Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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Juitice Ouren Declinei to Gent the- Pri oner
a Ooatinnanos
Atlrnt ta Pro Alibi Ikon) He
Went by the Hint of M llrr
While (Marina nt Hot
. Sprlasa, Ark.
W. C. Rogers, the Forney murder suspect,
vii yesterday afternoon held to tbe dis
trict grand Jury by Justice Ouren on the
charge of murderously assaulting Charles
W. Lctehford, who was held .up and robbed
t his moat market on South Mala street
on the night of March 2. The court over
ruled the motion of the defence for a con
tinuance until May I of the preliminary
heaiiDg In order that witnesses whose tes
timony It was alleged would prove an alibi
fcr Rogers might reach here. Rogers' ball
as again placed at $5,000, and In default of
which he was recommitted to the county
At the close of the testimony for the
state Tuesday, counsel for the defendant
Died a motion to have the hearing continued
until May . 8 on the ground that ha would
them produce witnesses who would testify
that Rogers was In Hot 8prlngs, Ark., on
March 2. In support ef his motion ha filed
with the court three letters, purported to
be written by two hotel keepers and the
proprietor of a bath house In Hot Springs,
stating that Rogers, who was known In
Hot Springs as Miller, was In that city on
the night that Letchford was held up and
robbed. The nsmea of these witnesses
wore given as H. C. Hoover, William Mau
rice and Dr. Wei. Counsel for the defend
ant also stated that he wished to bring a
witness named Thomas Nichols from
The court, being under the Impression
that the motion was nothing less than a
scheme to delay the preliminary hearing
and to prevent the authorities having Rog
ers photographed, overruled It. Rogers
will be photographed today and copies will
be sent brosdeast over the country by tbe
authorities with a view to ascertaining It
he is wanted anywhere else and learning
bis past record.
When placed under arrest on suspicion
of being Implicated In the murder of Saloon
Keeper Forney, the defendant gave the
asms of W. C. Rogers. At the Kiel hotel
he registered as Frank Parsons and the
authorities have evidence showing that at
another time he passed under the name of
Moran In this city, whlla be Is now anxious
to prove an alibi under the name of Miller.
The next term of district court will not
be held until September, but the grand Jury
will reconvene on May 4, when the case
against Rogers will be taken up by it.
numbing and beating. Blxby Bon.
Tucker Succeed Tar'atlnnrton.
William B.. Tarktngtoh, whose - resigna
tion superintendent, ot the Omaha ft
Council Bluffs Railway' and Bridge , com
pany took effect yesterday, left last even
ing with, bis family, for Detroit where he
becomes general manager of the electric
line between that city and Toledo, now
being constructed by Charles R. Hannan
of this city and a syndicate oi capitalists.
Frederick A. Tucker, superintendent of
the Omaha , street railway lines succeeds
Mr. Tarklngton as superintendent of the
Council Bluffs lines and as such issued yes
terday his first bulletin to the employes
on this side of tbe river. The bulletin
announced tbe appointment of Frank B.
Hudson, who has held, tbe position of
trainmaster of the Council Bluffs motor
system for several years, as foreman. The
bulletin is signed by Mr. Tucker as super
intendent rf the Omaha V Council Bluffs
Street Railway company, Council Bluffs
Sheriff Makes Good Catch.
.Sheriff Morgan of Mills county made a
good catch yesterday when he overhauled,
about seven milea east of Council Bluffs
on the Olenwood road, a negro and a
white lad driving a covered buggy and
team of horses which had been stolen at
.InviL Ji a JUL
Covering One Side of the Face and
Reaching to the Eye Speedily
Cured by Cuticura.
Hero la another of those remarkable
cures of torturlnfr, tllsfljrurlnx akin
humours dally raaUe by Cuticura Re
solvent, assisted by Cuticura Ointment
and Soap, after physicians, hospitals
and all else had failed.
" I feel U my duty to try to help
those suffering from skin diseases.
My case was a very bad one, covering
all of one aids of tuy face and had
reached my eye. I had two or three
doctors prescribe without any relief.
They said toy disease was Epithelioma.
I was then advised to go to one of our
1 hospitals which I did, taking their treat
ment for soma time. I had Riven up
' all hope when my husband asked me to
try the CuUoura llemsdles. My faco
being la such a very bad stale, I used
CUTICURA REM KDIU are sold throughout th atvtllsad world. PRICES : Catieura, RaaoL
awat, u par Soul (iu tb form of Chofolat Coated Pill, x&a. per vial of 0), Cutleur Ointment,
sua. par bus, ead Cuucur Soan, &e. par mfca. Hand for lha frail work. " Humours of Ida rilood,
Bala and ctcalp, and How to Cur Than." Britleh D.x. if 2. Charterhouae Bo,., Lnndoa, K.C
Franca Depot, a Km da la Pali, I'erte AaatralUa IV pot. R. To wo eG, tidoay. PoUar Drug
end UBannaal Corporation, boi Prvprlalara, Jiuatua. U. o. A.
DAY 6t HESS, Council Bluffs
Money to loan on Real Estate;
lowest rates; funds on band.
Mortgage Investments for sale.
'. Call on or write ua if you have
money to invest, either la mortgages,
bonds or real estate. Real property
cared for.
Small farm near city at a bargain.
DAY & HESS. Council Bluffs
House and lot la
Malvern Tuesday night. The negro gave
the name of Charles Smith and the white
lad that of John Stewart. They were placed
in the city Jail for safe keeping and last
evening taken bark to Malvern by Sheriff
The police received word about noon to
look out tor and arrest two men driving
the stolen rig as they were believed to be
beaded towards this city. It was said 'hat
a reward of 1100 was offered for the arrest
of the thieves. Officers were detailed to
watch the thoroughfares leading Into the
city, but about 2 o'clock, in tbe afternoon
Sheriff. Morgan, who had been on the trail
of the outfit from early morning, reached
the city with the men, stolen buggy and
N. Y. Plumbing Co.. Tel. 250. Night. F66T.
J ad are Wheeler Reverse County
Board In Matter of Offleial
Tbe Avoca Weekly Tribune, which was
built up out of tbe ashes of the defunct
Council Bluffs Evening Olobe and the
Council Bluffs Weekly Globe, will not, ac
cording to Judge WIteeler's ruling In dis
trict court yesterday, be one of the three
official papers of Pottawattamie county
and as such publish the proceedings of the
board of supervisors. This patronage Judge
Wheeler decides belonga to the Avoca
Journal-Herald, the publisher and pro
prietor of which F. M. Beymer, appealed
from the action of the supervisors In
awarding the contract to the Olobe Pub
lishing company, tbe publishers of the
Avoca Tribune. Tbe Council Bluffs Olobe
and the Council Bluffs Tribune, before they
succumbed for want of patronage, were
democratic in politics, but the Avoca
Tribune Into which tbe two defunct sheets
were claimed to have been merged on the
plants being removed to Avoca, is republi
can In politics.
The court found that the bona fide sub
scription list of the Avoca Tribune was
but 393 as against the 985 claimed by It be
fore the board of county supervisors.
The list of subscribers filed by the Avoca
Journal-Herald Included 663 names, but
from this the court deducted forty-six,
leaving a list of 617 bona fide yearly sub
scribers. Judge Wheeler therefore held that the
Avoca Journal-Herald had a larger num
ber of bona tide subscribers than the Avoca
Tribune and that the board of supervisors
erred in selecting the Avoca Tribnne as one
of the official papers of the county, and
accordingly reversed Its action and ordered
that the Avoca Journal-Herald be declared
one of the official papers and as auch be
awarded for the current year the publish
ing of the board's proceedings according
to law. The costs of the appeal are taxed
against the publishers of the Avoca Trib
une. The case had attracted more than or
dinary Interest as the Avoca Tribune has
been backed by a number ot leading re
publicans In Council Bluffs and throughout
the county.
' National Roofing Co,t J26 Mala Street.
,A Blsbop Coarrw CMw,
Right Rev. Henry D. Cosgrove, bishop ot
the southern Iowa diocese of th Catholic
church, is in the city, the guest, of Rev.
Father Smyth. Bishop Cosgrove'a visit
has no offlc'ai significance,, being purely
social. Regarding the agitation to divide
the diocese, Bishop Cosgrove said he did
not know any more than anyone else and
that tbe plans for the diocese were known
only at Rome. The agitation, he said, was
being continued, but whit the reault would
be he could not foretell. His visit here,
he stated, was la the nature of recreation,
aa he had been very busily employed during
Lent and needed a little rest.
IteTlalna; Telephone Ordinance.
The special committee consisting ot Al
dermen Lovett, Casper and Tlnley, Mayor
Morgan and City Solicitor Snyder, met
yesterday afternoon for tbe purpose ot re
vising the independent telephone ordlrance
dratted by Mr. Snyder and which did not
meet with the approval of the other mem
bers of the committee. The most important
change decided on was that of making the
ordinance provide for "terminal toll sta-
the Cuticura Soap with lake-warm
water and a small silk pongs and then
applied the Cuticura Ointment. I took
one teaspoonf ul of the Resolvent four
times a day. They acted like a charm,
aud In one week's time my face waa
cured entirely and has remained so. I
certainly can recommend the Cuticura
Remedies as Infallible.
Mrs. A. O. 8MITR,
2400 Catharine St.,
Feb. 9, 1903. Jiuladblfhu.
The purity and sweetness, the power
to afford Immediate relief, the certainty
of speedy and permanent core, the ab
solute safety and great economy have
made Cuticura Itemed! ee the standard
skin cures, blood porlflers and humour
remedies of tbe civilized world.
Farm of 223 acres, miles 8. E. of
city at great bargain for It days. The
Ora Clark farm. Fins house, all bot
tomland, not subject to overflow, near
station, school, eto. There Is 1 10 per
acre profit in this. The flnast farm la
tbe country at 165 per acre.
Council Blutfs cheap.
tlons" in place of "toll and terminal sta
tions," as the measure originally read.
Several minor changes were msde which
the committee believed would prevent any
possibility of the ordinance being con
strued to permit of the establishment of
another local telephone exchange In the
city. The committee adjourned to Friday
afternoon, whea. It hopes to complete the
revising of the ordinance and have It in
shape to submit to the committee of tho
rtenl Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
George A. Hoagland and wife to
I-emars Building and Loan aosncla
Ibn, lots 18 to 22, block It. Bayllss'
3d add, q. c. d t 1
Hans S. TUttenbora; and wife to Jens
C. Hansen, eH neW and ne!4 se4 12-77-38,
and land In Cass county, q. c. d 1
I. V. Colt and wife to Mason City
Fort Dodge Railroad company, part
nw!4 ewi 5-74-43. q. c. d
Iowa Townelte company to same,
part ne nwV 4-75-42, w. d
Same to same, part ee4 sw4 14-76-43,
w. d
Same to same, part -4 se4 11-78-42,
w. d
Minnie P. Jnnes, guardian, to same,
undlvt-S lot 7, I. 9, block 6, Flem
ing A Davis' add, g. d
Minnie P. Jones to same, undlv 1-S
same, w. d
Sheriff's jury to same, part swU 33-77-41.
a. d
James Peterson and wife to C. J.
Eastland, lot 8, block 12, Jackson's
add, w. d
J. N. K. MacAllster to Berta Oold
bronson, lots 13 and 14, block 7,
Pierre's subdlv. w. d
John Bono and wife to Harle Haas
Drug company, that part lot ISO,
original plat lying e of alley, q. c. d.
R. B. Charles to H. F. Charles, her
husband, lot 10, block I, andvlot 14,
block 6, Underwood, w. d J. .......
George A. Eaton to F. E. Crabtree,
lot 7, block 9, Crawford's add. w.d...
Iowa Savings and Loan association,
lot 13, block 8, Hyatt's subdlv, w. d.
Kate Matilda Davis and husband to
B. P.. Oreen, lot 1, block 2, Fair
mount Place, except w 60 feet, w. d.
James Madden to Eugene Koch, lot 2,
block Q, Curtis & Ramsey's add,
w. d.
Total seventeen transfers
..' 17,801
Mairioare Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Name and Residence. ' Age.
J. M. Hoover. Neola, la 9
Elva Andrus, Council Bluffs 21
Kherman Fox, Pottawattamie Co., Ia 35
Mattls Q. Culver, Harrison Co., Ia 19
W. R. Arnold, Council Bluffs 21
lva Vanatta, Bancroft, Neb 22
John'Hurd. Council Bluffs 19
Llda Osborne, Council Bluffs 20
Arthur M. Oersrd, Council Bluffs 2
Anna M. Son nils, Council Bluffs 24
Walter E. Thompson. Plattsmouth, Neb.. 21
Aivlne Rothman, Flattsmouth, Neb 10
Tudor A. Thomas, Montgomery Co., Ia... 21
i-dlth W. Jones, Pottawattamie Co., Ia...22
Davis sells drugs.
Etockcrt sells carpets.
Expert watch repairing. Leffert. 40S B y.
Celebrated Mete beer on tap. Neumayer.
FOR rent Modern house. 71S Sixth ave.
Cabinet photcs, 36c per dosen. 308 B'way.
Clothespins 1 cent a dozen at A. B.
Howe's, 810 Broadway.
Picture framing. C. E. Alexander ft Co.,
133 Broadway. Tel. 366.
1.lea,?,t, ,n " P"r f the city for
sale. Thomas E. Casady. 235 Pearl street.
- 'Court of Honor will hold Its regular meet
ing this evening lu Woodman ot the World
before papering your rooms we want to
how you our eiegant 1901 designs. C. B.
Paint. Otl and Olass company. ,
Mrs. Maude E. Blxby took out 4 permit
yesterday for a one and one-half story
f-sm cottage on Oakland avenue, to cost
Mrs. Jane Webber of Cherokee, grand
matron of the order In Iowa, will be present
this evening at the meeting of Harmony
Chapter, Order of the Eastern 8tar.
The Dodge Light Guards have scheduled
a game of football for Thanksgiving day
with Crelghton college of Omaha. The
game will be played in Council Bluffs.
Mr. and Mrs. James Coyle announce the
marriage of their daughter. Katherlne, to
Howard R. Morgan. The wedding will take
place at St. Francis Xavler a church,
April 27.
Professor J C. Grason of the high school
faculty, who has been dangerously ill with
throat trouble, Is somewhat improved and
there are strong hopes for his ultimate
recovery. .
Congressman Bmlth has forwarded to
President Roosevelt th request of the peo-
vl 1'vern, ta.. mat he make a short
jtop there en route from his western trip
to St. Louis.
rDriX'. Treyn'. Donald Macrae, sr.,
Donald Macrae jr., J H. Cole. J. C. Water
man, N. D. Rce and Mary Xlnley are mN
tending the meeting of the Iowa State
Medical society in Sioux City.
i T: C' V"1"? complained to the police
last evening that a thief had carried off
a roll of matting valued at 125. while his
household effects were being moved Into
tho flat at 16 South Eighth street.
wA m,nu,trl performance for the benefit of
!v!V.n on."i? strlher wl" be S-lven this
evening at the New theater and Indications
are that It will be well patronised. JudgJ
lng from the advance sale of tickets.
urs. eweeney. who waa called hr. kv
serious illness of her father. Inia
f u"T,"eh!fn. sr.. has returned to her home
V""". vv. va. Mr. zurmuehlen la
much Improved and a 1 moat convalescent.
Sherman Fox of arable. Ia.. and Mattle
O. Culver of California Junction, Ia., were
married in thla city yesterday by Juatlce
Ouren. Justice Ojren also performed the
murrlage ceremony for Walter K. Thomp.
son and Alvina Jtothman, both of Plat la
mouth. The remaining casea against the ten
members of the "Younger Brothers Bank
Robbers company, charged with violating
the Sabbath law by performing at the New
theater Sunday, March . were dismissed
In Justice Ouren's court yesterday and the
costs taxed against the county.
Llyod Klrkpatrlck. the 17-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Klrkpatrlck, who was
seriously wounded by th accidental dis
charge of hla gun while hunting at Honey
Creek lake. April 1. is improving and hla
complete recovery ia now looked for al
though She la as yet unable to alt up. '
J. A. Holoe, who was taken from a Burl
ington train last Sunday while on his way
to Illinois from Denver, Colo, owing to hla
mental condition and placed In Bt. Ber
nard's hospital, was yesterday taken to
Joy, 111., by his brother, Horace Boloe, who
came here for him.
At the session of the grand council of
the Royal Area rum in Davenport Tuesday
A. E. Brock of thla city was re-elected
grand treasurer. Charlee A. Beno waa re
elected a member of the nuance committee
and A. T. Flii'kinger re-elected a member
ot the committee on laws.
The congregation of Grace Kplacnpal
church, having cleared off the mortgage on
the church rectory, has decided to call a
rector. The church has been without a
rector since the resignation of Rev. C.
Knox and the services have been conducted
by Edwin J. Abbott, lay reader.
The Board of Park commissioners has de
cided to advertise for bids for the privilege
or tne rerretmmeni pavilion at rairmount
park. The blda are to be In by May 1 and
the board expects t derive sufficient from
tho concession to meet the expense ot the
boara s omces in tne Merriam block.
cnria feierson, a M-year-om boy, living
at iiu riurriaon street, waa severely bitten
by a dog last evening. Young Peterson was
riding a bicycle when the doc rushed from
from the sidewalk and grabbed th boy's
leg, badly lacerating the flesh. The police
were unable to locate the owner ot th
canine last nigm.
Articles of reincorporation of the Union
Transfer company for a further period of
twenty years were tiled yesterday In the
office cf the county recorder by H. I. For
syth, vice tireaiilent. and John B. Gretxer.
secretary of the company. The corporate
life of ihe-company expired January 12 of
mis year.
James jaroby, driver of an express
wagou, living at 1219 Hxth avenue, waa
found to be suffering from smallpox yea-
terday and waa quarantined at Ms horn
Jacoby recently moved th effects of th
lilbourn family, a member of wblrh waa
etrli'ken with smallpoa and it la supposed
ha contracted tlia disease at that lime.
Dr. A. H. Carter of Houth First atreet la
home from a trip o New York city. , En
rout tttJt, Dr. t arter was a paaaenger on
the (irand Trunk line which collided with
f i eight train near the Huapenelon brldae
Niagara falls. Dr. Carter was reudertd
Paine's Celery
The Wondrous Spring System
Cleanser and Health Builder
Makes Sick People Well.
It Is a Heaven Sent Blessing to
Disease-Burdened Men and
Women. .
There Is nothing doubtful or uncertain
about the working and effects of Patne's
Celery Compound. It stands supreme ss s
spring system cleaner and health builder.
It reaches without loss of precious time
the cause ot sickness snd disease In a way
that no other remedy can do. Its first snd
most important mission Is the purification
of the life stream. Increasing Its volums
ana quaiuy. it then stirs sil the organs
that work sluggishly. It restores strength,
renews vitality, regulates ths kidneys, liver
snd bowels, and makes people well and
strceg. For these reasons Palne'a Celery
Copound ss a spring medicine stands
fa I above all other prescriptions and rem
edies thst promise so much snd accom
plish so little. Mrs. R. O. Stsrkey, Jack
son, Mich., says:
"For many years I suffered more than
tongue can tell from ectema and blood
troubles. In the spring sesson my sgonles
Snd distresses were Increased, and I often
wished to die. Bolts and pimples sdded te
my sufferings, and for weeks I was not fit
to be seen. ; Doctors afforded ms but small
relief. I spent scores of dollars for adver
tised medicines, but got no cure from
them. I got hold of one of your books
snd read about a lady who had been af
flicted as I was and cured by Falne's Cel
ery Compound. I procured a bottle of
your Compound without delay and began to
use it. After I used the third bottle, I
experienced a blessed change, the ecsema
and eruptions were disappearing. So
happy waa I that I continued with the med
icine till my face and body were clear and
smooth. I am a new woman In every re
spect. I sm now well and strong snd be
lieve the cure Is a permanent one. May
heaven bless you in your work ot doing
good to suffering humanity."
Feathers Renovated
We are prepared lo do this work to per
fection, In connection with our dyeing busi
ness. Lace Curtains Cleaned and
Potiisrs Cleaned and Dyed.
Our method Is to give complete satisfac
tion. Come in and Inspect our work If you
want to see what we csn do In the way ot
fine work. . . .. .
Ogden Steam Dye Works
301 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
VYsrk called (or delivered. 'Phone 71.
it rtarl a.'-. Council Bluffs. Fhone I.
unconscious by the shock of the collision,
but Is now quite recovered. He waa asleep
In his berth when the collision occurred.
It Is not often that Clerk Reed of the
district court receives requests for marriage
licenses by mall. Yesterday, however, he
received one from Red Oak to be made out
In the names of Tudor A. Thomaa of Mont-
S ornery county and Edith White Jones of
rove township,' Pottawattamie county.
Hie customary fee of tl accompanied the
William Henry, Ray Beer and Clint Boy-
den. three young lada who ran away from
their homes In Omaha and were, corralled
by the police lata Tuesday night, were re
leased yesterday morning on their promise
to return home. One night behind the bars
was all the lada wanted to see of the wide,
wide world and they were only too glad to
board a car for Omaha.
M. Pearlman. rroDrletor of the Novelty
Cloak store on South Main street waa ar
rested yasterdnv charged with resisting and
interrering witn consutoie uaira or. jus
tice Caraon's court while In the perform
ance of hia duty. It ia aatd that Pearl
man reeiHted the officer serving attach
ment paper-. He furnished a $160 caah
tond for his appearance lo court this morn
ing. Reuben Russell of this city, who waa
ct'iumtttad to St. Bernard's hospital No
vember H last. . was yesterday paroled in
care of relatives y th commissioners for
the Insane. The commissioners have re
quested the State Board of Control to grant
tne Da role of Fred Lewis, son of 8. S.
Lewis of Macedonia, from the atate asylum
at Clartnda. The parole la approved by
Superintendent WUte.
Chief of Police Tlbblts will so to Des
Moines Saturday to attend a meeting of the
officers of the grand lodge. Knights of
Pythias, which has been called by Grand
Chancellor Olllett to seleet a meeting
place for thla year's session. Creston,
where the meeting waa to have been held,
has notified the grand lodge officers that
It cannot entertain the meeting. A meet
ing of the Joint' committee of the local
lodges will be held this evening to decide
whether Council Bluffs shall make an effort
to secure the grand lodge session.
naiaeer OIBeer Ordered ta Rella
olaa River Work and Fro
feed to Philippines.
SIOUX CITY, Ia.. April 15. Captain
Hiram Chittenden, who has been stationed
at Sioux City, in charge of river work on
the upper Missouri and Mississippi, has
been ordered to Washington to take com
mand ot Company M, battalion ot engi
neers, which Is going to the Philippines.
Iowa, Paatofflre Rabbed.
DES MOINES, Ia., April 15. Th post.
office at Ireton was robbed early today by
safe blowers who dynamited tbe safe and
removed tbe contents, consisting of $16v
cash and approximately $50 In stamps. The
work la believed to have been that of ama
teurs, aa the safe was opened with tools
procured from a blacksmith sbo?.
About midnight two men were arrested
by Marshal Thackeray at Hudson, 8. D.,
eighteen miles away, after a fierce fight.
After being locked up they set fire to the
jail and were rescured with difficulty. They
threatened to kill the marshal. Postmaster
Carr of Ireton thinks they sre members of
the same gang.
Colleglana Beat rrofeaslonals. '
iMrn la.. Anrll 15. (Special Telcsram
Ames collide defeated the Cedar FUrldf
team of tne Tliree-t league nere tojay.
Ames 0 000l0-2
Cedar Raplda ..0 0100000 11 7 4
Famous tho World
Order ttmm H.
Iowa Convention Addressed hj Eepreienta
tiTei of Oenertl Government.
Six C'eatpaales Oaly of ths National
Gaard Are to Make the Trip to
ft. Lea la Odd Fellows to
lltrs Bt Tim.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES. April 15. (Special.) The
first stats (ood roads convention was held
here today, about 150 persons being pres
ent, representing nearly every part of ths
stste. Tbe convention was called by Gov
ernor Cummins, who had been ssked to
name delegatea to a national good roads
convention lo be held the latter part of
the month In Bt. Louis. He chose rather
to call a state convention and have that
convention nam the delegates. Ths at
tendance was food. Representstlves were
hers from counties and cltlea and from
commercial bodies of all kinds.
The meeting wss called to order by D. B.
Lyons, president of ths local commercial
exchange. Words of welcome were spoken
by Msyor Brenton snd Governor Cum
mins, snd the latter briefly outlined his
views In regard to ths pressing necessity
for good roads legislation In ths stats of
lows. There wss present representatives
of ths Nstlonal Good Roada association
and of the office of good roada Inquiry for
th Department ot Agriculture at Wash
ington, and they were hers to urge that
some action be taken to further the csuse
ot good roads. They desired to have ths
people of Iowa Indorse th general move
ment, and especially to recommend the
Brownlow bill, which purposes the appro
priation of $30,000,000 from the nstlonal
treasury for good roads.
R. W. Richardson, formerly of Ne
braska, representing ths Department
ot Agriculture, waa ths principal
speaker for the afternoon. He
spoke ot th work that has been done
In th vsrlous states In regard to good
roada and especially urged that the state
aid plan, in use in the most progressive
eastern states, be sdopted. This plan is
In fores in a number of states and is not
an experiment at all. The state makes a
direct appropriation for the road building
and there ia a atate engineer or highway
commission or other designated body which
supervises the work. The cost is appor
tioned usually a half or third to the atate,
and generally about 16 per cent to ths
owners of abutting property and 35 per cent
to the county. New York state pays half
of ths expecs of these roads. The sys
tem has been In use ill that state about
ten years with excellent results. In Mas
sachuchstts, where they have a similar sys
tem, they are getting splendid results in
all parts of ths state. It is being used In
Connecticut, New Jersey snd has Just been
sdopted In New Hampshire.
Others who addressed the convention
wars James O. Berryhlll, Des Moines;
Colonel Killebrew, Nashville, Tenn.; and
Judge McVey of this city. W. W. Loomls,
secretary ot th Commercial club of Coun
cil Bluffs, was mads secretary.
Conferenee of Baperlnteadents.
The conference of county superinten
dents for this section or the stste was
concluded today. The topics discussed to
dsy relsted largely to manual and Indus
trlsl training In the achools, especially In
the rural schools, snd expositions of In
dustrlal work. Ths subject ot giving In
struction hi industrial training in the nor
mal Institutes wss also discussed briefly.
Superintendent Thornburg gave an ex
haustive report en h work of the reading
circles, the teachers' resdlng circle snd
the pupils' reading circle, showing that
a great deal of good is being accomplished
in this way. Secretary Conaway of the
Iowa commission on EL Louis exposition
presented tbe topic of lows's psrt in that
sxposltlon and especially the educational
exhibit. There was also discussion on the
amount of money levied for teachers' fund
thla year aa compared with previous years,
and In general the results of the cam
paign for better wages Inaugurated last
winter by the state teachers' association.
The reports generally Indicated that there
has been some advance along the line and
better wagea are to ba had in the future
A letter, was read from ex-Superintendent
Sabln advocating the Pennsylvania aystem
of a minimum wags for teachers In the
schools. Superintendent Barrett gave facta
regarding the lncreass in number of teach
ers In lows and the general advance ot
school work In many decades.
Odd Fellows from Atlantic, Madrid. Stu
srt. Perry snd other nearby cltlea will
Join with Des Moines on April 17 in cele
brating their eighty-fourth anniversary.
There will be a grand atreet parade by
lodges, csntons snd encampments, prize
drills, snd exemplifications of degress In
lodge ball. It Is to be the greatest dsy
of ths year with the Odd Fellows and it la
expeeted that a large number of them will
be In the city. Last year they did not ob
serve the annual anniversary day here be
cause of the national meeting which came
In the fall. The preparations this yesr sre,
however, quite elahorate.
Iovra Doctors Hold Meeting.
SIOUX CITY, Ia.. April 15. (Special Tel
egram.) The Iowa Medical society con
vened here today. There la s good attend
ance. Several resolutions were introduced
to the effect that tbe legislature be asked
tor an appropriation tor a aanltorlum for
tuberculous patients. Two csndldates srs
In J he field tor president. Dr. Scroggs of
Keokuk and Dr. C F. Wsbur of Fort Mad
ison, with the chances favoring Dr. Scroggs.
The address of President James Tajgard
Priestley ot Dea Moines was largely tech
nical and attracted Mttls Interest.
Daaghter Objects to Will.
ONAWA. Is.. April 18. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Myrs D. Baggs of Sioux City
has filed s petition In the district court ot
Monons couaty to act aside the will of
Oersnaa M. Brown, her father, who waa one
of the wealthiest farmers in Monona county
at the time ot his desth snd who left his
entire estats to hla sons, Oscsr E. snd
Hugh D. Brown, except $2,250, divided be
tween the three daughters. The estate Is
valued at over $100,000. The suit Is re
garded as very Important.
Killed by Leaaoa Extract.
JESUP. Ia., April 15. (Special Tele
gram.) The decomposed remains of sn old
man were found today In the hayloft of
Elmer Tunk'a barn. He had died from
drinking lemon extract. He had been In
tbe city for a week and auddenly disap
peared. He la not known here.
Accidentally Kills Slater.
DYSART, Ia., Ap.-il 16. (Special Tele
gram.) William Johnson, aged 15, accl
dentally killed his sister ot I by shooting
her head off with a shotgun which be ass
loading. They were slons st horn.
Oyer Fully Matured.
Mar dt Coaapoar
S (()) H
THE EIKERHOFF CURE-A new discovery. A
clear, transparent, almost tastetess solution (manufactured
under an open formula), prescribed in six-drop doses, which
does not derange, weaken, nauseate, or affect the stomach.
Following ar few o! the) testimonials received during th week
nJing April 4.
TWELVE- HUNDRED mors llks then covering every phsse, description
snd symptom ot dlseae for which th EIKER-HOFF CURB Is a spsclno, to
gether with full detslls ot positive cures, can be had at Beaton Drug Co.
These 1.200 testimonials If printed In this newspaper wsuld All eight
full pages. They show mors genuine and voluntary evidence of cures of
than all other so-oslled "cur" cas ahow In the entire history of their busi
ness. And all thia within th abort apac of six months on a remedy only
reoently advertised, and which prior to February 18, im, depended tor Its
sal solely upon recommendations of one person to another.
H.r.h . IMS.
I ss aaarty w smielw aas 1 am
... wrHlftt Car aaather WUla C va
He Car T say 1 aa a ' ''"3
Car waals S rattlaa It arf . I am
ao aach fcattar that I oanaot basin t tall
Ins aaa looking An. A trteno ot mine tola
ta bow rnueh battar t am. 1 am both faal
n the otbar oar that aha nevar aaw ma
looklni so wall aa long aa aha know ma. ana
It la all on aocount ot your Hlkr-Ho Car.
1 Mill couth a llttl In th morning, but ao
little that 1 harolr "otl" ' "" "
ooraalenal pain I lha cheat, but aot wr
oft.n, ana nothing Ilka I dla four or Sre
month! ago. I ahould bare wrlttea you
aoner, but t tell you tba truth I am ao
much battar that I nglcted doing an. sir
eough bas almoat atoppad. Tha moat I aver
cough l In tha morning, and tha moat I
ipavtnrata ia In tha morning, and than not
not vary much. 1 am slowly but auraly getting
my haalth back again. Batora I took the
Elkor-HoS Cure I waa afraid that I would not
live much longar.
Walliton No. 1. Caraonvllle, Mo.
March l. lul.
Pleaee sand to th ocloa4 addraa S
aampla bottle of tha Elkar-HoB Cora for eon
umptlon. I haa triad It far aatbma and
am Ira from It for th Srat tlma In aaram
yaara. I do not know bow to thank you
No. Ml S. Thamas St.. Loa Angola. Cat.
March SO, 10.
I am now taking root for ana weak and
am faallag esoallaot. 1 am ataadlly taking
on ..aah and hara not a alight cough. My
apaetlta la flrat clam and I alee? good, thank
to your Klkar-Hoff Cure. Wlihlng awco to
your lker-HoS Cure, I remain
I6( Howard St., Detroit. Mich.
March t. 10
Bncloaad Snd It for on month' traatment
f your Elker-HoB Cora. I hare lakan ena
bottla and t am bttr. but no mtrad. I
thought I would try another bottla. I reet
battar at night. I am twenty pounda aaTler
tha I wa wban I worked every day.
JAMJCS M. BUUJt. Olaagow. III.
March 1. )K.
I have nearly Bnlahed tba fourth bottle tt
Blker-Hoff Our which you kladly sent me
and I am glad to aay that my aathma la all
gon. I bar not felt It for two weeks Bow.
Mr eaa waa a eavere on of about twenty
year' atandlng. I hate gained ten pounda
ll nee 1 etarted taking tha medicine. I ehoold
Ilka to take on mor bottla to make aura.
No. tie Frl St., Maiden. Maea.
March 11, ISO.
Wa bar ueed your Btker-HoS Cure In our
family with perfect eetlaf action for omeamp
tlo and catarrh and there-are other caaaa I
know of, ao If you daen an' agent her 1 can
, highly nosmraenS tha Cure Xo athera.
No. M South 11th St., Kanea City, Mo.
See that the "Ball's Eye" trade mark cf the
Hot! Medicine Is oo every bottle. No other Is authorized
S. W. Cor. 15th and Farnam. '
New Orleans and
Return. $29.50
April II, 12, 13, lUy
The World's Fair line. Smoothest, shortest and quick
est to the South and South East. Call at City office, 1601
Farnam St., or address Harry E. Moores, G. A. P. D.,
Omaha", Neb.
To all Men who Write to tho Hcldel
berg Hedlcal Institute, St. Paul.
Just sand your nam and sddreis plainly written and
thy will send their yrt "Eloclre-Chamle Belt"
without sn cent ol coil to you. It is yours lor ths
sskisg. Nstevsn sec ana ry t send postage stamp.
Th Heidelberg Mwdleal Imtltut, capitalized
StIIOO.OuO, Is the Largest and Klcbeat Medical
Institute to. ths Nona went and la trlvlns awn
thousand of tbalr Great Eleciro-Cberalo
to prove and alrertbte tbelr wondrrful curtoc
power. TheQreat ' Kleuiro-Chemlo" Melt will
reatora you to be&ltb and happiness. lS.tftl
eilin m0 reoently restored to vim. vigor sod
perfeot manhood. It quickly oures Rhtuiratitm,
Lumbago, Lame Back, Nenou Eihiuttion, Virico
wla. Filina Vitality. Kidney Trouble. Livr. Stonier
snd Sanual i)naiei. Central Weakneta, Lost Hem
Force snd man ether ailments. It la worth from
FttHoliO to any one. It is given istit absolutely
free by the master a. erUlUt to all thoaa who
need tbe one great O'Ti-tive agent. Klectrtcltv.
CSEIT6 Ktchtean ran a-o I 11 rM antlnad TB.n
totn ot narvou trouble tiet afterward. reu.4l n
e;iwas mlaary anu utreiln. 1 Sad ein lu im rrk,ai!l
pent aianr relle nii.-lil. la.t no onln.l rl r. y lu
alu4, o thtt 1 wa. alwv at a lu what
ver I an 3;rtJok- 1 have Leau.fnir the rlertro-rhrm.
trtmntof in Helilvlber SwIIrA: intitutel.ull
wek an 1 mraalf eurw'. 2iJL wore, and in b
Weill worth all a man baa. b T H.
rrifrURTR Th Iteltlnnotserton tHullm.
ntmCWIPE.r! I your to keep forever with
out the pkviurnt of one cent. So write to1j
for the Urea; Klectro-Cbemio Kelt Fres. Men
tion thla paper Adtlrea
Heidelblrq Medical Institute
Fifth sad Robert eta.. ST. PAUL. MINN.
T lilfcaX 1 l' a Bilfornnatral
aVtaltoSarXl .Tbraw.lna.mat.aa
I glTuurf ll Irillatwu M ulcaralloiu
mt m ia airtrwi. of a a n.enibrao
Mm M - - Ptiulm. and not aalilB
fillet tCH,C. f nl ot aofoauv.
aH. w. ww.w.
, mci.iuui.r l an-.".
Vs- .. v, ."'
v "' ,yy'a. s'i a "
1 1 lunula
w. .rr-""i.
I.! tl Si ?.
lunula aaul lwBaati
. March IS, lrt
We ,hll hare t aali n rn tw aaethe
bottle et year Mkar-M Car. Mr. PhlUlae
bt getting aleag ataety. baa aot bad any
Mughlag apell thla winter r vvmlUwg aaalla.
Lat winter a wvald ta epalui kaatlag for
wwek. Ha ba not h.d th team alga ef
thorn thla wlater. Ha tall th neighbor that
ha fella Ilka a new man. Ha U beginning to
bar aom color In hla fan. I gar aome of
your literature to a man la town and a amid
be wa going to try your madtclna, a I
suppoaa ba ba written To by thla tlma.
IM Motajea. low.
. March M, 1M.
I will aay te th Erkwe-Hoa Car that It
waa for my danghiar, h la troubled with
catarrh. She la twenty-one years old and her
weight wa eighty pounda I fwered good
many year that aha would hao consumption.
Bine oalng lha ElkerHolt Cure aha baa gained
fifteen pounda and la bet tee thaa eh had ban
'"i'.i'H1".. w "" tw II bottla
ot th Eikar-Horr Cur.
C. F. PARK SR. OWoeeo, Mich.
March M. 10.
I will with plcaaur and thankful heart
to Ood aay that I bar been tirororlng and
hare gained la at no taking roar Biker
Hoff Cur. I will ba out of medicine la few
daya. To may teal aawarad that I will apeak
to my friend of tha great value of tha Siker
Hott euro. With a thankful heart, I remain
your in tha Maatcr'a eaua.
REV. O. W. WINTER. Marshall, 111.
March II, 101.
Mr surreandrngs bar ar far from bene
fletal to affeot a cur la my caaw. NeTonhe
Icee. I attributed to your Eiker-Hoff Cure only
my present much Improvad conditio. I bar
gained oooalderably In ..aah and weight, and
my frlende notice my batter appearance and I
feel cur that, ware my euroundlnga different,
your medicine would long alnc bar restored
ma to normal healthful condition. Aa It la,
t am wonderfully Improvad. and my gratitude
to yon la proportionate ta tha great bnSt
I hay raoalTed.
No. S.SM) Mala St., Buffalo. N. T.
March Id. IMS.
Will to pleaaa eend ma two mora bottle
et th Elker-HoS Cur at your eartleet con
venience? HhrouKh aome mlatak th bottl
for lt month waa not eent and I borrowed
one from t lady her, and 1 promleed to) re
turn it ihoT'lv. Th poor lady, who Is under
your treatnunt. Is Improving and I truet a
few montne of treatment will make a great
change la her.
Shetbiime, N. S . Can.
ad athera nay aJa obtala
trial bottle, by saall post,
paid, br adrsalnaT th
Biker Draar Co., 98 and lOO
'William a., lVawr Tork cHty.
St. Louis and
Return, $13.50
April 26, 27, 28. 29. 30,
Hay 1st
So wall sod favor
ably known aa ths
leading, most reliable
and successful
They hav been
many year In estab
lishing their reputa
tion IN OMAHA for
hnrveet and honorable
DEALINGS, snd dally recelv many let
ters thanking them for the CUK1.8 per
fected and th great good they are doing
for men. Tnelr life work has been de
voted, aa Specialists, In treating all dia
avs of men. .
Dll. BKAKLE8 graduated at two of the
best medical college and Is acknowledge.!
SPECIALIST In all disease h treats.
DR. HEARLE8' Consultation and Advice
are FREE, In person or by letter, and
sacredly confidential In all disease.
Written Contracta given In all curable
disease of men or refund money paid.
Many cases treated S5.0O per month.
Call ar aildreaa, t or, 1 I at Doaarla.
Tratat all forms ef
17 Tears Eipr1no,
17 Tears In Omaha.
Ills remarkable erne
cea r.aa never bwen
and vri i I
day brings many flatter-
lng report of the god be la doing, or tbe
reiiar i.e
haa given.
Hat Springs Trea rmlcr
And all Ulood Poisons. NO "BREAK INI
OUT" on th skin or rsc snd all it-rnal
Siena of th disease disappear at once.
UIDIPnPCI CCur,a gTiBfntd tu
Anluu WtLtLfcS Til A ft 0 DAIS.
OYER 3U.00G ou debility, o of
vitality, unnatural discharge, Hirtctur.
Oleat. Kidney sad Bladder Ut. ily-
Treatment b mail. V. O. Hot 7h. Offlc
Kir lll at. Hlb strext, between KaxaaJB an 4
ugias ttratia, OalAitA. XMM.
t rj U TA it KiarvS SaAS lul-ri.iT
I a l M ITi I (.t:ruunru.'i:iiu.;.i.i'UK
LUI fellli. uuuiiujod. drain, loaetil
w at at S Mrri.'..i uiru and mm inteiictlm
to many .u
nTll.lill.K rcaului
tti. aeafc I,
Cheimaa V
-, .mi i. :
Drug Oiusbaw