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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1903)
THE : OMAHA DAILY . IJI2E: THURSDAY, . AF12IL. O, . 11 PCIAL NOTICES IH te itkri 111 13 an. for Ike rrln dittos a ad 111 H:AO . St. for naoralat and Midir eslttsu. Mates, 1 l-2e a word nrst laerlea, le a ward hereafter. Notfcluaj taken for leas thai Sf.e for the drat laser Una. These aerertUesaeata aaaat he raa eoaaeeutlvelr. - Aavenl sere, hr feejustluf si tiered fhruk, eaa have answers a Tkt Bee. Itiw faaaak, ealy. preseatetloa at lha WA1 F.D MALE HELP, MKN to learn barber trade; free railroad tare upon our (allure to convince you of thla being Iiib HtM'C and only reliable, rnoit practical barber college In tba United states. Write for catalogue today. Weitera liai ber' Institute, Omaha, Neb. AMERICAN Barber college, corner 12th and Douglas at. our Illustrated catalogue largest published. Free. Write. D 4o0 WANTED, acllva. educated men In central and western states; tlxed weekly salary or definite tune guaranty; give age experi ence, references. DoUd, Mead et Co., Chi cago. A flli u WANTED, experienced carpet salesman; must be tnorougbiy capaoie of selling curpeU; none other need apply. Apply to superintendent carpet department, J. L- Brandel A bons. B MM WANTED, traveling salesmen to carry as mAm iin Rarest i-ollar Pads Patent Rid ing Saddle lads. Horse Collars and Sad dlery Specialties. Bell everywhere; lib eral commissions. References required. Write for full particulars. State terri tory traveling. Xora Padgltt Saddlery Co., Waco, Tt, a " WANTED Experienced bookkeeper to keep a set of retail books. Musi be quick and accurate. State experience and salary ex pected. Addrtss, A tw, ee. B 564 WANTED, bright young man who can operate the. Oliver Typewriter. Apply at ence. The Oliver Typewriter Company, 116 South 16th streev . , B MM WANTED, good strong boy about 16 years of age. Aimlv Hunt.. J. L. Brandels & bona. ., B-W6 WANTED, mill men; bench hands, cabinet makers and machine men. Addresa Na tional Wood Works. Sioux cu?pj(,u 10 WANTED good letter and monogram en graver and all around man in my iore.. l"orrepond with R. U. Hendrlck, SL Joseph. Mo, Young man P' WANTED, traveling man for middle and southern Iowa by western overall fac tory; established trade; nrst-class rerer ence. -required; young, energetlo man preferred. Addrcs. B 10. WANTED Representattvea for the sale of ki.k...A. mlnln fltnrk which 1 now T. . - hrijnrf ni pent monthly: 1 . KV nr, tnr Hirht party. For par- I tlculars, etc.. address Clark. Drake . u.rner H.nWers. 79-85 Wall St.. N. Y. y.JCiiy. - B M684 10 WANTED, men to learn barber trade, two years saved by our method; practical (inert I ns true tlons. etc. Fa- xiiliisa that cannot be had elsewhere. OrowTng demand for our graduates; llfi-00 I.,., ni. nnaltlnns auaranteed. -aaa logue mailed free. Moler Barber College, Uu2 Douglas St. x iw i- 1 WANT a ftrst-clas carriage painter at nee; plenty of work waiting. Call on William Oofdner. Fall City. Neb ... i t -cow a . vtvn (n tt ifmY. able-bodied u n- rnarrled men between age of 1 and Si; eltlsen ot United States, of ood char aeter dnd temperate habits, who can peak, read and write English. For Infpr. rnatlon apply to Recruiting Officer. 16th and Dodge St:, Omaha, and Montgomery building, uncoin. WANTED, a working; partner In drug in una nf the best towns In northeast Nebraska; population 1.400; only two drug innu: nine e man Dreierrou. vuun-n. & iaTcar Dee. V B7-M878 8 nrawfinrYs vmaamfiBter on Concord hr- neaa. Addre Hartke Sheet., Meeker, coio. . ; . " -- wiNTitn a a-nod. active, reliable soda ' irk-. also DrescrtPtlon clerk. Address, tatlnd g. experience, refereneo an alary?Kuha ft Co., Omaha, Neb ioYLEB' COUJEOB. high-grade .chool EfTiin... Shorthand. Typewriting end English branches. DA ANto EVENING. CaU. write or 'phone for catalogu- A1- Boyle, President. .ii m r- 1 1 1 1 WANTED salesman, experienced in Det ' "V .nn'i.inna hv nutalde Decker. n nrnvlslona. bY outaia pacarr. irai- claaa man only.. Give particular. Ad- dress B 21. Bee. Br-fOS 10 .,p(nr nn line not easentlal: accustomed to "'"rvand ofrina- V." AY n.',.Z R tf. Logn. Sec. 600 Ware la., low win " -- -- WANTED.MANAGER WAtJTED First class man as manager i"' , .,..1. kmVer nfflce: must be thor oughly up m stock and grain business and tiA a hi. to snow tr.uLi.. ' - ' - - . ' Bee. .. . ' B M910 10 TWO coat Ttiakers. t oncfc Addre., Chri. i vcrann. Dae -1 u - SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED, two salesmen, salary or com mission. C, F. A.dms Co., 1619 Howard St. SIX experienced canvassers at good salary to represent Little. Brown A Co.'s new Call after 9 a. m.. 600 Ware Blk. , -956 Salesmen The Hawks Nursery Co., Wauwatosa. Wis. M565 A26 $4.00 to 10.00 Per Day Maris selllns the self-llghtrna? gas mantle. Ke Ncbraska-I iwa Auto Lighter Co., 105 8. 15th at.. Omaha. M.874 DRUMMERS wanted to handle our extracts as a side line. O. A. lllgglns Flavoring Extract Co., 11 W. Madison St., Chicago, III. MS1D lt" ' WANTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian office, 15th Y Dodge. t- WANTED, good girt for general house- ttora. li.Mi.'" uyiiviun Ave. C-M352 WANTED Experienced young Udy book keeper to keep a set of retail books. Must be a nick and accurate. State ex. perlence a id salary rxpactsdi' Addr-a, WANTED, student nurses at 'the Presby terian noapuai. Appiy at once. C 33 9 WANTED, a bousekeper in a family of three; a Udy between 80 and 40 years of I bk; one atuiout cntiaren preferred. Ad dress B Su, Wee. C MSK4 lu TII1CHK Is now room for one nurse In our training srnooi n.r nurses at (. nii.i s Hav- liK Institute, IMh and Ohio. A. W. Clark, sni'erinieiiaeni. u MSia ltr W ANTKD lilrl for laundry work. Apply Monparvii .aunury, i,us Vinton t. C-M871 for general housework. 406 So. 15th. C 676 13' WANTED, young lady experienced In hair gooas io aeimmstraie our new nygtenlc cunib; must be a fluent talker aud be throughl' experlfnced In the demonstra tion or flair gooaa Apply Supt., J. I. lirsndels t buns. C 607 WANTED By hardware and Implement frm young lady atenoaraoher and book keeper, fr country town 70 miles frim Omaha. W H I frtjsa 6 ti ' IfiJrTEM win do at paxton hotel April id. to p. m. c M'j. WAgoTEl Thoroughly competent exDerl- en.J saiesiaoy in iniiiinTy neiuirimeni: one who ran make Slight a'.teratlona In hat preferred. Aak fir Mrs. Needham. guUllnery department, Tne People s More. M aiaii s WATTED-rKJIALB HELP, WANTED Sowing omra In Hayflen Bros.' alteration room. Apply at once. C-8H0 I , w WANTED Olrl for general housework; family of three, (mod tiffi, Mrs. 81m eral. 976 North ttth Ave. C-684 WANTED, experienced ladles In alteration department. Apply Cloak Dept. J. L. Drandels A Bona. C 7J WANTED, Blrl for reneral housework. three In family; reference required, liu bo. ram ui. u WANTED, a competent girl ' for general Mr. A. B. Jaqultn, 2017 C T 12 housework. , Spencer. WANTED, ladles to make neckwear from sample; experience not necessary; teany work, good pay; seno seii-aaaressea, stamped envelope. Ideal Mfg. Co.. 5f W. 131 st. New York City. C M620 W WANTED, skirt girl helper nd appren tice. Boom 6io, Karnacn moca. . C 9U1 I WANTED, good girl, email family good wijr. Mrs. L l. Bunaenana. ie noi 82d St. C M90Z CAPABLE saleslady to travel for the Vlavl Co. fiHlnrv and exDensee paid. Arpiy at once, 848 Be Bldg.. Omaha. C M917 U STrvrwlnAPMrna mat,, and f em a 1 m to do typewriting in evening, r. .. . rnn- adelphla. C M316 B WANTED Oood cook and second girl from April 15 for six month, in tne country; good wages, small family and pleasant summer home. Mrs. N. C. Shannon, Elk- hern. Neb. Apply at zxa snerman are.. Omaha, . sasui HELP WASTED; DEPUTIES, men or women: gplenrlld n- tract The Oardeners, W7 eee DlarIMS WANTED, cash girl and toy. muat be over 14 venr. Apply liuperinienaeni, J. uranueie s Don. .-ft FOR RENT-HQCBEB. uni iccc all part f wr - Tut o. nUUoCO k. Davis Co.. V Bee Bldg, D 406 ; VANS and baggage Wagons. Tela 11M-U48. HOUSES, 16 upward. Bemls, Paxton Blk. . i is TO MOVE right get Omaha Van 6tora CO.; orace uu.y, lanum, or iei. im-" i D 40 HHI IQPQ n 'l P ot the city. ,B, nUUOCO c. pateV A Co.. Be Bldg. HOUSES. Q. O. Wallace, Brown Block. WE MOVE planot. Maggard Van & Stor age co. Tel. 1498. Office, 17U wepier ou V mil FOR RENT, S-room house, all modern ex cept iumace. 7U4 r. sotn St., a.w. c- in. Bachmann, 436-87 Paxton Blk. D 34 ' 1 . PATNK-BOSTWICK A CO. Choice- houses. 1 601-803 New York Ufa Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D BS6 MODERN brick house, near High school. rent 130. Dr. Swartxlander. 2601 Capitol Ave. u IM-U' HOUSES. Insurance. Rlnrwalt, Berker Blk. SIX-ROOM house, city water. 8115 Burt St TWO 8-room flats, all modern, walking distance. 8626-28 Capitol Ave; 820 per CATALOGUE cut drug price free. Sher month. Inquire R. C. Peters Co., man & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Oround Floor, Bee Bldg. VERY deslrahle modern s-rnom dwelling. large lot, on pavea s creel, u do. soiii, w. W. H Russell tt Co.. 426 Kamge Bldg. Tel. 857. . X o 8 FOR RENT. -room house, modern, fine condition, 840 per month; 'eight- block from 16th and Farnam. Reference wanted. Address B 19, Bee. . D-M900 J4 FOU WENT 8-room modern house, ' ' .,, ...118 I 2410 qi. ,,. 7-ronnl houeA Mtv wfttti: . , "' ioi is. rain t. .,... 1 u t-room house, city water, v, - 1U.2 N. 16th st 14 Thomas Brennan, 80S. 8,. 17th at, . . . ,. .. ...1VM IS FOR REST FURNISHED ROOMS, DEWEY European hotel. 16th and Farnam. -. B 413, AETNA HpUSE, European, 13th 4 Dodge. f " ' I cnvit. tirvrot ie.. Mth i rtinn " r,s I i i L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone 780. , - E 416 fejK" heatrt .T- 19eI Cap- E 191 ELEGANT- rooms: hot reference. ;616 Web, water heat, modern: abater. is 417 NICELY furnished front room, suitable fori two. 1714 California Bt. . ic M4U NICE modern room In . very oeslrable lo cation. z&67 Harney at. t Mill t ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th. U M3oS FRONT 1st fl.. modern. 2024 St. Mary's Ave. r. 348 21.00 TO 82 00 per week. 422 8. 18th St.. one block south of court house. B GS 220 N. 17TH, neat room, new flat 15 M333 28 DESIRABLE rooms, first-class location. waiaing Distance, coa r amam. jc ssn is ONE or two elegant furnished rooms, mod ern; rererence. ziia cauiornta. K M636 10" SOUTH FRONT alcove room. 2S80 Harney. i MMi 11 DOUBLE parlor; south front; reference. 'Phone jouz. r - e an Rlis n. x- ROOMS 1906 Capitol Ave. Fl'RNlSHED ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE rooms, steam heat, with or without board; low rates, aiiaian'i iiotei, join ana Chicago. jt 4W i - . i . NICE, rooms, good board. The Rose, '3030 llumey. v' , i m.i; ri LARGE, south front, modern: fine locality. near car sw.uu a monin lor two. tail, 'Phone 2593-A. .. .. . . F 908 SINGLE room and board, ill N. 26th St. FB06 FOR RENT IN Fl'RNISHED ROOMS. TWO fine unfurnished room. 0 N. d. Sl'ITE of rooms, modern, ' housekeeping. oi ueorgia avw. u M9uy 11" TWO ROOMS, pkntry' and large kitchen; orica uasrmsi. bjb a, uni av. O MS53 12 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. We will build a three or four-story build ing on Harney street, suitable for wholesale purposes. LOt 44 loot front. Alley In rear. r w .Inquire R. C PETERS 6c CO., . Ground Floor. Bee Bide. 1-4998 VC ,V . ' " . ... mjvw u l'U.II . ,W,W par $10.00 perl month up. neniai price Includes huL lishl and janitor service. R. C. Peters Co.. grouna noor, nee iiiag. 1 A6e FOR RENT Ths building formerly oecu-l pled by i lie lire at sis arnara St. It has i four stories and a basement .which was formerly used as ln Bee prea room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply a office of c. C. Hoi water, secretary, room luu. Bee building. i au FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purpocra at lis rarnam, 22xM, four stories and flrst-claas cemented basement. elevator, fire and burgiar proof vault, nrru counter and fixtures. For price ana particulars Inquire C. C. Roerwater, sec retary the Bee Building Co., room 100. Hee building. axa MEN AND WOMEN READ s,.Ave a LOOKING FOR POSITIONS PLACE AQF.NTS WASTED. I WANTED Canvassing agent In every, county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agent In the country with home and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 180 to tlOO per month. Ad dress. Century Farmer Solicitor' Bureau, Hee building, Omaha. 211 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to rent, an I er -room house, latter preferred; modern conveniences. In west or southwest locality. Address T 67, Be. K-696 WANTED TO BCT. ! DON'T give your bouse furnishing away. can on i. ijevtn or Tel. m and he u pay you a Dig price, m-mwd zt WANTED To buy out a etock of mil linery m a good business town from too to 1.000 Inhabitant. Address Milliner, A (7, care Omaha Bee. N M587 May WANTED, to buy. . a good second-hand cash register; total adder. - Address, with description and price, Brunhall, Schaller, la. N M872 10 WANTED Six or eight-room house one .or two Diocks from Leavenworth. Address B 22, Bee. N M918 15 FOR SALE FlftNITl'HB. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. iew ana secondhand bougnt, soia, exchanged. O 122 - FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. HORSE AUCTION at Union Stock Yards Uorae market every Wednesday afternoon. AUCTION sale of horse every Tuesday, jnuraaay, at, jonn ti. cooper sr, 4j moo Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb. 75 DELIVERY wagons, buggies, carriages. auy sise or any price 10 suit. 11. from, 14th and LCMvcnwnrm. t P , : , - cAntiiAuisa painted, repaired or-rubber tire Dut on. William Pfelffer 2K2t to 21424 Leavenworth. Tel. locS. P-Mwt6 SEVEN top buggies, three carrhtgea and two runaoouts at a l.g oacrince, joiin on dc Robert. John Deere building, luth and Lfeavenworth. P MUu iay4 FOR 8ALKMlSCELLA,KOLS. New a&d 2dhand typewriter. 1118 Farnam. W Ua. INDIAN gbod and relic. 1US Farnam. 4iM WIRE fence for hogs, ooultrv. lawn and farms. WJre Works. U 8o,.i6ihr Tel, 15SK) W-MS3H jU TELEPHONE pole. Long Fir timber. Ciuvaen lepce. oak piling, sui Douglas. FOR SALE First mortgage note bearing ( per cent interest, payauie every six months; has about year to run; good security and endorsed by responsible party; amount, 1,WX(. Inquire C. ,M. Bachmann, Room 41, Paxton Block. W 656 Q 428 EGOS for. hatching 8. C. brown leghorn. ongni, rvaiaron strain, mrs. ueo.. Hartman, 4424 N. 27th SU y Mi9C iV FOR SALE Phonographs, superior to any otner musical instruments, v '.P. The Columbian Phonograph Co., Kr "arnam. ' v ... - -42 ... 1DHAND safe cheap.' t- -nt, 1119 Farnam, T DURKlN.-electrlo light' wiring. TeL 243, ' r - . . . r : . T MWF - FOR BALE. Crane hydraulic elevator, oan oe usea tuner passenger or ireignt,. com? plete. Iron . guide posts, cage and w(re enclosure.. J. L. Brandels Ml 8011a. y Ms SECOND-HAND man' wheel, in good con dition: will seu cheap, call at 24ug Cass St. ' Q M912 MISCELLANEOl'g. A BUYER for a 8-room modern dwelling. one oiocK norm pi nimrewn rant, aq dress. P 683, Omaha. R-62416 FOR RENT Piano players, or piano a no player togetner. piano Player uo., i e; 14&0. xt M BIO CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass street. O Ml MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 815 8. IS. a 422 MADAMS LUCJRKTIA, medium, 16n Chi cago at. . d alow aa ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MRS. DAVIS, 1G21 Howard street, baths, first-class assistant. i-mJ juays MISS HOWARD, elegant massage baths; assistant, si, ft ft. win, nai tu. M570 30 GRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky. 720 S. 13th. T MOW MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15. 2d floor, r. 1 1 iufwa aLuyt- PERSONAL. ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Paxton. PRIVATE .anltarlumor ladles before and I during confinement. Dr. and Mra. Gerlach, , 362S California St. uerms reasonaoie. W ELITE PARLORS, 616 S. lethSt.M floor. OMAHA DYE WORKS, 1515 Howard, fash- lonaoie ciee iivie, w draperlea, rugs, lace curtains; we dye carpets. . U 372 13 MRS. JACOBSON. 1206 N. JOth flt. KTTPTURK CURED without pain. Emptr MAQNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At arugi. . 'K'.W KTCd vtavi A wholesome nerve and .tissue food and nu in f w. uc. b ui women. Write for free booklet. Vlavl Co.. 848 Bee Bldg.. Omata. , U-137 TELEPHONE "80 tor L. M. K. messengers. U M PRIVATE hcpUal bfor and during con- Mrs TGardsls, 34 Lake. Tel. Red-lsU. ' U 439 1 HOME during connnement; nrst-class. Dr. I ks' a 1 1 1 1 rutsl Hliinilrt 'I'kmiA C 1 1 1- U-M794 I PRIVATE home for women during con finement, uwu DRiuuriun oaniianum, m 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. U M6 FOR fine toilet and soft akin use Frltch's famous vegeiauie sump; maae i rom soap bark; has no greass or 1. BUs A Kleeer, 8J0 S. 161 h. U M116 26 C. EDERER. Bristol St florist- Tel. 1795. U M1W QUIET home for ladles In trouble before and during connnement: gnoa care and prompt attention assured, write or call. Mrs. L. Carter, 1317 Charles. Omaha. Neb. Mm Mays MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. I TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Block. w 441 FIVE PER CENT loans Garvin Bros., 1H farnam. w 444 MOSEY TO LOAJI-RKL ESTATE. MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 30V S. 13th. W 44 TER CENT on business property. E per cent on residence property. Options te psy whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE, 4oi S. 15TH ST. W 442 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 37 N. T. Life. W Mi WANTED, fltv and farm loahs; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters St Co., 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 446 FARM and city loan, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. 143. W 44T PRIVATE money. F. t. Wead, 1524 Douglas. W 448 WANTED, city loan and warrant. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street. W 449 MOSEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY. MONET. MONET. ARE YOU IN NEED OF MONEY? IT IS' A OOOD THING TO KNOW THAT WJC LOAN MONEY TO SALARIED EMPI3YE9 holding perma nent position with responsible firms on their Plain Note, without ENDORSER, MORTOAQH or SECURITY of any kind, or Employer's knowledge. We also .loan moneyon FURNITURE, PIANOg, HUR8KP. CARRIAGES, ETC.. -at the lowest possible rate. There will be n restriction on your moving, no In- . qulry among your neighbors or friends or any other unpleasant formalities. You can REPAY US In- WEEKLY er MONTHLY payment to suit your own convenience. You ecelve the FULL AMOUNT wanted in cash; no CHARGES DEDUCTED In ADVANCE. We want your business hnd believe an In vestigation of our methods will get It, even If at present you are dealing with another company. 1 ' If you wsnt to be dealt With fairly 'call on Ms. KIND, COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL. Our office Is the best equipped to handle your buelne-i with PRIVACY OF ANY ifj THE CITY., . ' AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room 803-PAXTON BLOCK-Room 80S.' Get Off Elevator at Third Floor. . Open Wed. and Sat. Till 8 p. M. X-M177 Monev. We loan from H0.OO up on furniture, live stock, pli.nos, etc. SALARY LOANS with out mortgage to persona who hold salaried positions. .An Interview will convince you that the condition of our contract are the most liberal obtainable Jn the city. W make no deductions from the amount' bor rowed,' as some do, thereby compelling you to pay for money you do not get. Our office is very easily found, and having reoently had it again remodeled It is more private than aver. We always try, to please. Omaha A TQB. LLoan Go, 118 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 129. (Established 1892.) 808 8. 16th 0t X 450 LOANS .'. ;. ' on...;:;.;. , Chattels or; Salary. LOWEST .RATES AND', ' -BEST TERM4eN THB CITY. TRY USl'dtl fHaENlXXKgpm'CO., ; 63 Paxton- Block., lehf and 'Farnam. . -. .1 i'e .BO. ti x M1O0O- THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. ROOm -644. Paxton Block.' Phone v.: Thl company In : the private bank' of the wage earner and - salaried employe. If you have A permanent position as clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, machinist or arti aan of any kind, you can obtain on your nuio wiuiuufc nuuriijr or.enaor8er. ' ' Semi- ' K-r Monthly. TKorrthly. Weekly, 8100 return -to us... '.2.e6. ' ! 813.36 - 8665 8 to return to us.... U.83 ,..' 666 3.36 8 5 return to us..,- 66 8.33 ' l.r, I in-ronirn to am.... i.w X.UO 1.00 I ur -offices' are private and our business connuenuat. rom a. m to I p. m. . . '. !. : ' ' X 461 ARGEHT. BUSINESa ? IN LOANS ' TO SALARIED- PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity easiest terms, 40 offices In prln. ctpal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trad mag. i ... X 462 SALARY LOANS privately mode on notes. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Paxton Block, Corner 16th and Farnam Sta, Third Floor. . : -X 454 CHATTEL salary and Jewelry loans.' Foley Loan Co., uo to D. Green, R. 8, Barker bk . . X-456 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 18. X 456 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential, lowest rates. 614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-450 BiaiNESS CHANCBS. A HOTEL FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. MODERN 2-story frame. 40 rooms, lot 32x 100, Improvements, good condition, lo cated couthwestern Iowa, thriving lov. n; 812.0U) . cash or good improved farm; . .VV .I.U.I .... . '.I.U.U I.HMl. What have you for this? J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M3S0 WHEN you want to, buy; sell or exchange any property or business quick, see J. 11. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y 333 CASH for your real estate or business, no matter wnere located, tor quick sale eend us' description and price. North western Business Agency, D. 312, Bank of Commerce Bidg., Minneapolis. Minn. . . ; " ' Y-M3S6 If WANTED, In 'Coin, la.,' a first-class gen- ri piurB; suoa Dries, room can ie nwi at Once, 26x100 feet; best location In city. Inqufre Of J. A. Delk. Coin. Ia. Y-4U7 FOR SALE, a good paying confectionery ana restaurant in live tewn; no competi tion; a bargsln'lf taken at one." Address Lockbox 2. Creston. Neb. Y-M6J8 HARDWARE and furniture business, es- taDUaned Li years, only one nere; gooa town, city water, electric light; owners nave Aiaanan interests; must so aiay iu. 88,000 cash, or half, 84.000. IS. t Christie. cneiean waan. Y-M6W 11 FOR SALE, complete bakery, slo two piatiorm spring oreaa wagons, almost new. Inquire at 1115 Fifth avenue. Council Bluffs. Y M30 11 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room til, Mccague building. Y-457 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DONT BUY AN OLD SHACK That Is worn out, cold In winter, full of dust, dirt ana vermin, ana a norror to every housewife. Buy a nice lot while they are cheap and 1st us build you Just the house you want. We can do It on a small payment down, and balance in monthly installment. Call and learn our tlan. Homeseekers' Ass n, 1st floor N. Y. ifs Bldg. KK-MWJS MODEL HOME. Five acres level land, young orchard In bearing, 10-room pressed brick dwelling, tarn, carriage house and other outbuild ings, chicken yard and garden, near street cars snd country club. A snap at 86,buu; leas than hair wnai improvements cost. W. N. NASON, 446 BEE BLDti. RU 46 RANCH and farm lands for sale by tie l nlon racinc rtaiiroad company. 11. A, McAUester, land commissioner. Union Pa. clfls Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RB 461 FOR HALE REAL ESTATE. BARGAINS IN FARM LANDS SO acres, 120 acres, 240 acre, 600 acres, 804 acres. In Douglas county. See M. G. MONTGOMERY, U0 and 821 New York - Life bldg., for full particulars. HE MS04 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E.. 120$ Farnam street. RE I GO FOR BALE or trade, B0 choice, rich, pro ductive farms, both large and 'small; also ten good cheap atock ranches In northeast Nebraska, some of which can be traded for general mdse., hardware, Implements, cattle, sheep or horses. Geo. W. Mutton, Orchard, Neb. RE MS64 21 CHOICE trackage, paved. loth. Monroe, 811 N. RE 462 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre properly and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 606, Bee Bldg. RE 461 FOR BARGAINS In homes, lots, farms and ranches call on J. B. Piper, Ramge block, Omaha, Neb. UE M592 8 10-ROOM modern house, 11 blocks from pontotltce, for sale cheap. 108 N. 16th. Benewa & Co. RE 88 MISSOURI LANDS. We have for aale choice Miller county Mis souri, Improved farm lands, from 116 to 836 per acre. Good gracing lands In any site tract de sired, from 84 to 810 per acre. Also lead, sine, -Iron and coal lands. write us for our land list. CONLOGUE A ST. JOHN, ELDON, Ma RE M3SZ 13 FARM, MINERAL AND TIMBER LAND. You can double your money hy Investing It through us In Missouri. We have a money-making proposition. Cash or pay ments. Come now If you want to get in en the ground floor. Cooley Inv. & H. B. Co.. sa N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M514 MODERN 8-room house: also 6-room; good locations; low prices. Inquire 1411 Vinton. RE M782 21 AN OPPORTUNITY TO DOUBLE YOUR MONEY. Three lots on the east side of Thirty-eighth street, between Farnam and Dodge, Jut north of J. T. Coad'a handsome brick residence at Farnam and Thirty-eighth. Owners obliged to make a quick sale; will sacrifice and take 82,750 for all three lots. If you want an abso lutely safe Investment with an almost eer Ulnty of 100 per cent profit, here's your chance. The location and neighborhood peak for themselves. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 439 Board of Trade. RE 901 8 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you' want to sell n farm or ranrh. tell the farmers and stock ralaers ahout it. The best way to reach them la through - THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. . This aertcultural weeklv tnu in in mn homes of farmer and stock raisers, so It you have a good piece of land to sell at reasonable price you ought to find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertise ment is small 2 cents per word. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, UMAI-IA, NbB. RE 604 FARM FOR RENT. 410 ACRES 2 miles from Blair, Neb.; 200 acres under plow, 50 acres pasture, 16 acre fine hay land, B acres In fruit, fOur- rarai nouwi oarn. ir taxen at once, Will rent for 8400 to. March 1, 1H. Homeseek rs' Association, nrt floor Nw York Life. - ' . 561 LOST. LOST Sunday, somewhere between Flrt Presbyterian church and postofflce sta tion B. Park Ave., chamois skin- bag con taining twenty-dollar bill, five rings, thre diamonds, one ruby," one turquolie; 60 reward, neiurn to Bee. Lost 85 12 LOST, 'dark bay pony, white hind feet Notify Charles Reynolds, 8823 Camden Ave, - Lost 9iH 9. LOST Fox terrier puppy. Return to 2117 mapie st. ana receive reward. Lost M923 9T LOST Small silver watch with gold fob. fieiurn to oee omce. IX) st MVZZ lu MEDICAL. DR. PRIES treats successfully, all diseases and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced, reliable. 1518 Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha, Neb. Tel. 33. 471 LADIES" Chichester English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, tor particular ''Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Pa. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. MOSHER S.H.. Touch T.W., Bus. Branches. Teleg. Cat. free. Om. Com. Col., 17 A Doug. 686 A. C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 6t BOYLES college, court reporter principal. N. Y. Life. 5K NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. ,, - fai LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 6TILLMAN A PRICE, 23 U. 8. N l B k. bid. 473 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO.. 1st floor N. Y. mill., aiiurueys ana co. lectors every where, j . MACFARLAND A MAY. New York Llf Bldg. Room 304. 'Phone K-52. 474 MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHOIR, 13th A Howard, machinist 475 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wk. make a pe- vuk.i? w u.v cmijcb. Biiuiiers, aoors and safes. Q. Andreen, Prop., li 80. loth 8t 476 CARPET CLEANING. BEND your carpets and ruira to f-hrl.t.r, son's Carpet Cleaning Works, Ell N. &th ou ici. inos. M376 TEL, 665 Carpet cleaning, rug weaving. -M157 GENERAL ROOFING. WORK In any part of the country. Jone nuuuns uii curi di. iei. VJ6i. 487 ROOFINO, lightning rods and repairing Oermanla Rooting Co., 161i Capitol Ave. Tel. 2440. M651 17 TRUNKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 606 S. 18th. 4 63 TUB DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780 j 484 ' PAWNBROKERS. F.AOLE Loan Office, reliable accommodat ing, au Dunnes conndentlal. 1301 Douglas. t: TINNERS. a. E. KOCH. J4th and Maple. Tel I,l49. MT7S 13 OSTEOPATHY. ATZEN A FARWELL Infirmary, Paxton Biova. suo-tui. iei. ua. Msao ArTOMOBILF.. ELEC automobiles. Derlght, 111 Farnam, DENTTST. DR. C H. PAUL, dentist, removed to reel- denre, su Burt. en aisys TREES. HA Z ELD ELL NtTRSERT. Offlc SJea N. 84th. Trees, shrubs and roses. M.Vtl so HAT CLEANING. LADIES' and gents', 60c Schwarts's. 114 4S6 S. 13th. PRINTING, BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Printing Co. Linotype composi tion. iei. xivu. LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Buppiy. iioy ieavenwortn. rei. a-i.m. 4M GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. OMAHA P LATINO CO., Bee Bldg. Tel. 3635. w CORNICE WORK. OALV. iron cornice, metal ceilings, sky- iignts.-aipeneter a cornice was., ti4 B. mtn. -MVXI BRICK WORK. J. P. HE ALT. .183 Clark, SU 'Phone A-2ff7L l WALL' PAPER AND . PAPER HANGING. OILS, paints, varnishes, window glass. j. Btemer, sa ft. zain st Teu a-z.. MR"f STOVE REPAIRS. STOVES stored and gasoline stoves cleaned twins- move- Hepair works. Tel. . M491 GRAVEL ROOFING. BARRICK Roofing Co., 1616 Cumtng Bt. Tel. K1. - - VII BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 North 16th. RUG MANUFACTURING, OMAHA Rug Factory, 1521 Leaven. Tel. Z06S -MWl UPHOLSTERING. PETERSON A Lundberg, 115 Bo. 17th. Tel. Lr&ilS. 40 CARLSON ft CO., 1121 Leavenworth. TeL 2818 ws CARPENTERS AND JOINER'S, ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. X. ucniitree, 20th and Lake Ms. 870 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co.. clean cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animal at reduced price. 6U N. 16th. Tel, 1779. 478 DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. THOS. CORMACK, private detec tive. 617 Karbach block. Telephone A-2833. 490 SEEDS AND POULTRY SUPPLIES. ULLERT A CO., 16U Howard 8t Tel. 3327. 467 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. Q. jR.. Rathburn. Room 15, Com"! Nat bank. ' 4dS 3. H. BOONSTRA, Tel. 847 office 1S15 Howard. M304 AU TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE tallroad ticket everywhere. p. H. pniibin, 1Mb aruam. -pnone 7S4. 477 DRESSMAKING. KEISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College Suit 3-4--0, Douglas blocK,. Jbtn and Dodge, c, l. Bnyacr, jigr. write tor uooKiet. , 4SS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ; OC AA profit on Weber piano. Perfleld Co... Tel. 701, Bee building, 4a STORAGE; OM. Vsn Stor. CO., 1511H Farn, Tel. 1659-862. , 48o EXPRESSMAN'S Del. Co. Tel. 1196-1145. 486 PATENTS. H. J. COWGILL No fee unless successful, 818 So. 16th St., Omaha. Tel. 1798. 606 PATENTS, Sues A Co.. Omaha, Neb. II lusiraiea. patent dook Tree. Tel. ie?3. . M593 July2 BICYCLES. ALL the most popular makes sold on easv terms; aiso eeconanana wneel from 86 tiu. Bfi me neiore you duv. LOTIS FIJiSCHER. 1622 CAPITOL AVE, J "'epnons M4. - Moll A18 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. SOB TAXIDERMIST. 3. E. WALLACE, 606 80. 13th St 604 MUSIC. THOS. 3. KELLY, voice. Davldge Block. ... ...... SbV FLORISTS. HESS A BWOBODA, 1415 Farnam. -M3?J CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, A. 3. PIERSON, 20th and Burt Tel. L-2S36. . 4.3 J. L. - SPITZBART. Tel. F-2506. 2522 Iake. MSSi 17 SCHOLARSHIP. BUSINESS college. scholarship for sale at , a bargain In one of Omaha's leading com - merclal colleges; life scholarship. Address S 47 Bee office. M716 OSTEOPATHY. OlD. E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Suite 6)5, New York Ufa Bldg. Tel. 1DA4. 40 The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. Tel. !3i3 M17S BICYCLE REPAIHING. NOW Is the time to have your bicycle re paired; work guaranteed; prices are right tires. 81.2a and up. J. Larson. 24th and Charles. MX0 May6 ACCORDION PLEATINO. MRS. GOLDMAN, too Douglas block. HAY, GRAIN AND COAL. M. LONDON, 2303 Cuming t Tel. A-2536. M77 mays TYPEWRITERS. LAMBERT, 126. Monro A Co., til N. ltb, 606 BAKERY. TRY our three-layer white cakes, c. Gro ceries and mts at lowest prices. J.ilin on 4k Ooodlett Co. Tel. 15.5. :M02 Lake M911 Mnv a GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR FIVE N(1S, ETC. Department of the Interior, Office nf Indian Affairs. Washington, D. C, April 1 lfOO. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for buildings, etc., Rapid City. fl. D , ' ani addressed to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, IV C, will be re ceived at the Indian Office until l.n'i-lm-k p. m. of Friday, May 1. lu3, for furnishing and delivering the nereasary material ami labor required to construrt and complete a frame employes' quarters, frame addition to laundry and a brick employes' quarters, all with plumbing and acetylene gnu piling; also an addition t a brick dorhittorv, with plumbing and gasoline gas piping, "and a frame acetylene gas house, with plumbing and heat and a quantity of gas fixtures, all at the Rapid City Hthool. South Da kota, in strict accordance with ii1""". specifications and Instructions to bidders, which may be examined at this o.Hco, the office of the "Improvement Rulleiln," Minneapolis, Minn ; the "Pioneer-Times," Deadwnod, 8. 1. ; "The Bee," Omaha Neb.; tho "Pioneer Press." SI. Paul, Minn.; the Builders' and Traders" exchanges at Omaha, Neb.. Milwaukee, Wis., and St. Paul. Mtnsi.; the Northwestern Manufacturers' associa tion'.' Bt. Paul. Minn.; tho tr. 8. Indian warehouses at 265 8. Canal st., Chicago, 616 Howard St., Omaha, Neb., and 11H-121 Wooster St.. New York City and at the school. For further information apply to Sain R. Davis, Supt. U. 8. Indian School, Rapid City, 8. D. A: C. Tonner, Acting OommJsslone-. A-7-9-ll-lV16-tS-21-W-T.. PROPOSALS FOR THREE WILDINGS Department of the Interior, Ottli-e of In dian Affairs, Washington, D. C, April 6,. 19U3. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Buildings, Flandreau, 8. D.," and- ad-, dressed to the Commissioner of Indian Af fair. Washington, D. C, will he recelyed at the Indian Olflce until two o'clock p. in., of Wednesday, May 6, IMS, far-furnishing the necessary materials and labor required, to construct and compk-to at .the Flandreau Indian School, 8. D., one brick warelMiuee and office, with jdumblng and steam, heat; one brick shop and one frame laundry with plumbing and electric light, In strict ac cordance with plana, pecincatnns and in-, structlons to bidders which muy be exam ined at thl oflloe the offices of the "Im provement Bulletin," Minneapolis, Minn.; the "Argus-Leader,"' Sioux Falls, 8, D.; the "Pioneer Press," St, .Paul, Minn.; the "Bee," Omaha, Neb.; .the "Builders' nnd Traders' Kxchanges" at Omaha, Neb.,. Mil-' waukee. Wis., and St. Paul, Minn.; the "Northwestern Manufacturers' Associa tion," Bt Paul, Minn.; the U. 3., Indian Warehouses st No. 2 So. Canal St., Chicago. III.; No. 115 Howard St.. Omaha, Neb. and No. US-121 Wposter St.. New York City, and at tbe school. - For fur-.-ther Information apply to Chas. F. Pelrce. Superintendent Indian School. Flandrau, 8. D. A. C. Tonner, Acting Commissioner. A-8 11 14 16 18 21 IX 25 . PROPOSALS FOR FUEL-OFFICE OF Chief Q. M St. Paul, Minn., March 12, 1903. Sealed proposals, In triplicate,, will be . received here, or at the following named posts, until a. m. April 10 1903, for fur nishing such wood and coal . during year commencing July 1, 19u3, as may be required' at Forts Asslnlbolne, Harrison, Keogh and Missoula, Mont.; Forts Lincoln and Yates. N. D. : Fort Meade. B. D. : Fort Yel lowstone. Wyo.. and St. Paul and Fort " Bnelllng, Minn. Information' furnished on application here, or to quartermasters at the several posts named. V. S. reserves the right to aocept or reject any or all p co os a is or any part tnereoi. ueo. j. pond. !. Q. M. IA1LWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION IOTH AND MAHCY. Union Paclflo. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited '.a :40 am 7:60 pm The Fast Mall a 8:86 pm California Express a 4:20 pm Paclflo Express all;) pm Eastern Express ,. a 6:80 pm The Atlantic Express.,. a 7:30 am The Colorado Special.. a 7:10 am a 8:40 am Chicago Special a 8:40 am Liincoin, Beatrice ana Stromsburg Express..!) 4:00 pnt 1)13:60 pm North Platte Local a 8:00 am a 6:16 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:86 pm Missouri Pacltto. ' ) St. Louis Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm k. u. ana bu 1. ;x.,.-.aio:60 pm a v is am Wabash. . St. Louis "Cannon B-Jl" ' Ex Dress a 6:66 cm a 8:20 am St Louis Local, Coun cil Bluffs a 9:i am aio:w pm Cbicuau, Hock Island A Paeine. f ' " ' SAST. ' . ' . .. , ' ' ; Chicago Daylight L t d. a 6:00 am a 6:45 am Chicago Daylight Local. a 7:00 am a f :66 pre unicago express....- 041:1s am.- a s.-vo pm Des Moines iLXpress.... a 4:o pm bll:60 am Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:3o pm, a.l&s pm WEST. ' Rocky Mountain L't'd..a :E0 pm a '4:66 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs, . Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pra a 6:00 pm' Colo., Texas., Cal. and - Oklahoma Flyer a 6:40 pm al2:40 pm I'lilesKo, Mllwanlise A St. Paul. Chicago Daylight... .....a 7:46 am all: 15 pm Chicago Fast h,xpress...a 6;4 nrq a pm Chicago Limited. ...v.. ..a 8:06 pm a 7: am Des Moines Express.... a 7:46 am a :4w pm Chicago Local. 10:40 ant ' Chicago A Northwestern. "The Northwe.teia Line.' Fast Chicago U 1-1A , Man Local Sioux City... Layllght St. Paut.. payiignt Chlcagj . Local Chicago Local Carroll Fast Chicago Fast bt Paul Limited Chicago .. Fast Mall .. Local bloux City... :uu pm a 8:30 am a 6:10 am a 8:3u pm ' a 7:36 am al0:26 pm k:oo am all:10 pm al0:6i am a 6:10 pm A 4:00 pm a 9:60 am 6:60 pm a 8:46 pm i .bo pm a 8:16 am ...... .a 8;iu pm a 9:16 am . 2:40 pm , b 4:00 pm b 9;e0 am ' illluola Central. Chicago Express.. a 7:35 am a 6:10 cm St. Paul Limited. ..... .a 7:60 pm a 8:05 am Vlnneapolis A St Paul Express b 7-36 am b 10:30 cm Chicago Local 10:36 am Chicago Kxpress alO:3I am BURLINGTON SIAT.ON-IOTH A I 4. (' Bnrllngton A Missouri Rlver. . IjlAVI . Ml .. - - Wymorj, Beatrice and 11' Lincoln .a 8:60 am, b!2:06 pm' Nebraska Express a sin) am a 7:46 pm Denver Limited a 4:10 pm a 6:46 am Hack Hhla and Puget . bound Express all:10 pm 1 1:10 em Colorado Vestibule r uiituiu ranv u .u a y:w am t oil (.rook and flails mouth b 3:20 om hm M Bellevue A Pacific Jet. .a 7:U) pm a 8:27 am Bellevue A Psrcint:. Jet. .a 1:60 am C'ltU-atfo, llurllniitou JL tlulurr. ' Chicago Special...... ....a 7:00 am a 3:65 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Kt.a 4:X pra a 7.43 am Chicago Ixical a 9.18 am al1:0opm Chicago Liinitea s:ue pin a 7:45 am Fast Mail ,i:40pm Kansas City, . HI., Jsseph , C'suurii U1A. ''' Kanse City Day Ex. ..a 9:15 am i 6:oi pm' 8t. Louis Flyer ..a 6:10 pm iU:uJ aiu Kansas City Night Lx. alUiuo pm a i;U am WEBSTER UISPOT ISTH A WEIfsTEU Chicago A Northwestern Nebraskn and Wyoming; Dlrisloa. . r, , , tve. Arrive. n wk 111 la Deadwood. . .. . Lead. Hot 8prlnns.... a 8:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and . . riniiif las . ..d 2:00 nm ft. to iiuuiiiivM. York. David . City, buperior, ucncvt, Exeter and Bewara.,..o :00 pm b 6:00 pm Bonesteel. Llntoln. Mp- " . brara and Fremont.. .b 7:30 am blO:25 am Fremont Local 7:30 am . BlUsourl Paeine. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm 10:ti am Cblrago, St. Paul. Mlaaeapolls A Omaha. Twin City Passenger.... a 8:80 am a 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... a 2:0i pm all:2o am Oakland Local b 1:45 pin b 8:45 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, fl Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday, c Sunday only. . , STEAMSHIPS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE t:,,. ..... . -l ,. KkW tokk KuiTitiiiiAa, vis UouUKtMs. lUiiu. wduii t 1 a. at P'Xadim April n NerUm Uf 4 HtatvniUtB April ii HuUardam ........May II KirBiUia April J pQUdaia .U tt HOLLAND-A HE lilt" AN LIKE. ttt pesrksrs St., Chicago. 111. Hsrrr Moons. 1401 Israsi St.. C. ustkMtsrA IIM raraua st, i. R..olda. Wt fnua at.