THE OMATTA DAILY BEKt TUESDAY. Amil, 7. 1l0.1. SPECIAL NOTICES lll nr til IS aa. tmw the rti ealilo mm til n no a. mm, fv moral a4 siaadar egltlea. Wat, 1 1-3 war Srt laeertlea. la war4 thereafter. Ktklss take far leee thaa Sfta far kc Seat lar taa. Tka a4 vrllaeaat aaaat $ esaectlely. 8ra cheek? hVvY aaewers reseea t a Baaaaerea letter la ear af The Baa. aaawara a a greased will a-elivere aa rfitutl af ts aaeeat aalr. WANTED SITVATIOSS. ANTED, situation us housekeeper for widower family. Address 11, care Tin Bee, Council Bluffs. A MK78 I WATKn-MA1.K HELP. SPRING TERM BOYLES' COLLEGE, Nw Tarlt Lif Bldg . , BEGINS APRIL 6. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ii M308 MEN to learn barber trade; frea railroad fara upon our failure to coavlnc jrou of thla belnsT the BEST and only reliable. MwKrwmi for w!ruiV.7 Wester a Barbera' Xnatltuta, Omaha, Neb. DiMt practical barber college In the AMERICAN Barber college, corner 12th and Douglas Bt. Our Illustrated catalogue largest. published. JTree. Write. a W .WANTED, active, educated men In central ar4 western atates; fixed weekly aalary or detlnlte time guaranty; give age experi ence, references. Dodil, Mead Co., Chi cago. ' B M263 U WiKTKn for Mnuthern California at once. I harness makers. - for light and heavy work; also two nret-claaa machine opera- I tors: good wages and ateady work. Ad- ereee lis Sd. tlaln SC. Loa Angeles, Cat - atun 7 .WANTED, experienced carpet salesman; must be thoroughly capable of selling earneta: none othere need apply. Apply lBrfndJl.8 n4.CarPel "MSjT L Brandelsat fconi.. t. . xgu . WANTED, traveling oaleiimen to carry as Ida Una Bweat Collar Pads. Patent Rid ing Saddle Pads, .Horse Collars and Bad dicry Bpeclaltles. Bell everywhere; lib eral commissions. References required. Write for full particulars, mate tern Plom"'p.UglU Badulery B Ma2 tory traveling. Co., Waoo, Tx. VANTED Experienced bookkeeper to keep it aet of retail books. Must be quick and fiocurate,'- tate experience and aalary ex- WANTED, blight young man who can SThoViprwir- Cpsny! 118 South 16th street. umox WANTED, good strong boy about M years of aae. ADbly SuDt.. J. L. Brandels As Bona. B-C9 WANTED, mill men; bench hands, cabinet mekera and machine men. Address Na tional Wood Works, Slou City, la. - . - B M61S 10 ANTED, good letter and monogram en graver and all around man in my store. Correspond with R. U. Hendrlck. St. Joseph. Mo. Young man prererrea i B MolO !! WANTED, books to keep. Having some mnmrm, Hma ran Write UD DOOkS nloSly at mall expense. 4. B. Bmlth, 1304 Farnam gt. " - WANTED at once, drug clerk; muet have first-class references from former em-. nuv.r. V. M. Dort. Auburn. Neb. B 6S2 6 WANTED, traveling man for middle and OUthem Iowa oy wmcrn uvibu r- Mtshlished trade: flrat-clase refer ences required; young, energetic, man preferred. A""e.s D B M7S8 11 WANTED Representatives for the sale of ' high-grade mining stock which. Is now paying a dividend of S per cent monthly! AV contract lor right. pMy. Foe. par iimlara. etc.. address Clark, Drake A n.rner. Bankers. 78-S5 Wall St.. N. Y. ;,.Ti' ' - - n B M694 V - . .... ... .te.dv work and good pay. "tU "S:.rnVih,7. ISIS Far- nam st . B M847 7 WANTED, men" to learn barber trade; two years saved by our method; practical experience, expert Instructions, etc. tit Mnnnt be had elsewhere. Growing demand for our graduates; $15.00 weekly paid; position guaranieeo. logue mallei free. Moler Barber College, xaui uougias. dl . . " WANTED, . coat makers'; steady work to good men. ureaiier, ioi r BM848 1 ' r. L..- .. . William, Goldner, Fall City, N6. . nnrn: 'iiir it ".'a. ' - t,?,uTrn IT. st. armv. able-bodied an (married men between ages of 21 and 85; Husens, ot United States, of good char raAtar and temperate habits, who. can .....k ri4 and write Encllah. For Infor- natinn anolv to Recruiting Offloer. 16th . and Dodge St., Omaha, and Montgomery building. Lincoln. Jeb. ai intri J.IOENT enaineer. electrician or machinist, as solicitor; position per--..r.nt witK nad Dav: references. Apply la person to Mr. Logan. 600 Ware, block., -or maio WANTED, a working partner In drug kalAM In AM ,1 f tha beat towna In northeast Lis breaks; population 1.400; only two drug fTtnrea: alnaie man preferred. Addresa 'B 18. cara Be. B-M873 f wivnrn tiki-nesaineker on Concord-har ness. Address Hartk. ft Sheete. Meeker, AMBITIOUS men should writs for our Urge free book. "Struggles With tha World.7 Illustrating, advertising, lour nallatn, proofreading, practical electricity, stenography, bookkeeping or electrical en- f Sneering taugnt oy man; nieinioii piu eaelon which lnteresta you. Correspond ence Institute of America, Box 2. Bcran- ton Pa. r w"vi 1- SALBSMKS WASTED. gELX, Bitter as side line on commission; flna article, wvu imv. njwa vunnn. - - 401 WANTED, tw salesmen, salary or com mission, C F. Adams Co., 1618 Howard Bt 403 SIX experienced canvassers at good salary to repreaent Little, Brown A Co.' new Un. Call after I a. m , auO War Blk. 858 . 1 Salesmen - The Hawk Nursery Co., Wauwatosa, Wis. - M55 A28 154.00 to $10.00 Per Day Mad selling th self-lighting gaa mantle. bee Nebraska-Iowa Auto Lighter Co., 10S B. lflh St., On-iBha. M874 WASTED FK.M ALB HELP. lot air to. Call Canadian oftlce, uth ft Dodge. c ua WANTED, a' good grrl for general house work, enquire i-t rappieion Ave. C M3M WANTED Experienced young lady book keeper to keep a set of retail book. Must be auica ana accurate, state ex perience and salary expected., Address, JL ue. WANTED, young lady experienced In hair goods to demonstrate our new hygienic comb; must be a fluent talker and be Aiiiorougniy experienced in tne aemonatra- Hem of balr gooda. Apply Bupt., J. L I VJUrauOel nons. C 687 WANTED, student nurses at th Presby terian iiospiiai. ppiy at once. WANTkTD. women to do family washing at br home; muni llv mar Nth and Hartley. Addrvss B t. Bee. C 73 8 WANTED, experienced ladle la alteration depariiuaiii. Jll'iy umi uepc J. C Braudela ft Sons. C 87$ ANTED, girl for general housework. tire la raauiy; reference required. 11U 0. ta w c lai 8 WANTED. A competent Mrs. A. girl for general housework. B. Jequlth. 2M7 Spencer. C Kl 12 OIRL for general housework. V So. ir,th. c-is u WASTED, ladle to make neckwear from sample; experience not necessary; steady work, good pay; send ssif-addrsse-l. tamped envelope, ideal Mfg. Co., W. 131 St., New York City. C MCO IV WANTED, two ladles, at once, to sll new ataple article; gooo salary; permanent position, can air. uen, ia uoage st. THERE la now room for one nurse In our tralnlne school for nurses at UMH Hav ing Institute. 18th and Ohio. A. W. Clerk, uierlnten(ient. c atinj vr GIRI IS to IS, assist at general .hnuee- work. 127 B. zatn at c im i WANTED Oood cook and a. Second girl. from April IS for six month In the coun try; good wages; smsu family ana pleas ant Mummer home. Mra. W. C. Shannon. F.lkhorn. Neb Apply at 2232 Bherman Ave., Omaha. C M 7' WANTED Girl for laundry work. Apply V 1.1 I 1 HELP WASTED, DEPUTIES, men or women; splendid con- trace The Gardener. n lie oiajr. -MM FOR RENT HOUSES. HOUSES ViM.0'".;.. 11 UUJW P- lvls Co., SOS BeeBldg. D 406 VANS and baggage wagons. Tela, 1196-1146. iv HOUSES, 13 upward, Bemla, Paiten Blk. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage. cox; omce iouft r aroaru, or leis. lnon-jiaj. Hf"U IPQ " parte of the city. B. D W7 HOUSES. Q. O. Wallate, Brown Block. WE MOVE Dlannt. Maaaard Van A Btor- 4ri, AWV. Vlljt (!. 1 1 Id TV U AIM FOR RENT, t-room house, all modern cept furnaoe. 704 N. Joth St., .00. C. U U. Bachraann. 434-37 Paxton Blk. D Mi PAYNE-BOSTWtCK A CO.-Chole houses. wu-w new York Life Bldg. 'Phone lois. L eee "j'BOTT, 'room, bath lng: te" range; flrst-cl apply; rent, Ui Inquire hot water heat- I class tenant may i on premise after April 12. u Oil MODERN brick house, near High school, vui, vobj. t ii, imuiiui 7 1 iuuW rent 130. Dr. Swartslander, 201 Capitol Ave. riA?Li? E8, insurance Rlngwalt, Backer Blk. SIX-ROOM house, city water., Burt St. D M546 TWO S-rpom flats, all modern, walking aisiance. Capitol Ave; TM per month. Inquire R. C. Peters A Co., urouna x loor, tie it lag. D ViW FOR RENT. 7-room house. 212S CallforntA. moaern, aesiraoM neighborhood, inquire la Ul 19th. 007 N. D M844 ', FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern. 21st ana u Dia, oo. vmana.- wan zre zisu U i 7 FOR SEST-rTJRHISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. ti 41 AETNA HOUSE. European, 13th ft Dodge. Hi 414 ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th c Chicago. , . JS 41 L. M. E. haul trunk. Telephone 780. E LEO A NT steam heated rooms. 1909 Cap- iioi Ave. is m ELEGANT rooms: hot water beat, modem; reierencea. join weDSter. Hi 41. NICELY furnished front room, suitable for two. in uamornia, bc to M4la NICTp modern room In very aeslrable lo- arney Bt. . E-M41I S ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 8. 11th. IS M&8 FRONT 1st ft., modern. 2024 St Mary' Ave. S1.00 TO $2.00 per week. 422 S. lth St, on moca auuin or court nouse. k vtts COZY rooms, Capitol Hotel, 18th and Capl- 101 avenue. 15 110 6 ROOM 1908 Capitol Ave. E-74-T 220 N. I7TH. aeat rooms, new flat BKSlRABT.B rooms, first-class location. m arnam. inai u ONE or two elegant furnished rooms, mod- ini reierencea. uu cailiomia. E MS26 10 FOR RENT, pleasant room. S24 N. 20th Bt - E M766 8 BOUTH FRONT alcove room. 2580 Harney. J ' n. mm; ii DOiTBLE parlor; oith front; references. j-none taut. e 831 ROOM for gentleman: modem, private. viwbb in. .0 w, Dev. Ur MS06 7 n A v. . Ft'RSISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE rooms, steam" heat, with a, iihnu. ouiuui iow raiea. miaian'l Hotel, ltn and NICE rooms. good board. The Rose. 2020 Harney. M737 II itkowt room with alcove, second floori suite or room on first floor. 212 8. 2Sth St F M113 boom ana boara. X408 Cass. Tel. A-2.133. IT HIM M FOR REST ISFCRSISHED ROOMS. THREE modern rooms. 83S Bo. 17th. G M166 TWO fin unfurnished rooms. 220 N. 23d. G fca SUITE of rooms, modern, housekeeping. v&w wv, tw. U AXOUV 11- Tw9 ROOMS. Pantry and large kitchen; rlc1' baeemeaL 626 S. 21st, ve. Q-M8S2 12 FOR RENT STORES ASD OFFICES. . We will build a three or four-story build ing on Harney street, suitable for wholesale nurnosei. Lot 44 foot front. Allev In rr r. T . ... R. C PETERS & CO., vjrouRu rioor, Bee t"" 89$ FOR RENT Th building former I v mrt-a vi,u v r - . - r Britaia Ol. i na four stories and a baaement which was formerly, used a rn Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably, if Interested apply at office of C. a li, water, aecreiary, room mo. Be building. ' I Jtl FOR RENT Building suitable for whole sale purposes at i r arnam, 82x84, four stories and ftrst-claaa cemented biu' firm mnrl k,ir.u. . V. , - J' w fun oftlce counter and fixtures. For price and particulars Inquire C. C. Rosewater, seo retary th Be Building Co., rooniluO Be puiiuing. 1 OFFICES In th Be building, $10.0 per month up. Kenlal prlo Includes beat light and janitor service. R. C. peters ft Co.. grouna noor, oee nidi, I 3 AGESTS WASTED. A FIRHT-CLABB agent with reference, to sell county rights on No. 1 proposition In state of Iowa. Apply to 8. 1 Graves & Co., 630 So. Broadway, Los AiiKolea, cat. j Mis i WILL PAT $28 per week to profitable, re- uaoi asenis; rereronces requirea. Ad- ' Area Maaaolla Metal Co- N. T. fltv. OUR AD MEN WILL WRITE YOUR WANT AD SO AS TO BRING BEST RETURNS. TELEPHONE 238 AND ONE WILL CALL . AGENTS WASTED. I LITTLE- WONDER SODA FOUNTAIN! Fetaile r3; bent seller on market; over loo profit; rich harvest for good agents; write Immediately. Sayler-Carey Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. J M467 7 WANTED Can vaaelng agent In every county to solicit subscription to THE TWENTIETH CENTl'HT FARMER. Steady employment with assured good In come. Agents in tne country with home and buggy especially desired. Canvaseera make eaelly 10 to tlOO per month. Ad drees. Century Farmer Solicitor!' Bureau, Bee building, Omaha. 211 WANTED, the aervlces of reliable sub scription agenta ror bTTIJv, the new est, beet and leading fashion magnslne; liberal terms to responsible parties only. Address, stating references, Ptyle Pub lishing Co., I tnlon Square, New York. ' J Mx4 7" WANTED TO RElfT. WANTED to rent, an I or t-room house. latter prererrea; mouern conveniences, in west or southwest locality. Address T C7, Bee. K 69 WASTED TO BIT T. DON'T give your house furnishings away. call on 1. levlne or Tel. 771 and he n pay you a big price. N-Mi 24 WANTED To buy out a stock of mil linery in a good business town from wo to t.000 Inhabitants. Address Milliner, A 7, care Omaha Bee. - N M587 May2 WANTED, to buy, a good second-hand cash register; total adder. Address, with description and price. Brunhnll. Pchaller, la. . N M872 1 0 FOR i ALE Fl'R JHTV'RE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. zuw. new ana seconanana oougnt, soia, exchanged. O 422 FOR SALE HORSE", WAGONS, ETC. HORSE AUCTION at Union Stock Yards borae market every Wednesday afternoon. AUCTION sale of horses every Tuesday, i nursuay, at jonn a. cooper a, union Stock Yards, South Omaha, Neb. 1' SW Li- 71 DELIVERY wagons, buggies, carriages. any aise or any price to suiu . a. r rost, 14th and Leavenworth. P 134 CARRIAGES painted repaired or rubber tires put on. William neiner, to 2824 Leavenworth. Tel. 1549. P-MW6 OWNER must dispose of fine closed csr- naga; aieo two open carriages, at oar gains. Address B a, Bee. . P tS7t t 8?ENulltoubtu.8a,te"i If, ree carriages and son eV Hubert a, John Deere building, loth and Leavenworth. P M7W ilajl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. New and Idhand typewriters. LUS Farnam. INDIAN good and rsUcs. 111 Farnam. 44 42 WIRE fence for hogs, poultry, lawn and laxine. vrire woras, oil do. lain, lei, low (J-M33S Jyli TELEPHONE poles. Long Fir timbers. cmcxen lence, oak piling, sui uougiaa. FOR SALE First mortgage nots bearing per cent interest, payable every six months; has about 2Vk years to run; good eourtty and endomed by responsible party;- amount, - ll.MO. Inquire C. M. Bachmann, Room 421, Paxton Block. 4 1 CATALOGUE cut drug price (ree. Sher man at jucconneu urug co., omana. - - 4 tin ; i i i ; ' i hi,. EGGS for hatching S. C brown leghorn. Bright,' waidron strain. Mrs. Oeo. w, Hartman. 4424 N. 27th Bt .(4 M'J90 24 FOR SALE Phonographs, superior to any otner musical insirumenia, to up. xn Columbian Plionograpb Co,, 21. Farnam. W 19 2DHAND safs cheap. Derlght, 1110 Farnam. . . . W tin FOR SALE Two cows, lust fresh, and on Jersey, irasn. xxa weDBxer street , w oioso 0' A GOOD grocery Ice box" for sale. C. W. Bhraaer, mux ana uionao. . 14 mdvu t T. DURKIN. electrlo light wiring. Tel. 2448. Q Mow FOR SALE. Crane hydraulic elevator, can be used eitner passenger or ireignt com plete, Iron posts, cage and wire enclosures. J. L. Brandels ft Sons. Q-698 GOOD talking parrot. 1028 8. 22d. . " 14 junie i- FOR BALE, cord of each, sort maple. cord and stove wood, at tit bo. Join Ave. Apply P. I Forgan. &4 N. loth Bt -MlgCELLASEOlS. A BUYER for a S-room modern dwelling. one block nortn or tianscom t-ara. ah dress. P 683. Omaha. R 624 14 FOR RENT Piano players; or piano and flayer togetner. nano riayer i-o., in. 160. . R-M81S CLAIRVOYASTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass street " - O lol MME. OYLMER, genuine palmist, SIS B. IS. O tO MADAME LUCRETIA, medium.' 1609 Chi. CSgO St. O UlrV flU ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 16. snj,fof;Jt MISB HOWARD, elegant massage hatha; issistant MVtt J. m. nai MS70 A 30 GRACE O'BRYAN of Kentucky. TO S. 13th. l-jnns PERSOSAL. ECZEMA SALVE that cured W. A. Paxton. B J. Hcanneii, aveuL, war muca. U 433 OMAHA DYH WORKS. 1515 Howard, fash ionable Cleaners, uivbbw, uiib, viu&m.a, drapeHea. ruga, lace curtains; we dye carpet. U 872 li I una JACOBBON. 820S N. 20th St. , num RUPTURE CURED without pain. Empire Jluptur f k- , MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. U 436 At druggisM, I nn ROY. chiropodist; corns and u perdu. I hair removed by electricity. R. 3 and 8. 1W5 Farnam Bt I viAVI A wholesome nerve and tissue food I end home treatment for disorders of women, write ror tree oooaiet. viavl Co., 848 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. U 437 Uiri runNI 780 for L. M. R. mesaennra 1 t.--- - .."--' U 438 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement! utit-v nwi anu auopieu. Mrs. Gardels, 234 Lake. Tel. Red-lsM . U 139 HOME during confinement; flrst-claaa. Dr. L. L. MUler. tbx Blondo. 'Phone P-US2. U MilH PRIVATE home for women during con finement, uooa Hmanian oaniianum, 72 1st AV., Council Bluffs, la. U M6e FOR fin toilet and soft skin uae Frttch's famous vegetaDi soap; mane from soap bark; has no grease or lye. Bill A Kleser, SL-0 . 16th. U-MU6 26 PRIVATE sanitarium for ladlee before and during confinement Dr. and Mr. Gerlsch, $A California 8k Tenua reaaooabl. U 440 PERSONAL. C. EDERER. Bristol St. florist Tel. 1T95. C Mill ELITE PARLORS, CIS S. Mth St., 2d floor. U MWt A17 Don't Swear Because you can't find a match; you don't need It If ybu have one of our self-hht-lng mantles. Nebraska-Iowa Auto Lighter ' Co., 10S 8. lflth St. Tel. 1617. V M7S 7 MOSEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. 4 TO S P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Block. W MONET to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Liove Co., sue a. ntn. 44 PER CENT on business property. E per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any, time. W. B. MEIKLE, 401 a. 15TH BT. W-441 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 37 N. T. Life. W 442 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R, C. Peters A Co,, 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 44S FIVE PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros., 1D04 Farnam. W 446 FARM and city loans, low rste. W. H. - Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W-447 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1S24 Douglas. W 448 WANTED, city loan snd warrants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co., 1S20 Farnam street W 44 MOSEY TO LOAS CHATTELS. MONEY. MONEY. ' MONET. ARE TOU IN NEED OF MONEY? IT 18 A GOOD THING TO KNOW THAT WB LOAN MONEY TO SALARIED EMPLOYES holding perma nent position with responsible firms on their Plain Note- without ENDOH8ER, MORTGAGE or SECURITY of any kind, or Employer's knowledge. We also' loan money on FURNlTfRE, PIANOS, HORSES. CARRIAGES, ETC.. at the lowett poesible rate. There will be no restrictions on your moving, no In quiry among your neighbors or friends or any other unpleasant formalities. You can REPAY US In WEEKLY' or MONTHLY payment to suit your own .convenience. You tecelv the FULL AMOUNT wanted In cash; no CHARGES DEDUCTED in ADVANCE. We want your business and believe an In vestigation of our methods will get It, even if at present you are dealing with another company. If you want to be dealt wltn fairly call on us. KIND, COURTEOUS TREATMENT TO ALL, Our oftlce la the best equipped to handle your business with PRIVACY OF ANY IN THE CITY. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room SO PAXTON BLOCK Room 303. Get Off Elevator at Third Floor. Open Wed. and Sat Till 8 P. M. X-M17T Monev. . We loan from $10.00 up on furniture llv stock, pUnos, etc. SALARY LOANS with out mortgage to persons who hold salaried positions. An Interview will convince you that th conditions of our Contracts are the most liberal obtainable in the city. We make no deductions from the amount bor rowed, as some do, thereby compelling you to pay for money you do not get. Our office Is very easily found, and having recently had It again remodeled it 4s more 'private than ever. We alwaya try to please. O-hxM OAN (3X, 11 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2293. (Established 1892.) .r t. JC4 S. 16th BU ' - "V ' v ' X 460 LOANS ON : Chattels or Salary. LOWEST RATES AND - BEST TERMS IN THE CITY. TRY US. PHOENIX CREDIT CO.,'; 38 Paxton Block., 16th and Farnam. X M1000 THE 8TAR LOAN COMPANY. Room 644, Paxton Block. 'Phone F-2233. This company Is the private bank or the wage earner and salaried employe, li you have a permanent position aa clerk, bookkeeper, salesman, machlr.lst or arti san of any kind, you can obtain on your i.ote without security or endorser. Semi- Monthly. Monthly. Weekly $100 return to us. ...$26.66 $13.35 $666 $ CO return to us.... 13.33 6 65 $.35 $ 25 return to us.... ( 68 3.33 1.6"'. $ 16 return to us 4.00 2.00 ' LOO Our offices are private and our business confidential. From 8 a, m to J p. m, SCr-451 LARGE8T BUSINESS. IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchant, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms, 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440. Board of Trade Bldg. X-403 SALARY LOANS privately made On notes RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Paxton Block, Corner 16th and Farnam Bts., Third Floor. X-4i4 CHATTEL aalary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., suo to D. Oreen, ft 8, Barker b k X 1&6 MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, stc. C. F. Reed, 819 8. 18. X 456 MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried people; business confidential, lowest rate. &14 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-46 BUSINESS CHARCKS. FURNISHED HOUSE Ten room, elegantly equipped, fine loc ac tion: full first-class roomers; a bargain; see it quick. J. H, Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y MS8 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange any property or bue'nee quick, see J. 11. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. YZii A HOTEL FOR SALE . OR EXCHANGE. MODERN 2-story frame. 40, rooms, lot $2x 160, Improvements, good condition, lo cated southwestern Iowa thriving town; $01,000 cash or good improved farm; leaaed at $100 per month, reliable tenant. What have you for this? J. 1L Johnson, N. Y. Ufa Y-MJ0 IMPLEMENT STOCK Staple line bugflee, windmills and farming machinery. $7.(uo; also rel estate and buildings, $3.&u0; Pottawattamie Co., Iowa. Annual sales. $60,0)0. Good Improved land considered. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-MM2 7 HARDWARE and furniture business, es tablished 13 years, only one here; good town, city water, electrlo light; owners have Alaskan Interests; must go May lit. $8,000 cash, or half, $4,000. E. F. Christie. Chelean. Wash. Y M6U0 11 THE Todd A Sloane Co. of $ Madison St., Memphis. ' Tenn., call attention to their Information on the Memphis races. This valuable Information la making money for others. Why not for you? Write for their pamphlet, it tell bow. Free. Y-MM6 7 FOR SALE, complete bakery, also tw platform spring bread waaons. almost new. Inquire at 1115 Fifth avenue. Council Ml una, . y m0 11 BISISKSA OlAMtt. TO GET In or out of business cnll on Wll Hams, Room 411, McCsgue building. V 4i7 FOR SALE, cheap, complete S-chnlr barber hop outfit. In good condition. New York hotel barber shop, Fremont, Neb. V-MS2S : MONEY MAKER 28 rooms, well furnished, fine business, splendid location, 5 monthly profit, first-class boarders and roomers, furniture for sale reasonable. J. H. Johnson, New York Life. Y-MS21 7 CARH for your real estate or business, no matter where located. For quick sale send us description and Diice. North western Business Agency, D. 212. Bank of Commerce tfidg.. Minneapolis. Minn. V-Map 13 (ANTED, In Coin, la., a first-class gen eral store: good brick room can be had at once, toxluO feet; best location In city. Inquire of J. A. Dlk. Coin, la. Y-4U7 THE Jackson Street Laundry Is for sale chean. Will trade for a rooming or board ing house. Bee the owner, H. Jensen, BIS Jackson street. I 6io FOR SALE, one pool and one billiard table; good tables. Addreas Harry Thompson, pi Muttsmouth, Neb. . Y Mo48 7 FOR SALE, a good paying confectionery and restaurant In live town; no competi tion; a bargain If taken at once. Address Lockbox 2, Cretton. Neb. Y M619 FOR EXCHASGB. EXCHANGE or Sale, store building, resi dence and good will ol physician, large practice; county seat east Nebraska; hardware for farm; general merchandise for farm. Merchandise stocks from X-m to S10.000. T. M. CUne, 1238 O St,. Un coln, Neb. SS-081 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to ell a farm or ranch, tell tha farmers and stock raisers about It. The best way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. ! This agricultural weekly goes to 40.000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell st reasonable price you ought to find a buyer among them. The coat of an advertise ment is small 2 centa per wora. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, OMAHA, NEB. . RE 604 THREE ACRES. WELL IMPROVED, a mile and a half southwest of Hanscom Park; lie fin on 42d St, near Griffin' Grove;, good S-room , ' house, barn and poultry house; beautiful lawn, garden, shrubbery, grapevines and ' fruit trees, for quick sale, $2,600. HARRISON ft MORTON, $12-13 N. T. Life. Tel. 314. KE-6M EXCEPTIONALLY CHEAP LOTS. 74.14 feet, fronting on 24th Ave., north of St Mary's Ave., only $1,800, or will sell one-half for $950. W know of nothing a good for the money. Th street ha just been paved with asphalt, which I paid for In full. ACT QUICKLY if interested. HARRISON ft MORTON, -: 13 and 1S N. T. Life. Tel. .M ' '' RE 228 DON'T BUY AN OLD SHACK That Is worn out, cold In winter, full of dust, dirt and vermin, and a horror to every housewife. Buy a nice lot while they are cheap and let us build you lust the house you want ' We can do It o mull mtvment down, and balance In monthly Installments. Call and learn our plan. Homeaeekers' Ass n. 1st floor N- Life Bldg. T? " MODEL HOME. Flv acres level land, young orchard in k..rin. in-ronm nresscd brick dwelling. tarn, carriage house and other outbuild ings, chicken yard and garden, near street cars and country ciuu. a bumij i m-w, leas than hull wnat lmprovemwiia cwu W. N. NASON, 446 BEE BLDG. RE 468 Farms in Missouri & Dakota. Our next excursion leaves April 7, and anyone wishing to go will please call at our omce at oiicw. wuiti u?. w. v. Co., 823 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE 771 BARGAINS IN FARM LANDS 80 acres, 120 acres, 240 acres, 800 acres, 800 acres. In Douglas county. See M. G. MONTGOMERY, 820 and 821 New York Life bldg., ior iuu paruKuia. WILLIAMSON CHARLES E.. 120$ Farnam street. RE 460 trrm BALE or trade. SO choice rich, pro ductive farms, both large and small; also ten good cheap stock ranches In northeast Nebraska, some of .which can be traded for general muse., naruwaro, implements, cattle, sheep or horses. Geo. W. Hutton, Orchard, rueo. narMnt u CHOICE trackage, paved. Monroe, 811 N 16lh. It .463 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also - acre property ana iarm lanas. . The o. F. Davis Co., Room bus. e mag. KB 461 RANCH and farm land for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner, Union Pa- IO.. ljj.a.1, manors Omaha NIK RE IBS FOR BARGAINS In homes, lots, farms and ranches can on J. a. Piper, itamge block, omana, cieo. itis M592 8 10-ROOM modern house. 11 blocks from poatornce, ror sale cneap. li N. 16th. Benawa at co. ke 843 NORTH , DAKOTA And the rush for Its homes is without parallel In the history of the country, ana a tew reasons explain it ail, vis,: It' th last chance to buy cheap homes east of the Missouri river, where the soil Is the most fertile, where the climate is healthful, with the beat of pur water, plenty of railroads towns, schools and churches, good markets, and where lands will double In price In 1808. Can the renter or man with small means afford to overlook this, or can the capitalist fall to see an Investment thst Is better than government bonds. One of the largest land companies In the United Slates. The liackney-Boynton Land Co. of Bt. Paul, Minn. Address T.- W. Wheeler, state agent Au burn or Omaha, Neb. Agenta wanted In very county. RE 469 8 MISSOURI LANDS. Ws hay for aala choice Miller county Mis souri, improved farm lands, from 111 to $36 per acre. Good graslng lands In any sis tract de sired, from 84 to 310 per acre. . Also lead, slno. Iron and coal lands. Writ ua for our Isnd list. CONLOGUE ft BT. JOHN, ELDON, MO. RE um 18 FARM, MINERAL AND TIMBER LAND. You can double your money by Investing It through us In Missouri. W have a money-making proposition. Cash or pay ments. Come now if you want to get In on the ground floor. Cooley In .AH. E. CO.. 8-3 N. X. Lit Bldg. KE-M514 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. COAL lands, the very bet tO Pr acre In lo-aere blocks; we show you where It Is snd you buy It from the government. For particulars address the Weir Invest ment Compnny, 1MI Clevelnnd Place, Ienver, Colorado.' RK-M t JO) FAMILIES wanted to homestead on government land (as good ss Iowa claims); only people with rood references accepted In the colony. For particulars address the W eir Investment Company, 163 Cleve land Place. Denver, Colorado. RE-MM4 7 MODERN 8-room house: also oroom; good locations; low prices, lnqatre 1411 Vinton. RE-M7M 21 AtTOMOnil.F.S. ELEC. automobile. Derlght lilt Farnsm. 49 DESTIST. DR. C. H. PAUL, dentist, removed to rest dence. 2022 Burt. 677 May TREES. HAZELDELL NURSERY. Office N. ?4th. Trees, shrubs snd roses. M.Vil SO HAT CLEANISQ. LADIES' and gent', SOo. S. l.lth. , Schwarts's, 114 FRISTISG, BRIEFS, ETC. WATERS Printing Co. tlon. Tel. 21l. Linotype composl- ' 496 LAIN DRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry and City Towel Supply. 17W Leavenworth. Tel. A-17M. 4M GOLD ASD SILVEH PLATISU. OMAHA PLATING CO.. Bee BIOS. Tel. 55.18. 4Si CORSICE WORK. OALV. Iron cornice, metal ceilings, sky lights. Epeneter's Cornice Vkt 614 S. lth. -MH BRICK WORK. J. P. HEALY, 1823 Clark St 'Phone A-2871. frfM WALL PAPER ASD PAPER 1IAKGISU. OILS, pitlnts, varnishes, window glass. T. J. sterner, 2636 N. 26th- Bt, Tel. a-m. M.WJ STOVE REPAIRS. STOVES stored and gasoline stoves cleaned Omana Btov Kepalr works. Tel. v. V493 FARM FOR REST. 410 ACRES 24 mile from Blair, Neb. ; 200 acres under plow, do - acres pasture, 13 acres fine hay land, 8 acres In fruit, l'etir room house, barn. It taken at ohce, will rent for $400 to March 1, 1904. Homeseek era' Association, first floor New York Life. Ml GRAVEL ROOFIKG. BARRICK Roofing Co., 1616 Cuming St. Tel. 81. 4M , 'i 1 1 i i i i i . . BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bali Tl Co., 811 North lflth. RUO MARUrACTlTRISG. OMAHA Rug Factory, 1621 Leaven. Tel. 2068 IPHOLSTKRISQ. CARLBON ft CO.,2121 Leavenworth. Tel. 2S18 PETERSON ft Lundberg, 115 So. 17th. Tel. -470 L-23&8. LOST. LOST, Sunday, gold locket, Initial W. L. V. Reward it returned to ie, . Lost-860 6 SHORTHAND ASD TYPEWRITISG. MOBHER S.H.. Touch T.W.. Bus. Branches. Teleg. Cat. free. Om. Com. Col., 17 ft Dou J. A. C. VAN SANT'B school. 717 N. Y. Life. 689 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. N. Y. Life. -690 NEB. Business ft Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. , 691 CARPESTERS AND JOISEHS. ALL kinds of carpenter work snd repairing Sromptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, ith and Lake bts. -870 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., clean cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 478 MEDICAL. Dr. pries treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from sny . cause; experienced, reliable. 1613 Dodge, Arlington block, Omaha, Neb. Tel. tlxi. ' . 471 LADIES' Chichester English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps, for particular. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia, Fa. PAWSDROKERS. Kl'.AOLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing. aU business oonnaenuai. uui uougins. 479 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLMAN ft PRICE. 13 U. 8. N'l B k. bid. 472 NEW SNOW-CHURCH CO., 1st floor N. T. Lif Bldg., attorney and collector every, where. - 473 MACFARLAND ft MAT. New York Life Bldg. Room 804. 'Phone U62. 474 MAHl'FACTl'RISG. P. MELCHOIR, 18th ft Howard, machinist 478 OMAHA Saf and Iron Wks. make a spe cialty of Or escapes, shutters, doors and safes. Q. Andraen, Prop., Iu2 So. 10th Bt 476 DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. THOS. CORMACK, private detec tive. 817 Karbacn block. Telephone A-M, no SEEDS ASD POILTRY SUPPLIES. ULLERY ft CO., ,1611 Howard St Tel. a27. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. Q. R. Rathburn, Room IS, Com') Nat bank. J. H. BOON8TRA, Tel. 847 - 'I P office 161S Howard. M3u4 All TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATB railroad ticket everywhere. P. 1L Pbllbln, 15ut Farnam. 'Phone 74. 477 DRESSMAKING. KRISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College Bulte U-4-S-. Douglas bloc, istn ana Dodge. C. D. Snyder, Mgr. write tor booklet. MtSICAL ISSTRl'MESTS. COC VI profit on Weber pianos. Perfleld P&y.W piano Co. Tel. 701. Be building. STtlHAlsK. OM. Van Ptcr. Co.. 1M1V, Ksrn. Tr's. 1.V -:!. EXPRKSSMAN8 Ivl, Co. Tele ll-:i" - - Mi I ATKSTS. II. J. COWOII.L No fee tinle s:iccet-sf Ml. 318 So. 15th St.. Omaha. Tel. 17!K -JOS PATENTS, P-ies Cn. -Omaha, Neb. 1 lustrated patent book free. Tel. H:s. -MMJiiv!' BICYCLES. ALL th most popular makes sold on esse terms: also secondhand wheels from 83 up. Bee me before you buy. LOI IS FLESCHEK. lti-2 CAPITOL AVE. Telephone M4. r-M6U A18 STAMMER ISO ASD STITTER1MJ. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 4Jn Ramg PI. Ik. TAXIDERMIST. J. E. WALLACE, 60S So, 13th 8t. Ml SIC. T1IOS. J. KELLY, voice. Davldge M.V- KI.ORISTS. HESS ft 8WOBODA, 141S FartiHm. -ai;;' CONTRACTORS ASD Bl II.DUIts. J. PIERSON, Mth and Burt Tel. L-J:6 -tui J. I SPITZBART. Tel. F-2606. Jfi-'1 lke. AI65U 17 SCHOLARSHIP. Bl'HINKSS college scholarship for sale t a bargain In Olio of Omaha's leading com mercial colleges; life scholar. hip. '-Address 8 47 Be oftlce. , -Mft6 J I.'. M OSTEOPATHY. OlD. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Bulte 615, New York Life Bldg. Tel. UlA. ... 4ml The Hunt Infirmary, McCague Bldg. Tel. i:M -M1TS BICYCLE ItEPAIRISG. NOW Is the time to have your bicycle re paired;, work guaranteed: prlcea are rKtht; tires, $1.29 and. up. J. Larson, 2Uh and Charles. MS69 Muyl ACCORDIOS PLEATISG. MRS. GOLDMAN, 200 Douglas block. -M993 HAY, GltAIS ASD COAL. M. LONDON, 2.102 Cuming at." ToTX-2kI MH77 tnnyS CARPET t l.HAM.VO. SEND your carprts and rugs to Chrleten ton's Carpet Cleaning Works 2221 N. 2th St Tel. 1669. X1375 . TEL. 6f6 Carpet cleaning, rug 'weaving. -M157 T V PEW R ITERS. LAMBERT, $28. Monro ft Co., 811 N. lfith. B05 TISSKRS. O. E. KOCH, 24th and Maple, tel. L-1PW. M379 13 11 ' GENERAL ROOKING. WORK In any part of the country. Jone Koollng Co., lbl7 tturt Bt Tel. Vtm. 487 . ROOFING. ' lightning tods and repairing. Ocrmanla Koollng Co., 1612 Capltnl Ave. Tel. 2440. MG51 17 TRUNKS AND BACGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 1 808 8. 16th. ..... 43 THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 780. GOVERNMENT, SQTlCE.' PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Department of the Interior, Oftlce of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, March 4, 19o3. Besled proposal, indorsed ''Proposals for beef. nour. etc., us the case may be., and directed to the Commissioner of Indian Af fairs, 266-267 South Canal street Chicago, 111., will be received until 1 o'clock p. m.. of Tuesday. April 21, 16. for furnishing for the Indian service, beef, flour, bacon, beans, coiiee. sugar, rice, tea ana otner articles of subsistence; alro for, boots . and shoes, arocertes. soap, baking powder, crockery. agricultural Implement, paints, oils, gloss. tinware, wagons, fiarneea, lea t nor, shoe findings, saddlery, etc., hardware, school and medical supplies, and a long list of miscellaneous article. . Sealed proposals, Indorsed "Proposaia tor blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, etc.," as the sloner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 119-131 Wooster street. New York City, will be received until 1 o clock p. nv, of Tuesday. May 10. 19o3. for furnishing for the Indian service notions, hats ana caps, mas must be made out on government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary information for' blddera will be furnished on application, to the Indian Office, Washington, D. C; ih U. 8. Indian warehouses, lrS-121 Wooster street. New York City; 266-267 South Canal street, Chl cage. 111.; $16 Howard street Omaha, Neb.; 602 South Seventh street. Bt. Louis, Mo.; the Commissaries of Subsistence, U. S. A., , f'h.v.nn.. Wva. and At. Paul. 'Minn the Quartermaster. U. B. A.. Seattle. Wash.; the postmasters at bioux city, i uacon, Portland Spokane and Tacoma, and the . Msnnfacturara' snd Producers' Association ... H u Can NVinlinn VHAm will be opened st the hour and days above stated, and bidders are invited to be present at the opening, i ne uepartment reserves the right to determine the point of delivery and to reiect any and all bid, or any part of any bid. W. A. JONES. Commtsnloner., A3 dl6t OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER, master, Cheyenne, Wyo., March 31st, 19ul. Sealed propoaals, In triplicate, will be re ceived at thla office until I o'clock p. m.. mountain time. May ut, iw3, and then opened, for furnishing all - material and -ijituir necessary for the construction of about 1.850 feet of six-Inch sewer at Fort D. A. Kusseii, wyo. run information, man, forma, plans and specifications furnished -nn utilisation to this office: also to tha office of the Chief Quartermaster, Chicago. Bt. Paul, omana, ron nney, Kan., and Denver. United States reserves th right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing bids to be endorsed "Proposal for Bewer System at Fort D. A. Russell, . Wyo.," and ad dressed to Captain W. 8. Scott, Construct ing Quartermaster, Cheyenne, Wyo. -AI-3-T-8-28-80M OFFICE CONSTRUCTING " tJUAI UARTER- l I. lata master, Cheyenne, wyo April 2, Sealed proposals, In triplicate, wll) celved at this office until $ o'clock p. m.,. mountain time, mr , lew, ana . men opened, for furnishing all aaatsrlat, ma chinery, tools and labor necessary for sink ing at least two (I) and not axceedlna ml (6) tubular deep well at Fort D. A. Rus sell. Wyoming. Specifications, Instruction to bidders and blank forms of proposal fur nished on application to this omce; also to the office of the Chlf Quartermaster, Chi cago, Omaha, Bt. Paul and Denver. Unltel State reserve th right to reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing bids to b endorsed "Proposal for sinking wells at Fort D. A. Kuaaall, Wyo.," and addressed to Captain W. 8: Bcott Constructing Quartermaster, Chey. enna, Wyo. -A3-3-7-8-2S STEAMSHIPS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LI HE H9 Twl-mw uaaxia at 11. K T SiW Ohk MuTTkKLiA), via MOL'UmMSV uu4 wsImMw at te a. at PoUoam asm 11 Norm ...Mar XiMlia Asrll It HotunUai Mar 11 kxnaaoi Avrll W fuudaia a HOLLAND-AMERICAN LINK, ' ' Oil Dear bora) St Cklesge, lit ' Harrr MonrL ltei rarnaai at. C. mwaerferC aa rnmm -. m. aarsatea, ttas rai