Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1903, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAHA DAILY' T.KEi FItlPAT, - ATOIL 10, 1003. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Manipulator! Boott WiWt Pricti on Board of Trade. s CORN AND OATS REMAIN UNCHANGED Pravlsloas Rale? Eair All Dr, Cloelaa; tarhaaatesl t Flftec-a teats Lower Thaa Titer Wr oa Wednesday. CHICAOO. April l.-The whmt market experienced another day of manipulation and pricea had a strong upward movement, May closing IV higher. Way corn was off ViflSc and oats were down SUc Pro visions were .asy. the May products closing unchanged to 15c lower. The Armour buying was again the factor In the wheat pit and considerable excite ment was manifested throughout the ses elon. Shorts were active riuyers at the atart, Influenced by the higher cables, and opnlng prices were atrong. May being a shade to ,4'8!5sc higher at 5Vi'aTa4c. The reaction was only temporary, for with a good demand from the Armour. people, with plenty ot local follower, pricea started In1 an upward direction Hnd the advance waa steady throughout the day. There was a alight reaction near the close, but llnnl fig urea on May were IV higher at 764') 7ta-c. after aching up to 7V- July, ruled strong and closed nc higher at uvVOt-c, after ranging between 71'e and 72V. Clearance ot wheat and Hour were tjs.tino bu Primary receipts wer 358.000 bu., against 2t2.M) a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported receipts of 13 care, which, with local receipts of 41 cars, none of con tract grade, marie total receipts for the three points of 224 cars, against 245 last week and l4 a year ago. Trading In corn was dull and after a firm opening In sympathy with the atrength In wheat the market developed wnii, due to selling pressure, stimulated by the favorable conditions. The selling waa led bv a prominent provision Interest, who had been bulling the market for some time and abandonment of this position caused a number of smaller holders to do the fame thing. The close was weak, with May V&c lower at 42HJr42c. after selling be tween 42fc42Sc and 3c. Local receipts were 175 cars. Oats suffered a shsrp decline under the Influence of Ideal weather for seeding, but the volume of trade waa light. The strength of wheat had a good effect early In the day. but heavy selling by commission houses caused weakness. May closed ee lower at 32'4332e, after selling between 12 uc and 33l,c. Local receipts were 196 cars. Provisions ruled dull and weak. Heavy liquidation In pork resulted In lower prices In that product. There was quite general selling of the other products and In tha absence of any support the market de veloped weakness. May pork closed loo lower at 117 6 and lard and ribs were un changed at $9.85 and $9.70, respectively. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: wheat, 26 cars; corn, 110 cars; oats, 125 cars; hogs, 18,000 head. The exchange will be closed tomorrow, Good Friday. The leading futures ranged as follows: lake and electrolytic, 114 5"; casting. $14 .25. Iead was unchanged In London at 12 Ms M and at New York at $4 (7V,. Spelter, declining 5 to 22 Ss In l,nndnn. remained quiet locally at $V70. Iron In Glasgow closed at 5ns 3(1 m.d) at (Vis In Mlddlesbor ough. Locally pricea were reduced at about 1125 per ton. with the market quiet and more or lens nominal. No. 1 northern foun dry Is quoted at 122 722. TV, No. t northern foundry, $J0 Ai 21 .26 ; No. 1 southern foundry and No. 1 soft southern foundry, I21.6ncj 22ou. Warrants are nominal. Artlcle. Open. High. Low. ) Cloae.lYea'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn April May July Sept. Oats April May July Sept. May July Sept. Lfaru Msy July Sept. Ribs May July Sept. 75tiH 76 "IV0V1 72H 42 42 43ViftS 48 43, 43 43b . 43' 339 ""sa 30Vi'4 27 27 17 75 17 7B 17 25 17 27 IS 95 17 05 SS P7 t HO 9 80 9 77 9 77 67 9 70 9 60 9 62 9 65 9 60 7B476V4(ff7514 42 42 43 32 2!t4 2" '4 17 5 17 22 16 95 9 0 9 75 72 9 65 9 60 955 69V4I69 U 421 42Qi 43- I 43 32-??' 32Sf am. 42 4.1'i 43 il 334 33 30 2!27ei 17 65 17 25 17 00 9 85 9 77 9 70 9 62 9 57 17 80 17 17 18 95 9 85 9 77 n 9 70 9 60 9 55 OMAHA WIIOLKflAI.K MARKET. Condition ef Trad anal Qwotatloas FGGS-Fresh stock, 13o LIVE HM'l,Tui-.ii..-, 10eilc; roost ers, according to age. OffSt"; turkeys. 139 loc; ducks, Hi1''; g'es'e, IVtflOc. HUTTER packing stock. 13c; choice dairy. In tubs, lo'dlic; separator 27f28c. OYSTERS Standards, per can", 2V; extra selects, per can, 35c, New York counts per can. 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.75; bulk standards, per gal., $1.35. FROZEN FRESH FISH-Trout. SQlOe; herring. Be; pickerel, 6c; pike. 9c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflfh, 3c; blueflsh, 11c; whltetish, ic; salmon, ltic; haddock. 11c: codfish, 12c; redsntinper, 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., Yf. lobsters, green, per lb., 25c; bullheads, loc; catfish, 14c; black bass, 17c; halibut, 11c; shad roe, 75c each. HRAN Per ton 115.60. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, $8; No. 3 $7.50; medium, $7; coarse. $6.50. Rye straw, $6. These prices are for hay of good colot and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. CORN 40c. OATS 34c. RYK-No. 2. 4Rc. VEGETABLES. CELERY-Callfomla, per dog.. 60cG$l. POTATOES Per bu., 26fc30c; Colorado, per bu., 0c. SEED POTATOES Northern grown, per bu.. N'a7tic. NEW CARROTS Per doien bunches. 40c. LETTUCE Per dozen buncnes. 45c. BEETS New southern, per dozen bunch es, 4Dc; old, per bu., 40c. FAKSMPS Per bu., 30c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse per doi., $1.78. CARROTS Per bu., 40c. GREEN ONIONS Southern, per dozen bunches. 45c RADISHES Southern, per dosen bunches, 75c; home grown, 36-40c. TUP NIPS Per bu.. 40c; Canada rutaba gaa, per lb., lc; new southern, per dosen bunches, 50c. ONIONS Red , Wisconsin, oer lb.. 10: white, per lb., 2c; tffianUh, per crate. $1.75. BI IN AC It Bout hern, per Vi-ou. dox, 1. NAVY PEANS Per bu., $2.50. WAX BEANS Per bu. box, $4; string beans, per bu. box, $3.0O3.kO. CARBAQE Holland aee.l. per lb.. lc. TOMATOES New Florida, par -baakt crate, $4. FRUITS. APPLES-New York stock, M.OOfH.GO; California Permaln, $1.50; Colorado Ben Davis, $1.25. STRA"' BERRIES Louisiana, per 24-pt. case, $2.60tfl2.75. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS-Callfornla Turk sh. Per 3n-lb. box. 14ai8c. ORANGES California navels, rancy, $3.01 4j3.15; choice, $2.75; Mediterranean Sweets. $2.25: Sweet Jaffa. $2.s'i0. LEMONS California fancy, $3.25; choice, $3. DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxes, par lb., 60c. per case of 30-1 b. pkgs., $2.25. PINEAPPLES Cuban. $4.0ia4.23. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUQAR-Ohlo. per lb., 10c. HONEY Utah, per 24-frame case. $32i; Colorado, $3.50. POPCORN Per 'b., 2c; shelled, 4e. HIDES No t green. Be: No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c: No. 1 veal cnlf, 8 to 12 lbs., Kc; No. .2 venl calf, 12 t 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, Sal2c; sheep pelts, 25 d.oc; norse nines, ii.noiQi.bO. lbs., quiet, 81s M; long clesr middles, heavy, 35 to 40 Ihs., Ms; short clear backs. Is to 20 lbs., quiet. Fes; clesr bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, 5:s Shoulders, square. M to 13 lbs., quiet, 41a 6d. Lard, prime western, quiet. 6is; American refined. In palls, ateidv, 62s BUTTER Good United States, steady, 78s CH FEB E Firm; American finest whits and colored. 6!s. TAl.IjW-Prlme cltv, steadv, J7 d; Ausi trallan. In London, dull. 32s 6d The Provision exchange here will be closed April 10, 11 and 13 for the Easter holidays. Kaaaaa City Orala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITT. April 9. WHEAT May, 6'c; July, 62c; cash. No. 2 hard, 67iSrc; No. 3. 63rac; No. 4. 60fit3c; rejected, 65 60c; No. 2 red, Mic; No. 3. W(ii7c. CORN April. 35i,c; May, S5VL357c; July, 3Sc; cash. No. 2 mixed, 37c; No. 2 white, 37c; No. 3, 36.fr37c. o.XTS-No. 2 white, 3TkS36c; No. 2 mixed, 34s?34'e. 11 Y K No. ?. 45c. H Y-T1mothv, $12 50; prairie, $10.00j10.25. BUTTER Creamery, 2116; daley, 19c. EGGS Fresh, 12c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 42.200 5R,:ii) Corn, bu 83.600 50.401 Oats, bu 8,0 Philadelphia Prodaee. PHILADELPHIA. April 9. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 3cG30c; nearby prints, S3c. EGG8 Steady, fair demand; fresh nearby, 15c at the mark; western. lSc; southwestern. 15c; southern, 14c; duck. 21 G2rc: gees?, 6"c. CHEESE 8. eady, moderate demand; New York full creams, prime small. UVfuM?; fa'r to gool, 13Vo'14c; prime large, H'ol4"c; fair to good, 13'(13c. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO, April 9-WHEAT-DuIl. firm; cash. 76Vc; Msy, 76c; July, 72c CORN Dull, easy; April and May, 42c; July, 43c. OATS Dull, lower; April, 34c; May, 32c; July. c. RYE No. 2. 53c. SEED Clover, dull, firm; cash and April. $6.70; October. $5.37 prime timothy, $1.60; prime alslke, $7.50. Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, April 9. WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern, 79c; No 2 northern, 77!'78c; May. 76760 asked. ' RYE-Bteadv; No. 1. 52c. BARLEY Easier; No. 2, ovc; sampl?, 63c. CORN May, 42c, nominal. DolnHi Grain Market. DULUTH, April 9 WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 hard, 78c; No. 1 northern, 76c; No. 2 northern, 75c; May, No. 1 hard, 78Vc; July, 76c. OATS May. 32c. i Peoria Market. III., April 9.-CORN-Steady; 32c. PEORIA No. 3. 39c. per lOlb. cartons, 90c; "t- OATS Dull : No. 3 white WHISKY $1.30. SEW YORK STOCKS AND BOVDS. Northern Securities Reverse Starta Flatter In Brokers' Dovecots. NEW YORK. April 9.-The unexpected announcement of the decision In the North ern Securities case today threw the stock market Into commotion and put a sudden end to a dull but prosperous upward couevp of prices. There have been vague fears for rome time recently that the stock markets would have to face a reverse In an un favorable decision In this case, but anrletv ! had apparently subsided, and It was clearly not one or tnose aeveiopments which wns holidays had naturally soma Influence, aa many of the room contingent apparently preferred coveting to carrlng their con tracts on the short side over until Monday and risk possible unfavorable climatic de velopments. The buying was accelerited around midday by moderate estimates for tomorrow's receipts at leading southern points and shortly after noon the high level of the oay and season was reached when May aold at 10.44c. July, however, selling no higher than 9.98c, was at this time 1 point under the previous high price. From this level there wsa slight reaction toward the close, due to realizing, and the market waa finally steady at net lt? polnta higher. Total salea of futures estimated at 150,000 bales. Sew York Money Mirket. NEW YORK, April .-MONET-On call firmer at 54il( per cent closing at 7tia rer cent; time money steady at 5Vt6 tor sixty and ninety days and at 6416 for six months; prime mercantile paper, 6Vt per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Advanced to $4.MWa4.867 for demand and at $4.MfitM66 for sixty days: posted rates, $4.4'&4.ti7; commercial bills, $4.8364.83. SILVER Bar. 494c; Mexican dollars, 38c. BONDS Government. Arm; railroad, easier. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: .ionf.,1,. A N. unl. 4 Wo .1('4 "Mex. lentrsl 4s 11 ,1U7 lo Is Inc M .UttVMInn. A Bt. L. 4... '- .'.U.M., K. T. 4 do li N. Y. C. n. IS.I01A N. J. C. sen. is. ...Ill No. Pacific 4l lot ...1011 do In 'i ... NTs N. A W. eon. 4a H . .. rl 1 Reading gen. 4a M ... MVRt L A 1 M c. 6a . .110', ... M4Pt L. A 8. r. 4a.... 4S ...100 8t. L. . W. la.... ...PVil 'do fa 1 ...107 8. A. A. P. 4a.... 84 ... 75 I Ha. Parlflo 4a M Cnea. A Ohio 4ta...l04 I So. Rallwar 6a tla thliaso A A. 3',a . 74 Teiaa A Famine la.. 116', C. B. A q. n. 4a.... M T.. St. L. A W. 4a.. J Union rarinc 4a Mil 'i . .1.1:1 ', V. S. ref. la, res do coupon do la, rrg do coupon do new 4a, res. do coupon do old 4a. reg Ill do coupon lUVi La, .. g. do iDupon Atrhlaon gen. 4a do ad). 4a Bal. A Ohio 4a.. do do cone. 4a... tanada So. Za... C of CI. ta do la Inc.... C, M A 8t P g. 4a..ll0i r. A N. W. con. 7a. 1M C, R. I. A P. 4a....lOS C C C A St L g. 4a. t4 Chlraao Tr. 4e.... al1 f'olorado Bo. 4a aa Ilenrer A R. O 4a.. i Erie prior liar. 4a.. 97 S do genaral 4a m r. W. A D. C. la... lift Hocking Val. 4Ha..l(l Bid. Offered. do conT. Wahaah la do la do Seb. B 9hora 4.... Wheal. A L. 4a. Wis. ('antral 4.... t'on. Tobacco Colo. Fuel as .101', .114 .101 . 71 .If . ,Ti Boston Stocks and Bontfa. BOSTON, April 9. Call loans, 51T per cent; time loans, 5fi per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchison 4a V4'i Allouei t Mex. Central 4a Atchlaon Suva do pfd 7 Boaton A Albany.... 3M Boston Elevated ....146 N. Y., N. H A H...:00 Pltchburg pfd 140 t'nlon Pacific Mex. Central . .T. . American Sugar .. do pfd American T. A T. Dominion I. A 8.. Gen. Klectrlc Mais. Electric do pfd t'nlted Fruit V. 8. Steel do pfd Wcatlngh. Common Adrenturs ... TM, A ma 1 Kama tad t Blnsham 10 Calumet A Heels. .. .Cat Centennial 2.1 Copper Rang 40 Dominion Coal 10a Franklin 10 lle r.orale 11 Mohawk 0 Old Dominion VW Parrot 14 Qulncjr 114 Santa Fa Copper 1 Trl mountain 90 Trinity United States 1H Utah 174 Victoria t Winona 9 Wolverine 71 o4 .. 7H, ..1J1 ..lit ..1SS ...J 2'a ....IN .... Id .... 87 ....104' .... IS .... 16 7 10 1,-viidon Ktoek Market, LONDON, April 9. Closing quotatlona: NUTS-Wnlnuts, No. 1 aoft shell, per lb I f It. during the Easter holidays Early 15c; hard shell, per lb.. 14c: No. X soft shell. I !n 'P ?av ,ne weight of apprehension waa per lb., 13c; No. I Hard shell, per lb., lc; '" loot heaviest on the bear pat ty. A Brazils', per lb.! 12c"; Alberts.' per lb.'.' lie: ! tPdy demand to cover shorts had lifted almonds, soft shell, per lb.. 16c; heed shell. ;',cs to, ,ne n,?n 'evel r he day at about per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb.. Uc; o clock at which time net galna In prac emall. per lb.. He; cocoanuts. per dox., sic; tlcally all the principal stocks ran from chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 6e; . to points. This disposition to cover roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts, shorts was due for the most part to the per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu.. $1.50: Prspect that the banks would make a cocoanuts. oer 100. $4. I favorable statement of condition on Satur No. S. Cash ntiotatlons were as follows: FIX)L7R Quiet, steady; winter patents, . 4083.60; winter straight, $3.10(63.30; spring J 'Stents, $3.4.70; suilng straights, $3.00(0 .?: bakers. $2.20ij2.70. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 787c; No. S apring. 77c; No. 2 red, 74f75Sc- CORN-No. 2, 42c; No. 2 yellow 42e. OAT8-N0. 2, tV.&22c; No. I white, 329 S6c. RYE No. 2. 494c. BARLEY Good feeding, 86840e; fair to Choice malting, 47fflMc. BEEDB-No. 1 flax, $1.08: No. 1 north western, $1.10: prima timothy, $3.50; clover. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.80 317.66. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 9.82W9.8i. enort ribs aides (loose). $9.56(0.65. Pry salted khoulders (boxed), $8.7Vg8.87; short clear Following are the recelnts and shipments of flour and grain yesterday: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 2i,"0 80,400 Wheat bu 82.500 108.300 Corn, bu 2.301 Oats, bu lK.iw an. Rye bu 7,60 cs.OftO Barley, bu 21.000 9.100 . On the Produce exchange today the but tee market waa firm; creameries, lg!8c; dairies, 14024c. Eggs, firm, at mark, cases included. 14c. Crrceae, easier,, 1212c. KEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Uaotatlona of bo Day on Various Commodities. NEW TORK, April 9 FLOUR-Recelpts. 10,055 bbl..; exports, 3.042 bbls.; market firm and held 5c higher again; win ter patents, $3.70f(j'4.00; winter straights, $3.5063.60; Minnesota patents, $3.90('4.20: winter extras, $2.804f3.10; Minnesota baker. $3.2)ti'3.40; winter low grades. ti.WtfiM. Rye flour, dull; fair to good, $2.602.1)0; choice to fancy, $3.26(83.45. CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western. City. $106; Brandywlne. $3,401(3 45. RrE Quiet; No. 2 western. 5itc. f. o. b., afloat; state, 57(61c, c. I. f., New York. BARLEY Quiet; feeding. 47c. c. I f. Buf falo; malting, 52S5o c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 25,3.7) bu.; exports, 24.494 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red, 80c, ele vator; No. i red. 81c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth. 88c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba. 86c. f. o. b. afloat, late May. Btrqjig Chit ago buying by a wen known ievator Interest, supplemented by lighter Argentine shipments, led to early strength ' ana activity in New York. Noon realising caused a slight setback, but the late mar ket turned strong again with 'he west and closed SHc net higher; May, 79fO'7Sc; closed at 79c; July, 76-l&a77c; closed at T7c; September. 74 7-l&&T4c; closed at T4T4C. CORN Receipts. 46.200 bu.: exports, 50 bu. Spot, dull; No. 2. nominal elevator, and 51 c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 53c; No. 2 white, 52c. Options opened steady, with wAeat, developed, subsequent heavi ness under liquidation, small aeaboard clearances and light export trade, closing partly c net lower; April closed at 52c; May. H-,(ii01c; closed at 50c; July, 49 i"c; closed at 49c; September clased at 4c. OATS Receipts. 67.0no bu.; exports. 1.200 bu. Soot, dull: No. 2, 3c; standard white, 4oc; No. 2, 3Kc; No. $ white. 4tc: No. white, 3S4c: trsik; mixed western, nominal; track, white. 3460. Optlona aold off with corn. Mav closed at 38c. HAY fltedv: shipping, 56Q70c; good to Choice. 9Ocfr$1.06. HOI'S Easy; common to choice. 1802. 21'9 27c; 11. lstiilc; olds, 4Ka 11c; Pacific coast, lls'2, !l'2lc: 1901, lswilc; olds, Millo. HIDES Steady; California, 21 to 25 lbs., lc; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 14c LEATHER Steady; acid, 24ijsr. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, $1400 4?14.n; meaa, $9 fliK& lD.nn; boxed hama. $20.00 j 21.50; packed. $11.5t"!i 12.50; city extsa India tneas. $J"0iav5o. Cut meats, quiet; pickled belles. $s 7i4rU.J5; pickled shoulderr, $0ir 9 25; pickled hama. $11 roti Lard, dull: weatern ateamed, $lu.2o; refined, quiet; continent. $10.55; South America. $11; compound, $7.50aa.0O. Pork, ateady; fam ily. $18 7MI' 00; ahort clear, $18.7520.50; trees. $18.tma 18.50. RITE Steady; domestic, fair to extra. 47c. TALLOW Steady; city. 6c; country, b Sj6c. BUTTER Recelnta, 8.538 pkga.; ateady; state dairy, 171j,2?c: extra creamery, 29c; common to choice creamery, Ii?i2ac. CHEESE Receipts, 2.646 pkgs.; firm: state full cream., fall made, fancy lurga colored, 14dl4c; fancy large white. 14-4 (fl4c; state full cream, fall made, taicv small colored. 15c: fancy small while. 14V,c EUCS Receipts. 23.775 pkxs.; strong; stale and Pcort) Ivanla, li'jc; western firsts. Inc. POULTRY Alive, firm; chickens. 13-; tur. keys, l&c: fowla, 16c. Dressed, easier; chlrkens. 16V(il7c; western fowl. I4ui4c. METALS Tin advanced 12a 6d In I-ondon, svot there closing at 135 "a tsl and futures t 185 l"d. The local market waa also higher and Arm. with spot quoted at $3.70 fj.O.nO. There was an advance of 1 5a In London copper market, spot being quoted St 61 15a and fulurea at 1 17a 6.1. Tha New York market, however, waa unchanged Ad nomlnsX Standard la quoted At $13.25; OLD METALS. ETC. A. B AlDlrn Quota 1 the following prices: Iron, country mixed, p'er ton, $11; iron, atove piate, per ton, $S; copper, per lb., 8c; braaa, heavy, per lb., 8c; brass, light, per lb., 5c; lead per lb., 8c; zinc, per lb., 2c. WKARE GRAIX COMPANY. Omaha Branch llO-lll Board of Trade Bnlldintf. 1 CHICAGO. April 9. WHEAT There has been continued heavy buying by Armour of both May and July wheat and the mar ket advanced from ftlc. It Is believed that the big holding has been Increased more today than in any one day so far. All the outside markets lagged compared with Chicago and St. IxriIs declined some. The statistics and news were bearish, but nothing counted with anyone except the persistent adding of the big line. Clear ances only 58,000 bu. Crop news from abroad non-committal, most cables declar ing it too early to speak of prospects. Weather favorable. Price Current waa bearish In Its crop comments. Argentine shipments, 2.440,000 bu., more than double Inst year. It lo taken for granted tomor row's government report will be very bear ish. Primary receipts. 338,000 bu.. against 262,000 bu.; primary shipments. 677.000 bj.. against 328.000; northwest receipts, 183 cars, aralnst 137; local receipts, 41 cars, with none contract; estimates tomorrow, 25 cars. Some business done by the way of the rulf from here. - CORN Market has been weak. Influ enced mostly by selling of July by Cudahy houses. Market st Its weakest was Q4sC under yesterday's close. The settlement of ttie vessel strik strike had not much effect on the market. Cash market was unchanged. nfr character of the decision and the tin day, while the stock markets of the world are closed for the Easter holidays. The banks have already gained since Friday $741,000 on sub-treasury operations and they are estimated to have received from the Interior something over $1,000,000 In the same time. In view of this prospect the firmness of call money today was rather Ignored, being attributed to the special demand to carry over the triple holiday. Late in the day, after the market had been broken by ths news of the Northern Se curities decision, the money rate flurried to 10 per cent, sterling exchange advanced tieveral polnta and discounts rose in Lon don, leaving the future course of our money market open to some question. A violent recovery In raw copper In London led to a large buying, of Amalgamated here. There were signs of distress among the shorts, In Sugar and there waa a notable demand for the Pacifies, St. Paul and the steel stocks. All these things helped to give tone to the early market. The collapse after the North ern Securities decision became known was correspondingly violent. Northern Securi ties Itself after having sold at 106 on the curb dropped to 102, with a final rally to 103. closing at 103, bid. Union Pacific resisted the first decline, but waa heavily sold afterwarda Its position being consid ered peculiarly affected by the decision by eeason of the Southern Psclfle litigation. Bt. Ixu1s & Ban Francisco' dropped 4. reflecting the fear that the Rock Island deal would be prevented. Pennsylvania and New York Central were also heavily sold, the latter touching 184. a new low level, on the present movement. The whole mar ket rallied substantially at the last on covering by shorts and closed dull but steady. The notice of appeal In the North ern Securities case was cited aa an argu ment to allay apprehension, but the sweep- There is some better demaad for kiln dried corn than of late Market waa Influenced by the atatement made bv Price Current that there was more disposition to Increase the corn area than the oat area. Local re ceipts, 175 cars, with none contract: esti mates for tomorrow, 110 cars; clearances, 3O3.000 bu. ; Argentine shipments, 209,0.10 bu., and weather there reported not so favor able; primary receipts, 334,000 bu., against 210,000; primary shipments, 654,000 bu., against 282.0C0. OATS--Market has been weak for both cash and futures, the former iSlc lower and the latter Vti'aC lower. There has been a complete abaence of eastern demand. There hap been selling for several days which has ' looked like the cereal people. Counselman led the July selling. Local re ceipts, 196 cars, with Ave contract: eetl mates for temorrow, 12i cars; clearancea. 18.000 bu. . PROVISIONS Market opened steady. Cidahy brokers bought pork and ribs. May futures somewhat neglected. There were 20.W.O hogs, market opening steady at yesterday's closing price; closing weak and a shade lower than opening. Estimates for Friday, 1'.0"0; hogs In the west today, 48.400 against 50,5uO last week and 59.90 last year! WKARE GRAIN COMPANY. St. Loots Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, April 9-WHEAT-I-ower; No. 2 red. cash, elevator. 69c; track 70jj 71c; May, 6Sc; July, 67c; No. 2 hard, Tt'ii ilc. CORN Lower; No, 2 cash, 89e, nomi nal; track, 393m)'c; May. :nv: July, C9Sc OATS Weak : No 2 cash, $4c, nominal; track. 35c; July. 2bc; No. 1 white, 38c. RYE Ixiwer, 46c. FLOUR Quiet, steady; red winter pat ents. t3.3&3.45: extra fancy and straight, a,.' vi.i..o; near, ti.ioqizvh SEED Timothy, nominal at $2.002.75; prime worth mure. " f ORNMEAI-Steady $2 XV BHAN Dull; sacked.' ea-t track. 3(365c. HAY Steady ; timothy, $7.0onil5.50; nralrle. $KtlKfI 11.00. . IRON COTTON TIES $1.06. HAOG1NG 6Vtfc. TWINE Hemp, 8c. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing, standard mesa. $17.65. Lard, lower, $9.62 Dry salt meata (boxed), ateadv; extra shorts, $9.76; clear rlba, $10j short clears, $10.12. Bacon (boxedi. dul'; extri shorta, $10.7-i: cltar rlba. $11; short clear. $11.12. METALS lead. Arm, $4.57. Spelter, firm. r.4". POULTRY-3uiet; chickens. llc; tur kevs. 15c; ducks. 13c; geese. Sr. BUTTER Quiet; creamery. 21tj28c; dairy. I84r21c. EGGS Lower, 12c for fresh Receipts. Shipments. .... 4.00 1800) .... .... 4X.O0O 243.00) .... 96.000 145,(0) anlmlty of the court had a discouraging effect on tnose wno nope tor a reversal. Bonda weakened In sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par value, $2,465,000. The following are the quotatlona on tht New York Stock exchange: o Taa A PaclBo 24 va-ai loicao. si. 1 a W. sa Conaola. money 91 do account 11-16 Anaconda &H Atchlaon 84' do pfd t Ball (mors A Ohio... 44 Canadian Pacific UJ n-raapeaka A Ohio.. 4t Chicago O. W 14 C. M. A St. P 147 DeBeera 2m Denver A R. O J7, do pfd 8 Brla ,. M do lat pfd .71, do 2d pfd 64 Illlnnia Central 140 Loulavllle A Naab...l20vt M., K. A T Jiv, N. Y. Central Norfolk A Weatern., do pfd Ontario A Western.. Pennarlvanla , Rand Mines Reading , do lat pfd do id pfd , Southern Ry do pfd Bouthern Paclflo Union Pacific do pfd U 8. Steal do pfd Wabaah do pfd 134 72 70 11 10 4J' K "a . M-U it ;4 16 hi)' t7 4 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef 8teera Active and Higher Cow t Bold at About Bleed lr.cev HOG MARKET A SHADE LOWER Best Grades of Sheep Sold at mm High Pricea aa They Hart Amjr Time, While the Part Fat Klads War Keglected aad Lower, 80UT11 OMAHA. April . Receipts were: Olncuai Monuay .... Omciai Xueauay ... buiiim cuiiiauay. omc-tai 'iliuttfu... Cattie. Hogs, buevp. .. S.llU ,4U S.uid 4.0.1 i.oiK iS.Wsl 26,&3 Ur.oob Four days this week.16.2h6 Sums oays nuti,ib bunt week ueiJie ls,nu ouine tnree weeas ago. .10,010 Same lour weeas agu....l,vt name uays lam ar.t...lo,il natlilt-is t un 'I ill) UAH 1U DA 1 11.. 'ins lunowing table snows tne receipts ui cailie, uuga au,u kiieep Ml ooum Oman lur ins yravr iu male anu cv.upariauna wuu last t'; vis. niu. t" .hllie atu,a0U is,JO nogs O.l.lU lo.l-U t neep m,4U io,i.J lM,aUi Average irive p.u iut' rnifca at buutu Omaha lor ius iaai severul uS with cow-paiisuus; Date. I 1MM. l.lgul.)'.lL March aa&rcn Aiarvn Marcal Marco Marcn aaarcn juarcn Maicn Mfxn Aiarch aaarvu aaarcu Aimicu Maica Mai Apiil J. April 2 April April ti April April April April i-: 7 11 1 tWISI i 1 I I 4 I I 7 46 I I M I I JI I vsl 1 rl 7 2s , 1 7 ilt , 1 7 M1SI VI 7 24 24 1 7 1 I w I 16 I in 5 so t. mi Wl e ii s il l a S4 ti a au I ali l ' I imi 9 ;$ k b a 01 1 J a W t a U I S Mil I sbi 1 e M & t7 aoi 5 i ao i lw 4 M W ti ttui a s, I o S601 I 00 1 01 no, s Vil 4 i-h 4 J. 4 t 4 al 4 l 4 v( 4(Sa 4 ! "l a u: a iwi 5 la( 0 1U I .' I 15, , a i 0 2i I 5 Sit 1 o l i M 3 oi , l Ml W e'l I I 6U a ts OV) l a mi 'a t "t , 0 So, tf bet 3 64 a t! I 3 70i a $1 li si a ii .., 1 1 4 ua t 75i is, 3 t it , a Dl 71 a s. a i a svi te i t a at 3 57, w, SI 4 W 1 ll a Ik., 4 i a u Ml Ov, a m I at hi 3 73, 4 is, $ W a ii a j 1 M t3 4 1 a 10, 4 aa Indicates Sunday The ofhclal number of cars of stock brought in today uy each road was: Cattle. Hogs fcjn'p.H sea. C, M. & St. P. Ry Wabash 4 Misauuri faclrtu Ry Un on I'acinu system. .. 19 U. ft N. W. Hy 0 F., ei. M. V. K. K 27 U., St. P., M. At O. Ky.. 24 U. at M. Hy 28 c, B. tt y. Ry K. C. Ot St. J 1 t-., R. 1. or P. Ry., east, lo C, H. 1. ea P. Ry., welt. .. Illinois Centra. 3 Total receipts ,.148 a 1 11 io u .. u 1 7 12 1 1 '7 I! !'. 'i .. " 77 u 2 BAR SILVER Steady ; 22id per ounce. MONEY-34 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 3Cg3 per cent and for three-months' bills Is 3 B-16&3 per cent- Kew York MtnlnaT Stocks. NEW YORK, April . Ths are the closing .quotations on York Stock exchange:- Adams Con.-,r-... A I lea Breac ......, Brusawlck Con...... Comatock Tunnel .. Corf. Cal. A Va Horn Silver Iron Bllrsr .... Laadvllle Con.. Asked. . 40 .Llttls Chief ... . U Ostarlo ...!)S lophlr , ... 41Phoenls ...'-a. Potorl ...tH ISar.a ...lit: I sierra Nevada 140 Small Hopaa .. I Standard follov-'rat the NmW ........ 625 14& 1 ' ........ l .. to .. to .. to Bank Clearings. CINCINNATI. April .-Clearlngj, $3,404, 250; money, 6 6 .per cent; ,tw Vork ex change, 10c discount. NEW YORK. April ..-Clearings, $219,730, 667: balances, $9,05n,227. , BOSTON, April 9. Clearings, $21,087,942; balances, $1,253,279, PHILADELPHIA, April 9 Clearings. $16 8 4.440; balances, $2,9u,603; money, 54 u per cent. BALTIMORE. April 9-Clearlngs. $3,849. 031: balances, $436,415; money, 6 per cent. ST. LOL'IS. April 9.-Clear',, $J4J0.265: balances, $1.127,2,2; money, steady, 54r6 per cent; New York exchange, 4oc premium. CHICAGO. April 9. Clearings, $33.93.5R2; balances, $2,481,548; New York exchinge. 40c premium; foreign exchange, sitr.lng posted. $4 84 for sixty days and at $4.87 for demand. ...12 ... II ... 4444 ... 10 ... U ... u ... 76 ... IS ...l. .. 14-, .. .. .. tl ,. Atchlaon do pfd Dal. A Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific Canada 80 Chea. A Ohio.... Chicago A Alton do pfd Chicago A O. W do lat pfd do Id pfd Chicago N. W Chicago Ter.. do pfd C. C. C. A St. L Colorado 80 do lat pfd 44 do Id pfd aa Del. A Hudaon lo Del. L. A W S15 .Denrar A R. U -.' ' do pfd Erla do lat pfd.... do Id pfd Great Nor. pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do pfd Lake brla A W do pfd ! L A N Manhattan u. .. Met. St Ry.... Mai. Central .. Mcx. National . Minn. A St. L. Mo. PaclBo .... M . K. A T.... do pfd N. i. N. Y Norfolk at W. do pfd Ontario A W.. Pennaylvanla .. Reading do lat pfd..,. do Id pfd 81. L. A . r.. do lat pfd... do 14 pfd St. U 8. W.... do pfd Bt. Paul do pfd 80. PaclOe Bo. Railway ... do pfd Offered. MHa do pfd... union PaclBo do pfd Wabaah do pfd Wheeling A li B. do Id pfd Wla. central do pfd Adama Kjt American Ex .A Tr . 1644 t'nlted Statea Ex... lnVWella-rargo Kx.,.. xll?IAroal. Copper ..... ill, A mar. Car A F.... do pid Arocr. Lin. Oil do pld Amartcan 8. A R.. do pfd :. Anac. Mining Co.. .. f .. 40 ..10O .lia Brooklyn K. T. Colo. Kuel A Iron. cona. Uaa 42 . assa . ft . 4 H . II . J4V, . 4. .2 .206 .Ui .200 . J . . tu . 16T . la . 4SVi . kl :K . M . if Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, April 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,600 natives, 450 Texans and 125 na tive calves; steers active, strong; quaran tine stuff strong: cows and heifers steady; stockers and fe.iiers firm; choice export and dressed beef steers, M SMi5.25; fair to good, $4.014.50; stockers and feeders, $3.3534. 75; western - fed steers, 3.00u6.(M; Texas and Indian steers, $3.854.90; Texas cows $2,501 4.00; native cows $1. 754.76: native heifers, $2.0&4.75; canners, $l.oC(ti2.60; bulls, $2.25 3.75; calves. $2.60(57.00. HOGS Receipts. 8.000 head: market ateadv to strong; top, $7.45: bulk of sales, $7.3uwi 7.40; heavy, $7.30(&7.45; mixed packers. $7.20 ti7.40; light, $6.80ig7.25; yorkers, $7.20(77.25 pigs, id. ioiB (.U2. SHEEP AND . LAMBS Receipts. 3.000 head; market weak to ltN&ISc lower; native lambs, $5.4(1(311.00; western lambs, $5.80 9.60; fed ewes, $4.6Xfi6.00; native wethers, $4.70416.76; Texas clipped sheep, $4.8O.90; stockers and feeders, $3.50(S4.80. 'attle. Hogs. Sh'p. 365 608 43i tfeo lu6 l,i. 603 l,it7 li 911 l.obs 214 184 901 il U 28 47 31 68 21 17 9 .. 27 31 78 18 329 .... 13J rne aisposuion 01 me nay recciino as follows, each buyer purchasing the nim- Buyers. 1 Omaha Packing Co owl.t anu Company Aimour at Co Luuahy packing Co Armour at Co., bioux City Carey & Beniou l.ubman A cu v 1 fltnhn Hill Ac Huntxlnger tiu ton at v.o Liv-ngstone at Bhaller.... in. Morris L. t. Hues Vv'olt at Murna.i 1 Rnthurhl tin Werthtimer Kmersoa 8. ex S Other buyers Totals 3.629 5,904 2,361 CATTLE There was a fairly liberal sup ply of caul, on hand this morning, out uons too many to aupply the wants of the local trade. Buyers were all out early, and trading was active from start to finish, so that an early c.earance was mads. Tha demand for beer, steers, in psriuiuui, was active, and the prices paid were etronger. The peuer graaen coum be quoted bujiuc nigoer, iiiu o tuuiii with the first of the week the genersl market is ltt20c higher and good heavy cattle are as much as 25c higher. There has been more Improvement so far this week on heavy than on light weights, as the heavy cattle have been selling low as compared with the light weights for some little time. The quality of the offerings today was the best of the week and as a result the market on paper looks a good Thehcgowrmarket was active, but prices did not show any particular change. Buy era all seemed to have liberal orders, but they were not willing to pay more money for them. Sellers aa a rule were satisfied with the prices offered and trading was active, everything being out of first hands In good season. Bulls, veal calves and stsgs all sold at tTherePwaa"'a fair sprinkling of stockers and feeders In the yards, and the better rradee sold freely at yesterdays prices. The commoner kinds were more or less neglected, the ssme as they hsve been all ih. week but there was not much change In the prices paid. Representative sales: $ injfl I M 4 ll 4 I I into 1 kit II asi lit 1 icci I an (. Ill 4 4" I II"" I K COWS AND HEIFER8. 11 a, 1 i '111 M a4 4 1" 4 imo 4 on It 4 4 r" t I'4I 11" 100 4 U CALVES. t Il 4 7k Ill SI 1 no I on 1 XI 4 IS 1 140 I IW I ISO I U 1 11 llil 1 1M 4 tS 1 IMI I 60 4 146 sn 1 160 i ii I im 60 1 1211 00 : 176 aO I ID '" v HEIFERS. I ISO 1 .j a 7 14 1 mm t r 1 ati I o I -i I 2 1 an I as t liao I 7a 1 7iw I o 1 6M t 74 IS 654 I ti 1 ten 1 (li JJ 4 10 I MM I no S:6 4 10 1 70S I on I J 4 10 1 170 I 00 14 '-' 4 m 4 117 I 10 f 11" 4 !6 4 it" I ?6 10 r:i 4 : 1 7011 I it 7 ! 4 H 4 i7 I 60 1 60 4 ii 1 404 I W BULLS. I I.1M I aft 1 1(00 I 40 1 1J70 I an 1 11" I 46 1 11N I 6 1 1170 I 60 I luiu t 7i 1 1410 1 Ml 1 1340 t 16 1 110 1 60 I I4MI I .! 1 1430 I Ml 1 16M) 2 an 1 6so I an 1 man 1 an 1 1110 I sn 1 14o I M 1 ..1MI0 I 40 1 14110 I 00 1.. 10 I 74 1 1260 I 00 1 1710 I 76 1 1610 1 00 1 1110 I 76 1 1410 I 26 1 1240 I 76 1 1270 I 16 1 11IW I 76 1 1410 I 35 STAGS. t UK Hi STOCK CALVES. 1 54(1 4 tm II 440 4 00 Yin 4 no STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 mo i ja a iww 4 u 1 424 i 76 6 WHO 4 20 1 440 I 60 1 4 li 1 4D0 I 60 1 "9 4 It 1 10M I 60 I S10 4 St 1 1'UiO a 76 1 loMl 4 It S2 I Kb 4 40 1 IOhO I 66 U Hi IKl 16 TU I an i ao 4 40 t KiiO 4 00 12 MM 4 40 I. 440 4 10 It 1124 4 4t 2 4 10 4J 10K7 4 to CM 4 10 4 Tl'6 4 70 4 767 4 10 I MI 4 70 764 4 16 i 716 4 70 HOGS There waa a llarht run of hogs here this morning, but pacHers were again bearish and atarted In from the beginning to pound the market. The opening coulil be quoted ateady to a ahade lower, but aa the morning advanced the market weak ened and the close was very slow snd 2i 43 5c lower. At a late hour tnere were sev ril loads still In first hsnds. and packers did not seem to care whether they got any more or not. Salesmen had to carry over aeveral loads yesterday owing to the fact that packers stopped buying before the hogs were all disposed of. The light weights sold today largely from $7.00 to $7.20, me diums from $7.a to $7.25, good heavy hogs from $7.26 to $7.30, and prime heavies sold as high as $7.35. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr No. Av. Sh. Fr. 64 2li2 160 7 15 27 222 ... 7 25 60 188 ... 7 16 64 255 ... 7 25 68 207 ... 7 16 64 246 120 7 26 64 231 40 7 20 16 275 ... 7 25 60 232 160 7 20 64 271 ... 7 26 64 213 80 7 20 65 234 160 7 25 76 224 160 7 20 10 249 ... 7 25 6 235 ... 7 20 08 255 40 7 25 67 227 80 7 20 65 256 ... 7 26 76 2"6 40 7 20 60 248 40 7 25 70 2J9 ... 7 20 73 245 ... 7 25 39 216 ... 7 20 74 246 80 7 25 70 213 40 7 20 21 259 ... 7 274 54. .....211 ... 7 22H '10 252 80 7 27Va 6& 235 ... 7 2i4j 86 241 160 7 27Si 84 233 ... 7 22'i 66 262 80 7 274 82 238. 120 7 224- 67 26P 80 7 274 72 239 ... 7 22',, 61 257 40 7 27 4 67 232 80 7 22 4 64 2SS 2u0 7 274 60 235 ... 7 224 62 236 160 7 27 4 71 235 ... 7 22 4 67 261 ... 7 27 4 73 234 80 7 22, 19 276 ... 7 274 47 221 ... 7 22 4 64 253 40 7 274 69 276 280 7 26 63 270 120 7 27 4 67 280 80 7 25 . 56 2!0 ... 7 80 49 22 2U0 7 26 65 2i0 80 7 SO 69 257 ... 7 25 63 274 ... 7 30 58 264 ... 7 25 6U 2K1 ... 7 30 60 218 ... 7 25 36 319 ... 7 30 62 2. ... 7 26 61 3u3 120 7 30 41 233 ... 7 25 25 277 120 7 30 63 278 80 7 25 65 2x3 40 7 30 DO 239 ... 7 25 14 2a0 ... 7 30 73 250 40 7 25 60 288 40 7 80 66 266 40 7 25 61. .....269 SO 7 80 62 245 80 7 2.1 12 312 ... 7 824 62 218 80 7 25 65 2x9 ... 7 35 61 240 ' 80 7 25 69 303 ... 7 35 67 243 280 7 26 Cont. Tobacco pfd 1124 ..IK. .. m-. .. 16, .. 7u' Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu. ' orn, bu.... rats, bu... Mverpool Grain anal Provisions. LIVERPOOL. April t.-WHEAT-8pot. qi.let: No. 2 red western, winter. 6s Id; No. 1 northern, spring. ns4d: No. 1 CsllfornU, 4d. Futures, steady; May, 8s2Vd; July, 6a 2H1. CORN-Spct. American mixed, new. quiet at 4s 3d; old, steady at 6s 4d. Futures, ateady; May. 4s3(d; June, 4s2Sd; July. 4'l PEAS Quiet at 6sSVl: Canadian, 4 74d. FLOL'R SU Louis fancy winter, quiet at as 31 HOP8-At London. PaclPc coaat. steady At 4?H 1ltaT CT. PROVISIONS-Bef, easy; extra India meaa, 83a Cel. Pork firm; prime western mesa. Us. Hams, short cut. 14 to 1$ lbs., steady, 63s 6.1. liarun. Cumberland cut. 26 to $0 lbs., steady, i'm- i-hort rlba, 14 to 24 lbs quiet, 54s; long clear middles, light. 2s to $4 Gen. Electric Hocking Coal lnier. Paper do pfd Inter. Power Laclede Uaa National Btarult .., National Lead ..116UNo. American ...US' laclBc Coaat ....... ... iskj'Faclflc M" ........ ... It Piopla-a Uaa ... aa t'rasaad 8. Car ...10714 do pfd ... 24 Pullman P. Car.... ... of. HepuMIc Blael Central 170 do pfd Central 11114'Bugar lVTeua. Iron .. I'4 . .llj' .. 6J' .. U .. 4 .. 7as .. 61 .. as .. II .. 41 . .Hm ..143', .. a6'4 .. uw .. ai t'nlon Dag A P. 00 pid I. 8. Leather .... do pfd V. 8. Rubber .... do pfd I'. B. Steal do pfd Weatern t'nlon ... Amor. Locomotive do pfd K. C. Bout barm.. do pfd , Rock Inland So pfd . 7 42), . 26 . ftl . al' . 14 .limit . 41 . 2 .114 . HI, . 76k, .1221, . 4Ji., 441, ... Si', ... H. ... lit, ... n ... s ... 2t ... 11 ... 42l ... 16 , Seer York Lire Stock Market. NEW TORK, April 9 CATTLE No re ceipts, no tales reported: city dr eased na tives .Ttrimi rnna-s. 7(frfllXci ner Ih fat-iles J quoted American steers at I2li&.i."c. dressed weignt; rerrigerator Deer at uviiffioc. No exports today. CALVES Receipts, 145 head; veal rated steady; vesls so d at $i.nciS.2o; city dresssl vials, extreme range, 9(S13c. HoGS Receipts, 2.114 head: market about steadv; state nd Pennsylvania, $7.65; stats p1g, $7. id. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnta. 4.3?6 head; slow and weak; unshorn sheep sold at $4.50(fi6.ii0; culls. $2 15; clipped. $6 J; un shorn lambs. $6.25(38.00: clipped, $5.60(g6.75; a few state spring lambs, J3.Oixii3.tO; dresrel muttons, 8'ullc oer lb.; dressed lambs, 109 14c. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANB. April 9.-COTTON Market quiet and atfdy; aalea, 1.250 bales; ordinary, 84c; good ordinary, 8c; low middling, 9Sc; middling, 101-16V; good mid dling, li',c; middling lair, 11 $-16c; receipts, (.736 bales; stock. 137. 4 bales. Futures, steady; April, 10.03c, bid; May, 10.17m 10.1c; June. 10.1810.20c; July, 10.19ft 10 30c; August 9.64n9 66c; September, MuS5c; October, 8.4(j841c; November, .2V(j.2c; December. B.27W8.2MC. NEW YORK. April .-COTTON-Opened ateady at un advance of l'u4 polnta, and following the call ruled generally firm under continued covering by May ahorts and fresh purchases hy the bull pool. But while ss a result of operations a new high record for the sensor- avas ectabllahej In tha May option trading was compara tively quiet, with the developments In May and July attracting almoat exclusive atten tion. The Initial advance waa encouraged by cables that were Just a trifle better than rxH-cted. but It was In the face of full Kirt receipts for the day and continued avorable weather In the south. Outside conditions, however, appeared to have little attention and the bulk of the day'a buai nesa represented little more than a fresh acar ot May shorts. Ths approaching Rt. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. April 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, l.Sf.17 head; market active, steady to strong; cows and helfera steady to weak: natives, $4.25(h5.40; cows and heifers, 2.40 4.75; stockers and feeders. $3.50(t4.85. HOGS Receipts. 4.960 hesd; steady to strong: pigs stronger; light snd light mixed, S7.20437.35; medium and heavy, $7.2597.60; bulk. $7.80(7.41). SHEEP AND LAMR8 Receipts, 2.705 head; best sheep steady, others lOfiJOc lower; top Colorado Iambs. $7.70; spring lambs. $12. Stork In tight. Following were the receipts of live stock st tras five principal weatern cltlea yea'er day: Cattle. Hoys. Sheen. Omaha $.7 6.567 3 $19 Ch cago 10.04) 20.000 12.001 Kansas City 4.6t) 2.00) St. Louis 2.500 1.00) St. Joseph 1,97 4 Ml 2,701 Sioux City 500 2.000 Totals ..21.204 43.027 22.321 lonz Cltr Live Stork Market. 8IOVX CITY. April 9 (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 5n0 head: steady; beeves. $4. 0016.00; cows, bulla and mixed, $!004i4.15; stockers and feedera, $3.00 til 40: calves and yearlings, $3.00ii4 50. HOGS Receipts. 2.000 head: steady, sell ing at $7.Mi7.35; bulk, $7.1u7.25. agar anal Molaaaea. NEW ORLEANS. April 9.-8t'GAR-Dull ; open kettle, 2tli314c; open kettle centrifu gal, a'VuOSc; centrifugal whites. 44c; yel lows. 3S.i4c; seconds, 2fi3 5-16c. MOLArlBES Open kettle, nominal. 139 !Ac: centrifugal, 6Vfjl8c. Syrup, nominal, 14 624c. NEW YORK. April $. SUGAR Raw, Brm; refined, ateady. MOLASdi-S-Firm. No. i .. ii a J'.'.'.'.'.". it a i i n it a l ii r 24 it tt 12 i to 17 14 14 10 11 40 14 II I II 10 10 t f 1 I 1 1 1 t t 1 II... Av. .. MO ..1430 ..1030 .. 144 .. 42b ..1066 .. 0 ... 7 .. IW .. 771 ...1000, .. 760 ... 14 ... I0 ... .. K'i ... tit ...1071 ...1071 ...lltO ...1070 ...1271 ,.. 5 ...1034 ... 40 ...1300 ...not ...1160 ,..1041 ...1146 ... 5 ...1221 ...1204 ...1040 ...117! ,..1141 ,..1020 ,.. Ml ,..1244 ...1110 ...1061 ...lies a2 Pt. 4 00 4 00 4 oo 4 00 4 vo 4 16 4 It 4 26 4 tt 4 26 4 26 4 16 4 It 4 It 4 36 4 40 4 40 4 4t 4 46 4 60 4 64 4 60 4 to 4 60 4 6u 4 66 4 tt 4 tt 4 64 4 tt 4 64 4 tt 4 ti 4 40 4 n 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 M 4 4- No. II It 14 Jl 10 S::::r. 10 17 It 11 10 II 40 It 2f N 1 10 I 22 a 13 20 16 at 14 II 24 11 20 14 T I 2 rt i 20 40 AV. 1141 V37 114 1134 1066 1417 1157 10S3 1090 1262 1160 1267 .....1147 1164 1141 MM 1240 1161 1023 1134 1107 1230 1161 1130 1171 ! Iftuo 146 12X0 11M sua K7t 1310 1214 1244 1324 11-4 1214 1661 124 1470 1604 'STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4 it 4 it 4 tt 4 K t Tt t It a 36 t 40 a 6o .,464V a 10 ..1040 I M aim . 47 , 474 . 46 , Tl . 144 , (41 too 400 44 IMS ato 110 140 K4 10 to 4T 146 1041 4 . 1010 464 1UM 12O0 1024 ......10S4 Ill 1 1174 1160 M0 7 1164 0 10 PWI 100 444 740 1400 444 IO 1024 lono 1064 1"4 1140 f V ta 114 ; a to I 60 a to a at I 44 a 74 a tt a 74 a ti a 7t a 75 a 74 a n a to a i a it a so I o a oo a oo a m a oo a oo a o a a a so a a us a 14 a 14 a at a at a m a at a 2. a is a it a an a u a it a 4o a 40 i 40 a 40 a ii a to a 6 $ 44 10. 10... 44... cows. mo ....1076 ....1031 Pr. 4 40 4 40 4 46 4 tt 4 44 4 46 4 46 4 It 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 0 4 10 4 70 4 10 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 70 4 76 4 75 4 74 4 7t 4 16 4 76 4 75 4 40 4 44 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 SO 4 do 4 at 4 45 4 00 4 46 4 45 4 44 SHEEP There waa a light supply this morning snd the quality waa again com mon. The good stuff waa In active demand and the pricea paid were as high aa at any time. Some South Dakota ewes brought $5.b5, which is aa high a price aa has been paid this season.. Soma western yearlings brought $6.60 that were from trie aame lot that brought $6.65, but those that arrived today were hardly as good. The common kinds were very slow sale, with the ten dency of prices downward. As compared with last week, the half fat kinds are 5fKj2 76c lower. Feedera have not shown much change sn far this week. Desirable grades are In good demand, but the common kinds are neglected. quotations for wooled stock: Choice western lambs. $7.35j7.6&: fair to good lambs, $7.CKfl7.25; choice Colorado lambs, $7.35'ii7.65; choice lightweight yearlings, $6.40tJ.76; fair to good yearlings. $6.0043,6. 40; choice wethers, 6.0oj6.40; fair to good, $5.75 .i W .. r. 7 -.,, a,,, f m tr n .nml ! $5.005.75; feeder lambs, $4.7606.60; feeder jearilngs, M-oosn.uo; teeaer wemers, ss.uuw 4 06; feeder ewe. $3.0uiji3.50; clipped stock tells about 60c lower than wooled stock. P.eprraenlatlve sales: 30 cull ewes 4 bucks 10 cull ewes 135 cull ewes 74 western ewe 30 Mexican wethers 3 western ewes 17 western lambs 497 clipped wethers 799 western ewes 967 clipped wethers 403 Mexican wethers 80 120 100 64 84 78 156 62 88 98 97 '78 260 4 00 4 00 4 00 6 00 6 00 i 25 6 75 6 80 6 85 6 90 C 05 1.. I . I.. 1.. II.. .. I. . 14.. I.. 1.. 4.. I.. 1.. 1.. I . a.. II. . as.. 1.. a.. 1.. rt.. 1 . t.'. 1.. a.. 1 . 1 . it . 1.. a . a.. 4.. . 4.. 4.. 1.. i.'. 1.. 1 . ii . 1.. 1.. 1 . $.. 464 .... 134 .... 640 .... 171 ....1024 ....1140 .... 441 1414 ....10O0 ....1004 ....1176 ....1160 ....101 ....1061 ....1121 ...U 2 .... IM) ....1170 .... 467 ...,10h4 ....1270 ....1174 101 .... 4 ....1047 ....1012 ....1334 ....12a4 11IK) .... 404 ....113 .... M ....lilt .....1111 ....101 1100 1160 Ill 1610 644 ..... 7I .....1140 1071 .....1145 114 1MM 1SO0 404 1340 1131 1127 14S0 1240 1111 a 4 a 4 a t a 41 a 44 a 4t a 70 a 11 a 11 a 11 a it a it a it a it a it a it a it a it a m a 44 a tt a it a it a it a 44 a a a to a 44 4 40 4 00 4 00 4 04 4 04 4 04 4 00 4 l 4 04 4 14 4 10 4 1 4 10 4 14 4 1 4 14 4 10 4 14 4 It 4 It 4 It 4 20 4 10 4 15 I IS 4 It 4 U CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Active and Strong;, While Hosra and Sheep Incline Lower. CHICAGO. April 9. CATTLE Receipts, 10.0JO head, Including 100 head Texana; ac tive and atrong; good to prtme ateers, $5.10 &6.60; poor to medium. $4.00ft4.SO; Blocker ) and feeders, $3.0o&4.75; cows. $1.7w64.i6; heifers. $2.6oi6.oO: canners, $l.'ioS."5; bulls', $2.6064.40; calvra, $3.00GjM.7; Texas fed steers. M.6n&5.00. HOGS Receipts, 20,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 18.0.0 head; left over, 4,000 head; steady to 5c lower: mixed and butchers, $7.2Mf7.S5; good to choice heavy, $7.40(7. ft); ruiigh heavy, $7.2V(i7.35; light. $j.SSta7.J0; bulk of salea. $7.157.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12.000 head: ateady to 15c lower; good to choice wethers. $5.60fi.76; fair to choice mixed, $4.005.50; western sheep, $5.00(&4J."5; nstlve lambs, $t.&04li.B0; western lamos. 1.aoa.o. Official yesterday Recelpta. Shipments. .... 17.122 4.151 .... 21,063 4.361 .... 13.595 1,201 Csttle Higs Sheep t. Louis Live Stork Market. ST. I-sOUIS April I. CATTLE Receipts, 800 head. Including 400 Texana; market steady to strong; native shipping and x- WANTED, MANAGER. First-class man as manager local stock broker office; must be 'thoroughly up in stock and grain busthesg and be sbl to show results. Addrsss B 23, Bee. CONSIGNMENTS ONLY Consign your grain to ths LOGAN GRAIN GO. KANSAS CITY, flO., And you will get beat weights, best prices and quick returns. VEARE GRAIN COMPANY. Members Principal Exchangee. Private Wires. BRANCH OFFICE OMAHA. NEa 110-111 Board of Trade. W. E. WARD. Mgr. Telephone 1511 IF YOU TRADE plsce your orders with CEO. A. ADAMS CHAIN CO., Members Principal Exchanges. GRAIN, PROVISIONS AND STOCKS Writs for our dally letter. 224 Board Trade Building, Omaha. 'PUonss 1(A and loll. PRIVATE W IRES. port steers, $4 Sf5 H), with strictly fancy quoted up to $5 50; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.f"Mi5.0n; steers under Lf lbs., $3 60414 90; stockers and feeders, $2 4.'; cows snd heifers. $2 2Mj51: canners $2 fr 8 00; ' bulls $2 nOfi 4. 0; calves. $i'9'-' k Teas and Indian steers, $.1.75j4tw; i-of. and hellers. $2.4ia.30. HOGS Receipts, 2.500 head; strong unl active: Pigs and lights $7 1i"iJ7.25; packer. $7.IMi7 30; butchers, $7.25tf7-5. S1IKF.P AND MM HS Receipts. l.'Vm head; msrket dull, steady t lower; native muttons, $3.601 (.no; lambs. $4 5ikiS0; culls and bucks, $2 iV(i4.50; stockers. $i. 257 .; Texsns, $4.(ti5.0O. tiOVEHSMKST XOTH F. V. 8. POSTOFFICF.. HOl'TH OMAH.tJ Sen. Healed proposals will be received nj this building until 2 o'clock p. m. Wcdiic dav, April 15, l!Ha for furnishing fuel; lights, water. Ice, miscellaneous aipplirs, washing towels, hauling ashes and sprink ling streets for this building during tin Oscal year ending June $0, 1904. or suth portion of the year aa may be deemed au vtsable. The right to reject any anil nil bids Is reserved by the Treasury depart ment. FRICD i. ETTKR. AS-1'.M CHIKF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha. Neb. April 7. 19n. Seild p 11 posals, In triplicate, subject to the t. 11 I conditions, will be received here tin I '0 .. 1 1. k.... , . .. 1 1 1 u ri"i n H. in., ma; I, i"i, im int-ii i. ... .w.. . .. . ......11 k. J ... 111 ine jureem-tr in HiifiiiimM uii'i-.. fifty-seven (;" Pack Mules, for ilellvc v a. Fort Leavenworth, Kan. 17. 8. r se v -s right to reject or accept sny or h i pro. pii-als, or any part thereof. Blank for i 1 for bidding and circular giving full t:for matlon nml requirements will be furnUhct on application to thU office. Knve 00 containing proposals should be m rk I "Proposals for Mules," and ad Ircsse.i t 1 JNO W. PULLMAN. Chief Q. M. A10illl.MI-:M POSTOr Fit 10 MJTH K. (Should be read DAILT y all Interested, as changes msy occur at any time. 1 Foreign malls for the week ending April 11, lfi03, will close (PROMPTLY In nil ruses I at the generul postorDce as :olluw: 1 .-. ... CEi.S r-iiST MAILS close one hour turilei thati closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close st 6 p. in. Monday and Wednesday. Regular and supplementary ma I In close st foreign station half uour later than i-Iushi,-Urns shown below 'except that aupWeintMi tsry malls for Europe and Central AnieiUn. via Colon, close one hour later at nneik,i station). .rat(Snt1anlle Malls. THURSDAT At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, per s. s. La Bretagne, via, Havre tmiiil for other parts of Europe must b- riir-dcil "per s. s. Ia Hretagtve"); at 11:3c . ni. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for El Kul'E. per s. s. Detitschlatnl. via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg. SATURDAY At 8 a. in. lor RKIAHL'M di rect, per s. directed a. m. for Anchorla Anchorla"): at ll:3o a. m. isuiiiitctiientiiry 1 p. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. I niliilu, via Queenstown; at 1 p. m. : for ITALY direct, per s. s. Princess Irene tmall must be directed "per s. s. Princess Irene "). Y At 8 a. in. lor RKIA1ILM dl- s. s. Kroonland (mull inuxl b "per a. s. Kroonland"); ul t):J 5r SCOTLAND direct, pel- s.-.rt 1 (mall must be directed "h-r s. s.A named noovn. uddl-V mulis are uimncu on f lean, English. Frencu.' ii.ainrr, ciose.t Svnay, at l:, 1 daye at 1 p. mi nil to North amer, closea at p. m. audi p. n.. aiiot cloaca litffN PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes printed matter, commercial papers and samples for Oertnany only. The sum class of mall matter for other part of Europe will not be sent by this ship un less specially directed by her. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mans nameu t Ions I supplementary the Dlers of tne America and German stesmers, and remain open until witnin ten rainutcs 01 ins nour u. Hailing of steamer Mails for Untitli am! Central Anierlcn. West Indies. Fte. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN. CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHI APAS, per s. s. Havana (mall for other I wrt i of Mexico must be directed "per s. . Havana"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplement ary 10:30 a. m.) tor CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rica) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per s. a. Yucatan, via Colon (mall foi- Guatemala must be di rected "per s. s. Yucatan"); at Jl:30 a. tn. (supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for LEE WARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS. BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUI ANA, per s. s. Fontabelle (ma.l for Hnr bados must be directed "per a. a. Fonta belle"): at 12 m. for BARBADOS ' 1 NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. s. .. t sonense, via Para and Manaoa. FRIDAY At 9:30 a. m.- (supplementary 10:30 a. m ) for INAGUA and HAITI, per a. s. Bolivia SATURDAY At 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9:80 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, per s. s. Zulla (mall for Snvan llla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Zulla"); at 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Coamo; at 9:30 a. m. (supplo. mentary 10:80 a. tn.) for FORTUNE IS LAND, JAMAICA 8AVANILLA. CART AGENA and GREYTOWN, per a. s. Al leghany (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alleghany";; ut 1o s. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND, per s. s. Rosalind. Malls forwarded Overland, lite.. II. cept Trssipaelic. CUBA By rail to Port Tampa. Fla.. and thence by steamer, clos at this ofllce d.lly, exoept Thursday, at t6.30 a m. (the connecting malls close here on Mon days. Wednesdays and Saturdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unless specially gdoressea lor ueapaicn oy steamer, closet at this office dally, except Svnay, at , p. m. ana ii:ju p. m. ounaa and 11:30 p. an. NEWFOUNDLAND By ral Sydney, and thence by steamer. this office dally at (:3t p. m. (connecting .nans iaui. iieio bvwjt uunaay, weunea- dav and Snturday). .. JAMAICA By rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, closes at this office at 6:30 p. m. every Tuesday and Thursday. MIQUELON Bv rail to I'oston. and thence by steamer, closes at thn ofllce dally nt (:J0 v. m. BELIZE. PUERTO CORTEJS and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans m,,.i thence by steamer, closes at this oUce rtally. except Sunday, ai fl:30 p. m. audi Tii:u p. m., ouuuays ai Ti:ou p tU:30 p. m (connecting mall cT Mondays at tll:30 D. m ). CObTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, 11 11. 1 thencs by sttamer, closes at 'his o!IU dally, except Sunday, st tl:3l p. m. and tll:30 p. m., Sundays at fl p u. and til: JO p. m. (connecting mail closes here Tuea days st til. 30 p. m ). BAHAMAS (except parcels post malls) Bv rail to Miami. Flu., and 1 hence by steamer, closea at this office at fi:30 a. ni. every Monday and Wednesday. fREGISTERED MAIL ai l p. m. tuevioue day. Transpacific Malls. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April tbth. in elusive, for despatch per s. r. Alamtda. CHINA snd JAPAN, via Vancouvr- ..nd Victoria. B. -'.. --lose here daily at a:t , . p. m. up to April 7th. Inclusive, for des patch per s. s. Empress of Japan. Mer chandlss (or U. B. postal seuc ut fenanghal cannot be rorwarded vi.t HAWAII'. CHINA. JAPAN and specially eddreesed matter ror the PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via San Francisco, c'-)s lien dally at 6:30 p. m. up lo April I'JIh, lnc.u alve, for despatch per s. a Gaelic. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, 'via ball Fran, clsco. close here dally at 6: Jo p. 111 uu t. April loth, Inclusive, for despatch per V. 8. transport. CHINA and JAPAN, via Tatomn do. here dally at 6.30 p. m. up to April lllh, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Victoria. CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle close her dally at (.30 p. m. up to April 15th, In clusive, for despatch per s. a. Assi Maru. IiAvvAll. JAPAN. 4,'HINA U"1 PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via San Fisnclscci, cloaj here dally at :30 p. m. up to April 117th, Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Hong Kong Maru. NEW ZEALAND. AUSTRALIA (except West). NEW CALEDONiA, FIJI, SAMCA and HAWAII, via San Francisco close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after March 26'h and up to April 118th, lncliialve, for des patch per a. a. Sierra. (If the Cunard s'eamer carrying the British man tor New Zealand does not arrive In Cms to connect with this despatch, tiim mail closing at 6 30 a. m., t.ib a. 11. and 6:3-) p. m ; Sundays st 4:90 a. m., a. r snd 6:30 p. m. will bs made up and for warded uutll the arilval of the Cunard aleamer). TAHITI and MARyrESA? ISLANDS, vis. San Franciacc close liere daily at t:Z4 p. m. up to April '-'4th, Inclusive for dc-a-pstch per s. s. Mariposa. , A rTTI'.ALl A (except West). FIJI 13. LANDS and KtW CALEDONIA. viV" Vancouver and Victoria. H. C c'tme hci dally at ( 30 p. m. after Ajrll ! h and uu to April l-'i'th, inclusive, (or ue.-pjicn par s. s. Mlowera. NOTE I'nless otherwise addressed, West Austrsua is forwarded via Europe, and New Zealand and Philippines via San Francisco the qoickest routes. Philip pics specially addressed "via Canada,' or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid st the turelKii rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Francisco exclusively. Trauspaclllc inaila are forwarded to port of. Balling dally and tne schedule of clonings is arrange J on tha presumption of their I uninterrupted over'tnd trenail. Ri-gl. tered mr'l closes at (:0u p. m prevluu day. 1 11HVKLO S VN COTT. Postmsster Poatofflce, Nsw York, N. XH April I, 19u 1