Is via this system, "The Scenic Line of the World" through the world-famed scen ic attractions, the Royal Qorge, Canon of the Orand River, Mar shall Pass, Black Canon of the dunnison, Castle Gate, Salt Lake City, etc, etc. " Personally ' conducted Tourist Car Escurslons, In ' charge of experienced managers, leave Omaha via this route four days In each week nnd are operated through to Ban Francisco, Los Angeles and Portland without change. The Tourist sleeping car rate for a double berth from. Omaha and the Missouri Klver points Is only to. . . Dining cars on all through train. For folders, free Illustrated booklets and othsr information call your nearest ticket i.-nt or. address , S. K.; HOOPER, General Passenger end Ticket Aj-ent, DENVER A Wise Woman will try tft4 prmmrvm kf bauty. A Asm a k.a4 na Rata La atka k lerSLeaaa rkaern Imperial Hair Regenerator 'X-'f ,J recTorea wmy ar Dicacacu nair win; f . Jr..1 natural color or n1. Ill cl-aa. dur. ."-LJ able, and ON'K APPLICATION WILL LAST FOR MONTH. 8emple ot hail aenasui eolored free. 1 tur FawiilUab Imperial Chemical Co.. 135 W. ?!u 81.. et. T. sold by Sherman & MoConnell Drug Co Omaha. Neb. HAY FEVER, CATARRH Cppresslon, Suffocation, Neuralgia , PROMPTLY CURED BY Espic's Cigarettes, or Powder C FOOCCRA CO., New York, and all Druoglate IFiPu&Ddix! IS Rueh street. Chicago. 111.. Oct. U. 180X Three years ago. when the grippe was epidemic In Chicago. I was In a very weak, nervous con dition and suffered with female trouble. I waa taken sick with the grippe, suffered severely, then bad a relapae. and was given up by the doctors snd my friends. My stomach was In such a weak condition that It refused food, and my menses atopped for five months, ar.d the blood flowed from my moutn sod nose at times. In thia trouble Wine of Cardul was tried, and I wss glad to find that It helped my .... appetite. 1 began slowly but surely to mend. I would una 00 other medicine, and, although the doctor tried hard to have me stop ualna It and to take hi prescriptions. I felt Wine of Cardul was helping me. bo I kept on taklnar It. I am glad now that I did. for I found that it met my expectations fully, - aod wltntn four montne 1 leu better snd stronger tban I had ever done In my life. I cannot aay too much in its favor. OBEBFEI-DEU Isaac, formerly ot Omaha, brloved h unhand af Frieda OberfWder, aeu 5 years, at residence, Suw Vernon avenue, Chicago, 4 . M unarsj rlOay. Press Correspondent. Ladles ol thu Q. i. R, Female weakness Invites any kind of complication from other dlseaaea. But the woman who takes Wine of Carrjui will have healthy organs of womanhood and be able to throw off , any temporary ailment. She will not be annoyed every month with suppressed or profue. menses tbe one poisoning her blood with the waste matter which cannot escape, and the other draining her life blood and weakening her nerves. Wine of Cardul Is a perfect regulator of the menstrual flow. It never falls to bring last ing benefit to the most chronic caaes of menstrual Irregularity, and In nineteen out of twenty caaea effecta a permauent cure. If you are a weak woman fearing the coming of each month, take Wine of Cardul, and tlie menstrual function will be a means of health instead of a torture. Wine of Cardul Is a tried medicine, which has worked many hundreds of thousands of wonderful cures like that -of Mrs. Routine. Her case wsb a very aggravated one; few sufferers areas far gone as she waa. If Wine of Cardul cured her It will surely cure you. Uo to your druggist to-day and se cure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardul aod take It in your borne. You Heed not aoffer when this great medicine can be obtaiued so easily. ' If yon think you need advice, address, giving symptoms, "The Ladles Advlaory Depart ment," The Chatta- , ' nooga, Medicine Co, n Annfa.h Tr" rrr?X. fl f fl Chattanooga, Tenn. i ' "II II ' 1 n1Y ( 7f O ) l Mil i ' " I MRS. LENA ROTJSnH. prase Corresooodeat Lad) of the a. X. Is, "f-i-tf k '