Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1903, Page 6, Image 6
n Tim Omaiia Daily Bee E. ROsB WATER, EDITOR. PUBLI8UED EVERT MORNIN3. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Dally Bee (without Sunday), One Itr...W ltly Bee and Sunday, Una Tear Illustrated bee, One Year 00 Sunday lice. One Year 8 00 Saturday Be. One Tear Lb" Twentieth Century Farmer, One Tear.. 1.00 DELIVERED BY CARRIES. Dally Bee (without Sunday), per copy.... Jc Dally Be (without Sunday), per week. ..12c Dally bee (Including Sunday), per unday Bee, per copy o venlng Bee (without Sunday), per week c Evening Bee (including Sunday), per week 10c Complaint of Irregularities In delivery suouia be addressed to City circulation u part menu orncKS. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Uall Building, Twsn-ty-nfth and M Htreets. Council bluffs iO Pearl Street. Chicago 140 Unity Building. New York 2318 Park Row Building. Washington o01 Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communlpfttlnni relating to news and edl. torial matter should be addreaaed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. . Arm ft mrnrmm nr nmlfll order. payable to The bee Publishing Company. Only I-cent stamps accepted In payment of mall aocounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eaatern exchanges, not acceptea. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Kehraxka. Tjbuclaa County. George B. Tzscbuck, secretary of the Bee rUDUShUig Company, Deing amy bwuiu, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the mac Ife of March, was as follows: I .-. SO.SIS 17... 4 Sl.TOO .-....81,610 31,750 I..............81.780 i 81,080 I OSS t 8Xs4llO 8i,au . ....81, BOO 7..... ....... ..aMUSO I. ...... ;.2,1T0 I....m......8J.,050 io...v ai.eoo u 81,750 12 81,720 11 81,750 14 .81,700 IS . 29,880 U 81,040 20. a. 22. 23. 24. 23. 29. 27. 28. , .81.400 81,000 ao.aio aUHO 81,040 31,610 81,740 31.770 ...... .81,670 28 20,000 90 81,020 Jl 31,700 Total .070,005 Lots unsold and returned copies... lOsell Net total sales 959,014 Net average sales 80,5B . GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this Slat day of March. A. D., lfcxi. M, B. HUNQATE, (Seal.) Notary Public Young Carter Harrison now wears the wile that won't come off. Governor Mickey'i turn at the appro priations not only comes last, but Is be yond appeal. President Roosevelt may now take his rest In the Yellowstone to get primed for his excursion through Nebraska and Iowa. ' If the corporations accidentally fall down in Retting what they want from the council, all they have to do Is to call on the courts. The corporations and their agents are always active. The people most be awake to the Issue If they would pro tect their Interests. After the lighting monopoly Is again spiked down for the Thomson-Houston company It Is possible something may be doing for the auditorium. - When will the managers of the( elec tric: lighting company . and of the gas company allow the city council to. hold a meeting? ."R'111 It be this year or next year? , A legislative body has the advantage over most of us in the privilege It pos sesses of prolonging Its existence after the time set for Its life's extinguish ment . . It Is not often that a bill goes through the legislature, over, a governor's veto, but the present Nebraska legislature in sisted on making a record In that direc tion also. Returning members of the Douglas delegation have the satisfaction anyway of knowing that they still have Tom Blackburn's testimonial to their honesty and ability. Omaha retail merchants are to be con gratulated on the fine displays of Easter goods they are presenting to their pa trons. When It comes to enterprise the Omaha retailers lead the procession. Former Lleutentant Governor Till man of South Carolina probably real izes by this time that murdering news paper men for criticising his official acta la not the pleasant pastime he once Imagined. It Is not to be expected that newspa pers supplied with free electric light, ' free electric power and free telephones would see anything Improper In the at tempt of the allied corporations to sub vert self-government In Omaha by the use of boodle and the coercion of em ployes. Remember that the constitutional con vention call was carried through the legislature only by the votes of Douglas county members, who,, after speaking against a convention, voted for it. When the bills have to be. paid for this piece of treachery to Omaha's interests, re member where the responsibility rests. And now California Is struggling with the question whether the use of the bible In the public schools Is a contra vention of Its constitutional provision against sectarian Instruction. For some reason or other, the Callfornlans do not seem to be disposed to take the opinion of tho Nebraska supceiue court on the same matter as conclusive. Tho Stratum will contest has been set tled by compromise payment of 1360, OOfX nearly half of which, It Is said, will go to the lawyers. The contesting heir doubtless came to. the conclusion that If he kept hi fight up, he would In the end owe bis lawyers more than could be realised on the whole estate If be se cured IndefaaalbU title to all of lb privwpisb achievement. Undoubtedly the so-called antHmpe rlallsts will find something to criticise In the president's statement of what has been achieved In the Philippines. Por tions of it they must admit It cannot be successfully denied that the Filipinos are enjoying a greater decree of free dom than ever before In their history. that there have leen vastly Increased f s- ellftles for education and thst progress has been made In the conditions neces sary to a better civilisation. It Is tin deniably the fact that, the natives are being protected in their rvltelous and civil rights, that the administration of Justice Is Impartial and thnt the irov eminent of the Islands Is being con ducted purely In the Interests of the people. These are unquestionable facts, yet the antl-imperlallsU will point to the sporadic disturbances created by a few ladrones as showing that our rule has not given contentment to all the natives and will further harp upon the severity alleged to have been practiced as a re proach to this government which no results can atone for. ' It will again be declared that the freedom we have given the Filipinos Is not that measure of liberty which they had a right to expect and that nothing short of leaving them to govern themselves, reeardless of their preparation for such a condi tion Is to be tolerated. It can be very confidently asserted that an overwhelm lng majority of the American people are well satisfied with the admlnlstra tlon of affairs In the Philippines. All fair-minded men will concede that the civil government of the Islands has been all that President Roosevelt claims for It Ho did not say more than is de served of the men who constitute the commission and particularly of its head, Governor Taft. They are able. uptight, conscientious men. who. ore performing the Immensely. Important task given them with a profound desire to promote the welfare of the Flllnlno people. It Is a task In which Governor Taft especially has shown the deepest interest, ona tne best answer to those who would depreciate his services is to be found In the esteem for him shown by the Filipinos. Our government is dolus: a work in the Philippines that is most distinctly in tiie interest of civilization. The Islands have had since our occupation an unfortunate experience financially una commercially. Congress erred in not making earlier provision for rem edying the currency situation and per- naps also in not making & larger reduc tion in tariff duties on the m-oduets of the archipelago Imported into this coun try. But there V ' soon be a . change for the better nm ;th iiroeTPsn in tho Industrial and commercial development of the Islands will come greater popular contentment and a general desim tnr the preservation of peace and order. men win be seen to better advantage the beneflclent effects of American pol icy. Whether or not we shall ever he re paid what possession of the Philippines has cost ,1s a question that time only can determine. There is no accurate Information in regard to the of the islands and no certain opinion can De rormea as to the value to this- conn. try of their development We have ex pended In acquiring them and estab- lismng our control there several hun dred millions of dollars. It Is safe to say, at any rate, that this will not be repaid within a generation. TBB BATTLE IS ON. The battle royal between the ' allied corporations and the people of Omaha Is on. Five members of the city conn- clL Including its president, have been captured and made voluntary Drlsonera by the franchlsed corporations. These councllmen are the Identical council combine Ave who stood self-confessed as chattels of the conoratlona when they lowered the assessment of the franchlsed corporations made by the tax commissioner and slammed the doors In the faces of the attorney and members of the Real Estate exchange, who appeared before them to nlead for equitable taxation. The conspiracy to break the Quorum and prevent a regular session of the city council was hatched In the offices of the Milwaukee railroad and the Thomson-Houston Electric Llzhtine- company. Why the local manager of tne Milwaukee railroad should lend himself to such high-handed work Is not apparent, but In his dunl capacity as manager of the electric lighting com pany his undoubted object Is to thwart the popular demand for municipal own ership and prevent the submission of the bond proposition prepared by the city attorney for the acquisition or construction of a municipal electric lighting plant A more high-handed and scandalous proceeding has not been witnessed In Omaha since the Holly water works boodlers were overthrown by the spontaneous uprising of its cltl- sens. it seems Incredible that any man, or set of men, representing corporate interests would countenance, much lees exert their Influence, for such an auda cious attempt to subvert munlclnal eov- eminent In the annals Of Nebraska this delib erate attempt to strangle local govern ment has only one parallel and that is the successful abduction by the paid railroad lobby of a member of the state senate while that body was In regular session In 1890. That high crime against the state was one of the prime causes of the popular revolt against railroad rule and .the victory for populism In the following year. That the rttixns of Omaha who do not yet wear corporate manacles will assert their rights can scarcely be doubted. The majority of the present city council may stay bought, but no candidate will be elected to the next council who Is not known to be free from corporate trammels and will stand up and make an unqualified pledge that THE OMAHA DAILY llREi TIIUKSDAY, he will vote to submit an electric light bond proposition as soon as It can be done at special election, and, If the cor porations dominate the special election, then again at next fall's general elec tion. The people of Omaha will either own and control public utilities or they will be owned and governed by them. TRB BPR1XQ ELECTIONS. The elections Just held. Insofar as they are Indicative of political condi tions, give cause for republican satis faction. In most of the municipal con tests, of course, local issues were para mount,' so that the results are not con clusive as to the attitude of a majority of tho voters In these communities In regard to national questions, but It ap pears that republican gains were more numerous than democratic. In the Cleveland election the democratic vic tory was due wholly to local questions. Mayor Johnson made the Issue a 3 cent fare on the street railroads and the wards filled with worklngmen gave In creased majorities for Johnson. Local questions were also In a great degree responsible for the re-election of Carter Harrison, though by a considerably re duced plurality. In Cincinnati the con test was more of a party nature and the republicans were successful. Perhaps the most Instructive result was the de cisive victory of the republicans In Michigan, viewed In Its general bearing upon the strength of parties. There Is of course no good reason why in the country at large the republican party should not be as strong now ns It was at the last presidential election The country Is as prosperous now as it was then, labor Is as fully employed and receiving better wages and every thing we are producing finds a ready market. The policies which the teorle overwhelmingly approved in 1900 have not been changed and a republican con gress has fulfilled, as far as it was deemed wise and practicable to do at this time, the promise of the party In regard to the great combinations. The outlook for a continuance of prosperity is most, favorable. In view of these things even larger republican gains than noted .In. the elections might reu sonably have been expected. At any rate It is shown that the party is main taining Its strength and will doubtless go Into next year's campaign with Buvug uBBuruuce or success. THE CANDIDACY OF JOBS N. WESTBERO. "The only safety for munlclnal cor porations is to make frequent changes of their auditors." That Is the conclusion of Herbert Spencer, the foremost polit ical scientist of modern times. But John N. Westberg, who has now served three terms as comptroller of Omaha, differs most radically with Herbert Spencer. He proclaims the opposite doctrine and has gone so far as to declare that the people of Omaha need him more than he needs the people of Omaha. John N Westberg Is not a man to hide his light nnder a bushel.- For years he baa managed to keep himself before the people by explosive self-Iaudatlon, not In keeping with his record either as a business man or as a city comptroller. Had he been content to pursue the even tenor of his way and attended strictly to his own business instead of trying to run the whole city government The Bee might have been spared the painful duty of turning the searchlight upon bis business career, and his lack of sobriety, which Is doubtless responsible for the vile language and profanity that char acterizes nearly all bis talk. Mr. Westberg boasts that he is the watchdog of the city treasury. As a matter of fact the duties devolving on him have been performed by two depu ties and several clerks, while be has been prancing up and down the streets of Omaha and running-from'1 saloon to saloon. Mr. Westberjfs excuse for his scaly business record . Is bad luck and lack of ability to meet his Just obliga tions.. This plea Is flatly contradicted by the fact that he Is engaged in vari ous speculations in mining claims and petroleum lands and enterprises that must have absorbed a part of his in come. ' "But even if the statute of limitations had run against all bis honest debts and every hour of his time had been devoted to the duties of his office, John N. West berg has barred himself from the sun- port of the taxpaylng citizens by his manipulation of the charter by which the salary of the comptroller has been raised f 1,200 a year, his bond Is to h paid by the city and all limitations as to the expense of the comptroller's office for clerical hire have been removed so as to leave him full swing to hire as many additional clerks as he Blesses at whatever salary he pleases, while he can devote his time to speculative enter prises, Junkets to Wyoming and Colo rado, with unlimited time for duck hunting, fishing and other sports at the taxpayers' expense. JJ.HNSON'8 RENEWED PRESTIGE. The re-election of Mayor Tom L. Johnson of Cleveland, by an Increased vote, will doubtless renew his prestige as a leader. This was somewhat dam aged last year by his coarse In the state election, he having boldy.and vig orously antagonised the McLean fac tion of the democracy, and had the election Monday gone against him his political star would hsve probably ex perienced a complete eclipse. As it 1s ho will undoubtedly recover prestige and It Is more than likely will dictate the next candidate of the democracy for governor of Ohio. He la suspected of desiring to be the candidate, although be has said that his political ambition la at present quite satisfied with the mayorallty of the metropolis of the Buckeye state. At all events, it Is Im probable that he will k the guberna torial nomination this year, but will be content to dictate who shall bo the can didate. Tom I Johnson may be expected to figure more or kiss prominently la the democratic 'national' convention of next year. lie Is one of the "regulars" and so far as known has no' sympathy with the .movement for democratic reorgani zation which Is being promoted by some of the eastern and southern leaders As now believed he will endeavor to secure a delegation from Ohio to the national convention favorable to the Kansas City platform and It would not be surprising if he succeeded. At any rate it can be confidently predicted that Johnson will be a, factor In the demo cratic councils of 1904. ANOTHER SAMPLE OF SHAM REFORM. On the night of Friday, April 3, Robert J. Walker,, a western stockman, was shot In Garrity's saloon In the pro scribed district. Walker died the -next day and a coroner's Jury after aue In vestigation brought In a verdict that Walker came to his death from a pistol shot fired by Tatrlck lleury Jackson. Detailed accounts of the shooting were published In all the Omaha dullies and members of the Broatch sham re form police commission could not pos sibly have been Ignorant of the murder, but no action whatever was taken by the police board or any of Its members to close the resort temporarily or per manently. The Garrity saloon Is noto riously known to the police and must be known to W. J. Broatch ns a tough Joint patronized by degraded men and women of all colors. This dive was allowed to run day and night ever since the crime was perpe trated, while saloons In respectable lo calities, and notably the Trague hotel on Thirteenth street, where disorderly people are never permitted to enter, were singled out last Sunday and closed by special order of i William J. Broatch. The Garrity groggery, patronized only by disorderly people, where a murder had been committed Just two days pre vious, was nllowed to run full blast with its diurnal orgy without molesta tion. . r This Is a fair sample of what they call anti-machine reform. It Is Interesting to note that while Un American steel Industry has been grow ing steadily, the British steel manufac turers have also been Increasing their products both for home and export mar kets. Few people, are In position to perceive the extent of the demand for structural steel in' all parts of the world and even the huge figures in the statis tical tables convey but a faint idea of It. The area of steel consumption has been expanding so greatly and so raD- ldly that our facilities for sunnlvluir It have not kept pace. It Is no wonder that the biggest fortunes of the world have been made;WUt of steel and allied industries. ;. Mayor Moores declares In unmistaka- ble language that I If be appoints the next Board of Hevlew ft will be made up, of men whojU not be owned by the corporations, but will see to It that the corporation property' is assessed at its full market 'value the same as th home of the Wage worker. No other candidate, for mayor has declared him self on this point What kind of men will they appoint on the Board of Re view? .. . j Ths) Second TJpset. Philadelphia North American, The Asphalt trust Is to be Bold at aitf tlon, and the cout fixes $6,000,000 as the "upset 'wice." The Investors paid their pries snd were upset long ago. . r . - laaWencs a)f Environment. ' Baltimore American, Already the demoralizing influence of tha United States senate has shown Itself In tha ease of Senator Clark of Arkansas, who, after a week or two In the national de liberative body, went home to Little Rock and whipped a congressman. Wnat Roosevelt Stands For. : Baltimore American. President Roosevelt stands' for hone and enthusiasm. If anyone can name two bet. ter things thst president of the United States could represent In connection with unquestioned patriotism, let him speak quickly or forever hold his peace. Little, bat Oh, My! San Francisco Chronicle. It Is definitely stated that the grip mi crobe is only sixteen one-thousandths of an Inch In length. It Is not the size of the microbe that worries the sufferer from grip, but the power for mischief which It possesses. Good Maxlnt for All. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Those are excellent commercial maxims that the late Oustavus F. Swift left behind him even if they carry with thorn a some what selfish flavor. One of the lot, ho ever. Is quite good enough for general use. "The best a roan ever did," ha says, "shouldn't be his standard for the rest of his life." In ofher words, never have so much respect for your own record that you are afraid to break It. Come Down of Railroad Officials. Springfield Republican. As soon as the New Haven railroad of ficials receded from the "high and mighty" attitude early adopted toward their com plaining employes and began to titlk and confer with the latter on a common lvel the trouble at once began to disappear. So also of the Wibaib officials. Now' tiat they have found an appeal to the courwt in vain and have begun to confer with the men in a really serious effort to reach a peaceful adjustment the difficulty rapidly yields to treatment Not always can this method of dealing with dissatisfied em ployes bs made effective within the boiimlg of reason In averting a strike, but as a rule It will prove so. Stenography .as utepplaa- Stoue, Indianapolis Journal. Mr. Roosevelt's private secretary. Mr. Loeb, Is naturally brought Into prominence these days, and It Is worth while for boys looking out for a career to remember that ha began lifs as a stenographer and made his way gradually to his present poaltloo. Boys are somewhat disposed to give sten ography the go-by, now that girls have en tered Into the business so extensively, but there is always a demand for male experts la shorthand, and places for them that for various reasons cannot be well filled by women. In fact, skill la the art seems to afford a good stepping-stone for the Intel ligent, wiasawake young man. Mr. Cortt-1-you and Mr. Laaiont both served appren ticeship as stenographers, snd many men of pronilaenrs In the business world started la similar vay. .ATOIL ' U, 190.1. nni SD AIIOI T SKW YORK. nipples on the t orrent of Life In tho Metropolis. The vant number of "grafting bills" pend ing in the state legislature and the proba bility of the pnsvage of some of thorn has awaaenea rvew Yorkers to the necessity ror a closer watch sn measures sent to the governor for approval near the close ol the session. The situation presented re calls the methods pursued under like clr rumetancrs a few years ago. Governor Roosevelt was fearful that he would inad vertently sign some measures that should not become laws, A large batch of new bills was submitted to him, and given. In turn, to his attorney for examination. It was reported that not a flaw could be found In any of them.' Mr. Roosevelt was not sat isfied, however, and he sent word for all the newspaper correspondents In Albany to com to bis office. "Now," he said, "you gcntlemrn know better than anyone else whether or not these bills should be signed, and I would be greatly obliged If you will give me your opinion on them." The result of the examination and report of the news paper men was that about half of thirty or more bills submitted to them were vetoed. Another experience of Mr.' Roosevelt with a newspaper man was when he was about to sign the Ford franchise tax bill, the con stitutionality of which, by the way. will bs argued on Monday before the court of ap peals. The governor sent for the repre sentative of the Associated Press, and, stating that he had determined to sign the bill, gave him his memoranda on the sub ject, to be used when the measure was ac tually signed. The Journalist was a per sonal rrlend or Mr. Roosevelt's and took the liberty of calling attention to some bad features of the bill, urging the governor not to sign It. Mr. Roosevelt, however, was not to be swayed, and the memoranda was telegraphed to the press of the country. few days later Mr. Roosevelt sent for his newspaper friend and told him to recall or kill the memoranda, as he had decided not to sign the bill In that form. At an extra session a revised franchlsa tax bill was enacted. "A phase of the New York character not orten touched upon," says a Pittsburg dis patch letter, "Is its provincialism. This was brought sharply to the front during the week by the statement of a prominent rail road official In effect that PhlladelDhla through the swift perfection of New York terminal facilities, would soon become mere suburb of the seaboard metronolls Did this surprise New Yorkers? Not at all Every community In the United States has long held that relation to New York. To be out of New York was to be camping mat is, unless they were In Europe. As a rule New Yorkers know more of London than of San Francisco, and more of the Riviera or the Nile valley than of Kansas of the valley of the Mississippi. All west ernerg are "Jays" and "farmers" and all wisdom Is concentrated In Manhattan borough. The one great source of shame ! that Brooklyn Is now a part of Greater New York. Yet, as a matter of fact, there Is a Bmaller percentage of Illiteracy In Nebraska than In Boston, to say nothing or New York; the finest public schools In the country are In Kansas, and. generally speaking, the farther west one goes the Keener and broader minded the people. Is It not the rule that the cream of the dodu latlon go out to do the pioneer work of a community? Though all who stay at home are not dull and un progressive, all tha dull ards stay at home. Thus many an east erner who goes west to shear comes back snorn, wondering and indignant at the "farmers," whom he expected to find an easy prey. Perhaps It there were fewer passengers for Europe and more for the bounding "Weft New' Yorkers- would after their mental map of the United States." Five thousand dollars to see a king! This Is a pretty good price for four of them according to our national game of poker, An Englishwoman now in New York Is advertising the blessed privilege of behold ing good King Edward. She Is a pro fesslonal chaperon, aid her amiable mission here la to tntroduca Uncultured Americans with plenty of money Into the best English sdclety. A court audience is quoted at f 5,000. She has personal acquaintance with a whole raft of peeresses and she will place them In touch with American girls for a fee. Really clever girls she will take into the best English homes, to the race courses, the opera and all the fashionable entertain ments of the London season. Oh the charge will be reasonable for them! Mrs. -Clifford Is at present installed at the Waldorf. New York's dream of rapid transit la at last to be reduoed to a tangible thing. The subway contractor, definitely promises a service to Harlem by January 1 of next year. This means "to Harlem In fifteen minutes." Up to the present time S24, 480,000 of the contract price of $36,500,000 has been paid by the city to the con tractors. Of the total length of twenty-one miles of tunnel 85 per cent of the excavat ing has been done. In the three years since work began nearly 4,000,000 cubic yards have been taken out of the heart of New York. The appraiser's office reports that the Importation of precious stones through the port of New York for the month of March reached the total of $2,871,045 In value. These figures are in excess of those of any month on record, and strikingly Illustrate the country's prosperity. An especially good demand for pearls Is reported by Jewelers. The Importers of tho famous Hope blue diamond say that It Is still In th's country, despite reports that It had been sent back to Europe. The chief monument of Tweed's reign of rapacity In New York la the county court bouse. It cost $12,000,000, twice as much as the beautiful hall of records, only a little less than the great and splendid capltol in Washington. Bricks enough were paid for though never used for Its con struction to have covered the entire City Hall park solidly to a depth of mors than twenty-five feet. Yet today the building Is inadequate, unfit, detrimental to health, useless except as an object-lesson of the cost of ring rule. When the new liquor tax goes into effect In New York there will be no mora 10 cent whisky In Sixth, Seventh and Eighth avenues. Even the Bowery Is to boost ths price to 15 cents. Beer may Jump to 10 cents a "tub," and saloon keepers are threatening to raise the "growler" to 15 cents. If you chance to see when on a New York street car the conductor go up to a man and pass him a yellow ticket about three Inches long and an Inch and a half wide, don't make the mistake of thinking that the railroad company has changed the color of Its transfers. Don't snk for one. If you want one you can get It by Just spitting on the floor. These yellow tickets are "spit cards." They are warnings. Hers Is what they say: You ara violating the law against spitting. You are subject to a tins or Imprisonment, or both. By order of the Hoard of Health. K. J. l.KDKKLK, Presldaut. Every time a person spits on the floor of the car It Is the duty of the conductor to step up, without a word, and hand him or her en of the cards. It will not only warn the passenger of his Clime, but It will notify every other paseeager in ths ear that the Individual has just offended against ths lav aad against deceacy. the: old mm W7IB1 Absolutely Puro THERE IS HO SUBSTITUTE VSEFIXHESJ OP A BIO STICK." A StroasT Kavy Only of tho Elements of American Greatness. Washington Post "Speak softly and carry a big stick you will go. far." The president quoted this old adage at Chicago ths other night in connection with our naval policy and the Monroe doctrine. "If the American na tion," he said, "will speak softly and yet build and keep- at a pitch of the highest training a thoroughly efficient navy, tha Monroe doctrine will 'go far.' That doc trine." he added, "is not International law, and though I think one day It may become such, this is not necessary as long as It re mains a cardinal feature of our foreign pol icy and as long as we possess both the will and tbe strength to make It effective." It is advisable, for many reasons, to have "a thoroughly efficient navy," and that teems to be the settled purpose of tha American people. Since the work of eon structlng modern ships was begun under President Arthur and Secretary Chandler by the building of Chicago, Boston, At lanta and Dolphin, there has been no halt lng. We have gone as fast and as far as we should In that space of time, and we shall move steadily forward. The nation that would have a good navy must not pause in construction Snd remodeling. It Is one of the most expensive of all national necessi ties. It is, however, less expensive and safer to keep a navy strong and efficient all the time than to let it fall off from con cert pitch- and bring It up again in an emergency. But the bigness of our "big stick" con sists less In fighting apparatus and fighting men, essential as they are, than in other elements of greatness that have given this republic Its indisputable primacy in the family of -nations. Our material resources and our ability to make the best use ef them, coupled with our traditional policy of fair treatment of all countries, make us strong alike In war and peace. There are few spectacles more absurd and, to the moralist, more pitiful than that of a na tion with third-class resources posing as a first-class 'power and 'maintaining a com paratively strong navy by. the most cruelly oppressive taxation. The latent power of the United States, its known ability to raise and equip armies and to buy or, build ships and guns at short notice, Is the greatest factor In onr defenses. PER SO WAX, KOTBS. King Edward was pelted with rose leaves at Lisbon Saturday. This Is a distinct Im provement over the fashion of throwing bombs. When the authorities ' of Hoboken de cided to tax Hetty Green for her dog they probably did not . know that they doomed the dog. Sir . Cheng Tung Liang Cheng, Chinese ambassador, has arrived In Washington, His is a name that ought to go ringing down tbe corridors of time. Bishop Conaty, the retiring rector of the Cathollo University of Washington, will be given a banquet by prominent residents of the district on Easter Monday. - Dr. Julius Boeckelmann, German physi cian and scientist, who went to Patagonia eight years ago to study the conditions of the country, says the Pstagoniens will be extinct In a few years.' The Rev. Dr. Punk, famed as the editor of a dictionary, says he has communicated with the spirit of Henry Ward Beecher. In the bright lexicon of Punk Is there no such word as "flubdub?" George Washington Tuttle, one of ths founders of the Psi Upsllon fraternity, died at Bath. N. Y., on Friday. General Edward Martlndale of San Diego, Cal., Is the only survivor of tha original seven. Prof. M. I. Pupln of Columbia college, the Inventor of the ocean telephone, la building a large villa and expending thousands of dollars developing hundreds of acres of marshy and . rocky land near Norfolk. Conn. Rear Admiral George W. Melville, the engineer. ln-chlef of the United States navy, who reached the retiring age a couple of months ago. Is to be retired on active duty as chief of tbs bureau until January 10 1904. Public" memorials to engineers are not very common. One In honor of Sir Joseph Basalgerte, placed on the facs of one of the pedestals of the Victoria embankment, was recently unveiled in London. It consists of a handsome mural monument wrought In veinea oiouian marble, containing a por trait bust In bronze of the eminent, engineer. Don't Wait Until Saturdaj to make your Easter purchase. We take it for granted you intend to make one. If if a top coat, a suit, a pair of trousers or a waist coat there might be some slight alteration to be made' that will need a little time These are the early nur'. chases, we advise. Hats, neckwear, gloves, shirts underwear, etc., are different. We can always suit and fit you in a moment's time. No clothing fit like our& , reliable GROWTH OF TOTS COFTBB HABIT. Baoranoas Cross Drives Prions to tho Lowest on ReoosnV Nsw York World. The fall of the price of eoffeo In the New York market to the lowest point on record, due to a heavy Braslllan crop coming upon the heels of enormous importation last year, evils attention to the surprising growth at the coffee habit.. ,' In 1902 for the first time in our history we Imported more than 1,000,000,000 pounds of coffee, at a bulk cost of more than $70. 000,000 and a probable retail price to cus tomers of nearly three times that sum. This was a supply of' nearly twenty pounds, at a retail cost of about M, for every per son In the United Btates above 10 yearsV of age; It Indicates a use which has ouadl rupled in one generation and is now almost universal. In the source ot supply great changes have taken place. When "kauphy" was first drunk la London It came undoubtedly from Arabia, which remained the sole source of snpply up to about 1700 A. D. Today our "Java and Mocha mixed" proba bly never saw Java and most assuredly never saw Mocha. Brazil alone gave ua 85 per cent of Our 1902 supply, and Mexico! the West Indies and other Central andl South American countries 12 per cent Ths East Indies supply about 1 per oent and "other Asia and Oceantca," Including Arabia, the home of the coffee cult, furnish only 1 pound in 256. The Greek monks on the Isthmus ot Sinai themselves drink Bra zilian coffee, so complete is the "Ameri cas invasion" of the world's market of the fragrant brown berry. PASSIXO PLEASANTRIES. She I wonder why so few women stutter? He They haven't the time to. Detroit Free Press. "I understood vou to sav tho house a brownstone front." snld the ho-jsa hunter. "Oh! no," replied the slick real estate man, "I told you It was a brown front" "Huh! it's nothing but plaster painted." "True, hut lt'a nil hanri-rmlntawl ''Phila delphia. Pre,"' " ' ' He-Mlss Wilmingtonas this only1 daugh ter of your -mother. I aiinnAae van tk m. keen Interest In her happiness? one mosi assuredly, hy7 He Oh. I onlv wanted to Vnnw If vnu would like her to have ma for a son-ta.lmir- New York Times. "Walter!" called the Impatient guest. . 'Yes, sir," said the obsequious servant. "Sems to me tha.t niiiii I nrriaraA la a mlsrhty long time gnttlhg to m." "Yes, slr,T' said the waiter with much ro apectj "but (deferentially) you will pardon me, I trust. If I remind you that you or dered turtle soup." Judge. "You think that negro melodies win af ford the Inspiration for the American tnualo of tho future?" said Mr. Cumrox. "That Is my opinion," answered tho ami. nent composer. "Well, I'm glad to hear It. I always told mother and the girls they ought to trade on. mai grana piano ror a bailee." Wash-, "Father." said the vouth. "wfca is your ' race isV understanding of the saying, 'Tho not always to the swift?' " "Practically, my son." replied tho wise rather, "It means that in the raoo ol life ths fast man don't usually ooma out ahead."-Phlladelphla Press. Ul "Lot me get at him!" exclaimed the wild eyed man, trying to force his way throuah the crowd surrounding tbs president. mop mm: snouted one of the a-aards. "He's an anarchist!" "Anarchist be darned!" uM ..- tw.nty.ons 4 VUHUl VII, -VMlLfl v 1 HU UJlfX. - v HOW 0H1S DRRIIBD. A blossom of soma kind crowned her head No botany names It, I am sure. , It lust grew out of the Ufa she led. ' And so It was neat and fair and pure. ' 'Twaa light as a rose-leaf, and as fresh As a new-blown daisy's dewy eye- In many a dainty curve and mesh It held the tints of a smiling sky. Its beauty I'm tempted to compara With the honest face It shaded slightly. But no, I must not, I will not daro Let comparison make ths hat unsightly. Some texture soft as ths finest rucha T II.. Jl ..At' . i . uurnin uuwn Vila DlOOnDtSRU wove. Lay round her neck In a circling blush As fair, almost, as tha cheeks above, The gown was light, of medium length. Not made to ruin tha health and strength. Or sweep ths dust and filth ot tha street. It blended colors, modest and few, I liken to bluebird, thrush and llnnat; But. better than all to me, I knew That herself, ber own sweet self, was In all was the touch of character, TVia htuheat merit in krnmnn'a 4a Its delicate charms were lent by her.' i u u wu ma uiuuin vi loveliness ' BERIAH H. COCHRAN. M.$.Umm. J I