12 TITE OMAITA DAILY HEE; WEDNESDAY, APIHL 15, 1903. Oreat Sal Ladle' Slrlrta Thursday GRAND OPENING OUR NEW PICTURE DEPT. ON THIRD FLOOR. Today we will inaugurate the opening of our new picture department. Artistically decorated quarters on the third floor are occupied by this display of beautiful pic tures. Today for the first time we will open this new department for a publio reception. We carry a full line of everything pertaining to the picture and art store. Framed Pictures Photograph Frames Gold Cabinet Frames Sheet Pictures Matted Pictures Art Novelties. Wo make a specialty of mating framea to order. We alio carry a full line of empty frames, In which no charge la made for fitting your plcturea. Special care given to the framing of crayon portraits. Our prices for high class work are the most reasonable to be found at any art store in the city. Visit our art display tomorrow. SPECIAL FOR OPENING DAY 50c Picture at 15c 1,500 Framed Pictures, In medallions and photo frames, hundreds of popular subjects, beautifully finished, highly decorative for any home These pictures are sold In most stores at 50 cents special for opening day in our new Art Department your choice-only Easel Back Medallions 1000 easel back medallions, assorted photo -f fl ' color subjects, very noat and dainty, your choice vFC 500 Easel Back Pictures, with gold plated corners, an excellent f assortment to select from easily sell for 75c special for open- lng In Art Department at a e Sou Fac Simile Water Color at 69C Three combination fac-slmlle water colors, size tx22, best quality gold frame, splendid pictures In every way and worth 11.60, s r tomorrow rpeclal fj) C opening price $1.50 Pictures at 79c "Yard of Roses" and many floral subjects, framed In two-inch gilt frames and fancy col orsworth one dollar f and a half V choice 98c $1.75 Pictures at 98c Ebony finished frame with fancy corner, 16x20, fitted with matted pictures, popular subjects, worth $1.75 3c a Dozen for all size screw eyes 3c a dozen for molding hooks 5c each for 25-yd box of picture cords 5c each for brass picture chains Sample Purses and Bags at 25c ' On sale tomorrow, a complete line of drummers' samples of fine leather ChaUlalne Bags, Purses and Wrist Bags, bought at a great bargain from one of the leading manufacturers in New York city. In this great pur chase are burnt leather, real walrus, real seal, pigskin, alligator and morocco leathers, In all the swell styles of bags and purses tan, gray, brown, orange and black- Wednesday at in inia great pur- 25c Thursday Great Sale Ladies' Skirts We announce for Thursday the greatest sale of Separate 8klrts held In years. Watch Our Windows. mmm Watch Our wrc& cotm maows- GREAT MIKIKQ DISTRICT. Inexhaustible Mineral Deposits Arosad lumpier, Orearon. As spring advances this district Is pre paring with great activity to commence operations in Its numerous mines. Bump ier is undergoing a wonderful growth. Houses of all kinds are in great demand. Many new residences are being erected and business bouses are in course of construc tion. The increased activity and Interest In the mines of this district is short of phenomenal. New companies are being or ganized to devolp new prospects. The advent of recent machinery and the Intro duction of the cyanlding process of ex tracting gold from ore has proved profita ble. The Blue mountains of eastern Ore gon, amongst which Sumpter Is located, Is probably as rich a mineral bearing zone as then is to be found anywhere. The last four years has been one of unimpaired progress in this district. In no instance where the true ledge has been developed systematically has a failure been recorded. This proves the wonderful richness of the district, and with this excellent record we must take into consideration the su perior transportation facilities, the ledges of Immense width and the uniform values, the permanency of veins and value with depth. The wonderful natural resources of the district, possessing as it does the wen night Inexhaustible supply of timber and its magnificent water power has won for it the highest endorsement of the most emi nent geologists and mineralogists. Within twenty Tnlles'- ot Sumpter there are rnoro producing mines than in any other district of like area on this continent. Since the influx of capital to the district, backed up as it has been by modern methods of dc. veloplng properties. It has won an euvlablo place, in the mining and commercial cen ters of the world. Its mineral industry has by bounds attained greut magnitude. The crudo rocker has given way to the modern hydraulic, the hand-wlmllaBS to the modern hoist, the arastre to the mod ern stamp mill, the old system of "gopher ing" to scientific mining. The transforma tion haa been little short of phenomenal. And yet mining in this district is in its infancy. The Oregon smelting and refin ing plant, located at Sumpter and coating near $600,000, is nearlng completion and will be ready to commence operation this coming June. The building of this smelter Is sure to be of great benefit to all the mines In this territory In the way of sav ing freight, and, being near to the mines they can be operated to a greater ad vantage. The great amount of snow in the moun tains this winter has encouraged placer mining and the output this season will un doubtedly greatly exceed that of any other ear. There are many very rich mines, the richest of which are owned by close cor poratlons. The North Pole mine la, per haps, the richest in the district, and in fact tt is estimated by many men who are in position to know to be the richest mine on the continent. An offer for $16,000,000 has Just recently been declined. Their ore is very rich, one carload shipped recently to the smelter nettlne the comnnnv 1102 nnn The Oolconda mine shipped 6,000 pounds to the smelter and received $50,000. There is probably more enthusiasm and - activity manifested in the Greenhorn and Cracker Creek districts this season than in any other districts In these gold fields. This is probably due to the fact of the comnaratlva newness of the districts and the wonderful values of the ore. JACKSON PLEADS NOT GUILTY He ta Held to District Coort I'nder Heavy Bond on Charge Lt Murder. Patrick Henry Jackson, who is charged with the murder of Herbert J. Walker in a saloon at 123 North Tenth street on the night of April 8, was 'arraigned before Judge Berka in police court yesterday. He pleaded not guilty, waived examination and was bound over to district court in the sum of $8,000. Jaokson presented a hag gard and distressed appearance and seems to fully realize the enormity of the crime with which he is charged. Ours is little prices with loud voices. Read about them on Page 7. Hayden Bros. IIALV RATES Vl Wahaah R. R. St. Louts and return $13.50. Sold April 26-27-28-29-30 and May 1. New Orleans and return, $29 50. 8old April 11-12-13. May 1-2-3-4. Information, City Office, 1601 Far nam St., or address Harry E. Moores, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb- $2.20 to Lincoln and return via Rock Island system; tickets on sale April 15 and 16, good for return until April 17. Ticket offices 1323 Farnam street and Union depot, Omaha, Neb. Douglas Printing Co., 1508 Howard. Tel. 641. Read our ad on Page 7. It's a message that points the way to economy and satis faction. Hayden Bros. The ladles of the First M. E. church will hold a sale and serve lunch at noon Tbura, day, Friday and Saturday of this week at 1416 Harney St. Lincoln and Return. S3. 20. Tickets on sale via the Burlington Routs April 15 and 16. Tickets, 1502 Farnam St. Another aggregation of choice bargains is announced in our ad on Page 7. Hayden Bros. Merchants KaiionaiDank OF OMRMA H B- Mrn Vm md . fttrmU Paid aa capital Sami.SM ht' aad tiuu.uftt' VNITBO BTATBS VUtHtSlTUHY. Hut Maratf. i1l-L a ft Manl. ttrr amhfc-al l.alar llraa. rahrT y T H.ail'Twa. ,nnhtt Mrs. J. GENSON Silk and Wash Petticoats Handsome silk - petticoats, wide skirts and full flounce and best wearing silk for the money price $4 75 to $17.50. Black silk, same styles and qualities $5.25 to $13.50. NEW STYLES In mohair sklrta, handsome grays and plaids $3.50 to $5.00. BLACK MOHAIR with silk ruffle $6.50 and $7.50. Extra baudaome. WASH SKIRTS In madras, gingham, s eersucker and linen 50c to $1.25. Black niercerlied petticoats, prettiest styles $1.00 up to $4 50. WALKING SKIRTS In summer weight camel's a' cadet blue and gray fries $6.50. SCI1L10LLER HUELLER 1313 FARNAM DREAMERS AWAKE TO RARE PIANO CHANCES SECOND WEEK of our Special Purchase Salt! t60,000 worth of standard 1903 pianos going at 30 per cent off eastern prices! All guaran tetd terms easier than iter Below wholesale! Think of it! Even dream ers recognize these values at the great est ever offered. Was Parlor Co Now $375 right high $262.50 quality very popular variety of styles. Was Puritan model Now $400 celebrated make $2SO beautiful re neers Used by many artists. Was Cabinet Up- Now $425 right styl- $297.50 ish beautiful entrancing in tone many designs Was Modified Colonial Now $450 dlitinotly new $315 designs great va riety of handsome woods. Was Florentine Now $475 model widely $332-50 celebrated for volume and purity of tone. Was Renaissance Cab- Now $500 lnet Grand hand $350 carved elegant woods unsurpassed In tone Uil ps.roi,.?ed. $204145 Wo do fine piano repairing In our own factory. Pianos perfectly tuned at small cost. TELEPHONES: Omaha, 1025. Co. Bluffs, 368. IOWA BRANCH: 802 Broadway, Council Bluffs. pi Regent Xo.. THK RKIItDLK SIOHK. m HEN'S CLOTHING HI MS is jg vara aaaa.w " The bent men's clothes in America are on sale here at Hay- den's at $7.50, 910.00, $12.50, $15.00 and $18.00. This includes the "Union Label" suits, the famous H. 8. & M. hand-tailored clothing and the eastern favorite, Cruuse & Brnndegee garments. The Young Man's Fancy Is supposed to turn to love in the spring, and we ' might add to thoughts of clothes of brighter hue and more stylish cut than in the fall. Vh9 Smart-Sac Three Button Sack exemplifies wh.it the swell C. & B. tailoring does for the nobby young man of to-day who has a cultivated taste for dressing well. The fine tailored appear ance at purchase "Is-continued after wearing it. Made of well shrunk selected fairies, cut short-waisted and slightly full overthe hips.' T he tailored touch in the design of the front and cut of the lapels makes it the select young man's expression of Custom Tailor as seen in the metro politan cities. What '.Hnc It rtvtt tr five a Brandeceb, Manufacturing Tailors, Utic, N. Y.t answer that ques tion with garments that make, possible the wearing of clothes of in dividual effect at fair prices. ON SALE AT HAYDEW BROS. KXCLVSIVKLY. m V V-anftt READ GREAT SALES ON PAGE SEVEN. HAYDEW BROS. Poverty Is the Companion of the Spendthrift. Independence the Friend of the Provident. . OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT TODAY WITH THE OLJDE8T, STRONGEST SAVINGS BANK IN NEBRASKA. CITY SAVINGS BANK, 16tii and Douglas streets. 205 South Fifteenth Street. 0,'llf.lOD f N A SHOE means splendid ma v terlal perfect welt soles fac tory prices no retailers' profits. A MAN'S SHOE 'p HAT fitshas stjle wears-holds X Its soaps satisfies always looks weil. ON A HAN SPLENDID SHOE AT $2M and S3 so Full Set of Teeth, $3 Qraduate dentists admitted to sur course for 1100.00. We make money by teaching our course and don t need to charge such, high prices. All Work Done Free. Small Charges for all Material. This Offer Good Until April 15. $5.00 Gold Crowns. $3. 00 IN ORDER TO INCREASE OCR CUNIO we want every man, woman and child to have their mounths examined by the pro fessors of thU college. Bmall charges for material. Ws do as we Advertise. TXTTri OMAHA GRIPS Are anlce thins; to have if you have a nice one. We sell Leather Qrlps. full leather lined, also canvas lined. We have the kind that are neat and nobby and don't wear out. We make them and can give you any style or size. Our prices will suit you, too. REPAIRING DONE. TELEPHONE 1068. isos FARKA213T. TRDNK'FACTORY- i r I .sr,y.'y Bet of Teeth W.Ort. UDlOo'd Fl'llnea.TSe, up Teeth extracted free. Filling from..2fo, up 22k Gold Crowns.. WBrluge Work. t2.K, up UNION DENTAL COLLEGE OF PAINLESS DENTI8TR V. ISM DOUGLAS STREET. ROOM 4. Open Dally: Nights till S. Sundays, I tt i he right thing in everything for a Horse aJISss37 .1 V" " i.nne i auaaa.s Equipment Our harness Is reliable. It is made In our own shop nod we guarantee our harnens to t jut as represented. We are offering a tlrst-clau lotiR-tug coach harness Special Price $90. It is a neat, stroajr harness and we know you won't find lis equal in value any whe e Ua. Currycomb. Bruihes, Cards Duster. Alfred Cornish 1210 Farnam si If a Buggy drive gives you pleas ure, you'll find that the pleasure is doubled by riding in a vehicle that is new, light running and of beautiful finish, correct design. That is the kind we carry the finest in Omaha. If you are in the market for a smart Surrey or Runabout for the beoulevard, you'll find it at Carriages and horse furnishings. Andersen Millard Co. 1516-18 Capitol Ave. Somo men hunt for rea sons, but most of them look for excuses. Our "excuses" for an un satisfactory garment Is a new one or your money back. If we had to make "ex-. cusps" often, we'd go out of business. Bach such case has its reason. We search out the reason. Then remedy It. If it's a poor tailor, he's discharged. No matter what fault or whose fault tt Is, we know It and we correct It. Ws see that It doesn't occur again. Wouldn't you like to trade with a store that does busi ness this way? Why not begin with your this Spring Suit?. Spring Suits and Top , Coats, $25 to $43. MacCartrvy Tailoring Company, 1710-12 Fsrnam St.. Phone 1808. Bee Building Court House Is opposite. The Only Doubl Track Railway between the Missouri River and Chicago. DAILY TRAINS OMAHA TO BM ...IGNITO... CUT THIS AD out and take tt to the Nebraska-Iowa Auto Lighter Co., 105 So. 1Mb St., and get one of their SELK-LIGHTING CAS mantels, at same price you pay for an ordinary mantel. Offer good for 10 days only. Tfl. 1617. 3 8.10 pm THE OVERLAND LIMITED MMBldc.nt aDliil dll trmln to Chlfro. OomMrt mnt and drwio room mimmvlnt eut ilbrr. bulUt, bAibar. bsih, uiepboao. dioina or. and ebaanattsc oar- Klactrio hhid throughout. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS Pullman drawl na-rooro al Whirls .iNpliif on and diuitlsl Ml, aUid frM ItsoiiulUg rhlr c. 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS ralJmin drawing room and world aloplns an frMracitnlni chair eara, bnSM Uurarf ana u.oaua ata. lLmn vara. 2 OTHER DAILY TRAINS 3f1 111 lraw1ni room tivnt ear.. buBrt .mrk till AM 1 ud library oar ud fraa rail lain ." ei.alr oara Ui Clbleaao. LMDIBi aara. n CC 111 Through aanrlra Omaha to Chloaco I U AM Nonh Waaiara standard dar ooaclia. V.WW and traa ooalr oara. Inula oara. 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. paul-mIhneapolis 7 35 AM ooaobai'10 ' PU'" Uli 7 EC pi. Pullman alaoplaf eara. bnSat librari ,u J in oara and fr rwiilaiua chaif eara. BLACK HILLS 3 fid Dli Tolrrniont.Her1bMr .0kdJ. Korfolk ,UU r Lorvsr Hns.. (mixt. Hat briDsja. 1-m1 wod 4W,d LsMMi. Thinutfss rllillU oiUlf OaVf Ul. man liiu( oar asrf loss. 1 Qll 1U To IrvBoni. Borlbn. Norfolk, Tnrdi- f 0 U AH gf. BotaWlsMl Ud U ftwHwd XdlD Raajstrvaiiusi oouclrjr. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 Farnam Str.'.t. Men's pring ats . The Swell, Stylish Kind, $2.00 Wo do sell just ns piotl a hat for two dollars as yon can buy in any other store in town for a dollar more. We have no way to convince you of it unless you buy one and then we make you this proposition "Get your money's worth, or your money back," If your hat don't give you as much wear don't look as well when you've worn it six months or a year as any hat you ever bought for $2.50 or $3.00, we'll keep on giving you hats until you're satisfied that you've had your money's worth, and more too. We know our hats know they'll stand the test and we want every man in Omaha's territory to know it. All the swellest, newest spring blacks and styles now ready at two dollars. n e Civ? n )iiia';n'"Miaa lewey & Stone Furniture Go, LEADERS IN ARTISTIC AND PRACTICAL FURNITURE. See our line of Tuna Mahoganjr, Bird'seye Maple, Curly Birch, Bed room Furniture, Dressers, Chiffoniers and Dressing Tables to match. Sold in suits or separately. The most beautiful ever shown for the money.'! 71aMWrlro, DRESSERS Any of the above woods. At $20.00, $28.00, $26.00. $30.00, $3S.00, $38.00 and $44.00. CHIFFONIERS Any of the above woods At $13.75, $19.00, $28.00, $31.00, $34.00, $37.00 and $44.00. DRESSING TABLES any of the above woods At $12.00, $15.00, $17.00, $20.00, $25.00 and $29.00. Extra Good Values Every One. Also a complete line of Burl Walnut, Oolden Oak and Spanish Mahogany Bedrosm Furniture and everything; that goes with them. Dewey & Stone Furniture Go. J! 1 1 5-1 1 17 FARNAM ST. BBS jjlbe 53Hn Toil 5 t (i i it -masBsaoasss i nr. II 11 II l m r f " V.'AXOl A s!l i i I VU fcmll .. VV.u- w -Saw :ll BOCK BEER The best product of the brewer's art. A splendid tonic for spring. Especially adapted for family use. Put up in cases of. 2 dozen bottles. Storz Brewing Go.v 'Phoni 1260. I 11 '( ' Your Spring or Summer Suit if made by us will be far the handsomest suit you have .ever. worn. Our exclusive patterns are the finest and nobbiest ever show n. Let us show them to you. j. i. We havn the finest 11ns of Imported wgolens in the city.'. Suits irons .. $36.00. to 140.00. J. A. Kervan Tailoring Company 1316 Farnam Street JEWELERS AND WATCH MAKERS The latest In watches and Jewelry of all descriptions. A floe assortment ot mantle clocks Just received. Our prloes very low. Watch and Jewelry repairing dons In , first-class order and satisfaction guaranteed. P. E. FLOD171AN & CO., JEWELERS TELEPHONE 1574. 1514 CAPITOL AVENUE. Why is it That we have the I.AKOF.ST MAIL. OKDER DRUG BL'SINKSS IN NE BRASKA AND HTIIJ. HO NUT lHSl'K A CATALiOQ? Blmply bn-uuse tJS are bock numbers and the PRICES QCOTKFJ IN THEM ARE TOO HIGH when com pared wlih ourn; If you dun't believe this, fet one and compare prlits with these: 1.00 Pemna, all you want 61c SSc Ornuine C'aatorla 2l: 11.00 Pierce's Eavorite Prescrlotion....6tc 11.00 Temptation Tonic iic I il.Ou Plerce'a Medlcai Ulacovery I $1 00 Nervlta 7ao 6oc Nervlta ' iSo Hire's Root Beer H: 6oc Texas Catarrh Cure, one cures 4c 2&c Pierce's Pills ltc Uc Wizard Oil So $1.00 Miles' Nervine Tie $100 Warner's Safe Cure 74c ltr rx.an's Kidney Pills ic 12 00 Cheater's Pennyroyal Pills $1 ) ttw Cutlcura Salve TDc Moellers Cod Liver Oil 64c Genuine Allcock s ljastera lie . 1 )(i yuu vuifil'nrw iiicao will! lBia.U orices? CUT PKICC RUQ STORE SUIIAEFER'S i two p )) 1ST anal TU7. S. W. Cr. ISta a CkJsav sts. Save Us tha Pain of rcfusins by rcfrulnlns from asking ' us for credit. Ws sell for cash only. We buy for cash only. Our prices tell the whole etory: Howel.'s SarHaparllla.... Tso Z 1 1 n r er; loia or tarsaparlllas, . bin ilowcll'a U suaranteed.) Hromo yuinine , B H 8 (Kinulli j(0 8. S. H. (Iurri. K- Malted Milk $1 li Malted Milk ti.75 Malted Milk ic Uarbeld Tea Ice Cream Soda. NO PRICES CUT LIKE OURS. 1 $3.14 ls E. HOWELLi ParU Ave. an. I l.earea wordb SI. Telephone tut. V. B. POHTAL STATION KERB.