Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1903, Page 11, Image 11
THE OMAHA DAILY HEEi WEDNESDAY, APRIL .IT,, 1)03. 1 1 ) SPECIAL NOTICES TZZZSzZ,. ........ flill lakfn til 11 as. far the eveolasr re" I lion and til BO p. in. (or morning ! Sana's? edition. Rates, 1 l-2 a word llrat Insertion, is a wer4 thereafter. Nntaloa takea for lees than fair the "ret latrr tien. These advertisements But ka raa conaecatlvely. Advertisers, bjr reqaeatlnar at nana fcereal cheek, aaa ha answers ad. re to a aiaibrrtl letter la ear of Tka R. laimra a a44raa will ft deliver! aa orese station at tka kkeolt ealy. WANTED SITIATIONS. COMPETENT young nfflre man and book keeper, ol m figur, reliable, energetic, no baii habits, mcki position wnh good Arm; best of referenees. Addr Bee..-, .,,, . A Mlilti 16 SCANDINAVIAN, 23 year oln sp'aks English, Herman and Danish, expert shorthand and typewriter, aci-urate book keeper w i'ta situation; moderate salary; aeveral y ir" experience In export busi ness. Address It 26, Wee. A M308 li WANTED MALE HELP. BOYLES COLLEGE. A high grade school of business, shorthand, touch typewriting and English branches. Lay and even inu. Call, write or 'phone for prospectus. It. H. HOVLE8, President. N. X. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. D MSHO MEN to learn barber trade; free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of thla being the HI '.ST and only reliable, moat practical barber college In the United States. Write for catalogue todny. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, Neb. li-i'M AMERICAN Parber college, corner ml! and Douglas His. Our Illustrated catalogue Urgeat published. Free. Write. B too WANTKFI, experienced carpet salesman; must be thoroughly capable of selling carpets; none others need apply. Apply to superintendent carpet department, J. L. Brandel ft Sons. B M533 WANTED, traveling Dalesmen to carry as Sideline Sweat Collar Pads. Patent' Rid ing Bad 'lie pads. Horse Collars and Sad dlery Specialties. Bell everywhere; lib eral Commissions. Reference required. Write for full particulars. State terri tory traveling. Tom Fadgltt Baddlery to.. vvaco, lex. M MJb& ZB BOfU.ES' COLLEGE, a high-grade achool o. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting and English branches. DAT AND EVENING. Call, write or 'phone for catalogue. H. B. Boyles, President. B M899 TWO coalmakera, at onca. Address Chris Iverson, Baa City, J a. B M920 16 WANTED, men to learn barber trade: all the advantages of steady practice and In structions until competent; years saved; growing demand for graduates; positions guaranteed; tools presented; thirty grad uates piacea last month at top wages; riicuiri iree. . juoier uaroer college, E American Technical society of Bos ton, Mass., wants a district manager; previous experience not essential; one ac customed to earning $30 and (40 weekly preferred: good aalarv and nermanenev references; apply personally. H. C. Logan, secretary, 600 Ware blook. B M226 WANTED, Jewelers. Meyer Jewelry Co., 1014 and 1018 Main Bt,, Kansas City, Mo. B 132 14 YOUNG MEN to prepare for government positions; good salaries. Box 670, Cedar Kapids. la. .-. . . B M148 Mil WANTED, small Job of sodding; soon. In quire at 607 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. B M23S WANTED, for U. 8. army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 36; clUaans of United States, of good char- ' acter and temperate habits, who can peak, read and write English. For Infor mation apply to Recruiting Officer, lth and Dodge St., Omaha, and Montgomery building, Lincoln, Neb. building, Lincoln,' Neb. '' B WANTED, eoatmaker, at once; prices from 17.60 up. O. Abrahamson, Holdrege. Neb ' B 269 15 XtMB Pantatlorlum Pressing Co. Pant Crossed. 10c; suits, 30c. We call and de ver. 116 B. 16th, upstairs. Tel 22K3. B M291 Mil WANTED, a first-class butcher and meat cutter to take charge of shop; 175 per month to right man: muat out linn in business to shew good faith; steady lob. Address B 60, Bet. B M2S4 16 LIVE BOY wanted for live real estate of fice; permanent position; splendid chance for advancement. Write, with referencea, B U, Bee. B 304 18 WANTED, cabinet makers and tinners; steady inside work. H. Ehrllch Bon' factory, St Joseph. Mo. B 300 19 $1 rfKR THOUSAND copying letter at ; hon. Either sex. Bend two stampa for ' particulars. Blackney ft Co., 5U67 Halsted Bt., Chicago. . B M311 16 BAILSMEN WAITED, WANTED Two salesmen, salary or com mission. C F. Adams Co., 1019 Howard Bt, 403 BIX experienced canvassers s,t good salary to represent Little, Brown & Co.'a new Una. Call after, t a. m., 600 Wars block. Q0 to 510.00 Per Day. HKamiD The Hawks Nursery Co., Wauwatose. Wis. M565 it Mads, selling the aelf-ligtlng gas mantle. Hee Nebras.i-lnwa Auto Lighter Co., Iu6 et. loin Hi., umana. MsT4 DRUMMERS wanted to hanuls our 'ex trocta as ride line. (J. A. Hlgglns Flavoring Extract Co., 161 W. Madison street, t mcugo, in.- M'Jli 15' WANTED, sutcsmed by an importing house ... iu Kiuriri on com- J I mlHion: l!l not object to aide line. An- I ..ii. at. It, r f . r . 1 N Varun & lo 44-48 8. Water t., Chi cago. M312 lo WAVI I'D-FEM tl.H 1IKLP. WANTETV-Experlenced young ladv book keeMr to kn i aet jf retail books; muat be quick and accurate; atate experience and aalary expected. Addresa A til, Hee. C 06 WANTEI A grod girl for general house work. dlJ4 Popplpton avcnii.', C M:K2 WAN'TKI Ul.-l for laundry work. Apply Nonrtl Laundry. li'JS Vinton street. C-MsTl , WANTEDOood slrl, small family, good vagea. Airs, i- i. nunaerianu, laJS Houth Jd street. C MSoS ! WANTEr Young lady experienced In hir iiooils, to demonstrate our new hvnlcnln comb; must be a fluent talker and b thoroughly experienced in the demonatra- tlon of nttir kimxis. Apply Bupt.. J. L. Brandels ft Bona. C 697 J00 (5lrla Call Canadian office. 15th ft Dodge. v- WANTED Oirl for general housework; famny i toire nm wages. Mrs. Him' eral. 91 North ISth avenue. C W4 WANTED Girl for general housework: two In family; good wages; references re quired; can mornings, an in. zuth street. 4" )D fr V M ltW COOK Knted at the Wise Memorial hoa- pit Sherman avenus. C 145 nnnn Clrl. one who underatands pnoklnv good wagea; rail at once. 19! Dodtre St. C-M253 WANTED A competent girl for general nouaework: family of two; good wages. 414 8. Street. C IT4 14 WANTED, nurse girl to take car of I i vr-old child fill Howard. ' C-Mixj mavlJ i - VVANT'l'- e711 for teneral housework In small irnily. Inquire HA Dodg. . . C-M3 1 V7ANTED. girl for general hojaewnrk Apv'y V I-- b' 'x (VUlll V ,UB pa Wd wva. wtnun-FEMiLR iiKi.r. . iTrni ..a. .1,1 companion and assist with second work; good salary paid to proper party. Inquire between 6 and 7 p. m. 2526 Dodge street. C-271 1 WANTED, girl for general housework. i-arx ave. cMro is SEAMSTRESS to sew by the day. Address i-uir ave., or unona liMV. C-M27J 16 WANTED, a good second slrl. from April 15. for 6 months In the country; good wages; smtill family and pleasant sum mer home. Mrs. W. C. fhannon, Elkhorn, Neb. Apply at once, Bherman Ave., Omaha. , C 299 WANTED, laundry woman. $20 per month. board and longing; chamber ma:u and din ing room girl, $15 per month, board and lodging. Addresa Commercial Hotel, Mc Cook, Neb. C 3"4 14 A DEPARTMENT STORE wants thor oughly competent and experienced cloak and suit salesladies; state what experi ence you have had. Address B 64. Hee. C M315 15 A DEPARTMENT STORE wants thor- otighly competent and experienced mil linery saleslady; none other need apply. Address B 65, Bee. C M314 15 GOOD girl for good place. Call at once Z108 Douglas si. c M3U( If WANTED, skirt and walat girls and Im provers. Room 610, Karbach blk. C-M309 15 WANTED Toadies to make neckwear from sample; 17 to $12 weekly; experience not necessary; send self-addresssed stamped envelope. Ideal Mfg. Co., 6- W. 133d St., New York. - C-216 17 HELP WANTED. DEPUTIES, men or woman; rplendld con tract. The uardenera, 407 lice bldg. -M569 WANTED Forty families to go West to work in beet neids; tree transportation. Apply at 1412 Fort St. ' 86 17 WANTED." First class solicitors for the City Savings Fanks Home Bavlngs .Boxes. Apply dv LETTER ONLY, Inclosing copies of testi monials, addressed to Mr. Brady. 302 14 WANTED, men and women; permanent employment; exceptional opportunity ror rapid advancement; aalary; $j0 per month. Call at ibid Dodge St., second floor. 303 MaylS FOR REJIT HOUSES, UOIIQPQ ,n 11 part of city. The O. I 1 -r j w w jr Davl Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. u tjo VANS and baggage wagon. Tel. 1195-1146. 2704 FARNAM ST.. 10-room modern brick dwelling. W. M. Roger. 270 arnam. . , D-M937 HOUSES, $5 upward. Bern!, Paxton Blk. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage CO.; otnee I5uv Farnam, or j.eio. ioo-bdj. D 409 UOIIQPQ all part of the city. R. nUUOCO c. Peter ft Co.. Be Bldg. u avi HOUSEa O. O. Wallace. Brown Block. . JJ 1U WE MOVE piano.. Moggard Van ft Stor age CO. Tel. 1496. Ottice, 1713 W Boater Bt. D M412 FOR RENT, -room house, all modern ex cept rumace. 7W4 N. 30tn Bt., ju.w. v.. m. Bachmann, 436-37 Paxton Blk. D 348 PAYNE-BOSTWICK ft CO. Choice house. sui-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Fnone nuo. ' . D 986 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. 1-A0U SIX-ROOM house, city water. 8116 Burt Bt. u mow TWO 9-room flat, all modern walking . distance. 2626-28 Capitol Ave. ! -'Z ana jo , per month. Inquire R. C. Peert & Co., urouna Floor, noe Bldg. i-w FOR RENT r '- 8-room modern house, 2413 Lake st US 7-room bouse, city water, 1601 8. 28th at t U t-room house, city water, 1162 N. 16th st ". 14 Thomas Brennan, 909 8. 13th st. D M919 16 TWO. three or four large rooms. Inquire 1046 So. 20th St. D-176 17 MODERN brick house, near High school. east rront. gas nam, laundry, lurnacu, rent $30. Dr. Swartzlander, 2601 Capitol Ave. . D-M179 19 4-ROOM flat.', newly papered, nice condi- .i .1 ..u i i -u a 11, fc St., $7.50 per month. George & Co., 1601 Farnam st. D M204 19 NEW 6-room cottage, everything modem ana up to aatc. soit diibiui vircei. c, 4. Huntly, 516 Bee Bldg. Phone 8 FOR RENT. 7-room houae, modern except furnace. 1820 Nortn 27lh, near r-urker. D 305 17 FOR RUNTFURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th ft Dodge! Hi 414 . ROYAL HOTEL. European, 16th ft Chicago, L. M. E. haul trunk. Telephone 780. E-4H ELEOANT tam heated room. 1909 Cap itol Av . E 191 NICELY furnlahed front room, suitable for two. 1714 camoinia. bl . 3 ROOMS light housekeeping. - 1112 B. 11th. FRONT 1st fl., modern. 2024 St. Mary' Ave, ... E-349 $1.00 TO $2.00 per week. 122 8. 18th St., on block soutn oi court nouse. u, w 2J0 N. 17TH, neat rooms, new flat. E M233 28 DOUBLE parlor: outh front; reference. Phone F2502. E 831 111 8. 20TH, nicely furnished room for two gentlemen. E M931 A LARGE south front room with alcove; private family; modern houae. 252 Har ney. E 174 TWO nicely furnished rooms. 652 So. 26th Ave. E 173 MaylO BICYCLES and repairs. Fresh tires, $1.50 to $4.60; Hartford tires, $5.50 per pair. All the popular brands for cash or credit. Louis Flescher, 162:1 Capitol ave. Tel. M4. E-M251 CENTRAL, modern, two or three furnloh! 9-, V '-'. I V Vt Hit If!, DESIRABI E rooms, flrst-clasa location, walking distance. :22t Fumam E M278 20 TWO south front rooms, with alcove. 1680 Harney. L-M:9I 2 N If ELY" furnished modern rooms. 1617 Caaa at. E M207 M14 FIHS1SHED ROOMS A.VD BOARD, NICE rooms, steam heut, with or without board; low rates. Midland Holei, 16th and Chicago. F 420 NICE room, good board. The Rose, 2020 Harney. F M737. 21 LARUE, south front, modern, fine locality near car. t. u a month for two. 24ni cuisa. 'Phone fciki-A. V-'Jji 1814 DODGE, 'font parlor and other room. Telephone Ai4o7. F MaAi SINGLE room and board. 416 N. 26th St. F-o FOR HUNT INFIRNISHKD ROOMS. TWO or three fin unfurnished rooms. 220 N. Sid. U 529 THREE or four modern housekeeping rooms on Park Ave; referencea required, reasonable. Addresa B 35, Bee. U MI81 ! 8t'ITE of rooms, modern, hous-k' p ng Lis titoiela. ae U ali Why Walk All A WANT AD For rkk r sioriss au office. We will build a three or four-story build ing on Harney street, suitable for wholesale purposes. Lot 44 toot front. Alley in rear. Inquire H. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. I i1993 OFFICES in the Bee building, $10.00 per month up. Rental price Includes heat, light ana Janitor service. Ii. C. peters ft Co., ground lloor. Bee Bldg. 1264 FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 916 Karnarn 8t. It ha four stories and a basement which wa formerly used a The Bee press room. Thl will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office of C. C. Rose wattr, Becretary. roorq 100, Be building. 1261 FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at 916 Farnam, 22x0, four stories and first-class cemented basement, elevator, fire and burglar proof vault, office counter and fixtures-. For price ana particular Inquire C. C. Rosewater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 1U0 ' Bee building. I M567 1616 HOWARD ST.; room la In first-class repair and haa good light basement. $50 per month. Ueorge ft Co., 19ol Farnam st, . ' ' 1 M313 19 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to TUB TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvasser make eaMly $00 to $100 per month. Ad dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. 21$ AGENTS make $6 dally elllng the cheap est and most perfect water niter ever In vented; retails at $2.00; big profit, ex clusive territory. Seneca Filter Co.. Sen eca, Mo. J M165 1S WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to lent, an S or S-room house, latter preferred; modern conveniences. In west or southwest locality. Addresa - Y 7. Bee. K-696 WANTED, to rent at once, furnished house v:un.,Ss, B io i rooms; prerer moaern. Address A. B., 1313 Douglas St.- K 231 14 WANTED TO BUV. Sl.1 lve your nue rurntshlngs away. Call on J. Levins or Tel. 771 and he'll pay you a big price. N M9U9 24 W ANTED To buy out a stock of mll !.r3L.ln. s"ood business town from 600 to 2,000 Inhabitants. Address Milliner, A 67, care Omaha Bee. N M587 May2 WANTED TO BUV. WANTED Six or eight-room house one or i,w? b'ock from Leavenworth. Address B 22, Bee. N-M918 16 FOR SALE FIRN1TIRE. CHICAGO Furniture Coi, 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand bought, soldi exchanged. O 422 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. HORSE AUCTION at Union Stock Yard horse market every Wednesday afternoon. P 423 76 DELIVERY wagons, buggln, carriages, any slse or any pji..e to suit. 11. Frost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 424 CARRIAGES painted, repaired or rubber VZHK put on' William Pfeifter: 2620 to 2b24 Leavenworth. - Tel. 1639. P M635 SEVEN top buggies, three carriage and two runabouts .(... -big sacrlflc. John son ft Robert. John Deere building, lutn and Leavenworth.- p M71o May4 OWNER must sell Immediately nne closed m , -"w ' kv vicu vaiiiagea. AQ. dreae a 4, Bee. p taza. l AUCTION sale of -horse every Tuesday Thursday, at John 8. Cooper's. Union Block iards. South Omaha, Neb. P-5TT5 Mayl2 FOR BALE, a double-seated family car riage, used one season; cheap. i. N. 28th St., South Omaha. P M316 17 FOR SALE MISCLLLAXEOIS. New and 2d hand typewriter. 1119 Farnam. 4 i INDIAN good and relic. 1119 Farnam. W tz WIRE fence for hog, poultry, lawn and farm. Wire Works, 611 Bo. loth. Tel, 1590 Q-M338 Jyl3 TELEPHONE pole. Long Fir timber. Chicken tence. Oak piling. 9ol Douglas. - y 127 FOR BALE First mortgage note bearing t per cent Interest, payable every six months; has about 'i years to run; good security and endorsed by responaibl party ; amount, ji.wa). Inquire C. M. ilachmann, Room 4-1, paxton Block. W 666 CATALOGUE cut drug price free. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. jj . g m EGGS for hatching 8. C. brown leghorn. Bright, Waldron strain.- Mrs. Geo. W. Uaxtman. 4424 N. 27th bt. - y MiftK) 24 FOR SALE Phonograph superior to any other musical instruments, $5 up. The Columbian Phouograpn Co., 1421 Farnam. y 4i9 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, U.19 Farnam. W 4J0 T. DURK1N, electrlo llfiht wiring. TeL $448. U tlm FOR BALE Crane hydraulic elevator, can be uaed either passenger or freight, com plete. Iron guide poets, cage and wire enclosure. J. L. Braudela ft Sons. Q-698 ; SECOND-HAND man' wheel. In good con-, dltlon; will sell cheap. Call at 2406 Cass L Q-MD12 FOR BALE Fancy and common pigeons, blue Andeiuslan hens; prices very rea sonable. 8518 Bo. 20th St. Q M173 . FOR SALE, white Wyandotte egg. $1 per 13. H. C. Parkins, 316 N. 41st. Q-272 18 FOR SALE, large new aasollne stove, . 3 burner, oven and 5-gallon can, 204 N. 26t h at. ' y Moli 15 ORIENTAL RIGS. Repaired; original a. Itches: 110 patching, no darning, but weaving. J. 1. Tamluoelan, 2609 81. Mary's ave. 'Phone Bi.'k9 U-M3 9 18 MISCELLANEOUS. A BUYER for a 9-room modern dwelling, one block north of lianscoin Park. Au dreys. P 6b3. Omaha. R U4-14 FOR RENT Piano player, or piano and player together, i'lano Player Co., TeL R-M815 CLAIRVOVANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant.-1614 Cass street. 8-431 MME. GYLMER, genuine Palmist, 315 6.11. 8-432 MADAME LUCRETIA, medium. 16t Chi cago st. b M'Al M3 MRS. CARRIE BMlTli. sovereign clair voyant; everything toid, past, present and future; salts I action or no pay. s7 N. 1st h. 8 M66inayll ULCCTRICAL TREATMENT. MRS. DAVIS. 1621 Howard street, bath; lirst-claaa assistant. T UuS Ma8 MiSS HOWAHD. eleeant marsage hatha: assistant. 317', N. 16th. flat . -M570 10 GRACE O BRYAN of Kentucky. 720 B. 13th. T-llliH Over Town to Find a Position? WILL TELL YOU WHERE TO 6o. ELECTRICAL THKATMK.JIT. MME. SMITH, bath. 118 N. 15, 2d floor r. 1 T MSOT May" PERSONAL. ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Paxton. u J. Scannell, agent, 609 Ware block. U 133 FRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. Gerlsch, 862i California St. Terms reasonable. U-440 ELITE PARLORS, 15 8. 16th 8t.. 2d floor. U M64o A17 PRIVATE home for women during con finement. Good Samaritan Sanlturlum, 728 1st Ave., Council BUfts, la. U M699 RUPTURE CURED Without pnln. Empire Rupture Co.. N. V. Life Bldg.. Omaha. U-434 MAGNET FILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists, $1. U-435 DR ROY, chiropodist; corn and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 2 and 8 1506 Farnam St. U 436 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Ourdels. 2234 Lake. Tel. Red-18N4. U 439 VIAVI A wholesome nerve and tissue food and home treatment for disorders of women. Write for free booklet. Vlavl Co., 348 Bee Bldg., Omaha. U 437 . TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. U-438 QUIET home for ladles in trouble before and during confinement; good care and prompt attention arsured. Write or call. Mr. L. Carter, 2317 Charles, Omaha, Neb. M909 May8 C EDERER. Bristol St. florist Tel. 1795. U-MU7 HOME during confinement; lrst-class. Dr. L. L. Miller, 2504 Blondo. Phone F-1182. U-M794 FOR fine toilet and soft skin use Frltch s famous vegetable soap; made from soap bark; has no grease or lye. Bll Kleser, 320 8. 16th. U-M116 25 WE RENT machines. 75c per week. $2 per month. We repair and sell parts for any machine manufactured. Good second hand machlnea for $5 to $10. Nebraska Cycle Co., 16th and Harney sts. U-M289 M13 HEADQUARTERS for Edison phono graphs and Victor ta king machines; 20,00) records to select from. Nebraska Cycle CO., corner 15th and Harney sts. U-M290 M13 ORIENTAL RUGS Cleaned by Oriental, Oriental methods, no steam, no machine nor acids to injure your rugs. J. I. Tamlnoaian, :6t St. Mary's ave. 'Phone B2309. U-M318 18 MONEY TO LOAN REAL KS TATE. 4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Block. W 441 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 309 3. 13th. W 444 4',4 PER CENT on business property. S per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE, 401 8. 15TH ST. ,.-- W 443 FIVE PER CENT loans. ' Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W-446 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrant. R. C. .Peter ft Co., 1703 Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W 446 WANTED. clty loan and ' warrant. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1320 Farnam street. . ' W-449 FARM and city loan, low rate. W. H. Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 164S. W 447 PRIVATE money. BherwBofl, 937 N. Y. Life. ...,. ,- W 442 PRIVATE money." F. D. Wead, 1S24 Douglas. v .. W 448 JlOAHl" TO LOAN CHATTELS. MOXEY. MONEY. MONEY. ARE YOU IN NEED OT MONEY? IT IS A GOOD THING TO KNOW THAT WE LOAN MONEY TO SALARIED EMPLOYES holding perma nent positions with responsible Arms on their Plain Note without ENDORSER. MORTGAGE or SECURITY of any kind, or Employer' knowledge. We also loan money on FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES. CARRIAGES. ETC. at the lowebt possible rate. There will be no restrictions on your moving, no In quiry among your neighbor or Friend or any other unpleasant formalltle. YoJf2.nR.BPAT vs ,n WEEKLY or MONTHLY payment to suit your own convenience. You tecetve the FULL AMOUNT wanted in cash; no CHARGES DEDUCTED In ADVANCE. We want your business and believe an In vestigation of our methods will get it, even If at present you ars dealing with another company. If you went to be dealt with fairly call on us. KIND, COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL. Our office Is the best equipped to handle y-jur business with PRIVACY OF ANY IN THE CITY. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Rm 803-PAXTON BLOCK-Room 101 Get Off Elevator at Third Floor. Open Wed. and Sat. TUI t P. M. ' X-M177 Monev. We loan frem $10.00 up on furniture, live lock, etc. SALARY LOANS With out mortgage to person who hold salaried positions. An Interview will convince you that the condition of our contracts are the most liberal obtainable In the city. We make no deduction from the mount bor. owed, a some do, thereby compelling you to pay for money you do not get. Our office I very easily found, and having recently had it again remodeled It Is more private than ever. We always try to please. Omaha iVl toe. Loan Go. 119 Board of Trad Bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established 1892.) 30$ B. 16th Bt. X-450 SALARY LOANS. Any salaried employe can get from us on bis plain note without security or en dorser; : - 8eml . Weekly. Monthly. Monthly. $16-Repay us...$ or 12.0O or $4.00 $W-Repay u... 1.35 or 2 66 or 5.35 &-Repay us. .. 1.65 or 3.33 or 6.67 $.to-Repay us... 2.00 or 4.U0 or 8.00 $50 Repay us... 3.35 or 6.65 or 13 13 THE BTAR LOAN COMPANY. Room 644 Paxton Block. Telephone F-2298. X 451 MONEY LOANEo on FURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK. SALARIES, Etc. Low rates and easy term. Business confidential. Try us If you want to save money. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Block. 16th and Farnatn Bts. X 44 "SALARY LOANS." "GIVE" your note. "Gfc.T" 110 or $100. "GET IT TOKAY" -if you call early- Every $1 paid off loan reduces cost "NOTHING DEDUCTED IN ADVANCE" "NO CHARGE FOR DRAWING PAPERS'" The New York Loan Co., IJru.n. .J Ut I . 1 1. X 244 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms, 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolruan, 440 Board of Trad Bldg. X-453 SALARY LOANS privately made on notes. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Paxton Block. Corner 16in and Kamara St., Third Flour. X 454 MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried people; business confidential, lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-45e MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, w- tiry, hoiict, cows, etd. C. F. Reed, 111 8 Is, MONEY TO LOAN II4.TTKI.S. CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., sue to D. Green, R. 8, Barker bk X 455 IUS1NK.XS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, ell or exchnng any property ot bus'ness quick, see J. 1L Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y 352 WANTED, In Coin, I., a first-class gen eral store; good brick room ran be had at once, 2oxHt feet; best location In city. Inquire of J. A. DUk. Coin, la. Y 617 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCague building. Y-457 A PARTY with $2.00 cash can secure in undivided half interest in a bonaflde downtown business, with exceptional fa cilities, which Insures ITi.OOO to rn.wo an nually, Including permanent position; salary $150 per month and expanses. We Invite rigid Investigation to those who are able to do business to the right man; experience not necessary. Address B 81, Bee office. Y-M172 17 WE HAVE on hand and for sale at all times first mortgage real estate Invest ments In esstern Nebraska and western Iowa, suitable for trustees, Individuals or estates; seventeen yenrs' business In this territory without the loss of a dollar for an Investor. Care of estates and property of Individuals solicited. R. C. PETERS CO., Ground Floor, Beo Building. Y-M132 18 FOR SALE Oldest establlfhed dental prac tice. F. A. Lcavitt, Pender, Neb. Y 92S 15 CASH for your FARM. BUSINESS, HOME or property of any kind; no matter where located. For a quick sale, send us de scription and price. Northwestern Busi ness Agency, D 312, Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Y M310 15 FOR EXCHANGE. $45,000.00 CATTLE ranch, fin property, well watered, unincumbered, to exchange for unincumbered northern property, b. W. Colby, Marfa. Texas. Z 131 14 FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to eell a farm or ranch, tell the farmer and stock raiser about It. Th best wy to reach them Is througn THE TWENTIETH x CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goe to 40,000 home of farmer and stock raisers, so if you have a good piece of land to sell .at reasonable price you ought to find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertise ment la email 2 cent per word. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. re- MODEL HOME. Five acre level land, young orchard In bearing, 10-room pressed brick dwelling, larn. carriage house and other outbuild ing, chicken yard and garden, near Teet car and country club. A nap at $6,500, lees than half what Improvement cost. W. N. NASON. 446 BEE LDG. A NEW HOUSE Build one. We will "build It for yoo on the Installment plan. Homeseekers- Assn., 1st floor N. Y. Life bldg. KE-M240 tlMl I UMCnM CHARLES E.. 1203 VV iiiimitj 1 Farnam street. RB 109 FARMS! FARMS! . FARMS! SPECIAL BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE, 610-acre stock and grain farm In Richardson Co., Nebraska, 120 acres of the best of corn land on bottom, balance hill land, partly covered with hardwood timber and set In blue grass, pasture for 150 head of stock, 100,000 feet of saw timber, good set of im provements, all fenced. Price, $26 per acre. Gregory ft Adklns, Craig, Mo. RE M2a6 19 FARM, MINERAL AND TIMBER LAND. You can double your money by Investing It through us In Missouri. W have a money-making proposition. Cash or pay ments. Come now if you want to get la on the ground floor. Cooley Inv. & R. E. Co.. 823 N. Y. Life Bldg. . RE M514 CHEAP LOTS SOUTH PART CITY, $76.00 each for a few lot near 14th at. and new boulevard; size 40x116 ft; cash, $25.00, balance t&.OO per month. GEORGE ft CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. RE M202 19 FOR SALE or trade, 60 choice, rich, pro ductive farms, both large and small; also ten good cheap stock ranches In northeast Nebraska, some ot which can be traded for general nidge., hardware, implements, cattle, sheep or boraes. Geo. W. Hutton, Orchard, Neb. RE M864 31 RANCH and farm lands to? sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAUester, land commissioner. Union Pa clflo Headquarters, Orauha, Neb. RE 46 MODERN t-room house: also t-room; good location; low price. Inquire 1411 Vinton. RE-M782 21 HOUSES and lot In all part of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davl Co., Room 608, Bee Bldg. RE 461 10-ROOM modern houae. 11 block from nostoftlce. for sale cheap. 1U8 N. 16th. Renews, ft Co. RE 843 CHOICE trackage, paved. Monroe. 811 N. 16th. . RE 462 , FOR FOUR DAYS ONLY. 10-room modern house, 2108 Chicago; lot 60x1 J2, for $2, 900, and the paving tax. 7 rooms, modern, 4147 Izard; lot 50x150, 1,875. W. H. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life. Phone 1249 RE M288 1 MISSOURI. VERNON COUNTY. FARMS tor sale. Write W. F. 1emmon, Nevada, Mo., for county map and full particulars. RE M2SO zo DENTIST. DR. C. H. PAUL, dentlat, removed to resi dence, 2u22 Burt. 677 May! ' - 1 ' . J LOST. LOBT, brown mare, wire cut on left front foot, weighs about 1.2U0 pounds. Finder can leave with W. H. Qurenan 1:6 N. 26th street, and receive reward. Lost 846 IS LOST, Saturday night, near corner 16th and Farnam, a black seal pocketbook con taining $6 in bills and aome small change. Keuru to Mr. J. Benson's and receive re ward. lost 2iH 14 FOLND. FOUND, gold eyeglasae. Owner describe and pay charges. A. V. fipauldlng, 47 N. d St. Found So0 14 PATENTS. H. J. COWOILL No fes unless successful 118 So. 16th St., Omaha. TeL 17M. 60S PATENTS, Sues ft Co.. Omaha. Neb. Il lustrated patent book fre. Tel. 1611. WotoS July2 GENERAL ROOFING. WORK In any part of the country. Jonea Roofing Co., 1517 Burt Bt. TeL U61 487 P.OOFINO. lightning rod and repairing. Germanla Koonug Co., 1613 Capitol Av. TeL MeO. M661 11 At TOMOBII.F.a. ELEC. automobile. Derlght, 111 Farnam. s HAT ILK A NINO. LAD1FS- and gents', 60c Bchwart', 114 8. 1.1th. 45 PRINTING. BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Printing Co. Linotype composi tlon. Tel. 2190. 4M LAINDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-1783. 49 GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. t'MAHA PLATING CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. JMS. 489 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., clean cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals st reduced prices, tui N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 478 DETECTIVE. AGENCY. CAPT, THOS. CORMACK, private detec tive. 617 Karbach block. Telephone A-2&I3. 4 HO SEEDS AND POILTRY SUPPLIES. ULLERY ft CO., 1611 Howard St Tel 8327. ... 4tf? EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. G. R. Rathburn, Room 15, Com'l Nat. bank. 4o TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad ticket everywhere. P. II. i'r.ilbtii, l&oa Farnam. 'Phone 784. DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College, Suit 63-4-6-8, Douglas block, 16th and Dodge. 4 VI MI 8ICAL INSTRUMENTS. COC fV profit on Weber piano. Perfleld VJ'VV piano Co. TeL 701, Bee building. 483 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511H Farn. Tels. 1659-862. 485 EXPRESSMAN'S Del. Co. Tela. 1196-1146. , 486 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 43o Ramge Bldg. - - 608 OSTEOPATHY. G1D. E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suit 616. New York Life Bldg. Tel. 1664. 480 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. Tel. 352 Ml6 ATZEN ft FARWELL Infirmary, Paxton block, 406-407. TeL 1366. M890 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. A. J. PIERSON, 20th and Burt. Tel. L-28SS. m J. Li 8PITZBART. TeL F-2606. 2622 Lake. M652 17 BAKERY. TRY our three-layer white cake, 25c. Gro ceries and meats at lowest prices. John son ft Goodlett Co. TeL 1675. 2002 Lake St. M911 May 8 HORSE CLIPPING. HORSES clipped and trimmed. Betta' barn, 1415 Capitol ave. TeL 1810. Davis. . - M948 80 HAY, GRAIN AND COAL. M. LONDON, 2302 Cuming at. Tel. A-S&8S. - M877 may TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT, $25. Monroe ft Co., 811 N. 18th. -606 SCHOLARSHIP. BUSINESS college scholarship for sale at a bargain In one of Omaha' leading com mercial college; life scholarship. Address B 47. Be office. M716 FLORISTS. HESS ft 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam. M3SS ACCORDION PLEATING. MRS. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglas block. M995 . TAXIDERMIST. J. Fi. WALLACE, 606 Bo. ISth St. -604 CORNICE WORK. GALV. Iron cornice, metal celling, sky lights. Epeneter' Cornice Wki,, 614 8. loth. M500 I . 1 I WALL PAPER AND PAPER HANGING. OILS, paints, varnishes, window glass. T. J. Burner, 2626 N. 26th St. Tel. . A-2567. MJOt LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN ft PRICE, 23 U. 8. N'l B k. bid. 472 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. T. Life Bldg., attorneys and collector every where. 47 MACFARLAND ft MAY, New York Life Bldg. Room 804. 'Phono 1552. 474 TREES AND SHRUBS. ALL VARIETIES and of beat Quality grown 8 mile from Omaha; all kinds, isea and price of flowering shrubs, roses, vines, parking, ornamental, fruit and hads tree. W grow the largest assort ment of sny nursery In Iowa or Ne braska. Bale ground, same old stand, 21st and Farnam. Crescent Nurseries, U. 11. Keye, Omaha, Mgr. 92s-May8 HAZELDELL NURSERY. Office 8208 N. 24th. Trees, shrub and rose. M561 $0 FRUIT, (hade and ornamental trees shrubs and roses. F. R. Martin, 18th and Douglas, ' 276 Mayl2 BICYCLE REPAIRING. NOW Is ths time to have your bicycle re paired; work guaranteed: price are right; tire, $1.26 and up. J. Larson, 24th and Charles. M869 May4 MUSIC. THOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. 868 STOVE REPAIRS. STOVES stored and gasoline stove cleaned Omaha Btovs Repair Works. Tel. 00. M492 GRAVEL ROOFING. BARRICK Roofing Co., 161$ Cuming 8L Tel. 6L -481 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 North 16th. 431 Rta MANUFACTURING, OMAHA Rug Factory. 1521 Leaven. Tel. 1068 M4H BRICK WORK. J. P. HEALY, 1823 Clark Bt. 'Phone A-W71. 4wl CARPKTKRS AND JOI4:,IV ALL kinds of carpenter work and rcpnlrlne promptly attended to. i. t. tvhiltre. fnth and Ike Ma. i,o I pholstkrim; PETERSON ft Lundberg, 115 Bo. 17th. Tr Ln-ZiitfX. 470 CARL80N ft CO.,212riavenwtn:tV"Tcr211 t MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHOIR. 13th ft Howard, machinist. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. n.ake a pe clalty of nre escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andrcen, Prop.. 102 So. loth St. 474 1 1 CARPET CLEANING. BEND your carpets and rugs to Chrlsten sons Carpet Cleaning Works, 2221 N. Juth Bt. Tel. 1669. M376 TEL. T Carpet cleaning, rug weaving. -M157 TRUNKS AND DAGO AGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 506 S. 16th. 43 THE DEPOT on time. 1 M. E. Tel. 78o! . 484 N.1!.1. 1 . ....... I .' PAWNBROKERS. PIAOLE Loan Office, reliable accommodat ing, ail business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 47 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases end irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced, reliable. 1613 Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha, Neb. Tel. 32.4. 471 Piles Cured without pain no cutting, tying or burning. All blood, kidney and bladder diseases cured; a guarantee given In every case treated by W. C. Maxwell, M. D. 624 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Neb., graduate of Hellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City SHORTHAND AND TVPE WRITING. MOSHER 8.H.. Touch T.W., Bu. Branches. Teleg. Cat. free. Om. Com. Col.. 17 ft Doug. 688 A. C. VAN SANT'8 school. 717 N. Y. Life. 049 NEB. Business ft Shorthand College, Bovd Theater. iai MACHINERY. HOT BEARINGS won't trouble you, and you'll save 60 per cent In wear if you use "Aiax Plastlo Bronze." Inquiries solicited. THE AJAX METAL COMPANY Frankford Avenue and Richmond 8L. Phll- adelphla. When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aw th ad In Th Bee. r IAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 10TH AND MARCY. Union Pnclfle. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited "...a t:40 am a 7:50 pm The Fast Mall a 1:25 pm California Express.. a 4:20 pm Pacific Express all:80 pm Eaatern Express a 6:30 pm The Atlantic Express... . a 7:30 am The Colorado Special. .a 7:10 am a 8:40 am Chicago Special a S:40 am Lincoln, Beatrice and , Stromsburg Express. .b 4:00 pm M2:50 ym North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6:15 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b t:3f pm Missouri Pacific. BU Louis Express 10:00 am a f.j pm K. C. and St. L. Ez....al0:50 pm a l:if am Wabaab. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:66 pm a l: am Bt. Louis Local. Coun cil Bluff a :15 am al0:80 pm tkiciku, uuvk island A FaelBe). EA8T. Chicago Daylight L t d. a 1:00 am a 6:46 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a 9:86 pm Chicago Expi ess bll :16 am a 6:06 pm Dea Molnea Express. . ..a 4:) pm bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express, .a 6:36 pm a 1:26 Dm WEST. " Rocky Mountain L t d. .a 8:60 pm a 4:66 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 6:00 pm Colo.. Texa., CJ. and " Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm al2;40 pta Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. PaaL Chicago Daylight a 7:46 am aU:16 pm Chicago Fast xpre...a 6:46 mo a $:40 pm Chicago Limited a 8:06 pm a 7:50 am De Moines Express.... 7:46 am a 3:40 pm Chicago Local 10:40 am Chicago 4t Northwestern. "Th Northwesters Line." Fast Chicago a 8:40 am a 7:00 am Mail a 6:00 pm a 1:80 am Local Sioux City ..a i:io am a 1:30 pm Daylight St. Paui a 36 am al0:26 pm Daylight Chicago a k:oo am allUO pm Local Chicago ...i alO.60 am a 6:10 pm Local Carroll a :00 pm a P:60 am Fast Chicago a 6:60 pm a 1:46 pm Fast St. Paul a 7:55 pm a 8 '16 am Limited Chicago ........a 8:10 pm a 8:16 am Fast Mall a 2:40 pm Local Sioux City.., b 4:09 pm b 8 .60 am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:85 am a 5:10 Dm Chicago. Minneapolis ft Bt. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm a 1:05 am Minneapolis ft BU Paul Express b 7:36 am blO:Si pro Chicago Local 10:36 am Chicago topress alO:8J am BURLINGTON SIAT.ON-IOTH ft MAkON Barling-ton ft Mliauurl River. Leave. Arrive. Wymora, Beatrice and Lincoln a 1:60 am bl2:0S pm Nebraska Express a 8:50 am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm ' a e:45 am Black Hlils and Puget Sound Exprts ........ all:10 pm a 3:10 pm Colorado Vestibule " Flyer ' 1:1C Dm Lincoln Fast Mall ..b 1:62 pm a :08 am Fort Crook and Platt- mouth .............. .....b 1:20 pm bl0:36 am Bellavue ft Pacific Jet.. a 7:60 pm a 8:27 am Belle vue ft Faoitio Jet.. a 1:60 am x Chlixo, Burllnavton ft fAulney. Chicago Special.......... a 7:00 am a 1:65 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7.46 am Chicago Local... a 8:18 am all .00 poo Chicago Limited a 8 u6 pm a 7:46 ail Fast Mall a 1:40 pm Kansas til), St. Joseph Council UlaBs. Kansas City Day Ex.. .a 1:16 am a 1:06 pm Bt. Louis Flyer...... .....a 5:10 pm aU:us am Kansas City Night pm a i:u att WEBSTER DEPOTIB TH ft WEBSTER Chicago ft Honhweetsrn Nebraska and Wyoming; Division. A . Leave, An vs. Black Hills. Deedwood. Lead, Hot Spring.....a 1:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and vm Douglas i"v""f;''v:1';(W e 5:00 pm IUtln. York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Beward ...b 1:00 pm b 5:00 pm Bonesteel, Lincoln. Nlo- "m brara and Fremont.. .b 7:10 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local 7:30 am Hlsaonrl Pad Be. Nebraska Local. Via , Weeping Water.. b 4:10 pm al0:25 am Chicago, St. Pan I. Minneapolis ft Omaha. Twin City Passenger.... a 1:80 am a 1:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... a 2:00 pm all:) am Oakland Local b 6:45 pm b 8:45 am a Dally, b Dally except 8unday. d Dally ' except Saturday, e Duly .except Monday. ' e Sunday only. STEAMSHIPS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New Ivla-senw Bewfi et U.4M Teas, ggw voaa-kuTTkKxiAn. Tie koclowxs gtuu. Wdmeitu si IS A. at. roUdset A'tl Noeri suy , tumdaal April ii HuturiUai Mr U Kftdaai April St.FvUdim , ! St HOLLAND-AMERICAN LINE, Qtt Dearborn SI., Chicago. Ill, Harry Monrsa, 1401 rrnam st , C authfrtoeA US rsrasa i- B Krjsuldt. lwUJ, at I