Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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r.... lit L.I4III.K HOIIK,
0 I.... II t.i.i A III. I. 9 I till r.,
t'wirjK to n 1iHagrociiiPnt ns to values between the fire adjusters and a bijx New York dry gooila and CiUjK't house, after a bi lire there March L'Sth last, the Insurance Companies nettled in cash with the firm, took the uttu k aud
put it on sale for pot rash. ALWAYS ON THE ALEUT FOU RAUGAIXS, and with the ready cash on hand, Harden Uros. bought the eutire stock at about 15 cents on the dollar. The goods have been lointni: in the past
wrck and are now checked and on kmIp
week and are now checked and on Kale
( i nese Dress Goods, Silks, Wash .Goods, Linens, Flannels, Notions, Furnishings, Etc, are Perfect in Every Way
..They are new, stylish, up-to-date goods, made for the spring and summer 1!M3. This gigantic purchase added to our already immense lines gives vou a qnantitv and variety to select from never put on sale in Omaha before
m ON SALE IN THE WEST. Prompt service in every department. Every article is fully guaranteed as if you paid the full regular prices.
f 177.
The Big Shoe
Never In the history of Omaha has such
Uncut shoe sold at about one-third the
riling, lb the newest, "UP-TO-DATE"
patent rolt, patent kid and the celebrated Surpass vii I kid. This One
lot of shoes, worth up to $7.00 per pair, on sale at
14.60, 13.98, $2.9S, $2.48 and
In Qoodyrar welts and hand turned anJ sewed with silk thread.
Men's satin calf congress,
worth $1.76, at
Big Bargains in Women's
Suits, Skirts, Etc.
ISO'women's all wool skirts, lined through
out, velvet bound In medium dark and
light colors, worth up to $4, sale price....
00 skirts, made of all wool serges, Vene-
Vtlans and homespuns, velvet bound, sepa
rate drop skirt, skirts worth up to tii.00
Jale price
25 dozen women's waists
worth $1.60
Women's coats all silk, nicely trimmed,
on sale
Women's peau do sole and taffeta coats, ln"W
Monte Carlos, blouses, ping pongs, worth f
ip to $12.50, for I
200 women's silk waists, worth
up to $5 00. on sale
100 women's suits, that sold
for $10, $12 and $15 on
sale at ,
A Eook by Stewart Edward White, Au hor
of "Blaaod Trail "
By the Ramparts of JesreeT' is a
Bllxtnre of Dlb: History and Well
Written History Civil War
Romance by Babeork.
"(lonjuror's House," by Stewart Edward
Wb'Be, author of "Blazed Trail." Is an ab
scrb.j;g tale of the north. The book Is the
outgrowth of a Journey made several years
ago by the author Into the wllda of Canada,
where he was Impressed with the arbitrary
power still retained by the Hudson Bay
company. He has laid the scenea of his
story In the wilderness (00 miles north of
Quebec, where a tyrannical post trader,
Galen Albret. lives with his fur hunters
and his young daughter In feudal style.
Ned k Trent. "fre trader," la captured
on tlhi-ompany'B territory and la brought
to trie post, where Albret condemns htm
to "la longue traverse." or "the long Jout
gey." He Is to be sent on foot alone out
of the company'a country without arms, and
In such a way that the Journey will b the
end of hliu. But the stern autocrat baa
reckoned without his daughter and the
power of love, and therein Ilea the pretty
tory that Mr. White tells. Published by
McClure, Phillips & Co.
"By the Ramparts of Jexreel," written by
. . . . 1 I. tA,t . A f.n.11-
Arnold navfopuri, 10 u.
larlse one with the ltva and times of
biblical characters, ranging rrom tnjan
the prophet of God, to the terrible doom
In the Spring
Pass the Glass of
and tram vMri n 1 tx not h
littc elu to iHiavithful. A f
1 kvHtfr mak five tTl- J
out. Hull. PTrywttr. j
And as a guide read some of our
new ami handsomely Illustrated
Nature Books.
PU-b $2.00
ilVjMSL0.!.1 SI.60
Uegeath Stationery Co.
Turn your old
book late money.
Telephone B ttf 7
and our represen
tative will call.
Ye Old ISooke Shop,
lie rAKXaJI IT.
1 xr -f
f in ii
1 " -
M 1
m Moil
Sale is Still On
values been given. Men's and women's
regular prices. At) made for this season's
styles. The shoes are made of patent calf.
Women's dongota lace, worth $1.60
Misses' dongola lace, worth $1.60
Boys' and youths' satin calf, worth $1.50...,
Little gents' vlcl or satin calf, worth
$1.00, at
Men's and Women's 75c
Slippers at
Sole agents In Omaha for the celebrated
and the ULTRA, BROOKS BROS, and
See Our Sixteenth Street Window.
f f
'1 1 1
100 women's suits, nearly all with silk
drops, sample garments,
worth up to $30.00 on
sale for
25 dozen women's wrappers a
$1.60 quality, on sale
that overtook Gebast. The book la an In
teresting and thrilling mixture of bible
history and well written Action. Unless
one were a thorough bible student, there
might be some difficulty, which would
lead to confusion, in distinguishing between
the truth and the fiction. It Is interest
ing and entertaining, every page teeming
with a new Incident. Jezebel Is portrayed
In all her wickedness, and there Is a
thrilling recital of the unfortunate fate
which befell her by the ramparts of Jezreel.
The good Ellsha la made to appear In ways
that would discount a modern sleuth, and
the Ingenious love story connected with it
would please the most exacting. Published
by Longmans, Green & Co.
"The Keswick Movement," by Arthur T.
Plerson, briefly traces the history of the
Keswick movement in England from its
beginning through the more than quarter
century of Us recurrence; and besides pre
senting a clear and concise history of the
origin and development of the Keswick
teaching, it seeks to give an exposition of
the principles and practleea for which
"Keswick" stands. Published by Funk &
W agnails.
Harriet L. Keeler has found enough to
aay about our northern ahrubs to fill a
large volume of over 600 page4, with in
teresting and Instructive - matter. The
book Is gotten up In attractive style and
Is Illustrated with 205 photographic plates
and tblrty-flve pen and ink drawings. It
Is surprising how much the shrubs of the
northern country contribute to our flora.
If they were taken away we should be be
reaved indeed. The author defines a tree
ss having one stem and a ahrub as having
many stems. Shrubs are both useful and
ornamental. It would not be possible to
mention a tithe of the beautiful shrubs
described in this charming book. A tew
of the fruit bearing shrubs are the cur
rant, the gooseberry, the blackberry, the
raspberries, both red and black, tbe cran
berry, the elderberry, tbe sand cherry,
and tbe dewberry. Among the ornamental
shrubs are claused the splrea. the barberry
and the magnolia. It is the shrubs north of
the Ohio river that are treated In this
book. The dogwoods are of many different
varieties nine in all. Tbe klnniklnnlk that
tbe Indiana used to smoke belongs to tbe
dogwood family. After reading this book
we can see that the shrubs are second
only In Importance to the large trees. The
book la published by Charles Scrlbner'B
Harry Roberts has edited an edition of 8.
W. Herbert's "Book of the Wild Garden,"
and John Lane of London and New York
has published It. Some ot the most beau
tiful flowers are still growing wild, and an
aggregation ot them can hardly be excelled
by any collection of the tame varieties. A
water garden made ot the wild lilies 1 one
ot the most Inspiring sights In the floral
world, and a collection of the flowers ot the
forest when they are kept under suitable
conditions will rival their domesticated rela
tives. There has been ot late years, for tbe
sake ot novelty, a tendency to collect the
wild flowers and to make them Into gar
dens. Herbert's book take up tbe wild
flowers and assigns each to lis native hab
itat. Treating ot the flowers that grow in
the swrmps in on group, and the flowers
of the mountsln In another, and other
groups In their proper order. The lover ot
nature in this little book csn And much to
Instruct him, and It will well repay the
price of tbe book and tba time taken to
peruse It.
"Literary Landmarks ot Oxford," by Lau
rence Hutton, say that while there are
many excellent guide books to the great
English university, there is none which
touches upon this particular phase of lta
history. He adds that be found the densest
Ignorance et the Institution, lie history and
Ladies' Furnishings
Ladles fine Cambric Drawers and Corset
covers, trimmed with fine lace Inser
tions and hemstitched tucks, QfS
worth 60c to 75c, at UlJC
Children's fine Cambric Drawers, well
made and three rows of tucks, '
In all sizes, at lsa2C
Ladies' Night Gowns, In low neck and
high neck, made of Cambric and Nain
sook, handsomely trimmed with lace
and embroidery, worth IJft
$1.50, at UlJC
Ladies' fine fancy White Skirts, elaborately
trimmed with wide umbrella ruffles of
solid Insertions of fine laces
worth $5.00, at
Hen's Furnishings
Men's DOc Underwear at 25c 600 dozen
men's balbrtggan Shirts and Drawers
In plain and fancy colors
worth 60c at
Men's 25c Half Hose at 10c 300 dozen
men's tine lisle thread Half Hose. In
plain and fancy colors, worth AA
up to 35c, at IUG
Men's $1.60 Colored Laundered Shirts. In
all the new spring styles, worth PA.
up to $2.00, on sale at uUC
Men's 60c Suspenders, In all kinds,
leather aud silk ends, at
Bed Spreads
Full size Marseilles pattern, fringed
out corners, worth Oil
$1.60 each '. ?(JC
Full size Marseilles pattern, extra heavy
Bedspreads, worth CO
$1.00, each OUC
$3.00 genuine Marseilles Bedspreads. This
Is something One, I ftft
Price llUO
Full size fringed Marseilles pattern, extra
heavy spread, worth
$2.00, each ,
literary traditions among the university
officers themselves. In tbe six week he
spent there be collected the material for
the present volume. He takes up the vari
ous colleges In alphabetical order, telling
when and how they were founded and who
were tbe most distinguished fellow or stu
dents, locating .their rooms and giving an
ecdotes, more or less authenticated, of these
men's careers as students, fellows, dons,
professors or masters. Published by Charles
Scrlbner's Sons.
"The Tellow Violin," by Mary A. Denl
son, tell of a young girl, Marie St. An
thony, whose father by accident supposes
he kills a man he leaves this country and
goes to Switzerland, where he fall heir to
a large fortune. After ten years he returns
to America, only to find his wife had died,
and by accident he meets his little daughter,
who II gazlns in a store window at a violin
which she wants badly. Marie does not
recognize ber father. He buys the violin
for her and questions here and finds out
where she is staying. He aecurea board at
the same place and givea Marl lessons on
the violin. He discovers tbe man, John
Craik, whom he thought he had killed ten
years before. Is alive and well. He reveala
to Marie that he is her father, amply re
pays those who have given bis child a borne
and also provide tor the needs of the fam
ily of John Craik. Published by Saalfleld
Publishing Co.
"Young People's History of Holland." by
William Elliot Grlffls, tells how the Dutch
dtked their land from ocean and river
floods, usurped the feeding grounds of tbe
fishes, turned a swamp into garden,
beautiful, defended, and made their coun
try the home ot law, freedom, culture, art,
and comfort. Is told in this book for young
readers. It also explains the mighty dry
ing, drainage, and diking systems which
have rescued the soil from the sea. The
days ot Batavlan, Roman, Frisian. Norse
man, Knights and Crusaders, Cods and
Hooks, Counts snd Castles,-'are described.
How tbe towns and Industries clashed with
feudalism and destroyed it; how the new
learning, politics and economic systems
represented by Erasmus, William of Or
ange, and Barneveldt overcame the old or
der incarnated in Philip, Alva and Parma,
and ushered In the republic. Is told with
accuracy. Published by Houghton Mifflin
A Co.
"Richard Rosny," by Maxwell Gray, au
thor ot "The Silence of Dean Maltland,"
has none ot the romantic verve in its
makeup. As in the former book, the hero
commits a murder in his youth and con
ceals the tact, allowing the secret to em
bitter his life. The Interest of the story
lies In the effect of Rlchard'a secret upon
bis own life. Young Rosny's mother had
married a second time, and her husband
turned out to be a drunkard, an opium
eater, and an all-around scoundrel. He
beat hla wife, and the young man, learn
of the fact, struck his stepfather in anger
one night and the blow killed the wretch.
Richard was engaged to marry a charming
girl, and to her alone he told his awful
secret. She cast him off, and from that
time forth Richard Rosny wss a changed
man. D. Appleton A Co.
"Veronica," by Martha W. Austin. Is a
love story from a woman's point of view,
tbe scenes ot which are In Louisiana. In
a way Veronica la "strong minded," for
she, calling Intellect to her aid, decides
not to marry a man who loves ber and
whom she loves, because be is unstable ot
character. She prefers peace of mind
without him to the bitter sweet ot living
with him and being neglected by him. To
be sure, her lover's thoughts return to her
always after their divagations, and so
would they If she married him. but com
mon eense bids her to preftr loneliness to
being the victim et such a nature. Ur
Fire Sale Prices
Big Domestic Room
Linen Counter
85c All Linen Bleached Irish Damask, 72
Inches wide. Fire sale price, RQr
per yard Vjv
65c All Linen Bleached Irish Table Linen,
62 Inches wide. Fire sale
price, per yard HfajV
40o Union Bleached Damask, 64 lncbee wide.
Fire sale price, 9Kf
per yard akWV
25c Union Bleached Dainask, 5S Inches wide.
Fire sale price, llsf.
per yard IJG
50c Turkey Red Damask, 60 Inches wide.
Fire sale price, 10 A
per yard IJC
Fire Sale Prices
Big Domestic Room
Muslin Department
59c Ready to Use Bleached Sheets; size,
81x90. Fire sale A9'f
price fc2W
18c Ready to Use Pillow Cases; size, 45x36.
Fire sale price, (20
12Vic No. 100 Lonsdale Cambric; yard
wide. Flro sale price, fl'f
per yard (J2W
25c Bleached Sheeting, 81 Inchea wide.
Fire sale price, ID -ft
per yard SsiC
22V4c Bleached Sheeting, 72 Inches wide.
Fire sale price, I7'f
per yard I I2C
"? rr
refusal puts her on a higher plane. Ver
onica gives up Haven, refuses other men
whom she does not love, devotes herself
to music and learns, like many women,
that there Is much to compensate a woman
for love In the life ot activity and artlstlo
endeavor open to her today. She passes
her thirtieth medldlan without any dread
ful cataclysm totalling, and still does not
regret not having married Haven, with
eyes open to the consequences. Published
by Doubleday, Page & Co.
"Oberammergau In 1900," by Sarah Wll
lard Howe, Is a book of descriptive char
acter, picturing the lite of the peasants
ot thl village and the wonderful majestic
scenery of the mountains surrounding It.
The art of wood carving, in which these
villagers have excelled since the eleventh
century. Is touched upon, while the Passion
Play, which has made Oberammergau fa
mous the world over, forms the principal
theme of the book. Published by Abbey
"Moutleth'a Some Useful Animals and
What They Do For Us" la published by the
American Book company. The subjects
treated In this book both assist in nature
study and give aid in learning to read.
Tbe form of treatment was suggested by
actual experience In the school and the
home. The moral lessons derived from the
actlona of animals are vivid and engaging,
and much useful and Interesting Informa
tion la imparted. The interdependence of
mankind and the domestic and fur-bearing
animals is emphasized. The book, which
is one of tbe well known series of Eclectic
School Reading, is fully illustrated by cuts.
William Henry Babcock has written a
civil war romance called "Kent Fort
Manor," around the confederate doings In
the historic strip of land bearing that nam
along the coast near Baltimore. Tbe fort
waa the last and most dangerous link In a
chain ot forwarding posts on the way to
Europe. Here tbe author Introduces us to
the last of the resident heirs, Mr. Clalborn,
and his daughter Margaret. Clalborn
plunges into secession, and bis daughter
loves a confederate, but remains loyal to
the union traditions of her family. The
father's and daughter's adventures. Inter
woven with the exploits of others, notably
Margaret's lover, make a rather exciting
stery. Published by Henry T. Coates.
"The Other Room," by Lyman Abbott,
are essays In which the author haa written
of death and immortality to teach the
universe In God's house. Dr. Abbott calls
the immortal life the life of the spirit
which It we wish to possess hereafter, the
life ot faith, hope and love, we must also
posses here. Dr. Abbott reminds his
readera that although we set sail on an
unknown sea, we go not to a atrange land.
Published by The Outlook Company.
The above books are for sale by the Me
geath Stationery Co., 1108 Faroam street.
DaadrasT I t'aaaed by a Germ that
lap the Hair' Vitality.
It I now a settled fact that dandruff Is
caused by a germ. Falling balr and bald
ness are the result of dandruff. Dr. E. J.
Beardsley of Champaign, III., got hold of
the new hair preparation, Newbro'a Herpi
cide tbe only one that kills the dandruff
germ. He savs: "I used Herplclde for
my dandruff and falling hair and I am well
satisfied with tbe result." Dr. J. T. Fu
gat of Urbana. 111., says: "I hsve used
Herplclde tot dandruff with excellent re
sults. I shall prescribe It in my practice."
Herplclde kills the dandruff germ. Physt
dsns aa well as the general public say so.
Bold by all druggists. Send 10 cents In
Stamps for sample to Tbe. Herplclde Co.,
Detroit. Mica.
The Dig Sale in
. Rugs and Mattings
Heavy granite art squares, lust colors,
best weaving, size 74x9 feet, $2.60; 9x9
feet, $2.98; 9x12 feot, $3.98.
All wool Smyrua Rugs, 30x60, I QO
worth $3.25, at IsUO
9x10-6 Tapestry Rugs, O A Q
worth $14.00, at WsHl)
China Mattings, "
worth 18c, at f
20c Mattings
25c Mattings, "f
at I C
30c Mattings, , 1 rl
t 4lC
40c Mattings,
at I....
Fire Sale Prices
Big Domestic Ro:m
White Goods Counter
75c Imported Mercerized Walstlngs, In all
the new weaves. Fire sale ORm
price, per yard hUU
25c India Linens, 40 Inches wide. Flrd
alo price, (t
per yard lUw
12V4c India Linen, 81 Inches wide. Fire
sale price, "I' I
per yard 1 2V
12ftc Stripe trad Check Nainsook. Fire
sale price, A'f
per yard f 2W
15c English Long Cloth, 86 inches wide.
Fire sale price, 10 A
per yard IUC
Ic Notions
2 pkgs. full count pins for lc.
2 pkgs. best hair pins for lc.
200 yards machine thread for lc.
Beldlng Bros, sewing silk for lc.
40 comet pin cube for lc.
Shte laces, per pair, all sizes, for lo.
Hump hook end eyes ior lc.
Corset laces for lc.
Aluminum thimbles for lo.
Team Driver' TJaloa Hold It Third
Election Within Three
The team drivers' union has again un
seated a number of Its officers and elected
their successors. This union has elected
three presidents In as many months and
members say that a new election may be
held at any time. The officers elected last
night were E. Gardepee, business cgent; J.
E. Crews, president, and Wflllam Larson,
vice president.
The elevator conductors of the city are
preparing for a ball to be given at Wash
ington hall. May 1. The funds from this
ball will be used to pay the expenses of
perfecting an organization which is to In
clude the elevator conductors and the
Janitors ot Omaha, South Omaha and
Couucll Bluffs.
There was considerable pleasure expressed
at Labor temple yesterday over the fact
that the governor bad vetoed tbe amend
ment to tbe exemption law, and John
Klrby, who headed the committee from the
Central Labor union in tbe losing fight
before the legislature, was congratulated
upon the auccess of the representations
made to tbe governor.
The plasterers' union has announced that
Its members desire an increase in wages
and the matter has been deferred by the
employers until May 1, when other unions
will have demanda in. The plasterers are
not at work because they cannot obtain
mater. al.
New Care tor Weak Lungs.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion cures all coughs, colds, grip snd lung
troubles or no psy. 60c, $1.00. For sale
by Kuhn A Co.
Warship for Magellan Itralts.
NEW YORK. April 14. The cruiser De
troit ha left here for Montevideo, after a
banquet, which waa tendered by the chief
of the dock yard, says the Herald' Punta
Arenas, Amentlne, correspondent. Com
modore Dillingham said he would advlxe
his government of the necessity of estab
lUhlng a naval station in Chilean waters
and would suggest that a war ship be kept
In tbe straits of Magellan.
The following simple "course before coffee" is much in
vogue with club men everywhere. The simplicity of prep
aration and tbe little cost, together with the delicious taste
of the compotes makes this dessert in rare favor in the home.
Vtm th Prs0rvi you havm in thm hous and
Silk Bargains
Ftom the Oreat New York Stock
SPECIAL LOT of 100 pieces of fine colored
and black silk, neat polka dots, stripes
and figured silks, all the latest styles,
many 24 In. ties wide; silks In this lot
worth 60c, 69c and 7Sc;
all on sale for this day at..,
See the magnificent silks we are offering
' from this stock In swell all silk novelties
for waists, trimming and whole dresses
silks actually worth up to
$1.50, for this day only
RIVALS to add to the grand list.
worth 75c, on sale 45c.
worth $1.00, on sale 59c.
worth $1.50, on sale 60c.
worth $2.00, on sale $1.39.
worth $3.60, on sale $1.95.
Famous 27 In. wide PRIDE OF THE LOOM
Black Taffeta, heavy, strong and at this
I special price Is best Taffeta value In
America. When you see it you will buy.
Price always $1.60, In ftp
this sale only , U)C
Once more we offer the Prima Donna black
PEAU DB SOIB. This Is the best wide
black Peau De Sole made, Is full yard
wide, all silk and guaranteed to wear.
cens ior $3.00,
In this vale.
Extra heavy light and dark Outing flan
nel, regular 10c, g
t, yard
Our extra heavy light and dark Domet or
Outing Flannel, Flounced and Embrold
red Ladles' .Skirt pattern, AP
regular 60c, each wC
86-Inch wld Flowered Curtain Swiss and
Silkollne, worth 12 He and A
16c, per yard jiC
Draperies and Curtains
Odd Lace Curtains, worth up to $4.00
pair, In two lots,
Heavy Ottoman Portiere, all
colors, worth $7.60, at
Sliced Oranges and Dates.
Thin fences of Ham Grilled.
Potato Omelet.
Waffles. Maple Syrup.
Cheese Toasted with Egg.
Sliced Tomatoes.
Spiced Peaches. Tea.
Tomato Blaque.
Reachauffe of Veal. Rice.
Spiced Beets (hot). Glased Turnips.
Egg Balad.
v Caramel Custards. Coffee.
Dandelion Salad Cut away the rotts
and stale leave ot the dandelion and wash
them thoroughly In plenty of cold water,
then drain and gently wipe dry on a soft
cloth. This salad is prettiest served In
dividually, Put a root on 'a salad plate,
rprlnkle with French dressing and place
another root on top, arrange loosely in
center a little finely shreddbd pal green
lettuce(and in tbe center place a little
mayonnaise covered with fcard-bolled egg
yolk rubbed through a sieve or press. Thl
can be made to look very Ilk a real plant
and blossom.
Farmer' Spring Salad Take a quart of
dandelion, trim and waah well In several
waters, drain end wipe dry and place In a
salad bowl; dust with salt and pepper. Cut
quarter of a pound of bacon into dice and
try a golden brown color; scatter tbes
over the dandelions. Put two or three
tablespoonfuls of vinegar with the fat In
the pan, heat a few minutes, remove from
the fire, beat with a stiver fork and sprinkle
over the salad. When ready to serve mix
all well together.
Onion and Cucumber Salad Take large
Spanish onions, cut a site from the top
so that the center of each can be removed.
Soak the onion cups in cold wster for
several times to make the anion mor
mild in flavor. The center can be used at
another time. Chop tbe slices removed
from tbe tops very fine and mix with some
cucumber dice, moisten with French dress
ing, place each onion cup on crisp lettuce
A Most Delicious Dessert
SJiredded Whole Wheat Biscuit is made in the most hygienic and scientific food
laboratory in the world. The wheat is spun into light shreds, containing thousands
of open pores and is not crushed flat and dense as in the case of other foods. These
pores absorb the digestive juices and provide far greater surface for their action
Split and slightly
toast the Biscuit,
then serve with
jam or preserver
berries or plums
or jellies. Simple,
itn t it? Your ver
dict will be
'Simply Delicious'
Pf Jaartcaa-a With sharp knife halve the SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT BISCTIT
lenslbwiae; prepare plneapi'ie as for sauce (or baoaou or ailxed trull) and set aaide.
W bea serving, arrange halves in layers eovurcd with trull and add sugar and whipped cream.
Send for "The Vital Question" (Recipes, illustrated In colors). Address
THE NATURAL FOOD CO., Niagara rails. N. Y.
fn the Domestic Rooms
Fire Sale Prices Wednesday
Wssh Goods In the Domestlo Room.
8ic Foreign printed
89o Woven Walstlngs
29o Woven walstlngs
19c Madraa, for Waists,
25c Madras, yard wide,
for waists
60c Silk Emod linen
walstlngs for
12Ho Dress Ginghams
lOo Dress Ginghams
86-Inch Percales
12Ho Black Sateens
25c Black Sateens
Apron Check Glnghama
25c French Plaids
25e Mercerized Linings, A
Black snd colors' IUC
10c Dimities
4 white wool, extra soft,
worth 40c per yard
Extra heavy checks and striped Q
outing Cannel for W2C
Extra heavy Shaker M
flannel for Y2C
Colored fringed Bed Spreads, corners la
blue and white, pink and white, Aft
extra large, worth $1.50 UUC
19o French Plaids
7Ho Printed Lawns
Shirting Print
Bed Spreads
Genuine Marseille, Una weave and rich
designs, satin finish, extra large, I f) ft
83x88, worth $3, tor ItUU
White fringed Bed Spreada, Marseilles
patterns and corners, site 84x98, I M ft
worth $2.25, for I U
White bed spreads, Marseilles patterns
bemmed, ready for use, extra Eft
Urge, worth $1, for WiC
leaves with a cub of rich yellow cheese
beside It and serve. The top of the cut
onion cay be notched before they nre
Tulip Salad Thl I easily made and very
pretty. Take (mail red and whit radlsbe
and trim to represent half cpen tulips as
follows: Cut off the leaves, leaving half
an Inch of the stems and heart-leaves,
then with a sharp small-pointed knife cut
the red peel half way flown, forming points.
Remove the peel between the point: then
Up the point of the tnlfe under tte ' cd
point of lb peel and loosen them from
ih whtta part without breaking, then
throw Into told water and let stand for
a short time. Ktap a salad bowl with
cress, waihed and dried and sprinkle with
enough French dressing to make tte leave
glossy then place the radishes Lre and
there among the ere leave and serve.
White and Gold Salad- Pare, cor and cut
nicely flavored apples Into die and sprinkl
lightly with powdered sugar to keep them
white. Prepare the same quantity of
bananas, sprinkle a little limon 1uln Avar
these and sprinkle with sugar. Arrange
these In cections In a salad bowl, zrark
Ing eft each separate kind of fruit with
lines formed with tiny sprays of cress.
Serve a tweet aalad dressing with this.
Effort Will Be Mad to Secnre Grand
Army Reunion (or
At the meeting of the executive commit
tee ot the Commercial club yesterday
it was decided lo make an offer '.or the an
nual reunion of the Nebraska division of
tbe Grand Army ot tbe Republic, wbich will
be held during the eummer. The proposi
tion of Frank Leslie's Magazine to publish
sn Omaha edition was sent to tbe Reel Es
tate exchange, and a proposition from Des
Moines was turned down.
A piotest was prepared on the Question
of tbe Burlington cut-off between Asbland
and Sioux City, which will be forwarded to
George B. Harris of the Burlington. Job
bers were urged to make bids for Indian
aupplies and requested to unite In sending
a special ear to Chicago as In former years.
New members elected were F. E. Coulter,
H. H. Baldrlge and H. J. Cowglll.
than is given
v Dy any otner