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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1903)
THE OMAHA DAILY J1EE: THURSDAY, AFIUIj 0. 1003. g)nnrn The finest assortment of pianos in the west. Thirty different makes, 100 different pianos, sold on our easy payment plan. $5 down and terms to suit. Call and examine this .stock before purchasing. 2 J JV. ft MILLINERY. W o are eoustantly gaining reputation for exclusiveness and cleganco in our millinery department. Why? Hecnuse we tlo not buy job lots. Only clean, fresh merchandise, which is cheaper in the end, and that you can not buy elsewhere for the name price. Specials for Thursday buying: Hats worth ? 10.00 800 41 I e s e o e e Hats worth ?S.OO at Hats worth ?5.0(V- 3 00 A specially trimmed Misses' Hat that cannot find its equal, worth f 1.50, for A black chiffon tucked hat, worth $2, for ?1.25. 5.00 CLOSING OUT SALE OF EASTER LILIES WMETT COMPANY 75c Jevelry Silver Plated Teaspoons, best hand burnished and 4-punce sec tioned plate better than some if you have paid $2.00 a set for, llVf fj per set Cabinet Size Gold Plated Picture Frames, Florentine patterns 59c Ladies' Silver Chatelain Watches Men'a Elgin, Waltham and Howard Watches at very low prices. Black Rubber Frame Eyeglasses . , Steel Spectacles 81.00 Eyeglass Chains 25c 10c 69c Watch Repairing Expertly Done Main Spring, $1.00 Cleaning, $1.00 ALL WORK GUARANTEED ONE YEAR SHOES We are better up than ever in the shoe busi ness. Our before-time experience trained us to know exactly how high grade are . the. shoes that Omahans demand, and our outlook is so promising now that we are sure we are already the greatest shoe sellers in Omaha, Here are some extraordinary values for Thursday: Men's enamel calf, built well, "I Q Q lace shoes, worth 83.50. for l.V-JvJ Geo. E. Keith Walkover Shoes, goodyear welts, worth $4.00, for. . Men's fine Russian colt skin, lace or congress, soft and easy for the sum i O O iner, worth 3.00, for leOO Men's Hamilton-Brown high cut, kang. calf be lows, tongue, lace, worth $3.00, for Men's enamel calf, built well, 1 QD bals, worth $3.50. for I.OO Ladies' shoes and oxfords, worth from $1.50 to $3.00, at Infants' soft H. & C. cloth top shoes, all you want, sizes 1 to 4, worth ooc, for 1.88 congress, 1.88 g. calf be- 1.88 .1.88 1.00 all you 10c THE NEARNESS OF EASTER SUNDAY INCREASES YOUR INTEREST AND OURS IN EASTER SALES. THE BIG BARGAINS WE HIT THE TOWN WITH ON SATURDAY AND MONDAY ARE OUTDONE BY THOSE FOR TOMORROW. SUCH WERE NEVER BEFORE ATTEMPTED. WE POSITIVELY SAVE MONEY FOR EVERYBODY IN EV ERY SALE. 19-inch a At The Silk and Dress Goods Counter ich extra heavy black taffeta, CAp 23-inch very tine quality pongee 7 EZp, good quality, Thursday, yd -VV silk, $1 quality, Thursday, yard 24-inch black pure dye Lyons taffeta, colored edge a regular $1.35 quality. special, per yard New Etamine Waistings 98c For Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Special bale in our 1 1 f is m. .. mmi mm m rn mum m m mm a I "ft WALL PAPtli UhfAtf I Ub.j I . Regular 7c and 8c white blanks, up Regular 10c and 12Jc gilt, "P Regular 15c and 23c 30c golds "P An elegant line of foreign and domestic goods to select from all prices discounted from 20 to 50 per cent. Our regular 5c to 8c gold tip room moulding, 3c per foot nnd up. 3c ...5c 10c 100 nipres beautiful new etnmine waistimrs. in an immense ranee of colorings they are late ... .. . .... . 1 1 i?S aJ Kfti arrivals and should be sold at 31. uu per yard win ue put on special saie hi toe, uji- mm m yard. Colored Dress Goods 50c 150 pieces fine colored dress goods, in etamines, voiles, pretty mixtures and new . designs in novelty weaves, value up to 85c yard, go on one table at, yard . . New Embroideries Our spring stock of over one thousand pieces of EMHROIDERY, our direct importation from St. Gall, Switzerland, is now on sale the styles and values are the best ever shown in Omaha. Trices from $2.50 per yard down to 4Sc, 45c, 42c, 40c, 37c, 35c, 33c, 32c, 30c, 27c, 25c, 23c, 22c, 19c, ISc, 17c, 14c, 12c, 10c, 8 l-3c, 7c, V.Jc, 5c, 4c and 3c. Cretonne Draperies A pretty line of new cretonne draperies and good qualities suitable for couch pillow and box covers, worth 10c a yard, at 70x27 bed pillows, filled with good feathers . worth 75c at, each DRESSER SCARFS Hemstitched and drawn work dresser scarfs, made of Irish linen worth 69c special at, each . 9x4 sheeting, bleached and unbleached, 9x4 wide sheeting, Richdale brand, a good wearing cotton, worth 18c a yard special at, yard LONSDALE CAMBRIC Short lengths of the nest quality superfine Lonsdale cambric the 15c grade at, per yard 36-inch extra heavy round thread unbleached muslin, regular 7c grade, at 4c a yard. 11x4 bed spreads, large size, fancy colored crochet, bed spreads, fringed for iron beds, worth JM. 35 at each . . . . vtv .... r ............... . Covert suitings, 28 inches wide covert cloth, in a variety of desirable colors for walking skirts, outing suits, etc., only 45c 15c VISIT THE BIG GROCERY NOTHING HUT PUREST of eatables allowed into it even pound is guaranteed absolutely fresh it's a case of daily renewal of stock in Bennett's Rig Grocery our immense turn-over given us the biggest pull on the maiket our prices are unmatched anywhere. ; AN EXTRA SPECIAL AT 10c All day Thursday we will sell a fine fresh roasted, full flavored Coffee pound IV7 Bread, large loaf 3c Cheese, cream pound 12 K' Royal Cheese jar 10c Flower and Vegetable Seeds, package 2c Prunes, California per pound 5c Rice, ner nrmnr! ... Re. I Peaches for cream can 10c i Catsup bottle 8c Pickles bottle Qc Condensed Cream can 5c Popcorn pound 2ic Fiuest Value in Tea Ever Offered. Country Butter, per pound, up from 16c Bennetts Capitol Creamery 00c I Dill Pickles each lc i Medium Sour Pickles pint 5c Olives per quart 35c Chow-Chow pint 10c 10c 98c lie A HANDSOME PICTURE FREE We Offer free to everyone purchasing: a pound of our famous 38c Tea FREE ONE OF THESE HANDSOME PICTURES FREE Harness In Basemen! Will you need a new robe next winter? That seema to be looking a long ways ahead, but It will pay you to think about It. This week we will make a reduction of TWENTY TER CENT on all winter goods in order to avoid stor ing them until nest year. Our Harness Department has been In creased to Ave times Its former size. It will pay you to come to us when In need of anything in the horse furnishing line. Stationery Department s and 5c 5c 3c 100 Taper Napkins, nssorted colors and designs, put up in lots of 100 only -special at New Testaments cloth bound special at Fine Tissue Toilet Paper special at Onion Sots Red, yellow, white any color only-quart Lemons Large Juicy per doien only Mixed fiuts 7C I5c CANDY Maple Squares per pound 25c Nut Fudge 25c Fruit Cake per pound .25c Ben Hur Mix per pound 25c Cream Mix Candy per pound 5c Champion Mix per pound Salted Peanuts per pound 5c Velvet Taffyquarter pound package. . . .'. . . . .:. ..... . . . 9c Pure Sugar Stick Candy..... Qc SODA FOUNTAIN Pineapple Bon Bon Drink a big drink for 5c Big Mam Sale Choice Hams, sugar cured, per lb 2c Choice Bacon, 6ugar cured, per lb 13c Kor Easter entertaining. Special price till Easter only per pound. !2V2c Big Meat Salo Choice native steer Corned Beef Rumps, per lb "Jq Lard, per lb ...8c Full line of salt, smoked and pickled fi8haupervised by experienced salesmen. Special choice George's Cod, lb 12c Why Not Telephone Your Order. Ring up 137. Prompt Wagon Delivery to all Parts of the City JEALOUSY PROMPTS SUICIDE 0. J. W. Solomonson Bida Wife Good-bjs nd Takes Strychnine. COMES FROM RICH FAMILY IN HOLLAND hlorooe Hcre He Thasfht Wife Was More Devoted to Foar-Year-Old Adopted Daughter Than to Him. "Goodbye, dear, you will never see me illve again." With these words upon bis lips, O. J. W. Solomonson, 3425 Davenport street, swal lowed a quantity of strychnine In the pres. ence of his wife and later walked Into the parlor of his home, where he seated him self and calmly awaited death- For some days past 6olomonon had been morose and constantly harassed his wlf. she. states, by Jits threats to shoot ber and then take hts own life. This, she states, wai due to his jealousy of their I'.ule 4 y ear-old adopted daughter. The devotion of the wife to the little rhlld caused the relations between husband and wife to be come ,' strained. Last Buuday Solomonson, his wife states, threatened to kill ber and since then she has been suffering under a severe norvous strain. Yesterday the hus band took a large dose of chloral and Tues day night became quite abusive, so much so that Mrs. Solomonson and daughter slept In aiv adjoining room. AboVt 7 yesterday morning Bolmonson knocked on their door for admittance, say ing he was sick. His wife thought that It was simply a ruse to get Into the room and told him to "go and He down." Venturing to open the door slightly, Mrs. Solomonson saw her husband swsllow a quantity of poison. When she went downstairs he was found sitting In an easy chair, suffering from the drug. She Immediately notified S, A. Lewis, an employe In the tax com- mlssloner's office, who arrived Just a Sol omonson died, about ( o'clock. Transferred His lltt Isiarsset, About eight days ago, during a discussion of bis life Insurance, Solomonson became Incensed at his wife because she advised him to transfer to to his three children la Amsterdam, Holland, the right as bene ficiaries. Instead of the little daughter they , had adopted Later he assigned his Insur t anee, amounting to $8,000, to his three children, sine when, Mrs. Solomonson states, he has almost eoostantly talked about his self-destructloL. I Solomonson Is a Hollander by birth and : came from a prominent family In that country. His father, bow deceased, iu for j many years a linen manufacturer la India, t Solomonson cam to the United 8 tales about i two years ago and to Omaha a year later. I Solomonson leaves an aged mother, lnde ! pendently rich, besides three children by a former marriage. In Amsterdam, and a ' wife and adopted daughter In this city. Mrs. Solomonson, who Is alone la the world, her relatives having died since her arrival In this country, will return to Holland as soon as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Solomonson'a home on Davenport street Is filled with rich tspes tries and Oriental relics and rugs which bad been gathered by tbem. The home Is ex tremely cosy and well furnished. Coroner Bralley has taken charge of the remains and will bold an Inquest Fri day. Awhl I.o. of Life Follows neglect of throat and lung dis eases, but Dr. King's New Discovery cures such troublos or no pay. 60c, fl.OO. For sale by Kuhn k Co. DEVLIN FEELS WELl"pLEASED Eavor of Irish Party Delighted with Character of Receptions Given la America. Established 1023. WILSON Thai's All! TOT Wn!t PTWTTT C0k feaUtlmore, aid. Mr. Joseph Devlin, M. P. for North Kil kenny, Ireland, and Colonel Jobn F. Flnerty of Chicago arrived here yesterday morning and are at the Paxton hotel, where they will attend a reception glvea them by the Irishmen of the city at S o'clock to morrow evening. Mr. Devlin Is the accredited envoy of tbo Irish party In the House of Commons and was selected to come to this country as the representative of the t'nlted Irish league by the largest and most Influential conven tion ever held in Ireland. His object Is to arouse In this country a feeling of sym pathy for Ireland In the fight now being waged for land and liberty. Speaking to a representative of The Bee, Mr. Devlin ex pressed his deep satisfaction with the suc cess of his mission to the United Ststes. In the esst he had been warmly received every where he visited, and from all sections of his countrymen, as well as from many American friends of Ireland, be had re ceived the most substantial proof of prac tical Interest In the Irish cause. la coming to America he addressed his countrymen and all lovers of liberty ae the spokesman and authoritative agent of a united Irish people. The spirit of unity was never so complete aad ths people have now, he states, one organisation representing all sections of thought In Ireland. "There has not been." said Mr. Devlin, "eveu In the glorious days cf Mr. PsrneU's leadership, so powerful an organisation In this country or so unified a parliamentary fartjr aa our country caa boast of today. And the result Is that the people, by their union and organisation on fighting lines, have brought the Irish landlords to their knees and hare the promise of a complete settlement of the land question. Not only that, but we are almost certain that a measure of, national self-government will be Introduced In the near future, and if these two great reforms were carried noth ing could stsnd in the wsy of Ireland's prosperity and growth as one of the pro gressive and clvlllr.lng agencies In the world. All that we require is that the Irish race in the United States and the Irish people at home stand together, and If they do an organized effort on such lines will be Irresistible. 'I trust to have the pleasure of explain ing the situation here fully at the recep tion at the Paxton tomorrow night, where I hope to meet the patriotic Irishmen of the city, as well as those Americans who sympathise with our cause. Colonel Fln erty, who Is the president of the United Irish League of America, will also deliver an address, and no man In this country is better able to expound the Irish situa tion. His official position as chief execu tive officer of the league in this country should add great weight to bis opiniona on the great and Important changes now being brought about in Ireland." The Chief of Healers. Old sores, uloers, piles, fistula and like stubborn maladies soon yield to Bucklen's Arnica Salve or no pay. iic. For salo by Kuhn & Co. UNIONS TO FIGHT DEALERS Mrs. Ilaoaa Logsdoa Is Dead. Mrs. Hinna Logsdon, a sister of John P. Yates, sovereign clerk of the Woodmen of the World, died st the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. Raise, Jlli Marcy street. Tuesday night at t o'clock, with pneumonia con tracted a few days ago. Funeral services were at the house yesterday afternoon and the body was taken to Frostburg. Md , the deceased s former home, at 6 45 lust evening. Mr. Yates and Mrs. Raise will sc. company the body. Mrs. Lopsdon, who was 61 years old, came to Omaha two months ago to visit her relatives. Brioklajeri to Appeal to Ea'.ldicg Trades Oounoil Againi'. thi Material ken. BOARD OF CONCILIATION IS SUGGESTED Member of Interested Inlon Wonld Havo All Matters Referred to Ar bitration Brie k la era to Leave Omaha for Other Cities. - If the decision of the Bricklayers' union, leached Tuesday night, la sustained by the Building Trsdes council, an attempt will be made to make permanent the retirement from trade of those dealers in building ma terial who announced their temporary re tirement last week. The members of the unions connected with the building trades say that the action of the material men leaves no doubt that they have Joined the contractors la an at tempt to coerce all contractors Into being bound by the regulations of the contractors' organisation In regard to the payment of wages aad the hours of labor. It was reported at the meeting of the Hod Carriers' union that contractors em ploying nonunion labor had received ma terial during the week, but the person mak ing the report could not say from what dealer the material waa secured. This added to the feeling of the members of the union, so when the Bricklayers' union met last night a resolution was adopted, sub ject to the approval of the Building Trades council, to the effect that the union men would bsndle no material from the Arms which have refused to deliver goods to those contrsctors who have agreed to pay the scsle of the unions. lleved ' that there would have been no trouble had the hod carriers' troubles have been settled by May 1, but now It Is an nounced by members of the Employers' association that no promises made hereto fore will be considered binding and that all scalea are open to objection and contest. Tbe bricklayers are making preparation I for tbe summer regaraiesa oi ma action oi the employers of Omaha. Tbe scale in Omaha is 65 cents per hour. At Kansas City tba scale is 62Vs cents end at Des Moines 60 cents. At the meeting last night a large number of the members of the union signed an agreement to draw their cards and leave town In case Ihe trouble between the employers and tbe building trades unions lasted until May 1. There wss a demand from Kansas City for forty bricklayers and a large number are wanted at Des Moines, where the government la doing work in addition to considerable ac tivity In the city generally, with no labor trouble. A plan has been proposed by a member of the bricklayers' union for a permanent arrangement to make strikes Impossible. The plsn, as submitted to a number of In terested parties for consideration, provides for a board of councllatlon to be composed of three men from each of the unlone ask ing a change In tbe scale, three from each of the branchee of crriloyers represented, three from unions not interested in the scales and three from employers not Inter ested. When a new scale is proposed the matter shall come before tbe board, which shall attempt to make a satisfactory set tlement. This falling, tho board shall create a board of arbitration to settle the matter. Any party to tbe arbitration re fusing to be bound by the decision of thi arbitrators shall not receive consideration at the hands of the bosrd of conciliation for a year. Kew Stamp Are Imnrrfert. ... . . iun new Lwo-rpnr nnei a n " 1 a ii i jo- cently Usued has been called In, as an Im- peneruoa uas oeen a'.scovored In It You are also making a mistake In exprrlment Ing with different remedies to cure you of sick Imndache, sour stomsch, heartburn Indigestion, dyspspsla, la grippe or malaria" Hootetter's Stomach Bitters Is the only sure cure for these aliments, having been nsed successfully for half a century. We urge you to try It. It will cure eveu after other remedies hare failed. Balllner Is Postponed. SAN FRANCIHCO. April s.-The sulllnc of the army transport Sumner for Maul u has been postponed from the 15th of th' month to the 'th. Sumner will carrv troops to the Philippines and then will pro ceed to New York. The contractors refused to arbitrate tbe trouble between the hod carriers union and themselves whea called upon by ths committee front tbe Central Labor union, savin that thee have nothlns to arbitrate at tbla time, bat will defer all questions of scale until May 1, when a number of new scales will be made effective. One of tbese Is tbe scale of the carpenters, who ask an increase of 10 cents aa hour. It wss gen erally considered thst tbe demand would I be granted a moath ago, aad It is still be- mm nine a mother should be a Every mother feels a great dread of the puir and danger attendant upoi. the moat critical period of her life. Becoming source of joy to all, but tho suffering anrt danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery. Mother' Friend is the only remedy which relieves women of the great pain and danger of maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided by its ue. Those who use this remedy aro no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's p i fifL ja. Friend. "It is worth its weight in gold," L JflM iljj?! C says many who have used it. $1.00 per lfU V Ultima O bottle at drug stores. Hook containing valuable information of interest to all women, will be sent to any address free upon application to Irr AlTll(y CHAD FIELD REGULATOR OO., Atlanta, .Villi