Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Their Af proal ii Only Importint Kot at
Bohoel Board Etn'on.
Imlth latrodarea Rale Asalast Km
plrmft af Relative mt Board
Members aa Teachers, feat It
Falla to Co Throitk.
.'merest at the meeting of the board of
education last night centered 1a changei of
the rulea concerning clvlj service regula
tlona for the Janitors, the retention of th
supervisor of mualc at a salary of 1130
month, member Smith's effort to get
through a rula forbidding the employment
of teacher related fo board members, and
Thomaa B. KlrabaU's plans for tha Mon
mouth Park school..'. The endeavor Of Mr.
Mclntoah ta put tha Janitors on higher
plane wai loat, aa waa Member Pmlth'a
fight to tncreaaa Mill Arnold' recompense.,
while the majority of the board viewed the
relative rule aakance, but approved heartily
of Architect Klmball'i unique plan. Aa
final result of the evening' deliberation
the revised rule, which contain few Im
portant changea, were adopted and 1,000
coplea ordered printed.
Architect Kimball wa Instructed to pro
ceed with the finished 'plana for tha Mon
mouth Park aehool and the board will enter
into a contract with him whereby he will
supervise the construction for S per cant
of tha cost, which be estimates at (45,000.
The building will be a two story rect
angular structure on the Italian type,
merging the Ootblc and renaissance style.
It will be of gray pressed brick and atone,
having eight rooms well lighted, the rays
coming from over the pupils' left shoulders.
In appearance the building Is roughly simi
lar to the public library. It will bo heated
by direct steam and ventilated by a fan
operated by electric motor and rending
warm or cool air Into the room at the rata
of thirty cubic feet per pupil per minute.
The aehool I different from any built In
Omaha, both In the arrangement of rooms
and conveniences. Including the heating and
ventilating. Construction will proceed dur
In toe present season, but all details re
main to be arranged. The whole building is
to be 73x88 feet In size, with each class room
27x33 feet, with celling 1314 feet high.
' For Chaste of Grade.
The board officer will sign tha petition
far a change of grade on Twenty-fourth
street south of Leavenworth and thua com
plete a majority of frontage owner sign
ing. This decision was a reversal of a for
mer one and was made upon the recom
mendation of the judiciary committee. It
mean that the Southwest Improvement
club wtll get the chsnge of grade and
street car extension along the thoroughfare.
On the ' rule proposition Bteubendorf led
' off with a new rule , requiring that all
teacher on the permanent and elective
lists be residents In Omaha. It wa passed
without dissent.
Call for Pooh Bah Jaaltors.
Then Mcintosh brought In hi lengthy
civil service rules for Janltora, which re
. quired that all janitor of building hav
o log eight rooma or more be appointed by
standing a competitive examination, which
would be held one a year. Tha qualifica
tion required total abstinence and that
tha applicant bs a atatlonary engineer, a
carpenter, a glazier and a landacapa gard
ener. It would be necessary for him to be
more than 21 years old and In perfect
health and to aerte a a special policeman.
Member Homan, Punkhouaer and Cermak
were absent, leaving twelve members pres
ent, and the vote on tha Janitor Question
wa a tie, tha motion being lost. -, : .
Member Smith sprung thlsr "That no
person not now In the employ of the school
district ba employed In any capacity who
I related in any way to a member of this
Board of Education." Detwaller moved aa
a substitute that after July . 1, 1903, no
relative of a board member be retained In
Its employ.; Christie, Detweller, Molntoah
and Smith' were the only members who
voted yea. On the Smith resolution only
Levy, Mcintosh and Smith supported It,
and the motion was declared lost.
Member Smith mad a determined at
tempt to have the salary of Miss Arnold,
tha supervisor of music, restored to 1 160
a month from $130 a month, to which It
had been reduced at a previous meeting to
correspond with the wage of tha super
visors of kindergartens and drawing. He
failed, only Member Christie and Rice
supporting him. ;
The World's Greatest
t Skin Soap.
The World's Sweetest
Toilet Soap.
" Sals Greater tM tiie World'! Proiact
. of OtHer Stin
Sold Wherever Civilization Has
Dpietrated. :
Millions of the world' beat peoplo
use Cutlcura Soap, assisted by Cutlcura
Ointment, the great skin care, for pre
serving, ptrrUj-lng and beautifying the
kin, for cleansing the scalp of crust,
scale and dandruff, and the (topping of
falling hair,' for softening, whitening
and soothing rei, rough and sore hands,
for baby rashes, Itching and chafing,
for annoying Irritation, or too free or
offensive perspiration, for ulcerative
weaknesses, and many sanative, anti
septic purpose which readily suggest
themselves, to women, especially moth
er, as well as for all tho purpose of
. the toilet, bath and nursery.
Cutlcura Soap corablues delicate
emollient properties derived from Cutl
cura, the tcreat skin cure, with the pur
est of cleaning IncredlenU and the
most refreshing of flower odours. No
other inedlcatudBoap ever compounded
Is to be compared with 1t for preserv-
lujf. porlfylua and beautifying tho sklu,
scalp, hair aud hand. No other for
V eljrq or domestic toilet i'p, however
expensive, la to be compared w Ith H for
all the purposes of the toilet, bath sod
nursery. Thus It combines la one soan
st one price the roost efiectlve skin snd
complexion soap, snd the pure-t snd
sweetest toilet, bath and nursery soap
ever compouu'Jed. -
SoU awukwil vorW. ratio, 1 Hfmm. .
n tmrm ( ttewUi -w4 Put, t met .laI ( o.i.
bMri t.rt. 1 k. L i'.t . IV. i. cwftua
w tM - Ail 4M4 tfc I aia, tut tint."
Miss Laura A. Crcgg, organiser of the
Nebraska Suffrage association, went to
Lincoln so Sunday in the Interest of th
woman'a property rights bill and will re
main there until the latter part of th
week, when she will join Mlas Gall Laugh
lln In an eight weeks' tour of the state. The
larger towns will be visited and a aerlea of
conferences held. Miss Oregg and Miss
Laughlln both speaking. The following
towna are to be visited first: Peru, Tuesday,
April 7; rails City, Tuesday; Dawson, Fri
day; Humboldt, Saturday and Sunday;
Table Rock, Monday, the 13th; Pawnee
City, Tuesday; Tecumseh, Wednesday; Ne
braska City, Friday; Lincoln, Baturdsy,
Sunday and Monday, the 18th, 19th and
20th af April.
Nebraska has now one of the strongest
suffrage organisations In the country and
because of lta close proximity to Iowa with
another of the strong orgsnlxatlons, there
Is little doubt but that the national conven
tion af IHI would be given to Nebraska It
th lavttatloB waa extended. Portland, Ore.,
and Cincinnati have both asked for the
convention, but as the meeting place has
not yet been decided there Is a possibility
of Its coming to Nebraska.
"Pasta and Enamel" was th subject of
the April meeting of the Nebraska Ceramic
club, held yesterday afternoon1 and "Flow
er" waa th tudy. Mrs. R. 'Wilson acted
aa leader and Miss Melona Butter laid, Mrs.
F. M. Wagner and Miss Edith Snell were
the exhibitors.
Women students st the University of
Chicago propose to take an active part In
Improving condition In and around Chicago
In matters Industrial, economic and esthe
tic Thursday afternoon at it regular
meeting the Woman'a union formally Joined
the Chicago section of the Consumers'
league. The girl .furthermore voted to
end a delegate to work on the exhibition
committee of the Municipal Art league, and
resolved to co-operate In every possible
way with the University Settlement league
in tha work In th stock yard district.
To the winning team In the recent mem
bership contest of the Young Women's
Christian association, the membership com
mittee gave an elaborate banquet In the as
sociation rooms last evening, about 150
women being preaent. HIM Julia Weln-
lander waa captain of the winning team and
waa assisted by Miss Mabel C. Hlgglns,
Miss Ivy Reed, Miss Cell Perry. Mrs. T.
C. Bruner. Mr. Emma Smith, Mrs. Arthur
Chaae, Mrs. q. d. McDill, Miss Emily
Bolts and Mlaa Alice Carey, these, with
the new members they secured, the cap
tains of the other nine teams and alt who
had aaaisted the winning team to the ex
tent o! securing Ave members, were pres
ent. There were twelve tables, all prettily
trimmed, arranged In the dining room, and
with Mrs. George Til den ss toaatmaster, the
dinner was Interspersed with a program of
toasts and music Mrs. W. P. Harford'
subject was "The Winning Team," Miss
Julia Welnlander responding. Mrs. Ed
ward Johnson responded to a toast, "The
Losing Teams;" Mrs. Brers, "The Mem
bership Committee;" Miss Emily Bolts
and Miss Lillian Burgess each eontrlbuting
a vocal solo. An hour of general sociabil
ity followed.
Tha program on local charities waa con
tinued at Monday afternoon's meeting of
the political and social science depart
ment of the Woman's club, Mrs. Flemon
Drake speaking of the 8tate Deaf and
Dumb Institute and Miss Margaret Mc
Carthy of the Benson orphanage. The dis
cussion of the city Improvement work was
not held, as scheduled.
The annual meeting and election oVoffl-
cers of the department of parliamentary
practice will be held on Monday, April 20.
at the home of the leader, Mrs. w. P.
Th Dundee Woman' club has decided n
adopt the Bay View reading course for Its
next year a work.
The annual meeting of the National Can.
gress of Mothers will be held In Detroit
May 5 to S. The program, aa arranged,
comprise addresses and conferences of
great value to teachers and parents. Tha
outline Includes a meeting of the board of
manager on Tuesday, May o. the formal
opening of the conference occurring that
evening at I o'clock. There will be the
addraaa of host and hostesses and an
Informal reception. Wednesday morning
will be occupied with reports of the va
rious state officers, state organizations and
committees, in the afternoon a kindergar
ten conference will be lead by Mrs. James
L. Hughes of Toronto, Can., and there will
be an exhibition of manual work. In tha
evening Dr. W. T. Bryant, president of
tne Indiana university, will sneak on "icdu-
cation by Occupation." On Tburaday morn
ing there will be a conference for Sunriav
aehool worker and other, led by Dr.
Sherman Davis of Bloomlngton, Ind. In
the evening Dr. M. V. O'Shea of the Uni
versity of Wisconsin will sDeak on "Edu
cation for Social Efficiency." Friday morn
ing win be occupied with a conference on
juvenile court and probation work, led
by Mr. Frederick Schoff. of Phlladnlnhia
In the afternoon Mrs. William H. Hefferanx
or Chicago will lead a conference for par
enta and teachers and th evening will be
devoted to a meeting of the executive
. The annual meeting of the Illinois Con
cress of Mother will ba hmlA tha vb
following that of. the national organisation.
a commute naa oeen lonnea in Massacnu
ett with, tha view of forming a state
organisation there, ss there are hundreds
of Interested women In the stats.
Moulder Bury a Companion.
Many moulders gave escort yesterday
morning to the body of their fellow-craftsman,
James Knight, ss It waa borne from
the Church of the Sacred Heart at Twenty,
third and tllnney streets to the Catholic
cemetery for burial. The deceaaed waa a
eon of Mrs. Johanna Knight, . 1524 Ohio
street, esd died with pneumonia Thursday,
In St. Louis, where he has been resident
since leaving Omaha ten years ago. He
leaves a son, William, aged 18, who resides
with his grandmother. Mrs. Thomaa O'Con
nor and Mrs, Jacob Wilson of Omaha are
sisters of the departed.
Vary Law Hatea
To points In Montana. Idaho, Washington,
Oregon. British Columbia, Utah and Colo
rado, la effect daily from February 15 to
April JO, U Chicago Oreat Weatern rail
way. Write to J. P. Elmer. O. P. A., Chi
cago, for full particulars.
Give Old Solalara a Dinner.
ARAPAHOE. Neb., April 6. (Special Tel
egram.) The ladlea of Garrett post No. 131
of lb Crand Army of the Republic, in
honor of th anniversary of tha order, to
day gave an elegant dinner to old soldiers
snd a few Invited guests, and la the even.
lug the Woman'a Rellof corps duplicated
the dinner with a supper.
Sal of Market Stalls.
Thi Omaha Wholesale Produce Market
House -company will sell at auction, mar
ket stalls on the grounds at Eleventh and
Jackson streets, Thursday, April t at 2
p. ni.
H, 0. Sirelfht. Fres ; u. rischer. Bee.
City Council Tarns Down Appointment of
Martin for Btcci Inspector.
l nderatanSIng la That Members Who
Toted la the Negative Are la
Favor of Relaatatemeat of
Clark Howard.
Quite sn amount of routine business wss
trsneacted by the city council last night.
One of the features of the meeting wss
the sppolntment of Fred A. Martin by th
mayor aa stock Inspector. When the roll
waa called only Councllraen Adklna and
Smith voted for confirmation, the balance
voting In the negative. Under the stock in.
tpectlon ordinance recently passed the
council Is to confirm this sppolntment. It
is understood that those who voted la the
negative are favorable to the reinstatement
of Clark Howard as Inspector. Martin, the
man the mayor selected, la experienced In
the handling of meata, having served about
fourteen years In different capacities la
the packing houses. At one time Martin
was a member of the city council. Mayor
Koutsky declined to intimate after the
meeting just who he would appoint when
the matter come up again.
G. R. McOUl was appointed poundmaster
and the appointment waa confirmed.
Clerk Shrlgley was directed to advents
for bids for the grading of the alley be
tween Twenty-first and Twenty-second
streets from K to L streets; the grading of
B street from Twenty-third to Twenty
fourth streets; the grading of Q atreet from
Twenty. third to Twenty-fourth streets, and
the grading of Twenty-first street from S
to W streets.
A number of ordinances pertaining to
sldewslks were passed and some new two
plank walks were ordered laid.
While considerable business was trans
acted. It was purely routine and of no par
ticular Interest. Deputy City Clerk Bur
ness occupied the reading desk for a time
and read the minutes to the satisfaction
of the members. The next meeting of the
council will be held on April 13.
No Board Meeting;.
Only members Laverty, Miller and Bock
showed up last night when the regular
monthly meeting of the Board of Education
should have been held. As no adjournment
was taken. It Is presumed that when a
session is held it will be at the call of tho
Since the new school law went Into effect
the members are requrled to furnish a
surety bond In the sum of 32.000. Up to
last night Miller, Morrill, Lott, Laverty,
Bock, Kubat and Murphy bad submitted
surety bonds to the city treasurer for ap
proval. Loechner and Schroeder were lack
ing. All of the bonds submitted to Treas
urer Howe were sent to City Attorney
Murdock for approval. When Murdock re
turns the bonds to the treasurer notice will
be given the members and then a meeting
may be held, and not before. It Is held
that any action taken by the board at the
present time would be Illegal. In the mean
time the schools will run along Just the
ssme. Mr. Murdock will no doubt look
over the bonds furnished as soon ss pos
sible, but a decision can hardly be expected
before the latter part of the week.
Stock Growers Convention. .
Arrangements were completed yesterday
for the South Omaha Live Stock exchange
excursion to the Black Hills country. If
Is expected that at least forty prominent
membors of the exchange will go on this
trip to Rapid City and Belle Fourche. The
Idea is to bring the northern live stock
growers into closer ' connection'' with!" the
South Omaha market.
The South Dakota Cattle Growers' asso
ciation meets at Rapid City, 8. D., on April
14 and 15. At Belle Fourche the meeting
will commence on April 10 and continue
two days.
All of the South Omaha delegates will
leave the Webster street station, Omaha, In
a special car over the Northwestern at S
o'clock In the afternoon. Thursday morn
ing the party wtll arrive at Buffalo Gcp,
where breakfast will be served. The spe.
ctal is due to arrive at Belle Fourche at
11:10 a. m. .
Saturday the - party will leave Belle
Fourche and spend Saturday afternoon and
Sunday at Deadwood and Lead City. Mon
day will be spent at Hot Springs and Tues
day morning the -party wtll arrive at Rapid
City. Tuesday and Wednesday will be spent
at Rapid City, and then the return home
will be made by easy stages, the special
arriving at the Webster street depot at
6 p. m. Thursday.
Jetter Bays Property.
Yesterday the Jetter Brewing company
purchased two lots at Thirty-sixth and V
streets from Councilman Patrick O'Connor
and will commence the erection at once of
a one-story brick building. This structure
will be twenty-two feet in width by fifty
six feet in length. Bids are asked for by
the company for this work.
Another purchase of property by tha
same company was made yesterday. Two
lots at Thirtieth and U streets were bought
snd a one-story brick building, 22x50 feet,
will be constructed as soon as the material
can be secured. Both of these new build
ings will be used for saloon purposes.
Jonti Samples Milk.
Inapector Jones put on his working
clothes yesterday and stsrted out to get
samples of milk. He accumulated quits a
number of samplea and apent the afternoon
In making tests. As far aa the tests went
the milk taken from wagona showed the
requisite percentage of butter fat. Jonea
asserts that from now on he Is going to
make frequent testa of milk and further
he aaya that he will Inspect milk depots
two and three tlmea a week. A number
of complaints about the poor quality of
milk aerved In the city have been received
lately and the Inspector says that he will
put a atop to the complaints If it Is pos
sible to do so.
Pnblle Scboola Reopea.
The public schools opene'd Monday morn
Ing after the usual spring vacation. Su
perintendent McLean made the rounda of
the acbools and found everything In run
ning order and working just the same as If
there bsd been no Interruption. Out of the
total enrollment for the year of 4,557 pupils
nearly f.3W reported for atudles yesterday
Today It is expected that some of those
who were a little dilatory will show up
and commence work. There will be eight
more weeks of school before the commence
ment of the summer vacation. ,
Maslf City Goaala.
Colonel C. M. Hunt la In Houston. Tex.,
looking after his property interests.
Preparations are being made for the
b'jl'rtlug of an extension to th Exchange
A daughter has been lwrn to Mr. and
Mrs. C harles P. Swanson, Twenty-sixth and
D street.
John K. Sehults left lat night for his
farm at Arcadia. Neb. lis expects to be
oue iwui iwo weens.
I', niuira oerry reporia ine Mrtn or a at ine nome or Itenry Btudenroth
l lttteiitli and L streetk.
The cavalry troop save Its regular
mummy aanre at tn hnnr.ry last night,
it proved to be an enjoyable affair.
The Christian Endeavor society of the
First Christian rhurth will meet at the
home of MUs l-ou Hunt talsvenlng.
Drill team No. 1M. Degree of Honor will
give a dance at Workmen hall, Twenty-
iin ana eirceis, laursaay evening
April S,
I !
It is pure.
It Is gentle.
It is pleasant.
It is efficacicuc.
It is not expensive.
It is good for children.
It is excellent for ladies.
It is convenient for business men.
It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.
It n used by millions of families the world over.
It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians.
If you use it you have the best laxative the world
"David Ilarom" at the Boy.
William H. Crane and company In "David
Harum." a three-act comedy, based on
the novel by Edward Noyes Weetcott.
The cast:
David Harum banker and horse trader,
of Homeville, N. Y.... William H. Crane
John Ienox. a hero In reducing clrcum-
4 stances .Jiarle Ryder
General Wolsey, a New York lawyer....
Frank Burbeck
Chet Tlmson, clerk to David Harum....
Charles Jackson
Dick liarrlbee, factotum to David
.Harum is Percy Brooke
Deacon Perkins a pillar of the church..
Guy Nichols
Zeke Bwlnney, sn usurer of Homevll'.e..
.' fibertden Tupper
Amos Klrlght, landlord of the Eagle
tavern Joseph Rawley
Dug Robinson, drives the barge to the
station ii.i. George F. Devere
Peleg Hopkins, boy In Pavld Harum's
bank Charles Avery
Bill Montalg. a Homeville tough
, William Dupont
Mary Blake, ward of General Wolaey....
., Jerdeta HUdspeth
Aunt Polly Bixby, sister - of David
Harum Kate Meek
Widow Cullum, who haa aeen better
days Lois Francis Clark
rtavM Hamm sold the horse that "would
stand without hitching" to Deacon Perkins,
secured the Widow Cullum mortgage rrom
Zeke Bwlnney, convinced uenerai woisey
that a lawver doesn't know all there Is to
be known about young folks, snd finally
loaded down the stope rdrag to which he
had hitched Mary Blaks until she wss ready
to follow the examplepf the. sorrel col?
snd work In dotiule harness; sna nnauy no
told the story qf tbe.,f lrcu.s tickets snd
. . jnH n' ri1tiim o . w a htm. "and
ine vims vwj , --
they lived together happily for many, I
years," before a large, avaiejica ni me
laat nlaht. In snany respect th play
made from the ,Wetcoit most sat
isfactory. As furnishing, an opportunity ior
the employment ; of tha sbiilty oi one oi
.t.. fn..v.n r llvlnn comedians. It Is
eminently successful, .denerous applause
and unfeigned mirth greeted Its presenta
tion. . It boots not what .we Individually
think of David Harum; be msy or may not
have bad a living prototype, but It Is cer
tain beyend dispute that Mr. Crane gives
,. hrt-fcadad. warm-hearted, shrewd
old horse trader and village character such
vltaMty snd xest of life tnat ne sctuauy
shines with geniality and bubble ever with
his rich humor. Mr. Crane's methods are
those of the srtist of ripe experience, and
never at any time does he depart even by
a hair's breadth from th legitimate wsys
of his profession. It Is this very fidelity to
the canons of his gutia inai maaea ma
results the more certainly delightful. Not
that Mr. Crane follows any hard and faat
rules tor evoking laughter; such an attempt
would be a divergence and would almost
surely result in failure. .He Is natural and
therefore artistle; hi humor is of the
spontaneous sort, snd therefore Infectious,
snd he gives to each speech snd to each
situation Us exact value, snd produces his
effect ss precisely ss does a skilled musi
cian In playing on his favorite instrument,
it .i.n't rrana you see on the stage at all.
It Is David Harum, and lo thus sinking his
own personality In the character he is pre
sentlng the actor achieve th acme of hi
rha enmnanv atmnortln Mr. Cran I ex
cellent, each of the veral characters being
well atudled and accurately ponrayea.
None approach any especial eminence
alene. but each I entlal to th har
monious whole, and each adds In bis or
her own wsy to one of the most enjoyable
performances witnessed at the Boyd the
ater thla season. The staging of ths piece
is perfect, snd ths picture st the end of the
second act, of Deacon Perkins and th bay
bora In th rainstorm, 1 not only realistic,
but on that add much to th genersl
effect of ths play. Mr. Crane followed his
usual custom last night, refusing to come
before the curtain tor s speech, his stags
managar, Mr. Rose, explaining that Mr.
Crane would not spoil the character of
David Harum by, appearing before the cur
tain even for sn instsnt ss William H.
"David Harum" will be given at the
Boyd tonight and tomorrow night, with a
matinee tomorrow afternoon.
Frank Dunlop ba returned from a visit
in St. Louis and in Chicago.
Otto Btankey of 1 Jo nee street will
answer In police court this morning to a
charge of belnj drunk aiul abualng his
John Waesaner, a T'nlon Pacific shopman,
waa locked up last night for being drunk
and disorderly and using lou and profane
Desk Sergeant Hafey of the polio depart
ment returned yaierday evening from
Sheldon, la., where he went to take George
Parsona, a runaway boy, back to his
father. The boy was arrested several days
Charles Hanks scalded a leg that be
longed to him personally and that he
valued highly. Now he la In district court
to collect from the Traveler' Protec
tive association on the strength Of It or
rather on the wtaknesa of It.
Dr. Harry W. Allwlne has secured from
Judge Baxter a temporary InJunrtloa re
straining th hall porters employed by th
Union Dental company, wnlch rooms In
tha same building, from molesting All
wine's patients or pretending that Allwlne
Is In the rooms occupied by the college.
John Kaiser of S7 North Twenty-sixth
stret and William Peteraon. living at
Tenth and Jonea. were arrested yesterday
afternoon for disturbing the peace by
naming, reierson s face was bruised up
unm no naa a pronie nil a pie ana he
bad to be lied up by the police surgeon.
oyrup.of riQs
fajrvily laxative
Second Ward Bepublicans Liiten io Some
. ' Interesting Perronalitiss.
Factions Meet and leaders Express
Plain Opinion of Bach Other for
the Kdlflratlon of Their
It was one of the liveliest meetings ever
held by the Second Ward Republican club,
and the discussion rsnged from the action
of the republican delegation from Douglas
county in the state legislature to the seat
ing of the delegates from Clontarf precinct
In the last republican county convention.
There were extraneous Interpolations by E.
r. Moresrty from the Sixth ward and H. M.
Waring from the Fourth ward. It ended
with a threat on the part of Gus Harte to
secure personal satisfaction at another
time and place "rom Mike Dee, after Fred
Hoye and W. W. Bingham had been called
before the club to make explanation of
personal sctlon ss delegates from ths ward
snd ss candidates. '
Fred Behm called ths meeting to order
and In the absence of Henry Knodell, C. F.
Hopper acted as secretary. In calling the
meeting to order Mr. Behm said that he had
known Walter Bingham long and well and
that under ordinary circumstances the ward
should give htm anything he wanted, but
that at this time the republicans should
nominate 'a man who could be elected, and
that he therefore had decided in favor of
supporting 'Frank E. Moorea. This state
ment was received with loud cheers.
Philip Stein, a candidate fcr the council,
was then called upon and gave a rambling
account of a personal altercation he had
had with Fred Hoye, which ended by Hoye
slapping his rival In the face. Fred Hoye
was called upon for sn explanation, which
he gave, and his sxplanattou seemed to sat
isfy the crowd.
W. W. Bingham made a short talk, being
followed by Fred Bruning, candidate for tax
commissioner, who urged all interested per
sons to corns to the polls early, ss under
existing conditions, but about 600 votes
can be recorded at the primaries, while
there are about 1,800 in the ward.
Oau Harte Breaks Loom,
Cus Harte then took the floor for a tirade
against Edward Rosewater, and a defense
of his action in voting for the construction
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of bridges. In the course of his ri marks
he referred to thst "grcst statesman, David
Mercer," and then he had to quit until the
Jeers and laughter subsided. He then spoke
In favor of the renomlnallon of Fred Hoyo,
but laid particular stress upon the desire
for the nomination of W. W. Bingham. At
the close of his remarks there were cheers
for Moores.
Henry M. Waring of the Fourth ward
said he rsme with a message from Repre
sentative Gilbert. This statement was met
with cries" of "Why doesn't Gilbert come
himself?" and "We've had enough of Gil
bert! We'll show him!" But Mr. Waring
talked and talked,, until Fred. Hoye asked
blm If he had not been a party to the action
by which' the Judges and clerks recom
mended for the 8econd ward by a niira- i
ber of candidates had been refused, recrg
nlilng but a faction of the party. Mr.
Waring said that befhad not been a party
to the action, but Fred Hoye, backed by a
member of the city committee, fald: "I
saw you there conferring with Rurbank,
and I know that you helped the deal
I,ee Replies to Harte.
Then Mr. Waring quit, and Gus Harte
came upon the floor for a minute to give
place to Mike upon persistent calls
by members of the club. Mr. Lee said In
"A Judge of election appointed by the
present city committee for this ward says
that lie has secured a list of the- Irish re
publicans of the ward and that It Is his
intention not . to let the 'Micks' vote. I
mention no names, but the 'Micks' are go
ing to vote. Gus Harte has taken occasion
to denounce Edward Rosewater this even
ing. I have known Mr. Rosewater for
twenty-five years and have followed his
course and that of The Be? closely, I have
never knotya. blni, to. 'stand- up tar a,boodler
snd now every boodler Is against him. I
do pet like to go Into personalities, but I
must refer to tV) county convention last
fall. ' Nearly every ward of the city had
endorsed Frey Hoye for Ihe office of sheriff.
His delegation was successful In the Sec
ond ward. Mr. Bingham waa on that dele
gation and had promised to do all In his
power to nominate Mr. Hoye. When the mat
ter came to a vote there was a split In the
Second ward and Mr. Bingham with two
others bad voted against the Interests of
Fred Hoye. The other man was nomin
ated." Mr. Bingham was on his feet immediately
denying the statement of Mr. Lec, and Fred
Hoye was called upon to arbitrate the
question. He said that Mr. Bingham, on the
question of temporary organisation had
voted right, but that when it came to a
question of seating the Clontarf delegation
VI g
if :
he had gone to the enemies of the Second
ward candidate, and In thla manner tho
question wss dropped, 'and the club ad
journed. As the crowd left the fcu'ld ng Ous Harte
approached M'.ke Lne and said:' "I'll get
you yet, not here but come other place, for
what ycu said about boodlers te'.ng opposed
to Rosewater."
The men were separated by the crowd
before the matter could bo carried fur her.
Mrs. Mary K. Howe.
TABLE ROCK. Neb., April f. (Special.)
The people here vere grsetly pained to
hear this morning of the death of Mrs.
Mary E. Howe at ber home hvo miles
north, who passed quietly to "tne grest
beyond" at 11 last night. She waa a woman
greatly lovrd by all and wss of much more
than ordinary ability. She was born at
Palnesville, O.. In June, 1831, snd was there
fore In her 72d year. She had resided at
the home farm where 3he died since 1872
and was the wife of Hon. O. D. Howe, who
had served three terms as county tuperln
tendent and several terms aa county sur
veyor of Pawnee county. She had been a
prolific writer and had contributed to news
papers and magaxines mors or less fur ths
past CO years. A short sketch of her Ufa
and a couple of her productions occupy a
page of :ha "Local and National Poets
of America," a volume of 1,036 pages, which
waa published In 1890 by the American Pub
lishing company at Chicago. She teas a
sister of Hon. Theodore VV. Pepoon, who
was state senstor from here In 1877, , 8he
leaves a huibsnd, a son and a daughter
and two grandchildren of the Immediate
relatives to mourn her loss. 8he bad been
In 'falling , health for ; several weeks and
her demise was not unoxpectnd. Arrange
ments for the funeral have not yet been
B. W. Kelson. .,
TECUMSEH, Neb,., 'April 6. (Special.)
News reaches here of the death of K. W. .
Nelson, a pioneer settler of this county and
father of Elmer Nelson of this community.
The senior Mr. Nelson went to Oregon some
time sgo In . search of better health,' and
with his daughter. Miss Maude, was si Cor
nelius, Ore., when he died. He was suf
fering with a stomach trouble. Mr. Nel
son was a native of 'Canada and was 70
years old. IMs vife d'ed two years t.go
and be leavea a '.tmily of t.nree daughters
and two sons. The reina'r.a will arrive ta
Tecumseh tomorrow and the funeral will be
held at the Catholic i lurch. The Interment
will be In the "it.oi'.c oenetery north of
X C Ayer Co Lowell, Mass.