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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1903)
If Ttir OMAHA DAILY JJTTX TlHTTlSDAVf A "PHIL 0. 1003. -1 V T)L lt-M. W Close Saturday at t p. m. Vn r TT Kll at'L ncw shirtwaist suit, is very great. lra7it- Tliore is no material that quite answers There are more rarely, beautiful ever shown before. The finest silks of the season, ah our own exclusive styles. 24-inch wide, beautiful, rich luster all silk at 75c, $1.00. and fl.25. ' New Black Grenadines. Grenadine. lav a realm of their own. Women wear them on certain occasion. there la -notHlng quite so dressy for weddings, dinner., receptlona, dance., etc. The.. futhlon-emnd light, dainty fabric.. We are showing a magnificent line of these prettr good.. Special yalue. 44-lcch, at 100 a yard. OTHER QUALITIES In plain and .tripod effect, at U.25, 1.0. f 1.75, tf .00 per yard. Closing Out the Pretty New Silks. Two broken line, oi colors in 'the ew silks 'for the pretty shirt; Waist suit.. On account of to great selling of these, pretty. .Uks... We. have not a full IJne of colors In either number that we wish to close-hence this low price. .Change able ground with dainty hair stripes; changeable' .Ilk. with, hair. rjp and, .mall . polka dot-Aandsome. rich lust.r-75 9 Quality now 4!cV 5 quality, now D9o a yard, . t " :'. ' j Y. M. cyBuildins, Corner Sixteenth and Douglas Sti he would be guilty of the conduct, of which he ha fcfen accused. Afld ror 'my self I wlah ttf say tbal-I defy th gentle men,' frobiV Douglas-or a.ybody ejseto Im pugn mje.Jmotlyta.'.'- f ' V ' Hlte at Blackburn. l!cA)lUteV of Deuel added a word, say ing: !'Wben I see a member obliged to move to atlnther part of the house to keep from listening to Xhe dictates of lobby ists, I think it is high time that I was voting .gainst the' measure that he and the' lobbyists are tor." This In reference to Blackburn's soUettous Impromptu act. Things' were reaching a white heat when Loomls of Dodge eloquently brought about the. climax. ; ' ' VThls, debate has degenerated Into a per sonal attaok on our speaker," .aid the venerable minority leader, who had only a few mo'ttfeflts before offered a re.olution and made a speech in commendation of Speaker Mockett. "Let us vote down thl. motion-. nd show by our actions that we do not tolerate . any such unwarranted attack. and stand by our epeaker.". This brought forth a round of applause and the Sweety motion, which wsa at once put.. was defeated with but one vote, that f Ten Eyck In the affirmative. Even Eweexy himself did not raise hia voice for It This killed the bill, which had been recommended for Indefinite postponement by the conference committee. When the house reconvened at 8:30 to night, after' a recess from 6 o'clock, Ten EyCfc'asked -the privilege, of the floor and offered apologies to the speaker and the bouse. A few cordial remarks from the speaker closed .the Incident. ' 'Douglas county members, who. It will be remembered,- have recently tried their hand at making city charters, had a lively skirmish' today when they discovered that S. F. 180, by Hall of Douglas, had been Indefinitely postponed y-Ua house. This la the bill, that, pro-Ides Omaha with a police, judge, whirl? functionary Is omitted In the ,new city charter act., '! '' ' 'The ...bin 'finally was dug" but'' of the, runs by Kennedy and tonight passed, fall ing, towever. to . get through with the emergency clause. .This means It will take effect In three months, whereas the charter act. carrying an emergency1 clause. Is al ready In operation. tasa .Exemption Bill.' 8. F, 87. by Norris of Richardson, the ex emption lien bill, ha. passed both house.. It ha. a hard time'. Be.elged by interminable onslaughts from organized labor, it took all the power and skill Its friends could com mand to fore the measure through. The efforts of those against the bill 'were not altogether barren. of results, for Its cham pions admit the measure was seriously emasculated. The origin of this bill I. traced to the re tad I merchants. It. enemies hold the provisions to . be unfair to the working classes' In Omaha,- South Omaha, Lincoln and the' other more populous center, of the state. Its' friends vrged that It will work oo hardship upon any honest wags worker, but will affprd necessary protection to tho retailer. Representative Jone explain, the bill a. follow.:- ' . . "The only change then In the old law made oy this bin as passed by the senate nd house, I. that the employe whose wages xoeed 836 pet- month may be compelled by legal process to apply one-fifth of his monthly earnlnga to the discharge of his Indebtedness contracted for the necessaries of life. It does not appear that the law will materially affect the very poor or do Injustice to any. chva or condition of me chanics, laborers or wage-earners, but will afford a measure' of protection to -the re tailer who "accommodates his customors by extending' to them credit on monthly set tlements." Of the Dougle. county men Jn the house. Nelson. Gilbert, Ten Eyck and Morsman voted against ..the-bill, and' Kennedy and Easter Gear OF COl'RSB KVF.RY HOT OIRL AMI UARV Ml 8T HAVE SOME THING NEW IN HEADWEAH Kt.R K AST BR. WE'VE AN ALMOST EXtiljLSSS VAR1ETT OF 11 ATS f '.PS. TOQUES. TURBAN 8. LON KkIB, ETC. SOMETHING JUST RIGHT IN BTYLK gt'ALlTY AM PHICK f'.'MKTHISfl Jl'flT CORK EOT ANO fct ITAPI.K tXR EAOH DIFFERENT .f;E. IT EUR liUY. GIRL CR U.U1T. BKR THU NEW' AUTOMOBILE i'XPA t ND DAINTY CHIFFON HATS FUR IKLS. BIM90N C XHOKITT'3 WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. B, April I, 1B03. More New This season's demand for soft, cling ing, non-crushable silks, for the pretty, the purpose like a pretty foulard silk. foulards in this collection than Mangold for It,' .whtteVShelly and Koetter wore absent when inf'-voU was taken. t Wolf Bonaty Wins.' J i After a long and solrited flgbti between the 'house and the senate It has heefe 'de cided to pay tho wolf bounty claim of $40, 000.' The decision was factied' this after noon when the-senate conference committee receded In behalf of the senate iff cutting out this claim and the'' senate adopted the report of the committee .This matter has been fought out between ; the , two houses for three days. The house committeemen declare that had Senator Warner not been removed trom the senate conference .com mittee no decision would have.been renchcd. The majority of. the .housonleraberr Jiave been for paying the claimss since the first. The senate cut down '-the- claim of . ex State Treasurer Hill from 84.000 to 82.000, and the house bad to Concede this In order to prevent an Interminable deadlock. Railroad Bill ': Tails. . . ' The Union Pacific failed 'to foroe through the house 8. F. 202 by. President Pro Tem Harrison of the senate, by means of which that corporation sought to evade a portion of its school taxes. The bill went with that number that were buried in the grave yard, at the final wlndup. - . .' This bill sought to impose upon rural school boards the necessity of .anticipating at the beginning of every school year all the expenses for that year and make out a list of them to be presented to the county clerk and taken as the basis of the levy for the maintenance of those districts. If this list failed to contain every cent of ex pense incurred for the year It would .imply mean that" the district would '.lose, that much, for ' the clerk would be powerless to pay for anything not Included (ln 'the list. Ana ne wouia oe uname to maice any levy at all where suh" list, were not pre sented. Opponents1 of- the (Mill 'pointed out the utter folly of such a provision, holding that It would be almost Impossible for any district to anticipate to 'the very cent all the expenditures It would make for that year.' The result would be, they declared. the closing down of a number of country schools In western counties, wherein over seventy . districts the Union Pacific, was practically the sole taxpayer. Another provision' they objected' to was that the clerk wa. prevented from, levying a tax greater than 20 mills. ' The public school committee In the house wantsd thri. raised to 30 mills.- Opponents feel rather Jubilant over defeating this measure1 which they regarded as distinctly a railroad bill. Boavrel Custodian of Halli. ' The power to purchase supplies for the legislature and the custody of the legts latlve halls and property have been re moved from the secretary of .tat. and vested In the board of public land, and buildings by the passage of 8. F. 276 and 8. F. 278 by the house today. The gov ernof's approval Is all that Is needed to transform these bill. Into law, i During thl. session there ha. been a great deal of dissatisfaction- expressed over the law that makes the secretary of State the purchasing agent and custodian of 'legis latlve supplies. This dissatisfaction led to somewhat of an investigation of certain purchases made In recent years and the result of the Investigation admittedly lent substance to the determination to wrest this function from the secretary of state. 8. F. 276 provides that the board shall advertise for - bids for supplies at least sixty day. prior to the beginning of the session and that the limit of stationery and other necessary "supply" purchases shall b. limited to 8500 in opening the 'session 8. F. 276 give, the board custody of the house and senate halls and property. Both measures are by Benatbr Cox. SENATE PUTS THROUGH BILLS Miit Hows Rolls Paaaed fa the Closing; Honrs of tftc 8es-. slon. ' ". . i (From a Staff Correspondent s LINCOLN, April 8. (Special.) The'aen- ate: spent most; of the afternoon awaiting mo. rvpori ot me . coanrence committee, having completed "jta .labbv at an early ..During the breathing - spell the senate paid a tribute to Lieutefttant Oovernor Mc-'-' CUton by unanimously-adopting thl. reso-' lutlon by Meredith, of Sarpy;" ' Resolved. That the-laauk of the senats ,: are. due and are hereby tendered to Hon. HJrhond O. .McUfltoQ or th able manner I in wiucn ne nat preaioexi. over tnla body', i for his uniform kltidiaa and courtesy to ! Jtllti memlwrH.' km) frti. lh imnaHl.litu I t'ayed by him in the discharge f liij . au,a;gf. i A resolution was unanimously"' adopted commending- Chairman ' Anderson of the committee on finance,, way. And means, far his untiring and painstaking work. Both Lieutenant Oovernor McOliton and Benator Anderson appropriately thanked the senate. '. A resolution was Introduced congratulat ing Senator Frank Dean on his convales- eence and expressing regret that-the een- ! tor had been compelled to be absent bo- j cause ot illness, geaator Daa baa been 111 1 tor many weeka. In aecoading the adop- tlon of the resolution Sloan spoke in tbe I highest terms-of the character of Senator r Deaa and said he should be recommended to his constituents as one ot the medel I men of Nebraska. Houcla of Beoatr.. After taking a recess tor "about a min ute"' at 1 o'clock last right, the senate reconvened at o'clock this morning. These bills were passed: H. R. 329, defining abandonment by hus band or wife and the penalty t hereof r. H. R. 79, providing for' duration of term of school and fixing levy at 30 mills. H. R. 133. providing that library fund In cities should be separata from other funds. H. R. 165, providing for drainage for agri cultural and sanitary purposes. IL R. 28, to legalize' foreclosure. In tsx Uen cases. H. R. 78, to appropriate $10,000 for Lin coln monument. - . . H. R. 448, genera appropriation bill. H. R. 105, to prevent the use of live birds as targets. H. R. 308, appropriation for reward, to be given to the discoverer of coal, gas, etc H. R. 2S5, to prohibit the .ale of tobacco to minors under 18 year, of age. H. R. 280, to i prevent fraud In railroad tickets. II. R. 281, to prevent the owning of en gravings to duplicate or change railroad tickets. ' II. R. 282, to prevent the forging of rail road tickets. H. R. 853, punishment for committing as saults. H. R. 15, to purchase 820 acre, pt land for the Hastings asylum. ' H. R. 4:9,-to appoint a commlislon to deride, the Nebraska-Missouri boundary. -' H.. R. 347,' to establish sewage systems In cities of 5,000 Inhabitants. H. R. 88, to prevent the -desecration of the United States flag. H. R. 449, to appoint a commission to settle the .Nebraska-Iowa boundary line. H. R. 275, regulating hall Insurance com panies.' - r. H.'R. 4S2. to provide for school tax levy for Lincoln. ". '. 11. R. 174, the woman', dower right bill wa. killed by a vote of 20 to 9. The bill wa. amended In committee of the wholc'eo that the wife secured one-half of the hus band's estate during 'her life.'. Tho ' vote ws': '"..' ;., ';. , ', Yeas:" - - r . - ; . . ' Cox. ' . . Itall (Burt), Wall, . OIIBp. Howell, , y,t, .J . Ha.ll. (Douclaa), ; JfunlDfi,. Young. . Nays: Alden, Frlea, O'Neill. ' PembertoV ' Reynold, ',. fihaldoa, t Sloan.;- ; Liaiteaa M. Ahdraon, Harriaon, BMlitol, lUattnca, Brady, Haatr. lrowl. . HedR', . Coftey, -' . Marahall, " V' Lajr, Meredith, H. R. 124, to regulate mutual Insurance companies, was passed. H. R. 81, school warrants In Omaha shall draw 6 per cent Interest; pawned. H. R. 262, appropri.tipg 83,000 to build a comfort house on the state fair ground. All bills not advanced to a third reading were Indefinitely postponed. Resolutions were adopted thanking Lieu tenant Governor -McGllton for the able manner In which ho had presided over the senato and for his courtesy to each member of that body; to Chairman Anderson' of the finance committee for his able And un ceasing work during the. session; Book keeper John D. Cleaver, all employns, the cl.tlzens of Lincoln generally, the news paper reporters and to the third bouse for allowing the senate to exist. The page, tendered their thanks to the members ot the senate for their kindness and consideration. - After this last . reso lution was adopted the senate gave three cheers for tho pages. A minute's recess was taken at 12 o'clock and at 1:30 the senate reconvened. H. R. 436, the special scavenger bill. recommended by the governor, was passed. H. R. 73, providing for an amendment, to the state constitution to allow the Invest ment of the state school fund, was In definitely postponed In the general wlndup. The conference committee on the wolf bounty claim, reported to pay the claim. and the report wa. adopted. Hastings and Sloan voted against the report. - The conference committee on S. F. 20, to regulate the operation of mutual . in surance companies, reported that It had agreed to the bouse amendment that , the company deposit 850,000 JjiiUead. of 3100.000 before they can do business. The senate concurred In the report after a lengthy debate. The conference 'committee, on H.. R. 79, determining the. duration of the. school terms announced that It hr.d. adopted the senate amendment.. Report was adopted. Brown moved that the secretary of state have printed an additional 1,000 copies of the revenue bill; report adopted. , . H. R. 287, providing for. appeals' to. Jlhe district and supreme courts. Passed. ,. H. R. 294, allowing mutual insurance companies, to Insure risks outside, of .the. state, limiting the liability and allowing any member to withdraw. . Passed. During the afternoon Senator Anderson presented to Lieutenant Oovernor McQlltoa an elegant bouquet of roses and one rose to each senator, employe and newspaper re porter. The page, distributed a box of cigars. Lleutnenat Governor McOliton. and Senator Anderson each made . speeches, thanking the senate for the vote of thank, tendered them. , At 4 o'clock . the senate took a recess "for a few minutes." During thl. time Chaplain Presson addressed, the members. ....... The conference committee on senate amendment, to H. R. 446 reported that aq agreement had been reached. By thl. agree ment an appropriation was allowed to per mit the deaf and dumb Institute at Omaha to be connected with the water main. The net (norease In the . appropriation wa. $17,701. The greatest change wa. in the appropriation for the penitentiary. The number of cell, to be built was increased from 160 to 210, as originally recommended by the house. The increase in the item waa 812.500. The senate went Into night session at 7:30 and gave almost the whole time to felicitations. Lieutenant Oovernor Mc Gilton was escorted to the president's desk by Senators Thayer and -Alden and Intro duced to the assemblage by President Pro Tem Harrison,, who. In his remark. Mid; "Some of us hope to aeehim governor of this stp.te." K handsome garnet ring and gold stick pin were presented to the lieutenant gov ernor by J. F. Hogan, J. D. Phillips, Misses Stella .Funk and Stella. Olsen and, forty other senate employes. Senator Wall male , the -presentation speech. The , HenUenant "The real good dX all work . ... . depends on the final worth, of the thing you make ' ''. ' - , John Rvi.kin The final, worth of. Gorham Silver , has been acclaimed by three generations as de noting its 4real good," which depends equally upon its faultless de sign, its admirable workmanship and its sterling quality of ma terial. All reepeaslble jawalara keep it as: m.a governor we.-manifestly touched at what had been -done and said, and very feelingly expreased his gratitude. Senator Harrison waa lhe honored by the adoptfrm of a set of resolution. Intro duced by Senator Anderson and seconded by nesrly every senator In the rbaraber. The speeches on tbl. occasion were es pecially enrdial sad many of them eloquent. Senator Harrison msde a very becoming speech In recognition of the tribute be stowed upon him. The proceedings were witnessed by large audience. In the galler ies and on the' floor. - The senate took a recess until o'clock tomorrow morning. It ha. finished It. Work and I. only waiting .on the house to ad journ alne die. HOUSE PASSES EXEMPTION BILL Motloa to Postpoao All Bills oa Gen eral File Caaa. Coa. . faaloa. (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April 8 (Special.) The "five minute recess'" taken at 1:3d this morning expired at 8 o'clock, when the house re convened. ' ' The conference committee on the claims bill reported another failure to' agree on the 140,009 wolf bounty Claim; asked the adoption ot the remainder of the report and the appointment of a new committee. Thl. wa. done' and Douglas, Rouse, McCulloch were named to 'gain confer with" the senate committee' on this b1!I. -' The house refused to cou'ciir In the senate amendments' to the general aprp6prlatloni bill and Wilson, Davie and "Memmlnger were appointed to confer ttn a antte com mittee od Ufa bill. ' ;: " ' ' "Pandemonium broke' toose" enrly tn'rthe proceeding, when Sweeiy moved to lndef: lnltely postpone all bills oil the general file except 8. F. 10$ and 8. 'F. 42, regulat ing supreme' court' practise and the width of publio toads. - ft Was aq amendment to a motion' tyMoriimn t6'prdfeed with' all bill, on general file. The confusion that arose was Irrepressible for many minutes. The' speaker's loud and 'continued rapping with his gavel was lost In the din and tumult tht roared oh1 the floor. After a vain attempt' to settle the matter by a standing vote the roll call was taken and Sweety's amendment carried by 48 to 28 votes. Another motion ty Sweeiy carried plac ing these two bills on Inlrd reading. These bills then 'were passed: S. F. 201, "by Bhfc.don, repealing the law requiring land owners to "destroy weeds to the middle 6f the public road.. S. F. 87,' by Morris, permitting creditor. to lrvy on 20 per cent of a debtor', wage. when such wages exceeded 135 a month and exempting all the1 wages when they were less than 835 a month. The vote was 84 to 19. . Tho 'vote In detail was: Affirmative' Anderaon (H'n), Cood, McCUr. MK'ullofh, Mangold, Meodanhall, Meradlth, Neienn (Plarea). Kibble, Rnbbtna, Aouaa, Sadler. Brier, startler, Thompaon, Vli. Waring. Webora. . Wllaon, Mr. Speaker 64. Atwood. Orena;, Bacon, - Henna, u -,-r ' ' Rartoo, Harrleon, Belden. Hathom, Hureeea, - Hereon. Canael, Kogrefe, Chrlalr, ' Holllet. '-' "' Coat a. s Hunter, , Cooaey, Jahnal, Cravena, Jonea (R'd'n), Cropeej, Jonea (Otoe), Davie, . Jnuvana, .. Dnary, Kaeeny. Fellers, - Kennedy,, r Ferrar, Kerna, . Kord, Knot, "' Fries. : - . MbMUstae. Negative ' -3't' "' Anderaoa tKr). NelMm '.mlth. unoingaain.. , rerrr.n.- rnrrla, Ramaer, Delea Demlar,- ' Roberta, Flahback. 8er, i( sweesr. Ten Eiek, Traak, TVlrner Is. Johnaoa, Shellr, Loomla, Shipley, Absent and Dot ttjrtlng ' Boeth. " ttinnoil.1,J '! "Peed.''' Oaldatlior- ' .Moti-nr. ""f Xlen. Detrlck, Junkln. Banner, , Douilaa. .4'ICfttlfc ! . - ghellr. .' " ' KrledTlr. . r, yKotte,J , i Spuelftcll. . O.lwlrk 1 KrClalp" .Tinier. Olabarlller, " r ' Men-mflnueV; " '"Thorpe II. ' S. F. 96, by O'Neill, leg.ill.lng the office of state Insnrance'. flprtyj a F. 279"t)y BghtOI,'to raise the stan dard of Illuminating oil to 112 degrees fahrenhelt " ''- 8; Tt t85, 'by O'NWrt, ' to 'permit the Ne braska Relief commission to turn Into the state treasury sv balance of 8898.98. 6. F. 3, by Fries, granting additional powers - to ' fraternal'' beneficiary societies or association, organized under the law. of Nebraska. 8. F. 175, by Cox, vesting In the board of public lands and bvlldfngs the purchasing of legislative supplies." ' i 'S. F.-189, 'by Olffln, providing for con struction of Irrigation 'canals and acquir ing of water right..' " 8. F. 83, by Hall, curative act, regarding three days' notice to be given to tenant, before vacation of premise. S. F. 108 by Brown, providing a uniform procecdure of appeal from the' district to supreme court. 8. F. 245, by Fries,' regulating the or ganisation of irrigation district, defining their power, and rights. 8. F. 138, by Olffln, compelling Irriga tion ditches to be in order by April 15 and providing tor necessary outlets. 8. F. 276, by Cox, to make the board of publio land, and building, the cu.todlan. of the legislative halls and .upplles. The conference committee reported It could not agree on 8. F. 254 and recom mended It tor Indefinite postponement Sweety moved that the house recede from Its action In amending the bill and Speaker Mockett took the floor against the bill. He said It was simply an enabling act and would allow Nebraska' mutual beneficial associations to reorganise as legal re serve, and issue discriminating policies. Nelson of Douglas spoke for the bill. At thl. time the matter wa. temporarily de ferred. The minority member, at thl. time of fered re.olntlon. expressing their cordial feelings' toward Speaker Mockett for hi. fair and Impartial treatment of them, and Loomls. Kennedy and Feller, .poke briefly along thl. line. The speaker replied ex pressing his deep feeling of gratitude for the' mutual relation that. existed between him. the majority and minority member. OUbert of Douglas last' night of fered a resolution to pay the ex penses ot all members for their junketing trips, dwsplta the adoption some time ago of Harrison, re.olution to pay only such expenses as' were .actually In- j tin rcu, a iiuuipauu imi mv iuriuu out clnctly In saying that a member could get all he was entitled to under the Harrison resolution and no mors, but he thought no member would want any mora than be really was entitled On roll call the motion was lost by a vote of 45 to 89. two third, being neoesaary to carry. The bouae concurred In the senate amendment to H. ' R. 27, raising the ap propriation for an experiment station from $5,000 to $15,000. Tht house at 6 o'clock took a recess until 9:30 when" It went Into committee ot the whole and took up senate files. 8. F. 87, by Norris, the exemption ' Hen bill, at once came up. The bill exempts 80 per cent ot monthly waxes and all the wage, where they amount to 835 or lea. a month. j Loomls of Dodge attacked the bill a. a vicious imposition on toe wage earners, which, he said, had emanated from retail merchants. He declared the bill was de signed to "bear down" on such classes as the railroad men of Omaha and would work Incomparable hardships on them. Jone. of Otoe, retail merchant, made a forcible defense ot the bill. Insisting that It would Injure no honest wageworker, but would afford necessary protection to the retailer. Mockett of Lancaster spoke la support of the bllt Wilson of Fawns also spoke for 1U Jone. of Otoe had moved to recom mend the hill for passage and Sweeiy of Adams offered an amendment to Indefinitely postpone It. Jones' motion carried. Man gold, Kennedy and Morsman of Douglas voted to pass the bill and Ten Eyck, OUbert and Koetter to kill. The house took another "five mlnut recess" at 8 o'clock and began the night session at 8:30. These bills were passed: 8. F. 180, by Hsll of Douglas, providing Omaha with a police judge to supply a de ficiency ot the new city chart'. 8. F. 239. by Hall of Burt, to provide for Improvement, of public highways. 8. F. 212, by Marshall, an overhead In surance bill. ' 8. F. 238, by Meredith, j regulate the Is suance of medical certificates. 8. F. 231, by Hall of Douglas, to legalize asknowledgement. of oath. heretofore taken and administered by commissioners of deeds. 8. F. 108. by Pemberton, allowing the commitment ot youths to the reform school up to 18 ye.r. of age. 8. F. 237, by Sheldon, providing for the manner of construction of bridge, over streams that form boundary lines. 8. F. 177, by Pemberton. regulating the commitment of girls to the reform school. The last bill wes passed at 10 o'clock and the remainder of the evening was de voted to pleaaure. The galleries and floor were filed. Speaker Mockett appointed Representatives Sar, Bacon and Burgess to go to the senate and Invite Senator O'Neill of Lancaster to come to the house and favor It with his famous recitation of "Casey at the Bat." The senator did so and the applause which followed brought him back with one of James Whltcomb Riley', gem.. Attorney Edward O. Maggl ot Albion, who I. well known in Nebraska for his elocutionary powers, then gave two recitations. The house adopted a resolution by Loomls of Dodge, to appropriate 8200 for the pur chase by the speaker of forty volumes of the new legislative album that has been Issued by a Fremont concern. The book, are to be distributed In thl. anil other states. It was 11 o'clock when the house took a "five minute" recess, until 9 o'clock to morrow morning. HIGH SCH00LPUPILS STRIKE Madison Boa Seek Half-Dar Ses sions, RefaslntT to Work Till The? Oct' Them. MADISON, Wis., April 8. Led by the .on of the superintendent of schools and scion, of some ot the best families In Madison, 300 High school student, struck today for single or half day sessions. They congregated In mob. about the High school building and made such a disturbance that a detail of police wa. called to suppress them. About two-thirds of the 550 student. In the school are out and the striker, are making vtgorou. effort, to gain accession. to their ranks. A. the strike 1. approved by the parent, of a number of the stu dents and is secretly encouraged, It la said, by some of the teachers, it Is probable that considerable difficulty will be ex perienced In settling it. NAVAL GUNNERS BEAT RECORD! Three rtosen Balls Hit . Tararpt Floating- Nearly a Mile Away. PENSACOLA. Fla., April 8. World", re cords are being broken one after the other by the ships of the North Atlantic fleet. Illinois lowered all records for accuracy with thlrteen-lnch guns, and today low took the record with six pounder., when tUo gunners fired thirty-six .shot. In succession, each falling true at 1,700 .yards. WILL OF SWIFT j? FILED Document Disposes of an Batata Vei ned mt More Than Twelve Million Dollars. CHICAOO, April 8. The will of Guatavu. P. Swift, late president of the firm of Swift A Co., was filed In probate court to day. The estate Is valued at $13,200,000. The principal feature of the will was a bequest of $2ro,000 to charity. The greater part of the remainder of the eatate 1. divided amcng the widow and heirs. FIRE RECORdT Railroad Coal Chute. MARSH ALLTOWN, la., April 8. (Spe cial.) The Iowa Central coal chute was totally destroyed by fire and the store keeper's warehouse was partially burned at an early hour this morning. The flames spread to the cars In the yard totally de stroying six an' damaging thirty-five. The chut burned like tinder.- The firemen were allowed to go and turned their at tention to the oil houae nearby which con tained several hundred barrel, of oil and waa momentarily threatened. The loss Is estimated at $25,000, fully insured. Fir at Fort Leavenworth. LEAVENWORTH. Kas.. Anrll 8. Fir tn. dav In the engineer's barracks at Vnrt Leavenworth for a time threatened the en tire barracks which, with munitions. Is valued at $400,000. The fire was extin guished with $5,000 loss. Slaughter Houae at Beatrice. BEATRICE. Neb., April 8. (Special Tel egram.) Fire tonight at 11:30 destroyed the slaughter house and packing establish ment ot B. M. Heffieflnger, located two miles south of this city. Loss $1,000, In surance $300. DAKDRl FF CAI'sED DT A GERM. A Jew Dlseovery that Kill the Germ and Prevent Baldn. Pretty nearly all the hair preparation, for dandruff have some merit In allaying Itching of the scalp, and In being a fairly good dressing for the hiir, but there 1 only on that recognises what causes dandruff, . falling hair and baldness, and that destroys the cause, a lltte germ and that Is Newbro's Herplclde. This germ eats It way Into the scalp, down to the hair root, where it saps that vitality, caus ing dandruff as it digs up the scalp into little white scales. Unless It Is destroyed there's no permanent stopping or falling hair and cure of dandruff and baldne.i. Newbro's Herplclde kills the germ. "De stroy the cause, you remove the effect." Sold by all druggists. Send 10 cent. In stamps for simple to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Marriage License. Marriage licenses hav been granUd a follow.;. Nam and Residence. Age. Frank T. B. Martin. Omaha 26 Mary E. Barker, Omaha 24 John B. Dixon. South Omaha 22 Flora Shtrman. South Omaha 14 Gorg E. Boellert, Stanton, la 86 Ueata H. Holland. Stanton, la 12 William J. Nace. Omaha 87 Mary M. Humphiirs, Omaha 23 Fir nad I'ollr Matter. At the meeting of the Hoard ot Fire and Police Commissioner last nlht Policeman W. H. Stnry confessed to bHng Intoxicated while on duty. He has been on the tore nine years and this being the first charge brought against h'na he was lined six days' pay. Miscellaneous bl'U were allowed, but all bills for coal were held up until they can be compared with the contracts. a. I. Berger of 17u7 South rVventh street and Oeor.e Pickerel of 4t23 Dodge street were placed upon the list of probationary firemen. REPORTS ON COLORADO OIL Geological Surveyor Believes Boolder Fieldg to Be Very Large. CENERAL STAFF MEMBERS ARE PICKE War Department Karnes Offleer to Form First Body Created hy Re cent Art, Thouah Dntle Only Comnaene In A . (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, April 8. (Special Tele gram.) Professor N. M. Fennaman of the United State. Geological aurvey ha. pre pared an elaborate report on the Boulder oil field, of Colorado, the result of an exten sive exploration and Investigation recently made by him. The report show, that oil development In the region commenced a early as 1867. But little wa. done until 1901, when the Boulder Oil company com menced operation, and development and ha. Ince proceeded rapidly. The full extent ot the. oil field ha. not been determined though Professor Fennaman expresses the opinion It 1. very large. The present pro duction Is 200 barrel, dally and the oil I. ot good quality. Mr.. Annln, widow of the 1st William E. Annin, and her daughter, are staying for a few day. as guests of Mrs. Joy, wife of Representative Charles F. Joy ot Missouri. A. soon as an adjustment ran b obtained with the Postofflce department of her late husband's accounts, Mrs. Annln wilt return to Denver to live until the completion of her children'.- education In - the public school, there., . , General Staff . Selected. The '.eeret.fy of war tod.y t.nnounred the name, selected' by the board of officers for the general staff a. follow.: Colonel. Thoma. H. Barry, .djuthnt general', de partment; John B. Kerr, Twelfth cavalry; John-L. Chamberlain, Inspector general', department; Enoch H. Crowder, Judge ad vocate general's department. Lieutenant Colonel. William A. Simpson, adjutant general', department; Henry P. McCain, adjutant' general', department; James T. Kerr, adjutant general', depart ment; Frederick A. Smith, In.pector gen eral', department; Crosby P. Miller, quar termaster general', department; Charles Shaler,. ordnance department. Major. John O. D. Knight, corp. of en gineer; George W. Goethals, corp. of en gineer.; Henry A. Greene, United Slates Infantry, adjutant general's department; Edward J. McClernand. United States cav alry, adjutant general', department; James A. Alrons, United State. Infantry, In .pector general'. ' department; Sedgwick Pratt, artillery corps;. William A. Mann, Fourteenth Infantry; , William P. Duvall, artillery corps; Montgomery M. Macomb. artillery corps; William D. Beach, Tenth cavalry; John. 8. Mallory First Infantry; Samuel Reber, signal corps. Captains William , Gibson, ordnance de partment; David D. Galllnrd, corps of en gineers; Ben James Alverd, Twentieth In fantry, Harry C. Hale, Twelfth Infantry; Joseph T. Olckman. Eighth cavalry; Charles H. Mulr 3;'cond Infantry; Frank Dew Ram sey, Ninth infantry;' Frank M-Intyre, Nine teenth Infantry; Sydney A. Oilman, Twenty-third Infantry; Robert K. Mltchle, Twelfth cavalry; Hugh J. Gallacher, sub sistence department; John J. Pershing, Fif teenth cavalry; C- L. ,Menoher, artillery corps; ' Wlllalm C. Rivers, Flr.t cavalry; Peyton C. Marsh, artillery oorps; William C. Hahn, artillery corp.; Charlea D. Rhode., Sixth ' cavalry; Horace ' M. Reeve, Seven teenth Infantry; Dennis E. Nolan, Thir teenth 'Infantry. ' First Lieutenant John rC. Oakes, corp. Of engineer... ''.' ' ? These officers will be supplemented by a number of general officer. It I. not Intended to change to stations or assignments of any officer, detailed upon the general staff tor the present or until they are needed on general staff work. In the foregoing list some of the officers have not yet reached the grade to which they have been assigned, but will be promoted before the law goes into effect next August. Parcels Post with France. M. Margerle, secretary of the Fredch em bassy, today conferred with Second As sistant Postmaster General Shallsnberger regarding a parcels post treaty. A tenta tive draft of a treaty between the gov ernment, wa. dlscuased along the lines of the German asreerueat. Invent New Turbine 8bta. Admiral Melville, engineer In chief of the navy, has a surprise In store for sail ors which perhaps will be as revolutionary a. hi. famou. triple .crew. For more than a year hi. bureau ha. been making quiet Inquiries and preparing plan, for a turbine propelled warship. The best ex pert, have been consulted and the plan, have been advanoed to a point where It I. thought satisfactory result, are assured. Find Roosevelt New Post. The Washington Humane society has elected President Roosevelt an honorary member In consideration of hi. message to congreas recommending the exercise of kindness toward cavalry and artillery horses of the army. Alaska Mall Contvnet Awarded. The Postofflce department ha awarded to 8. R. Sprlgg of Point Barrow., Ala.ka, the contract for carrying the trail from Point Barrow, vta Point Hop to KoUebue, Alaska, about 650 mile., two round trip, to be made each winter for the next three year, at $650 per round trip, The mall I. to be carried by reindeer. Routine of Department. The Iowa rural fre delivery letter car rier, were appointed today: Anthon, regu lars, Den P. Dodge, Harcourt P. Roger., Albert James Moore; substitutes,. John A. Dodd, Carl B. Rogers. D. E. Wing. Bran son, regular, Charles H. Lamb; aub.tltut, L, A. Horn. Clinton, regular, Albert E. Bachman; substitute. Nettle J. - Bacbman. Council Bluffs, regular, James O. McMahoa; substitute, J. B. McMabon. Hinton, regu lars, Charles C. Paulsen, Thoma. J. Bailey, John D. O'Brien; .ubstltutea, Fred Wht neck, Oeorge Bailey, Allen Jones. Love land, regular, Edwin C. French; substitute, Albert Bird. Lawton, regular. Christian Wledman; substitute, Elisabeth Wledman. Merrill, regular, Russell JI. CoffinCharley Thoward, Franklin II. Jones; substitutes, Maud H. Coffin, Welcome O. Sanford, Franklin N. June. Remaen, regulars, Har vey W. Mossoer, Gus FMudman; substi tutes, Leonard Rescknagle, Henry Wlllen burg. Sioux City, substation No. 1, regu lars, Schuyler C. Reld, Morris N. Thorp; substitute, Hannah Reid, Walter T. Thorp. Solon, regulars, John W. Iklck, John M. Jenkins; substitutes, Joe Brosh, Joe Seen Ishek. The Second National bank of DubuqUe was today approved as reserve agent for the First National bank of Algona, la. Frank R. Sldwell of Sioux Falls, 8. D., was today appointed special laborer at the navy yard. Puget Sound. Postmasters appointed: Iowa, Frank K. Nils, Msrble Rock, Floyd county. Wyoming. Ed C. Payne, Irma Big Horn empty. wm ''Saved My Life and Kept Me From Insane Asylum." j Mra. Wilcox Is Now in Ferfect Health Through No Other Agency Than Paiiie's Celery Compound. The absolute need of an honest and genu ine Invlgorator and health' giver In the spring season I. deeply Impressed on the mind ot every thinking and Intelligent man and woman. ' Th happy cure of Mr, J. B. Wilcox, of Winter. Cal.. through tho use" of Fame's Celery Compound, created widespread as tonishment and Joy amongst her friends and neighbor, who were exceedingly anx ious regarding her condition'. The best medical treatment tailed even to give Mr. Wlloox a few day. relief from her sufferings ot mind and body. ' At last, Paine'. Celery Compound .aved her from a terrible end and planted her fort (Irmly on the rock of health. ; . . Read Mr. Wilcox', letter of testimony, dear reader, and If . you remain - obdurate and unbelieving after such ao earnest and convincing confession of cure, nothing but a direct act ot Providence can snatch you from the danger, and peril, of your posi tion. Mrs. Wilcox says: "Palne's Celery Compound did for me Payne's Oelery Compound ' did for me. Some years ago my . head troubled me so that tt seemed that 1. should be craiy. It wa. caused by overitudy, I' asked the ad vlr of two doctor, . who irave me medi cine to no effect, and I did hot know what I would do. I did, not want to see anyone, everything seemed so strange. I had a tired, lagging feeling, my bowel, were out of order, my kidney, troubled me, and I felt badly, but before I had taken half of one bottle of Pal no's Celery Coiii&ound I felt like a new person. Four bottles cured me. And I would recommend It to ail who feel the way I did, I can't praise it half enough, for I know It saved my life and kept me from Imprisonment in an Insane asylum, which is as bad as dna'h." A skin of btauty U a joy forever. R.T. FELIX GOIRAID'S ORIENTAL CREAM. Oft MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER ft- Remoni Tan, Plmpl, v ' sr FrarklM Moth- P.lobftL Hash and Skin lla ava, and aver bltnilah on beauty and da flea detection. It baa stood tha teat of flfty-fiva yeara. and la ao harmleia wa taata It to ba sura It la prop any ptada. ' Aeeept no counterfeit of si mi- lar nama. Dr. I A. Sayra said to s lady of tha haut- ton (a pattant): "As yon lar! tee will use them, I rvjuotnmand "OOL'KAlTD' 8 CPE A M, a tha least harmful fif all tha ekln preparations." For salo by all drufclats and fanny goods dealers lo tha t'ttltad tatas and Rjrona. FRR11. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r 17 Great Jones it.. N. Y. ATHLETES TO KEEP IN GOOD TRIM MUST LOOK WELL TO THE CONDITION OF THE SKIN. TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH SAPOLIO All Orocern mad Druggists WOMAN'S CROWNING GLORY . m h aaananra u nmj vnauiv, n MB W TW i'VJ 4 tared tan Issm tlatwnl ralnr aw lib, nut tnturw a la-nk. ar .1 y ena apfrlkattaa W tha Imperial Hair Regenerator THE STAKDAKD HAIR COLO RIM a. tt h abaolataly harmtaaa. Any ahada acadwea. Color f.ManJ ON. ArrtfCATION LASTS MUMTMS. SaatpUWntkaa?aaaaaba. In vri ihI ( li-mlcal Co.. 135 W. Kid Hi.. S Y Bold by Suarmun & MoConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. AMUSEMENT. Reserve Your Seats FOR THE AK-SAR-BEN it Musica y AT THE DEN. May 7,8,9,15. Season Tickets, $3,50, for th Six Concerts, at H. J. PENFOLD tt tO. '3, 1408 Farnam Street. . Bale of Reserved Beat. Will Be Withdrawn After April 16th. Chixago Symphony -Orchestra The May Festival Choir f 150 Voice. ' Kcrdica and De Reszke. With th Full New Verk Metro ' polltan Opera Hous Orchestra. THE GREATEST MUSICAL EVENT OF THE SEASON. BOYD'S Last Throe Weeks of Regular Season TOMOHT AND VHIDAY NIUHT. The Trick Pantomlmiq Farce Comedy. ZIG-ZAG-AtLEY neaded br EB IARRUW, Tha greatest Acrobatlo Pantomlmist. , Prices 26c, 60c, 75c and f 1.(Xj. ATVRDAY MAiTTek AKu RIGHT THE YOUNGER BROTHERS A sensatlonsl, thrilling tnlo-draiu Price Mat., 26c, Mc. Night 2Jc, iuc, 76c. TaU-Dhon 1&21. ' '- Matin... ThY'aySunday, ; HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE MATINEE TODAY Ajyn&2 2& CHILDRi; Or. TONIQHT 8:15 Prlcc-10c, 26o, 60a. Mil i i i t ; 1 I. ; i't 4. It