Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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    TITE 0?f ATTA DA1LT nEf. TIIURSDAT. APRIL 9. 1903.
Board of Trade u inen Variable, Cone
Product Eiiing, Others Falling.
Cora fine t a Half Cent, bat Oat
Drop and Frotlnlons Hnl Strona.
Closing Inchsnaed to Twenty
(rnli Higher.
CHICAOO. April S.-There M decidedly
bullish sentiment In the wheat pit today :
and the clo showed a gain or ic ror , o.
May. iay corn wan up "jc, inn oais wn.1 i
He lower. Provisions were strong and tne
,.iay proaucis cioseu unci.tmseu io i
Active buying of May and July deliver et
by Armour the feature In the what j
market, and It wi.s es.imated tnat any-
where from J.'JoO.oni ti 4.fJ, biifhcls wer I
taken by that concern during ine tiav. j
Openlng prices wire airing on Msh -r I
cablea. the advance abroad bring le
largely to Tne contlrmntlon of the report
Of damnge to th- Riislan crop, and May
wai ft to N11V higher at 74'tcft i4.c.
After selling at i4o there wa a gradual
advance throughout lh.- il.iy under tn- In
fluence of 1h heavy buying by the leading
long lnge'h-r wiih a good export deman I
for wheat and flour. A change In Hrni-
u anrirl'. tlttthle tiltinlv lliriire frO 11
a decreae of nearly 2.iwi,iii to an Increase i
of bufhel had a little errect on in'
market a did liquidation by longa
nut the reaction were only tem
porary, the market at no tlm.
ahowlng weakness. Near the close Ma
old iii to i6V4c rnd final figure wrre ;
higher at 75,,(i7.)'tc. July cloed wiih an
advance of l'c at 71,4fi71fcc after ae.llnir
between 7"c and 71-Sc. t'lcaranee.j ot
what and fl .ur were equ il to H1.0 0 bu -h"l.
Primary rrceipi wiro ti(.i(K bushel t
aRainat 2.14. () hunhel a year ago. Min
neapolis and Iiuluth reported receipt of
lfii tara, which with local receipt of W
iar. none of contract grade, mude tots,
receipt for the three polnta of Ui9 cr
againat 210 can last week and 81 a yra
There was a moderate tendency in corn
and the market was firm Influenced mainl."
by the strength In wheat and bv the open-
ing up or lane irnmc. i.t-.-eving iiihi in:
lifting of the embargo ort fh pmenls ny
wster would have the effect of stimulating
a cash demand from the eist and con
sequently r-ciult In a reduction In local
stock, short became uneisy nnd cov
ered freely rarly In the seslo:t. The sell
ing was largely by protect o;i 1ntre ts
Cloalng prlri-s were strong with May 'uc
higher at 43c. after selling between 42"
and 43'A'!j43ic. Local rce'pr i were 226 art
with none it contract krade.
Oats were dull In splie of the better ton
In the caeh market and although the eany
sentiment whb firm on the strength In
wheat, the market later beame ertler
under general commls Ion house selling.
Favoratilo weather was also n depressing
Influence. After ranging between 33c and
$lc. May closed Vc lower at 33'ic. Local
receipts were lr9 cats.
Trading In nrovlilons was dull ard the
market lacked any feature. An advance
of 5 cents In the price of hogs was an
early bull fartor and the strength In wh-nt
and corn was a help later In the day. Th
close was strong with May pork 2(V h'.gher
at $17.30. May l"-d was up 24c at $9.85 and
rib were unchanged at ?.T0.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow Wheat.
B cars; corn, ISO cars; oats, 210 cars; hogs.
25.000 bead.
The lending futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. I High.! Low. Close.JM d y.
Wheat j j j
May 7441 75'i 74 75(Bt,: 73
Julv 701,41 7i, 70i4!71V,'fl7'llt4
Sept. 68--,g vt B94I 6S?i 69'tt4 S4
April I I 424I 42
May 42i(fi'7i,!43Vi'R'Si 42M 434 42i
July 434ff" 43 43V4!43H'Skll43l4ffl,
Sept. 434l 434i 43i 434i43,4ai
Oats '
April 334 33
May 334 35 33 S34 S.1.
July S04 304 30 304 30.
Sept. 27' 27 27 21 27W-14
May 17 70 17 80 17 70 17 80 17 60
July 17 20 17 25 17 124 17 174 17 124
Rent. 16 95 17 00 16 824 16 95 16 83
May 874 9 874 9 85 85 9 824
July 9 75 9 80 9 724 9 774 724
Sept. 9 75 9 774 9 724 9 774 9 724
9 70 9 70 9 65 9 70 t 70
July 9 90 9 624 9 674 9 60 9 60
Sept. 9 55 9 574 9 56 9 65 624
No. J.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $3.40(J
1.60; winter straights, $3.10cr3.30; spring
patents. $3.30&'3.7O: spring; straights, $3.0uii
1.20; bakers, $2.2O2.70.
WHEAT No. 2 spring-. 7677c; No. 8,
714c; No. 2 red, 7873,c.
CORN-No. 2. 424c; No. 2 yellow. 42Hc
OAT8-N0. 2. S3-4c; No. S white, 334!&-35c.
RARLEY Good feeding. SOSiOct fate In
choice malting, 47iff64c.
SEED No. 1 flax, $1.081 .09; No. 1 north
western, $1,104; prime timothy. $3.30. Clover,
contract grade. $12.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 117.75
ft 17.80. Ird. per 100 lbs.. $9.85(ii9.874. Short
ribs sides (loose), $9.iVfi'.70. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed, $8.76f?S.874; short clear
Bldea (boxed), fl0.0nffflo.2a.
Following are the receipts and shipments
m iisin. neceipis.enipments.
Flo jr. bbls
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Rye. bu
63.5 iO
... 88.500
... 45.800
Hi. 1.3O0
Barley, bu
On the Produce exchange tndav the hot
tcr market was firm; creameries, 185.2S4c;
dairies, 14i(24c. Eggs, firm at mark, casea
Included, 144c. Cheese, easier at 124l3c.
of the Day on
NEW YORK. April 8-FLOUR-Receipts,
J0.267 bbla.; exports, 3.207 bbls.; sales, 15,0t0
bbls.; market steady but leas active; win
ter patents. $3.7oii4.0u; winter stnlghta,
$3.6O!(3.60; . Minnesota patents, t3.2Aiii4.2o;
"oun vAiruir, a-wJd. hi; iMinnesoia naKer,
t3.20(&.3.40! winter low grades, $2.6iKii'2.90
Rve flour, steady; fnlr to good, $2.803.20;
choice to fancy, t3.25iit3.45,
CORNMEAL Dull ; yellow western, fl.08;
City, fl.fa): Rrandywine, $3.403.46.
RYE Easy; No. 2 western. 5!4c. f. o. b.
float; state, 6"$?61e, c. I. f., New York.
HARLEY Dull: feeding. 47c. c I. f. Buf
falo; malting. 624&S9c c. I. f. Buffalo
WHEAT Receipts, 69,225 bu. : spot! firm;
No. 2 red, 804c elevator and 80Sc f. o. h.
afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, 874c f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, 87V? f. o. b.
afloat. Options throughout the forenoon
wers strong and highi r on large export
rumor, nrm r-aria cables, small northw
receipts and general covering. In the aft-
ernoon It advanced on heavy buying by
b prominent 1 mcaaro nouse and c oseri
41T1C net higher; May. 78 6-lfi(fi794e. clo:
at 794c: July, 75'tj7R4c, closed at 7G1
oepiemner, 74ffl744c closed at 744c
4.0KN Receipts. 06.1OO bj.; exports, 97.178
bu.; spot, steady; No. 1. nominal elevator
and 614c f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 yellow, 514c;
No. 2 white. 5.V. Option market In contrast
to the west was weakened some by the
settlement of the lake strike and prospects
of large arrivals here; later It recovered
with wheat and closed firm at a partial 4c
net advance;. April. 5J4e. closed at 624c
May. 5U'51Sc. closed at 51c: July. 4!0,i
49o, closed at 49c; September, 49'ic
cksed at 44c.
OATS Receipts. 123.000 bu. : exports. 2.633
bu.: spot dull; No. 2. 34c; standard white.
W4V Po. 3. 30c; No. 2 white. 404c; No. t
ahltc. S8Vc; track, mixed western, nomi
nal: track wnlte. 3ikij46o. Options sternly
at first, but weakened later under liquida
tion. J A. Y Rt a 1 1 v : shipping. 5570c; good to
choice, 90rjtl.06.
HOPS (julet; common to c.inlce. 19)2 22
2Kc; ln. l(21c: olds. Atillc; Pacific coast
1?"2. 21 Mi 25c; ISnl. likrilcf olds. 6illc
jnr-ES-gu'et; California. 21 to 25 lbs .
inc; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lhs., uc
LEATHER Fiend v; acid. 24ti 6c
PROVISIONS Beef. Bteadv; family, f!4 .00
4514 50; mesa, fSUrfdloO); boxed hams, $J0.O0
4321.6U; packed.. SU.MMil3.S0; city extra India
mess. $20 0iii.lV5(. Cut meatx. dull; pickled
bellies, $9.7511.25: pickled shoulders, $9 U'ji
25; pickled hams. $11 5v 12.00. Lard,
steady; western steamed, $10.i; rcrtned'
brm; continent. $1.55: South America'
$11; compound. $7.5o.uO. Pork, Ami: fam
ily. tl8.7.'20.ft.i; short clear, tl8 754i20 60
tne la. tls 18.50.
It "E Firm; domestic, fair to extra
444v7c. '
'ALLOW Dull; city. 64c; country, 6
Hl'TTK.R Receipts, 7.208 pkgs.; firm;
state dairy, 174(27c; extra creamery, 29c;
common to choice creamery. li(i?v1c.
CHEESE Receipts, l.Sol pkgs.; firm;
fancy lartj. state full cream, fall made.,
colored. 14Vnl4c; white. 144144c; fancy
small, colored, lbr; while, 14c.
EOn8 Receipts, I7.5."l pkn ; firm; state
and Pennsylvania, 15(Ql54c; western, firsts,
POl'LTRY Ailve. Arm; chickens, 13c;
turkeys. 15c; fowls, 1540. Dressed, firm;
chickens. Igl7c; western fowls, 144c; tur
Itavs. 16c.
iafcTAL There was a decline In London
tin prices of shout 1 ISa. fot closing at
A.1.14 1 snd ritiires at ti Ma; n tr
New 1'nrk market prices Ttrt urchanred,
demand win quiet nod spot closed at JJS hi
i:T'. Copper declined 1 lf In Uwiilnn,
closing there at 6 10 for apot and 10
12s 6d for future: It wss reported on the
local exchane thnt css.lng copper wn
i fTercd In the nitstde market by second
)ihiii) hii low Ha 813. 7. without leading Into
business; the exchange prlre. however,
wn nominally hnn(red. with standard
quoted at i:;.2S, lk electrolytic at $14. V)
and casting at 114.25. Iead, advancing
la 3d In lnmlr.n to 12 1.1a !d. remained
quiet and unchanged at $4 674 In the New
Y'irk market. Fpelter was Ss lower In
London at 22 Mm, but continued quiet at
S'i 7" locally. . Iron closed at Ma 9d In Glas
gow and' nt '! 9d In Mlddleebnrough : lo
rnlly i-rralreil nulet and more or less
nnmlral; No. I foundry, northern, la quoted
at J?1.r 24. ISo. 2 foundry, northern.
:!1.5t ''u-''.ni- No. 1 foundry, southern, and
n j fnundr
TV. aouthern, aoft, at I22.01KU
Warrants remain nominal.
Condition of Trnde nnd Quotations oa
i . - . . ProH nea
... ... """ 1
EGGS 1 resh Block, 13e. 1 "
I.I N r. i. . lofclle; rooet-
f. according to ac, ;tit"; turkeys, 139
'" "I" i'di"c; g-ese, s'-iiw
M T rKIt Parking" tork 1.1U.r. choice
dairy. In tuba, 15ftl7c; aeparator Z7S2Sc.
OVHT KRH Standards, per can, 2c; extra
aelecta. per can, 3fic, New York counts per
can. 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.75:
bulk standard per gal., $1.35.
herring, 6c: pickerel, 6Hc: pike, Pc; perch. 6c;
buffalo, dressed, c; sunflsh. 3c: blueflsh, 11c;
whltellah, flc; salmon. 16c xv, saimon. ioc; nauaocK. lie:
codfish, 12c: redanapper, 10c; lobsters,
boiled, per lb., 1'rr; lobsters, green, per lb.,
VV-; bullheada. 10c; cattish, 14c; black bass,
17r: hallbt't. 11c; had roe, 76c each.
BRAN Per ton. I1S.B0.
liA Prlc. a quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Peulera' association: Choice No. 1 upland,
h; No. 2, $7.50; medium. $7; coarae, $8.50.
Rye straw, $6. These prices are for ay of
good color and quality. Demand fair and
receipt light.
CORN- 40c.
OATS 34c.
RYE No. 2. 45c.
CrXKRY Callfornln. per do., 60cifi$l.
POTATOK8 Per bu., 26030c; Colorado,
per bu., 81c.
kkki' potatoes Northern grown, per
bu.. 60ft7Cc.
;H,, t RROTS Per dozen bunches, 40c.
i.ti i i cr. 1 er dozen bunches, 4tc
BEETS New southern, per dozen bunch
es, 4Gc; old. per bu., 40c.
PARSNIPS-Per bu., 30c.
d'CTMBEHS-Hothouse. per doi., fl.75.
CARROTS -Per bu.. 40c.
OHEKN ONIONS Southern oer dozen
bnnrhe.'. 45c
HADISHK8 Southern, per dozen bunchos,
75c: home grown, 35 40c.
TL'PNIPE- Per bu., 4oc: Canada rutaba
gas, per lb., lVc; new soutnern, per dozen
bunches. 60c
ONION'S Hed Wisconsin, oer lb., lo;
white, per lb.. 2c; Spanish, per crate. $1.75.
SPINACH Southern, per -bu. box, SI.
NAVY REANS Per bu., f2.60.
WAX BEANS -Per bu. box, $4; string
beans, per bu. box, $3.0nco3.b0.
CAHHAGE Holland seed, per lb., l4c.
TOM A TOES New Florida, per S-baskat
crate, $4.
APPLES New York stock, f3.0fKif3.5O;
California Permaln, $150; Colorado Ben
Davis. $1.25.
STRA W BERRIES Louisiana, per 34-pt.
rase, $2.504i2.75.
FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 90c:
Turkif h. per 35-lb. box. 1418c.
ORANGES California navels, fancy. $3.00
ft 3. 15; choice, $2.75; Mediterranean Sweets,
$2.25: Sweet Jaffa. $2.50.
LEMONS California fancy, $3.25; choice,
DATES Persian. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb,,
60c, per case of 30-lb. pkgs., $2.25.
PI NEAPPLK8 Cuban. 4.fKXi4.25.
MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb.. 10c.
HONEY Utah, per 24-frame case. $3 2i;
C'.oorado, $.1.50.
POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled, 4e.
HIDES No 1 green, 6c: No. 2 green, 6c;
No. 1 snlted, 7c; No. 2 salted. 6c: No. 1 veal
calf. 8 to 12 Iba.. 84c: No. 2 veal calf. 1!
In lba., 64c; dry hides, 8 12c; sheep pelts, 25
4 75c; horse hides, $1.502.50.
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per In.,
15c: hard shell, per lb.. 14c: No. 2 soft shell,
per lb., 13c; No. 2 narfl shell, per lb 12c;
Brazils, per lb., 12c; filberts, per lb., 12c;
almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; herd shell,
per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 124c;
email, per lb., tic; cocoanuts, per doz., 6'c;
chestnuts, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb.. 640;
roasted peanuts, per lb., 7c; black walnuts,
per bu., $1; hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60;
cocoanuts. cer 100. $4.
OLD METALS. ETC.-A. B. Alplrn quota
the following prices: Iron, country mixed,
per ton, $11; Iron, stove piate, per ton, fit
copper, per lb., 84c; brass, heavy, per lb..
84c; brass, light, per lb., 64c; lead per lb.,
tc; cine, per lb., 24c
Omaha Branch llO-lll Board of Trade
CHICAGO. April 8. WHEAT The factor
In the wheat market has been large buy
ing by Armour of both May and July, and
prices advanced about 14c The Armour
purchases have been in the millions, but
mostlv for July. There were advices of
uneasiness over the French crop from drouth
and Paris cables were lx,ifjl4c higher. Eng
lish markets were up 43d. There was more
bear than bull news, but nothing was taken
Into consideration except the Armour buy
ing. Clearances. 241.000 bu. Primary re
ceipts. ;6,0U0 bu., for two days, s-fainst
235.0000 bu. last year; shipments 319,000 bu.,
sgainst 301.0i. Northwest rex-eln'ts 162 cars.
against 75 last year. Weather Is fine nnd
crop accounts all bearish. Bradstreet's
world's visible was corrected to an Increase
of 313,000, Instead of 1,600,000 decrease. New
York report. 3S loads for export. Contract
stock. 3,12l).UY bu., a decrease of of 122 COO bu.
Clearance papers were taken out for 523,
0110 bu.; Inspected out, 257,000 bu. contract
wheat. Local receipts, 37 cars, with none
contract; estimated for tomorrow, 60 cars.
CORN The corn market has been steady,
with the May gnlnlng on the July and with
some demand for May. There was some
selling of July by Cudahy. which had Its
effect. The shipments of com appeared as
861. (XI bu., but this was merely taking ont
of clearance papers by-the lake fleet. Only
seven boats have left, and a few more are
slipping away as soon as nonunion men can
be procured. It looks, however, as If the
strike would soon be settled. Clearances,
666.000 bu. New York reports 20 loads for
export. Contract stock. 2,488,000 bu.. a de
crease of 38,000 bu. Ixical receipts, 226 cars,
with none contract. Estimates for tomor
row,, ISO cars. Primary receipts. 674,000, for
two nays against z?i,oiu last year.
recent large all-rail shipments. Ixical re
ceipts. 169 csrs. with 5 contract. Estimated
receipts for tomorrow, 210 cars. Clearances,
40,000 bu. Stock of standard only 43.VX) bu..
a decrease or ms.ikh du. HtocK or Kj. Z only
I 36.000 bu. Shipments of 1,313.000 bu. showed
tne taxing out ot clearance papers ny ine
PROVISIONS The provision market op
ened strong. Fair buying of lard and ribs,
presumably for Cudahy Interests. Hately
Bros, had May lard to sell on the advance.
Pome buying of pork and lard by commis
sion houses. Trade In general rather light.
There were 24.0ft) hogs; market active and
5c higher, closing weak and a shade lower.
Estimates for Thursday. 25,000. Hogs In the
west today, 62.i. against 61.000 last week
and 9.100 last year.
Kansas City firs In and Provisions.
65c; Julv. 6."c; cash. No. ! hard. 66'Ttj7c:
No. 8. 634il4c: No. 4. o'fWS.V; rejected, 559
6tc; No. 2 red, 6Sio70c: No. 3. 64fli7c.
CORN April, 3os4i3o4c; Mav. 35?,c; July,
caeh. No. 2 mixed. 36V4j37'c; No. t
white. 37i374c: No. 3. 364.-.
OATS-No. S white. II4354c; No. 2
mixed. 84c.
RYF-No. 45c.
H AY Choice timothy, tUV); prairie, f9.75
HL'TTER Creamery. 21g23c; dairy, fancy.
EOGS Fresh. 12c.
Receipts. Shipments
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
O.itn. bu
(10 800
52. W K)
Toledo Grain and Seed.
TOLEDO, April 8-WHEAT-Actlve and
very strong; cash, 754c; May, 764c; July,
CORN Dull and firm; April, 424c; May,
424c: July, 434c
OATS Dull and steady; April, 344c; May,
S3'c: Julv. 304c.
KYK No. 2, h2Uc.
SEED Clover, dull and firm; cash. W.70;
April. $6.55: October. $5 374. bid. Prlire
timothy. $1.60. nominal; prime alslke, $7.50,
Un'tith Uraln Market.
Il'l I'TII. April 8. W H EAT To arrive.
No. 1 hurd. 7Sc; No. 1 northern. '; No. J
northern. 74lc; No. 1 hard. May. 71c;
July. ,5417540.
OATS -May. S34c. ;
Minneapolis Wktsl, Plonr and Bran,
704c; May, 744C';47jC; July, 74c; on trcK.
UAls-lhe oat market has not followed j i' , rail
SK?.?!. aTnhd'rAohwae' N'y' "
rnitiri u iiminrin wri r l rr hum i uc nrrivni ni . ... c. it.i... t jl w
No. t hard, 77c; No. 1 northern, No.
i northern, 7nc.
FI1I R-Firm; first patenta. H.7rf?3 :
aerond patents $3 5f'g3.75; flrst clears, t- 9"t
3.1"; seenpd 'Clesjis, $l.SVaJ 10.
BRAN In bulk, firm, $10.00.
. I.oals Grata and Trorlalona.
8T. I.OVI8, April WHEAT Higher;
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 9v; track. 7(fif
71c; Mav, tiiji9Sc ; JJly, 67,4ij67c; No. i
hard. 7or73Sc
Ci iRN Higher; No. 2 cash, 40c. nominal;
track. toffMi'V'; May, c; July, Wc.
OATH Firm; No. 2 cash, 34c, nominal;
track, ,Vtj3:",ttc; May, 33c July, 29c, nom
Ira I; No. 2 white, 3sc.
P. V K Owlet at 47c.
FliOrrt Dull: red winter pntenta. $3.30'fi
S.4; extra fancy and straight, $3.0TKu3.25;
clear, $2.7.V82.0.
8EKD Timothy, nominal at $2 002.75;
prime worth more.
COHNMKALr-Steadv $2.30.
I HA N Unsettled ; sacked, easl track. 66
HaY-Steady; timothy, $ 15.50; prairie,
1 i A V, l I N G o ro Uc.
TW INE Hemp, 8c.
fKiiViSltiiNS Pork, higher; Jobbing,
t-indard me. $17.80. T.ard, higher at
$!671- Pry salt meats, firm; boxed extra
short. $!7o; clear rlba, $10.00; short clears,
$10.124. Hacon, firm: boxed extra short.
$10.75; clear ribs, $11.00; short clears. $11.12'.
M ETA 1.8 tad, firm at $4,574. Spelter,
firm at $.".40.
Pol l.HtY-Hlgh.'r; chickens, HHc: tur
key, loc; ducks, 13'; geene, 6c.
HI'TTKM Quiet; creamery. 21f29'4c;
dairy, 18(ji2lHc.
wius-Higher at isc
Flour, bbls
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Oats, bu
Receipts. Shipments.
Philadelphia Produce.
Arm; goad demand; extra western cream
ery. 30'a3n4c; nearby prints 33c.
EGGS Firm; good demand; fresh nearby,
15c at the mnrk; western, 154c; southwest
ern. 15c; southern. 144c; duck eggs, 27j2Sc;
goose eggs 70475c.
CHEEhE yulet, but firm; New York full
creams, prime, small. 14i4il44c; fair to
good, small 134&14c; prime, large, 14144c;
fair to good, large, 13413c.
-Whisky Market. '
CHICAOO. April 8. WHISKY-Basls of
high wines, $1.3.
ST. LOUIS, April 8. WHISKY Steady at
$1 30.
PEORIA, April 8.-WHISKY$1.30 for fin
ished goods.
CINCINNATI. April 8-WHISKY-Dlstll-lcrs'
finished goods steady on basis of $1.30.
Milwaukee Rrnln Market.
ket higher, closing: No. 1 northern, 7fi79c;
No. 2 northern, 75g764c: May, 754c, bid.
RYE-Firm; Vo. 1, 52c.
BARLEY Steady ; No. 2, 60c; sample, 42
CORN May, 434c, bid.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA, April 8. CORN-Steady ; No. t,
OATS Steady; No. 3 white. 34Vc.
Brokers Fear End of Southern Pacific
Pool and Stay Oat of Market.
NEW YORK, April . Tod.iy"s business
at the stock exchangf aggregated bar.dy
2OJ.O0O shares, which is tack to the low
level of activity. The fact that Friday is
the date also for the expiration of the
Soutnern Pacific pool confirmed the dls-
fosltlon to keep out of the market. There
s an almost Infinite variety of conjectures,
as to what the effect of this event will be
upon th; markec at large. The possible
event most dreaded Is the throwing over
of the large holdings of the pool following
the expiration of the pool agreement, but
there Is a well denned suspicion that the
expert managers of the pool have not
waited until this time In a fulling market
t" protect themselves against those neces- !
sltles of forced liquidation. The profes
l nal operators In stocks and th com
mission houses cling to the belief that th?
clearing un of this uncertainty moy lead
to an awakening of activity in trading. The
distinct easing of the money market yes
terday seemed to give no reiiet from tne
pressure of liquidation. Today there was
distinct relaxation of this pressure to sell
and effective support at some points when
the selling was continued, but the market
continued to hang In a suspended and
lnarlmated condition. There were some
stocks. It Is true. In which there seemed
to be some further liquidation, but the
market leaders were free from this pres
sure and inclined to advance, without, how
over. Inducing any general rwponce
Yesterday's weakness In the United States
steel stocks was sufficiently explained by
the decrease in net earnings for the past
quarter reported after the closing yester
day. The corporation's new -6 per cent
bond dipped to a low record price on the
curb this morning, at ?3c, but a complete
recovery lollowtd. The buying of the
stocks on the exchange was confidently
attributed to the account or Inside and
syndicate Interests, such as have not been
perceptible In these stocks for a long tlms
past. This support had a good sympa
thetic effict on the general stock. The
heavy selling of Rock Island, which was
a feature yesterday continued today from
the same sources, but there was evidence
of Inside support In this stock also. Amal
gamated Copper was decidedly weak In
connection with the violent relapse of
1 17s 6d per ton In the London price on
copper. There was some attempt to cin
nect the selling of Amalgamated with the
Involved speculative conomon in ine cor
fee market. Prospects In the money market
were considered favorable, but an advanc
to 7 per cent In the call loan rate In the day
somewnjt innea mis connaence. ine
hanks have gained a small nniuuol from
the sub-treasury since Friday and the
movement of currency on the Interior ex
change Is believed to favor New York.
Much Importance was attached also to a
report from Philadelphia thit the Pennsyl
vania has atartfd f40.00o.00ii six month loin
maturing In with the proceeds of
the first Installment of subscription to Its
new stock.
Wide decline 1 in prices of dormant stock 4
were n feature again of the market.
Northwestern sold at 178i; compar d with
271 at the high lvel In April. 1902. Sales of
100 share lots of the Phllad iphla company
Er'd of Laclede tlas prefer e I wer.' ef
fected only at concede on f:r th" first
mmed of 14 points and foe th s-cond
nsmed of 9T4 from the preceding sale
The lord mnrk"t was du'l bu' about
steudy. Total fa'ei par value fi,3jo.nO).
I!. 8. 2s, 3s, and o'd 4s advanced K. Th
do pfd
Dal. ft Ohio
do pfd
Cai.adian Pat-lne.
Canada &o
.. nova
.. ii
.. i
.. 444,
.. :
.. 77
do pfd
... 4J.a
... ;.,
... 2
... 4i'
... .j
... I-
... :c.
... 4V(,
... (24
... 40',
... t
... ii
... 44
t'nton 1'aclfle ..
do prd
do pld
Wharllus ft L. E
do 2d pld
Wla. Oniral ....
do pfd
dama Ea
American El
(hia. ft Ohio
Chl.ago A Alton
do pfd
Chicago O W.
do lat Pin
do Id Bid
Cblraao ft N. W
thuago Tar. A Tr.. U4
fined statea Ei...
Walla-Farso Ex....
Amal. Copper
do ptd z
C. C. C. ft St. L.... 5
Colorado Ho
S4S Amer. Car ft W
H I do pfd
do lat ptd
do Id pfd
Del. ft Hudson.
Dl. L. ft W...
Denvsr K. U
do pfd
do let pfd
do !d pfd
Great Nor. pfd..
Hocking Vailay
do pfd
Illlnola ('antral
Iowa Central ...
do pfd
Laks Erla A W.
do pfd
Manhattan L....
Met. St. Hr
Mr, fanlral ...
Mai. National .
Mlna. ft St. L..
Mo. Pa.-inc ....
M . K. A T
do pfd
N. J. Central ..
MVAnier. Lin. Oil
.1641 do pfd
.141 ! American 8. A H .
. i,' do pfd
. aa Anac. Mining Co...
. U1, ! Brooklyn K. T
. (o'atcolo. r'uel aV Iron.
. 62 Cona. (jaa
. 1X1 1'ont. Tobacco pfd.
. 4t Oen. Electric
. M.t Hocklns Coal
.13i', Inter. Paper
. 1 do pfd
. I Inter. Fower
. 40 l Laclede uaa
.10! National Ulecutt ,.
.ll7 I National Load ....
.lu I No. American
. lot
. 7 4
. J7-.
Hi a
. 2vi
. lo4
. lu
. rf
' Pacific Coaat
.... 14
.... i
Pacific Mali .
Peopla'a Gaa . .
1'rraaed . Car
. 1
do ptd
24- Pullman P. Car
54" ntpunnr steel ....
170 I do pfd
1314 8"ar
70 iTenn. Coal ft Irou
I N Y. Central
Norfolk ft W
do pfd
Ontario W
do lu pfd..
da Id pfd...
a74lnlou Ua at P
do pfd
I tf. leather
do pld j.
':. 8. HuLuar
do prd
L. a. Dical
do pfd
Weatern I'iilou ....
Amar. 1'oinollva. .
do pfd
K. C. Southern ...
do pid
. 15
. 4
. 27
. 2K4
, U4
. 4.
... .
... H1,
... J
. .. 94
... 7
... 7
... tt
... 11
St. L. . 8
do lat pfd
do td pld.
St L B. w
do pfd
St. Paul ....
do pf.l ...
So. Pat m
So. kailoar
do i(d .
64 Hock lalaud
31 ) da pld
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. April 8. Bank clearings for to
day, $1.2,4.2ti3.ti9; Increase over correspond
ing day of last year, $4i.7"".t3
NEW YORK. Anrll 8. Clearings, f225.7li4.
820; balances, fi.325.476.
liOtToN. April . Clearings. $22.965.4ri:
balances. 2.344 W75.
I ' H 1 LA LEI PHIA. April 8 I'.earlngs.
$l!.u67.v6: balaucs, $2,joa.t6, money, 5u
54 per cent.
CHICAOO. April f. CUarlims, jn.Ci.-l,,
... .1 new in declined L ner cent on Ih
balances, M.RRJ.HOO: New Tork sxchange. Ifc
premium; foreign exchange, unchanged,
sterling posted at $4.84 '"r sixty days and
$4 7V for demand.
RALTlMuRK. April $. 4,'learlngs, $3,2S.
02; balancea. $.i90.4:: money. per cent.
CINCINNATI April . Clearings. $4 445,
ono; money, ffi per cent; New York ex
change, 10c discount.
8T. IA1I8. April H Clearings, M.927.;
balances. $4.n71; money steady at 5; per
cent; New York exchange, 50c premium.
ew York Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK. April f. MONEY On call,
easier at 54 per cent; prime mercantile
paper, 5'atni per cent.
tual business In bankers' bill at $4 StiWiJi
sixty days; pieted rates, $4 844 and $4 854
4S; commercial bills, $4.82fH.834.
SILVER Bar, 494c; Mexican dollars,
GOVERNMENT BONDS-8trong; refund
ing 2. registered and coupon, IO64; Ss, reg
istered. lorV: counon. Wt; new s, regis
tered. 13T.; coupon, 136; old 4s, registered
and coupon, 1114; 6s. registered and cou
pon. 10:14.
The closing quotations on bonds ara aa
V. 8. ref. 2
do coupon
do if. rs.
do coupon
do n-w 4ft,
do coupon
..lncu L. N. unl. 4s inns
..0' iMei. Ontrml ta 11
. .In7i I 'do li Inc I
,.m Minn. St. U. 4a...
..13.SW M , K. A T. n
..1S.V 1 lo 2l 0'
do old 4s. reg.,
do coupon
1I9 6s. ng.
do coupon ....
Atinlann gen. 4a
do arij. 4r
Bal. A Ohio 4a..
do ii
do conv. 4a....
:anada 80. 2a..
C ol O. fca
..11P'N. Y. C. sen. Ji.loi
..111 I'N. J. C. ten. S1....W)
..H'.Ui No. Piclflc 4l 1024
..1014 do 3t "r
..100 IN W. eon. tm
,. tHl Krai1lng sen. 4i HH
..ion .Hi. L 1 I. . e. I. Ill
.. W, it. I., ft S F. it.... M4
..lull 181. L. 8. W. Is 5
.. 10611 do Za , T
..107 .8. A. A. P. 4s.... 14
.. 74 80. Parinc 4 .
do Is Inc
Ches. A Ohio 4'tl 10141 Ho Rallwar ' 11(4
micaso ft A. 11... ts i-raiaa a racine ia..iia
(-.. B. Q. n. 4a.... a.'lT.. St. L. W. ta.. 71
1'., M tk S. P. R. 4 UOVnlon Parltc 4a 101 't
f. N. W. con. 7a. 1 2 I do con. 4a toi'
v., R. I. P. 4a 10M,
, llSl
4a... ao'i
1. 1 1." & si l, . 4a. ico
Chicago Tcr. 49 24
Colorado So. 4a 4
Denrer ft' R. O. 4a.. '
Erie prior lien 4s.... tit
do general 4s $4
P. w. D. C. la... lot-
Ho.klng Val. 44a...l(MV
Bid. "Oftcred.
do ta
do deb. B. ...
Went 8hora 4a.
Wheel, ft L. E.
Wta. Central 4a...
Con. Tobacco 4a.
Colo. Fuai as....
.. (14
Cotton Market.
and steady; sales, 2,250 bales; ordi
nary, M4c; frood ordinary, Hc; low mid
dling, 9c; mlddllns, 101-ltic; good mlddllnc,
lO'.c; middling fair, 11 3-16c. Receipts. 6.418
bales; stock, 131,670 bales. Futures steady:
April, 8.9Sc, bid; May. 10.0M10.10o; June, IO CS
SflO.lOc; July, 10.1oi(?10.11c; August, 9.5S(M
9.5ic; September, 8.Wri8.81c: October, 8.37g
8.3Sc; November, 8,25(&8.27c; December. 8.26
NEW YORK. April 8.-COTTON Opened
steady at unchanged prices to a decline of
3 points, and following the call displayed
further weakness, particularly on the May
and July options, as a result of lower ca
bles than expected, full port receipts for
the day and continued liquidation. Further
rumors concerning the probability of cotton
coming to New York for delivery on May
contracts may have had something to do
with the early selling of the nearby options.
But trading was quiet during the entire ses
sion and when May had reached 10.20c and
July 9.&2c the market was supported by the
bull pool, which bought more or less openly.
The rally which followed was encouraged
by the stronger tone of the New Orleans
market, which showed a gain of about 3
points over last night's finals. Rut after
the Initial break the market ruled Irregu
lar and seemed to be dominated almost en
tirely by the bull leaders, who however,
apparently had in mind merely the sustain
ing of prices In the nearby options. May,
which sold up to 10.83c, or 13 points over the
lowest of the session. From this point,
however, there was another slight reaction
under realizing and the market was finally
quiet, with May and April net 1 point
hleher while the" other options were un
changed to 6 points lower. Total sales fu
tures, estimated 125.0000 bales.
prices 4 points higher; American muionng.
fair 6.H8d; good middling, 6.56d; middling,
5 40d: low middling. 6.26d: good ordinary.
6.10d; ordinary, 4.98d. The sales of the dny
were 6,000 bales of whlcn 500 were tor spec
nlntlon and exrjort and Included 6.500 Amer.
lean. Futures opened easy and closed quiet;
American middling, g. o. c, April, o.izfaozza;
April and May. .2i(jo.a; may ana june, June and Julv. 6.23: July and August,
( 5?i5 2M : Aunust and September. 5.15'u5.14:
September and October,; octooer ana
Novemoer, 4.iwa.wa; noTemwr aim uv
cember, 4.61.62dt
l.lrernonl Grain and ProTlslona.
r.nlet; No. 2 re western, winter.-s Id: No.
1 northern, spring. 6s64d; No. 1 California,
8 74a. .Futures, steaay; inyay. " ivu; juiy
Km 1iid . -
CORN Spot, .American mixed, anew, easy
at 4s24d; old. -steady at 6s 4d. Futures,
stead v: May. 43d; June, 4s2d: July. 4s 2d.
PEAS Quiet at 6s34d; Canadian, 6s 7Vd.
FLOUR St Leauls fancy winter, quiet at
HOPS At London, Paclflo coast, steady
at 6 inaff7.
PROVISION8-.Beef, easy; extra India
mess, ffls td.' Pork, firm; prime western
mean. 1fca. llnroa short cut. 14 to 16 lbs .
quiet, 53s. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to HO
lbs., quiet, 4s 6d; short ribs, IB to Z4 ids.,
quiet, 64s; long clear middles, light, 28 to 31
lbs., quiet. 61s 6d; long clear middles.
heavv. 35 to 40 lbs.. 62s: short clear backs
16 to 20 lbs., quiet, 52s; clesr bellies, 14 to
16 lbs., aulet- 62s.. Shoulders, square, 10 to
13 lbs., quiet. 41s? d. Lard, prime western,
nulet, 51s; American reflned. In palls, quiet,
quiet, 61s; American reflned, in palls, dull,
BUTTER Good United Statex, steady,
' CHEE8E Firm; American finest white
and colored, 6fts.
ALL V I'rlme r'ty. steady. 2is Sd.
The Provision exchange here will be
closed April 10, 11 and 13 for the Easter
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, April 8. COFFEE-Spot.
quiet. Futures opened steady at an ad
vance of 5(&10 points and higher European
cables and further news concerning the.
new Brazilian lax on coffee receipts; trad
ing was not so active ac was the case yes
terday, still there was considerable cover
ing mid for a time prices were steadily
maintained: later, however, Hnvre dis
played a declining tendency, losing 4 franc
of Its early advance, and the local trade
apparently regarding the plan for reducing
future supplies Impracticable or Insuffi
cient, also became leew active purchases,
while liquidation by tired longs once more
became a feature, and the market lost
much of Its early Improvement, closing
irregular at a net decline of 5 points to an
advance of 5 points: suits were 29.000 bags.
It cludlni;: Mhv, 8 96i4.o.c; June, 4.lac;
July. 4.4rfi4.25o; September, 4 05?j4.45c; Oc
tober. 4.4uri4 sOc: November, 4.5irtt4.'c; De
cember, 4.75a4. 80c; January, 4.8ic; March,
Wool Market.
ST. I.OU1S, April 8. WOOL Easy; me-J
dlum grades and comning, 10'aisc; ngnt nne,
144i 17c; heavy fine, loft 13c; tub washed, loft
'I ne following are the quotattona: Terri
tory, choicest staple, scoured, basis nne.
64'hj5c: fine medium. 524j53c; medium. 464j,
4ic. Terr.t rv ord nary: Fine, 524?3c; fine
medium, tSftoOc; medium, 45fa46c. Ohio anil
Pennsylvania fleeces are quiet, steady, but
not particularly active; Ohio and Pennsyl
vania XX and above. 314c32- X, 27'28c;
No. I. xo3lc; No. 2, 30$31c; Ohio delaine,
;3'ii.Mc: Aiit-nigan X and above, 26c; No.
1, 274) -'8c; Nj. 2. 27ti28c.
Stark Exrhansre Male Seenrltles.
NEW YORK. April . The following se
curities were today approved for listing by
the envernors rf the Stock exchange: Na
tional Park bank of New York. $1,000,000 ad
ditional capital stork, making total amount
listed tao.eOO.uoO; Central Pacific Hallway
company (Southern Pacific company, leseei.
$2.n0u.uti0 additional first refunding mortgage
4 per cent guarantee coupon bonus or isms,
making total amount listed $60,017,000; North
American company, $5,o63.0fO additional cap
ital stock, making total amount listed $14.
531,200. Dry Kooda Market.
Quiet, featureless the west her being In
strumental in causing considerable of the
quiet, though buyers 'are not to be per
suaded into taking anything beyond their
linmeillate requirements. Prices are held
tlrmlv and the surrounding conditions are
not indicative of any weakening on the
part of the selling factors.
Slons City Live Stork Market.
RIOI'X CITY. April 8 (Special Tele
gram.! CATTLE Receipts. 800 head;
steady; killers loc higher: beeves. $4.f
5.110; cows, bulls and mixed, $2flo&4.20;
Blocker and feeders, f3.004.4O; calves and
yearllngt. $3.(Kli4 50.
HoiiS Receipts, 2.000 head; strong to 5c
higher, selling at $7.Ut,7.40; bJlk. t7.KVjj7.2i.
Stork In Sight.
Following a
at the five pi
Karma City
8:. l-ouU ...
Bioux City...
Totals ....
receipts of live stock
western cities yester-
Csttle. Hojs. Sheep.
. 1.438 542 $.513
. 1 600 :'" 1! "0
. .70 !. ' .ui0
. Z.000 4.l 1,618)
suO I.uuO ....
. 14,53 42.643 S.14J
Bef fiteers AotiTe and Tilt to Ten Cent
Higher-Oowi Stetdy.
Rest Grades ( iheeat aad Iambi Sold
Freely at Steady to gtroaaj Prices,
bat the Comnaoaer Kinds
War Slew Sale.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Offlclal Monday 5.110
Official Tuesday 4.2!'7
Offlclal Wednesday 3.434
Three days this week. .12.845
Same days last week 13.17
Name week before 15.546
Same three weeks ago. ..12.111
Same four weeks ago.. . .12.187
Same (lays last year.... 11,003
The following table shows the receipts of
csttle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date and comparisons with last
190S. 1902.
..2M.760 219.P47
..6-3.192 728.244 124.062
..383.310 259.458 123.852
number of cars of stock
The. offlclal
brought In today by each road was:
Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H ses.
C. M. Bt P. Ry... 13
a vjn h. 1.1
6.343 9.310
6.642 3.643 hi
19 125 21.826 11
19.KH 20.1M 72
2X.MvS 1S.302
16.471 26.SS3 r'
1S.;'46 H.IW !?
20,360 13,016
i io 'i
8 1
00 4
"7 2 J
6 .. 1
t 4
95 20 6
Wabash b
Missouri Pacific Ry.. 1
Union Pacific system. 27
C. N. W. Ry
P.. E. A M. V. R. R. . 31
C, St. P., M. O..
B. A M. Ry
C, B. A Q. Ry
K. ('. ft St. J
C, R. I. ft P., east..
C. R. 1. ft P., west..
Illinois Central
Total receipts 162
The disposition of the day's receipts was
1 follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Buyers. Ci
ttle. Hogs. Sh'p.
351 774
863 1.02O 2.1S9
669 1.554 ' 947
653 l.SM 421
65 1,477
362 779
Omaha Packing Co
Swift and Company
Armour & Co
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour, rrom bioux city.
Lobman A Co
W. I. Stephen
Hill ft Huntzlnger
Livingstone ft Bhaller
L. F. Husi,
B. F. Hobbick
Dennis ft Co
Lee Rothschild
6. ft 8
Other buyers
Totals 3.459 6.659 4,336
CATTLE Receipts of cattle were fairly
liberal this morning, but as all the packers
were liberal buyers there were none too
many cattle to supply the requirements of
the locsl trade, 'the market was active
from start to finish and everything sold
Beef steer buyers took hold In good shape
this morning and the market ruled very
active, with prices on all desirable grades
6ij'10e higher than yesterday. The heavy
cattle Improved the same as the light
weights and as the cattle began to move
toward the scales at an early hour the pens
were cleared before the middle of the fore
noon. It was the most active market that
has been experienced In some little time.
The quality of the offerings was about the
same as of late. The bulk of the cattle sell
from $4.46 to $4 05 and there are compara
tively few short-feds showing up In the
The cow market was fairly active and
Just about steady with yesterday. The de
mand was liberal, so that practically every
thing on sale was soon disposed of. The
quality today was. If anything, better than
yesterday, so that, although cannera and
common cutters were alow sale, there were
not enough of them to cause the market to
Buns, veal calves and stags also sold
freely at good steady prices.
There were quite a few stockers and feed
ers In the yards, but the demand for the
better grades was sufficient to hold prices
steady. As high as $4.80 was paid this
morning, which Is the highest price In
Dome time past. There were 60 head of
them, all whitefaces, that averaged 941
pounds. The1 common grades of stockers
ana feeders' were slow sale, the same as
usual. The demand from the country was
somewhat better yesterday and about 40
cars were shipped out. but It was notice
able that practically all the buyers wanted
the better grades. Representative sales;
11.' ,
A. Pr.
410 I 60
1140 I 5
10 4 00
1210 4 nn
Kl tm
410 4 10
30 4 25
, M 4
1000 4 tf
10SS 4 S!
t41 4 15
771 4 10
111 4 15
10V4 4 40
Ml 4 40
101 4 40
t7 4 45
1114 4 45
90S 4 46
Hi 4 45
1111 4 45
107 4 60
... .1077 4 60
lir.2 4 60
113! 4 60
..'..!06l 4 60
, 1J75 4 60
12.1 4 55
1216 4 65
1192 4 (6
10SO 4 56
1192 4 65
1170 4 65
:08t 4 65
No. A. Pr.
24 901 4 6f
4 1146 4 66
HOI 4 66
:t 1222 4 65
l.... 11O0 4 65
It 1139 4 65
:4 1121 4 65
U 1076 4 65
41 1123 4 Ml
43 1240 4 CO
!t ,.1147 4 60
14 122 4 60
20 1226 4 60
1279 4 60
27 1296 4 65
15 1114 4 70
14 14S5 4 70
11 1260 4 70
51 1474 4 70
14 1.174 4 70
14 1417 4 70
20 1246 4 "0
-1 1221 4 70
:0 1412 4 75
111 1372 4 75
31 1417 4 75
22 1361 4 75
1 1070 4 90
13 1524 4 60
21 13 4 SO
1 1
2 1630 4 60
....1400 4 H5
....1163 4 85
1401 4 911
....1314 4 90
795 I 00 17
61 2 25
10O0 J 25 in
960 I 25 n
920 t 26 17
6D6 2 25 (
..r.. K0 2 60 16
1000 2 75 11
1090 2 75 t
750 2 75 11
9f!0 3 7r I
790 t 75 t
920 3 00 (
950 1 10 2
1040 1 10 I
1010 I 25 4
966 I 25 I. ...a...
920 S 0
962 I 60
1126 1 96
1121 1 85
1U38 S 8S
1000 1 85
1006 1 90
980 1 90
1077 1 90
760 90
1091 1 90
1057 3 90
945 1 90
1046 1 90
98t 1 96
1227 I 95
lO.'.t I 95
650 4 00
740 4 00
1218 4 no
97.1 4 00
1280 4 00
1010 4 00
1007 4 00
1060 4 06
1170 4 06
119 4
120 4 10
1040 4 It
1047 4 1
1080 4 10
...1200 I 25 t
940 I 2a 4
120 I 16 t
..12M1 1 40 :..
... NT 140 1
...1091 t 50 J
... 925 I 66 .
... 90 1 60 14
...IOCS 1 65 II
...not t 5 7
... 900 1 15 1
...1.160 I 65 14
...lfH 1 70 i
... 720 1 76 :t
... 1?0 1 75 4
...171 t 75 t
...1400 I 75 1
....1141 175 1
.... 9t 1 76 2
...1095 4 to
...1190 4 25
...1920 4 26
...11O0 4 21
...1180 4 60
...1600 4 66
... til 4 OS
...792 4 10
... 970 4 10
.,. 640 4 0
...1040 4 20
... 680 4 20
... If.5 4 2.1
...1020 4 25
. . . 1041 4 26
...1030 4 26
. . 9. 4 25
...1190 4 60
...1620 t t
...1110 t 10
...1070 1
...1420 166
. . . I ! 0 1 66
...15.10 1 T6
...2210 I 16
...2150 4 00
. . 470 4 25
... 462 t '
...404 1 Ml
... tit 2 76
... 112 I 90
..Ml 1 00
.. SIT t 25
... 671 1 25
..640 I 60
..1149 I 76
.. 940 4 00
..tie 4 an
..944 4 05
BULLS. t 75
.... 990 1 09
....1710 I 25
....1660 1 26
jnoo t 10
....1660 I 60
. .. HM 165
...1560 I 55
...1160 160
220 S 61 4
150 4 00 1
Vin 6 25 1
156 6 25 2
..168 6 60
.. 120 I 60
..110 I 60
..too III
140 6 00
T70 I 60 2 44' 1 20
700 I 00 14 136 I 20
7H 1 00
S60 1 66
130 I 00
640 t 00
660 I 26
21 61 4 00
18 661 4 00
1 121 4 06
6 9S0 4 10
It K5 4 25
3 171 4 26
20 1131 4 16
t 7'2 4 80
6 I.-.4 4 15
I Ill 4 16
1 1000 4 45
1 680 4 46
21 631 4 46
42 Hi 114
60 941 4 10
another light run
.. Ill 1 15
.140 III
.837 I 60
. Ill I 50
.8(1 I 10
. 176 I 15
.111 t 15
. 970 I 76
.10 I T6
. 476 I 76
.477 I 66
.497 t 90
192 I 95
HOTJR There was
hogs here this morning snd the market
opened fairly active and steady to strong.
The strength, however, was confined very
lar.elv to the better weights, ss the llvht
bogs were more or less neglected all day
and never sold more than steady. The
bulk of the hogs sold In Just about the
same notches thev did yesterday. IJght
stuff went from $7.on to $7.20. light mixed
hops from $7.2 to $7 25. heavy hogs) from
$7.25 to $7.30 and prime heavies from $7 30 to
$7,374. Toward the close of the market the
demand (111 not seem to be quite as brisk
and as a res.ilt the close was slow and
weak. Representative sales:
A. Sh IT
34 . ..
At. 8h. Pr.
SV .
11 ... 75
.174 ... T 1C
5" 100 T !.l
J21 ... T 20
i2t io : 10
1M ... T 20
. .27t
. .251
1 26
0 1 26
... 7 26
40 7 25
90 7 16
40 T 25
160 7 2.1
90 T 26
90 1 26
80 T 25
110 1 25
90 7 :r,
to 7 26
780 7 25
40 7 26
40 7 26
80 7 271,
90 7 27S
... 7 27'
90 7 27',
90 7 271,
10 7 271,
... 7 27',
120 7 SO
, .2:11
130 7 20
10 T 224
40 T 2.
40 T 2
7 2!
lt S20 T IS
. .2SI
7 26
72 21.4
. .240
. .2i7
120 7 2.-.
10 7 25
... 7 25
40 7 25
80 7 374
4 .
... 260
. . . 265
. . . 250
. .29
276 120 t 2Ti,
2S1 40 7 27'
. . 304
. . 285
. .218
. . ;:.9
120 7 17V
... 7 80
80 1 JO
120 7 SO
80 7 32'j
90 T 16
80 T 16
80 7 20
... 1 25
... 7 25
... T 25
... 7 2".
H !1S
40 7 25
... 7 25
1 262 120
7 30
40 7 80
9 7 10
72. .
60. ,
62. .
... 7 10
200 7 SO
. . 7 30
200 7 So
... 1 124j
90 7 32',
60 7 SS
10 7 86
... 7 1714,
42 ....
7 25
SHEEP Recelnts of sheen and lambs
were more moderate here this morning and
as a result the market on good stuff was
active and steady to strong. The quality of
the hulk of the offerings however, was
rather on the common order, so that the
market on paper does not look very high.
A string of wostern yearlings sold aa high
as $6 65 and some clipped sheep and year
lings brought $6.30. Good stuff Is selling as
high as at any time, but the part-fat kinds
are a good deal lower than they were a
week or ten days ago and are slow sale
at the decline.
Feeders of desirable quality are In fairly
good demand at about steady prices.
Quotations for wooled ( stock: Choice
western lambs, f7.85ff7.66; fair to good
lambs, f7.0C67.26; choice Colorado lambs,
$7. 3517. 65; choice lightweight yearlings,
$6. loud. 75; fair tc good yearlings, $6.0m&6.4;
choice Wethers,. $6.00436.40; fair to good, $5.75
r.00; choice ewes, fc.76(8.O0; fair to good,
$5.00fj6.7S; feeder lambs, $4,7646.50; feeder
yearilngn, $4.60'B5.00; feeder wethers, $4,000
45; feeder ewes, $3.0003.60; clipped stock
tells about 50c lower than wooled stock.
Representative sales:
No. Av. r.
H'l cull lambs 58 4 75
276 western lambs 53 5 00
1W western lambs..... 66 6 00
238 western ewes 78 4 00
817 clipped wethers Ill 6 06
920 clipped yearlings 94 6 SO
1,024 Mexican yearlings 75 t 65
Cattle Higher, Hoars Strong;, Sheep
Steady to Lower.
CHICAGO, April 8. -CATTLE Receipts,
1.600 head: Kfrl5c higher: good to prime
steers. $o.00&,5.60; poor to medium, $4.0oy
1 si; stockers and feeders, $3.otaH.75; cows,
$1.75(54.65; heifers. $2.5tKgO0; canners, $1.76(f'
2 75; bulls, 2.50r"y4.3,".; calves, e3.00ijj6.76;
Texas fed steers, $4.00(54.55.
HOGS Receipts. 20.0W today: estimated
tomorrow, 2o,u0; left over, 4.000; strong to
5o hlgtier; mixed and butchers, $7.2047.40;
good to choice heavy, $7.4t"n'7.62l; rough
heavy, $7.2tj7.40;. light. $6.70&7.25; bulk of
pales, $7.20(67.46.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,000
head; choice, steady, others lower; good
to choice wethers, $5.75'S7.25; fair to choice
mixed, $4.50i6.t)0; western sheep, $5.6oCa7.00;
native lambs, $u.0u.00; western lambs.
Official yesterday:
Receipt s.Shlpments.
.... 7.978 2,965
.... 15,192 8.674
.... 16,760 1.441
Hogs ,
Kansas City Lire Stock Market.
ceipts,. 6,700 natives, 200 Texans; calves, 200
natives; beef steers, active and 10c higher;
quarantine, stockers and feeders, strong;
cows and heifers, steady to strong; choice
export and dressed beef steers, $4.6ttp5.25;
fair to good, $4.0iXa4.(i0; stockers and feed
ers, $3.00ft6.20; . western fed steers, $2.90(jj
5.00; Texas and Indian steers, $3.15((i4.76;
Texas cows, $2.75(&4.00; native cows, $2.0(K(j
4.35; native heifers, $3.50et4.75; canners, $1.50
2.75; bulls, $3.15(i3.7o; calves, f2.50frt7.00. .
HOGS Receipts, lC.OOO head; market ac
tive to 5c higher; top, t" 45; bulk of sales,
f7.257.40; heavy, $T.30(fI7.45; mixed packers,
f7.17H'S'7.o5; light. $7.iKtf.7.22; yorkers, $7.15
ft 7.22V.; pigs, $5.85(97.00.
SHE"EP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000
head; market steady to 16c lower; native
lambs. $5.60(jj 10.00; western lambs, $5. 805.90;
a few ewes at $4.703?.10; native wethers,
f4. 75416.9.1; Texas clips, f4.9Oiij7.O0; stockers
and feeders, $3.6K34.S0.
St. I.oals Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS. April 8. CATTLE Receipts,
2,000 head. Including 800 Texans; market
active, strong and higher; native, shipping
and export steers, $4.50g'5.25, the top being
$5.50 for strictly fancy; dressed beef and
butcher steers. $4,004(6.00; steers under
1,000 lbs., $3.5orat.50; stockers and feeders,
$2 454.60; cows and heifers, $2.25rti.l0; can
ners. $2.25473.00; bulls. $2.5OG4.0O; calves.
$3.5ori'7.00; Texas and Indian steers, $3.70
4.65: cows and heifers. $2.3CKg3.35.
HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head; market
strong and higher; pigs and lights, $7.1o&i
7.20; packers, $7.10(&"7.30; butchers, $7.20
SHEEP AND LAMPS Reclpts, 1.600
htad; market strong; native mutton, $4.5o
6 00; lambs. $5.00a7.2.c.; culls and bucks. $2.00
tfH.50; stackers, 52.544.u0; Texans, t4.00SC.00.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta.
APPLES Market continued quiet In the ab
sence of Important demand and prices are
easy on all but the most attractive fruit.
Common are quoted at 8H&4Hc; prime, 44
4i5c; choice, 5V,((j5c: and fancy, at 6'vft7c.
prunes attract some Jobbing demand, but
the market Is generally quiet and un
changed at from 3c to 4c for all grades. Ap
ricots show a slightly less active movement,
but remain steady to firm. Choice are
quoted at 7Vi&8e, and fancy 9V44J10Hc.
peaches rule easy and dull at IVifate for
choice and 8V4l8c for fancy.
Consign your grain to tbe
And you will get best weights, best prices
and quick returns.
Members Principal Exchanges.
Private Wires.
. 110-111 Board Of Trade.
W. E. WARD. Mgr. Telephone 1511
place your orders with
Membtrs Prlnclpsl Exchanges.
Write for our dally letter.
224 Board Trade Building, Omaha.
'Fhones lOisj and 1017. PRIVATE WIRES.
(Should be read DAILY t-y all Interested,
as changes may occur at any time.)
Foreign malls for the week ending April
11, l.i3, will cloee (PROMPTLY In all cases)
at the genurul postofhee as follows: PAK
CKI.& j 1ST MAILS close one hour earlier
than closing time hown below. Parcels
post malls mr Germany close at 6 p. m.
Monday and Wednesday.
Kenular and supplementary malls close at
foreign station half uour ister than closing
time shown below 'except that supplemen
tary mails for Ejrope and Central America,
via Colon, close one hour later at foreign
i'ransaltauilv MnlU.
THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, per
s. s. La Bretafciie, via Havre (mail for
other parts of Europe must be directed
"per s. La Itrttagne"); at ll:3n a. ni.
(supplementary I p. m.) for EUROPE,
pt-r s. s. Deutschland, vlu Plymouth,
4'herhourK and Hamburg.
SATURDAY At s. m. for BKUHI'H di
rect, per s. s. Kroonland (mull must be
directed "per s. s. Kroonland"); at t.Ju
a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per a. s.
nchnrla (mail must be directed "per a. s.
Ancborla"); at 11-0 a. m. (supplementary
1 p. m.) for EUROPE, per "'."''VV
via uueenstown; st 1 p. m. for I I ALT
direct per s. s. Princes fi ens t mall nm-U
pi ; directed "Pr s. s. Princess Irene ). jf
PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls strainer
takes printed matter, commercial papers
and samples for ttermany only. I lie same
class of mall matter tor other parts of
Europe will not be sent by this ship un
less specially directed by her.
After the closing of the supplementary
transatlantic malls named shove, addi
tional supplementary malls ere tiixned nn
the piers of Inc American, liiigllsh. rrenrli
. .i .1...... uteaoiera and remain open
until within ten minutes ot the nour uti
ir r
sailing of steamer
Mails fur South nntt t entrnl Amerl
West Indies. Kte.
THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, YUCA
APAS per s. .. Havana imall for other
parts of Mexico must be tliretted "per
a. s. Havana"): at ; a. in. (supplement
ary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA
texcept Costa itlcal and SOUTH PA
CIFIC PORTS, per s. s. Yucatan. M.t
Colon (mall for Guatemala muM l" di
rected "per s. s. Yucatan"): at 11:30 a. nt.
(supplementary 12:30 p. m.) for I .EE
ANA, per s. s. Fotitalielle maU for Hnr
bsdos must be directed "per s. s. Konta
helle'l: at 12 m. for HARHADOS -unl
NORTHERN HRAZ1U per s. s. Amn
tonense. via Tara and Manans.
FRIDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary
10:30 a. m i for 1NAGUA and HAITI, per
s. a. Hollvla
SATURDAY At 8:30 a. m. (supplementary
9:J0 a. in.) for CURACAO nnd VKNK
ZI'E1A. per s. s. Zulla (mall for Savnn-,
Ilia and Cartagt na must be directed "per
s. .ulla'l: at 9 a. nt. for PORTO Til CO.
per s. s. Coamo; at 9:30 n. ni. (supple
rr.entary 10:30 a. m l for FORTUNE IS
AGENA and GRriYTOWN per s. s. Al
leghanv (mall for Costa Pica must h
directed "per s. s. Alleghany"!: at l'l
s m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via
Havana; at 10 a. m. for NEWFOUND
LAND, per s. 8. Rosalind.
Malls Forrrnrdetl Overland, Etc.. M.
ept Transpacific.
CUBA By rail to Port Tamim. Fla., ard
thence by steamer, clevis at this office
ds.lly, except Thursday, at 13.30 a m.
(the connecting mails close here on Mon
days. Wednesdays and Huturdays).
VEX ICO CITY Ov4 rlrtnd, ..hicks specially
addressed for despatch by steamer, closes
ut this office daily, "xcept Si tu'uy, at l:'j
it. m. and 11:30 p. m. Sunday! at 1 p. m.
and 11:30 r.. ai.
NKWFOUtftlLANDBy rail to North
Svdney, and thence by atenmer, closes at
this office dally at 6:3o p. m. (connecting
.nails close here every Monday, Wednet
ditv ind Saturdfiy).
JAMAICA By tall to Boston, and thence
by steamer, closes at this office at 6:30 p.
m. every Tuesday and Thursday.
MIQUELON Br rail to Boston, and thencs.
bv steamer, closes at this ".lice dally
6:30 p. m.
MALA By rail to New Orleans, atVV
thence by steamer, closes at this
rVpily, except 8unday, at fl:30 p. 111. and
tn:3 p. nv, Sundays at 11:00 p. n and
tll:30 p. in (connecting mall cloaca here
Mondays at tll:30 p. m.).
COSTA RICA By tall to New Orleans, and
thence by sttamer, closes at hls oHlc
dally, except Sunday, st M:3t p. m. aim
711:30 p. m.. Sundays at tl p 1.1. and tll:-u
p. m. (connecting mall clones here Tues
days at 11.30 n. m.).
BAHAMAS (except parcels post malls) By
rail to Miami, fia., and hence by
steamer, closes at Ih'.i oflicc st ib.'JO a. in.
every Monday and Wednesday.
tHEGIHTEKED MAIL closes at 6 p. m
previous day.
Transpacific Malls. ' '
HAWAII, via San Francisco, close here
daily at C:30 p. m. up to April SUh. in
clusive, for despatch per s. r. Alameda.
CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver und
Victoria. B. . .. -lose here dally nt j:30
o. ni. up to April 7th. Inclusive, fur der
patch per s. s. Eniprss of Jupun. Mer
chandise for U. fcS. postal aifeno at
Snanghal cannot be rorwarOed vl.i
HAWAII. CHINA- JAPAN and spee'ally
eddressed mat'.rr ror the PHILIITINJ:
ISLANDS, via San FraDcisco, c'-nt hen
daily at 6:30 p. m. up to April 1,9th, Inclu
sive, for despatcn per s. s Gaelic.
clrco. close here daily at 6:30 p. .11 up t i
April loth, inclusive, for despatch pe,'
I'. S, transport.
CHINA and JAPAN, via Taeomn. c!os
here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April Jllth,
Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Victoria.
CHINA and JAPAN, via Seattle close hers
dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April 315th, In
clusive, for despatch per a. s. Aekl Maru.
PINE ISLANDS, via San Ftanclscn, closj
here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to April 117th,
Inclusive, for despatch per s. s. Hong
Kong Maru.
and HAWAII, via San Francisco, close
here dally at 6:30 p. m. after March 28th
and up to April ilSth, Inclusive, for des
patch per s. s. Sierra. (If the Cunard
steamer carrying the British mail fnr
New Zealand does not arrive In time to
connect with this despatch. e'"t muili
closing at 6:30 a. m 9:30 a.. 11 and 6:30
p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. ni., 9 a. m.
and 6:30 p. m. will be made up and for
warded until the arilval of the Cunard
San Francisco ciose iiere dally at 6:2i
p. m. up to April 24th, inclusive for des
patch per a. s. Mariposa.
Ai.STP.ALIA (excej-t West). FIJI IS-
Vancouver and Victoria. B. C. clo?e hrr
daily at 6:30 p. ni after April 118th and unl
to April 25th, Inclusive, for despatch pe. I
s. s. Mlowera. f
NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West
Australia is forwarded via Europe, and
New Zealand and Philippines via San
Francisco the q-'lckcst routes. Philip
pines specially addressed "via Canada '
or "via Europe" must be fully prepaid ut
the foreign rates. Hawaii is forwarded
via San Francisco exclusively.
Transpacitlc malls are forwarded to port of
sailing dally and tbe schedule of cloin,'
is arrangej on the presumption of thflr
uiuiiin 1 upiea over Tina transit. I IttgU-
r niu irunsu. 1 ittgu
at 6:0u p. m. prevluuil
N COTT. Postmaster!
tereu mi 1 closes
Pcstofflce, New York, N. Y April 3. 1913.
1.0VUK.VMENT .0r1cEs.
Department of the Interior, Office of im'iiu'i
Affairs, Washington, D. C, March 4, 19Uo
Sealed proposals. Indorsed "l'roooauls m,
beef, Hour, etc.," as the case may be, and
, directed to the Commissioner of Indian At-
mini, (wf-ivi Duutii vanui Birect Chicago,
111., will be received until 1 o'clock p. in., ol
Tuesday, April 21. for lu.-nlHhlim f...-
the Indian service, beef. Hour, bacon,
conee tugar, rite, tea and other article:
of subsistence; also for boots and i'i..
groceries, soap, baking powder, .-101 fcerv
agricultural Implements, pafnts, olis, ulais'
tinware, wagons, harness, lta.h.r, shoe
findings, saddlery, etc., hardware, rchool
and medical supplies, and a leng list of
miscellaneous articles. Scaled pioposals
Indorsed "Proposals for blankets, wooUmI
and cotton goods, clothing, etc.,'' as the
. ... a mav he u 1 1 .1 i' I ra.-l . .1 . . u -
. - -. - - - - . . . . ... . , i -. j . , iiinnii.
sloner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 119-121 Wooster
street. rew iora ..jiy, will be received
until 1 o'clock p. m.. ol Tuesday, ynv I'i
1J3. for furnishing for the Indian .r.
blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothiim.
notions, nnia iin. una must te made
out on government blanks. Schedules giving
an nt:fB.iur iuiuriiitioii xor bidders will
be furnished on application to the Indlnn
Office, Washington, D. C; the U. 8. I.idlan
wsrenouses. ua-ui wnosier street New
York City; 266-267 South Canal atre.'t i-hi.
cage. III.; 81S Howard street, Omaha 'Neb
6u3 South Seventh street, St. IaiuIs Mo!:
the Commissaries of Suba1stem i- 'a '
at Cheyenne, Wyo. and St. Paul, ' Minn :
the Quartermaster IJ. 8. A.. Seattle, Wash.1
ine postmasters at bioux City, Tunc on
Portland. Spokane and Tacomu. and the
Manufacturers' and Producers' a,i u....
of California, San Francisco, Cal. Bids will
tie oiiciicti i me noui anu days above
stated, and bidders are Invited to be present
at the opening. The Department reserves
the right to determine the point of delivery
and to reject any and all bids or any part
of any bid. W. A. JONli'S. Commissioner.
A3 (lltit
MASTER. Cheyenne, Wyo., April 8 l!w3
Sealed proposals in triplicate, will' be re
ceived at this office until ! o'clock p ni
mountain time. May 8, 1903 and thei!
opened, for furnishing all material aiul
oiuui-r. mum maie in ineir bids the time
in which they will complete the work
llme will form an Important factor In mak
ing the award. Full Information, blaul
forms, plans and specifications furnlsln-1
on application to this office; also to the
office of depot quartermaster. Omaha Si
Paul. ( hl.-ago New York. Philadelphia.
Jeffersonvllle. Ind., Kt. Uiuls, Fort Le.tven
woith, Ksn., and lH-nver. United Stabs
reserves ha right to sccet. or reject an
or all blda. or any part thereof. Snveloo, J
containing bids to be endorsed, Vr..pi,
for Water System at Fort D. A. Ki.':seii.
JNyo., and addressed to Captain W fi
Scott, Conslruclliig Viuarterniaster Chey
enne. Wyo. AWtlaVMi-eM"
labor necessary to extend the present wateY Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo .-on 4
slstlng of about J.loO feet of 6-lnch' i,ni
J.4X4) feet of 4-inch, cast Iron pipe. Including
the necessary valves and lire hydrants