10 TOE OMAHA DAILY IlEEt FRIDAT, ArillT, 10, 1003. Great Sale of Carpets Monday Jfol II 1 Carpet &05TSrGS. 43 on Monday BLACK AND COLORED THAT MATCH UP. Manufacturer stock 114 length, black allka that match up, enough for a walat or separate skirt. Satin ducheese, peau de sola and taffeta. "H Tha aama kind of 1U vard lenatha that we hava Bold with auch . W I M auccess at different times, in our black silk department as - long as they last at, a yard ..i 1 1 Silks at 19c and 25c yard Every kind of satin foulards, . twilled fou , lards, corded and wash Mlka, worth up to $1.00 a yard. Enough of a kind for walsta, klmonaa and bouse wrappers, etc. All match up, 4 f ?CSw many of one kind, on bargain aquare, main aisle, at ...1 iC"50C Sale of Dress Goods Remnants Every remnant in the house of the highest grade challla, French veilings, mohair in -cream and light shadea, cheviots, eergea, cassl meres, mohair, etc., in 3 to 7-yard lengtha, at, a yard. , $1.50 Dress Goods at 39c. Remnants of high grade dress goods have been selling up to $1.50 a yard, every conceivable weave and color, 4 to 7-yd. lengtha, yard... albatross, 29c 39c $2.50 A $3.50 Dress Ooods at 75c. Over 2,600 yards of the highest clans worsteds, cheviots, tweeds, golfing ' cloths, tailoring cloths, valued up to $1. 60-12.60-13.60 a yard, four, five and aeven-yard plecea, at Wf? a yard A DC Wash Ooods Remnants at 25c. Remnanta of the highest class Im ported waah stuffs. In walat, skirt and dresa lengtha, selling every where at 75c and $1.00 a rtP yard, tomorrow at. ..MUW 50c and 75c bilk rtoussellne Madras Batistes, 1 f and Swisses, at yd Importers' Samples at 15c Samples carried by traveling salesmen, many pieces alike, goods that retail for II. SO to $3 a yard per ISn piece lOW LACES Remnants and sample atrlpa of all the finest laces, lnsertlngs and lXo'..).?!T.. 10c-5Jc-3c and 24c SAMPLE STRIPS OP EMBROIDERIES Four large counters of the finest embroideries and lnsertlngs, In all OCf-1 ttr--1 0r'"71r nii Kr widths, worth up from 60c, go at 60C"10tMlC"i IV. nU OV. FIVE THOUSAND SAMPLE STRIPS OF ALMOST EVERT STTLB ifr OF LACE OO AT, EACH...... .- Kf' Remnants in the Basement. EXTRA GOOD QUALITY UNBLEACHED MUSLIN, 99 inches, r would be cheap at 8c a yard, as long as they last at ; . v OiC 64c WHITE MERCERIZED WAIT INGS Basket weaves, damask pat terns, etc., short remnants, worth up to 26c at 1 Clr a yard.., Ivw 86-INCH PERCALES Light and dark colors, worth up 7Ar to u'M.c. ao at - MERCERIZED FOULARDS Worth J24c. go at SCOTCH CHAM BRAY GINGHAMS In long remnants, worth Ulr lfie, go at, a yard OJt DIMITIE3. LAWNS. ETC. Dainty floral designs, worth a Cn 20c, go at, a yard IcJiw ART TICKINGS, ART DENIMS Cretonnes, etc., In plain and floral designs, worth up to 40c, 1f,t go "at, a yard WHITE GOODS-A11 kinds, such as India llnons, lawns, nainsooks In lace atrloed effects, etc.. 1f worth up to 25c, at a yard aV ALL KINDS OP MERCERIZED WAISTINQS In plain white, black and white, In .vesting patterns, damask pattern, basket weaves, etc., worth up to $1.00 o C,-, go at, a yard iJV VERT FINE DRESS BWISSES-One big lot. In dainty floral, designs, worth up to 85c. go at, t.n a yard lov. LINEN GINGHAMS and Fine Mer cerized Ginghams One- big counter, worth up to 60c, go at, iTlo a yard 'si FINE MERCERIZED SATEEN One big counter, plain black and colors, worth up to 40c, go at, ie a yard ,..lut All our accumulation of table dam ask, running in lengths -from V to 3 yards, In all grades, from the cheap est to the very best, at about one half real value. Carload of Carpets and Rugs Bought for $1 1,000 from Railroad Claim Agent. ON SALE MONDAY. J. L Brandeis & Sons. nil Li3 THAT ARE RELIABLE E. H. Ullery & Co,, 161 1 Howard St 'Pbo'ne 3327 OPEN EVENINQi' ? MAY pPEN DEPARTMENT STORE Maurice Mafau Goes Eaat to Imtereat Capital la Omaha En- ' -terprlae. There. la, very aubstantlal prospect of an other large departnitnt atore being estab lished In Omaha In the near future. Its promoter la Maurice Magnes, who haa gone to New Tork on a visit, the purpose of which la understood to be to interest east ern capitalists with whom he haa acquaint ance. Mr. Magnea haa been superintendent of the Boston Store, but resigned the first of the month. He haa declined either to affirm or deny the report, alnce circulated, that his object la the establishment of a large new atore, but from a sufficiently reliable source comes the etatement that Mr. Magnea la confident another auch establish ment would pay here and aspires to launch It. From the aame source It ia learned that negotiations between Mr. Magnea and his wealthy friends have already made aome progress and that ha took east with him estimates of what ahould be lnveated and What the returna could be, auch data in cluding two eltea for the new building, with the price that would have to be paid for either one aelected. HALF RATES . "Via'' WabaA R. R. St. Louis and return $13.60. ' Sold April 26-27-11-10 and May 1. New Orleans and return, $29.(0. Bold April 11-12-11, May 1-2-S-4. Information, City Office, 1601 Far nam St., or address Harry E. M pores, G. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. ) Those who eough at night may secure rest by taking Piso'a Cure for Consumption. . Atlaallc City, New Jersey, Is reachel conveniently and quickly from the west via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. . Send 2 cent stamp to General Paasenger Department, Lehigh Valley Railroad, New Tork, for booklet. Card of Thanks. I desire to express my sincere thanks to the many friends for their kindness and ympathy during the Illness and death of my beloved huaband, Charlea Hammel. Alao to members of South Omaha lodge 148, I. O. O. V., and South Omaha lodge No. 6, A. O. V. W., and alao to Degree of Honor and Robekah lodges of South Omaha. MRS. ENA HAMMEL. Deposits . . Made on or before April 10 draw Interest tor the entire month. We pay 4 per cent Interest on deposits and certificates for three, six or twelve months. ' J. L. BRANDEI8 ft SONS, Bankers. " -.. nrlraa and excellent valuea Will fee particularly aatlafactory to patrona. Read about our Friday onenngs id mia )ssua. Harden Bros. n Hayden Bros, have an ad on page 7. Better read It carefully. An Opportunity lor . Homeaeekers. If you are looking for a home and want to visit the weat, you can do ao with very little expense, aa the UNION PACIFIC will sell one-way Colonist Tickets EVERT DAT until June 15th at the following rates from Missouri river terminals: $25.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other California points. $20.00 to Ogden, Salt Lake City, Butte, Anaconda and Helena. $22.60 to Spokane and Wenatchee. $26.00 to Portland. Taeoma, Seattle and many other Oregon and Waahlngtoa polnta. From Chicago and St, Louia proportion ately low rates are in effect by linea con necting with the Union Pacific. ;... The UNION PACIFIC haa also extended territory to which round trip Homeaeekers' Excursion tickets will be sold aa follows: FROM MISSOURI RIVER TERMINALS To many points ia Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado; i . . To many pointa fn Wyoming, Utah, Mon tana and Idaho; To many polnta la Oregon and. Washing ton. ' ' " One fare plua $2.00 for the round trip. Tlcketa on aale April 7 and 2,1, May IS and 19, June I and 16, 190$. . City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam Street. 'Phone 816. Checks Cashed. J. L. Brandela ft Bona cash checks on all other banks. Open until 9 o'clock Saturday evenlnga. Four per cent lntereet paid on deposits. ' ' J. L. BRANDEIS ft SONS. Backers. The ladles of Hacacom Park M. E. church will serve dinner on Thursday and Friday, April 9 and 10, from 11:30 to, 1:30, In the parlors of Kountza Memorial church. We're all ready tor Eaater. Read our ad on page 7 and come and aee Hayden Broa. Hawea $3 hats. Kpring styles. - Quality guaranteed. Stephens ft Smith, opposite P.O. MRS. J. BENSON Easter Waists We are showing a large and handsome line of White Waists In vestlngs, basket wravea, linena, India linens. mulls and organdlea. India waah alike, black and croaji, lace trimmed cr plain. A great variety of prices. " Easter Neckwear We are showing a large variety of new ahapes and atylea, silk mull and wash goods, prices from Lbs lowest us. EASTER GLOVES. Remember we are selling the best glove made U $1.00, $160, $1.76 and 13.00. SCIK.70LLER MUELLER 1313 Farnam 81 WHY DON'T YOU COME? JJUNDRED8 are daily in specting and buying from the beautiful pianos included in this P11ENOMINAL SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE. Note the priceil 1'he quality is equally as tonishing! $375 0N $2025 1 This is YOUR opportunity. $400 "$280" Many PIANO STUDENTS are buying Uiese pianos. $425 R $297 50 PIANO TEACHERS highly recommend these splendid bargains. $450 $315 LODGES should investigate and proAt by this remark- able sale. ''.'' $475 NR $332BO Our name an absolute guaran antee of tow prices high . qualities lotting beauty strength of tone. $500 PIANO CORf! for QOyu Visit our salesrooms and fac tory. We tune and repair pianos and organs. UNUSUALLY EASY CREDIT TERMS Only 15.00 per month do deposit required from re sponsible persons. . USED PAN08ATAKEH IN EX-: MANY USED PI A NO 8 Tl PIANOS THpft NOVATED IN OUR OWN r At AT S20 ANL IOWA BRANCH 502 Broadway. Co. Bluffs JVATED li a.ofORY ll UP. OUR LONG SUIT Aside from minding our own business and concluding everyone, else has- tha same privilege, is our mall order business. Many people write us asking It we fill mall orderj at advertised prices. . We ' certainly dj WITHOUT LIMITING the amount Of any thing we sell provided tns cash is witn the order cause theee ' goods are lust aa good aa anybody's cash. ' Bend along your mall orders we 11 fill 'em. 25c Menen'S Talcum rowaer ize 86c genuine Castorla zie $1.00 PerUna Dr. Hartman'a genuine.. 61o All you warn oi anyming as auverusou. $1.00 Pierce's Medicines-..; Me 2Ta HI Ten Root Beer.. 14c 15c AUroek'e Plasters no limit 13c THERE AHIi INU ZOO AJUL.CVt-K. O PLASTERS. , ;. . 50c Cutlcura Salve 19? 25c Plerce'B Pills 193 $1.00 Iler'B Malt Whiskey want It?.... 6io $1.00 Canadian Malt wnisaey w per cent nroof 75c $1 DufTy'e Malt Whiskey all you want 75a $2.00 Chester's Pennyroyal Pills $1.0 $1.00 NERVITA don't have to pay $1 76c cur PRICH DRUQ STORE SGIlAEFEli'S Two P - T4T aid TOT. a. w. car. ita ci. . Full Set of Teeth, $8 Graduate dentists admitted to our course (or $100.00. We make money by teaching our course and don't need to charge auch high prices. ; . rnrr All Work II Thia Offer PREE Vor- Good Until .e'r.f.ur: April 15.. $5.00 Gold Crowns, S3.00 IN ORDER TO INCREASES OUR CLINIO we want every man, woman and child ta hav their mounths examined by the pro fessors of thia college. ; Small cbargea for material. We do aa we Advertlae. f a X . f a Bet of Teeth. $1.0". up I Gold Fllllr.na.7Ko. up Teeth extracted free. I Filling, from.. Me, up 22k Gold Crowna... JBrldge Work.$l.k. up UNION DENTAL COLLEGE OF PAINLESS DKNTI8TRT. 1522 DOUGLAS BTRE3T. ROOM 4. Open Dally: Nights till a. Sundays, t to 4 Dressed Kid Gloves, .25c Sale atarta Friday morning. ' Men's dressed kid gloves, one pair to a customer, 25c. They look aa good aa moat 1.00 onea. Our line of men's spring suits Is now open for your Inspection. We are aole agenta in Omaha for the Alfred benjamin clothes. This line Is very popular In all metro politan cities. In order to make them popular In Omaha we will sell them cloae to wholesale coati for Instance, $12.60 la the price we start them. Better gradea are $15.00, $18.00 and $22.60. The Sneat merchant tailor can make no better aulta at any price. If you are looking, for a lower priced ault, look at our $10.00 onea. We make a specialty of $10.00 suits. If you want to apend only $5.00 or $7.60 for a ault there la no better house In town that will give you the valuea offered by us. THE GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO.. 161$ and 1521 Douglaa atreet. Looks Well Look Swell IF THERE'S ANYTHING IN LOOKS. OUR SUITINGS HAVE IT. llelgren&Gradmann Tallora. 309 S. 16th Street. None but akllled union tailors employed. If JL THE REL1ABLB STOBK. yroS Boys' Confirmation and Eastor Suits Regular $4.00 Values al $2.50 THE STRONGEST 8UIT PROPOSITION OF THE SEASON We place on aale Friday for Easter or Confirmation Sulta a regular $4.00 value for $2.50. These aulta are made up in different atylea, auch aa veatee, aallor, blouse, Russian blouse, Norfolk, two and three-piece suits they come in all the new fabrlca and in the latest color ings and weaves, making them popular a mong parents and boys who appreciate what smart, snappy aulta aho uld be thia la a great money saving opportunity regular $4.00 boys' sulta at 2.50 Children's Extremely Nobby Styles in Juvenile Suits 1.95 For the little fellows from 2H to 10 yeara w e ahow the very chplceat and daintiest creations from our tremendous spring pu rcbsse In Imported and domestlo fabrlca. reds, bluea, browns, fancy cbevlota, twee da and homeapun the new pop ular atylea in sailor blouse and aallor Norfolk, pleated front and back. and Delta to match we guarantee a perfect fit aale pricea from $5.76 to.. Youths' Suits, Ages 12 to (9 Yesrs An Immenae assortment in blacka and bluea. In fancy chevlota, light, medium and dark colore, neweat up-to-date atylea, In a ingle and double-breasted variety and regu lar cut special Easter offerings on aale a t $3.00. $3.76, $4.60, $6.60, $7.50 and up. Boys' Odd Knee Pants Sites t to 16 yeara choice of 73c to (1.00 valuea on aale at 25c and 60c Eastor Sale Lion's Suits Hayden Broa. have exclusive aale of the H. 8. A M. hand-tailored clothing. For the balance of this week we are holding special salea on theae famoua aulM. Tou have heard about these suits and read about them, but you can't appreciate their style, their fitting qualities, their worth, until you see them, try them on, wear them. That'a how they made their reputation. ' Hayden Broa. will be glad to have you call and aee and try on the different atylea, patterns and fabrlca. Every gar ment ta made In. the most up-to-date, san itary, beat equipped factory, by the beet paid and moat skillful tatlora in Amerlc a. The atylea are the newest, the fabrica well shrunk and specially selected the patterns such aa will commend thembalves to men of taste. This week's special salea will prove a big aaving to you the pricea will be $7.60, $10, $12.60, $16 and........ A Full Line of the "Union Label" Suits For men now on special aale for thia week we offer aome special values IQ I In these fine garments at $7.50, $8.76, $10.00 and Igattl.U Bemember every one of these suits ha a the UNION LABEL the guarantee of honeat workmanship. A complete assort ment of union made clothing for work and dress. t READ GREAT SALES ON PAGE 7 10.00 mm rn We Offer You an Opportunity to place your savings where they will earn liberal returns, be perfectly safe and yet be available on demand at any time. Why not open a savings account at once? City Savings Bank, Sixteenth and Douglas Streets. . When you want a Trunk. yM wsst ta but. and If you can get the best for the same or lees money than you can get a poor trunk -then you will be satisfied on the trunk question ' . . Anything In trunks suit ' caaes traveling bags at right prices we make them. . OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY, f 209 Farnam. satirist' Tel. WU n JJ allP Are You Ready for Easter Morning? Some Easter Specials in Hoys and t Women's Fixins That Go on Sale Friday Boys' Suit Special for Easter Friday you can buy n pure all wool F.lue Hore Suit for your boy at ? U.25. We consider this the greatest boys' suit value offered this season. The color is absolutely guaranteed. They come in sailor blouses, 3 to 8 years . yS'orfolks, 3 , to 12 years double breasted' jacket style, 8 to 15 they are positively ?.'U)0 r O EL values for...:.....; uJm4KJ Easter Styles Boys' & Children's Hats & Caps The styles that are most suitable for youthful faces of every type are widely represented in our present very ; complete selection of the new spring and summer lines plain, practical hats and caps for outdoor re creation and school wear, as well as tjie hansomest exclusive novelties, are shown in great variety- 25c, 35c, 45c, 65c, 75c, $1.03. Women's Gloves for Easter KID GLOVES We are showing a complete line of excep tionally good values in new Easter Gloves beautiful new colorings in the most popular makes every glove we sell, is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction Come in tans, reds, browns, slates, modes, black and white, in the mannish effects; also the loug 2 and 3 dasp, kid, cape and mochas. Two Specials for Friday 75c and 95c Women's Easter HoseSpecial at 45c A- beautiful variety of new lace and embroidered Lisle Thread Hose, in striking and modest fancy colors tlnVis an extensive line and comprises the most com plete assortment of the most stylish hose ever offered at such prices. A special assortment at I 45c Friday That is Worth 75c Ber Vtromind co&I,vn excellent jrubjtifttlo jfoiVHerclco&l,ine forcookind. Vifetor White 1005 Rvrnm Jl.Te 1.127 He said that the secret ot his wearing no overcoat all winter and never getting a cold was that be alwaya kept out of the atreet cars. Bufr Keeping out of atreet cars won't keep you out of the way of a cold when the weather Ic June today and December tomorrow. Keep In a topcoat and you'll keep out a cold. You'll be aurest If the top coat la ' a MacCarthy Top coat a coat of atyle and aturdlness, of luxurious fit and grsceful hang Imbued with the knack of elegance possessed by our expert New York Cutter.i $25 to f 45 Is 'the price. $35 la what most men like to pay. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, 1710-12 Farnam St.. one 1808. Bee Building Court Houae la opposite. Hew Department. New Good. Boston Store Tea and Coffee Dept. OUR LEADERS IX COFFEE. Special Rio ptr iiour.U 12Hc Boston Mend per pound Cucuta blend per pound Boston jHva per pound Bcston M. and J. per pound Rio Blend per pound Leader Blend per pound Boston Blend per pound P. & Q. U&s Roasted Cuflee 2-lb. can TEAM. Tea Slftlnga pound package 10c B. F. Japan, worth 4c pound 25c Young Hyaon. worth 40c pound 25c The above coffees ure blended by our ex pert coffee and tea man and we recommend them-BEST ON EARTH FOR THE MONEY. We have any grade you want. OL'R TEAS are all new and fresh from the Orient. you May not need a new run-a-bout or surrey just yet possibly the old harness will . last a bit longer,' but If will do no harm to look over our . new - stock of carriages and horse furnishings. . If You Need ANYTHINO ON WHEELS OR Anything- tor a Horse, Come and aee us. Andersen Millard Co. 1516-18 Capitol Ave. The Best Office Building . Moving is not pleasant to think about except when the prospect of a handsome office is in prospect'. You have to get up a certain amount of steam to move, even when you are driven to desperation by : poor janitor work, wretched Time elevator service and offices that have been long in need IS of paint as well as soap and water. MovingTime THE BEE BUILDING ays looks fresh and attractive be cause it is never allowed to get out of re pair.- This together with efficient janitor service make it a pleasant place to do business. Besides this the rents are no higher than in other buildings. R. C. Peters & Co., RENTAL AGENTS. Ground Floor, Be 9 Bids, I Special Sale of I Easter 1 Novelties 26c inc 15c 2wc 42c Tea and Coffee Department. In the Basement. HAUBIGAMT S PERFUMES Wa beg to announce the receipt of a shipment or HAUHIUANT'8 PKRKITMES POWUER8 AND SOAPS. Haublganl Is th ParlvUn pt-rfuincr, who ia prrfumer by special appointment to every court of Europe. HauhlKant's Ideal Perfume, rottle....S3.60 Hauhlgant a Ideal Perfume, bulk oi .JI.7j Haubigant'a Vlolette Russe (white) bot tle 151 HaublKants Vlolette Ideal, bottle. .. .i.Oi Hsublgant'e Eau Us Cologne, g-os bot 1. Hauulgant's Vlolette Ideal. Powder, bos I2 Haubigant'a Toilet Powder, 4-o pkg.. 60c Sherman &UcCoonell Drug Co Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Cor. lath and Dodge Omaha, Neb. Fine Harness Mad In Omaha. Just as good as can be made anywhere. Will wear twice as long and cost no more than factory harness. . We also have Eastern Harness, auch aa "Hllla of Concord" and others. We have more fine Coach and. Jtunabout Harneaa than all the departments In Omaha. Still Take Old Harnett In Exchange for New We carry a full One ef saddles, suit caaes, and all Horse Furnishings at low prices. Alfred Cornish, 1210 Farnam Street Telephone 2S14. FOR LADIES ONLY... The Oate City Steam Dye ing and Cleaning Co., (II S. lih St.. WILL. DTE TOUB j Eastor Eggs Froo SATURDAY. APRIL. 11. Eaater Egga pound Birds' Eggs pound Iarge Marshmallow Eggs dor en.. Decorated Eggs dosen ("ream Eggs each ..- Tin Eggs that open eacn Paper Ergs that open each.. 15o and 10c Larue Chicks, Ducks and Rabbit a, each 2oc Down Chicks and Oosllns, each 10c Chicks in eggs chicks ojt of eggs chicks with feathers and downy chicks for 6c each. . h it wsi u K:.. a ki nsi 9 t& FSnal Bank ofOmanT , rla .Ual exM.a.. arjla (mat lu,. VNITBD STATUS OfiPOgfTOHl'J Kraal Mnr. fmttrmt. H B Inl. tkfHdMI I Iitbw lfk ruabirr Y T llmitlltnn t.M.T I fO'DRUMCARDS WHIT DOVK CtiftE never .'alii iedirvy irr. Iiia lor itrona drink, ilia appetite for wiiloli cwincjt ailil after utiic i li ta remedy. Ultea In any lljulf with or wlthoulknowiwlK OI natleati Ulttim; 1 1 Sherman aV MoConoell Dru Ca, Omaha, Ladies' Oxfords ... i Friday and Saturday at t T. B. . orris 1517 Douglas. We are nintlug the finest display of Oxford Tlpg.ever shown in the city of Omaha at POPULAR. PRICES. Patent Calf Oxford all atylea very gwell . , . , . . . . LudU-a' Extension and high sole Ox fordsnew toes Blucher style for f We sell the greatest variety of atyles In Indies' Oxfords that ever sold at .-i 2.50 hlg-n sole Ox- 2.00 sty Of atyles In L50 Easter Oxfords and Sllppera for boys, uiIhhcs and i-hlldren. Men's Oxfords, all new styles $2 to $3.50 Right up to date. ' T. B. Norris I 517 Douglas. Your Spring or Summer Suit if made by us will be far the LandsomeHt suit you have ever worn, Our exclusive jtatterim are tbe finest and nobbiest ever shown. Let u show them to you." T ' We hsve the finest line of imported woolens to tho city. Suits from k JJ6.00 to $40.00. , J. A. Kervan Tailoring Company ) 1316 Farnam Street