THE OH ATT A DAILY BEEi WEDNESDAY, ArRIL S, 1003. f JfollGl Swell $3 Sprint PETilEOAT SALE As usual. BRANDKI9' READT We closed out AN ENTIRE PETTICOAT FACTORT located In Brooklyn, Nsw Tork. , The Arm ws bought these of wars dissolving partnership and called npon us to bid on their entire stock. . ' CASH CLOSES THE DEAL. la consideration ef the coooeeslon made us la taking tba stock we prom Ism not to divulge their Sanaa. . Tba petUraals ara her and ga oa aala ts uiuf ror. Tbey ara made ta Os moat up-to-date alyla ami ara the kind that gjvs that qmumly graoa t tha skirt. The bars m deep acoordnen pleated flounce, also dusters of ruffles and knife pleated. The materlala ara tba finest qualities of mercerised silk, satin luxtnaJ and Ilka silk tn black and tandem. There never waa an In stance whea tbeee petticoat m aold for less than $Ua apises and us . to 12. Td thoroughly appreciate thesa extracrdlcary valuta yos. mut aea them. Bala begtoa tomorrow nwn-nlng at I o'clock. Take ysur choice ef snr In the entire lot at Op 'ill1! 75c $1.50 and $2.50 Gloves at 85c. Our great sale of water splashed gloves has created a furor In Omaha. Most of them untouched by water, none worth less than '"OK A 11.60 and up to $2.50 a pair, suede and dressed kids, .WWW tomorrow, a pair . Salt of Pearl Buttons made of Finest Import- Tnm4frm-Tpm r edand domeitic pearl worth up to 50c dot at IOC IVJC 3V Great Easter Millinery Bargains 73c Flowera at 25c. Thousands upon thousands of handsome bunches of silk and 'velvet roses, lllaos. children's wreaths, pretty June rosea, snowballs, American Beauties, cherries, geraniums, etc., regular 7S Taluea, Wednesday V- V S VSCB 25c . -, 75c and $1 Mercerized Veatlnr at 29e ' .This season's extremely popular Testings and waist ox fords, panamaa, new tones of color and effect, at 29c StyHshvEaster Clothing for Boys IN OUR NEW BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHINQ DFPT ON THE THIRD FLOOR. 13.00 BIXB ETHIC H SAILOR BtJIT AT 13.60 In full Bailor blouse, trimmed with white, red or black soutache, pants are lined throughout, 2 to 10 years, 15 value, one pair to V C A eaob customer, while they last aV3U . BOYS' CONFIRMATION SUITS--Black clay were teds, cheviots, thlbets, ta long and abort pants, two and three-piece stilts, with out discount the beet ever offered, at $10, $7.50, $5, $3.98, $2.98 .$8.50 8PETNO SUITS FOU MEN A special Eaater offer worth $12.00 and $15.00 at $10.00 and am SELEE TALKS OF OLD DAYS 1 leoallf tha Tim Whan Ha Managed Pennant Winners in Omaha SAYS GAME IS MORE EXPENSIVE NOW Psya v)maha the Comaltaneat Being; Good Ball Town AH Times . em WostBr of Bast of Flayers. Manager Prank Belee and his club of hall players, representing Chicago la the Na tional league, are at th Millard during the three days they will play In Omaha. Mr, Seleo is an old Omahan, In that he managed the famous teams of '88 and '89, winning tho pennant tha latter year. In speaking of old timea, ha remarked yester day morning that they were great days and that "tha team that Omaha bad then waa a daisy." "Of course," continued Mr. Selee, "It cost money to keep up such a team aa that was, but Omaha waa a good base ball town, even In those days, and from all accounts has Improved wonderfully since then. What Omaha needs to keep up Ita enthusiasm la a good, clean playing team and I am sura It will nsver lack patronage. In 'XI my team cost me more than $20,000, and the following year, when I retrenched and bad the best team of tb two yrs. It only cost tue $12,000. That was the year that I dis posed of a host of good men to the major leagues. . . , . . "Those seemed large sums of money to spend on a team la the old days, but do not compare with what It costs to run a club now.' The team that Omaha baa .today costa twice aa much to run aa my team did those two years. The salaries that playera are receiving are large and eat up a goodly aum at the start and then . there are expenses right along, With a good ball town to work in, though,' a man should be able to come out above board at the end of the season. - - Talks of Hla Owa Its. "My team? Pretty goodT Well, 1 think ao. Since we left Chicago on March T we have been playing nearly all of the time and we have only lost three games, and these were not bard to us. The team baa Its weak spots, but every day It Is Improv ing. The boys are not bitting their beat aa yet and the weeding out process la prob ably not quite complete. There Is one thing I have, though.' That Is a' staff of pitchers. There are seven of tbem and they are good ones. .. "Omaha looka Just the same to me as. It did twelve years ago, only larger and livelier. It seems good to be her and to have an Interest In Omaha's base ball team, even If It la a negative Interest." , ' The Bennett Company. . EASTER LILIES! EASTER LILIES! C' The big sale of Easter lilies Is on. at Bennetts! We have thousands of them. They beautified the store on Saturday and they will beautify 'your home even more than they did the store! CHEAP! ONLY 1BC A FLOWCR. Hardin Heavily Fined. William Harding, who was arrested on March 12 upon the charge of ahootlng with Intent to kill, and whose arrest was the culmination of a dispute which arose in a boarding houxe at 1X13 Douglas wtreet re garding the right of occupancv. was given hla hearing in police court yesterday morn- Figprune Cereal: A grain and fruit Coffee nourishing and invigorating. SOLO BY ALL QKOCKKtV. , ' Capital aa4 Surplus. SlQa.QOS.GS. Every Woman , (hould bavs a Savings account ! Many a nan baa been saved from financial ruin by the savings of a thrifty wife. Wa welcome tha accounts ef women and pay 4 per cent, compound interest en Savings. , Accounts my be opened with any aum, from St op.' " Our Utile steel banki whirs w furnl.a five " kelp torn t. save money. Call a4 fet en. 3 CITY SAVINGS DANK. rm BleeH. SIzteontH and Deuglee S OMAHA. NCD. Ta 3 EARS. J. BEMSOM Kid Gloves for Easter Jf jou want the best kid glove made remember Pen-in leads all others. Dressed gloves tn all shades, including Opera and Pastel. Prices $1, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 Elbow length in White, Black and Mode, ' Street gloves In Djgakla and Mocha, Prices $1.00, $1.5. 11.75 and 12.00 Children's Spring Coats From the first long coat up to 10 years, qualities in light weight wool, Sicilian, taffeta and moiro eilk, prices $1. 50 to $12.00. SEE THE NEW WAISTS AND SKIRTS. SGUMOLLER UELLER 1313 ramam St. A PIANO LOVERS' FEAST Describes our tremen- Ly. nous SPECIAL PUR CHASE SALE. $80,000 worth of tlandard 1903 rianottecured from three ovrr$tockd famous maJt-' trt to be told, in a limited time, at on actual discount of SO per cent off' eaitern price. . . $375 PS? $2025 PARLOR UPRIGHT-ndium titedhigh quality juttly popular internment Tonr'$200 $400 CHASTE PURITAN Model choice veneers toed by many great urtistt $425 PS $297" CABINET UPRIGHT-rtylUh-tveet toned beautiful detigni and vood . 450 Ton0 $315 MODIFIED COLONIAL Ar tistic modern styles new detignt selected wood , PIANO FOR W FLORENTINE MODEL Cel ebrated for purity and volume of $475 $500 j" $350 RENAISSANCE CABINET GRAND Hand Carved heavily panelled in . rare and excellent UNUSUALLY EASY CREDIT TERMS Only to. 00 per month do deposit required from re eponalble persons. , AT 20 TO $0. IOWA BRANCH. 002 Broadway. Co. Bluffs. Ing. The charre of shootina; with Intent to wound was dismissed and he was held upon the charge of assault, preferred by A. Ia. McClellan. He was found guilty and waa sentenced by Judge Berks to pay a , Take Flao's Cure for Consumption. It will euro yeur oeugh. 25o. By all druggists. Tha Blab; Dlaaaoaa Ezaresa leaves Buffalo dally via the Lehigh Valley Ballroad, for New Tork. A la carte dining car service and luxurious parlor and day coaches. - . COMMERCIAL CLUB AFFAIRS Executive Commltte Takes lfotlce of Obaaxloaa Odors from -oath OatabaC The aroma of the South Omaha packing houses received serious consideration at tbe meeting of the executive committee of the Commercial club yesterday. A committee reported that there are but one or two offenders at the Magic City whose capacity to produce byproducts Is In excess of the capacity to properly care for the same, but that additional tanks are to be constructed as eoon as material arrives and then tbe trouble will be over. The committee turned down two . repre sentatives of tba Commercial ' Travelers' Journal who came to the city for the, pur pose of collecting funds for use In securing a uniform Interchangeable mileage book and a lower fare for commercial traveler, west of the Missouri river. Officers of tbe Travelers'- Protective association present de nounced the scheme and said that tbe as sociation Is ' doing all that can be done toward securing Interchangeable mileage books. Foster. Avery A . Co.. of ' Portland, Me., writes the club to ask for a building In which a retail clothing store can 'be con ducted In Omaha. In regard to the pro posed Ashland-Sioux City line of the Bur lington, officials Informed 'tbe club that nothing had been decided upon, the surveys now being made are preliminary and that when the time came for locating tbe road the claims of Omaha weald be considered. . New members elected were: A. O. Charl ton, C. F. Harrison, E. J. Sullivan and Rev. A.. S. C Clark, pastor-of the Second Presbyterian church, who was made aa honorary member. Htr Germ Deatrayes. Dr. King's New Discovery kills consump tion and grip, germs. Cures coughs, colds and luug troubles or no pay, 60o,'$l. For sale by Kubn tz Co. Nolle to Farmers aad Oat-of-Towa - Visitors. Our big barn corner 17th and Howard' has a whole floor for . your convenience as formerly. Tour old acquaintance, Tom Baker, looks after It and knows bow to care for your horses and' rigs while you are doing your trading. He will be glad to meet you and we will be delighted to see you In the store and get your business. It savea you money! THB BENNETT COM PA NT. HALF RATES Via Wabash R. R. St. Louis and return $11.50. Sold April ?-27-29-!0 and May 1. New Orleans and return. April 11-12-13. May l-a-l-t. In formation, City Office. 1601 Farnam St., or address Harry E. Moorea. O. A. P. D., Omaha. Neb. Hawse $1 bate, spring sty ire. Quillty guaranteed. Slcpbena A Smith, opposite P.O. Dr. Roy, chiropodist, utovea te ISOt Firoam. Baa-llaatoa tktH Time. Kffsctlvs April t tha Denver train leavea at 4:10 p. m. ; the Nebraska local for Lin coln and wcat. I id a. to.) Iowa local, f:l$ V 11 AVI u a U Lf THK R KM ABLE SIOHK iilS We have taken 40 excellent sample auKs, beautiful creations, as shown In our win dows for the last few dsys. We have too many of them and have aelected the above number from our $50. $60 and $Si suits snd will put them en sale for tha balance of this week at 7o Want Every Wo man in Omaha tho Soo tho Bargains Wo Ilavo to Offer on Wednesday. at H. $10. 5.90 35.00 100 aults that have sold $11 and $16, oa aale at SILK COATS An unmatchable bargain, women's peau de sole silk coat, slies 12 to 48; beautiful creations on sale tor 5.00 $5 sample peau de sole and taffeta coats, lined and Interlined, that have been sell- SaV??.!1!: IQ.00 100 women's black all wool cheviot roats, Bilk lined and worth $10 on sale at UNDERSKIRTS 5.00 83 womens' suits that have sold at $35, $40 and $45, on sale for Wednes day, Thursday and Friday at 50 suits that have sold at $25, $27.50 and $30, on sale Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at.... 100 suits that have sold at $18.50 and $20.00 on sale-' Wednesday at 25.00 17.50 $18.50 and 13.76 ' 50 silk underskirts. In reds, blues, ess tors, pinks, old rose and . C Afl blacks for, each UaUU 75 silk underskirts, in all colora. Includ ing black, flounce and ruffles, would be heap at $12.60 (1 (Ifl sale price only UaUU WOMEN'S SKIRT SALE . 100 sample skirts, msde of voiles, eta- mines and silks, beautiful creations, en sale $20.00, $16.00 and ' 12.50 1 tables women's rainy-day skirts, secur ed from two manufacturers' stocks, worth up to $5.00 on sale at 2.00 20 distinct and aeparate styles In rainy dav skirts, made like those you pay $10 onet ........5.00 EXTRA SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY MORNING Special No. 1. One' table womens' waists In' beavy Testings, lawns, alpacas and etamlnea and silks In all the 2.00 new atyles, worth $6.00, for One table.' of womens' walata for 60c. Read great sales on page T. nn r nnrsnnn UU4V IMSUJ LSU0 am OUR BUSINESS REPUTATION ta Involved in every suit of clothes we produce. We 'cannot afford to permit an unsatisfactory result. When- you wear a suit we make you. you'll bscr yuur wtsk tor tsxaruush neaa gratified. We have the finest line of Imported woo tens tn tbe eftx. ' Bsfts from $35.00 to $40.00. - ' ; J.; A; Kervan Tailoring Company -r .V. l6i6 Fara am Street We know you'lliUe ':tMEllOOA-It; Equally ffoocl for bajeburneror coo kind Victor, ile l605F4xrnojj JtTel. IZ7 Full SetDf Taeth, $3 Qrednate dentlstb admitted to eur course for $100.00. We make money by teaching our course and don't need to charge such, high prices.. This Offer Good Until April 15. All Wnrk Done Free, Small . Charges for. all Material. $5.00 Gold Crewns, $3.00 TK ORDER TO INCREASE OUR CLINIC! we want every man, woman and child t bava their mounths examined by the pro fessors of this college. Small charges for material. ' We do as we Advertise. FN IP Bet of Teeth. 13.00. iipl Gold Filllnaa.7tn. up Teeth extracted tree, r iuings rrom..2wi, up 22k Oold . Crowns..; J Bridge, up UNION DENTAL COLLEGE OFJPAtNIE8S DENTISTRY. AP4V-6 sWUVIWrto aj wa-ai a. w tu "W Open Dally: Nights till a. Sundaya, I to 1 . R DAILY OMAHA cm The Only Deubla) Track Railway . between the Missouri River and Chicago. . TRAINS TO OA NEW FASHIONS in . Sunburst Skirts (tbe Coming Fad. For street or evening wear, made with or -without train. ' Nobby accordion plaited skirts flounces and ruffles, Pineapple plaits and Juby box plaitings, etc. OMAHA PLAITING &, MFG. GO. 1510 Howard. Tel. 3256. 8.10 PM THE OVERLAND LIMITED Mncnlttrant tolld dull; trMn ta Chtewto. Compart, swnt and drawing-room almalng can. Horary. antra burbar. batU, wtevboo. dtntns car. ud ebaarrMloa an. ElactrU Usblail throoahout. 8.00 AM THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS Follmaa drawing. room aad tsariat iaaplns can aad dlalns eara, aad fraa raallalas ehalr cara. 5.50 PM THE EASTERN EXPRESS ' Pullman drawtas room aad tanrlal aloaplng eara, trMracliaioialiaif eaia, baSat Ubrsr, ui usaias eara. Uialas a 2 OTHER DAILY TRAINS DnwtfurroosB twaplafi vm, m sd llhravrv ttri auia rr M UhlOaalO. dVlBlllffl aWlaV. 1 Mi tuiaur rajollliiAf (taaja 7 K)stOsssa 3.40 am I 0 E5 AM raJvrB"!.! an 2 DAILY TRAINS ST. PAUL:MftlfiEAPOLIS 7 35 AM owaabaa.t0a W v,w 1 Ct. DU Pallaaaa alaavtaa an IraKM Ubrary W n aanaad Ira mauaias aaaii BLACK HILLS DU Ta rrraaat. Bartbaaf Oakdala, Marfblk. I m Ixiaa l lna. I'aapar. Mot rtprtnaa. ' wood and Laad. ThronsB racilalas aaau aarai K au ataaptas oar aamoa. 3t MP Buarral I U To Framont, Bortbaar. Korfolk, vardl. AM ara. BoaaaMal aad tba BoawimaVIadiaa vatioa aooatr,. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1401 and 1403 Farnam Street. K M tbraar Waam aad JAd Ma UN1TUD Paaat arakf, SaiHa aad l.un TB9 VBHUHITOHY. S a Wad. iiii.I al r V M.Nriliaa mm t-mr STEAMSHIP TICKETS. At this office you cau buy tickets to and from Europe via almost every line crossing the Atlantic the slowest and cheap est, as well as the fastest and highest priced. Kates are as low as the lowest. Now is the "time to reserve berths. C. A. RUTHERFORD, Div. Pas. Aft., 1323 Farnam Street, Samas. Ks. I II Lai ' 1 ilr MM aarga--iXgrV Boys' 7 Confirmation Suits Choose from the fairest price ntid largest stock In all Omaha. v Today a new shipment goes on sale. They include a large assortment of blue serges and black clay worsteds just tlie thing for confirmation. Here is a Great Special. A pure all wool blue serge suit, with 7 fine linings and trimmings -v.svu The color is absluotely guaranteed. They come in sailor blouses 3 to 8 years, Norfolks 3 to 12 years, double breasted jacket style, sizes 8 to 15 years. ' Special all this week at $2.25. They are worth $3.50. ' LITTLE FIXIN'S FOR THE BOYS We show a great variety of shirts, collars, cuffs, hats, ties, shoes, at prices that are more than reasonable. Tib 1 - i i naamm. Develops hla innarlra and strength by constant tier, rlae. Bat bealdea eaerclas bis body- meeds healthfal, strengthen In sr food la or der to . keep op thla atrensth. If after bis exercise ha avosld drink n bottle of that famona Bin Ribbon Beer, which in ttaelf will prove n nntrltlone food which will atlmnlats hla appetite, he will reap the real benefits and be an athlete In tha brondeat sense of the word. If yoa nre not already nalna: It try Bine Ribbon Beer It will work wonders. Yon enn bars a caae delivered la yonr boase by dropplnsj a card or 'phenlna. STORZ BREWING CO.. 'Phone 1260. Omaha, Neb. When you want a Trunk, r wast tas sot. and If you can get the best for tha same or less money than you can get a poor trunk then you will be satisfied on the trunk Question Anything; In trunks eult case traveling ukri o,l rignt prices we mass mem. kasrlsa Td. I0U V OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY. 1209 Farnam. (WHY AM I UKL) UBUZZW?4ia-if Some uieo are like a buzz-saw sing; loudest when rubbing a knot. " It's when we rub a knot meet a bard-to-flt man that our taUorlng talent shines. It's then that our skilled New York cutter, our wide range of fab ricsour expert staff of garment-workers .get , In their best licks. We want you to come here for your this Spring Bult or Topcoat prepared to kick If everything Isn't , O. K. You'll see how we'll please you. Our $35 Spring Suits are "three-time winners." MacCarthy Tailoring Company 1710-12 Farnam St.. none I80S. Bee Bslldlar. Court House ta oppoalta. HOWELL'S ANTI-GRIP CAPSULES flHEl GRIP IX 0JH DAY. Slopa that Ache In the Bones, Back and Head. Makes you feel better after the first doae. Relieve. Headache and That Depressed Feeling. Dose! Take one every two or three hours till three are taken, then wait till next day and reiat a before, if not entirely well. THEY ARE HARM- l.KHM. good thing to ktep li.m.iy, snd when you feel an attack comtntt on, take one and it will ward oft s severe attack. The directions to taka but three a day does not mean that there would be danger In taking more. They could be taken all day and irnht, but we nnd from experience that ttire; s dav la all that ia neceimary. With few exceptions. It li not neces sary to take them a second day. Tak ing med'ilnc after a cure has been Kroduced like pouring water on a re after he tire la out. Take them only when you feel the need of them. If rapauli cannit be swallowed, emp.y contents and take aa a powder, y I'KKHAHEll ONLY BV S.E. HOWELL, Park Ac. and Leavenworth It. Two Thonea. snd F-1MT. Graduate In Fharmacy. Omaha, Neb. CALL, I'D UP. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER eat Agrlealtaral Weekly. "It you May not need a new run-a-bout or surrey Just yet possibly the old harness will last a bit longer, but It' 'will do no harm to look oyer our new' stock of carriages and horse furnishings. - If You Need ANYTtllNQ ON WHEELS OR Anytlilnr for a Horse, Come and aea us. Andersen Millard Co. 1516-18 Capitol An. 11 Ready for Business At the Old Stand. Tim' think k.n.iu. ... w.vKH A BIT that we are unable to wait on trad, for we have plenty of help and are glud Indeed to attend to the wants of all patrons or to have any one come In snd sea how cfxmiE8 'NU T lAJOK ,N OUU NK' our new soda fountain will soon be In stalled and then UiCK BAUNDER8, our expert ulenaer, will be g:ad to show all T""" "pr anouia taste. iur mull nrrler ri m.... i L. .. . i . . ... niiLti imi wen ex- teptlonally bnay of late, but we are still auio iii promptly nil your order If y oul of town and are tired of oavfn ular for your drug needa, such ou live reg. l atent Medicines, druga. chemicals, rubber i" t"i wim-n we nava uimhu'i tard ea! line) aurglcal Instruments, truaaes m;ir.. CAmil.I 1,1U l)HH m....- We have the excluelve aala i.i .v.1 etc. We have th exclualve aale of tha ;oKlN BRAMJ CANADIAN MALT YVHIHKY, and soma Is sold on a guarantee f.lieltU iihtBlnut. l. ..1 I . ar ST QUOTE I'HR'Ka JtUT AKB 1NTEHEHT: SUIIAEFEEl'S SSSoTSSS,., ia I'ua-rt7 and tUI. 8. W. Cor. lflth mm HkUass Sia TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Makes Moat laeful PreaeaC