TITE OMATIA PAILY HE I SUNDAY, APRIL ' 12, 1003. ?3 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE inner Weather Cnsed Etiter Lcee to More Very Freelj. TENDENCY OF PRICES IS UPWARD Wholesalers Doing: Considerable Cam Isvltalns; Abnat rareltf ef fJneife . aad look tor Much High? m Prices by Fall. There was a more lively demand for spring lines last week than for some little time past. Country merchants reported trade aa being the best of the season and Omaha jobbers also did a nice business both direct and through traveling men. Aa anticipated It seems to have taken only a few warm days to materially reduce merchants' slocks and cause them to send In liberal sortlng-UD orders. According to all reports thnt l.ave been received haster . n.Vcrcly punbhed In the past, handling Just trade with merchants has been fully up to mich a crop a last years and are exercs ixpwtatlnna and In' most cases has been inK caution now ao as to escape being left considerably heavier than anticipated. uwiiir in i ne (teller (lenwiiH in me iuiiii try collection with Jobbers have shown a I marked Improvement during the last week or ten days, so that practically not com- filalnts ere now heard on thnt score. Were t not for the difficulty that wholesalers are having to get the goods fast enough to meet the requirements of their customers I there would be no comnlainta of any kind. I The worst of It le Jobbers say there seems I to oe no prospect or any reiier as long as the demand km p up, and In fact the situ- I atlon seems to be trowing worse every I month. At present the labor difficulties in I the east are materially reducing proline- tion and In that way putting manufactur- I ers fnrther And further behind with their I orders. This shortage Is not confined to any one particular claas of goods, but to I the majority of manufactured articles. I Owing to the limited supdIv of desirable I lines of manufactured goods prices are of I course very firm, with the tendency un- doubtedly upward. Those who are best prated on the general situation say that tha nltfci marnhhnl Will knlUiinla Vila f'l fin I wants; as merchandise at present prices la gcod property. sTa. AdTsartd Five Cents. The sugar market is quoted very strong 1 and active and an advance of 60 per UK) pounds on granulated sugar went Into ef fect on- Friday. The balance of the line is unchanged. The trade, however, . Is pre dicting higher prices In the near future, owing to the fact that the heaviest con suming perlcd of the year Is at hand. In ran an m a m it wm a waaIi mtrn hlwtvcrt a little harder market on evapo- K . i-H ,,. . I . around future tomatoes. Prices, however. have reached a point where canners refuse I io lower ineir prices, ana ll is oenevea l bv those best nested that nresent ouota- tlona are absolutely at the bottom and I that any changes In the near future will be In the direction of higher prices. The spot market on tomatoes Is aso consld- erably lower than It was a short time ago. I Thla has been caused by the great quan- tltv of Inferior aroods which was backed I last season. The market broke in the I east - nrst, nut tne western marget re- I ponded. It la thought, however, that trlrea will so no lower and that purchases n the present market are aafe. - The rice market la unchanged so far aa quotations go, but pticea are very atrong. Tlie market on coffee and tea is also It Just about the same position It was a week ago, and In fact practically all staple lines not menuonea aoove are seiung in id, i mst mtt notches thev were a w?ek no. I . . Dry Goods More Active. , Th. warmer weather of laat week greatly H"? I '1 report trade 'the best it has been at any time since March. L Retail trade haa also UWIl quua Ulinn, V umi aiwwnn country are rapidly going to pieces and merchants are sending in liberal orders, both direct and through traveling sales men. House trade has also been better than for aome time past. Future orders are still coming in very freely and traveling men ao far have broken all previous records. If they meet with sond success tha remainder of the so far have I Bp rar nave 1 oason the number of advance orders for fall goods will be lar aneaa oi laai.year. Tha market for cotton and cotton cloths ia stlU in a very strong position. No ad vances on bleached and brown goods nave (on. into effect during the period under review, but local Jobbera.are very certain that any changes trora ne. Present nasi. noted L .nTtJrh Zr April l7 Pork 24.000 barrel Fhnn Tv2 " nw mucn heavier lnm tlrcee. rlbll ji6w)fwo pounds 1 ThV'drte"! 7rnu.trta.y."tu.?lon is verv much There has been quite a decree lnP.tock9 will ne in tne aireoiion 01 mjurr irm. T'i-pNrpJLp,r hu 0c- Canada rutaba Jdanufacturera are well .old up. and owing- ftTSXi new utSJfn. SerdSn to the atrlkea in Mew angiana many i.nes of desirable icottona are -in very tartnp. ply Jobbers are vising: their , cus tomera WlJX$yil& wk 1 . . 1 timA rn.v wanE inf-rii. I Hardware In LlsTkt Supply. I Tha AmmnnA fot MMIinnAblA IlnCfl Of Clara- I ware nas oeen vrry auuvo, uu. mc iiuu-io Is that Jobbers have not the goode vlth whinh tn fill thPlr nrclArs. nor are cney aoie i to get stock to"?? are not transacting- as much business aa I they were a year, ago In spite of the fact th;t.i.h.,i'm?n.i... . v break . previous records. The Omaha market, I previous records t'i'i'JKh, Is In no o thers, as the suj tllf country Is no h market la no worie cuiiuiuuii ijiclii mi supply of hardware an over not equal to the demand. Is In very much the aame condition It waa a week ago. There have been practically no Important changes, but at the aame time the tendency is upward, with man v lines of hardware, though. prices have cMased to be an object, as It la Inipoaslble to get the ooda at any ngure. I ...h.. Oaoik Fins. The leather good market la also In a I vorv strunir nnsltion. Manufacturers lor I . . , i i ..1.1 ( . V. . I some niiio u.ne oava uwu vu.uhuh huvn r..ir runninir at a. iorb dw ni i . hi..h r.rl, vf lonther. The leather nrtet hue been advancing and good atock - f ... . ' . 1 . . i. . i rais oeen scarce, to luriuer iniunaiiy wie situation the tanners are on a striae, so that the hid? market la practically at a hld market la practically at a which, of course, causes the rkt to Btren&then. The predlc- Inn freolv made that prices will s'undstill leather ma linn la VAi ...i. i.i.L.r.i i 4,'i,.iir in tha nr future and that uurchaaea made on the present 1)..h1s are a stife proposition. So far aa the local trade situation la concerned jobbers have no complaints to offer. Trade In the country haa picked up orders are on tha lm reaae, tjulte a good t.iefii I kar In 4hn 1 u f faav rlfl Va anil mja 1 1 many merchants are dropping In the city "it ...i .... .1,-1. .... .C. o., v. .it cum .v.... uK ...c, - have a good word to say regaraing tne trade they have been experiencing and of the prospucts for the future. ltubber Koods are of course a little oulet so fir as Immediate business Is concerned. Frnlta and Prodaee. er.ioj condition for this time of year. Oranges and li-mons are both selling quite fitoly. but without material chango in prices. Cuban "in.-applt-a are on the mar ket and are neiu at rrom H w to 4 2a. Freah Vegetatdes are a Utile more plenti ful, bjt the demand has been sufficient to nrevent much of a broak in nrlces. The egg market Is considerably higher than It was a week ago owing to tne heavy ploravA demand. Receipts at thla nolnt have been rather limited, aa track buyera have taken the bulk of the offerings In the country. Poultry was in big demand all last week and prices very firm. Butter la also a little nigner than a week ago, but In a short time receipts will be on the In crease and prices will naturally suffer. WEARS CRAIX C OMPASY. Omaha Branch lio-lll Hoard of Trade Balldlas. CHICAOO, April 11. WHEAT A tempta tton to lake hold of a "sure thing" haa led ona of th liailliiar srain Intervxia hr l take oo contracts fur the May delivery of Wtliiat akrareiraf Inv hvtrl Elmt lha safo'iunt III elore. ' ne s ocks or wneat here and In positions ,.,r niuvriiieiii are 10 auiuu anu 1 iN. .'i atij rij i-une.uiia- i aihounl of contract stuff belli- manufac tured out of last tears low grade wheat are no slight Unit it U not hard Ui under stand how a house that could suocejasfullv terminxle a orner last September should grttrp this upportumty. The Armour h idlngs are large loth in May and July and the opposition is scat tered. Influenced by the uerfect nroauecta of tha new -croit the trade In general haa eold tna neafrby future heavily and are in tha do1- tlJ". w mentli ned last week of trying to till At'tv cuniracis wnn Beptemner Wheat. Dtnumeni is against a "tajueese;' so are the 'shorts, and It la Just wliat they are most likely to get. Too outlook tor new wheat waver waa Fruits were In better demand last week W'"5C- May' v0' Juiy- v'ci nra' than at any tlire this season. Strawberries 'u.'iSv w.ir- Mo i,h 9Ue nominal- have been selling quite freely, as prices .J ItS...' ii? JnSv Mi ' are now getting down within reach. Ship- tr?.c.kB40V'40Vcj. M-V'ef, rSfnMnal menta are arriving freely from both LouUl- .,9Au8L'0i., Si. 'nSi- iuw' ana and Texas and It Is expected that i!'0, :x,M aM,V, "?uc ' ' prices will go down hill quite ripldly. The ii ' eioi'H nuw in'iiiK uutTru is umiu iu in i better and, manipulation aside, It mill be felt. We do not advlo selllnir of a heavily dis counted future, but when you do rell d.m't contribute to "Caesar" by giving blm May; It I Just whst he want. CORN The speculative corn markets have been eclipsed by the wheat action and In the way of new there la little to offer. The strike of the lake vessel enginers hue been settled, miking possible a general distribution east, which should commence at once; Ita deference to this late hour hav ing been attributed to the car stringency. Argentine offerlna-s thla week are on a basis about equaling our Chicago figures, but of a grade superior to ours. It la generally recosnlsed that the farmer wlio carries his atuff through the winter flmle' hia market In one of the two ex tremes cither the high or low point. I,nt January's flgurea did not tempt him anil he Is still holding on. The conclusion must ba that the level Is not low enough, as we see no great prospect of much Improvement In the prlc. There Is In this connection, howrvrr, thi possibility which finds much credence In our mind that the government flgurea were muc h greater than th actual crop. If true, thla will have Ita effect on the re serves. Another Important factor Is the careful- nest of cash hmdlers. They have b?en Wlri any of this treacherous corn on their naniifl. i.ATS In nuts the atmnsnhere Is clearer. patten Is still the leader;, the slie of bis line being hard to estimate. Th-re Is an undercurrent of friendliness toward the May. which Is finding expression In quiet buying on a considerable scale, rather thai talk, as Is generally the rule, The nrlce Is Inviting, and we are of the opinion that our friends will do well to Keen a little May on nana. Planting Is progressing rapidly under favorable conditions; latest reports tell ua that the area Is not so large as last year a, the low. lands that could not be harvested last year going Into corn, which stand more molnture The cash demand continues moderate, but large enough to clean up daily offerings, and all grades are at a adght premium over the May. PROVISIONS Both provisions and hogs nave neia rainy steady during tne weK and aa farming operations are now In full swing we win not nave any heavy move' TTI PT1 1 of hOfTM. We do not look, for much fluctuation in provisions, and on any sharp advance those who sell will come out ahead, and on the other hand It is advisable to buy on any reasonable decline. The cash demand, domestic and export. Is verv liebt. and if- this stata of arfaJrs continues it will weaken the option. Armour ec co. iook l.ow.wiu pounds casn ribs from different packers in exchange for May. Packing last week, 830,000 head, against . OMAHA -WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations on . ,. j . utanle ana Fancy Prodaee, EOOS Fresh stock. 11a l.IVK POULTRY riens. loUfSllc: roost are, according to age, 6fc9c; turkeys, 133 ltic; ducks, ti&lOc; geese, 9ul0c. BUTTER Packing stock, 13Vic: choice dairy, in tubs, I5tol7c: separator. 2728c, OYSTER8 Standards, tier can. 2He: extra selects, per can, 35c; New York counts per can, uc; duik. exira selects, per gai i.a; bulk standards, per gal., fl.35. FKOZF.N FRESH FISH Trout. SaiOo: herring, Be; pickerel, SHej pike, 9c; peroh, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh.Sc; blueflsh, lie; whltetlsh. He; salmon, ltic; hadock. llo; codfish, 12c; redanapper, llH.-; lobsters. boiled, per lb., 2Vc; lobstera, green, per lb., 26c; bullheads, 10c; catfish, 14c; black' baas. ic iwhui, uvi uau ivw, o wv BRAN Per ton. Xli.BO. HAY PrlCBB quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 UDland. T'pHceVVrforVy of JVoVcop.and ty'ein'a'niW'an0! onl ! oats si RYE No. Z. 45e VEOETABLES, CELERY California, oer doa.. 60cEL POTATOES Per bu- 26&30c: Colorado. per bu.. 80c. 8EKD POTATOES Northern crown, per P- 01Va. ' . . . LETTUCE Per doaen buncnes, 45c. ' BEETS New southern, per doaen bunch f.vrni 010, per uu., 4oc . , FAKHN Fer nil . sun. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doa., $175. CARROTS Per bu.. 40c, -unches c ' ' cuncnes bc KUBohea hoV aiowil 854S4tx' - . jj--- v-- - - b "g . wlsconlrtn. w ,D.. l0, Si,anlsb, per crate, $1.75. &TOCB-buP"$2MbU- t0X - . . . -.- ... , wax HKArsfS wr tiu. dox. m; imni beans, pur bu. box, $3.0OU3.u 1 A tin A T TI-.il.- A -I enea 1V 11 J rpmfiTnro IP1tHo nmr LhuakA crate, 14. FRUITS. . -ma .t . v .. ..w miwica CaUfornla Permaln. $1.60; Colorado Ben . .. . STRAWBERRIES-Louisiana, per 24-pt, V-WW. Texas, per 24-qt case. $4.00 v ' TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons. 90c Turkish, nar .Tft-lh. box. 14i18o. OHANUE California naveis, tancy, eo.wi i;i.2&; choice, $2.76: Mediterranean Sweets, $.'.25; Sweet Jaffa. $2.60, - - m LEMONS CaUfornla fancy. $3.26; choice, 3. - DATES Persian, tn 70-lb. boxes, par lb,, 9c: ner case of 0-lb. Dkers.. $2.26. PINEAPPLES Cuban. $4.0oij4.26. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo. per lb.. lOo. HONEY Utah, per S4-frame case, $3 2; Colorado. W ou. T)i Il)i . 1 U V nAa, 1 V. . .hAU. in , .t v.iu. niucno. arecii. oc. nu. a Hrccu. eu. No. 1 salted. 7c: No. 2 aalted. 6c: No. 1 v--i calf, to 12 lbs., IHo; No. I veal calf, 12 to ,S 1 1. fill . .1 . Lt.l.. DAM4..1 .. n n ...1 . OK i La iue, ry ui. aw tflioo; norao mues, ti.oowa.DU. I NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., in u l wainuis, jno. i sort aneu. per id., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 2 soft shell, per lb., ISc; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12o; Braills, per lb.. 12c; filljerta, per ID., 12c; almonds, soft shelL per lb., ltc: herd shell. Pr lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 120 ; email, per lb., 11c; cocoanuts. per doa., 61o; chestnuts, per lb,, lOo; peanuts, per lb.. 6S4c; roasted peanuts per lb., 7c; black .walnuts, per bu.. $1; hickory nuU. per bu., 1.60; I uuLUalltlin, I'TT I J W. srie OLD METALS, ETC.-A. B. Alplrn quotes the following prices: iron, country mixed, ner ton. Ill: Iron, stove Plate, per tou. $8: I -,h ui,-. hia r... Ik I "Hf" 7,1 n," i J V.T" ,r 'i' . . v' !; alno, per lb., Zfcc g(. Loals Grata and Provisions. I Kn J rd rah. ..levator. 68Wc: track. 8 FLOUR tiutet and steady; red winter patents, i3.aViii4.4e; extra fancy ana straignt. H "c;.t 2b; clear, li-iiKOXlO. tEKId Timothy, ateady a.WB-e L'OKNMKAL tsteady. $2.30. BRAN Easy; sacked, est track, tm64a. HAY Timothy, lower, I7.0oial6.O0; prairie aieaay, M wffii.iu. 1KIN Ctl ltM T1E-11.06. B A (Kl I N 6 Si 6V.C. IIUD T I V I.' V. . PROVISIONS'-Easy; Jobbing: standard mess. $17. CI. Lard, lower. $9.67. Dry salt meats, quiet; boxed, extra shorts, $9.76; clear libs. III): short clears. elO.l-'V,. Bacon. quiet; boxed, extra shorts, $10.75; clear rma. en' anon clear, lu.u1. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 2143c; dairy, 1S'I.-1C. EGOS Itwer. 12a. POULTHY-Oulet: chickens. He: turkevs ltc; ducks, 12c; geese, 6c. METALHLead.. firm, 4.67H. Spelter, III Ul, t.tUb Receipts. Bhlpments Flour, bbls 13.U00 7.(M0 Wheat, ba. .... M,W .... 135,0114 .... liw.OuO I ur" Wl.oiO 40.0UO I u""- Du' I I WllvtauVtee Grain Market MILWAUKEE. April 11. WHEAT i Kttadv: No. 1 northern TSic: NO. 2 nnrlh. i arn t.ui.c mav :n. RYE Stead v: No. 1. 62c. BARLEY Steady; No. 2. 60c: samDle. 403 CORN-May. 42c. '. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Atrll 11. CORN Lower: No. OATH null; No. I white, S2o. WHldKY-ll.SI for finished gooda, Dolata Qrala Market. . DUt.tTTH. April 1L WHEAT To arrive No. 1 hard. T7Sc; No. 1 northern. 75ic: No. i nortnrrn. u)c; May. r a. 1 bar a. 7iao I C. I , k I ,, n . a.AA L. I ..... a t F . I. n i tv jai4 unAt i"i uurir Ail jl COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wild Excitement Prevails In Board of Trade Wheat Pit ARMOUR PLAYS NEAT Tr.ICK ON MARKET Bo Maalpnlaies aa to Soneeae Oat Fellow Holders, Censing rricee to fteesaw I'p and Dowa. CHICAGO, April 11. Wheat waa the center of attraction on the Board of Trade today and as a result of the manipulation which had been In progress the past week the May option declined ia and July 8Hc, but rallied later. May closing Vc lower and July down lVc. May corn closed a shade higher, with oats unchanged, while provisions were from 2Vic lower to 120 higher. There was wild excitement in the wheat Pit at the atart and every broker appeared to have buying orders, the general impres sion being that the Armour people were going to send the price etlll higher. The leader of the bulls was a fair buyer at the opening and with a big demand from shorts the price of May advanced to 77c, after opening a shade lower to HVHc higher at ibBTsC, while July advanced to 7itiC, after opening at TP aTc. This appeared to be exactly what the Armour Interests were waiting for, and with a big demand for both the May and July de liveries, the big bull turned seller, hoping to be able to dltipose of most of his holding at a good profit. The change In tactics, however, was quickly noticed by the watch ful crowd and the selling became general, so much so that the price broke sharply, May selling off to 74Ho and July to 6Hc. Thla waa tne signal for a letup in the sell ing pressure on the part of the prominent long, and with this interwt out of the deal the market became quieter. A fair demand from commlstilon huusea and shorts soon brought about a partial rally and the mar ket. waa quite steady the remainder of the session. May oioeed i'&'Jic lower at 760. July waa off lHc at 70V ""4c. Clearings of wheat and flour were equal to. 768,000 bu. Bradstreet's report of exports of wheat and nour ror the week snowed z.&a.wu ou , . , I . C.A.A k.. against 236.0W a year ago. Minneapolis ad Liuluth reported receipts of 8S3 cars, which, with local receipts of 49 cars, none of con tract arade. made total receipts for the three points of 442 cars, against 25U last week and IKft a vear aao. There was little Interest manifested .in corn and trading war dull and featureless. Commission houses sold July, but there was enough demand from scalpers and brokers to prevent any serious decline. The break in wheat had little effect on corn and the close was steady with May a shade higher at 42c. Local receipts were 188 cans, with none of contract grade. - Oats were easy at the start, owing to liquidation by leading longs, but covering by shorts caused a firmer feeling. The volume of trade waa email. May closed un changed at S2H(f?32Hc, after selling between 82c and S2fc82c. Local receipt were 261 cars. - . There was a fair demand for lard and ribs throughout the day, which tended to maintain a steady undertone in provisions, although nork was weak on selling by commission houses. May pork closed IV40 lower at I17.62H. May lard a shade higher at 9.?Ei30.t(7H and ribs 124c higher at 19.824. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, SO cars; corn. 105 car; oats, US care; bourn, 27,000 head. , ' The leading futures ranged aa fellows : Artlcles. Open. High. Low. Close.Thur. Wheat I I .1 .....L.. '..L May itrtiiff July 717-2w! 77SI 74,iil''U-,!itVt'r 697;70sVl71'yt()72 67 68.1 . 69A Sept. 1 m 69H i Corn I .1 . .1 April 42H1 42 42HI 42V, 4242(g?4 434 43'i 43 43 May July Bent. 42rn- 42(fJ7 43WI 42raH 43 42l Wf Oata April May July Sent. 2H'?tj!32,igiH 32i32'A(&Sl32V4'!t) 29 29V4 at 29 14 2ix Zlftl 27 pork- May July Sept. 17 70 17 20 17 00 17 70 17 45 17 62V, 17 65 17 25 17 00 '9 86 9 77 9 75 9 70 9 62'4 9 67 17 27H 17 27H 16 92 17 25 17 02 1 97V4I Lard- May July Sept 80 75 72 70 9 83 87H 80 f 9 75 . S 72HJ 70 ' 9 6J'A 87 9 9 80 9 82V S 80 9 82H Ribs- May July Bept 9 82H! 9 70 B 71) 67V4I S 63 67V.I 9 66 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Unsettled: winter natents. $3.4033.60; winter straights, $3.1CKff3.30; spring Patents, n.soiits.iii: spring siraignur, vi.wt 20; bakers, $2.20lJ2.7a WHEAT No. 2 soring. 76278c: No. 3. 72c; No. 2 red, 73S''076'1c. cukm-ko, 2, 27c- to. z yenow, K.C. OATS No. 2. 32V,32Hc: No. 3 white. 80V4 35V4C xt i rJ WO, I. (S0. BARLEY Oood feeding. 8839c: fair to choice malting, 47B63c. kh k h no. i nar xi.uk: is' o i nortn- western, $1.10; prime timothy, $3.60; clover, j contract Rrado. PROVISIONS Mess oork. per bbl.. 17.60 '17.63. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $9.R5i9 87. Short ribs sides tioos), w.ontfw.fh. ury sa.tea shoulders (boxed), $S.TMW.87; short clear sides (boxed). $10.0010.25. Followlna are the recelots and shlnments of flour and grain yesterday: Keceipt. Bhlpments. Flour, bbls 41,6'JO 49.40) Wheat, bu S9.2O0 96.50) Corn, bu .186,200 641.90) Oats, bu .443.40 ' 784,90) nye. du e.itv ...... Barley, bu 89,900 26.20) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easier; creameries, 1828c; dairies, lift 24c. Eggs, easy at mark, cases Included, 14c Cheese, ateady, 1213c - . NEW YORK QEIEItAL MARKET. ttnotatlona of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW TORK. Anril 11 . FLOUR Re ceipts, 29.204 bbls.; exports, 48.400 bbls.- dull ana nominally uncnangea; winter patenia, $3.0(a4.2O; winter extras, $2.80(j3.10; Minne sota bakers. 3.2u3.4u: winter low grades. $26i2.). Rye flour, quiet; fair to goJ, $2.83.20; choice to fancy, $l.2ou3.45. CORNMEAI-Qulet; yellow western, $1.08: city, $1.06: brandywlne, $3.40&3.66. nib Dull: No. 2 western. &.c. r. o. D., afloat; elate, 6761c, c. 1. f.. New York. BARLEY Steady; feeding, 47c, c. I. f., Buffalo; malting, 62469c. c 1. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 40.960 bu. ; exports, 299,711 bu. Spot, easy; No. I red, 80c, ele vator, ana soo, T. o. u., anoni; xvo. i northern Duluth, 87c, f, o. b., afloat; No. 1 nard Manitona, abc, i. o. D., an oat, to ar rive. Optiona were unsettled and active this morning, disturbed by the ' violent fluctuations in Chicago. The general tend ency, however, waa downward under liqui dation due to the bearisn government re port. The close waa unsettled at 'lo net decline. May, 78,a7Se, closed at dike; July, 75ir77c. closed at 75.c: Sep tember. 73474c. closed at 73V4C. CORN Receipts, 89,690 bu.; exports, 40,119 du. npoi, auu: imo. 2. nominal, elevator, and 61c, f. o r., afloat; No. 2 yellow. 62c; No. 2 white. t3c. Options opened steady on rains west, broke with wheat and then ral lied again on covering, closing eteadv an unchanged. April. 52H,c: May, 6.ra50 13-16c closed at 6oc; July. 49ii4914c, closed at 4avc: Beptemoer, 4o, ciored at 4c. OATo Recelots. 159, bu.: exports. 46. 678 bu.; No. 2, 39c; standard white. 39c; No. 8, 3Sc: No. 2 white. 39e; No. 3 white, $7c; track mixed western, nominal;, track white, 27dr46c. Options were quiet and easy. May closed at 38c. HAY Firm; shipping, 6670c; good to cnoice, acKHiai io. HOPS Oulet; state, common to choice 1902. 21(&27oi 1901, isr,i21c: olds, 6'iillc. Pa cific coast, 1902, 21fr24c; 1901, 18j21c; olds, 6 ej nc. HIDES Quiet: Oalvreton. 20 ti 23 lbs. 18c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., 19c: Texas dry. 14 lO IOS., IIC, LEATHER Quiet; acid. 2426c. RICE Easy: Japan, nominal. PROVISIONS Beef. eay; family, $14 00 4514 50; mess. $0"jilO0O; beef hams. $20.00 tj-l tw; pacaet, u.oO'oil2.50; city, extra India mesa, $2i).0utuS2.no. Cut meats, qjiwt: pick- leii Denies, . ro'gu.zo; picKied shoulders, $ 00ru0.2o; pickled hams, 111 k..12 Ou. Ird, steady; western steamed, $10.25; refined quiet: continent. $10.55; South America. $11 rnmnniind 17 f. Sn INt tJ,,F-r milAt' famllv $19 50; short clear, $18.754r20.25; mess, $18.00 ej-is.au. BUTTER Irregular: extra creamery. 29c extra factory. Isolde; creamery, common to cnoice. lixtiic; neld creamery. l6xrj'J6c; state dairy, 17(i27c; renovated, 12ffl8c. CHEtoK-Firm; state, fun cream, fancy smau coiorea. ran maue, ibe; small white, fall made, 14Vc; larae colored, fall made MViWHSc; large white, fall made, 13S.S 14.e. tiS Firm; atate and Pennsylvania. IS H'iosc; southern, lic; Kentucky, I4a1i'l6c weetern storage, packed, lu-V,c; western iresn. ijc. TAi. LOW Steady; city ($2 per pkg ), 6c country (ukgs. free). 6Vi0c METAlA local markets were very quiet, the hnllilays taking much of the trade out of town; prices were aa a rule nominal. Tin was quoted at $J) 7(13u.(io, nominaL Copper, atandarda $13 16; lake and electro- lvtlc, $14 So; casting, I14.2T., all nominal. Spelter, $5.70. nominal. Iead, I4.S7H. nomi nal. Iron quiet and nominal; unchanged. London St or It Market. LONDON, April . Closing quotstlons: Cornells, money IH do account ft ll-l Anaconda bN Atrhltnn do ptd V Faltlmor A Ohio... i Canadian PaclSc li.'H Cteaapeaaa A Ohio.. 46 Chicago a. W l C. M. St. P K'X pner :iv, lnTer A R. O f do (fa Kno tt do f.fd 7W do Id ptd H Illinois Central Ht Loulrrlll A Naah...l20H M , K. A T . N. T. CntTl IX Norfolk V outers.. "14 do pfd 9 Ontario A Western.. n4 Pennsylvania TO1 Rnd Minn Ill Roadlns do Irt pM do M ptd Southern Ry do ptd Southern Pacific., t'nlon . Pacific.... do ptd V 8. Steel do ptd Waheah do ptd 1 ! , : MS f.j'4 27 '4 41V, BAR SILVER Steady; 22d per ounce. Weekly Bank Statement. OMAHA, April 11 Bank clearlnga for the week were $7,488,672.78; ineresse over corresponding week of last year, $Jt7.364..48. Monday $1,802,291 .S5 $1,177,951.10 TuesdaV 1,2:.763.I8 1.0T.724.49 Wednesday 1.2H6,2i3.t 1.2:59,446. 6 Thursday l,2M.on.4 1,3.14.491. M Friday 1.196.M6.46 1.2H.2!.S6 Saturday l,216,368.l 1.1d3,4K7.83 Totals $7,486,672.78 $7,178,408.30 CHICAOO, April ll.-Clearlnga, $22,030,166; balances. $J,224,&57; New Yora exchange, 4tc premium; foreign exchange, unchanged; sterling posted at $4.o4Vi for sixty daya and $4.87V4 for demand. NEW YORK, April 11. Clearlnga, $102, 875,702; balances, $4,o63,lia. BOSTON. April 11. Clearings, $17,916,360; balances, $1,38,664. FH1I.ADKLFH1A, April 11. Clearings, $22,3f,fK4; balances, $3,342,547; money, 6ijuVi per cent. HALl lMUKB, April ll. Clearings, 14,154, S48: balances, $.731,470; money, i per cent. CINCINNATI April 11. Clearings, $2,342, 400; money, bQi per cent; New York ex change, 10c premium. ST. LOUIS. April ll.-Clearings, $6,587,241; balances, $9i,672; money, steady, 6 per cent; New York exchange, 65c premium. Weekly Bank Statement. NEW TORK, April ll.-The statement of averages of tha clearing houas banks of this city for the week shows: Loans, $902, 779.&X), decrease, $1,080,400; deposits, KiO.WO, decrease, $3,391,500; circulation, $43, 1.6 4uu. increase, $lDb.70i: legal tenders, ttio, 994, 3"0, decrease, $180,900; specie, 158,954,7liO, Increase, $8fi,bo0; restrvea, $!4,949,iiOii; in crease, $627,tio; reserve required, $221,207,700, decrease. IW2.875; surplus, 3.741.3, In- orease,$l,610,4i5; ex-unlted Statce deposits, $13,060,775, increase. $1,030,400. Exports and Imports at New York. NEW YORK, April It Total Imports Of merchandise and dry gooda at the port of New York for thla week were valued at $13,614,423. Total imports of specie at the port of New York for this week were $7,193 gold. Total exports of specie from the port of New York for this week were $426,630 silver and $29,780 gold. New York Money Market. NEW TORK. April 11. PRIME MER CANTILE FAPER-51T&6 per cent; sterl ing exchange, steady at $4.8662j(i4.8G76 for demand and at $!.8;&iK4.8375 for sixty days; potted rates, $4.84 and $4.87Vs; commercial D Ilia tA iCbl.lft R'lEk. S1LV U.K Bar, ac; SbViC Mexican dollars. Kansaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, April 11. WHEAT May, 65c; July, 61&61c; cash. No. 2 hard. 66 6ic; No. 3, 63i4c; No, 4, 6u63c; re jected, 63&o; No. 2 red. 6cgtc; No. $, 66i67c. OATS No. 3 white 85g35c; No. 2 mixed, 33i&34o. RYE No. 2, 46e. HAY Timothy. $12.60; prairie, $10.0010.25. BUTTER Creamery, 21(S26c; dairy, 19c. EOGS Lower: fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, lla dox., cases returned; new No. 2 whltewood cases included, 12c. Receipts and shipments for two days: Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu.... ;.....10TT200 69.200 Corn, bu 74,600 74,6-10 Oats, bu 22,000 3,0u0 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW TORK. April 11. EVAPORATED APPLES The market shows little change. Offering are liberal, but there is a better demand for fancy fruit and Instances are reported of salee slightly above quotations on such varieties. Common are quoted at 3HCi' pr'mn at 6c;-choice at 6Vi''o6o and fancy at 67o. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Spot prunes rule about ateady under a moderate jobbing demand, with prices ranging from So to 10 for all gradea. - Apricots are Arm under a fair demand and reporta of crop damage from the coast. Prices, however, are unchanged at 7jj8c for choice and SH'ff 10c for fancy. Poaches are quiet and easy at 78c fur choice and 8S9c for foncy. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO, April 11 WHEAT Active, weak; cas.i, 75c; May, 75c; July, 709c bid. CORN Active, Arm; April, 43c; May, 42c; July. 43c. . OATS Dull, ' steady; April, 34c; May, $2c; July, 29c. RYE No. 2. 63c. SEED Clover, active, higher: caeh. $6.80: April. $6.75 aaked; October, $3 35: prime timotny, si.GO, nominal; prime aisike. i.bo, nomli.al. Wool Market. NEW YORK. April ll.-WOOL-Qulet: domestic fleece, 28ig32c. LorMuuru, April u.-wuul-Business was quiet In the wool trade today, but prices ruled nrm. The arrivals ror tne next series number 18,0)5 bales, including 67.000 for warded direct. ST. LOUIS. April 1L WOOL-Easy; me dium grades and combing, 15(ftlSc; light fine, 14fT7c; heavy fine, KHijl3c; tub-washed, lSftfSSKc. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK Anrll ll.-DRY GOODS Theweek enda with little feature to trad ing. Buyers are exerting pressure to secure lower prices, out have not tieen successful. The margin of profits has been and con tinues to be too amall to admit of any con cesalona on the part ot manufacturers. ' Cotton Market. ST. LOUIS. April 11. COTTON Firm : middling. 9 15-1 4c; no sales; receipts. 1.650 balea; shipments. 2,366 bales; stock. 18,180 bales. ' GALVESTON, April ll.-COTTON-Firm t lll-16c. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Prlees Generally Are About Steady, with Small Receipts, CHICAGO. Anrll 11. CATTLE Recelots. 200 head: market nominal: good to Drlme steers, $5.1(H(j5.4o; poor to medium, $4.004,4.80; siocaera anu leeaers, eJ.umM.lo; cows, .1.0 434.65; heifers, I2.604j6.00; canners, $1.75'S2.90; nuns, x2.MMa4.411; calves, e3.oortftj.Tl; Texas fed steers $4.606.00. litKj Keceipis, 7,000 nead- estimated Monday, 28,000; left over, 3,500; steady; mixed and butchers. 87.15VS7.40: good to choice heavy $7.4K?f7.80; rough heavy, $7.16 6 7.36; light, $6.70(7.15; bulk of aales. $7.15 7.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 600 head: market ateady; good to choice wethers, S5.6ikTi6.7K; fair to choice mixed, $4.0005.60; western aheep, $5.0Oy6.76; native lamba, $4.f-"ii7.76; western lambs. $4.7037.70. . Onlclal yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 2.104 $244 Hogs 14.061 8. M0 Sheep 4,511 ' 520 ft. Louis I. Ire Block Market. 8T. LOUIS. April 11. CATTLE Receipts, 800 head natlvea; market ateady; native rhlpplng and export steers, $4.45.2&; riraArt H. and hiith.r ejlers 11 (tfin ll- steers under l.OnO lbs., $3,504(4-56; stockers and feeders. 7.bo24.40: rows and hcirers. $.'.254.76; cannera. $2.253.00; calves, $3 7.60; Texas and Indian steers, J.to-u4-!0 cowa and helfera, $2.2ug3.70. HOGS Receipts, hoo head; market ateady pigs and lights r iVu7.2&; packers, $7.15 7.40; nutcners. wi:tbti- 60. SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts; mar ket nominal; native muttons. $5 0ofc 00: lambs, $5.&i5.70; culls and bucks, $20Ua4.50; Blockers. r-.s4t4.uo; Texans, e4,uoya.uo. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. April 11. BEEVEES No receipts; no sales reported; dressed beef l.U, 1 . Hr....., u ( I .... .'.I.. -471Xn. m: ....... J , .J . -J , , . W . . . V . U . 1 T 1 reported exports for today, 1.127 lual beeves, 4 040 quarters of beef. CALVES No receipt, on sale; city dressed veals, Vix 12c. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.769 head; both sheep and lambs were dull and easier; about 8 cars of stock unsold. of which t cars arrived late. Unshorn rheeo sold at b-a6c; unshorn iambs, l6.Z5tjl.H) clipped, $5.26; dressed mutton, &&11C drr.Hed lambs. lOtilSVac. Hons Receipts, 1,618 head; steady; all cuiiBigiiea airscu . . St. Josesk Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 11. CATTLE Ra-ct-lDtt. 7 head: market strady. HOOS Receipts, 2.724 head: weak to 6c lower: p'K, steady; light and light mixed $7.2:"4'o) 30; bulk. $7r..i7.35; pigs. $t.IM HP AND LAMBd-Receipts, sons. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Beef Steer and Oowi Show Quite un Advance for the Week. HOGS A LITTLE LOWER THAN A WEEK AGO Beat Gradee of Sheen and Umbi Com mand aa 11 lab. friers aa at Any Time, bat All Others Have Suffered a Sharp Decline. SOUTH OMAHA. April 11. Receipts were Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ..$.110 2.240 9.071 Official Monday ... Official Tuesday .. Ofticlal 'ednesday Official Thursday.. Official Friday Official Saturday... 6.343 9.310 6.9'13 4.S21 t.'nM .?19 4.437 1,702 4.461 Total thU week 1S.914 3'.9fi7 S.62B Week ending April 4 18,432 37.634 25.IH9 Week ending March 28... 21. 161 45,2jrt 31.913 Week ending March 21...11.5H9 27.671 33,711 Week ending March 14... 17.323 40.S55 26.4:12 Same week last year 16,371 41,941 16.306 KKCEIPT8 FOR THli YEAR TO DATE. The following table snows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and compr.rl&ons with laat year: lsai. ,si2. inc. Dec. Cattle .; 264, S29 229.0&6 36,773 Hogs 61,019 ;:.1,2,4 124,265 Bheep 390.110 264,711 125,399 Average price paid tor hogs at South Omaha tor the last several duys with com parisons: Date. 1903. 1902. 11901. 1M0. 1SH9. 1S98. 1SST. March 16j ' 1V I 6 661 4 li i Co! $ 701 S $7 March 171 7 li,! 161 4 94 $ 651 8 Til $ 91 March IS March 19 7 0H 6 2l i ib 2 6S, 7 19: 6 22i a 611 4 89, t 73 ti i 73; I 91 March 20 7 S3 t mt I it i- E r. . l n , a 0 ill V i a oei u-; S 2Ai a tui 4 &1I 1 Ml I 76 4 M March 21 1 7 24 March 22 March 23 e 32i mil i nji i wi . i h 7 45 7 38 8 81i 4 M 3 63 1 $ 'it- I 91 H , 8 93 3 91 March 24 March 2j 6 291 ( 8si I 4 3: 3 60i $ 71 6 781 1 67 1 6i March 26 March 27 6 86, 6 46 6 87 4 89 6 85 4 97 6 901 6 05! 8 66 7 K $ 60 2 tWI $ el 8 83 3 87 3 91 $ 92 March to, 7 30 6 69 $ 67, Murcli 2.i I 6 69 6 b6 & 16; 6 k9i 6 12i 3 6U 3 6 March 3U Mui-ch 31 April 1,... April 2... April 3... April 4... April 6... April 6... April 7... April 8... April 9... April 10.. April 11.. 1 22 7 2: v'-l 6 66 3 63 5 39 2 fet 3 5 10 2 63i $ Oil 7 1!V bi 6 97 7 29: b 661 6 97 3 611 8 6o 3 91 8 91 7 23SI 6 6S 6 9S S 15i 2 651 7 26 ( 65: 6 99: VT&I 3 66 $ 731 6 63 6 ti J 30 1 6 66 $ 7 3 90 7 24 1 24 I 5 97. 5 ."Jl 5 62 3 79 3 85 6 68! 6 27 3 64 9 721 $ 83 7 27 7 2S 6 631 011 I 3 661 3 71 3 NO 3 85 9 90 6 ivv S 9JI 6 S3 8 75 a 7 26l 6 79! 5 t7l 6 3.SI 3 68 7 Zl 6 90 b 1 b 3b A o 8 71 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. H'ses. t--,- m. & m. i ity Wabaeh Ry Missouri PnclHc Ry.....' Union Pacific system... C. A N. W. Ry F. B. & M. V. R. R... C. St. I. i M. & o. Ry. B. & M. Ry C, B. c Q. Ry K. C. & St. J. Ry C, R. I. &. P., east 12 2 " 8 10 2 11 4 8 1 Total receipts : 62 Tho disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Omaha Packing Co Bwlft and Company Armour & Co Cudahy Packing Co.. .. 2 .. 32 721 1.071 1,094 1.053 Armour, Sioux City 65 Totals 89 4,534 CATTLE Receipts of cattle thla weelt have been fairly liberal, na will be ureii from the table above. The increase over last week Is but slight, but as compared with the corresponding week of last year there Is an increase amounting to over 2,001 head. The beef steer market has been In very satisfactory condition ail the week. On Monday and Tuesday the market was a little lower than the close of the previous week, but since that time the demand, haa been very active and the general tendency of prices has been upward on all kinds re gardless of weight. As compared with Monday the advance amounts to fully lb'if Hoc. The quality of the cattle, on sale hai been better than of late, which, together with the advance in prices, has made tne market, on paper, look much higher. Tha top price ot the week was $5.00 and ih bulk of the fair to good cattle sold from (4.60 to $4 80, with the choicer grades golnj from $4.80 to fj.OO. The cow market has also been in very satisfactory condition, and, with the ex ception of the first of Ihe week, the general tendency haa betn upward 'ihe handy weight cows and heifers of good qua lty are probably fully 10 16c higher for tho week. Cannera and the commoner kinds of cutters have been slow snla all the week and are certainly no higher and the me dium claas of cows, such as sell around $3.50, are not much, If any, higher, though they have sold freely all the week. Can nera are selling largely from $2.00 to $2.76, fair to good cows from $3.1) to $3.75 and the good to choice- from $3.75 to $4.40, and as high as $4.85 was paid for one head. Bulls of good quality have also been ready sellers all the week and have ad vanced about the same as cows. The bulk of the bulls are telling from $3.00 to $3.75, with choice grades from i.7u to $4 00. Calves have been In brlak demand all the week at steady prices, the better gradea selling from $6.00 to $6.50. There has not been the activity to the atocker and feeder market thla week that characterized the trade laat week. The strictly fancy cattle are about steady, but all others are lower and in extreme case the decline amounts to as much as So. I Fancy cattle have been selling up to $4.70, from $4-00 to H.w. rteprepeniauve aales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. rr. Mo. A. Pe. 1 .40 Z 16 ' 1 1060 4 60 1 1170 I 40 COWS. 1 870 t 00 1 12M 4 00 1..... MO 1 60 1 104 4 10 1 HO IM 17 1031 4 10 1.., 1070 I kO 1 1430 4 40 1 1UW) I 60 1 1860 4 M BULLS. 1 ISM t S HOGS There was a very light run of hogs nere today, but the general market . was 2 4 'a 5c lower, although a few good I a is sold early that were not much. It any, lower. Trading waa not very active at any ttme. but as tne receipts were very llgnt. practically everything was dijyj'ed of In food season. The lightweight a U largely rom $7.10 to $7.15, medium weight from $7.15 to I7.;2H. with the good lit a vies from $7.22H to 17.3. . "or tne ween receipts nave neen very light, as there Is a decrease as compared with last week of about 7.000 hpad, and aa compared, with the same week of last year the falling off amounts to about 11.000 head. The market haa held very nearly ateady ill the week, being up i'tC one nay and down the next, but today's decline carries the market to tne low point or ne week and also to the low point since March SO. Representative aaiea: No. At. Bh. rr. No. At. Bh. Pt. 61 104 110 7 10 M .M0 10 1 II', 71.... .UI 40 1 10 64.... 6S.... 21.... 61.... 10.... 13.... 10.... 43.... II.... 44...., 70.... Jl.... 4.... 43 II.... 61 ... , HI.... r.2.... 2.... es.... 12 ... 17.... 44.... 64.... .224 - ?! ...124 1 1 10 ...IH tX T 10 ...1S1 ... 1 12Si ...U7 110 t 16 ...III M tlS ...!3 If) 1 16 ...VA 10 1 16 ...2,1 40 1 16 ...0 H ill ...127 JuO t ITU ...lit ... Ill1, ...114 40 t 17Vi ...!1T ... t 10 ...III tO t 10 ...216 ... 1 u ...Ml 40 1 10 ...137 SO 7 JO ..253 ..241 .211 ..V ..2i.O ..Ht ..171 .,:- . .2.',! ..HI IV T Ti'lt ... 1 ... 122-4 ... 1 16 40 1 25 BU 1 20 ... 1 IS 40 1 25 ... n . 0 T 16 ... I 26 40.... 0.... 41.... 10.... 67.... ... 46.... II.... 77.... 44.... .Sf.'l 71.... TS.... 47.... 44.... ..!; 120 1 25 ...2C ... 125 ...276 M 1 ITS ,...2r, ... 1 27 S ,...274 . 44 T I7S4 .. '7 120 7 US ...274 12.1 1 JT, ...243 to 7 10 ...2MI ... 1 14 ...265 ... 1 llll ...art to i tti ...171 ... 1 S2 s. II.... 47. 70 l:6 M 7 XI U 144 120 7 20 40 241 40 t MH 70 2M ... 7 12' 71 244 ... 1 22 16 246 ... 1 22V, SHEEP There were practically no aheep on sale today, ao a test of the market waa not made. For the week, however, auppllea have been very liberal, aa there is an In. crease over last week amounting to over 1,0 M head and aa compared with the corre sponding week of last year the gain amounts to over 1?,000 head. Although sup plies have been very liberal the better grades nave been scarce, Aa compared with the close of last week the strictly choice grades of sheep and lamba are lust aboit steady, but owlna to the big run of the half-fat kinds that class has suffered badly. The decline for the week amounts to 'JSuTc and trading has been very alow at tne-decline. 11 u vers though, seem to be anxious for the good kinds and anything answering to that de scription sella about aa soon aa offered A large proportion of the receipts are now made up of slipped stock, which on the average soils about fine below the wooled atock of the same quality, but in extrema casea tne airrerence la still greater The demand fur feeders baa been rather limited thla week and prices have been on the down srade. The very beat aradea. of course, have not Buffered aa much as the common kinds, but all of them are a good una lower man tney were a wee a aso. Quotations for wooled st'xk: Choice western lambs, 7.sU4?46; fair to good lrmbs $.R(V?i7.25; choice Colorado lambs, 17 if? fti ; choice llghtwelsht yearlings, 8 4 1i 6. 75; fair to good yearlings, $.V7imr 26; choice wethers. $6 .mii.40; fair to good, $.V75 if8."0; choice ewes. $5. 7hsj 00 : fair to good, $4 !"ai .26; feeiler lambs. $4 7.Vu 50; feeder vearllngs. $4 W1i.00; feeder wethem. $4.iif 4S: feeder ewes. 3t134fl. Cllrped stock sells about KckiTSc lower than wooled stock. rtepresentauve saies; Kansas City Live ftork Market. KANSAS CITY. April 11. CATTLE Re ceipts 100 head: market unchanged; choice export and dressed beef steers, $.SmuS.2!; fair to good, $3.Mi4 60; stq kers and feed ers, $3 l.Vn4.0; western fed steers $;l.iv,f! 6 00; Texas and Indian steers. tl.OMf 4 ar; Texas cows. $2.(W4.oO; native cows $1.75 4 26; native heifers, $2.60ij4.&5; canners. $1.25 ti 4.6ft; bulls $3 00'ij4.00; calves, $2.0iHj 7. Receipts for week: Cattle, 28.100; calves, 1,160. HOOS Receipts, 2.000 head; steady: top, $7.45; bulk of sales, $7.25fi7.40; heavy. $7.3ir 7 45; mixed packers, $7 207 !: light. $7.15tf 7.30; vorkera, $7.20iff7 30; pigs, $6.6(K(jf8.&j. Receipts for week, 42.OH0. IIIKKP AND LAMBS No receipts; mar ket unchanged; native lambs, $5,607? 11. "O; western Iambs. $S.7O$rl).60; fed ewes, 14 70 8. 00; native wethers, $4.70!fffl.90; Texas clip ped sheep, $4 85(jiS.05; stockers and feeders, $3.50&4.SO. Receipts for week. 26,8iX. (Hoax I lly Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. April ll.-(Speclal Tele gram) CATTLE Receipts, 4') hesd: steady; beeves. 94.OnifrA.On; cows, bulls and mixed, $2..'V(f4.2n; stockers and feeders, $2.75 4. 40: calves and yearllnits, $3.01.60. HOOa Receipts, 1,600 hesd; steady, sell ing at $7.00U7.35; bulk. $7.1.V87.25. Stock In Slarht. Following were the receipts of live stock nt the five principal weatern cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs.Sh ep. Omaha m 4.464 Chicago fro 7,000 600 Kanras City 1"0 2,o- Pt. Louis 300 (mo St. Joseph 72 2.724 Sioux City 400 1.509 Totals .l.SoS 18,488 (00 Burns Haskell Oo. Commercial Paper Investment Securities Stocks and Bonds 320 N. Y. Life Phone 895 OMAHA References: Omaha National Bank, First. National Rank. J. OGDEN AR MOURruntigi bull deal in wheat. STOCKS have de clined from 5 to 20 points. If you are interested ask us for The Famous Red Letter Geo. T. Sullivan Room A, N. Y Life, Tel. 3372 OMAHA ba2333 IF YOU TRADE place your orders with CEO A. ADAMS CRAIN CO., Members Principal Exchanges. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS Write for our dally letter. 224 Board Trad. Bulldlnc, Omaha. 'Phones 100$ and 101T. PRIVATE WIRES. WANTED, MANAGER. First-class man aa manager local atock broker office; must be thoroughly up tn atock and grain business and b. able to how results. Address B S3, Be. 5 Mat DHEAT (RFTRIRH nilIRK RnWRFRMSH RUN TO COVER Legitimate Turf Investments Can Be Conducted Profitably as Well as Honorably. Since th. recent defalcation of unscrupulous alleged lnveatment companies It haa been up to the Star & Crescent Co. to reclaim the good name of tho turf and prove to the world that at leaat one company exists that will act honestly and deal fairly with all of its subscribers. Our continuous sub scribers have earned average weekly profits through their lnveatment with Ua which have surprised them beyond measure. During tha months of winter racing we earned as high as 01,600.00 ONE MONTH for our subscribers, and this through the simple commission of $20.00 on each of our sneclals dallv. Now that the regular racing season In the west has commenced, we have concentrated our efforts at th. ... MEMPHIS MEETING That w. will continue to earn profits as great, or even greater, for our clientele is evidenced by our first week's operation at Memphis, we having had seven winning specials, earning a net profit of 2 PER CENT THE FIRST WEEK on th. original amount Invested for our subscribers. W. expect to do even better than thla the coming fortnight. OUR METHOD Unlike the methods of the concerns referred to above, our subscribers are safeguarded to the extent of being notified in advance of the race the name of the horaea their commissions are placed on. Dally reports are forwarded, showing the profits earned the previous day. On Monday ef each week we render an Itemised atatement for the prevloua week, at the aame time en closing a check for whatever profit a may have accrued, less 6 per cent, which Is our commlalon for executing nrdera. Accounts can be withdrawn In part or in full at any time. We have one apecial dally, semetlmes two, no more. For full particular WR1TB FOR OUR BOOKLET. . HATIOKAL B4NK REFERENCES. Star & Crescent Co. (Incorporated.) Suite 1000 226-228 La Sails St., Chicago, 111. 17. Farnam Smith d Go. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. OF ALL KINDS FGrt SALE. We buy and sell Union Slock Yards Stock, South Omaha. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1034 100 Per Ont Advance In 18 Days The Af nes Gald Mininjf Co. Capital, $1,500,000, Treas. Stock $750,Vo Par Value, $1.im. Ptock Full Piild and Non-Assessable. Only 18. days remain in which. to pur chase this stock. at FIVE CEN1S per share May 1st the price will positively ad vance to 10 cents. Hy that time work will be started on our placer claims of 140 acres, located near I.oomts, Wash., one of the richest iiold pro ducing sections of the country. Work will also be begun and pushed with utmost vigor on onr T1U'NIKR MOl NTA1N PROPERTY, soon an tlu snow disappears enough to let the miners In and make work practicable. Orders and reqursts for literature should be sent at once to S. J. HHCHt KK A CO., Broker. 79 M'all .Mreet. New York City,' E. F. ROWLAND & CO. SXtl-221 I.nXalle Btreet. CHICAGO, ILL. Members Various Exchsnes. Why does U. S. Steel, a 4 per cent dividend paying stock, sell at S35 per share? If yon want to know. write os. Luai lau WEARS GRAIN COMPANY. Members Principal Exchanges. Private Wirea. BRANCH OFFICE OMAHA, NEB. 110-111 Board Of Trade. W. E. WARD. Mgr. Telephone Ull CONSIGNMENTS ONLY Cocslgn your grain to the LOGAN GRAIMCO. KANSAS CITY, no!, And you will get beat weights, beat prices and quick returns. MONTHS FREE Up-to-date mining paper (fully Illustrated), containing all the lat est news from famous gold camps. Includlna THUNDER MOUNTAIN i'. a. Mlalns; Journal, ISO Nassau St., New York. WE BUY OR SELL on oommlsslon for cash or future'dellvery. grain, provisions, stocks, and glvs strict, personal attention to our customers' in terests. BOYD & MERRILL, BROKERS, Room 4. New York I-lfe Building. Private Wire to All Important Exchange. The Romance of a Gold Field. . The Argonauta of '49 outdone In the Alkali deserta of Nevada. How Jim Butler brought back the Golden Fleece from. Tonopah. The story of th. moat noted gold field of the century. Bend for It. It la absolutely free. 84 Adams Bt., Chicago. IAHFORI) MAKKEVKH COV W!WI' ytfaWSa I '