Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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'honjou can't
call or telephone wo will gladly pro.
Gonvcnicnccs"ourconvenience9 for tboppingare not
Ti ,1,11 1 .in. n i, li.,li,lt,aualed anywhere in the west, we hav
de you with postal cards that you
nay write your order and mail it to us. Send a request and
ladies' waiting rooms, and writing room aud attendants on
these postal cards will be sent you.
balcony over Main Floor.
All Artistic Triumph our store artist and decorator has really ex
celled all previous efforts to illustrate the theme of the hour! We
invite you to see our Easter window. The artist makes the sublime
subject "HE IS RISEN" marvelously beautiful and impressive. It
is the rarest possible production . in the art of window trimming.
Friday Specials for the Boys.
Regular 25c bats for .19c
Field gloves r35c
Catcher's mit, regular 75c, for 40c
The candy that has million? of friends? Sure you
do! Velvet Taffy is a perfect molasses candy. It is
said to be the most , imitated article ever made, and it
baa no equal for rich, rare and delicate flavor. Each
piece is nicely gotten up, too, iu wax paper. Tomorrow
we will sell 3,000 10c packages for 5c each at the candy
The finest assortment in the west. Thirty different makes.,
One hundred different Pianos. (Second Floor)
AVe are better up than ever in the Shoe
business dut before time experience trained
us to know exactly how high grade are the
shoes that Omahans demand and our outlook
is so 'promising now that we are sure we are
already the greatest shoe sellers in Omaha.
Here are some extraordinary values for Friday,
Men's enamel calf, built well, 1
lace shoes, worth $3.50, for. ...i..
Geo. E. Keith Walkover Shoes, ' ' ""4 jO Q
, . goodycar welts, worth $4.00, for. . . KJSJ
Men's fine Russian colt skin, lace or congress,
soft and easy for the sum- i O O
mer, worth $3.00, for. ......... . . . OO
Men's Hamilton-Brown high cut, kang. calf be
lows, tongue, lace,
worth $3.00, for. . ...9
Ladies' Lace Boots worth from f 1. 501 ( f
V to $3.00 for .....J-AJvJ
Ladies' Oxfords and Colonial Slip-I AA
: pers worth from $1.50 to $2.50 for
Infants' soft H. & O. cloth top shoes, all yon
want, sizes 1 to 4, lOo
". worth 35c, for. .................. .'-VV
A i ' '
i ....
Majpdty of Council Eefuiei to Submit
Munioipal Ownerthip Question.
Hefnalns; to "ttespoatd to the)
limmoii af Uayor
(rae a. Hascall.
jl ' " ' '. - '
-Myron D. Krr. .
- :
Simon TrostljST. .
D. T. Mount.
" W,r B. Whltehorn.
These men , refused to permit tha mu
nlclpttl eloetrlo plant propoaltl to. coma
before the council at special meeting 70s
erdar afterdoon. Ther put theraaeivea on
7?dord as refusing to let the question of
Issuing !00.000 in bonds for lucn ownersnip
to. before the people at the city election
May 5. They Ate the same men who fought
the citiiens more than a year ego when
an (attempt was ,made, to compel the frau-
chiscd corporations to pay fair taxes.
Of them Karr la a candidate for the re
publican nomination for mayor on the
"auU-machlne" ticket., while .Trottler and
Hascall are seeking renomtnatlon from the
republican convention ' In the Ninth and
First wards respectively. Hascall yeaier
day afternoon stood In the council Chamber
end declared violently that he la "antl
machlne" and he wanted everyone to
know It. A
- railed by Haaeall.
The meeting yesterday afternoon waa
the result of e call drawn up by Haaeall
end signed by the big five In the morning
Just after the second attempt of the mayor
to aecure e special session of the council
had failed. It named aa Important matters
of business to be transacted final passages
' of ordinances, submitting to the p"ple tha
question ot Issuing $115,000 In boads for the
eonstructlon of new engine houses, 175,000
Tha ExpBrl8nt80l AhOma!ia
UanWitt ttirlittla Con--.'.
:' (prof,
The experience of Mr. Alfred Wllletts,
related la the following worda Will deep
ly Interest hundred of reader. Mr.' Wll
lett la en Omaha cUtitu. residing at 1114
Grand ' Avenue, Js'e better proof ot merit
W&n be had than tie etatement. He cay
"For about six months dull eehlog
Voyer the nglon of my kidney wee mach
more p renounced it I stooped er did any
thing requiring e strain o the muscles
of the back. Thinking town's Kidney Pills
might help me I procured a box at Kuhn
A Co' drug at ore, corner tfik and Deuglaa
streets, and they did U world of good,
or I never would have advised other to
procure the remedy end take a course of
a treatment."
I Kor sals by all dealer. Price &0 cent
Vr box. FVstsr-MUbum Co., Buffalo, N-
V.. sole agents for the I'alted 8 tales.
Remember the same, "Dean's," end tak
no sabstltute.
, er r
tor eewers end $75,600 tor paving Intersec
tions. The new engine houses are to be at
eleventh and Jackson street end Leaven
worth street end St. Marye avenue and
are to coat $30,000 and $16,000 respectively.
These affair were properly disposed of at
the meeting. But the big fiv absolutely
refused to permit an amendment to the call
or e new call Inserting the municipal
ownership feature. Arrayed against them
were Zlmman, Lobeck n4 Hoys. Burkley
wa not present.
Eight member . eonvened at 1 o'clock.
Lobeck moved at once that the call be
amended to Include the municipal bond Is
sue, HI motion wa not .seconded, but
President Kerr allowed debate. ' Hascall
called the bond proposition " stuffed hum
bug" and eld there, wa plenty ot time
hereafter to take it up. , . v
- Lobeek nnd limnu Fiend.
Lobeck end Zlmman urged that the coun
cil consider the municipal ownership or
dinance and bring It up In son manner.
President Karr ruled that the-call could
not be amended, saying: "The chair de
cides that we ere now working under this
call end it cannot be amended unless tha
members ere all present. The clerk will
proceed under -the call."
Lobeck previously said: "This council
haa the power to do whatever it want te
do if the majority ao decide.. The. real
question Is. Will you give the elector' of
this' city an opportunity to vote a cer
tain amount of money for the purpose of
building their own light and power plant?
If they want to vote $500,000 worth of bond
for an electrle light plant, or any other
kind of a plant, it 1 their privilege to do
so. If the council doe not wish to allow
them this right, which they think is guar
anteed to them, the members of thl body
can nay o right away. - The people tor
two weeks have been waiting to have you
tell them what you will do. Now we are
together aad new 1 the time for action." .,
Zlmman I'rgea Action. -
Zlmman'a remark were not directly in
favor of the ordinance, but urged some
kind ot action. He said Burkley could be
summoned by 'telephone In five minutes.
He referred to the failure of the council
te present a quorum at one regular and
two apeclal meetings, and continued: "We
are elected to serve the city and to attend
every meeting when possible. Every coun
cilman has been in the city at least part
of tha time during the last two week, and
it b been notorious that this ordinance
has been prepared end' ia to" bs preseoted
to u."
Mr. Zlmman suggested that new call
be Issued, that, the councilman wait for its
service and then tote on the ' municipal
ordinance Aa. they aaw'nt, reminding them
that It would lay over until Tuesday night
for final action, at which time It must be
passed If it la to be contained in the
mayor's twenty-day election proclamation.
The business ot the call waa then trans
acted and Immediately Zlmman moved tnat
the councilman remain In the chamber for
tea mlnutee after adjournment, and that
the clerk be directed to prepare a new call
containing the electric bond ordinance and
the $200,000 refunding bond ordinance.
Hascall. would have none of this, and he
roae to declare Zlmman out of order and
demand adjournment. Lobeck, who had
seconded Zlmman's motion, tried to talk
on it, but waa choked off. President Karr
waa endeavoring to entertain the Hascall
motion to adjourn, but Lobeck insisted that
a motion to adjourn uss not In order while
another motion wes before the house.
Whltehorn's small vole waa heard from
a corner: "I moved to adjourn before you
'That' right." said the chair. "All la
favor ot adjourning will aay 'aye.' "
The Deelatn Roll Call,
No ene had heard Whltehorn' motion to
adjourn. It had escaped even HascalL who
50 dozen wash waists, qualities to sell at 50 cents at 19c
75 dozen wash waists, qualities that sold at from 69 cents to 75 cents at -39c
100 dozen regular 25c qualities at 10c
The best $1.25 percale wrapper ever made at 98c
Pretty lawn and dimhy designs, worth from 50c to 75c at 39c
Just received 500 pieces of the best grade domestic made, fine dimities, in a beautiful line of
colors and patterns, swell for children's dresses, waists, kimonas, etc, worth 15c a yard on
special sale at -. . 10c
A very fine sheer, even thread white Indian linen, 31 inches wide, regular 20c grade, special. 12 ic
27-inch classic ginghams this season's patterns and shades for waists and men's shirts, worth
9c at 6c
52 inches wide double fleece table padding, special price, at 19c
22x42 inches turkish bath towels, cream color, made of best cotton, regular 14c grade, at. . . . 10c
Silver bleached extra quality close weave linen crash toweling, special, at 5c
100 dozen all steel corsets, batiste and cortille, in white, drab, pink and blue, sizes 18 to 30 and
worth up to $1.00 per pair, special sale, Friday, at 48c
800 pieces embroideries, edges
bric, worth up to 20c per yard,
100 dozen cambric handkerchiefs,
on special sale Friday, at y:... lc
Wire hair plnsf common pins, and darning cotton, at lc per card and pack.
Toilet pins,' pocket or toilet combs, agate or pearl buttons.
Nail brushes, darning eggs, lace pins and furnishing braids, at 5c.
sat near to him. Lobeck demanded a roll
call and It waa given as follows on the mo
tion to adjourn: ; . ;
Ayee Has call. Mount, Troetler, White
horn, Karr.
Noes Hoye, Lobeck, Zlmman.
Arm in arm with representative of the
electric light company the councllmen who
had spurned the people walked downstairs
and out pt the. building. .Whltehorn and
Trostler were seen to enter the office ot
President Nash, and It waa supposed other
of the big five went to the same hospitable
place. I
Plnys Hid aad Seek.
The mayor second attempt to convene
the council to consider the municipal eloe
trlo ordinance and important bond issue
yesterday met with no more success
than the tint. The eouncllmanlo big Ave
pleyed a systematic game of hide and seek
that prerented a quorum from assembling,
and then on the dictation of Hascall, pre
pared a call tor a special meeting at 1
o'clock la the afternoon. Every council
man wa in the city hall within a halt
hour, but only once did five get together.
The municipal electrle ordinance wa ex
cluded from the call, but Mayor Moore
ha not given up tha tight, and said yester
day that he contemplate - another spe
cial call in order to get aetlon on. the
queetlon that muat be submitted to the
people at the May election. .
The time set for the special meeting wa
10 o'clock. At that hour Councilman Zim
man waa present. Lobeck entered aad
then Trostler and finally Burkley within a
few minute. However,, ae soon a Coun
oilman Trostler saw Burkley, the fourth
member, and thus making four out of the
five necessary for a quorum, he departed
without explanation. It must have been
about this time, according to hi , owa
story, that President Karr cam to the
council door and peeped in. He says he
saw three members, not a quorum, and
therefore retired. No one saw Karr.,
Whltehorn Fades Int Bpac.
Whltehorn cam and soon after Hoye,
making five members, but Whltehorn lm
mediately grew restive and did a spirited
disappearing act before the meeting could
be called to order. At 10:15 Deputy City
Clerk Bandbauer called the four members
present to order Zlmman, Hoys, Burkley
and Lobeck and on motion of Zlmman
they adjourned and left the city ball..
With the leaving of tha four members
the othsr five showed a startling Interest
In the affaire of the city. Councilman Has
call appeared from somewhere, a did
Trostler and Karr. Whltehorn came forth
from the office of the comptroller, where
he had aecreted htmaelf, and Councilman
Mount, who announced Wednesday that he
would go eaat that evening, errlved and
wanted to know what was going on. ' Ha
call and Trostler did not linger long. Hsa
call prepared a call for a special meeting
at S o'clock tcr ths purpose ot pasalng the
engine bouse and paving and sewer bond
ordinances, buying some ground to open
Bancroft atreet and to permit a frame
dwelling to be erected within the fire
limlta. President Ksrr's name waa written
first and following It Haaeall, Troetler,
Whltehorn and Mount signed. After this
the councllmen departed.
Cared His Mother of Rnonniaclans.
"My mother haa been a sufferer for many
year with rheumatism," says W. H. How
ard of Husband, Pa. "At times she waa
unable to move at all, while at all times
walking waa painful. I prssented her with
a little ot Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
after a few applications shs decided It wss
the most wonderful pain reliever ahe had
ever tried, la fact, aba la never without
it now and la at all timea able to walk
An occasional application of Pala Bslm
keeps away the pala that ahe was formerly
troubled vita.''
and insertions, from 1 to 6$ inches
on special sale Friday, at
plain white, wide or narrow
Project to Vota Bond for 'Bewer from
Swift' to EiTer. ,
Coat ot Proposed Improvement Wonld
Be On Hnndred aid Sixty Thon-
d DoUnrs. the City
to Pay Unit.
When It comes to the calling of a special
election for voting bonds for improvements
under the new charter an effort Is to be
made to have the citizens vote for bonds
for a sewer from Swift' te the river and
do away with the annoyance and com
plaint about Mud creek. . Thl plan of
Toting bond for thl , sewer has been
brought up a number of time, but the
people teemed to be opposed to it. Now
that bond for general . Improvement are
to be voted It 1 thought that in the ex
tension of the city sewer system no better
use could be made of the money to be spent
than in constructing a good sized brick
swer to the river. 1 -
All the time the packer and the Stock
Tarda company favored a bond Issue for
this purpose and agreed to pay one-half
of the cost of a sewer providing the city
would furnish the balance. Before the
queatlon come to a vote it 1 understood
that a committee from the council will get
a definite proposition from the packers and
the Stock Yard company in relation to the
It 1 asserted that with a good brick
sewer extending from the south line of
Swift' to the river that complaint about
foul odor from Mud creek would be done
away with and that the eoutheastern por
tion of the city would be built up rapidly.
The only drawback to thl portidh of the
city now 1 the creek and It odor. Dur
ing the summer months the stench Is power
ful and, although the stock yards newer Is
flushed with lye every day, the odor still
It will take about $160,000 to build thla
aewer. Of thl amount the olty will be
asked to contribute $80,000. As an exten
sion of the city sewer system Is needed
the sum to be voted I not considered large.
The twenty-four-inch sanitary aewer to the
river In not large enough now, ao some
thing will have to be done soon to take care
ot the Increased amount of sewage, which
comes naturally from the incrsase in popu
lation. - ,
Enalneer Bral Bnsy.
Yesterday City Engineer Beal put In a
full dsy aad wa cure enough tired when
he returned to the city hall laat night
He established the grade on W, V and Y
rriUTM IVMrtM .
' UT TM LAgera
riton tmi rrow
or cast
Ntta swirvvv Mill,
, T - V ' Vfc y.
'Aft. BETTER, ThAM Tnl IMrOHTie.
1 -
m 1m. BSW
1 a
wide, Swiss, nainsook and cam
hem and worth from 5c to 10c
street from Thlrty-aixth to Forty-fourth
street and on Thirty-ninth, Fortieth and
Forty-second streets from. IT to Y street.
Thl work was ordered by the council at
tta meeting Monday night. In addition. to
thl Beal set stake tor a- bunch of side
walk to be laid a oon aa the city con
tracor can get around to It.
BalldlnaT Small Honses.
A trip over th city shows that quite a
number of small cottage are in course ot
eonstructlon. The building is not confined
to any one locality, but Is spread all over
the elty. 80 far few building permit have
been taken out, but this Is principally on
account of negleet on the part ot property
owners. A number of notices were served
yesterday and it Is expected that quite a
bunch of permit will be applied for before
the week 1 out.
Conncilnsnn O'Connor Complains.
Councilman O'Connor want to go' on
record a being opposed te the method
pursued in relation to the repair to the
vladucta. He says that along last October
the Union Stock Yard company wa noti
fied to repair the Q atreet viaduct. Word
wa sent back to the council that material
had been ordered and that when It arrived
the repairs would bs made. Then along in
January the yarda received another notice
and Engineer King opined that it would
not be long before he would get some ma
terial. Just now the bridge Is In bad shape
and O'Connor wanta to see that It 1 plaoed
in passable condition before long. Some
months ago the council threatened to close
the bridge to trefflo If it wa not repaired,
but the threat wa not carried out. Borne
of these dsys the bridge will be closed
unless some step are taken to make lm.
mediate repairs.
Crosswalks Needed.
From all part of the city there Is a cry
tor crosswalks. Th elty council ha been
holding back on account of the lack ot
fund. There (till remain a small amount
of money In the strset repair fund and
walks have been ordered laid at Eighteenth
and O streets and at Twenty-fifth and J
street. More walk will be ordered Just
aa soon as the council esn sse Its wsy
clear to pay the bills.
Clennins; the Street.
Mayor Koutsky aald laat night that aa
soon as there wa a good heavy rain he
would put men to work cleaning the paved
atreet in the business portion of the city.
The strsets ar Uttered up with store
sweepings, pspers and the refuse from
standing teama. The mayor doea not think
It would be advisable at this time to em
ploy men to clean the street. He says
that as soon as ther 1 a good rata the
bulk of the dirt will be -taken up and then
the fire department will be called upon to
flush the pavement.
Lnylaa- Gna Mnlna.
Borne pipe for the laying of ga main on
Seventeenth street from Missouri avenue
to M street has been received and the
work of laying the mains will commence
Just as soon as the grading Is completed.
The grading la this block will possibly be
finished within a week. Oaa mains' are to
be laid on D street between Twenty-second
and Twanty-thlrd streets. Just as soon as
a sufficient amount of material arrives.
There 1 a demand for ga and water, all
over the city and It ia understood that
mains will be laid by both companies this
summer in order to extend the service now
Drae-stlste Mnat Par. '
Msyor Koutsky said last night that hs
would not put up with any foolishness on
the part ot South Omaha druggists in re
gard to taking out liquor license appllca
tlona. "For some year pat," aald the
mayor, "soma druggists have been selling
liquor without a city license, sltbough they
went to the trouble of procuring a govera-
Tho Lender Among Grocers
People tell us that the thlnes thev ' 1
mat trie thing they
ood butter ana RoJ
ryet were good butter and gooJ .- ffe.
Nowhere could you (ret Bennett' q i t:lty.
Thl was the experience of hundr.tJi.
The aecret of tn great popularity of our
grocery department la the original quality
ana aeugmiui rresnnetis and
price of the goods we carry.
Freah country batter direct front the
farm, from 16c up.
Finest assortment In tha west.
Cream rhwse
per pound
Hand cheese
each ...........
Nour cneeso a
each , ,IC
Tr''....... IOC
Beat values hi tea, your choice Q
per pound . .OOW
Coffee, fresh roasted
Der pourm
In California canoed and dried fruit a.
Regular 17Vio value, reduced to UVo a CAJi.
Bread it
larce loaf
Soup,' assorted
fier can
um pudding
per can ........
Oil sardine
per can
lloro Aro Some Roal Honoy Savors in
tho Drug Department
Pure Talcum Powder in Shaker Box, per dozen 50c box. . . . 5c
Pure Borax, absolutely pure. . 2 C
Cream of Tartar,' guaranteed absolutely pure, per pound. .. -50C
SOAPS, Haskin's Volcanic (Pumice Stone) dozen, 50c; bar. .. C
Bennett's Capitol Toilet 5$ oz., bar, dozen, 45c; each 4c
Savon Vraie Violette "J
Azora Rose
The corona v.Per Box. I5cj Per Bsr 5c
Oil of Dandelion V
Dairy Queen.. ;..J
MaltNutrine ....... ) Pfr Bottle I9fi
Pabst Pure Malt Extract j Per DOZ, S2.25
ment license. This year every druggist
who handle liquor will be compelled to
advertise and tak out a license." All sa
loon and druggist licenses expire on May 1
and two week', advertising Is necessary
before a permit may be Issued. ...
Mate City Gossip.
The South Omaha letter carriers will not
give an annual ball thla spring.
John McMillan denlea that he is a candi
date tar superintendent of the county poor
A son hee been born to Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Kerwln, Twenty-seventh and S
Streets. , .
Rev. Charle Mucan haa commenced the
erection ot a residence at Thirty-sixth and
Q street.
Mrs. J. B. Smiley baa returned from Cney.
enne. where she ylsitea a couple ok weens
with relative.
St. Mery" court No. 1J78, Catholic Order
ot Forresters, will give a ball Monday
evening, April 13. nt Odd Fellows halL
C. Travis 371 South Nineteenth street, has
A bunch of hase bell players about IS year
aid and he wants a game wun any teem
of about the same age.
'ITInmpbs ( ltMnt,
Seldom. It ever, -in any one year of the
history of the world have so many Im
portant events of universal Interest takes
place. America, England, Germany aad
France have each participated. The presi
dent ot the United State welcomed aad
entertained H. R. H. Prince Henry of
Prussia at tha White House; Edward VII
was crowned king ot England and emperor
or ' maia; in uerman emperor naa ais
American-built . yacht Meteor christened;
France had the unveiling of the Rooham-
beau statue, and at all Unctions attending
these celebrations Moet eV Chandon's Cham
pagne wa used exclusively. Thl Indeed Is
an unparalleled record, which -Is proof
positive ot th superiority and popularity
of the renowned brand ot Moet Chandon
White Seal. . .
.r gam. Aid to Usg Lis.
Electric Bitters give an active liver, per
feet digestion, healthy kidneys, regular
bowels, line appetite. r no pay, 60c. For
sale by Kuhn Y Co.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thun
day, April :
1 Warranty Deeds.
Mechanic! Savlnsa knk M City of
Omaha, lob I, block 165. Omaha tlt.OQO
Edward 'Caasldy ' and wire to Am:'
imnn lit tl blork 11. 2d adit, to
Mt. Douglas.!r..i ' $00
Oeorglaetta M. Johnson to T. Jj. Hull,
lots 10 and 11. block J, Rose Hill.... 180
E. 1). Jones and wtfs to C. B. Smith,
lots end W, block - X, Halcyon
Height ....'....-.....-.'.;... SOO
Mary M. Clayton at al t Rllsabeth
i:hl. wtt lo -block ., Reed's 1st " '
add... .1,709
E. W. Blaisdtrll and wife tJ W. R.
Moran, lot 22,. block 111, Dundee
Place 1
J. A. Kennedy and wife to W. T.
Oraham, lot 1, block. 4. Hammond
H. J. Walker to Emma F. Walker,
lot 1. block 16, Wise A P.'s add 1
N. R. Perslnger to Msrgsret Ander
son, lot is and ii, block . Mat
thew's subdlv 100
C. B. Prichard to Aetna Trust com
pany, lot i blork 160, Florence
Charts Bird and wife to Jennie V.
Nason, lot i. block t, Maryaville
Sarah M. Smith to Matilda A. Nelson,
nfiO feet lot 2. Bmlth Park
llt Claim Deeds.
N. H Brown and wifs to IJssle C.
Oraham, lot , block 1, Plalnvlew
add 1
E. R. Cooke et nl to C. B. Prichard,
lot J. block 1. and other lota in Flor-
City of Omsha to Fred Krug et al,
lots 1, z. 66 and and nee.S feet lota
7 and 68. Hherman add 1
United fiiatts to Charles Gardner,
, nw"A e'4 and ne U M-1B-1J
W. K. Potter, receiver, to Bridget
Mullen, )n I. block 4. Capitol Hill
. A lR.lg f.ot lot 1. hlock
6. Lowe's Id add 1
Total amount of transfer Iis.ia
.10 c
per ran
' bottle
rrunes. Calif
per pound
Worcester Sauce
bottle 10c
Pudding, assorted .- a 1
package I "Ok.
8 l-3c
Pantry Lemon
.. 5c
. 6c
per can ..
per pound .... ......
Sods, Crackers
Der pound .
Seeds, vegetable and flower - - On
Pickles, assorted Qr
Here la an opportunity to get your mon
ey's worth In California, evaporated fruits.
Prunes, worth lOo KZ r
per pound.... ... ..... -.
Prunes worth 15o Dr
per pound u
Apricots worth ISO Qp
per pound ..... ..... ..... -
Peaches worth l&O . Qn
ner nouna - ..... .....
Pitted Fluma worth ISO
per pound ,
- . ... . - ,
Pears worth 15o 11c
ier "pound w
Don't delay aa the stocks will sell fast
Enjoy Their First Annnnl Bncinl and
Dinner vt Walter1
' Clni. '
Th colored Knight ot Pythian ot Omaha
gave their first annual banquet and social
at the Union Walters' club, corner of Four.
teenth and Douglas streets laat night. Th
two colored Pythian lodge of th city,
Western Star No. 1 and Keystone No. 4,
togther with Morning Star lodge No. 7 ol
Council Bluff, united la the festivities.
The banquet room was very prettily de cr
ated for the occasion and the banquet tabls
extending the full length of the room was
resplendent with . roses and carnations,
eandlebra adding a very pretty effect.
Chancellor Commander R, H. Johnson ot
Western . Star lodge waa toast master and
toasts were responded to ae follows! "Pro
gress of the Afro-American Since th
War," J. Simpson; "Psaes and Harmony,"
W. Ransom; "Why I am a Pythian Knight."
W. A. Minor; "Booker T. Washington,"
S. B. Smith; "Unity.- B. B. Walker; "Good
of the Order," William Lewis, chancellor
commander of Keystone lodge; "Deport
ment ot a Pythian Knight," Robert Alton, .
chancellor commander' of Morning Star '
An Interesting program which preceded
the banquet Included an Instrumental se
lection by Prof. John BH1. a vocal selection
by the Pythian quartet," J. Marlon, Grant
Etrother, George Snowden and Ell Broom
field; a baritone solo by P. P. Phillips and
a piano solo by Goes Dally.
The menu Included all the datntlea of th
season, with six course ' and win and
cigars. Th pleasant affair continued to a
late hour, with a large' attendance both
from Omaha and Council Bluff. ' '
Mnannln Temple for Tepekn.
TOPEKA. Kan., April t. The Masonlo
bodies ot thl city have voted to at once
begin the sreetloa of a atrlotly modern,
four-story temple on their property at
Eighth and Qulncy streets. The bulldlnsz
will be one of the finest In the west and
completely free of debt.
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of Osomulston, send your nam and full
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mentioning this paper, and a large sample
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